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航空缩略语词典 [复制链接]

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发表于 2008-12-25 20:07:01 |只看该作者
Fully Connected ) h- w! R7 j; P% H. k H; CNetwork (FCN) ) s( \' X. ^( q6 w5 [% `A network in which each node is directly connected with every other node.$ l- h% I) U8 d7 c" v Functional/ | I4 m8 U& n' h) g7 B Analysis9 l; D2 k# g4 ^' H' X' f- A An approach to the solution of a problem, in which the problem is broken down0 R9 `7 p1 H0 N3 | into its component function, such as intelligence, firepower, or mobility. Each 0 o v' V. K: r8 [relevant function is then further analyzed and broken down into smaller $ g1 d9 ] }/ }1 ~" j; y/ Mfunctional components until a level of molecularity suitable for solution of the% s) v9 M' }$ v; X problem is attained. ' e" ~2 D9 R' TFunctional 4 P9 v% U5 G$ ?Baseline ' [+ f3 S! H. r(1) Established after the system requirements analysis/design activity has 9 z0 A; X' b# v/ `5 c4 tcompleted the definition of the system functions and associated data,# c+ P0 g* n- ~) y, _+ C9 ~ interface characteristics, functional characteristics for key configuration r! I& Q$ i, r3 I; } items, and tests required to demonstrate achievement of each specified" w& u7 }1 P* T/ A/ ] X characteristic. This Government normally controls the baseline. 1 n! a8 F+ j O, @( ?& R# `(2) In configuration management, the initial approved technical 7 W6 `) \ q; y6 ?# G b7 C. Ndocumentation for a configuration item.6 y! X9 Y! v9 B: ?, p8 f# g+ X (3) Documentation describing a system’s functional characteristics and the1 `6 P/ i7 }) X0 E ` verification required to demonstrate the achievement of requirements. W! z, A* ^& }9 y4 F% S Functional" O( ]6 y: t8 W, R Configuration! N3 M* j% M' L! B+ X Audit (FCA) ' r5 F! O4 o {# }& G' F/ A: \The formal examination of functional characteristics test data for configuration" w0 m, S F1 E( x' i$ T item, prior to acceptance, to verify that the item has achieved the performance " n# r) W( f$ U3 q: lspecified in its functional or allocated configuration identification. ! u7 q! u- k4 q7 S. C9 f# ~8 Y- RFunctional( L! t1 U, S( ]0 L, o Economic2 w i. E5 c/ Y/ R/ J2 |7 N Analysis (FEA)/ j% ?* H0 q1 ~3 \2 u% I A structured proposal that serves as the principal part of a decision package for E) _" U4 ?2 l3 s6 Z1 J. o: j enterprise leadership. It includes an analysis of functional process needs or* X$ a8 {* O; p" k. |/ R- N problems; proposed solutions, assumptions, and constraints; alternatives; lifecycle costs; benefits and/or cost analysis; and investment risk analysis. It is ; z- V5 s4 s+ H9 Z# T5 ~. ^) {consistent with, and amplifies, existing DoD economic analysis policy in DoD $ @1 o# C6 d8 _1 _- vInstruction 7041.3. 2 I$ m7 \, O8 N- F5 ~5 d7 i, T; VFunctional Kill The destruction of a target by disabling vital components in a way not3 @6 a& _ F6 q- {8 J immediately detectable, but which nevertheless prevents the target from 6 Y1 J( e! h* D1 [functioning properly. An example is the destruction of electronics in a guidance4 I7 |1 H. x; P2 ?, \4 I( x system by a neutral particle beam. Also referred to as “soft kill.”1 u0 ^% O3 W0 X Functional/ Y6 y/ ?9 s* S5 [) u2 q Support $ N# Q* r; _9 T, KSystematized methodologies and procedures, or a common set of standards,9 t z& f D$ `+ J9 ~" s applied to materiel acquisition programs. 7 d \1 C& `" ~( ], FFunctional . W/ {6 s& S4 F6 ?4 vTechnology' s8 x9 Q9 I$ I1 G! R Validation (FTV) ; R& j/ h. d6 l- A/ O) fProgram with the intent of proving or disproving a technology is useful for a given w1 I$ g0 C1 }' c3 \application.& E0 p) @6 W; c2 M: u MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 F # _- a$ c1 S2 a' t/ t" m2 o# A1 M1151 d' s/ t9 r* g6 j# J+ H3 s. x Functional$ L1 c m% D- U# ] Testing 0 T6 ?' |2 ]1 v7 s& b# ]' yThe portion of testing in which the advertised features of a system are tested for, G! n1 Q9 F# g ^, H& M L2 m correct operation. $ U/ {3 V) l3 Q! H! w) o" Z4 lFunding Profile Program funding, usually displayed in columnar spreadsheet format by years,- U) _( s" @9 ?1 ?" D; Y9 d* K) d starting with previous year through current year and out-years.& q9 K2 y* n0 i# s Future Years% F, B& J5 |) N' t; M5 }; t Defense Program: ^, w2 ]8 |; P4 g (FYDP)* `6 u) V. O1 R The official DoD document that summarizes forces and resources associated with' _# X b. e( s' \$ c2 W programs approved by the Secretary of Defense. Its three parts are the & c; k) N% T8 Q" d% L6 x* O$ A" \organizations affected, appropriations accounts and the 11 major force programs % m$ z5 {. n) _4 a! M+ H5 d- t: ^) V; W(strategic forces, airlift, R&D, etc.). Under the biennial PPBS cycle, the FYDP is 4 M5 H. c2 { [8 q) @* yupdated in even years in April (POM); October (budget); and then in January' z. p6 k# v$ I e1 ? (President’s budget) of odd years. The primary data element in the FYDP is the 6 f* V" l; f2 E0 D5 v- SProgram Element (P.E.). Formerly known as the Five Years Defense Program. . Z( T! k+ x/ ~9 pFWCA Fixed Wing Combat Aircraft.- p7 ]7 w8 h$ G+ g$ P n Fwd Forward. # I4 k+ e# b" e# GFXBR Forward-based X-Band Radar.1 ^* j9 |' p- A/ V5 D) w FY Fiscal Year. 3 {6 R9 i+ L p0 BFYDP Future Years Defense Program. + @9 \& R2 _) q1 b) G! w XMDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 G / g, R& J- s: G3 L( u; k3 A, h3 y116 5 u& j& V7 K% ]5 ?" k- f; BG Giga (one thousand million).; p3 ^5 S/ \7 t9 L) m g Gram. % b! M) y- Q, I% L, rG&A General and Administrative costs. 3 k* v: {! }: [ a: b3 K3 KG&C Guidance and Control. 7 Z8 |1 x9 c0 N; KG&O Goals and Objectives.( N6 J6 ]: O6 V2 w G/A Ground-to-Air* a! ^7 @. i# E5 M G/G Ground-to-Ground.1 O1 D0 l, Q& B9 l# e c, ] GaAs Gallium Arsenide.; E4 | x: e: a: W% \1 { Galosh The Soviet Anti-Ballistic Missile system built to defend Moscow from missile ' I: ?- r; o# X* r8 l- ?+ ]attack.% {! ?' t& ? v( t Gamma-Ray Electromagnetic radiation resulting from nuclear transitions. Although incorrect,- s5 ~( e2 c% a O8 X1 I8 R high-energy radiation, particularly “bremsstrahlung,” is sometimes referred to as F: A% u6 ~/ j& ]1 l% {gamma radiation.0 e7 t+ F* ?6 e. g! C6 {5 c6 D, O Gamma-Ray7 ]0 i4 i" M' @ Laser ( f4 Y, Z O$ `$ K- t0 uA laser which generates a beam of gamma rays; also called a “graser.” A ( z: x6 N3 C6 q5 }. G: t, c' ?2 x6 Vgamma-ray laser, if developed, would be a type of x-ray laser; although it would ( G1 Z# p j' B8 q, W6 A: Aemploy nuclear reactions, it need not (but might) employ nuclear fission or fusion8 A8 T$ @6 b3 _ [7 }3 g" L4 ~ reactions or explosions.! e7 F# G, D" o' |$ @ GAMS GPS (Global Positioning System)-Aided Munitions. 8 K7 G0 k1 s7 z. X: bGaNMPA Gallium Nitride Microwave Power Amplifiers. (A demonstration program to develop 2 ?: V( E' N5 p N% I' @' |9 R, O. XGaN based transistors and integrated circuits for power amplifiers in systems ; F5 A/ l, ~" d: x+ Ssuch as Ground Based Radar. Goal is to reduce total weight and size by a& ]1 U! m% P' A$ n7 r9 l& f& G factor of 10)./ t. Z: y9 @: V& V GAO General Accounting Office. 3 `% A# h# C; _7 b. MGARDIAN General Area Defense Integrated Anti-missile Laser System. - \1 ~# D; | |( D0 U7 N7 KGAT Government Acceptance Testing.2 Z$ t! U) ~6 j; b GAT CALL Guidance, Apportionment, and Targeting Call (JFACC term). ; Q( { R- O8 A7 I0 Q) s, JGATE Graphic Analysis Tool Environment.8 C% T5 ]1 H# x Gateway An element that contained a node on the SDS backbone network as well as on 3 ~7 W/ ~7 U7 W0 lsome other network(s) and would have performed protocol and format( v3 D* I( T+ P9 M0 E conversions necessary to accept messages from one network and retransmit o4 ^, s: R6 a, ]( T) nthem on the other. , Z" Z8 A( |2 v8 e# W( rGATS GPS (Global Positioning System)-Aided Targeting System.4 w1 e& W$ Q! T9 x) w GB (1) Ground-Based. (2) Gigabyte.+ O( Q# m5 H* f GBD Global Burst Detector.7 {9 B" k, m$ n. V! u6 r* Y GBDL Ground-Based Data Link. # n6 f r% _2 m7 }MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 G5 Z3 Q+ t$ P. g. G0 k3 ]+ N 1171 E; K* y/ p# C$ B+ j; h GBEV Ground Based Experimental Version. & L+ }0 c, P. p( P0 i. w. UGBFEL Ground-Based Free Electron Laser.7 a- b- E/ g) m1 H GBHE Ground-Based Hypervelocity Gun Experiment. 7 y6 V; C: ]# z9 k/ w2 C6 m! b0 ?- N6 tGBHRG Ground-Based Hypervelocity Rail Gun. ! R2 Q. z/ K& h; U, FGBI OBSOLETE. See Ground-Based Interceptor.( a& w# l* N% y0 Z" r# @ GBI-P Ground-Based Interceptor – Prototype. + p1 j# f$ ?' \' S8 B. Y6 sGBI-X Ground-Based Interceptor Experiment.! ^( B- H$ L' d0 S GBKV Ground-Based Kinetic Kill Vehicle. " P7 {+ v& P; L1 n; D, RGBL Ground-Based Laser.3 }# }6 W0 X' ]' Y GBLD Ground-Based Launcher Demonstration.4 o/ H- O) ]' v: u* g( J8 p GBLRS Ground-Based Laser Repeater Station.: @8 x9 ^& N: Y1 G9 E' d3 P GBM Global Battle Managers.! l9 @/ j$ q2 `! }: v' T3 p: b( F GBMD Global Ballistic Missile Defense.2 p! [9 o' W" c) W$ A GBMI Ground-Based Midcourse Interceptor. 2 [, z+ L9 j8 }; `& MGBOS Ground-Based Optical System. - d4 T9 x: N' _, Y# AGBPST Ground-Based Passive Signal Tracking.) n( g' }2 M+ g& Q GBR See Ground-Based Radar. ( ]6 F H# C; i n) nGBR-M Ground-Based Radar-Midcourse.# @& K1 R, |" I GBR-O Ground-Based Radar-Objective.( }" ^1 K+ v2 T' ] GBR-P Ground-Based Radar-Prototype. ( q; m" c& a6 U# s: K" CGBRT Ground-Based Radar Terminal. $ t. S& B. F3 i% `4 M5 _GBR-X The experimental version of the GBR.5 K* u& @$ Y8 R( O" t, k( A GBRF Ground-Based Radio Frequency.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2008-12-25 20:06:48 |只看该作者
Forward Edge of2 s6 e# J) X) r the Battle Area* P s. b& V- I( o" h5 x# C6 u (FEBA)) |5 [, A# a, r8 z2 Q The foremost limits of a series of areas in which ground combat units are; E& |: s4 K& H5 j( o deployed, excluding the areas in which the covering or screening forces are% I V' }6 E& V% F% V9 C5 r2 p operating, designated to coordinate fire support, the positioning of forces, or the) q' i3 `9 k6 n% h9 A maneuver of units. ( H$ Z& E0 |* n2 QForward Funding Carry-over of RDT&E funding into second year of appropriations availability. + G2 y6 X( @! ^9 d# oRequires permission from high authority.% m/ k! k) }9 E) n" `- B& E& k FOS Family of Systems (TMD). 8 x7 M) W: {5 P7 D7 p5 o, |0 [FOSS Fiber-Optic Sensor System. 8 S5 B: T. o1 |FOT Follow-On Technologies. % G' f- i* I; o( G# C8 ?) _0 M' m2 @FOT&E Follow-On Test & Evaluation." N2 a4 R( X' t! [2 s FOTC Force Over-the-horizon Track Coordinator (USN term).2 @* Q* ~# ?, q' Z3 O1 L6 ~ FOUO For Official Use Only. % E1 g7 T1 s+ G: ^Fourth 4 G4 ^" E0 s$ _ M; ZGeneration: X# X5 y+ G2 p( _, Z4 z* C7 t r Language 0 u& y$ ^! E/ j8 p2 o: y$ dA programming environment that produces both screen and report utilities for 8 Z% F% s t. q: d1 ~* G) @use by lower-level programming environments.. K) K% P, p$ S, K6 { FOV Field of View.! G* L* Z2 C! s! R6 n9 ]2 Q FOV Radar [Full] Field of View Radar * p1 z1 n& N( E& Y. U% wFP Focal Plane. " d+ l8 R/ \. t: s" C: lMDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 F7 c8 U6 k- N5 Z) n( p( n 112; E2 u# p& }) E' Q FPA Focal Plane Array.; q. q+ |5 h" m* S+ D( _' O. j FPC Facilities Protection Committee. 6 Z5 \1 m% J+ E- E" ~6 pFPI Fixed Price Incentive. 3 x% H# t9 g$ N. `5 L8 ^9 j3 ~FPS Fixed Radar. ! u v F8 Z% h, P; r# A0 P8 WFPTOC Force Projection Tactical Operations Center (USA term). 4 u% k: W- N' i/ A6 ~+ `# qFQR Formal Qualification Review. 3 b$ c% n' J; `1 Y8 Q' b* O4 AFQT Formal Qualification Testing. . v& b7 o& G+ P: Q5 CFR (1) Federal Register. (2) France./ U* O( L! t4 W9 f3 @+ x, C# \9 e FRACAS Forward Reaction Altitude Control System.8 A- v& d7 X) O) K FRACS Forward Reaction Altitude Control System. $ J0 A, W1 Y6 c; QFragmentation ; k, t4 g/ X3 ~4 \Warhead# ?8 Q- J$ X- q1 F! p5 Y4 s C3 M( h A warhead, which releases small solid objects to damage or destroy its targets.8 _# Z+ U7 \3 p. T! W. a8 x( o FRAS Free Rocket Anti-Submarine. m6 _- O# F4 _, FFRC Fire Control Radar & d1 b6 X4 }( S5 s+ D9 SFRD Facilities Requirements Document. ' W* z$ L6 X+ ~+ pFree Electron3 v M4 F9 W, b4 \! L3 Q+ P: a Laser (FEL) 9 {% F4 {' x$ |7 wA type of laser, which generates radiation by the interaction of an electron beam4 U* ^. s' X/ b with a static magnetic or electric field. Loosely speaking, free-electron laser ( a' n! M9 ^9 [9 W" Ytechnology resembles and evolved from that used by particle accelerators (“atom - b; \2 H3 t; d8 O: X2 hsmashers”). Lasers, which are not free electron lasers, are bound electron# `7 h* ]# l) r" f lasers.5 {9 X" g9 Z5 w& t' v Free Rocket A rocket not subject to guidance or control in flight. 0 D& }, ]+ u/ Z8 C- l9 e% N& L# tFrequency , }- R' F0 h$ a' ^3 {Management 8 J9 [9 ?- ?8 I4 p/ C% b5 r" I; ^ y0 MThe act of allocating frequencies, or bandwidths to a telecommunications% l; d1 ?/ P9 U7 C system, necessary to minimize the potential interference between* V7 |4 b2 s6 W0 Z: q3 v# V transmitting/receiving devices. Governing agencies and international agreement; |3 b) F. B: A8 M ^& j0 s controls authorized use of a particular frequency, frequencies, or bands. + b( M+ v; U! \+ I$ C# r9 hFRG Federal Republic of Germany.1 G* W) a* C/ ~* W' ~2 H v FRN Force Requirement Number. # i( z5 l8 y8 ?2 aFROD Functionally Related Observable Differences.' ?" b: {, U2 p3 k) d! V, J5 q FROG Free Rocket Over Ground. ( H M) S( `) VFRN Force Requirement Number.. s6 y, C D$ z: {. r8 I. P. F FRP Full-Rate Production. % s( [- Y! f9 q/ s5 w3 `FRS Federal Reserve System. 0 g% E- R4 Y, Z) }# k# u0 \/ r$ ~FS&E Facility Siting and Environment (MILCON term).( G U- m7 W ~" W+ p3 q MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 F 9 b/ @: l; G$ z113 0 z0 [' U* m3 L1 XFS3 Future Strategic Strategy Study. - B0 E9 Z6 k6 y1 |3 BFSAF Future Surface-to-Air [Missile] Family. : [8 X/ R! M9 N3 [2 g0 R9 SFSC (1) Fire Solution Computer. (2) Fire Support Coordination. : Y2 R1 k3 O8 EFSCATT Fire Support CATT [for Weapons] (US Army term). K. g6 G: ^6 R- W FSCL Fire Support Coordination Line.; C9 a' U7 U: ~8 o FSD OBSOLETE. Full Scale Development Phase. See EMD.% {! f& k/ a7 J4 s- k7 V& o8 x6 w FSE Fire Support Element.! N8 p1 b- d/ j% {8 j/ q( n FSM Firmware Support Manual. ! b+ P9 q1 W! H' i: [FSP Facility Security Plan. ) o0 J# v1 A8 t4 X* LFSS Fixed Satellite Service. , u( y* Y" \( i8 M9 N7 c6 O! o3 LFSST Forward Space Support in-Theater. 5 x& z/ _) @/ J) F; WFST Flight System Testbed.$ K2 v+ \) m1 p; `. e/ L FSU Former Soviet Union.) K# {$ U% N- w6 [- D$ A/ U FSU Republics Former Soviet Union Republics. 9 Q$ c% m3 ]. kFT Flight Test.5 J1 c7 x Z& U3 \0 q' I% A c Ft Foot) g+ a, F3 D; u: o. R FTC Federal Trade Commission. $ Z \$ @5 _: m; C7 d5 nFTD OBSOLETE. Foreign Technology Division (USAF), Wright-Patterson AFB, OH.- t& ?9 ~4 s C/ Y7 m0 e8 \ See NAIC. 6 D- ?; s, f5 e" fFTI Fixed Target Indicator6 Y3 B3 }$ t1 _% u5 c FTLS Formal Top-Level Specification.. F# z3 L/ a) _ FTP File Transfer Protocol (ADP/Internet term). - d, o: p! V0 v/ k! a' O6 aFTR Flight Test Round.. ?2 ~% ^. H& v FTS (1) Flight Test Summary (2) Federal Telephone Service8 o6 M% k+ |* S8 t. F9 u0 X FTS 2000 Federal Telecommunications System 2000. 5 N6 E. v8 a( \7 C9 D$ y2 G4 H% ~0 zFTV (1) Functional Technology Validation. (2) Flight Test Vehicle.* D. k( e5 r: G" w/ q& F$ R FTX Field Training Exercise. ) `6 J1 b6 S' M: {' {1 O8 BFU Fire Unit (PATRIOT). % a. E# n2 @3 d% PFUE First Unit Equipped.* e+ I, B- i( C. e: G MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 F , x$ N3 I+ J6 l- y t114 ; |3 ^5 {/ A4 p% H: eFull Mission( }9 a5 J! Y9 ?- e Q* C4 ` Capable' T+ m5 Y1 V5 o0 ` y& p% P Material condition of an aircraft or training device indicting that it can perform all ( C# F: i5 N: S& ]0 ^. aof its missions. Also called FMC. : C9 n% J# v$ y4 y5 i" {Full Operational3 v. ]- s1 v/ ?2 z& I Capability (FOC)/ J Y( l- A) n5 C The full attainment of the capability to employ effectively a weapon, item of5 Y% G7 P* z" ?* A! L/ F equipment, or system of approved specific characteristics, which is manned and. B2 q* l8 z, t" g# k( r operated by a trained, equipped, and supported military unit or force. : {( K- j% P) X" V, S1 MFull Rate 5 e4 O' @: f$ R& F' GProduction / H/ Q- \" `+ _) ]5 {Production of economic quantities following stabilization of the system design 6 l6 p% A/ l1 B; q6 qand prove-out of the production process. : c0 T! N; E- XFully Configured+ r; I. y i, n9 V End Item g3 H# B/ E% r" l) M" _* b1 ] The final combination of end products, component parts, and/or materials, which5 g9 j' u: ]+ q0 U* ~ is fully ready for its intended operational use. Normally all production units are8 N6 S6 M1 y' B. o fully configured. Research and development units may be considered fully D; [# z9 s8 e) J! U+ R- h; j configured if they are or are planned to become operationally equivalent to the : L5 F t* Y3 ~! o8 M7 A* D ]) lproduction units.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2008-12-25 20:06:36 |只看该作者
FLIR Forward Looking Infrared Radar. ; m5 E$ E$ p, o5 \- {- G- HFLOT Forward Line of Own Troops.6 ^/ [/ b& H& M FLT Flight. ) o; t1 V+ Y( y2 r% ?5 ?FLTSATCOM Fleet Satellite Communications System.$ C+ }1 ^" L1 E: s Fluence (or1 ^2 F8 }* |) f( s6 {* _9 D Integrated Flux) 3 x+ i6 x! \4 s1 {& L$ d' aThe product (or integral) of particle (neutron or photon) flux and time, expressed3 t! J. }7 P; U& q: G in units of particles per square centimeter. The absorbed dose of radiation (in; h8 A1 P F8 w4 ] rads) is related to the fluence. (It should be specified whether this is incident or . C2 ?- U( w+ S+ d k" j0 k2 labsorbed fluence). 1 v2 V5 ~! K7 A2 i9 |% kMDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 F W2 t5 A# X9 b$ F# u; n5 v109' ]% z$ w3 w+ { Flyaway Cost The total cost related to the production of a usable end item of military hardware.8 c! J# @* c+ u! K: T6 `5 S" i Flyaway cost includes the cost of procuring the basic unit (airframe, hull, chassis, ' b3 b; W4 g% ^: w9 ]0 Netc.), a percentage of basic unit cost for changes allowance, propulsion$ x6 R" c, p! Y* W6 w0 J: S equipment, electronics, armament, and other installed government-furnished # A: v; l6 h9 ?equipment, and nonrecurring production costs. Flyaway cost equates to . k2 z% A* v" x( j4 w" Z E; tRollaway and Sailaway cost.; c4 T. _. D7 G7 C0 U FM (1) Flare Multiunit. ! b% u2 P) J' {- \; P$ Z(2) Frequency Modulation. & I! R/ Y9 c( ]- w# J(3) Functional Manger." l; }! ^% h( Z* K b# U' F (4) Force Module(s). e, t' ]( C6 n+ \ f& }/ R(5) Field Manual. % p/ ^5 q! I6 P' ^! bFMA Foreign Military Acquisition.5 { h1 u3 J1 T, q FMB Financial Management Board. 0 r# R7 C; K4 J2 `& f( S1 @FMC Flexible Manufacturing Cell. ( Y6 Q' Y3 A2 G7 e3 }( \$ @FMEA Failure Modes Effects Analysis (ILS term).% h9 m8 _. @& A FMECA Failure Modes Effects and Criticality Analysis (ILS term). 7 d8 @7 C6 ]/ mFMIR Fighting Mirror.& T. Q4 p: w+ G FMP Foreign Materiel Program.) T% G P& H$ p$ t. Q# R* y; P FMS (1) Flight Mission Simulator (PATRIOT), Huntsville AL.2 V9 |1 j7 a8 t# q: L (2) Foreign Military Sales. 7 {# H' y& Y. x5 {. L; g% Y( ^FMTV Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles (USA term).1 ]" U) G5 I6 g) |0 T3 c, s FNC Federal Network Council1 [: q) X/ D+ v/ n( V3 F FO Force Operations (PATRIOT). 7 L% w) c) l2 K" R MFO Link Fiber Optic Link.0 p& y6 n1 W; l. U8 Z* V) ^ FOA Future Offensive Aircraft (UK RAF term). : B5 O F& J' g$ sFOB Forward Operations Base. 6 m) w8 _$ V: hFOBS Fractional-Orbital Bombardment System.( f8 I3 t" P+ j; H+ R4 x FOC Full Operational Capability.0 } E' M( m! j0 w! z0 ^6 P Focal Plane The plane, perpendicular to the optical axis of the lens, in which images of points 3 P) L6 D9 b. V8 Win the object field of the lens are focused.$ d* E, z" s" s0 ]5 C; ^" v Focal Plane " q4 h% Y0 Z) }' f" nArray (FPA) q. n# t2 c5 w# O8 tAn FPA is a matrix of photon sensitive detectors which, when combined with low 8 _# D: G9 { M4 Inoise preamplifiers, provides image data for the signal frequencies of interest. 0 e9 O3 _" Q @; EFOFA Follow-On Force Attack. 3 n8 Z8 r& O" z0 J# IFOG Fiber-Optic Gyroscope.* {$ @2 r0 e5 v( ` FOIA Freedom of Information Act (US). F1 R5 \+ ]6 z1 H8 V* Q& b; I MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 F/ a& I' E8 K. m9 `2 H 110 : m1 U" D/ a LFOL Forward Operating Location. ) z2 o4 O1 o% @: g" c( uFOLAN Fiber Optic Local Area Network. / ^7 E" V4 K9 o, HFolded Optics Any optical system containing reflecting components for the purpose of reducing+ m0 i. d; U- Y the physical length of the system or for the purpose of changing the path of the . ^; r3 h' I! g+ F. l. d) s+ yoptical axis.8 |0 a+ s! s; F. m9 T Follow-On % t- [1 I m$ t [" EOperational Test 7 N: A; W: r; G, s wand Evaluation* w2 p0 `: D( L) U+ C1 _9 W (FOT&E) 8 n6 c' M2 K4 R4 rThat test and evaluation that is necessary during and after the production period X; ~6 w3 B1 ito refine the estimates made during operational test and evaluation, to evaluate' [& B) E# [ h) D' J2 v5 d" _. q) j changes, and to reevaluate the system to ensure that it continues to meet % X+ j5 z+ t% goperational needs and retains its effectiveness in a new environment or against. ^2 K1 C) `+ O; i9 b a new threat. # P( n3 e) x3 ~, bFOM Figure of Merit. 1 K' h. i( Q/ z5 t0 oFON Fiber Optic Network.; j" Y. C T. u) L( O+ | Footprint (1) An estimated area of possible reentry or the solid angle of a detector or' g* h: G/ H. N: T linear area of a detector at a certain location. ! k* K, c8 C- Q8 M4 }(2) Geographic area in which a focused satellite downlink can be received.$ s9 q! g9 ?0 G# H Z6 l FOR Field of Regard. & Q( n- o* t. cForce Closure The point in time when a supported commander determines that sufficient8 {8 V$ ] P2 w! Q9 W personnel and equipment are in the assigned area of operations to carry out ' U, ~ x6 j2 l7 { x, e" nassigned tasks. ' `: o. h; h9 E6 \9 N4 ~Force Development Test and( g( m J* p& V2 Q8 c* c2 y- m% K Experimentation; X* q1 Q: B1 Y0 \ Tests employing representative users to examine definition of materiel 5 o) n, y9 M" l7 e: E8 P5 W' p8 }2 ^requirements or support/assess development of doctrine, training, organization, $ E3 y7 }7 C" l) F8 [' x Z0 ^and logistics for system acquisition. (U.S. Army).9 t8 y- E( [: v4 [7 y7 b Force Direction The operational management of the forces.8 ?! e, P; _ {3 C5 A! `( |* U Force Integration $ @4 B9 X9 B' VStaff Officer 3 n# i$ W9 E; s3 S5 ZArmy individual assigned to ODCSOPS to serve as HQDA user representative for ; c/ `& j W! Z; T; ^9 K5 ia specific system. Provides continuous coordination necessary for integration of+ h% y" M4 k e6 r. M2 G- t a new system into the Army force structure. , j! {. v0 d9 @) e" Y* ^Force: S- W; w, g) A& D+ I! A/ p9 f Management % B5 x: ^% ?+ d5 m: e2 K, L; bThe assessment of the effectiveness of the defense forces throughout an . j3 Z" c4 J) f Z' Hengagement and adjustment of tactics and the system configuration as ; }# V/ W) W s% U5 l% i" f: y, Y7 bnecessary to effectively allocate resources to satisfy mission objectives. 0 A: `$ H& F6 O6 U/ UForce Reliability The percentage of the missile force that will successfully detonate within 3.5 " x$ x' ?4 j. GCEPs of the target. ' n/ N* j6 A9 \% ~ l3 Z, n( I; ^FORDTIS Foreign Disclosure Technical Information System. + p) g3 c; _+ c L" |! dForeign % |4 O. e7 ~2 jGovernment) k' {2 f" d+ F7 x+ z0 t Information$ f, d0 n6 R/ d9 ` Information that is (1) provided to the United States by a foreign government or% H! T5 u) i+ m1 V$ W governments, an internal organization of governments, or any element thereof- X" _3 ~# V/ t/ `7 r3 J with the expectation, expressed or implied, that the information, the source of9 i9 T# c0 a3 ?+ ?. S+ I7 B the information, or both, are to be held in confidence; (2) produced by the United 1 @6 U* V* }7 f/ x& _; DStates pursuant to or as a result of a joint arrangement with a foreign" f( P" f, ^* X2 x8 W% i) ~# k government or governments or international organization of governments % W8 v4 @ Z9 s, d* erequiring that the information, the arrangement, or both, are to be held in! ?1 [) y# _& K8 D) @ L# { confidence.) F0 `* [ Z, t1 ~ MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 F & Y% O$ J* D+ b2 Q* f111# j" A5 [: F( {/ U$ F9 o Foreign Military6 c S) {, n) d8 j( x( N Sales (FMS) R. Y5 a, K1 Z9 L9 f: H4 VThat portion of U.S. security assistance authorized by the Foreign Assistance Act % M* K, r& h0 S, f% T- cof 1961, as amended, and the Arms Export Control Act, as amended. The " _: H2 R3 t' ?, @6 t. Nrecipient provides reimbursement for defense articles and services transferred 9 ~. ]+ O: Z, `* P$ ^/ Pfrom the U.S. Includes case sales from stocks (inventories, services, training) by 9 r3 g3 O+ V$ [; Hthe DoD defense services. 9 ?( g% }8 n5 F! z- t/ D( P8 CForeign Security4 D) \2 r& `. L4 T5 G( R" X8 I Policy Model# p; L& Z5 v' M7 \" P+ m+ y) @ A mathematically precise statement of a security policy. To be adequately9 _) `2 d# [- v8 j! {4 ~! P precise, such a model must represent the initial state of a system, the way in2 i. t( H2 [, ~ which the system progresses from one state to another, and a definition of a + p5 o) B0 u( Z; n7 D8 k9 p: a, F: h“secure” state of the system.% Z4 X8 b9 }2 G Form, Fit, and9 C5 m; w5 o$ C @) t! t+ L Function Data( v. l, ^- u) m; U Technical data pertaining to items, components or processes for the purpose of1 T+ t* _# A* i2 @ identifying source, size, configuration, mating and attachment characteristics,6 n% }7 g: {3 G: B( E0 g3 I0 i8 E3 Y" T functional characteristics and performance requirements. 7 U' C: x G p# S/ q7 CFormal: M1 c7 ]8 |4 ?! I Qualification0 e& ^6 d9 i* Q% L4 C0 {6 [ Review " J! V) P" ^+ U3 P, b9 _( h* pA systems level configuration audit conducted after system testing is completed/ \& O3 x. p5 `9 ~ to ensure that performance requirements have been met.- ?8 T$ w0 n9 j. b3 ?0 h Formerly( B3 D0 u& s+ q+ d6 p! y Restricted Data0 E. M/ P) R8 j5 L' u# Q! B Information removed from the RESTRICTED DATA category upon joint" F: C2 k3 Z# {; H' N8 s determination by DoE (or antecedent agencies) and DoD that such information t! [7 Y. E9 j4 w+ s5 ? relates primarily to the military utilization of atomic weapons and that such ! |# |2 R! ~" {% binformation can be adequately safeguarded as classified defense information.; ]: |; D7 T" f" ]) q FORSCOM U.S. Army Forces Command, Ft. McPherson, GA.* B8 q. D; X: p- |2 k! K FORTRAN Formula Translation Language.

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发表于 2008-12-25 20:06:20 |只看该作者
FCT Foreign comparative testing. 0 \- b4 Q- N, c. c3 J( hFD First Deployment.* k) i0 K& J. _0 I FDA Food and Drug Administration. " b. z8 m# ?' T, kFDC Fire [of weapons] Direction Center. - ~- R) Y, g: ^1 ]! s$ h. VFDG Foreign Disclosure Guide. 5 n; L; R- S# _; @FDM Function Description Manual.# n2 |- T/ L5 g; f$ v FDO Fee Determining Official.8 S/ z* h8 E! Q a5 n+ O& \4 v# I MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 F: k) V" w# k% [ 105! P# a& G2 _& p) T- R FDP Flight Demonstration Program. 7 q( e* Q% F* E2 e+ o1 jFDR Final/Formal Design Review. 5 t+ y) O0 ?: C, i1 l) T& D, NFDRU Final Design Review Update (MDA PAC term). 9 w& y7 n& g& k1 x* bFDS (1) Flight Demonstration System. (2) Fault Detection System.' d( T8 L) H& O FDSV Flight Demonstration Space Vehicle.9 E2 O6 E5 e9 N: }' Y* U' k FDT&E See Force Development Test and Experimentation (US Army). E3 D1 o, G8 e4 O1 ^FDX Full Duplex (Telecomm/Computer term). $ j' }( ^! ^ {5 ^. O- B, |FEA Functional Economic Analysis. : N# [6 o4 ~ F8 o% S( \Feasibility Study A study of the applicability or desirability of any management or procedural7 i/ t6 Q5 _ M* ~2 Z8 j( l8 W system from the standpoint of advantages versus disadvantages in any given7 M! ^) ]6 k( F6 N: x& D) N9 v case. ! N+ D: F2 C7 y! |( K+ M. UFEBA Forward Edge of the Battle Area.* |$ M" A5 w- P7 L# q3 ? FECA Front-End Cost Analysis # t' Z+ D+ |3 w8 o2 S8 a% y& ]+ P" z* gFED Federal. " u+ O$ n' c& [FEDAC Federal Computer Acquisition Center.3 N* S7 e/ k( Z. I4 b Federal * {! i4 N5 G) ` t& [7 d qAcquisition ( {/ _5 o! x6 T" I7 m! u& \Regulation ~" d# ?' h1 \The primary regulation for use by federal executive agencies for acquisition of 9 @, K* l' T$ M( M+ Jsupplies and services with appropriated funds. It directs the defense program3 f6 t; `# b) ]/ Y" P0 ~8 |9 ` manager in many ways, including contract award procedures, acquisition. |& B8 Y/ l! ~/ L2 {9 t+ J+ |- @2 F planning, warranties, and establishing guidelines for competition. The Military , ^- e& B6 k; vDepartments and DoD issue supplements to the FAR. The DoD supplement is E* P2 g, r! }$ K- d9 V called DFARS (Defense FAR Supplement). a6 z+ t1 M3 Q3 P9 }4 m2 ~( y% fFEDSIM Federal System Integration and Management. : u: P: ^( _, C! B3 c/ F, v2 T' X: fFEL Free Electron Laser. , }6 i+ o& Q( X5 {FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency.' |2 h, ?; h! y! d9 m n Fenced Funding An identified aggregation of resources reviewed, approved, and managed as a3 O Q% C. @- x6 J' ` distinct entity. The proposed program must be implemented within specified; l. J M2 Y/ ?8 }6 t1 }2 b resources. Examples of fences areas are: Intelligence and Security, Support to ( k4 B' W8 s" k( C# w/ X$ j; A& JOther Nations.0 B# c2 Q9 v3 O FER Financial Execution Review. . y9 B+ x& O- P; S9 ~* nFES Facility Engineering Surveillance Plan.$ a Y2 L9 {7 l* X1 P+ T4 r# v FET Field Effect Transistor.4 E# X' @, M+ r7 N4 X* N2 B+ u FEU Flight Evaluation Unit. ! r( a4 _& r2 ^# cFEWS Follow-on Early Warning System.7 G- s4 m; G/ T1 |$ K. p ~& s FF Fire Finder Radar (US Army. 2 }/ c& W3 k# _( B4 _MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 F0 ~4 a4 e. w5 `% _ 1067 T6 }) E; w( T0 X% x( E& t FFBD Functional Flow Block Diagram. $ q& I% r$ r2 r) j# y/ |FFCD Full, Final and Complete Disclosure (Treaty negotiation term). 9 G5 g* x. n$ b1 Q, S8 I4 M+ IFFD Fraction Failure Detected.. H# _* C1 d& W+ D0 X2 O- x% M, w, D FFH Fast Frequency Hopping. 2 y: n( H9 t! i! c& K& Y' YFFP Firm Fixed Price.# w& [% G% o7 g5 \; ? FFRDC Federally Funded Research and Development Center. . G0 V3 E& _6 R$ }% @9 n6 K* V+ JFGC Functional Group Code (Navy ILS term). & f" q/ P O1 [FGEP Fixed Ground Entry Point. 6 M& p# s" |1 Z9 E# PFH Flight Hours. 0 ^3 I6 P4 T) ?. lFI Fault Isolation.5 V% c, g( s- R! e) N FI&A Fault Isolation and Analysis. # c) @6 n/ M$ b! R- RFIDO Fighter Duty Officer (JFACC term).' Q$ v* |" d& I1 C0 g Field of View 4 W* c* I$ _, g7 R& t* t) r(FOV) ; B0 J, \8 D9 @4 b! W; |. [The angular measure of the volume of space within which the system can6 e$ s5 B" q# \1 ]" g respond to the presence of a target. % I% J( i: C; F6 VFighting Mirror' n( P8 R4 O2 {6 _ W (FMIR)" d; I, Y1 s" O8 W0 I Part of the GBL System. The low orbit mirror, which receives laser energy and ' W X) N- g! s: ^& ^reflects it to the target. . c: A% Y* ?" @5 K; G! E5 c) wFigure of Merit 0 n$ z4 v# J* l& {; d C; e3 c5 F(FOM)) A: E- \ u) G9 ?: X5 Z The numerical value assigned to a measure of effectiveness, parameters, or 1 B0 o( K o' E) I2 o- kother figure, as a result of an analysis, synthesis, or estimating technique.6 n- _4 G. o$ u5 }# b# ~3 U, D# t FIP Federal Information Processing. 8 j% m& C9 ~+ |: I8 m% n% GFIPS Federal Information Processing Standard.$ i i, h u" }3 h+ F9 v7 k3 J: m Z Fire Control The control of all operations in connection with the application of fire on a target. 1 E' k5 z# k; j' q: u# GFire Control* ]& H6 n( C5 A/ M& U2 h. k System, |8 x+ g0 G5 u A group of interrelated fire control equipment and/or instruments designed for 8 b6 S, s7 n; O8 m, uuse with a weapon or group of weapons.! m! M! A* ~) I N* g6 G Fire Support . d" F! c4 P n7 _+ B- N% p: PCoordinating$ h( {4 D2 f9 _; Q* r! N7 ^7 D Measure$ a+ H, V' G5 |7 p" M A measure employed by land or amphibious commanders to facilitate the rapid5 x7 F* l: ^6 l m' v Y) ` engagement of targets and simultaneously safeguard friendly forces. 3 D; e6 m, j9 U3 }+ ~3 `5 [! BFire Support- ^0 x$ Q- h ~+ i Coordinating Line 6 l7 F" A2 A- K3 a$ `! }(FSCL)5 @) X- {4 ]8 l4 {' R- X3 j A line established by the appropriate ground commander to ensure the$ I D5 s) c& s5 V! d9 c coordination of fire not under the commander’s control but may affect current / J8 ^ v: v+ V& _5 A! J/ k+ dtactical operations. The fire support coordination line is used to coordinate fires ! o! G6 i' u( U) { K7 jof air, ground, or sea weapons systems using any type of ammunition against( }. p+ \& s* a+ v1 [" i surface targets. The fire support coordination line should follow well-defined # V5 c# E% r. f: R) Tterrain features. The establishment of the FSCL must be coordinated with the * S9 y3 F% `: C0 m/ ^. W- d0 Rappropriate tactical air commander and other supporting elements of the FSCL# A. S" T- q1 }& A! ^ without prior coordination with the ground force commander provided the attack $ T5 s! ? [$ V4 n0 B' jwill not product adverse effects on or to the rear of the line. Attacks against! B( K9 r) G6 L! k' N5 m( E surface targets behind this line must be coordinated with the appropriate ground 1 \% k$ M; n! rforce commander.7 e* a/ @5 D/ Z! G6 P! w MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 F & w8 _# ^& ?" H9 Z1072 `) H/ }/ m6 M0 g Firing Doctrine The ratio and manner of assigning numbers of interceptors against given & m$ \8 I9 N. v. g$ @) `8 ~+ D0 Z2 Tattackers. One-on-one, salvo, shoot-look-shoot, shoot-fail-shoot, etc. are# e/ U% C- j' P+ ` G examples of different firing doctrine. The priority of targets being defended and 5 c6 C1 u4 r: o1 w3 ?. X: uthe number of interceptors available relative to the number of attackers drive 9 g5 f! G0 Q ]& V. Jdoctrine. - g2 G. C, b8 G! m" j' HFiring Rate The number of missiles fired per site per minute. 8 _+ n; ?. n% I, k! vFIRMR Federal Information Resources Management Regulation. ) W2 D A9 F# w3 m& m7 \0 @+ {7 I& z5 MFIRST Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams. 6 S+ f U* Q. cFirst Article First article includes pre-production models, initial production samples, test, y1 K) l- ]; v$ |4 g samples, first lots, pilot models, and pilot lots. Approval involves testing and3 ]: q; `( X' P" X evaluating the first article for conformance with specified contract requirements 4 [4 w4 k3 ~( E/ {! e' F Z Zbefore or in the initial stage of production under a contract. 3 Q5 U4 G0 d" OFirst Strike The first offensive action of a war (generally associated with nuclear operations).# _# T& T1 f2 \1 c, J2 a' h+ m4 S5 O First Unit 1 ?5 h1 A8 k; L' ^. HEquipped Date " J' s9 ~" Y& z4 J1 GThe scheduled date an end item and its support elements are issued to the $ i$ S+ @, _: `$ d) J* {initial operational capability unit and training in the new equipment training plan, p, |/ B2 P8 r5 E+ y2 j% v: i has been accomplished.$ H2 ~% q! `8 U8 k FIS Facility Installation Standard. & a" R4 t; c+ |. O" T& h2 |3 l' aFiscal Guidance The annual guidance issued by the SECDEF in the Defense Guidance which - r+ l8 I" q7 b/ X, q& A0 a6 Mprovides the fiscal constraints that must be observed by the DoD Components in1 q5 G7 q& Z7 T" h the formulation of force structures and the FYDP, and by the OSD in reviewing k$ D: {; w: R5 _. L0 p5 kproposed programs. 0 ?; n7 M. s- G6 {, K7 `FISSP Federal Information System Support Program. / z+ {4 t8 z* j2 ~8 u4 L* UFIWC Fleet Information Warfare Center (USN term).4 j* Y; b' c% r3 n# p FIX Site Firing-in-Extension (Target Launch site in White Sands Missile Range Northern 2 d; D/ O6 Q% [1 v0 e% f/ }Extension).7 n/ E" H$ H" d7 d. c* p Fixed Costs Costs that do not vary with the volume of business, such as property taxes, + P- {& v) b" n0 O4 Finsurance, depreciation, security, and minimum water and utility fees.) a* D' O# s$ i; _ Fixed Ground 3 j- o3 L; m2 m1 QEntry Point3 K3 F" A2 e2 Q5 x, m' v (FGEP); d: R2 p) B4 B9 i The subset of GEPs, which are not transportable. GEPs provide the 3 e2 O+ s1 u1 m+ K' U, ?+ ]communications interfaces between the SDS space orbital/sub-orbital elements $ N0 p2 h9 Y& T0 ~and the C2E. 0 U- o# T' R0 i: U& _6 kFixed Ground % c8 ? A, x1 Q4 N2 ?3 IStation , P! v( Q# k- o2 z2 UAll hardware, software, and facilities located at a fixed ground site necessary to% _/ W6 q* N. o I7 J0 x receive, process, support, and analyze mission status and data, and disseminate + S# b; K& I. @/ K; A4 `" @! Noperational messages.) x. ^7 J3 f0 B8 M1 R FLAGE OBSOLETE. Flexible Lightweight Agile Guided Experiment. (Predecessor ; |1 y m! A4 h' G8 Aprogram to Extended Range Interceptor (ERINT).), @2 X0 o$ `5 }0 S FLC Federal Laboratory Consortium.- v6 O' t; a" M3 S1 Q; {+ { MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 F5 K5 l+ q3 t* t) @ 108; o( y+ K7 y+ T Fleet Satellite+ |1 Y8 z2 p4 \; R Communications ! z0 g' x7 Z. s& |7 f4 H% i2 uSystem) H; U ~$ a* c5 d (FLTSATCOM) 9 |' P/ p$ C, {) s7 T1 E2 yOperating at ultra high frequency (UHF), FLTSATCOM allows relatively low-cost$ ~: Y( q8 O$ ? terminals with simple antennas for use on highly mobile platforms. It has a% K& U; a/ U2 w6 M+ y relatively small capacity because of its much lower operating frequency. It5 M3 @6 H2 D# S9 g }$ |! q1 r provides a satellite communication system for high-priority communication2 f! a0 n6 u1 K' P v. x) D requirements for the Navy and Air Force that encompasses almost the entire 9 \8 M; n/ V/ \5 k- u. S& }6 r1 Fworld. It supports other DoD needs as well. It consists of satellites in geosynchronous equatorial orbit, each with 23 communication channels in the UHF2 h4 c/ [( X! w. v+ u8 }7 F' X and SHF bands. The Navy has exclusive use of 10 channels for communication 7 s+ S4 K. X3 cwith its land, sea, and air forces. The Air Force uses 12 others as part of its! }/ h; f5 r3 i( H AFSATCOM system for command and control of nuclear capable forces. The 9 }0 z5 I1 _ ^" d6 ~/ Msystem has one 500 KHz channel allotted to the national command authorities. * i6 y$ W% `9 B$ v1 D" \Flexible% B5 l6 N. e C2 d7 S* w Response9 O3 p4 }6 N+ `# I The capability of military forces for effective reaction to any enemy threat or 5 |( a" |' F/ O9 g$ xattack with actions appropriate and adaptable to the circumstances existing.3 f: S3 b! a* U3 o FLHER Funds and Labor Hours Expenditure Report.3 E3 ?, P' P3 u' X; \9 \* k+ H) T Flight7 |$ d9 [0 X1 m7 ^ Demonstration7 | @* k- ?, i. u" \! e System (FDS)9 H4 Z8 ]8 L' a$ O& q/ Y, G6 ` Part of the SBIRS Low Program Definition and Risk Reduction (PDRR) program7 p3 z* Q6 v( q: J phase. The FDS will consist of two satellites and a ground system being built by o l/ `% o+ w% [7 @) A% f x7 |; TTRW/Hughes. The FDS satellites are to be launched in FY99 for a two-year test T) r, i) x( O program to demonstrate operations and performance of a SBIRS Low concept, . @6 G4 H$ `% bcollect target and phenomenology data to support the objective system design,% x5 t9 H2 b1 L& O) @7 ^. v$ U ~0 q8 x and validate cost estimating models. : D/ m, P; f) _2 XFlight Path The line connecting the successive positions occupied, or to be occupied, by an# e8 v% L8 G' m9 `! G aircraft, missile, or space vehicle as it moves through air or space. (It is more( [# ]- q n, X) N commonly referred to as trajectory for space vehicles, especially ICBMs.)" \3 E' w+ k, t0 Y) r6 g Flight Readiness9 u- M9 B- z' \1 {: a& ~9 m" e$ x9 \: i Firing : e: A0 W( q$ D/ I+ S4 |: Z M( tA missile system test of short duration conducted with the propulsion system1 [7 M z# r( \ ^; F operating while the missile is secured to the launcher. Such a test is performed! x' V) D/ K) E8 ~% w: a# D$ d to determine the readiness of the missile system and launch facilities prior to 3 I, E$ a4 l# y/ S% {flight test.' a# _, I2 ^5 D" B& x6 L5 H3 a- o! D, } Flight Test Test of an aircraft, rocket, missile, or other vehicle by actual flight or launching. / u( c; k I* w5 u8 v# ZFlight tests are planned to achieve specific test objectives and gain operational 9 O& h# g+ N7 V5 Z" C+ cinformation. . Z4 T; ]/ t. f5 Z% H9 a9 YFlight Test % J. b- {# J- MVehicle (FTV)- x4 ?4 u, }* g/ h Prototype of airborne or spaceborne hardware used to validate a technology+ c g- e, ]* c4 X. E! _ ? concept.

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发表于 2008-12-25 20:06:02 |只看该作者
Event 4 S' `- O; z2 ~Verification; d y2 b' u( I0 n; Y+ u The process by which it is decided, from SDS external data, that the event 1 q. f s; N" U/ |reported is real.6 t, e2 z" _$ o1 C MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 E7 V' A1 ?4 n2 K% U3 E1 ^ 99 ! ^1 |/ a1 n' U+ V: ZEvolutionary) H* T# l; L6 U' @ Acquisition 4 u4 y4 m, j6 Q3 f4 b; R0 F' a0 W2 G(1) An approach in which a core capability is fielded, and the system design has) @' A( T1 ~% `' C6 ` a modular structure and provisions for future upgrades and changes as( V5 i) j$ {; ^* S: L# \9 U1 B requirements are refined. An evolutionary acquisition strategy is well suited to , O& ^1 ]8 z4 _# I: Shigh technology and software intensive programs where requirements beyond a 2 v* A* \2 S7 G- icore capability can be generally, but not specifically, be defined. H( o5 F) Z$ w3 ~+ f7 O(2) An acquisition strategy that defines, develops, produces or acquires, and8 t5 O3 g( T) B# [1 v H( [ fields an initial hardware or software increment (or block) of operational capability.* r( f7 ~% N F, W It is based on technologies demonstrated in relevant environments, time-phased, c9 E9 u) J# A5 \ requirements, and demonstrated manufacturing or software deployment " |) J6 l3 G% M2 Z9 M' O8 j# v U3 zcapabilities. These capabilities can be provided in a shorter period of time,$ W2 x) _& T: s1 t/ d) T5 b' x followed by subsequent increments of capability over time that accommodate! W; L+ R, o! Z# I& E) S3 K5 H% x improved technology and allowing for full and adaptable systems over time. Each$ G: V, Z! I* r+ I- J, f$ Z6 [5 b0 m increment will meet a militarily useful capability specified by the user (i.e., at least& a" A; P) Y: K- V the thresholds set by the user for that increment); however, the first increment + A. N" M: ]1 A# t6 p: S) Imay represent only 60% to 80% of the desired final capability. (MDA Lexicon) 7 t9 X& v+ @# d6 ^1 V' s% ~Evolutionary ( ]7 y% x+ F8 ?3 B& ZRequirements 1 K5 |8 O) } @- v' L0 m# v% pDefinition% q+ z4 q8 z+ D Mission needs are first expressed in broad operational capability terms, and then 6 D" D- ?6 U1 Cprogressively evolved to system specific performance requirements. # ]9 L4 o( n Y8 NEVPA Experimental Version Performance Assessment. & z* a) H& s" ?EVPA/TEVS Experimental Version Performance Assessment Test Environment System. , G5 J& C* m( t' ?+ CEVS Enhanced Verdin System. 4 H8 m, w) z* p, {, a3 u" Z) yEW (1) Electronic Warfare. (2) Early Warning.+ j9 y& L% @$ @( A EW/AA Early Warning and Attack Assessment.5 O2 r6 c3 J" ?: R2 N EWCC Expanded Weapons Control Computer (PATRIOT). ) K/ T0 F- E" x1 G" QEWDA Energy and Water Development Appropriations (US). 4 _" Q, A" m4 z( N4 JEWG Event Working Group.& ?5 p/ ^9 @# G# d EWN Early Warning Net. ! `6 v9 h' k. \" U* H0 G8 \EWO Electronic Warfare Officer. 8 q3 w% Y' ]- V _5 u* vEWPE Electronic Warfare Pre-Processing Element." i2 N4 K$ K+ d' w' _6 l7 Z EWR Early Warning Radar.+ P f! p: y9 a/ Y y- ? EWS Early Warning System. 3 P6 i! ~+ \; `/ p3 G- x+ n4 gEXCEDE Electron Accelerator Experiment. $ \: P9 @3 e0 Z) n c. B1 wExcimer A contraction for “excited dimer”; a type of lasant. A dimer is a molecule , h$ k, K+ ^ U' [consisting of two atoms. Some dimers (e.g., xenon chloride and krypton fluoride) 1 G* M9 C5 a* G7 u {are molecules, which cannot exist under ordinary conditions of approximate % N, _9 D% C- j6 ?& P6 Z- ?thermal equilibrium but must be created in an “excited” (e.g., energized) condition * C& R; T8 ?5 ?, i n8 t. kby special “pumping” processes in a laser.1 F& r2 e7 u& e* ?/ O! b' `: f: ] Excimer Laser( Y# a. T1 a! y (EXL) 5 U/ V) Q, q4 ~- L1 GA laser in which emission is stimulated when a gas is shocked with electrical. b& N, w: a' L8 X- h, B$ d5 u energy and the excited medium emits light when returning to a ground state./ @& r1 `; G8 F, r7 G: `8 Y& _ MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 E5 y6 E# \# q1 u% _+ G# f 1005 f# P/ ]4 J3 L* j EXCOM Executive Committee. * @' C" T: C9 s4 R9 v4 p% P& j* eExecutable - P' j" [: B# g* i9 }Program 8 @; `; k4 I* `- N" b0 ZA program is executable if the PM has adequate near-term approved funding.2 \$ H; L7 E+ _, K Executing Agent The individual within the executing element assigned responsibility for managing 7 k' r4 C$ l/ ?3 _4 ?* V5 \9 [* WMDA funded programs. S- }9 g- M0 r1 I; I4 O Executing ( q5 l9 ?5 R/ w2 ~+ G0 @4 ^+ gElements* P, S9 g: l J5 R$ o* p4 W8 \" H- w' B @ Agencies or organizations (DoD or non-DoD) that are managing BMD-related9 x4 b' d# b- U( Z! c! ?2 C* | programs.! v9 M2 J: D2 t Executing9 G5 O4 ?- C; q& Y Responsibility1 J! s, `$ W. B9 ]% s) Z' @" o Program Manager responsibility. / V+ G3 n2 L' Y- H* EExercise A military maneuver or simulated wartime operation involving planning, + y, X* w: `/ F. g) u0 | H& npreparation, and execution. It is carried out for the purpose of training and9 A% `7 _# e) d, P: U6 h3 \ K evaluation. It may be a combined, joint, or single-Service exercise, depending2 k* b& o1 _5 Y" g on participating organizations. See also Command Post Exercise., e* v; h6 r6 ]' e; d, Z Exit Criteria Program specific accomplishments that must be satisfactorily demonstrated; L3 R9 h$ J2 N# T4 g before an effort or program can progress further in the current acquisition phase6 i; i( h. ]$ o, ]' i or transition to the next acquisition phase. Exit criteria may include such factors 3 O) Z, E+ R) e3 \) C eas critical test issues, the attainment of projected growth curves and baseline 1 @ `. `" f0 n& S- Q7 yparameters, and the results of risk reduction efforts deemed critical to the. `, b; d) s: X5 ^, }- L decision to proceed further. Exit criteria supplement minimum required 2 F. `6 J- H* m m; s0 Gaccomplishments and are specific to each acquisition phase.7 b( h" O p+ A4 k9 N& M+ m EXL Excimer Laser.; Y4 k2 p6 h& J6 }- a Exoatmospheric Outside the Earth’s atmosphere; generally considered to be altitudes above 100 |/ `! f6 B) T3 ~/ q# dkm.0 W7 A3 a- t! Y* O+ f Exoatmospheric - X. ^2 O) ~! ~ J: t5 ]8 F# RReentry Vehicle $ R/ V, l% T$ f' X$ x; e% \Interceptor 2 z" v8 f+ J& k3 G2 y6 N GSubsystem / v1 j. g$ n% A(ERIS). e" o, d9 J; I" b+ E+ ~6 s" [3 q# A OBSOLETE. Interceptor designed to provide functional test validation of GBI.0 \* u. ~" V4 W1 K, f, y- W Exoatmospheric . U b8 X, k, Z9 W5 k$ WTest Bed (XTB)+ l6 h/ B% ~" r; Z2 N) B Flight qualified and range integrated vehicle to support other programs such as : p9 E$ N5 ]" \; y/ G# {GBI-X. 1 p. v. m& V1 q* nExo Decoy A decoy that matches RV signature exoatmospherically. Exo decoys can use% W' {+ Y0 n4 N' w3 P" ~ radar and/or optical means to deceive sensors.+ v: S0 c7 o6 N# S8 r9 N4 n Expert Systems Software programs, which use artificial intelligence techniques to capture and . @5 A4 r3 J: h$ y$ kapply the non-algorithmic knowledge and procedures of human experts.; z: R8 h* E( g2 k) z3 ` Expired2 F- t3 w" Q5 j Appropriation / B, H, x# J/ FAn appropriation that is no longer available for new obligation but is still available * U) [3 f" I% w! ]+ Afor disbursement to liquidate existing obligations. Under current legislation no% d6 _9 A3 I& l, d disbursement may be recorded or paid after a five-year expiration period.$ H6 H3 n" I8 M Maintains all original accounting identity, e.g. FY, appropriation, PE, etc. 9 |. g4 e$ X" v5 h* yEXPLAN Exercise Plan. M0 u! c, ^& G, t( M' C, ?% w, k Explicit ; g# R' h0 E+ s8 q+ E7 U9 s8 ICoordination6 x& D2 _7 M* X+ K% h6 M; M: e% Z A battle management technique which communicates results, decisions or/ x/ \* l* g- v7 I* r* @% m+ p command from one battle manager to another, usually from a higher command " w7 c: Z" W8 |, _3 i2 vto a lower command.9 f) T7 V9 }1 }; {1 x$ x MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 E" |) l: k% S2 {0 }+ Q7 h+ F5 s 101 7 u( V$ M1 s9 N) \, o, RExtended g+ I: O% ~7 G( r% M Planning Annex2 B1 F, W% [( m5 ]) o% J4 E A document providing program guidance for an additional 10 years beyond the 3 V/ ]2 K! ]. l8 B! yPOM.! c1 P2 L' t g3 N" S# M MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 F : E; c1 S: n: _103 7 t) ^9 ^0 b$ S. b9 zF (1) Fluoride. (2) Fahrenheit. 1 u& d+ x* w2 i+ X( i @F/O (1) Fiber Optic. (2) Follow-On.1 q* }6 {3 t! V0 {( Z( t8 l& K" w FA (1) Field Artillery. (2) Feasibility Assessment. 9 j1 A. t5 v9 D% ^FA/RD Functional Analysis/Requirements Definition. ' V; e/ T, z6 Y2 I2 |/ TFAA Federal Aviation Administration. * b9 v/ H8 w9 o; gFAAD Forward Area Air Defense (US Army).% w3 y2 J* T, i FAAD C2I Forward Area Air Defense Command, Control and Intelligence.6 ]! E6 h) d/ N* b8 }, M. n FAADS Forward Area Air Defense System (JCS term).0 ~& I9 k3 m0 H1 O FAAWC Fleet/Force Anti-Air Warfare Commander. 6 f/ I' r/ z- Z, h$ ^6 wFAB Fly Along Probe.; h ~% [) N( y0 u Fac Facility (MILCON term). ' I/ g0 u1 W; d: jFACP Forward Area Control Post (JFACC term)." h+ ]! S+ r2 L( r0 s6 ] FACSPMF Federal Agency Computer Security Program Manager’s Forum.6 x* @' ?0 t) j) j9 s9 k5 | FAD (1) Force Activity Designator. (2) Feasible Test Date.. y3 R" q2 H5 |% g FADEC Full-Authority Electronic Controls.3 T, N% y$ Y4 g7 L FAFB Falcon AFB, CO.8 _" f5 [& X# a, E, q1 x3 z/ S FAFBR Falcon AFB Regulation. P8 t: K! h- V% j8 e Fairing Structure to protect the payload during ascent phase. ) i8 w% q( K/ |9 d- S+ R% wFAIT Fabrication Assembly, Inspection/Integration, and Test. ( J C9 r" ~0 O: c1 T4 c4 ?+ H+ GFALCON Fission-Activated Light Concept. ( n- z4 l6 W: VFAM Functional Area Management.# v! M% P; H/ n- H( E! k FAMIS Financial Accounting Management Information System.1 P4 U5 o% q0 g' ^6 e; P FAMP Facilities Acquisition Management Plan.; L# n. r, {) W3 s FAMSIM Family of Simulations (USA term).' Z& h) H! H7 N q8 i4 E/ J0 m4 A& c, ~! v FAR See Federal Acquisition Regulation.5 v9 S1 J. U4 Y6 v) k; I Far Field The region far from an antenna compared to the dimensions of the antenna and 2 e! D4 r p# M; I6 O' @0 F. g6 @ Fthe wavelength of the radiation. 5 a7 T5 D, o; SFAS (1) Fly Away Sensor (TCMP).( f- z8 |2 ?# N H (2) Federation of American Scientists. % c7 m) D0 P* D9 mFAST Facility Allocation Study Team., i- d- @+ b4 F4 ^0 d3 V4 [ MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 F) n+ ~ G' o6 a5 n! ]0 S3 h 104 , u3 g( Q2 N+ ^- @. j4 H) yFast-Burn / m" p1 [$ o% L' z+ Q$ B* [2 yBooster (FBB) ! x3 a4 x( G5 e- p$ P- G& }' T+ _' fA ballistic missile that burns out much more quickly than current versions,4 n. @, K: I3 F' T possibly before exiting the atmosphere entirely. Such rapid burnout complicates6 Y+ G5 a; N- Q ^ a boost-phase defense. ' R, n+ {' Y# GFAT (1) First Article Testing. (2) Factory Acceptance Test.3 V- }$ y( x5 }8 p Fault Tolerance The ability of a processor to maintain mission effectiveness after some 8 z+ L. m8 D( s+ W! X6 Hsubsystems failed. + ^7 K; }, ~3 N2 Z/ G% @9 RFax Facsimile.6 ?) N% f8 y# e t7 x" T1 j+ b; n FBB Fast-Burn Booster. + `* R( c4 u8 B7 b& l7 \FBIS Foreign Broadcast Information Service (US)., w2 V' i6 N2 `4 g4 X6 i9 V# g+ J FBM Fleet Ballistic Missile.: M, ]- @1 g# c3 c FBMS Fleet Ballistic Missile System (USN term).6 s% ~2 z# P9 W FBP Forward Based Probe. 8 W, C6 i5 J8 H. g$ W% zFBR Forward-Based Radar (US Army term).& ~8 [0 D% n- [- S' F) ` FBS Forward-Based System.) X9 \. ]6 O( T' i. |) c2 F" L3 r FBXR Forward-Based X-band Radar.' z3 g6 E1 h. ?* i! u, ] FC (1) Fire Control [of weapons]. + t# V" }; ~, `! M+ v# `; q(2) Fund Code. 4 ~' b( i' |1 o8 g" D& c3 |FCA Functional Configuration Audit. 2 j: e/ f# f+ w3 V* mFCC Federal Communications Commission. ; ~# |$ S4 E6 o4 O0 ]FCCM Facilities Capital Cost of Money. + P+ \ H4 `2 y7 C0 uFCN Fully Connected Network.( w- L+ W4 ?5 ^- p K FCO Field Change Order.4 z7 V% o- w- n+ r Y FCRC OBSOLETE. Federal Contract Research Center.5 z |- F3 }6 o FCS Fire Control Section.

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发表于 2008-12-25 20:05:49 |只看该作者
Engagement - R" H% K. j! r3 P' `8 a$ V$ jPlanning $ ~3 E8 O1 b: ~% X: qA set of rules and parameters to be used in developing weapon-target , \9 p7 P/ V/ M z! h2 Vassignments and for sensor resource management. (USSPACECOM) " {- o, y8 N& y% n9 o3 o5 `Engagement ! v' D; L3 S! v- U% c9 L- eSurveillance 9 @3 x7 E# k O. x1 H9 {The surveillance required to support RV negation in the midcourse tier.8 { d6 \6 _' ]' u1 T- n1 }+ ~! C Engagement 7 D$ H* y* y! G* q9 O$ ATime ! S2 l* u# F5 l( T6 J! S' v. N8 KThe time that a weapon takes while engaging a given target. This includes not 6 V4 f+ G. i5 e( b0 z. }0 s7 Wonly firing at the target but all other necessary weapon functions involved that2 r3 S/ l* P/ b5 `7 i+ u are unique to that particular target.% f. H9 W: S6 {1 Z2 w5 [ MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 E 7 q/ R! J9 K! Y- m+ P z3 u95" ]6 \; r9 b1 v3 i ` Engineering and* ?. {( N' l6 J3 n Manufacturing ( V5 g+ _8 c" MDevelopment " Z7 Q3 g9 m) B* F: ?0 J; E(EMD) : q, d6 j5 i$ J2 O3 \5 J3 b5 F- hThe third phase in the acquisition process, following Milestone II. The system 4 D# t2 W5 Z+ \( x& _$ o3 B$ N; y3 ~and its supporting items are fully developed, engineered, designed, fabricated, ) z* {2 h- K! F; J! t' ]- W+ htested, and evaluated. The intended output is a pre-production system that/ q$ }: N: M0 {5 I closely approximates the final product; the documentation necessary to enter the; `8 v9 ^8 S8 U3 G4 p L production phase, and the test results demonstrating that the production product $ T. L9 P) V- c; O- q& Nwill meet stated requirements. 4 u; _4 b1 o" B- u( H" }Engineering5 x+ L+ q5 J/ E0 R# X5 G Change Proposal " S6 R% a) ~2 `! _6 t0 c(ECP) 8 E) N( _9 N! y! y& xA proposal to the responsible authority recommending that a change to an 8 K+ M( U1 \0 v- Ooriginal item of equipment be considered, and the design or engineering change ( T: {7 F$ V; D% ^% ?$ v3 D/ Dbe incorporated into the article to modify, add to, delete, or supersede original ; D, x$ G; |; e8 t# k0 F. d$ U0 sparts. 8 X7 r' N# }8 Y% E: D% sEngineering. U! K# W- i% A3 a Development g' S+ {$ m: P A funding category including those development programs being engineered for 8 ?, w+ V# k! M+ J1 E- n% b0 Yservice use but which have not yet been approved for procurement or operation.# c' `8 k6 y9 U! L9 F Money under budget activity 6.4. ! Q! A' X, X- m/ q0 r& z" NEngineering3 ^1 q7 o, I7 a Development 8 O2 i+ ^8 R2 \! P& J0 UModel Q* g" _/ t i; E0 w1 r/ }3 ]Enhanced Target' D5 v- k: t( ]6 |, z4 C) a* j Delivery System% h- g, e: R; R$ M+ _) ^( F (ETDS) % F; ~& ^- E2 p9 e" tAn advanced prototype used during the Engineering and Manufacturing0 m' C3 b1 c6 u2 S6 `4 B- ^4 V Development phase (EMD) to resolve design deficiencies, demonstrate maturing$ K- h9 i8 f, E' _! Q performance, and develop proposed production specifications and drawings. B8 P& \# O0 D+ O6 T. f6 Y2 P9 B f* \ Target delivery system being developed for future GMD testing that will/ n+ }6 Z! L+ V- T2 A+ a( R* F complement existing systems, provide flexible, modular configurations, and will 9 i) p1 f, w9 q! P+ Sbe launchable from land, air, or sea modes4 C8 O: j R2 l9 H, C4 ^+ Q9 e ENNK Endoatmospheric Non-Nuclear Kill./ Y: s% p7 E9 V ENSCD Enemy Situation and Correlation Division (JFACC term). ; ^+ b2 e+ U* ~: \* r" hEnvironmental. g: c+ Y2 K0 X2 p8 N- Y5 o Assessment (EA)& v3 H d* S$ ` u/ \9 Q/ r A concise public document whose primary purpose is to provide sufficient + ~! d+ `7 f4 u& i2 x3 U3 ^* F: xanalysis of environmental effects of an action to determine whether to prepare' O; v9 d0 T- d, L. b an environmental impact statement or a finding of no significant impact. W9 b3 D+ z1 x" ^. ]& O& YEnvironmental+ }3 z8 ]7 V2 _' u4 N/ J Impact Statement& d) V+ W( f% n (EIS)- Q" F! ]0 Q; B3 ? A detailed written statement analyzing the environmental effects of a major m8 R- O2 [) t+ e$ aFederal action.9 a( j5 f0 H4 x0 N1 ~5 t Environmental2 C7 K2 w& z" b' `& c( }5 ^ Security$ E) n6 ?) j5 c* K' @9 c8 w A specialized form of physical security that prevents technical penetration, e.g.,5 A, l' m$ o& G4 r! Q( _ penetration by waves of electron beams.6 @# D- h- u: L) m+ @ Environments The media, conditions, and/or physical objects in which a BMD asset is immersed3 |+ @$ O t# Q( c) x) j( V or surrounded. For BMD systems and elements, the comprehensive/ h, S, p& a) I environments definition consists of natural, hostile, induced, and storage, ) h& u# X- E5 }2 m q- P4 j8 [transportation and handling categories.( z: C2 U% y" B }$ b. ?6 Q EO (1) Electro-Optical.2 i0 l. `! R5 b. Y; S5 f6 o+ T (2) Engagement Operations. 0 s( X3 Z& ?6 ]1 U8 z(3) End Office. + [ p6 z d5 ^" J1 w(4) Eyes Only. - r8 `0 M4 V9 H3 u; U, cEOA Early Operational Assessment.7 A0 u( \# M1 G0 p7 O% h EOB (1) Enemy Order of Battle." d$ ~7 M, \6 m- Y3 _1 y& H k! k. z (2) Electronic Order of Battle. 7 B( K2 Y/ [/ U+ n: V1 j6 GEOC (1) See Element Operations Center.' |4 n& Q- z# e/ z0 r (2) Emergency Operations Center 6 y6 p8 E$ ^6 o: D$ U) nMDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 E4 ] e' P9 R% I5 D3 s3 j& u 96 : C1 ^1 H; P& R0 }9 GEOCM Electro-Optic Countermeasure. . w, F9 C4 c4 i; \ F% ?1 }EOCT Element Operations Center Test Bed. 7 y5 y7 ^4 M- \- T: ?- ~- |EOD Explosive Ordnance Detail: D! S3 m6 w9 E6 V3 O2 K% t9 j EO/IR See Electro-Optics Infrared.$ c- O1 N8 N$ r4 ~' L3 @ EOM End of Message. 4 ?# T$ \! x* E w6 a4 jEOP Executive Office of the President % a k! y; ~: [$ R& \3 W! b# Z' ^ FEORSAT ELINT Ocean Reconnaissance Satellite (US)./ t* W' a# }# A- B1 P( t EOS Earth Orbiting System (NASA term). % K2 J, n& t5 P5 C3 y/ ^7 JEOSH Environmental Operational Safety and Health. 6 c; w. g. x) w0 P9 n& D9 FEP (1) Engagement Planning. (2) Evaluation Plan 9 k; @. ?: h+ P9 @6 nEP Cycle Engagement Planner Cycle (NMD BMC2 term). % O# r: @# E9 R7 @/ WEPA Environmental Protection Agency.3 w1 y; L/ u* O8 L+ W EPD Engineering Product and Development / n- V# \) b3 [) SEphemeris/ 8 @/ z: h/ Q, w& M: ?Ephemerides 4 o5 O$ Z! Y! z. p. F9 I2 J* K# \(1) A table showing the positions of an object in space at regular intervals of 8 r# L- s. b/ x& E/ L' z) f' Ttime.4 `1 `0 l: `9 a (2) A publication giving the computed places of the celestial bodies for each( ^6 T% ?" e% \% H H& e$ W day of the year or for other regular intervals. $ [* p# v$ C$ p& F6 i. lEPITS Essential Program Information Technology and Systems. - a& Z% y% N, c# I% ZEPL Emitter Parameter Listing (USN term). 8 |/ e i2 N+ R& y7 |- H) zEPLRS Enhanced Position Locator Reporting System.7 R+ q5 ~# H& b8 \' { EPO (1) OBSOLETE - ERINT Project Office (US Army term). (2) Element Program - a$ i. R' W% ^) X' IOffice.4 y4 }9 l% e0 w% }- A EPP Electric Power Plant (PATRIOT). + Z( w5 _' J* SEPROM Electrically Programmable Read-Only Memory. ' G# O4 |7 U& _( s j8 yEQEC EurQuantum Electronics Conference (See CLEO). * @$ h" i1 S, R+ gEquipment2 A9 ~9 Z: q/ B" x/ j7 ?, Q# @- _ Operationally9 V* A+ j+ }. Q4 }; U2 X. G" k4 | Ready l7 _, l2 K( i! fThe status of an item of equipment in the possession of an operating unit that! Y, j7 Y. i; \ indicates it is capable of fulfilling its intended mission and in a system / Q" j W* v; T6 J/ {- lconfiguration that offers a high assurance of an effective, reliable, and safe5 T! C& W0 L }+ i! ?9 X) D performance. 5 o! S0 ]& b+ J, b1 d) M) O, Y9 w/ a0 nER (1) Enhanced Radiation (“neutron bomb”). (2) Extended Range. ! x9 V1 I2 E1 q, }3 N2 CERA Explosive Reactive Armor4 O. a9 f, u; O2 i% V ERADCOM OBSOLETE. Army Electronics Research and Development Command. (Now % z- L) A/ O" NLaboratory Command (LABCOM), Adelphi, MD.)8 r9 m# v2 S$ F& n; j: D) H2 g9 d MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 E4 {- M7 `! A! S y 97- l o$ G" x8 C6 o6 d$ Q ERCS Emergency Rocket Communications System (US)." w; f% }3 q/ H1 x( c ERD Element Requirements Document., g' h/ G; x/ O7 P0 y$ L1 J9 L5 e ERG Executive Review Group.# q4 R. Y, i7 y' g, h ERINT OBSOLETE. Extended Range Interceptor. Now referred to as PAC-3.2 X% L4 P1 G' G/ Q9 n ERIS OBSOLETE. Exoatmospheric Reentry Vehicle Interceptor Subsystem. ! e2 p2 ]$ V1 p r/ ^+ A(Predecessor to Ground-Based Interceptor (GBI).) W. w/ d) Z6 R: `/ g; d: y2 kERIS(F) OBSOLETE. ERIS Farm.2 L' z5 T, O* s7 F ERP Emitted Radiative Power.1 B' j$ _; G; |3 `% p1 s3 P ERR (1) Element Requirements Review. (2) Engineering Release Record.( p& O7 A$ r* `' u6 U ERS (1) Early Release of Submunitions. (2) Emergency Response System. 3 O! i5 e# J: D/ bESA Electronically Scanned Array.' }3 R! N3 O! Y, O/ D+ g ESAD Electronic Safe and Arm Device. 9 n# U3 T3 J+ ~+ v/ x5 K( w0 eESAR Extended Subsequent Application Review.9 k; v5 ~, M# j. l6 f ESC Electronic System Center (AFMC), Hanscom AFB, MA.1 e5 D3 I7 {! N ESCN Existing Systems and Center Notebook.3 m$ e; W* d3 E0 ?! V0 H% T8 z5 E. ? ESD OBSOLETE. Electronic Systems Division. (Now Electronic Systems Center,; `' a- @; ]& J7 U. H Hanscom AFB, MA.) $ h8 r( a, U% WESH Environmental, Safety and Health; ~2 ?4 w; K1 _3 a ESI External Systems Integration. & X! I; T' Q8 l0 zESI ICD External Systems Integration Interface Control Document. 5 \+ w8 p$ U% ^; J$ u) ?. Y2 F; CESM (1) Electronic Warfare Support Measures. (2) Electronic Support Measures.& @- G0 ?; o& c1 Q: b ESMC Eastern Space and Missile Center, Patrick AFB, FL. / `8 j+ ]9 w: {/ PESNet Energy Sciences Network.! h+ x1 z' x+ h6 k# i! `" k8 p ESPRIT European Strategic Program of Research in Information Technology.# K. p8 O2 M6 X2 i" @3 ]8 B0 ^ ESQD Explosive Safety Quantity Distance.; q" b; B2 O* H8 m- @2 j$ d, t ESSM Evolved (Enhanced) Sea Sparrow Missile.8 p& k) d+ v, U+ R, z5 K0 _ ET&C Extended Tracking and Control." V: R& W% c% s ETA Estimated Time of Arrival. 1 K8 t9 d2 p# S2 h9 vETC (1) Electro-Thermal Chemical. (2) Estimated Time-to-Completion. 5 w8 W) }! R6 { Q0 }9 |; N# KETD (1) Estimated Time of Departure. (2) Electronic Transfer Device.7 O' L) J, M, r, J; I5 `9 ? MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 E R8 J: k" m" `" i 986 n) T. U b: l4 h Z ETERTS End-to-End Real Time Simulator. 7 z( Z7 ~. U' v6 k; b' METESD End-to-End Sensor Demonstration. ( ?4 o$ s0 e: uETI Estimated Time of Intercept.' y; R/ Q6 W& C; q ETIC Estimated Time for Completion.: k$ R9 h b# h( k ETM Engineering Test Model. O9 f. m: E2 s2 z. D ETR (1) Extended Test Range (Pacific Test Bed) (2) See Eastern Test Range. (3), k# v; v) T2 z) z2 M Environmental Test Round. (4) Estimated Time to Repair. & u3 K! `, c1 T1 W" nETS (1) Experimental Test System. (2) Experimental Test Site. 0 [% v, J- Z* F5 {EU European Union [formerly European Community (ECI)] * V3 w$ k8 f6 b# _: ]6 `" S& G! NEUCOM European Command. See USEUCOM.( z7 I& n) K( Q0 y% { a2 y) G$ a EURATOM European Atomic Energy Agency. * _/ e8 m$ N& ?' N8 ?EUREKA European Research and Coordinating Agency.6 r y3 G9 U) ~5 M) Q EUT Early User Test. ) S2 ~% P( m/ J8 F# W( ^/ F' KEV Experimental Version$ P0 |1 ^8 Y/ E, i) L EVA Extravehicular Activity. 7 j* S/ V% }0 ]# m8 GEvasive MRV A reentry vehicle, which maneuvers for the purpose of evading defensive- ?2 U( l& y1 m# m& b% T weapons. # @& A, k3 W ~" F' r- qEvent Based A |$ J! A# P+ _2 r/ r Contracting5 g, `$ r; c) g) L& A Support “event driven acquisition strategy” by linking specific contractual events/ N4 [$ l# L( `: ?1 j6 ^( ` R! o$ v to the “exit criteria” for the acquisition phase, or to intermediate development 7 ~1 i. g; d& v8 ]( X" [events established for the acquisition strategy.3 ^) B4 I/ F; I& N! p1 D, B S' B Event Driven / A+ m7 F# f1 S+ `+ HAcquisition 4 [- d; U& d9 w$ DStrategy: h) U6 f1 }$ d: r) y An acquisition strategy that links program decisions to demonstrated( V9 y3 z% i+ S accomplishments in development, testing, and production. 3 J3 S! h; k8 b- z' W( U$ ^Event Validation A sensor element internal process that results in a determination by the operator - n: M. E0 D! ?2 v& u: lthat the sensor is healthy and the event reported is real.

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发表于 2008-12-25 20:05:33 |只看该作者
ELPRS Enhanced Position Location Reporting System. & o6 `& K. l2 ~5 w9 uELS Earth Limb Sensor." y k) a2 j$ O0 @ ELSEC Electronics Security.: u; d" |+ {+ T# e$ i6 @/ G8 g: @ ELSI Enhanced Longwave Spectrometer Imager. 5 o; C: G- }# S1 C4 {1 {' @: OELV Expendable Launch Vehicle.# g" U: b9 D' Y$ ` i; X; G Emanations ! U! Y# v3 F$ Y- G) D% J, t) ZSecurity + `' _0 z! A( v(EMSEC)4 Z3 i) t/ _$ W2 C' O The protection that results from all measures designed to deny unauthorized) ], v0 F2 a7 q3 Y persons information of value that might be derived from intercept and analysis of " i) O! g, j- Y5 Q! Lcompromising emanations. ( P6 ?6 N* U+ p# f5 z8 H, eEMC (1) Electromagnetic Compatibility. (2) Early Midcourse.; ?% G. T& Q) O4 n EMCON Emission Control ! x8 m9 |6 [; tEMD Engineering and Manufacturing Development (previously referred to as FSD). * b! p6 g3 k' h5 ~$ n0 [EMDCT Expanded Memory DCT.% q( }2 m% e1 e* ]- A! g EME Electromagnetic Environment. % O) c- I% ?/ vMDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 E- Y+ n" V- T t" r" {2 g! C 93+ P! j/ b' S2 o- P Emergency $ ^8 `4 R. |6 U: e9 @: fCapability - p( S" E$ f X2 R(replaces4 x1 H [- F+ S& w$ Z N Contingency0 U8 {8 b# a9 _" A Capability)" H2 n% t" A- E( j BMDS elements or components that are still in development or testing that" ^+ C, d- ?* ? F4 _/ `( q, i; N provide limited ballistic missile defense capabilities. MDA, working with the 9 T2 E% J2 X: l1 A" @Services, will develop plans, which cover the potential use of prototypes and test ! }5 [, X3 q2 x1 z) Q! Tassets for contingency deployment should the SECDEF determine that an 3 o/ W( h" p p. i# q# ?, iemerging BMD threat requires emergency fielding of a BMDS capability.) Q4 v+ W! H) d EMF Electromagnetic Field. + |& _. t3 d8 L: K$ p, D' `EMG Electromagnetic Gun. ) r% x) f/ R& p2 nEMI Electromagnetic Interference.+ W0 C, Q. h7 c( m; { EMIP See Exoatmospheric Midcourse Interceptor Program. 6 a$ f- ]/ K, _0 L$ U& hEmission Control 3 U; {: K! e5 z! E: B# Z! q: I! C9 N(EMCON) / k5 n1 K5 R: AThe selective and controlled use of electromagnetic, acoustic, or other emitters" q4 i' g* b' w9 X7 J' P to optimize command and control capabilities while minimizing: a) detection by6 s/ W# L3 O& G8 y) A enemy sensors, and b) mutual interference among friendly systems. EMCON . R9 b% c B0 U. j) @0 R: @can also be involved in military deception plans. Also called EMCON.1 d m X* t" @* c, g! e/ d* P EML Electromagnetic Launcher. A device used to launch hypervelocity particles. 9 T& j; \' S' X6 \3 Z! FEMP Electromagnetic Pulse. . d1 j, a1 z4 n+ Y1 u3 \EMPSKD Employment Scheduling (USN term).) Y8 l) A# x9 {; a* M: f4 q7 j. g EMR Electromagnetic Radiation.% f* i% q5 `9 M9 D5 ?+ D" x EMRLD Excimer Moderate Power Raman-Shifted Laser Device. , k2 N1 |7 X" W1 oEMSEC Emanations Security.* g0 t: A' e7 P' k EMSP Enhanced Modular Signal Processor.' s1 W7 M9 J& J& A EMT Engineering Management Team. - |% v* n$ y! r) z/ h2 dEMV Electromagnetic Vulnerability.) C. m6 B r+ U# m0 Y/ i: U ENA Engineering: Architecture and Analysis. * w) D9 D7 C O& O; dENCATT Engineer CATT (US Army term)./ q8 w, k0 Z( U2 Z2 j, Z- A Enclave Isolated resource – an SDS asset that has lost connectivity with other SDS& p8 A! Q6 k# l2 [ assets with which it normally has connectivity, but is still capable of coordinating( E4 P W# l' G0 x with SDS assets to conduct ballistic missile defense. Various combinations of; R5 ^* M" h" I a connectivity losses are possible; for example, (1) an operations center has lost) e$ D3 u9 H2 K; y, S8 W) p connectivity with Higher Authority, yet can still provide sufficient C2 and can still , x2 m. E8 \; J7 ^* E- h( t& bconnect with sufficient weapons and sensors to conduct an engagement and (2) & R: F; s* C& O$ B* n, {an operations center has loss of connectivity with another operations center with 1 d' q+ a, j4 hwhich it normally shares data, but can still conduct an engagement. : f Y- q" R: m4 z7 \Endgame FOV The field of view of the interceptor’s sensor during its final maneuvers after target $ n# {2 h% n3 \4 Kacquisition to intercept the target. May be less than the acquisition FOV. 1 f5 ]- `# I0 [) T. q# l' ZEnd Item The final production product when assembled, or completed, and ready for 9 N6 W7 a6 n. k" e, b! W5 C/ Missue/deployment./ v3 R' ~3 U0 g* f/ j: p MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 E ' t/ H$ O( L& A% x94 ' k3 [% p% Z( rEndoatmospheric Within the earth’s atmosphere; generally considered to be altitudes below 1007 |. }: _1 A1 B) p, p$ _! u$ Q km. An endoatmospheric interceptor reaches its target within the atmosphere.0 I5 D- Y: G& u# x Endo- G( u3 r, d6 z( zExoatmospheric + K, r4 }4 q1 w. ]Interceptor (E2 I) " X" ?" n9 E: [A ground-based interceptor capable of engaging RVs either endoatmospheric or. y- j3 y! p$ l exoatmospheric. (Successor to High Endoatmospheric Defense Interceptor1 h, i" I9 \% j! i; y- H (HEDI).)& W9 ]2 u% `% N4 K% j ENDOSIM Endoatmospheric Simulation.- z3 \: J; _( Y; |1 l/ i Endurance The time an aircraft can continue flying, or a ground vehicle or ship can continue 9 }" N. v0 c3 D- ~6 Qoperating, under specified conditions, e.g. without refueling. : y& Y+ j4 Q4 O6 }: y$ y1 hENG Engineering.7 Y; e% _; _9 o0 n ENGAG’T Engagement. ^5 u& K. @; Y9 B9 f0 ZEngage (1) In air defense, a fire control order used to direct or authorize units and/or7 I" i4 t# [. [; h3 e weapon systems to fire on a designated target.: e, x+ I0 q {' k7 l% C (2) In air intercept, a code meaning, “Attack designated contact.”" R( M# p$ S. s& e Engagement (1) A period of hostilities beginning when the first ballistic missile target- o2 ?+ y, v2 Z0 } undergoes fire from the first defensive weapon. 7 O. {6 o4 S! T7 p3 v(2) A period beginning whenever any hostile object is identified (designated)7 I% @$ v5 W0 V% d6 b! ?3 F$ Z! L3 R7 _ as hostile and ending after the last hostile object has been attacked.! x3 d" t+ Q& u4 I" I, v7 P" J (3) In air defense, an attack with guns or air-to-air missiles by an interceptor' ]7 e L, v( o7 j aircraft, or the launch of an air defense missile by air defense artillery and2 ~. L/ b7 m( i# {; n the missile’s subsequent travel to intercept. 1 k# k: x; o2 dEngagement- Y7 O$ ^# W& ~1 @1 z Authorization 7 T! S6 `/ @1 N) w# qThe authorization given to USSPACECOM to use weapon and sensor systems: {' Q; L1 k3 b; Q under previously coordinated and authorized rules, procedures, and conditions.3 T1 B1 c: }% C7 a; g7 Z2 D Engagement 1 K8 }) a9 c- g1 H* t3 ~Control 6 q D- A0 t' D4 s2 Q+ D(1) That set of coordination, assessment, decision, and direction functions$ M r+ J/ T7 @6 d' x0 j- N( ?% g normally implemented automatically to execute the selected battle plan,: f! S+ ?# z5 q9 l* a% N military strategy and tactics within partitioned battle spaces (i.e., a) O6 A' H8 k# [/ K- F/ k& @ spatial/functional subdivision of battle management). Includes the ' a* _+ g. k4 j) t1 o/ ~; s, wdetermination of: what specific objects to intercept in order to implement- M/ ~5 z( f* \$ O; U/ w the selected military strategy, and which specific interceptors to assign to . @0 ]( n9 w2 g; l8 weach attacker to implement the selected tactics within the rules of% j5 M+ ^" I4 I9 ] engagement. ' j. s* C( D" a9 ?' y(2) In air defense, that degree of control exercised over the operational 9 R4 X `6 [* `2 Z9 d: z2 Rfunctions of an air defense unit that are related to detection, 4 u# x4 A" ]9 s) l+ N; ]identification, engagement, and destruction of hostile targets.

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发表于 2008-12-25 20:05:12 |只看该作者
Electromagnetic4 c2 C8 r9 D! `8 }% ? Radiation (EMR)2 G, F$ Q1 x2 F4 g0 a* _ (1) A form of propagated energy, arising from electric charges in motion that 5 J3 ~3 j+ m2 j- N+ Z: B3 W6 ]produces a simultaneous wavelike variation of electric and magnetic 0 P7 b' n# ?' G3 ?fields in space. The highest frequencies (or shortest wavelengths) of 3 u) ~2 q: ~( Psuch radiation are possessed by gamma rays, which originate from" u" d& V6 P' {9 a* v processes within atomic nuclei. As one goes to lower frequencies, the 1 Z* w8 ^# G! G% R+ ?electromagnetic spectrum includes x-rays, ultraviolet light, visible light,! h8 b7 _$ }# z! F infrared light, microwaves, and radio waves.1 _2 B( |$ |% |* e (2) Radiation made up of oscillating electric and magnetic fields and' K# o" v, M9 ]' K5 {/ X1 S propagated with the speed of light. Includes gamma radiation, X-rays,) X' J5 A. {1 x r a" C$ f& b2 Y ultraviolet, visible, and infrared radiation, and radar and radio waves. . g' A! O& ^$ a/ nElectromagnetics Application of electrical, electronic, and magnetic phenomena to develop devices6 l, E4 J+ V1 X. t' _ used in system/subsystem design, excluding employment in the RF spectrum.* K, {! F: {: ~. h# @7 s Electromagnetic8 U4 z% i8 V% Z( i1 R Spectrum # V% v9 i: U b% K7 J. pThe range of frequencies of electromagnetic radiation from zero to infinity. It is 4 h7 g* ~6 S, q2 P1 Q/ ~ G( ?0 odivided into 26 alphabetically designated bands.8 e, J7 \% u g4 d MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 E# {8 H+ ~& O$ v 91 ' C* g2 b+ Z* C* v- cElectronic* _+ a! K% _" Z3 l Counter- - F$ Z! V: e4 A6 |: X% U$ h4 U+ v* T8 ]Countermeasure6 i% b2 L4 S( |1 q s (ECCM) 4 @: M0 [& l6 Y! B' gThat division of electronic warfare involving actions taken to insure friendly3 }; j1 k" _5 F- o% V+ U effective use of the electromagnetic, optical, and acoustic spectra despite the6 o/ h& ^6 s# f/ [. z enemy’s use of electronic warfare to include high power microwave techniques. - Z% N/ g9 |9 `* t. YElectronic * Y& @/ L9 D, E" ?* a6 k& p( FCountermeasure : A/ f6 t8 Y9 S; q, a% y- B(ECM) - s! x% B4 P2 V5 KThat division of electronic warfare involving actions taken to prevent or reduce an 0 C: N6 w: t" u$ w, O5 Nenemy’s effective use of the electromagnetic spectrum." G: g( Y f! E4 z$ L2 H Electronic6 u5 C) `* e4 E* N% u6 `& J4 d% P Industries" `/ d' } Y: e# A. L+ e# }: ^ Association (EIA)$ X0 L' F; z# b$ [. s7 R A standards organization specializing in the electrical and functional% Q) I/ {/ z$ F; J' x& m0 a characteristics of interface equipment. " C# q& W( [# bElectronic 9 W L! z3 K& j j5 @+ DWarfare (EW)9 P: M9 \: M F. A& d Any military activity involving the use of electromagnetic and directed energy to . `6 }0 _0 Y! m/ P+ Kcontrol the electromagnetic spectrum or to attack the enemy. The three major $ A; p9 N2 S) F( M; ]subdivisions are:4 r* b' J3 P7 S" \ •Electronic attack – Involves the use of electromagnetic or directed energy to$ n. O h& z8 {* l j. Y attack personnel, facilities, or equipment with the intent of degrading, 7 n& w( y0 G3 Mneutralizing, or destroying enemy combat capability. Also known as EA. 0 b0 Y! I! _% [/ U1 yIncludes: 1) actions taken to prevent or reduce an enemy’s effective use of ! T- Z# G: B0 d Ethe electromagnetic spectrum, such as jamming and electromagnetic7 y8 A" L4 I1 _6 ` deception, and 2) employment of weapons that use either electromagnetic or + G: G1 T1 [: i- _/ C7 D6 ~directed energy as their primary destructive mechanism (lasers, radio v6 C) E8 o, s [# Nfrequency weapons, particle beams).5 r- A; t8 }/ {" |9 ~3 V •Electronic protection -- Involves actions taken to protect personnel, facilities,+ c4 o: U$ z& s and equipment from any effects of friendly or enemy employment of ^) k8 C. B7 Q& M5 Q' ^electronic warfare that degrade, neutralize, or destroy friendly combat " G y- q2 v* q7 ^/ U% _capability. Also called EP.8 M& p1 S0 y. ?+ N/ ~/ O •Electronic warfare support – Involves actions tasked by, or under direct5 r! M% C+ W5 k" ^3 O control of, an operational commander to search for, intercept, identify, and " I: O7 P r0 B+ i$ \locate sources of intentional and unintentional radiated electromagnetic - ~" d/ r' _: n8 j8 J, venergy for the purpose of immediate threat recognition. Thus, electronic3 X. m+ x- ?* R, h. }2 v, j* G M6 I warfare support provides information required for immediate decisions 2 u. G y2 f( J; k% Q. pinvolving electronic warfare operations and other tactical actions such as V% j2 {7 {! x q! w! fthreat avoidance, targeting, and homing. Also called ES. 5 ]- Z) S2 a) E! h2 aElectronic _' S6 C& E5 a4 A5 nWarfare (EW)7 s; n4 H- U! }/ F; w3 w3 s! P: Q Environments ) [6 g9 t+ ~/ {Electronic warfare environments result from radar and communications jamming - e; @# t) W+ _$ I8 c+ h3 c7 k+ M Yand other related electromagnetic countermeasures and countercountermeasures. Currently, radar jamming is the sole EW threat for the NMD 7 U5 {, H$ g% g. v, wsystem., Y! n+ \& B1 A" V Electronics" i- W* Z# l- G p! ~6 ^4 o- |6 |4 X Intelligence- X' Q. v5 P6 S0 J- m (ELINT) $ b* K s' Q/ C( w8 J+ c5 R1 RTechnical and geo-location intelligence derived from foreign non-communications + L5 E3 U( e0 ~9 i) W1 eelectromagnetic radiations emanating from other than nuclear detonations or 4 ]: }$ z' b5 d1 \# Lradioactive sources.& [/ h3 w2 \' L# C" \ Electronics 6 A8 W' H7 I/ f }Security (ELSEC)* N5 E, Y) s8 g+ c2 L The protection resulting from all measures designed to deny unauthorized ' A. Q1 l3 j; r- d F4 t' B8 Wpersons information of value that might be derived from their interception and8 |1 Z+ Z8 @1 x! ? study of non-communications electromagnetic radiations, e.g. radar.0 K* T/ i9 _$ X2 m' M6 r8 x; _- Q Electro-Optics) Y. U( @/ w: C2 t2 y Infrared (EO/IR)3 X+ W l) q& ]* m5 o9 ~# { Technologies/techniques employed by optical sensors in the wavelength 4 |. u' E; l/ i3 `spectrum slightly longer than visible but shorter than radio. 8 O! Z3 P8 B' N' D. t; l) E9 O7 iMDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 E - T( g! h1 w# o; |# [: }924 y; _1 L' ~# ]6 Z6 } Element A complete, integrated set of components capable of autonomously providing 0 @5 v1 a: o% xBMDS capability. ' a) u8 q7 @; T$ G" Z7 g6 uElement 7 H) T7 c" A7 k+ aCapability. b) a6 b- Q9 b& \( K& }8 d [ Specification* W7 c T# I. f (ECS) 8 i. \; `+ W, iA document that identifies the element-level BMDS capabilities and( l& y2 T9 w8 t) \; c/ E- U' ~9 x specifications necessary to achieve the system capabilities identified in the SCS. c, C. b0 y0 f* q0 dThe ECS further defines the SCS-apportioned mission/technical performance! d' I* d: f( D: e/ G0 c capabilities and allocates these capabilities to the element’s components.5 T1 Z6 o4 \& ]- T' ? Element Control , I4 }, G7 t5 a2 \+ sDirectives (ECDs)( g/ ~0 `+ M1 @1 Q The command and control data instructions to control the conduct of the 9 }1 x B9 L6 y$ V, Wengagement. ECDs are developed by command and control software based6 ~9 |, J4 a& P/ f& j upon variable parameter input by the operators (both pre-planned and real time),! H; G% |8 s4 l% V4 j8 x7 q and operator defined rule sets embedded in the software. The individual battle& ^% I; ]5 f2 k- ]3 Y management processors use these instructions to accomplish the assigned tasks 2 L9 R2 O @* H7 q* ?7 U8 mfrom the operations order. ECDs are contained within a Task and represent the9 K U0 b% m w3 {0 V6 _ form of parameter values that influence the resource management processes of % |: g4 r( X p) s- V: _Weapon Target Assignment (WTA), Sensor Resource Management (SRM), and3 Z2 K8 Q$ C3 S. I4 O1 r Communications Management (CM). There will be numerous ECDs per Task.7 N' v2 G3 ^9 J2 K Element 1 i, b- R# n, F- d0 v3 }! ZOperations % w* I9 f! ^! y& H) GCenter (EOC)! U% u- W ?8 z% F/ }' u; d An Air Force operations center, which operates and maintains a BMD weapon or- c6 d7 O4 e) M3 j: D: K I sensor suite. (USSPACECOM)' W4 B+ L/ {( }2 q4 g- A: A ELF Extremely Low Frequency.. x5 I: ?) j0 s) ^, q3 @' P9 F ELIAS Earth Limb Infrared Atomic Structure. 4 U0 N+ H% Y- z+ H+ o$ {ELINFOSEC Electronic Information Security. ' `" t, l! {+ z# U4 e& R9 G. ^' _6 wELINT Electronics Intelligence.

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发表于 2008-12-25 20:04:59 |只看该作者
87 % M3 | v, i6 s+ h5 K) OE East0 g4 G. L+ C/ H. Z6 ^. R E2 I See Endo-Exoatmospheric Interceptor. ' L, v' h$ p8 |E2SRD Effectively Two-System Requirement Document. `* d+ v% _( H9 {6 y7 C( D E3 (1) Electromagnetic Environmental Effects. - T6 N& p0 u& P3 ]& W(2) Electrical, Electronic, and Electromechanical. 8 G% y4 n% c4 H" \E Spec Materiel Specification. ' N% W" o. T6 K! H4 s" N& h$ h! mEA (1) Environmental Assessment.. R- e- ?" k4 U$ ~. y! F% @ c( n (2) Engagement Authorization.2 b+ H: j' P8 x# E$ l (3) Executing Agent. ~: \& ^# L6 ]$ d (4) Evolutionary Acquisition.2 |4 k9 V2 [4 o! z9 g! Y (5) Environmental Analysis (environmental term).& a, t2 x& I: }) L! ^# i' M( Y (6) Executive Agent.$ N: q" l% I7 `/ j& u EAC Estimated Cost at Completion.5 F9 f* Q- \" T) d( N% M EAD (1) Engineering Analysis and Design. (2) Extended air defense.6 C1 t. R: `% k; v% h. R9 X EAD/D Engineering, Analysis, Design and Development. p; l; t, ?8 `. @- o( V! { EADSIM Extended Air Defense Simulation.' E" L5 p5 U% e X EADTB Extended Air Defense Test Bed. An object-oriented simulation tool allowing( s3 M, ?8 k# Y users to model military response to airborne and ballistic missile threats.$ z: ~3 y# k+ f9 C7 S EADTBP Extended Air Defense Test Bed Program.$ r7 K J+ G n6 `( y5 F3 o- j EAGLE Extended Airborne Global Launch Evaluator.7 A/ O7 P/ h, J9 p) h# T EAM Emergency Action Message.8 ~0 X7 ]' G/ j0 |# W5 q EAR Export Administration Regulations. 0 a \8 y4 |9 q: T& O \ PEarly Operational 4 T0 ~! K. T) g1 c9 E9 GAssessment7 t4 A6 E5 B0 T" a An operational assessment conducted prior to, or in support of, Milestone II. - a, ?: ~8 H! w% x, P4 q6 d9 B8 IEarly User Test( y' i$ n9 B2 I" T (EUT)% @1 i7 N) e, D1 w8 J) M! P& R& V A test employing representative users to examine materiel concepts, training or0 y1 h9 r+ N" G+ m9 _ logistics planning, or inter-operability issues. EUT can be accomplished during5 D' b& W+ f: N# y8 d0 F2 {) C2 s, y DEM/VAL on brassboard configurations, experimental prototypes, or surrogates: _) K, `1 s3 j) g to provide data leading to the decision to enter full-scale development., ?+ k4 \, j. d5 D/ }6 y9 n Early Warning (1) Early detection of an enemy ballistic missile launch, usually by means of 6 `3 p, {4 E! m6 ysurveillance satellites and long range radar. t7 |: q8 Y# `/ n# [(2) Early notification of the launch or approach of unknown weapons or & B, K# u& n# o- cweapon carriers.4 ]4 c5 o, F8 Z9 k0 U2 l1 z* u" E Earth Limb The apparent outer edge of the earth as viewed from space.2 I( @6 k% {' U6 i5 P; y1 ] Eastern Test4 h3 d9 v( B; ~( o1 G+ A1 b Range (ETR) ; E: K$ p9 Q% n0 XBeginning at Patrick AFB, FL, this range stretches halfway around the globe1 _8 K9 E! z2 h2 l- b+ z, p# n where it meets the Western Test Range. An array of launch complexes, sensors, ! N$ D2 H" |: n1 u# T }and tracking sites make up the Eastern Test Range. The ETR is now operated" g! J/ w7 i- ^5 @ by AFSPACECOM as shown in WTR definition. ) v/ }8 W5 w. [1 {& u% p; YMDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 E9 C7 ~" S7 v. a 88* Q5 l% H/ Z4 s6 M* l2 ^ EB (1) Electron Beam. (2) Enhanced Blast.5 i5 M$ [6 f3 I4 b5 ?' q EBB Electronic Bulletin Board. / s' G- U Q4 N+ D- WEBCDIC Extended Binary Code Decimal Interchange Code. 7 R: n" J$ G, {( }8 | S LEBW Electron Beam Welding.; A+ s- u) r% o3 D EC (1) Electronic Combat. 5 r' o0 R0 I! |4 O6 o# k(2) Error Control. ( |; c, J# a' B1 \& D0 B( Q(3) OBSOLETE. European Community. Now known as the European Union 3 F- ]: p$ j* |" o0 d2 E(EU).- t3 u: J4 i) p* e. O. w. a EC/EDI Electronic Commerce/Electronic Data Interchange ! [1 U0 \, J9 e/ ?* S' yECAC Electromagnetic Compatibility Analysis Center.7 j: W# t" a( p. X/ r ECB Engineering Change Board. ( j }# p0 Z. b& dECC (1) Equipment Control Center. (2) Element Control Center (USAF term). % d8 g8 \$ C0 x/ U; ~ECCM Electronic Counter-Countermeasures. - ]: T+ D R8 g3 AECDs Element Control Directives.7 f5 _4 m1 {+ S ECLS ERINT Command and Launch System.7 ~; W \' I, ^1 ]" V$ M/ l$ D+ p ECM Electronic Countermeasures.# |8 F7 ^' D0 @) ~7 Y ECN Engineering Change Notice. $ L: L: l' ^. r/ m$ f, q! H7 tECO Engagement Control Orders. 8 E9 [$ u5 z" T4 _% l9 hECP (1) Engineering Change Proposal. (2) Emergency Command Precedence.' p5 u. P3 \% k# @' i, h ECPMO Electronic Commerce Program Management Office.' j" S& P1 H( C8 J, [ ECS Engagement Control Station (PATRIOT).) H$ i: k( h$ y$ T5 o! X ECU Environmental Control Unit. . P4 d& F% B5 NEDAC Error Detection and Correction3 C/ B$ X4 n1 F EDGES Electronic Data/Guidelines for Element Survivability. & T$ {4 P/ ~4 J4 j" M z" e) k- uEDL Electrical Discharge Laser- D$ K1 b. `; W4 N" H0 W3 T EDM Engineering Development Model.$ Z2 r( E! G% d' s A+ K EDP Engineering Development Process # Z8 j) j( d4 P7 V$ ]4 t' B- D8 r: nEDR Embedded Data Recorder (PATRIOT)./ d0 o& Y. [9 E: K# Y, X2 e" O, Q4 s EDS Electronic Data Systems Corporation B8 I0 ?# H7 Z$ F1 S; y EDWA Engagement Determination and Weapons Assignment (PATRIOT). 5 n$ b: u% \- I3 l$ u. YMDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 E / N9 {# u$ {, l1 _89 - D& p- s9 Z" b% u$ m# VEDX Exoatmospheric Discrimination Experiment7 N# q7 Y3 a" ~ EE (1) Electrical Engineering. (2) Engineering Estimate.' N3 @& A, P( u EED Electro-Explosive Device.& z& h9 k5 D4 t& t( f, } EEEV End-to-End Experimental Version.; [4 V) w/ ` s EEFI Essential Elements of Friendly Information.6 m" ?! S: E% Z8 A5 @* Y; H EEI Essential Elements of Information. M& ]; f1 n8 S. r5 S' d5 H EEIC Element of Expense Investment Code.1 }9 O, T* o- H- Z& o0 B EELV Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (USAF term) 2 `2 R( u6 Y; R, ^$ nEEU Electronic Equipment Unit. , x5 j. K" p# s* F j& HEFEX Endo-Aeromechanics Flight Experiment. 0 Y" W! K6 v, N: d+ L: yEFF Electronic Frontier Foundation. 1 O/ e! T8 E6 H5 A( f+ @Effectivity A designation given to the BMDS configuration and demonstrated capability at $ h" l* C8 t+ Ra point in time, becoming effective at each increment when an element or 6 W) ?& z5 a* E8 a8 r4 Acomponent is inserted into a particular Block. $ E; h [ e) NEffective Damage That damage necessary to render a target element inoperative, unserviceable,' Z6 B9 q: R8 N: ] nonproductive, or uninhabitable. # v7 _# U% w: ^8 u+ K5 eEffluent Plume The pathway of movement of effluents through surface water or air. 7 p: J, a/ c5 rEFP Explosively Formed Projectile.9 b5 P- ]0 p$ f/ v! K; {+ R8 }% R EGP End Game Processor.' w% J) Y3 d" H+ N4 |) @$ p; h8 { EGTR Eglin [AFB] Gulf Test Range.) Y( |- I* p; d! u% B EHC Enhance Hit Capability (USN term, related to SM2 Block IVA). " S& |2 R0 V- f2 [$ QEHF Extremely High Frequency. $ L6 o$ a1 v2 _7 D: mehp Equivalent Horsepower.% i& p" F% z+ k5 u& |: R1 S$ p) f( } EIA (1) Environmental Impact Assessment. 0 W* ^- I( ^" f7 c' v2 u(2) Electronic Industries Association. ' L; A ^7 I( T, kEIAP Environmental Impact Analysis Process. 5 g8 c5 ]' J. L" }; F! v1 EEIP Exoatmospheric Interceptor Propulsion. . _2 y5 m" e% M; dEIPC Electronic Information Privacy Center. ?+ C8 t" `" C/ J& J% `EIPT (1) Element IPT. (2) Engineering IPT. " X7 `! c9 X. H+ \2 l* bEIS (1) Environmental Impact Statement. (2) Explosive Initiation System. 6 z! C. z+ f* I- K# J) Z4 FEISA Extended Industry Standard Architecture (Telecomm/Computer term)." k" B* M" a6 c5 u$ X MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 E: W |. s% s9 a9 @ 90 * ^$ Y+ e, W7 y. [1 [, D+ c1 KEKV (1) Electromagnetic Kill Vehicle. (2) Exoatmospheric Kill Vehicle. 9 t' [. t" i4 Q9 d/ E7 @% K7 b- jElastic Range The stress range in which a material will recover its original form when the force9 C1 @8 b! T/ J2 P- P (or loading) is removed. Elastic deformation refers to dimensional changes 1 \& o" m3 A+ j4 boccurring within the elastic range. i- l+ y& x: T* v7 w Electro-Optics* R$ e3 H! G. z0 Y Infrared (EO/IR) * v: E! v" n* ~, ~1 xTechnologies/techniques employed by optical sensors in the wavelength 0 ~5 o$ G. x; x: v6 t' j9 Jspectrum slightly longer than visible but shorter than radio. 2 \, H( e$ c( [' m2 H; E6 }Electromagnetic 5 I/ T) C# H7 K! h! |Compatibility 9 _. R3 n% L! c( R(EMC)4 G6 u! u' o) B0 Y5 a A condition when all electromagnetic emissions from electronic, electro-magnetic, 4 l; h- l, }/ G+ X, o- Zand electro-optical components of a system interact without interfering with one 0 a" v7 k1 _* L% b2 aanother.6 w4 B0 F( r, a/ a: {- \0 @0 ^- \$ ] Electromagnetic( [, ^# r, R/ e# M Emanations) ?. @4 L7 l2 B. o5 O$ B Signals transmitted as radiation through the air, through a vacuum, or through6 j, s0 `1 y+ ~) S" F( d conductors.' ?- s: u, t7 d2 U0 V Electromagnetic" _" |, {( F5 t: g Field (EMF) 1 U8 _5 I6 H8 I9 ?/ [. k8 D9 @An electric or magnetic field or combination of the two, as in an electromagnetic. x- b- Q _3 L4 p. D wave. Created by electric charges in motion, having both electric and magnetic 9 p" z/ L! U+ p' ^ Tcomponents oriented at right angles to one another and containing a definite 5 G; G) k6 ]. ^" E4 a/ hamount of energy. ' V7 Z# e: M+ T+ o6 o! J. bElectromagnetic1 S a& H2 y8 U# x& ]3 b1 j7 Y Gun (EMG) : `: R4 L1 E. `7 z8 D) \A gun in which the projectile is accelerated by electromagnetic forces rather than% ]% V! u, u: A0 u! o+ @; D by an explosion, as in a conventional gun. j) X( b; L$ f% b- [0 H. gElectromagnetic / a L) B. M& V' \Interference (EMI) ; e, k& A$ y2 e) |1 P u% [Any electromagnetic disturbance that interrupts, obstructs, or otherwise ' q; c ?& B0 O1 T! ^! F( f* H. Pdegrades or limits the effective performance of electronics/electrical equipment.% }8 l# P! p1 W5 t9 G It can be induced intentionally, as in some forms of electronic warfare, or2 b7 H) t! F( s6 @( v- c3 u! _ unintentionally, as a result of spurious emissions and responses, intermodulation products, and the like. 1 b) G! z' f; s7 a9 K4 w/ `5 t. X% ]Electromagnetic 1 ^4 u: f7 S4 P7 P. Q3 Y8 X/ N& GPulse (EMP) % `2 d2 ^& j/ L1 x9 G, R2 ZThe electromagnetic radiation from a nuclear explosion caused by Comptonrecoil electrons and photoelectrons from photons scattered in the materials of - n; k& E# n% e, Y8 d& Xthe nuclear device or in a surrounding medium. The resulting electric and . b$ s% B* o7 t# [' K+ D& zmagnetic fields may couple with electrical/electronic systems to produce 4 O1 b& D3 _; [4 j; d; Qdamaging current and voltage surges. May also be caused by non-nuclear ' k0 S3 l( H, X2 D1 H1 Lmeans.

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DISCRIM Discrimination 1 F3 M$ E% W* ~6 ODISN Defense Information System Network (DISA term).: N7 r+ C8 v) W+ Z3 c% R/ } DISSP Defense-wide Information Systems Security Program. 1 H4 q8 @) f4 ~DISUM Daily Intelligence Summary (JFACC term).2 N1 Z! F, j0 S; D+ N. i DITDS Defense Intelligence Threat Data System.; s/ I1 J3 S, Z3 O9 w DITP Discriminating Interceptor Technology Program. The objective of DITP is the ) [, c7 ~1 X8 J0 \/ w0 K( v4 k5 U: Kdevelopment of advanced interceptor seekers to counter advanced threats.8 L8 N' m' A3 _. [) H; J DITP will integrate passive and active sensors into an interceptor seeker that : X+ o' c8 ~$ m& e8 E+ jintegrates data fusion processors, multicolor infrared sensors, and LADAR. DTP , A* j* F/ N/ \6 a; P* \flight demonstrations will involve the tracking and interceptor on-board. d4 I8 O6 P) n8 d1 Q& C discrimination of targets of opportunity while providing fusion processor data# e- [' [& ~% S- [) T2 \ telemetry. (See also ASTP). $ S# ^: y5 T3 d h! U R' bDIVARTY Division Artillery (US Army term)., w6 k+ u: ^8 Y. N! x/ D# }: C! E DIW Defensive Information Warfare.- z s) g l8 M DLA Defense Logistics Agency, Alexandria, VA. + K; l' _% \2 Y PDLSC Defense Logistics Services Center (Battle Creek, MI).# W5 s1 d* u7 ?. Z0 L% K DM Data Management% {" j1 [* t0 B6 o$ J0 j( d( n DMA Defense Mapping Agency, Fairfax, VA.; c7 W: Y8 a+ Y6 x2 u DME Distributed Management Environment. $ X/ \2 p; h8 F+ j! {$ dDMI Dual-Mode Interceptor." [0 D. o L$ C" W+ q1 \) f MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 D$ L/ r) Z! s" ^% s0 ]# N+ z 82 8 _2 v; L* D5 Q. R9 @+ `DMRD Defense Management Review Decision. - Q* ^: H+ ]6 D+ Y1 V# f% `; rDMS (1) Defense Message System.% ]! l/ X" e. ? (2) Dissimilar Mission Simulator. $ b/ P/ T5 j0 ?6 X* n$ o! Q$ i* vDMSO Defense Modeling and Simulation Office (OSD). 1 W% z6 T$ n! X% EDMSP Defense Meteorological Satellite Program." w9 W2 ~, H9 g9 c+ w DMU Disk Memory Unit. 3 e+ M* U' {+ ` ?6 i4 kDNA Defense Nuclear Agency, Alexandria, VA. 0 X" Q, k6 [9 |9 a. ]DNMS Distributed Network Management System. V3 O: P- @% M8 dDNSIX DoDIIS Network Security Information Exchange; }5 l$ L4 L: }0 _ DNSO Defense Network Systems Organization./ N. |# c4 G- |1 b' `! f4 E DO The lowest rating under the DPAS. All “DO” orders take preference over unrated # M) L! b/ l3 ~' H8 V3 z! V# Y' Borders to meet a required delivery date.! d0 T; n- ^, _/ T; E Doc Document ) [4 R6 v( c6 O0 x: UDOCPREP Documentation Preparation. . d- Z# @0 j# U5 k& o- c: F+ G7 dDoctrine Fundamental principles by which the military forces or elements thereof guide 8 K& y r" B! A& Z: ]their actions in support of national objectives. It is authoritative but requires , }# F+ Z4 P& V+ |3 |9 @7 b6 A" x# bjudgment in the application. See also Combined Doctrine. , E- N; f* A0 [/ i) aDoD Department of Defense' A, t+ O& ^: k$ N5 w: Y0 y DoD Component 8 o, X0 C4 R" p" _* ~( I8 ?% I2 dAcquisition 5 w) V$ ^1 m' @+ G5 B" f' i) T) aExecutive 8 z) S Q; R. j) MA single official within a DoD Component who is responsible for all acquisition' q; Z5 c1 m5 p: { functions within that Component. This includes Service Acquisition Executives6 F. S: o+ `5 i2 Y3 n: K for the Military Departments and Acquisition Executives in other DoD & v" }+ u% {" C. _6 bComponents who have acquisition management responsibilities. + }" C2 s2 i6 L* y$ _) P, m4 D& sDoD Components The Office of the Secretary of Defense; the Military Departments; the Chairman, * t2 L% v c, b: f0 U: K5 g# K4 xJoint Chiefs of Staff and Joint Staff; the Unified and Specified Commands; the $ W$ E! E' i- ~5 E7 ~% sDefense Agencies; and DoD Field Activities. * `5 ~$ h) Q8 Z8 k* w$ K1 {3 KDoDD DoD Directive. P" j% }+ F: YDoD Directive 7 `. s5 m( J6 _1 O! Q5000.17 s$ M, r7 ?' H7 k/ F “Defense Acquisition.” The principal DoD directive on acquisition. It establishes+ `* F& h8 j! \) Y policies, practices and procedures of governing the acquisition of defense- s6 E4 Y7 q( X) `6 E acquisition programs. 6 R g* V9 _; h9 dDoDI DoD Instruction.$ [% ^2 J5 M- u( ?7 B+ L DoD Instruction + M0 u6 z3 R9 A6 q* O5000.2 2 J* u: V1 G; I; f$ l' y“Defense Acquisition Management Policies and Procedures.” Implements DODD 5 d6 n' _: \0 i# P8 ^5 R5000.1. * [# T! P3 x# f2 Y3 m; t" UDoDIIS DoD Intelligence Information System.- h" O7 z) B" f) B' N6 G DoDISS DoD Index of Specifications and Standards. . w: z* Q) o' W5 tDoD-M DoD Manual. , G- t4 ~; N7 ^% o* ]MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 D ' F: C2 ^7 p3 |/ L- P830 z0 j1 M4 a/ t+ f DoDR Department of Defense Regulation. 1 }4 u( w" |6 w9 a, k4 e$ f. MDOD-STD Department of Defense Standard.4 W& P" t9 ~6 h7 t6 A DoE Department of Energy. - ^' c4 a& C* PDOF Degrees of Freedom.9 n; X4 [' J U- _, ~, L6 V0 B Dog House Large Soviet A-frame radar used as a component of the Moscow ABM system1 m( @* [8 H+ ^0 w- X having a detection range of approximately 3000 km. It is believed to provide $ W7 y: q- K q! }+ b3 abattle management for the totality of Moscow defenses./ c& O3 T9 A6 U9 k# }$ t+ | DOP (1) Degree of Protection. (2) Depot Overhaul Point (ILS term). 6 S; Y, O, U8 Y0 \ l% fDOPAA Description of Proposed Actions and Alternative (environmental term). 6 D1 i. g' m6 `( p' kDoppler Effect The phenomenon evidenced by the change in the observed frequency of a ! U6 k4 W: A- G$ ]sound or radio wave caused by a time rate of change in the effective length of / \1 W$ ^; @0 F) e5 y+ Othe path of travel between the source and the point of observation. $ @! j3 P; N3 [( x4 a1 ?DoS Department of State (US). / m% @( U, M5 |8 i1 q: IDOS Disk Operating System (TelComm/Computer term). * o* M# l# G1 i* k7 _" A$ y* ?DoT Department of Transportation [US].% v. Y4 s5 B$ L; i7 D DOT Designated Optical Tracker. - G% \ r: T$ r1 NDOT&E Director, Operational Test & Evaluation.* A: m5 F0 F6 T |' |+ |1 I" ~ DOTH Defense of the Homeland. / Q$ ?3 o6 z8 i4 L" @4 kDown Select To reduce the number of contractors working on a program by eliminating one or ; B! K6 E3 x+ ?' tmore for the next phase.2 \1 p F: J" G: ?$ @" s DP (1) Data Processor. (2) Decision Point. (3) Deployment Planning.2 k1 y3 @( F! U4 v* F/ u3 D: P DPA Defense Production Act. , d3 E. A5 X3 M. G) `1 NDPA&E Director, Program Analysis and Evaluation.! l$ S; F0 n0 q3 @- n DPAS Defense Priority and Allocation System.& @: l; p2 C2 W7 N* E, e DPAT Dynamic Program Analysis Tool. 2 v( W V9 a6 Y& pDPB Defense Policy Board. 5 {! B3 r! A: l! E" {9 hDPG Defense Planning Guidance.+ i: J1 v9 ?! I; j: Y$ _ DPM Deputy Program Manager. ( P( p' m/ | Y( kDPML Deputy Program Manager for Logistics2 d9 ?1 c& A) m s8 h; P DPP Distributed and Parallel Processing (Computer term). D @2 Z; s! l9 h. L DPR Defense Performance Review.* \* E/ N1 k+ a8 m' F MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 D 9 B" N! n- L# {$ D7 m0 o& o1 _$ y: c84 3 E- w$ S- f- U3 V1 b7 x! Y! mDPRB See Defense Planning and Resources Board.: Q! e: Q. W$ J. o0 N DPRK Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea). ) w9 M7 \& y2 V3 eDPRO Defense Plant Representatives Office. " M/ l y! p. X+ j6 L% eDPSSL Diode-Pumped Solid State Laser. * T; q& t- T z" w, m7 s- _DR Deployment Review.2 C3 A: d* x9 y- u* Y DRAM Dynamic Random Access Memory. 2 j0 H. B- }) U1 J' e; N5 l# Z1 jDraw-down Curve A method used to encapsulate the overall performance of a BMD system that / H3 W t/ J5 S% x! g' B0 F7 Z% ]plots the probability of survival on the vertical axis versus the number of attacking# q$ Q+ l# _! a3 y0 Q1 H1 l RVs on the horizontal axis. Used in conjunction with attack price, they are the ! R0 h# D0 D) k& n! Umost important expressions of a BMD capability.: _* N6 K _. f+ z4 ] DRB Defense Resources Board.6 g8 J3 j6 j% q$ i DREN Defense Research and Engineering Network. 2 L; [7 ]! B" E" V# _6 l L1 @# dDRFP Draft Request for Proposal. ( U0 m( L0 s: B. e; R; VDrift In ballistics, a shift in projectile direction due to gyroscopic action that results from 6 ?" Z# e) @2 U. B" T' U9 y( v" Ngravitational and atmospherically induced torques on the spinning projectile. + e7 w1 [) F, QDRM DAB Readiness Meeting (DD 5000.2 term).' k+ y f4 M0 m" G5 ] Drone A land, sea, or air vehicle that is remotely or automatically controlled. See also 3 o5 p: V% k9 @; J, X% uRemotely Piloted Vehicle. ) x7 d8 ?& ?* f! K. a- X0 ]DRP (1) Deployment Readiness Plan (US Army term). 1 Q; {2 F. ~) p8 T) ^0 U: O+ R! f) r1 k(2) Deployment Readiness Program.7 L% k! p, k4 l Y7 i5 M DRR Digital Receiver Replacement (USN term). ! }3 K0 z) @7 {& w/ `DS Deep Space.9 B, U6 P0 {3 {- D2 x DS-1 Category of telecommunications circuit capability. + s+ k% N `' w& n, R* \DS-3 LAN Category of telecommunications circuit for a Local Area Network. 2 p- `. i8 D2 c% KDSAA Defense Security Assistance Agency (OSD)." [5 u' F } o9 I' w) I s DSAT Defense Satellite Weapon. 7 e g$ q/ O( K* ~3 zDSB Defense Science Board.! w A$ u% H1 V) b DSCS Defense Satellite Communications Systems. . Y: S) l7 d- O3 H" qDSCS-3 Defense Satellite Communications System Three. : g1 a0 l& \! ADSCSOC Defense Satellite Communications System Ops Center.# B+ z0 O U/ I3 h+ m DSI Defense Simulation Internet & y3 W/ y0 N) DMDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 D3 Z% z0 }5 Z: e! `! {3 \7 M 85 G$ e% [/ b' D# H DSIS (1) Defense Special Intelligence System. (2) Defense Simulation Internet . C/ T! E$ V+ d6 Q! f4 g+ R9 K* q+ Z3 rSystem.# F7 U. v% b1 L4 \: f DSM Decision Support Matrix + g+ s9 P% T; SDSMAC Digital Scene-Matching Area Correlation. 1 t3 u. Z3 O6 G" `$ G0 gDSMC Defense Systems Management College. , B0 s( H: ~8 {' P) K. E5 kDSN (1) Defense Switched Network (formerly AUTOVON). 7 L6 U6 m! {+ ?2 B0 g; v6 Z2 [(2) Deep Space Network (NASA term).4 I t; k0 P/ m DSP (1) Defense Support Program. (2) Defense Standardization Program. 9 a& P# P5 S' ]! v5 SDSPRTM Defense Support Program Real-Time Model. ! p# q3 K8 I/ |% p0 R+ e5 BDSR Data Set Ready (TelComm/Computer term). 6 e+ t! h) l& D: E; N; Q/ ^DSRCE Down Scooped Radio Control Equipment (TelComms term).- b8 Y7 _/ E; n! J$ Q& Q0 E+ z DSS (1) Defense Supply Service. (2) Digital Signature Standard. ; F5 O* a. }; O9 m' ~4 PDST Defense Suppression Threat.; ^( b2 H' z6 l3 @3 p, _' ^ DSTAR Defense Strategic and Tactical Array Reproducibility. % c2 w& H+ L: ^& ?% ^) Q1 U8 DDSTO Defence Science Technology Organization (Australia). ; f9 A1 o/ F- z2 D' }' n' U( e% uDSU Digital Service Unit (Telecomm/Computer term).2 Q1 \' d( `; K9 w DSWA Defense Special Weapons Agency, Alexandria, VA. DSWA is the successor to $ G. c8 h- M5 A5 A6 Ythe DNA., i2 X& X7 }; ~ DT (1) Discrimination Technique.. f; z1 `' p8 P+ @. R, ^ (2) Development Testing. 0 v+ Z3 R: H( W$ V, G(3) See Development Test I, II, III. ' M! Y6 f, S1 H(4) Down Time (ILS term).; x B, {8 ^3 J! N# i (5) Depressed Trajectory. 4 F/ \) u B9 |$ c; C8 ]! \( D* ~ x(6) Dedicated Target.& D9 G! |& b+ ^6 ~( r& H, g$ P6 v% [ DT&E Development Test and Evaluation.- R% e" ^; c# L' ]2 N& O DT/OA Development Test/Operational Assessment.3 W, w, @$ a8 H( C0 [: Y+ E7 ] DT/OT Developmental Test/Operational Test. , f0 [/ S* l2 j+ P0 c& u4 D5 \/ S* t$ sDTAP Defense Technology Area Plan.% h6 V3 ^! V: W9 r; I; |/ I) o DTC Design-to-Cost. 2 g3 k" i% j+ |% I5 b& P/ }DTD Digital Transfer Device (TelComm/Computer term). s! ~" ?' z7 L0 h5 h DTE Data Terminal Equipment (TelComm/Computer term).9 l; U8 ~: ^) v! ^1 U; E DTED Digital Terrain Elevation Data.. f! Z9 V2 d' |! W- d6 p' i DTIC Defense Technical Information Center, Alexandria, VA. 4 Y+ B' P" l9 b7 b+ ~1 H6 eMDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 D/ x6 _8 i6 K4 r7 g+ X" t, n 86 0 @6 S- \- J5 P9 S/ c hDTIS Defense Technical Information Services (now DEIS)., {/ G: ]" S: r$ } DTLCC Design to Life-Cycle Cost.8 K+ N2 o# Z k' M/ Z6 ` DTLOMS Doctrine, Training, Leadership, Organization, Material, and Soldiers (USA BCBL R9 s7 ?" c9 j5 }5 E% m2 p8 Z term).' D+ y" x. k# J, ?, C DTLS Descriptive Top-Level Specification. 6 J# m; r) F2 N, q0 n1 k2 TDTMF Data Tone Multiple Frequency (TelComm/Computer term).% ~1 q1 W& X$ h! | DTO Defense Technology Objectives.1 N9 F7 R- M( }' z2 |, z$ y5 k DTOC Division Tactical Operations Center. 7 Y! K& W8 `; O3 b7 uDTR (1) Demonstration Test Round. (2) Development Test Round. $ |: n7 v, H0 K* K! R4 Z# ]DTRM Dual Thrust Rocket Motor.$ o9 \- S5 u- U9 u, n DTSA Defense Technology Security Administration. 8 X: B3 n- L7 Z( C2 q* lDTSE&E Director, Test Systems Engineering and Evaluation.9 N: j( {# N( j1 x$ Q8 u) ~ DTST Defensive Technologies Study Team. 4 p3 q& F/ r9 i) f! vDTT Design-To Threat6 s9 W# @7 C) v, C DTWT Dual Traveling Wave Tube (Electronics Engineering term). 6 s1 O' O: I3 @* V' P7 @- g9 @DU Depleted Uranium. * k, y7 b7 m0 o) ^! m4 A0 p) z/ tDUA Design Upgrade Assessment. 7 v, Q0 d4 c/ ^1 L. y. R- m5 M @; jDual Source Two contractors producing the same components or end items for the same * G# w I: d* n# `$ z+ ~ E9 Mprogram. 3 z* k2 t U( ?' _4 ^2 CDUNDEE Down Under Early Warning Experiment (MDA/DSTO term).) t) y! A2 L$ U. u% b: B& Z, ^* H DURIP Defense University Research Instrumentation Program. 5 }* d* u: E- y% k! _DUSD Deputy Under Secretary of Defense.. K3 u: f0 `( R7 G! L- ^7 j DUSD (ES) Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Environmental Security).& Q4 j) G- a' L* z: v6 K DVAL Demonstration Validation.! \7 V/ V# \6 e2 Z v, R DX The highest rating under the DPAS. It takes preference over all other rated and" s# ~% s [- h' }7 W T not rated orders on a contractor’s production line. The BMD program carries a/ o$ X, o0 f6 R# ]. j1 a, R( Z6 A “DX” rating.7 P" F9 d, L& S" \3 c MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 E

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