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航空缩略语词典 [复制链接]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2008-12-25 20:13:48 |只看该作者
MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 N; v) k6 _% z3 W* r 197% Z8 j$ l' Y& w9 s2 n7 |; k; b NBTS Neutral Beam Test Stand.& p: p1 T7 ^7 Y8 t NC Numerically Controlled (CAM computer term).8 ]; ^2 x. o: x. i- g, u NCA National Command Authorities.2 X3 a5 t, J7 Q" m3 {2 `6 D$ ? NCC NORAD Command Center, Colorado Springs, CO. 2 B$ N, q2 s8 S4 F# R- PNCCOSC Naval Command, Control, and Ocean Surveillance Center, San Diego, CA.5 v- \7 b! w8 Y1 I$ s NCCS Navy Command and Control System.; l& B$ q$ \8 n9 _. H NCDCS Narrow Band Coherent Data Collection System. 1 H. M3 Y9 w1 FNCDD New Customer Development Database.& [" v) E4 ?9 O) a* f' N' a NCO Non-Commissioned Officer (USA/USAF/USMC term).% c a6 j; q& d$ y5 S$ @ NCP NORAD Command Post. % J* G+ W. O0 U$ q7 O6 y0 b$ U7 `NCS (1) National Communications System. (2) Net Control Station. (3) Naval Control5 b9 J4 T' i3 b6 T, O3 B+ _ of Shipping. & M7 b" W6 {: ?2 S% U- ]% vNCSC National Computer Security Center. ) [5 S" n8 r0 GNDC Naval Doctrine Command. 1 `5 i D* y& P% |( uNDD NMD System Development Director.* Z6 I/ O$ O! r/ Q3 p6 Q" o NDE Non-Destructive Evaluation. , h e$ X% }$ z- g: sNDEW Nuclear Directed Energy Weapon.. D: Z4 ]" o- C, n+ H NDEWG Nuclear Directed Energy Weapon - Ground-Based. ; W; ]! \& O. I& I/ K+ cNDI (1) Non-Developmental Item.' g h6 j C- |1 L3 Z8 y (2) Non-Destructive Inspection.( E' J+ \1 K$ } NDP National Disclosure Policy. / \' ~0 f+ u6 ?) }" W5 mNDS (1) National Defense Stockpile (2) National Defense System.. J# b$ K/ J) e7 n" j NDT Non-Destructive Test. : n2 \% W* O: F# DNDU National Defense University, Washington, DC. 8 @! }6 k/ M; Z8 T2 D2 wNEA (1) Northeast Asia.4 Z) b, W5 S( Q+ a (2) Northeast Asia campaign scenario. " J9 p& Q+ ] G& N" O* XNEACP National Emergency Alternate Command Post (E-4 aircraft).1 b$ ~0 `& ~% V0 C$ C( D* G; p1 g Near Real Time Pertaining to the timeliness of data or information that has been delayed by the 2 Z: y" i/ m9 B3 Htime required for electronic communication and automatic data processing. This, z4 f" ~: ]: G2 X& o7 z implies that there are no significant delays. 6 k0 E. p& I% F3 f# rNEC (1) National Economics Council. (2) Navy Enlisted Code. 3 a9 Q# S4 ^% R$ ^# bNECC Navy EHF Communications Controller.. E2 y0 |7 B, M8 s1 c" I' o- E MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 N * U; k0 |2 h& j( d$ Z* `4 p. w7 a198 7 }5 Y" O2 d- G4 R2 jNegate Early b( ]5 I- ~. _: W. q% ZWarning 4 u5 a) W: x4 g6 V) G( s8 AThe use of any technique that precludes the use of, renders useless, or3 ` |; \/ x7 i& w degrades an early warning capability. + h+ F0 Y i# n# l9 g/ A$ _$ wNegation RV destruction or other actions, which prevent damage to the defended area+ r9 T: @6 G/ J4 |( T( C( l0 i from conventional, nuclear, chemical, or biological effects.( p9 I; c* S: n% Z0 v1 [( z! l( g+ ? e NEMP Nuclear Electromagnetic Pulse. 7 C+ [% h7 U3 L( lNEP (1) Nuclear Electric Propulsion. (2) Nuclear Environment Protection. 0 D$ `6 y' [& q- ?' VNEPA National Environmental Policy Act.6 L0 R5 U: P$ Q6 I' [- V/ A- T NEPSTP Nuclear Electric Propulsion Space flight Test Program.3 h) @9 L# n9 q+ A: y1 x( N8 r NERF Naval Emitter Reference File (USN term).0 I; P' j3 Q, X( o NESEAD Naval Electronic Systems Engineering Activity Detachment (USN term).3 i; i4 ?& c+ C5 Y Neutral Particle - ^+ C1 D- c1 C# K/ l: s8 `Beam (NPB) 2 _$ g- h7 F5 p2 ?& A# [3 \An energetic beam of neutral particles that is generally used to damage & h3 q. o8 P/ s$ nelectronics. / t+ W+ X, M* g+ VNEV Network Experimental Version.' ^5 k4 Q( W4 M* t/ U" y NEW Net Explosive Weight. 7 e+ j$ o3 h+ S( W( qNFL New Foreign Launch.- V0 X$ \' z5 C* e NG National Guard. H+ |% ]. ]" ]" VNH&S Nuclear Hardening and Survivability. + _" ~0 M7 \6 L8 |NHA Next-Higher Assembly.# P1 n' y3 O* e6 r/ z NHMT Nuclear-Hardened Mosaic Technology.# g$ x8 o" Q) u% f/ B6 s7 j NHTF National Hover Test Facility, Edwards AFB, CA. 1 |/ Z1 A1 u3 W. c; u; k! WNIAG NATO Industrial Advisory Group. 3 s, l! G6 j, P: P. h& w" GNIC National Intelligence Council.+ S4 t# c5 X4 @3 s p8 T8 `' | NID Naval Intelligence Database (USN term).7 r0 A' `" Q5 v* ~ NIE National Intelligence Estimate. ) `; p0 v$ W+ `/ `: vNIH National Institute of Health. ) u" \8 u, r+ R6 u( xNII National Information Infrastructure.9 X7 Z. k( {' s8 `+ A NIITF National Information Infrastructure Task Force. 8 p) t5 K+ \; l* w6 A$ }7 ENILE NATO Improved Link Eleven.. [, r* y+ @+ ]9 V2 [5 z- g! O NILES NATO Improved Link Eleven System. " C' \+ b6 H' E, m1 mNIMA National Imagery and Mapping Agency, Fairfax, VA. $ T& J1 T7 L$ H, Q$ T0 r. z( Y: RMDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 N - F3 s/ n2 h7 T; v199 A8 d6 F& m+ t3 ~ NIPS NTCS Intelligence Processing Service (USN term). - ^6 ~; ~7 F% @6 g8 p" i. {NISC OBSOLETE. Naval Intelligence Support Center. (Now Naval Maritime; J% c% b X. o) F6 W8 b Intelligence Center (NAVMIC).+ Y# j/ g, Y* s$ x9 v NISP National Industrial Security Program. $ e# F7 m( O- X; i- N" z" h, rNISPOM NISP Operating Manual.0 b% g7 q# X( F$ Y7 | NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD. (Formerly , a7 z( ~, s8 I7 h3 INBS (National Bureau of Standards).$ e3 [, [/ m+ w+ {# T2 u- n) e NITES Naval Integrated Tactical Environmental Subsystem (USN term).* u4 T# R9 K' f Nitze Criteria A reference to Paul Nitze, the Reagan Administration’s chief arms control " W; C) B; a% u! @* E6 rnegotiator, and his vocalization of the goal of the SDS as the achievement of: I2 e- P& O/ I7 k& C raising the attack price where the defense cost is measured at the margin, not$ [' E' c- V; q9 B& y& n7 h the total cost. Congress established the Nitze criteria as conditions of deploying : ^( w, c. t- K+ j2 I+ ^2 \/ k2 nan SDS in Section 222 of the National Defense Authorization Act for FY 1986. ) `4 }- W( c" _: QNIU NATO Interface Unit.3 @8 ^+ k. G8 Z* H NIWA Naval Information Warfare Activity.; Q0 x% _( W2 s. F; j+ }: g NK North Korea.8 v+ m" T; p& k+ V% R+ f# @ NKEW Nuclear Kinetic Energy Weapon. ' X" H s' M5 DNL The Netherlands. / o! m+ p M9 v& }6 Y9 F5 Q0 {NLO Nonlinear Optical. 2 L9 z; M% M5 }) TNLOS (1) Non-Line of Sight. (2) Nonlinear Optical System./ q; `7 N: X5 V: p' o NLT (1) Navy Lower Tier (Missile Defense). (2) Not Later Than.- C0 P- n2 B a4 @& P8 t2 r! Z nm (1) Nautical Mile (6,080 feet). (2) Nanometer. & X+ [) d& G2 dNMA NATO Military Authority.( `% B4 x+ C3 |1 d" X/ }. u) [ NMC Not Mission Capable.' C7 {9 c# l2 p" q NMCC National Military Command Center. % N6 g$ {# _! ANMCS National Military Command System. # d% b+ v# d' Z' s" g& e# ]5 K4 B0 R TNMD OBSOLETE. National Missile Defense.# d q8 x, G, ?% w0 Y1 E NMD 3+3 OBSOLETE. National Missile Defense Three Plus Three (program). 8 ]0 I: o( S8 w$ r- @% v- SNMD GBR OBSOLETE. National Missile Defense Ground-Based Radar. . ?' e+ T c' i1 X. E0 k# `NMD IIPT OBSOLETE. NMD Integration Integrated Product Team (NMD Program term). ( r8 D) d, b; F9 z& n& E1 CNMD JPO OBSOLETE. National Missile Defense Joint Program Office.9 P ], l; b, x7 O# O NMD/TRP OBSOLETE. National Missile Defense Technology Readiness Program.

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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2008-12-25 20:13:37 |只看该作者
National Strategy6 `! \' b, s! A' H7 k Selection. b# `6 V# k7 Z6 @( b, G The determination of when it is in the national interest to activate and employ$ F9 \: v6 O+ j8 I defense resources (i.e., the balance between responsiveness and crisis control), & ~ i7 [/ [8 ~7 |, Jand given an activation/employment decision, what should be the basic objective2 P: X, X& ^4 z (e.g., force survival, survival of selected population centers, etc.).8 v. \ ~: }- r2 `$ V% \2 I8 K National Test Bed* f' J. O) {# p) P" @2 Y& D. N (NTB) , z' z5 K/ |4 v7 [. l; i, jA number of geographically separated simulation and test facilities that are4 o4 P3 D; G$ Q, }. [& D4 ?( d0 v# i linked through communications to simulate various portions of the ballistic missile . o, I T1 v: u! [defense (BMD) system for testing and validating operational and technical$ I3 K; H- w6 j' \; A# L. v, X6 {, n concepts and technologies.0 H4 h! ^* a! Q3 m6 S National Test Bed; K4 A3 b8 K5 r( u1 t! s3 h6 c! {1 J Joint Program! R5 ~5 ]; c8 U2 x6 v Office (NTBJPO): x& Q" L& g4 J" j (OBSOLETE) A Joint Service organization established to manage the NTF and : N, v9 ^7 u. X' g& Pexecute the NTB program for MDA.- P, ^; G6 z# F+ } National Test 3 p$ W7 x( T6 m7 [1 YFacility (NTF) & a; `# o) [7 B1 Y0 ?A large, modeling, simulation and test facility located on Falcon AFB in Colorado/ ~3 L/ a6 _; \* ]7 J! R which serves as the central control, coordinating, and computing center for the . g$ A! A5 H. W) }' a! ?/ ~! CNTB and as the primary integration and test facility of the BMD SE&I contractor.3 \2 W0 }/ e7 R+ A( C0 s National Warning0 D+ E1 {9 P; E$ z& {# S8 u Center (NWC) ) b* [& b( Z) |& @3 l. dCenter in CMAFB, which activates the radio, TV, and sirens that warn the U.S.9 x h% v$ q- S7 I' v2 d population of impending ballistic missile attack. Also assists with national % z/ f4 ^2 A' ndisaster relief, forest fires, and other events assigned.4 B1 C( k# n7 O' v( _ NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization. 2 ^0 x2 H3 z! w jNATOPS Naval Air Training and Operating Procedures Standardization.' }/ H2 D; k* ~% F& ^+ U9 m MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 N $ B! V4 k+ l7 J" t+ T$ t196 v8 x4 F k) S" D R+ _5 \0 gNatural Ground + ?, Y/ L+ @/ y0 P5 J5 gand Atmospheric; X$ M$ g9 O1 T Environments . K* ^: D G, D1 g4 v4 b% lThe environments, which exist in the sensible atmosphere and on the surface of 8 ]+ n: l$ w- c) [. |* E0 F0 kthe earth. These include meteorological, seismic, biological and related natural " R$ A: w4 W! W% M6 c$ jconditions. This environment is applicable to ground-based assets and groundlaunched interceptors in the atmospheric portions of flight, and it effects the/ R. y/ Z; @; Y; ^* ~/ |! e propagation of radar and communications signals. 0 M/ X' ?8 f; ^Natural Space ( Q4 _1 x. Q/ x: { i7 x; q! t$ ]+ R$ GEnvironment + U' D8 e3 N' p6 A1 n$ K0 EThe natural environment, which exists above the sensible atmosphere. Space: N, Z7 K% k* y, } begins approximately 100 km and above. This environment is applicable to* F7 c0 i4 T0 k/ M" n0 l& T1 J orbiting spacecraft, to interceptors in the exoatmospheric portions of flight, and it 6 V( Z: G: W# T {/ x, eaffects the propagation of radar and communications signals. . K2 O5 Y- b$ t$ XNAVAIDS Navigational Aids.+ _- x' t& P% m6 T& W7 f Naval Space+ [7 G- A2 R/ a3 D* T Command 0 ^" P" C. F- H+ Q8 g/ m' f(NAVSPACE- " M! Y; R* q0 W8 K+ ]2 m4 RCOM) 9 c5 u, x P' I$ I" ~8 H* jThe naval component of USSPACECOM. Responsible for day-to-day operation8 p5 ?: X; x" S6 p; l w5 p of FLTSATCOM, NAVSPASUR, etc. Responsible for BMD elements that may be - z; p3 o, Q! T W7 R; d; g8 hoperated by the Navy. Located in Dahlgren, VA. 0 S X" |1 H. W3 U' l% P4 pNaval Space / Z" z0 C# \ H9 f# H5 IOperations 6 { C5 i6 M ]4 FCenter 4 B9 ~$ Q, K7 `( i0 k5 L% m(NAVSPOC)% w* ]2 T E$ E Existing Navy component command center at Dahlgren, VA, responsible for$ L( H7 P6 {1 b6 M% | logistical and administrative support of forces assigned to them.5 z+ I; b9 Q) r! h/ O NAVDSOC Navy Defense System Operations Center.7 I5 D6 d3 w1 j1 d) u NAVFAC Navy Facilities Engineering Command.: I! ~4 I; z3 O; l, @ NAVFOR Navy Forces. 9 C8 V: [! x. A5 QNAVMACS Navy Modular Automated Communications System (USN term).9 w( R; a4 y$ G- q* s NAVMIC Naval Maritime Intelligence Center, Suitland, MD. 7 x. V/ T- |. m( zNAVOSH Navy Occupational Safety and Health.$ D* ~2 w f8 v+ ~ NAVSAT Navigation Satellite.: L/ g$ V. P/ i* a8 U/ m NAVSPACE Naval Space Command.6 F( f" m* d3 E' w6 a NAVSPACECOM Naval Space Command. 1 T8 X% R( O/ N& mNAVSPASUR Naval Position of SPASUR.- ]" V) }4 j& G; A3 K) L& Y NAVSPOC Naval Space Operations Center. . z+ `# {# o# FNAVSTAR Navigational satellite, part of the Global Positioning System (GPS). ; S2 T3 Y0 U! H! {$ x b% {# BNavy FAAWC Navy Force Anti-Air Warfare Commander.7 d% E. | A! t7 l9 ]$ `8 D3 J( H NAWC Naval Air Warfare Center. $ v i9 C B1 ]9 h5 E# QNAWC WPNS Naval Air Warfare Center, Weapons Division, China Lake, CA.' N3 o: {( C# W NBC Nuclear, Biological, Chemical. 6 U% P6 Y9 O/ g3 Z1 u! k# b/ j4 G, CNBS National Bureau of Standards.

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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2008-12-25 20:13:15 |只看该作者
Multiple Intercept" e& M$ ^2 M5 j3 k, P& g- Z Defense ( B# a$ V: F* X! E3 v5 ZCapability to make two or more intercepts per target or targets defended. / w1 {, n% K$ z: V6 m* [- i1 sMultiple 4 g. B+ |4 `5 l1 z# WPhenomenology& ~. o! C8 g4 c( c# p Observations of potential targets by means of different physical principles and' X2 T) z; q1 D$ y different sensor systems. In the case of sensor systems, the use of multiple2 e! y% l* b) _, _7 d phenomenologies makes it more difficult for an adversary to deceive them.* ?# H! [- H( j: Q1 H9 h( M Multiple Reentry1 [/ |& `8 f w9 y% c Vehicle0 y$ p S0 C5 m5 N) z. Z5 s. ] A reentry vehicle of a delivery system, which places more than one reentry 8 j* G6 W/ @( Y- ^( Mvehicle over an individual target.. O. h) [3 e( ?! {' b, X Multiple Silo 6 o2 u+ o/ J$ E+ w1 X8 k4 I; E! zDefense$ n: I% v% F) H! X% ~ Capability to defend two or more silos.% Z$ K: ^# m" C; Z# p) t. y% q. v Multi-service T&E T&E conducted by two or more DoD Components for systems to be acquired by ! ^+ M6 M4 G" r6 q" a* V! W# W- ~more than one DoD Component, or for a DoD Component's systems that have0 K5 V+ l. x% z2 o8 p' F interfaces with equipment of another DoD Component.( D9 K$ D( n; I, y1 M0 r3 f# g MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 M, F% G- w! j! c/ w/ x- Q1 t 193 # ~3 Q% y* s! Q% n! X7 t( d0 DMulti-static Radar A radar system with a transmitter and several receivers all separated. A special9 J% D" {/ G& A. k- A* V6 \ case is bi-static radar. An advantage of multi-static radar over mono-static radar 0 {0 f- V( u0 O! g* }/ a& E' G9 Kis that even if transmitters, which might be detected by the enemy when) u1 f# ^' E. X: n/ _" @ operating, are attacked, receivers in other locations might not be noticed and - i/ L# h K4 R( Wmight thereby escape attack. 1 W0 {. C( y# Q2 xMULTS Mobile Universal Link Translator System (NATO term). / `, j4 G# v$ F# PMUS Mission Unique Software. 1 B% ?0 D+ p2 EMUX Multiplex.! P! T8 `; ` S; |# c/ X mV Millivolt.2 ]! N7 G; D3 b' m MV Miniature Vehicle. * e l) U4 V7 y* k8 F8 DMW (1) Mega-Watt (millions of watts). (2) Microwave. (3) Missile Warning. 2 K0 ?& {% x" m) x. I( }8 U! g Q2 ^MWC Missile Warning Center.9 u8 Q1 [+ ?2 r7 `/ D- p- b# ^ Mwe Megawatt (electrical energy). ' q9 ]7 F T4 ], ?; cMWIR Medium Wavelength Infrared.+ `; R) R8 e( `$ a' c9 y# Q9 j+ { MWS Modular Workstation (ADP term). ; f' A% U# |+ u Y2 h q' NMwt Megawatt (thermal energy). ! b5 P. ~# M3 ]1 {MX Formerly an experimental missile; newest addition to U.S. ICBM arsenal; also. @! U# H' ~5 l- H called "Peacekeeper.”7 i K# l3 T7 {3 S MY Man Year. . }0 {$ ~1 A" w: l! u+ WMDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 N : v% {5 ^0 c3 W4 n% I* `. U" `194/ Y( i( c o$ Q! X N (1) Neutron. (2) North.5 c$ x E; k1 r- m N/A (1) Not Applicable. (2) Not Available. E) I, h) K2 M3 eN/SP CC NORAD/US SPACECOM Commander.7 L1 s/ U0 y# D6 H, p- [9 j NAAF Neutral Airframe Adaptive Flare.& U1 H6 v7 j7 T8 O7 L# z+ g NACMA NATO ACCS Management Agency.( g6 c& b: ?+ ]: z NACSEM National Communications Security Emanations Memoranda. & x, i# G; V/ Y) E1 E/ ^NACSI National Communications Security Instruction. , H0 u1 t/ j8 ~8 [7 SNACSIM National Communications Security Information Memoranda., x+ X7 z5 W7 m6 D: V) [! J7 _ NAD Navy Area Defense (lower tier). v1 X+ f$ D9 P2 R$ T, W NADC Naval Air Development Center.5 r' a9 [" q" {$ W NADGE NATO Air Defense Ground Environment. ( Z9 z# D! b$ O& j z1 ]6 FNADIR Network Anomaly Detection Intrusion Reported.8 R7 N5 d) e( U4 Q0 e6 @/ m NAE Navy Acquisition Executive.- Z" U h( e. U NAF (1) Non-appropriated Fund. 2. Naval Air Facility.4 U6 S$ M, b- h7 |% {5 ~# W NAI Named Areas of Interest. 6 u! W" p6 J; R3 INAIC National Air Intelligence Center (DIA), Wright-Patterson AFB, OH." X' z( q, }0 K% R' s2 g2 V# t* C/ f NAM Non-aligned Movement.# ~8 T$ X1 K& z) ^; X3 f7 f7 ? NAMEADSMA NATO MEADS Management Agency.7 u8 y* e) |8 H/ ^3 J7 p- _ NAOC National Airborne Operations Center (formerly NEACP).. [% L5 L* e: W NAP NDS Augmentation Package. 2 f9 ]/ ]. T/ l& l/ E. ]NAS (1) National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC. (2) Naval Air Station.5 |; C' z+ j7 e. \ NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington, DC. ^/ o1 F [& e6 P2 J" qNASDA National Space Development Agency (Japan). % G3 y4 R2 x$ D2 p4 F3 aNASP National Aerospace Plane.' A+ t: I7 r+ Z& p+ J' s% f NATINAD NATO Integrated Air Defense. " H, t7 ?* V& S/ p; ENational Airborne5 `9 H( Y2 n# Z3 }( g Operations + G4 Q& _5 |2 q5 {7 e$ i+ KCenter (NAOC)& P; A- j; s7 n0 J' h One of four specially equipped Boeing 747s that during a national emergency 3 ?! ], G1 W) I. W% zwould allow the President and top military leaders to stay airborne for up to 12 5 C8 F$ @8 B1 Q% C- ?hours while linked to ground and space forces. Formerly NEACP.4 W. d3 C- F0 C5 u National- I# ^# _$ V5 Z5 t& r7 I Command 9 [1 G* t. f2 F' {Authorities (NCA)1 B% i, O; B/ u% j: u The President and the Secretary of Defense or their duly deputized alternates or: h$ o( Y2 {6 @( B, L- Z/ M# J2 | successors. 2 P6 C; u- B g! pMDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 N u3 ^, N2 I# @) l195" F- q5 t. `! V8 i National Military; `+ i/ e% \+ |# ?, D8 y Command Center- J# N/ [) d& C- N (NMCC); M0 d; H6 S7 [% ~. U' C The primary location for JCS command and control of all U.S. and Combined& D! C: _4 T" `) c# m! g Forces. Located at the Pentagon, Arlington, VA. $ e+ |' F; h* F m3 z) PNational Military7 N2 I! D3 X1 K3 @4 P( Z9 R Command 8 f: B: c$ z1 P- l) DSystem (NMCS) ; Z2 u6 [* R+ m' J9 |The priority component of the Worldwide Military Command and Control System! Q4 i/ I5 ^) r1 o. a# N% T (WWMCCS) designed to support the National Command Authorities and Joint T) y4 t q# C Chiefs of Staff in the exercise of their responsibilities. The NMC provides the1 x; s/ y2 v( g1 b g1 b% ?' Y means by which the President and the Secretary of Defense can receive warning , J7 W' ?' h! n# m7 a* A t- Y" Band intelligence upon which accurate and timely decisions can be made, the* i6 l7 t9 S. }! n$ x) ^; Q+ A+ d resources of the Military Departments applied, military mission assigned, and by 1 |% v7 H5 g% J4 G3 q6 e. kwhich direction can be given to the combatant command commanders or* r: u! b9 `1 v, ? commanders of commands established by the NCA. The NMCS must be6 f: W9 @* e# C! P' _/ o capable of providing information so that appropriate and timely responses can x! e- D. N2 x" H& r be selected and directed by the NCA and implemented. In addition, the NMCS0 t5 a2 ]( N* ], W7 ? supports the Joint Chiefs of Staff in carrying out their responsibilities.. o4 d8 M/ ^0 ~( n. p National Missile - d3 z1 x% Q2 v3 V' z1 n5 PDefense (NMD) - a% T' S! V1 \1 b4 i' U/ Y7 FSystem1 H# X$ \4 g- k1 u OBSOLETE. A ground-based anti-ballistic missile system designed to protect the 2 {% b8 |4 _/ {U.S. against limited ballistic missile threats. It consists of four elements: groundbased interceptors (GBI); a ground-based radar (GBR); a battle management( q6 F6 b) W# `& u5 s( }- w0 v command, control, and communications (BM/C3) system; and a constellation of& o: G7 v1 v% ]( N Space and Missile Tracking System (SMTS) (a.k.a. Brilliant Eyes) satellites.3 }" ~2 L4 ?6 p National # _) T3 V3 q% s& sReconnaissance8 E8 u5 A& L4 [' X8 I7 H9 v0 @ Office (NRO) ) ]- ~" H% s. fA Department of Defense Agency tasked to ensure that the United States has9 z0 `6 j7 m6 T& p5 A the technology, spaceborne, and airborne assets needed to acquire intelligence 1 H6 }+ f; f$ S; X7 M6 s$ H. N" C8 uworldwide, including support to such functions as monitoring arms control ( S, }3 M1 Z b' `7 X: Bagreements, indications and warning, and the planning and conducting of# l8 o* [8 h5 f) m5 k military operations. This mission is accomplished through research and' n, q# x& Z0 q development, acquisition, and operation of spaceborne and airborne intelligence $ }* b8 J; |+ }+ R1 b/ vdata collection systems.

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发表于 2008-12-25 20:13:00 |只看该作者
MRSS Mobile Range Safety System.+ O( d* t4 a" m9 ~6 ^ MRTFB Major Range and Test Facility Base.% a0 {) h5 _3 B- @ MRV Maneuverable Reentry Vehicle. 4 T! `, Y3 Q+ p% i1 h cMRVIS Mid-Apogee Reentry Vehicle Intercept System.2 F+ G; y I! o- G. w! c ms Milliseconds.! a" H: C# y0 Z+ D' H& E' r' A MS Milestones. 1 c3 ~% B, q9 nMS I Milestone I (DD 5000 term).1 K1 e# A$ y/ |0 E8 X MS II Milestone Two (DD 5000 term). + _7 X# L8 H8 M4 uMDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 M9 F+ H% g2 M, m7 Y9 R, M 1902 m+ Z/ D8 |0 v6 Z- e MS III Milestone Three (DD 5000 term).% o7 U3 k6 Z- z8 x, _5 l MS IV Milestone Four (DD 5000 term).& j$ |, D5 ?! w2 R. u+ A0 ?7 { MS-DOS Microsoft Disk Operating System. ( l0 v' e' T* W5 C, E# NMSAG Multi-functional Self-Aligned Gate. 6 Y' o% {! Z. k VMSC (1) Military Sealift Command. (2) Mission Support Configuration. (3) Major; r( E, r+ f# ?7 { Subordinate Command. 6 A. |- Z# z9 n# l3 W. _, \3 QMSD Modular Security Device. . ~$ j2 ~5 q4 B5 @MSE (1) Mobile Subscriber Equipment (PATRIOT)./ q9 o/ W6 j& N& J0 { K: u (2) Multiple Simultaneous Engagements.# c+ E9 Y' D4 ~$ l( N MSEL Master Scenario Events List.% \3 X1 |, t9 N. Q7 U+ W# t, m5 I MSFC Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL. o C8 R% v* [7 {! }# S MSG Message.9 {1 D$ k. \) l1 r% T- y4 D MSGDB Message Database.6 S$ j) n0 J! @! B6 F MSI Multi-Spectral Imagery.0 j& L8 o/ u; n2 H& x MSIC Missile and Space Intelligence Center (DIA), Redstone Arsenal, AL. & i- J9 Q7 V1 p' _4 mMSL (1) Mean Sea Level. (2) Master Station Log. 9 Z3 m3 S w0 L1 E$ @MSLS Multi-Service Launch System (Minuteman).# P* k0 e$ k i7 m# ~; l# n. a MSPS Mega Sample Per Second.8 ^% H, j% N3 }2 ] MSR Missile Site Radar. : l" t b6 F' A1 CMSS (1) Midcourse Surveillance System. ( T z! } L4 D, ]" D(2) Multi-Satellite System. (ARPA). 4 J$ C$ c( L/ S. \: i9 J8 k(3) Management Support System. 1 v: u; {( s ]: [ D6 v: \( w" S(4) Modeling and Simulation Support.* M' n! W* {" e' ?4 ?) j MSSS Maui Space Surveillance Site. 3 [5 G0 c% c$ fMSTI Miniature Sensor Technology Integration satellite.+ ]8 w! y' X4 Q& h MSTS (1) Midcourse Surveillance and Tracking System. }! Z( [3 y. P( H$ j2 i/ P(2) Multi Source Tactical System. 4 R# |8 T3 |7 `7 F* l! }MSU Mass Storage Unit (TelComm/Computer term). * v3 H" H3 c& g+ b' `MSWG Milestone Working Group.' F' n& N1 u) L9 X MSX Midcourse Space Experiment.* ^3 E! z% W% D Mt. Megaton.& w$ ^/ Z- l: d9 d MT Metric Ton. * J1 _- o" E: J, lMDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 M ( H S5 c$ W8 o191, E; t' t+ o. p# X4 W6 [$ {* e MTACCS Marine Tactical Air Command and Control System. ' d: `, ]# S/ WMTB(EME) Mean Time Between (Equipment Malfunction Event). ' l. A: Z, ^( W8 {& s% pMTBCF Mean Time Between Critical Failures ((ILS term). 9 g7 K$ U: w4 p7 w- D5 x1 \MTBF Mean Time Between Failures. 0 |: z4 ^0 r0 }( lMTBFS MTBF Software (ILS term).3 C6 @) q1 r; ~0 i* C MTBM Mean Time Between Maintenance (ILS term).4 C: o# \6 }& u! ]: f' [# L MTBMA Mean Time Between Maintenance Actions (ILS term). t0 u) C5 K" s3 G) x" {. \8 KMTBR Mean Time Between Removals (ILS term).) R% Y8 ]. E: P) _5 L H/ L: s MTCR Missile Technology Control Regime. 1 I+ i# ^9 A1 P! \4 qMTD (1) Maintenance Task Distribution (ILS term). (2) Material Test Directorate. 9 R( w/ j! D) ?+ h$ |(3) Missile Technology Demonstration (USAF program). 7 ` K9 V7 I3 r6 cMTDS Minimum Technical Data Set (ACDP term).) Q+ Q8 B2 N# m9 }8 }$ R Mtg Meeting.. v7 i" `8 q8 @5 ~- x. \ MTI Moving Target Indicator. ! n8 \* k; {6 H B( x0 RMTM Maneuvering Tactical Missile.! K. N- }! l4 y: [ MTMC Military Traffic Management Control. , a5 v- ]3 t" u) X% v) u0 gMtn Mountain. 8 B t' e+ M, F8 _: U3 |; JMTOE Modified Table of Organization and Equipment.( i# m V& a8 Z. I& O9 I$ r MTOP Management Task Order Plan. 4 ^1 [- D9 c' K) ~. A1 Q: U+ kMTS Missile Tracking Sensor. U* @ l$ f% ^( v; D- G MTTR Mean Time To Repair. % |; N+ @' p( Z& |) n8 yMTTRS Mean Time to Restore System.$ O6 P7 T$ Q/ P E$ X! t6 d MTTV Maneuvering Tactical Target Vehicle. 9 f8 p. }! i ?. M1 Q* JMTU Military Training Unit (ILS term). 2 O0 Z C% a$ o) P- A, r# LMTV Maneuvering Target Vehicle. A Hera target booster with a Pershing II reentry) S- ]/ b( R/ H0 \ vehicle. o( I5 V; M1 f9 G, C MTWS MAGTF Tactical Warfare Simulation. 8 P: {$ q* K( ?, @8 ~MUE Mission Unique Equipment.+ v: j/ N+ i: a n0 W$ E- H8 t MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 M n3 r: e7 a. M* p, m; H 192 ; e3 e% E$ d# tMulti-Service & v) J5 s! G4 `* hDoctrine4 K# z5 X, {5 y3 L9 |# C0 R2 V Fundamental principals that guide the employment of forces of two or more) D- @; z! `' Q ]" {1 Z Services in coordinated action toward a common objective. It is ratified by the; ^/ W& a$ w" ]) W) R; M" X' E two or more Services, and is promulgated in multi-Service publications that: q1 g8 M5 E2 {) x identify the participating Services. See also Joint Doctrine.- A& l8 H& d2 m0 V6 y Multi-Spectral! h$ ^! J; y- D& P9 q+ J Imagery - U I9 u' H1 D* P6 a) X3 aThe image of an object obtained simultaneously in a number of discrete spectral # S$ U V9 n7 b- ^- {3 E/ xbands.5 \5 M2 V0 a! n5 r5 ? Multi-Year G( U0 l/ d+ [8 X2 ^( PAppropriation6 x' V, w: q+ `/ X3 T Congressional appropriation available for incurring obligations for a definite $ u" _( h2 ]+ u/ s$ Z/ R3 `8 ]0 Tperiod in excess of one fiscal year; i.e., for two or more years. (See Multi-Year( J% s0 D1 r g) Y Procurement.) * O+ V( {: z Z, h; B) g+ GMulti-Year + |" d- f6 v+ l9 U$ S! qProcurement ) S. {2 c* J8 T* | `2 N(MYP)5 X! F' Z# N& T5 m, A9 F0 w A procurement of more units than the current year requirement. The total - ~0 V2 Q' M8 Z# `/ Bpurchase is divided into segments, which are annually budgeted and funded;$ x1 i% F" v- j; M9 P however, the contractor is protected from cancellations through clauses in% [ q# U, y& R+ ]+ t contracts.+ o2 A- Z6 J/ O( l, Z! ] Multilateration A type of multi-static radar usually employing one transmitter and several 4 F- ~; V8 b1 p3 I9 Y; creceivers for target detection and tracking.. R' O/ p' ^2 G1 ]$ w* a9 V3 o Multilevel Device A device that is used in a manner that it simultaneously permits access by users * B) X& d0 D4 jwith different security clearances and needs-to-know, but prevents users from ) }* x( w0 d& d/ ~: ~obtaining access to information for which they lack authorization.& T: O) f8 q8 a0 G; N( \! z Multilevel Secure A class of system containing information with different classifications that ! l8 A4 P6 L+ X: o" R) ^9 jsimultaneously permits access by users with different security clearances and 5 ]& u9 t" \+ L# K# i) ^needs-to-know, but prevents users from obtaining access to information for which% O7 ^1 d( c0 ^- o they lack authorization. # t" j% N; U7 n0 z( a5 E$ I7 PMultilevel9 d. ^, `. p6 J& ?" Y* L Security Mode 9 T5 ?3 i) t3 z' J l(ADP Security) A mode of operation using an operating system, which provides a( r1 D/ r& Q0 @7 ~ capability, that permits various levels and categories or compartments of material7 k! X3 d+ v2 A' p# B7 n0 c+ S to be concurrently stored and processed in an ADP system. # J9 B0 c# l& |5 z4 i+ Y7 VMultiple ! ~$ \5 d1 [! N; h$ O b' t pIndependently . W4 g9 W; R" c4 { ^& n }Targetable1 G: h( b$ |8 I; {9 @ Reentry Vehicle 0 \, s: W- Q: a# X# Y5 C(MIRV)5 t8 `( J3 y! `. Z2 o A reentry vehicle carried by a delivery system that can place one or more reentry + @# W; q' z6 d" {vehicles over each of several separate targets.

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发表于 2008-12-25 20:12:49 |只看该作者
MLRS Multiple Launch Rocket System. 2 U8 J S# w( u: ^8 E9 d1 ^MLS (1) Microwave Landing System (FAA airways term). - ^/ W" y" ]3 n; z" T: `6 r(2) Multi-Level Security (COMSEC term). $ {( O4 ^6 h2 K% ^MLV (1) Missile Launch Vehicle. (2) Medium Life Vehicle.4 m- F$ C) y: y MLWIR Medium-Long Wavelength Infrared. 6 G L, c# f; A4 J+ O9 p3 f! a: nMm Millimeter.9 @/ v1 D0 O' [0 _7 m MM Maintenance Manual.& X8 j5 e0 v# |) W- l; H MM III Minuteman III ICBM.% P6 y, }, {6 N+ F& Z' z9 o MMH Maintenance Man-hours (ILS term). 9 q( W1 \' {, S6 B, f- {6 A9 \. B3 m: YMDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 M - s# I; l. [8 D. R! l; ?, |187 4 H5 {* a. {! h* ]MMI Man-Machine Interface.0 w# f h3 t5 o. X: Y4 i% d MMIC Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit.( y& d- P, J1 R% q8 t, Y: N* k MMIPT Milestone Management IPT (THAAD Program term). , H" I* R w6 m$ q- z2 @( GMMKV Multiple Miniature Kill Vehicles / l# b' d" o0 V8 c" QMMM Multi-Mode Missile.5 t- w% f: ~+ T7 n MMPM MEECN Message Processing Mode. 5 X7 L) J3 J& h" I N: KMMR Monthly Management Review.- ~( P( }* ~8 C* o MMS Multi-Mode Seeker.' L+ m3 B6 f2 c2 { MMS-CP Missile Management Station – Control Panel (US Army term). ! s8 F8 s8 V3 m$ D# @* ^3 KMMU Man Maneuvering Unit.+ q, ^4 @3 I) g! ?! O% g MMW Millimeter Wave., j% Y& t# l% Y' l. I MN-ED Materiel Need – Engineering Development (US Army term).* C# X' w- B. P3 u) ~1 |* _ MNS Mission Need Statement.' J' j ^8 o6 S1 {+ M# I MOA (1) Memorandum of Agreement. (2) Military Operating Area.7 w& E- B4 k5 y) _4 K8 O- w g MOA/U Memorandum of Agreement/Understanding.* L6 V! ?+ d2 F0 M% ? MOAB Missile Optimized Anti-Ballistic.. _2 T1 X3 a, t' K9 ] MOB Main Operations Base.( F$ Y/ X, d& Q2 Z+ q1 c4 j Mobile Ground1 c9 ~& ^+ }6 w& b0 P Entry Point / ~4 p# }. V) r; Y# j4 R(MGEP)( G& o& o0 m$ r# o: b1 E The subset of GEPs, which are transportable. GEPs provide the communications8 k, ^* ~* A/ y1 K; R T( h interfaces between the SDS space orbital/sub-orbital elements and the C2E. % E6 f0 ~" i$ d; q5 D& S* X/ LMOC Mobile Operations Center.) p4 {$ z( h; N MOCVD Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition.1 W3 q; X. F9 M) ^# l Mock-up A model, built to scale, of a machine, apparatus, or weapon. It is used in 6 b# V' d) s# w" Yexamining the construction of critical clearances, in testing a new development,2 `* m1 G E# M$ F1 @ or in teaching personnel how to operate or maintain the actual item. ' N2 ] u* l( X5 C( v- ZMOD (1) Ministry of Defense. (2) Modification. ( n. u7 P/ Y- `' a* e, {1 |Modem Modulator-Demodulator (Telecomm/Computer term).3 w# g( @: [( z# d2 [, k4 n Modes Situational conditions or categories under which selective Rules of Engagement 7 W! ~3 ?: e) _3 W9 eapply. Examples include: Peacetime: Day to day operation when training, - o# a% f' W& |# O; f8 _exercises, and routine maintenance and operations occur. Prior to crisis or war. 2 V6 e5 x8 }# i$ b ~6 ]# ]$ ` jCrisis: The transition state between peacetime and war. War: Self-explanatory. & R% ~2 T1 J% t" L8 [MODIL See Manufacturing Operations, Development, and Integration Laboratory. , _, \, x( f7 {+ B, ]MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 M% y9 z) y, [$ e7 R 188* {1 v# q2 U9 x* a Modularity The degree to which a system, computer program (or component) is composed: C# Q. R( S; c6 ~ of discrete components such that a change to one component has minimal y) e E9 D6 B" v2 B/ W impact on other components.8 O7 e) x/ c! k! D0 q. a& p( X6 Q MOE See Measure of Effectiveness. & r" s7 P$ s1 V l* m, J7 W+ s: t% QMOL Minimum Operating Level., I& h( |( Y% O; o; q2 E MOLNIYA Orbit This is a highly eccentric orbit with high apogee (.71 to .74) in the northern ( A* L; Q# ]2 G" Y9 _* e" I" r/ Themisphere and low perigee in the southern hemisphere. For a specific set of+ ^* F# @ D# ]8 a; S4 D orbital parameters, this orbit has a changing velocity and altitude, which, when 1 ~5 j/ n, D. Ycombined with the earth’s rotation, keeps the orbiting satellite within view for very 7 W/ ~3 j) g$ o3 F; U% Jlong periods (96 percent) above a designated point on earth. 7 s! n [- `% I% s% s, r" GMOM Measure of Merit. 3 ~& a# K+ Z9 D% pMono Track Data on the location and movement of an object in space that can be derived by # f" h5 g4 {2 O, N& ?* u/ Xa single sensor. ) _; W7 a6 g7 f: t* LMonostatic Radar A radar system in which the receiver and transmitter are collocated. 0 m Z3 J9 z8 I- L2 {: v1 UMOP Memorandum of Policy.2 f) u a$ U) W MOPA Master Oscillator Power Amplifier. , ^* r# x1 t* l; o! z. G7 bMOPP Mission-Oriented Protective Posture.$ z+ _( {6 @5 j( W' \ MOR Memorandum of Record. . D0 U& Y2 { O6 xMORA MILSTAR Operator Requirements Analyst., C P/ ^/ E5 O9 I) N MOS Metal Oxide Semiconductor.- d" Y( { x) L" l7 i Moscow BMD 7 f! k' D/ u3 w& CSystem & T7 x5 _ |9 v+ ?; p3 AThe Soviet exoatmospheric system using the Dog House and Cat House 4 w/ i4 n0 \2 y+ J5 ^phased-array radars for long-range acquisition. The system might also use the" g+ U. J3 x# J a Hen House early warning radars for long-range acquisition. Target and' u& I3 n1 d3 \5 R1 c interceptor tracking is performed by mechanically steered dish antennas.9 Y& @! ^. A$ Q( M- d9 B9 J. y MOSHED Multi-planar Organic Scintillator High Energy Detector.! f: E" u7 Y2 y- q) v/ F MOSTT Mosaic Optical Sensor Technology Testbed.2 G. h) N+ \* O5 M4 \3 ^ MOTIF Maui Optical Tracking and Identification Facility, HI. 1 ^) }9 H2 t/ f8 ^. ~: n5 gMOTR Multiple Object Tracking Radar. 0 l$ r# v% j, F# H3 TMOTS Military Off the Shelf. : T( A# ]( w5 ^: H+ J% M: H _MOU Memorandum of Understanding./ a' b9 \3 {1 V1 v3 @# s MPA (1) Main Political Administration (USSR term). 2 v" I! `5 a D' ]$ S; f(2) Maintenance Planning Analysis (ILS term). 5 N, ]7 H X( C$ [& J. pmph Miles per hour.+ m+ Z/ A2 I& q9 D& r MPL Multiple Pulse Laser.! a' Y4 `0 P1 B* X0 G% d MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 M 5 @# p3 v+ ?- S: v# ^1 j3 m189+ W9 G( U7 r/ s MPOS Million Operations Per Second.- R- q" d Y' F. O, P& F+ a. U MPP Massively Parallel Processor. 8 G5 T5 z* m* JMPRS Mission Planning Rehearsal System. % a% ~& Y" V' nMPS (1) Multiple Protective Shelters (once to be used for basing MX).# @) v6 ~$ W5 g; o- h/ O (2) Main Propulsion System. & U( P. A3 ^0 uMPT Manpower, Personnel, and Training. + Y) V2 A5 s6 Q( N3 B2 ZMPTS Manpower, Personnel, Training, and Safety.2 e2 \* q# V- Z* v MR (1) Milliradian. (2) Mobile Reserve. (3) Maintenance Ratio (ILS term) (4) Missile0 p. W# w1 h5 c5 @# F' t: L5 R Round (US Army term) 7 B4 \3 s7 R" U$ v, m5 w' ]. }) PMRB Material Review Board.' X3 w1 Q5 k, X% r" j MRBM Medium Range Ballistic Missile.5 X9 }3 R9 W* ]% B; { MRC (1) Maintenance Requirements Card (Navy ILS term). 4 l0 }4 E& v9 A" H5 k(2) Major Regional Conflict/Contingency. / e$ a- } f- e5 B, Q* G) CMRCTS Missile Round Cable Test Set.4 }, h) W7 c0 K) t5 c MRD Mission Requirements Document., \) g# z5 v0 @3 I' T- W3 { MRDA Mission Requirements and Definition Analysis. * }% v, g6 r: `4 PMRJ A specific SETA contractor. 2 f; y& t4 m4 B- \MRL Multiple Rocket Launcher.$ x1 }0 S) g8 L0 T. `& e MROC (1) Mobile Regional Operations Center. & G. v: \1 h3 Q V% U, S(2) Multiple Required Operational Capabilities.8 M; r! E# Z1 R" y+ A MRP Missile Round Pallet.8 d, w/ r$ P8 \! x* h MRR Mission Readiness Review (AFMC term).2 ]* U: R( E/ N$ Q+ ~! t( \ MRSA Material Readiness Support Agency (US. Army).

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发表于 2008-12-25 20:12:37 |只看该作者
Missile Guidance / k, f9 ?& T2 u3 D0 ]* M1 WSystem! a7 ^1 ~8 J6 V3 k5 P c/ h A system that evaluates flight information, correlates it with target data, n; A& K4 A* b! L1 k( A. f determines the desired flight path of a missile, and communicates the necessary w' G" O5 [5 Q5 n, P+ Y: {commands to the missile flight control system. - F! ~( A2 v0 `MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 M ; u4 @, e- r1 ^' P% X6 U7 x185$ W- O; h( v V4 F2 B, p Missile Intercept 6 H! O0 P: C1 `6 uZone6 S6 R* c5 @4 `5 C. n That geographical division of the destruction area where surface-to-air missiles( J/ W! ~; a! o1 ]8 u2 \3 B have primary responsibility for destruction of airborne objects. 5 C% l; l- i% I7 ]) U' GMissile Release 6 d7 ?3 w9 s4 b- ?: j' l6 u3 b& ?Line 7 }, _( n' w) sThe line at which an attacking aircraft could launch an air-to-surface missile 8 J7 O/ D; U+ B) |against a specific target. , Y8 y0 Q$ Q$ R+ ^Missile Warning7 S0 X1 t0 t0 U- x1 {; a Center (MWC)' I5 ]* A }- `8 k2 ^ Located in CMAFB, the MWC is operated by USSPACECOM to fulfill ballistic $ C" Q+ n. Y6 L& p# Smissile TW/AA responsibilities of USCINCSPACE to external users to whom there ' r) Y; J& k2 ~7 r3 C; S; ]" _: w* Tare commitments. The MWC manages the ballistic missile sensors and reporting - M1 m) g0 M. f/ b, k M5 |. ?system in support of timely, accurate, and unambiguous warning of missile attack . N) I9 j; h( N, A9 i% @, b2 c/ G: @4 xworldwide. MWC personnel, in coordination with other centers, validate and7 Q% D& Y# e3 g. T- Z confirm report events. The Launch Correlation Unit (LCU) of the MWC ensures ! o9 i$ i" P) v4 Z: d& Hall domestic and cooperative launches are coordinated and reported so that they ( J7 J/ Z- T* Dare not construed as hostile in accordance with the “Agreement on Measures to ) j% B8 ] [2 i& [ W7 R! y: [Reduce the Risk of Outbreak of Nuclear War” between the US and USSR.- A% f0 z) z& ]0 N( W Mission (1) The task, together with the purpose, which clearly indicates the action to" {5 f! {7 \9 A; E/ b be taken and the reason therefore., ]1 J; j0 B* @* F% N: v (2) In common usage, especially when applied to lower military units, a duty 3 i. y& ~8 K: @3 B0 z; vassigned to an individual or unit; a task. / @2 H/ X, G! M4 x; r8 a(3) Missions are statements of the objective to be accomplished for a given- x3 {/ U- J2 S1 a" C: Q! {. l situation. Missions will describe the situation and will include who, what,1 q7 E4 O8 o. |+ B' S- _/ ` when, where, why, and how the BMD system will perform. They contain ' F$ c" a4 S4 g4 z/ Nemployment direction and procedures to BMD forces for a given situation6 l# D% i# D. S W% x$ I to achieve specific defense objectives. (USSPACECOM) 8 o% e v4 z, L$ r" Q8 kMission Area A segment of the defense mission as established by the Secretary of Defense. & _( O, o( H" W8 _! w& R, e! IEach DoD component has a mission area (i.e. Navy - sea control) for which it, B4 t; B0 C* c6 \ must equip its forces. - R/ r- W, { U7 ]Mission Area ' f" @! o" S$ eAnalysis (MAA) / U0 V! d& g+ R wContinuous analysis of assigned mission responsibilities in the several mission, f) p( y X% B$ ^5 c areas to identify deficiencies in the current and projected capabilities to meet/ U1 S8 V/ H5 C8 b, r P8 ?. D essential mission needs, and to identify opportunities for the enhancement of- \& B, Z% N; G# r capability through more effective systems and less costly methods.% ?" V* j6 z8 I! s5 U Mission Capable @& D( r2 H0 u K. P9 I3 {" e(MC)# S5 \; b: _! g. Q5 z k8 G ? Material condition of an aircraft indicating it can perform at least one and0 ^/ J# h# Z% L/ v3 x9 m: U potentially all of its designated missions. Mission capable is further defined as2 H; w7 `+ Q) \9 k8 S the sum of full mission capable and partial mission capable. Also called MC.! J8 l7 r2 r1 H# u7 y8 S( g Mission Critical3 c2 t9 w8 r1 t% V2 }% a" Q9 ~2 P Computer2 v- ` Z0 {9 Y& M- v" g6 H Resources : m! e1 {/ `: j$ \$ bAutomated data processing equipment or services if the function, operation, or a/ M6 {4 q* c# ]; ^7 v& w use: (1) involves intelligence activities; (2) involves cryptologic activities related to 5 M j* S o2 d4 }$ m' znational security; (3) involves command and control of military forces; (4) involves ) c8 |8 ~% q" V1 O( Z$ @equipment which is an integral part of a weapon or weapons system; or (5) is2 B0 y: K- i w0 ] critical to direct fulfillment of military or intelligence missions. 8 [6 j! ?2 b2 b: _2 YMission Critical, T# `. v1 K" |- T7 u& n System6 x$ r3 D7 F4 r, U- ~2 ^( d' T A system whose operational effectiveness and operational suitability are" G h: J, t. I1 S6 Q, F essential to successful completion or to aggregate residual combat capability. If; r( D2 ~# _) v$ Y6 ? this system fails, the mission likely will not be completed. Such a system can be ) H/ n( z2 d6 A, ]1 Y5 r9 Q _an auxiliary or supporting system, as well as a primary mission system. % d1 |( N. i& n6 E% F- R8 KMission Element A segment of a mission area critical to the accomplishment of the mission area - Q- L+ l9 [: O5 [9 e& Oobjectives and corresponding to a recommendation for a major system capability ' A& P$ i, U' g y' V/ c7 _3 Jas determined by the DoD Component." f8 l0 I' y4 ?" z MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 M % c* N7 S! ~! {3 T2 p# k2 \( @186" Q* Y* r' \' n$ H+ _ Mission Need" p- K( }: M* s5 [ Analysis - r& ~; t# B5 s1 c6 W4 o" w& V/ S) ?Assesses alternatives in an operational context, identifying what force& K S5 ]! D P# S6 t capabilities would be gained by pursuing any of a designated set of alternatives. ! f- C3 k. R, T& YAssesses the strengths and weaknesses of a military force when confronting a 7 s R& ]0 V! _# U: @" s( B* rpostulated threat in a specified scenario or set of circumstances. 5 G2 A' c5 d f" D( ?; L# |2 S# FMission Need " }0 C( x# {0 s4 n' tStatement (MNS). u: c' B, a/ q: { (1) A non-system specific statement of operational capability needs,6 _1 G _6 I% d$ V prepared IAW format in DoD 5000.2-M. Developed by DoD components- |. O0 M. ?, D' V" M) V and forwarded to the Joint Requirements Oversight Council (JROC) for9 v2 d$ `8 B. P* b7 g1 ?. G validation and approval (major efforts), or just notification (minor efforts).* T& E; f0 j2 }1 Q! I; I The JROC also assesses all MNSs for joint service potential. MNSs go to' j' o' _# t; t4 s0 M# H7 ^ the milestone decision authority for a determination on whether or not to0 C$ {% e6 o7 G1 Y& O convene a Milestone 0 review.- R5 }" p6 E: _ (2) A statement of operational capability required to perform an assigned$ G- I M% ~) X, d8 Y mission or to correct a deficiency in existing capability to perform the + C2 E2 v. z3 s. e( i$ Y" T `mission. * s, @. q, V8 h" T7 _9 p+ wMission 4 s, O( ^+ L0 vReliability6 A7 S0 i( L; b- q; G The probability that the system will perform mission essential functions for a $ N6 k: `4 X/ s, K: z% H7 Dperiod of time under the conditions stated in the mission profile.: z$ w+ I+ g, }7 z/ X j9 e8 u MIST Mosaic Infrared Sensor Technology." P9 u% B4 g1 `- H MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology. " c$ Q1 P M: P5 I5 @& Q7 q" HMIT/LL Massachusetts Institute of Technology / Lincoln Laboratory, Bedford, MA. 7 |6 y2 i3 d3 Y2 G' gMIW Mine Warfare. $ H6 r4 q% b z2 q1 GMK Mark (version). 6 q6 e, |& V0 {MKV (1) Miniature Kill Vehicle. (2) Multiple Kill Vehicles." |4 Q+ F+ E8 O MLCP Mission Launch Control Processor./ C. E+ a; b. X( L MLDT (1) Mean Logistics Delay Time (ILS term). ' Q# m3 h( Z! a6 [ ?2 t7 l(2) Missile Downlink Transmitter (USA term). 3 x I" \2 X8 Z( BMLF Multi-Lateral Force.. T& p; F9 g; c5 ]: u( A MLI Multi-layer Insulation.

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Military 2 ~+ S* J7 Z0 }0 a- W! oOperational 1 L" ^$ t# v: D7 y$ a2 j+ lRequirements% z& j$ O5 k5 ?2 ?! G The formal expression of a military need, the response to which results in0 |+ O f- G4 S! _( Y/ N/ G development or acquisition of items, equipment, or systems.# s8 n) o* x/ g# R* ` Military / `( `" e8 j( c/ o" }1 rRequirement {. J% H, r$ I5 s, M$ K5 M- c4 MAn established need justifying the timely allocation of resources to achieve a+ o/ \" H( `1 J" P4 U0 ^ capability to accomplish approved military objectives, missions, or tasks. j3 e" J8 z0 B2 `4 [$ qMilitary Satellite6 ^- e& Z7 l; N5 I1 P (MILSAT)' B$ h, ^5 V9 t- B" D) e A satellite used for military purposes, such as navigation or intelligence% X/ C% n4 i" o/ F gathering.) i6 E3 Q; r& ? MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 M 6 Q9 ]. \* |* E, y$ ~" H1 \183 8 ^/ H/ I* o. v! D9 G1 Z1 u E. @7 _Military Strategy 9 J# I' ~% X: s. G: z' N/ VSelection 2 l! y* _) X5 E) j; RThe determination of: (1) what targets to defend and their priorities in order to$ m& R7 ?0 j) s- K! i6 {6 M achieve the selected national strategy, and (2) the type of attackers (and/or their & J7 T% l- N+ q; a: |corridors) to be intercepted. * \& o* g+ @$ ]4 Q! d! SMilitary Utility The military worth of a system performing its mission in a competitive ; N# W8 r* E0 K* Benvironment, including versatility (or potential) of the system. It is measured 7 G4 n8 e' X( ]. O$ N( k, Oagainst the operational concept, operational effectiveness, safety, security, and8 C$ ]5 f# \( S cost/worth. Military utility estimates form a rational basis for making management8 ?7 Y& l0 R( j$ s- b' a; g decisions. 3 U+ c0 p7 N) e. QMILOGS Marine Integrated Logistics System (USMC term).% T: a$ i5 T/ e MILSAT Military Satellite. ' n& q. D5 t6 B% RMILSATCOM Military Satellite Communications.6 S, U, F+ b: g MILSPACE Military Space 3 ~5 G2 e- h9 r) CMILSPEC Military Specification. 7 {' s- d! x9 s# T2 ?' i4 d8 OMILSTAR Military Strategic and Tactical Relay (satellite system). ( b0 d q; Y4 u9 e4 j7 OMILSTRIP Military Standard Requisitioning and Issue Procedures. 0 U1 Q2 J$ U8 R8 |- O' n) rMIME Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension.6 h* P8 S( m2 d, ]* f Z, D/ ?" K MIN Minimum 1 i, V' w. j3 |% E% [! Z/ v" Umin Minute. , j1 {* D/ T ]! iMini-DAMA Miniature Demand Assigned Multiple Access. ; p5 E* W8 U1 P" L, n4 L3 |, mMiniature Homing 4 H0 c0 Z' Q4 Z4 W) \6 }! dVehicle (MHV)/ 9 ^2 v( F% z1 W$ ]! r# wMiniature Vehicle- |- h, G4 T' v4 |; F (MV)+ u9 T0 I- O6 x4 L An air-launched direct-ascent ("pop-up") kinetic energy anti-satellite weapon. F. V0 R; D; j! ? Minimum 1 _% O7 o* e8 z0 W& J% v e7 xAcceptable # L& y1 Y" B" ]% i- T- m5 A0 S: POperational " \! T1 w+ x) E: u3 lRequirement # T% K, M. O# e3 s5 RThe value for a particular parameter that is required to provide a system; @8 }( F6 ~1 o7 N4 A7 G capability that will satisfy the validated mission need. Also known as the 6 A+ d7 K. ?8 w! F; _4 ^' lperformance threshold. * P' d8 R) ~6 e' y8 ZMinimum Energy 4 w: {) I- S/ t8 x" OTrajectory ! }& C) e5 K7 o/ IThe trajectory that produces maximum range for a given amount of energy. 2 J0 y+ a( A$ o$ Q0 o& \$ {5 rMinimum : r5 C8 ]7 y2 U* c2 o" KRequired5 d' A: D) J0 u6 o; Z Accomplishment) ]& J$ f; ^: E, }' } s. ?- z+ T% s- E! u6 M/ W1 A Necessary tasks that must be completed during an acquisition phase prior to the 6 {! ]- }2 r1 w8 Qnext milestone decision review. Applies to all acquisition categories and highly ( B j5 R+ ?! F& \sensitive classified programs.) C+ J" [& `" p* H Minuteman US ICBM. , E" B' C4 @& A: |7 ]; L9 AMIP Maintenance Index Page (Navy ILS term).' i0 i5 K- T- s1 e MIPA Missile Procurement Army (Appropriation). . X- b/ c( y0 c4 V% FMIPR Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request.9 t6 k# X, S$ n0 d7 v7 ^" _ MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 M% a- J& ^( G( Q8 J 184 9 i- r; w# }4 [2 O9 SMIPS (1) Marine Integrated Personnel System (USMC term). - y( x' ^1 \; l5 [' e(2) Master Integrated Program Schedule.. L: [! k% A* s, r9 h5 l- \, N (3) Million Instructions Per Second (ADP term).$ Z; |9 }- N( _, N MIPT Management IPT. ( J. d" V% y7 L/ m, c1 b' xMIRACL Mid Infrared Advanced Chemical Laser. ' E( h. O: h- i7 @9 mMIRS Management Information and Reporting System.6 J0 z( H$ u# d& p/ P MIRV Multiple Independently Targetable Reentry Vehicle.- _/ F) [7 ^, k9 M MIS Management Information System. 2 Z! _6 n: U c% `* F4 y, VMISREP Mission Report (JFACC term).' o3 ]; g- \1 ~* O( s3 W MISSI Multilevel Information Systems Security Initiative.2 a2 K" c& H* I% W3 v Missile Defense' a2 r1 T1 w+ S& c National Team# ?$ |' @6 g7 X5 X2 t. f (MDNT) & x& z1 y+ K7 z* j* `7 k9 u: ?A collaborative enterprise of the missile defense community that is focused on $ Q o G @$ S! F# p% o6 kexecuting a single program of research and development work to develop a , O. g# o: X$ i3 MBallistic Missile Defense System (BMDS). It is comprised of personnel from/ X4 |) U( |0 z1 D4 J& F Government, Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs), 6 d' f) r' b2 ]3 m3 X; OUniversity Affiliated Research Centers (UARCs), Scientific, Engineering and/ T1 a. Q9 f4 w/ _" n6 D; m Technical Assistance (SETA) providers and major industry contractors.5 G* S2 c/ G+ x2 s Missile Defense! R8 O, T# X4 Q3 \8 r, o a& d National Team,: w- K" z9 b" w. B! O! M, r Battle & z9 v/ }3 A5 jManagement,1 n- F5 z; f& T: U. t Command and & @5 B6 m, M: V& L! JControl, and # N6 f! r* {1 \Communications; V9 E" @& B& D% Y8 P! O1 u (MDNTB) - h! }3 d5 h5 z7 L1 cThe component of the MDNT led by MDA/BC that is focused on Battle ) x: P7 C9 U; P5 \Management, Command and Control, and Communications (BM/C2/C). The . p- k) c- c# U7 KMDNTB industry contribution is composed of a single team of major defense. v4 D7 W. d. X! H# p' L# B m contractors (Boeing, General Dynamics, Lockheed Martin [Team Lead], Northrop3 p8 U$ j7 b' @8 v; C/ Y+ q% d3 f Grumman, Raytheon, and TRW). This industry team is referred to as the MDNTB / S! W4 Y8 _ M( O% |& e(I) and is a unique sub-group of personnel from the industry companies that 1 ^8 U7 {4 c# C, Fprovides a confidential consolidation of experience in the development, 7 f/ ]( n3 u/ K" l* h$ k0 i: @integration, and production of missile defense systems. $ D' C% n7 [1 Z$ I- SMissile Defense 7 k, a' ^: T" h5 [National Team,0 f7 m. n7 p$ X% } Systems( s. o9 y. I, H% Q$ _ Engineering &* H" V- J2 X3 H' M Integration 0 `) d0 t2 Y( _- @% w(MDNTS) 4 H. e- M3 z* z# a A$ qThe component of the MDNT led by MDA/SE that is focused on Systems : X/ p& O# u; K- @7 A7 D0 mEngineering and Integration (SE&I). The MDNTS industry contribution is, g. i, e$ h9 L/ k3 U3 E( m composed of a single team of major defense contractors (Boeing [Team Lead], - G! ?7 x- e) q/ ~General Dynamics, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, and TRW).7 _$ ~# \# u/ h3 }8 j$ l This industry team is referred to as the MDNTS (I) and is a unique sub-group of+ \3 H0 o) d1 j1 j* N personnel from the industry companies that provides a confidential consolidation0 |( t' L o. o* m$ c of experience in the development, integration, and production of missile defense& m1 @& X0 J" e0 c( [5 g systems. $ Y t. m- j' k! o ^: H! n3 UMissile Defense v H$ ~8 e s1 e Warning - h- R) z) [" A: R; G3 aCondition 5 T3 C$ w& i2 xA situation of peril declared by the competent military commander, that a ballistic ' {" |8 m/ l7 R! e9 Fmissile attack is probable (Missile Defense Warning Yellow), imminent or in( c/ }; H ]' e6 I7 e progress (Missile Defense Warning Red), or improbable (Missile Defense Warning " b5 Z( M1 A7 {- h8 D6 ~ ?. AWhite). $ t2 i& p4 Y$ ^, T! q/ kMissile Destruct Intentional destruction of a missile or similar vehicle for safety or other reasons.

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发表于 2008-12-25 20:12:09 |只看该作者
MESAR Multifunction Electronically Scanned Adaptive Radar (UK). ' N; }8 m6 O7 g4 Q6 l( BMESFET Metal Schottky-Gate Field Effect Transistor. ) O1 T7 b$ |. h1 Y$ E4 E, TMesosphere The portion of the atmosphere from about 30 to 80 kilometers above the earth. ]2 P+ k: ?% O P9 UMethods 2 o7 D! p0 u& x1 zEngineering7 K; i8 w; i! P' O& h3 q9 Z1 E; S The technique that subjects each operation of a given piece of work to close {0 F- _/ |# g1 c7 K) ~ analysis to eliminate every unnecessary element or operation and to approach6 d+ C' L7 r7 d the quickest and best method of performing each necessary element or% o6 l' X' U, d* N. A+ F% J/ O operation. It includes the improvement and standardization of methods, $ T. l$ A$ u4 d( oequipment, and working conditions; operator training; the determination of- J0 Q! F4 A/ n standard times; and occasionally devising and administering various incentive 6 \% Q- q! o! L2 ?# `; l2 kplans. ! K' z8 Z5 V7 z) ^) m) vMETO Minimum Effort Task Order. 9 A: A* z" U z+ |8 eMETOIA Minimum Effort Task Order Impact Assessment. 1 A3 K: O: i6 |- WMETOP Minimum Effort Task Order Plan. # G! B+ [2 p4 B( U6 U$ f' a7 g3 sMETOR Minimum Effort Task Order Requirement.3 N) n4 b( O. s8 M% w Metric (Software). An indicator, which measures some specific attribute of the software 6 I) ^4 y9 h) L$ L5 ydevelopment process. ! i+ D8 A- j) b4 D+ \MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 M3 v/ V9 y' v& \. m 1817 A0 D" ]8 D; Y8 e5 d1 X8 C Metrology The science of measurement, including the development of measurement 7 h% O/ E& d7 O' r Xstandards and systems for absolute and relative measurement. Used to0 \3 q3 c0 ]; P/ y4 g5 [ determine conformance to technical requirements including the development of 9 p: |3 ^! j" [. l3 ^% N4 ^standards and systems for absolute and relative measurements. # k3 J( T# s0 |! Q0 n2 |MeV Million Electron Volts.2 {! f; ?7 P% [9 K* `, F2 D MEZ Missile Engagement Zone. 4 _- t& F( p; v1 ^+ {- O8 ]: e1 nMFAR Modular Multifunction Phased Array Radar. ( {! U8 c T* x7 W8 e+ S; D! lMFEL Medical Free Electron Laser. 7 r! V# x) @6 @+ D+ _. WMFG Master Frequency Generator. 7 d( n1 e: r8 _MFL Multiple Folded Ladar.3 P3 \6 }9 x& J7 h6 t3 W8 c% }4 f MFLOPS Million Floating Point Operations Per Second.5 d; w( z& O1 A- c5 |4 ]$ d4 u) k- N MFP Major Force Program. , v: v4 s4 c2 n7 s" K) ^MFR Memorandum For Record. D) \: p( g. z( C4 s; I MFS MFS Communications Company, Incorporated. K& s/ x5 H, \- ^" l' {0 C) vMFSIM Multifunction Simulation (PATRIOT), Huntsville, AL. % m# t( Y% s& A7 V2 `1 gMGEP Mobile Ground Entry Point. 5 ~% p n; M0 ~2 r- x; ?MGLI Midcourse Ground Launched Interceptor. 2 H: f& N3 S# EMGMT Management. , L g% |, S4 w+ I- [MGTS Mobile Ground Telemetry Station. / a$ w% N' ~& qMHD Magneto-Hydro-Dynamic.( ~' E$ ~- x( z6 t* t6 Q# X! m) m MHE (1) Material Handling Equipment. (2) Mobile Hauling Equipment. 2 F4 U) R. H/ QMHV Miniature Homing Vehicle. 1 V5 |) t! J0 Ami Statue mile (5,280 feet).9 `2 Z4 a ~! t5 ?, L MIC Management Information Center (MDA). 6 T4 h, F/ G' z( rMICOM U.S. Army Missile Command, Redstone Arsenal, AL.( X& o/ R" R. B! W) L, l- F. k+ Q- { MIDAS Missile Defense Alarm System (US).. f( B' G) c# h0 K' {+ [9 [ Mid-Course$ d' F8 J( g/ Z3 H) S$ E8 o, ]. f Defense Segment 3 d, [4 J5 ]! R' I(MDS) + F3 \7 e5 g. a; o1 c$ jThe portion of the BMDS that defeats ballistic missiles during the period of flight9 ~ y/ \+ m- L# E+ I" | between boost and atmospheric reentry. / N2 ]' F! r/ r1 t% W* DMidcourse4 M8 ~0 d7 K) m& K, v0 T Guidance ( U3 _: N" G( d h$ qThe guidance applied to a missile between termination of the boost phase and% w4 z$ P. @" k1 J6 _ the start of the terminal phase of flight.: d G- |2 F" \& @1 m' @- ]# m MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 M* S- |# l* a* M 182 ( L' C4 G- d: d# G' Y: mMidcourse (MC) ( W% N$ f! g5 J ~6 z9 aPhase( d/ h, b; _, }; v. Y That portion of a ballistic missile's trajectory between the boost phase and the( c" u2 {) L0 L& E7 ` reentry phase when reentry vehicles and penaids travel at ballistic trajectories2 r7 `/ u6 i1 ~8 D* e, R$ y6 w; d above the atmosphere. During this phase, a missile releases its warheads and ' p/ T3 v8 V" y6 ~8 b, D6 \! xdecoys and is no longer a single object, but rather a swarm of RVs and penaids/ N: U$ k. h, z7 ` falling freely along present trajectories in space.1 ?9 L% ^! J: P" f. M. b- H( j. z Midcourse Space2 {) Y& R! U& B! G m5 c Experiment . b( W( P G. z6 y/ V2 P9 q(MSX) 3 e) K* r9 H2 A4 MDesigned to provide demonstrations of midcourse acquisition and tracking from + I& I; K7 M8 ]* {1 m; f+ \% }space, technology integration of optics, focal plane arrays, signal processing, q! i, S0 t8 P( u/ Retc., and collect background phenomenology measurements and target2 E9 G2 H1 o5 ], f' I, E signature measurements. " U7 \, s: B* y9 M0 w3 V/ WMidgetman US ICBM., m3 Q! b& v' o3 k9 L MIDI Musical Instrument Digital Interface. * @+ I! L. }2 KMIDS Multi-Functional Information System (USN/NATO/Telecomm term).1 H# I- f+ ] i0 j0 o4 k1 S' D MIIRD Mission Issue Identification and Resolution Document.! [# I$ H8 T( d& I8 G MIJI Meaconing, Intrusion, Jamming, and Interference.4 k5 h/ u* `; E( ^9 C N MIL Man-in-the-Loop. ) Z) j' S4 D. Y+ ^, o5 G; q/ m9 OMIL-HDBK Military Handbook.( G* V; t9 @; A# M# X! F p MIL-STD Military Standard.1 Y% H& S6 J+ r MILCON Military Construction. 8 F* b$ u# r' K9 mMilestone , w' n0 y' p8 o( u! j& sDecision 5 t8 {5 U3 P) m. ^+ B6 DAuthority$ Q$ J& M1 |) d2 u$ b+ @ The individual designated in accordance with criteria established by the Under: ~* g) g- Y! i+ O J Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology to approve entry of an8 _; D/ u6 v; r% C- c3 O acquisition program into the next phase. 7 `2 L8 k, J7 oMilestones (MS) Major decision points that separate the phases of an acquisition program. q# f6 [2 ?5 o( C' V Military 4 E' J; ~( k8 a2 D( OCapability q3 \; t5 E6 t The ability to achieve a specified wartime objective (win a war or battle, destroy a % d( v6 O3 D8 R( B# R6 mtarget set). It includes four major components: a). Force Structure -- Numbers, 2 W2 k: M1 `3 }+ z- {$ ?$ Tsize and composition of the units that compromise our Defense forces; b) : F: E0 I. y( B; J' _Modernization -- Technical sophistication of forces, units, weapon systems, and ! l! n. s0 j* E: ~) s2 c! ?1 Z v* @equipment; c) Readiness -- The ability of forces, units, weapon systems, or $ ]$ C2 u4 X$ m1 {" f+ N/ aequipment to deliver the outputs for which they were designed; d) Sustainability ) C+ `& F# r% P: E) C) B) v$ t! P-- The ability to maintain the necessary level and duration of operational activity 9 u/ t6 ?9 Z; A. ]) i2 s( x* Zto achieve military objectives. Sustainability is a function of providing for and 5 X& R# t3 I' j. {: l) j" vmaintaining those levels of ready forces, materiel, and consumables necessary $ z$ P% h ]0 W9 r6 o1 Ato support military effort.

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发表于 2008-12-25 20:11:57 |只看该作者
MDP Manufacturing Data Package.1 Y2 V8 u8 l6 r) T; v MDR (1) Medium Data Rate (TelComms/Computer term). 6 G; |+ }+ x6 u4 p(2) Milestone Decision Review. 5 ? B+ f6 J# d(3) Multi-national Defense Research. , R0 }/ e3 l: c: pMDSC Missile Defense Scientific and Technical Information Center.# [- l* ` F: R MDSTC Missile Defense and Space Technology Center. 5 c; Y" A4 d+ V2 R1 {MDT Maintenance Down Time.. x2 k9 |6 l* m1 p MDTD Mean Downtime Documentation (ILS term). ' k$ C) s e' x, N' b5 A* aMDTOA Mean Downtime for Outside Assistance (ILS term). , z/ r$ a9 C1 K! LMDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 M/ S; ?9 e* y' G/ f5 @" u 179; {+ C" N) E0 B- v I% E2 c MDTOR Mean Downtime for Other Reasons (ILS term). $ Z+ X9 }: Z, ~3 _' uMDTT Mean Downtime for Training (ILS term). 0 _% ^ K u1 \* M" U P3 BMDW Mass Destruction Weapons.7 }' s* P1 N, B' ]/ ~- r ME/VA Mission Essential/Vulnerable Area/ e9 R* |% n5 P) |* U# e( g! r4 G- q MEA Mission Effectiveness Analysis (JFACC term). + g# s( W: f% u: _. P) S: yMEADS See Medium Extended Air Defense System. , {/ W6 u* \0 P. A8 Q, H: WMean Time! H9 ^$ O ~5 Q9 V- K8 B Between Failures ! n( Q4 h4 R/ _2 S. N; W: P(MTBF) 0 `2 m8 G2 F! E" o8 F$ q. FA measure of the reliability of an item. Defined as the total functioning life of an 2 c& k% z6 L( N! ^; [6 iitem divided by the total number of failures within the population during the$ T' R% `* O( w2 d5 ]2 H5 I7 g measurement interval. The definition holds for time, rounds, miles, events, or 9 ]# k# G9 T& o- {# k. i/ Iother measures of unit life. MTBF is a basic measure of reliability. : X7 S' m! q0 V2 N: ?& O HMean Time To/ q9 D6 |7 o& Z' ~% @ Repair (MTTR) 3 L2 T* P7 `' U0 U- k) m; QThe total elapsed time for corrective maintenance divided by the total number of) T" [$ i5 O7 ?& T2 r8 N, T corrective maintenance actions during a given period of time. A basic measure 1 ]) u9 x1 D: N( y+ q( p+ wof maintainability. 5 x8 J5 x+ X& v8 B* [Mean Time to. u: n% X' s; ~1 e# c Restore System 4 f8 b/ c0 M& X( i% f K+ p(MTTRS) 4 B2 y& Y5 Y0 ?) V* t8 K0 I& j5 c# [A measure of the system maintainability parameter related to availability and- ^$ \6 U1 C+ H) I. _ readiness. The total corrective maintenance time associated with downing' ^& Q8 y- \! v) \/ t: J events, divided by the total number of downing events, during a stated period of5 ^ w0 O7 K# `" j/ `9 e1 K time. (Excludes time for off-system maintenance and repair of detached4 D `& T5 m+ P7 i. j components.)) Z! \9 E3 n; w& _; R" P8 @/ X3 y MEASAT Malaysia East Asia Satellite. : Q# I' k& d. Q$ x5 F6 AMeasure of& v3 s) K# M! ^' E, n4 S. c- { Effectiveness% O3 E" b# X# h (MOE) ' l( l( c# J7 yThe quantitative expression (sometimes modified by subjective judgment) of the% d9 S# Z( K& ^* E/ I* d) p success of a system in achieving a specified objective. % z( o% _. n+ A6 j T4 UMEC Mission Essentially Code (ILS term). # v% J9 `2 r9 L9 G/ N) Q4 h4 u2 yMedium Earth " o6 ]% g9 R3 |$ F C. cOrbit (MEO) ! b7 p8 c/ N" s& L7 R9 n7 |Space vehicles characterized by orbits between 400 and 10,000 nautical miles,' Z" U8 i9 z9 l+ W: @2 A longer duration revolution (2 to 12 hours), longer visibility envelopes (10 minutes 6 q5 [, A; Q8 k! d$ |up to approximately 1 hour), and generally longer lifetimes. This region contains 8 Q4 i0 E5 |; g0 s8 Athe Van Allen radiation belts where electronic components need special ) O9 \& u8 m3 x/ D0 J4 N5 n4 O; M- nprotection.5 u: h: k7 S4 O; Q" S2 w, f Medium ; n% j# B$ h' }' ?8 r kExtended Air S9 h- n8 z. PDefense System# f. Q7 Q3 B3 X (MEADS); l4 t3 ]8 H1 A& l3 V A lightweight, highly transportable, low-to-medium altitude air defense and ' r' @$ R# n. f$ }. Utheater missile defense system designed to protect critical fixed and 3 _, ]8 q3 l; I$ v1 a8 T" fmaneuverable corps assets. MEADS superseded the Corps SAM program in * Q" g2 O) |: f7 q1995.. ^6 H4 I& l# w8 E Medium Power : s5 m: x! q( w8 oLasers: l9 z6 Z# @, E% N4 t$ M Lasers that radiate power less than 1 MW, normally used to detect, identify,; `$ M' T8 M3 f, }& Z X7 o track, and designate a target vehicle.0 c6 C* V* D* u- [( ~: e# Y, o Medium Range ( G: t m) d: j# w* H; u" s" RBallistic Missile. P: t2 s# r& u: ~0 G# C (MRBM), L7 X; y1 r1 B6 M A ballistic missile with a range from about 600 to 1,500 nautical miles. . Y1 n6 C9 U4 UMedium* Z" }- |" K! Z7 @" g8 U Wavelength , ` u. b: x: A8 ]; BInfrared (MWIR)" p3 h, x! I0 U( ]5 x( R" T Thermal radiation emitted by a source in the electromagnetic spectrum) G7 e8 l/ c2 G4 [3 n z w encompassing infrared wavelengths of 3 to 6 microns. ! M' H# u0 F; M. {- oMDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 M 8 R# [+ i8 ~3 W7 j7 X4 i: n180 & c* B* S0 A6 o7 y' oMEF Marine Expeditionary Force.: Y$ A" j& m ]. O' @* J! I' ` [; W MEILSR Minimum Essential ILS Requirements (NSA term).; i! d" ]- G* A: _! H: ]# a MEL (1) Maintenance Expenditure Limit. (2) Mobile Erector Launcher. 8 u1 X7 n) ^; J% G( `; MMEM (1) Mission Effectiveness Model. (2) Mission Equipment Modernization.8 j/ Z/ |7 i' E: O* a Memorandum of " J# }/ U4 }) l! T& L6 j. wAgreement (MOA) * q$ l g& z8 ]6 _. o3 {0 l! o. z(1) In contract administration, an agreement between a program manager* [6 I, @ y, k and a Contract Administration Office, establishing the scope of* W* X& m( M1 F& t; }8 }$ j responsibility of the Contract Administration Office with respect to the & {' [. O% R* a; J6 M. w/ I4 Y) Jcost and schedule surveillance functions and objectives, and/or other 5 w4 E9 b* w; S% x3 R6 C5 x Tcontract administration functions on a specific contract or program. ) p& `# h5 ^+ n/ I+ d" P: j9 H |(2) Any written agreement in principle as to how a program will be5 {' [! c- g8 p administered.0 `, O; k: x% A+ G2 r* R Memorandum of1 t6 _ }; A1 I& p! }" o. X Understanding0 D! }8 ?3 l" L! O$ T6 d6 ~( T" n (MOU)5 W8 r' i9 E0 D4 D" M0 a Official agreements concluded between the NATO countries' defense ministries % }) [) n& q& `' y% Ubut ranking below government level international treaties. De facto, all partners2 ^8 x) y( g0 T9 {, k. C S. H generally recognize such agreements as binding even if no legal claim could be" ?3 ^. ]+ t4 E based on the rights and obligations laid down in them. : _0 e7 x$ a* z' J# pMEO Medium Earth Orbit. % y3 r6 a* O& l) LMER Manpower Estimate Report.# n9 A7 x2 j9 n7 i Mercury8 Q: I- T, o3 p Cadmium7 z( h! N" x0 o. z8 x Telluride (HCT)9 J+ v+ W- I/ B5 z5 ~2 P0 \ Infrared sensing material.7 `9 m4 L0 G- C MES Military Essential Support.

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Marine Air3 B7 K/ M! ]2 v/ f" v1 V9 e+ Y Command and 6 }1 R' C1 \- A, @/ h) U7 ]+ I) w* `Control System 0 j, K% F* H) y; r; y9 OA US Marine Corps tactical air command and control system that provides the- M0 J0 j( F% |" r. A tactical air commander with the means to command, coordinate, and control all \: p* @- ~; y/ m; g air operations within an assigned sector and to coordinate air operations with 7 s. g: j& @- ~' Aother Services. It is composed of command and control agencies with* b" A0 A, p. z( i% Y& [ communications-electronics equipment that incorporates a capability from manual ' {0 s8 I# t* i5 G% o" \* S! Fthrough semiautomatic control.& @: V4 p; Z3 ^2 W9 u3 k Mark/Markup Line by line review and approval/disapproval/modification of the defense budget # x3 c7 U% q. u1 K% L, {by congressional committees.! B+ z) l0 X R3 M) K5 q! N MARS Multi-warfare Assessment and Research System.. B2 j/ E% i) d: K- k MARSYSCOM US Marine Corps Systems Command, Quantico, VA ( X! C- r* T& F3 ^ V8 qMARV Maneuverable Reentry Vehicle.2 A0 A- J3 `& t7 \7 i0 ~& ]/ e8 O) ^ MARVIS Mid-Apogee Reentry Vehicle Intercept System. 1 a; `( ?5 ^: |& [3 T1 N6 |1 kMAS Mutual Assured Survival.2 ?+ \; q- D' p, J7 ` MASINT Measurement and Signature Intelligence./ E$ E1 p' N! B( r( Z3 R MASPAR Massive Parallel Processors (TMD-GBR). 9 L* o8 t7 s0 m% n" UMass Raid Many Red ballistic missiles launched toward CONUS from several launch areas.* ]" X3 T7 N2 _0 Y9 g! s A mass ASAT raid consists of several ASATs attacking Blue satellites. : k @6 `1 z2 Q- r2 z$ {2 `$ kMAST Measurement and Simulation Technology-formerly Synthetic Scene Generation + I: B5 m" q }Model (SSGM).4 G3 E! M1 R, D: ] x# f Matching 7 Y2 h: k# J j0 {4 y- UBallistic Reentry $ `" B1 H% x+ n, s3 k; T+ VVehicle (MBRV), H' @6 L$ }+ b6 I0 R9 r Four reentry vehicle designs (MBRV 1-4) developed to serve as threat- L5 J1 L9 D7 `6 w0 S representative theater targets. " p) {' Y) H+ X) G" {Matching Target # M1 A4 m o/ q/ F1 [7 H1 f. vReentry Vehicle ) `% a, z; `$ n, v/ u2 v/ L2 W(MTRV) . q w& ]) h9 S; T U3 v+ HThreat representative reentry vehicle developed for GMD Program by Sandia 1 R" w B: w" v& yLabs. Planned for use on IFT 9-14. . r' w% t3 x) M D: a" V7 cMaterial Fielding 3 x4 y1 ]6 v" GPlan+ V+ B$ P: v: ~( s9 u5 Z. T Plan to ensure smooth transition of system from developer to user.+ z A& z+ X# P# B q! b$ k: f5 q Materials9 p& |; N9 s/ X* S8 S4 H# | Science ^2 U4 y- @; k8 Z4 s0 J+ V, I, M, H The science of developing/altering and applying materials to obtain a resultant - D+ x& E- ~3 y7 U! b8 A+ U; cmolecular structure with desirable physical properties and performance! Z3 [( d* h8 n6 R- X# p1 F characteristics. (See Structures.) Also includes applying state-of-the-art3 N" l/ E) b, ~- |/ ]6 m$ w advanced materials in the design of new SDS components and end items. ( |# N8 J/ P9 k" F1 DMATHSFA Manufacturing and Testing of LWIR Hardened Seeker FPA Assemblies.6 a8 m# g1 M, D0 X+ i2 I% A \ MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 M( ]. M: Y& |1 a% Y! F1 M 1779 s6 f2 h. k0 R Matra BAE . D t) D' G% y) ^5 wDynamics - J' J( M6 V1 H4 ^# s" [/ H5 _European missile manufacturer formed in 1996 from British Aerospace Dynamics 9 i) ?8 p6 d5 o, a) v" W3 a* M# ]2 Uand Matra of France.! {1 z! E; L( D) S9 \ MATT Mutli-mission Advanced Tactical Terminal. q. x/ p8 `/ I+ U, P" ~ MATT Radio UHF radio receiver for TRAP, TOPS, and TIBS. * f. U8 P4 w: E8 Y4 VMATTR Mid And Terminal Tiers Review. + R: B$ J& f7 z9 o9 SMAX Maximum.! p9 y9 B. C- U( c7 @' ]5 B5 M7 x Maximum* h8 H1 Y, a2 y' O, T: j' \ Attrition. [, h6 S1 D/ I0 U2 r ~# S Maximum attrition is employed in a target-rich environment to destroy the / { I1 A% \, C1 X: vmaximum number of RVs, regardless of the type, by using all available or) x0 x! u1 Z9 g allocated interceptors. This option may not satisfactorily defend specific or ; B8 h8 a% N* v, W( K5 Irequired assets.$ Y6 k8 u. m- T0 x7 d4 [# A MB Megabyte.$ P8 ?4 J9 d! T& X9 q; N MBA Multi-Beam Antenna.: f* o" U* O# Q MBE Molecular Beam Epitaxy.6 ~+ s+ Q1 S+ F1 e r0 h# z. ? MBFR Mutual and Balanced Force Reduction. 7 m8 _' W# ?$ G5 D+ [! S* q- PMbps Megabits per second.% t* D& ^& [! ]. U, J MBRV Maneuvering Ballistic Reentry Vehicle.: |5 D( W8 S) g. k0 e2 _ MC (1) Mission Control. (2) See Midcourse phase. (3) Mission Capable (ILS! A& I1 f6 b! q, D8 ]8 R. k1 x6 _ term). (4) Military Committee. ( Z! p/ z; \& N% Z: qMCA Micro Channel Architecture (TelComm/Computer term). 7 V' u1 }0 d2 R3 H& RMCAS Marine Corps Air Station. ' R; Y5 N& d* QMCASS MTACCS Common Application Support Software. 8 m7 e/ V0 w% H7 s+ F' qMCBM Midcourse Battle Manager.' Q9 b& X3 s. {" L MCC Mission Control Complex/Center/Console.1 @+ `2 g2 A: I& U6 I9 B5 O MCCC Mobile Consolidated Command Center. Z5 Q& k1 ^/ ]' R V" d- b yMCCDC Marine Corps Combat Development Center. + j2 [/ [4 E6 |- x# ?MCCR Mission Critical Computer Resources.0 O5 K) T9 t: X' u4 t7 t MCE Mission Control Element. ! b; x$ d1 b5 r7 V1 b( VMCG Midcourse Guidance. + ]; W; y. I6 Y" x, OMCI Midcourse Interceptor. * p% L u# o0 J5 e1 S& i- @" n8 ]& e% MMCLOR Marine Corps LORA Model (USMC ILS term).' Y* q: C2 v& X0 G8 N& n% ~ MCM Multi-Chip Module. ' Y2 r- `( S; t7 n0 ^3 W+ |MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 M 7 J$ m$ e7 }0 a9 @) }- D% c1784 |, w& k. o5 d2 T& [ MCOTEA Marine Corps Operational Test and Evaluation [Command]., k# B' p) p' `6 T+ c MCP (1) Materiel Change Package (US Army term). / O& H- }- P' P) n9 x+ V" S# T9 _(2) Military Construction Program. G' w$ h: `" t; j* gMCPDM Marine Corps Program Decision Making.( C0 y2 t7 k$ x9 E! G MCRDAC Marine Corps Research, Development & Acquisition Command. 3 G9 S. U* _2 {MCS (1) Maneuver Control System. (2) Midcourse Sensor.0 P8 H# W/ z( O0 F. z" [ MCSS (1) Midcourse Surveillance System. (2) Military Communications Satellite System.& }1 G' A( @- e H# Z MCT Mercury Cadmium Telluride (cf. HgCdTe).+ Z5 _* ]' ~0 K+ Z+ J4 ^4 T MCTE Mission, Course of Action, Task, and Element Control Directives.) [' T/ g$ c: ~" G% o6 x( E' s MCTL Militarily Critical Technologies List. 1 `" h, W9 i* iMCTR Missile Control Technology Regime." d+ W: @1 t, b# g7 d, Q o6 M2 [9 \ MCV Mission Capable Vehicle.! f) l! J" O1 p Z6 c: }7 r MD Missile Defense.0 F( r: c. u) x" [1 Q MDA (1) Missile Defense Agency. (2) Missile Defense Act. (3) Milestone Decision 3 G4 c# j+ _# ?. T6 _Authority. (4) McDonnell-Douglas Aerospace.& B2 @: m% I) |4 ~5 ^ L" V MDAHWG Missile Defense Ad Hoc Working Group. , d6 Y& J6 w- ZMDAP Major Defense Acquisition Program.3 I( ^ k$ G8 z1 @" o MDART Missile Defense Activities Review Team. 8 `2 N5 e4 K& HMDBIC Missile Defense Barrel Integration Center.# x! S8 R8 m1 b7 \ MDC Midcourse Data Center, Advanced Research Center, Huntsville, AL. & l7 g* L. J5 k5 h/ T/ XMDCI Multi-Discipline Counterintelligence. : k% k+ c1 M0 C) c) ^ ?MDDC Missile Defense Data Center, USASSDC, Huntsville, AL.

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