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发表于 2008-12-25 20:04:19 |只看该作者
Deployment $ u. p, h4 V6 d$ {( cTesting4 H, G' y+ S# o0 m3 ~7 [ The testing and/or simulation of system assets in the physical and operational( `4 g* o3 @) m3 f- d+ v Z environment in which they are expected to perform. ! O ^" C7 J! \DepOpsDep Service Deputy Operations Deputies. ( ^5 | w5 A& X! ~2 DMDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 D 8 o; p1 H& m! b78. V( B9 E/ e( L" C# k Depressed' n( I }6 Z- L6 r- ^1 B" b1 x7 H Trajectory ' ~- b. _# Q5 O7 p* z5 K# ZTrajectory with an apogee below that of the minimum-energy trajectory.0 {! \4 M m e. }% F DEPSCoR Defense Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research. * o! x5 e3 C: f- ~& B' F4 \! V. ^! vDEPSECDEF Deputy Secretary of Defense. + m5 k3 J2 ?0 R: A6 U0 o- UDeSecState Deputy Secretary of State./ J1 C6 F1 o1 k; }3 n- ^ DERA Defense Evaluation and Research Agency. Consolidated research and & m1 }3 @ k _% ]0 M2 U0 g" odevelopment resources of the U.K. Ministry Defence. Headquartered in( E2 h0 X( L6 r3 r; W3 {5 y' a. K+ ^ Farnborough, England. ! s* s9 y( n2 n/ F' W1 \7 W! UDerivative 3 o' K3 ~" L) \3 lClassification $ n, s( t+ {- `% b: d% Y: uA determination that information is in substance the same as information U5 X3 u, F4 h9 P currently classified and the application of the same classification marking. % o4 a, |/ H9 Z" uDES Data Encryption Standard. + B5 [( s( H$ }6 m4 U# I4 k) KDESC Defense Electronics Supply Center (DLA term).7 H+ \9 f/ |/ q Design; W7 M- i( P f8 e) d8 p) m Constraints 0 L! `0 U4 C6 E2 P! V2 z/ CBoundary conditions within which the developer must remain while allocating . i, a* ?5 ^8 q! r- }4 T4 G) uperformance requirements and/or synthesizing system elements. ( k$ J' h/ {/ _9 X" w1 WDesign% o1 I$ F. W0 Y- `( t9 R" t' K Parameters1 a6 A1 {. J& C) Q1 \ B Qualitative, quantitative, physical, and functional value characteristics that are ' d0 I/ ?) Y6 [1 r' cinputs to the design process, for use in design tradeoffs, risk analyses, and, z( v; F* d2 V; ^$ p3 p% w development of a system that is responsive to system requirements. q$ S) G% X- z. ODesign Phase A period of time in the software life cycle during which the designs for % n/ H9 S$ }7 y- v/ ? [ T/ @* narchitecture, software components, interfaces, and data are created,. i! ~, v' _' b. b h' ? documented, and verified to satisfy requirements., {8 a6 q5 d5 V# Y, a+ A4 I Design-to-Cost- j! ]1 k2 v+ J, @: ~: M0 a (DTC) Goal 5 t5 u, j# E+ O. s1 SManagement concept wherein rigorous cost goals are established during 6 x, e+ R( l5 z' a" m* Z/ y1 x' _development, and the control of systems costs (acquisition, operating, and % Q& l. v( H2 B W o3 h0 U7 Qsupport) to these goals is achieved by practical tradeoffs between operational - ?7 g/ ^0 k b% \; gcapability, performance, costs, and schedule. Cost, as a key design parameter,& q V( e, O: ?6 B: i, G! l0 N( M is addressed on a continuing basis and as an inherent part of the development 4 P7 V& y, K6 [0 ]0 ^# j2 tand production process. A DTC goal should be in the form of average unit $ g, o) a; m8 ] X7 P5 U1 v+ hflyaway cost. Also, DTC parameters for operation and support will be. i C! }* K9 ] w' w selected—parameters that are design-controllable, significantly affect O&S costs, # c9 ^- ^* y' q2 [0 {# G( Yand can be measured during test and evaluation. Parameters may be . l; R, D% D h; b7 i _9 o% Sexpressed in dollars or by other measurable factors, e.g., manpower, reliability, or 9 j1 _$ i9 A a$ Vmaintainability. Firm goals and thresholds will be established no later than entry2 u o' k: O! \, s h0 I into EMD (Milestone II). This is an in-house goal, almost contractual in nature,, k6 w# }% s- p8 V between the PM (Service) and the SECDEF. Allocations from this goal will " B( u* c# [. H9 tbecome the contractual DTC goals for contractors supporting the program.2 {3 w- V0 b( o. H+ j Det Detachment. - F5 f1 r, `0 `# jDETEC Defense Technology Evaluation Code. & @ g2 K! u+ [3 u8 c" Y0 KDetector A passive IR, visible, UV detector turns photons into an electrical signal. The ( e+ y& ^* D$ H, i0 qIFOV of the detector is its solid angular sub-tense. There is sometimes * R+ R" d# O, |; ~9 t0 q4 sconfusion between the detector sub-tense (size) and the pixel (picture element . X4 T! H6 @: \" l' csize). They are the same for a staring sensor, but in a scanner it depends on# S5 Z1 B6 i2 I6 x4 _5 b the array offset and number of samples per dwell. A pixel area is often only onesixth or one-eighth of a detector angular area. * Q2 m3 g7 l" c2 X, uMDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 D" d9 f# R$ W; C; R$ X 79 0 p2 q! `) b+ NDEV ENV Development Environment.- Z& w8 |0 y* N. P% z6 w, |% f Development' I k4 m; i8 P( ?: X& q Test (DT) 6 g$ H! u1 z+ d! `; \2 TTest conducted by the development test organization to achieve specified test 8 S, n+ l4 J; Y$ A9 ]objectives. It may be a complete test, a subtest, or a phase of a test.* u9 l9 {' G1 ^& _ Development 6 q V$ b9 C8 |, o1 DTest I (DT I), X" N6 W( Z8 I: W P A series of tests conducted during the demonstration and validation phase.; y- o$ l) V5 g+ A. g Components, subsystems, or the total (or full) system are examined to determine: z" G9 _ H7 d' w0 y+ @ whether the system is ready for EMD. State-of-the-art technology is addressed . R1 t9 }) t9 M3 t- din DT I. 3 Q0 m" P1 i2 PDevelopment & U$ V- p. }) GTest II (DT II) + \) k5 B, T) y: X% Z/ |7 RA series of tests, normally during EMD, which provide the technical data ) f6 D. B" Y8 h1 y- b q* Hnecessary to assess whether the system is ready for low-rate initial or full : W, ]. P' A% fproduction. It measures the technical performance and safety characteristics of , Q/ i1 H _2 B3 q# pthe item and evaluates its associated tools, test equipment, training package, 9 ]& M" p9 P m8 q# _and maintenance test package as described in the development plan. DT II' F3 k3 a3 Y1 a/ ^& e; J" x& c addresses accomplishment of engineering design goals and the fulfillment of, O: X9 o* G# i2 f( [ contract specifications.7 D% ~6 q4 b& F% q8 s% W Development 6 N& ^' U0 S H% M: c% A; \' `Test III (DT III) # D' A( L5 }! K; H jTests conducted during production.; K( j; h4 Y$ O) _8 _9 J/ @1 x Development% ^% k1 I8 P- U Test and$ X, J L' I9 i v2 i Evaluation 9 u8 j% l r! n4 N+ S8 s5 u(DT&E)! I \6 u. X9 V8 t Test and evaluation conducted to measure progress, usually of0 L6 X8 u y8 T/ u3 q component/subsystems, and the proofing of manufacturing processes and ; P0 b5 O* A" `7 z& G. _" Ycontrols and to assist the engineering design and development process and + I9 V/ e( i, Y( [, x/ u5 Averify attainment of technical performance specifications and objectives. Usually " y- n# f7 V& h, M8 Z" V" Rconducted under controlled or laboratory conditions. Can be conducted before6 \8 G6 O: z/ \8 l# k. W) ?, E or after production begins. 3 z' f7 Z# u, U% t9 t: VDevelopment" d1 c8 |9 {" g Test (DT) 4 b, m! V( i, b- v XTest conducted by the development test organization to achieve specified test % C1 T/ s* n! z+ Jobjectives. It may be a complete test, a subtest, or a phase of a test.5 y; S! Q9 E7 _% {. g, v1 M7 [: M Deviation Criteria Limits established beyond which a Program Manager may not trade-off cost, + Y4 R/ F0 N4 w+ k' k0 o' e8 Z' q) bschedule, or performance without authorization from the milestone decision8 l0 r2 b& ~& Y. y authority. Acquisition Program Baseline (APB) thresholds represent these9 Q! j9 v2 d# O! h7 `2 F e& R: s parameters. # |. a5 _ a3 G" V U5 Y7 jDevolution of1 |3 f! \* i$ T& ?( z2 }7 E Command / A" E4 y5 ^3 j: u7 u1 L) iMinimal essential operational capability to perform C2 provided in an orderly and / E0 C$ M6 Q! l8 otimely fashion to a duly authorized successor.* Y1 s) Z5 j2 D0 _2 v9 k/ { DEW (1) Directed Energy Weapon. (2) Directed Energy Warfare. ) S6 l1 r* R! I+ dDEW/D Directed Energy Weapon/Discrimination. ( Z: F% M* h, F! T" ^* TDEWG, O Directed Energy Weapon Ground, Orbital, y' f% Z, @3 H/ [0 |2 D/ _+ n DEWL Directed Energy Weapon, Laser (thermal or impulse). 0 p# {: J0 q1 e" f% \8 b8 hDEWP Directed Energy Weapon, Particle Beam (neutral or charged). `7 d$ n/ `" D/ H$ w DF-KBS Data Fusion Knowledge Based System.1 g0 G, `' Y) W8 Q. {& U* J DF2 Deuterium Fluoride. 8 I' b; Q7 v6 S6 r# UDFAR Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation ; G3 A1 o6 A; `& W( {. `7 `DFARS Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement. . Q& t! A: T0 j" i- EMDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 D) u+ s6 o6 L. n7 ?# C 80 7 e8 X9 x: d0 G" t9 \, Y, b9 h- ODFAS Defense Financing and Accounting Service.5 k- H8 E t( K7 D- h DG OBSOLETE. Defense Guidance. See Defense Planning Guidance. . t+ A: t# \+ ~( R; q9 ODGA Director General of Armaments (France).7 {/ }$ u8 L6 `4 ~ P DGP Defense Group on Proliferation.4 R9 F6 V: E1 B D2 v DI (1) Data Item. (2) Developmental Item. 9 T1 {& O9 D1 l2 h9 X" eDIA Defense Intelligence Agency. % u, x+ x: y2 F2 |DIAC Defense Intelligence Analysis Center.. [* O, Y+ Y6 a$ P7 t DIAM Defense Intelligence Agency Manual * r- E* x X# q' ^4 _5 Y# xDiameter (Optics) The unit of measure of the light gathering power of a lens.3 x+ x( J$ }# O) O$ L6 a5 u DICE Digital Integrated Combat Evaluator.+ E- G" q4 }. I DID Data Item Description." @# A$ \$ m2 ^( v }: a Diffraction The spreading out of electromagnetic radiation as it leaves an aperture. The+ |* T u; H7 E1 x angle of spread, which cannot be eliminated by focusing, is proportional to the ! f7 s7 L3 E) ~. P- R, |% rratio of the wavelength of radiation to the diameter of the aperture. , n' k# [/ F8 w/ C. Q7 J( C1 j% ]Digital ; K/ h4 R0 }; Q" e! OProcessing f7 C: Z( u1 `" F The most familiar type of computing, in which problems are solved through the# B) w3 {8 N+ m- K mathematical manipulation of streams of bits.9 Y M& B$ P8 C' K0 i# F DII Defense Information Infrastructure. i7 ~( b) K1 P% _9 u8 Z# B Dip A period of significantly decreased RCS signatures of an RV at low altitude (6 to ( j+ \' g2 I3 t7 R q: E12 km) between wake termination and de-sheathing. 2 q# e+ |7 o! G$ x, |- eDIPS Dynamic Isotope Power System (which provides up to 10 kW of power). + `! G, M* Q2 R- N- x. a+ E( eDIR Director. . K, r+ r& L; K3 I" ?& Y: }Direct Air ( E- f9 V% J% Q' ]( c2 ASupport Center 8 ~# b/ F9 M3 EA subordinate operational component of a tactical air control system designed # y0 y6 @, M' v( Q- ]" ], X6 u6 Sfor control and direction of close air support and other tactical air support * z2 t+ |, o) @: _- \/ hoperations, and normally collocated with fire support coordination elements.' T" z0 w, }, S/ @- M2 | Direct Cost Any cost that is specifically identified with a particular final cost objective. Is not 5 o. K' X0 l! O- }/ _" A5 {necessarily limited to items that are incorporated into the end product as labor or& k" _8 }) \$ [( [2 b: Q material. * W( v R% \4 hDirect Labor Labor specifically identified with a particular final cost objective. Manufacturing 7 H' `2 {- e7 W a% k, Tdirect labor includes fabrication, assembly, inspection and test for constructing : I* S+ X7 v+ F6 dthe end product. Engineering direct labor consists of engineering labor such as9 d1 P6 c, ^1 ]) } reliability, quality assurance, test, design, etc., that is readily identified with the' d. \9 c/ T& }$ D end product.# |) D @, _* T' a- J e+ k Directed Energy ( {. |+ p" I5 ~1 q5 g9 S* W6 r(DE). N8 n- l) G3 o" `4 g- n3 ` 1. Energy in the form of atomic particles, pellets, or focused electromagnetic1 ]! ?/ y! x# N$ t beams that can be sent long distances at, or nearly at, the speed of1 P; w) \- Z6 L light. * T6 j6 \1 I/ d3 g7 u4 Y5 k* x9 @2. An umbrella term covering technologies that relate to the production of a . o3 r) B2 N9 h7 P3 h% qbeam of concentrated electromagnetic energy or atomic or subatomic particles. $ G) q( g* l E- G$ RMDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 D ) R5 Y" d6 _9 U4 r+ y815 H% t$ ? h+ X Directed Energy2 O3 V# S3 v4 [) ~# C, Y/ m, t Device) `8 e/ c) u3 X5 v0 V8 ` A system using directed energy primarily for a purpose other than as a weapon.7 T4 i9 I, W% r" J Directed energy devices may produce effects that could allow the device to be! j0 k) I: _. ^9 { used as a weapon against certain threats, for example, laser rangefinders. - F' F! S2 ~- a. e6 h1 R# F$ N2 bDirected Energy m- S: N! B9 X. A' h7 u, c9 ]# h1 F Weapon (DEW) 9 M8 G b* M3 l6 G9 |/ t- YA system using directed energy primarily as a direct means to damage or destroy8 G% @! D$ i7 n( l4 y7 [" v enemy equipment, facilities, and personnel.: X. p. c# _3 Q, i2 @/ A DIRLAUTH Direct Liaison Authorized.( ^& Z1 A+ g7 a) k6 m ] DIRNSA Director, National Security Agency./ z: ^6 ?. h/ J! y; P7 l2 \+ Y& j; O: k DIS (1) Distributed Interactive Simulation. (2) Defense Investigative Service. 0 _7 u- U4 [7 N* V4 |DISA Defense Information Systems Agency, Washington, DC. (Formerly known as 0 m0 W" A K, o' ADefense Communications Agency).5 V: {6 G ?. u1 y9 W- C7 K DISCO Defense Industrial Security Clearance Office * d$ l) W9 |$ t! R, c$ f- JDISCOM Division Support Command (US Army term).+ |# V7 {! D( F! a Discretionary 5 D8 e# D/ s7 z& Q0 E' EJudgment ! t( I6 {# V) F, |& DThe authority given USCINCSPACE or his duly authorized representative to1 U5 z* A# ^7 s- ~8 p+ y$ o perform actions not covered by the ROE.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2008-12-25 20:04:03 |只看该作者
Defense ) h- \5 ?* `( b b: z# DAcquisition - u+ E) ?0 d5 B7 {7 c+ Q. zExecutive (DAE)! G6 A) E6 w1 |7 U" f0 v The principal advisor to the Secretary of Defense on all matters pertaining to the, u' C8 d z% |, p+ V3 k, T Department of Defense Acquisition System. The USD (A) is the DAE and the, I2 \: A3 v. U, A9 C" z Defense Procurement Executive (DoD Directive 5134.1).* J) m8 Q5 i1 @/ C% v2 _5 u7 o Defense 4 ^$ @# u4 t4 H* GAcquisition" y% W7 |/ b: Z4 f6 ?. b+ o# \6 H; E Executive0 H0 u, `3 D6 q8 N1 h) j/ n; K Summary (DAES) $ `' _( Q* F$ z5 g0 @The DAE’s principal mechanism for tracking programs between milestone( d i5 I* h- t7 z; n1 n reviews. Includes programs subject to the Selected Acquisition Report (SAR),. q$ L1 i+ i2 s. \6 z! x! I2 R and any non-SAR programs subject to review by the Defense Acquisition Board. . L# l( M( F1 _ jDefense# h. _* x- y2 l/ R; `& x Employment $ b* Z# Y% g" N8 T0 VOption (DEO) 9 A; H6 r* s- Q! T, XEngagement strategy provided to USSPACECOM component forces to achieve ; j" V0 O+ }0 b% ]% I* N3 U0 Bspecific military objectives against a ballistic missile attack. It defines hostile, d/ m$ d' K$ y8 b7 I$ |; }4 I6 j target priorities, provides assets to defend, and allocates SDS resources to be ! V" g# E6 ]* {) R4 B6 l7 o- {' M" demployed. A number of DEOs may reside in a particular Preplanned Response 8 z, R# R r$ ?Option (PRO). However, default DEOs (those believed to be best suited to 3 U4 a" n- |& G1 \* kcounter the threat initially) will be automatically processed and executed when0 ^/ Z$ ?5 z: h9 A Defense Activation Authority (DAA) is given by USCINCSPACE.5 x- e3 z& u% F5 C8 _0 r; w; f Defense % s6 m* |, j& H; FEnterprise8 [- T+ L/ ~* r, r5 L4 A d Program (DEP) ! w0 J. V& e3 L+ B6 r" K: |/ QAn Acquisition program designed to streamline the acquisition process by waiver; r! |1 O; }- b% n# G of selected regulatory requirements. 4 ~( _# T! F% q5 RDefense In-Depth Locating mutually supportive defense positions in such a manner as to absorb 4 s2 Y2 |( R0 C4 N. `% y% ?7 zand progressively weaken an attack, prevent initial observations of the entire ( K1 y4 C- d- l3 `9 N/ Bposition by the enemy, and allow the commander to maneuver his reserve." Z$ z$ k) j& s Defense8 |; _8 F0 B2 l1 b3 W! u Meteorological , c! J7 d3 g$ z) i% {. F) p6 rSatellite Program - W K5 }6 w0 v/ m(DMSP)' }$ Z" h! ?. a# u Satellites designed to meet unique military requirements for weather information. ! p b% ~2 x7 q# n7 ^Used to detect and observe developing cloud patterns and follow existing" o# |7 [4 m ^; ?) c weather systems. Visible and infrared imagery are used to form threedimensional cloud-plural analyses of various weather conditions./ l9 N8 o, h- J& r6 @" s& j Defense Planning ) n7 J3 l( z/ j% Jand Resources/ v& Z* N3 g, z! f2 I( O% ?" T Board (DPRB) & L$ w! N- R( J+ oA board, chaired by the Deputy Secretary of Defense, established to facilitate6 J- y) h% g; k decision making during all phases of the planning, programming, and budgeting0 _9 N/ l" h3 [/ f system process. Board members include the Secretaries of the Military+ C9 P! _9 l) h3 G2 R t! h4 c" C Departments, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Under Secretaries of & w' r& F1 O+ k4 U) S/ [8 }Defense for Acquisition and Technology, and Policy, the Assistant Secretary of& Q' F& d8 I. d" x Defense for Program Analysis and Evaluation, and the Comptroller of the 1 H! z0 }2 u8 F8 F) M) dDepartment of Defense. 0 V+ {* |$ o' \: R9 KMDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 D0 j& p& m. h: O7 E$ R R/ d: | 76 $ D p7 |7 Y- ~( m2 lDefense Planning ' U( K0 \- i/ @- S) T) M- GGuidance (DPG)- U' r L2 ^: O Document issued by SECDEF to DoD components providing strategic framework 8 H0 W3 e4 l( u* ]7 F, K! Z* A/ t5 ?- Efor developing the Service POMs. Result of planning effort by Joint Staff, OSD, 3 d" t1 x3 Q, Dand Services. In connection with two-year budget process, DPG is issued every 3 M# Z$ j2 @% E( M0 A0 Vother (even) year.5 z' j% q8 |# Q0 O4 U2 N4 p* E* l Defense Priority1 `# J: b. D' Z! c6 H% u0 W and Allocation 3 Q6 }' a0 e# c" J8 oSystem (DPAS) $ L! O; p) D" a3 CThe implementation of a statutory requirement where contracts in support of ; V6 t) ~& W$ G5 W8 ]& ]national defense must be accepted and performed on a priority basis over all# x! g$ ^0 p* L+ Z other contracts, and which requires the allocation of materials and facilities in & i% x# s% n; Msuch a manner as to promote the national defense. See “DO” and “DX.” 8 V* D, Q4 X3 q7 rDefense 3 d8 S7 i1 m5 hReadiness! d: _0 `) X0 U* y' H Conditions: M$ y, ]& c3 g (DEFCON) . m# n" X' \9 p5 |" F O/ KA uniform system of progressive alert postures for use between the Chairman of$ {! h5 r( k- | the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the commanders of unified and specified commands ; }) h2 q# i/ B1 @4 H" Z# Xand for use by the Services. Defense readiness conditions are graduated to; ~3 \6 T( N* E4 W+ {2 ~ match situations of varying military severity (status of alert). Defense Readiness / ^4 j E7 \, m- W9 q8 l0 \ ]Conditions are identified by the short title DEFCON (5), (4), (3), (2), and (1), as * D2 O. O2 W* n2 ? G4 }: }* Jappropriate. , \0 u. r2 d! J* cDefense Satellite * m) s5 S& T# B1 zCommunications " a. A0 q. N7 {* p4 X$ x w) YSystems (DSCS) ( P: L: u5 y; j4 Z5 l$ f: I& |Advanced communications satellites in synchronous orbit around the earth. 1 b D; [/ `# N0 DProvides high-capacity, super high-frequency (SHF) secure voice and data links - [9 V4 l) I: a% t' ~for the Worldwide Military Command and Control System (WWMCCS). They / q+ B* h9 o2 f' _' nsupport terminal deployments for contingencies; restoration of disrupted service6 b3 }: M1 Y7 G7 q7 g overseas; presidential travel; global connectivity for the Diplomatic( N8 M$ w2 M6 d6 ^0 n Telecommunications Services; and transmission to the continental United States Y& ~" h- d8 ?% G: B. K# L4 K5 cof some surveillance, intelligence, and early warning data.6 K& s& E) `# u& X Defense Satellite0 _, l; Z& A" a8 z8 j3 r (DSAT) Weapon 0 d8 V% P; D* J( a E0 k1 U( P$ tA device that is intended to defend satellites by destroying attacking ASAT4 K: s1 Q8 f+ z4 }5 w3 I0 N8 ] weapons. N n7 P4 F* r Defense Support! ^/ O5 N: @8 Q# o& i$ c* \ Program (DSP)+ N$ t( D# z; j1 l9 s) O6 N2 g- y, B A system of satellites in geo-stationary orbits, fixed and mobile ground) M; \" @% c3 Q3 {* l/ V9 ~+ y3 d( R processing stations, one multi-purpose facility, and a ground communications7 c0 X( |9 l# S) Q$ \9 { w network (GCN). DSP’s primary mission is to provide tactical warning and limited 1 w( {' I9 P. {* `: e [attack assessment of a ballistic missile attack." P% e& C5 {2 J7 f3 f4 F% I Defense ' q8 P6 K3 U* _6 WSuppression / A* R' S5 E& P& U, R# Z# m1 xTemporary or transient degradation of the performance of a defensive system 4 R# J7 G9 G) w4 a4 F8 d' {' S" obelow the level needed to fulfill its mission objectives, by an opposing force. 1 }7 |' ?" [$ c& r1 i) j; T(USSPACECOM) i6 x5 F; ?+ M' E2 `) w DDefense Tier The arranging of a defensive system to correlate with the phases of a ballistic5 ^3 {1 }4 n) z missile trajectory; i.e., boost, post-boost, midcourse, and terminal.7 A3 _0 e, F& _ N Defensive! n1 V; c- y* ]4 g) R Counter2 D! A& U1 ~- N1 W+ b. ? Measures (DCM)* S* K+ e: f. J! ?4 b n- T Actions taken to eliminate an ASAT attack. / G( b# F; d' z* M+ r1 ^* @Defensive ' K! _# e9 P( v' S0 lTechnologies * t; P+ S3 A6 F; A1 F; dStudy Team, {" v; V& u5 ^+ l6 K! S (DTST)8 u' e- d/ Q" @0 i A committee, generally known as the “Fletcher Panel” after its Chairman,2 e' S: D3 O. u3 W/ ^+ h appointed by (former) President Reagan to investigate the technologies of. { V/ t/ V- g8 f5 x- F potential BMD systems. # v% c* s. ^) |' HDEFSMAC Defense Special Missiles and Astronautics Center, Ft. Meade, MD. 9 i" V' ~( [) h+ X9 NDEIS Defense Enterprise Integration Services (ex-DTIS).3 d$ s1 D) H) ?7 x, Q4 s9 Q DEL Delivery.) q1 R# \2 Y. _: L Delivery Error The inaccuracy associated with a given weapon system resulting in a dispersion/ Y4 i) u2 T, u4 Q' X of shots about the aiming point. See also Circular Error Probable.2 `" x3 @/ t/ @( h9 u$ y* | MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 D 8 M; ~/ i% a: p, N9 k8 W, V4 o775 Q, ~1 R8 \9 b' J- F) g5 d) {. s Delta-V A numerical index of the maneuverability of a satellite or rocket. It is the0 N0 R$ y7 F: F maximum change in velocity, which a spacecraft could achieve in the absence of+ y3 {5 k0 d! X7 {8 i0 }' O a gravitational field. 2 B5 g0 A" W- b* I+ P9 RDem/Val OBSOLETE. Demonstration and Validation (DD 5000 term).% I7 _; p# C; g$ L) w! ^2 | Demise Altitude Altitude at which object of interest (decoy, chaff, etc.) no longer performs its " E' \/ k9 j6 o- ldesired function (matching RV characteristics, screening RV, etc.) ; h4 `/ y, Q# W r$ n- UDEMO Demonstration. * O% m, e: W8 ~" v7 `$ wDemonstration {8 N+ r) O Y D, p and Validation ' x. }: h$ K9 f$ Q5 z+ a V2 U(Dem/Val) : o5 X# t; ^3 TThe acquisition phase when major program characteristics and product designs4 G6 `/ I7 f+ ~% i. C5 W2 g6 q4 R are refined through extensive study and analysis, hardware development, test, 6 ~' u) p/ q! W( band evaluations. The objective is to validate the choice of alternatives and to ! d+ S. A* [+ Dprovide the basis for determining whether or not to proceed into Engineering and 0 v ?! ?0 }+ {! ~* cManufacturing Development (EMD).+ ]: h" C5 X% [ Denial Measure An action to hinder or deny the enemy the use of space, personnel, or facilities.4 }2 T! J1 g6 h; J3 Q It may include destruction, removal, contamination, or erection of obstructions. x/ z+ P0 V7 @/ p& r* F; g DEO Defense Employment Option.4 p9 ~5 n9 b; }6 p1 R" ? m) |' _ Department of9 S5 N0 e7 o5 X% L4 w, _ Defense$ `# O$ y- B( l R. g. Q2 { Acquisition6 H3 @" L& t! a System , z! W1 T6 q* ^' o* hA single uniform system whereby all equipment, facilities, and services are) A3 ]- P& u/ e planned, designed, developed, acquired, maintained, and disposed of within the$ o5 R1 N# R! |, [, D, H Department of Defense. The system encompasses establishing and enforcing ! O# j9 v6 Y$ }' F6 @' hpolicies and practices that govern acquisitions, to include documenting mission" _$ R5 m$ Z' T _8 L2 d needs and establishing performance goals and baselines; determining and% x/ J3 U: n( `# F, O% J prioritizing resource requirements for acquisition programs; planning and . R$ U4 Z W+ mexecuting acquisition programs; directing and controlling the acquisition review+ E s; G+ Z2 k9 N$ i& ] process; developing and assessing logistics implications; contracting; monitoring 7 @4 Z1 Q+ y) J! [the execution status of approved programs; and reporting to Congress. (See1 q2 a. k5 T4 S3 z: d; ^ DoD Directive 5134.1, “Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition).”)8 d# B' \5 k3 d& t Deployment (1) The placement of force elements in battle positions to obtain a higher 0 y+ O5 P9 D5 U# p% T6 x% [state of readiness.5 I5 k- i/ X! } (2) The movement required to place force elements in battle positions.# M$ P4 q/ W; y/ w+ i& S (3) Fielding the weapons system by placing it into operational use with units. r1 |0 ]! W5 W5 s0 R0 `- W7 N in the field/fleet.( M3 m9 O9 b, h" ` (4) To arrange, place, or move strategically. 8 F8 d- I1 X! j- {5 s) F" sDeployment s/ s+ F5 ^5 A1 z; K" @8 [3 @ Planning $ d0 z8 |5 U6 h7 w(1) The development and maintenance of plans required to initially deploy,3 E A- r: o# g: x; T" o maintain, and evolve the operational system in accordance with $ W/ H2 j+ b& M7 B9 Uschedules and priorities. It includes factors such as launch facility* p: |* q* G4 g L* D ]$ q availability and planning for the availability of other required elements+ e/ E! H+ n7 l# } such as trained personnel or units. In addition, it identifies the impact of: W, }3 `7 y c4 h* Q3 W deployment on operational readiness and any testing constraints / h7 D2 l# ?; j" i0 l; [associated with deployment. ( ]( {( `1 S1 m& c& h(2) Encompasses all activities from origin or home station through' B5 {0 {4 `8 i3 J0 D destination, specifically including intra-continental United States, intertheater, and intra-theater movement legs, staging areas, and holding ' M) x, q: i" U4 x: mareas.

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发表于 2008-12-25 20:03:49 |只看该作者
MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 D / l; c) ~' `9 q1 B( R& f7 r; z738 H1 \2 l! ]. f6 `0 q, v. s- ?' z% ? Dbsm Decibels per square meter. ! v# z% z" \' M( H9 ^& WDBSM Database System Management.: p: J4 i& M' r DC (1) Disarmament Commission. (2) Direct Current.* {5 c- S( X. h1 O3 N DC-X Delta Clipper Experiment. 9 ^. U! C% F8 N aDCA (1) Defensive Counter Air. (2) OBSOLETE. Defense Communications' J2 F9 @1 b+ e Agency. (Now known as Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA)).( V! u3 R8 a8 m5 ` DCAA Defense Contract Audit Agency.6 N9 y7 I( U+ R0 p8 q DCAS Defense Contract Administrative Services.7 o- w/ Q' ^. W; O DCCO Defense Commercial Communications Office (of DISA). 4 n& l2 X7 W" O" D5 p0 Y& c3 [DCDS Distributed Computer Design/Development System.2 |3 v5 `8 v1 k6 y DCE (1) Data Communications Equipment (TelComm/Computer term).9 a m- }0 K% ?2 ` (2) Distributed Computer Environment.- W# i6 y1 S' ^9 a* g9 \3 z0 n DCEC Defense Communications Electronics Command.6 H, E$ h" Q3 c# c/ Y2 w! l" q DCI (1) Director of Central Intelligence. (2) Dual Channel Interchange.7 g7 H5 [! Z K+ U& ?; L- i% \- n DCINC Deputy Commander-in-Chief.: t8 [7 ~" X3 I; {+ n7 m: ~ DCM Defensive Counter Measures. 3 W/ b- y' E# N# I. `4 uDCMC Defense Contract Management Command % P! _2 _" w0 w9 \& WDCN Document Change Notice.% j4 x7 T4 c& y2 [4 ` DCO Director of Combat Operations (JFACC term). " @; |; t0 f+ i* S* v! W% @DCP (1) Decision Coordination Paper (see ADM).8 X9 H ^- ^4 Q (2) Director of Combat Plans (JFACC term)., v' [% |* |+ f% ^8 t5 G6 }/ @ DCPG Digital Clock Pulse Generator. & J: ^+ ?1 t, kDCS Deputy Chief of Staff.( t- b. S3 S% \# b" E DCSOPS Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans (Army). # F& L! a0 Z- c4 g- ?% {DCT Digital Communications Terminal ) p% ]- h5 q+ F/ z; CDCTN Defense Commercial Telecommunications Network. 8 k" i4 L/ z) UDD Variation of DoD. # H0 Z: Q R1 y) z/ o' D; hDDCI Deputy Director of Central Intelligence. 7 n0 `* V0 X# l9 g9 ?DDEL Dwight David Eisenhower Library, Abilene, KN (army term). 6 A+ `" ?. b$ }; c. {% a5 PDDG USN guided missile destroyer.( t% o/ N7 E& K8 B MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 D' m0 s% Q7 [: m S: \ 74 " _) M% E. R$ z0 \DDL Disclosure authority letter. 0 P9 ^: R4 l9 H; a) I9 _DDN Defense Data Network.% O! T @: {- u4 v DDR&E Director, Defense Research and Engineering. $ z% }# P: b6 D) V% L2 d0 nDDDR&E Deputy Director, Defense Research and Engineering.5 V0 a- L4 _% `% j DDS Data phone Digital Service (AT&T service) (Telecomm/Computer term). % T, u" \4 v# A( rDE (1) See Directed Energy. (2) Delay Equalizer./ [' A, }/ k; R0 J/ i DEBRA Debris, Radiance Model.8 P5 ?6 s9 E$ T, w' y" j7 J) f Decentralized " ]% J- y1 h# A6 o8 J" E+ _Control 6 p/ M& ] w4 y) {8 X7 O7 e1 NIn air defense, the normal mode whereby a higher echelon monitors unit actions, 0 S: U6 H$ q; D, K" D% ?: h; vmaking direct target assignments to units only when necessary to ensure proper , V0 m: W$ M' E7 r" h" D- Afire distribution or to prevent engagement of friendly aircraft. 7 v4 O$ r4 z" [) w: sDecentralized , P' j9 y% T! n$ ]Execution 4 ~" [, ^1 m( R9 sThe distributed and integrated implementation of USCINCSPACE direction by I* Y! o# q E the BMD forces. (AFSPACECOM)3 E* R+ p, C3 P9 z# n. o$ A9 v* D) I Decommissionin5 K6 \* \+ @: d2 e9 Q g 3 Q# E+ {% {8 `* hThe removal or the rendering useless of obsolete or no longer needed0 x$ |- Q) Q! d4 A5 ^ components of the BMD system from service. 3 n' V* A1 y6 a8 J% x: CDecrement A directed funding level reduction for an acquisition program. 3 g4 a' o* R$ TDED Data Element Definition (Computer term). 6 `* C2 T! t _5 Q5 iDedicated Mode% P$ U( n# n7 z. l6 U& p8 B# a7 f of Operation 9 X. l+ l/ O4 i- Y0 v/ `(ADP Security)9 u, \4 G7 K# L( j; i A mode of operation where all users of the AIS possess the required personnel 5 D' r/ z3 C/ J9 u2 |security clearance or authorization, formal access approval (if required), and a3 c2 j. u; j! D: e8 b Need-to-Know for all data included in the AIS.. C7 f" d- I$ B' l3 r Deep Space (DS) The region of outer space at altitudes greater than 3,000 nautical miles (about ; a! E3 X! b( B. o0 R" X5,600 kilometers) above the earth’s surface. ( x2 v: t) ^2 [' ]0 c( kDef Definition.8 p# B8 t5 ?% @$ o8 E DEF (1) Defense. (2) Demilitarization Enterprise Fund. / y2 l' H; O2 |DEFCON Defense Readiness Conditions.4 [! r, h/ o5 {* \- w" l- [' A; z Defended area+ L; h+ A2 g5 A, N, k# D6 Q- b coverage4 F M ~! Y% s0 j Defended Asset" B3 w* V @5 m. `$ E, o List (DAL)7 a$ F5 R% o1 V( V) Y- i The geographical region that the BMDS can protect from ballistic missile attacks 3 M7 Z7 l# l5 _with a specified level of probability of negation. May be specified for a particular ) P, \) ~" f( c# e N M7 Mthreat type, launch point(s), launch regions, raid size, etc. * c: R( a$ t' j6 N: q' WA ranked listing of facilities, forces, and national political items that require ' j* K/ j' t- `/ I6 l8 zprotection from attack or hostile surveillance. The list is compiled from Federal$ X2 h9 @ M/ L8 Z U# M3 D departments and agencies, Unified and Specified Commands, and the Armed - t+ h% A8 w7 `7 j1 {Services to ensure National Security Emergency Preparedness functions.& k8 G& D$ q1 T. j) | MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 D$ d/ y7 J/ F' y 750 \7 f* C; ^6 R) k Defense" {' F5 g, J( U9 r7 j Acquisition, W' A, N* p% k/ t. t Board (DAB)8 Z8 ?+ }& d: j1 O* Q: j The senior DoD acquisition review board chaired by the Under Secretary of) v9 H) r# \% g! ^8 j Defense for Acquisition. The Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is the 4 X0 i* f' C) d. g: j: SVice-Chair. Other members of the Board are the Deputy Under Secretary of7 S- ]+ Q2 y# N% _: ~ E Defense for Acquisition and Technology, Service Acquisition Executives of the * f Z! t5 ~; X1 b- YArmy, Navy, and Air Force; the Director of Defense Research and Engineering; " [1 Q! z5 A( f/ G5 K) B" mthe Assistant Secretary of Defense for Program Analysis and Evaluation; the3 d5 L4 _3 `: l1 M9 p2 Q Comptroller of the Department of Defense; the Director of Operational Test and ~3 j! [. W3 d2 ^5 |9 i Evaluation; the appropriate Defense Acquisition Board Committee Chair; and the9 i% [9 \; p% E Defense Acquisition Board Executive Secretary. Other persons may attend at * w: z4 [/ y6 t8 Nthe invitation of the Chair. (See DoD Directive 5000.49, “Defense Acquisition % U# ?; u5 q Z1 l h' K- BBoard.”) M; R, M) @+ v. F9 N8 e4 k; bDefense& Q T X# t" N2 _0 N Acquisition9 t* A/ p/ N1 x Board Committee+ g" r9 {, i/ z m8 T& { Advisory review groups subordinate to the Defense Acquisition Board. The * Z1 a( O B1 ?4 o1 eUnder Secretary of Defense for Acquisition determines the number of0 f$ ~4 _6 T" B8 o) n2 a, B6 i Committees. The purpose of the Committee is to review DoD Component 7 |6 P+ {* J) q! ~2 M% \6 {programs prior to a Defense Acquisition Board review in order to make an {& B" Q$ I0 x4 `3 Kindependent assessment and recommendation to the Board regarding the 5 f5 l) T. l6 i, G: Jprogram. (See DoD Directive 5000.49, “Defense Acquisition Board.”)

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发表于 2008-12-25 20:03:26 |只看该作者
MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 C3 A) W3 P3 t3 k1 E6 z3 L& U, m 68+ K$ t- \; H( b( F& I CTF Controlled Test Flights.9 N' j% [' ]; y CTI Concept Technology Insertion. 5 b% f0 M: Z; w- ECTN CALS Test Network.3 F2 w( `. d& w- M CTOC Corps Tactical Operations Center. g6 q0 ^6 u5 F0 ` CTOL Conventional Takeoff/Landing aircraft. 4 U J& J6 q8 _! Q PCTP (1) Critical Technical Parameters. ' G1 t8 L2 k5 p; n$ f(2) Communication Tasking Plan.3 |2 ~7 N3 w) d& }/ b( n* a (3) Consolidated Targets Program. + v! `/ Y- r& gCTPE Central Tactical Processing Element.7 Q, e `0 `- T9 I. C2 B6 c CTPP Consolidated Targets Program Plan. 2 @) e" M. ~$ a. Y/ U$ i6 i8 bCTR Cooperative Threat Reduction (Treaty negotiation term). * c6 w U+ A% n3 J# r/ P8 ^CTRS Centers& I% [; r1 r: s$ u" c; a6 c CTS (1) Clear To Send (TelComm/Computer term).7 q4 I, b A" a+ ]- `8 X (2) Contact Test Set (USA IFTE term). 9 G# k3 [* |# D* |2 C; {CTSS Computer and Telecommunications Staff./ z7 Z# W! v. I CTT Commander’s Tactical Terminal (US Army). : x: x5 n( t4 P* r7 {, sCTT-H/R Commander’s Tactical Terminal –Hybrid Receiver (USA term). : h* d- d/ q* h9 ]* F! ^& vCTV Control Test Vehicle(s)./ Z3 D7 g' L# ?% R CUDIXS Common User Digital Information Exchange System. ; P, p; `3 a8 u0 W4 @3 [! f, }5 qCued Operation The directing of one sensor based upon the data received from another sensor. $ R& m3 M5 K6 T& C- uCueing Command The command within a tactic, which specifies the sensor element’s coverage 1 g4 V8 \: H( Hvolume. 5 ]$ m5 Z- U8 }/ F5 uCueing Data Cueing data is a subset of object tracks within a sensor element’s coverage - ^. X8 n2 X- i! ^: S* M, Hvolume. 7 A# t3 V/ i5 [$ y5 C4 H' ~CV (1) Carrier Vehicle. (2) USN Aircraft Carrier. (3) Curriculum Vitae.1 E/ [6 c+ a' b# f CV/BM Carrier Vehicle/Battle Management.! r& c( a7 ]) K+ n CVBG USN aircraft carrier battle group. & _1 \6 _% t: d- BCVHG Carrier, Aircraft (V/STOL), Guided missile.! s- h% F2 }. n6 ?; j- \ CVISC Combat Visual Information Support Center. 6 e& b" [; J; U/ S4 i4 SCVL Copper Vapor Lasers. 9 A4 o8 R: F: W8 dCVN USN nuclear powered aircraft carrier. & ~ q, c8 @ M7 M. dMDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 C2 y8 s4 i X0 u' z2 h1 z 69 3 Y1 T& I7 ]' {CW (1) Continuous Wave. (2) Chemical Weapon/Warfare. (3) Carrier Wave.7 H6 o! p0 h& e v) G CWAR Continuous Wave Acquisition Cycle (Hawk).+ ?# a5 u: I/ `/ U! ^ @3 |3 s) x9 ? CWBS Contract Work Breakdown Structure., S/ \4 N4 d3 \" m1 W CWDD Continuous Wave Deuterium Demonstrator.+ q" b. j2 |" s8 H+ d# C CWIPT Cost Working group integrated Product Team. ; F2 i/ i5 j% N0 SCY Calendar Year.( X4 o. d- g: {6 E& S& z$ C- O MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 D& r" J, O, E9 ^ 71 0 r$ g3 c3 N4 z& H: MD Deuterium2 y, P2 f* q" R1 d' A0 i D Spec Process specification. ; I- ^ S* h. V( f( N0 c8 `D Star Measure of infrared sensor sensitivity.* l/ U9 J, a1 {/ C D&D Design and Development- ^9 d7 f, i8 k. }+ w! v D&T Detection and Tracking.3 d" E/ ^! p+ |; \& S. y7 m4 | D-IFOG Depolarized-Interferometric Fiber Optic Gyro.$ A; `9 y( f3 E& F' H4 T D-Level Depot Level (ILS term). - a/ x/ B4 }9 K$ vD/A Digital-to-Analog5 l, |$ ~( q, P4 q9 N9 c; h# a D/V Demonstration and Validation. 5 g# H( _/ L- \- q" ], t& XD2 Projective (interceptor) in the Hyper-Velocity Gun program. / x' [' J3 X( V; T4 }DA (1) Department of the Army. ' y1 c, F' ?6 o. }0 S(2) Department of Administration.+ N5 C* B5 D' B (3) Decision Analysis. ! B4 a& k* \0 K) p: C(4) Developing Agency/Activity.. A3 u' o1 C; \. p (5) Data Administrator.3 b/ G: f; R; }+ U6 L$ Z3 ~ (6) Direct Action.4 `6 ?0 w3 G3 I& C1 }9 k (7) Data Adapter.3 e: M, ?9 Z1 R$ m( l DAA Designated Approval Authority (DD 5000 term). 1 M# K3 P8 w# E4 x2 t- ZDAASAT Direct Ascent Anti-Satellite. / @, ]& H5 H; a6 p2 F: SDAB See Defense Acquisition Board.. e9 M0 D9 t5 i- R4 a, A DAC (1) Days After Contract [Award]. 2 I5 l& S! t+ \2 D- I$ h8 F K(2) Department of the Army Civilian. * v5 r1 D* X3 h8 A: @(3) Directed Attack Characterization. j, ~ V3 }8 @6 s& ?(4) Deploy ACCS Component. % ^& J1 f( ^7 v" Y% _! L: j3 k(5) Digital-to-Analog Converter. " {8 ^& c9 Z1 ~6 z2 cDACS Divert and Attitude Control System. & \! l' d1 g: P- t5 MDAD Defense Acquisition Deskbook. 4 z) ~9 k' S _: Y6 j8 S2 G4 T! |9 \" SDADS Distributed Air Defense Study (1993). 4 b I. E, ^1 C* X. `* nDAE Defense Acquisition Executive. . h# z, y9 |# Z' `/ rDAES Defense Acquisition Executive Summary.$ [ w9 N; ], I DAGGR Depressed Altitude Guided Gun Round./ u A5 u) j7 x# O: U DAHQ Department of the Army Headquarters. 2 B4 ]. b( Y. X8 sDAI Damage Assessment Indicator (targets).8 K. E4 |1 |) b. |/ s# c+ h DAL Defended Asset List.! |# n9 y s" Z; V' L MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 D/ \$ \6 v( L, ^' G 72 - X5 x# s4 l2 b wDAMA Demand Assigned Multiple Access. - q* }* O, S$ WDANASAT Direct Ascent Nuclear Anti-Satellite.# C# a7 Q" I/ ?7 d$ l DAPR Director’s Annual Program Review (SDIO term); B8 e/ M! a1 \0 d3 G6 x X DARO Defense Aeronautical Reconnaissance Office (OSD).( p2 g$ @2 P$ u* | DARP Defense Aeronautical Reconnaissance Program. 4 X" V( s6 ^) z5 N* oDARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. See ARPA. ' [1 P4 S) v& K1 t3 }DART OBSOLETE. Defense Acquisition Review Team.9 Y ~+ |+ L$ d0 \; G DASA German Aerospace. Member of the MEADS Program Team. ) X* E+ D- L! {9 |3 LDASC Deep Air Support Center (JFACC term). ! _ b+ G; Z1 K& MDASD OBSOLETE. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense.) a) Q2 Y. D- N+ _& W' j3 F( [; ] DASD (C3) Deputy/Assistant Secretary of Defense (C3) 1 ]6 B" d0 P! EDASO Demonstration and Shakedown Operation.; b: ^( X# c% H7 b+ ] Data Integrity The state that exists when computerized data is the same as that in the source0 s& {7 s# U4 e) H documents and has not been exposed to accidental or malicious alteration or + s: r- y' ~' ]% \+ U* I; Edestruction. 8 S. b9 I! j' w Q- dDatalink (1) The means of connecting one location to another for the purpose of ( d% f1 O7 O2 C" j) Y. C. f! }transmitting and receiving data. ! Q0 b8 k" P# c4 [" }% E% c5 S0 \" I(2) A particular path between two nodes over which data is transmitted. It+ M \5 ~1 i0 N. d includes not only the transmission medium, but also digital to analog 4 X0 [; Q! o) b& hconverters, modems, transmission equipment, antennas, etc., associated9 u+ f) Q/ ] O2 f8 j2 f- { with this path. In the SDS backbone network, it was a path between two 0 G6 g! O3 P J) USDS elements. In space these datalinks were microwave or laser. On $ |. \ W# w+ O" uthe ground, they could have been wire line, microwave, or optical fiber.( c$ E! K- v- w6 f$ b; ^$ N3 A1 _% } DAU Defense Acquisition University, Ft. Belvoir, VA.7 D! O4 G1 T# B1 c% K' N# N) E DAVID Development of Advanced Very long wavelength Infrared Detector (USAF* k( d5 H% Q4 O( x6 K Phillips Lab term). 6 }) y! t/ J) w* U8 M- n* PDAWS Defense Automated Warning System. & W0 a/ @" J; o# ^2 d2 a- e1 MDazzling The temporary blinding of a sensor by overloading it with an intense signal of 2 h2 }, J7 b7 x; Aelectromagnetic radiation (e.g., from a laser or a nuclear explosion).8 c8 ^+ @+ `* P; e" r! ? DB Bata Base 0 P9 L! p: ?/ b' y8 zDBME Database Management Environment (Computer term). - U4 b7 F, b2 a. j4 c- @& ]* ] f' o8 B& H- lDBMS Database Management System. ' o5 x9 `1 o* [4 B; `) H yDBOF Defense Business Operations Fund.7 Q7 {' }5 s! ` f DBS Direct Broadcast Satellite.

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发表于 2008-12-25 20:03:12 |只看该作者
MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 C1 }: B; A! s1 e) H 65 V# t) j- \2 X- n2 }) lCritical Design* e5 D& c) }. ^+ ` Review (CDR)) P9 ?0 L$ S! T4 u; a7 @ A review conducted to determine that the detailed design satisfies the1 I$ b3 j! S/ _; ? performance and engineering requirements of the development specification; to3 \5 Z( T( A* l9 c" h. Z6 o establish the detailed design compatibility between the item and other items of$ S6 N6 h6 U6 i/ R equipment, facilities, computer programs, and personnel; to assess producibility ) p! H; B8 N' O$ v9 ~/ Cand risk areas; and to review the preliminary product specifications. Conducted" x; m& O* L' q9 d; U, a9 Q( o during Phase I, Demonstration and Validation (for prototypes) and Phase II,; X! W, P. _1 g* n3 y | Engineering and Manufacturing Development.; ?0 _8 `& ^6 Q$ w; ` Critical5 L% T' z& n2 @' b i5 `; J* P Information $ B& I$ `5 K* }2 _' s9 vSpecific facts about friendly intentions, capabilities, and activities vitally needed 6 @* j i. f' E9 Wby adversaries for them to plan and act effectively so as to guarantee failure or5 Z, Y; c9 _$ h7 C* ]6 Y$ R# A9 K unacceptable consequences for friendly mission accomplishment. & y$ F$ ]: m8 r9 X+ M0 p: G: Y$ @Critical z" X8 P2 G9 T" x" tIntelligence! S, c) m# C# _$ o& V# V9 j5 W Parameter ) j. B* b% w% @( ` ~& u) MA threat capability or threshold established by the program, changes to which 5 l8 \: p3 D9 {1 r( g$ w; tcould critically impact on the effectiveness and survivability of the proposed # c# U, E( H: c8 D; Usystem. 1 L8 j0 A- L4 e! L" w. B8 jCritical Issues Those aspects of a system’s capability, either operational, technical, or other, & k; {1 ?, a& V& G7 j" Fthat must be questioned before a system’s overall suitability can be known, and ; s- ~3 g. J0 l# a6 |which are of primary importance to the decision authority in reaching a decision ! s) i% g1 g' S w0 I7 Z+ d/ F2 M3 S. hto allow the system to advance into the next phase of design, development,7 f( H- d% s1 t' d; k" } production, or post-production. 2 H t9 @* Q7 SCritical8 u/ z+ T1 Q( m( D. Q) k Operational0 F" L9 @5 G0 U2 C* b Issue 1 o" i2 C' r/ D* x& o4 R) BA key operational effectiveness or operational suitability issue that must be 0 ?. l0 p+ f8 @+ W, W- V; o' t% yexamined in operational test and evaluation to determine the system’s capability7 ~+ G6 h) Q, y! c4 O to perform its mission. A critical operational issue is normally phrased as a : ?# ]- l. w* d3 {4 u. I$ s# |question to be answered in evaluating a system’s operational effectiveness 9 w! V a; g& `. [1 Z( Z3 `and/or operational suitability. 2 x) l; d4 \! a* ~Critical Path, k$ t# L$ M, b1 p0 Z3 }' ]0 a Method5 e( E x8 y) t+ Q' Z0 _% T7 w A technique that aids dependency of other activities and the time required to * @* A/ H# _# Kcomplete. Activities, which when delayed have an impact on the total project C* e" A8 f7 U; F3 K schedule, are critical and are said to be on the critical path. , s7 [ b7 Q2 e2 l! |8 z! ]Critical Risk The existence of a vulnerability that could cause exceptionally grave damage to % w1 K: }3 Z$ \' C, G7 U% Qthe viability or the operational effectiveness of the SDS. 2 R6 S- ], `/ |" Q/ E1 b' y/ D& dCritical Security ' O9 m+ x I" GRisk! O4 t$ u# B4 ?- V: b3 f3 B The existence of a security vulnerability that, if exploited by an adversary, could7 o% W* {, o1 P cause exceptionally grave damage to the viability of the BMD or the operational 5 f9 I. `& c; L1 meffectiveness of the SDS. Critical risks assume an adversary’s capability to 1 i4 E& S( J# z# y( l9 hcause major system disruption or degradation (e.g., single point failure), % n& \: M$ I: Y. q F3 g idestruction of mission-critical components, or usurpation of system functions.# ?2 b& W7 w; Q: v2 ^. p9 P Critical! N7 K9 e4 j+ a3 d; b Supporting 7 p+ q7 w( T; n1 F' J4 M3 h- Z, ~Technology7 w. x. C$ k ] A technology that program management personnel consider a critical part of the: \$ O, K. f- b- V X program being described.2 [" r7 r" m& K& y* ?2 B5 a CRLCMP Computer Resources Life-Cycle Management Plan.# ^7 \2 L% }$ E l: J# p" U- d8 Z CRM Computer Resources Management. A- ^8 v i) P8 U% {2 XCRMP Computer Resources Management Plan. 1 {8 |+ c1 L0 W' ACRO Chemical Release Observation. : q3 K" i1 V% j8 _( nCRP (1) Command and Reporting Post. (2) Control and Reporting Point (JFACC9 I. Q$ p$ E5 M$ A8 V3 ? term.) - \1 [& G# Q* P! f3 v+ u# o1 D$ lMDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 C- c! G+ ]; _* y0 i 664 o! M; v9 q1 P2 X/ W CRS (1) Computer Resources Support. (2) Congressional Research Service. (3) 8 t7 ^8 Z$ g8 p0 PContractor Reporting System.8 _5 `0 P0 u* T6 P" c CRT Cathode Ray Tube. * N/ w+ j& j( |* pCRWG Computer Resource Working Group.0 A9 h7 |) L: M: _2 U" K Cryocoolers Cryogenic Coolers. 7 j2 i! m) M0 y% \; [; r9 lCryogenic Of or related to cryogens (substances which are used to obtain low 0 Q% ~1 X2 P+ P& ntemperatures). $ w T1 G3 t) x: e w8 ^Crypto A designation or marking which identifies classified operational keying material,* W: k- ]8 N; r" q3 ^7 h4 ~ and which indicates that this material requires special consideration with respect) k! F3 g) z- X to access, storage and handling. # a/ u/ r; Q5 |$ w( q; sCryptographic: S" A0 q& H" _5 z0 |7 f5 G System& e1 @7 O$ x( C$ f9 p4 b4 c1 y The documents, devices, equipment, and associated techniques that are used* _7 k) N- q% e as a unit to provide a single means of encryption (enciphering or encoding). 4 T( {5 J0 w0 k. H0 J: DCryptology The science that deals with hidden, disguised, or encrypted communications. It1 ]! h4 b% |6 S- R includes communications security and communications intelligence., n' ^! z7 I; s CS (1) OBSOLETE. See Corps SAM. (2) Contracting Specialist. (3) Contract Start. ; S0 W* R# s, D% Q, s2 tCS/CSS Combat Support and Combat Service Support (USAF budget term)., e+ I& J: w1 c+ e CSA Chief of Staff of the Army., M2 V$ {+ {4 ^) } D CSAF Chief of Staff of the Air Force. $ v6 H+ `- W4 k, M: `CSC Computer Software Component. 0 {) ]3 M" C# z" E; f$ u2 aCSCE OBSOLETE – Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe. (See OSCE) 3 ~7 m; z: j9 }0 Y# w) u- u* S$ ICSCSC Cost/Schedule Control System Criteria.2 I9 s$ X+ k5 t* M CSD (1) Constant Speed Drive. (2) Critical System Demonstration./ e6 U! B6 } Y& a* V: S CSE Center for Security Evaluations (DCI).5 E3 D1 n1 A! Y4 x$ v/ W CSEDS Combat System Engineering Development Site, supporting the AEGIS Weapon ) H! _; m6 e8 u8 y( O* n' ^System, located in Cherry Hill, NJ.* _ U$ E) o3 K/ r, ] CSF Consolidated Support Facility, Arlington, VA. : D. O( R4 s. u9 u, sCSI (1) Critical Safety Item. (2) Critical Sustainability Item. # x# u2 b3 W/ Y$ \- q5 L/ p+ lCSIP Current Systems Improvement Program. 6 e1 L+ V" _* y% i6 n0 lCSIZE Constellation Size.) W1 ]8 A5 d9 y3 |* q CSL Computer Systems Laboratory.# o, g8 h' ~' `0 m# n' j* t8 m CSM (1) Core Support Module (*C2E term). (2) Communications Support Model.5 ?$ u/ A" ^) b% Z2 U% r+ ~5 S8 ~7 X CSNI Communications Shared Network Interface (NATO term).0 V b9 t5 g8 h- g MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 C " @+ X) H% ^( y6 k2 h1 c# P$ q671 u$ P2 G; \3 M) n CSO Closely Spaced Objects.+ c3 n8 `5 Q5 p0 n) ? `: P CSOC See Consolidated Space Operations Center. 5 B4 u2 j! G9 s/ V3 a5 CCSOM Computer System Operator’s Manual / ?9 F5 T b4 A) wCSOSS Combat System Operational System Sequencing 8 q7 y( P5 g; ^) c6 PCSP Communications Support Processor (numerous locations, including USAF Air ( N( w$ {& p9 @Development Center, Rome, NY term).7 j- B5 l* l: j" N CSRD Computer System Requirements Document. 9 p' f' N' l3 ECSS (1) Cooperating Space System. (2) Communications System Segment. (3)- s, Q. D+ T9 e- b1 d. T Contractor Support Services. (4) Common Sharing System. (5) Communications 8 l {( L* K+ g6 j! jSupport System (Navy term). (6) Common Support System. (7) Combat Service 3 O0 p4 R& x0 A" v i' gSupport.6 d* A5 D3 z1 l& T' D: v CSSCS Combat Service Support Control System (USA term).6 q( ]. X( m; q2 Y6 m CSSPAB Computer System Security and Privacy Advisory Board.7 i5 Q- H6 N1 \3 {" j: ^ CSSO Computer Systems Security Officer.8 F. f. d! A& i. i2 k CSSTSS Combat Service Support Training Simulation System (US Army term). 6 R6 ?: ?5 t) wCSTC Consolidated Space Test Center.7 J/ J6 B, Q. }* Z* i, F CSTI Civil Space Technology Initiative. 9 v0 X' Z9 X7 \; [+ e, E: `CSU (1) Computer Software Unit. (2) Communications System Utilization.. Y( T# _: T. G* V$ a CSUR Communications System Utilization Report. ) O, e- q7 V, x; A/ M) wCT (1) Counter-terrorism. (2) Communications Terminal. (3) Control Telemetry.2 o& b% i, ?: Q+ @1 x (4) Cryptologic Technician (Navy occupation specialty). * v, I5 z- h; x3 v0 A1 {3 \. SCTACS Contingency Theater Air Control System (JFACC term).* f# i/ F1 B" u& ] CTAPS Contingency Theater Automated Planning System (USAF).0 Y5 s+ [: t" z1 T CTB (1) Communications Test Bed. (2) Comprehensive Test Ban [Treaty term]. z3 `7 h8 v: v _ CTBM Conventionally-0armed TBM.! Y4 t m! g* u5 } CTC Combat Training Center, Ft. Leavenworth, KS. 9 `! ^# j B1 H7 l8 FCTCC Critical Technology Coordinating Committee.1 p, l) [" C ?( V9 e) r$ Q CTD Communications Test Driver.& {& U& V6 _. A. |/ e. A CTE (1) Center for Test and Evaluation (JIEO term) (2) Common Test Environment.1 q: [& P$ J6 } CTEIP Central Test and Evaluation Investment Program. A DoD program for centrally * b$ Q6 i% ]7 m% Afunding selected test investments proposed by the Services and Defense ! q( E: Z& L0 X' t( s! K+ |" CAgencies (including MDA).

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MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 C/ I9 T1 @4 K; w4 W# Q8 L) ]8 X1 i 61 % ?+ L; h3 M" ~, d, ~# `8 hControl and# ~7 `6 [1 g5 ^& y Reporting Center 7 f" S S3 N* u" v/ u3 RAn element of the US Air Force tactical air control system, subordinate to the 3 d9 i6 u$ W. M0 m, V! K! ktactical air control center, from which radar control and warning operations are 1 L& p: | z2 mconducted within its area of responsibility., l G$ |3 w V Control and 5 i' _% @- K5 Y8 E$ V* eReporting Post$ q. L6 s, c. J* @# }- z0 r An element of the US Air Force tactical air control system, subordinate to the" e/ k9 d. C) y( u/ j control and reporting center, that provides radar control and surveillance within* w* v4 p& E( |" F its area of responsibility.* n, j; n4 ^' D5 K: n Control Area A controlled airspace extending upwards from a specified limit above the Earth. : s8 i* h u" k$ K' a$ p: z5 n. ]Controlled # A) e8 E( P! e% ?9 ], }Environment$ @" b0 [2 z N' g% p Area where entry into the radiation hazard area is controlled.' W/ _! ^, w4 {5 h8 p# P2 R Control ) M7 \* [6 B a/ TProcedure$ X: T( J6 @# z* ^+ U The means used to control the orderly communication of information between : X& K% G% R6 R/ l+ c! w0 j8 }stations on a data link. Also called line discipline. , Q% s9 B# ^" m% _* HControl Station The station on a network, which supervises the network control procedures such 8 W$ T% I7 G2 u* G. a7 Xas polling, selecting, and recovery. It also is responsible for establishing order & [8 W% o8 x/ Y- ron the line in the event of contention, or any other abnormal situation, arising+ y6 i+ d g% H0 Y' z, C6 D l between any stations on the network.8 ^ U2 m! j( S. t. ~ Control Zone The space, expressed in feet or radius, that surrounds equipment that is used to . u6 ]: z* I' o' l N$ T" f. N* Qprocess sensitive defense information and that is under sufficient physical and / D- k$ U1 P# ^& Z# Y8 E3 G/ Ptechnical control to preclude an unauthorized entry or compromise.: _( \4 t' T! B2 c1 _: C CONUS Continental United States. ! n4 s1 b. C, s. L3 |Conventional Co-1 d- m0 M1 r! E: S, A0 u: b Production' B9 E* n" X0 m: E' j An effort between governments to produce the same end item, or components / D8 I' Z* S) Tof the same end item, in concert.2 P5 { b6 z. D0 t n; o- [- b9 e Conventional ! Y# G- m0 _7 N0 y3 o T! tWeapon) |, _4 l+ L& M7 v A weapon that is neither nuclear, biological, nor chemical.: C* Z, E2 D( _) r" n$ n7 c* {" x0 y Coop Cooperative 2 w7 n+ o0 {6 V7 e7 u O0 ZCoordinated / \& o! N* N& f* [Engagement 0 h6 m9 r5 {; z7 Y2 ^4 EPlanning/Actions / G6 J5 R- |' Y( ^( YNecessary coordination among engagement components to ensure maximum 0 n: X: i; ]3 W* xeffectiveness of the SDS and resources are not wasted on targets already ( D$ ^+ p" c' L' ^( Utargeted. ( Y, X2 X% E- [Coordinating 2 @8 L6 ?, C4 V4 z- j) C3 WAuthority 0 {- Y1 w d' s0 }: e, u; f' s6 LA commander or individual assigned responsibility for coordinating specific) Y; @4 [% @ Y0 F: I2 f functions of activities involving forces of two or more Services or two or more ' ]3 P6 K( g$ Q [, D- L O$ Rforces of the same Service. The commander or individual has the authority to 7 r9 u/ O0 q( yrequire consultation between the agencies involved, but does not have the 6 ]8 G7 a0 X0 k; b* {2 l4 lauthority to compel agreement. In the event that essential agreement cannot be/ N& y& u: A4 {, N; _" H reached, the matter shall be referred to the appointing authority.. ?8 y* z/ G3 ~ COP Committee of Principals : @4 b+ a$ Z1 k5 @3 bCOR Contracting Officer’s Representative. Contracting Officer. 6 D/ M+ o, |/ n* `CORBA Common Object Request Broker Architecture.& h! N% n, y/ z/ i h CORM Commission on Roles and Missions. 0 X( O. `5 A! `- E' J' {# ` G1 cMDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 C, E4 d: _7 A4 S; R 62, h: \) ?( D8 w7 | Corner Reflector (1) A device, normally consisting of three metallic surfaces or screens ( _" U4 {3 v0 g) \ operpendicular to one another, designed to act as a radar target or + r* I5 v1 m ^& q- c" P- I* omarker.3 ?0 P3 J$ E" s- K% `1 A3 V ?1 ]4 ~ (2) In radar interpretation, an object that, by means of multiple reflections ( B0 Y5 Y% {, e" r( L2 n- u' w" Xfrom smooth surfaces, produces a radar return of greater magnitude than- a- r9 Z& r" H' y( m# Z: w t might be expected from the physical size of the object./ j7 p7 C; _( b1 P1 I Corps SAM OBSOLETE. See Medium Extended Air Defense System. ( m0 {/ y/ ^, tCorrelation (1) The process of relating observations or tracks from one set of data to! H# a! d$ G% d2 b1 x observations or tracks from another set of data, i.e., collecting data from 9 f w9 i& W+ b: E, V1 z wdifferent frames or sensors that presumably relate to the same target. (2) $ f, _4 T% g/ l- [# X0 _$ t' [In air defense, the determination that an aircraft appearing on a 3 H O: C# o3 x& y: r$ j- l( Aradarscope, on a plotting board, or visual is the same as that on which& _3 S: l9 O2 c5 D information is being received form another source. (3) In intelligence * j3 n1 h6 C4 @" D$ L0 j# xusage, the process which associates and combines data on a single & U Y& P, P6 z3 X: L; B9 wentity or subject from independent observations, in order to improve the( g( Z9 l$ Y8 T- a. U' q/ x reliability or credibility or the information.: f! c7 y, {+ X COSEMS Evolving architecture operations support tool. ) s- ]) o0 \. WCOSM Computer System Operator’s Manual$ c" ^2 d. T J9 Z! c# h COSMIC NATO security category. 8 I) c9 F8 C LCost Analysis 1 `/ X4 u% ?7 D/ s8 N( A$ AImprovement" s% h A, e, ~ Group (CAIG) 3 H* p0 e$ z# v" BAn organization within the office of OSD Director, PA&E which advises the DAB8 L. t h! Z1 X* p; ` on all matters concerning the estimation, review, and presentation of cost ( B/ X+ f: u' g' Zanalysis of future weapon systems. The CAIG also develops common cost. Y M: q4 }, V; x: F estimating procedures for DoD.0 \) f; D4 q z# f$ ? Cost Analysis & h7 B9 w$ c% k$ \: {0 DRequirements x6 M! D5 |* `5 r- R. h Document B- @ i( p5 l# `' M' z (CARD)" f, G$ X6 \: C* K0 a$ t+ | | The document describing the technical baseline, which is a subset of current! }9 e. W' D; @& v system technical data and is used to generate the baseline cost estimate for an + ?8 Y0 I. I6 |5 C+ t* dSDS element. It includes, but is not limited to, the element description, 5 M% d( N: Z: z0 O' I. m$ C, [interfaces, operational concept quantity requirements, manpower requirements,2 _9 ^; p3 N L2 H! [ activity rates, schedules, research and development-phasing plan, and facilities ' m' e. F( F n4 A. ~" irequirements.: u* x& `. c& I* b6 W Cost and % L) Q9 q3 K" V+ k: h/ vOperational - P, m( E1 M* L: d N. C7 k1 XEffectiveness + Q1 h- w# X5 p+ ]Analysis (COEA). b6 i% o+ X* O0 y An analysis of the estimated costs and operational effectiveness of alternative 4 a7 u% N$ C/ s4 l" d# F$ ]materiel systems to meet a mission need, and the associated program for - {, ~# }' c. u! k6 ]acquiring each alternative. 9 O" q; `4 ]+ V4 f% F$ f7 r7 CCost Risk Cost estimating risk and schedule/technical risk. Cost estimating risk is the risk7 W! X- ~. z8 A due to cost estimating errors and the statistical uncertainty in the estimate. ; \/ _: S3 T9 w( h9 J; @& @Schedule/technical risk is risk due to inability to conquer the problems posed by/ [$ O& m( }1 w1 k1 z; }* ]5 w: } the intended design9 \5 s9 S* r, F0 v' p% g0 F5 z0 R COTR Contracting Officer’s Technical Representative. See Contracting Officer. . j! H4 ~; J) z1 a9 P3 K2 u# TCOTS Commercial Off-The-Shelf.' Y/ J. c1 `+ K Counterair A US Air Force term for air operations conducted to attain and maintain a desired / _6 j- g) d# O/ udegree of air superiority by the destruction or neutralization or enemy forces.: E0 X- U' d7 H Both air offensive and air defensive actions are involved. The former range }$ I0 c% C4 Xthroughout enemy territory and are generally conducted at the initiative of ; p2 y6 ^; g/ ]" ^+ Sfriendly forces. The latter are conducted near or over friendly territory and are ) m7 q6 s0 v6 R3 D1 [: l1 p/ w+ [generally reactive to the initiative of the enemy air forces.8 ?2 d3 z. @; h. g- ~& u) c MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 C7 Q1 }* q4 i: I5 M7 j l7 v5 k 63 ; n$ M- Z& y c4 ECountercountermeasures( F! U2 p; m S( G0 y- e9 R* W (CCM)4 n( J; n K) g/ H" B% C4 Q Measures taken by the defense to defeat offensive countermeasures.2 X9 ~" S5 d/ V) ?; t Counterforce The employment of strategic air and missile forces in an effort to destroy, or : p" y. P0 H. w% srender impotent, selected military capabilities of an enemy force under any of the7 G' I" c, |( }* B circumstances by which hostilities may be initiated.; p6 q- c% X; H0 |1 W# Z1 \4 ^ Countermeasure A design or procedural measure taken against covert or overt attacks. - @; Q: V2 R2 C# A( r/ ICountermeasure* }/ X) Y- q- L% F+ w1 u4 G" m+ D8 Q s (CM)0 B( u2 q F- F That form of military science that by the employment of devices and/or& t0 F* ?( G" w* l# O$ H5 F techniques has as its objective the impairment of the operational effectiveness of 1 G* j! ]9 ~" W0 N+ ]9 Senemy activity. : c1 W7 W9 a+ U+ k" pCountermeasure 8 q# f) M3 N& X7 u# ds Rejection: ^3 O$ E, w5 }3 \* o- A" I9 T (Surveillance)+ ^' K1 |2 ]! Q, Z8 G! P+ q4 W Improvement or rejection of an object signal in the presence of : p2 ]' t' O6 B; e: ycountermeasures. : |* F9 W6 D* _7 B: m9 L6 DCourse of Action/ X% M# x: R# X5 Z (COA) / e4 `: P' G9 i% ?8 F! w(1) Any sequence of acts that an individual or unit may follow. (2) A possible 6 u- P$ v. d; \# Dplan open to an individual or command that would accomplish or is* @- D( s2 j) } related to the accomplishment of his mission. (3) The scheme adopted' F/ z: f/ V1 v) G, M: p% t to accomplish a job or mission. (4) A line of conduct in an engagement.3 E/ k; M; F& \" W" J& a (5) A plan to accomplish a mission. It describes the execution concept0 |3 ^% c) }3 G8 f/ F/ k for BMD of North America. It will specify the engagement priorities,) F# P( s' e7 F I5 c' a, s resource allocation and desired results by Area of Operation (AO). * Z1 R7 h6 c! l# u1 n( v2 {(USSPACECOM) (6) The scheme adopted to accomplish a task or ; P: Z& T5 r' w- _mission. It is a product of the Joint Operation Planning and Execution / D9 H1 F/ b: q# L! WSystem concept development phase. The supported commander will - R# E& |. q- y4 K- D' Kinclude a recommended course of action in the commander’s estimate.9 ~( @/ Z. m1 r5 {8 y9 Q9 B# h: l The recommended course of action will include the concept of' M0 V' O* n: P0 n8 g9 p operations, evaluation of supportability estimates of supporting - y I& q6 S9 O7 Dorganizations, and an integrated time-phased data base of combat," G f* E* N- C& t" L combat support, and combat service support forces and sustainment.# g. t2 y2 f; C* q$ ~% i$ q Refinement of this database will be contingent on the time available for 0 j- _- F5 f8 P0 @4 Ucourse of action development. When approved, the course of action + B( z7 i" C) } v* L, T( gbecomes the basis for the development of an operation plan or , ? v$ i' ?/ Q) o& ?$ zoperation order.! |5 ?! f- e% X/ C2 J7 { Coverage (1) The ground area represented on imagery, photomaps, mosaics, maps, 5 c4 M3 Y8 k& f. z6 U9 s) e/ Oand other geographical presentation systems. (2) Cover or protection, as 5 W& L1 B0 |% gthe coverage of troops by supporting fire. (3) The extent to which ' |# s% H" r3 F, tintelligence information is available in respect to any specified area of / j/ V" G' ]9 y6 a: b. l5 l6 ~0 @- Uinterest. (4) The summation of the geographical areas and volumes of ) w& f" s6 D* v, K' w9 F. @aerospace under surveillance., b$ O5 B3 B( n8 u Covert Timing ( ^+ b- u2 ? gChannel% c) c l7 O/ ?& ]3 ]2 T" j; | A covert channel in which one process signals information to another by : P& i0 }+ k3 N- }, s2 Q! ^* M6 _modulating its own use of system resources in such a way that this manipulation ' i* \ ]2 F9 A0 e! Jaffects the real response time observed by the second process.5 \ f% G4 G" O f, Y, q CP Command Post.( Q5 G$ a6 t. s: Q4 B; Z) p CPA (1) Chairman’s Program Assessment. (2) Closest Point of Approach. / T( S2 N$ d( ^CPAF Cost Plus Award Fee. $ |+ l% h& J* b/ A- WCPAM Chief of Naval Operations Program Assessment Memorandum (Navy) . w. h# S7 D! ~" H, _ X; GMDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 C ' o' b% R2 Y0 k641 q; _+ L, y; V CPAR Cost Performance Assessment Report.. d7 s \- V' j- g, h CPAT Critical Process Assessment Tool 4 S) ?5 C9 {& oCPB Charged Particle Beam.1 L3 \2 v1 t5 Z5 O/ E CPEV Communications/Processor [Network] Experimental Version. 9 ^) v* a: v8 }1 D4 F" BCPFF Cost Plus Fixed Fee. 8 v, Q5 ~9 i7 e& z" I2 S* t) lCPIF Cost Plus Incentive Fee. - `) P3 w. \; P. L3 d3 b; JCPIPT Cost-Performance Integrated Product (Process) Team. ' b. V! {5 A8 `- {6 GCPM (1) Critical Path Method. (2) Contractor Performance Measurement.& Q5 e$ K+ N# r2 B- N. _' ~5 s% q CPP Critical Performance Parameter. , _, g4 u+ |1 p$ M; @2 N) N4 r+ ?CPR Cost Performance Report. # S1 K) ~; O" m9 A4 ?& p# P" ~4 s6 FCPR/NC Cost Performance Report/No Criteria (Contract management term). % Z6 G# C0 M7 zCPS (1) Consolidated Program Summary. 2 }! d8 q5 m# ^ j4 P5 B(2) Competitive Prototyping Strategy. 2 K" P( P) i* b(3) Current Program Status.4 K' l& g R/ g+ l' x CPU Central Processing Unit (TelComm/Computer term). b2 Y1 B9 S0 RCPX See Command Post Exercise. 5 ^; j$ P. y2 {; @2 o' a% h6 pCQAE Chief/Contract Quality Assurance Evaluator. 4 e5 T( K' c8 N( W1 {CR (1) Computer Resources. (2) Continuing Resolution (US Congress term).8 X5 p- W# I8 V8 l' t; N* I CR-UAV Close Range Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. / I! R: Q) |5 G+ m; nCRA (1) Coordinating Review Authority. (2) Command Relationships Agreement; f* |( f& j/ x- K CRADA Cooperative Research and Development Agreement.' D8 P/ }" r1 r; E CRAM (1) Control Random Access Memory.: |* X) \- q6 U) U5 | (2) Cross-tie Random Access Memory (Computer term). # v8 q2 Q+ E2 O0 N8 `+ X5 H; c' DCRB Configuration Review Board.7 Y+ S5 h. q4 C& Z. b3 i3 O$ T CRC Control and Reporting Center.5 L, u& f+ G. a$ ? CRD (1) Capstone Requirements Document.1 o" f9 i3 L: G( E8 Y (2) Component Requirements Document.7 \" v8 J" Y+ L5 ? E CRDA Cooperative Research and Development Agreement.$ c# f2 q4 D) {7 \$ B# h' L CRG Communications Relay Groups (PATRIOT).- C4 I' V" \" S) a CRI Classification, Recognition and Identification.2 z5 g8 N4 ~ P5 i( F; e" n CRISD Computer Resources Integrated Support Document

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发表于 2008-12-25 20:02:37 |只看该作者
COMSAT Communications Satellite Corporation * A) `5 Y6 U3 p0 y; ~4 d# q6 ?2 t: L5 BCOMSEC Communications Security.. n8 w [2 S3 o2 j( S2 N Concept5 o2 ]# F5 e$ b& R8 _0 S Exploration & - r$ e3 Y1 N: _6 a7 h2 zDefinition # G5 U" o) s* @, yThe initial phase (Phase 0) of the system acquisition process, beginning at % F$ r0 O. r0 F, t; qMission Need Determination. During this phase, the acquisition strategy is- R) \6 _ g9 N. E developed, system alternatives are proposed and examined, and the system " ?9 Z R+ c3 J, v" g$ rprogram requirements document is expanded to support subsequent phases. 7 {2 q& ` D1 `- C4 J6 r( \! P7 H1 Q4 qConcept of 7 X' k: d Z/ XOperations ) j- ^. r* B. ]% u# G5 k(CONOPS) 1 ?# t; ]! i( b6 s6 Z5 ?7 x) X(1) A statement, in broad outline, of a commander’s outline or intent in regard to, W$ m' Y6 ^+ h an operation or series of operations. The concept is designed to give an overall u; o; o0 X/ I! w+ Vpicture of the operation. (MDA Lexicon), b) M1 b8 C8 y+ E$ y+ M } (2) A verbal or graphic statement, in broad outline, of a commander’s 8 I. F0 f$ i& v7 m% ]& _assumptions or intent in regard to an operation or series of operations. The5 O% d. {& J# q U! `' H concept of operations frequently is embodied in campaign plans and operation ) S b1 R" m3 c& \& Z& }# p0 Qplans; in the later case, particularly when the plans cover a series of connected% N9 S. }- O% Z B" c# x+ X) j operations to be carried out simultaneously or in succession. The concept is' J& d/ }% p: h5 e designed to give an overall picture of the operation. It is included primarily for# J. X1 i6 @2 S! c4 {7 q) F! o additional clarity of purpose.! X. S: g5 C) y Concept Plan An operation plan in concept format. Also called CONPLAN. 0 @) q; N" S* L! ?Concurrency Part of an acquisition strategy which combines or overlaps two or more phases of + q& ~! t" R5 L- q! kthe acquisition process, or combines development T&E with operational T&E. ; W. y, k, i) w/ A$ G$ b' fConcurrent 5 Y4 Q5 K9 l0 C2 kEngineering3 O5 y2 G- s$ z: h A systematic approach to the integrated, simultaneous design of products and ; O& \2 y' Y2 Stheir related processes, including manufacture and support. This approach is 0 ?! c5 j% |; W0 M2 Yintended to cause developers, from the beginning, to consider all elements of( }. U) k. t6 X7 V! x9 ~1 h( H the system life cycle from requirements development through dispersal, including) m; Q" _, t* U cost, schedule, and performance. 6 \# F) v& h; U- `! jCONEX CONOPS Exerciser.1 n. W2 s+ E% b5 q+ T Configuration A collection of an item’s descriptive and governing characteristics, which can be ( |: _: q' S1 fexpressed in functional terms (i.e., what performance the item is expected to & @) c& ]: W' ?; Zachieve); and in physical terms (i.e., what the item should look like and consist of% o( o5 A8 \2 t when it is built).& `1 M- F3 B; D. U2 ~: l/ Q MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 C# P# m; F2 g" A 59 6 O0 A& Y7 U) {# e9 s( hConfiguration 0 m) p' p( k, x& M% s; rAudit: e3 J9 H9 Q4 u j/ r9 C# @8 | One of the Configuration Management tasks which includes a functional 7 ~- K3 F! n% J: f2 k6 B- dconfiguration audit (FCA) to validate that the development of a configuration item! K+ R7 ~. j+ D has been completed satisfactorily and that the configuration item has achieved" k& v2 n4 Z) K6 E; P- ? to specified performance and functional characteristics, and also includes a4 s( q R* w4 f! U7 v0 f1 ^. ], z physical configuration audit (PCA) to verify that the configuration item “As Built” / D& N. K/ V: j7 j! xconforms to the technical documentation which defines the configuration item.2 ]: e& L& A) f2 u Configuration # O) ]7 \; o8 }. ~( q9 zBaseline ' U( {! ~5 k8 I9 KThe configuration documentation formally designated by the Government at a 5 w. q2 v5 x% _specific time during a system’s or configuration item’s life cycle. Configuration5 P G: j# X) c. I baselines, plus approved changes from those baselines, constitute the current % N% M2 C- Q. b9 Econfiguration baselines, namely the functional, allocated, and product baselines.* t) _: \4 q) r Configuration7 L: J0 p4 _4 `: O5 z8 l$ U Control " Z- {' V ]( Q; M& i& cOne of the Configuration Management tasks that involves the systematic( i3 A1 a0 ~4 ] z1 r. @+ |' k evaluation, coordination, approval, or disapproval of proposed changes to the$ z& _4 z# @) f' K* i3 n* F5 g+ p design and construction of a configuration item whose configuration has been 9 G: j+ [4 [& r" m: G! A! [5 C. nformally approved.7 T4 v6 R7 c6 V& \4 W( P Configuration * \! C x9 T7 A) cIdentification" t6 L& d$ S L' R, p One of the Configuration Management tasks, which require that for every( a+ N! q F+ F( g1 p M change that is made to an Automated Data processing (ADP) system, the design( g* ~" h( Z$ [0 F and requirements of the changed version of the system should be identified.) Z. Z1 H3 V3 p7 F f/ k. i Configuration5 {! b# C H7 ^2 x, }7 i/ c+ ?) W Item (CI) # ~* R$ ?9 N! I; X2 ^2 gAn aggregation of system elements that satisfies an end use function and is + w4 }2 [6 F- t- U7 jdesignated by the Government for separate configuration management." R/ V; C3 _ o5 K! W: L Configuration items vary widely in complexity, size, and type. Any item required % H/ b4 G8 g: Hfor logistic support and designated for separate procurement is a configuration 4 z6 ?5 X. p; R$ Titem. Configuration items are traceable to the work breakdown structure (WBS).3 J+ O" d4 d( G6 _ Configuration + s3 D! N1 u% C, c+ GManagement $ U8 ]# O5 \0 h: n(CM) 9 w6 k# b/ \( uIn computer modeling and simulation, a discipline applying technical and5 y& }" z5 j7 E* p administrative oversight and control to identify and document the functional3 |7 R! q W$ B% k5 u requirements and capabilities of a model or simulation and its supporting ' Q- S$ D% a/ @! A, u" ~* Sdatabases, control changes to those capabilities, and document and report the 0 ?& K$ X5 s* {5 V; wchanges. See also Accreditation. 5 M. u( s% }4 [" |' h7 xCONOPS Concept of Operations. : H% Z) Z7 b3 I7 r4 TCONPLAN Concept Plan 8 x; p9 K" M# B; q x, hCONS Contracting Squadron. " V$ I( s2 g4 p/ z4 L# D JConsolidated) M- f* d- Y. E' b Command Center , ^( z: {2 Q) n& Q# A0 q(CCC) : o0 C6 r' H/ ]4 U( B5 o- qA single command center from which USCINCSPACE/CINCNORAD can direct all: W; D6 c4 [: v9 }7 H7 m: L7 r his assigned missions, to include BMD. (USSPACECOM) Located in Colorado& T$ q9 L- l7 T+ D+ d0 [ Springs, CO. / F! S, g7 ^ ]1 M: W( L0 Z2 JConsolidated v& o g! c' y( ZIntelligence 5 l7 M+ k2 Z2 L. K( FWatch (CIW)5 F( E9 G$ x5 }" [1 } A consolidation of intelligence watch functions within the Intelligence Operations ! f% @4 o7 a- G# w3 UCenter (IOC) consisting of the USSPACECOM ITW Center, the NORAD! L6 E5 p' O# A! V6 h" Y/ D Aerospace Defense Intelligence Center (ADIC), and the Air Force Space5 m8 ~# d8 L. U8 u9 J7 Q! y+ } Command Space Intelligence Element (SIE)./ y8 Z( P1 d8 o: r+ h Consolidated9 d7 T4 ~* g8 c2 j Space 1 V* N& H" P7 V- `. F4 N0 O+ F. j2 bOperations2 K' H) t5 p% [0 E Center (CSOC) 3 D. Z; G+ T2 k- @& z5 F3 l. V& i& eSeries of centers at Falcon AFB, CO, which operationally control and maintain! m9 v' {3 R) R2 q2 I assigned DoD satellites. W( b" F2 R7 O/ N% d Consolidated$ i( N4 q' k$ X$ i# t" H* t Space Test % j% q! A |# X/ e s, tCenter (CSTC) 2 X, Q$ V# {, J/ t6 h0 T3 USeries of centers at Onizuka AFB, CA (Sunnyvale), which support launch and1 M R; Z: `! B$ h7 f initial on-orbit checkout of operational satellites, operate R&D satellites, and ! Z3 W2 x7 C( Gserves as a backup to CSOC for operational DoD satellites. ( W& Q: P/ @; v$ v# p7 c; z$ NMDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 C+ s7 ^/ ^: i" c0 x& ]; n 60 + `2 ] A; H/ q! n7 bConstellation % @6 O( b% c, i# Z5 Z5 {! z* ?Size (CSIZE)1 z' _( @* P8 K The number of satellites of a particular system placed in orbit about the earth. $ _, E* p/ R/ V3 G! }* j3 NContact Fuse Device used to detonate warhead on physical contact with another object." j4 r9 T+ S0 \# ]$ J* o& F. a Contingency5 Q& s/ S; _& l Deployment Plan ; d' j2 D7 N; a, `(CDP), `4 N5 S$ F+ p An executable plan designed to deploy an early missile defense capability and3 C) @+ J9 [( ?2 U reduce deployment time. The plan provides specific executable deployment% l2 @ h1 R9 C1 q* e& A options and describes activities required before and after a deployment decision. 6 A: R" Y6 n& eThe plan also allows decision makers to have oversight on technical progress, 8 A; H4 W O1 [' y4 I$ x7 s1 icost, schedule, and risks associated with a deployment system. " X2 V6 J! I( n# {7 d; E" e; ZContinuity of . C8 i: V' J/ d2 c J8 LCommand % I( {& T' }- c8 O! xThe degree or state of being continuous in the exercise of the authority vested 4 A; n4 {9 r5 s: k6 min an individual of the armed forces for the direction, coordination, and control of " ^ Z+ z: i" K: F j2 e5 |military forces.6 n! s2 G+ H0 w L' T Continuity of3 Z1 g' @# \) }6 Y' h) n+ O. A Operations. a4 ^: u: a/ h The degree or state of being continuous in the conduct of functions, tasks, or 2 c1 Q) n3 N* \5 J% Oduties necessary to accomplish a military action or mission in carrying out the+ R4 _/ [! }& D3 q* w national military strategy. It includes the functions and duties of the commander,6 q0 s& g( T0 G' s as well as the supporting functions and duties performed by the staff and others$ c4 z3 b# C: P' X0 @ acting under the authority and direction of the commander. % {6 s; B! U0 I- d' rContract ! W. G; l- m* ?/ Q0 XAdministration / I8 P' H& P, C0 Q; w" Q- mOffice (CAO) & u; m" `- i: t' v6 R UThe activity identified in the DoD Directory of Contract Administration Services + p5 U2 f( ]5 F0 c; VComponents assigned to perform contract administration responsibilities. It is a0 E" n5 Q4 g* c- [1 H( b general term and includes Defense Contract Management Regions (DCMRs), / T2 _. b: ~/ h( O2 }1 BDefense Contract Management Area Operations (DCMAOs), and Defense Plant ! M% i; h9 u1 i$ C6 t3 ?" ~Representative Offices (DPROs). (Defense Systems Management College) t- E1 `( E" S) ] Glossary)2 G0 ]9 R% Z6 R Contract Data / K" D: c$ p# N$ e2 M, w2 PRequirements ; `4 b$ l. v' Q4 U& X. SList (CDRL) / m3 C7 s/ b- @, B/ uDocument used to order (“buy”) and require delivery of data. Tells contractor ( s; D2 ~( R- O" _* _: Dwhat data to deliver, when and how it will be accepted, where to look for 6 t' x0 m! z6 M, Z: Jinstructions, etc.2 \. Y3 @& Z$ M4 x0 r! z! S Contract & @9 q$ G I% w1 ]' S% IDefinition) q4 `$ E: f9 H1 u A funded effort, normally by two or more competing contractors, to establish# J- G* O" b- }% t3 s specifications, to select technical approaches, to identify high-risk areas, and to 2 }3 e) G: I6 [2 ^- Xmake cost and production time estimates for developing large weapons systems., O$ u& Y6 n, G' g4 ^5 | Contract Work" @* P* f, F5 `8 N Breakdown. i$ _ Q& }* q6 C# @1 u6 T Structure5 d0 r0 R% l: n8 J( N The complete WBS for a contract developed and used by a contractor within the 3 ^* b' | p ^7 H! {guidelines of MIL-STD 881A, and in accordance with the contract statement of i9 N3 ~9 `2 q work.6 U/ l8 S' l1 r# r1 z Contracting - ]& y) j% z7 P; l* k+ C jOfficer (CO): L8 n2 U o# j% J A person with the authority to enter into, administer, or terminate contracts and 1 d }6 h5 M9 ?7 I. R, f5 N7 Qmake related determinations and findings. The term includes any authorized4 V1 v, n1 D3 n& g$ l/ s: N n representatives of the CO acting within the limits of their authority. A CO whose % ^* s! g0 j- fprimary responsibility is to administer contracts is an Administrative Contracting v+ I7 E8 I: H% ` Officer. One whose primary responsibility is to terminate contracts and/or settle F5 t% G9 i- Y7 O5 o- M0 I f3 i terminated contracts is a Termination Contracting Officer. A single contracting + F* T, F8 O- f* w$ k6 [( f! iofficer may be responsible for duties in any or all of these areas.5 s+ Q' w- f; v* D" w5 o Control Authority that may be less than full command exercised by a commander over 7 ?( {. b5 m" t( H! K) mpart of the activities of subordinate or other organizations.* D% l$ D4 F+ R& p4 I" o: S2 u$ |( f Control6 d# Z9 e# _+ h6 h Abstraction - M/ f# B% ~/ g) O7 \(Software) The process of extracting the essential characteristics of control by # e' H. U* x$ Y" v' Bdefining abstract mechanisms and their associated characteristics while ( J* s+ T$ v3 s" A- _% mdisregarding low-level details and the entities to be controlled.

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发表于 2008-12-25 20:02:14 |只看该作者
Common: O! a- \' ~9 I, Z, V Automated 8 Q2 ~+ Z5 [1 J$ \System3 [8 Q5 [9 [- z0 c5 R Execution (CASE)/ ^8 O: N. N. B8 x8 ^2 p2 f, K An Army segment of the Command and Control Element responsible for the SDS8 j! v$ ?$ C2 Z' Y1 r: o% M functions which task the associated sensors and weapons (e.g., WTA) and% A+ Q/ P+ X- a( I process the information resulting from those taskings (e.g., perform multi-sensor # k' z7 L. ? R$ j5 p6 utrack function). Expected to consist of survivable computer hardware and x. |( n9 J$ \6 @# `software.* r4 x8 L6 |5 o8 Y8 w. P Common ' w& j$ }5 \( ^& t1 @" ^Integration and 8 B; B; `$ w8 B' X, XTasks Execution7 R8 J% G1 @, [/ e% K (CITE)6 j: Y9 D6 Q+ r$ x K7 e2 `1 L7 a An Air Force segment of the Command and Control Element that performs multisensor data correlation and tactics execution for space based elements. ( O& H* T9 _8 X- X! s, DExpected to consist of survivable computer hardware and software.2 Y, K. z# Q% T6 i# A Common Mode) B9 q$ |& s z u Y- L Failure 1 U# a; b5 c& Z, L) [* e$ X" _ CA type of system failure in which diverse components are disabled by the same * U- k- [; j/ H9 l! S$ A8 Zsingle cause. . b7 J' V. ]* y2 [0 c5 ^Communication0 X/ M- f* x. d3 B) T$ @ Control Character1 o9 t2 X4 G; k5 z3 i* X A functional character intended to control or facilitate transmission over data 1 e7 g* S; ?7 x$ B& ]8 ^2 Knetworks. There are 10 control characters specified in ASCII, which form the 8 R$ x. S) Y6 [+ y; z6 d& V. wbasis for character-oriented communications control procedures. 6 P6 Q2 T7 T! v. iCommunications* e K2 k) T% B$ u& a7 @$ P Data Base- \5 C% W' q. K/ u0 D- B Communications data files and updates including, but not limited to, $ h: ^5 u3 [& N! e1 }5 K9 tcommunications message file, network management file, information! h, P7 p% w' T4 p; ~ management file, link quality file, synchronization file, security file and- e1 u0 g" u {2 p; X0 R communications health and status file. ( F2 v* s& H5 Q% f# u. lCommunications3 [0 p9 Q$ {; _ Intelligence! @* ?* X+ t3 I (COMINT) 4 W% z$ V9 }* z# z: S" T# WTechnical and intelligence information derived from foreign communications by- `. x! r$ m! T( Q# U6 E+ n- T other than intended recipients. 9 A# l& ^5 C( [- }% y; lCommunications' R' G1 s) R% ^1 Q Security 8 b& u8 d1 _2 B L0 q3 U- _4 o) c(COMSEC) # O- ?: j& p, Z3 }6 c* f! h! xThe protection resulting from all measures designed to deny unauthorized/ u: }& _' h/ \+ Y persons information of value, which might be derived from the possession and/ m N# ^+ v& J# C0 |- u3 c study of telecommunications, or to mislead unauthorized persons in their4 g3 R% ?+ ]9 ^) z3 T0 d( | interpretation of the results of such possession and study. Communications4 \' ?, t$ v: A1 z2 N. i# `3 j; m. r security includes crypto security; transmission security; emission security; and 4 G4 H. J0 w% W- {& o4 zphysical security of communications security materials and information. * p1 Y! x- [+ T% a* xCommunications6 B9 K% C6 o& x. f9 F: r System Segment$ ]" \) U5 F, i% E% x (CSS) 5 H8 T1 k4 j9 bThe communications front end for all Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Base ! u) `) y* A3 ^2 `7 J5 \(CMAFB) missions for non-common user traffic, performing circuit and message ; E- v- q( D* U/ Y8 ], ?switching.: d& u- L1 B) F* V2 k+ R' z Communications 2 H. Q* m4 i& }, U7 gSystem 8 d& W' a, Y6 h" f; TSynchronization+ H3 _4 p. k6 C Coordination of timing among communications system elements to permit " Y% D; Y& }, O, Z- h ~transmission/reception of messages/data which may be distorted by time delays# @2 f0 D1 H M% o' D and Doppler shifts between communications nodes. , Z2 E+ H4 ?$ nCommunications0 c4 R, U3 q9 L1 A: z3 w$ z' s" c Zone" e% N- }$ _* G0 |; `9 r Rear part of the theater of operations (behind but contiguous to the combat9 k) W$ ?, S% C) l4 Z; u zone) which contains the lines of communications, establishments for supply and 1 j, C' n8 q8 j) ]+ V% H5 A, M7 sevacuation, and other agencies required for the immediate support and. s5 }, A+ s% X0 C; U/ P) f maintenance of the field forces. f& \, a g1 J p6 c: L; N6 u COMNAVFOR Commander, Naval Forces.! V% z" ^7 ?2 w. a4 p) X MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 C % b% E' S0 z& w1 P57% Z C0 h& O7 I' C2 ~. A COMNAV- . F {; q! w$ n' W. G- W5 I1 DSEASYSCOM2 \8 b* ~% ?1 D8 H Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command.5 u0 f% ?% }1 _ COMNAV- / j4 J, _' n; T6 o1 J X" \SPACECOM 7 c; G0 u! n4 i1 e5 _1 k/ gCommander, Naval Space Command.) e9 g# ~ G) t1 M3 T9 C1 q# U COMNAVSECGRU Commander Naval Security Group.* n( _3 O. K9 x6 n" } COMOCK Computer Mock-up : H. t( I2 X* c0 a- d$ g' m. }COMOPTEVFOR Commander, Operational Test and Evaluation Force (Navy).: n, x, \5 h9 q2 R5 V Comp Completion. & Q ^2 d- [7 BCOMPASS Common Operational Mission Planning and Support System (Army term) / @7 { Q3 n! J: tCOMPES Contingency Operations/Mobility Planning and Executing System., @1 L( Y# A& |! T" M. P Component Subsystem, assembly, or subassembly of logically grouped hardware and+ p/ z7 A. a' U7 J2 R5 Z software, that performs interacting tasks to provide BMDS capability at a ; ~- `% m! k4 }2 r* G" S5 v2 \functional level. ( X) R8 Y5 T# u" `! ~ F0 ]6 ]Component : y( V2 e4 N; Q: aAcquisition6 w H/ W. X4 e& Z" H- s Executive- o5 T( y" M4 j( O* O& u A single official within a DoD component who is responsible for all acquisition' b* {2 E6 |9 Q3 X functions within that Component. This includes Service Acquisition Executives, n: n8 c2 L4 }7 V% Q% T. v for the Military Departments and Acquisition Executives in other DoD components' q7 M4 m1 v5 C" x that have acquisition management responsibilities. $ X8 I# t5 a1 j: `, a, _Component+ j2 q2 H& p+ y1 u$ [! X$ S/ f$ m" \ Command - t1 M* X4 S, Q. PCenters6 I6 J: I' W" K The Component Command Centers (which will contain Army and Air Force7 Q; ^) m2 L( l, n- a unique capabilities) will be capable of supporting the USSPACECOM Command+ t( j q8 T: o: M+ q Center and distributed Operations Centers by functioning as “Hot Backups” to # N; E; C1 N6 F; {3 A" x8 N4 Qprovide for BM/C3 availability and survivability. The Component Command 3 n( M0 S4 [" QCenters will be capable of executing real-time control of BMD engagement 3 j) j- s! M T" Y2 W" g2 J5 {0 V( M) Zoperations.+ W/ c! U& a7 h9 Z: q4 J Component+ W. ]' f/ ~ p0 D Program * N! z6 n4 M6 J! eA major defense acquisition program delegated to the Military Department of & U5 [) ~# J9 I# Q+ Y- VDefense Agency for management." o, ~: l' L1 J w6 ? Compton Current Electron current generated as a result of Compton processes. (See Compton$ A8 f- d& B* x. j Effect and Compton Electron.)! @, b/ i9 a8 x* ^, A Compton Effect The scattering of photons (of gamma or x-rays) by the orbital electrons of atoms. ! C- m2 f2 q! h1 c8 d. ? XIn a collision between a (primary) photon and an electron, some of the energy of 4 _0 Z% @) q0 n. c! n5 v5 Mthe photon is transferred to the electron which is generally ejected from the ! W+ D! i% d8 n& h) k: S4 H& Qatom. Another (secondary) photon, with less energy, then moves off in a new ?% W5 S5 N, U/ |direction at an angle to the direction of motion of the primary photon. (See, x3 {/ k1 t+ C) y Scattering.) * i; s. d$ P: q: a0 Q& QCompton ' e* L8 ?" K5 I/ n9 K: _4 ?9 }Electron7 q6 c$ g# L+ Z( _& f* s- P0 P An electron of increased energy ejected from an atom as a result of a Compton; E$ Z9 P+ O) x interaction with a photon. (See Compton Effect.)) w" p+ L/ H9 R% J; \; p- F( _4 J% y MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 C ' J; g8 y$ j/ D; U% [4 W7 w58 p3 _1 J; r. h4 Q( r Computer& f. a/ ^) G* q) _" ?: D Security& t/ J1 { t3 ?7 v1 W) y (COMPUSEC) 3 F0 M3 Z3 S, X9 m. i& iThe totality of security safeguards needed to provide acceptable level of/ O! |- i, N4 u! L R) Q protection for automatic data processing (ADP) systems and the classified data$ N* m* o. o8 P5 N9 ?& s: B" I- v processed. Includes all hardware/software functions, characteristics, features;0 B8 O D4 u" h; T3 B' m5 w operational, accountability, and access control procedures at the computer and . s# C, m& q! G2 Cremote terminal facilities; and, the management constraints, physical structures,% W# n- i8 ~* v( |5 v. j and devices needed to provide an acceptable level of protection for classified8 N o7 L) R$ e* u0 d information in any state of storage, processing, display or communication within3 Y1 c: @. F! w8 b the ADP system.6 J# k/ G$ _) q7 u3 a/ a( z& u Computer ) w) I) N+ p. N& I ^7 cSoftware1 V9 Q$ N: ~5 V3 o+ O Configuration ! m' A8 T$ x' n3 g) {% ], Z+ G! h! yItem (CSCI)! Z6 F/ @0 d( Z9 x. }: n An aggregation of software that satisfies an end use function and is designated 7 l( {7 B2 f% d6 `by the Government for separate configuration management. They are selected 1 B" ~( a3 q( Y& z7 y/ y. [based on tradeoffs among software function, size, host or target computers, & y& q# ?7 d9 @" n8 S# p7 k+ O' Bdeveloper, support concept, plans for reuse, criticality, interface considerations, 4 x' G) R! l H8 ~7 }2 H$ }3 { ^' _need to be separately documented and controlled, and other factors.

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发表于 2008-12-25 20:02:00 |只看该作者
Combatant" R; u( e- `7 ]# r1 P Command: f) n, K. d& S( R* E0 G( F (COCOM). E8 E: q! ^6 A1 x( A3 J Non-transferable command authority established by title 10, United States Code,% I( A' f' q# n/ ]" S. G. Z- G section 164, exercised only by commanders of unified or specified combatant7 {9 G V! Z( Y! W4 ^ commands. Combatant Command (command authority) is the authority of a : u% q' x# g* K- i; f9 ]1 VCombatant Commander to perform those functions of command over assigned3 y5 E8 ^3 N4 Z& K. ^ L6 x. L forces involving organizing and employing commands and forces, assigning2 t, }) v" H' a: v, ?, I/ O/ ?8 E' k tasks, designating objectives, and giving authoritative direction over all aspects* r t% |5 q. A7 A, @( Q" j$ Q6 r5 L of military operations, joint training, and logistics necessary to accomplish the ( I. h) u' c/ I" r* U5 bmissions assigned to the command. Combatant Command (command authority)1 B+ A9 z" V3 Y* d H should be exercised through the commanders of subordinate organizations; ; O S! V: |8 h' M! {6 J* ]normally this authority is exercised through the Service component commander.8 }+ @8 S2 b0 W% e) V f8 m Combatant Command (command authority) provides authority to organize and : g6 F. i3 S# {# I' S& o$ zemploy commands and forces, as the CINC considers necessary to accomplish 5 [: O, b# W' s- y9 k$ jassigned missions. Also called COCOM. See also Combatant Commander. 4 b D3 @5 C7 r) R k0 mCombatant. j/ A3 B! M1 e: W% L0 i Commander % |! g( w1 g! j/ ~3 |6 @) N& YA commander of one of the unified or specified combatant commands! x3 V; i+ E, M4 ?" f+ N; H established by the President.( D& }$ o/ u5 h- ]4 s' n1 _' `* F9 ? Combined ( Z, e R/ R3 d/ lDoctrine % ~6 i4 [. L, h7 f+ |8 [- SFundamental principals that guide the employment of forces for two or more9 d. r7 [1 N* C7 V$ X5 c6 q" }2 f6 ~6 | nations in coordinated actions toward a common objective. Participating nations / P5 Z/ U' {% J1 r5 bratify it.8 [# t' k' a* k. p' j1 R3 |. t! k Combined Force A military force composed of elements of two or more allied nations. 6 X5 t0 M* W+ y# K7 uCombined0 r1 T, A- ~9 ?: X4 ~+ n Operation: v6 Z5 ~0 E% f, z W An operation conducted by forces of two or more allied nations acting together : e T/ A6 H1 eto accomplish a single mission. : o% [* g( Y8 nCOMINT Communications Intelligence. 4 V0 w) a' K1 Q# M/ \& LCOMM Communications. / }& q- ?) `4 sCOMM CON Communications Control ) T3 L) c' @9 F+ l i0 K# \Command For command-oriented functions, the authorization required to perform command 2 Y/ l+ v4 Q/ Z! \5 G+ Q Zoperations. , i0 C# Z$ S+ N8 @MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 C 9 H; J3 |: |& O! o, ?# Z55, H5 ?& H1 n. D" B* T( z/ m Command and3 ?5 T; ]+ S: b8 ]* D* q/ Q6 g Control (C2) ( o) r' j5 y8 R6 M( q; J8 wThe exercise of authority and direction by properly designated commanders over 2 j, ^0 H' K2 g" Vassigned forces to accomplish the mission. Command and control functions are 0 O! x! ~7 R/ g2 t, b2 s7 Dperformed through a hierarchical arrangement of personnel, equipment,: R! O5 X2 b" f' Z' S7 Y0 I" u communications, facilities, and procedures employed by a commander in& p( j5 z- U% M4 R- G7 S! J planning, directing, coordinating, and controlling forces and operations in the ( s4 w' v2 c) {5 V0 x# x6 c( V9 qaccomplishment of the mission. 4 g! T7 P1 ]4 Z: {! PCommand and5 w) i* v( {; ^. w0 _0 J Control Element $ I5 f y7 j3 ](C2 E)4 `5 Z# O4 q7 u% [0 L$ y5 G& y* } Distributed informed system consisting of processors, software, man-machine ' a0 f' E, E& h9 r# Jinterfaces, and communications media that provide USCINCSPACE with the 5 |- u$ r i# I6 dcapability to plan, command, and control BMD operations. A0 |$ Q# R6 y! dCommand and ! c* Y* z) y- I, w/ I$ }3 CControl System % V' g2 m8 [& |. u( M/ QThe facilities, equipment, communications, procedures, and personnel essential0 W5 N; h3 F$ c( j& k; T5 e to a commander for planning, directing, and controlling operations of assigned ( y8 V1 M$ q: p( X8 \5 k7 Pforces pursuant to the missions assigned.8 Q! v. ^% G1 f* A; ?8 f Command Center $ ]+ e% b# M! t1 K1 B% s(CC)) \# c/ m% B% X A facility from which a commander and his representatives direct operations and ' k) n& t2 x. @control forces. It is organized to gather, process, analyze, display, and4 \1 |. o+ L& Z* L disseminate planning and operational data and perform other related tasks. 7 E+ t1 B% G* F" j. ]0 eCommand,5 Q9 X0 s+ I0 e- a9 J) ` Control, and - ]5 t' H6 H3 O; ?1 q* D8 lCommunications ( k, r4 H6 ~2 h3 [0 }$ n$ TCountermeasure 8 U7 h/ v5 v* p, \1 u+ V Os (C3 CM)( I- Q% n8 ?( p8 l- l$ _ (1) Counter C 3 2 c& T) N$ @- q8 q( G) O– That division of C3 CM comprising measures taken to deny 8 @1 G4 C2 E, Y& Y% Wadversary commanders and other decision makers the ability to3 g) E5 B. ~0 X; f' |& d command and control their forces effectively. 3 j8 \4 G: @; R6 {* j# i(2) C3 Protection – That division of C3 CM comprising measures taken to: r8 d3 u! i! m$ z! y# |" p maintain the effectiveness of friendly C3 despite adversary counter – C3 ( }5 S' @9 U, O" O' m; pactions. K" k# r4 K0 u9 v7 F& T4 ACommand,- }9 ]' \& f2 e! b Control, + i, p: m0 H" e3 h! ^" KCommunications, 1 c4 }4 p5 G" {6 [7 T% Q% R. Nand Intelligence- y8 A! S+ h6 x (C3 I) 3 V5 ^: j! w5 f( v }(1) Procedures and technologies supporting command and control,; Z/ U/ e# _) A9 [2 e) b- E# x% J communications, and intelligence requirements, including those! ~6 N6 m4 k6 F' L4 b0 i4 m1 K interfaces affecting systems external to the Strategic Defense System. 0 R& C( O- k" h3 Z. T1 V1 `/ U(2) One of the four pillars of TMD capability. Coordination of other pillars * O( z8 i" J$ @/ y" }and integration of the entire TMD system into overall combat operations. 4 v3 N/ Z* J( Q8 DCommand, 7 G5 R6 g, P% Q7 T2 KControl, 4 m! f( Y3 [) g- M2 ~8 l. d: u0 d) D7 ICommunications,7 {+ h8 k* N9 O' j$ {: ~, n and Computer+ V# m1 X7 f* A* W6 Q8 L Systems0 p- ]1 k$ y8 S" G5 w, c% ] (C4 Systems) ' q3 r$ u" Q8 v1 R' d4 N; yIntegrated systems of doctrine, procedures, organizational structures, personnel,' s! C6 g8 p/ a$ y equipment, facilities, and communications designed to support a commander’s . k) ]* M6 ^. @; rexercise of command and control, through all phases of the operational$ E1 C, I- N9 h8 n! c continuum.) J2 j5 [8 u7 n/ k6 z2 V Command 9 }3 q6 `. d' i3 KDestruct Signal ) G2 L/ m% O9 J1 H' c, u% MA signal used to intentionally activate the destruction system in a missile.: n8 O U, P; H0 A Command' w: P; w8 x$ R3 J5 B4 S3 y Guidance 0 o- S# S8 F4 p3 yA guidance system wherein intelligence transmitted to the missile from an outside8 G( Q* w& y7 I- m source causes the missile to traverse a directed flight path. * K; r$ ^9 f4 a' R$ MCommand Net A communications network, which connects an echelon of command with some6 s1 r, L1 j; l4 K B2 P% E or all of its subordinate echelons for the purpose of command control., F3 Z" n, J' x& r5 X" @* h Command 8 |, X% y* N! Y5 Y( E" l2 w6 }' c: vVerification) b H/ A" S ~" r4 Z D- k The verification of commands from the Battle Manager or Operational ( ~( B* H8 z/ N# W& B; K& SCommander prior to execution to confirm the command was correctly received # r9 K9 g1 C! Cand properly issued.6 z: [( o. |8 i0 f6 L5 y& v9 J Command Post. f8 K- E4 t( e4 |) B4 L! x& X Exercise (CPX)4 |5 K) n: |# M* o$ V3 z" V7 A An exercise in which the forces are simulated, involving the commander, his staff,6 j0 l7 a+ f9 Q H; E$ Q and communications within and between headquarters. . f" q4 s. I! }% p, YCOMMARFOR Commander, Marine Forces.; u* t5 W& `7 Z MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 C1 M; g4 U2 B( l& s: R/ | 560 Y$ U- S$ U' h$ u. j Commit The process of committing one or more interceptor vehicles against a target 4 V9 B5 k r2 j9 r, Btrack.% W v/ k9 n4 d Commitment A firm administrative reservation of funds for future obligations by the local ; K6 U7 i+ s2 G9 z0 F7 vcomptrollers. Based upon firm procurement directives, orders, requisitions, - p* J) T* _# }7 q$ cauthorizations to issue travel orders, or requests.

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CM/SM Communications Manager/Security Manager. - [; ]+ O2 u5 P. xCMAFB See Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Base.6 O. {: q4 O% J9 [$ L7 ~ b( r CMAS Cheyenne Mountain Air Station (replaces CMAFB).8 i7 ~; V( D# s& z# q8 J CMC (1) Cheyenne Mountain Complex. (2) Commandant of the Marine Corps." \, @' Y- u. [2 f2 w1 K2 \ CMD (1) Cruise Missile Defense. (2) Abbreviation of Command. 7 S: p. R/ d$ Y5 ^2 S6 ?" TCMDI Cruise Missile Defense Initiative. 4 j: P! j! n) v+ t( d# D. dCMEST Cruise Missile Engagement Systems Technology.5 P- O5 v, `4 i: d% s) u CMF (1) Common Mode Failure. (2) Conjugate Matched Filter. % K) a# T U% d3 j" c' U# jCMG Control Moment Gyro 8 d6 z/ T5 d: H/ F8 ~CMI Countermeasure Integration.+ Y' x1 a% G% l7 y: S8 i J, y MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 C9 m) { K5 o& y4 ]( e/ H 52 ! q5 ?, z$ X( v4 a$ QCMM Capability Maturity Model. 1 w) k2 l$ V1 D% w# a7 `& K; cCM(N)CC Cheyenne Mountain National Command Center. ) h* `+ Q2 K( Y1 C! @1 R/ rCMO Central MASINT Office (DIA). ! z$ \- \! T; m2 r6 gCMOC Cheyenne Mountain Operations Center, Cheyenne Mountain AS, CO. & `7 |% u) U( {$ x% m! p2 Y6 [: Z& bCMOP Counter Missile Operations Plan.# R7 R8 C, V) A CMOS Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor. [5 y7 A+ b" a+ q4 M2 HCMP (1) Configuration Management Plan. ) T# u- s1 z* ]8 B$ F4 r2 ^* _(2) Counter Military Potential. . F( l1 \- F( D: M2 G, I9 Y9 ~& _(3) Communications Message Processor." U5 b/ Z/ n1 c- W* w: d/ c, [ CMRS Calibration Measurement Requirements Summary ' w5 ^: J! Z3 h6 bCMS Cheyenne Mountain Support. 5 r4 s0 ^ H0 y- t" T/ LCMTC Combat Maneuver Training Center, Ft. Leavenworth, KS.1 R( r( \4 F; A1 O" \ CMTS Cheyenne Mountain Training System. , Y( N, B& P- Y4 p! R; JCMTSS Cheyenne Mountain Training and Simulation Support.$ H O7 [! O3 a- P1 g CMW Compartmented Mode Workstation. ' Q) ?1 O! V1 H$ b0 v8 I, q9 [CNA Center for Naval Analyses.9 i/ C9 w& M% u+ F CNAD Council of NATO Armaments Directors. " o9 `8 y' z/ U' dCNC Computer Numerical Control.9 O- E. @9 i# Q3 Z/ b; j# n, Q5 C CNM Communications Network Manager (C2E term).8 n8 Z1 M0 s/ H/ L+ l4 F/ h CNO Chief of Naval Operations." ], s7 u, u* X CNWDI Critical Nuclear Weapons Design Information.6 a0 e8 `0 X1 P2 a5 U4 `3 v. D CO (1) Contracting Officer. (2) Change Order. (3) Commanding Officer. + q0 x6 a7 d8 x2 F/ oCOA Course of Action. & V0 [1 S4 @8 PCOAST Computer Operation, Audit, and Security Technology. ) t8 R6 X+ F' xCOB Close of Business. # j' O) |; C3 {% l1 d2 VCobra Ball Modified EC—130 OAMP aircraft (see Cobra Eye). ]. ^+ i9 T f! I/ I' @. |) U Cobra Dane L-Band phased array radar at Shemya AFB, AK. ! O* o1 r, V+ {) zCobra Eye Modified EC-135, IR/EO sensors, Shemya AFB, AK.1 R& U w+ L- ]3 q2 v Cobra Gemini Ship-based S-Band Radar development program with both shore and ship- F& |% ~/ b: K5 {: a3 T9 n basing options.- z% l7 }& a# }5 E% \# G$ f MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 C) Y$ y: G4 J* x7 U3 x8 o 53/ @! W& ?) {; t8 t2 g7 ^2 N X Cobra Judy A ship-borne phased array radar. & ^4 x7 g$ L& v: V6 {# KCOC Combat Operations Center. `. V3 c# {9 W1 s+ T7 VCOCOM See Combatant Command. " R2 d: N t* z2 J. b4 e1 m5 VCOCOMO Constructive Cost Model (COEA, now JAE, term).+ k: v1 O5 _) D0 u Code Template A software tool used to develop a module for multiple general applications.1 k& ^- u# z& @) i7 G CODR Conceptual Design Review. 9 \1 D8 B: I- h VCOEA Cost and Operational Effectiveness Analysis. ) A4 h9 K1 }: q6 SCoherence The matching, in space (transverse coherence) or time (temporal coherence), of1 p- b- b A3 r9 Q2 K the wave structure of different parallel rays of a single frequency of 2 q, a2 v5 j; }6 m9 l4 R+ U. lelectromagnetic radiation. This results in the mutual reinforcing of the energy of8 R* C& {& ~. `- b K, F y a larger beam. Lasers and radar systems produce partially coherent radiation.' l3 S9 |! u. Q COI (1) Critical Operational Issues. (2) Combat Operations Intelligence. Y; n. P( }0 f' J! F6 _ COIC Critical Operational Issues and Criteria.$ ?3 L6 R5 Z* _, H [ COIL Chemical Oxygen-Iodine Laser.. Z4 a/ Q' b, x: K Collocation The physical placement of two or more detachments, units, organizations, or % C0 k5 C) l2 R) v: k( J) \1 J6 C5 ifacilities at a specifically defined location.' L9 r/ g" l% E, M COM (1) Collections Operations Management. (2) Commander. : r" ~. |& U2 z7 q7 ^COM3 Common Communications Components 4 Z$ {9 @3 w& H2 }- L2 QCOMAFFOR Commander, Air Force Forces.3 X$ s1 K* v% P5 Z5 r3 l COMAFSPACE Commander, Air Force Space Command.) @5 g( Q8 @! n M: Q COMARFOR Commander, Army Forces.6 b% O* P# Q/ m4 @! W! F COMARSPACE Commander, Army Space Command. % o- w3 n/ N; [7 g- fCombat Area A restricted area (air, land, or sea) that is established to prevent or minimize $ p4 w. G' R) K7 B4 C7 [mutual interference between friendly forces engaged in combat operations.! N/ ? P' \3 M* n U9 V Combat ) ?9 T/ i/ s7 P- r, U6 k3 mAssessment (CA) ) A+ ^" d+ `3 E4 v/ S: WThe determination of the overall effectiveness of force employment during military0 g: H9 Y5 K/ v operations. Combat assessment is composed of three major components: battle ( Z+ X' A( Z1 L: K% N8 p9 j0 D& hdamage assessment, munitions effects assessment, and re-attack 0 |) {2 d1 q3 P, s7 {recommendation. The objective of combat assessment is to recommend the : j2 [7 {0 r! w | a- hcourse of military operations. The J-3 is normally the single point of contact for6 h b0 ]) u# n2 }2 D. v+ k combat assessment at the joint force level, assisted by the joint force J-2. ( O' Q9 a* l+ j+ j i5 HCombat/ F% x& X; Z5 {1 ^; b+ T% w8 ? Information) ]/ l/ y5 v8 }& |2 |5 z8 L Center' M) [+ H3 Z0 P4 r/ d" F; o The agency in a ship or aircraft manned and equipped to collect, display, J2 I+ h5 K+ x3 |! p+ p$ e8 O evaluate, and disseminate tactical information for the use of the embarked flag8 n/ a& F+ h3 s2 [ officer, commanding officer, and certain control agencies. Certain control,. X6 V) m( o) H- d( W assistance, and coordination functions may be delegated by command to the ( n. D) [1 }/ q; y, zcombat information center. Also called Action Information Center. 4 {6 ^& u5 g4 x4 {- A, }MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 C 8 |3 f0 z \7 a- r& D3 p: b" X/ }. k54 . H0 J6 [5 Y* i/ d/ lCombat + k! X! D9 ]/ [: N HReadiness ! t. j! t% N/ n8 JSynonymous with operational readiness, with respect to missions or functions4 K/ l, Q }, L$ v, U. S performed in combat. + v( L/ T9 K" h1 [" [Combat Ready Synonymous with operationally ready, with respect to missions or functions + }; Q- _1 k9 Q6 R8 tperformed in combat. 4 }6 A4 `5 q& S7 _Combat Service: [- H, @+ W3 l4 m0 `. y Support ' e7 }0 S J! a) i6 @7 Q+ QThe essential logistic functions, activities, and tasks necessary to sustain all; N7 n2 U, W0 O J; @ elements of an operating force in an area of operations. Combat service support , i4 `7 |. u3 ~* T5 r8 W0 aincludes administrative services, chaplain services, civil affairs, finance, legal 8 M3 R0 K! v# P) Z5 }" W7 ^5 ^services, laundry, etc.! [6 l9 J3 M8 a, d- S) x8 a1 K Combat Support Fire support and operational assistance provided to combat elements. Combat # ]4 m* T7 [6 M1 l/ U/ `6 a6 ?5 Msupport includes artillery, air defense artillery, engineer, military police, signal, / G, \& S# T+ S2 x1 _; \; l7 ~and military intelligence support. 8 f, J7 }/ f) f+ G0 a. r3 TCombat System# \3 S5 _7 o5 h2 }$ I Test Installation1 _2 x+ L5 ?" z, p H- k A collection of subsystems including weapon, sensor, and information processing ; P6 d1 F0 M' T N( Oequipment together with their interfaces installed for the purposes of early testing: D" h& r: V( d prior to the availability of a first production item, at a test facility designed to \+ V# w7 s6 \ simulate the essential parts of the production item.

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