**** Hidden Message ***** AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (A) 1/54<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Guidance modes (A) 2/54<BR>PARIS<BR>(ORLY)<BR>CCAAIIRROO<BR>Let us assume that you have initialized the<BR>FMGS : inserted a F-PLN from Paris Orly (LFPO)<BR>to Cairo (HECA), aircraft gross-weight, take-off<BR>data (speeds, thrust reduction altitude,<BR>acceleration altitude, FLEX temp for reduced<BR>thrust take-off,…).<BR>You have also achieved all the pre-flight drills.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Guidance modes (A) 3/54<BR>The SID (Standard Instrument Departure) you are planning to fly<BR>includes some altitude constraints at several waypoints :+690 feet<BR>at D086C, FL60 at D164T, and FL90 at NERIN.<BR>These constraints may be reviewed on the ND by pressing the<BR>CSTR key on the EFIS control panel. On the MCDU, the altitude<BR>predictions provided at altitude constrained waypoints are<BR>preceded by a colored star.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Guidance modes (A) 4/54<BR>While taxiing before take-off, notice on the FMA that :<BR>- CLB mode is cyan meaning that it is armed; it will engage<BR>automatically after the take-off phase.<BR>- NAV mode is cyan meaning that it is armed; it will engage<BR>automatically after lift-off.<BR>- 1FD2 indicates that both FDs are on (although no FD symbols<BR>are displayed on ground since there is no mode engaged).<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Guidance modes (A) 5/54<BR>You have now set the thrust levers into FLEX detent for take-off.<BR>The FMA indicates :<BR>- MAN FLX 49 meaning that you have full manual control of the<BR>thrust and you have set flex take-off thrust.<BR>- The A/THR is armed and thus ready to be turned on by your<BR>action on the thrust levers.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Guidance modes (A) 6/54<BR>The FMA also indicates:<BR>- SRS as vertical FD mode; the FD horizontal bar<BR>commands a pitch angle which will allow you to fly at a<BR>given reference speed function of V2 and pending upon<BR>conditions such as all engines operative, one engine out…<BR>SRS stands for speed reference system.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Guidance modes (A) 7/54<BR>- RWY as lateral FD mode; the FD vertical bar<BR>commands yaw/roll angle which will allow you to track the<BR>take-off runway localizer during roll out and initial climb.<BR>If no ILS is available at take-off, this field is blank.<BR>Note :<BR>1- On ground during roll out, the FD vertical bar is replaced<BR>by the yaw bar to assist you during low visibility roll out.<BR>2- During the take-off, the PF normally has the PERF page<BR>selected on his MCDU and the PNF the F-PLN page.<BR>PPFF::PPEERRFF ppaaggee<BR>PPNFF::FF--PPLLNppaaggee<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Guidance modes (A) 8/54<BR>After lift off, managed NAV mode automatically<BR>engages.<BR>The AP NAV mode guides the aircraft along the active<BR>leg of the F-PLN as inserted by the pilot in the MCDU.<BR>Note that CLB mode is still cyan, thus armed.<BR>The AP may be turned on 5 seconds after lift off, at<BR>around 100 ft AGL. We have already turned it on for you.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Guidance modes (A) 9/54<BR>Once the aircraft reaches thrust<BR>reduction altitude, the FMA displays<BR>LVR CLB white flashing message.<BR>This is an indicator that you have to<BR>set the thrust levers to CLB detent.<BR>Seett tthhee ttrruusstt lleevveerrss ttoo CLLB..<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (A) 10/54<BR>Noo.. Clliicckk oonn tthhee tthhrruusstt lleevveerrss..<BR>Once the aircraft reaches thrust<BR>reduction altitude, the FMA displays<BR>LVR CLB white flashing message.<BR>This is an indicator that you have to<BR>set the thrust levers to CLB detent.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (A) 11/54<BR>Noo.. Clliicckk oonn tthhee tthhrruusstt lleevveerrss..<BR>Once the aircraft reaches thrust<BR>reduction altitude, the FMA displays<BR>LVR CLB white flashing message.<BR>This is an indicator that you have to<BR>set the thrust levers to CLB detent.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Guidance modes (A) 12/54<BR>You have set the thrust levers in CLB detent.<BR>- A/THR is turned on automatically : A/THR white on<BR>the FMA.<BR>- THR CLB mode is active ; A/THR is in thrust mode<BR>and commands max climb thrust (because AP vertical<BR>mode is SRS, and controls speed).<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Guidance modes (A) 13/54<BR>You have engaged AP1. The aircraft continues to climb at the T/O reference<BR>speed until it reaches the acceleration altitude where :<BR>- the target speed automatically jumps to the initial climb speed as computed<BR>by the FMGS (or as preset by the pilot),<BR>- CLB vertical mode automatically engages ; the AP adjusts the aircraft pitch<BR>so as to climb at the initial climb speed up to the FCU target altitude cleared by<BR>the ATC (here 6000 ft), or to F-PLN altitude constraint if restrictive,<BR>- ALT is displayed in cyan indicating that altitude capture mode is armed to<BR>FCU selected altitude.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (A) 14/54<BR>Suppose that the ATC clears you to FL150 ; you set it on the FCU.<BR>We have seen that there is an altitude constraint (FL60) assigned to<BR>waypoint D164T, but is magenta instead of cyan, because the FMGS is in<BR>CLB mode and therefore it will respect the programmed constraint (FL 60<BR>at D164T). The FMGS predicts that FL 60 will be reached before that<BR>waypoint shown by on the ND.<BR>ALT in magenta on the FMA and the target altitude FL 60 in magenta<BR>on the altitude scale indicate that the AP will capture this altitude<BR>constraint which here is restrictive.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (A) 15/54<BR>The aircraft now approaches the altitude constraint (FL60):<BR>- mode automatically engages, indicating that<BR>AP/FD vertical mode commands the capture of this altitude,<BR>- On the PFD altitude scale, FL 60 magenta indication<BR>closes up the present altitude window.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (A) 16/54<BR>You are at the level of the constraint altitude (FL60) with<BR>ALT CST in green on the FMA.<BR>CLB mode is armed, and will automatically reengage when<BR>the aircraft will fly over the constraint waypoint D164T. It is<BR>shown by the blue start of climb arrow on the ND.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (A) 17/54<BR>You approach NERIN, the point at which another<BR>altitude constraint applies. The FMGS predicts to reach<BR>this altitude before the waypoint as indicated by the<BR>magenta symbol .<BR>The Autoflight system reverts to the THR CLB / CLB<BR>mode automatically and the new constraint becomes<BR>the target (FL90 and ALT in magenta).<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Guidance modes (A) 18/54<BR>Suppose that ATC instructs you to<BR>maintain your present heading (200).<BR>We have selected 200 and pulled the<BR>heading selector for you.<BR>On the ND, the green solid line<BR>indicates the aircraft track line and the<BR>FMGS F-PLN is now in green dotted line<BR>since you do not fly it anymore.<BR>On the FMA, HDG indicates that<BR>lateral navigation is now being<BR>controlled by selections on the FCU<BR>heading selector.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Guidance modes (A) 19/54<BR>When you engaged HDG mode, CLB mode automatically<BR>reverted into OPEN CLB mode.<BR>ALT magenta reverted to ALT cyan, meaning that altitude<BR>capture is armed to the FCU target altitude. This altitude changed<BR>from FL90 magenta to FL150 cyan.<BR>When you fly away from the lateral F-PLN, there is no more<BR>reason to respect the altitude constraints which are assigned to<BR>F-PLN waypoints. OPEN CLB mode allows you to climb directly<BR>to FCU selected target and disregards constraints.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Guidance modes (A) 20/54<BR>ATC has cleared you to FL290 on<BR>heading 180, converging with the F-PLN;<BR>and now ATC clears you to resume your<BR>normal navigation.<BR>- Watch if your track line actually<BR>intercepts a leg of the FMGS F-PLN,<BR>- Arm managed NAV mode.<BR>Re-arm the lateral guidance of the<BR>Autoflight system.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (A) 21/54<BR>No. Push the heading selector to arm<BR>managed NAV.<BR>ATC has cleared you to FL290 on<BR>heading 180, converging with the F-PLN;<BR>and now ATC clears you to resume your<BR>normal navigation.<BR>- Watch if your track line actually<BR>intercepts a leg of the FMGS F-PLN,<BR>- Arm managed NAV mode.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (A) 22/54<BR>No. Push the heading selector to arm<BR>managed NAV.<BR>ATC has cleared you to FL290 on<BR>heading 180, converging with the F-PLN;<BR>and now ATC clears you to resume your<BR>normal navigation.<BR>- Watch if your track line actually<BR>intercepts a leg of the FMGS F-PLN,<BR>- Arm managed NAV mode.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Guidance modes (A) 23/54<BR>Observe that :<BR>- On the FMA, NAV is armed,<BR>- On the FCU, a white dot in the<BR>heading window indicates that<BR>managed NAV is armed.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Guidance modes (A) 24/54<BR>On the ND, the green solid line<BR>includes the track line until the computed<BR>INTCPT point and the remainder of the FPLN.<BR>If no INTCPT is provided, this means<BR>that the interception is at present not<BR>possible. This happens when the track<BR>line crosses the F-PLN beyond the TO<BR>waypoint.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Guidance modes (A) 25/54<BR>When the aircraft gets close to the<BR>INTCPT point NAV mode automatically<BR>engages, shown by the indications on<BR>the FCU and on the FMA.<BR>Note : managed CLB mode is now<BR>available again. However, since there is<BR>no more altitude constraints till the top of<BR>climb, it is not necessary to reengage it;<BR>CLB and OPEN CLB modes are similar.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Guidance modes (A) 26/54<BR>You are at FL 290 with ALT mode engaged. ATC<BR>advises you that you will be restricted at FL290 for a<BR>long time, whereas you had planned to cruise at<BR>FL330.<BR>The FMGS still assumes that you will continue the<BR>climb to FL330 and is still in a climb mode as shown<BR>on the MCDU PERF page.<BR>You have to change the cruise level on the MCDU<BR>progress page.<BR>Seelleecctt tthhee PROG ppaaggee oonn tthheeMCDU..<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (A) 27/54<BR>Noo.. Prreessss tthhee PROG ppaaggee oonn tthheeMCDU..<BR>You are at FL 290 with ALT mode engaged. ATC<BR>advises you that you will be restricted at FL290 for a<BR>long time, whereas you had planned to cruise at<BR>FL330.<BR>The FMGS still assumes that you will continue the<BR>climb to FL330 and is still in a climb mode as shown<BR>on the MCDU PERF page.<BR>You have to change the cruise level on the MCDU<BR>progress page.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (A) 28/54<BR>Noo.. Prreessss tthhee PROG ppaaggee oonn tthheeMCDU..<BR>You are at FL 290 with ALT mode engaged. ATC<BR>advises you that you will be restricted at FL290 for a<BR>long time, whereas you had planned to cruise at<BR>FL330.<BR>The FMGS still assumes that you will continue the<BR>climb to FL330 and is still in a climb mode as shown<BR>on the MCDU PERF page.<BR>You have to change the cruise level on the MCDU<BR>progress page.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Guidance modes (A) 29/54<BR>In such a case, modify the CRZ FL<BR>on the PROG page.<BR>This will adjust your Cruise Mach<BR>number to its optimum value, and the<BR>AP/FD will fly in ALT CRZ mode which<BR>optimizes fuel consumption.<BR>We have already typed the value in<BR>the scratchpad for you.<BR>IInnsseerrtt tthhee nneewccrruuiissee FFlliigghhtt LLeevveell..<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (A) 30/54<BR>In such a case, modify the CRZ FL<BR>on the PROG page.<BR>This will adjust your Cruise Mach<BR>number to its optimum value, and the<BR>AP/FD will fly in ALT CRZ mode which<BR>optimizes fuel consumption.<BR>We have already typed the value in<BR>the scratchpad for you.<BR>Noo.. Prreessss tthhee LLSK 11 lleefftt..<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (A) 31/54<BR>In such a case, modify the CRZ FL<BR>on the PROG page.<BR>This will adjust your Cruise Mach<BR>number to its optimum value, and the<BR>AP/FD will fly in ALT CRZ mode which<BR>optimizes fuel consumption.<BR>We have already typed the value in<BR>the scratchpad for you.<BR>Noo.. Prreessss tthhee LLSK 11 lleefftt..<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Guidance modes (A) 32/54<BR>The vertical mode has changed to<BR>ALT CRZ indicating that the Autoflight<BR>system is now in cruise mode, as<BR>shown on the MCDU and on the FMA.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Guidance modes (A) 33/54<BR>The aircraft has now reached the end of the cruise. You will learn how to<BR>program the FMGS for descent and arrival during the freeplay trainer<BR>exercises. We have completed all of this for you.<BR>ATC has cleared you to descend to FL270. Since it is a 2000 ft step<BR>down, you decide to descend slowly; you select -1500 ft/mn on the FCU and<BR>pull the selector.<BR>- A/THR is in SPEED or MACH mode,<BR>- AP/FD vertical mode controls V/S.<BR>Note: V/S has priority over speed. This means that if a too high V/S is<BR>selected, the AP will pitch the aircraft down to track the V/S target while A/THR<BR>will command idle; thus the speed will increase.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Guidance modes (A) 34/54<BR>You have been instructed to continue your descent to<BR>FL 100. You have chosen to disregard the F-PLN altitude<BR>constraints, thus you have selected FL100 on the FCU and<BR>pulled the ALT selector.<BR>- THR IDLE indicates that the A/THR will maintain the<BR>thrust at idle throughout the descent.<BR>- AP/FD is in OPEN DES mode. This means that the<BR>AP/FD vertical mode commands the aircraft pitch down so<BR>as to descend keeping target speed, directly to the FCU<BR>selected altitude.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Guidance modes (A) 35/54<BR>As the aircraft reaches the target altitude :<BR>- SPEED mode automatically engages on A/THR,<BR>- and ALT* mode automatically engages on AP/FD,<BR>indicating that the AP/FD vertical modes will smoothly<BR>capture the target altitude.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Guidance modes (A) 36/54<BR>Once the aircraft has leveled off, ALT<BR>mode automatically engages. The AP/FD<BR>vertical mode will now keep the aircraft in<BR>level flight.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (A) 37/54<BR>You have been cleared to and reached 2000ft. You<BR>are in ALT/NAV mode.<BR>On the ND, along the F-PLN, indicates the<BR>position where you should start to decelerate towards<BR>approach speed (VAPP) and get the aircraft configured<BR>for landing.<BR>If the aircraft overflies with NAV mode, the<BR>target speed will automatically decrease down to VAPP.<BR>But whenever you want, you can command this<BR>deceleration by pressing the ACTIVATE APPR PHASE<BR>key on the MCDU PERF page.<BR>D<BR>D<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Guidance modes (A) 38/54<BR>You will learn how to configure the<BR>aircraft for approach and landing later in<BR>the course.<BR>On the ND, you are flying an intercept<BR>leg towards the ILS. You are cleared for<BR>the approach.<BR>Display the ILS scales by pressing the<BR>ILS pb.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (A) 39/54<BR>No. To display the ILS scales, press<BR>the ILS pb on the EFIS control panel.<BR>You will learn how to configure the<BR>aircraft for approach and landing later in<BR>the course.<BR>On the ND, you are flying an intercept<BR>leg towards the ILS. You are cleared for<BR>the approach.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (A) 40/54<BR>You will learn how to configure the<BR>aircraft for approach and landing later in<BR>the course.<BR>On the ND, you are flying an intercept<BR>leg towards the ILS. You are cleared for<BR>the approach.<BR>No. To display the ILS scales, press<BR>the ILS pb on the EFIS control panel.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Guidance modes (A) 41/54<BR>The three green lines are illuminated<BR>on the ILS pb, and the ILS scales are<BR>displayed on the PFD.<BR>On the FMA, DH (Decision Height) is<BR>provided as inserted in the MCDU PERF<BR>page.<BR>Click on the forward arrow to<BR>continue.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Guidance modes (A) 42/54<BR>Arm the approach by pressing the<BR>APPR pb.<BR>Since you are cleared for approach,<BR>you have to press the APPR pb in order<BR>to arm the approach modes (LOC and<BR>G/S).<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (A) 43/54<BR>Since you are cleared for approach,<BR>you have to press the APPR pb in order<BR>to arm the approach modes (LOC and<BR>G/S).<BR>Noo.. Prreessss tthhee APPR ppbb oonn tthhee FFCU..<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (A) 44/54<BR>Since you are cleared for approach,<BR>you have to press the APPR pb in order<BR>to arm the approach modes (LOC and<BR>G/S).<BR>Noo.. Prreessss tthhee APPR ppbb oonn tthhee FFCU..<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Guidance modes (A) 45/54<BR>The three green lines are illuminated<BR>in the APPR pb.<BR>On the FMA, the LOC and GS are<BR>armed.<BR>Note: When you press the APPR pb, you<BR>get LOC - G/S modes because you have<BR>inserted an ILS approach in the FMGS FPLN<BR>which is materialized by “ILS APP”<BR>displayed on top of the ND.<BR>To ensure the best possible<BR>redundancy, set AP2 on.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (A) 46/54<BR>No. To engage the second autopilot,<BR>press the AP 2 pb on the FCU.<BR>The three green lines are illuminated<BR>in the APPR pb.<BR>On the FMA, the LOC and GS are<BR>armed.<BR>Note: When you press the APPR pb, you<BR>get LOC - G/S modes because you have<BR>inserted an ILS approach in the FMGS FPLN<BR>which is materialized by “ILS APP”<BR>displayed on top of the ND.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (A) 47/54<BR>No. To engage the second autopilot,<BR>press the AP 2 pb on the FCU.<BR>The three green lines are illuminated<BR>in the APPR pb.<BR>On the FMA, the LOC and GS are<BR>armed.<BR>Note: When you press the APPR pb, you<BR>get LOC - G/S modes because you have<BR>inserted an ILS approach in the FMGS FPLN<BR>which is materialized by “ILS APP”<BR>displayed on top of the ND.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Guidance modes (A) 48/54<BR>Both AP 1 and AP 2 are now on.<BR>The aircraft approach capability is<BR>CAT 3 DUAL which ensures the highest<BR>possible redundancy level and thus the<BR>lowest possible approach minima.<BR>Click on the forward arrow to<BR>continue.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Guidance modes (A) 49/54<BR>Since you activated the approach phase, the<BR>aircraft has been decelerating.<BR>Once closing up green dot speed, you can select<BR>“FLAPS 1” and the aircraft will decelerate towards S<BR>speed.<BR>On the PFD, you can notice that the LOC<BR>deviation symbol is centered, meaning that the<BR>aircraft is established on the localizer.<BR>LOC track mode is indicated in green on the FMA.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Guidance modes (A) 50/54<BR>When the aircraft has captured the G/S, it was flying<BR>at S speed.<BR>You have successively set :<BR>- The GO-AROUND altitude on the FCU (2500 feet),<BR>- “FLAPS 2”,<BR>- the gear down,<BR>- “FLAPS 3”,<BR>- and “FLAPS FULL”.<BR>The aircraft is now established on LOC and G/S with<BR>landing configuration, shown by LOC and G/S in green<BR>on the FMA.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Guidance modes (A) 51/54<BR>During the approach, the aircraft crosses 700 ft RA. Any FMGS<BR>change or failure does not affect the approach completion (Among<BR>other, ILS tuning is frozen).<BR>At about 400ft RA, the LAND mode engages, and any action on the<BR>FCU is disregarded. You can disengage this mode only by engaging<BR>the GO AROUND mode.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Guidance modes (A) 52/54<BR>You are now fully established on the<BR>approach with a DH of 250 ft.<BR>We will assume that you have the appropriate<BR>visual criteria at DH and continue to land.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU<BR>Guidance modes (A) 53/54<BR>At around 50 ft, the FLARE mode automatically<BR>engages.<BR>At around 30 ft, the A/THR reduces the thrust to<BR>idle. At around 10 ft, a RETARD auto call out reminds<BR>you to set the thrust levers to idle.<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (A) 54/54<BR>At touchdown, the ROLL OUT mode<BR>automatically engages, and the yaw bar is displayed<BR>on the PFD. The AP tracks the runway centerline<BR>using the localizer signal.<BR>Then select reverse thrust and brakes as<BR>required. Set AP off at low speed.<BR>Welcome to Cairo!<BR>NEXT<BR>MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd<BR>AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (A) 55/54<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>EXIT<BR>AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM<BR>RETURN<BR>IINNTTRROODDUUCCTTIIOONN<BR>TTAAKKEE--OOFFFF<BR>CCRRUUIISSEE<BR>CCLLIIMMBB<BR>DDEESSCCEENNTT<BR>AAPPPPRROOAACCHH<BR>LLAANNDDIINNGG kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk good................ 空客飞行员指南 好资料,学习中。。。 恩。好东西。好好学习一下