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【转贴】一些有趣的句子 [复制链接]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2008-9-15 00:11:27 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Every takeoff is optional. Every landing is mandatory. $ |1 k( A9 r! p( f起飞是自愿性的,降落却强迫性的。 " l: @/ r$ s: n/ O' E, F5 J . p4 o/ f6 h# X5 y, w 6 B4 p7 L9 e9 m Always try to keep the number of landings you make equal the number of take $ C& h# o" q& b( C8 M! h2 r* D, q+ g offs you\’ve made. : w& S8 b l7 s: S6 c经常保持降落数目与起飞数目相等。 + x B) P/ L2 d: K* ?* z$ z7 x: F0 {7 U When in doubt, hold on to your altitude. No-one has ever collided with the 1 `5 _! v$ g( S* e# [- Rsky. 当你觉得混乱时请保持高度,因为没有人跟天空相撞过。 9 V& _, F- w v/ [6 _5 U! Y3 H+ O7 _2 h: W1 g! h( n1 e 0 \9 H+ n8 p& t2 y( L+ t S# M7 DThe probability of survival is inversely proportional to the angle of 3 \! q$ S$ | s& S8 m7 i& [8 N- Earrival. Large angle of arrival, small probability of survival and vice ) c1 y: y& N& n- T' [versa. . R" m" E3 M9 L生存的机会跟着陆角度呈反比。愈大的着陆角度,愈小的生存机会,反之亦然。 5 u3 B3 \5 U4 u& u, B' `2 L* P! H* l# M8 G: Z " z+ D$ U; L$ f: E- {! nThere are three simple rules for making a smooth landing. Unfortunately, no - g/ D1 u% {4 T# l3 x2 f6 K one knows what they are. & Q) W% ?7 Q' W0 t* @! d5 k8 V 要做出好的降落有三个原则。但很不幸地,没人知道是哪三个。 5 A1 w0 w2 p: w" ? 5 I0 P: z. a( f9 Z! W9 R. [* a4 ^. c5 Q; ~ j+ ~4 R& D If you push the stick forward, the houses get bigger. If you pull the stick 7 X( r M' H% S back, they get smaller... That is, unless you keep pulling the stick all the 7 d W0 l% P* V2 N b+ \7 Sway back, then they get bigger again. ) ^& U% P/ s% e 当你把控制杆推前,房子会变大。当你把控制杆拉後房子变小了。但当你拉着不放, " ~) t! G$ p* F8 s# {; ] 房子又会变大了。 5 S1 z2 ^0 l& b# B + G6 @2 f8 S! O3 e, V, S: m' P7 A' P& H6 M You start with a bag full of luck and an empty bag of experience. The trick $ A6 f, s- h7 v2 g. `$ m* Lis to fill the bag of experience before you empty the bag of luck. & C8 x' z2 _4 F: h3 d( m; J8 V" L 开始时你有两个袋子,运气袋装得满满的,经验袋是空的。关键在於,在运气袋变空 0 @- J; n+ a7 ]0 }0 v前,请把经验袋装满。 / W7 ^5 f' z4 Y P8 S1 N % q' j/ ?! p4 Y' ] ! Y) S2 j# o3 Z; h" ]Good judgment comes from experience. Unfortunately, the experience usually ! d( ~, @! p' b c& d7 ` comes from bad judgment. 5 r/ X4 N J; a' ~# I( M好的判断来自经验。但是很不幸的,经验通常是来自坏的判断。 " A/ P+ v6 t, B/ m( P2 n$ `3 S0 B! l4 L1 T* O( g6 @: } 2 w% X& g. w+ W- q2 v( E The three most useless things to a pilot are the altitude above you, runway , t: G+ b/ {# O. E" ^behind you and a tenth of a second ago. 2 M1 X* j+ J5 v/ o* d对於飞行员来说,最没用的三件事:在你头上的高度,在你背後的跑道,以及刚刚浪 ( d5 W1 T* O, O2 @' W# ]费掉的时间。 4 L* v1 y. N0 {5 m* t5 y(另一说是头上的天空,背後的跑道,和空掉的油箱) " B4 ?* L6 O* {. c& J% l* j1 X$ N0 g; v $ E& C5 y6 H4 u0 J0 A There are old pilots and there are bold pilots. There are, however, no old / h, X0 o) t Y. _ bold pilots. 8 ^* J1 O! ~% j% b1 [世界上有老飞行员,也有勇敢的飞行员。但是并没有又老又勇敢的飞行员。 * k" N. P9 f0 k2 d% j8 r: m' y1 ^# |* C, c1 w 7 L: n3 c- l' {$ r8 D- T" n6 OYou know you\’ve landed with the wheels up if it takes full power to taxi to ! p# Z# B* `0 E* Uthe elevator. & w" T7 r2 K( s! W& A当你要油门全开才能让飞机滑行时,你就会知道刚刚降落前忘记了放下起落架。 $ s7 ^3 r [3 q) F % D" J# x" {' _/ }) p" u# q3 | / R- t( c4 W8 B2 p/ z7 w7 Z& u+ FFlying isn\’t dangerous. Crashing is what\’s dangerous. 0 j% Q: ]: D5 w0 {! C. h, |( b+ |0 q飞行不危险,撞机才是危险的。 6 w: L |/ }# v5 s & T. R9 r1 h, o# i3 E+ y : K7 E$ ~/ \& t' w7 S5 Y# BThe ONLY time you have too much fuel is when you\’re on fire. % K+ `# _5 s; D$ A, F 你唯一会嫌汽油太多的时候,就是飞机着火的时候。 ; u4 @+ k5 l! j0 ~& H! i( z6 P+ |3 J' v $ x1 `- Y7 \0 EA \’good\’ landing is one from which you can walk away. A \’great\’ landing is 8 |: e$ p' y$ ~% x d1 {; uone after which they can use the plane again. $ k* W( A. `$ B, ]5 O9 s一个“好”的落地就是你可以安全的走出机舱。一次“极好”的落地就是这架飞机还 + W% [0 {3 d0 B! O+ z5 ]0 R可以再用。 ) s& |" }, t: s0 o- c$ c" A - |" b/ `$ a! q2 D( _( _; J8 Z6 t! u( V" U( Q# z( `# b, A The propeller is just a big fan in front of the plane used to keep the pilot 3 H9 C8 n5 o. z" y0 x+ U cool. When it stops, you can actually watch the pilot start sweating. # G/ m* v; X5 j$ [9 `( S& j! R* l 螺旋浆其实只是一个能让飞行员感到凉快的大电风扇。当它停了你就会看到飞行员 ( r; K; u4 y* f9 G1 ~1 J& l9 o 开始冒汗了。 ! ~, H' c1 B+ o) ]4 F0 h1 [ 6 K, k6 m+ w1 s; v8 k " Q- t: Z) R, x% ^5 _) dHelicopters can\’t fly\; they\’re just so ugly the earth repels them. ' C( h% i P1 F* a9 g& x4 Q! l直升机是不可能飞的。但是它们实在太丑了,连地球也排斥它们,所以可以升空。

Rank: 1

发表于 2008-12-24 20:38:58 |只看该作者
A \’good\’ landing is one from which you can walk away. A \’great\’ landing is 9 F, ^$ {9 Q# `one after which they can use the plane again. - z! y8 J4 t" H, ~7 c, \9 c7 r! O5 ~1 V* E3 L& S we need humor always.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2008-12-24 20:40:39 |只看该作者
i need a life without of stressness,yes?

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