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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2009-1-1 23:09:40 |只看该作者

simplex  roller  chain                                                                       单排滚子链

sine acceleration motion curve                                                             正弦加速度运动轨迹

single  direction  thrust  bearing                                                      单向推力轴承

single  planetary  gear  train                                                            单级行星齿轮系

single  row  bearing                                                                         单列轴承

single-circular-arc  gear                                                                     单圆弧齿轮

single-stage  harmonic  gear  drive                                                   单级谐波齿轮传动

single-start thread                                                                            单线螺纹

sintered  bearing  material                                                                 烧结轴承材料

Sintered  metalic  material                                                               烧结金属

size  factor                                                                                     尺寸系数

skew  [helical] bevel  gear                                                                斜齿锥齿轮

slack  side  tension                                                                          松边拉力

sleeve  coupling                                                                                套筒联轴器

slender  ratio (spring)                                                                        高径比(弹簧)

slider                                                                                                滑块

slider- crank mechanism                                                                     曲柄滑块机构

sliding  speed                                                                                   滑动率

slippage  phenomenon                                                                       跳齿现象

slotted  cheese  head  screw                                                           开槽圆柱头螺钉

slotted  countersunk (flat)  head  screw                                          开槽沉头螺钉

slotted  pan  head  screw                                                               开槽盘头螺钉

slotted  raised  countersunk (oval)  head  screw                             开槽半沉头螺钉

slotted  round  head  screw                                                             开槽圆头螺钉

Smearing                                                                                          涂抹

snap  ring                                                                                       弹性挡圈

solid  bearing                                                                                    整体式滑动轴承

solid  height (spring)                                                                         压并高度(弹簧)

solid  load (spring)                                                                            压并载荷(弹簧)

solid  pin                                                                                          实心销轴

solid-film  lubrication                                                                       固体润滑

Sommerfeld  number                                                                       索默菲德数

spacewidth                                                                                        齿槽宽

Spalling                                                                                             剥落

specified  load                                                                                  工作载荷

speed  factor                                                                                  速度系数

speed  increasing  ratio                                                                    增速比

speed  ratio,  transmission  ratio                                                      传动比

speed  reducer                                                                                  减速器

speed  reducing  ratio                                                                      减速比

spherical  involute                                                                             球面渐开线

spherical  involute  helicoid                                                               球面渐开螺旋面

spherical pivot four-bar mechanism                                                      球面铰链四杆机构

spiral  gear                                                                                       弧齿锥齿轮

spiral  gear  with  duplex  tapered  teeth                                        等高齿弧齿锥齿轮

spiral  spring                                                                                    平面涡卷弹簧

spiroid                                                                                              锥蜗杆

spiroid  gear                                                                                     锥蜗轮

spline                                                                                                花键

split  bearing                                                                                    剖分轴承

split  coupling                                                                                   夹壳联轴器

split  plain  bearing                                                                          剖分式滑动轴承

sprag  clutch                                                                                    楔块离合器

spring                                                                                               弹簧

spring  index (spring)                                                                        旋绕比(弹簧)

spring  washer                                                                                 弹性垫圈

spring-type  straight  pin ,spring  pin                                                弹性圆柱销

spur  gear                                                                                        直齿轮

square  nut                                                                                      方螺母

square  washer  with  round  hole                                                  方垫圈

squeeze  effect                                                                                 挤压效应

standard  gears  for  cylindrical  worm  gear                                  标准圆柱蜗杆传动

static  load                                                                                       静载荷

static balance of rotor                                                                         转子的静平衡

static load                                                                                         静载荷

steady-state  vibration                                                                       稳态振动

step  pulley                                                                                      塔轮

step mechanism                                                                                 步进机构

straight  bevel  gear                                                                         直齿锥齿轮

straight  sided  axial  worm                                                             阿基米德蜗杆

straight  sided  normal  worm                                                         法向直廓蜗杆

straight-side  profile                                                                          直线齿廓

stranded  wire  helical  spring                                                          多股螺旋弹簧

stress  amplitude                                                                               应力幅

stress  concentration                                                                         应力集中

stress  ratio                                                                                      循环特性

stud                                                                                                  双头螺柱

sun  gear                                                                                         太阳轮

surface  machining  factor                                                               表面加工系数

surface  of  action                                                                           啮合曲面

symmetry  cycle                                                                               对称循环

synchro  clutch                                                                                同步离合器

synchronizing  universal  coupling  with  ball  and  sacker             球笼式同步万向联轴器

synchronous  belt  drive                                                                   同步带传动

synthesis of mechanism                                                                      机构综合

tab  washer  with  long  tab                                                          单耳止动垫圈

tab  washer  with  long  tab  and  wing                                       双耳止动垫圈

使用道具 举报

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2009-1-1 23:10:04 |只看该作者

tangential  key                                                                                  切向键

taper  key                                                                                        楔键

taper  pin  with  split                                                                      开尾圆锥销

taper screw  thread                                                                           圆锥螺纹

tapered  bore  bearing                                                                      锥孔轴承

tapered  roller  bearing                                                                     圆锥滚子轴承

tapping  screw                                                                                 自攻螺钉

tapping screw thread                                                                          自攻螺纹

tension  pulley                                                                                  张紧轮

T-head bolt , hammer  head  bolt                                                      T形螺栓

theory of mechanisms                                                                        机构学

thread  angle                                                                                    牙型角

thread  contact  height                                                                    螺纹接触高度

thread  groove  width                                                                     螺纹槽宽

thread  ridge  thickness                                                                  螺纹牙厚

thrust  bearing                                                                                  推力轴承

thrust-purnal  bearing                                                                        径向-止推滑动轴承

tight  side  tension                                                                           紧边拉力

tightly  coiled  helical  spring                                                           密圈螺旋弹簧

tilting-pad  bearing                                                                            可倾瓦块滑动轴承

tip  angle                                                                                          顶圆锥角

tip  circle                                                                                         齿顶圆

tip  diameter                                                                                     齿顶圆直径

tip  relie                                                                                           修缘

tolerance  zone                                                                                 公差带

tone  of  meshing,  region  of  engagement                                    啮合区

tooth  depth                                                                                     齿高

tooth  flank                                                                                      齿面

tooth  profile                                                                                    齿廓

tooth  space                                                                                     齿槽

tooth  thickness                                                                                齿厚

tooth  thickness                                                                                齿厚

tooth  thickness  half  angle                                                            齿厚半角

toroid                                                                                                圆环面

toroid  enveloping  worm  with  cone  generatrix                            锥面包络环面蜗杆

toroid  enveloping  worm  with  involute  helicoid  generatrix         渐开面包络环面蜗杆

toroid  enveloping  worm  with  straight  line  generatrix                直廓环面蜗杆

toroid  worm,  enveloping  worm                                                    环面蜗杆

torque, torsional moment                                                                    扭矩

torsion  angle                                                                                   扭转角

torsional  vibration                                                                            扭转振动

total  angle  of  transmission                                                           总作用角

total  number  of  coils                                                                   总圈数

total  overlap  arc                                                                            总作用弧

transient  vibration                                                                            瞬态振动

transition  fit                                                                                    过渡配合

translating cam                                                                                  移动凸轮

translating follower                                                                             直动从动件

transmission  accuracy                                                                      传动精度

transmission  chain                                                                           传动链

transmission  error                                                                            传动误差

transmission ratio                                                                               传动比

transmission, driving                                                                          传动装置

transverse  chordal  tooth  thickness                                                端面弦齿厚

transverse  contact  ratio                                                                  端面重合度

transverse  module                                                                            端面模数

transverse  path  of  contact                                                           端面啮合线

transverse  plane  of wormwheel                                                      蜗轮端平面

transverse  pressure  angle                                                               端面压力角

transverse  profile                                                                             端面齿廓

transverse  tooth  thickness                                                              端面齿厚

Tribology                                                                                          摩擦学

triplex  roller  chain                                                                         三排滚子链

ultimate  load                                                                                    极限载荷

undercut                                                                                           根切(挖根)

universal  joint                                                                                  万向联轴器

upper  deviation                                                                                上偏差

variable  amplitude  loading                                                               变幅载荷

variable  pitch  cylindrical  helical  spring                                        不等节距圆柱螺旋弹簧

variable  rate (stiffness)  spring                                                         变刚度弹簧

variable mass system                                                                          变质量系统

V-belt  drive                                                                                     V带传动

velocity ratio of link                                                                           速比

vibration                                                                                            振动

virtual  gear                                                                                      当量齿轮

virtual  number  of  teeth                                                                当量齿数

visco-elasticity                                                                                   黏弹性

Viscosity                                                                                           黏度

volute  spring                                                                                   截锥涡卷弹簧

washer                                                                                              垫圈

wave  generator                                                                                波发生器

wave  height                                                                                    波高

wave  number                                                                                  波数

Wear                                                                                                磨损

wear  intensity                                                                                  磨损度

wear  rate                                                                                        磨损率

wear  resistance                                                                               耐磨性

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wedge  effect                                                                                   楔效应

wheel,  gear                                                                                     大齿轮

wide  V-belt                                                                                     V

width  series (rolling  bearing)                                                          宽度系列(滚动轴承)

wing  nut                                                                                        翼形螺母

woodruff  key                                                                                  半圆键

working  flank                                                                                  工作齿面

working  height (spring)                                                                    工作高度(弹簧)

working  pressure  angle                                                                  啮合角

worm                                                                                               蜗杆

worm  wheel                                                                                    蜗轮

X-gear  pair, modified  gear  pair                                                     变位齿轮副

X-zero  gear                                                                                     非变位齿轮


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