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320系列导航正常操作B [复制链接]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2011-4-2 07:06:35 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2011-4-2 07:06:47 |只看该作者
NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (B) 1/43
NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (B) 2/43
The ADIRS are now aligned and the flight plan has
been entered into the MCDU. Let’s see the other
operations you have to do concerning the navigation
system in a normal flight.
NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (B) 3/43
Diissppllaayy VOR 22 ddaattaa..
VOR 11 ppooiinntteerr aanndd ddaattaa aarree sshhoownn oonn tthhee ND..
NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (B) 4/43
VOR 11 ppooiinntteerr aanndd ddaattaa aarree sshhoownn oonn tthhee ND..
Noo.. Seelleecctt VOR 22 sswiittcchh..
NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (B) 5/43
Noo.. Seelleecctt VOR 22 sswiittcchh..
VOR 11 ppooiinntteerr aanndd ddaattaa aarree sshhoownn oonn tthhee ND..
Normal operation (B) 6/43
The left side of the ND shows information from receiver 1 and
the right side from receiver 2.
Normal operation (B) 7/43
Notice that a small picture of the associated pointer being used is
represented close to the name of the corresponding VOR.
As the VOR associated data and pointers are displayed, both
receivers consider the VOR signal as valid.
On the second line, the VOR identifier appears, here “Bravo
On the third line, in green, the DME distance in NM.
Normal operation (B) 8/43
To see the nav aids automatically tuned by the
FMGC, we have to call the RAD NAV page.
Caallll tthhee RAD NAV ppaaggee..
NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (B) 9/43
To see the nav aids automatically tuned by the
FMGC, we have to call the RAD NAV page.
Noo.. Seelleecctt tthhee RAD NAV ppbb ssw..
NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (B) 10/43
To see the nav aids automatically tuned by the
FMGC, we have to call the RAD NAV page.
Noo.. Seelleecctt tthhee RAD NAV ppbb ssw..
Normal operation (B) 11/43
You can see on the RAD NAV page that the FMGC has
automatically tuned the VOR “Bravo Tango” on both receivers.
Seelleecctt VOR..D kkeeyy..
NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (B) 12/43
You can see on the RAD NAV page that the FMGC has
automatically tuned the VOR “Bravo Tango” on both receivers.
Noo.. Seelleecctt tthhee VOR..D kkeeyy..
NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (B) 13/43
You can see on the RAD NAV page that the FMGC has
automatically tuned the VOR “Bravo Tango” on both receivers.
Noo.. Seelleecctt tthhee VOR..D kkeeyy..
Normal operation (B) 14/43
The VOR present in the database are now displayed. We will
manually select, as a training example, the VOR “Mike Echo Lima”.
The VOR identifier MEL has been typed for you in the
scratchpad of the MCDU. Insert it by selecting line key R1.
IInnsseerrtt VORMELL..
NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (B) 15/43
The VOR present in the database are now displayed. We will
manually select, as a training example, the VOR “Mike Echo Lima”.
The VOR identifier MEL has been typed for you in the
scratchpad of the MCDU. Insert it by selecting line key R1.
Noo.. LLiinnee sseelleecctt R11 kkeeyy..
NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (B) 16/43
The VOR present in the database are now displayed. We will
manually select, as a training example, the VOR “Mike Echo Lima”.
The VOR identifier MEL has been typed for you in the
scratchpad of the MCDU. Insert it by selecting line key R1.
Noo.. LLiinnee sseelleecctt R11 kkeeyy..
Normal operation (B) 17/43
Notice the VOR identifier in uppercase on the MCDU indicating a
manual selection.
On the ND, this is confirmed by a tiny underlined “M” beside
the VOR 2 data location. Notice also as a valid signal is not yet
received from VOR “MEL”, the associated data and pointer are not
Seett IILLS ddiissppllaayy oonn..
NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (B) 18/43
Notice the VOR identifier in uppercase on the MCDU indicating a
manual selection.
On the ND, this is confirmed by a tiny underlined “M” beside
the VOR 2 data location. Notice also as a valid signal is not yet
received from VOR “MEL”, the associated data and pointer are not
Noo.. Seelleecctt IILLS ppbb ssw..
NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (B) 19/43
Notice the VOR identifier in uppercase on the MCDU indicating a
manual selection.
On the ND, this is confirmed by a tiny underlined “M” beside
the VOR 2 data location. Notice also as a valid signal is not yet
received from VOR “MEL”, the associated data and pointer are not
Noo.. Seelleecctt IILLS ppbb ssw..
Normal operation (B) 20/43
On the PFD, you can check the ILS identifier, “Oscar Lima Echo”
in this case, the frequency and the course. The course is also
indicated on the ND.
The check and the selection of the nav aids are now complete.
We will carry on with the settings of the altimeters.
Normal operation (B) 21/43
We will now set the barometer settings on the
EFIS control panel.
The current QNH is 1007 hPa.
Seett tthhee ccoorrrreecctt QNH oonn tthhee EFFIIS ppaanneell..
NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (B) 22/43
Noo.. Seelleecctt tthhee bbaarroomeetteerr rreeffeerreennccee sseelleeccttoorr..
We will now set the barometer settings on the
EFIS control panel.
The current QNH is 1007 hPa.
NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (B) 23/43
Noo.. Seelleecctt tthhee bbaarroomeetteerr rreeffeerreennccee sseelleeccttoorr..
We will now set the barometer settings on the
EFIS control panel.
The current QNH is 1007 hPa.
NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (B) 24/43
The new QNH is displayed on the EFIS control panel.
On the PFD, the QNH is shown and the altitude
indication can be checked.
We will now assume that we have taken off.
Normal operation (B) 25/43
During the climb, at transition altitude, here
4000 ft QNH, the barometric indication will flash on
the PFD.
You will have to switch the barometric settings
to standard (STD) by pulling the barometer
reference selector.
Seett bbaarroo STTD..
NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (B) 26/43
During the climb, at transition altitude, here
4000 ft QNH, the barometric indication will flash on
the PFD.
You will have to switch the barometric settings
to standard (STD) by pulling the barometer
reference selector.
Noo.. Seelleecctt tthhee bbaarroomeetteerr rreeffeerreennccee sseelleeccttoorr..
NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (B) 27/43
Noo.. Seelleecctt tthhee bbaarroomeetteerr rreeffeerreennccee sseelleeccttoorr..
During the climb, at transition altitude, here
4000 ft QNH, the barometric indication will flash on
the PFD.
You will have to switch the barometric settings
to standard (STD) by pulling the barometer
reference selector.
Normal operation (B) 28/43
STD appears on the EFIS control panel. You can
also see the STD indication on the PFD in cyan
and yellow boxed. Notice also the selected altitude
which has changed to a flight level indication,
Let’s assume we have performed the same
setting on the standby altimeter.
Normal operation (B) 29/43
As the VOR receiver 2 receives now a valid signal from the VOR MEL, the
associated pointer and data are displayed on the ND.
As MEL VOR is not equipped with a DME, the
DME indication is replaced by green dashes.
Normal operation (B) 30/43
The indication “” NAV ACCUR UPGRAD” has appeared at the
bottom of the ND and in the MCDU scratchpad meaning that the
navigation accuracy level has automatically switched from LOW to
HIGH. We will see now how to make a navigation accuracy check.
NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (B) 31/43
The objective of the navigation accuracy check is to compare the raw
data from the tuned nav aids with the corresponding FM computed
The SOP recommends to make it periodically in cruise, prior to
initiating the descent and when entering a terminal approach area.
• If your aircraft is equipped with GPS primary, no accuracy check is
required as long as GPS primary is available. The GPS mode can be
checked on the PROG page.
NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (B) 32/43
If the GPS is no longer primary, the message “GPS PRIMARY
LOST” is displayed on the ND and in the MCDU scratchpad.
Notice that the navigation accuracy level stays at HIGH.
Nevertheless, the navigation accuracy has to be verified. The
SOP recommends in such a case to perform the comparison in a
hourly base.
NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (B) 33/43
This check has to be performed whenever the following cases
- IRS only navigation,
- The PROG page displays LOW accuracy,
- “NAV ACCUR DOWNGRAD” message appears on the MCDU
and on the ND.
NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (B) 34/43
To perform this check, you have to use the selected nav aids
and display them on the ND.
We have set the ND range to 80. The VOR “Sierra Papa
Romeo” has been manually tuned on receiver 1 and the VOR
“Papa Alpha Sierra” on receiver 2.
Note that the VOR “Papa Alpha Sierra” is the next “TO”
waypoint of the flight plan.
NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (B) 35/43
There are two ways to do this check.
The first method is to compare the “TO” waypoint distance
and bearing which is FM computed data with the corresponding
nav aid DME distance and bearing.
Compare these two
DME distance
Caallll tthhee PROG ppaaggee..
FM computed bearing
Raw data bearing
Compare these two
FM computed distance
NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (B) 36/43
DME distance
Noo.. Seelleecctt tthhee PROGppbb ssw..
There are two ways to do this check.
The first method is to compare the “TO” waypoint distance
and bearing which is FM computed data with the corresponding
nav aid DME distance and bearing.
Compare these two
FM computed bearing
Raw data bearing
Compare these two
FM computed distance
NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (B) 37/43
DME distance
Noo.. Seelleecctt tthhee PROGppbb ssw..
There are three ways to do this check.
The first method is to compare the “TO” waypoint distance
and bearing which is FM computed data with the corresponding
nav aid DME distance and bearing.
Compare these two
FM computed bearing
Raw data bearing
Compare these two
FM computed distance
NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (B) 38/43
The second method is to insert a VOR/DME ident in the
BRG/DIST TO field on the PROG page and to compare the
computed BRG/DIST with the raw data on the ND.
We have typed the VOR/DME ident SPR in the scratchpad for
IInnsseerrtt SPR iinn BRG // DIISTT ffiieelldd..
NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (B) 39/43
The second method is to insert a VOR/DME ident in the
BRG/DIST TO field on the PROG page and to compare the
computed BRG/DIST with the raw data on the ND
We have typed the VOR/DME ident SPR in the scratchpad for
Noo.. LLiinnee sseelleecctt 44R..
NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (B) 40/43
The second method is to insert a VOR/DME ident in the
BRG/DIST TO field on the PROG page and to compare the
computed BRG/DIST with the raw data on the ND
We have typed the VOR/DME ident SPR in the scratchpad for
Noo.. LLiinnee sseelleecctt 44R..
NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (B) 41/43
We have now on the PROG page the computed bearing and
distance to the selected nav aid.
The distances shown on the ND and on the PROG page can
be compared.
Compare these two
DME distance
Computed BRG / DIST
NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (B) 42/43
The last method consists in checking that the raw data needle
passes through the blue FMGS generated symbol for the
VOR/DME, and that the position of this symbol corresponds to
the DME distance.
NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (B) 43/43
Whatever method is used, if the error is less than 3 NM, the
check is positive and the FM position is reliable. The SOP
recommends to use the ND in ARC or NAV mode and managed
lateral guidance.
If the error is greater than 3 NM, you can consider that the FM
position is not reliable. In such a case, the SOP recommends to
use raw data for navigation and to monitor it.
MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd
NAVIGATION MENU Normal operation (B) 44/43

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