**** Hidden Message ***** NAVIGATION MENU GPWS presentation 1/35<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>GPWS presentation 2/35<BR>The GPWS monitors the aircraft<BR>flight path and generates visual and<BR>audio warnings/alerts when the aircraft<BR>is in one of the defined hazardous<BR>situations. These warnings will be overridden<BR>by stall or windshear warnings.<BR>The A320 family is equipped with a Ground<BR>Proximity Warning System (GPWS).<BR>Its purpose is to enhance safety by alerting<BR>the crew to potentially hazardous situations<BR>involving terrain collision or incorrect landing<BR>configuration.<BR>GPWS<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>GPWS presentation 3/35<BR>ILS 1<BR>FMGC 1<BR>LGCIU 1<BR>GPWS<BR>The GPWS processes the data from:<BR>- RA 1,<BR>- ADIRS 1,<BR>- ILS 1,<BR>- FMGC 1,<BR>- LGCIU 1.<BR>Failures of these units will be studied in<BR>the abnormal operation modules.<BR>RA 1<BR>ADIRS 1<BR>NAVIGATION MENU GPWS presentation 4/35<BR>Most GPWS alerts and warnings are generated<BR>as a result of changes in radar altimeter heights or<BR>the rates of those changes.<BR>The system predicts potential hazards from<BR>these trends, but has no forward looking capability.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU GPWS presentation 5/35<BR>Therefore impact with a near vertical<BR>cliff face can not be predicted. GPWS<BR>does not absolve the crew from<BR>monitoring aircraft position and safety<BR>altitude !<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>GPWS presentation 6/35<BR>The GPWS control panel is located<BR>on the left side of the overhead panel.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU GPWS presentation 7/35<BR>GPWS visual warnings are provided on<BR>the MISCELLANEOUS panels .<BR>The system can be tested by pressing<BR>either GPWS-G/S pb sw. This test is<BR>normally performed by the maintenance<BR>crew.<BR>In addition, two loudspeakers located on<BR>each lower side of the main panel broadcast<BR>GPWS aural warnings even if they are<BR>turned off.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU GPWS presentation 8/35<BR>GPWS enhances safety by alerting/warning the crew of potentially<BR>hazardous situations during flight at low heights.<BR>Crews should react to any GPWS warning immediately without<BR>attempting to assess its validity.<BR>GPWS operation is fully automatic in the normal lights out<BR>configuration. We will now study the aural and visual alerts and<BR>warnings.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU GPWS presentation 9/35<BR>NAVIGATION MENU GPWS presentation 10/35<BR>If a high rate of descent is detected at low level, GPWS<BR>will generate an aural, repeated “Sink rate” alert.<BR>If this rate is, or becomes excessive, the repetitive aural<BR>warning “Whoop whoop pull up” will be generated.<BR>In both cases, the red GPWS lights will illuminate.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU GPWS presentation 11/35<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>GPWS presentation 12/35<BR>If rising ground is detected as a potential threat<BR>to the safety of the aircraft, GPWS will alert the crew<BR>with a repeated “Terrain” aural alert.<BR>The system will generate a “Whoop whoop pull<BR>up” warning after the terrain alert has been repeated<BR>twice.<BR>The red GPWS lights will illuminate in either case.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>GPWS presentation 13/35<BR>If GPWS detects a rate of descent during the initial climb after<BR>take-off or following a go-around, it will give a repeated “Don’t sink”<BR>alert with accompanying GPWS red lights.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>GPWS presentation 14/35<BR>If the landing gear and flaps are retracted and GPWS<BR>detects that the aircraft is close to the ground, it<BR>generates a “Too low, terrain” aural warning and the<BR>GPWS red lights illuminates.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>GPWS presentation 15/35<BR>At very low levels, the aural warning “Too low gear”<BR>would be generated if the landing gear is still retracted.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>GPWS presentation 16/35<BR>If the landing gear is down, but the flaps are not in<BR>landing configuration, the warning is “Too low flaps”.<BR>Note that the “Too low gear” warning has priority over<BR>the “Too low flaps”.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>GPWS presentation 17/35<BR>Below approximately 1000 ft on an approach, a GPWS<BR>glide slope aural and visual alert will be generated if:<BR>- the runway is ILS equipped,<BR>- the ILS is tuned,<BR>- the ILS signal is valid,<BR>- the aircraft is significantly below the glide slope.<BR>Both amber G/S lights will illuminate.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>GPWS presentation 18/35<BR>The aural message will become louder, to<BR>indicate a warning, if no corrective action is<BR>taken as the aircraft gets closer to the ground,<BR>or if it descends further below the glide slope.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>GPWS presentation 19/35<BR>Note that some airports around the world have approaches and departures which are not<BR>compatible with standard GPWS operation. These airports are programmed into the GPWS database<BR>and the warning thresholds are modified to avoid nuisance warnings.<BR>The GPWS panel allows the crew to inhibit some warnings.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>GPWS presentation 20/35<BR>Flap 3 is a recognised landing configuration.<BR>If the option is used or if required by an ECAM<BR>procedure, the crew should select LDG FLAP 3 pb<BR>sw ON to ensure that the GPWS does not generate<BR>warnings when it detects that the aircraft is not in<BR>the full flap configuration.<BR>The associated green GPWS FLAP 3 memo<BR>message is displayed on the E/WD.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>GPWS presentation 21/35<BR>Following certain failures, a landing may<BR>have to be made with a reduced flap setting.<BR>The crew can select the FLAP mode pb sw<BR>OFF to inhibit GPWS flap warnings.<BR>If the FLAP mode is OFF, the green FLAP<BR>MODE OFF message is displayed on the E/WD.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>GPWS presentation 22/35<BR>When selected OFF, the G/S MODE<BR>pb sw will inhibit the GPWS glide slope<BR>warning.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU GPWS presentation 23/35<BR>The white OFF light illuminates when<BR>the GPWS is selected off. All warnings<BR>are inhibited.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU GPWS presentation 24/35<BR>If your aircraft is equipped with the<BR>Enhanced GPWS (EGPWS), a forward<BR>looking capability for terrain is added. The<BR>basic functions, we have just studied,<BR>remain unchanged.<BR>EGPWS is based on terrain database and<BR>FMGC current position, not on radar<BR>returns.<BR>The purpose of the EGPWS is to avoid a<BR>Control Flight Into Terrain and to give<BR>enough time to the crew to perform an<BR>avoidance manoeuvre.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>GPWS presentation 25/35<BR>++ 22000000 fftt<BR>++ 11000000 fftt<BR>Aiirrccrraafftt eelleevvaattiioonn<BR>- 250 ft when gear down<BR>- 500 ft when gear up<BR>-- 11000000 fftt<BR>-- 22000000 fftt<BR>Unnkknnoownn aarreeaass<BR>The terrain information is displayed on the ND except in PLAN mode.<BR>A different image texture, an image display which sweeps from center outward<BR>to both ND sides and a “TERR” indication instead of the radar “TILT”indication<BR>help the crew to make the difference between the EGPWS terrain computed data<BR>and the ground picture sensed by the radar.<BR>The terrain elevation surrounding the aircraft is color coded.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU GPWS presentation 26/35<BR>Two TERR ON ND pb sw are fitted on<BR>each side of the main panel.<BR>To display the terrain picture on his<BR>ND, a pilot will have to switch on his<BR>respective TERR ON ND pb sw.<BR>Note that the weather radar information<BR>is replaced even if it is switched on.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU GPWS presentation 27/35<BR>In the lights out position, the EGPWS operation is fully automatic.<BR>The TERR pb sw, in the OFF position allows the crew to inhibit the<BR>“enhanced” functions but keeps the basic GPWS functions operative.<BR>In case of failure of the “enhanced” functions, the FAULT light comes on but<BR>the basic GPWS functions remain operative.<BR>As for the basic GPWS, the SYS pb sw controls the basic functions.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU GPWS presentation 28/35<BR>The EGPWS uses a terrain database coupled with a FMGS position to<BR>calculate two terrain envelopes ahead of the aircraft. When a conflict is detected<BR>between these terrain envelopes and the terrain memorized in the database, an<BR>alert is triggered.<BR>One terrain envelope corresponds to a caution level while the second one to a<BR>warning level.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU GPWS presentation 29/35<BR>NAVIGATION MENU GPWS presentation 30/35<BR>• If the caution terrain envelope is penetrated, the areas which violate the<BR>caution envelope limits turn to a solid yellow color.<BR>• An amber “TERR AHEAD” message appears and a repeated “TERRAIN<BR>AHEAD” aural alert is generated.<BR>• If the terrain warning envelope is penetrated, the areas which violate the<BR>warning envelope turn to a solid red colour.<BR>A red “TERR AHEAD” message appears and a repeated “TERRAIN AHEAD,<BR>PULL UP” aural alert is generated.<BR>In both cases, the red GPWS lights will illuminate.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>GPWS presentation 31/35<BR>As for the basic GPWS warnings, crews should react<BR>immediately without attempting to assess its validity.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>GPWS presentation 32/35<BR>In case of caution or warning, if TERR ON ND is not<BR>selected on, the terrain display is set automatically to on<BR>and the ON light on the TERR ON ND pb sw comes on.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU GPWS presentation 33/35<BR>The second EGPWS protective function<BR>provides a terrain clearance floor envelope<BR>for each runway stored in the database.<BR>This function warns a premature descent<BR>below this floor regardless of aircraft<BR>configuration.<BR>Runway<BR>NAVIGATION MENU GPWS presentation 34/35<BR>CAUTION:<BR>• The relative height is calculated using the<BR>Captain baro setting. Thus, the system does<BR>not protect against baro setting errors.<BR>• The position is calculated using FM 1. The<BR>system does not protect against FM 1<BR>position errors.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU GPWS presentation 35/35 NEXT<BR>MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd<BR>When the aircraft position accuracy,<BR>provided by the FMGS, is not sufficient,<BR>the "enhanced" functions of the<BR>EGPWS are automatically deselected.<BR>“TERR STBY” appears in green on<BR>the ECAM memo and the terrain display<BR>is deselected until a high level of<BR>navigation accuracy is restored.<BR>The basic GPWS functions remain<BR>operative.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU GPWS presentation 36/35<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>EXIT<BR>AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM<BR>RETURN<BR>GGPPWWSS<BR>GGPPWWSSppaanneellss<BR>GGPPWWSSccoonnttrroollss<BR>EExxcceessssiivveerraatteeooffddeesscceenntt<BR>EExxcceessssiivveetteerrrraaiinncclloossuurreerraattee<BR>AAllttiittuuddeelloossssaafftteerrttaakkeeooffffoorrggooaarroouunndd<BR>UUnnssaaffeetteerrrraaiinncclleeaarraannccee<BR>EExxcceessssiivveeddeevviiaattiioonnbbeelloowwgglliiddeessllooppee<BR>EEnnhhaanncceeddGGPPWWSS 非正常操作 感谢分享,下来看看近地警告系统 gpws?看看 谢谢楼主提供的资料! 好资料,学习中。。。 谢谢辛苦了 收藏一下 感谢楼主.谢谢你的奉献