Steep Descending Turns Mass Brief
**** Hidden Message ***** Steep Descending Turns<BR>Mass Brief<BR>Aim<BR>• To understand the principles and<BR>considerations involved in descending an<BR>aircraft at 45° AoB, maintaining balance<BR>and airspeed.<BR>Application<BR>• Control coordination exercise<BR>• Height loss manoeuvre within a confined<BR>space<BR>• Evasive manoeuvre<BR>Overview<BR>• Revision<BR>• Definitions<BR>• Principles<BR>– Forces<BR>• Considerations<BR>– Overbanking/underbanking<BR>– Load factor<BR>• Air Exercise<BR>• Airmanship<BR>• Review<BR>Revision<BR>• Forces in a Steep Turn<BR>60°<BR>Revision<BR>• Forces in a glide<BR>θ <BR>L<BR>W<BR>D<BR>Principles<BR>• The combination of both a turn and<BR>descent produces a highly tilted lift vector<BR>• This means the vertical component of lift<BR>will be very small<BR>• Resulting in a high ROD and high turn rate<BR>• Back pressure will be required to maintain<BR>speed<BR>Considerations<BR>• Overbanking tendency<BR>L<BR>R<BR>Considerations<BR>• Underbanking tendency<BR>Outer Wing<BR>Horizontal Distance Travelled<BR>Loss of<BR>Altitude<BR>Inner Wing<BR>L<BR>Larger Angle L<BR>of Attack<BR>Considerations<BR>Load Factor and Stall Speed<BR>• Load factor and stall speed increases<BR>therefore fly faster (80kts) to maintain a<BR>safe buffer over the stall.<BR>V V LF New StallSpeed S <BR>CosAoB<BR>LF 1<BR>Weight<BR>Load Factor Lift<BR>Considerations<BR>• Limited bank angle (not in excess of 45°<BR>Angle of Bank)<BR>• Aim for a speed of 80 KIAS<BR>• Rate of Descent 1000 Ft/min<BR>Air Exercise<BR>Pre-Entry<BR>• Trim for glide attitude<BR>• Select a reference point<BR>• Lookout<BR>Entry<BR>• Roll into steep descending turns, as you<BR>would into a steep turn (B B B) except<BR>that, you lower the nose for 80 KIAS and<BR>apply firm back pressure.<BR>Air Exercise<BR>During<BR>• ALAP<BR>Exit<BR>• BBB<BR>Same as steep turn resuming glide attitude.<BR>Airmanship<BR>• Lookout<BR>• Smooth but positive aircraft handling<BR>• Correct Handover/Takeover procedure<BR>• Aircraft within operating limitations<BR>• Coordinated turns<BR>• Awareness of spiral dive symptoms and<BR>prompt recovery if necessary<BR>Review<BR>• Highly tilted Lift vector<BR>• Overbanking / underbanking tendancy<BR>• Load Factor 感谢楼主万分感谢感谢万分