航空 发表于 2011-3-21 08:57:08


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航空 发表于 2011-3-21 08:57:22

AUTOFLIGHT MENU Disconnection operation 1/26<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Disconnection operation 2/26<BR>Weather is fine, you are number<BR>one for approach.<BR>You wish to take over manually,<BR>disconnect the auto pilot by<BR>pressing the take over pb on the<BR>side stick.<BR>Diissccoonnnneecctt tthhee aauuttooppiilloott..<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Disconnection operation 3/26<BR>Weather is fine, you are number<BR>one for approach.<BR>You wish to take over manually,<BR>disconnect the auto pilot by<BR>pressing the take over pb on the<BR>side stick.<BR>Noo,, pprreessss tthhee ttaakkee oovveerr ppbb..<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Disconnection operation 4/26<BR>Weather is fine, you are number<BR>one for approach.<BR>You wish to take over manually,<BR>disconnect the auto pilot by<BR>pressing the take over pb on the<BR>side stick.<BR>Noo,, pprreessss tthhee ttaakkee oovveerr ppbb..<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Disconnection operation 5/26<BR>When AP is turned OFF using the take over<BR>pb, you get the following temporary warnings:<BR>- cavalry charge aural warning for about 1 s,<BR>- Master Warning flashing during 3 s,<BR>- on E/WD, “AP OFF” red message for 9 s.<BR>Note: If you press the take over pb again, you will<BR>cancel all these warnings immediately.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Disconnection operation 6/26<BR>Notice:<BR>- on the FCU, the AP 1 light is extinguished,<BR>- on the FMA, AP 1 is no more displayed,<BR>- on the ECAM , all warnings are now off.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Disconnection operation 7/26<BR>You are now flying an ILS approach with<BR>FD ON.<BR>For training purposes, we wish to fly it with<BR>FD OFF and raw data.<BR>Let’s assume the Capt turns its FD OFF<BR>first.<BR>Deesseelleecctt FFD 11..<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Disconnection operation 8/26<BR>You are now flying an ILS approach with<BR>FD ON.<BR>For training purposes, we wish to fly it with<BR>FD OFF and raw data.<BR>Let’s assume the Capt turns its FD OFF<BR>first.<BR>Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee FFD ppbb oonn tthhee lleefftt EFFIIS ppaanneell..<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Disconnection operation 9/26<BR>You are now flying an ILS approach with<BR>FD ON.<BR>For training purposes, we wish to fly it with<BR>FD OFF and raw data.<BR>Let’s assume the Capt turns its FD OFF<BR>first.<BR>Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee FFD ppbb oonn tthhee lleefftt EFFIIS ppaanneell..<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Disconnection operation 10/26<BR>Noow aasskk tthhee FFiirrsstt Offffiicceerr ttoo rreemoovvee FFD 22..<BR>Note that:<BR>- on PFD 1 the FD crossbars<BR>are removed,<BR>- on both FMA “ -FD2 “<BR>indicates that FD 2 only is ON ,<BR>and the associated mode<BR>indications on both PFD apply<BR>to FD2.<BR>Deesseelleecctt FFD 22..<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Disconnection operation 11/26<BR>Noow aasskk tthhee FFiirrsstt Offffiicceerr ttoo rreemoovvee FFD 22..<BR>Note that:<BR>- on PFD 1 the FD bars are<BR>removed,<BR>- on both FMA “ -FD2 “<BR>indicates that FD 2 only is ON,<BR>and the associated mode<BR>indications on both PFD apply<BR>to FD2.<BR>Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee FFD ppbb oonn tthhee rriigghhtt EFFIIS ppaanneell..<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Disconnection operation 12/26<BR>Noow aasskk tthhee FFiirrsstt Offffiicceerr ttoo rreemoovvee FFD 22..<BR>Note that:<BR>- on PFD 1 the FD bars are<BR>removed,<BR>- on both FMA “ -FD2 “<BR>indicates that FD 2 only is ON,<BR>and the associated mode<BR>indications on both PFD apply<BR>to FD2.<BR>Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee FFD ppbb oonn tthhee rriigghhtt EFFIIS ppaanneell..<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Disconnection operation 13/26<BR>Note that:<BR>- on PFD2, the FD crossbars are removed ,<BR>- on both FMAs, FD engagement indication is removed as well as all<BR>AP/FD modes.<BR>It is important to notice that if both FDs are set to OFF while AP is OFF,<BR>A/THR (if active) is automatically in SPEED mode.<BR>Note: it is recommended to set both FDs OFF at the same time.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Disconnection operation 14/26<BR>To disconnect the A/THR, you may press the<BR>instinctive disconnect pb on the thrust levers.<BR>Clliicckk oonn tthhee iinnssttiinnccttiivvee ddiissccoonnnneecctt ppbb<BR>A/THR is now in SPEED mode with<BR>the thrust levers in CLB detent as usual.<BR>You wish to disconnect the A/THR.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Disconnection operation 15/26<BR>To disconnect the A/THR, you may press the<BR>instinctive disconnect pb on the thrust levers.<BR>Noo,,cclliicckk oonn tthhee iinnssttiinnccttiivvee ddiissccoonnnneecctt ppbb<BR>A/THR is now in SPEED mode with<BR>the thrust levers in CLB detent as usual.<BR>You wish to disconnect the A/THR.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Disconnection operation 16/26<BR>To disconnect the A/THR, you may press the<BR>instinctive disconnect pb on the thrust levers.<BR>Noo,,cclliicckk oonn tthhee iinnssttiinnccttiivvee ddiissccoonnnneecctt ppbb<BR>A/THR is now in SPEED mode with<BR>the thrust levers in CLB detent as usual.<BR>You wish to disconnect the A/THR.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Disconnection operation 17/26<BR>You have now manual control of the thrust with the thrust levers.<BR>Since the levers are in CLB detent, the thrust increases to CLB<BR>thrust.<BR>As a consequence, the a/c accelerates; this is in most cases quite<BR>undesirable: in approach, for example, this will destabilize it.<BR>We will see now the standard A/THR disconnect technique.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Disconnection operation 18/26<BR>The standard A/THR disconnect technique is:<BR>First, retard the thrust levers to the position<BR>corresponding to the current thrust, using the N1/EPR<BR>engine thrust indications on the E/WD.<BR>Clliicckk oonn tthhee tthhrruusstt lleevveerrss<BR>You are back with AP/FD OFF and<BR>A/THR ON in SPEED mode.<BR>You wish to set the A/THR OFF,<BR>minimizing the thrust change.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Disconnection operation 19/26<BR>The standard A/THR disconnect technique is:<BR>First, retard the thrust levers to the position<BR>corresponding to the current thrust, using the N1/EPR<BR>engine thrust indications on the E/WD.<BR>Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee tthhrruusstt lleevveerrss<BR>You are back with AP/FD OFF and<BR>A/THR ON in SPEED mode.<BR>You wish to set the A/THR OFF,<BR>minimizing the thrust change.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Disconnection operation 20/26<BR>The standard A/THR disconnect technique is:<BR>First, retard the thrust levers to the position<BR>corresponding to the current thrust, using the N1/EPR<BR>engine thrust indications on the E/WD.<BR>Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee tthhrruusstt lleevveerrss<BR>You are back with AP/FD OFF and<BR>A/THR ON in SPEED mode.<BR>You wish to set the A/THR OFF,<BR>minimizing the thrust change.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Disconnection operation 21/26<BR>Clliicckk oonn tthhee iinnssttiinnccttiivvee ddiissccoonnnneecctt ppbb..<BR>Second action, press the instinctive disconnect pb on<BR>the thrust levers.<BR>Current thrust and the thrust lever<BR>positions are now in accordance.<BR>Note the “LVR CLB” message flashing on<BR>the PFD.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Disconnection operation 22/26<BR>Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee iinnssttiinnccttiivvee ddiissccoonnnneecctt ppbb..<BR>Second action, press the instinctive disconnect pb on<BR>the thrust levers.<BR>Current thrust and the thrust lever<BR>positions are now in accordance.<BR>Note the “LVR CLB” message flashing on<BR>the PFD.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Disconnection operation 23/26<BR>Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee iinnssttiinnccttiivvee ddiissccoonnnneecctt ppbb..<BR>Second action, press the instinctive disconnect pb on<BR>the thrust levers.<BR>Current thrust and the thrust lever<BR>positions are now in accordance.<BR>Note the “LVR CLB” message flashing on<BR>the PFD.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Disconnection operation 24/26<BR>When the A/THR is turned OFF, you get the following temporary<BR>warnings:<BR>- single chime,<BR>- Master Caution illuminated during 3 s,<BR>- on E/WD, “A/THR OFF” amber message for 9 s.<BR>You have now manual control of the thrust and there is hardly no<BR>thrust change since thrust levers were set by you at the right position.<BR>Note: If you press the instinctive disconnect pb again, you will cancel all<BR>these cautions immediately.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Disconnection operation 25/26<BR>When A/THR is ON and if you retard the thrust<BR>levers too slowly or inadvertently below the CLB<BR>detent, you will get the following repetitive caution<BR>every 5 s:<BR>- single chime,<BR>- Master Caution,<BR>- “AUTO FLT A/THR LIMITED” amber message on<BR>E/WD.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT Disconnection operation 26/26<BR>This caution advises you that the thrust lever<BR>position limits the maximum thrust for the A/THR.<BR>LVR CLB on FMA and the ECAM caution on the<BR>E/WD recommend that you bring back the thrust levers<BR>into the CLB gate.<BR>Note: by setting the thrust levers into the CLB detent,<BR>you will cancel all the cautions immediately.<BR>MENU<BR>MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd<BR>NEXT<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Disconnection operation 27/26<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>EXIT<BR>AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM<BR>RETURN<BR>AAUUTTOOPPIILLOOTTDDIISSCCOONNNNEECCTTIIOONN<BR>FFDD11DDIISSCCOONNNNEECCTTIIOONN<BR>AA//TTHHRRDDIISSCCOONNNNEECCTTIIOONN<BR>BBootthhFFDDDDIISSCCOONNNNEECCTTEEDD

bocome 发表于 2011-7-31 10:05:06


tissle 发表于 2014-4-17 11:04:40


gordon525 发表于 2014-8-3 08:07:36

谢谢辛苦了 收藏一下

wsinglejoke 发表于 2016-1-23 11:26:04


diguo 发表于 2017-3-10 09:50:03

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