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发表于 2008-12-25 19:58:35 |只看该作者
ARIES Active Radio Interferometer for Explosion Surveillance. $ d/ R- S: r$ ^: a* @/ C, A9 h2 J0 XARL Airborne Reconnaissance-Low (USA term) [circa 1996 = Reconnaissance o( a; _9 \# c& C/ b equipment in Dash-7 airplane].2 a: z, _4 t3 `! A) G ARM Anti-Radiation Missile.* \8 t* h# W0 T6 E* n( O" o Arms Export 0 H3 f2 ]3 k7 B+ u3 b1 a- xControl Board# F: o: a! Q! _7 D2 T6 N (AECB) ! G# y! M' D( Z. FAn interagency board, chaired by the Under Secretary of State for Security 7 \1 h3 E a, L' b u: R4 oAssistance, Science, and Technology, that serves to advise the Secretary of 9 w# z4 _2 F4 ]2 A7 O, JState on matters relating to security assistance program levels and arms transfer , U+ @* m& A1 mpolicies.+ V" d- |! q7 n$ }4 S5 P) P( C Army Brigade8 k% i @6 N: }8 ]4 B9 _. B0 m. g+ u Center (ARBC)1 v. ~3 _. ^5 g, y The Army center between the ARSPOC and the ARROC with C2 responsibilities 7 L( W& C! Q& j/ E! v1 rfor BMD.4 I; q1 |8 E. n/ U Army Component 1 b, N5 s% F% b$ G8 YCommand Center 3 q) y% V! Z/ _! g" [. S(ARCCC) , n3 v0 R! A8 o0 F/ zA segment of the Command and Control Element, which replicates capabilities of f2 r3 v5 S8 Y: n the CCC (BMD) segment and provides administrative and logistics support to8 a4 z+ J4 x( M( O$ z Army Component Forces with the Strategic Defense System. The ARCCC was : T" K# E7 d/ C' }' t3 F( |$ Feliminated from the CCE (now C2 E) architecture during the last SAS system. R0 E ~0 H5 g, Z( E/ ` architecture definition update. ' _( o/ E, r3 s: Y6 E6 ]MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 A 7 H5 ~% c2 `6 U$ N7 P$ I1 ^, n21 ) w4 Z% D! j3 e! \5 s! PArmy Materiel 1 I5 P$ `0 R1 g6 k- TCommand (AMC) * u) U7 T8 J7 n" e1 s; aPerforms the assigned materiel functions of the Department of the Army, - z4 c! v6 M9 e5 i3 b& mincluding research and development; product improvement; human factors $ P8 S+ `8 H/ \' o9 k( P/ \engineering; test and evaluation; procurement and production; new equipment " v" }4 w) D# I) |training; scientific and technical intelligence production; international logistics ; @0 G( F, E/ m! q1 ]programs; and storage, distribution, maintenance, demilitarization, and disposal) K8 Q2 Z6 ~/ h for the continental United States wholesale supply and maintenance systems as) ?! B. Q* R5 G/ ], X+ V well as for overseas systems. Located in Alexandria, VA and moving to Fort % f# ^; i/ c/ [) n, x y. ]. KBelvoir, VA in 2003.' Q/ C) E* i+ \4 E9 M5 D) ~0 ~ Army Space% S5 V6 k) G. q3 I Operations H/ n; m+ h* ^ X/ O Center (ARSPOC)& V( Y9 J! c" P. {, H The Army Space Command Center responsible for logistically/ administratively5 K& k* F+ R6 A2 D% P controlling assigned SDS elements and which shall also include the capability to) {0 V- C6 F( S; n assure the BMD mission is carried out should the USCINCSPACE CCC be lost.& M% ?2 A2 A5 l4 ~5 |8 ~8 w9 u ARNG Army National Guard./ Y9 N6 y0 n5 J7 t1 M" S AROS Airborne Radar Optical System. + F* S8 c; r/ e$ p4 jARP Address Resolution Protocol8 Z- [' w0 l" x1 A. C ARPA Advanced Research Projects Agency. (Formerly known as Defense Advanced& @$ S2 V7 {+ p" c- r- `5 w L Research Projects Agency (DARPA). + E0 ]1 L) F8 k2 C! Q2 N5 eARPANET ARPA Network.4 i# G5 C7 r9 w( M4 d( D. X ARRC Allied Command Europe Rapid Reaction Corps. 9 h, {" T' p5 T3 \3 d8 [3 |9 z6 [ARROC Army Regional Operations Center. + U1 c5 j2 c% Z9 p( uArrow A technology demonstration program started in 1988 and designed to meet 6 X# Q! L v. s+ b/ qIsraeli architecture requirements for area defense of population centers against; r5 Z* \1 S& }" T# h TBMs. 5 `& }. O. D1 m8 v( V# | RARS (1) Airborne Remote Sensing. (2) Action Request System.: O8 [6 N# s4 F+ C7 N; l ARSCS Automated Rear Services Control System.: U X; P6 K c* l( R: G* x9 c ARSPACE U.S. Army Space Command.5 g$ l* S+ |! u+ s, C ARSPOC Army Space Operations Center./ A/ d- k1 }) T/ A l0 e$ X' T' C ARU Alignment Reference Unit (PAC-3). 6 r, n3 r8 I8 l: h8 K# D: z& CASA Assistant Secretary of the Army.# P) t* V) @' @ ASAF Assistant Secretary of the Air Force. % v! Y5 L% s! a# T2 ~4 R3 w+ ZASAF (A) Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Acquisition). 2 r7 ^- _1 \0 N! T: ~ASARC Army Systems Acquisition Review Council.% t0 f7 L3 l% l! t6 c ASARS Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar System. - h1 o4 n& L7 p4 t/ k, i' dASAS (1) All Source Analysis System. (2) Advanced Solid Axial Stage. 7 v+ L3 [6 v- zASAT Antisatellite Weapon. 3 b2 s3 y: X0 Y0 T9 eASB Army Science Board.1 v. D9 {2 B1 w \ MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 A ) ~, s: p l2 k6 ?0 ^8 ~! [225 E% A- Y# s7 q' v: D" f ASBM Air-to-Surface Ballistic Missile. S1 v$ o+ N% Q* W! Y( A: SASC (1) Army Space Command (See also USARSPACECOM, ARSPACECOM). ; e: y, v* U9 A. n. \9 c$ X: o4 C(2) Aeronautical Systems Center, Wright Patterson AFB, OH.( B) O" T' S' Z' w) ] ASCC Air Standardization Coordination Committee. ) ^$ n( y6 L9 `7 L cASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange., @+ o& z& U7 e" l) s$ } ASCM Advance Spaceborne Computer Module- o$ Z% Z( g9 K) h ASCO Advanced Systems Concept Office + \" Q1 @! H1 ^, B' c3 oASCON Associate Contractor* u7 K% T a# s7 q ` ASD (1) OBSOLETE Aeronautical Systems Division (AF). See Aeronautical2 c- b( x2 F% Y5 b6 \6 W3 W Systems Center (ASC). (2) Assistant Secretary of Defense.# [- w2 d: j0 o/ I+ V ASDC Alternated Space Defense Center 8 c T" F/ c* |9 ?0 _9 LASDP Advanced Sensor Demonstration Program. 3 ^ z! h" ]' H$ g4 h7 |5 c! gASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations # I* K- D( z* H! }ASEDP Army Space Exploitation Demonstration Program. " u6 F& L* \/ m3 S/ }2 UASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit. 6 t6 r( k- i8 Z2 ?2 |ASIOE Associated Support Items of Equipment (USA term).& D/ E3 D! ]0 _ ASL Authorized Stockage List (USA term).& G# u2 Q" I- {* a' k ASM (1) Anti-Simulation. (2) Anti-ship Missile. (3) Air-to-Surface Missile.3 V7 |9 e( N1 u$ ^" D ASMD Anti-ship Missile Defense.) z; R* U& g/ h+ u6 j8 \ ASMDC Army Space and Missile Defense Command, Huntsville, AL (1998).: A: K* j' p8 y( X ASMP French Air Surface Missile5 d4 B7 P. J) G* Q$ Q' l+ I ASN Assistant Secretary of the Navy. C& D7 I# P, W. V: Y4 i- sASN (RD&A) Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Research, Development & Acquisition). ; L/ f( i( B/ w/ u8 b! \2 F! ~/ l0 f! |ASN (SB&L) Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Shipbuilding and Logistics). 6 ~; q7 s/ a& D2 cASOC Air Support Operations Center. : ^# o2 f8 S/ k+ z: T' ], RASP (1) Airborne Surveillance Platform. (2) Advanced Sensor Program. (3) - }5 }( l+ K9 f+ A1 P; c" o0 R$ c' wAdvanced Sensor Platform. (4) Annual Service Practice. ( D; j' ~1 h* rASPADOC The backup to the SPADOC, maintained by the Naval Space Command, at 1 } u- F1 p7 K' w) aDahlgren, VA, collocated with the NAVSPOC and NAVSPASUR.+ r' o% V3 G% H ASPIRIS Advanced Signal Processing for IR Sensors." p0 y8 W' C( ^; E1 ?6 u ASPJ Airborne Self Protection Jammer / Z, b- |& f, _; c* yMDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 A ! f0 e% H: F) \) k3 M7 E23* d# \! g" D' G+ u ASPO Army Space Program Office. 6 t$ @9 s# @7 Z" m, g3 CASR Acquisition Strategy Report. ; D' E7 E, h2 p N! x3 m5 K0 zASROC Antisubmarine Rocket. ' w# y: X( h. x: F3 `! k" \2 C( WASSERT Augmentation Awards for Science and Engineering Research Training (DoD m% l: j6 ^" h/ Z: Z5 w1 K term).3 ]4 j& r3 E+ ]; P& H1 @ Assessment (1) Appraisal of the worth of an intelligence activity, source information, or / ?8 C6 n' l4 g1 _4 P a; aproduct in terms of its contribution to a specific goal, or the credibility,$ L% D% o0 t. Y reliability, pertinence, accuracy, or usefulness of information in terms of8 g& d. w1 S, r: t& d an intelligence need. When used in context with evaluation, ' ~5 P/ L# B- D$ a. ~ p: G; }/ xassessment implies a weighing against resource allocation, expenditure , Y" N6 C3 u( U2 I1 h$ Kor risk. (2) An independent evaluation of a model or simulation by an0 \) T7 S9 u0 O8 Q- a MDA-sponsored Confidence Assessment Team for a specified purpose.+ K! u% q( E' q* a6 `- v7 A ASSIST Automated Systems Security Incident Support Term (DISA term).# w( e F* S& g1 ^' e Associated1 @5 c8 F- d; D' |9 C7 o Object # h2 V k9 y6 H; S$ [Object that remains near a deployed reentry vehicle, decoy or chaff puff.+ S6 ]. S+ ^) U6 K; t Assume Course 3 z- D- F' _5 V- D: aOrientation , ^8 I5 X$ {& W# m4 A- SMake course attitude adjustments to the weapon platform orientation prior to! i, e( V" p6 ~- R' O% P6 R, b engagement.3 Q# `( Y6 X6 x) N. Y* E$ Y. o Assured Defense Strategies and tactics that result in (specified) a high probability of kill against 7 A" |- v E9 D( U; M0 Mdesignated targets, regardless of the interceptors required. (USSPACECOM) * U3 N6 W' E' X! pAssured Kill This option requires defense segments to employ tactics, which produce the ) C& v! B7 N' e- M& _2 J0 Q- X Qhighest probability of kill consistent with the available number of defensive 0 \ {& J' a8 U+ ^' _/ D. U' Rresources (interceptors). 1 u$ l9 ^1 r$ f+ ]* V: @# `# N# w: xAST (1) See Airborne Surveillance Testbed. (2) Advanced Sensor Technology. 6 r: @ l" ]: }2 ^& O$ T9 OASTMP Army Science and Technology Master Plan $ W4 v( T: _* R' V* W% FASTP Advanced Sensor Technology Program 7 X9 K: D6 H" K1 JASWG Architecture Systems Working Group.+ x# Q4 C' g A, _ AT Advanced Technology- |1 F5 D) i/ E) B7 b* T- c ATA (1) Advanced Test Accelerator. (2) Avionics Test Article. 6 c$ a' o8 o0 LATACC (1) Advanced Tactical Command Central (USMC term). (2) Advanced Theater Air9 e) U, @1 U4 u4 j$ h2 Y! M: e Command Center, A+ |' A6 X7 r- ^ ATACM Army Tactical Missile / T# P8 }' A( f9 n% Y" l' ^, }( dATACMS Army Tactical Missile System. $ }! G# H6 s) }" f/ v. d/ n, RATAF Allied Tactical Air Force (NATO).4 O+ x2 C/ q$ s5 l b& a$ G5 |; n ATB (1) Allied Test Bed. (2) Analytical Tool Box. 0 L: @0 A2 x' z/ N/ j" m5 IATBM (1) Anti-Tactical Ballistic Missile. (2) Anti- Theater Ballistic Missile9 ?' n9 u7 q. z, P6 L MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 A # _, Y# P9 ~5 `# k2 o$ f5 [24 / H6 W6 t: L+ n9 yATC Automated Technical Catalog1 }6 \* N0 i( p! L ATCCS Army Tactical Command and Control System# R: Z r$ d6 u0 J2 O1 x1 ? ATCOM Army Aviation and Troop Command (pre-Oct 96) (See AMCOM)# I; `1 e T, X, v! ]9 ]3 p% T' b- r; t ATD Advanced Technology Demonstration. $ w8 P& v1 i2 wATDL Army Tactical Data Link.! S5 P- l; C4 l1 _' n: L8 j ATDM Adaptive Time Division Multiplexer. 9 Q: d9 j9 u3 W( O9 O! b" K* QATDS Airborne Tactical Data System.7 E" M! c' o1 U8 m3 ` O7 W+ ` ATE Automatic Test Equipment. 3 j' l8 G+ P9 g! @ATH Above the Horizon7 k1 R/ }8 R7 x! \! H( l+ N; ~ ATHS Airborne Target Handover System. 8 @- Q9 G9 `0 U0 U. Z+ i6 sATI Advanced Technology Interceptor 7 U! @1 y) Y8 d8 S# S% s6 K5 cATIM Advanced Technology Insertion Module# p, L. c1 L% G+ Q ATIS Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions 3 G6 S7 K: |" V7 G( X; L3 \ATM Anti-Tactical Missile. # ]" x' c+ M7 @% X. }ATMD Army Theater Missile Defense., l& X3 {+ y% r2 T; a ATMDF Air and Theater Missile Defense Force (US Army term). - I4 s( \7 t3 Z/ PATMDPO Army Theater Missile Defense Program Office. 6 a* t# }! T' ^" z9 k8 T0 [ATO Air Tasking Order.& i* k4 G1 u6 f7 M$ t/ M D( C ATOC Air Tactical Operations Center. : A2 C4 }1 G8 l4 ]) X3 _ATODB Air Tasking Order Database. ; A- |! M) L* V$ f4 ]ATP (1) Acquisition, Tracking, and Pointing. (2) Authority To Proceed. (3) Allied" L% s( o# |1 } Z5 ~ Tactical Publication. (4) Acceptance Test Procedures. (5) Acceptance , W! R, q8 d7 M: K3 B1 R# }3 QTest Program. (6) Advanced Technology Program (Department of# i% S7 X z6 \, f/ g Commerce term). (7) Authority to Process.8 W+ r( f! L- V( Q! v ATP&FC Acquisition, Tracking, Pointing, and Fire Control. / r. s5 k9 C* d1 I% O3 `ATR Autonomous/Automated Target Recognition. + I" x# l# e4 g! jATRJ Advanced Threat Radar Jammer. . o7 q. F! g/ _; ]' k% ^ATSIM Acquisition and Track Simulation. + s* g* m6 X/ w) lAttack and 1 h! C9 U8 y t* w9 V9 G" a% eLaunch Early8 e2 C9 @1 I8 d' e7 @, R Reporting to- U& K$ @! h* I5 P# Z Theater (ALERT)1 F" V- n7 E+ B0 y+ `# E An upgrade to ground station mission processing which exploits inherent satellite ( d e" ]! [/ p5 n& \7 V. [4 e# Ccapability to provide theater missile warning and cueing.$ i! z3 ]0 C4 p4 `/ J/ m MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 A2 i) [0 A+ d! x/ L1 v5 e; K0 K, ^ 25: l! K3 k6 `/ M$ c6 y. w' v: M Attack % n4 q3 x! F' f. d% t7 O& qAssessment (AA) : _' n' w! ~3 |' f8 k, {" b4 {. EAn evaluation of information to determine the potential or actual nature and x! a2 O# [0 d" Q4 S' ~) fobjectives of an attack for the purpose of providing information for timely ( L1 S( Q* T1 I5 z5 a, @9 a+ Jdecisions.! K% U' H! S \+ ]5 f- o; y Attack4 n3 ]0 I2 c. J# b/ q Characterization 8 n) ~( N1 ]2 m( s' ]. {3 YThe process by which the parameters of an attack in progress are developed, $ d, @3 s- p' cupdated and defined.3 j* \8 U: x- x$ _$ ` Attack , v- c' n6 s4 D- [2 J8 UOperations' v6 ?! s% y6 p1 f! O, P- g, H (Counterforce)( A% E; `) v7 Q4 n Attack operations prevent launch of theater missiles by attacking all elements of 2 x2 N' P5 \' F% ?4 R8 z3 s! S* qthe overall enemy system, including such actions as destroying launch platforms,* I/ M7 Y+ Z) j' O* y: g support facilities, reconnaissance, intelligence, surveillance and target acquisition8 [2 g, g; I6 o$ M, \1 h1 o) n platforms, command and control nodes, and missile stocks. Attack operations' ]# P% @8 g2 | j1 t1 u2 w2 F can be executed by space, air, ground, maritime, and special operations forces. 8 q6 t; t/ r6 \/ pAttack operations are considered one of the four pillars of TMD capability. (JCS& a+ d3 a @. w3 t9 F# h& @ J-38 CONOPS)1 O9 m5 F- B! C Attack Price A concept used to evaluate the performance of a BMD system that defines 4 O3 _3 z# M; W$ m3 o0 z- L& \: ^“price” as the number of Re-entry Vehicles required to ensure target destruction. 0 _7 s3 O3 y* aTarget destruction is defined as a probability of target survivability using the draw _0 v9 V- L6 g6 O9 ~down curve.2 L: w5 F! w3 k5 V Attack Warning/ ) ~8 ]& v$ t9 V" a% w* BAttack ; V3 f4 c* |8 YAssessment. w# [: T3 X# Y6 `- i" l (AW/AA) / L) C9 y' d+ p7 F/ N7 X/ ?2 TIntegrated air, missile, and space defense data used to determine whether an+ a5 w, F* y0 \, }' R A9 `+ K; ] attack is underway and, if so, what is the type and strength of the attack.. ?0 t S2 u% T; r9 s! z+ E ATTD Advanced Technology Transition Demonstration. ! p7 k* T* q! i/ T7 z5 GAttenuation Decrease in intensity of a signal, beam, or wave as a result of absorption and 3 y2 r0 i7 z0 M8 v ^9 vscattering out of the path of a detector by the propagating medium, but not 5 e) X6 A( D1 k- G. S oincluding a decrease in intensity due to geometric spreading (e.g., the inverse 7 ]6 B# ~ e( Z; t- U" o4 i0 esquare of distance).: m5 t2 C8 \3 y! W0 y2 E ATV Advanced Technology Validation. 6 }! M4 \- |; [% J U+ KAULS Accidental or Unauthorized Limited Strike. $ g3 |: `: W2 A4 j9 pAUPC Average Unit Procurement Cost.0 Q; J- D4 Z: V! ^. k1 p AURORA Canadian aircraft.1 [. k2 T- ~6 f- F$ Q& y. u Autonomous 3 s) K2 k* ?4 P' c3 F' PAcquisition- N! D' s& ~8 P3 X; [7 A9 f5 S5 l Range (Max.)3 ?& x- b7 {0 a, e# i The maximum range at which a target can be acquired by a sensor operating in5 P! `* E7 M6 X0 v t% Y; x a non-cued mode. + p; ?$ W4 h6 q9 YAV (1) Air Vehicle. (2) Audio-Visual. ! h7 E/ v+ I7 n, q3 H, KAVATAR (SAIC) Flight dynamics simulator. ' T+ x$ f" |; v5 f: f+ C7 vAVC Advanced Vehicle Concept.! W* @# t% k& I7 S( t AVCATT Aviation CATT (US Army term) $ l# { Y% @/ yAverage Unit) m; W- Y7 P! a6 {" h Procurement / I5 v7 Q1 u. X$ `; OCost (AUPC)1 \# b2 u! I, f* p Design to average unit procurement cost objectives, expressed in constant& p. r! }7 h$ d+ X1 D3 u dollars, are established for Milestone I, Concept Demonstration Approval. AUPC/ c, ?2 w. M3 \' g" n includes recurring flyaway, rollaway, sail-away costs (including nonrecurring7 t9 s: |# |& _+ J& T& \ production costs) adjusted for data, training, support equipment, and initial 0 T6 ?% _) U! |- s- o3 h& Fspares costs.8 k( j. I6 x; R k& p3 M MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 A+ E, Y# l2 e# o 26 1 o) b) F9 f. J# Z4 o+ m! {( AAVHRR Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer. * Q, c/ h+ F4 C' v( y% x: _AVSCOM Aviation Systems Command (US Army). % P/ E9 A4 G5 q4 x/ C1 TAW/AA Attack Warning/Attack Assessment. 7 z$ c; V* u& x. v: V. oAWACS Airborne Warning and Control System., j3 k3 R/ G* ~4 } V AWC Air Warfare Centre (UK RAF term). + w1 e( Z. m( o/ y$ P* lAWE Advanced Warfighting Experiment, B% G$ n0 N/ i AWG (1) Acquisition Working Group (GSA term). (2) Algorithm Working Group.4 y% c h6 i5 G3 j$ p( Y AWS (1) AEGIS Weapons System (2) Advanced Warning System. (3) Arrow Weapons: k2 I, R: x9 A System (Joint US/Israeli BMD weapons system). ! C: c! i7 b0 ~/ o0 h2 g9 _% GAzimuth Orientation of a vector projected onto a reference horizontal plane, relative to a* M B$ |9 Q5 X$ d! D reference direction in the plane. 8 U4 l7 P( ?1 c& tAzimuth Angle A positive angle measured clockwise in a reference horizontal plane from a0 p$ C+ A* D. t7 ?7 ]/ y3 }6 H reference direction to a given direction. For a topocentric-horizon coordinate # N B# Q: n$ ^4 D# ?7 \4 f3 x) Ereference frame, the reference direction is due north (true north or magnetic . p2 i: X% c! W* a6 u2 H- R! knorth, depending on the application).5 x! l) _0 L' i# K; e% ~- [ MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 B ; j6 c. U% n3 k, e6 C27 ! C2 g' ^% W9 iB Billion. 3 n: y; x O( K* R) d) D6 EB Spec Development specification.: H7 [* b7 x& @; h- Q! v2 T0 h B2C2 Brigade and Below Command and Control System (Army term). ; X3 _" b/ W$ ^- `9 O. @. B5 SBA Budget activity. The budget activity codes are: ( M( y. e7 v; d% \$ L01 – Basic Research! K9 O9 Y; e5 ~6 c1 q/ b" f 02 – Exploratory Development 0 z( }# O% t) V, L7 K; d03 – Advance Technology Development9 ~; L6 k% M8 g- } 04 – Dem/Val3 x- \6 ^, m8 P: H9 G, d6 C& U, q 05 – EMD8 ~ y% s3 q/ w: V$ T5 T 06 – Management Support : i# l1 d8 n) B07 – Operational Systems Development ! ~" Q$ p8 V' u! Y. s! B$ w' l/ DBAA Broad Agency Announcement.6 z, [ o+ o7 R# M! N8 i BAC Budget At Completion.& S8 u% X% s1 [7 ` Backbone/ I! a. S- ~- v% _. o6 N Network8 y1 Z- K; c4 u/ z Consists of the space communications network, the ground communications 0 |" {* g3 j2 e0 {& U4 vnetwork, and the interconnection between the two. . Z* C9 o' f+ G- L' D: KBackground 9 r( [" `& m2 g Y! P6 Q; M n& URejection- C) W2 ^3 V4 y5 P1 F9 y8 } (Surveillance) 8 D, y$ ?& p) T4 ^3 bThe suppression of background noise for the improvement of an object signal. . m# C4 c+ U4 P8 v3 T9 V4 ]& yBAE Battlefield Area Evaluation (USA term). 5 k; O- S% z) j# o9 V, d5 `BAFO Best and Final Offer. & W: J& N) j/ s2 U9 s6 Y8 IBAI Battlefield Air Interdiction.. S( w! j0 d3 w' Q# @: y Balanced * N* ]3 ?4 O$ H3 X% MTechnology + J2 w) ]8 y( H' M) ZInitiative (BTI) 1 N0 X+ ~3 e3 {- j7 i! K7 PDoD’s program to hasten application of advanced technology to the most critical: f- }0 a) h3 s0 {0 ?4 L7 | and urgent operational needs. BTI projects are demonstrating leap-ahead 6 L9 T5 ~& \/ icapabilities enabled by emerging technologies in smart weapons, target 3 q8 J" {. r* h2 j" {- Zacquisition, battlefield C3I, active countermeasures, and ultra-wide bandwidth $ H; A% `- Q U$ [radars and high power microwave systems. 8 B% |( P) D2 vBallistic, }' Z$ m- j$ j8 I' e* S Coefficient' c& I# o9 v! u2 ~' W The weight of the object divided by the product of the coefficient of drag and the) }. _# y7 I* j projected area (W/CDA), in kilograms per square meter.8 u& j4 g# y* Z# N Ballistic Missile" `2 z+ y) E" Y/ q* n" c (BM) 0 j2 z E, v0 k/ }" e" D7 BAny missile that does not rely upon aerodynamic surfaces to produce lift and 8 ~/ a$ I* M& oconsequently follows a ballistic trajectory when thrust is terminated. " I& W0 ?" m! B9 D9 b1 B! R3 v0 ^% aBallistic Missile * `! j { F5 {& @+ x; QBoost Intercept. z6 V& s2 \# h# P (BAMBI) 3 U* p) L4 {, g1 zOBSOLETE. A 1966 system concept that a Lockheed study group developed in # s5 Z- d$ K' E$ t- fanticipation of possible government interest in the development of an ABM ! s* [- E" n C5 b' Q" scapability.6 x( Z/ P% w; [ Ballistic Missile! k- L# U4 [' U P7 h( W4 s Defense (BMD). Q& z( w+ c6 j( D p/ c7 o4 n1 X9 @ All active and passive measures designed to detect, identify, track, and defeat# ~! \- r( I3 A' m( ^0 q. K$ K, q/ X attacking ballistic missiles (and entities), in both strategic and theater tactical% H2 [! o( e! n# ~7 o) h3 q roles, during any portion of their flight trajectory (boost, post-boost, midcourse, or4 d* O. G. U# S1 r8 V terminal) or to nullify or reduce the effectiveness of such attack. ( {! u t/ {3 f( y! w; iBallistic Missile- }1 C5 u3 S: Z' Y' y; f Defense Battery) S8 v% N. c7 e0 a* K' y An Army operations center, which operates and maintains BMD ground-based$ |+ p& X' \& Q& F! W9 M6 h weapons and sensors. ! x& Q/ d z: F% G: gMDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 B * L1 n4 A% A* c8 l283 ~# Q2 N0 x5 ]2 a2 U g) ? Ballistic Missile0 b. _3 _' j. F9 P+ ~/ C5 t Defense (BMD), b; W$ t" O# R9 Q0 a: ^ Cell # V0 B. r' w6 k/ K3 } ~2 b4 ]This facility will be located in the USSPACECOM Consolidated Command Center 1 {& A8 |- K# I- @ f, N" d' x+ m(CCC) and Space Control Center (SPACC) to support the Space Force % s) W7 y: D5 P8 I V* w- K% TApplication mission area interface between the BMD system and 7 N6 G! z2 {. OUSCINCSPACE. The BMD Cell will provide command and decision support to " }# e. K2 u( eUSCINCSPACE. " J B! r" L( M0 TBallistic Missile% f9 S1 |. K2 @( H9 O9 \ Defense % h% ^8 ]: a8 W1 S& ?7 j- y- o8 R/ u# oOperations 4 q+ W" X# k2 k6 S8 lCenter (BMDOC) ) q5 ~: I3 D6 i2 rOBSOLETE. Initially located at the NTF, and ultimately in the Cheyenne! Z q, {8 Y( M* v Mountain Complex, this facility supports the BMD Cell-USSPACECOM information ' D6 L0 t* a. j+ C9 ]+ L u" c, G: dinterface. The BMDOC hosts a BM/C3 processing suite and the operations; C1 r& s% T, f6 O( x% D personnel necessary to coordinate and integrate system-wide BMD activities and/ @ g2 V5 l. k$ g3 f supports the USCINCSPACE planning and decision process. : y1 j* H. f9 m7 L" eBallistic Missile % @( \: C. G( W/ X' l; A/ xDefense- c2 b r4 {0 Z( y- ` Organization4 D5 W7 V9 J( c- L( j, I (BMDO)0 y" r! h5 ?+ H, q OBSOLETE. The former name of an agency of the Department of Defense - b$ U7 M3 {! K7 D- M4 E6 F5 cwhose mission is to manage and direct the conduct of a research program 0 { r8 E% E$ y) l9 v7 Dexamining the feasibility of eliminating the threat posed by ballistic missiles of all + ]! r* Q2 e, K4 {- c; yranges and of increasing the contribution of defensive systems to United States 9 l& X9 K- c7 o8 _! _+ kand Allied security. MDA is the successor to Strategic Defense Initiative ) w& p1 K3 s3 n% t- oOrganization (SDIO). See MDA. # r! e' e- ?9 O8 P# Y, _Ballistic Missile- T5 o: z" j( N. m, V* P' O Defense Program3 a. ^; {# K5 m' k An architecture comprising three objectives: Theater Missile Defense (TMD),7 m m8 A0 [% O" ` } National Missile Defense (NMD), and Follow-on Research Programs. & u5 v7 a" n1 sBallistic Missile / k6 z3 o+ e" H3 J- Z4 Q+ ~5 P7 _, N/ aDefense (BMD) 6 k6 w& H! \" V* h7 V" YSystem% _2 ~3 i# B# H! `5 [. {: }1 m (1) An integrated system that employs layered defenses to intercept missiles1 }" P5 i5 I i1 P during their boost, midcourse, and terminal flight phases. (MDA Lexicon) ' r# ?: @3 k8 @- ^+ l3 h7 a2 e1 @(2) The aggregate BMD BMC3 and BMD forces that, in total, provide defense , b8 w; E/ \6 \9 `$ Magainst ballistic missile attacks to North America and other areas of vital interest. ) [% a4 ]( v2 ^8 Y(USSPACECOM)& B$ Q; t* y' o8 k9 |+ W Ballistic Missile ' @, l. m) i5 SEarly Warning 9 c( g% i |9 R9 ISystem (BMEWS)" A! Q5 d0 f8 R+ O4 h3 T6 @ Provides tactical warning of ballistic missile attacks, and is part of Spacetrack - A" _1 ^3 l9 I4 rsystem. A two-faced phased array radar located at Thule AB, Greenland; three" X5 \$ m/ B7 \" J' p detection radars and one tracking radar at Clear AFS, AK; and three tracking ) Q, D2 V/ P6 K6 F9 i0 W' j( _radars at RAF Fylingdales, UK.* p s5 p6 e& N Ballistics The science or art that deals with the motion, behavior, appearance, or$ m% |2 S5 w9 i' g: \ modification of missiles or other vehicles acted upon by propellants, wind, gravity, , \5 R6 o( v `/ P/ P, F% Dtemperature, or any other modifying substance, condition, or force. + y; X6 v" n/ H9 x$ h/ X& {! o6 WBallistic5 w: L9 t3 |( r3 P" D; I& U. R) r Trajectory9 |# A+ k" ]2 W9 X# E3 Z The trajectory traced after the propulsive force is terminated and the body is. m, x a. c: k acted upon only by gravity and aerodynamic drag. 7 V T/ E: G) e! T1 dBalloon A spherical inflatable decoy used as a penetration aid to mask the location of+ P9 N. R! I [. C' q, |; d" G reentry vehicles.( [! |/ f2 |, f+ \7 r BAMBI OBSOLETE. See Ballistic Missile Boost Intercept. & d8 P5 O- B! L Z3 M" e5 n' lBandwidth The range of usable frequencies assigned to a channel or system; the difference1 |7 J4 c/ S& T' T8 s expressed in Hertz between the highest and lowest frequencies of a band.- e; J F1 Q% @2 h BAR Bimonthly Activity Report. 3 @/ r" o" u; m- ?7 G+ ]BARBB BMDO Acquisition Reporting Bulletin Board ; O8 X+ m8 C3 i$ [% S: [Barrage6 E; t) i4 |% e. r% o% \. `' \ Jamming% z5 y; k! H4 Q9 x8 G! _# H% R9 m* W) H Simultaneous electronic jamming over a broad band of frequencies. 8 |5 X* q% U: D6 U& @2 V9 w- W' kBattery Tactical and administrative artillery unit or subunit corresponding to a company or 2 F0 ^5 Z9 ], `4 z* M" ya similar unit in other branches of the Army. 0 j' p; O2 E( Z' v0 rMDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 B7 W8 |' v4 I B) H% p 29 / X D! ^' ]5 H, LBattle Damage4 l0 | L) w% Q- ] Assessment. P, ]. x# k9 N (BDA) 4 B$ \( o8 Z' r' r( fThe estimate of damage resulting from the application of military force against a; L: @& v) J$ J) |9 K# [0 K. G1 a# I predetermined objective. Battle damage assessments can be applied to the use 5 W* G& `4 c7 D$ mof all types of weapons systems throughout the range of military operations. : c9 Y& I" ], O5 Z, L$ L( s( y: iBDAs are primarily an intelligence responsibility with required inputs and! T+ M; K6 _" b2 e' F) M+ i coordination from the operators. BDA is composed of physical damage , P6 X/ p9 k& R4 M9 I; r* rassessment, functional damage assessment, and target system assessment.

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AMRAAM Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile.6 A$ P, p3 s; V K, E# ^ AMS Aerodynamic Maneuvering System 7 W( i' p. c; W! [9 s3 W( }AMSAA Army Materiel Systems Analysis Agency. 3 Y+ y1 }# ]9 {' |3 q ~# p( E0 \ f( gAMSDL Acquisition Management System Data Requirements Control List.% k* r# ?0 p4 d" W- l AMT ATCS Mobile Terminal. / ]3 J( c; g9 S1 r. z4 d% P+ t# zMDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 A; A% A5 n @9 P& L; ` 17 - u1 Z+ P5 s7 |8 v+ ]( W4 |AMTB Attack Management Test Bed # P0 ?: v0 V: }AMTL Army Materials Technology Laboratory./ U# [- I `" c! P% D A/N Army/Navy - C0 D9 b4 n; n3 q. h/ ~/ mAN/TPS-59 USMC Firefinder radar.. h9 c+ a/ s+ E1 B9 q ANALYZE Static Code Analyzer.. J6 \$ J6 }, s7 G+ H9 y0 x ANIK E1 Canadian telecommunications satellite’s name.* |3 ]$ `% ]& u4 J ANL Argonne National Laboratory, n, \/ U( }- B1 J) a5 H# u; I ANMCC Alternate National Military Command Center. P" _: v V& V; U( ^ ANMD Army National Missile Defense. , k) S; M5 h* N7 r! w! H4 y- oANN Artificial Neural Networks. ) Z8 h; C$ ~, aANSI American National Standards Institute. : v' V6 A( E& B. P! {Antenna Area The ratio of the power available at the terminals of an antenna to the incident 8 ^2 w5 A& C% d8 apower density of a plane wave from the direction polarized.# d9 l# i# ] T7 O3 c Antiair Warfare Action required to destroy or reduce to an acceptable level the enemy air and V* v+ H& x6 g$ l missile threat. It includes such measures as the use of interceptors, bombers,% Q' i" S! b& D antiaircraft guns, surface-to-air and air-to-air missiles, electronic5 B: d$ @% U1 l% b1 d) e' G countermeasures, and destruction of the air or missile threat both before and : G3 E5 H [9 g0 z- T$ l, Jafter it is launched. Other measures taken to minimize the effects of hostile air * q1 f, \; O* f, `: u9 \action are cover, concealment, dispersion, deception, and mobility (Navy/USMC). + @$ Z: o$ d4 K& V( c K3 |Anti-Ballistic, X# t* p) O0 z. U ]) F$ a6 L Missile (ABM) ; I% D9 G6 ]. U% n. ~1 {# rThe term used for Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) weapons developed to negate + ]7 z" N6 X9 i" V- X6 fthe ballistic missile threat in the late 60s and early 70s.1 ^* \% c! T( z2 e+ t5 R% \7 A* C/ M Anti-Ballistic ! I0 j9 P. n" r) Q8 A8 L; @( F3 aMissile System 3 s, M+ _3 u( a- N, HA system designed to counter strategic ballistic missiles or their elements in flight.( |+ V% y+ y7 N+ l: p2 ^ Anti-Radiation1 T1 ]9 p0 Z5 [6 l Missile (ARM)4 i1 ~; K# J9 q7 R: C A missile that homes passively on a radiation source. ; {# Z, b! C5 Z8 SAntisatellite - i0 Z n, W% _; V: J1 L* KWeapon (ASAT) P! e9 I; t1 G6 O6 S$ V7 b+ uA weapon designed to destroy satellites in space. The weapon may be ; M8 k6 H* `. Plaunched from the ground, from an aircraft, or be based in space. Either a 0 h- r1 e, F, s: `9 r' q0 Z2 t7 Enuclear or conventional explosion may destroy the target, by collision at high! O6 [5 G6 A" X1 W" H speed, or by a directed energy beam.! O# k; H- f0 o* } Anti-Simulation The process of introducing random variations to the signature characteristics of 1 r; P5 v+ z& S2 n$ Ian object in order to cause misidentification of the object by the sensors. The, N* E4 M+ n, y* }! { disguising of an RV to resemble a non-threatening object such as a piece of 3 P0 I, D- u" v J* }debris, a balloon, or a decoy.: z# s3 b9 X3 A: H j3 l* t% Q$ u Ao Operational Availability+ D0 M0 S4 O. z! M5 z" I% @ AO (1) Associated Object. (2) Action Officer. (3) Area of Operations (4) Acousto- / _ U! w, A$ o& f6 A# e! AOptical. (5) Attack Operations. , Z# C) e% l2 W, `- Q. S; qAOA OBSOLETE. Airborne Optical Adjunct (now called AST). * r E3 h% t) q( T6 `1 G6 G9 iMDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 A * S/ P; u# o- ?* ^3 U18 0 u! M$ T T, w3 t- LAOC Air Operations Center. & R5 x2 H Z3 J" T: M% r pAOCC Air Operations Control Center. " U5 }+ E3 P. k4 b$ z( KAOEC Aero-Optic Evaluation Center, Buffalo, NY., A: g3 O* x4 U& P. [+ a AOI Active Optical Imager. 1 \8 i/ U) M8 H8 d* NAOP Airborne Optics Platform. . y. [+ ~: j2 d. }* P. V8 QAOR Area of Responsibility. ' z5 X# e% n4 F( F4 j6 iAOS OBSOLETE. Airborne Optical Sensor. 3 S, A4 N) P4 Z7 E6 A6 xAOSP Advanced On-Board Signal Processor. & z$ o7 S, e7 sAOTF Acousto-Optic Tunable Filter. ) `$ l4 e4 k* M) oAP Acquisition Plan. 4 e* f, P# |: g: fAPB Acquisition Program Baseline. 6 t) u" p0 A! o0 ?APBI Advanced Planning Briefing to Industry (MDA). \3 n' q. d$ d4 S/ yAPCC Alternate Processing and Correlation Center.$ j( V; b6 Y% W& |; I4 Q! d APDP Acquisition Professional Development Program.( [6 L7 U! n& _( _) n+ q$ P m APEX Active Plasma Experiment9 J8 }2 D: E& E' X API Ascent-Phase Intercept. 3 H+ {5 c7 J5 \! `3 ?* u2 {APIPT Acquisition Planning IPT (PAC-3 term).7 X/ j3 N4 i8 l& x4 I A7 W APL Applied Physics Laboratory, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD. / B$ Z9 l# Y: q6 OAPLE Average Power Laser Experiment. 9 }' Q2 T. m$ ~& Y* X+ `* I9 nAPM Advanced Penetration Model.1 @& H j- O% ~. R# | APMA Acquisition Program Management Agreement. 0 y0 B0 m0 _8 w9 D# C1 E' fAPO (1) Apache Point Observatory. (2) Arrow Project Office. 6 _% w3 q- F8 aAPOD Aerial Point of Debarkation.) H% I5 A" P" W0 S# i* M* ` Application (1) (Software) It refers to a process; usually implemented as a software5 a9 l+ |1 e$ x' f2 p# C routine, at the highest level (Level 7) of the ISO open system' [. f& r8 K- r+ u7 I8 b5 X! m architecture. (2) (SDS) It refers to such processes as the Battle5 ~7 T' K# ^2 v5 y. C Management, Navigation, Network Control, and other high level functions 1 j9 A, y2 y8 F* K2 {which may originate or receive messages over the SDS Communication' f6 G8 `/ f+ `" n- L3 `8 y9 Z) u network, via underlying lower-level protocols. (3) Software designed to; n- S. \0 e. B* j" Q1 R2 O fulfill specific needs of a user. (4) (Acquisition) The process of selecting ! A- ~- l0 G( w' Frequirements that are pertinent and cost effective for the particular# u7 F) R# t% `8 _ materiel acquisition and contractually invoking them at the most% D7 H* {$ {( v, A: B advantageous times in the acquisition cycle. - M! w2 l X5 A l2 i1 a$ ZMDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 A 2 f0 ^* M, Q* j19 ) a) R* F; _( J, e0 yApportionment (1) A determination made by the Office of Management and Budget which 6 I l3 K- H/ W: u" K# V9 wlimits the amount of obligations or expenditures that may be incurred v, y! G1 [1 p! R; e' V/ U+ M" U0 qduring a specified time period. An apportionment may limit all obligations3 [5 }8 L$ s9 ]' R* r8 N* B to be incurred during the specified period or it may limit obligation to be+ B2 y0 P: T& B incurred for a specific activity, function, project, object, or a combination5 @# W! T# s. M4 l: f5 c thereof. The third of four phases of the DoD resource allocation process. ( _/ Z7 ]( m/ o) k(2) The determination and assignment of the total expected effort by 1 M2 D! ~! n0 q* ]3 ^percentage and/or by priority that should be devoted to the various air: [9 N7 N! l/ k operations and/or geographic areas for a given period of time. (3) In the+ D$ T& U. d0 R( G( Y9 ^ general sense, distribution for planning of limited resources among ) n/ n3 R* \+ r3 v7 y! A+ D. Kcompeting requirements. Specific apportionments (e.g. air sorties and ! ~, n( h6 F+ u/ P: X c9 Sforces for planning) are described as apportionment of air sorties and: ~* H3 \! M' Y+ [2 @! m+ S; C forces for planning, etc. * n( v9 V: I: {' c; A2 I- T! ~Appropriation An authorization by an act of Congress that permits Federal agencies to incur" ~& \! [2 `6 }7 `& B- z8 u6 u obligations and make payments from the Treasury. An appropriation usually+ k' O% B6 T8 Z0 ]; c! y- } follows an enactment of authorizing legislation. An appropriation act is the most 5 l) K. y* u6 `" Q: a) Jcommon means of providing budget authority. Appropriations do not represent8 X/ j2 Q$ v2 e- Q. ]" G- o cash actually set aside in the Treasury; they represent limitations of amounts, % T5 h5 q2 _, k8 U# f% V2 p5 wwhich agencies may obligate during a specified time period. See Authorization.- [* A9 l# @* k Approved/ D1 \/ S4 w3 w1 x, n% ? Program) p; p. s' N; L- O; I9 h2 Y The technical and operational, schedule, and quantity requirements reflected in ( q9 V4 a% b C' I' Q' Q$ }1 Gthe latest approved USD (A) ADM, or other document reflecting a more current9 [9 A4 E& K; B9 c3 f decision of the USD (A) or other approval authority, such as the President’s6 [8 g; n8 v+ _* u Budget, the FYDP, and supporting documentation. 8 ^! c ]; v6 q8 VAPPS Automated POM Preparation Instruction. 7 g5 R6 J5 z8 }3 {APS (1) Axial Propulsion System. (2) Automatic Phasing System. ! T* D6 { P, H, r5 [4 IAPT Acquisition, Pointing, and Tracking. 8 C% s0 L4 q; ^& gAPU Auxiliary Power Unit. / V. m- N4 f* z9 N7 F! TAR Army 0 L' ^/ w) U& ^2 D/ c+ C, |/ t7 n- jARB Accreditation Review Board." ?' C9 G6 t; F' ?# N ARC (1) Advanced Research Center, US Army, Huntsville, AL.* n/ q# U; S2 n. O X3 e5 f (2) Atlantic Research Corporation. 5 f+ F( l0 a% E4 ^ARC/SC Advanced Research Center/Simulation Center.& D: P0 m2 c, ^: m; f# b ARCCC Army Component Command Center.4 A" h- k% i7 I: @5 t9 z- H" }8 \ ARCT Advanced Radar Component Technology. + z* y# j$ b$ i0 g2 \ARFOR Army Forces.: ~6 |2 p+ {8 T9 h/ o- v ARGUS Advanced Real-time Gaming Universal Simulation. 1 j: C" x, n/ _6 ^( cArchitectural 5 x: {' \: E' }. O# R8 p) H6 f. ]Design' u* X& n8 }2 x! m- c1 S) D The process of defining a collection of hardware and software components and- K9 {) u1 G8 L& U$ ^; C- t' t& q8 i5 B5 G their interfaces to establish the framework for the development of a computer) N- n ]' ~% w2 p system.8 N- I9 `% i" C3 Z1 s MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 A 9 I; r* m. f3 J; b$ p9 x20 . R+ W8 X$ o; y2 M: IArchitecture 9 [' b" `4 Y, M) y& [5 ?, JIntegration 7 P+ P6 K, n9 n" v7 a. s+ N8 T! H& `Study (AIS) 4 f& C, Z2 h3 i: p: _; J1 PA study to determine the performance of alternative architectures and element5 a W: U1 Q, m( H designs that satisfy BMD System mission requirements, and to evaluate the4 U$ q6 J( b ?# x' l9 s7 \) W, G7 S effect of changing threats and advances in technology on the systems, ( }6 M7 @- Q1 x4 h. q o" C# [( A: Osubsystems, and components making up existing and proposed architectures. & o _4 z& m3 Q! B; ?* e8 {5 i( oARDSOC Army Defense System Operations Center. 2 I( v2 f. E+ ^% FARE Aerothermal Reentry Experiment. $ U+ h+ l- B! a4 ~6 pArea Air Defense# s# g3 w4 z9 `8 h. j1 a Commander 4 W! ]" V9 J( w(AADC)9 ?3 x( C6 j8 q7 p% M% m The person given overall responsibility for air defense within an overseas unified X# ^. L5 B) h! @ N' @( Gcommand, subordinate unified command, or a joint task force. Normally, this will " {( C* S$ y/ W" s' ~be the Air Force component commander. 7 `/ H4 u% P. [2 FArea Defense Defense of a broad geographical area that contains both military and civilian $ x8 T% G- j+ r9 Z) A; _assets (i.e., depots, towns/cities). (USSPACECOM) 6 [$ {6 q0 z# Z! b/ v8 SArea of Influence A geographical area wherein a commander is directly capable of influencing ) x6 l) v3 {; O I8 m" }5 |% ? Noperations by maneuver or fire support systems normally under his command or2 z: i8 g/ [3 z4 `9 I control.1 C I; i. d8 N; H0 d Area of Interest ; w+ l+ e! |, ?4 R3 Y0 T5 d" j% ^- j(AOI)( f8 B m4 j0 v2 |; |- v; J. T The area of influence and surrounding areas that is of concern to the 6 g' W% u0 H6 P2 n, Ocommander for the objective of current and planned operations. This may5 k- h7 ?2 c# p' C include areas occupied by enemy forces. v1 `$ s; L! ~3 y% n+ Z- N Area of1 O }6 h& q8 P, k+ w) k9 u8 n6 I Operations * M% h1 A( Z8 v( m! oThat portion of an area of war necessary for military operations and for the3 X- v' y6 w+ I* J7 d; w* e administration of such operations. - K5 I) \) [1 H$ v; c7 cArgus An airborne optical platform operated by the Air Force’s Phillips Laboratory., E: d# M" B. \" ^5 D2 ^; h Argus is sometimes used by MDA to collect flight test signatures, 4 }& t( _3 g5 T# i' ?0 e Jphenomenology, and intercept data.; O# P- B6 ^" c2 R! W: h ARGUS Advanced Real-time Gaming Universal Simulation. % ?9 x& I* T( Q" g2 k3 x, ~9 O8 i4 `ARH Anti-Radiation Homing.# ]* p# L6 p4 k2 i t ARI Army Research Institute

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15 : S8 |2 r0 H) cALCE Airlift Coordination Element (JFACC term). 7 Y& t1 t/ E7 g) O9 @ALCM Air Launched Cruise Missile./ {3 l/ [) g6 S1 w$ h ALCOR ARPA/Lincoln C-band observable radar. (USAKA KREMS) , I5 `9 k9 }, M, ^* j. M: pALDT Average Logistics Delay Time.- b/ f3 t) k' `( ]9 {- T2 C0 Q. L, i ALE Airborne Laser Experiment.! e0 G; N& T6 Z: O ALERT Attack and Launch Early Reporting to Theater. 1 O+ }& W5 K5 n3 ?& }' V$ C; B) }ALG Algorithm 7 `1 ^, q% [. H( b6 \ALI (1) Alpha/LAMP Integration. (2) AEGIS Leap Intercept: a$ ~6 D# s0 j* ?" X ALIRT Advanced Large-area Infrared Transducer 4 u/ @" |- i f6 HALL Airborne Laser Laboratory.% c. u1 V7 ~! U" S Allocated/ \+ I j( ~2 j0 p Availability ! W6 Q+ F" d! W* c- ?. L2 Y! m8 YRequirement ) Q5 D+ L' ], ? zThe requirement probability that an element is available to perform its function as9 W- e% c) g" ]. p" V z4 i7 B$ z allocated by the SDS.1 U ?4 M5 T# @) t/ C4 w Allocation (1) An authorization by a designated official of a DoD component making funds9 |4 f/ d u2 C# [ available within a prescribed amount to an operating agency for the purpose of / x! h% @3 P8 pmaking allotments (i.e., the first subdivision of an apportionment). (2) The % V9 R: V/ Q& J- e3 ntranslation of the apportionment into total numbers of sorties by aircraft type7 a2 j6 G8 G' f. }% w* v3 I: @ i available for each operation/task. $ N) K) y9 D- JAllotment The temporary change of assignment of tactical air forces between subordinate4 E4 E" I* X9 u8 L; N1 N) u+ j commands. The authority to allot is vested in the commander having operational1 T6 Z# l( o5 |: Q command. 5 d3 R) o( ~$ n4 f$ l) ZALO Alpha Laser Optimization. ) Q+ r0 l1 r: a, ^- y; mALOD Adaptive Locally Optimum Detector (Navy term). 8 J) E. N0 @4 u+ M7 n3 MAlpha Particle A particle emitted spontaneously from the nuclei of some radioactive elements. % C! ]' a5 \, g9 J( yIt is identical to a helium nucleus, having a mass of four units and a charge of : |4 p `6 G; V; q1 V' Zpositive two.' D( i9 }8 M6 I ALPS Accidental Launch Protection System. 6 U8 X* z* K8 T3 [. J! \ [ALS Advanced Launch System.# C! U6 O$ A7 \9 I" P9 D: l ALSP Aggregate Level Simulation Protocol.0 i4 }4 w* ]5 f- T; H ALT Airborne Laser Technology., }0 T& x4 Q" P* p# ` K ALTAIR UHF test radar at USAKA. % v6 _, |: x) \/ v6 g! YAltAir Project name for the feasibility demonstration of a short range, air drop, ballistic x" c" |! g$ E9 \- E& Y missile target, dropped from a C-130 cargo aircraft.4 I; k5 E3 _+ l8 N" D" B3 D. j; J0 I MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 A* i! e5 H3 O8 m4 W: B4 m 16+ K8 j# {7 q/ {; B Alternate * |$ Y* M+ q4 m, qNational Military1 E6 k" } w6 \% |7 @ Command Center6 S2 k3 `& c9 s' `; O (ANMCC), ]# j% i" _4 | An element of the National Military Command System (NMCS), which serves as z! q+ B# B' U/ K- L- San alternate to the NMCC. Located at Ft. Ritchie, MD.! [1 N1 U- X% M5 U' ?& z! b: R `6 u Alternate# B2 p/ S9 i5 g @ Processing and 5 E9 M7 T* k2 [5 n" QCorrelation% j- r7 T( \* B5 ? Center (APCC) 4 k% d- D6 L) D! ~8 a* MNORAD capability in USSTRATCOM Command Post that receives, processes,) _9 _$ c: }; G+ O% A and analyzes TW/AA information. * D3 A! t8 k& u u5 ^( `. O( oAlternate Space 3 _& R1 o8 C+ l# {; |2 I3 f+ ]3 e' SDefense" B; u% |7 h" t0 \# w' k; Z Operations& X5 D `. l" V9 w& f, }. Q Center/ U q M0 c0 z3 B (ASPADOC) \4 S$ ?: Z7 I- a/ M( o% M4 o3 B4 X The backup to the SPADOC, maintained by the Naval Space Command, at* _4 o8 T( r2 t" t Dahlgren, VA, collocated with the NAVSPOC and NAVSPASUR. `+ n* {! f% W7 [/ d1 X& q ALU Arithmetic Logic Unit. 6 |: o/ f* t! j6 ?# _AM Amplitude Modulation. 4 v* F8 |1 {5 T/ D" H! F3 ^AMC (1) Air Mobility Command, Scott AFB, IL. (2) Army Materiel Command. (3). B! G: {# h7 s. H+ L5 A Midpoint Compromise Search Area. (4) Acquisition Method Code. (5)3 O: g7 t! u' B9 b) [ Advisory Management Committee.% }6 c# u3 @+ y1 ` AMCOM Army Aviation and Missile Command (Oct. 1996).7 }: P$ M, f; B9 P( ? AMD Air and Missile Defense4 v' V0 S+ l+ I; r, Z3 P3 ^( g AMDF Army Master Data File; L; M. T' G5 {) e8 ^ E AMDS Active Missile Defense System. * k, v" J4 D+ U, n+ \3 hAMDTF Air and Missile Defense Task Force (US Army term)5 H# `1 A8 _9 ~ v3 C0 P8 v# q8 {6 D AMEMB American Embassy.; q7 e, e9 a; l! M AMFB Acquisition Management Functional Board. / `$ Y% g7 R9 HAMG Antenna mast group.' B% x1 p. \6 a( y) A* P AMOR Army Missile Optical Range.5 _! s+ D8 T b" M: t" G* ^ AMOS Air Force Maui Optical Station.; Y( s0 J7 w1 a9 r# ~ amp ampere* m7 l2 Z, H1 l8 \ AMP Ansular Measurement Precision.

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发表于 2008-12-25 19:57:50 |只看该作者
MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 A) u7 o1 I* S3 M) n 14 7 f, T+ i5 i% [2 IAir Force Space- ~& {9 E3 y' Q% _2 Z. | M& F8 C. Z, a Operations, X6 `5 C" g, v$ T Center (AFSPOC) $ l" w4 x# o) r- [- N9 s9 j* WAn AFSPACECOM center located in Colorado Springs, CO. 9 `- z/ Z! Q4 { QAir Surveillance The systematic observation of airspace by electronic, visual, or other means, j" i3 \9 Q( Q: E5 O primarily for the purpose of identifying and determining the movements of aircraft6 J; [6 ? W, V and missiles, friendly and enemy, in the air space under observation. 2 X6 V/ M+ Z+ |2 L4 u* eAir-breathing A flying vehicle that uses the oxygen in the atmosphere as the oxidizer in its l( x# `6 Z; A' |, fpropulsion system. Examples are jet aircraft and cruise missiles. This category- ` K( t' B/ B, V does not include ballistic missiles. : t. o/ [7 G* NAirborne: H2 \/ J& v1 D' h! O Surveillance% c( O, O* v* X0 \7 J2 f; T: @" @. { Testbed (AST) : f3 d8 N& {7 T1 s2 A: Y) I$ ^9 FA Boeing 767 aircraft with a large infrared sensor designed to address optical+ t, G& I0 D! Q3 g( F- q; A sensor issues. It's expected that this program will be retired in 2003 with its 7 i2 w/ Y) w% ^1 \/ F3 n" Dmissions to be taken over by HALO II and WASP. ; H+ |- U5 A9 i) b: ]6 C& bAIRMS Airborne Infrared Measurement System , ?+ x% |* u6 IAIRREQSUP Air Request Support (JFACC term). 8 s. E9 K. j* e8 I3 S1 nAIRS Atmospheric Infrared Sounder - c& B5 V% V6 ~, X" O, d) BAirspace Control9 e5 U8 a$ F" D k0 H: \, D) C in the Combat- {4 r; _0 @2 l s" h- E Zone. N+ {7 s% D: p1 Q A process used to increase combat effectiveness by promoting safe, efficient ) S4 r# ^: {5 [# ]) e5 O6 t6 Y' Qand flexible use of airspace. Airspace control is provided in order to prevent * g' a" O6 h) A- q- j( }# Bfratricide, enhance air defense operations, and permit greater flexibility of- i) k! ^! i4 }. A8 v operations. Airspace control does not infringe on the authority vested in ; z c% j- J/ a6 k" u x4 a$ F) ocommanders to approve, disapprove, or deny combat operations. ; p! x+ A1 o3 {5 a3 N2 z6 |5 U5 R% fAirspace Control ! }! X, W" E% f' ~. J2 T% A& PPlan1 N7 h0 k& U4 g( R K6 I The document approved by the joint force commander that provides specific2 j( j' m0 [' |" t planning guidance and procedures for the airspace control system for the joint ( n6 t" n, i% Q2 z! vforce area of responsibility. 4 p# |5 I& H) \AIRSUPREQ Air Support Request (JFACC term).$ E$ x: r9 _* K AIS (1) Automated Information System. (2) Architecture Integration Study. (3)7 Q8 Z! q! e; U, x Airborne Intercept System.8 o! X! e$ Z# [- n AIST Advanced Interceptor and Systems Technology. $ f& s3 J/ P' U2 pAIT Advanced Interceptor Technologies.3 Z$ @: A9 h" X* c i- @ AJ Antijam. % }! m9 q a5 s" K$ K; {AJPO Ada Joint Program Office.3 e' B( k6 r4 ]* _5 c- O AJTBP Augmented Joint Theater Battle Picture." c, C- O, n/ F8 H7 C+ @ AL Acquisition Logistician. & @! Y1 ?& o4 y% I& Y6 xALARM Alert, Locate, and Report Missiles. - g) ~+ s& v" Y5 O6 E# E3 W5 tALAS Advanced Liquid Axial Stage.2 z* O$ I D$ V) a& { ALBCS Airborne Laser Beam Control System. . {9 \# f' u1 w; Y& ]" EALC Air Logistics Center (AF). " U9 @! c/ r) j3 T* @0 _ \0 `ALCC Airlift Coordination Center (JFACC term). ' M1 N$ R/ _* v+ f1 P' w) Z5 wMDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 A

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发表于 2008-12-25 19:57:41 |只看该作者
Air Force ; g' m( ~6 c, ]! H9 y0 G2 i GSatellite : y: E% N3 B K) ]Communications . k2 U9 h$ m8 W# b' R9 uSystem. N9 a1 y. D: P1 y- u2 E; j (AFSATCOM) , }$ r+ M8 A& ?9 ZA collection of transponders on host satellites used by U.S. Strategic Command & t2 c& n% U- F& g, @( rto pass emergency action messages (EAM) and damage assessment reports.) @/ M* \3 V, Y8 b# V: j AFSATCOM is also used to pass sensor data between sites and CMAFB.1 i) X; a! G* i Air Force; l' D# J$ c6 t( v3 | Satellite Control # i* Y% v9 ?2 `2 A, y& Z8 u* vNetwork 9 L3 D+ [8 T! ~$ |: J# R3 [(AFSCN) + @: u& o4 `; z, R: Z0 SA global, multi-command configuration of space vehicle command, control, and 3 v, @6 o/ e& \$ m- D0 A" `- U2 A, Rcommunications resources operating in concert to support DoD and other , Z$ n+ }& _) K1 x. \assigned space missions.8 @, ]" v4 `: B! T6 m Air Force Space8 g( m8 C& \# O$ y4 R7 n- U Command . F1 }# E! d/ s& k Q3 U& `7 h(AFSPC)9 `' d0 ?/ ?- x9 \; C A major Air Force command and the Air Force component of United States ( S2 Y" h# u0 ^6 A6 o! Q' KSpace Command responsible for the training, equipping, manning, administering,) ]9 s# |+ |& ?2 k. X$ \6 z and funding of assigned systems. Located in Colorado Springs, CO.6 H- a) H1 }, T Air Force Space 9 F+ k y3 }- D. mOperations5 X, Z! Z; c) f Center (AFSPOC)3 ~4 s! O3 j9 S, g$ u5 r& o An AFSPACECOM center responsible for the daily tracking of events at remote( O+ J4 s# I+ \" j" D( S operational sites. It may be updated and assigned responsibility for logistics# `4 t9 t' ~# E; Y( s8 O and administrative control of assigned SDS elements. Located in Colorado 5 w% \5 i" E8 j* lSprings, CO. ( N% X! c( B3 y4 e/ W* zAir Force CRC Air Force Control and Reporting Center. W8 F0 e) t1 @) e$ i3 m Air Force " n2 X: P; g _" AOperational Test : [1 ^' q7 ^, o) b u: z9 a' m( Z3 Vand Evaluation - h5 Q6 I8 } ~ V# LCenter (AFOTEC) ' ^9 ]0 d4 b' B+ x: `3 x* c: KResponsible for the operational test and evaluation of systems being developed: X5 P9 J3 o9 G& @7 I3 e for use by the Air Force (Located at Kirtland AFB, NM).1 u& P: d! |3 H Air Force Space ! a @! }3 t; Z- r/ r4 ^2 p8 UCommand 0 N/ N3 ~- L( l3 H- L% g(AFSPC)# x2 | ]' u6 K A major Air Force command and the Air Force component of United States: H' h6 W) `; A( j Space Command responsible for the training, equipping, manning, administering, : D, }2 |3 S* H# f5 x: Xand funding of assigned systems. Located in Colorado Springs, CO.

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发表于 2008-12-25 19:57:27 |只看该作者
Airborne! d& ~5 l+ O8 R" z. p1 o8 o Surveillance' r1 k4 R- A4 {( Z! [7 S Testbed (AST) ' U6 A0 q$ Y! E3 Y1 W; d: XA Boeing 767 aircraft with a large infrared sensor designed to address optical 5 w1 `2 l. O' ~* j4 ysensor issues. 8 W1 t! s' [, _8 Q" v+ H" pAir-breathing A flying vehicle that uses the oxygen in the atmosphere as the oxidizer in its9 d3 Z: ^3 F; t* p; }. h propulsion system. Examples are jet aircraft and cruise missiles. This category 8 c; u6 ?- I* N- X: P2 L8 F2 Qdoes not include ballistic missiles. 1 C0 x; \) l$ S9 l/ lAir Defense All measures designed to nullify or reduce the effectiveness of hostile air action. ; j$ u, w8 R6 V( D% \Air Defense % `( \0 X6 L7 R5 A- S) SAction Area8 ]" j' C- j# k" @2 b An area and the airspace above it within which friendly aircraft or surface-to-air" I& d% {5 ^# k5 J$ \: G: m weapons is normally given precedence in operations except under specific # S, I. F, T# l% _( b) Tconditions. See also air defense operations area.8 H' @% s* z0 R7 q( B5 A1 \) R# R+ ] Air Defense6 p+ k" {2 N2 w6 b4 R; o Artillery 6 [" Q; r( l+ n+ i- QWeapons and equipment for actively combating air targets from the ground.3 j/ m: H( \5 W8 x! Y; m, c- }# ~ MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 A5 a& c) Q) s: I3 t' m" S 13 u% N8 \% D4 Z' R. B Air Defense 9 [" C0 y d/ d* b1 CIdentification' d# c( H* I: g Zone. \0 `, |# f" ^# z1 \) u Airspace of defined dimensions within which the ready identification, location, 2 o: h5 e3 c/ w/ l! s3 S& M9 Xand control of airborne vehicles are required. Commonly referred to as ADIZ. ; D1 q9 Z* j" q( P# T1 @See also air defense operations area.. ]* q! ]4 Z! h, w Air Defense , w( x3 _& L, Z" t1 @" FOperations Area& g, w9 t! e( ^5 J/ U0 U A geographic area defining the boundaries within which procedures are$ O; r/ H6 @) e4 X/ l1 | established to minimize interference between air defense and other operations.2 @$ M" [9 J, k8 }4 o! M7 U. e May include designation of one or more of the following: Air defense action $ \6 `+ P: i3 e3 Qarea; Air defense area; Air defense identification; Firepower umbrella.1 k4 o, a7 P: ?5 { Air Force5 ^5 T% z# _2 U! u Component ; |$ l0 b" X# |' W) A6 mCommand Center * S/ I4 V1 c4 l$ U6 |6 {# k1 g, u(AFCCC)6 t. N- m" {' Y7 h. {! U A segment of the Command and Control Element, which replicates capabilities of 6 h( z, e# E# n! s: Q1 Hthe CCC (BMD) segment and provides administrative and logistics support to Air' x; L. f# F+ y; l1 d Force Component Forces with the Strategic Defense System. The AFCCC was ) ?/ L( R' M5 E) D; ?eliminated from the CCE (now C2 E) architecture during the last SAS system ; T) e2 Q5 f7 i. d* G x& Yarchitecture definition update. , @ {/ D8 a2 b& `Air Force/ a6 F. ?) T! Y1 ^ Ground/Global . o$ U" F9 b6 D! ^Weather Center $ E) g# [6 [& A0 e' F(AFGWC)) g: J4 w {' j3 L AFGWC provides Air Force and Army with global information and products 8 ]1 u( j) f X; Jrelating to past, present, and future states of the aerospace environment." A2 h- T% T, a2 K Weather data is provided to the Weather Support Unit (WSU) for use by the & `0 N: E2 |2 m1 dSDS. Also provides space environmental data such as sunspots, 6 c& B: Q) b, [: n0 k7 H+ Eelectromagnetic storms, etc. Located at Offutt AFB, NE.. H# f5 x1 A8 `7 R Air Force V: i( |7 {8 g5 J Operational7 P& M; T5 e0 y Test and , x& L. o* [( z* JEvaluation % p' O0 o, q& M9 J. v& B: gCenter (AFOTEC) 2 O: P3 z( a9 C8 q: L) s: ~Responsible for the operational test and evaluation of systems being developed7 N( v5 _! J2 k1 N7 @0 j for use by the Air Force (Located at Kirtland AFB, NM).

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发表于 2008-12-25 19:57:15 |只看该作者
AFTAC Air Force Technical Applications Center, Patrick AFB, FL0 g3 _$ O9 c9 m2 I! ^ AFTADS Army Field Artillery Target Data System.) v2 `0 a+ X0 q3 G0 G) e AFWAN Air Force WWMCCS ADP Modernization o4 ]3 i8 L0 v" aAFWL Air Force Weapons Laboratory (Phillips Lab). 3 L" @% z+ M; T- m6 Q+ YAGARD Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development.. y+ F6 t2 t8 `" g; @ AGC Automatic Gain Control.6 `6 Q! L& Z$ r6 B AGCCS (1) Air Force Global Command and Control System (USAF term). / f, U6 [8 a! s! h(2) Army Global Command and Control System (US Army term).8 h) }7 B* D; y3 M0 X1 { T MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 A( D/ Z' [0 {) ^! K F' Y 12# S& j, y+ M: Y3 Z AGM-65 Maverick Air-to-Surface Missile. / S4 O& ?/ n7 U. S6 `- uAGMC Air Force Aerospace Guidance and Metrology Center, Newark AFB, OH. 6 {' T0 ?, }6 i6 z: zAGRE Active Geophysical Rocket Experiment 5 H3 C( }1 ~% {, O8 vAGT Above Ground Test.( C" G6 j" x$ G$ K$ ~ AHIS Agile Homing Interceptor Simulator. 6 U* A/ e! |3 P7 J9 kAHSG Ad Hoc Study Group.9 d. {" e# a7 v- k* }- i+ R AHWG Ad Hoc Working Group 5 l( c: I1 V$ y2 A! i1 ^AI (1) Artificial Intelligence. (2) Action Item. (3) Air Interdiction. ) C) ~: i8 `8 E/ ~9 y" WAIA Air Intelligence Agency9 c0 Y! \. k( G3 {6 z5 t9 l, Z AIAA American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, H3 a+ D {( t; t O( s3 \ AIC (1) Atlantic Intelligence Command. (2) Account Identifier Code. 9 k6 B# ^. E/ p/ q& f' YAID Agile Interceptor Development. / T7 Q3 z+ u, o5 w+ RAIDA Artificial Intelligence Discrimination Architecture (UKMOD). # d- I+ n1 H% |" o% n3 f6 cAIDPN Architecture Investment and Deployment Planning Notebook. 6 v9 B9 m0 o1 ZAIM Air Intercept Missile * s& ^: Z0 L2 t. c; L" YAimpoint The specific point at which a weapon is aimed. The point may be on the earth's 5 g- \: g" l4 v. q0 p7 R* Xsurface, in the atmosphere, or in space. In some cases, the specific lethal point % x9 z" }' [5 v5 R- V+ _- {on a target to which a weapon is aimed.# w' k9 C3 k- M% \( L" o. ` AIP Advanced Interceptor Program (formerly Brilliant Pebbles).4 r( u% E$ S6 F5 [ O' j0 x Airborne; \$ ^( v' W' w# T( K Optional Adjunct 6 V$ x0 A, ]9 Z(AOA) - }, f* y$ J: E7 d9 O/ c" DA test program to place an infrared (IR) sensor in an aircraft. (Superseded by0 T) o! i- |2 }7 C W3 i# p Airborne Surveillance Testbed (AST).)

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发表于 2008-12-25 19:57:01 |只看该作者
AFC2S Air Force Command and Control System ) k4 P) S" X# a/ BAFCC Air Force Component Commander. 9 Y, j/ U- l& I) B7 {AFCCC Air Force Component Command Center. ( D. x$ {& N9 ]+ f' k# pAFCS Automatic Flight Control System.# D- b1 ?, `- V2 n' R# e AFCSC Air Force Cryptological Support Center ; o! J2 V# o1 X- E* k9 ^. 9 C& |5 u# [" ]4 y. iAFD Adaptive Flexible Defense.5 w/ k X7 P( u9 ?; k' a' J AFDSOC Air Force Defense System Operations Center.# D9 d8 e1 _! r" L. i: f0 I# F2 \* K AFF Arming, Fusing and Firing.( N9 s; A) N4 p1 c- k9 C; f AFFTC Air Force Flight Test Center, Edwards AFB, CA. " G7 \! q# z- O/ gAFGWC Air Force Ground/Global Weather Center.% V; h; S0 X0 L; Q D AFID Anti-Fratricide Identification Device.) }4 {, A9 p0 B3 a AFIWC Air Force Information Warfare Center. 3 q) [3 l- g- H0 KAFM Award Fee Monitor.( f0 [ Y3 A% h+ K- n/ n! r# j MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 A2 F( B2 `/ Q+ s, l$ c 114 o# G4 g: [8 M- t: N, L; f7 D1 L AFMC Air Force Material Command, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio.5 u6 O/ ]. Q7 ]' p AFNORTH Allied Forces Northern Europe (NATO)." F% t3 d, b. M6 m6 ^ AFOSH Air Force Occupational Safety and Health. / ]5 r0 A& p6 z5 S! Y9 WAFOTEC Air Force Operational Test and Evaluation Center. ; ]0 V3 P) z% Q" p4 G8 V, oAFPEO/SP Air Force Program Executive Officer for Space ! i$ f# Z3 V" o- t5 KAFRB Award Fee Review Board 9 I) N" P! s5 G" ]( h: ?+ v& \3 @AFSARC Air Force System Acquisition Review Council.$ L7 D6 p! C$ n/ [8 r AFSATCOM Air Force Satellite Communications System. 8 w# }. L" K5 Q9 ?/ ~6 I8 ~AFSB Air Force Science Board.- U$ w+ T5 V8 q4 c AF/SC Deputy Chief of Staff for Command, Control, Communications, and Computers,& ^' h9 j7 j. ^# k& J: a! B United States Air Force. ! r3 O' V0 v% ]3 D0 `- Y$ K/ x4 gAFSCN Air Force Satellite Control Network.& N; R q. }6 W3 t" {# |) ]( a AFSD OBSOLETE. Air Force Space Division. (Replaced by USAF/SMC.) - c( ~$ P0 x/ l- s5 r; b9 j' d; s# x2 FAFSMC Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center* z0 Q1 J9 \0 t' K% g/ B6 e4 Q% _ AFSOUTH Allied Forces, Southern Region (NATO)+ j6 _6 [! Z, Y5 W& W8 f4 h AFSPACECOM Air Force Space Command, Patterson AFB, CO. 5 W: O$ }6 R) d! X" ?AFSPC Air Force Space Command, Patterson AFB, CO # l' ?' q% M% X6 F- TAFSPOC Air Force Space Operations Center. ! m7 n! o7 c* MAFSSI Air Force System Security Instruction. - M5 p5 h2 I' c( Q6 F/ ~# LAFSTC (1) Air Force Space Test Center, Sunnyvale, CA. (2) Air Force Space' R/ |4 Z$ h& | I! T7 {" M Technology Center, Kirtland AFB, NM. 7 j! r: v" Q6 y. @AFSWC Air Force Space Warfare Center.

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发表于 2008-12-25 19:56:53 |只看该作者
ADWC Air Defense Warfare Center.! a: ]( M- r& P, Z2 [$ d ADX Air Defense Exercise.* b9 V1 N* ^* K. ] AE (1) Acquisition Executive. (2) Antenna Equipment.- Q0 k D' e# u6 ~ AEC Atomic Energy Commission (US)$ m; {% ^& h. n- d1 O; B AEDC Arnold Engineering Development Center, Arnold AFB, TN. 8 \6 W8 T( t) g6 u" |AEG General Electric Corporation of Germany. 3 n; x% H# q! JAEGIS The Navy's advanced, fast reaction, high firepower, shipboard anti-air warfare 9 o, K9 J' V" a: B5 L- Barea defense system (Note: Aegis is the Greek word for "shield"). 7 I! h( w, l" d: u8 o' U. e) m$ yAEGIS BMD Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense (Aegis BMD) Project is an element of the Ballistic % Q* R4 K! Y. [) Z" Y3 ]Missile Defense System, and is being developed to provide a rapidly deployable, ! ?# F8 g9 X* n% Ghighly mobile defensive system capability against short-to-intermediate range3 J/ ]8 K! \2 W( ^. w ballistic missile attacks on population centers, debarkation ports, coastal airports, " H5 E6 [, E# Hamphibious objective areas, expeditionary forces, troops, friends, and allies. z. q1 r' [4 k! \( t* B Forward positioning of the ship makes possible a missile defense that will protect) ?4 y; T" g7 n& i vast areas, often-entire countries. The Aegis BMD element of the BMDS builds& g: f* b7 Z! C/ h) t9 ` on the proven Mark 7 Aegis Weapon System including modifications to the & p* e/ ?, f5 o1 Y' m. o/ V; c0 FStandard Missile, and the Mark 41 Guided Missile Launch System., o0 S5 l" Z1 P$ _ AEGIS C&D AEGIS Command and Decision. ( C) {+ n: c1 T, Y$ N$ nAEGIS CRC AEGIS Control and Reporting Center. 2 U$ r0 h# C$ F, u. l, q% s2 WAerospace ( Q* B/ {2 G% \" Y& q& P8 mDefense (AD) ' M, D' m' t+ Z- h, h1 i! D(1) All defensive measures designed to destroy attacking enemy aircraft, missiles,& P3 ]0 ^* r" J; I and space vehicles after they leave the Earth’s surface, or to nullify or reduce $ u+ M- T4 L) W- o9 l( I G1 }8 sthe effectiveness of such attacks. (2) An inclusive term encompassing air& \# h/ q0 d0 s. D6 H defense and space defense.) B* e$ F) X$ U/ f Aerospace5 A2 Y1 W, ]- q0 R8 s) s Defense - P; \, h0 i' [) EOperations * h* i5 V! `1 @7 f$ X& U1 q$ ?Center (ADOC)% z" n; g) U' a6 h" J- u! v5 ~ Existing center in Cheyenne Mountain AFB (CMAFB), which controls the Air $ j+ i0 ^2 {/ Y% R' EDefense of North America mission. 0 U3 E( V) Y$ o+ K7 H- A3 ~% C5 ^& nMDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 A8 S' B2 q+ a; W; R4 z 106 B0 i3 s6 B- y/ O0 Y% b# \ Aerostats Ship- or ground-moored balloon supporting a radar antenna. 9 J; P& A2 [) U" p BAerothermal Kill A kill in which the thermal shielding of the target RV is damaged by the defensive 2 O# ]7 R1 x6 ?, ~system. The RV is subsequently destroyed during reentry. . U9 r: o; q* D: `0 m# rAES Army [Tactical Command and Control System] Ex ; Z1 ?6 o, M6 W( ~" j; rAEW Airborne Early Warning. 9 Z7 u$ s" q! C1 M) u9 R& C. pAEWR Airborne Early Warning Radar + n$ x0 e) ?5 y: `, n% KAF (1) Air Force (2) Award Fee. 7 m+ J% y% \2 F$ {1 MAF SATCOM Air Force Satellite Communications [System]. / L- j/ c9 \" e' @AF/IN Air Force Intelligence) x+ m3 {3 T. k! c, ~5 o: o+ U' t AF/SC Deputy Chief of Staff for Command, Control, Communications, and Computers,4 g! g" i) ~8 D- |' M9 S. V United States Air Force.$ C, N5 Q( J7 w: r+ x9 ]" T AF/TAA Air Force Executive Agent for Theater Air Defense' V \0 |; _) Q/ \0 I$ c- R( i: @ AFAC Air Force Advisory Committee. & i. v9 I6 m, Y% O, y# c2 SAFAE Air Force Acquisition Executive.% _5 D* y5 K9 F) A AFAM Air Force Acquisition Model( K6 q, C" c' O8 Q, y AFAS Advanced Field Artillery System. 6 k3 x4 L/ `( h% @9 m6 M1 I6 J* kAFATDS (1) Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System. (2) Army Field Artillery . q2 A8 j0 y5 STarget Direction System

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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2008-12-25 19:56:15 |只看该作者
Adaptive 7 W5 Y5 h5 i+ D, O$ WPreferential 5 ^1 C O; {, {3 U$ xDefense' n' ]+ Y# D/ _; o5 H8 P Adaptive Defense. / _& S" ~: c- B+ V. TADATOC Air Defense Artillery Tactical Operations Center (US Army brigade). + E' n& k& y/ B! V- M8 p4 DADC Analog-to-Digital Converter. 6 ^/ ?$ A9 r# D8 ~ADCATT Air Defense CATT (US Army term). . v/ ^" C5 [4 ^9 ]ADCC Air Defense Control Center. 8 N& G5 ~( ]% M! j4 hADCOM OBSOLETE. (U.S.) Aerospace Defense Command, Peterson AFB, CO. 2 U/ Z0 w$ P3 b0 [ADCP (1) Air Defense Communications Platform. (2) Air Defense Command Post. - o6 {5 q# Y( |9 p/ W) `ADD Air Defense District O( t% J8 {8 M) u" ^$ G" z/ {ADDA Air Defense Decision Aid." \5 {$ ~) B% k. g3 C ADDS Air Defense Demonstration System.3 g, e- f% u; X; U* z& o5 C Army Data Distribution System = ELPIRS + JTIDS.% r. v+ `$ c# W- ?7 p0 R5 ] ADI Air Defense Initiative.) t$ O: K6 [) x. t2 O8 w/ r ADIZ Air Defense Identification Zone.3 g8 X- Q, `' f$ {! L MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 A ! [* G6 ^$ r$ Q4 Z0 g) U% m5 P8 9 [/ f+ A1 z9 m2 d4 a) l- G+ I* GADLT Advanced Discriminating LADAR Technology. A/ L; z/ e4 N0 C* m- T& O ADM (1) Also see Acquisition Decision Memorandum (2) Advanced Development1 Y2 Y- t* T3 `# l3 N; M Model.$ \. T' _; c2 H/ { Administrative " c N, s: L( C* J6 FContracting % b( w4 n$ ~+ p3 b j( Y9 EOfficer (ACO) ' X; D$ G3 T9 r6 ZThe government contracting officer located at a contract administrative office that $ P9 A6 o% T; {, o9 w1 ais assigned the responsibility for administration of Government contracts.) v3 J1 r l1 ^3 o E% Y3 M" X" y (Defense Systems Management College Glossary) 5 [2 c' a% O6 g8 O* i5 LADMS Air Defense Missile System (USMC term).- o6 W9 H. G1 I8 C' d- L' P ADOC Aerospace Defense Operations Center.$ F* Z7 s# Q! N9 L* ~& G% L ADOCC Air Defense Operations Control Center. 1 K# t8 h! t. D0 |0 h: k# g+ {5 `ADOP Advanced Distributed Onboard Processor.& H6 G4 H9 \, W- C7 ~/ Y ADOPT See Adaptive Optics. ' [6 Y9 e! ^) ZADP (1) Automated Data Processing. (2) Arrow Deployability Project & _; n( U, U- f" hADPE Automated Data Processing Equipment. : A+ k8 T& z% }ADR. Advanced Data Recording. - Z$ z; U( W% h' rADRG ARC Digital Raster Graphics.6 Y' h% q% o: @3 L1 W) C" m ADS Advanced Distribution System $ J* ]/ Q4 l0 O2 `4 Y" KADSAM Air-Directed Surface-to-Air Missile.; o' E+ [ E) A* p. c; ^ ADSG Air Defense Sub Group.5 L# Y0 D2 {* d K/ F7 W% k+ i$ Q ADSI Air Force Defense Systems Integrator.4 @& ^* \! G, j+ \- ]1 @ ADT Architecture Development Team (DoD Space Architect term).8 ]3 D8 f1 M2 C8 ^) Q* p ADTOC Air Defense Tactical Operations Center. . Z& N1 y1 S# sADUSD Assistant Deputy Under Secretary of Defense.4 L! x! y9 U4 d" n Advance Funding Budget authority provided in an appropriation act that allows funds to be 0 t0 h3 u/ L) D! ~+ u3 `committed to a specific purpose (obligated) and spent during this fiscal year even" [5 l' m5 u/ e8 | though the appropriation actually is for the next fiscal year. Advance funding . [6 c' R1 U" T! ~generally is used to avoid requests for supplemental appropriations for# k; [! ~( d# U: t$ q7 z1 b2 s entitlement programs late in a fiscal year when the appropriations for the current ( M: E0 G4 D, Q3 w/ y8 mfiscal year are too low. 3 V0 b B8 k D1 |- E( s% |+ RAdvance" k' i6 n) G, n R7 h: D Procurement 8 h1 n+ _" ?4 V5 s. ^Authority provided in an appropriations act to obligate and disburse from the7 Y6 ^$ } B' c# h5 V% `6 Y succeeding year’s appropriation. The funds are added to the budget authority ) I; `2 s8 x1 K5 @" y# ufor the fiscal year and deducted from the budget authority of the succeeding # }1 T9 |( [# P4 C: ofiscal year. Used in major acquisition programs for advance procurement of1 O1 g. a( n! ~' Y9 u+ V: B! o components whose long-lead time require purchasing early in order to reduce/ P# S' c% K" M! e$ c# n! d the overall procurement lead-time. Advance procurement of long lead8 [3 e6 ~; d" D+ m5 J0 g$ b components is an exception to the DoD “full funding” policy. s2 C! b% b9 M9 ?0 F% Y4 I MDA GLOSSARY, VER. 4.0 A 5 e7 D4 L2 A3 N' i5 I% k97 q9 I7 j) P, G* _3 _& } Advanced7 s) J! r3 q" C' B' T7 b Concept $ F0 Z4 l, X8 A$ S3 A& K. Q- QTechnology " V1 Y% y+ m& t2 F5 SDemonstration. ^0 I8 ]6 F" V7 s. w (ACTD) ) C p$ I4 w# \, c! O, zAn integrating effort to assemble and demonstrate a significant new military ! S( U' f: b# q# a& Rcapability, based upon maturing advanced technology(s) in a real-time operation [( E. Q' e$ [( h: N5 s at a scale size adequate to clearly establish operational utility and system , V& r! ^, B; K% _+ M9 s6 Z- C3 jintegrity.( ^! g4 n$ g& s% j; k/ F Advanced% z$ ?: _1 X2 g- t1 M$ y& i Launch System : A" X8 P) |, w( e( f. m2 `(ALS)# T# y% i% V/ |1 h' G# T/ ] OBSOLETE. This proposed system was to be a heavy launch vehicle and " _. B" Z$ D5 F; k. ^. Y) i1 Oappropriate ground support facilities, which may have supported SDIO, USAF, # A1 J2 @7 m" y B5 INavy and NASA space launch missions into the next century. 9 A4 H) M5 Q$ |: Y! w8 D) l& PAdvanced 2 N% B) m' Z. X' i$ @" hTechnology 3 ?- }. M6 x% Z6 n4 o7 dDemonstration/ I' x5 c0 d" x/ J0 u7 w1 o Adversary5 W1 V# x' V( B7 O% p Capability 5 r& a6 ?) M& }9 T EDocument* Y) _0 P' k+ l! `4 ^ The actual demonstration of an advanced state-of-the-art system under ?4 u E: H: X/ o o9 {- f' X conditions likely to exist when in operation.8 S/ r* X8 J# V6 [5 E8 _2 m Describes estimated current and future adversary ballistic missile characteristics,2 w) g" R3 i& ]& H0 f0 f7 R and characterizes threat with selected engineering concepts, parameters, and/ F+ D& @" z- l/ l6 E$ K bounds.

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