**** Hidden Message ***** NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (B) 1/43<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (B) 2/43<BR>The ADIRS are now aligned and the flight plan has<BR>been entered into the MCDU. Let’s see the other<BR>operations you have to do concerning the navigation<BR>system in a normal flight.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (B) 3/43<BR>Diissppllaayy VOR 22 ddaattaa..<BR>VOR 11 ppooiinntteerr aanndd ddaattaa aarree sshhoownn oonn tthhee ND..<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (B) 4/43<BR>VOR 11 ppooiinntteerr aanndd ddaattaa aarree sshhoownn oonn tthhee ND..<BR>Noo.. Seelleecctt VOR 22 sswiittcchh..<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (B) 5/43<BR>Noo.. Seelleecctt VOR 22 sswiittcchh..<BR>VOR 11 ppooiinntteerr aanndd ddaattaa aarree sshhoownn oonn tthhee ND..<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Normal operation (B) 6/43<BR>The left side of the ND shows information from receiver 1 and<BR>the right side from receiver 2.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Normal operation (B) 7/43<BR>Notice that a small picture of the associated pointer being used is<BR>represented close to the name of the corresponding VOR.<BR>As the VOR associated data and pointers are displayed, both<BR>receivers consider the VOR signal as valid.<BR>On the second line, the VOR identifier appears, here “Bravo<BR>Tango”.<BR>On the third line, in green, the DME distance in NM.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Normal operation (B) 8/43<BR>To see the nav aids automatically tuned by the<BR>FMGC, we have to call the RAD NAV page.<BR>Caallll tthhee RAD NAV ppaaggee..<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (B) 9/43<BR>To see the nav aids automatically tuned by the<BR>FMGC, we have to call the RAD NAV page.<BR>Noo.. Seelleecctt tthhee RAD NAV ppbb ssw..<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (B) 10/43<BR>To see the nav aids automatically tuned by the<BR>FMGC, we have to call the RAD NAV page.<BR>Noo.. Seelleecctt tthhee RAD NAV ppbb ssw..<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Normal operation (B) 11/43<BR>You can see on the RAD NAV page that the FMGC has<BR>automatically tuned the VOR “Bravo Tango” on both receivers.<BR>Seelleecctt VOR..D kkeeyy..<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (B) 12/43<BR>You can see on the RAD NAV page that the FMGC has<BR>automatically tuned the VOR “Bravo Tango” on both receivers.<BR>Noo.. Seelleecctt tthhee VOR..D kkeeyy..<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (B) 13/43<BR>You can see on the RAD NAV page that the FMGC has<BR>automatically tuned the VOR “Bravo Tango” on both receivers.<BR>Noo.. Seelleecctt tthhee VOR..D kkeeyy..<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Normal operation (B) 14/43<BR>The VOR present in the database are now displayed. We will<BR>manually select, as a training example, the VOR “Mike Echo Lima”.<BR>The VOR identifier MEL has been typed for you in the<BR>scratchpad of the MCDU. Insert it by selecting line key R1.<BR>IInnsseerrtt VORMELL..<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (B) 15/43<BR>The VOR present in the database are now displayed. We will<BR>manually select, as a training example, the VOR “Mike Echo Lima”.<BR>The VOR identifier MEL has been typed for you in the<BR>scratchpad of the MCDU. Insert it by selecting line key R1.<BR>Noo.. LLiinnee sseelleecctt R11 kkeeyy..<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (B) 16/43<BR>The VOR present in the database are now displayed. We will<BR>manually select, as a training example, the VOR “Mike Echo Lima”.<BR>The VOR identifier MEL has been typed for you in the<BR>scratchpad of the MCDU. Insert it by selecting line key R1.<BR>Noo.. LLiinnee sseelleecctt R11 kkeeyy..<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Normal operation (B) 17/43<BR>Notice the VOR identifier in uppercase on the MCDU indicating a<BR>manual selection.<BR>On the ND, this is confirmed by a tiny underlined “M” beside<BR>the VOR 2 data location. Notice also as a valid signal is not yet<BR>received from VOR “MEL”, the associated data and pointer are not<BR>shown.<BR>Seett IILLS ddiissppllaayy oonn..<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (B) 18/43<BR>Notice the VOR identifier in uppercase on the MCDU indicating a<BR>manual selection.<BR>On the ND, this is confirmed by a tiny underlined “M” beside<BR>the VOR 2 data location. Notice also as a valid signal is not yet<BR>received from VOR “MEL”, the associated data and pointer are not<BR>shown.<BR>Noo.. Seelleecctt IILLS ppbb ssw..<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (B) 19/43<BR>Notice the VOR identifier in uppercase on the MCDU indicating a<BR>manual selection.<BR>On the ND, this is confirmed by a tiny underlined “M” beside<BR>the VOR 2 data location. Notice also as a valid signal is not yet<BR>received from VOR “MEL”, the associated data and pointer are not<BR>shown.<BR>Noo.. Seelleecctt IILLS ppbb ssw..<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Normal operation (B) 20/43<BR>On the PFD, you can check the ILS identifier, “Oscar Lima Echo”<BR>in this case, the frequency and the course. The course is also<BR>indicated on the ND.<BR>The check and the selection of the nav aids are now complete.<BR>We will carry on with the settings of the altimeters.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Normal operation (B) 21/43<BR>We will now set the barometer settings on the<BR>EFIS control panel.<BR>The current QNH is 1007 hPa.<BR>Seett tthhee ccoorrrreecctt QNH oonn tthhee EFFIIS ppaanneell..<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (B) 22/43<BR>Noo.. Seelleecctt tthhee bbaarroomeetteerr rreeffeerreennccee sseelleeccttoorr..<BR>We will now set the barometer settings on the<BR>EFIS control panel.<BR>The current QNH is 1007 hPa.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (B) 23/43<BR>Noo.. Seelleecctt tthhee bbaarroomeetteerr rreeffeerreennccee sseelleeccttoorr..<BR>We will now set the barometer settings on the<BR>EFIS control panel.<BR>The current QNH is 1007 hPa.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (B) 24/43<BR>The new QNH is displayed on the EFIS control panel.<BR>On the PFD, the QNH is shown and the altitude<BR>indication can be checked.<BR>We will now assume that we have taken off.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Normal operation (B) 25/43<BR>During the climb, at transition altitude, here<BR>4000 ft QNH, the barometric indication will flash on<BR>the PFD.<BR>You will have to switch the barometric settings<BR>to standard (STD) by pulling the barometer<BR>reference selector.<BR>Seett bbaarroo STTD..<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (B) 26/43<BR>During the climb, at transition altitude, here<BR>4000 ft QNH, the barometric indication will flash on<BR>the PFD.<BR>You will have to switch the barometric settings<BR>to standard (STD) by pulling the barometer<BR>reference selector.<BR>Noo.. Seelleecctt tthhee bbaarroomeetteerr rreeffeerreennccee sseelleeccttoorr..<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (B) 27/43<BR>Noo.. Seelleecctt tthhee bbaarroomeetteerr rreeffeerreennccee sseelleeccttoorr..<BR>During the climb, at transition altitude, here<BR>4000 ft QNH, the barometric indication will flash on<BR>the PFD.<BR>You will have to switch the barometric settings<BR>to standard (STD) by pulling the barometer<BR>reference selector.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Normal operation (B) 28/43<BR>STD appears on the EFIS control panel. You can<BR>also see the STD indication on the PFD in cyan<BR>and yellow boxed. Notice also the selected altitude<BR>which has changed to a flight level indication,<BR>FL130.<BR>Let’s assume we have performed the same<BR>setting on the standby altimeter.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Normal operation (B) 29/43<BR>As the VOR receiver 2 receives now a valid signal from the VOR MEL, the<BR>associated pointer and data are displayed on the ND.<BR>As MEL VOR is not equipped with a DME, the<BR>DME indication is replaced by green dashes.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU<BR>Normal operation (B) 30/43<BR>The indication “” NAV ACCUR UPGRAD” has appeared at the<BR>bottom of the ND and in the MCDU scratchpad meaning that the<BR>navigation accuracy level has automatically switched from LOW to<BR>HIGH. We will see now how to make a navigation accuracy check.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (B) 31/43<BR>The objective of the navigation accuracy check is to compare the raw<BR>data from the tuned nav aids with the corresponding FM computed<BR>data.<BR>The SOP recommends to make it periodically in cruise, prior to<BR>initiating the descent and when entering a terminal approach area.<BR>• If your aircraft is equipped with GPS primary, no accuracy check is<BR>required as long as GPS primary is available. The GPS mode can be<BR>checked on the PROG page.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (B) 32/43<BR>If the GPS is no longer primary, the message “GPS PRIMARY<BR>LOST” is displayed on the ND and in the MCDU scratchpad.<BR>Notice that the navigation accuracy level stays at HIGH.<BR>Nevertheless, the navigation accuracy has to be verified. The<BR>SOP recommends in such a case to perform the comparison in a<BR>hourly base.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (B) 33/43<BR>This check has to be performed whenever the following cases<BR>occur:<BR>- IRS only navigation,<BR>- The PROG page displays LOW accuracy,<BR>- “NAV ACCUR DOWNGRAD” message appears on the MCDU<BR>and on the ND.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (B) 34/43<BR>To perform this check, you have to use the selected nav aids<BR>and display them on the ND.<BR>We have set the ND range to 80. The VOR “Sierra Papa<BR>Romeo” has been manually tuned on receiver 1 and the VOR<BR>“Papa Alpha Sierra” on receiver 2.<BR>Note that the VOR “Papa Alpha Sierra” is the next “TO”<BR>waypoint of the flight plan.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (B) 35/43<BR>There are two ways to do this check.<BR>The first method is to compare the “TO” waypoint distance<BR>and bearing which is FM computed data with the corresponding<BR>nav aid DME distance and bearing.<BR>Compare these two<BR>distances<BR>DME distance<BR>Caallll tthhee PROG ppaaggee..<BR>FM computed bearing<BR>Raw data bearing<BR>Compare these two<BR>bearings<BR>FM computed distance<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (B) 36/43<BR>DME distance<BR>Noo.. Seelleecctt tthhee PROGppbb ssw..<BR>There are two ways to do this check.<BR>The first method is to compare the “TO” waypoint distance<BR>and bearing which is FM computed data with the corresponding<BR>nav aid DME distance and bearing.<BR>Compare these two<BR>distances<BR>FM computed bearing<BR>Raw data bearing<BR>Compare these two<BR>distances<BR>FM computed distance<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (B) 37/43<BR>DME distance<BR>Noo.. Seelleecctt tthhee PROGppbb ssw..<BR>There are three ways to do this check.<BR>The first method is to compare the “TO” waypoint distance<BR>and bearing which is FM computed data with the corresponding<BR>nav aid DME distance and bearing.<BR>Compare these two<BR>distances<BR>FM computed bearing<BR>Raw data bearing<BR>Compare these two<BR>distances<BR>FM computed distance<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (B) 38/43<BR>The second method is to insert a VOR/DME ident in the<BR>BRG/DIST TO field on the PROG page and to compare the<BR>computed BRG/DIST with the raw data on the ND.<BR>We have typed the VOR/DME ident SPR in the scratchpad for<BR>you.<BR>IInnsseerrtt SPR iinn BRG // DIISTT ffiieelldd..<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (B) 39/43<BR>The second method is to insert a VOR/DME ident in the<BR>BRG/DIST TO field on the PROG page and to compare the<BR>computed BRG/DIST with the raw data on the ND<BR>We have typed the VOR/DME ident SPR in the scratchpad for<BR>you.<BR>Noo.. LLiinnee sseelleecctt 44R..<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (B) 40/43<BR>The second method is to insert a VOR/DME ident in the<BR>BRG/DIST TO field on the PROG page and to compare the<BR>computed BRG/DIST with the raw data on the ND<BR>We have typed the VOR/DME ident SPR in the scratchpad for<BR>you.<BR>Noo.. LLiinnee sseelleecctt 44R..<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (B) 41/43<BR>We have now on the PROG page the computed bearing and<BR>distance to the selected nav aid.<BR>The distances shown on the ND and on the PROG page can<BR>be compared.<BR>Compare these two<BR>distances<BR>DME distance<BR>Computed BRG / DIST<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (B) 42/43<BR>The last method consists in checking that the raw data needle<BR>passes through the blue FMGS generated symbol for the<BR>VOR/DME, and that the position of this symbol corresponds to<BR>the DME distance.<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (B) 43/43<BR>Whatever method is used, if the error is less than 3 NM, the<BR>check is positive and the FM position is reliable. The SOP<BR>recommends to use the ND in ARC or NAV mode and managed<BR>lateral guidance.<BR>If the error is greater than 3 NM, you can consider that the FM<BR>position is not reliable. In such a case, the SOP recommends to<BR>use raw data for navigation and to monitor it.<BR>MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd<BR>NEXT<BR>NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (B) 44/43<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>EXIT<BR>AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM<BR>RETURN<BR>RRAADDIIOONNAAVVIIGGAATTIIOONNIINNSSTTRRUUMMEENNTTSS<BR>AALLTTIIMMEETTEERRSSSSEETTTTIINNGG<BR>NNAAVVIIGGAATTIIOONNAACCCCUURRAACCYYCCHHEECCKK 发到手的萨法的发生 FOBN Operating Environment Volcanic Ash Awareness 谢谢分享 拿走学习 谢谢楼主 导航操作不很难 好资料,学习中。。。 恩。好东西。好好学习一下