航空 发表于 2010-9-28 09:39:08

RMIT飞行训练课件-Navigation Pre Flight Brief 导航飞行前讲解

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航空 发表于 2010-9-28 09:39:28

Navigation Pre Flight Brief<BR>Objective<BR>• To apply the principles and considerations<BR>of navigation, in order to navigate from<BR>one point to another with sole reference to<BR>visual cues.<BR>Application<BR>• To fly cross-country from one airport to<BR>another<BR>• PPL and CPL flights require cross-country<BR>flying<BR>Airmanship<BR>• Thorough pre-flight inspection<BR>• Must take current maps, ERSA, trip sheet, pencils and<BR>any other aids to conduct the flight<BR>• CLEAR checks will ensure you don’t forget anything, so<BR>remember to use them<BR>• Maintain good situational awareness and look well<BR>ahead of the aircraft’s current position to try and<BR>anticipate any required actions<BR>• Us the cockpit cycle (Aviate – Navigate – Communicate)<BR>• Don’t be afraid to ask for assistance if in trouble, Air<BR>traffic services are there to help pilots!<BR>• Remember to cancel SARTIME after flight<BR>Air Exercise<BR>• Route: Point Cook – Melton South – Ballarat (overfly)<BR>– Swan Marsh – Avalon – Point Cook<BR>• Departure<BR>– Log departure time<BR>– Turn onto calculated heading<BR>– Climb to calculated level<BR>• TOC<BR>– Conduct a CLEAR Check<BR>C: Compass to DG realignment, Check Course flown<BR>L: Log Time, Check fuel Log and SARTIME<BR>E: Engine Indications, Check fuel quantity,<BR>temperatures and pressures, lean the aircraft.<BR>A: Altitude and Airspace, Check you are at an<BR>appropriate altitude and won’t fly into controlled<BR>airspace without a clearance<BR>R: Radio’s and Radio Nav Aids, Check and set<BR>appropriate radio frequencies and Nav Aids, Make<BR>appropriate radio broadcasts<BR>Air Exercise<BR>Compass to DG realignment, Check Course flown<BR>temperatures<BR>and pressures, lean the aircraft.<BR>appropriate altitude and won’t fly into controlled<BR>airspace without a clearance<BR>appropriate radio frequencies and Nav Aids, Make<BR>appropriate radio broadcasts<BR>Air Exercise<BR>• En-Route<BR>– Aviate<BR>– Navigate – use the mnemonic: Watch –<BR>Map – Ground<BR>– Communicate<BR>– 1:60 Calculation<BR>– Ground speed check<BR>– Revise ETA<BR>Air Exercise<BR>• TOD<BR>– Calculate top of descent<BR>– Approach briefing<BR>• Arrival<BR>– Join circuit

猪也能飞 发表于 2013-10-28 19:13:09


xy8701 发表于 2015-4-7 22:53:03

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