航空 发表于 2010-11-10 08:03:48

RMIT飞行训练课件-Straight & Level 直线水平飞行

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航空 发表于 2010-11-10 08:04:05

Straight &amp; Level<BR>Aim: To learn the principles and considerations of<BR>straight and level flight, and how to maintain it<BR>Application:<BR>•Used in the cruise segment<BR>•Shortest distance between two points<BR>•Improve passenger comfort<BR>Overview<BR>• Revision<BR>• Definitions<BR>• Principles<BR>• Considerations<BR>• Air Exercise<BR>• Review<BR>Revision<BR>• Control Effects<BR>Revision<BR>• Control Effects<BR>• Bernoulli’s Theorem<BR>PT = PD + PS<BR>Revision<BR>• Control Effects<BR>• Bernoulli’s Theorem<BR>• Lift<BR>L  AoA  IAS<BR>L = CL &frac12;V2 S<BR>AIRSPEED<BR>L <BR>Revision<BR>• Control Effects<BR>• Bernoulli’s Theorem<BR>• Lift<BR>• Aerofoil<BR>Definitions<BR>• Centre of Pressure (CoP)<BR>The total reaction of the aerodynamic forces<BR>around the aerofoil can be considered to<BR>act through the CoP<BR>+<BR>_<BR>Lift<BR>Definitions<BR>• Centre of Gravity<BR>The point through which the entire aircraft<BR>weight acts<BR>Definitions<BR>Lift<BR>• Lift is produced by a pressure differential<BR>• Acts perpendicular to the relative airflow through<BR>the centre of pressure<BR>Weight<BR>• Acts vertically downwards towards the centre of<BR>the Earth<BR>• Equal to mass x gravity<BR>Definitions<BR>Thrust<BR>• Produced by the propeller through the<BR>propeller shaft<BR>Drag<BR>• Opposes thrust, enemy of flight<BR>• Parallel to the relative airflow<BR>Definitions<BR>• Moment<BR>Equal to force x distance<BR>Definitions<BR>SUMMARY<BR>Weight<BR>Drag<BR>Thrust<BR>Lift<BR>Principles<BR>Couple Moments<BR>• Caused by the interaction of the two forces<BR>separated by a horizontal distance<BR>Weight<BR>Thrust Drag<BR>Lift<BR>T/D couple<BR>L/W couple<BR>Elevator down force.<BR>Pivot Point<BR>Principles<BR>DRAG<BR>Two Main types:<BR>1. Parasite Drag<BR>2. Induced Drag<BR>Principles<BR>Parasite Drag<BR>• Skin Friction<BR>DRAG due to FRICTION FORCES<BR>Principles<BR>Parasite Drag<BR>• Skin Friction<BR>• Form Drag<BR>DRAG DRAG<BR>DRAG due to FLOW SEPARATION<BR>Principles<BR>Parasite Drag<BR>• Skin Friction<BR>• Form Drag<BR>• Interference Drag<BR>Principles<BR>Parasite Drag Follows the “SQUARE RULE”<BR>Parasite<BR>Drag<BR>Low speed cruise High speed cruise<BR>EXAMPLE<BR>•If we double our<BR>airspeed then we will<BR>have 2 x 2 the drag<BR> 4 Times the drag<BR>Principles<BR>_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<BR>+ + + + + +<BR>Low Pressure<BR>High Pressure<BR>VORTICES<BR>Induced Drag<BR>• Is a by-product<BR>of AoA<BR>Principles<BR>INDUCED DRAG INCREASES WITH<BR>DECREASING SPEED<BR>Induced Drag<BR>Airspeed<BR>High AoA / Low IAS<BR>Induced drag<BR>Low AoA / High IAS<BR>Induced drag<BR>Principles<BR>TOTAL DRAG - Summary<BR>Slow Fast<BR>DRAG<BR>AIRSPEED<BR>Induced Drag<BR>Parasite drag<BR>TOTAL DRAG<BR>Minimum Drag<BR>Best L/D Ratio<BR>Considerations<BR>• Stability<BR>Displacement<BR>Displacement<BR>Ball<BR>returns<BR>STABLE<BR>Displacement<BR>UNSTABLE<BR>Ball<BR>remains<BR>NEUTRAL<BR>Considerations<BR>LONGITUDINAL STABILITY<BR>Considerations<BR>LATERAL STABILITY<BR>Lift<BR>Weight<BR>Pendulous effect of<BR>offset lift and weight<BR>corrects the roll.<BR>Lift<BR>Horizontal lift component<BR>causes a side slip.<BR>Relative airflow strikes the<BR>down going wing at a higher<BR>AoA which corrects the roll.<BR>Considerations<BR>DIRECTIONAL STABILITY<BR>Aerodynamic<BR>Force<BR>Air Exercise<BR>• Slow Cruise<BR>• 1800RPM + 2 fingers  80KIAS<BR>• Normal Cruise<BR>• 2100RPM + 4 fingers  110KIAS<BR>• Fast Cruise<BR>• 2300RPM + 5 fingers  120KIAS<BR>• From Climb From Descent Monitor – Using<BR>Attitude<BR>Lookout<BR>Attitude<BR>Performance<BR>Airmanship<BR>• LOOKOUT<BR>• Smooth throttle and control movements<BR>• Correct Handover/Takeover procedure<BR>• Monitor engine gauges<BR>Review<BR>Review<BR>Slow Fast<BR>DRAG<BR>AIRSPEED<BR>Induced Drag<BR>Parasite drag<BR>TOTAL DRAG<BR>Minimum Drag<BR>Best L/D Ratio

tigertiany 发表于 2012-4-7 18:32:30


adamhou 发表于 2012-4-8 09:04:01


猪也能飞 发表于 2013-10-28 18:45:23


xy8701 发表于 2015-4-7 23:00:26

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查看完整版本: RMIT飞行训练课件-Straight & Level 直线水平飞行