OSYRIS Arrival Manager Departure Manager
**** Hidden Message ***** June 2005, page 1<BR>Version 1.5<BR>commercial-in-confidence<BR>© Barco Orthogon AG<BR>OSYRIS<BR>Arrival Manager<BR>Departure Manager<BR>June 2005, page 2<BR>commercial-in-confidence<BR>© Barco Orthogon AG<BR>Overview<BR> Concepts and functions AMAN<BR> Introduction to DMAN and CDM<BR> Our references<BR> Technical information<BR>June 2005, page 3<BR>commercial-in-confidence<BR>© Barco Orthogon AG<BR>Benefits of an Arrival Manager<BR> Ensure efficient and smooth<BR>traffic flow<BR> Increase runway capacity<BR> Early and centralized planning<BR> Avoid Contradicting Advice<BR> Support ATC controller tasks<BR> monitoring and notification<BR> advice generation<BR>IAF<BR>SEQ<BR>IAF<BR>SEQ<BR>IAF<BR>SEQ<BR>En Route<BR>COP<BR>SEQ<BR>COP<BR>SEQ<BR>COP<BR>SEQ<BR>RWY<BR>SEQ<BR>TMA<BR>June 2005, page 4<BR>commercial-in-confidence<BR>© Barco Orthogon AG<BR>Operational Cycle<BR> Flight Plans and Tracks<BR> Trajectory Prediction<BR> Sequencing<BR> Advice Generation<BR> Controller Clearances<BR> Traffic Changes<BR> Monitoring<BR> Dynamic Adaptation<BR>June 2005, page 5<BR>commercial-in-confidence<BR>© Barco Orthogon AG<BR>OSYRIS Built-in Trajectory Prediction<BR>Input:<BR> Flight plan data<BR> Track data<BR> LoA (Speed and FL)<BR> Wind profiles<BR> A/C performance model<BR> interface to Eurocontrol BADA<BR>model<BR>Output:<BR> Flight path<BR> Altitude profile<BR> Speed profile<BR> Estimates for reference points<BR>June 2005, page 6<BR>commercial-in-confidence<BR>© Barco Orthogon AG<BR>ATM System Trajectories<BR>Coordination with system trajectory predictor<BR> Arrival schedule is consistent with FDP calculations<BR> OSYRIS built-in trajectory prediction is used only for advice<BR>generation<BR> Required for coordination with other decision support tools<BR>like MTCD<BR> Required for coordination with User Preferred Trajectories<BR>(UPT) from FMS systems<BR>June 2005, page 7<BR>commercial-in-confidence<BR>© Barco Orthogon AG<BR>Sequencing (Runway Allocation)<BR> Automatic allocation based on<BR> Strategy<BR> Feeder fix or initial approach fix<BR> Airline<BR> Wake turbulence category<BR> Engine type<BR> Departure airport<BR> Configurable runway balancing mode<BR> Manual runway assignment for individual flights<BR>June 2005, page 8<BR>commercial-in-confidence<BR>© Barco Orthogon AG<BR>Sequencing<BR>(Runway Separations Constraints)<BR>09 <x1> <y1> SC<BR>16L UC SC <y2><BR><x2> UC SC 16R SUCCESSOR<BR>16R 16L 09<BR>PREDECESSOR<BR>16R<BR>09<BR>16L<BR>SC: Strong correlation (wtc<BR>separation, radar separation,<BR>acceptance rate)<BR>UC: Uncorrelated<BR><>: Staggered separations<BR>June 2005, page 9<BR>commercial-in-confidence<BR>© Barco Orthogon AG<BR>Sequencing (Optimization)<BR> Configurable optimization criteria<BR> Minimum total delay<BR> Minimum total delay<BR>(avoiding bias for individual flights)<BR> Minimum deviation from preferred profile<BR> Configurable priority handling<BR> Suggestions for traffic distribution<BR> Feeder fix or initial approach fix<BR> Runway<BR>June 2005, page 10<BR>commercial-in-confidence<BR>© Barco Orthogon AG<BR>Sequencing (Additional Features)<BR> Integration with Departure Management<BR>1. RWY sharing via acceptance rate<BR>2. Reserved departure slots in arrival flow<BR>3. Calculation of optimum Zurich Release) departure times (OSYRIS<BR> Slot Handling<BR> Runway closure slot<BR> Additional separation slot<BR> Consideration of Specific Flights<BR> Short route (CDT for regional airports)<BR> Late appearing (VFR-IFR transition)<BR> Extensive holding<BR> Go-around / missed approach handling<BR>June 2005, page 11<BR>commercial-in-confidence<BR>© Barco Orthogon AG<BR>Advice Generation<BR>(Scheduling Information)<BR> Calculation of scheduling times for reference points<BR> Runway threshold<BR> Final approach fix<BR> Feeder fix or initial approach fix<BR> Coordination points (delay sharing)<BR> Time to gain time to lose for reference points<BR> Departure times for regional flights<BR> Adaptation of (departure) slot start times<BR>June 2005, page 12<BR>commercial-in-confidence<BR>© Barco Orthogon AG<BR>Advice Generation (Delay Sharing)<BR>ACC1<BR>ACC3<BR>ACC4<BR>APP<BR>COP1 =<BR>Entry Fix<BR>COP2<BR>COP3<BR>COP4 =<BR>IAF/Feeder Fix<BR>ACC2<BR> Delay Sharing<BR>distribution of delay along<BR>upstream En-Route sectors<BR> Assignment of delay<BR>configurable absorption<BR>capacity for each sector<BR> Possible Strategies<BR> As late as possible<BR> Balanced distribution<BR>June 2005, page 13<BR>commercial-in-confidence<BR>© Barco Orthogon AG<BR>Advice Generation (Probe Sequences)<BR>What-If functionality: Calculation of probe sequences<BR>based on controller inputs, alternative routes or<BR>probe trajectories.<BR> Concepts will be evaluated during Gate-To-Gate trials<BR> Probe sequences for direct routings<BR> Delay absorption through alternative routes<BR> Could be used to coordinate User Preferred Trajectories<BR>June 2005, page 14<BR>commercial-in-confidence<BR>© Barco Orthogon AG<BR>Calculation of an advice trajectory with scheduling<BR>times for reference points as constraints<BR> Speed during descent<BR> Top of descent advice<BR> Calculation of flight duration for regional flights<BR> Holding indication<BR> Routing information<BR>Advice Trajectory<BR>June 2005, page 15<BR>commercial-in-confidence<BR>© Barco Orthogon AG<BR>Controller Input<BR> Change sequence<BR> Insert flight or time slot<BR> Request re-sequencing<BR> Remove flight<BR> Update flight parameters<BR> Change priority<BR> Change acceptance rate<BR> Change strategy<BR> ACC-APP coordination<BR> Controller-Pilot coordination<BR>June 2005, page 16<BR>commercial-in-confidence<BR>© Barco Orthogon AG<BR>Monitoring and Adaptation<BR>OSYRIS Monitoring Functions<BR> Automatic updates of the estimates based on actual<BR>position data<BR> Conformance monitoring (deviation alert)<BR> Passed waypoint notification<BR> Area enter leave notification<BR>Automatic Sequence Adaptations<BR> Automatic adaptation of scheduling times<BR> Configurable trigger for re-sequencing<BR>June 2005, page 17<BR>commercial-in-confidence<BR>© Barco Orthogon AG<BR>Departure Manager: Functionality<BR> DMAN calculates earliest possible take-off times<BR> The DMAN process is event driven based on ATC<BR>instructions:<BR> En-Route Clearance, Engine Start-Up, Push-Back, Taxi,<BR>Line-Up, Take-Off.<BR> The departure planning process considers:<BR> wake vortex separations,<BR> SID dependent separations<BR> intersection take-off<BR> The DMAN incorporates arrival times (for runways in<BR>mixed mode operations).<BR> ATC controller is able to intervene<BR>June 2005, page 18<BR>commercial-in-confidence<BR>© Barco Orthogon AG<BR>Departure Manager:<BR>Optimization Objectives<BR> Maximum throughput<BR> maximum runway usage<BR> Minimum taxi-out delays<BR> reduction of unnecessary delays at holding points and<BR>during taxing<BR> reduction of fuel consumption between engine<BR>startup and take-off<BR> Maximum slot compliance<BR> maximum compliance to target departure times<BR>provided by airlines or flow control<BR>The DMAN allows the combination and weighting of<BR>optimization criteria<BR>June 2005, page 19<BR>commercial-in-confidence<BR>© Barco Orthogon AG<BR>Collaborative Decision Making<BR>June 2005, page 20<BR>commercial-in-confidence<BR>© Barco Orthogon AG<BR>Barco – Inform CDM Initiative<BR> Inform Product: Turnaround Manager<BR> Provides ground handling systems for airlines:<BR> KLM, SAS, AirFrance, British Airways, …<BR> CDM Initiative (presented ATC Maastricht 2006):<BR> Interfaces between Arrival Manager, Departure Manager and<BR>Turnaround Manger<BR>June 2005, page 21<BR>commercial-in-confidence<BR>© Barco Orthogon AG<BR>OSYRIS Reference Systems<BR>CALM - Arrival Manager for Zurich<BR> Stand-alone AMAN integrated into existing system<BR>environment<BR> Departure handling for mixed mode operation<BR> Integrated into training environment 2000<BR> Operational since March 2001<BR> 20 positions in ACC, 14 positions in APP and TWR<BR> Peak arrival rate during single runway operation:<BR>42 flights per hour (June and July 2002)<BR> Operational system distributed on several workstations<BR>Picture courtesy of skyguide<BR>June 2005, page 22<BR>commercial-in-confidence<BR>© Barco Orthogon AG<BR>OSYRIS Reference Systems:<BR>Zurich Departure Management<BR>OSYRIS (Zurich Release) includes a Departure<BR>Management Module for departures which share the<BR>runway with arrivals.<BR>The Departure Management module<BR> utilizes gaps within arrival stream<BR> takes line up times into account<BR> considers departure constraints (e.g. flow management)<BR> supports creation of departure blocks<BR> adjusts CDT if arrival times changed<BR> does CDT recalculation if departure sequence was changed<BR>June 2005, page 23<BR>commercial-in-confidence<BR>© Barco Orthogon AG<BR>OSYRIS TP Reference Systems<BR>OSYRIS-TP for NAV CANADA<BR> Trajectory prediction for AMAN development<BR> SASS for Toronto, Montreal, Edmonton<BR> Acceptance 2001<BR> Upgrade for RNAV procedure handling 2003<BR> 130 trajectories per second (input from recorded<BR>operational data) on HP-C360 under HP-UX 10.20<BR>Picture courtesy of Nav Canada<BR>June 2005, page 24<BR>commercial-in-confidence<BR>© Barco Orthogon AG<BR>OSYRIS Reference Systems<BR>AMAN for European Validation Platform (EVP)<BR> Air-Ground Integration & Sequencing Tools<BR> Integration into Eurocontrol Simulation Environment<BR> Validation by Real Time Simulations and Shadow Mode<BR>Simulations (RTS/SMT)<BR> Successful SAT in Dec. 2002<BR> Real Time Simulations at Eurocontrol June 2003<BR> Shadow Mode Trials in Stockholm in Nov. 2003<BR> Real Time Simulations in Rome Oct. 2004<BR> AMAN and Airborne Separation Assurance System trials at<BR>Eurocontrol Dec. 2004<BR>June 2005, page 25<BR>commercial-in-confidence<BR>© Barco Orthogon AG<BR>OSYRIS Reference Systems<BR>AMAN for Eurocontrol Gate-To-Gate Program<BR> Interface compliant to Gate-To-Gate standard<BR> Integrated into Gate-To-Gate environment<BR> Technical acceptance tests<BR> Oct. 2004 (at EEC)<BR> Feb. 2005 (at AMS)<BR> Trials and Validations<BR> AMAN trials with ENAV Q4 2005<BR> AMAN/DMAN trails with LfV Q4 2005<BR> AMAN/ASAS trials with Eurocontrol Q1/Q2 2006<BR>June 2005, page 26<BR>commercial-in-confidence<BR>© Barco Orthogon AG<BR>OSYRIS Reference Systems<BR>Integration into Lockheed Martin ATM product SkyLine®<BR> Integration in 2002<BR> Part of the Lockheed Martin CDM initiative for air traffic<BR>management facilities<BR> Integration into Flow Management<BR>System<BR> Barco contribution to SkyLine® is<BR>OSYRIS Arrival Manager, ODS Toolbox<BR>and OSYRIS Trajectory Prediction<BR>June 2005, page 27<BR>commercial-in-confidence<BR>© Barco Orthogon AG<BR>AMAN for Singapore Changi airport<BR>AMAN purpose:<BR> Optimize traffic flow into TMA<BR> Information sharing at all en-route, approach and tower<BR>controller positions within Singapore FIR<BR> Runway allocation<BR>Project Schedule<BR> Contract Award December 2005<BR> Q3-2006 FAT, Q4-2006 SAT,<BR> Q1-2007 Operation<BR>Singaporean company NCS is local partner for<BR>integration and maintenance tasks.<BR>June 2005, page 28<BR>commercial-in-confidence<BR>© Barco Orthogon AG<BR>AMAN for Singapore Changi airport<BR>Integration into CAAS ATC system environment<BR> Thales Eurocat System providing:<BR> Flight plans<BR> Track data<BR> Weather information<BR> OSYRIS trajectory prediction<BR> HMIs at auxiliary displays<BR> Hot-Standby redundancy concept<BR>Functional Features<BR> Managing inbound traffic for “asymmetric airspace”<BR>(flexible priority handling)<BR> En-route holding is preferred compared to TMA holding<BR> Dynamic route handling (ADX, short cuts, off-track flights)<BR>June 2005, page 29<BR>commercial-in-confidence<BR>© Barco Orthogon AG<BR>OSYRIS Components<BR>Sequence Engine (AMAN and DMAN)<BR> Sequencing<BR> Metering<BR>Trajectory Predictor<BR> Calculation of preferred arrival times<BR> Advice Generation<BR> Monitoring<BR>Message Manager, comlib++<BR> Communication layer for interfacing<BR> Message distribution<BR>C++ Development Environment<BR> Application Development Environment (OSYRIS ADE)<BR> Available for Unix and Windows<BR>June 2005, page 30<BR>commercial-in-confidence<BR>© Barco Orthogon AG<BR>OSYRIS Communication<BR> User application code<BR> OSYRIS library linked to a customers application code<BR> Separate Processes OSYRIS functionalities can be provided in separate processes (SE,<BR>TP) that communicate via an arbitrary communication mechanism<BR>(or comlib++)<BR> CORBA solutions gateway process which communicates via comlib++ messages<BR>(asynchronous services)<BR> process linked with OSYRIS library (synchronous services, Gate to<BR>Gate architecture)<BR> XML Interface<BR> Web-Interface receives sequence messages<BR> creates and updates MySQL database accordingly<BR> PHP to create and update HTML web pages.<BR>June 2005, page 31<BR>commercial-in-confidence<BR>© Barco Orthogon AG<BR>Conclusion<BR> Eurocontrol fully compliant<BR> Integrated & comprehensive solution<BR> Cost effective<BR> Open System Architecture<BR>June 2005, page 32<BR>commercial-in-confidence<BR>© Barco Orthogon AG<BR>Thank you very much for your attention.<BR>Gotthard E. Börger<BR>Product Manager xxxxxxxxxxxx 很好的资料 谢谢伟大的信息