1.Assuring that appropriate aeronautical charts are aboard an aircraft is the responsibility of theffice ffice" />
A.aircraft dispatcher.
B. flight navigator.
C. pilot-in-command.
2. The minimum weather conditions that must exist for a domestic air carrier flight to take off from an airport that is not listed in the Air Carrier’s Operations Specifications (takeoff minimums are not prescribed for that airport) is
A. 800-2, 1,100-1, or 900-1-1/2.
B. 1,000-1, 900-1-1/4, or 800-2.
C. 1,000-1, 900-1-1/2, or 800-2.
3. Which in-flight conditions are required by a supplemental air carrier to conduct a day, over-the-top flight below the specified IFR minimum en route altitude?
A.The flight must remain clear of clouds by at least 1,000 feet vertically and 1,000 feet horizontally and have at least 3 miles flight visibility.
B.The flight must be conducted at least 1,000 feet above an overcast or broken cloud layer, any higher broken/overcast cloud cover is a minimum of 1,000 feet above the IFR MEA, and have at least 5 miles flight visibility.
C.The height of any higher overcast or broken layer must be at least 500 feet above the IFR MEA.
4.What is the maximum number of degrees between the final approach course and the runway centerline for a LORAN RNAV approach to be considered a straight-in approach?
5. What pilot certification and aircraft equipment are required for operating in Class C airspace?
A.No specific certification but a two-way radio.
B.At least a Private Pilot Certificate and two-way radio.
C.At least a Private Pilot Certificate, two-way radio, and a TSO-C74b transponder.
6.A minimum instrument altitude for enroute operations off of published airways which provides obstruction clearance of 1,000 feet in nonmountainous terrain areas and 2,000 feet in designated mountainous areas within the ffice:smarttags" />United States is called
A.Minimum Obstruction Clearance Altitude (MOCA).
B.Off-Route Obstruction Clearance Altitude (OROCA).
C.Minimum Safe/Sector Altitude (MSA).
7.When entering a holding pattern above 14,000 feet, the initial outbound leg should not exceed
A.1 minute.
B.1-1/2 minutes.
C.1-1/2 minutes or 10 NM, whichever is less.
8. The minimum weather conditions that must exist for an airport to be listed as an alternate in the dispatch release for a domestic air carrier flight are
A.those listed in the NOAA IAP charts for the alternate airport, at the time the flight is expected to arrive.
B.those specified in the certificate holder’s Operations Specifications for that airport, when the flight arrives.
C.those listed in the NOAA IAP charts for the alternate airport, from 1 hour before or after the ETA for that flight.
9. What action should the pilot take when “gate hold?procedures are in effect?
A.Contact ground control prior to starting engines for sequencing.
B.Taxi into position and hold prior to requesting clearance.
C.Start engines, perform pretakeoff check, and request clearance prior to leaving the parking area.
10. What is the pilot’s responsibility for clearance or instruction readback?
A.Except for SIDs, read back altitude assignments, altitude restrictions, and vectors.
B.If the clearance or instruction is understood, an acknowledgment is sufficient.
C.Read back the entire clearance or instruction to confirm the message is understood.
11.What cloud clearance must be complied with when authorized to maintain “VFR on Top?
A.May maintain VFR clearance above, below, or between layers.
B.Must maintain VFR clearance above or below.
C.May maintain VFR clearance above or below, but not between layers.
12. What special consideration is given for turbine-powered aircraft when “gate hold?procedures are in effect?
A.They are given preference for departure over other aircraft.
B.They are expected to be ready for takeoff when they reach the runway or warmup block.
C.They are expected to be ready for takeoff prior to taxi and will receive takeoff clearance prior to taxi.
13.When a composite flight plan indicates VFR for the first portion of the flight, what is the procedure for the transition?
A.The VFR portion is automatically canceled and the IFR portion is automatically activated when the pilot reports IFR conditions.
B.The pilot should advise ATC to cancel VFR and activate the IFR portion of the flight.
C.The pilot should close the VFR portion with the nearest FSS and request the IFR clearance at least 5 minutes prior to IFR.
14.An alternate airport is not required to dispatch a flag air carrier airplane for a flight of less than 6 hours when the visibility for at least 1 hour before and 1 hour after the ETA at the destination airport is forecast to be
A.2 miles or greater.
B.at least 3 miles, or 2 miles more than the lowest applicable minimum.
C.3 miles.
15.While being vectored to the final approach course of an IFR approach, when may the pilot descend to published altitudes?
A.Anytime the flight is on a published leg of an approach chart.
B.When the flight is within the 10-mile ring of a published approach.
C.Only when approach control clears the flight for the approach.
16. A pilot of a turbine-powered airplane should climb as rapidly as practicable after taking off to what altitude?
A.1,000 feet AGL.
B.1,500 feet AGL.
C.5,000 feet AGL.
17.If being radar vectored to the final approach course of a published instrument approach that specifies “NO PT,?the pilot should
A.advise ATC that a procedure turn will not be executed.
B.not execute the procedure turn unless specifically cleared to do so by ATC.
C.execute a holding-pattern type procedure turn.
18.At what minimum altitude is a turbine-engine-powered, or large airplane, required to enter Class D airspace?
A.1,500 feet AGL.
B.2,000 feet AGL.
C.2,500 feet AGL.
19.When a composite flight plan indicates IFR for the first portion of the flight, what is the procedure for the transition?
A.The IFR portion is automatically canceled and the VFR portion is automatically activated when the pilot reports VFR conditions.
B.The pilot should advise ATC to cancel the IFR portion and contact the nearest FSS to activate the VFR portion.
C.The pilot should advise ATC to cancel the IFR portion and activate the VFR portion.
20.What minimum aircraft equipment is required for operation within Class C airspace?
A.Two-way communications.
B.Two-way communications and transponder.
C.Transponder and DME.
21.When cleared to execute a published side-step maneuver, at what point is the pilot expected to commence this maneuver?
A.At the published DH.
B.At the MDA published or a circling approach.
C.As soon as possible after the runway environment is in sight.
22.Under what conditions may an air carrier pilot continue an instrument approach to the DH, after receiving a weather report indicating that less than minimum published landing conditions exist at the airport?
A.If the instrument approach is conducted in a radar environment.
B.When the weather report is received as the pilot passes the FAF.
C.When the weather report is received after the pilot has begun the final approach segment of the instrument approach.
23.When the forecast weather conditions for a destination and alternate airport are considered marginal for a domestic air carrier’s operation, what specific action should the dispatcher or pilot in command take?
A.List an airport where the forecast weather is not marginal as the alternate.
B.Add 1 additional hour of fuel based on cruise power settings for the airplane in use.
C.List at least one additional alternate airport.
24.Which aeronautical chart depicts Military Training Routes (MTR) above 1,500 feet?
A.IFR Low Altitude En Route Chart.
B.IFR High Altitude En Route Chart.
C.IFR Planning Chart.
25.Pilots should state their position on the airport when calling the tower for takeoff
A.from a runway intersection.
B.from a runway intersection, only at night.
C.from a runway intersection, only during instrument conditions.
26What action should a pilot take if asked by ARTCC to “VERIFY 9,000?and the flight is actually maintaining 8,000?
A.Immediately climb to 9,000.
B.Report climbing to 9,000.
C.Report maintaining 8,000.
27.If visual reference is lost while circling to land from an instrument approach, what action(s) should the pilot take?
A.Make a climbing turn toward the landing runway until established on the missed approach course.
B.Turn toward the landing runway maintaining MDA, and if visual reference is not regained, perform missed approach.
C.Make a climbing turn toward the VOR/NDB, and request further instructions.
28What minimum information does an abbreviated departure clearance “cleared as filed?include?
A.Clearance limit and en route altitude.
B.Clearance limit, en route altitude, and SID, if appropriate.
C.Destination airport, en route altitude, and SID, if appropriate.
29.How should an off-airway direct flight be defined on an IFR flight plan?
A.The initial fix, the true course, and the final fix.
B.All radio fixes over which the flight will pass.
C.The initial fix, all radio fixes which the pilot wishes to be compulsory reporting points, and the final fix.
30.To assure expeditious handling of a civilian air ambulance flight, the word “LIFEGUARD?should be entered in which section of the flight plan?
A.Aircraft type/special equipment block.
B.Pilot’s name and address block.
C.Remarks block.
31.What is the purpose of the term “hold for release?when included in an IFR clearance?
A.A procedure for delaying departure for traffic volume, weather, or need to issue further instructions.
B.When an IFR clearance is received by telephone, the pilot will have time to prepare for takeoff prior to being released.
C.Gate hold procedures are in effect and the pilot receives an estimate of the time the flight will be released.
32.How should the route of flight be defined on an IFR flight plan?
A.A simplified route via airways or jet routes with transitions.
B.A route via airways or jet routes with VORs and fixes used.
C.A route via airways or jet routes with only the compulsory reporting points.
33.In what altitude structure is a transponder required when operating in controlled airspace?
A.Above 12,500 feet MSL, excluding the airspace at and below 2,500 feet AGL.
B.Above 10,000 feet MSL, excluding the airspace at and below 2,500 feet AGL.
C.Above 14,500 feet MSL, excluding the airspace at and below 2,500 feet AGL.
34.What action(s) should a pilot take if vectored across the final approach course during an IFR approach?
A.Continue on the last heading issued until otherwise instructed.
B.Contact approach control, and advise that the flight is crossing the final approach course.
C.Turn onto final, and broadcast in the blind that the flight has proceeded on final.
35.What is the normal procedure for IFR departures at locations with pretaxi clearance programs?
A.Pilots request IFR clearance when ready to taxi. The pilot will receive taxi instruction with clearance.
B.Pilots request IFR clearance when ready to taxi. Pilots will receive taxi clearance, then receive IFR clearance while taxiing or on runup.
C.Pilots request IFR clearance 10 minutes or less prior to taxi, then request taxi clearance from ground control.
36.When simultaneous ILS approaches are in progress, which of the following should approach control be advised of immediately?
A.Any inoperative or malfunctioning aircraft receivers.
B.If a simultaneous ILS approach is desired.
C.If radar monitoring is desired to confirm lateral separation.
37.Under what condition may a pilot cancel an IFR flight plan prior to completing the flight?
A.Anytime it appears the clearance will cause a deviation from FARs.
B.Anytime within controlled airspace by contacting ARTCC.
C.Only if in VFR conditions in other than Class A airspace.
38.When must the pilot initiate a missed approach procedure from an ILS approach?
A.At the DH when the runway is not clearly visible.
B.When the time has expired after reaching the DH and the runway environment is not clearly visible.
C.At the DH, if the visual references for the intended runway are not distinctly visible or anytime thereafter that visual reference is lost.
39.What altitude is a pilot authorized to fly when cleared for an ILS approach? The pilot
A.may begin a descent to the procedure turn altitude.
B.must maintain the last assigned altitude until established on a published route or segment of the approach with published altitudes.
C.may descend from the assigned altitude only when established on the final approach course.
40.When is radar service terminated while vectored for an IFR approach at an uncontrolled airport?
A.Only upon landing or advised to change to advisory frequency.
B.When aligned on the final approach course.
C.When cleared for the approach.
41.When cleared to execute a published side-step maneuver for a specific approach and landing on the parallel runway, at what point is the pilot expected to commence this maneuver?
A.At the published minimum altitude for a circling approach.
B.As soon as possible after the runway or runway environment is in sight.
C.At the localizer MDA minimums and when the runway is in sight.
42.When using a flight director system, what rate of turn or bank angle should a pilot observe during turns in a holding pattern?
A.3?per second or 25?bank, whichever is less.
B.3?per second or 30?bank, whichever is less.
C.1-1/2?per second or 25?bank, whichever is less.
43.What service is provided for aircraft operating within the outer area of Class C airspace?
A.The same as within Class C airspace when communications and radar contact is established.
B.Radar vectors to and from secondary airports within the outer area.
C.Basic radar service only when communications and radar contact is established.
44Under what condition may a pilot file an IFR flight plan containing a special or privately owned IAP?
A.Upon approval of ATC.
B.Upon approval of the owner.
C.Upon signing a waiver of responsibility.
45.Which reports are always required when on an IFR approach not in radar contact?
A.Leaving FAF inbound or outer marker inbound and missed approach.
B.Leaving FAF inbound, leaving outer marker inbound or outbound, and missed approach.
C.Leaving FAF inbound, leaving outer marker inbound or outbound, procedure turn outbound and inbound, and visual contact with the runway.
46.What services are provided for aircraft operating within Class C airspace?
A.Sequencing of arriving aircraft, separation of aircraft (except between VFR aircraft), and traffic advisories.
B.Sequencing of arriving aircraft (except VFR aircraft), separation between all aircraft, and traffic advisories.
C.Sequencing of all arriving aircraft, separation between all aircraft, and traffic advisories.
47.What separation or service by ATC is afforded pilots authorized “VFR on Top?
A.The same afforded all IFR flights.
B.3 miles horizontally instead of 5.
C.Traffic advisories only.
48.What action should a pilot take if within 3 minutes of a clearance limit and further clearance has not been received?
A.Assume lost communications and continue as planned.
B.Plan to hold at cruising speed until further clearance is received.
C.Start a speed reduction to holding speed in preparation for holding.
49.Under which condition, if any, may a pilot descend below DH or MDA when using the ALSF-1 approach light system as the primary visual reference for the intended runway?
A.Under no condition can the approach light system serve as a necessary visual reference for descent below DH or MDA.
B.Descent to the intended runway is authorized as long as any portion of the approach light system can be seen.
C.The approach light system can be used as a visual reference, except that descent below 100 feet above TDZE requires that the red light bars be visible and identifiable.
50.When cleared for an IFR approach to an uncontrolled airport with no FSS, what precaution should the pilot take after being advised to change to advisory frequency?
A.Monitor ATC for traffic advisories as well as UNICOM.
B.Broadcast position and intentions on the Common Traffic Advisory Frequency and monitor the frequency.
C.Wait until visual contact is made with the airport and then broadcast position and intentions to land on UNICOM.
51.Under what conditions may a pilot on an IFR flight plan comply with authorization to maintain “VFR on Top?
A.Maintain IFR flight plan but comply with visual flight rules while in VFR conditions.
B.Maintain VFR altitudes, cloud clearances, and comply with applicable instrument flight rules.
C.Maintain IFR altitudes, VFR cloud clearances, and comply with applicable instrument flight rules.
52.Which IFR fix(es) should be entered on a composite flight plan?
A.All compulsory reporting points en route.
B.The VORs that define the IFR portion of the flight.
C.The fix where the IFR portion is to be terminated.
53.In what way are SIDs depicted in plan view?
A.“Vectors?provided for navigational guidance or “Pilot NAV?with courses the pilot is responsible to follow.
B.“Vectors?and “Pilot NAV?for pilots to use at their discretion.
C.Combined textual and graphic form which are mandatory routes and instructions.
54. What restriction applies to a large, turbine-powered airplane operating to or from a primary airport in Class B airspace?
A.Must not exceed 200 knots within Class B airspace.
B.Must operate above the floor when within lateral limits of Class B airspace.
C.Must operate in accordance with IFR procedures regardless of weather conditions.
55.At what maximum indicated airspeed can a reciprocating-engine airplane operate in the airspace underlying Class B airspace?
A.180 knots.
B.200 knots.
C.230 knots.
56. What is the maximum holding speed for a civil turbojet holding at a civil airport at 15,000 feet MSL, unless a higher speed is required due to turbulence or icing and ATC is notified?
A.265 knots.
B.250 knots.
57. At what maximum indicated airspeed may a reciprocating-engine-powered airplane be operated within Class D airspace?
A.156 knots.
B.180 knots.
58.What is the maximum indicated airspeed a turbine-powered aircraft may be operated below 10,000 feet MSL?
A.288 knots.