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直升机私人航空驾驶员实际测试手册.pdf [复制链接]

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发表于 2008-12-6 16:57:44 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
FAA-S-8081-15 FAA-S-8081-15 with Changes 1 and 2 U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration PRIVATE PILOT Practical Test Standards for ROTORCRAFT HELICOPTER GYROPLANE APRIL 1996 FLIGHT STANDARDS SERVICE Washington, DC 20591 FAA-S-8081-15 FAA-S-8081-15 PRIVATE PILOT ROTORCRAFT Practical Test Standards 1996 FLIGHT STANDARDS SERVICE Washington, DC 20591 FAA-S-8081-15 NOTE Material in FAA-S-8081-15 will be effective April 1, 1996. All previous editions of the Private Pilot – Rotorcraft (Helicopter and Gyroplane) Practical Test Standards will be obsolete as of this date. FAA-S-8081-15 FOREWORD The Private Pilot – Rotorcraft (Helicopter and Gyroplane) Practical Test Standards (PTS) book has been published by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to establish the standards for private pilot certification practical tests for the rotorcraft category, helicopter and gyroplane classes. FAA inspectors and designated pilot examiners shall conduct practical tests in compliance with these standards. Flight instructors and applicants should find these standards helpful during training and when preparing for the practical test. Thomas C. Accardi Director, Flight Standards Service FAA-S-8081-15 RECORD OF CHANGES Change 1: 4/28/97 Reason: Wrong terminology. Changed airplane to aircraft. · HELICOPTER AREA OF OPERATION: PREFLIGHT PREPARATION TASK G: MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Change 2: 5/21/97 Reason: Under the new rule (8/4/97) the NOTE is not applicable. · HELICOPTER AREA OF OPERATION: NIGHT OPERATIONS TASK A: PHYSIOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF NIGHT FLYING · GYROPLANE AREA OF OPERATION: NIGHT OPERATIONS TASK A: PHYSIOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF NIGHT FLYING FAA-S-8081-15 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ..............................................................................iii PRACTICAL TEST STANDARD CONCEPT..............................iv PRIVATE PILOT ROTORCRAFT PRACTICAL TEST BOOK DESCRIPTION ................................................................iv PRACTICAL TEST STANDARD DESCRIPTION.......................iv USE OF THE PRACTICAL TEST STANDARDS BOOK............ v PRIVATE PILOT ROTORCRAFT PRACTICAL TEST PREREQUISITES.......................................................................vi AIRCRAFT AND EQUIPMENT REQUIRED FOR THE PRACTICAL TEST.....................................................................vii METRIC CONVERSION INITIATIVE.........................................vii POSITIVE EXCHANGE OF FLIGHT CONTROLS ....................vii USE OF DISTRACTIONS DURING PRACTICAL TESTS .......viii APPLICANT’S USE OF PRESCRIBED CHECKLISTS............viii CREW RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (CRM)...........................viii FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR RESPONSIBILITY..............................viii EXAMINER RESPONSIBILITY ..................................................ix SATISFACTORY PERFORMANCE ...........................................ix UNSATISFACTORY PERFORMANCE ...................................... x USE OF RATING TASKS TABLES ............................................ x SECTION 1: PRIVATE PILOT ROTORCRAFT — HELICOPTER CONTENTS............................................................................... 1-i RATING TASKS TABLE ..........................................................1-iii TASK VS. SIMULATION DEVICE CREDIT............................. 1-v FLIGHT SIMULATION DEVICE LEVELS ...............................1-vii APPLICANT’S PRACTICAL TEST CHECKLIST (HELICOPTER)....................................................................... 1-xi EXAMINER’S PRACTICAL TEST CHECKLIST (HELICOPTER)......................................................................1-xiii AREAS OF OPERATION: I. PREFLIGHT PREPARATION ....................................... 1-1 II. PREFLIGHT PROCEDURES ....................................... 1-5 III. AIRPORT AND HELIPORT OPERATIONS.................. 1-7 IV. HOVERING MANEUVERS ........................................... 1-9 V. TAKEOFFS, LANDINGS, AND GO-AROUNDS ......... 1-12 VI. PERFORMANCE MANEUVERS ................................ 1-17 VII. NAVIGATION .............................................................. 1-18 VIII. EMERGENCY OPERATIONS .................................... 1-21 IX. NIGHT OPERATIONS ................................................ 1-25 X. POST-FLIGHT PROCEDURES.................................. 1-26 FAA-S-8081-15 SECTION 2: PRIVATE PILOT ROTORCRAFT — GYROPLANE CONTENTS............................................................................... 2-i RATING TASKS TABLE ......................................................... 2-iii APPLICANT’S PRACTICAL TEST CHECKLIST (GYROPLANE)......................................................................... 2-v EXAMINER’S PRACTICAL TEST CHECKLIST (GYROPLANE)....................................................................... 2-vii AREAS OF OPERATION: I. PREFLIGHT PREPARATION .......................................2-1 II. PREFLIGHT PROCEDURES........................................2-5 III. AIRPORT OPERATIONS..............................................2-7 IV. TAKEOFFS, LANDINGS, AND GO-AROUNDS ...........2-9 V. PERFORMANCE MANEUVER...................................2-15 VI. GROUND REFERENCE MANEUVERS.....................2-16 VII. NAVIGATION ..............................................................2-18 VIII. FLIGHT AT SLOW AIRSPEEDS.................................2-20 IX. EMERGENCY OPERATIONS ....................................2-21 X. NIGHT OPERATIONS.................................................2-24 XI. POST-FLIGHT PROCEDURES ..................................2-25 FAA-S-8081-15 INTRODUCTION The Flight Standards Service of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has developed this practical test book as a standard to be used by FAA inspectors and designated pilot examiners when conducting private pilot – rotorcraft (helicopter and gyroplane) practical tests. Flight instructors are expected to use this book when preparing applicants for practical tests. Applicants should be familiar with this book and refer to these standards during their training. Information considered directive in nature is described in this practical test book in terms such as “shall” and “must” indicating the actions are mandatory. Guidance information is described in terms such as “should” and “may” indicating the actions are desirable or permissive but not mandatory. The FAA gratefully acknowledges the valuable assistance provided by a nationwide public “Job Task Analysis” team that developed the knowledge, skills, and abilities that appear in this book. We would also like to thank the many individuals and organizations who contributed their time and talent in assisting with the revision of these practical test standards. This publication may be obtained from FedWorld through the use of a computer modem or purchased from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. Comments regarding this publication should be sent to: U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration Flight Standards Service Operations Support Branch, AFS-630 P.O. Box 25082 Oklahoma City, OK 73125 FAA-S-8081-15 PRACTICAL TEST STANDARD CONCEPT Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR's) specify the areas in which knowledge and skill must be demonstrated by the applicant before the issuance of a private pilot certificate. The FAR's provide the flexibility to permit the FAA to publish practical test standards containing specific TASKS in which pilot competency must be demonstrated. The FAA will revise this book whenever it is determined that changes are needed in the interest of safety. Adherence to the provisions of the regulations and the practical test standards is mandatory for the evaluation of private pilot applicants. PRIVATE PILOT ROTORCRAFT PRACTICAL TEST BOOK DESCRIPTION This test book contains the following private pilot practical test standards: Section 1 Rotorcraft, Helicopter Section 2 Rotorcraft, Gyroplane The Private Pilot Rotorcraft Practical Test Standards include the AREAS OF OPERATION and TASKS for the issuance of an initial private pilot certificate and for the addition of category and/or class ratings to that certificate. PRACTICAL TEST STANDARD DESCRIPTION AREAS OF OPERATION are phases of the practical test arranged in a logical sequence within this standard. They begin with preflight preparation and end with post-flight procedures. The examiner, however, may conduct the practical test in any sequence that results in a complete and efficient test. The REFERENCE identifies the publication(s) that describe(s) the TASK. Descriptions of TASKS are not included in the standards because this information can be found in the reference list. Publications other than those listed may be used, if their content conveys substantially the same meaning as the listed publications. FAA-S-8081-15 Reference list: FAR Part 43 Maintenance, Preventive Maintenance, Rebuilding, and Alteration FAR Part 61 Certification: Pilots and Flight Instructors FAR Part 67 Medical Standards and Certification FAR Part 91 General Operating and Flight Rules NTSB Part 830 Notification and Reporting of Aircraft Accidents and Incidents AC 00-2 Advisory Circular Checklist AC 00-6 Aviation Weather AC 00-45 Aviation Weather Services AC 61-13 Basic Helicopter Handbook AC 61-21 Flight Training Handbook AC 61-23 Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge AC 61-65 Certification: Pilots and Flight Instructors AC 61-84 Role of Preflight Preparation AC 90-48 Pilots’ Role in Collision Avoidance AC 90-87 Helicopter Dynamic Rollover AC 91-13 Cold Weather Operation of Aircraft AC 91-23 Pilot's Weight and Balance Handbook AC 91-32 Safety In and Around Helicopters AC 91-42 Hazards of Rotating Propeller and Helicopter Rotor Blades AIM Aeronautical Information Manual AFD Airport Facility Directory NOTAM's Notices to Airmen Helicopter Flight Manuals Gyroplane Flight Manuals Industry Related Manuals The Objective lists the important elements that must be satisfactorily performed to demonstrate competency in a TASK. The Objective includes: 1. specifically what the applicant should be able to do; 2. the conditions under which the TASK is to be performed; and 3. the acceptable standards of performance. USE OF THE PRACTICAL TEST STANDARDS BOOK The FAA requires that all practical tests be conducted in accordance with the appropriate Private Pilot Practical Test Standards and the policies set forth in this INTRODUCTION. Private pilot applicants shall be evaluated in ALL TASKS included in the AREAS OF OPERATION of the appropriate practical test standard. FAA-S-8081-15 In preparation for the practical test, the examiner shall develop a written “plan of action.” The “plan of action” shall include all TASKS in each AREA OF OPERATION. The examiner is not required to follow the precise order in which the AREAS OF OPERATION and TASKS appear in this book. The examiner may change the sequence or combine TASKS with similar Objectives to meet the orderly and efficient flow of the practical test. For example, lost procedures may be combined with radio navigation. The examiner's “plan of action” shall include the order and combination of TASKS to be demonstrated by the applicant in a manner that will result in an efficient and valid test. Examiners shall place special emphasis upon areas of aircraft operation that are most critical to flight safety. Among these areas are precise aircraft control and sound judgment in decision making. Although these areas may or may not be shown under each TASK, they are essential to flight safety and shall receive careful evaluation throughout the practical test. THE EXAMINER SHALL ALSO EMPHASIZE WAKE TURBULENCE AVOIDANCE, LOW LEVEL WIND SHEAR, INFLIGHT COLLISION AVOIDANCE, RUNWAY INCURSION AVOIDANCE, AND CHECKLIST USAGE. The examiner is expected to use good judgment in the performance of simulated emergency procedures. The use of the safest means for simulation is expected. Consideration must always be given to local conditions (both meteorological and topographical), the examiner's level of performance at the time of the test, as well as the applicant's, ATC workload, and the relative condition of the aircraft used. If the procedure being evaluated would put the maneuver in jeopardy of safe operation, it is expected that the applicant shall simulate that portion of the maneuver, i.e. - engine governor, trim system malfunction, etc., unless otherwise indicated by the NOTE in a particular AREA OF OPERATION or TASK. PRIVATE PILOT ROTORCRAFT PRACTICAL TEST PREREQUISITES An applicant for the private pilot rotorcraft practical test is required by Federal Aviation Regulations to: 1. pass the appropriate private pilot knowledge test since the beginning of the 24th month before the month in which the practical test is taken; 2. obtain the applicable instruction and aeronautical experience prescribed for the private pilot certificate or training sought; 3. hold at least a current third-class medical certificate issued under FAR Part 67; FAA-S-8081-15 4. be at least 17 years of age, and; 5. obtain a written statement from an appropriately certificated flight instructor certifying that the applicant has been given flight instruction in preparation for the practical test within 60 days preceding the date of application. The statement shall also state that the instructor finds the applicant competent to pass the practical test and that the applicant has satisfactory knowledge of the subject area(s) in which a deficiency was indicated by the airman knowledge test report. AC 61-65, Certification: Pilots and Flight Instructors, states that the instructor may sign the instructor’s recommendation on the reverse side of FAA Form 8710-1, Airman Certificate and/or Rating Application, in lieu of the previous statement, provided all appropriate FAR Part 61 requirements are substantiated by reliable records. AIRCRAFT AND EQUIPMENT REQUIRED FOR THE PRACTICAL TEST The private pilot applicant is required by FAR Section 61.45 to provide an airworthy, certificated aircraft for use during the practical test. This section further requires that the aircraft: 1. have fully functioning dual controls, except as provided in this FAR Section; and 2. be capable of performing ALL appropriate TASKS for the private pilot certificate and have no operating limitations that prohibit the performance of those TASKS. METRIC CONVERSION INITIATIVE To assist the pilots in understanding and using the metric measurement system, the practical test standards refer to the metric equivalent of various altitudes throughout. The inclusion of meters is intended to familiarize pilots with its use. The metric altimeter is arranged in 10 meter increments; therefore, when converting from feet to meters, the exact conversion, being too exact for practical purposes, is rounded to the nearest 10 meter increment or even altitude as necessary. POSITIVE EXCHANGE OF FLIGHT CONTROLS During the practical test, there must always be a clear understanding of who has control of the aircraft. Prior to the flight, a briefing should be conducted that includes the procedure for the exchange of flight controls. A positive three-step process in the exchange of flight controls between pilots is a proven procedure and one that is recommended. FAA-S-8081-15 When the examiner wishes to take the controls to allow the applicant to adjust the seat, headset, etc., he/she will say “I have the controls.” The applicant will acknowledge immediately by saying, “ You have the controls.” The examiner again says, “I have the controls.” When control is returned to the applicant, follow the same procedure. A visual check is recommended to verify that the exchange has occurred. There should never be any doubt as to who is flying the aircraft. USE OF DISTRACTIONS DURING PRACTICAL TESTS Numerous studies indicate that many accidents have occurred when the pilot has been distracted during critical phases of flight. To evaluate the pilot's ability to utilize proper control technique while dividing attention both inside and/or outside the cockpit, the examiner shall cause a realistic distraction during the flight portion of the practical test to evaluate the applicant's ability to divide attention while maintaining safe flight. APPLICANT'S USE OF PRESCRIBED CHECKLISTS Throughout the practical test, the applicant is evaluated on the use of the prescribed checklist. The situation may be such that the use of the checklist while accomplishing the elements of the objective would be either unsafe or impractical, especially in a single-pilot operation. In this case, it may be more prudent to review the checklist after the elements have been met. CREW RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (CRM) CRM “ ...refers to the effective use of ALL available resources; human resources, hardware, and information.” Human resources “...includes all other groups routinely working with the cockpit crew (or pilot) who are involved in decisions that are required to operate a flight safely. These groups include, but are not limited to: dispatchers, cabin crewmembers, maintenance personnel, and air traffic controllers.” CRM is not a single TASK, it is a set of knowledge and skill competencies that must be evident in all TASKS in this PTS as applied to either single pilot or a crew operation. FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR RESPONSIBILITY An appropriately rated flight instructor is responsible for training the private pilot applicant to acceptable standards in all subject matter areas, procedures, and maneuvers included in the TASKS within the appropriate private pilot practical test standard. Because of the impact of their teaching activities in developing safe, proficient pilots, flight instructors should exhibit a high level of knowledge, skill, and ability. FAA-S-8081-15 Additionally, the flight instructor must certify that the applicant is able to perform safely as a private pilot and is competent to pass the required practical test. Throughout the applicant's training, the flight instructor is responsible for emphasizing the performance of effective visual scanning, collision avoidance, and runway incursion avoidance procedures. EXAMINER RESPONSIBILITY The examiner conducting the practical test is responsible for determining that the applicant meets the acceptable standards of knowledge and skill of each TASK within the appropriate practical test standard. Since there is no formal division between the oral and skill portions of the practical test, this becomes an ongoing process throughout the test. To avoid unnecessary distractions, oral questioning should be used judiciously at all times, especially during the flight portion of the practical test. Examiners shall test to the greatest extent practicable the applicant's correlative abilities rather than mere rote enumeration of facts throughout the practical test. Throughout the flight portion of the practical test, the examiner shall evaluate the applicant's use of visual scanning and collision avoidance procedures. SATISFACTORY PERFORMANCE Satisfactory performance to meet the requirements for certification is based on the applicant's ability to safely: 1. perform the approved areas of operation for the certificate or rating sought within the approved standards; 2. demonstrate mastery of the aircraft with the successful outcome of each task performed never seriously in doubt; 3. demonstrate sound judgment aeronautical decision making and skill competencies in CRM. 1 The word “examiner” denotes either the FAA inspector or FAA designated pilot examiner who conducts the practical test. FAA-S-8081-15 UNSATISFACTORY PERFORMANCE If, in the judgment of the examiner, the applicant does not meet the standards of performance of any TASK performed, the associated AREA OF OPERATION is failed and therefore, the practical test is failed. The examiner or applicant may discontinue the test any time after the failure of an AREA OF OPERATION makes the applicant ineligible for the certificate or rating sought. The test will be continued ONLY with the consent of the applicant. If the test is either continued or discontinued, the applicant is entitled credit for only those TASKS satisfactorily performed. However, during the retest and at the discretion of the examiner, any TASK may be re-evaluated including those previously passed. Typical areas of unsatisfactory performance and grounds for disqualification are: 1. Any action or lack of action by the applicant that requires corrective intervention by the examiner to maintain safe flight. 2. Failure to use proper and effective visual scanning techniques to clear the area before and while performing maneuvers. 3. Consistently exceeding tolerances stated in the Objectives. 4. Failure to take prompt corrective action when tolerances are exceeded. When a disapproval notice is issued, the examiner will record the applicant's unsatisfactory performance and TASKS not completed in terms of AREA OF OPERATIONS appropriate to the practical test conducted. USE OF RATING TASKS TABLES If an applicant already holds a private pilot certificate, use the appropriate table at the beginning of each section, to determine which TASKS are required on the practical test. However, at the discretion of the examiner, the applicant's competence in any TASK may be evaluated, if indications of the applicant’s performance suggests that such action is appropriate. If the applicant holds more than one category or class rating at the private level, and the table indicates differing required TASKS, the “least restrictive” entry applies. For example, if “ALL” and “NONE” are indicated for one AREA OF OPERATION, the “NONE” entry applies. If “B” and “B, C” are indicated, the “B” entry applies. FAA-S-8081-15 SECTION 1 PRIVATE PILOT ROTORCRAFT – HELICOPTER Practical Test Standards FAA-S-8081-15 CONTENTS: SECTION 1 RATING TASKS TABLE.................................................................... 1-iii TASK VS. SIMULATION DEVICE CREDIT....................................... 1-v FLIGHT SIMULATION DEVICE LEVELS.........................................1-vii CHECKLISTS: Applicant’s Practical Test Checklist (Helicopter)............................1-xi Examiner’s Practical Test Checklist (Helicopter).......................... 1-xiii AREAS OF OPERATION: I. PREFLIGHT PREPARATION.................................................. 1-1 A. CERTIFICATES AND DOCUMENTS................................ 1-1 B. WEATHER INFORMATION............................................... 1-1 C. CROSS-COUNTRY FLIGHT PLANNING.......................... 1-2 D. NATIONAL AIRSPACE SYSTEM...................................... 1-2 E. PERFORMANCE AND LIMITATIONS............................... 1-3 F. OPERATION OF SYSTEMS.............................................. 1-3 G. MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST............................................. 1-4 H. AEROMEDICAL FACTORS............................................... 1-4 II. PREFLIGHT PROCEDURES.................................................. 1-5 A. PREFLIGHT INSPECTION................................................ 1-5 B. COCKPIT MANAGEMENT................................................. 1-5 C. ENGINE STARTING AND ROTOR ENGAGEMENT......... 1-6 D. BEFORE TAKEOFF CHECK............................................. 1-6 III. AIRPORT AND HELIPORT OPERATIONS............................ 1-7 A. RADIO COMMUNICATIONS AND ATC LIGHT SIGNALS........................................................ 1-7 B. TRAFFIC PATTERNS........................................................ 1-7 C. AIRPORT AND HELIPORT MARKINGS AND LIGHTING........................................................................... 1-8 IV. HOVERING MANEUVERS...................................................... 1-9 A. VERTICAL TAKEOFF AND LANDING.............................. 1-9 B. SLOPE OPERATIONS....................................................... 1-9 C. SURFACE TAXI ............................................................... 1-10 D. HOVER TAXI.................................................................... 1-11 E. AIR TAXI........................................................................... 1-11 FAA-S-8081-15 V. TAKEOFFS, LANDINGS, AND GO-AROUNDS ..................1-12 A. NORMAL AND CROSSWIND TAKEOFF AND CLIMB..............................................................................1-12 B. NORMAL AND CROSSWIND APPROACH...................1-13 C. MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE TAKEOFF AND CLIMB..............................................................................1-14 D. STEEP APPROACH .......................................................1-14 E. ROLLING TAKEOFF.......................................................1-15 F. SHALLOW APPROACH AND RUNNING/ROLL-ON LANDING.........................................................................1-16 G. GO-AROUND..................................................................1-16 VI. PERFORMANCE MANEUVERS..........................................1-17 A. RAPID DECELERATION................................................1-17 B. STRAIGHT IN AUTOROTATION....................................1-17 VII. NAVIGATION........................................................................1-18 A. PILOTAGE AND DEAD RECKONING............................1-18 B. RADIO NAVIGATION AND RADAR SERVICES............1-19 C. DIVERSION.....................................................................1-19 D. LOST PROCEDURES ....................................................1-20 VIII. EMERGENCY OPERATIONS..............................................1-21 A. POWER FAILURE AT A HOVER ...................................1-21 B. POWER FAILURE AT ALTITUDE..................................1-21 C. SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT MALFUNCTIONS..........1-22 D. SETTLING-WITH-POWER .............................................1-22 E. LOW ROTOR RPM RECOVERY....................................1-23 F. DYNAMIC ROLLOVER...................................................1-23 G. GROUND RESONANCE ................................................1-23 H. LOW G CONDITIONS.....................................................1-24 I. EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT AND SURVIVAL GEAR ..............................................................................1-24 IX. NIGHT OPERATIONS..........................................................1-25 A. PHYSIOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF NIGHT FLYING.........1-25 B. LIGHTING AND EQUIPMENT FOR NIGHT FLYING......1-25 X. POST-FLIGHT PROCEDURES...........................................1-26 AFTER LANDING AND SECURING....................................1-26 FAA-S-8081-15 Addition of a Rotorcraft/Helicopter rating to an existing Private Pilot Certificate Required TASKS are indicated by either the TASK letter(s) that apply(s) or an indication that all or none of the TASKS must be tested. Area of Operation ASEL ASES AMEL AMES RG Non- Power Glider Power Glider Free Balloon Airship E,F,G ALL B,C ALL ALL ALL NONE ALL NONE ALL E,F,G ALL B,C ALL ALL ALL NONE ALL NONE ALL E,F,G ALL B,C ALL ALL ALL NONE ALL NONE ALL E,F,G ALL B,C ALL ALL ALL NONE ALL NONE ALL E,F,G ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL B ALL NONE ALL E,F,G, ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL B,C,D ALL ALL ALL E,F,G, ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL B,C,D ALL ALL ALL E,F,G, ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL B,C,D ALL ALL ALL E,F,G ALL B,C ALL ALL ALL NONE ALL ALL ALL I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X PRIVATE PILOT RATING(S) HELD FAA-S-8081-15 INSERT APPENDIX 1 TASK VS. SIMULATION DEVICE CREDIT SEE END OF THIS FILE 1 OF 4 FAA-S-8081-15 INSERT APPENDIX 1 TASK VS. SIMULATION DEVICE CREDIT SEE END OF THIS FILE 2 OF 4 FAA-S-8081-15 INSERT APPENDIX 1 TASK VS. SIMULATION DEVICE CREDIT SEE END OF THIS FILE 3 OF 4 FAA-S-8081-15 INSERT APPENDIX 1 TASK VS. SIMULATION DEVICE CREDIT SEE END OF THIS FILE 4 OF 4 FAA-S-8081-15 APPLICANT’S PRACTICAL TEST CHECKLIST (HELICOPTER) APPOINTMENT WITH EXAMINER: EXAMINER’S NAME_____________________________ LOCATION ____________________________________ DATE/TIME ____________________________________ ACCEPTABLE AIRCRAFT • Aircraft Documents: Airworthiness Certificate Registration Certificate Operating Limitations • Aircraft Maintenance Records: Logbook Record of Airworthiness Inspections and AD Compliance

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