**** Hidden Message ***** FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU Normal operation (B) 1/55<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal operation (B) 2/55<BR>When the autopilot is engaged, the side<BR>sticks are locked in their neutral position and<BR>the rudder pedals remain stationary. Neither<BR>will move, regardless of any autopilot input.<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal operation (B) 3/55<BR>One of the first actions for the crew after gear<BR>retraction, is to disarm the ground spoilers.<BR>This is achieved by pushing the speed brake<BR>lever down.<BR>Diissaarrmtthhee ggrroouunndd ssppooiilleerrss..<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU Normal operation (B) 4/55<BR>One of the first actions for the crew after gear<BR>retraction, is to disarm the ground spoilers.<BR>This is achieved by pushing the speed brake<BR>lever down.<BR>Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee ssppeeeedd bbrraakkee lleevveerr..<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU Normal operation (B) 5/55<BR>One of the first actions for the crew after gear<BR>retraction, is to disarm the ground spoilers.<BR>This is achieved by pushing the speed brake<BR>lever down.<BR>Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee ssppeeeedd bbrraakkee lleevveerr..<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal operation (B) 6/55<BR>The white band at the base of the speed<BR>brake lever is no longer visible and the GND<BR>SPLR ARMED message has disappeared from<BR>the E/WD.<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal operation (B) 7/55<BR>You are above acceleration<BR>altitude with the airspeed increasing.<BR>At or above “F” speed (minimum<BR>speed for flap retraction), the flaps<BR>can be retracted directly to flap 1.<BR>Reettrraacctt tthhee ffllaappss ttoo 11..<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU Normal operation (B) 8/55<BR>You are above acceleration<BR>altitude with the airspeed increasing.<BR>At or above “F” speed (minimum<BR>speed for flap retraction), the flaps<BR>can be retracted directly to flap 1.<BR>Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee ffllaapp lleevveerr..<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU Normal operation (B) 9/55<BR>You are above acceleration<BR>altitude with the airspeed increasing.<BR>At or above “F” speed (minimum<BR>speed for flap retraction), the flaps<BR>can be retracted directly to flap 1.<BR>Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee ffllaapp lleevveerr..<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal operation (B) 10/55<BR>Flap 1 is now set. Notice both slats and<BR>flaps are extended to the first position.<BR>This is 1+F configuration.<BR>The airspeed is increasing through “S”<BR>speed, (minimum speed for slat retraction).<BR>Flap 0 would be normally selected at this<BR>stage. To demonstrate automatic flap<BR>retraction, we will delay this action.<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal operation (B) 11/55<BR>As the speed approaches VFE flap 1+F, the<BR>flaps will automatically retract fully.<BR>Notice the slats remain deployed in their<BR>first position. This is configuration 1. There is<BR>no automatic retraction of the slats.<BR>Seett ffllaappss 00..<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU Normal operation (B) 12/55<BR>As the speed approaches VFE flap 1+F, the<BR>flaps will automatically retract fully.<BR>Notice the slats remain deployed in their<BR>first position. This is configuration 1. There is<BR>no automatic retraction of the slats.<BR>Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee ffllaapp lleevveerr..<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU Normal operation (B) 13/55<BR>As the speed approaches VFE flap 1+F, the<BR>flaps will automatically retract fully.<BR>Notice the slats remain deployed in their<BR>first position. This is configuration 1. There is<BR>no automatic retraction of the slats.<BR>Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee ffllaapp lleevveerr..<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal operation (B) 14/55<BR>Flap Zero is now set, which can be confirmed on the<BR>E/WD. Notice that the slat/flap indications have been<BR>simplified.<BR>The after take off actions are now complete. We will go<BR>directly to the descent phase.<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal operation (B) 15/55<BR>• During descent, the speed brake may be<BR>used to increase the rate of descent to correct<BR>the flight profile from above or to slow down.<BR>• During the initial approach phase, speed<BR>brakes may be used to increase the rate of<BR>deceleration.<BR>To use the speed brakes, you must first<BR>press down on the speed brake lever, which is<BR>spring loaded into the RET position.<BR>Puusshh ddoownn oonn tthhee SPEED BRAKE lleevveerr..<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU Normal operation (B) 16/55<BR>• During descent, the speed brake may be<BR>used to increase the rate of descent to correct<BR>the flight profile from above or to slow down.<BR>• During the initial approach phase, speed<BR>brakes may be used to increase the rate of<BR>deceleration.<BR>To use the speed brakes, you must first<BR>press down on the speed brake lever, which is<BR>spring loaded into the RET position.<BR>Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee ssppeeeedd bbrraakkee lleevveerr..<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU Normal operation (B) 17/55<BR>• During descent, the speed brake may be<BR>used to increase the rate of descent to correct<BR>the flight profile from above or to slow down.<BR>• During the initial approach phase, speed<BR>brakes may be used to increase the rate of<BR>deceleration.<BR>To use the speed brakes, you must first<BR>press down on the speed brake lever, which is<BR>spring loaded into the RET position.<BR>Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee ssppeeeedd bbrraakkee lleevveerr..<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal operation (B) 18/55<BR>The speed brake lever can now be moved<BR>rearwards to any position, depending on the<BR>amount of drag required.<BR>With the autopilot engaged,<BR>• the maximum speed brake deflection available<BR>is approximately half even with the speed brake<BR>lever moved fully back,<BR>• the speed brake retraction rate is reduced<BR>when flying at high speed.<BR>Moovvee tthhee lleevveerr ttoo 11//22 ppoossiittiioonn......<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU Normal operation (B) 19/55<BR>The speed brake lever can now be moved<BR>rearwards to any position, depending on the<BR>amount of drag required.<BR>With the autopilot engaged,<BR>• the maximum speed brake deflection available<BR>is approximately half even with the speed brake<BR>lever moved fully back,<BR>• the speed brake retraction rate is reduced<BR>when flying at high speed.<BR>Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee ssppeeeedd bbrraakkee lleevveerr..<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU Normal operation (B) 20/55<BR>The speed brake lever can now be moved<BR>rearwards to any position, depending on the<BR>amount of drag required.<BR>With the autopilot engaged,<BR>• the maximum speed brake deflection available<BR>is approximately half even with the speed brake<BR>lever moved fully back,<BR>• the speed brake retraction rate is reduced<BR>when flying at high speed.<BR>Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee ssppeeeedd bbrraakkee lleevveerr..<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU Normal operation (B) 21/55<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal operation (B) 22/55<BR>For training purposes, we have called<BR>the ECAM WHEEL page for you to<BR>remind you of the indications.<BR>The indications are also shown on the<BR>ECAM F/CTL page.<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal operation (B) 23/55<BR>We are back to normal display.<BR>With some power on at least one<BR>engine, the SPEED BRK message will<BR>flash amber.<BR>Reettrraacctt tthhee ssppeeeedd bbrraakkee..<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU Normal operation (B) 24/55<BR>We are back to normal display.<BR>With some power on at least one<BR>engine, the SPEED BRK message will<BR>flash amber.<BR>Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee ssppeeeedd bbrraakkee lleevveerr..<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU Normal operation (B) 25/55<BR>We are back to normal display.<BR>With some power on at least one<BR>engine, the SPEED BRK message will<BR>flash amber.<BR>Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee ssppeeeedd bbrraakkee lleevveerr..<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal operation (B) 26/55<BR>The spoiler retraction can be confirmed<BR>on the E/WD by the absence of the speed<BR>brake memo message.<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal operation (B) 27/55<BR>We have activated the approach<BR>for you, the airspeed decreases<BR>below the maximum speed for flap<BR>extension, or VFE, shown on the<BR>speed tape by amber dashes.<BR>Seelleecctt FFllaapp 11..<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU Normal operation (B) 28/55<BR>We have activated the approach<BR>for you, the airspeed decreases<BR>below the maximum speed for flap<BR>extension, or VFE, shown on the<BR>speed tape by amber dashes.<BR>Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee ffllaapp lleevveerr..<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU Normal operation (B) 29/55<BR>We have activated the approach<BR>for you, the airspeed decreases<BR>below the maximum speed for flap<BR>extension, or VFE, shown on the<BR>speed tape by amber dashes.<BR>Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee ffllaapp lleevveerr..<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal operation (B) 30/55<BR>Notice that an airborne selection<BR>from flap 0 to flap 1 deploys the<BR>slats only.<BR>You cannot select flap 1+F from<BR>flap 0 in the air.<BR>The speed has now decelerated<BR>to below VFE for flap 2.<BR>Seelleecctt FFllaapp 22..<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU Normal operation (B) 31/55<BR>Notice that an airborne selection<BR>from flap 0 to flap 1 deploys the<BR>slats only.<BR>You cannot select 1+F in the air.<BR>The speed has now decelerated<BR>to below VFE for flap 2.<BR>Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee ffllaapp lleevveerr..<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU Normal operation (B) 32/55<BR>Notice that an airborne selection<BR>from flap 0 to flap 1 deploys the<BR>slats only.<BR>You cannot select 1+F in the air.<BR>The speed has now decelerated<BR>to below VFE for flap 2.<BR>Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee ffllaapp lleevveerr..<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal operation (B) 33/55<BR>FFllaapp 22 iiss sseett..<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal operation (B) 34/55<BR>At this point, before flap 3 is selected, we<BR>have lowered the landing gear for you.<BR>Arrmtthhee ssppooiilleerrss..<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU Normal operation (B) 35/55<BR>At this point, before flap 3 is selected, we<BR>have lowered the landing gear for you.<BR>Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee ssppeeeedd bbrraakkee lleevveerr..<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU Normal operation (B) 36/55<BR>At this point, before flap 3 is selected, we<BR>have lowered the landing gear for you.<BR>Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee ssppeeeedd bbrraakkee lleevveerr..<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal operation (B) 37/55<BR>The ground spoilers are armed, which can<BR>be confirmed on the E/WD.<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal operation (B) 38/55<BR>Notice that as the landing gear is down and as<BR>we are below 1500 ft AGL, the landing memo has<BR>appeared.<BR>Below VFE, Flap 3 can now be selected.<BR>Seelleecctt FFllaapp 33..<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU Normal operation (B) 39/55<BR>Notice that as the landing gear is down and as<BR>we are below 1500 ft AGL, the landing memo has<BR>appeared.<BR>Below VFE, Flap 3 can now be selected.<BR>Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee ffllaapp lleevveerr..<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU Normal operation (B) 40/55<BR>Notice that as the landing gear is down and as<BR>we are below 1500 ft AGL, the landing memo has<BR>appeared.<BR>Below VFE, Flap 3 can now be selected.<BR>Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee ffllaapp lleevveerr..<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal operation (B) 41/55<BR>Flap 3 is set.<BR>Although flap 3 may be used for landing, the<BR>normal configuration is flap full.<BR>Seelleecctt FFllaapp FFULLLL..<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU Normal operation (B) 42/55<BR>Flap 3 is set.<BR>Although flap 3 may be used for landing, the<BR>normal configuration is flap full.<BR>Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee ffllaapp lleevveerr..<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU Normal operation (B) 43/55<BR>Flap 3 is set.<BR>Although flap 3 may be used for landing, the<BR>normal configuration is flap full.<BR>Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee ffllaapp lleevveerr..<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal operation (B) 44/55<BR>Flap full is set, and the<BR>speed is constant at Vapp, the<BR>final approach speed.<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal operation (B) 45/55<BR>You can check on the landing memo that the<BR>aircraft is now fully configured for landing.<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal operation (B) 46/55<BR>Passing 50 ft, the flight control laws memorize<BR>the aircraft attitude. They progressively reduce<BR>this attitude.<BR>Therefore, the pilots have to perform a gentle<BR>flare as for a conventional aircraft.<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal operation (B) 47/55<BR>At touchdown, with the main landing gear compressed,<BR>the ground spoilers deploy automatically and operate as<BR>lift dumpers, provided the thrust levers are at idle or<BR>reverse.<BR>Spoiler extension can be monitored by the pilot non<BR>flying on the ECAM WHEEL page.<BR>Note: if only one main landing gear is compressed, the<BR>ground spoilers will extend partially, thereby decreasing<BR>the lift and compressing both main landing gears. Ground<BR>spoilers will then deploy fully.<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal operation (B) 48/55<BR>If a go-around is performed, the ground<BR>spoilers will automatically retract when the<BR>power is applied.<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal operation (B) 49/55<BR>As part of the after landing phase, the<BR>ground spoilers should be disarmed.<BR>Diissaarrmtthhee ggrroouunndd ssppooiilleerrss..<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU Normal operation (B) 50/55<BR>As part of the after landing phase, the<BR>ground spoilers should be disarmed.<BR>Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee ssppeeeedd bbrraakkee lleevveerr..<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU Normal operation (B) 51/55<BR>As part of the after landing phase, the<BR>ground spoilers should be disarmed.<BR>Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee ssppeeeedd bbrraakkee lleevveerr..<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU<BR>Normal operation (B) 52/55<BR>TThhee ffllaappss sshhoouulldd nnoow bbee rreettrraacctteedd,,<BR>Seelleecctt FFllaapp 00..<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU Normal operation (B) 53/55<BR>TThhee ffllaappss sshhoouulldd nnoow bbee rreettrraacctteedd,,<BR>Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee ffllaapp lleevveerr..<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU Normal operation (B) 54/55<BR>TThhee ffllaappss sshhoouulldd nnoow bbee rreettrraacctteedd,,<BR>Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee ffllaapp lleevveerr..<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU Normal operation (B) 55/55<BR>This concludes the normal operation of<BR>flight controls.<BR>MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd<BR>NEXT<BR>FLIGHT CONTROLS MENU Normal operation (B) 56/55<BR>LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS<BR>EXIT<BR>AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM<BR>RETURN<BR>SSPPEEEEDDBBRRAAKKEESS<BR>AAPPPPRROOAACCHHCCOONNFFIIGGUURRAATTIIOONN<BR>TTAAXXII<BR>TTOOUUCCHHDDOOWWNN 谢谢LZ分享! sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss Airbus320飞行设置手册 好资料,学习中。。。 谢谢辛苦了 收藏一下 6666666666666666666666 恩。好东西。好好学习一下