航空 发表于 2010-8-27 13:17:09


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航空 发表于 2010-8-27 13:19:08

<P><SPAN id=thread_7254154>FAC RDS Other<BR>ERSA effective 10 JUNE 2004<BR>PALM ISLAND (UNLICENSED) ELEV 28<BR>AVFAX CODE 4421<BR>QLD WAC 3219 UTC +10 YPAM<BR>S18 45.3 E146 34.9 VAR 8 DEG E UNLC<BR>AD OPR: Palm Island Community Council, Main Street, Palm<BR>Island, QLD, 4810. Phone 07 4770 1177, FAX 4770 1241.<BR>AD Charges : All ACFT.<BR>RUNWAY PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS<BR>14/32 135 37a Unrated. Sealed RWY WID 18<BR>Transitional SFC infringed by IWI and terrain on NE side.<BR>AERODROME AND APPROACH LIGHTING<BR>RWY 14/32 LIRL PAL 121.3 PTBL EMERG only.<BR>ATS COMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES<BR>FIA Townsville Approach 126.8 On ground (During TL APP/TWR HR)<BR>FIA Brisbane Centre 120.55 Circuit area (Outside TL APP/TWR HR)<BR>SPECIAL PROCEDURES<BR>Right Hand CCTS RQ when OPR on RWY 14.<BR>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION<BR>Hills on E and W of AD infringe inner HZS, OBST lights NOT provided. CAUTION:<BR>when night circling.<BR>PAPUNYA (UNLICENSED) ELEV 2035<BR>FULL NOTAM SERVICE NOT AVBL<BR>NT WAC 3231 UTC +9.30 YPAY<BR>S23 14.8 E131 54.2 VAR 5 DEG E UNLC<BR>AD OPR: Lyappa Congress, Papunya via Alice Springs 0871;<BR>Phone 08 8956 8522.<BR>ATS COMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES<BR>FIA Melbourne Centre 119.8 11,500FT<BR>PASSENGER FACILITIES<BR>Telephone facilities not AVBL.<BR>PARABURDOO ELEV 1406<BR>AVFAX CODE 6609<BR>253° 5NM<BR>Paraburdoo<BR>WA WAC 3229 UTC +8 YPBO<BR>S23 10.3 E117 44.7 VAR 1 DEG E PUBLIC<BR>AD OPR: Hammersley Iron Pty Ltd, PO Box 1, Paraburdoo, WA, 6754; AD Manager<BR>Phone 08 9189 6044, 0417 464038, FAX 9189 5525,<BR>Email: neil.paraburdoo@harveyworld.com.au. ARO 0409 364557.<BR>AERODROME OBSTACLES<BR>1 250FT lit TWR 2313FT, 225DEG/6NM FM AD.<BR>2 OBST: Fence 1415FT,2346M FM SOT RWY 06<BR>3 OBST: 2409FT, 227DEG/6.6NM FM ARP.<BR>4 Blasting at mine site 240DEG/8NM, H24.<BR>RUNWAY PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS<BR>06/24 064 70a PCN 30/F/C/1100 (159 PSI)/U RWY WID 45<BR>ACFT above 5700KG to turn at RWY ends only.<BR>AERODROME AND APPROACH LIGHTING<BR>RWY 06/24 LIRL PAL 120.6. T–VASIS GP 3DEG 39FT PAL PTBL.<BR>PAL range restricted in some sectors at LSALT.<BR>Paraburdoo – Cont overleaf<BR>FAC RDS Other<BR>ERSA effective 10 JUNE 2004<BR>Paraburdoo – Continued<BR>ATS COMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES<BR>FIA Melbourne Centre 125.7 On ground<BR>RADIO NAVIGATION AND LANDING AIDS<BR>VOR PBO 116.9 S23 10.4 E117 44.2<BR>DME PBO 116.9/116X S23 10.4 E117 44.2 Antenna ELEV 1416FT<BR>NDB PBO 278 S23 10.7 E117 44.6 040/0.5 Range 80 (HN 70)<BR>MBZ – AFRU<BR>126.7<BR>HANDLING SERVICES AND FACILITIES<BR>SHELL – Paraburdoo Aviation Services Pty Ltd: 0000–1000 W, 0000–0400 SAT.<BR>Phone: 08 9189 5016, FAX 08 9189 5753. AVGAS, JET A1.<BR>METEOROLOGICAL INFORMATION PROVIDED<BR>TAF CAT 3<BR>AWIS 08 9189 6879<BR>SPECIAL PROCEDURES<BR>Right Hand circuits RQ when OPR on RWY 24.<BR>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION<BR>1 Airside Access gate code – C5830Z.<BR>2 Bird hazard exists<BR>PARKES ELEV 1069<BR>AVFAX CODE 2137<BR>NSW WAC 3456, 3457 UTC +10 YPKS<BR>S33 07.9 E148 14.3 VAR 11 DEG E PUBLIC<BR>AD OPR: Parkes Shire Council, PO Box 337,<BR>Parkes 2870; Phone 02 6861 2333, FAX<BR>6862 3946, AD FAX 6862 1710, ARO 0427<BR>282062.<BR>AD Charges: ACFT BLW 2000KG – NIL;<BR>ACFT ABV 2000KG – $7.20/tonne.<BR>RUNWAY PHYSICAL<BR>CHARACTERISTICS<BR>04/22 044 55a PCN 11/F/C/580 (84<BR>PSI)/U. RWY WID 45<BR>240° 4NM<BR>Parkes<BR>11/29 113 53a PCN 11/F/C/580 (84 PSI)/U RWY WID 30<BR>1 RWY 29 THR displaced 173 (568FT).<BR>AERODROME AND APPROACH LIGHTING<BR>RWY 11/29 PTBL PN<BR>RWY 04/22 LIRL PAL 119.6 PTBL PN.<BR>ATS COMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES<BR>FIA Melbourne Centre 135.25 Circuit Area<BR>RADIO NAVIGATION AND LANDING AIDS<BR>Pilot monitored<BR>VOR PKS 112.0 S33 07.9 E148 14.2<BR>DME PKS 112.0/57X S33 07.9 E148 14.2 Antenna ELEV 1070FT<BR>NDB PKS 242 S33 08.7 E148 15.2 312/1.1 – Range 70<BR>CTAF<BR>126.7<BR>HANDLING SERVICES AND FACILITIES<BR>MOBIL: Parkes Airport Refuelling. D H24. Phone 02 6862 5672. No callout fees.<BR>AVGAS, JET A1, O125, O156.<BR>METEOROLOGICAL INFORMATION PROVIDED<BR>TAF CAT 2 AWIS Phone 02 6862 6247<BR>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION<BR>Pilots are to make arrangements with AD Groundsman for ACFT parking. Markings<BR>are provided for RPT services only.<BR>FAC RDS Other<BR>ERSA effective 10 JUNE 2004<BR>PEARCE ELEV 149<BR>AVFAX CODE 6006<BR>WA WAC3351, 3468 UTC +8 YPEA<BR>S31 40.1 E116 00.9 VAR 2 DEG W MIL (2) HR (1 )<BR>1 0000–1600 MON–THU; 0000–0700 FRI. At OT and PH, FAC may be unmanned<BR>during promulgated HR. Flight Planning FACs AVBL at Air Movements; ATC<BR>enquiries Phone 08 9571 7114.<BR>(Note: Special Procedures section) Customs, Health &amp; Immigration on 24 HR PN.<BR>2 PH 08 9571 7114.<BR>3 MIL Aerodrome Obstacle Chart Type A: AUG 1997.<BR>RUNWAY PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS<BR>05/23 047 55a C130 PCN 42/F/C/1750(254 PSI)/T RWY WID 45<BR>18L/36R 176 80a C5A PCN 42/F/C/1750 (254 PSI)/T (2) RWY WID 45<BR>18R/36L 176 57a PCN 12/F/C/1000(145PSI)/U (3) RWY WID 30<BR>RWY 18L Safe–bar 6:3 (R) BAK 12 (4)<BR>30 (100) OVRN 400 (1312)<BR>–––––––– BAK 12 (B) (4) Safe–bar 6:3 (R) RWY 36R<BR>460 (1509) 30 (100) OVRN<BR>1 DIST marker boards left hand side only all RWYs. H (Choppers West) W of TWR &amp;<BR>18L/36R and grassed HEL OPR area (Choppers East) S of TWR and E of RWY<BR>18L/36R 1000 X 750.<BR>DEP/ARR HELS to be 300FT or BLW WI 5NM Pearce unless this requirement is<BR>specifically cancelled.<BR>CAUTION: ACFT with wingspan greater than 90FT are not to taxi BTN hangars<BR>and Hawk carports. RWY 23, non–controlled vehicular TFC WI 1000FT from NE<BR>end of RWY THR. BLDG and trees 180 to 220FT AGL WI S side of APCH plane to<BR>RWY 23.<BR>2 ORPs on both sides of THRs RWY 18L/36R. Dimensions 565 X 150FT.<BR>3 AVBL to ACFT BLW 5700KG.<BR>4 BAK 12/14 Hookcable INSTL 400M (1312FT) FM THR RWY 18L &amp; 460M<BR>(1509FT) FM THR RWY 36R. DIST BTN Cables 1579m (5180FT). Cables are<BR>bolted down and unbolting will be advised by NOTAM. 48 HRS notice RQ for<BR>ACFT MOV which RQ hookcable OPS. When unbolted, NML OPR PSN:<BR>Arrestable ACFT OPR – DEP end up, APCH end – down; no arrestable ACFT<BR>OPR both ends down. No crossing RESTR in down PSN. In the event of PWR<BR>failure, cables will rise to a HGT of 10CM TIL PWR restored. ACFT BLW 5700KG<BR>MTOW confine OPS BTN cables. CONC absorb housing 30CM high ADJ RWY<BR>edge.<BR>Pearce – Cont overleaf<BR>FAC RDS Other<BR>ERSA effective 10 JUNE 2004<BR>Pearce – Continued<BR>Routine servicing for both the 6:3 BEFAB (net) and BAK 12/14 arrester<BR>systems:<BR>MON – THU 2230 – 2330 6:3 BEFAB<BR>FRI 2230 – 2345 6:3 BEFAB<BR>First SAT of each month 2330 – 0630 BAK 12/14.<BR>MAE will require 15 MIN notice to vacate RWY.<BR>5 TWY E 30FT wide. No shoulders. Unlit. RESTRICTION: Not AVBL to ACFT ABV<BR>3300KG or to ACFT ABV 690kPa tyre pressure.<BR>6 DEP end barrier selected up for Hawk and S211 OPS. Barriers equipped with<BR>FLG R LGTs LOC either side of barrier. If LGTs are VIS on final APCH LDG is<BR>being attempted over a raised barrier.<BR>7 23M small arms weapons RNG LOC 180M N of RWY 23 THR.<BR>ACT is indicated by R flags.<BR>AERODROME AND APPROACH LIGHTING<BR>RWY 18L/36R MIRL PTBL electric 15MIN PN<BR>RWY 05/23 MIRL PTBL electric 15MIN PN<BR>RWY 18L PAPI 3DEG 47FT aligned with ILS GP.<BR>RWY 36R PAPI 3DEG 68FT aligned with ILS GP.<BR>ATS COMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES<BR>ACC/RSR Melbourne Centre 125.2 133.9 (1)<BR>APP Perth Approach 123.7 (1)<BR>DEP Perth Departures 118.7 (1)<BR>APP Pearce Approach 130.2<BR>CEN Pearce Centre 123.3 (6)<BR>ACD Pearce 134.1<BR>DEP Pearce Departures 135.9 243.0(2) 340(3)<BR>TWR Pearce Tower 118.3 257.8 243.0(2) 340(3)<BR>SMC Pearce Ground 127.25<BR>SMCV Pearce Ground 121.6<BR>ATIS Pearce 316.1(5) 340<BR>FIA Perth Radar 128.1 On ground (Outside PEA TWR HR)<BR>1 Airservices Australia.<BR>2 EMERG FREQ guarded.<BR>3 Transmits voice on NDB to ACFT with COM failure.<BR>4 Automatic Retransmit FAC exists BTN 118.3/257.8.<BR>5 ATIS BCST 316.1 DRG ATS HR. AWIS OT. AWIS AVBL H24 phone 08 95717453.<BR>6 MIL JET OPS in D193, D194, D195 will be ADZ on REQ by Pearce Centre 123.3,<BR>COMMS and ATC workload permitting.<BR>RADIO NAVIGATION AND LANDING AIDS<BR>TACAN (1) PEA 112.8/75XS31 40.4 E116 01.0 342/0.5<BR>NDB (2, 3) PEA 340 S31 39.3 E116 01.1 197/0.8<BR>ILS (4) IPE 110.7(RWY18L) S31 41.2 E116 01.0<BR>ILS IPC 111.9(RWY36R) S31 39.6 E116 00.8<BR>1 LIMITATION: Reception unreliable BTN 020–150 BLW 12000FT due terrain<BR>shielding and signal reflections. Range and BRG unlocks 325 to 350 at 35NM and<BR>at 45NM BTN 3000–4000FT. Limited due BRG oscillations of up to +6 DEG BTN<BR>35NM and 45NM at 2600FT on 190 radial.<BR>2 Range 200(HN 85). ATIS and Voice AVBL for EMERG use only.<BR>3 Antenna ELEV 144FT.<BR>4 ILS Critical Area not protected during MBZ HR.<BR>5 All NAVAIDS Pilot monitored DRG MBZ HR.<BR>MBZ – AFRU<BR>118.3 AH.<BR>1 Due to terrain shielding taxiing ACFT and/or ground vehicles operating at one end<BR>of the airfield cannot hear taxiing ACFT and/or ground vehicles operating at the<BR>other end on the MBZ frequency. Pilots taxiing for departure are strongly<BR>recommended to taxi via TWY DELTA to RWY 36 and via TWY CHARLIE to RWY<BR>18. An airfield inspection service can be requested from Transfield Fire Services<BR>on the MBZ frequency if required to establish the presence of other operators.<BR>Pearce – Cont overleaf<BR>FAC RDS Other<BR>ERSA effective 10 JUNE 2004<BR>Pearce – Continued<BR>2 WI 10NM RAD Pearce excluding PH CTR &amp; CTA steps SFC – Base of CTA.<BR>3 MBZ area may be activated as a temporary Restricted Area on 30 MIN PN. TWR<BR>active.<BR>4 Check status of airspace prior to entry on ATIS 316.1, NDB 340 or PH Radar<BR>128.1<BR>5 MBZ procedures apply when Pearce ATS not manned. MBZ procedures on<BR>Pearce TWR FREQ 118.3. Area may be reactivated as a “temporary” Restricted<BR>Area with 30MIN PN. Pearce TWR services AVBL on activation. Check ATIS<BR>316.1, PE NDB 340 or ATC for status of airspace prior to entry.<BR>6 RFF MNT Pearce TWR FREQ 118.3 DRG MBZ HR. Aircrew OPR FM Pearce AH<BR>are to notify Fire Section on phone 08 9571 7119 and ADZ AMD ETD/ETA.<BR>Airborne ACFT must CTC “Base Fire” on TWR FREQ 118.3 to ADZ AMD ETA<BR>20MIN BFR ARR.<BR>7 RWY sweeper &amp; J–BAR crew may be OPR on AD.<BR>8 If TWR is unmanned, CTC RFF, callsign “Base Fire”, 20MIN BFR ETD/ETA on<BR>TWR FREQ 118.3 or phone 08 9571 7119 for ACT of AD LGT. AD LGT RWY<BR>18L/36R LGT 33% / PAPI stage 3 / TWY LGT 33%<BR>9 AWIS AVBL 316.1 or phone 08 9571 7453.<BR>10 Flights planned to enter PH CTR/CTA must call PH ACD 132.95 for clearance.<BR>HANDLING SERVICES AND FACILITIES<BR>AMS (MIL) Phone 08 9571 7542. INBD ACFT RQ AMS assistance CTC “AIR<BR>MOVEMENTS PEARCE” on 361.6, 15MIN prior to ETA.<BR>72 HR PN for LOX (Dry Breathing) due quality RQMNTS.<BR>METEOROLOGICAL INFORMATION PROVIDED<BR>TAF CAT 2. DWSO office manned and FCST AVBL by local arrangement Phone 08<BR>9571 7125 TTF AVBL during MET HRS. AH AVBL from DMSU, Phone 08<BR>8920 3860.<BR>AWIS 316.1 or Phone 08 9571 7453<BR>RESCUE AND FIREFIGHTING SERVICES<BR>CAT 5 DRG HR of local OPS. OT CAT 4. 24HR PN RQ for RFF higher than CAT 4 AH.<BR>CTC Senior Firefighter phone 08 9571 7119.<BR>SPECIAL PROCEDURES<BR>1 PEARCE PARALLEL RWY POLICY:<BR>A Parallel lane OPS are permitted while any ACFT is lined up on the ADJ RWY;<BR>B Parallel lane OPS are to cease DRG the TKOF of all non–local ACFT FM the<BR>ADJ RWY;<BR>C Parallel lane OPS are to cease for the LDG of all non–local ACFT, but can<BR>recommence once the non–local ACFT has landed and initiated deceleration<BR>on the ADJ RWY;<BR>D Parallel lane OPS are to be RESTR to VMC when non–local ACFT are OPR on<BR>the ADJ RWY;<BR>E Normal wake TURB standards are to apply in the application of these PROC.<BR>2 All visiting ACFT are to PLN via Perth for ARR and DEP. ARR – Expect Perth<BR>STAR with vectors for Pearce WI 10DME Perth. DEP – on CLR issue expect<BR>tracking via Perth TFC Management RTE. Tracking is dependent on RWY in use<BR>at Perth.<BR>3 REJOINS. The preferred APCH for visiting ACFT (including fast jets) is via base<BR>leg or 5NM straight–in final to the duty RWY. ACFT rejoining via initial are to<BR>restrict speed to not ABV 350KT IAS.<BR>4 Deployed MIL ACFT operating IFR will be separated from other IFR ACFT and be<BR>provided with a RIS on VFR ACFT.<BR>5 ALKIMOS VFR RTE : To avoid built up areas, MIL VFR ACFT transit to/FM coast<BR>low level via Alkimos VFR RTE. ATC APV RQ when PE MIL airspace ACT.<BR>DEP/ARR RDL 285 DEG MAG.<BR>6 Gliding OPS HJ JF &amp; school holidays.<BR>7 Right hand circuits RQ when OPR on RWY 18 or 23.<BR>8 ILS Training – Civil ACFT.<BR>RWY 18 ILS is AVBL for training outside of airfield HR, during MBZ periods. The<BR>following limitations apply:<BR>Pearce – Cont overleaf<BR>FAC RDS Other<BR>ERSA effective 10 JUNE 2004<BR>Pearce – Continued<BR>A All NOTAM for Pearce must be obtained at the planing stage immediately prior<BR>to DEP;<BR>B A suitably qualified safety pilot in accordance with CAR 153 is to be carried;<BR>C SUBJ APR of Pearce TWR when TRA is active OOH;<BR>D Full stop and touch and go landing are not permitted, unless prior authorisation<BR>has been obtained from Pearce ATC; and<BR>E Landing, Strobe and NAV lights are to be on whilst carrying out approaches at<BR>all times.<BR>MILITARY AIRSPACE – ACCESS PROCEDURES<BR>1 Access to MIL airspace is available as follows:<BR>Non pressurised flights 10000FT and BLW may plan to transit R161A/R160A via a<BR>track established from RTI NDB to JNB VOR. All ACFT planning this route are to<BR>be equipped with a serviceable transponder. The following radar services will be<BR>provided by Pearce ATC on this route:<BR>A Civil IFR Flights will be separated from all other IFR flights;<BR>B Civil IFR Flights will receive traffic information and avoidance advice in respect<BR>to observed VFR flights; and<BR>C Civil VFR flights, subject to ATC workload, will receive traffic information and<BR>avoidance advice in respect of observed IFR/VFR flights.<BR>2 Flights other than those wishing to track via the transit areas are to obtain prior<BR>authority as FLWS:<BR>A VFR operators wishing to transit PEA restricted areas are to contact PEA ATC<BR>at least 10MIN prior to the restricted area boundary and request clearance.<BR>The availability of the clearance will be determined by MIL flying activity.<BR>Clearance to transit R155 will not normally be available.<BR>B Tracking via the COT is AVBL outside of Pearce Restricted Areas.<BR>C Separation will be provided for VFR flights in Pearce Restricted Areas in<BR>accordance with par 1. C above.<BR>D ACFT wishing to operate in PEA Restricted Areas during normal PEA OPR HR<BR>are required to obtain prior authority by telephoning Approach Supervisor (08<BR>95717114) not later than 0700UTC on the last normal working day prior to the<BR>activity.<BR>NOTE: Authority to OPR WI these areas does NOT constitute an AWY Clearance.<BR>SPECIFIC AWY Clearance for individual flights must be obtained prior to OPR WI<BR>these areas.<BR>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION<BR>1 RWY 23 THR may be occupied by ACFT conducting compass swings H24.<BR>2 Visiting MIL aircrew planning to OPR FM Pearce CTC Flying Coordinator (FPC)<BR>on 08 9571 7004, FAX 08 9571 7457 prior to or on ARR at Pearce.<BR>3 Model ACFT OPR FM PSN S31 44.5 E 116 02.6 (APRX 4.8NM SSE of AD), may<BR>be active during MBZ HR JF in VMC up to 1000FT AGL.<BR>4 Animal hazard exists.<BR>PENFIELD/RIDDELL/ROMSEY (UNLICENSED) ELEV 1150<BR>FULL NOTAM SERVICE NOT AVBL<BR>VIC WAC 3469, 3470 UTC + 10 YPEF/YRID/YRSY<BR>S37 30.8 E144 41.9 VAR 11 DEG E UNLC<BR>AD OPR: RIDDELL – Ron Jackson, PO Box 95, Riddell’s Creek, VIC, 3431. Phone<BR>03 5428 5465, FAX 03 5428 5450.<BR>ATS COMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES<BR>FIA Melbourne Centre 135.7 On Ground YPEF &amp; YRID,<BR>Circuit Area YRSY<BR>CTAF<BR>126.7 3NM RAD of each AD joined tangentially and bounded on South and SE by<BR>Melbourne CTR. SFC–LL CTA.<BR>FAC RDS Other<BR>ERSA effective 10 JUNE 2004<BR>PERTH ACC/FIC<BR>WA YPPH<BR>ATS COMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES<BR>APP Perth Approach 123.7 Kalamunda<BR>DEP Perth Departures 118.7 Kalamunda<BR>VOLMET Australia (1) 6676 11387<BR>FIS Flightwatch See ERSA GEN – FIS In Flight<BR>FIA Perth Radar 128.1 Within 36NM Perth.<BR>1 H24, BCST 00 – 05 &amp; 30 – 35. Contents TTF YMML, YSSY, YBBN, YPPH, YPDN,<BR>YBCS, YBTL and YPAD plus selected SIGMETs if time permits.<BR>PERTH/Perth INTL ELEV 67<BR>AVFAX CODE 6001<BR>WA WAC 3351, 3462 UTC +8 YPPH<BR>S31 56.4 E115 58.0 VAR 2 DEG W PUBLIC<BR>AD OPR: Westralia Airports Corporation Pty. Ltd., PO Box 6 Cloverdale WA, 6105;<BR>Phone 08 9478 8888. AH 9478 8501, FAX: 9277 7537. ARO 1: 9478 8441, ARO 2:<BR>9478 8439, ARO 3: 9478 8424.<BR>AD Charges: All ACFT.<BR>The AD OPR does not provide ACFT marshalling services. Where ACFT marshalling<BR>is required, the pilot should confirm arrangements with Ground Handlers prior to<BR>landing.<BR>Aerodrome Obstacle Chart Type A: RWY 03/21 20th Edition (APR 2002)<BR>RWY 06/24 20th Edition (APR 2002)<BR>RUNWAY PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS<BR>03/21 016 113a PCN 55/F/A/1400 (203 PSI)/T Grooved RWY WID 45<BR>06/24 061 71a PCN 50/F/A/1400 (203 PSI)/U Porous RWY WID 45<BR>1 OLS extensively infringed by terrain E of AD.<BR>2 RWY 03/21: Transitional SFC infringed W side 300M FM RWY 03 THR. OBST is<BR>illuminated WDI.<BR>3 RWY 06/24: Wide bodied ACFT make 180 turns only at RWY ends, other ACFT<BR>ABV F28 use MNM speed and MAX RAD turns to avoid pavement damage.<BR>4 TWY W BTN TWY C &amp; THR RWY 24 not AVBL as TWY for ACFT ABV BA46 HJ –<BR>not AVBL for ACFT ABV 5700KG MTOW HN.<BR>5 Wide bodied ACFT LDG RWY 24 and turning into J2 must follow modified taxiway<BR>markings. Wide bodied ACFT overshooting TWY J2 shall use turning node at end<BR>of RWY 24, backtrack RWY and turn right into TWY J2.<BR>Perth INTL – Cont overleaf<BR>FAC RDS Other<BR>ERSA effective 10 JUNE 2004<BR>Perth INTL – Continued<BR>6 The FLW taxi manoeuvres are not AVBL to ACFT ABV 5700KG MTOW:<BR>A EXIT RWY 03 Via TWY D2;<BR>B EXIT RWY 21 Via TWY N;<BR>C EXIT RWY 21 Via TWY D2;<BR>D EXIT RWY 06 Via TWY S;<BR>E EXIT RWY 24 Via TWY C1;<BR>F EXIT TWY A Via TWY J2.<BR>7 EXIT RWY 21 Via TWY P only for ACFT with 36M MAX wingspan &amp; BLW;<BR>8 TWY D2 not AVBL to wide bodied ACFT.<BR>9 ACFT ENG overhanging TWY edges where no blast protection is provided are<BR>requested to be OPR at low PWR to prevent erosion &amp; ENG damage.<BR>10 TWYs H1, H2 and F AVBL to F28 ACFT and all turbo–jet ACFT with a wingspan of<BR>24M MAX and to non–turbo jet ACFT with a wingspan of 36M MAX.<BR>11 TWYs H3, H4, H5 and G AVBL to BA146 ACFT and BLW.<BR>12 TWY R AVBL to ACFT with a 24M MAX wingspan and BLW.<BR>13 Apron edge taxi lane BTN TWY D &amp; TWY J only AVBL to ACFT with 52M MAX<BR>wingspan and BLW.<BR>14 Southern Apron Limitation: PCN 29/F/A/1400/U.<BR>AERODROME AND APPROACH LIGHTING<BR>RWY 03/21 MIRL PAPI 3DEG 71FT SDBY PWR AVBL<BR>RWY 21 HIRL HIAL – CAT I.<BR>RWY 06/24 MIRL SDBY PWR AVBL<BR>RWY 06 PAPI 3DEG 65FT<BR>RWY 24 HIRL HIAL – CAT I. PAPI 3DEG 71FT<BR>ABN ALTN WG 6 SEC on TWR<BR>ATS COMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES<BR>APP Perth Approach 123.7<BR>DEP Perth Departures 118.7<BR>RAS Perth Radar 128.1(1)<BR>TWR Perth Tower 120.5<BR>SMC Perth Ground 121.7<BR>ACD Perth Clearance Delivery 118.55(2) 132.95(3, 4)<BR>ATIS (5) Perth 123.8 113.7(6) 272(7)<BR>VOLMET(8)Australia 6676 11387<BR>Phone ATC 08 9476 8620, FAX 08 9476 8614.<BR>1 WI 36NM, may retransmit on Perth DEP FREQ.<BR>2 Call for ATC Clearances for DEP FM Perth AD.<BR>3 Call for ATC Clearances for DEP HLS/ALA WI Perth CTR or Pearce AD (when<BR>Pearce deactivated) or IFR/VFR by night DEP Jandakot directly into Perth<BR>CTA/CTR.<BR>4 VFR ACFT intending to enter PH TMA CTA/CTR areas call this FREQ with flight<BR>details prior to requesting ATC clearance (see Special Procedures section).<BR>5 ATIS AVBL H24 via telephone 08 9476 8800.<BR>6 Perth VOR.<BR>7 Perth NDB.<BR>8 H24, BCST 00–05 and 30–35. Contents TTF YMML, YSSY, YBBN, YPPH,<BR>YPDN, YBCS, YBTL and YPAD plus selected SIGMETs if time permits.<BR>RADIO NAVIGATION AND LANDING AIDS<BR>VOR PH 113.7 S31 56.7 E115 57.6 (1)<BR>DME PH 113.7/84X S31 56.7 E115 57.6 (2)<BR>DME IPN 110.1/38X S31 57.4 E115 57.7 (3)<BR>NDB PH 272 (Perth) S31 56.2 E115 57.0 085/0.9 (4)<BR>NDB CKL 200 (Clackline) S31 41.0 E116 33.7 Range 40<BR>ILS IPN 110.1 (RWY 03) S31 55.6 E115 58.2 TCH 50FT<BR>ILS IPH 109.9 (RWY 24) S31 56.6 E115 57.4 (5)<BR>ILS IGD 109.5 (RWY 21) S31 57.7 E115 57.5 (5)<BR>L CVM 329 (Caversham) S31 52.7 E115 58.9 194/3.8 (6)<BR>L PRL 352 (Parkerville) S31 51.6 E116 07.1 242/9.5 (7)<BR>Perth INTL – Cont overleaf<BR>FAC RDS Other<BR>ERSA effective 10 JUNE 2004<BR>Perth INTL – Continued<BR>1 Voice AVBL for EMERG use.<BR>2 Antenna ELEV 87FT.<BR>3 Antenna ELEV 74FT.<BR>4 Range 60. Voice AVBL for EMERG use.<BR>5 False courses may occur outside sector 35DEG either side of LLZ. Close<BR>proximity to PEA ILS.<BR>6 Range 40. Aligned RWY 21.<BR>7 Range 60 (HN 50) Aligned RWY 24.<BR>HANDLING SERVICES AND FACILITIES<BR>AIR BP – Australian Airsupport Services: H24. Phone : 08 9478 9898, H24.<BR>AVGAS, F34, JET A1, O117, O125.<BR>MOBIL: MON–THU 2100/1600, FRI 2100/1700, E 2100/1400, AH 12 HR PN. Phone<BR>08 9277 2800, AH 0417 317 534. AVGAS, JET A1, O117, O156, H515, O125.<BR>SHELL: D 2130/1600. Phone H24 08 9277 2599, FAX 9478 2768. JET A1 O117<BR>O123 O125 O128 OX–7 O149 O156 MMX45 – PN for Oils.<BR>METEOROLOGICAL INFORMATION PROVIDED<BR>TAF CAT 1. MET information available from ATS briefing services. Elaboration of<BR>MET can be obtained from PH Regional Forecast Centre 08 9263 2253.<BR>RESCUE AND FIREFIGHTING SERVICES<BR>CAT 9 H24 131.0 MHz AVBL H24<BR>SPECIAL PROCEDURES<BR>TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT<BR>Departures:<BR>1 Planning restrictions exist (see ERSA/GEN). SID/SRD will be used to establish<BR>on flight planned route within 160NM Perth. Tracking via Traffic Management<BR>Routes dependent on RWY in use.<BR>2 To conform with Traffic Management Route structures, Non–RNAV equipped<BR>ACFT issued with SID should advise ATC after DEP if radar vectors required.<BR>Arrivals:<BR>1 STAR procedure: when VMC exists BLW 3000FT, ATC may authorise ACFT to<BR>track via published visual procedure.<BR>2 Visual Procedure RWY 21: 6DME final S31 51.0 E115 59.4;<BR>Visual Procedure RWY 03: 5DME final S32 01.7 E115 56.3.<BR>3 When duty RWYs are 03 or 06, use of 21IAL in IMC subject to consideration of<BR>Pearce traffic – delays may be experienced.<BR>AWK, TRAINING AND SPECIAL FLIGHT REQUIREMENTS<BR>Noise Abatement Procedures (NAP) apply. Refer AIP DAP.<BR>Before submitting a Flight Notification, pilots/operators are RQ to contact the<BR>appropriate ATS unit for briefing/notification of restrictions in regard to airwork,<BR>training and Survey Operations WI CTA &amp; Special Requirement flights. Contact<BR>Phone/ FAX numbers are<BR>Phone FAX<BR>Perth TCU 08 9476 8620 08 9476 8614<BR>RAAF Base Pearce 08 9571 7114 08 9571 7078<BR>Note: RWY 21ILS/VOR restrictions may apply.<BR>ATC CLEARANCES TO OPERATE IN CTA/R<BR>1 ACFT DEP Perth Airport call on 118.55 for clearance. ACFT DEP HLS/ALA within<BR>Perth CTR, or PEA AD when deactivated, or IFR/VFR by night DEP Jandakot<BR>directly into CTA/CTR, call on 132.95 for clearance.<BR>2 Airborne VFR ACFT wishing to enter Perth controlled airspace;<BR>A within 36NM Perth, contact ACD on 132.95MHz;<BR>B beyond 36NM &amp; within 90NM contact Melbourne Centre 133.9MHz; and<BR>C beyond 90NM and within 160NM contact Melbourne Centre 125.2/133.9 MHz;<BR>D at least 10NM prior to CTA/CTR entry point to confirm flight details and obtain<BR>clearance. Aircraft which have not lodged Flight Notification details may be<BR>subject to clearance delay or denial.<BR>Perth INTL – Cont overleaf<BR>FAC RDS Other<BR>ERSA effective 10 JUNE 2004<BR>Perth INTL – Continued<BR>3 ACFT wishing to conduct airwork within Pearce Training Areas, see Pearce<BR>Aerodrome entry.<BR>Transit ACFT wishing to enter Pearce Restricted Areas directly from Class G<BR>airspace:<BR>A check NOTAM for status<BR>B if deactivated, contact appropriate civil ATC FREQ (See para 2) prior to civil<BR>CTA boundary;<BR>C if active, contact Pearce DEP 135.9MHz for entry into R153A–D, R155, R156,<BR>R160A, R161A and R166A/B, at least 10NM prior to training area entry point to<BR>confirm flight details and obtain clearance.<BR>TRAINING FLIGHTS<BR>1 Training ACFT at Perth may expect delays due traffic &amp; airspace restrictions<BR>between 0030–1100 MON–FRI. IAL training will normally be limited as follows:<BR>Duty RWY 21/24 – 2 ACFT at any one time<BR>Duty RWY 03/06 – 1 ACFT at any one time (21 IAL not AVBL)<BR>2 Non–training ARR ACFT are to advise practice approach requirements on first<BR>contact with Melbourne Centre 125.2/133.9MHz.<BR>3 Flying training at Perth is permitted during the FLW times:<BR>A ACFT BLW 1930KG MTOW – No restrictions.<BR>B ACFT ABV 1930KG MTOW – Flying training is permitted MON–SAT 2300–<BR>1300, SUN 0400–1300.<BR>4 Low level circuits are only permitted:<BR>A Left hand on RWY 21,<BR>B Right hand on RWY 03.<BR>5 Baulked RWY 24 APCH may be required to remain E of RWY 21.<BR>6 NDB and RWY 06 VOR/DME training is not permitted.<BR>7 In addition, for ACFT with MTOW in excess of 20500KG:<BR>A RWY 24 : TKOF not permitted;<BR>B RWY 24: baulked approaches permitted, subject to the RQMNTS to remain E<BR>of RWY 21.<BR>C RWY 06: approach and/or landing not permitted<BR>D RWY 21: right hand circuits not permitted. FLW a baulked approach, a right<BR>turn may be permitted at or beyond 2NM S of the airport;<BR>E RWY 03: left hand circuits not permitted.<BR>8 ACFT wishing to conduct training operations to the non–duty RWYs can expect<BR>significant delays.<BR>9 In addition, for ACFT with MTOW in excess 41,000KG:<BR>A Operations are limited to the following times: MON–SAT 0030–1300, SUN<BR>0400–1300.<BR>B Operations limited to two hours per day per company;<BR>C Minimum circuit height of 1000FT;<BR>D Circuits BLW 1500FT to be kept to a minimum and varied in dimensions to<BR>reduce repetitive noise.<BR>HELICOPTER OPERATIONS<BR>1 There are no helipad facilities. HEL parking AVBL.<BR>2 ENG Ground running with rotors turning is not permitted WI 20 of other ACFT,<BR>motor vehicles or BLDG.<BR>3 TAXIING: Pilots shall MNTN a continuous listening watch on Perth SMC, or, when<BR>instructed, Perth TWR FREQ. Where SFC taxiing is involved, existing TWY<BR>system is to be utilised. Where possible Air taxi manoeuvres should be confined<BR>to the existing TWY system to avoid pavement contamination by grass. Air Taxiing<BR>is not permitted WI 20 of other ACFT, motor vehicles or buildings. This DIST may<BR>be increased when air taxiing over unsealed SFC.<BR>Perth INTL – Cont overleaf<BR>FAC RDS Other<BR>ERSA effective 10 JUNE 2004<BR>Perth INTL – Continued<BR>4 DEPARTURES/ARRIVALS: TKOF or LDG from outside airport manoeuvring<BR>area will not be permitted without prior approval. The point of TKOF or LDG will be<BR>specified by ATC. Generally it will be the W end of TWY W, however, pilots may<BR>REQ alternative LOC WI the manoeuvring area. Initial DEP or final approach<BR>instructions will be provided by Perth TWR. Whenever DEP or ARR into prevailing<BR>wind is RQ the pilot should REQ such ARR or DEP.<BR>VFR OPERATIONS IN PERTH CTR<BR>1 VFR ACFT departing or overflying to Jandakot can expect clearance via ARE or<BR>FREM for GAAP arrival. See Jandakot entry.<BR>2 Flights DEP Jandakot for scenic flights over Perth City can expect clearance via<BR>OBC–PCTY–CTE.<BR>3 Flights ARR Perth from W for overshoot, expect clearance via FREM for RWY 03,<BR>06 or OBC for RWY 21.<BR>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION<BR>1 SEV TURB may be experienced BLW 3000FT in the terminal area during summer<BR>months when easterly wind gradients prevail.<BR>2 During summer months, Dromader fire fighting ACFT may be parked on TWY F.<BR>PERTH/Jandakot ELEV 99<BR>AVFAX CODE 6002<BR>WA WAC 3462 UTC +8 YPJT<BR>S32 05.8 E115 52.9 VAR 2 DEG W PUBLIC<BR>AD OPR: Jandakot Airport Holdings (JAH), 16 Eagle Drive Jandakot, 6164; Phone:<BR>08 9414 9400; FAX 08 9417 3777. ARO 1: 08 9485 7555 quote DRO group<BR>AD Charges: All ACFT – Landing and Parking charges apply in accordance with<BR>Jandakot Airport Conditions of Access and Use. This document is AVBL from the<BR>Airport Management Centre or on the web site www.jandakotairport.com.au COR<BR>Holder is responsible for all charges incurred.<BR>AD OPR does not provide ACFT marshalling services. All requests for ACFT<BR>marshalling should be directed to a Fixed Base Operator (FBO).<BR>RUNWAY PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS<BR>06L/24R 058 46a PCN11/F/A/1000(145PSI)/T (1). RWY WID 30<BR>06R/24L 058 38a PCN7/F/A/1250/T. RWY WID 18<BR>12/30 118 32a PCN11/F/A/1000(145PSI)/T. RWY WID 30<BR>Perth / Jandakot – Cont overleaf<BR>FAC RDS Other<BR>ERSA effective 10 JUNE 2004<BR>Perth / Jandakot – Continued<BR>1 RWY 06L THR displaced 119(390), RWY 24R THR displaced 146(479).<BR>AERODROME AND APPROACH LIGHTING<BR>RWY 06L/24R LIRL PAL 123.9 SDBY PWR AVBL<BR>RWY 12/30 LIRL PAL SDBY PWR AVBL<BR>RWY 24R PAPI GP 3DEG 25FT H24 PAL<BR>ABN FLG W 6 SEC on TWR – Not AVBL outside TWR HR.<BR>Note: PAL AVBL AH. Flashing 10MIN warning light located on top of IWI.<BR>ATS COMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES<BR>TWR(1, 2) Jandakot Tower 118.1 119.4<BR>SMC (1) Jandakot Ground 124.3<BR>ATIS (3) Jandakot 120.9 281<BR>ACD Perth Clearance Delivery 132.95<BR>FIA Perth Radar 128.1 On ground (Outside JT TWR HR)<BR>1 TWR HR<BR>JUN-AUG 0000-1200 MON-FRI, 0000-1000 SAT-SUN<BR>SEP-MAY 0000-1300 MON-FRI, 0000-1000 SAT-SUN.<BR>ATC Services not AVBL Christmas Day – MBZ apply.<BR>2 Phone TWR Manager 08 9476 8512 or for urgent operational matters, TWR 08<BR>9476 8833.<BR>3 ATIS AVBL by phone 08 9476 8755 H24.<BR>RADIO NAVIGATION AND LANDING AIDS<BR>NDB JT 281 S32 06.2 E115 53.2 Range 30<BR>MBZ – AFRU<BR>118.1 Outside TWR HR. WI lateral &amp; vertical CTR limits.<BR>1 Class C airspace ABV 1500FT remains active.<BR>2 During HJ standard GAAP departure and arrival tracks should be used.<BR>3 Flights planned to enter PH CTR/CTA must obtain SSR code and ATC REQ from<BR>PH ACD 132.95<BR>4 ACFT arriving JT from Class G airspace but requiring clearance to enter PH CTA<BR>CTC PH ACD 132.95 15 NM JT for CLR<BR>5 Aircraft conducting CCT training during MBZ HRS should broadcast intentions<BR>downwind.<BR>6 MBZ Circuit Directions<BR>Runway 06L right<BR>Runway 12 left<BR>Runway 24R left<BR>Runway 30 left<BR>Runway 06R/24L not AVBL<BR>7 Noise Abatement<BR>Fly Neighbourly Flight procedures have been designed for YPJT to minimise<BR>repetitive OPS over residential areas. Pilots can assist by adopting rates of<BR>climb/descent which minimise noise over residential areas.<BR>Repetitive formation circuits not permitted.<BR>8 Pilots requiring a clearance into Perth CTA/CTR – contact Perth ACD 132.95.<BR>9 A maximum of six aircraft may operate simultaneously on circuit training during<BR>MBZ HRS.<BR>HANDLING SERVICES AND FACILITIES<BR>AIR BP: D 2300–1100. AH card bowser H24 (BP Card). Phone 08 9414 1515 (diverts<BR>to pager when not answered) or Pager 9480 5261, FAX 9414 1269, VHF<BR>129.9 C/S “AIRBEEPEE”. AVGAS, F34, JET A1, O117, O125.<BR>SHELL – Jandakot Aviation Services: D 0600–1800 Local. Phone 08 9310 9999<BR>(diverts to pager if not answered), FAX 9310 9966, VHF 121.8 c/s “Shell<BR>Aviation”. AVGAS, Jet A1. BC, MC, V, AMEX.<BR>METEOROLOGICAL INFORMATION PROVIDED<BR>TAF CAT 2 AWIS AVBL H24 via phone 08 9417 9904 and Outside TWR HR on ATIS.<BR>GAAP SPECIAL PROCEDURES applies when JT CTR is active<BR>1 ACFT are subject to the Flight in Proximity provisions specified in AIP ENR 1.1<BR>para 32.2 only if operating WI 3NM of the Jandakot CTR boundary.<BR>Perth / Jandakot – Cont overleaf<BR>FAC RDS Other<BR>ERSA effective 10 JUNE 2004<BR>Perth / Jandakot – Continued<BR>2 Special Procedures for YPJT have been designed to minimise repetitive OPS<BR>over residential areas. Pilots can assist by complying with the following<BR>procedures and adopting rates of climb/descent which minimise noise over<BR>residential areas.<BR>3 While pilots are urged to consider the impact of ACFT noise, this in no way should<BR>be the basis of any action that could compromise safety<BR>4 LOCAL PROCEDURES<BR>A Circuit altitude – 1000FT .<BR>B Entry altitude – 1500FT .<BR>C Circuit Directions<BR>HJ HN<BR>– Runway 06L left right<BR>– Runway 06R right not AVBL<BR>– Runway 24L left not AVBL<BR>– Runway 24R right left<BR>– Runway 12 left left<BR>– Runway 30 left left<BR>D Circuit training OPS are only permitted:<BR>MON–SAT 2200 – 1430Z (0600 – 2230 local)<BR>SUN 0000 – 1000Z (0800 – 1800 local)<BR>and may be restricted 0300–0600Z D (1100–1400 local).<BR>E GPS instrument approach procedures are not AVBL for training purposes.<BR>F JT TWR 119.4 may issue sequencing instructions with take–off CLR to ACFT<BR>operating on circuit training OPS RWY 06R/24L.<BR>G When sequencing instructions have been issued, they will not be reiterated on<BR>receipt of the downwind call unless there is a change of sequence.<BR>H Preferred RWY use:<BR>a RWY 06L/24R is most preferred for ARR and DEP.<BR>b RWY 06R/24L is preferred for CCT training and DEP via ARE in Class G<BR>airspace.<BR>c ATC will nominate preferred RWY providing crosswind is not greater than<BR>12KT.<BR>I Repetitive formation circuits not permitted.<BR>J Repetitive low–level circuits not permitted on RWY 06L/24R.<BR>K Circuit size should be as compact as practicable.<BR>5 DEPARTURES<BR>A ACFT REQ clearance to DEP into Perth CTA/CTR – contact Perth ACD<BR>132.95 prior to taxi. DEP YPJT in accordance with instructions.<BR>B Activate transponder when READY for take–off.<BR>C HJ OPS:<BR>a All VFR ACFT are required to DEP JT CTR into Class G airspace.<BR>b Departure altitude:<BR>i 1000FT .<BR>When clear of traffic, DEP to W and NW via Murdoch University must<BR>climb from 1000FT when West of Kwinana Freeway and established<BR>over the Murdoch University open space and reach 1500FT by the<BR>Western boundary of the University.<BR>ii ACFT DEP via YGB and ARE should climb to an altitude ABV 1500FT as<BR>soon as practical upon leaving JT CTR and entering Class G airspace.<BR>c TR via departure routes indicated on Perth VTC and VTC inset.<BR>Note: DEP via ARE must remain clear of Perth CTA.<BR>d When RWY 12 is duty RWY:<BR>i DEP to SE and SW must depart the CTR by extending the right<BR>crosswind leg then track clear of FDL and the inbound route.<BR>ii DEP to W or NW must depart by extending the downwind leg until clear<BR>of base and final traffic, then track via Murdoch University open space to<BR>FREM.<BR>D HN OPS:<BR>a Departure altitude – 1500FT.<BR>Perth / Jandakot – Cont overleaf<BR>FAC RDS Other<BR>ERSA effective 10 JUNE 2004<BR>Perth / Jandakot – Continued<BR>b DEP ACFT may plan to track via preferred route.<BR>c ACFT should consider alternative DEP tracks if LSALT ABV 1500FT.<BR>6 ARRIVALS<BR>A ARR ACFT must plan to track via standard routes depicted on the Perth VTC,<BR>VTC inset or the appropriate IAL procedure.<BR>B Inbound altitude – 1500FT unless instructed otherwise.<BR>C When JT TWR is active, ACFT ARR from Class G airspace contact JT TWR<BR>118.1 at nominated GAAP APCH point.<BR>D When JT TWR operating, a circuit entry or transit instruction must be received<BR>prior to entering the CTR.<BR>E ARR from D103 when RWY 06/24 in use:<BR>a The preferred RTE is via SHIP to ADWD.<BR>b If circuit training OPS are required on RWY 06R/24L the preferred RTE is<BR>SIX SOUTH to FDL.<BR>F IFR ACFT with destination Jandakot, FPL ABV FL130 can expect Perth<BR>STARS Clearances. ATC will provide radar vectors or amended clearances to<BR>Jandakot WI 30 miles Perth.<BR>G HN OPS:<BR>a ACFT may plan their preferred route, in lieu of standard track, at 1500FT.<BR>b During TWR HR, ACFT ARR FM Class G airspace at 1500FT contact<BR>Jandakot TWR at 6NM for clearance.<BR>c ARR ACFT from Class G requiring airways clearance ABV 1500FT due to<BR>LSALT should obtain airways CLR FM Perth ACD 132.95 at 15NM JT.<BR>H When FREQ congestion or failure does not allow ACFT to obtain FREQ<BR>transfer instructions and the ACFT has been assigned 1500FT, ACFT<BR>should contact YPJT TWR on 118.1 at 3NM JT.<BR>7 GAAP COMMUNICATIONS FAILURE PROCEDURES<BR>Carry out the general COM failure procedures. Continue to transmit intentions.<BR>Enter the GAAP CTR at 1500FT. Track via FDL or ADWD as appropriate. Proceed<BR>to overhead the AD at 1500FT. Ascertain RWY(s) in use, descend to join the<BR>appropriate circuit at 1000FT (remain clear of the other circuit). Proceed with<BR>normal circuit and landing, maintain separation from other ACFT. Watch for light<BR>signals form the TWR.<BR>8 HELICOPTER OPERATIONS<BR>Departures/Arrivals<BR>A Unless otherwise approved by ATC, all HEL ARR or DEP the JT CTR must<BR>comply with GAAP.<BR>B Training may be conducted out to the south–eastern airport boundary subject<BR>to ATC approval.<BR>C Pilots must nominate the HLS they wish to use on initial contact with JT TWR.<BR>D HLS DEP and ARR must be parallel to the duty RWY unless otherwise<BR>specified by ATC.<BR>E Practice auto–rotative LDGs are not permitted on HLS.<BR>Airport Training Area<BR>A HEL training area has been established on the AD WI the area bounded by the<BR>06R/24L flight strip, TWY S and the airport BDRY road.<BR>B Pilots must advise of the intention to conduct circuit training OPS with the taxi<BR>or inbound call.<BR>C HEL proceeding to/from training area obtain clearance to cross RWY 06R/24L<BR>(when active) from JT TWR 119.4.<BR>D An auto–rotative Landing Area is identified by an asphalt aiming marker.<BR>E Unless otherwise specified by ATC, the FLW COND are applicable while OPR<BR>in the training area:<BR>a OPS shall be at least 100M from the RWYs, and at least 50M from the<BR>windsock/anemometer.<BR>b OPS shall be limited to not ABV 200FT AGL.<BR>c Slope LDG training may be conducted in the grassed drain on the SW side<BR>of the training area subject to ATC clearance.<BR>Perth / Jandakot – Cont overleaf<BR>FAC RDS Other<BR>ERSA effective 10 JUNE 2004<BR>Perth / Jandakot – Continued<BR>Circuits<BR>A Circuits may be conducted from the training area subject to the FLW COND:<BR>a Circuits parallel to RWY 24L or RWY 12 shall be Left Hand;<BR>b Circuits parallel to RWY 06R or RWY 30 shall be Right Hand;<BR>c Circuit altitude – 800FT .<BR>d Circuits to be flown inside the corresponding fixed wing circuit. A<BR>continuous lookout for fixed wing TFC must be maintained.<BR>B Once established on the appropriate TWR frequency the only communication<BR>required is a BECOMING AIRBORNE call prior to each circuit. ATC will not<BR>positively control these TKOFs and LDGs or provide sequencing instructions.<BR>Initial TFC INFO will be provided on other HEL conducting circuits.<BR>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION<BR>1 Kangaroo hazard exists.<BR>2 ACFT landing RWY 06L HN using full length must backtrack to TWY D.<BR>3 ACFT requiring full length TKOF RWY 24R HN, must backtrack to TWY C.<BR>4 Leaders of formation flights must advise the airport owner in writing the<BR>callsigns of individual aircraft involved in the formation.<BR>5 Wake turbulence encounters may occur in the Jandakot Control Zone, mainly<BR>in the NE quadrant ABV 1,000FT, due to ACFT overflying in controlled<BR>airspace.<BR>PHILLIP ISLAND (UNLICENSED) ELEV 43<BR>AVFAX CODE 3054 FULL NOTAM SERVICE NOT AVBL<BR>VIC WAC 3469, 3470 UTC + 10 YPID<BR>S38 31.4 E145 19.6 VAR 12 DEG E UNLC<BR>AD OPR: Phillip Island Aviation Centre, Phillip Island Airport,<BR>Tourist Road, Newhaven VIC, 3925. Phone 03 5956 6137,<BR>5956 7316, 0409 008960.<BR>PPR<BR>Landing Fees: Single engine $6.00, Multi engine $12.00.<BR>METEOROLOGICAL INFORMATION PROVIDED<BR>TAF CAT 3.<BR>AERODROME AND APPROACH LIGHTING<BR>RWY 04/22 LIRL PAL 120.55 – call for details, additional fees applicable. Not CASA<BR>approved system PTBL EMERG only.<BR>ATS COMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES<BR>FIA Melbourne Centre 120.0 On Ground<BR>HANDLING SERVICES AND FACILITIES<BR>AVGAS AVBL<BR>SPECIAL PROCEDURES<BR>1 Conduct run–ups on grass, never on stone/gravel areas.<BR>2 Take–off: Use rolling start and power up slowly.<BR>NOISE ABATEMENT PROCEDURES<BR>1 RWY 04: Maintain RWY heading until ABM Churchill Island or reaching 1000FT,<BR>then turn Crosswind remaining clear of houses south west of Churchill Island.<BR>2 RWY 18: Extend downwind leg until Churchill Island, then Base.<BR>CTAF<BR>119.1 3NM RAD. SFC–2000FT .<BR>FAC RDS Other<BR>ERSA effective 10 JUNE 2004<BR>PINGELLY<BR>AVFAX CODE 6038<BR>WA WAC 3462 VAR 2 DEG W PIY<BR>NO AD<BR>RADIO NAVIGATION AND LANDING AIDS<BR>NDB PIY 233 S32 32.4 E117 04.5 Range 120 (HN 110)<BR>PINNAROO (UNLICENSED) ELEV 250<BR>FULL NOTAM SERVICE NOT AVBL<BR>SA WAC 3458 UTC + 9.30 YPNN<BR>S35 15.2 E 140 56.6 VAR 9 DEG E UNLC<BR>AD OPR: Southern Mallee District Council, Day Street, PO Box<BR>49, Pinnaroo, SA, 5304. Phone 08 8577 8002, FAX 8577 8443.<BR>ATS COMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES<BR>FIA Melbourne Centre 124.3 2500FT<BR>PASSENGER FACILITIES<BR>PT<BR>POINT COOK ELEV 14<BR>AVFAX CODE 3006<BR>&Iacute;&Iacute;&Iacute;<BR>&Iacute;&Iacute;&Iacute;<BR>&Iacute;&Iacute;&Iacute;<BR>&Iacute;&Iacute;&Iacute;<BR>&Iacute;&Iacute;&Iacute;<BR>&Iacute;&Iacute;&Iacute;<BR>282° 5.4NM<BR>Werribee<BR>VIC WAC 3469, 3470 UTC +10 (+11 HDS) YMPC<BR>S37 55.9 E144 45.2 VAR 11 DEG E MIL<BR>AD OPR: AOS Airport Consulting Pty Ltd., PO Box 267, Laverton, VIC, 3028. Phone<BR>03 9395 1937, FAX 9395 1938.<BR>AD Charges: All civilian ACFT.<BR>MIN 2HR PPR from AD OPR for all visiting ACFT including MIL.<BR>ACFT OPS are strictly subject to terms and conditions of Airfield Use Agreement<BR>(AUA). Copies of AUA AVBL FM AD OPR.<BR>Pilots of Ex–MIL heritage type ACFT REQ AD OPR approval before conducting<BR>contra–circuit operations.<BR>RUNWAY PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS<BR>04/22 037 37a 5700/450(65PSI) RWY WID 45<BR>08/26 079 35c Unrated Grass black loam RWY WID 45<BR>17/35 164 45a 5700/450(65PSI) RWY WID 45<BR>1 Grass areas for vintage and tail drag ACFT are AVBL WI RWS and Western<BR>Grass.<BR>2 TWY B MAX 17M wing span ACFT.<BR>AERODROME AND APPROACH LIGHTING<BR>L4 RWY 17/35 and 04/22 – PAL 120.25<BR>PAL system not inspected by CASA.<BR>ATS COMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES<BR>FIA Melbourne Radar 135.7 On Ground<BR>RADIO NAVIGATION AND LANDING AIDS<BR>NDB PCK 419 S37 55.7 E144 45.3 Range 25NM Pilot Monitored<BR>Point Cook – Cont overleaf<BR>FAC RDS Other<BR>ERSA effective 10 JUNE 2004<BR>Point Cook – Continued<BR>MBZ<BR>126.2 Lateral limits as per D366, Vertical limits SFC – LL of overlying Class C<BR>airspace.<BR>HANDLING SERVICES AND FACILITIES<BR>1 Visiting ACFT may arrange refuelling (30 MIN PN) through RMIT Flight Training<BR>(SHELL) on 03 9394 9999 or 0400570728. AVGAS 100LL, Jet A1, O117, O125.<BR>SHELL Carnet, BC, V, MC. Point Cook Flying Club: on 03 93951735.<BR>2 No ground handling or marshalling should be expected.<BR>METEOROLOGICAL INFORMATION PROVIDED<BR>TAF CAT 2.<BR>SPECIAL PROCEDURES – ALL ACFT<BR>1 Special circuit and MBZ procedures apply due to intensive flying training.<BR>2 Inbound VFR aircraft are to track via the VFR Approach Points: Civilian ACFT at<BR>1500 FT, MIL &amp; Approved ACFT at 1000/2000FT.<BR>3 Other ACFT must remain clear of inbound tracks.<BR>4 Inbound IFR ACFT may enter MBZ as FLT planned.<BR>5 Transiting ACFT should over-fly Point Cook AD at a MNM 2000FT, WX permitting.<BR>6 Practice NDB APCHs in VMC should be discontinued no closer than 2NM to avoid<BR>conflict with circuit TFC.<BR>7 All arriving ACFT will carry out standard MBZ circuit joining procedures.<BR>Straight-in approaches prohibited when more than 3 ACFT are carrying out circuit<BR>OPR.<BR>8 Right hand CCTS RQ for civilian ACFT when OPR on RWYs 04, 08 and 35.<BR>9 Ultralight &amp; microlight ACFT below 80KT, conduct CCTS not above 800FT.<BR>10 Trikes/Microlights operate on separate Grass RWY parallel to and east of RWY<BR>17/35. Simultaneous parallel RWY operations permitted except when involving<BR>ACFT above 5700kg<BR>11 Single ACFT should give way to formations.<BR>12.CROSSWIND CIRCUITS: Crosswind CCTS should be planned between 1000 –<BR>1100 and 1500 – 1600 local time. When crosswind CCTS are in progress,<BR>continuous circuit OPS on crossing RWYs are only permitted with a maximum of<BR>three ACFT in the circuit and if all circuit TFC agrees. An ACFT requiring an<BR>into-wind RWY takes precedence.<BR>13 CONTRA CIRCUITS: MIL &amp; Approved Ex–MIL heritage type ACFT conduct<BR>contra CCTS on the non-civilian side of the circuit, with landings to the duty<BR>runway or nominated grass area. When contra CCTS are in operation, the<BR>following procedures apply to all circuit TFC:<BR>A There is no dead side of the circuit and all ACFT overshoot to their respective<BR>live side.<BR>B Crossing the Western Grass is prohibited.<BR>C All ACFT must illuminate taxi/landing lights prior to the base turn until the<BR>ACFT has landed.<BR>SPECIAL PROCEDURES – MIL AND APPROVED EX-MIL HERITAGE<BR>TYPE ACFT<BR>1 MIL &amp; Approved Ex–MIL heritage type ACFT must comply with the following,<BR>except when there is no circuit TFC:<BR>A when over-flying before joining the circuit, over-fly at 2,000FT,<BR>B fly contra circuit and identify all circuit TFC before turning base,<BR>C the contra-base turn requires vigilance due opposite base TFC,<BR>D give way to civilian ACFT on contra-base and final, and<BR>E when contra CCTS are operating, departure turns must be to the contra circuit<BR>direction or, climb to 3NM/1500FT before turning.<BR>2 INITIAL<BR>Recovery via close initial shall be as follows:<BR>A Formation aircraft will and single aircraft may join on the contra-side of final at<BR>one NM downwind from the THR at 2,000FT or lower for initial and pitch.<BR>B MIL R/T terminology is not to be used on initial. Radio calls must state position,<BR>altitude, intentions and circuit altitude.<BR>Point Cook – Cont overleaf<BR>FAC RDS Other<BR>ERSA effective 10 JUNE 2004<BR>Point Cook – Continued<BR>C At the initial point, descend to the advised circuit altitude on the MIL side of the<BR>duty RWY, maintaining clearance with final TFC.<BR>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION<BR>1 RAAF Museum OPS include low LVL formation FLY in vintage ACFT. Some<BR>vintage ACFT may require use of other than the Duty RWY.<BR>2 Bird hazard may exist.<BR>3 RAAF Museum conducts flying displays TUE, THU, &amp; SUN 1315-1345 Local<BR>Time, within 3NM of the ARP, SFC–3000FT. Other ACFT must hold at the VFR<BR>APP PTS until displays completed.<BR>4 Small arms firing range BRG 216 DEG 400M FM THR RWY 04. When in use,<BR>marked by red flags HJ or flashing red lights HN. Firing will cease when ACFT<BR>approach the danger area. When range in use, ACFT should avoid area and use<BR>of RWY 04/22 except for TKOF RWY 04 or LDG RWY 22, unless OPR<BR>requirement.<BR>5 ACFT should avoid over-flying Point Cook Base built-up areas, and residential<BR>areas 2NM N.<BR>6 Single engine ACFT may be forced to fly beyond gliding distance from land when<BR>OPR in the circuit.<BR>POINT LOOKOUT<BR>AVFAX CODE 2062<BR>NSW WAC 3357 VAR 12 DEG E PLO<BR>NO AD<BR>RADIO NAVIGATION AND LANDING AIDS<BR>VOR PLO 116.2 S30 29.5 E152 21.6<BR>NDB PLO 296 S30 28.9 E152 23.8 Range 40<BR>POLO FLAT (UNLICENSED) ELEV 2701<BR>FULL NOTAM SERVICE NOT AVBL<BR>NSW WAC 3470 UTC +10 YPFT<BR>S36 13.8 E149 09.0 VAR 13 DEG E UNLC<BR>AD OPR: M.C.S &amp; E.M APPS, Polo Flat Airfield, Airstrip Road, Polo<BR>Flat, NSW, 2630. Phone 0412 435198, AH Phone/FAX 02 6452<BR>6636.<BR>No landing charges for private pilots.<BR>PPR.<BR>ATS COMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES<BR>FIA Melbourne Centre 118.8 Circuit Area<BR>MBZ<BR>Use Cooma – Snowy Mountains MBZ 118.1 for radio calls.<BR>HANDLING SERVICES AND FACILITIES<BR>AVGAS AVBL<BR>SPECIAL PROCEDURES<BR>Right hand circuits RWY 30 and 36.<BR>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION<BR>1 Glider OPS at Bunyan airstrip, 6NM to N, HJ generally weekends. Monitor 122.7<BR>for glider OPS.<BR>2 Radio mast (3000FT) to SE near thresholds 30 and 36, inside circuit area.<BR>3 Landing on grass on E side of 18/36 beside tarmac is encouraged and preferred.<BR>POONCARIE ELEV 164<BR>AVFAX CODE 2223<BR>NSW WAC 3458 UTC +10 YPCE<BR>S33 22.0 E142 35.3 VAR 9 DEG E PUBLIC<BR>AD OPR: Shire of Wentworth, PO Box 81, Wentworth<BR>2648; Phone 03 5027 3203.<BR>AERODROME OBSTACLES<BR>Lit Masts;<BR>1 417FT located 1270M SSW of 06 RWS end infringes HZS.<BR>Pooncarie – Cont overleaf<BR>FAC RDS Other<BR>ERSA effective 10 JUNE 2004<BR>Pooncarie – Continued<BR>2 376FT located 1427M SSW of 06 RWS end infringes HZS.<BR>RUNWAY PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS<BR>06/24 055 35c Unrated. Gravel RWY WID 18<BR>AERODROME AND APPROACH LIGHTING<BR>RWY 06/24 LIRL PAL 120.6 PTBL EMERG only.<BR>ATS COMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES<BR>FIA Melbourne Centre 122.1 2000FT<BR>CTAF<BR>126.7<BR>PASSENGER FACILITIES<BR>PT/WC<BR>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION<BR>Animal hazard exists.<BR>POREPUNKAH (UNLICENSED) ELEV 935<BR>FULL NOTAM SERVICE NOT AVBL<BR>VIC WAC 3470 UTC +10 YPOK<BR>S36 43.2 E146 53.6 VAR 12 DEG E UNLC<BR>AD OPR: AD OPR: Alpine Shire, PO Box 139, Bright,<BR>VIC, 3741. Phone 03 5755 0555, ARO 5733 1475, FAX<BR>5755 1811.<BR>ATS COMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES<BR>FIA Melbourne Centre 125.2 Circuit area<BR>CTAF<BR>126.0<BR>038° 1.5NM<BR>Porepunkah<BR>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION<BR>1 High Terrain in CCT area.<BR>2 AD users include Hang Gliders, Microlights, and Ultralights.<BR>3 Occasional Paraglider and Hang Glider towing operations.<BR>4 Curfew HRS apply.<BR>PORMPURAAW (UNLICENSED) ELEV 10<BR>AVFAX CODE 4525<BR>QLD WAC 3112 UTC+10 YPMP<BR>S14 53.8 E141 36.6 VAR 6 DEG E UNLC<BR>AD OPR: Pormpuraaw Community Council Post Office,<BR>Edward River 4871. Phone 07 4060 4175.<BR>AD Charges: All ACFT.<BR>AERODROME OBSTACLES<BR>Lit mast 350FT, 0.8NM E of AD. Infringes HZS.<BR>RUNWAY PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS<BR>14/32 141 45a 5700KG/800kPa (110PSI).<BR>AERODROME AND APPROACH LIGHTING<BR>RWY 14/32 LIRL PAL 120.6 PTBL EMERG only.<BR>ATS COMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES<BR>FIA Brisbane Centre 118.2 8000FT<BR>CTAF<BR>126.7<BR>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION<BR>1 AD on Aboriginal Reserve. Only public area is AD proper. PPR to enter from<BR>Pormpuraaw Community Council.<BR>2 Bird hazard at AD.<BR>FAC RDS Other<BR>ERSA effective 10 JUNE 2004<BR>PORPHYRY (UNLICENSED)<BR>FULL NOTAM SERVICE NOT AVBL<BR>WA WAC 3352 UTC + 8 YPOP<BR>S29 46.7 E122 16.1 VAR 1 DEG E UNLC<BR>ATS COMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES<BR>FIA Melbourne Centre 122.1 4000FT<BR>PORT AUGUSTA ELEV 56<BR>AVFAX CODE 5004<BR>SA WAC 3459 UTC+9.30 YPAG<BR>S32 30.4 E137 43.0 VAR 7 DEG E PUBLIC<BR>AD OPR: Corporation of the City of Port Augusta, PO Box 170,<BR>Port Augusta 5700; Phone/ARO 08 8642 3555.<BR>AD Charges: All ACFT $4.00/tonne, MNM $4.00<BR>RUNWAY PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS<BR>15/33 152 54a PCN 21/F/A/1200(174PSI)/T. RWY WID 30<BR>RWS WID 150 – Graded.<BR>AERODROME AND APPROACH LIGHTING<BR>RWY 15/33 LIRL PAL 122.8 PTBL EMERG only.<BR>ATS COMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES<BR>FIA Melbourne Centre 123.9 Circuit Area<BR>075° 3NM<BR>Port Augusta<BR>RADIO NAVIGATION AND LANDING AIDS<BR>NDB PAG 212 S32 31.6 E137 42.1 050/1.5 Range 40<BR>Pilot monitored. Privately operated<BR>CTAF<BR>126.7<BR>HANDLING SERVICES AND FACILITIES<BR>MOBIL: D H24. Callout fee applies. Phone 08 8642 3864, 8642 3078, 8642 2037.<BR>AVGAS, JET A1, O125.<BR>METEOROLOGICAL INFORMATION PROVIDED<BR>TAF CAT 3. AWIS 08 8642 5057.<BR>PASSENGER FACILITIES<BR>PT / ME<BR>SPECIAL PROCEDURES<BR>Right Hand circuits when OPR on RWY 33 HN.<BR>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION<BR>1 Animal hazard exists.<BR>2 C130 ACFT OPS are not permitted.<BR>PORT CAMPBELL<BR>VIC WAC 3469 UTC+10 NO AD<BR>CTAF<BR>127.1 SFC – 2000FT. An area bounded by a semi circle of 2NM radius centred on<BR>Moonlight Head, then lines parallel to the coastline, 2NM inland and 2NM<BR>offshore, to a semicircle of 2NM radius centred on a coastal point 2NM<BR>north–west of Peterborough township. See ERSA GEN SPECIAL<BR>PROCEDURES “FN8: PORT CAMPBELL NATIONAL PARK – FLY<BR>NEIGHBOURLY ADVICE” for guidance and depiction. ERC L1 &amp; ERC L2<BR>also depict the CTAF area.<BR>PORT FAIRY(UNLICENSED)<BR>VIC WAC 3469 UTC +10<BR>S 38 22.0 E142 16.0 VAR 10 DEG E UNLC<BR>CTAF<BR>126.0 Port Fairy/Warrnambool CTAF – Circles of 5NM RAD of Port Fairy ALA and<BR>Warrnambool AD joined tangentially. SFC – 3000FT .<BR>FAC RDS Other<BR>ERSA effective 10 JUNE 2004<BR>PORT HEDLAND/Port Hedland INTL ELEV 33<BR>AVFAX CODE 6801<BR>WA WAC 3229 UTC+8 YPPD<BR>S20 22.7 E118 37.6 VAR 1DEG E PUBLIC<BR>AD OPR: Manager Airport, Port Hedland<BR>International Airport, PO Box 41, Port Hedland 6721;<BR>AD Manager 08 9140 1288, FAX 9172 2074, MOB<BR>0417 183 759. ARO 9140 2902 or 0417 108 850.<BR>Email: phia@porthedland.wa.gov.au<BR>AD Charges: All ACFT.<BR>If itinerant parking and marshalling required, contact<BR>local RPT operator. Phone 08 91 401181.<BR>334° 5NM<BR>Port Hedland<BR>AERODROME OBSTACLES<BR>Unlit mast BRG 222DEG MAG 2.6NM FM ARP, 224FT ABV AD ELEV.<BR>RUNWAY PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS<BR>14/32 136 82a PCN 39/F/A/1200 (174 PSI)/T RWY WID 45<BR>18/36 181 33a PCN 8/F/A/550(80 PSI)/U RWY WID 18<BR>1 TWY B, C, D not AVBL to ACFT ABV 46,000KG.<BR>2 TWY E not AVBL to ACFT ABV 5,700KG.<BR>3 Skid equipped HEL are restricted to landing and parking on authorised helipads<BR>only.<BR>4 Northern apron not AVBL to ACFT ABV 5,700KG.<BR>5 RPT Apron parking on bays 1–5, 48HR PN to Airport Manager for parking ACFT<BR>other than RPT.<BR>6 All turns to be MAX RAD and MNM speed. Turning nodes on RWY end for all<BR>turns.<BR>AERODROME AND APPROACH LIGHTING<BR>RWY 14/32 LIRL AFRU + PAL 119.9 SDBY PWR AVBL (1)<BR>RWY 14 T–VASIS GP 3DEG 41FT AFRU + PAL SDBY PWR NOT AVBL<BR>RWY 32 T–VASIS GP 3DEG 45FT AFRU + PAL SDBY PWR NOT AVBL<BR>ABN ALTN W G 8 SEC. ABN AVBL on request. Contact 0417 108 850.<BR>Note: 1 Also AVBL by key operated switching for scheduled RPT OPS &amp; EMERG.<BR>2 TWY lights AVBL from TWY B, N along RWY 18/36 to TWY E.<BR>ATS COMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES<BR>FIA Melbourne Centre 118.6 On ground<BR>RADIO NAVIGATION AND LANDING AIDS<BR>VOR PD 114.1 S20 22.7 E118 37.4<BR>NDB PD 260 S20 23.4 E118 38.5 298/1.2 (1)<BR>DME PD 114.1/88X S20 22.6 E118 37.2 Antenna ELEV 56FT<BR>1 Range 110 (HN 75) OW 180 (HN 110).<BR>MBZ – AFRU<BR>119.9 WI 30NM RAD PD SFC – 10,000FT<BR>HANDLING SERVICES AND FACILITIES<BR>AIR BP: D 2300–1000, OT 15MIN PN, H24 AVGAS card bowser, AH 30MIN PN,<BR>Phone 08 9172 3485 or 0418 938339, AVGAS, JET A1, O117, O125.<BR>MOBIL: W 2330–1100 AH 30MIN PN. Phone 08 9172 1836 AH 9140 1073 or 0419<BR>946800. AVGAS, JET A1, O117, O125.<BR>METEOROLOGICAL INFORMATION PROVIDED<BR>TAF CAT 1. MO office manned FCST AVBL by local arrangement Phone 08 9140<BR>1480, FAX 08 9140 1114. TTF AVBL during MET HRS. AH AVBL from PH<BR>MET 08 9263 2253.<BR>Port Hedland INTL – Cont overleaf<BR>FAC RDS Other<BR>ERSA effective 10 JUNE 2004<BR>Port Hedland INTL – Continued<BR>WSO AVBL 2100 – 0430 MON–FRI only. Phone 08 9140 1480, FAX 08 91401100,<BR>AH 91731501. OBS office Phone 9140 1440, FAX 9140 1114. TTF AVBL<BR>2130–0900 D except SUN.<BR>AWIS Phone 08 9140 1764.<BR>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION<BR>1 Occasional bird and animal hazard exists.<BR>2 Air Terminal AVBL 2200–1100, PPR AH contact ARO 0417 108 850.<BR>3 Main apron access via Gate 2 – Key code C194Z.<BR>4 GA Apron access via Gate 7 only – Key code C194Z.<BR>5 Emergency gate 10 adjacent RFDS locked – Emergency access contact ARO<BR>0417 108 850.<BR>6 GA access via terminal electronic doors not AVBL.<BR>7 Pilots are REQ to minimise ground running of turbo–prop ACFT in the vicinity of<BR>parking bays 1–4 to reduce noise levels in Terminal.<BR>8 At least one week PN RQ in writing, to AD OPR by MIL ACFT and non–RPT ACFT<BR>for parking on main RPT Apron and for pavement concessions.<BR>9 Security Requirements<BR>A ASIC to be worn and clearly displayed on SRA.<BR>B Irrespective of size of ACFT, security screening is required for all passengers<BR>departing from the Terminal within the operational period of RPT – 90 MIN prior<BR>to arrival and 30MIN after DEP.<BR>PORT KEATS ELEV 91<BR>AVFAX CODE 8051<BR>NT WAC 3109 UTC +9.30 YPKT<BR>S14 15.0 E129 31.8 VAR 3 DEG E PUBLIC<BR>AD OPR: Karda Numida Inc., PO Wadeye, Port Keats, 0822.<BR>Phone 08 8978 2355, FAX 8978 2357.<BR>AD Charges: All ACFT.<BR>RUNWAY PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS<BR>16/34 159 46a Unrated, Sealed RWY WID 18<BR>AERODROME AND APPROACH LIGHTING<BR>RWY 16/34 LIRL MAN PAL not commissioned PTBL<BR>EMERG only.<BR>ATS COMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES<BR>FIA Brisbane Centre 118.15 11,000FT<BR>CTAF<BR>126.7<BR>METEOROLOGICAL INFORMATION PROVIDED<BR>TAF CAT 3 AWIS Phone 08 8978 2188<BR>PASSENGER FACILITIES<BR>Telephone facilities not AVBL.<BR>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION<BR>1 Bird hazard exists.<BR>2 Possibility of animals on movement area.<BR>FAC RDS Other<BR>ERSA effective 10 JUNE 2004<BR>PORT LINCOLN ELEV 36<BR>AVFAX CODE 5008<BR>SA WAC 3459 UTC+9.30 YPLC<BR>S34 36.3 E135 52.8 VAR 7 DEG E PUBLIC<BR>AD OPR: District Council of Lower Eyre Peninsula,<BR>PO Box 41, Cummins, SA 5631; Phone 08 8676<BR>2106; AD 8684 3501.<BR>AD Charges: All ACFT.<BR>RUNWAY PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS<BR>01/19 010 49a PCN 23/F/C/880 (130 PSI)/T<BR>RWY WID 30<BR>05/23 051 42c Unrated. Brown gravel<BR>RWY WID 30<BR>15/33 147 48c Unrated. Brown gravel<BR>RWY WID 30<BR>185° 7NM<BR>Port Lincoln<BR>1 RWY 15/33 AVBL RPT OPS HJ only, due OBST Limitation SFC.<BR>AERODROME AND APPROACH LIGHTING<BR>RWY 15/33 LIRL PAL 124.1 SDBY PWR AVBL<BR>RWY 01/19 LIRL PAL SDBY PWR AVBL<BR>Note: Lateral spacing of lights 49M RWY 01/19 only.<BR>ATS COMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES<BR>FIA Melbourne Centre 125.9 On Ground<BR>RADIO NAVIGATION AND LANDING AIDS<BR>NDB PLC 389 S34 36.3 E135 52.4 Range 70 OW 85<BR>MBZ – AFRU<BR>126.7<BR>HANDLING SERVICES AND FACILITIES<BR>MOBIL: J. Morris: W H24. Phone/FAX 08 8684 3644, 0428 837010. AVGAS, JET<BR>A1, O117, O125, O149.<BR>METEOROLOGICAL INFORMATION PROVIDED<BR>TAF CAT 2. AWIS Phone 08 8684 3697.<BR>UNICOM<BR>126.7 John Morris – Infrequently monitored.<BR>SPECIAL PROCEDURES<BR>Right Hand circuits RQ when OPR on RWY 01, RWY 05 &amp; RWY 33.<BR>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION<BR>1 Bird hazard exists.<BR>2 One HEL PRKG position provided on RPT apron AVBL for AVTUR REPLEN<BR>ONLY, and one HEL PRKG position AVBL NE of RPT apron.<BR>3 Sealed apron is restricted to RPT and ACFT loading, and ACFT ABV 5700KG and<BR>other ACFT approved by AD OPR. All other ACFT must use grassed parking<BR>areas.<BR>PORT MACQUARIE ELEV 12<BR>AVFAX CODE 2015<BR>NSW WAC 3357 UTC +10 YPMQ<BR>S31 26.2 E152 51.8 VAR 12 DEG E<BR>PUBLIC<BR>AD OPR: Hastings Council, PO Box 84,<BR>Port Macquarie, 2444; Phone 02 6581<BR>8111, FAX 6581 8735. ARO Phone/FAX<BR>02 6581 8744 or phone 0418 408529.<BR>AD Charges: All ACFT. Additional<BR>charges for PAX through RPT terminal.<BR>AERODROME OBSTACLES<BR>1 Lit TWR on Transit Hill, APRX 6KM<BR>SE AD, 495FT.<BR>080° 2.25NM<BR>Port Macquarie<BR>Port Macquarie – Cont overleaf<BR>FAC RDS Other<BR>ERSA effective 10 JUNE 2004<BR>Port Macquarie – Continued<BR>RUNWAY PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS<BR>03/21 017 52a PCN 11/F/C/580 (84 PSI)/T (1) RWY WID 30<BR>10/28 102 23c Unrated. Grass<BR>RWY WID 18 RWS WID 60<BR>1 RWY ends &amp; RWY turning node, 45 wide.<BR>2 Use of the main RPT TWY and apron is restricted to RPT ACFT, ACFT ABV<BR>5700KG, and other ACFT approved by AD OPR. All other ACFT required to use<BR>GA TWY and apron.<BR>3 TWY C1 &amp; C2 not AVBL to ACFT ABV 5700KG MTOW.<BR>AERODROME AND APPROACH LIGHTING<BR>RWY 03/21 LIRL SDBY PWR AVBL PAL 122.3 HN only<BR>RWY 03 PAPI 3DEG 48FT left side PAL SDBY PWR AVBL<BR>RWY 21 PAPI 3DEG 45FT left side PAL SDBY PWR AVBL<BR>ATS COMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES<BR>FIA Brisbane Centre 120.55 Circuit Area<BR>For on ground COM, contact Brisbane Centre on 126.6<BR>RADIO NAVIGATION AND LANDING AIDS<BR>NDB PMQ 395 S31 26.1 E152 52.0 Range 35 OW 70<BR>Pilot monitored<BR>MBZ – AFRU<BR>118.1. WI 13NM RAD East of PMQ and 10NM West of PMQ, SFC – 5000FT.<BR>HANDLING SERVICES AND FACILITIES<BR>BP – Port Terminus D 1700–0800. AH 1 HR PN, AH opening fee applies. Phone<BR>0408 652894. H24 AVGAS by Carnet Card Swipe Bowser, JET A1.<BR>SHELL – Abel Aviation Pty Ltd.: H24. 24HR Shell Carnet self serve bowser. Phone<BR>0418 655796, FAX 02 6582 1454. AVGAS 100LL, O117, O123, O125.<BR>METEOROLOGICAL INFORMATION PROVIDED<BR>TAF CAT 2. AWIS 128.45 SDBY PWR AVBL and Phone 02 6584 3388<BR>PASSENGER FACILITIES<BR>PT / TX / HC / RF / WC / LG<BR>SPECIAL PROCEDURES<BR>1 Seaplane CCTS to be made out to sea at 500FT.<BR>2 Seaplanes to OPR only in VMC.<BR>3 Seaplanes to be radio equipped and make calls entering and in the circuit.<BR>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION<BR>1 Light ACFT with tail skids to confine OPR to RWY 10/28.<BR>2 PJE WI 2NM AD up to 10,000FT. Parachuting ACFT will broadcast on MBZ/area<BR>FREQ.<BR>3 Animal hazard exists.<BR>4 Aerobatic area – 1KM S PMQ golf course, 1KM N Lake Cathie, 1NM E and parallel<BR>to coast and E of PMQ – Lake Cathie road.<BR>PORT PIRIE ELEV 40<BR>AVFAX CODE 5032<BR>009° 3NM<BR>Port Pirie<BR>SA WAC 3459 UTC +9.30 YPIR<BR>S33 14.3 E137 59.7 VAR 8 DEG E PUBLIC<BR>AD OPR: Port Pirie Regional Council, PO Box 45,<BR>Port Pirie 5540; Phone 08 8632 1222.<BR>AD Phone/FAX 08 8632 2261.<BR>ARO: 1 – Phone/FAX 08 8632 2261, MOB 0407<BR>602077.<BR>RUNWAY PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS<BR>03/21 034 22c Unrated. Natural. RWY WID 30<BR>08/26 083 34a/c Unrated. Gravel. Central 18(59) sealed. RWY WID 30<BR>17/35 173 35c Unrated. Gravel RWY WID 30<BR>Port Pirie – Cont overleaf<BR>FAC RDS Other<BR>ERSA effective 10 JUNE 2004<BR>Port Pirie – Continued<BR>AERODROME AND APPROACH LIGHTING<BR>RWY 17/35 PTBL EMERG only<BR>RWY 03/21 PTBL EMERG only<BR>RWY 08/26 LIRL PAL 119.6 PTBL EMERG only.<BR>ABN FLG W 3 SEC<BR>ATS COMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES<BR>FIA Melbourne Centre 123.9 On Ground<BR>CTAF<BR>126.7<BR>HANDLING SERVICES AND FACILITIES<BR>BP: W 2200–0700, AH Service fee applies. Phone 08 8633 2123, MOB 0417<BR>800701. AVGAS, JET A1, O117, O125.<BR>PASSENGER FACILITIES<BR>PT / TX / WC<BR>PORTLAND ELEV 265<BR>AVFAX CODE 3013<BR>VIC WAC 3469 UTC +10 YPOD<BR>S38 19.1 E14128.3 VAR 10 DEG E<BR>PUBLIC<BR>AD OPR: Glenelg Shire Council, PO<BR>Box 152, Portland 3305; Phone 03 5522<BR>2200 FAX 5522 2290, AD 5526 5201,<BR>0427 360578.<BR>104° 7NM AD Charges: All ACFT.<BR>Portland<BR>RUNWAY PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS<BR>08/26 077 53a PCN14/F/B/850 (123 PSI)/T RWY WID 30<BR>17/35 167 39c PCN17/F/B/700 (101 PSI) /T Grass; central 23(75) gravel.<BR>Loose stones RWY WID 30<BR>AERODROME AND APPROACH LIGHTING<BR>RWY 08/26 LIRL AFRU + PAL 126.7 SDBY PWR AVBL PTBL.<BR>RWY 08 PAPI Left side 3DEG TCH 42FT AFRU + PAL 126.7 SDBY PWR AVBL<BR>RWY 26 PAPI Left side 3DEG TCH 41FT AFRU + PAL 126.7 SDBY PWR AVBL<BR>RWY17/35 PTBL<BR>ATS COMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES<BR>FIA Melbourne Centre 125.8 Circuit Area<BR>RADIO NAVIGATION AND LANDING AIDS<BR>NDB POD 212 S38 18.9 E141 28.4 Pilot monitored<BR>Range 45. Reduced to 35 in sector 300DEG to 330DEG<BR>CTAF<BR>126.7<BR>HANDLING SERVICES AND FACILITIES<BR>BP: W 2300–0700, SAT 2030–0030, SUN 0630–1000, AH 2HR PN. Phone 03 5526<BR>5201, AH 0427 360578. AVGAS, JET A1, O125.<BR>METEOROLOGICAL INFORMATION PROVIDED<BR>TAF CAT 3. AWIS Phone 03 5526 5239.<BR>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION<BR>Bird hazard exists.<BR>FAC RDS Other<BR>ERSA effective 10 JUNE 2004<BR>PROSERPINE/WHITSUNDAY COAST ELEV 82<BR>AVFAX CODE 4405<BR>014° 5NM<BR>Proserpine<BR>QLD WAC 3234, 3235 UTC +10 YBPN<BR>S20 29.7 E148 33.1 VAR 9 DEG E PUBLIC<BR>AD OPR: Whitsunday Shire Council, PO Box 104, Proserpine 4800. AD Phone 07<BR>4945 3352 FAX 4945 3351, AH 074945 1289 or 4945 1358, MOB 0417 762 235.<BR>AD Charges: All ACFT.<BR>RUNWAY PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS<BR>06/24 059 36a Unrated. RWY WID 30<BR>11/29 106 68a PCN 53/F/B/1400/T. RWY WID 45<BR>1 Pavement restriction – RWY 06/24 not AVBL to ACFT ABV 5700KG MTOW.<BR>2 All itinerant ACFT BLW 5700KG are to park in the designated light ACFT PRKG<BR>area via main TWY.<BR>3 Parking of non RPT ACFT ABV 5700KG MTOW is AVBL after approval from<BR>Safety Officer (0417 762235) or AD OPR.<BR>4 Confine OPS to paved surfaces only, unless specifically approved by the AD<BR>OPR.<BR>5 RWY 06/24 pavement markings not provided.<BR>6 Light ACFT taxiways night OPS not permitted.<BR>AERODROME AND APPROACH LIGHTING<BR>RWY 06/24 PTBL EMERG only PN<BR>RWY 11/29 LIRL T–VASIS GP 3DEG 41FT. PAL 120.6 SDBY PWR AVBL.<BR>PTBL EMERG only (Phone 0417 762235)<BR>RWY 11 RTIL Activated in conjunction with T–VASIS H24 in three stages: Day,<BR>Twilight and Night.<BR>ATS COMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES<BR>FIA Brisbane Centre 135.5 On ground<BR>RADIO NAVIGATION AND LANDING AIDS<BR>Pilot monitored.<BR>VOR PN 113.7 S20 29.8 E148 33.2 UNREL BTN 260–270 radials<BR>DME PN 113.7/84X S20 29.8 E148 33.2 Antenna ELEV 92FT AGL<BR>NDB PN 245 S20 29.4 E148 33.6 Range 40<BR>MBZ – AFRU<BR>126.7 Whitsunday Area MBZ.<BR>WI 15DME Proserpine and 22DME Hamilton Island and 15NM RAD of S19<BR>48 E149 17. See Whitsunday Area entry in ERSA FAC. Excluding Hamilton<BR>Island Class D airspace during TWR HR.<BR>HANDLING SERVICES AND FACILITIES<BR>SHELL: Whitsunday Aviation Refuelling Pty Ltd: Hours 0000–0500 D, AH by prior<BR>arrangement. Phone/FAX 07 4945 1774, MOB 0412 269 457. JET A1.<BR>METEOROLOGICAL INFORMATION PROVIDED<BR>TAF CAT 3. AWIS Phone 07 4945 5938<BR>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION<BR>1 Bird and kangaroo hazard exists.<BR>2 International flights requiring Customs, Health and Quarantine to be arranged in<BR>advance in accordance with Section 58 of the Customs Act.<BR>FAC RDS Other<BR>ERSA effective 10 JUNE 2004<BR>PUCKAPUNYAL ELEV 550<BR>AVFAX CODE 3036<BR>VIC WAC 3469, 3470 UTC +10 YPKL<BR>S37 00.0 E145 03.8 VAR 11 DEG E MIL<BR>1 PPR. Coordinating movements Phone RCO 03 5735 7586.<BR>2 Mangalore AD 032DEG/8.5NM. ACFT departing PKL BCST intentions on 122.4.<BR>RUNWAY PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS<BR>03/21 032 26a C130 Unrated. Slope 1.0% up to N. (2)<BR>RWY 03/21 – Slope 1.0% up to N.<BR>1 NOTAM not issued. Limited AFRS (Domestic) and COM on PN. ACFT to contact<BR>Agency Range Control (callsign Range Safety 10) 30NM inbound; FM FREQ<BR>32.250 or confirm on 03 5735 7687.<BR>2 OVRNs (graded earth): 500FT RWY 21, 320FT RWY 03. H on apron.<BR>3 Night fixed wing OPS acceptable.<BR>4 PJE OPS will take place HJ from 10000FT.<BR>AERODROME AND APPROACH LIGHTING<BR>RWY 03/21 LIOL RTIL PN.<BR>ATS COMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES<BR>FIA Melbourne Centre 122.4 Circuit Area<BR>CTAF<BR>121.1 Located within the Mangalore CTAF area<BR>SPECIAL PROCEDURES<BR>Be aware that Puckapunyal Range Control will be manned by duty personnel who<BR>may not necessarily be trained or familiar with ATC or SAR Alerting PROC.<BR>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION<BR>Possibility of kangaroos on movement area.<BR>FAC RDS Other<BR>ERSA effective 10 JUNE 2004<BR>NOTES</SPAN></P>

猪也能飞 发表于 2013-10-28 19:22:11


xy8701 发表于 2015-4-7 22:42:07

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