喇叭 horn <BR>电喇叭 electric horn <BR>盆形喇叭 disc type horn(high frequency horn) <BR>气动多音喇叭 windtorn horn(shell type horn) <BR>筒形电喇叭 trumpet type horn <BR>气喇叭 air horn(pneumatic horn) <BR>电控喇叭 electrically controlled air horn <BR>电动气喇叭 electropneumatic horn <BR>晶体管电喇叭 transistor horn <BR>单音喇叭 monotone horn <BR>双音喇叭 bitone horn <BR>三音喇叭 tritone horn <BR>扬声筒 trumpet projector <BR>共鸣板 resonator <BR>膜片 diaphragm <BR>支架 bracket <BR>喇叭继电器 horn relay <BR>倒车报警器 back-up buzze <BR>蜂鸣器 buzzer <BR>声频特性 acoustic properties <BR>声能频谱分布 spectral distribution of acoustic energy <BR>声压计 sound pressure level <BR>声响讯号装置 sound signalling device <BR>声级计 sound level meter <BR>一音级 octave <BR>半音级 half-octave <BR>第三音级 third-octave <BR>频带过滤器 band filter <BR>无回音室 anechoic room <BR>截止频率 cut-off frequency <BR>拾音器 microphone <BR>吸声屏 absorbing screen <BR>环境噪声级 ambient noise level <BR>复音声响讯号装置 multi-tone sound signalling device <BR>信噪比 singla-to-noise ratio <BR>闭合比例 dwell raito <BR>噪声电平 noise level <BR>小功率功率电动机 small power motor <BR>刮水电动机 wiper motor <BR>暖风电动机 heater motor <BR>冷风电动机 cooling fan motor <BR>燃油泵电动机 fuel pump motor <BR>摇窗机构电动机 window lift motor <BR>天线电动机 antenna motor(aerial motor) <BR>座椅调节电动机 seat adjustment motor <BR>洗涤泵 washer pump <BR>洗涤电动机 washer motro <BR>润滑泵电动机 lubricating motor <BR>操纵件 controls <BR>方向盘 steering control <BR>变速杆 gear selector (transmission control) <BR>加速踏板 accelerator pedal <BR>手油门 manual accelerator control <BR>离合器踏板 clutch pedal <BR>行车制动器制动踏板 service braking control <BR>应急制动器操纵件 secondary (emergency)braking conrol <BR>驻车制动器操纵件 parking brake control <BR>发动机冷起动操纵件 engine cold start control <BR>风窗玻璃刮水器操纵件 windscreen wiper conrol <BR>风窗玻璃洗涤器操纵件 windscreen washer control <BR>门锁操纵件 door latch control <BR>门锁止操纵件 door lock control <BR>门窗玻璃升降器操纵件 window lift control <BR>暖风操纵件 heater control <BR>空调操纵件 air conditioning control <BR>点火开关 ignition switch <BR>灯光总开关 master lighting swithc <BR>转向指示器操纵件 direction indicator control <BR>危急信号操纵件 hazard warnig signal control <BR>客厢顶灯开关 interior light switch <BR>音响警告(喇叭)操纵件 audible wanring (horn)control <BR>座椅调节操纵件 seat adjustment cntrol <BR>动力输出操纵件 power-take-off control <BR>翻倾操纵件 tilt control <BR>发动机罩操纵件 front hood (bonnet)control <BR>行李箱盖操纵件 real hood (boot)control <BR>散热器百叶窗操纵件 radiator shutter control <BR>外后视镜调节操纵件 outside rear-view mirror adjustment control <BR>车灯开关 lighting switch <BR>制动灯开关 stop lamp switch <BR>手制动灯开关 hand brake indicator switch <BR>变光开关 dimmer switch <BR>转向灯开关 turn signal swich <BR>倒车灯开关 back-up lamp siwthc <BR>停车灯开关 parking lamp swich <BR>仪表灯开关 instrument lamp switch <BR>门灯开关 door lamp switch <BR>阅读灯开关 reading lamp switch <BR>刮水器开关 wiper switch <BR>洗涤器开关 washer switch <BR>暖风开关 heater switch <BR>雾灯开关 fog lamp swtich <BR>防空灯开关 black-out lamp swtich <BR>起动开关 starting switch <BR>发动机预热起动开关 engine start preheating switch <BR>蓄电池总开关 battery main swtich <BR> 起动转换开关 battery change-over switch <BR>摇压开关 rocker switch <BR>按钮开关 push button switch <BR>扳扭开关 toggle switch <BR>顶杆开关 plunger switch <BR>推拉开关 push pull switch <BR>旋转开关 rotary switch <BR>组合开关 multi-function switch <BR>活动车顶操纵件 sliding roof control <BR>自动天线操纵件 automatic antenna control <BR>收音机操纵件 radio receiver contols <BR>柴油机停机操纵件 diesel engine cut-off control <BR>起动机操纵件 startercontrol <BR>前照灯光束对光操纵件 headlight beam aiming control <BR>前照灯刮水器操纵件 headlight wiper control <BR>前照灯清洗器操纵件 headlight cleaner control <BR>蓄电池断路器操纵件 battery isolating switch control <BR>光警告操纵件 optical warning control <BR>转向盘调节装置操纵件 steering wheels adjustment control <BR>(下坡)缓速器操纵件 retarder control <BR>附加驱动车轮的操纵件 additional wheel drive control <BR>差速锁操纵件 differential lock control <BR>水箱面罩操纵件 radiator grill control <BR>档位变换操纵件 range shift control <BR>指示器 indicator <BR>电流表 ammeter <BR>燃油表 fuel gauge <BR>(发动机)冷却液温度表 coolant thermometer <BR>(发动机)机油温度表 oil thermometer <BR>发动机油压表 engine oil pressue indicator <BR>气制动贮气筒压力表 air brake reservoir pressrue indicator <BR>车速里程表 speedometer <BR>里程表 odometer <BR>短程里程表 trip odometer(counter) <BR>速度纪录仪 tachograph <BR>转速表 tachometer <BR>转速累计表 total revolution counter <BR>集中润滑系统油压表 cetnralized lubrication pressure indicator <BR>自动变速器指示器 automatic gearbox indicator <BR>磁感应式车速里程表 magnetic inductive speedometer <BR>里程计数器 mileage counter <BR>数字轮 digit wheel <BR>标度盘 scale(dial) <BR>调零机构 null setting <BR>电子车速里程表 electronic spedometer <BR>磁感应式转速表 magnetic inductive tachometer <BR>电子转速表 electronic tachometer <BR>油压表 oil pressure gauge <BR>双金属式机油压力传感器 bimetallic oil pressure snesor <BR>双金属式机油压力表 bimetalic oil pressure indicator <BR>电磁式机油压力表 electromagnetic oil pressure indicator <BR>动磁式机油压力表 moving magnet oil pressrue indicator <BR>可变电阻式压力表 variable reistance oil pressure sensor <BR>波登管式压力表 bourdon tube pressure gauge <BR>机油油量报警传感器 oil level warning sensor <BR>压力报警传感器 pressure warning sensor <BR>空气滤清器堵塞报警传感器 air filter clog warning sensor <BR>温度表 temperature gauge <BR>双金属式温度传感器 bimetallic temperature sensor <BR>电磁式温度计 electromagnetic temperature indicator <BR>热敏电阻式温度传感器 thermistor temperature sensor <BR>波登管式温度表 bourdon tube temperature gauge <BR>温度报警传感器 temperature warning sensor <BR>双金属式油量表 bimetallic fuel indicator <BR>电磁式油量表 eelctromagnetic fuel indicator <BR>动磁式油量表 moving magnet fuel indicator <BR>可变电阻式燃油储量传感器 variable resistance fuel level sensor <BR>燃油储量报警传感器 fuel level warning sensor <BR>极化电磁式电流表 polarized electromagnetic ammeter <BR>动磁式电流表 moving magnet ammeter <BR>电压表 voltmeter <BR>软轴 flexible shaft <BR>组合仪表 combination instrument <BR>气压表 air pressure gauge <BR>自记式转速计 tachograph <BR>发动机工作小时表 engine hour meter <BR>信号装置 tell-tales <BR>远光信号灯 driving(upper)(high)beam tell-tale <BR>近光信号灯 pasing (dipped)(low)beam tell-tale <BR>雾灯信号灯 fog light tell-tale 转向信号灯 direction indicator tell-tale <BR>危急报警信号灯 hazard warning system tell-tale <BR>行车制动系警报灯 service braking system warning tell-tale <BR>轮胎充气压力警报灯 tyre inflation pressure warning tell-tale <BR>安全带警报灯 seat belt warning tell-tale <BR>门开警报灯 automatic door warning tell-tale <BR>机油压力警报灯 oil prssure warning tell-tale <BR>机油油面警报灯 oil level warnig tell-tall <BR>温度警报灯 temperature warnig tell-tale <BR>蓄电池充电状况警报灯 battery charging condition tell-tale <BR>燃油油面警报 fuel level tell-tale <BR>挡风玻璃电加热器信号灯 windscreen eletric heater tell-tale <BR>驻车制动系警报灯 parking braking sytem warning tell-tale <BR>被动式乘员安全警报灯 passive restraint tell-tale <BR>乘客与驾驶员联系信号灯 passenger-driver communication tell-tale <BR>无线电话信号灯 radio communication sytem tell-tale <BR>空气滤清器警报灯 air filter tell-tale <BR>机油滤清器警报灯 oil filter tell-tale <BR>驾驶室锁止警告灯 cab lock tell-tale <BR>灯光和照明系统 light and lighting sytem <BR>通用术语 general terms <BR>照明 lighting <BR>灯光 light <BR>光源 light source <BR>灯具的几何可见度角 angles of geometric visibility of a lamp <BR>外表面 apparent surface <BR>基准轴线 reference axis <BR>基准中心 reference center <BR>发光面 light-emitting surface <BR>照明装置的光照面 illuminating sruface of a lighting device <BR>反射镜的光照面 illuminating surface of a reflex reflextor <BR>信号装置的光照面 illuminating surface of a signalling device <BR>灯组的调整 adjustment of setting <BR>对中 alignment <BR>光色特性 colorimetric characteristics <BR>光度特性 photometric characteristics <BR>光束亮度 beam intensity <BR>光束中心 beam center <BR>远光束 main beam <BR>近光束 dipped beam <BR>远光 high beam <BR>近光 lower eam <BR>对称光 symmetrical beam <BR>非对称光 asymmetrical beam <BR>眩目 dazzle <BR>眩光 glare <BR>认视距离 bright viewing distance <BR>配光 luminous intensity distribution <BR>透光直径 transmission diameter <BR>灯光颜色 lamp colr <BR>兰色 blue <BR>红色 red <BR>局部黄色 selective yellow <BR>绿色 green <BR>琥珀色 amber <BR>紫色 purple <BR>谱值 spectral value <BR>CIE光色三角区 zone of te CIE color triangle <BR>断路 break <BR>阻抗 impedance <BR>短路 short circuit <BR>瓦数 wattage <BR>“切断”电路 offcircuit <BR>线路图 wiring diagram <BR>电压波纹 ripple voltage <BR>起动电流 inrush currant <BR>绝缘强度 dielectric strength <BR>闪频 flash rate <BR>瞬间超电压强度 transient overvoltage strength <BR>通电时间 current"on"time <BR>直流电 direct current <BR>交流电 alternating current <BR>会车光束倾斜角 dipped beam inclinatin <BR>灯光明暗截止线 cut-offline <BR>初始倾斜角 initial inclination <BR>封闭式灯光组 sealed beam unit <BR>半封闭式灯光组 semi-sealed beam unit <BR>配光镜 lens(glass lens) <BR>反射镜` reflector <BR>配光屏 filament shield <BR>定焦盘 prefocus plate <BR>等照度曲线 isolux curve <BR>等光强曲线 isocandela curve <BR>信号系统 signal sytem <BR>闪光频率 flash rate <BR>起动时间 starting tiem <BR>光度仪器 photometric device <BR>光学设备 optical device <BR>校准器 aimer <BR>光束轴 beam axle <BR>校准屏幕 aiming screen <BR>聚光装置 optical block <BR>对光装置 alignment device <BR>投影设备 projection equipment <BR>远距离屏幕 distant screen <BR>照明系统 lighting system <BR>照明设备 lightig equipmetn <BR>灯具 lamp <BR>等效灯具 equivalent lamps <BR>成对灯具 lamps constituting a pair <BR>偶数灯 even number of lamps 操作指示灯 operational tell-tale <BR>倒车灯 backup(reversing)lamp <BR>车宽示廓灯 clearance lamp <BR>复合灯 combined lamps <BR>内藏灯(暗灯) concealable lamp <BR>反射发光装置 reflex reflexting device <BR>回射装置 retro0reflecting device <BR>放电灯 discharge lamp <BR>雾灯 fog lamp <BR>组合灯 grouped lamps <BR>危险警告灯 hazard warning lamp <BR>近光前照灯 lower-beam (dipped beam)headlamp <BR>远光前照灯 upper-beam(main beam headlamp) <BR>前照灯水平调整装置 headlamp levelling device <BR>识别灯 identification lamp <BR>外形示廓灯 end outline marker lamp <BR>牌照灯 license plate lamp <BR>后牌照灯 rear registration plate lamp <BR>可伸缩灯 retractable lamp <BR>封闭式灯 sealed -beam lamp <BR>搜索灯 search lamp <BR>侧示廓灯 side marker lamp <BR>单灯 single lamp <BR>专用警告灯 special warning lamp <BR>制动灯 stop lamp <BR>工作灯 working lamp <BR>混合灯 reciprocally incorporated lamp <BR>停车灯 parking lamp <BR>示廓灯 position lamp <BR>转向信号灯 trun signal lamp <BR>前照灯 headlamp <BR>封闭式前照灯 sealed beam headlamp <BR>半封闭式前照灯 semi-sealed beam headlamp <BR>外装式前照灯 external mounted headlamp <BR>内装式前照灯 flush mounted headlamp <BR>辅助前照灯 auxiliary headlamp <BR>组合前灯 comination headlamp <BR>信号灯 signal lamp(indicator) <BR>尾灯 tail lamp <BR>组合尾灯 combination tail lamp <BR>示宽灯 width lamp <BR>示高灯 height lamp <BR>警告灯 emergency warning lamp <BR>门灯 door lock warning lamp <BR>转向指示灯 turn light indicator(direction indicator lamp) <BR>反射器 reflex reflector <BR>“回路接通”指示灯 circuit closed tell-tale <BR>信号灯 pilot lamp <BR>壁灯 bracket lamp <BR>顶灯 ceiling lamp <BR>阅读灯 reading lamp <BR>踏步灯 step lamp (courtesy light) <BR>仪表板照明灯 instrument panel lamp <BR>携带式手提灯 portable lamp <BR>防空灯 black-out lamp <BR>发动机室照明灯 engine compartment lamp <BR>行李箱照明灯 luggage boot lamp <BR>前照灯清洁器 headlamp cleaner <BR>放电灯泡 discharge bulb <BR>白炽灯泡 filament bulb <BR>白炽灯 filament lamp <BR>斜度计 inclinometer <BR>灯泡接头 bulb adaptor <BR>管状灯泡 tubular bulb <BR>小型灯泡 miniature bulb <BR>卤素灯泡 halogen bulb <BR>石英碘灯泡 quartz iodine bulb <BR>闪光器 flasher <BR>电容式闪光器 capacitor type flasher <BR>热丝式闪光器 hot wire type flasher <BR>翼片式闪光器 vane type flasher <BR>晶体管闪光器 transistor flasher <BR>危险报警闪光器 hazard warning signal flasher <BR>卡口插座 bayonet socket <BR>灯丝 filament <BR>灯泡接电触点 bulb contact <BR>灯泡灯座片 bulb socket tag <BR>灯泡灯座 contact holder <BR>灯座 lamp seat <BR>调光座盘 beam adjusting disc plate <BR>灯圈 lamp ring <BR>装饰圈 ornament <BR>灯壳 lamp housing <BR>遮光罩 light shield <BR>分流器 shunt <BR>光电管 photelectric cell <BR>高级轿车车身 limousine body <BR>四门轿车车身 sedan body,saloon body <BR>二门轿车车身 coupe body <BR>活顶轿车车身 cabriolet body <BR>硬顶轿车车身 hardtop body <BR>活顶跑车车身 roadster body, sports car body <BR>四门活顶旅游车车身 phaeton body <BR>活动硬顶轿车车身 hardtop -cabriolet body <BR>旅行轿车或客货两用轿车车身 station wagon body, estate car body <BR>小型货车车身 pick-up body <BR>家庭用旅行车车身 family wagon body <BR>整体车身 unit body (unitized body) <BR>封闭式车身 enclosed body <BR>折背式车身 notch back body <BR>直背式车身 fast back body <BR>半直背式车身 semi-fast back body <BR>舱背式车身 hatch bock body <BR>短背式车身 cut-off type body <BR>方背式车身 square back body <BR>鸭尾式车身 duck tail body 鱼雷形车身 torpedo body <BR>结构 structure <BR>楔形造型 wedge style <BR>车身外壳 body shell <BR>空间薄壁结构 space thin0walled construction <BR>车身骨架 body frame <BR>副车架 subframe <BR>边框式车架 perimeter frame <BR>平台式车架 platform frame <BR>尾部降低式车架 step-down frame <BR>车身蒙皮 skin <BR>车身结构件 body structural member <BR>承载式车身 unitary construction body (panel structure body, unitized body, integral body) <BR>非承载式车身 body chassis frame construction (separate frame construction ) <BR>半承载式车身 semi-integral body <BR>骨架式车身 sleleton-type body <BR>半骨架式车身 half-skeleton-type body <BR>无骨架式车身 skeletonless body <BR>车身机构 mechanical hardware of body <BR>折叠式车顶 drop head <BR>天窗车顶 sunshine roof <BR>驾驶区 driver's compartment <BR>乘客区 passenger zone <BR>工具箱 tool box <BR>蓄电池箱 battery comaprtment <BR>行李架 luggage rack <BR>行李架入口高 rack entrance height <BR>行李梯 luggage ladder <BR>座椅 seat <BR>单人座椅 individual seat <BR>双人座椅 double seat(dual seat) <BR>长座椅 bench seat <BR>高靠背座椅 high back seat <BR>U型座位 U-arranged seat <BR>座椅高 seat height <BR>座垫 seat cushion <BR>座垫静变形量 amount of static cushion deformation <BR>座垫至顶盖高 height from seat to roof <BR>靠背 backrest <BR>肘靠 seat armrest <BR>车身裙部 body skirt <BR>轮口 wheel-arch <BR>开缝线 opening line <BR>通道 gangway(aisle) <BR>通道宽 gangway width <BR>内饰 interior trimming <BR>外饰 exterior trimming <BR>车身附件 body accessories <BR>浮筒式 pontoon type <BR>脚部空间 foot well <BR>板件 panel <BR>蒙皮 outer panel skin(skin) <BR>护板 fender (shield) <BR>挡板 baffle(guard) <BR>连接板 connecting panel <BR>导流板 flowguide(air deflector) <BR>衬板 patch <BR>加强件 reinforcement (stiffenner) <BR>固定件 stay (retainer) <BR>支承件 brace <BR>装饰件 trimming (garnish) <BR>密封件 weather strip(sealing) <BR>支架 support(bracket) <BR>衬垫 pad (packing) <BR>扶手 assist grip(hnadrail) <BR>扶手空间 handrail space <BR>铰链 hinge <BR>立柱 pillar <BR>梁 rail(beam) <BR>罩 housing <BR>盖 lid(cap) <BR>槽 guide(groove) <BR>前围 FRONT WALL <BR>前围骨架 front wall frame <BR>前围立柱 front wall pillar <BR>前围搁梁 front wall shelf beam <BR>前围裙边梁 front skirt rail <BR>前围蒙皮 front wall outer panel <BR>前围护板(栏) front wall inner shield <BR>前面罩 radiator grille <BR>风窗框架 windshield frame <BR>风窗中立柱 windshield central post <BR>风窗框上横梁 windshield header crossbar <BR>风窗框下横梁 windshield cross sill <BR>风窗玻璃 windscreen (windshield) <BR>三角窗 quarter window <BR>仪表板 instrument panel(dash board) <BR>副仪表板 auxiliary fascia console <BR>仪表板护面 dash board facing <BR>气囊 air bag <BR>保险杠 bumper <BR>刮水器 wiper <BR>风窗洗涤器 washer <BR>后视镜 rear view mirror <BR>电子后视镜 electronic mirror <BR>防眩后视镜 glare-proof mirror <BR>遮阳板(帘) sun visor <BR>烟灰盒 ash try(ash pan) <BR>点烟器 cigar lighter <BR>除霜器 defroster <BR>防雾装置 demister <BR>发动机罩 engine hood <BR>后围 back wall <BR>后围骨架 rear wall frame <BR>后围立柱 rear wall pillar <BR>后围搁梁 rear wall shelf rail <BR>后围裙边梁 rear skirt rail <BR>后围蒙皮 rear wall outer panel <BR>后围护板 rear wall inner shield <BR>后窗框架 rear window frame <BR>后窗中立柱 rear window central pillar <BR>后窗框上横梁 rear window header crossbar <BR>后窗框下横梁 rear window cross sill <BR>后窗玻璃 rear window glass <BR>助力撑杆 power-assisted brace gas spring <BR>侧围 side wall 侧围骨架 side wall frame <BR>侧围立柱 side wall pillar <BR>侧窗立柱 side window pillar <BR>腰立柱 waist pillar <BR>门立柱 side wall outer panel <BR>侧围护板 side wall inner shield <BR>侧窗 side window <BR>侧窗锁 side window lock <BR>上边梁 roof side rail(cantrail) <BR>腰梁 waist rail <BR>侧围搁梁 side wall sheilf rail <BR>侧围裙边梁 side skirt rail <BR>斜撑 bracing piece <BR>轮罩 wheelhouse(wheel arch) <BR>翼板 wing(fender) <BR>挡泥板 madguard(fender apron) <BR>踏步板 step plate <BR>一级踏步高 first step height <BR>踏步深 step depth <BR>流水槽 roof drip <BR>驾驶员门 driver door <BR>乘客门净宽 service door clear width <BR>安全门 emergency door <BR>发动机舱门 engine compartment door <BR>行李舱门 luggage compartment door <BR>蓄电池箱门 battery compartment door <BR>售票台 conductor table <BR>售票员座椅 conductor seat <BR>乘客座椅 passenger seat <BR>导游座椅 guide seat <BR>加座 additional seat (folding seat) <BR>衬靠 armrst <BR>安全带 seat belt(safety belt) <BR>门锁 door lock <BR>门内手柄 indide door handle <BR>玻璃升降器 window regulator(window lifter) <BR>压条 trim strip <BR>压条封盖 trim strip cap <BR>顶盖 roof <BR>顶盖骨架 roof frame <BR>顶盖纵梁 roof rai <BR>顶盖横梁 roof crossrail <BR>顶盖蒙皮 roof outer panel <BR>顶盖护板 roof inner shield <BR>顶窗 sky-light window <BR>地板 floor <BR>地板护面 floor carpet <BR>底架 foundation <BR>空调装置 air conditiner <BR>暖风装置 heater <BR>冷气装置 cooler <BR>除霜装置 defroster <BR>通风装置 ventilator <BR>自动调温装置 automatic temperature control <BR>吸入节流阀 suction throttling valve <BR>吸进口 suction side <BR>排放口 discharge side <BR>蒸发器 evaporator <BR>蒸发分离器 vapor seperator <BR>蒸发气体回收管 vapor return line <BR>标牌 name plate <BR>路牌 guide board <BR>伸缩蓬 telescopic tarpaulin <BR>中间框架 central frame <BR>梭梁 stabilizing beam <BR>蓬杆 tarpaulin rod <BR>驾驶室 cab <BR>平头驾驶室 forward control cab(cab over engine) <BR>长头驾驶室 conventional cab <BR>侧置驾驶室 offset cab <BR>双排座驾驶室 crew cab (double cab) <BR>有卧铺的驾驶室 sleeper cab <BR>翻转式驾驶室 tilt cab <BR>右侧驾驶 right-hand drive <BR>左侧驾驶 left-hand drive <BR>角撑件 guesset <BR>筋 rib <BR>杂物箱 glove box <BR>内锁手柄 inside door knob <BR>汽车商标 emblem (mark) <BR>货箱 cargo body <BR>厢式货箱 van body <BR>低台货箱 low deck body <BR>高栏板货箱 high gate cargo body <BR>货箱底板 cargo floor <BR>梁 sill <BR>纵梁 main sill <BR>纵梁垫木 wood filler block <BR>靠枕 head rest <BR>底板边梁 floor frame <BR>底板面板 floor board <BR>底板压条 floor strip <BR>绳钩 rope hook <BR>货架 front guard frame <BR>货架边柱 guard frame ouside post <BR>货架横梁 guard frame rail <BR>货架上角板 guard frame upper gusset <BR>货加立柱 guard frame inside post <BR>货架横挡 guard frame horizontal cleat <BR>货架立挡 guard frame vertical clear <BR>边柱上挡 guard fame upper side stopper <BR>边柱下角板 guard frame lower gusset plate <BR>前板 header board <BR>包边 board edge iron <BR>货箱栏板 gate <BR>栏板上梁 gate top rial <BR>栏板下梁 gate bottom rial <BR>栏板铰链 gate hinge <BR>栏板立柱 support post <BR>边板 side gate <BR>后板 rear gate <BR>后板侧柱 rear gate side post <BR>栏板链条 gate chain <BR>护套 sleeve <BR>缓冲垫 cushion rubber <BR>板件 pressing panel <BR>骨架件 member <BR>发动机罩安全拉钩 hood safety lock <BR>背门 back door <BR>地板通道 floor tunnel <BR>保险杠防撞块 bumper guard <BR>保险杠托架 bumper stay <BR>脚凳 foot rest <BR>车轮装饰罩 wheel disc (rim embelisher) <BR>轮毂装饰罩 hub embelisher <BR>车身设计 body design <BR>车身总布置图 body layout <BR>车身主模型 master model <BR>车身主图板 full scale draft <BR>油泥模型 clay model (plasticine model) <BR>全尺寸造型模型 full scale styling representation mock-up <BR>造型 styling <BR>原型车 prototype vehicle <BR>彩色效果图 color picture <BR>黑板图 black-board draft <BR>车身制图 body drawing <BR>车身制表面 body surface development <BR>样板 template <BR>车身分块 body division <BR>车身坐标轴线 body coordinate axis <BR>三向坐标测量装置 three coordinates measuring equipment <BR>非接触仿形测量 non-contact copying measurement <BR>计算机辅助几何设计 computer aided geometric design(CAGD) <BR>车身机助设计制造一体化 computer aided design/computer aided manufacture (CAD/CAM) <BR>计算机辅助工程 computer aided engineering (CAE) <BR>贝齐尔曲线 bezier curve <BR>高光线 high-light line <BR>通用驾驶室系统 versatile cab system <BR>有限元法 finite-element method(FEM) <BR>模态分析法 modal analysis method <BR>车身制造 body manufacturing <BR>车身装焊流水线 body assembly line <BR>车身主装配台 main assembling jig of body <BR>大型装焊架 large-scale jig <BR>低溶点合金模 low melting point alloy die <BR>经济模 economic die <BR>临时冲模 temporary die <BR>拉深 drawing <BR>拉深系数 drawing coefficient <BR>电泳涂漆 elecrophoretic coating <BR>静电喷漆 electrostatic spray paining <BR>脱式浸涂 slipper dip <BR>全浸涂 full dip <BR>转动浸涂 rotodip <BR>车身油漆 body paint</CC>