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320系列机组课程自动飞行断开操作 [复制链接]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2011-3-21 08:57:08 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2011-3-21 08:57:22 |只看该作者
AUTOFLIGHT MENU Disconnection operation 1/26
Disconnection operation 2/26
Weather is fine, you are number
one for approach.
You wish to take over manually,
disconnect the auto pilot by
pressing the take over pb on the
side stick.
Diissccoonnnneecctt tthhee aauuttooppiilloott..
AUTOFLIGHT MENU Disconnection operation 3/26
Weather is fine, you are number
one for approach.
You wish to take over manually,
disconnect the auto pilot by
pressing the take over pb on the
side stick.
Noo,, pprreessss tthhee ttaakkee oovveerr ppbb..
AUTOFLIGHT MENU Disconnection operation 4/26
Weather is fine, you are number
one for approach.
You wish to take over manually,
disconnect the auto pilot by
pressing the take over pb on the
side stick.
Noo,, pprreessss tthhee ttaakkee oovveerr ppbb..
Disconnection operation 5/26
When AP is turned OFF using the take over
pb, you get the following temporary warnings:
- cavalry charge aural warning for about 1 s,
- Master Warning flashing during 3 s,
- on E/WD, “AP OFF” red message for 9 s.
Note: If you press the take over pb again, you will
cancel all these warnings immediately.
Disconnection operation 6/26
- on the FCU, the AP 1 light is extinguished,
- on the FMA, AP 1 is no more displayed,
- on the ECAM , all warnings are now off.
Disconnection operation 7/26
You are now flying an ILS approach with
For training purposes, we wish to fly it with
FD OFF and raw data.
Let’s assume the Capt turns its FD OFF
Deesseelleecctt FFD 11..
AUTOFLIGHT MENU Disconnection operation 8/26
You are now flying an ILS approach with
For training purposes, we wish to fly it with
FD OFF and raw data.
Let’s assume the Capt turns its FD OFF
Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee FFD ppbb oonn tthhee lleefftt EFFIIS ppaanneell..
AUTOFLIGHT MENU Disconnection operation 9/26
You are now flying an ILS approach with
For training purposes, we wish to fly it with
FD OFF and raw data.
Let’s assume the Capt turns its FD OFF
Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee FFD ppbb oonn tthhee lleefftt EFFIIS ppaanneell..
Disconnection operation 10/26
Noow aasskk tthhee FFiirrsstt Offffiicceerr ttoo rreemoovvee FFD 22..
Note that:
- on PFD 1 the FD crossbars
are removed,
- on both FMA “ -FD2 “
indicates that FD 2 only is ON ,
and the associated mode
indications on both PFD apply
to FD2.
Deesseelleecctt FFD 22..
AUTOFLIGHT MENU Disconnection operation 11/26
Noow aasskk tthhee FFiirrsstt Offffiicceerr ttoo rreemoovvee FFD 22..
Note that:
- on PFD 1 the FD bars are
- on both FMA “ -FD2 “
indicates that FD 2 only is ON,
and the associated mode
indications on both PFD apply
to FD2.
Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee FFD ppbb oonn tthhee rriigghhtt EFFIIS ppaanneell..
AUTOFLIGHT MENU Disconnection operation 12/26
Noow aasskk tthhee FFiirrsstt Offffiicceerr ttoo rreemoovvee FFD 22..
Note that:
- on PFD 1 the FD bars are
- on both FMA “ -FD2 “
indicates that FD 2 only is ON,
and the associated mode
indications on both PFD apply
to FD2.
Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee FFD ppbb oonn tthhee rriigghhtt EFFIIS ppaanneell..
Disconnection operation 13/26
Note that:
- on PFD2, the FD crossbars are removed ,
- on both FMAs, FD engagement indication is removed as well as all
AP/FD modes.
It is important to notice that if both FDs are set to OFF while AP is OFF,
A/THR (if active) is automatically in SPEED mode.
Note: it is recommended to set both FDs OFF at the same time.
Disconnection operation 14/26
To disconnect the A/THR, you may press the
instinctive disconnect pb on the thrust levers.
Clliicckk oonn tthhee iinnssttiinnccttiivvee ddiissccoonnnneecctt ppbb
A/THR is now in SPEED mode with
the thrust levers in CLB detent as usual.
You wish to disconnect the A/THR.
AUTOFLIGHT MENU Disconnection operation 15/26
To disconnect the A/THR, you may press the
instinctive disconnect pb on the thrust levers.
Noo,,cclliicckk oonn tthhee iinnssttiinnccttiivvee ddiissccoonnnneecctt ppbb
A/THR is now in SPEED mode with
the thrust levers in CLB detent as usual.
You wish to disconnect the A/THR.
AUTOFLIGHT MENU Disconnection operation 16/26
To disconnect the A/THR, you may press the
instinctive disconnect pb on the thrust levers.
Noo,,cclliicckk oonn tthhee iinnssttiinnccttiivvee ddiissccoonnnneecctt ppbb
A/THR is now in SPEED mode with
the thrust levers in CLB detent as usual.
You wish to disconnect the A/THR.
Disconnection operation 17/26
You have now manual control of the thrust with the thrust levers.
Since the levers are in CLB detent, the thrust increases to CLB
As a consequence, the a/c accelerates; this is in most cases quite
undesirable: in approach, for example, this will destabilize it.
We will see now the standard A/THR disconnect technique.
AUTOFLIGHT MENU Disconnection operation 18/26
The standard A/THR disconnect technique is:
First, retard the thrust levers to the position
corresponding to the current thrust, using the N1/EPR
engine thrust indications on the E/WD.
Clliicckk oonn tthhee tthhrruusstt lleevveerrss
You are back with AP/FD OFF and
A/THR ON in SPEED mode.
You wish to set the A/THR OFF,
minimizing the thrust change.
AUTOFLIGHT MENU Disconnection operation 19/26
The standard A/THR disconnect technique is:
First, retard the thrust levers to the position
corresponding to the current thrust, using the N1/EPR
engine thrust indications on the E/WD.
Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee tthhrruusstt lleevveerrss
You are back with AP/FD OFF and
A/THR ON in SPEED mode.
You wish to set the A/THR OFF,
minimizing the thrust change.
AUTOFLIGHT MENU Disconnection operation 20/26
The standard A/THR disconnect technique is:
First, retard the thrust levers to the position
corresponding to the current thrust, using the N1/EPR
engine thrust indications on the E/WD.
Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee tthhrruusstt lleevveerrss
You are back with AP/FD OFF and
A/THR ON in SPEED mode.
You wish to set the A/THR OFF,
minimizing the thrust change.
AUTOFLIGHT MENU Disconnection operation 21/26
Clliicckk oonn tthhee iinnssttiinnccttiivvee ddiissccoonnnneecctt ppbb..
Second action, press the instinctive disconnect pb on
the thrust levers.
Current thrust and the thrust lever
positions are now in accordance.
Note the “LVR CLB” message flashing on
the PFD.
AUTOFLIGHT MENU Disconnection operation 22/26
Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee iinnssttiinnccttiivvee ddiissccoonnnneecctt ppbb..
Second action, press the instinctive disconnect pb on
the thrust levers.
Current thrust and the thrust lever
positions are now in accordance.
Note the “LVR CLB” message flashing on
the PFD.
AUTOFLIGHT MENU Disconnection operation 23/26
Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee iinnssttiinnccttiivvee ddiissccoonnnneecctt ppbb..
Second action, press the instinctive disconnect pb on
the thrust levers.
Current thrust and the thrust lever
positions are now in accordance.
Note the “LVR CLB” message flashing on
the PFD.
AUTOFLIGHT MENU Disconnection operation 24/26
When the A/THR is turned OFF, you get the following temporary
- single chime,
- Master Caution illuminated during 3 s,
- on E/WD, “A/THR OFF” amber message for 9 s.
You have now manual control of the thrust and there is hardly no
thrust change since thrust levers were set by you at the right position.
Note: If you press the instinctive disconnect pb again, you will cancel all
these cautions immediately.
Disconnection operation 25/26
When A/THR is ON and if you retard the thrust
levers too slowly or inadvertently below the CLB
detent, you will get the following repetitive caution
every 5 s:
- single chime,
- Master Caution,
- “AUTO FLT A/THR LIMITED” amber message on
AUTOFLIGHT Disconnection operation 26/26
This caution advises you that the thrust lever
position limits the maximum thrust for the A/THR.
LVR CLB on FMA and the ECAM caution on the
E/WD recommend that you bring back the thrust levers
into the CLB gate.
Note: by setting the thrust levers into the CLB detent,
you will cancel all the cautions immediately.
MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd
AUTOFLIGHT MENU Disconnection operation 27/26

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