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320系列机组课程自动飞行引导方式A [复制链接]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2011-3-27 09:04:54 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2011-3-27 09:05:41 |只看该作者
AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (A) 1/54
Guidance modes (A) 2/54
Let us assume that you have initialized the
FMGS : inserted a F-PLN from Paris Orly (LFPO)
to Cairo (HECA), aircraft gross-weight, take-off
data (speeds, thrust reduction altitude,
acceleration altitude, FLEX temp for reduced
thrust take-off,…).
You have also achieved all the pre-flight drills.
Guidance modes (A) 3/54
The SID (Standard Instrument Departure) you are planning to fly
includes some altitude constraints at several waypoints :+690 feet
at D086C, FL60 at D164T, and FL90 at NERIN.
These constraints may be reviewed on the ND by pressing the
CSTR key on the EFIS control panel. On the MCDU, the altitude
predictions provided at altitude constrained waypoints are
preceded by a colored star.
Guidance modes (A) 4/54
While taxiing before take-off, notice on the FMA that :
- CLB mode is cyan meaning that it is armed; it will engage
automatically after the take-off phase.
- NAV mode is cyan meaning that it is armed; it will engage
automatically after lift-off.
- 1FD2 indicates that both FDs are on (although no FD symbols
are displayed on ground since there is no mode engaged).
Guidance modes (A) 5/54
You have now set the thrust levers into FLEX detent for take-off.
The FMA indicates :
- MAN FLX 49 meaning that you have full manual control of the
thrust and you have set flex take-off thrust.
- The A/THR is armed and thus ready to be turned on by your
action on the thrust levers.
Guidance modes (A) 6/54
The FMA also indicates:
- SRS as vertical FD mode; the FD horizontal bar
commands a pitch angle which will allow you to fly at a
given reference speed function of V2 and pending upon
conditions such as all engines operative, one engine out…
SRS stands for speed reference system.
Guidance modes (A) 7/54
- RWY as lateral FD mode; the FD vertical bar
commands yaw/roll angle which will allow you to track the
take-off runway localizer during roll out and initial climb.
If no ILS is available at take-off, this field is blank.
Note :
1- On ground during roll out, the FD vertical bar is replaced
by the yaw bar to assist you during low visibility roll out.
2- During the take-off, the PF normally has the PERF page
selected on his MCDU and the PNF the F-PLN page.
Guidance modes (A) 8/54
After lift off, managed NAV mode automatically
The AP NAV mode guides the aircraft along the active
leg of the F-PLN as inserted by the pilot in the MCDU.
Note that CLB mode is still cyan, thus armed.
The AP may be turned on 5 seconds after lift off, at
around 100 ft AGL. We have already turned it on for you.
Guidance modes (A) 9/54
Once the aircraft reaches thrust
reduction altitude, the FMA displays
LVR CLB white flashing message.
This is an indicator that you have to
set the thrust levers to CLB detent.
Seett tthhee ttrruusstt lleevveerrss ttoo CLLB..
AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (A) 10/54
Noo.. Clliicckk oonn tthhee tthhrruusstt lleevveerrss..
Once the aircraft reaches thrust
reduction altitude, the FMA displays
LVR CLB white flashing message.
This is an indicator that you have to
set the thrust levers to CLB detent.
AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (A) 11/54
Noo.. Clliicckk oonn tthhee tthhrruusstt lleevveerrss..
Once the aircraft reaches thrust
reduction altitude, the FMA displays
LVR CLB white flashing message.
This is an indicator that you have to
set the thrust levers to CLB detent.
Guidance modes (A) 12/54
You have set the thrust levers in CLB detent.
- A/THR is turned on automatically : A/THR white on
the FMA.
- THR CLB mode is active ; A/THR is in thrust mode
and commands max climb thrust (because AP vertical
mode is SRS, and controls speed).
Guidance modes (A) 13/54
You have engaged AP1. The aircraft continues to climb at the T/O reference
speed until it reaches the acceleration altitude where :
- the target speed automatically jumps to the initial climb speed as computed
by the FMGS (or as preset by the pilot),
- CLB vertical mode automatically engages ; the AP adjusts the aircraft pitch
so as to climb at the initial climb speed up to the FCU target altitude cleared by
the ATC (here 6000 ft), or to F-PLN altitude constraint if restrictive,
- ALT is displayed in cyan indicating that altitude capture mode is armed to
FCU selected altitude.
AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (A) 14/54
Suppose that the ATC clears you to FL150 ; you set it on the FCU.
We have seen that there is an altitude constraint (FL60) assigned to
waypoint D164T, but is magenta instead of cyan, because the FMGS is in
CLB mode and therefore it will respect the programmed constraint (FL 60
at D164T). The FMGS predicts that FL 60 will be reached before that
waypoint shown by on the ND.
ALT in magenta on the FMA and the target altitude FL 60 in magenta
on the altitude scale indicate that the AP will capture this altitude
constraint which here is restrictive.
AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (A) 15/54
The aircraft now approaches the altitude constraint (FL60):
- mode automatically engages, indicating that
AP/FD vertical mode commands the capture of this altitude,
- On the PFD altitude scale, FL 60 magenta indication
closes up the present altitude window.
AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (A) 16/54
You are at the level of the constraint altitude (FL60) with
ALT CST in green on the FMA.
CLB mode is armed, and will automatically reengage when
the aircraft will fly over the constraint waypoint D164T. It is
shown by the blue start of climb arrow on the ND.
AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (A) 17/54
You approach NERIN, the point at which another
altitude constraint applies. The FMGS predicts to reach
this altitude before the waypoint as indicated by the
magenta symbol .
The Autoflight system reverts to the THR CLB / CLB
mode automatically and the new constraint becomes
the target (FL90 and ALT in magenta).
Guidance modes (A) 18/54
Suppose that ATC instructs you to
maintain your present heading (200).
We have selected 200 and pulled the
heading selector for you.
On the ND, the green solid line
indicates the aircraft track line and the
FMGS F-PLN is now in green dotted line
since you do not fly it anymore.
On the FMA, HDG indicates that
lateral navigation is now being
controlled by selections on the FCU
heading selector.
Guidance modes (A) 19/54
When you engaged HDG mode, CLB mode automatically
reverted into OPEN CLB mode.
ALT magenta reverted to ALT cyan, meaning that altitude
capture is armed to the FCU target altitude. This altitude changed
from FL90 magenta to FL150 cyan.
When you fly away from the lateral F-PLN, there is no more
reason to respect the altitude constraints which are assigned to
F-PLN waypoints. OPEN CLB mode allows you to climb directly
to FCU selected target and disregards constraints.
Guidance modes (A) 20/54
ATC has cleared you to FL290 on
heading 180, converging with the F-PLN;
and now ATC clears you to resume your
normal navigation.
- Watch if your track line actually
intercepts a leg of the FMGS F-PLN,
- Arm managed NAV mode.
Re-arm the lateral guidance of the
Autoflight system.
AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (A) 21/54
No. Push the heading selector to arm
managed NAV.
ATC has cleared you to FL290 on
heading 180, converging with the F-PLN;
and now ATC clears you to resume your
normal navigation.
- Watch if your track line actually
intercepts a leg of the FMGS F-PLN,
- Arm managed NAV mode.
AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (A) 22/54
No. Push the heading selector to arm
managed NAV.
ATC has cleared you to FL290 on
heading 180, converging with the F-PLN;
and now ATC clears you to resume your
normal navigation.
- Watch if your track line actually
intercepts a leg of the FMGS F-PLN,
- Arm managed NAV mode.
Guidance modes (A) 23/54
Observe that :
- On the FMA, NAV is armed,
- On the FCU, a white dot in the
heading window indicates that
managed NAV is armed.
Guidance modes (A) 24/54
On the ND, the green solid line
includes the track line until the computed
INTCPT point and the remainder of the FPLN.
If no INTCPT is provided, this means
that the interception is at present not
possible. This happens when the track
line crosses the F-PLN beyond the TO
Guidance modes (A) 25/54
When the aircraft gets close to the
INTCPT point NAV mode automatically
engages, shown by the indications on
the FCU and on the FMA.
Note : managed CLB mode is now
available again. However, since there is
no more altitude constraints till the top of
climb, it is not necessary to reengage it;
CLB and OPEN CLB modes are similar.
Guidance modes (A) 26/54
You are at FL 290 with ALT mode engaged. ATC
advises you that you will be restricted at FL290 for a
long time, whereas you had planned to cruise at
The FMGS still assumes that you will continue the
climb to FL330 and is still in a climb mode as shown
on the MCDU PERF page.
You have to change the cruise level on the MCDU
progress page.
Seelleecctt tthhee PROG ppaaggee oonn tthheeMCDU..
AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (A) 27/54
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee PROG ppaaggee oonn tthheeMCDU..
You are at FL 290 with ALT mode engaged. ATC
advises you that you will be restricted at FL290 for a
long time, whereas you had planned to cruise at
The FMGS still assumes that you will continue the
climb to FL330 and is still in a climb mode as shown
on the MCDU PERF page.
You have to change the cruise level on the MCDU
progress page.
AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (A) 28/54
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee PROG ppaaggee oonn tthheeMCDU..
You are at FL 290 with ALT mode engaged. ATC
advises you that you will be restricted at FL290 for a
long time, whereas you had planned to cruise at
The FMGS still assumes that you will continue the
climb to FL330 and is still in a climb mode as shown
on the MCDU PERF page.
You have to change the cruise level on the MCDU
progress page.
Guidance modes (A) 29/54
In such a case, modify the CRZ FL
on the PROG page.
This will adjust your Cruise Mach
number to its optimum value, and the
AP/FD will fly in ALT CRZ mode which
optimizes fuel consumption.
We have already typed the value in
the scratchpad for you.
IInnsseerrtt tthhee nneewccrruuiissee FFlliigghhtt LLeevveell..
AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (A) 30/54
In such a case, modify the CRZ FL
on the PROG page.
This will adjust your Cruise Mach
number to its optimum value, and the
AP/FD will fly in ALT CRZ mode which
optimizes fuel consumption.
We have already typed the value in
the scratchpad for you.
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee LLSK 11 lleefftt..
AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (A) 31/54
In such a case, modify the CRZ FL
on the PROG page.
This will adjust your Cruise Mach
number to its optimum value, and the
AP/FD will fly in ALT CRZ mode which
optimizes fuel consumption.
We have already typed the value in
the scratchpad for you.
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee LLSK 11 lleefftt..
Guidance modes (A) 32/54
The vertical mode has changed to
ALT CRZ indicating that the Autoflight
system is now in cruise mode, as
shown on the MCDU and on the FMA.
Guidance modes (A) 33/54
The aircraft has now reached the end of the cruise. You will learn how to
program the FMGS for descent and arrival during the freeplay trainer
exercises. We have completed all of this for you.
ATC has cleared you to descend to FL270. Since it is a 2000 ft step
down, you decide to descend slowly; you select -1500 ft/mn on the FCU and
pull the selector.
- A/THR is in SPEED or MACH mode,
- AP/FD vertical mode controls V/S.
Note: V/S has priority over speed. This means that if a too high V/S is
selected, the AP will pitch the aircraft down to track the V/S target while A/THR
will command idle; thus the speed will increase.
Guidance modes (A) 34/54
You have been instructed to continue your descent to
FL 100. You have chosen to disregard the F-PLN altitude
constraints, thus you have selected FL100 on the FCU and
pulled the ALT selector.
- THR IDLE indicates that the A/THR will maintain the
thrust at idle throughout the descent.
- AP/FD is in OPEN DES mode. This means that the
AP/FD vertical mode commands the aircraft pitch down so
as to descend keeping target speed, directly to the FCU
selected altitude.
Guidance modes (A) 35/54
As the aircraft reaches the target altitude :
- SPEED mode automatically engages on A/THR,
- and ALT* mode automatically engages on AP/FD,
indicating that the AP/FD vertical modes will smoothly
capture the target altitude.
Guidance modes (A) 36/54
Once the aircraft has leveled off, ALT
mode automatically engages. The AP/FD
vertical mode will now keep the aircraft in
level flight.
AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (A) 37/54
You have been cleared to and reached 2000ft. You
are in ALT/NAV mode.
On the ND, along the F-PLN, indicates the
position where you should start to decelerate towards
approach speed (VAPP) and get the aircraft configured
for landing.
If the aircraft overflies with NAV mode, the
target speed will automatically decrease down to VAPP.
But whenever you want, you can command this
deceleration by pressing the ACTIVATE APPR PHASE
key on the MCDU PERF page.
Guidance modes (A) 38/54
You will learn how to configure the
aircraft for approach and landing later in
the course.
On the ND, you are flying an intercept
leg towards the ILS. You are cleared for
the approach.
Display the ILS scales by pressing the
ILS pb.
AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (A) 39/54
No. To display the ILS scales, press
the ILS pb on the EFIS control panel.
You will learn how to configure the
aircraft for approach and landing later in
the course.
On the ND, you are flying an intercept
leg towards the ILS. You are cleared for
the approach.
AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (A) 40/54
You will learn how to configure the
aircraft for approach and landing later in
the course.
On the ND, you are flying an intercept
leg towards the ILS. You are cleared for
the approach.
No. To display the ILS scales, press
the ILS pb on the EFIS control panel.
Guidance modes (A) 41/54
The three green lines are illuminated
on the ILS pb, and the ILS scales are
displayed on the PFD.
On the FMA, DH (Decision Height) is
provided as inserted in the MCDU PERF
Click on the forward arrow to
Guidance modes (A) 42/54
Arm the approach by pressing the
APPR pb.
Since you are cleared for approach,
you have to press the APPR pb in order
to arm the approach modes (LOC and
AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (A) 43/54
Since you are cleared for approach,
you have to press the APPR pb in order
to arm the approach modes (LOC and
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee APPR ppbb oonn tthhee FFCU..
AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (A) 44/54
Since you are cleared for approach,
you have to press the APPR pb in order
to arm the approach modes (LOC and
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee APPR ppbb oonn tthhee FFCU..
Guidance modes (A) 45/54
The three green lines are illuminated
in the APPR pb.
On the FMA, the LOC and GS are
Note: When you press the APPR pb, you
get LOC - G/S modes because you have
inserted an ILS approach in the FMGS FPLN
which is materialized by “ILS APP”
displayed on top of the ND.
To ensure the best possible
redundancy, set AP2 on.
AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (A) 46/54
No. To engage the second autopilot,
press the AP 2 pb on the FCU.
The three green lines are illuminated
in the APPR pb.
On the FMA, the LOC and GS are
Note: When you press the APPR pb, you
get LOC - G/S modes because you have
inserted an ILS approach in the FMGS FPLN
which is materialized by “ILS APP”
displayed on top of the ND.
AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (A) 47/54
No. To engage the second autopilot,
press the AP 2 pb on the FCU.
The three green lines are illuminated
in the APPR pb.
On the FMA, the LOC and GS are
Note: When you press the APPR pb, you
get LOC - G/S modes because you have
inserted an ILS approach in the FMGS FPLN
which is materialized by “ILS APP”
displayed on top of the ND.
Guidance modes (A) 48/54
Both AP 1 and AP 2 are now on.
The aircraft approach capability is
CAT 3 DUAL which ensures the highest
possible redundancy level and thus the
lowest possible approach minima.
Click on the forward arrow to
Guidance modes (A) 49/54
Since you activated the approach phase, the
aircraft has been decelerating.
Once closing up green dot speed, you can select
“FLAPS 1” and the aircraft will decelerate towards S
On the PFD, you can notice that the LOC
deviation symbol is centered, meaning that the
aircraft is established on the localizer.
LOC track mode is indicated in green on the FMA.
Guidance modes (A) 50/54
When the aircraft has captured the G/S, it was flying
at S speed.
You have successively set :
- The GO-AROUND altitude on the FCU (2500 feet),
- “FLAPS 2”,
- the gear down,
- “FLAPS 3”,
- and “FLAPS FULL”.
The aircraft is now established on LOC and G/S with
landing configuration, shown by LOC and G/S in green
on the FMA.
Guidance modes (A) 51/54
During the approach, the aircraft crosses 700 ft RA. Any FMGS
change or failure does not affect the approach completion (Among
other, ILS tuning is frozen).
At about 400ft RA, the LAND mode engages, and any action on the
FCU is disregarded. You can disengage this mode only by engaging
the GO AROUND mode.
Guidance modes (A) 52/54
You are now fully established on the
approach with a DH of 250 ft.
We will assume that you have the appropriate
visual criteria at DH and continue to land.
Guidance modes (A) 53/54
At around 50 ft, the FLARE mode automatically
At around 30 ft, the A/THR reduces the thrust to
idle. At around 10 ft, a RETARD auto call out reminds
you to set the thrust levers to idle.
AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (A) 54/54
At touchdown, the ROLL OUT mode
automatically engages, and the yaw bar is displayed
on the PFD. The AP tracks the runway centerline
using the localizer signal.
Then select reverse thrust and brakes as
required. Set AP off at low speed.
Welcome to Cairo!
MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd
AUTOFLIGHT MENU Guidance modes (A) 55/54

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