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Airplane Flying Handbook [复制链接]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2008-12-9 15:18:25 |只看该作者
NORMAL AND CROSSWIND TAKEOFF AND CLIMB With the “before takeoff” checklist complete and air traffic control (ATC) clearance received, the airplane should be taxied into position on the runway centerline. If departing from an airport without an operating control tower, a careful check for approaching aircraft should be made along with a radio advisory on the appropriate frequency. Sharp turns onto the runway combined with a rolling takeoff are not a good operating practice and may be prohibited by the AFM/POH due to the possibility of “unporting” a fuel tank pickup. (The takeoff itself may be prohibited by the AFM/POH under any circumstances below certain fuel levels.) The flight controls should be positioned for a crosswind, if present. Exterior lights such as landing and taxi lights, and wingtip strobes should be illuminated immediately prior to initiating the takeoff roll, day or night. If holding in takeoff position for any length of time, particularly at night, the pilot should activate all exterior lights upon taxiing into position. Takeoff power should be set as recommended in the AFM/POH. With normally aspirated (non-turbocharged) engines, this will be full throttle. Full throttle is also used in most turbocharged engines. There are some turbocharged engines, however, that require the pilot to set a specific power setting, usually just below red line manifold pressure. This yields takeoff power with less than full throttle travel. 12-12 Ch 12.qxd 5/7/04 9:54 AM Page 12-12 Turbocharged engines often require special consideration. Throttle motion with turbocharged engines should be exceptionally smooth and deliberate. It is acceptable, and may even be desirable, to hold the airplane in position with brakes as the throttles are advanced. Brake release customarily occurs after significant boost from the turbocharger is established. This prevents wasting runway with slow, partial throttle acceleration as the engine power is increased. If runway length or obstacle clearance is critical, full power should be set before brake release, as specified in the performance charts. As takeoff power is established, initial attention should be divided between tracking the runway centerline and monitoring the engine gauges. Many novice multiengine pilots tend to fixate on the airspeed indicator just as soon as the airplane begins its takeoff roll. Instead, the pilot should confirm that both engines are developing full-rated manifold pressure and r.p.m., and that the fuel flows, fuel pressures, exhaust gas temperatures (EGTs), and oil pressures are matched in their normal ranges. A directed and purposeful scan of the engine gauges can be accomplished well before the airplane approaches rotation speed. If a crosswind is present, the aileron displacement in the direction of the crosswind may be reduced as the airplane accelerates. The elevator/stabilator control should be held neutral throughout. Full rated takeoff power should be used for every takeoff. Partial power takeoffs are not recommended. There is no evidence to suggest that the life of modern reciprocating engines is prolonged by partial power takeoffs. Paradoxically, excessive heat and engine wear can occur with partial power as the fuel metering system will fail to deliver the slightly over-rich mixture vital for engine cooling during takeoff. There are several key airspeeds to be noted during the takeoff and climb sequence in any twin. The first speed to consider is VMC. If an engine fails below VMC while the airplane is on the ground, the takeoff must be rejected. Directional control can only be maintained by promptly closing both throttles and using rudder and brakes as required. If an engine fails below VMC while airborne, directional control is not possible with the remaining engine producing takeoff power. On takeoffs, therefore, the airplane should never be airborne before the airspeed reaches and exceeds VMC. Pilots should use the manufacturer’s recommended rotation speed (VR) or lift-off speed (VLOF). If no such speeds are published, a minimum of VMC plus 5 knots should be used for VR. The rotation to a takeoff pitch attitude is done smoothly. With a crosswind, the pilot should ensure that the landing gear does not momentarily touch the runway after the airplane has lifted off, as a side drift will be present. The rotation may be accomplished more positively and/or at a higher speed under these conditions. However, the pilot should keep in mind that the AFM/POH performance figures for acceleratestop distance, takeoff ground roll, and distance to clear an obstacle were calculated at the recommended VR and/or VLOF speed. After lift-off, the next consideration is to gain altitude as rapidly as possible. After leaving the ground, altitude gain is more important than achieving an excess of airspeed. Experience has shown that excessive speed cannot be effectively converted into altitude in the event of an engine failure. Altitude gives the pilot time to think and react. Therefore, the airplane should be allowed to accelerate in a shallow climb to attain VY, the best all-engine rate-of-climb speed. VY should then be maintained until a safe single-engine maneuvering altitude, considering terrain and obstructions, is achieved. To assist the pilot in takeoff and initial climb profile, some AFM/POHs give a “50-foot” or “50-foot barrier” speed to use as a target during rotation, lift-off, and acceleration to VY. Landing gear retraction should normally occur after a positive rate of climb is established. Some AFM/POHs direct the pilot to apply the wheel brakes momentarily after lift-off to stop wheel rotation prior to landing gear retraction. If flaps were extended for takeoff, they should be retracted as recommended in the AFM/POH. Once a safe single-engine maneuvering altitude has been reached, typically a minimum of 400-500 feet AGL, the transition to an enroute climb speed should be made. This speed is higher than VY and is usually maintained to cruising altitude. Enroute climb speed gives better visibility, increased engine cooling, and a higher groundspeed. Takeoff power can be reduced, if desired, as the transition to enroute climb speed is made. Some airplanes have a climb power setting published in the AFM/POH as a recommendation (or sometimes as a limitation), which should then be set for enroute climb. If there is no climb power setting published, it is customary, but not a requirement, to reduce manifold pressure and r.p.m. somewhat for enroute climb. The propellers are usually synchronized after the first power reduction and the yaw damper, if installed, engaged. The AFM/POH may also recommend leaning 12-13 Ch 12.qxd 5/7/04 9:54 AM Page 12-13 12-14 the mixtures during climb. The “climb” checklist should be accomplished as traffic and work load allow. [Figure 12-7] LEVEL OFF AND CRUISE Upon leveling off at cruising altitude, the pilot should allow the airplane to accelerate at climb power until cruising airspeed is achieved, then cruise power and r.p.m. should be set. To extract the maximum cruise performance from any airplane, the power setting tables provided by the manufacturer should be closely followed. If the cylinder head and oil temperatures are within their normal ranges, the cowl flaps may be closed. When the engine temperatures have stabilized, the mixtures may be leaned per AFM/POH recommendations. The remainder of the “cruise” checklist should be completed by this point. Fuel management in multiengine airplanes is often more complex than in single-engine airplanes. Depending upon system design, the pilot may need to select between main tanks and auxiliary tanks, or even employ fuel transfer from one tank to another. In complex fuel systems, limitations are often found restricting the use of some tanks to level flight only, or requiring a reserve of fuel in the main tanks for descent and landing. Electric fuel pump operation can vary widely among different models also, particularly during tank switching or fuel transfer. Some fuel pumps are to be on for takeoff and landing; others are to be off. There is simply no substitute for thorough systems and AFM/POH knowledge when operating complex aircraft. NORMAL APPROACH AND LANDING Given the higher cruising speed (and frequently, altitude) of multiengine airplanes over most single-engine airplanes, the descent must be planned in advance. A hurried, last minute descent with power at or near idle is inefficient and can cause excessive engine cooling. It may also lead to passenger discomfort, particularly if the airplane is unpressurized. As a rule of thumb, if terrain and passenger conditions permit, a maximum of a 500 f.p.m. rate of descent should be planned. Pressurized airplanes can plan for higher descent rates, if desired. In a descent, some airplanes require a minimum EGT, or may have a minimum power setting or cylinder head temperature to observe. In any case, combinations of very low manifold pressure and high r.p.m. settings are strongly discouraged by engine manufacturers. If higher descent rates are necessary, the pilot should consider extending partial flaps or lowering the landing gear before retarding the power excessively. The “descent” checklist should be initiated upon leaving cruising altitude and completed before arrival in the terminal area. Upon arrival in the terminal area, pilots are encouraged to turn on their landing and recognition lights when operating below 10,000 feet, day or night, and especially when operating within 10 miles of any airport or in conditions of reduced visibility. Figure 12-7.Takeoff and climb profile. Lift-off Published VR or VLOF if not Published, VMC + 5 Knots Positive Rate - Gear Up Climb at VY 500 ft 1. Accelerate to Cruise Climb 2. Set Climb Power 3. Climb Checklist Ch 12.qxd 5/7/04 9:54 AM Page 12-14 The traffic pattern and approach are typically flown at somewhat higher indicated airspeeds in a multiengine airplane contrasted to most single-engine airplanes. The pilot may allow for this through an early start on the “before landing” checklist. This provides time for proper planning, spacing, and thinking well ahead of the airplane. Many multiengine airplanes have partial flap extension speeds above VFE, and partial flaps can be deployed prior to traffic pattern entry. Normally, the landing gear should be selected and confirmed down when abeam the intended point of landing as the downwind leg is flown. [Figure 12-8] The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) recommends a stabilized approach concept. To the greatest extent practical, on final approach and within 500 feet AGL, the airplane should be on speed, in trim, configured for landing, tracking the extended centerline of the runway, and established in a constant angle of descent towards an aim point in the touchdown zone. Absent unusual flight conditions, only minor corrections will be required to maintain this approach to the roundout and touchdown. The final approach should be made with power and at a speed recommended by the manufacturer; if a recommended speed is not furnished, the speed should be no slower than the single-engine best rate-of-climb speed (VYSE) until short final with the landing assured, but in no case less than critical engine-out minimum control speed (VMC). Some multiengine pilots prefer to delay full flap extension to short final with the landing assured. This is an acceptable technique with appropriate experience and familiarity with the airplane. In the roundout for landing, residual power is gradually reduced to idle. With the higher wing loading of multiengine airplanes and with the drag from two windmilling propellers, there will be minimal float. Full stall landings are generally undesirable in twins. The airplane should be held off as with a high performance single-engine model, allowing touchdown of the main wheels prior to a full stall.

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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2008-12-9 15:18:37 |只看该作者
Under favorable wind and runway conditions, the nosewheel can be held off for best aerodynamic braking. Even as the nosewheel is gently lowered to the runway centerline, continued elevator back pressure will greatly assist the wheel brakes in stopping the airplane. If runway length is critical, or with a strong crosswind, or if the surface is contaminated with water, ice or snow, it is undesirable to rely solely on aerodynamic braking after touchdown. The full weight of the airplane should be placed on the wheels as soon as practicable. The wheel brakes will be more effective than aerodynamic braking alone in decelerating the airplane. Once on the ground, elevator back pressure should be used to place additional weight on the main wheels and to add additional drag. When necessary, wing flap retraction will also add additional weight to the wheels and improve braking effectivity. Flap retraction during the landing rollout is discouraged, however, unless there is a clear, operational need. It should not be accomplished as routine with each landing. Some multiengine airplanes, particularly those of the cabin class variety, can be flown through the roundout and touchdown with a small amount of power. This is an acceptable technique to prevent high sink rates and to cushion the touchdown. The pilot should keep in mind, however, that the primary purpose in landing is to get the airplane down and stopped. This technique should only be attempted when there is a generous Approaching Traffic Pattern 1. Descent Checklist 2. Reduce to Traffic Pattern Airspeed and Altitude Downwind 1. Flaps - Approach Position 2. Gear Down 3. Before Landing Checklist Base Leg 1. Gear-Check Down 2. Check for Conflicting Traffic Final 1. Gear-Check Down 2. Flaps-Landing Position Airspeed- 1.3 Vs0 or Manufacturers Recommended Figure 12-8. Normal two-engine approach and landing. 12-15 Ch 12.qxd 5/7/04 9:54 AM Page 12-15 12-16 margin of runway length. As propeller blast flows directly over the wings, lift as well as thrust is produced. The pilot should taxi clear of the runway as soon as speed and safety permit, and then accomplish the “after landing” checklist. Ordinarily, no attempt should be made to retract the wing flaps or perform other checklist duties until the airplane has been brought to a halt when clear of the active runway. Exceptions to this would be the rare operational needs discussed above, to relieve the weight from the wings and place it on the wheels. In these cases, AFM/POH guidance should be followed. The pilot should not indiscriminately reach out for any switch or control on landing rollout. An inadvertent landing gear retraction while meaning to retract the wing flaps may result. CROSSWIND APPROACH AND LANDING The multiengine airplane is often easier to land in a crosswind than a single-engine airplane due to its higher approach and landing speed. In any event, the principles are no different between singles and twins. Prior to touchdown, the longitudinal axis must be aligned with the runway centerline to avoid landing gear side loads. The two primary methods, crab and wing-low, are typically used in conjunction with each other. As soon as the airplane rolls out onto final approach, the crab angle to track the extended runway centerline is established. This is coordinated flight with adjustments to heading to compensate for wind drift either left or right. Prior to touchdown, the transition to a sideslip is made with the upwind wing lowered and opposite rudder applied to prevent a turn. The airplane touches down on the landing gear of the upwind wing first, followed by that of the downwind wing, and then the nose gear. Follow-through with the flight controls involves an increasing application of aileron into the wind until full control deflection is reached. The point at which the transition from the crab to the sideslip is made is dependent upon pilot familiarity with the airplane and experience. With high skill and experience levels, the transition can be made during the roundout just before touchdown. With lesser skill and experience levels, the transition is made at increasing distances from the runway. Some multiengine airplanes (as some single-engine airplanes) have AFM/POH limitations against slips in excess of a certain time period; 30 seconds, for example. This is to prevent engine power loss from fuel starvation as the fuel in the tank of the lowered wing flows towards the wingtip, away from the fuel pickup point. This time limit must be observed if the wing-low method is utilized. Some multiengine pilots prefer to use differential power to assist in crosswind landings. The asymmetrical thrust produces a yawing moment little different from that produced by the rudder. When the upwind wing is lowered, power on the upwind engine is increased to prevent the airplane from turning. This alternate technique is completely acceptable, but most pilots feel they can react to changing wind conditions quicker with rudder and aileron than throttle movement. This is especially true with turbocharged engines where the throttle response may lag momentarily. The differential power technique should be practiced with an instructor familiar with it before being attempted alone. SHORT-FIELD TAKEOFF AND CLIMB The short-field takeoff and climb differs from the normal takeoff and climb in the airspeeds and initial climb profile. Some AFM/POHs give separate short-field takeoff procedures and performance charts that recommend specific flap settings and airspeeds. Other AFM/POHs do not provide separate short-field procedures. In the absence of such specific procedures, the airplane should be operated only as recommended in the AFM/POH. No operations should be conducted contrary to the recommendations in the AFM/POH. On short-field takeoffs in general, just after rotation and lift-off, the airplane should be allowed to accelerate to VX, making the initial climb over obstacles at VX and transitioning to VY as obstacles are cleared. [Figure 12-9] Figure 12-9. Short-field takeoff and climb. VX VY 50 ft Ch 12.qxd 5/7/04 9:54 AM Page 12-16 12-17 When partial flaps are recommended for short-field takeoffs, many light-twins have a strong tendency to become airborne prior to VMC plus 5 knots. Attempting to prevent premature lift-off with forward elevator pressure results in wheelbarrowing. To prevent this, allow the airplane to become airborne, but only a few inches above the runway. The pilot should be prepared to promptly abort the takeoff and land in the event of engine failure on takeoff with landing gear and flaps extended at airspeeds below VX. Engine failure on takeoff, particularly with obstructions, is compounded by the low airspeeds and steep climb attitudes utilized in short-field takeoffs. VX and VXSE are often perilously close to VMC, leaving scant margin for error in the event of engine failure as VXSE is assumed. If flaps were used for takeoff, the engine failure situation becomes even more critical due to the additional drag incurred. If VX is less than 5 knots higher than VMC, give strong consideration to reducing useful load or using another runway in order to increase the takeoff margins so that a short-field technique will not be required. SHORT-FIELD APPROACH AND LANDING The primary elements of a short-field approach and landing do not differ significantly from a normal approach and landing. Many manufacturers do not publish short-field landing techniques or performance charts in the AFM/POH. In the absence of specific short-field approach and landing procedures, the airplane should be operated as recommended in the AFM/POH. No operations should be conducted contrary to the AFM/POH recommendations. The emphasis in a short-field approach is on configuration (full flaps), a stabilized approach with a constant angle of descent, and precise airspeed control. As part of a short-field approach and landing procedure, some AFM/POHs recommend a slightly slower than normal approach airspeed. If no such slower speed is published, use the AFM/POH-recommended normal approach speed. Full flaps are used to provide the steepest approach angle. If obstacles are present, the approach should be planned so that no drastic power reductions are required after they are cleared. The power should be smoothly reduced to idle in the roundout prior to touchdown. Pilots should keep in mind that the propeller blast blows over the wings, providing some lift in addition to thrust. Significantly reducing power just after obstacle clearance usually results in a sudden, high sink rate that may lead to a hard landing. After the short-field touchdown, maximum stopping effort is achieved by retracting the wing flaps, adding back pressure to the elevator/stabilator, and applying heavy braking. However, if the runway length permits, the wing flaps should be left in the extended position until the airplane has been stopped clear of the runway. There is always a significant risk of retracting the landing gear instead of the wing flaps when flap retraction is attempted on the landing rollout. Landing conditions that involve either a short-field, high-winds or strong crosswinds are just about the only situations where flap retraction on the landing rollout should be considered. When there is an operational need to retract the flaps just after touchdown, it must be done deliberately, with the flap handle positively identified before it is moved. GO-AROUND When the decision to go around is made, the throttles should be advanced to takeoff power. With adequate airspeed, the airplane should be placed in a climb pitch attitude. These actions, which are accomplished simultaneously, will arrest the sink rate and place the airplane in the proper attitude for transition to a climb. The initial target airspeed will be VY, or VX if obstructions are present. With sufficient airspeed, the flaps should be retracted from full to an intermediate position and the landing gear retracted when there is a positive rate of climb and no chance of runway contact. The remaining flaps should then be retracted. [Figure 12-10] Figure 12-10. Go-around procedure. Retract Remaining Flaps Positive Rate of Climb, Retract Gear, Climb at VY 500' Cruise Climb Timely Decision to Make Go-Around Apply Max Power Adjust Pitch Attitude to Arrest Sink Rate Flaps to Intermediate Ch 12.qxd 5/7/04 9:54 AM Page 12-17 12-18 If the go-around was initiated due to conflicting traffic on the ground or aloft, the pilot should maneuver to the side, so as to keep the conflicting traffic in sight. This may involve a shallow bank turn to offset and then parallel the runway/landing area. If the airplane was in trim for the landing approach when the go-around was commenced, it will soon require a great deal of forward elevator/stabilator pressure as the airplane accelerates away in a climb. The pilot should apply appropriate forward pressure to maintain the desired pitch attitude. Trim should be commenced immediately. The “balked landing” checklist should be reviewed as work load permits. Flaps should be retracted before the landing gear for two reasons. First, on most airplanes, full flaps produce more drag than the extended landing gear. Secondly, the airplane will tend to settle somewhat with flap retraction, and the landing gear should be down in the event of an inadvertent, momentary touchdown. Many multiengine airplanes have a landing gear retraction speed significantly less than the extension speed. Care should be exercised during the go-around not to exceed the retraction speed. If the pilot desires to return for a landing, it is essential to re-accomplish the entire “before landing” checklist. An interruption to a pilot’s habit patterns, such as a go-around, is a classic scenario for a subsequent gear up landing. The preceding discussion of go-arounds assumes that the maneuver was initiated from normal approach speeds or faster. If the go-around was initiated from a low airspeed, the initial pitch up to a climb attitude must be tempered with the necessity of maintaining adequate flying speed throughout the maneuver. Examples of where this applies include go-arounds initiated from the landing roundout or recovery from a bad bounce as well as a go-around initiated due to an inadvertent approach to a stall. The first priority is always to maintain control and obtain adequate flying speed. A few moments of level or near level flight may be required as the airplane accelerates up to climb speed. REJECTED TAKEOFF Atakeoff can be rejected for the same reasons a takeoff in a single-engine airplane would be rejected. Once the decision to reject a takeoff is made, the pilot should promptly close both throttles and maintain directional control with the rudder, nosewheel steering, and brakes. Aggressive use of rudder, nosewheel steering, and brakes may be required to keep the airplane on the runway. Particularly, if an engine failure is not immediately recognized and accompanied by prompt closure of both throttles. However, the primary objective is not necessarily to stop the airplane in the shortest distance, but to maintain control of the airplane as it decelerates. In some situations, it may be preferable to continue into the overrun area under control, rather than risk directional control loss, landing gear collapse, or tire/brake failure in an attempt to stop the airplane in the shortest possible distance. ENGINE FAILURE AFTER LIFT-OFF A takeoff or go-around is the most critical time to suffer an engine failure. The airplane will be slow, close to the ground, and may even have landing gear and flaps extended. Altitude and time will be minimal. Until feathered, the propeller of the failed engine will be windmilling, producing a great deal of drag and yawing tendency. Airplane climb performance will be marginal or even non-existent, and obstructions may lie ahead. Add the element of surprise and the need for a plan of action before every takeoff is obvious. With loss of an engine, it is paramount to maintain airplane control and comply with the manufacturer’s recommended emergency procedures. Complete failure of one engine shortly after takeoff can be broadly categorized into one of three following scenarios. 1. Landing gear down. [Figure 12-11] If the engine failure occurs prior to selecting the landing gear to the UP position, close both throttles and land on the remaining runway or overrun. Depending upon how quickly the pilot reacts to the sudden yaw, the airplane may run off the side of the runway by the time action is taken. There are really no other practical options. As discussed earlier, the chances of maintaining directional control while retracting the flaps (if extended), landing gear, feathering the propeller, and accelerating are minimal. On some airplanes with a single-engine-driven hydraulic pump, failure of that engine means the only way to raise the landing gear is to allow the engine to windmill or to use a hand pump. This is not a viable alternative during takeoff. 2. Landing gear control selected up, singleengine climb performance inadequate. [Figure 12-12] When operating near or above the single-engine ceiling and an engine failure is experienced shortly after lift-off, a landing must be accomplished on whatever essentially lies ahead. There is also the option of continuing ahead, in a descent at VYSE with the remaining engine producing power, as long as the pilot is not tempted to remain airborne beyond the airplane’s performance capability. Remaining airborne, bleeding off airspeed in a futile attempt to maintain altitude is almost invariably fatal. Landing under control is paramount. The greatest hazard in a single-engine takeoff is attempting to fly when it is not within the per- Ch 12.qxd 5/7/04 9:54 AM Page 12-18 12-19 formance capability of the airplane to do so. An accident is inevitable. Analysis of engine failures on takeoff reveals a very high success rate of off-airport engine inoperative landings when the airplane is landed under control. Analysis also reveals a very high fatality rate in stallspin accidents when the pilot attempts flight beyond the performance capability of the airplane. As mentioned previously, if the airplane’s landing gear retraction mechanism is dependent upon hydraulic pressure from a certain engine-driven pump, failure of that engine can mean a loss of hundreds of feet of altitude as the pilot either windmills the engine to provide hydraulic pressure to raise the gear or raises it manually with a backup pump. 3. Landing gear control selected up, singleengine climb performance adequate. [Figure 12-13] If the single-engine rate of climb is adequate, the procedures for continued flight should be followed. There are four areas of concern: control, configuration, climb, and checklist. • CONTROL— The first consideration following engine failure during takeoff is control of the airplane. Upon detecting an engine failure, aileron should be used to bank the airplane and rudder pressure applied, aggressively if necessary, to counteract the yaw and roll from asymmetrical thrust. The control forces, particularly on the rudder, may be high. The pitch attitude for VYSE will have to be lowered from that of VY. Figure 12-11. Engine failure on takeoff, landing gear down. If Engine Failure Occurs at or Before Lift-off, Abort the Takeoff. If Failure of Engine Occurs After Lift-off: 1. Maintain Directional Control 2. Close Both Throttles Figure 12-12. Engine failure on takeoff, inadequate climb performance. Liftoff Engine Failure Descend at VYSE Land Under Control On or Off Runway Over Run Area Ch 12.qxd 5/7/04 9:54 AM Page 12-19 At least 5° of bank should be used, if necessary, to stop the yaw and maintain directional control. This initial bank input is held only momentarily, just long enough to establish or ensure directional control. Climb performance suffers when bank angles exceed approximately 2 or 3°, but obtaining and maintaining VYSE and directional control are paramount. Trim should be adjusted to lower the control forces. • CONFIGURATION—The memory items from the “engine failure after takeoff” checklist [Figure 12-14] should be promptly executed to configure the airplane for climb. The specific procedures to follow will be found in the AFM/POH and checklist for the particular airplane. Most will direct the pilot to assume VYSE, set takeoff power, retract the flaps and landing gear, identify, verify, and feather the failed engine. (On some airplanes, the landing gear is to be retracted before the flaps.) The “identify” step is for the pilot to initially identify the failed engine. Confirmation on the engine gauges may or may not be possible, depending upon the failure mode. Identification should be primarily through the control inputs required to maintain straight flight, not the engine gauges. The “verify” step directs the pilot to retard the throttle of the engine thought to have failed. No change in performance when the suspected throttle is retarded is verification that the correct engine has been identified as failed. The corresponding propeller control should be brought fully aft to feather the engine. • CLIMB—As soon as directional control is established and the airplane configured for climb, the bank angle should be reduced to that producing best climb performance. Without specific guidance for zero sideslip, a bank of 2° and one-third to one-half ball deflection on the slip/skid indicator is suggested. VYSE is maintained with pitch control. As turning flight reduces climb performance, climb should be made straight ahead, or with shallow turns to avoid obstacles, to an altitude of at least 400 feet AGL before attempting a return to the airport. Obstruction Clearance Altitude or Above At 500' or Obstruction Clearance Altitude: 7. Engine Failure Checklist Circle and Land 3. Drag - Reduce - Gear, Flaps 4. Identify - Inoperative Engine 5. Verify - Inoperative Engine 6. Feather - Inoperative Engine If Failure of Engine Occurs After Liftoff: 1. Maintain Directional Control - VYSE, Heading, Bank into Operating Engine 2. Power - Increase or Set for Takeoff Figure 12-13. Landing gear up—adequate climb performance. Figure 12-14.Typical “engine failure after takeoff” emergency checklist. 12-20 ENGINE FAILURE AFTER TAKEOFF Airspeed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maintain VYSE Mixtures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RICH Propellers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .HIGH RPM Throttles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FULL POWER Flaps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UP Landing Gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UP Identify . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Determine failed engine Verify Close throttle of failed engine Propeller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FEATHER Trim T abs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ADJUST Failed Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SECURE As soon as practical . . . . . . . . . . LAND Bold - faced items require immediate action and are to be accomplished fro m mem ory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ch 12.qxd 5/7/04 9:55 AM Page 12-20 12-21 • CHECKLIST—Having accomplished the memory items from the “engine failure after takeoff” checklist, the printed copy should be reviewed as time permits. The “securing failed engine” checklist [Figure 12-15] should then be accomplished. Unless the pilot suspects an engine fire, the remaining items should be accomplished deliberately and without undue haste. Airplane control should never be sacrificed to execute the remaining checklists. The priority items have already been accomplished from memory. Figure 12-15. Typical “securing failed engine” emergency checklist. Other than closing the cowl flap of the failed engine, none of these items, if left undone, adversely affects airplane climb performance. There is a distinct possibility of actuating an incorrect switch or control if the procedure is rushed. The pilot should concentrate on flying the airplane and extracting maximum performance. If ATC facilities are available, an emergency should be declared. The memory items in the “engine failure after takeoff” checklist may be redundant with the airplane’s existing configuration. For example, in the third takeoff scenario, the gear and flaps were assumed to already be retracted, yet the memory items included gear and flaps. This is not an oversight. The purpose of the memory items is to either initiate the appropriate action or to confirm that a condition exists. Action on each item may not be required in all cases. The memory items also apply to more than one circumstance. In an engine failure from a go-around, for example, the landing gear and flaps would likely be extended when the failure occurred. The three preceding takeoff scenarios all include the landing gear as a key element in the decision to land or continue. With the landing gear selector in the DOWN position, for example, continued takeoff and climb is not recommended. This situation, however, is not justification to retract the landing gear the moment the airplane lifts off the surface on takeoff as a normal procedure. The landing gear should remain selected down as long as there is usable runway or overrun available to land on. The use of wing flaps for takeoff virtually eliminates the likelihood of a single-engine climb until the flaps are retracted. There are two time-tested memory aids the pilot may find useful in dealing with engine-out scenarios. The first, “Dead foot–dead engine” is used to assist in identifying the failed engine. Depending on the failure mode, the pilot won’t be able to consistently identify the failed engine in a timely manner from the engine gauges. In maintaining directional control, however, rudder pressure will be exerted on the side (left or right) of the airplane with the operating engine. Thus, the “dead foot” is on the same side as the “dead engine.” Variations on this saying include “Idle foot–idle engine” and “Working foot–working engine.” The second memory aid has to do with climb performance. The phrase “Raise the dead” is a reminder that the best climb performance is obtained with a very shallow bank, about 2° toward the operating engine. Therefore, the inoperative, or “dead” engine should be “raised” with a very slight bank.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2008-12-9 15:18:43 |只看该作者
Not all engine power losses are complete failures. Sometimes the failure mode is such that partial power may be available. If there is a performance loss when the throttle of the affected engine is retarded, the pilot should consider allowing it to run until altitude and airspeed permit safe single-engine flight, if this can be done without compromising safety. Attempts to save a malfunctioning engine can lead to a loss of the entire airplane. ENGINE FAILURE DURING FLIGHT Engine failures well above the ground are handled differently than those occurring at lower speeds and altitudes. Cruise airspeed allows better airplane control, and altitude may permit time for a possible diagnosis and remedy of the failure. Maintaining airplane control, however, is still paramount. Airplanes have been lost at altitude due to apparent fixation on the engine problem to the detriment of flying the airplane. Not all engine failures or malfunctions are catastrophic in nature (catastrophic meaning a major mechanical failure that damages the engine and precludes further engine operation). Many cases of power loss are related to fuel starvation, where restoration of power may be made with the selection of another tank. An orderly inventory of gauges and switches may reveal the problem. Carburetor heat or alternate air can be selected. The affected engine may run smoothly on just one magneto or at a lower power setting. Altering the SECURING FAILED ENGINE Mixture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IDLE CUT OFF Magnetos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OFF Alternator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OFF Cowl Flap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CLOSE Boost Pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OFF Fuel Selector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OFF Prop Sync . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OFF Electrical Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reduce Crossfeed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Consider Ch 12.qxd 5/7/04 9:55 AM Page 12-21 12-22 mixture may help. If fuel vapor formation is suspected, fuel boost pump operation may be used to eliminate flow and pressure fluctuations. Although it is a natural desire among pilots to save an ailing engine with a precautionary shutdown, the engine should be left running if there is any doubt as to needing it for further safe flight. Catastrophic failure accompanied by heavy vibration, smoke, blistering paint, or large trails of oil, on the other hand, indicate a critical situation. The affected engine should be feathered and the “securing failed engine” checklist completed. The pilot should divert to the nearest suitable airport and declare an emergency with ATC for priority handling. Fuel crossfeed is a method of getting fuel from a tank on one side of the airplane to an operating engine on the other. Crossfeed is used for extended single-engine operation. If a suitable airport is close at hand, there is no need to consider crossfeed. If prolonged flight on a single-engine is inevitable due to airport non-availability, then crossfeed allows use of fuel that would otherwise be unavailable to the operating engine. It also permits the pilot to balance the fuel consumption to avoid an out-of-balance wing heaviness. AFM/POH procedures for crossfeed vary widely. Thorough fuel system knowledge is essential if crossfeed is to be conducted. Fuel selector positions and fuel boost pump usage for crossfeed differ greatly among multiengine airplanes. Prior to landing, crossfeed should be terminated and the operating engine returned to its main tank fuel supply. If the airplane is above its single-engine absolute ceiling at the time of engine failure, it will slowly lose altitude. The pilot should maintain VYSE to minimize the rate of altitude loss. This “drift down” rate will be greatest immediately following the failure and will decrease as the single-engine ceiling is approached. Due to performance variations caused by engine and propeller wear, turbulence, and pilot technique, the airplane may not maintain altitude even at its published single-engine ceiling. Any further rate of sink, however, would likely be modest. An engine failure in a descent or other low power setting can be deceiving. The dramatic yaw and performance loss will be absent. At very low power settings, the pilot may not even be aware of a failure. If a failure is suspected, the pilot should advance both engine mixtures, propellers, and throttles significantly, to the takeoff settings if necessary, to correctly identify the failed engine. The power on the operative engine can always be reduced later. ENGINE INOPERATIVE APPROACH AND LANDING The approach and landing with one engine inoperative is essentially the same as a two-engine approach and landing. The traffic pattern should be flown at similar altitudes, airspeeds, and key positions as a two-engine approach. The differences will be the reduced power available and the fact that the remaining thrust is asymmetrical. A higher-than-normal power setting will be necessary on the operative engine. With adequate airspeed and performance, the landing gear can still be extended on the downwind leg. In which case it should be confirmed DOWN no later than abeam the intended point of landing. Performance permitting, initial extension of wing flaps (10°, typically) and a descent from pattern altitude can also be initiated on the downwind leg. The airspeed should be no slower than VYSE. The direction of the traffic pattern, and therefore the turns, is of no consequence as far as airplane controllability and performance are concerned. It is perfectly acceptable to make turns toward the failed engine. On the base leg, if performance is adequate, the flaps may be extended to an intermediate setting (25°, typically). If the performance is inadequate, as measured by a decay in airspeed or high sink rate, delay further flap extension until closer to the runway. VYSE is still the minimum airspeed to maintain. On final approach, a normal, 3° glidepath to a landing is desirable. VASI or other vertical path lighting aids should be utilized if available. Slightly steeper approaches may be acceptable. However, a long, flat, low approach should be avoided. Large, sudden power applications or reductions should also be avoided. Maintain VYSE until the landing is assured, then slow to 1.3 VSO or the AFM/POH recommended speed. The final flap setting may be delayed until the landing is assured, or the airplane may be landed with partial flaps. The airplane should remain in trim throughout. The pilot must be prepared, however, for a rudder trim change as the power of the operating engine is reduced to idle in the roundout just prior to touchdown. With drag from only one windmilling propeller, the airplane will tend to float more than on a two-engine approach. Precise airspeed control therefore is essential, especially when landing on a short, wet and/or slippery surface. Some pilots favor resetting the rudder trim to neutral on final and compensating for yaw by holding rudder pressure for the remainder of the approach. This eliminates the rudder trim change close to the ground as Ch 12.qxd 5/7/04 9:55 AM Page 12-22 the throttle is closed during the roundout for landing. This technique eliminates the need for groping for the rudder trim and manipulating it to neutral during final approach, which many pilots find to be highly distracting. AFM/POH recommendations or personal preference should be used. Single-engine go-arounds must be avoided. As a practical matter in single-engine approaches, once the airplane is on final approach with landing gear and flaps extended, it is committed to land. If not on the intended runway, then on another runway, a taxiway, or grassy infield. The light-twin does not have the performance to climb on one engine with landing gear and flaps extended. Considerable altitude will be lost while maintaining VYSE and retracting landing gear and flaps. Losses of 500 feet or more are not unusual. If the landing gear has been lowered with an alternate means of extension, retraction may not be possible, virtually negating any climb capability. ENGINE INOPERATIVE FLIGHT PRINCIPLES Best single-engine climb performance is obtained at VYSE with maximum available power and minimum drag. After the flaps and landing gear have been retracted and the propeller of the failed engine feathered, a key element in best climb performance is minimizing sideslip. With a single-engine airplane or a multiengine airplane with both engines operative, sideslip is eliminated when the ball of the turn and bank instrument is centered. This is a condition of zero sideslip, and the airplane is presenting its smallest possible profile to the relative wind. As a result, drag is at its minimum. Pilots know this as coordinated flight. In a multiengine airplane with an inoperative engine, the centered ball is no longer the indicator of zero sideslip due to asymmetrical thrust. In fact, there is no instrument at all that will directly tell the pilot the flight conditions for zero sideslip. In the absence of a yaw string, minimizing sideslip is a matter of placing the airplane at a predetermined bank angle and ball position. The AFM/POH performance charts for single- engine flight were determined at zero sideslip. If this performance is even to be approximated, the zero sideslip technique must be utilized. There are two different control inputs that can be used to counteract the asymmetrical thrust of a failed engine: (1) yaw from the rudder, and (2) the horizontal component of lift that results from bank with the ailerons. Used individually, neither is correct. Used together in the proper combination, zero sideslip and best climb performance are achieved. Three different scenarios of airplane control inputs are presented below. Neither of the first two is correct. They are presented to illustrate the reasons for the zero sideslip approach to best climb performance. 1. Engine inoperative flight with wings level and ball centered requires large rudder input towards the operative engine. [Figure 12-16] The result is a moderate sideslip towards the inoperative engine. Climb performance will be reduced by the moderate sideslip. With wings level, VMC will be significantly higher than published as there is no horizontal component of lift available to help the rudder combat asymmetrical thrust. Figure 12-16. Wings level engine-out flight. Rudder Force Yaw String Fin Effect Due to Sideslip Slipstream Wings level, ball centered, airplane slips toward dead engine. Results: high drag, large control surface deflections required, and rudder and fin in opposition due to sideslip. 12-23 Ch 12.qxd 5/7/04 9:55 AM Page 12-23 2. Engine inoperative flight using ailerons alone requires an 8 - 10° bank angle towards the operative engine. [Figure 12-17] This assumes no rudder input. The ball will be displaced well towards the operative engine. The result is a large sideslip towards the operative engine. Climb performance will be greatly reduced by the large sideslip. 3. Rudder and ailerons used together in the proper combination will result in a bank of approximately 2° towards the operative engine. The ball will be displaced approximately one-third to one-half towards the operative engine. The result is zero sideslip and maximum climb performance. [Figure 12-18] Any attitude other than zero sideslip increases drag, decreasing performance. VMC under these circumstances will be higher than published, as less than the 5° bank certification limit is employed. The precise condition of zero sideslip (bank angle and ball position) varies slightly from model to model, and with available power and airspeed. If the airplane is not equipped with counter-rotating propellers, it will also vary slightly with the engine failed due to P-factor. The foregoing zero sideslip recommendations apply to Yaw String Excess bank toward operating engine, no rudder input. Result: large sideslip toward operating engine and greatly reduced climb performance. 12-24 Rudder Force Yaw String Bank toward operating engine, no sideslip. Results: much lower drag and smaller control surface deflections. Figure 12-17. Excessive bank engine-out flight. Figure 12-18. Zero sideslip engine-out flight. Ch 12.qxd 5/7/04 9:55 AM Page 12-24 12-25 reciprocating engine multiengine airplanes flown at VYSE with the inoperative engine feathered. The zero sideslip ball position for straight flight is also the zero sideslip position for turning flight. When bank angle is plotted against climb performance for a hypothetical twin, zero sideslip results in the best (however marginal) climb performance or the least rate of descent. Zero bank (all rudder to counteract yaw) degrades climb performance as a result of moderate sideslip. Using bank angle alone (no rudder) severely degrades climb performance as a result of a large sideslip. The actual bank angle for zero sideslip varies among airplanes from one and one-half to two and one-half degrees. The position of the ball varies from one-third to one-half of a ball width from instrument center. For any multiengine airplane, zero sideslip can be confirmed through the use of a yaw string. A yaw string is a piece of string or yarn approximately 18 to 36 inches in length, taped to the base of the windshield, or to the nose near the windshield, along the airplane centerline. In two-engine coordinated flight, the relative wind will cause the string to align itself with the longitudinal axis of the airplane, and it will position itself straight up the center of the windshield. This is zero sideslip. Experimentation with slips and skids will vividly display the location of the relative wind. Adequate altitude and flying speed must be maintained while accomplishing these maneuvers. With an engine set to zero thrust (or feathered) and the airplane slowed to VYSE, a climb with maximum power on the remaining engine will reveal the precise bank angle and ball deflection required for zero sideslip and best climb performance. Zero sideslip will again be indicated by the yaw string when it aligns itself vertically on the windshield. There will be very minor changes from this attitude depending upon the engine failed (with noncounter-rotating propellers), power available, airspeed and weight; but without more sensitive testing equipment, these changes are difficult to detect. The only significant difference would be the pitch attitude required to maintain VYSE under different density altitude, power available, and weight conditions. If a yaw string is attached to the airplane at the time of a VMC demonstration, it will be noted that VMC occurs under conditions of sideslip. VMC was not determined under conditions of zero sideslip during aircraft certification and zero sideslip is not part of a VMC demonstration for pilot certification. To review, there are two different sets of bank angles used in one-engine-inoperative flight. • To maintain directional control of a multiengine airplane suffering an engine failure at low speeds (such as climb), momentarily bank at least 5°, and a maximum of 10° towards the operative engine as the pitch attitude for VYSE is set. This maneuver should be instinctive to the proficient multiengine pilot and take only 1 to 2 seconds to attain. It is held just long enough to assure directional control as the pitch attitude for VYSE is assumed. • To obtain the best climb performance, the airplane must be flown at VYSE and zero sideslip, with the failed engine feathered and maximum available power from the operating engine. Zero sideslip is approximately 2° of bank toward the operating engine and a one-third to one-half ball deflection, also toward the operating engine. The precise bank angle and ball position will vary somewhat with make and model and power available. If above the airplane’s single-engine ceiling, this attitude and configuration will result in the minimum rate of sink. In OEI flight at low altitudes and airspeeds such as the initial climb after takeoff, pilots must operate the airplane so as to guard against the three major accident factors: (1) loss of directional control, (2) loss of performance, and (3) loss of flying speed. All have equal potential to be lethal. Loss of flying speed will not be a factor, however, when the airplane is operated with due regard for directional control and performance. SLOW FLIGHT There is nothing unusual about maneuvering during slow flight in a multiengine airplane. Slow flight may be conducted in straight-and-level flight, turns, in the clean configuration, landing configuration, or at any other combination of landing gear and flaps. Pilots should closely monitor cylinder head and oil temperatures during slow flight. Some high performance multiengine airplanes tend to heat up fairly quickly under some conditions of slow flight, particularly in the landing configuration. Simulated engine failures should not be conducted during slow flight. The airplane will be well below VSSE and very close to VMC. Stability, stall warning or stall avoidance devices should not be disabled while maneuvering during slow flight. STALLS Stall characteristics vary among multiengine airplanes just as they do with single-engine airplanes, and therefore, it is important to be familiar with them. The application of power upon stall recovery, however, has a significantly greater effect during stalls in a Ch 12.qxd 5/7/04 9:55 AM Page 12-25 12-26 twin than a single-engine airplane. In the twin, an application of power blows large masses of air from the propellers directly over the wings, producing a significant amount of lift in addition to the expected thrust. The multiengine airplane, particularly at light operating weights, typically has a higher thrust-toweight ratio, making it quicker to accelerate out of a stalled condition. In general, stall recognition and recovery training in twins is performed similar to any high performance single-engine airplane. However, for twins, all stall maneuvers should be planned so as to be completed at least 3,000 feet AGL. Single-engine stalls or stalls with significantly more power on one engine than the other should not be attempted due to the likelihood of a departure from controlled flight and possible spin entry. Similarly, simulated engine failures should not be performed during stall entry and recovery. POWER-OFF STALLS (APPROACH AND LANDING) Power-off stalls are practiced to simulate typical approach and landing scenarios. To initiate a power-off stall maneuver, the area surrounding the airplane should first be cleared for possible traffic. The airplane should then be slowed and configured for an approach and landing. Astabilized descent should be established (approximately 500 f.p.m.) and trim adjusted. The pilot should then transition smoothly from the stabilized descent attitude, to a pitch attitude that will induce a stall. Power is reduced further during this phase, and trimming should cease at speeds slower than takeoff. When the airplane reaches a stalled condition, the recovery is accomplished by simultaneously reducing the angle of attack with coordinated use of the flight controls and smoothly applying takeoff or specified power. The flap setting should be reduced from full to approach, or as recommended by the manufacturer. Then with a positive rate of climb, the landing gear is selected up. The remaining flaps are then retracted as a climb has commenced. This recovery process should be completed with a minimum loss of altitude, appropriate to the aircraft characteristics. The airplane should be accelerated to VX (if simulated obstacles are present) or VY during recovery and climb. Considerable forward elevator/stabilator pressure will be required after the stall recovery as the airplane accelerates to VX or VY. Appropriate trim input should be anticipated. Power-off stalls may be performed with wings level, or from shallow and medium banked turns. When recovering from a stall performed from turning flight, the angle of attack should be reduced prior to leveling the wings. Flight control inputs should be coordinated. It is usually not advisable to execute full stalls in multiengine airplanes because of their relatively high wing loading. Stall training should be limited to approaches to stalls and when a stall condition occurs. Recoveries should be initiated at the onset, or decay of control effectiveness, or when the first physical indication of the stall occurs. POWER-ON STALLS (TAKEOFF AND DEPARTURE) Power-on stalls are practiced to simulate typical takeoff scenarios. To initiate a power-on stall maneuver, the area surrounding the airplane should always be cleared to look for potential traffic. The airplane is slowed to the manufacturer’s recommended lift-off speed. The airplane should be configured in the takeoff configuration. Trim should be adjusted for this speed. Engine power is then increased to that recommended in the AFM/POH for the practice of power-on stalls. In the absence of a recommended setting, use approximately 65 percent of maximum available power while placing the airplane in a pitch attitude that will induce a stall. Other specified (reduced) power settings may be used to simulate performance at higher gross weights and density altitudes. When the airplane reaches a stalled condition, the recovery is made by simultaneously lowering the angle of attack with coordinated use of the flight controls and applying power as appropriate. However, if simulating limited power available for high gross weight and density altitude situations, the power during the recovery should be limited to that specified. The recovery should be completed with a minimum loss of altitude, appropriate to aircraft characteristics. The landing gear should be retracted when a positive rate of climb is attained, and flaps retracted, if flaps were set for takeoff. The target airspeed on recovery is VX if (simulated) obstructions are present, or VY. The pilot should anticipate the need for nosedown trim as the airplane accelerates to VX or VY after recovery. Power-on stalls may be performed from straight flight or from shallow and medium banked turns. When recovering from a power-on stall performed from turning flight, the angle of attack should be reduced prior to leveling the wings, and the flight control inputs should be coordinated. SPIN AWARENESS No multiengine airplane is approved for spins, and their spin recovery characteristics are generally very Ch 12.qxd 5/7/04 9:55 AM Page 12-26 12-27 poor. It is therefore necessary to practice spin avoidance and maintain a high awareness of situations that can result in an inadvertent spin. In order to spin any airplane, it must first be stalled. At the stall, a yawing moment must be introduced. In a multiengine airplane, the yawing moment may be generated by rudder input or asymmetrical thrust. It follows, then, that spin awareness be at its greatest during VMC demonstrations, stall practice, slow flight, or any condition of high asymmetrical thrust, particularly at low speed/high angle of attack. Singleengine stalls are not part of any multiengine training curriculum. A situation that may inadvertently degrade into a spin entry is a simulated engine failure introduced at an inappropriately low speed. No engine failure should ever be introduced below safe, intentional one-engineinoperative speed (VSSE). If no VSSE is published, use VYSE. The “necessity” of simulating engine failures at low airspeeds is erroneous. Other than training situations, the multiengine airplane is only operated below VSSE for mere seconds just after lift-off or during the last few dozen feet of altitude in preparation for landing. For spin avoidance when practicing engine failures, the flight instructor should pay strict attention to the maintenance of proper airspeed and bank angle as the student executes the appropriate procedure. The instructor should also be particularly alert during stall and slow flight practice. Forward center-of-gravity positions result in favorable stall and spin avoidance characteristics, but do not eliminate the hazard. When performing a VMC demonstration, the instructor should also be alert for any sign of an impending stall. The student may be highly focused on the directional control aspect of the maneuver to the extent that impending stall indications go unnoticed. If a VMC demonstration cannot be accomplished under existing conditions of density altitude, it may, for training purposes, be done utilizing the rudder blocking technique described in the following section. As very few twins have ever been spin-tested (none are required to), the recommended spin recovery techniques are based only on the best information available. The departure from controlled flight may be quite abrupt and possibly disorienting. The direction of an upright spin can be confirmed from the turn needle or the symbolic airplane of the turn coordinator, if necessary. Do not rely on the ball position or other instruments. If a spin is entered, most manufacturers recommend immediately retarding both throttles to idle, applying full rudder opposite the direction of rotation, and applying full forward elevator/stabilator pressure (with ailerons neutral). These actions should be taken as near simultaneously as possible. The controls should then be held in that position. Recovery, if possible, will take considerable altitude. The longer the delay from entry until taking corrective action, the less likely that recovery will be successful. ENGINE INOPERATIVE—LOSS OF DIRECTIONAL CONTROL DEMONSTRATION An engine inoperative—loss of directional control demonstration, often referred to as a “VMC demonstration,” is a required task on the practical test for a multiengine class rating. A thorough knowledge of the factors that affect VMC, as well as its definition, is essential for multiengine pilots, and as such an essential part of that required task. VMC is a speed established by the manufacturer, published in the AFM/POH, and marked on most airspeed indicators with a red radial line. The multiengine pilot must understand that VMC is not a fixed airspeed under all conditions. VMC is a fixed airspeed only for the very specific set of circumstances under which it was determined during aircraft certification. [Figure 12-19] In reality, VMC varies with a variety of factors as outlined below. The VMC noted in practice and demonstration, or in actual single-engine operation, could be less or even greater than the published value, depending upon conditions and technique. In aircraft certification, VMC is the sea level calibrated airspeed at which, when the critical engine is suddenly made inoperative, it is possible to maintain control of the airplane with that engine still inoperative and then maintain straight flight at the same speed with an angle of bank of not more than 5°. The foregoing refers to the determination of VMC under “dynamic” conditions. This technique is only used by highly experienced flight test pilots during aircraft certification. It is never to be attempted outside of these circumstances. In aircraft certification, there is also a determination of VMC under “static,” or steady-state conditions. If there is a difference between the dynamic and static speeds, the higher of the two is published as VMC. The static determination is simply the ability to maintain straight flight at VMC with a bank angle of not more than 5°. This more closely resembles the VMC demonstration required in the practical test for a multiengine class rating. The AFM/POH-published VMC is determined with the “critical” engine inoperative. The critical engine is the Ch 12.qxd 5/7/04 9:55 AM Page 12-27 12-28 engine whose failure has the most adverse effect on directional control. On twins with each engine rotating in conventional, clockwise rotation as viewed from the pilot’s seat, the critical engine will be the left engine. Multiengine airplanes are subject to P-factor just as single-engine airplanes are. The descending propeller blade of each engine will produce greater thrust than the ascending blade when the airplane is operated under power and at positive angles of attack. The descending propeller blade of the right engine is also a greater distance from the center of gravity, and therefore has a longer moment arm than the descending propeller blade of the left engine. As a result, failure of the left engine will result in the most asymmetrical thrust (adverse yaw) as the right engine will be providing the remaining thrust. [Figure 12-19] Many twins are designed with a counter-rotating right engine. With this design, the degree of asymmetrical thrust is the same with either engine inoperative. No engine is more critical than the other, and a VMC demonstration may be performed with either engine windmilling. In aircraft certification, dynamic VMC is determined under the following conditions. • Maximum available takeoff power. VMC increases as power is increased on the operating engine. With normally aspirated engines, VMC is highest at takeoff power and sea level, and decreases with altitude. With turbocharged engines, takeoff power, and therefore VMC, remains constant with increases in altitude up to the engine’s critical altitude (the altitude where the engine can no longer maintain 100 percent power). Above the critical altitude, VMC decreases just as it would with a normally aspirated engine, whose critical altitude is sea level. VMC tests are conducted at a variety of altitudes. The results of those tests are then extrapolated to a single, sea level value. • Windmilling propeller. VMC increases with increased drag on the inoperative engine. VMC is highest, therefore, when the critical engine propeller is windmilling at the low pitch, high r.p.m. blade angle. VMC is determined with the critical engine propeller windmilling in the takeoff position, unless the engine is equipped with an autofeather system. • Most unfavorable weight and center-of-gravity position. VMC increases as the center of gravity is moved aft. The moment arm of the rudder is reduced, and therefore its effectivity is reduced, as the center of gravity is moved aft. At the same time, the moment arm of the propeller blade is increased, aggravating asymmetrical thrust. Invariably, the aft-most CG limit is the most unfavorable CG position. Currently, 14 CFR part 23 calls for VMC to be determined at the most unfavorable weight. For twins certificated under CAR 3 or early 14 CFR part 23, the weight at which VMC was determined was not specified. VMC increases as weight is reduced. [Figure 12-20] • Landing gear retracted. VMC increases when the landing gear is retracted. Extended landing gear aids directional stability, which tends to decrease VMC. Figure 12-19. Forces created during single-engine operation. C L C L D1 D2 Arm Arm Inoperative Engine Inoperative Engine Operative Engine Operative Engine (Critical Engine) Ch 12.qxd 5/7/04 9:55 AM Page 12-28 12-29 • Wing flaps in the takeoff position. For most twins, this will be 0° of flaps. • Cowl flaps in the takeoff position. • Airplane trimmed for takeoff. • Airplane airborne and the ground effect negligible. • Maximum of 5° angle of bank. VMC is highly sensitive to bank angle. To prevent claims of an unrealistically low VMC speed in aircraft certification, the manufacturer is permitted to use a maximum of a 5° bank angle toward the operative engine. The horizontal component of lift generated by the bank assists the rudder in counteracting the asymmetrical thrust of the operative engine. The bank angle works in the manufacturer’s favor in lowering VMC. VMC is reduced significantly with increases in bank angle. Conversely, VMC increases significantly with decreases in bank angle. Tests have shown that VMC may increase more than 3 knots for each degree of bank angle less than 5°. Loss of directional control may be experienced at speeds almost 20 knots above published VMC when the wings are held level. The 5° bank angle maximum is a regulatory limit imposed upon manufacturers in aircraft certification. The 5° bank does not inherently establish zero sideslip or best single-engine climb performance. Zero sideslip, and therefore best single-engine climb performance, occurs at bank angles significantly less than 5°. The determination of VMC in certification is solely concerned with the minimum speed for directional control under a very specific set of circumstances, and has nothing to do with climb performance, nor is it the optimum airplane attitude or configuration for climb performance. During dynamic VMC determination in aircraft certification, cuts of the critical engine using the mixture control are performed by flight test pilots while gradually reducing the speed with each attempt. VMC is the minimum speed at which directional control could be maintained within 20° of the original entry heading when a cut of the critical engine was made. During such tests, the climb angle with both engines operating was high, and the pitch attitude following the engine cut had to be quickly lowered to regain the initial speed. Pilots should never attempt to demonstrate VMC with an engine cut from high power, and never intentionally fail an engine at speeds less than VSSE. The actual demonstration of VMC and recovery in flight training more closely resembles static VMC determination in aircraft certification. For a demonstration, the pilot should select an altitude that will allow completion of the maneuver at least 3,000 feet AGL. The following description assumes a twin with noncounter-rotating engines, where the left engine is critical. With the landing gear retracted and the flaps set to the takeoff position, the airplane should be slowed to approximately 10 knots above VSSE or VYSE (whichever is higher) and trimmed for takeoff. For the remainder of the maneuver, the trim setting should not be altered. An entry heading should be selected and high r.p.m. set on both propeller controls. Power on the left engine should be throttled back to idle as the right engine power is advanced to the takeoff setting. The landing gear warning horn will sound as long as a Figure 12-20. Effect of CG location on yaw. A B Inoperative Engine Operative Engine B x R = A x T Inoperative Engine Operative Engine A R B R T T Ch 12.qxd 5/7/04 9:55 AM Page 12-29 12-30 throttle is retarded. The pilots should continue to carefully listen, however, for the stall warning horn, if so equipped, or watch for the stall warning light. The left yawing and rolling moment of the asymmetrical thrust is counteracted primarily with right rudder. A bank angle of 5° (a right bank, in this case) should also be established. While maintaining entry heading, the pitch attitude is slowly increased to decelerate at a rate of 1 knot per second (no faster). As the airplane slows and control effectivity decays, the increasing yawing tendency should be counteracted with additional rudder pressure. Aileron displacement will also increase in order to maintain 5° of bank. An airspeed is soon reached where full right rudder travel and a 5° right bank can no longer counteract the asymmetrical thrust, and the airplane will begin to yaw uncontrollably to the left. The moment the pilot first recognizes the uncontrollable yaw, or experiences any symptom associated with a stall, the operating engine throttle should be sufficiently retarded to stop the yaw as the pitch attitude is decreased. Recovery is made with a minimum loss of altitude to straight flight on the entry heading at VSSE or VYSE, before setting symmetrical power. The recovery should not be attempted by increasing power on the windmilling engine alone. To keep the foregoing description simple, there were several important background details that were not covered. The rudder pressure during the demonstration can be quite high. In certification, 150 pounds of force is permitted before the limiting factor becomes rudder pressure, not rudder travel. Most twins will run out of rudder travel long before 150 pounds of pressure is required. Still, it will seem considerable. Maintaining altitude is not a criterion in accomplishing this maneuver. This is a demonstration of controllability, not performance. Many airplanes will lose (or gain) altitude during the demonstration. Begin the maneuver at an altitude sufficient to allow completion by 3,000 feet AGL. As discussed earlier, with normally aspirated engines, VMC decreases with altitude. Stalling speed (VS), however, remains the same. Except for a few models, published VMC is almost always higher than VS. At sea level, there is usually a margin of several knots between VMC and VS, but the margin decreases with altitude, and at some altitude, VMC and VS are the same. [Figure 12-21] Should a stall occur while the airplane is under asymmetrical power, particularly high asymmetrical power, a spin entry is likely. The yawing moment induced from asymmetrical thrust is little different from that induced by full rudder in an intentional spin in the appropriate model of single-engine airplane. In this case, however, the airplane will depart controlled flight in the direction of the idle engine, not in the direction of the applied rudder. Twins are not required to demonstrate recoveries from spins, and their spin recovery characteristics are generally very poor. Where VS is encountered at or before VMC, the departure from controlled flight may be quite sudden, with strong yawing and rolling tendencies to the inverted position, and a spin entry. Therefore, during a VMC demonstration, if there are any symptoms of an impending stall such as a stall warning light or horn, airframe or elevator buffet, or rapid decay in control effectiveness, the maneuver should be terminated immediately, the angle of attack reduced as the throttle is retarded, and the airplane returned to the entry airspeed. It should be noted that if the pilots are wearing headsets, the sound of a stall warning horn will tend to be masked. The VMC demonstration only shows the earliest onset of a loss of directional control. It is not a loss of control of the airplane when performed in accordance with the foregoing procedures. A stalled condition should never be allowed to develop. Stalls should never be performed with asymmetrical thrust and the VMC demonstration should never be allowed to degrade into a single-engine stall. A VMC demonstration that is allowed to degrade into a single-engine stall with high asymmetrical thrust is very likely to result in a loss of control of the airplane. An actual demonstration of VMC may not be possible under certain conditions of density altitude, or with airplanes whose VMC is equal to or less than VS. Under those circumstances, as a training technique, a demonstration of VMC may be safely conducted by artificially limiting rudder travel to simulate maximum available rudder. Limiting rudder travel should be accomplished at a speed well above VS (approximately 20 knots). Density Altitude Indicated Airspeed Stall Occurs First Yaw Occurs First Recovery May Be Difficult Altitude Where VMC = Stall Speed Engine-Out Power-On Stall Speed (VS) VMC Figure 12-21. Graph depicting relationship of VMC to VS. Ch 12.qxd 5/7/04 9:55 AM Page 12-30 The rudder limiting technique avoids the hazards of spinning as a result of stalling with high asymmetrical power, yet is effective in demonstrating the loss of directional control. The VMC demonstration should never be performed from a high pitch attitude with both engines operating and then reducing power on one engine. The preceding discussion should also give ample warning as to why engine failures are never to be performed at low airspeeds. An unfortunate number of airplanes and pilots have been lost from unwarranted simulated engine failures at low airspeeds that degenerated into loss of control of the airplane. VSSE is the minimum airspeed at which any engine failure should be simulated. MULTIENGINE TRAINING CONSIDERATIONS Flight training in a multiengine airplane can be safely accomplished if both the instructor and the student are cognizant of the following factors. • No flight should ever begin without a thorough preflight briefing of the objectives, maneuvers, expected student actions, and completion standards. • Aclear understanding must be reached as to how simulated emergencies will be introduced, and what action the student is expected to take. The introduction, practice, and testing of emergency procedures has always been a sensitive subject. Surprising a multiengine student with an emergency without a thorough briefing beforehand has no place in flight training. Effective training must be carefully balanced with safety considerations. Simulated engine failures, for example, can very quickly become actual emergencies or lead to loss of the airplane when approached carelessly. Pulling circuit breakers can lead to a subsequent gear up landing. Stall-spin accidents in training for emergencies rival the number of stall-spin accidents from actual emergencies. All normal, abnormal, and emergency procedures can and should be introduced and practiced in the airplane as it sits on the ground, power off. In this respect, the airplane is used as a cockpit procedures trainer (CPT), ground trainer, or simulator. The value of this training should never be underestimated. The engines do not have to be operating for real learning to occur. Upon completion of a training session, care should be taken to return items such as switches, valves, trim, fuel selectors, and circuit breakers to their normal positions. Pilots who do not use a checklist effectively will be at a significant disadvantage in multiengine airplanes. Use of the checklist is essential to safe operation of airplanes and no flight should be conducted without one. The manufacturer’s checklist or an aftermarket checklist for the specific make, model, and model year should be used. If there is a procedural discrepancy between the checklist and AFM/POH, then the AFM/POH always takes precedence. Certain immediate action items (such as the response to an engine failure in a critical phase of flight) should be committed to memory. After they are accomplished, and as work load permits, the pilot should verify the action taken with a printed checklist. Simulated engine failures during the takeoff ground roll should be accomplished with the mixture control. The simulated failure should be introduced at a speed no greater than 50 percent of VMC. If the student does not react promptly by retarding both throttles, the instructor can always pull the other mixture. The FAA recommends that all in-flight simulated engine failures below 3,000 feet AGL be introduced with a smooth reduction of the throttle. Thus, the engine is kept running and is available for instant use, if necessary. Throttle reduction should be smooth rather than abrupt to avoid abusing the engine and possibly causing damage. All inflight engine failures must be conducted at VSSE or above. If the engines are equipped with dynamic crankshaft counterweights, it is essential to make throttle reductions for simulated failures smoothly. Other areas leading to dynamic counterweight damage include high r.p.m. and low manifold pressure combinations, overboosting, and propeller feathering. Severe damage or repetitive abuse to counterweights will eventually lead to engine failure. Dynamic counterweights are found on larger, more complex engines—instructors should check with maintenance personnel or the engine manufacturer to determine if their engines are so equipped. When an instructor simulates an engine failure, the student should respond with the appropriate memory items and retard the propeller control towards the FEATHER position. Assuming zero thrust will be set, the instructor should promptly move the propeller control forward and set the appropriate manifold pressure and r.p.m. It is vital that the student be kept informed of the instructor’s intentions. At this point the instructor may state words to the effect, “I have the right engine; you have the left. I have set zero thrust and the right engine is simulated feathered.” There should never be any ambiguity as to who is operating what systems or controls. Following a simulated engine failure, the instructor should continue to care for the “failed” engine just as the student cares for the operative engine. If zero thrust 12-31 Ch 12.qxd 5/7/04 9:55 AM Page 12-31 12-32 is set to simulate a feathered propeller, the cowl flap should be closed and the mixture leaned. An occasional clearing of the engine is also desirable. If possible, avoid high power applications immediately following a prolonged cool-down at a zero-thrust power setting. The flight instructor must impress on the student multiengine pilot the critical importance of feathering the propeller in a timely manner should an actual engine failure situation be encountered. Awindmilling propeller, in many cases, has given the improperly trained multiengine pilot the mistaken perception that the failed engine is still developing useful thrust, resulting in a psychological reluctance to feather, as feathering results in the cessation of propeller rotation. The flight instructor should spend ample time demonstrating the difference in the performance capabilities of the airplane with a simulated feathered propeller (zero thrust) as opposed to a windmilling propeller. All actual propeller feathering should be performed at altitudes and positions where safe landings on established airports could be readily accomplished. Feathering and restart should be planned so as to be completed no lower than 3,000 feet AGL. At certain elevations and with many popular multiengine training airplanes, this may be above the single-engine service ceiling, and level flight will not be possible. Repeated feathering and unfeathering is hard on the engine and airframe, and should be done only as absolutely necessary to ensure adequate training. The FAA’s practical test standards for a multiengine class rating requires the feathering and unfeathering of one propeller during flight in airplanes in which it is safe to do so. While much of this chapter has been devoted to the unique flight characteristics of the multiengine airplane with one engine inoperative, the modern, well-maintained reciprocating engine is remarkably reliable. Simulated engine failures at extremely low altitudes (such as immediately after lift-off) and/or below VSSE are undesirable in view of the non-existent safety margins involved. The high risk of simulating an engine failure below 200 feet AGL does not warrant practicing such maneuvers. For training in maneuvers that would be hazardous in flight, or for initial and recurrent qualification in an advanced multiengine airplane, a simulator training center or manufacturer’s training course should be given consideration. Comprehensive training manuals and classroom instruction are available along with system training aids, audio/visuals, and flight training devices and simulators. Training under a wide variety of environmental and aircraft conditions is available through simulation. Emergency procedures that would be either dangerous or impossible to accomplish in an airplane can be done safely and effectively in a flight training device or simulator. The flight training device or simulator need not necessarily duplicate the specific make and model of airplane to be useful. Highly effective instruction can be obtained in training devices for other makes and models as well as generic training devices. The majority of multiengine training is conducted in four to six-place airplanes at weights significantly less than maximum. Single-engine performance, particularly at low density altitudes, may be deceptively good. To experience the performance expected at higher weights, altitudes, and temperatures, the instructor should occasionally artificially limit the amount of manifold pressure available on the operative engine. Airport operations above the single-engine ceiling can also be simulated in this manner. Loading the airplane with passengers to practice emergencies at maximum takeoff weight is not appropriate. The use of the touch-and-go landing and takeoff in flight training has always been somewhat controversial. The value of the learning experience must be weighed against the hazards of reconfiguring the airplane for takeoff in an extremely limited time as well as the loss of the follow-through ordinarily experienced in a full stop landing. Touch and goes are not recommended during initial aircraft familiarization in multiengine airplanes. If touch and goes are to be performed at all, the student and instructor responsibilities need to be carefully briefed prior to each flight. Following touchdown, the student will ordinarily maintain directional control while keeping the left hand on the yoke and the right hand on the throttles. The instructor resets the flaps and trim and announces when the airplane has been reconfigured. The multiengine airplane needs considerably more runway to perform a touch and go than a single-engine airplane. A full stop-taxi back landing is preferable during initial familiarization. Solo touch and goes in twins are strongly discouraged. Ch 12.qxd 5/7/04 9:55 AM Page 12-32

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发表于 2008-12-9 15:20:22 |只看该作者
13-1 TAILWHEEL AIRPLANES Tailwheel airplanes are often referred to as conventional gear airplanes. Due to their design and structure, tailwheel airplanes exhibit operational and handling characteristics that are different from those of tricycle gear airplanes. Tailwheel airplanes are not necessarily more difficult to takeoff, land, and/or taxi than tricycle gear airplanes; in fact under certain conditions, they may even handle with less difficulty. This chapter will focus on the operational differences that occur during ground operations, takeoffs, and landings. LANDING GEAR The main landing gear forms the principal support of the airplane on the ground. The tailwheel also supports the airplane, but steering and directional control are its primary functions. With the tailwheel-type airplane, the two main struts are attached to the airplane slightly ahead of the airplane’s center of gravity (CG). The rudder pedals are the primary directional controls while taxiing. Steering with the pedals may be accomplished through the forces of airflow or propeller slipstream acting on the rudder surface, or through a mechanical linkage to the steerable tailwheel. Initially, the pilot should taxi with the heels of the feet resting on the cockpit floor and the balls of the feet on the bottom of the rudder pedals. The feet should be slid up onto the brake pedals only when it is necessary to depress the brakes. This permits the simultaneous application of rudder and brake whenever needed. Some models of tailwheel airplanes are equipped with heel brakes rather than toe brakes. In either configuration the brakes are used primarily to stop the airplane at a desired point, to slow the airplane, or as an aid in making a sharp controlled turn. Whenever used, they must be applied smoothly, evenly, and cautiously at all times. TAXIING When beginning to taxi, the brakes should be tested immediately for proper operation. This is done by first applying power to start the airplane moving slowly forward, then retarding the throttle and simultaneously applying pressure smoothly to both brakes. If braking action is unsatisfactory, the engine should be shut down immediately. To turn the airplane on the ground, the pilot should apply rudder in the desired direction of turn and use whatever power or brake that is necessary to control the taxi speed. The rudder should be held in the direction of the turn until just short of the point where the turn is to be stopped, then the rudder pressure released or slight opposite pressure applied as needed. While taxiing, the pilot will have to anticipate the movements of the airplane and adjust rudder pressure accordingly. Since the airplane will continue to turn slightly even as the rudder pressure is being released, the stopping of the turn must be anticipated and the rudder pedals neutralized before the desired heading is reached. In some cases, it may be necessary to apply opposite rudder to stop the turn, depending on the taxi speed. The presence of moderate to strong headwinds and/or a strong propeller slipstream makes the use of the elevator necessary to maintain control of the pitch attitude while taxiing. This becomes apparent when considering the lifting action that may be created on the horizontal tail surfaces by either of those two factors. The elevator control should be held in the aft position (stick or yoke back) to hold the tail down. When taxiing in a quartering headwind, the wing on the upwind side will usually tend to be lifted by the wind unless the aileron control is held in that direction (upwind aileron UP). Moving the aileron into the UP position reduces the effect of wind striking that wing, thus reducing the lifting action. This control movement will also cause the opposite aileron to be placed in the DOWN position, thus creating drag and possibly some lift on the downwind wing, further reducing the tendency of the upwind wing to rise. When taxiing with a quartering tailwind, the elevator should be held in the full DOWN position (stick or yoke full forward), and the upwind aileron down. Since the wind is striking the airplane from behind, these control positions reduce the tendency of the wind to get under the tail and the wing possibly causing the airplane to nose over. The application of these crosswind taxi corrections also helps to minimize the weathervaning tendency and ultimately results in increased controllability. Ch 13.qxd 5/7/04 10:04 AM Page 13-1 13-2 An airplane with a tailwheel has a tendency to weathervane or turn into the wind while it is being taxied. The tendency of the airplane to weathervane is greatest while taxiing directly crosswind; consequently, directional control is somewhat difficult. Without brakes, it is almost impossible to keep the airplane from turning into any wind of considerable velocity since the airplane’s rudder control capability may be inadequate to counteract the crosswind. In taxiing downwind, the tendency to weathervane is increased, due to the tailwind decreasing the effectiveness of the flight controls. This requires a more positive use of the rudder and the brakes, particularly if the wind velocity is above that of a light breeze. Unless the field is soft, or very rough, it is best when taxiing downwind to hold the elevator control in the forward position. Even on soft fields, the elevator should be raised only as much as is absolutely necessary to maintain a safe margin of control in case there is a tendency of the airplane to nose over. On most tailwheel-type airplanes, directional control while taxiing is facilitated by the use of a steerable tailwheel, which operates along with the rudder. The tailwheel steering mechanism remains engaged when the tailwheel is operated through an arc of about 16 to 18° each side of neutral and then automatically becomes full swiveling when turned to a greater angle. On some models the tailwheel may also be locked in place. The airplane may be pivoted within its own length, if desired, yet is fully steerable for slight turns while taxiing forward. While taxiing, the steerable tailwheel should be used for making normal turns and the pilot’s feet kept off the brake pedals to avoid unnecessary wear on the brakes. Since a tailwheel-type airplane rests on the tailwheel as well as the main landing wheels, it assumes a nose-high attitude when on the ground. In most cases this places the engine cowling high enough to restrict the pilot’s vision of the area directly ahead of the airplane. Consequently, objects directly ahead of the airplane are difficult, if not impossible, to see. To observe and avoid colliding with any objects or hazardous surface conditions, the pilot should alternately turn the nose from one side to the other—that is zigzag, or make a series of short S-turns while taxiing forward. This should be done slowly, smoothly, positively, and cautiously. NORMAL TAKEOFF ROLL After taxiing onto the runway, the airplane should be carefully aligned with the intended takeoff direction, and the tailwheel positioned straight, or centered. In airplanes equipped with a locking device, the tailwheel should be locked in the centered position. After releasing the brakes, the throttle should be smoothly and continuously advanced to takeoff power. As the airplane starts to roll forward, the pilot should slide both feet down on the rudder pedals so that the toes or balls of the feet are on the rudder portions, not on the brake portions. An abrupt application of power may cause the airplane to yaw sharply to the left because of the torque effects of the engine and propeller. Also, precession will be particularly noticeable during takeoff in a tailwheeltype airplane if the tail is rapidly raised from a three point to a level flight attitude. The abrupt change of attitude tilts the horizontal axis of the propeller, and the resulting precession produces a forward force on the right side (90° ahead in the direction of rotation), yawing the airplane’s nose to the left. The amount of force created by this precession is directly related to the rate the propeller axis is tilted when the tail is raised. With this in mind, the throttle should always be advanced smoothly and continuously to prevent any sudden swerving. Smooth, gradual advancement of the throttle is very important in tailwheel-type airplanes, since peculiarities in their takeoff characteristics are accentuated in proportion to how rapidly the takeoff power is applied. As speed is gained, the elevator control will tend to assume a neutral position if the airplane is correctly trimmed. At the same time, directional control should be maintained with smooth, prompt, positive rudder corrections throughout the takeoff roll. The effects of torque and P-factor at the initial speeds tend to pull the nose to the left. The pilot must use what rudder pressure is needed to correct for these effects or for existing wind conditions to keep the nose of the airplane headed straight down the runway. The use of brakes for steering purposes should be avoided, since they will cause slower acceleration of the airplane’s speed, lengthen the takeoff distance, and possibly result in severe swerving. When the elevator trim is set for takeoff, on application of maximum allowable power, the airplane will (when sufficient speed has been attained) normally assume the correct takeoff pitch attitude on its own—the tail will rise slightly. This attitude can then be maintained by applying slight back-elevator pressure. If the elevator control is pushed forward during the takeoff roll to prematurely raise the tail, its effectiveness will rapidly build up as the speed increases, making it necessary to apply back-elevator pressure to lower the tail to the proper takeoff attitude. This erratic change in attitude will delay the takeoff and lead to directional control problems. Rudder pressure must be used promptly and smoothly to Ch 13.qxd 5/7/04 10:04 AM Page 13-2 13-3 counteract yawing forces so that the airplane continues straight down the runway. While the speed of the takeoff roll increases, more and more pressure will be felt on the flight controls, particularly the elevators and rudder. Since the tail surfaces receive the full effect of the propeller slipstream, they become effective first. As the speed continues to increase, all of the flight controls will gradually become effective enough to maneuver the airplane about its three axes. It is at this point, in the taxi to flight transition, that the airplane is being flown more than taxied. As this occurs, progressively smaller rudder deflections are needed to maintain direction. TAKEOFF Since a good takeoff depends on the proper takeoff attitude, it is important to know how this attitude appears and how it is attained. The ideal takeoff attitude requires only minimum pitch adjustments shortly after the airplane lifts off to attain the speed for the best rate of climb. The tail should first be allowed to rise off the ground slightly to permit the airplane to accelerate more rapidly. At this point, the position of the nose in relation to the horizon should be noted, then elevator pressure applied as necessary to hold this attitude. The wings are kept level by applying aileron pressure as necessary. The airplane may be allowed to fly off the ground while in normal takeoff attitude. Forcing it into the air by applying excessive back-elevator pressure would result in an excessively high pitch attitude and may delay the takeoff. As discussed earlier, excessive and rapid changes in pitch attitude result in proportionate changes in the effects of torque, making the airplane more difficult to control. Although the airplane can be forced into the air, this is considered an unsafe practice and should be avoided under normal circumstances. If the airplane is forced to leave the ground by using too much back-elevator pressure before adequate flying speed is attained, the wing’s angle of attack may be excessive, causing the airplane to settle back to the runway or even to stall. On the other hand, if sufficient back-elevator pressure is not held to maintain the correct takeoff attitude after becoming airborne, or the nose is allowed to lower excessively, the airplane may also settle back to the runway. This occurs because the angle of attack is decreased and lift is diminished to the degree where it will not support the airplane. It is important to hold the attitude constant after rotation or lift-off. As the airplane leaves the ground, the pilot must continue to maintain straight flight, as well as holding the proper pitch attitude. During takeoffs in strong, gusty wind, it is advisable that an extra margin of speed be obtained before the airplane is allowed to leave the ground. A takeoff at the normal takeoff speed may result in a lack of positive control, or a stall, when the airplane encounters a sudden lull in strong, gusty wind, or other turbulent air currents. In this case, the pilot should hold the airplane on the ground longer to attain more speed, then make a smooth, positive rotation to leave the ground.

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发表于 2008-12-9 15:20:39 |只看该作者
CROSSWIND TAKEOFF It is important to establish and maintain the proper amount of crosswind correction prior to lift-off; that is, apply aileron pressure toward the wind to keep the upwind wing from rising and apply rudder pressure as needed to prevent weathervaning. As the tailwheel is raised off the runway, the holding of aileron control into the wind may result in the downwind wing rising and the downwind main wheel lifting off the runway first, with the remainder of the takeoff roll being made on one main wheel. This is acceptable and is preferable to side-skipping. If a significant crosswind exists, the main wheels should be held on the ground slightly longer than in a normal takeoff so that a smooth but definite lift-off can be made. This procedure will allow the airplane to leave the ground under more positive control so that it will definitely remain airborne while the proper amount of drift correction is being established. More importantly, it will avoid imposing excessive side loads on the landing gear and prevent possible damage that would result from the airplane settling back to the runway while drifting. As both main wheels leave the runway, and ground friction no longer resists drifting, the airplane will be slowly carried sideways with the wind until adequate drift correction is maintained. SHORT-FIELD TAKEOFF Wing flaps should be lowered prior to takeoff if recommended by the manufacturer. Takeoff power should be applied smoothly and continuously, (there should be no hesitation) to accelerate the airplane as rapidly as possible. As the takeoff roll progresses, the airplane’s pitch attitude and angle of attack should be adjusted to that which results in the minimum amount of drag and the quickest acceleration. The tail should be allowed to rise off the ground slightly, then held in this tail-low flight attitude until the proper lift-off or rotation airspeed is attained. For the steepest climb-out and best obstacle clearance, the airplane should be allowed to roll with its full weight on the main wheels and accelerated to the lift-off speed. Ch 13.qxd 5/7/04 10:04 AM Page 13-3 13-4 SOFT-FIELD TAKEOFF Wing flaps may be lowered prior to starting the takeoff (if recommended by the manufacturer) to provide additional lift and transfer the airplane’s weight from the wheels to the wings as early as possible. The airplane should be taxied onto the takeoff surface without stopping on a soft surface. Stopping on a soft surface, such as mud or snow, might bog the airplane down. The airplane should be kept in continuous motion with sufficient power while lining up for the takeoff roll. As the airplane is aligned with the proposed takeoff path, takeoff power is applied smoothly and as rapidly as the powerplant will accept it without faltering. The tail should be kept low to maintain the inherent positive angle of attack and to avoid any tendency of the airplane to nose over as a result of soft spots, tall grass, or deep snow. When the airplane is held at a nose-high attitude throughout the takeoff run, the wings will, as speed increases and lift develops, progressively relieve the wheels of more and more of the airplane’s weight, thereby minimizing the drag caused by surface irregularities or adhesion. If this attitude is accurately maintained, the airplane will virtually fly itself off the ground. The airplane should be allowed to accelerate to climb speed in ground effect. TOUCHDOWN The touchdown is the gentle settling of the airplane onto the landing surface. The roundout and touchdown should be made with the engine idling, and the airplane at minimum controllable airspeed, so that the airplane will touch down at approximately stalling speed. As the airplane settles, the proper landing attitude must be attained by applying whatever back-elevator pressure is necessary. The roundout and touchdown should be timed so that the wheels of the main landing gear and tailwheel touch down simultaneously (three-point landing). This requires proper timing, technique, and judgment of distance and altitude. [Figure 13-1] When the wheels make contact with the ground, the elevator control should be carefully eased fully back to hold the tail down and to keep the tailwheel on the ground. This provides more positive directional control of the airplane equipped with a steerable tailwheel, and prevents any tendency for the airplane to nose over. If the tailwheel is not on the ground, easing back on the elevator control may cause the airplane to become airborne again because the change in attitude will increase the angle of attack and produce enough lift for the airplane to fly. It is extremely important that the touchdown occur with the airplane’s longitudinal axis exactly parallel to the direction the airplane is moving along the runway. Failure to accomplish this not only imposes severe side loads on the landing gear, but imparts groundlooping (swerving) tendencies. To avoid these side stresses or a ground loop, the pilot must never allow the airplane to touch down while in a crab or while drifting.

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发表于 2008-12-9 15:20:56 |只看该作者
AFTER-LANDING ROLL The landing process must never be considered complete until the airplane decelerates to the normal taxi speed during the landing roll or has been brought to a complete stop when clear of the landing area. The pilot must be alert for directional control difficulties immediately upon and after touchdown due to the ground friction on the wheels. The friction creates a pivot point on which a moment arm can act. This is because the CG is behind the main wheels. [Figure 13-2] Any difference between the direction the airplane is traveling and the direction it is headed will produce a moment about the pivot point of the wheels, and the airplane will tend to swerve. Loss of directional control may lead to an aggravated, uncontrolled, tight turn on the ground, or a ground loop. The combination of inertia acting on the CG and ground friction of the main wheels resisting it during the ground loop may cause the airplane to tip or lean enough for the outside Main Gear and Tailwheel Touch Down Simultaneously Hold Elevator Full Up Normal Glide Start Roundout to Landing Attitude Figure 13-1.Tailwheel touchdown. Ch 13.qxd 5/7/04 10:04 AM Page 13-4 13-5 wingtip to contact the ground, and may even impose a sideward force that could collapse the landing gear. The airplane can ground loop late in the after-landing roll because rudder effectiveness decreases with the decreasing flow of air along the rudder surface as the airplane slows. As the airplane speed decreases and the tailwheel has been lowered to the ground, the steerable tailwheel provides more positive directional control. To use the brakes, the pilot should slide the toes or feet up from the rudder pedals to the brake pedals (or apply heel pressure in airplanes equipped with heel brakes). If rudder pressure is being held at the time braking action is needed, that pressure should not be released as the feet or toes are being slid up to the brake pedals, because control may be lost before brakes can be applied. During the ground roll, the airplane’s direction of movement may be changed by carefully applying pressure on one brake or uneven pressures on each brake in the desired direction. Caution must be exercised, when applying brakes to avoid overcontrolling. If a wing starts to rise, aileron control should be applied toward that wing to lower it. The amount required will depend on speed because as the forward speed of the airplane decreases, the ailerons will become less effective. The elevator control should be held back as far as possible and as firmly as possible, until the airplane stops. This provides more positive control with tailwheel steering, tends to shorten the after-landing roll, and prevents bouncing and skipping. If available runway permits, the speed of the airplane should be allowed to dissipate in a normal manner by the friction and drag of the wheels on the ground. Brakes may be used if needed to help slow the airplane. After the airplane has been slowed sufficiently and has been turned onto a taxiway or clear of the landing area, it should be brought to a complete stop. Only after this is done should the pilot retract the flaps and perform other checklist items. CROSSWIND LANDING If the crab method of drift correction has been used throughout the final approach and roundout, the crab must be removed before touchdown by applying rudder to align the airplane’s longitudinal axis with its direction of movement. This requires timely and accurate action. Failure to accomplish this results in severe side loads being imposed on the landing gear and imparts ground looping tendencies. If the wing-low method is used, the crosswind correction (aileron into the wind and opposite rudder) should be maintained throughout the roundout, and the touchdown made on the upwind main wheel. During gusty or high-wind conditions, prompt adjustments must be made in the crosswind correction to assure that the airplane does not drift as it touches down. As the forward speed decreases after initial contact, the weight of the airplane will cause the downwind main wheel to gradually settle onto the runway. An adequate amount of power should be used to maintain the proper airspeed throughout the approach, and the throttle should be retarded to idling position after the main wheels contact the landing surface. Care must be exercised in closing the throttle before the pilot is ready for touchdown, because the sudden or premature closing of the throttle may cause a sudden increase in the descent rate that could result in a hard landing. CROSSWIND AFTER-LANDING ROLL Particularly during the after-landing roll, special attention must be given to maintaining directional control by the use of rudder and tailwheel steering, while keeping the upwind wing from rising by the use of aileron. Characteristically, an airplane has a greater profile, or side area, behind the main landing gear than forward of it. [Figure 13-3] With the main wheels acting as a pivot point and the greater surface area exposed to the crosswind behind that pivot point, the airplane will tend to turn or weathervane into the wind. This weathervaning tendency is more prevalent in the tailwheel-type because the airplane’s surface area behind the main landing gear is greater than in nosewheel-type airplanes. Point of Wheel Pivoting C.G. Figure 13-2. Effect of CG on directional control. Ch 13.qxd 5/7/04 10:04 AM Page 13-5 13-6 Pilots should be familiar with the crosswind component of each airplane they fly, and avoid operations in wind conditions that exceed the capability of the airplane, as well as their own limitations. While the airplane is decelerating during the after-landing roll, more aileron must be applied to keep the upwind wing from rising. Since the airplane is slowing down, there is less airflow around the ailerons and they become less effective. At the same time, the relative wind is becoming more of a crosswind and exerting a greater lifting force on the upwind wing. Consequently, when the airplane is coming to a stop, the aileron control must be held fully toward the wind. WHEEL LANDING Landings from power approaches in turbulence or in crosswinds should be such that the touchdown is made with the airplane in approximately level flight attitude. The touchdown should be made smoothly on the main wheels, with the tailwheel held clear of the runway. This is called a “wheel landing” and requires careful timing and control usage to prevent bouncing. These wheel landings can be best accomplished by holding the airplane in level flight attitude until the main wheels touch, then immediately but smoothly retarding the throttle, and holding sufficient forward elevator pressure to hold the main wheels on the ground. The airplane should never be forced onto the ground by excessive forward pressure. If the touchdown is made at too high a rate of descent as the main wheels strike the landing surface, the tail is forced down by its own weight. In turn, when the tail is forced down, the wing’s angle of attack increases resulting in a sudden increase in lift and the airplane may become airborne again. Then as the airplane’s speed continues to decrease, the tail may again lower onto the runway. If the tail is allowed to settle too quickly, the airplane may again become airborne. This process, often called “porpoising,” usually intensifies even though the pilot tries to stop it. The best corrective action is to execute a go-around procedure. SHORT-FIELD LANDING Upon touchdown, the airplane should be firmly held in a three-point attitude. This will provide aerodynamic braking by the wings. Immediately upon touchdown, and closing the throttle, the brakes should be applied evenly and firmly to minimize the after-landing roll. The airplane should be stopped within the shortest possible distance consistent with safety. SOFT-FIELD LANDING The tailwheel should touch down simultaneously with or just before the main wheels, and should then be held down by maintaining firm back-elevator pressure throughout the landing roll. This will minimize any tendency for the airplane to nose over and will provide aerodynamic braking. The use of brakes on a soft field is not needed because the soft or rough surface itself will provide sufficient reduction in the airplane’s forward speed. Often it will be found that upon landing on a very soft field, the pilot will need to increase power to keep the airplane moving and from becoming stuck in the soft surface. GROUND LOOP A ground loop is an uncontrolled turn during ground operation that may occur while taxiing or taking off, but especially during the after-landing roll. It is not always caused by drift or weathervaning, although these things may cause the initial swerve. Careless use of the rudder, an uneven ground surface, or a soft spot that retards one main wheel of the airplane may also cause a swerve. In any case, the initial swerve tends to cause the airplane to ground loop. Due to the characteristics of an airplane equipped with a tailwheel, the forces that cause a ground loop increase as the swerve increases. The initial swerve develops inertia and this, acting at the CG (which is located behind the main wheels), swerves the airplane even more. If allowed to develop, the force produced may become great enough to tip the airplane until one wing strikes the ground. If the airplane touches down while drifting or in a crab, the pilot should apply aileron toward the high wing and stop the swerve with the rudder. Brakes should be used to correct for turns or swerves only when the rudder is inadequate. The pilot must exercise caution when applying corrective brake action because it is very easy to overcontrol and aggravate the situation. If brakes are used, sufficient brake should be applied on the low-wing wheel (outside of the turn) to stop the swerve. When the wings are approximately level, the new direction must be maintained until the airplane has slowed to taxi speed or has stopped. Figure 13-3.Weathervaning tendency. Profile Behind Pivot Point N S W E Ch 13.qxd 5/7/04 10:04 AM Page 13-6 14-1 GENERAL The turbopropeller-powered airplane flies and handles just like any other airplane of comparable size and weight. The aerodynamics are the same. The major differences between flying a turboprop and other non-turbine-powered airplanes are found in the powerplant and systems. The powerplant is different and requires operating procedures that are unique to gas turbine engines. But so, too, are other systems such as the electrical system, hydraulics, environmental, flight control, rain and ice protection, and avionics. The turbopropeller-powered airplane also has the advantage of being equipped with a constant speed, full feathering and reversing propeller—something normally not found on piston-powered airplanes. THE GAS TURBINE ENGINE Both piston (reciprocating) engines and gas turbine engines are internal combustion engines. They have a similar cycle of operation that consists of induction, compression, combustion, expansion, and exhaust. In a piston engine, each of these events is a separate distinct occurrence in each cylinder. Also, in a piston engine an ignition event must occur during each cycle, in each cylinder. Unlike reciprocating engines, in gas turbine engines these phases of power occur simultaneously and continuously instead of one cycle at a time. Additionally, ignition occurs during the starting cycle and is continuous thereafter. The basic gas turbine engine contains four sections: intake, compression, combustion, and exhaust. [Figure 14-1] To start the engine, the compressor section is rotated by an electrical starter on small engines or an air driven starter on large engines. As compressor r.p.m. accelerates, air is brought in through the inlet duct, compressed to a high pressure, and delivered to the combustion section (combustion chambers). Fuel is then injected by a fuel controller through spray nozzles and ignited by igniter plugs. (Not all of the compressed air is used to support combustion. Some of the compressed air bypasses the burner section and circulates within the engine to provide internal cooling.) The fuel/air mixture in the combustion chamber is then burned in a continuous combustion process and produces a very high temperature, typically around 4,000°F, which heats

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INTAKE COMPRESSION COMBUSTION EXHAUST Air Inlet Compression Combustion Chambers Turbine Exhaust Cold Section Hot Section Figure 14-1. Basic components of a gas turbine engine. Ch 14.qxd 5/7/04 10:08 AM Page 14-1 14-2 the entire air mass to 1,600 – 2,400°F. The mixture of hot air and gases expands and is directed to the turbine blades forcing the turbine section to rotate, which in turn drives the compressor by means of a direct shaft. After powering the turbine section, the high velocity excess exhaust exits the tail pipe or exhaust section. Once the turbine section is powered by gases from the burner section, the starter is disengaged, and the igniters are turned off. Combustion continues until the engine is shut down by turning off the fuel supply. High-pressure exhaust gases can be used to provide jet thrust as in a turbojet engine. Or, the gases can be directed through an additional turbine to drive a propeller through reduction gearing, as in a turbopropeller (turboprop) engine. TURBOPROP ENGINES The turbojet engine excels the reciprocating engine in top speed and altitude performance. On the other hand, the turbojet engine has limited takeoff and initial climb performance, as compared to that of a reciprocating engine. In the matter of takeoff and initial climb performance, the reciprocating engine is superior to the turbojet engine. Turbojet engines are most efficient at high speeds and high altitudes, while propellers are most efficient at slow and medium speeds (less than 400 m.p.h.). Propellers also improve takeoff and climb performance. The development of the turboprop engine was an attempt to combine in one engine the best characteristics of both the turbojet, and propeller driven reciprocating engine. The turboprop engine offers several advantages over other types of engines such as: • Light weight. • Mechanical reliability due to relatively few moving parts. • Simplicity of operation. • Minimum vibration. • High power per unit of weight. • Use of propeller for takeoff and landing. Turboprop engines are most efficient at speeds between 250 and 400 m.p.h. and altitudes between 18,000 and 30,000 feet. They also perform well at the slow speeds required for takeoff and landing, and are fuel efficient. The minimum specific fuel consumption of the turboprop engine is normally available in the altitude range of 25,000 feet up to the tropopause. The power output of a piston engine is measured in horsepower and is determined primarily by r.p.m. and manifold pressure. The power of a turboprop engine, however, is measured in shaft horsepower (shp). Shaft horsepower is determined by the r.p.m. and the torque (twisting moment) applied to the propeller shaft. Since turboprop engines are gas turbine engines, some jet thrust is produced by exhaust leaving the engine. This thrust is added to the shaft horsepower to determine the total engine power, or equivalent shaft horsepower (eshp). Jet thrust usually accounts for less than 10 percent of the total engine power. Although the turboprop engine is more complicated and heavier than a turbojet engine of equivalent size and power, it will deliver more thrust at low subsonic airspeeds. However, the advantages decrease as flight speed increases. In normal cruising speed ranges, the propulsive efficiency (output divided by input) of a turboprop decreases as speed increases. The propeller of a typical turboprop engine is responsible for roughly 90 percent of the total thrust under sea level conditions on a standard day. The excellent performance of a turboprop during takeoff and climb is the result of the ability of the propeller to accelerate a large mass of air while the airplane is moving at a relatively low ground and flight speed. “Turboprop,” however, should not be confused with “turbosupercharged” or similar terminology. All turbine engines have a similarity to normally aspirated (non-supercharged) reciprocating engines in that maximum available power decreases almost as a direct function of increased altitude. Although power will decrease as the airplane climbs to higher altitudes, engine efficiency in terms of specific fuel consumption (expressed as pounds of fuel consumed per horsepower per hour) will be increased. Decreased specific fuel consumption plus the increased true airspeed at higher altitudes is a definite advantage of a turboprop engine. All turbine engines, turboprop or turbojet, are defined by limiting temperatures, rotational speeds, and (in the case of turboprops) torque. Depending on the installation, the primary parameter for power setting might be temperature, torque, fuel flow or r.p.m. (either propeller r.p.m., gas generator (compressor) r.p.m. or both). In cold weather conditions, torque limits can be exceeded while temperature limits are still within acceptable range. While in hot weather conditions, temperature limits may be exceeded without exceeding torque limits. In any weather, the maximum power setting of a turbine engine is usually obtained with the throttles positioned somewhat aft of the full forward position. The transitioning pilot must understand the importance of knowing and observing limits on turbine engines. An overtemp or overtorque condition that lasts for more than a very few seconds can literally destroy internal engine components. Ch 14.qxd 5/7/04 10:08 AM Page 14-2 14-3 TURBOPROP ENGINE TYPES FIXED SHAFT One type of turboprop engine is the fixed shaft constant speed type such as the Garrett TPE331. [Figure 14-2] In this type engine, ambient air is directed to the compressor section through the engine inlet. An acceleration/diffusion process in the twostage compressor increases air pressure and directs it rearward to a combustor. The combustor is made up of a combustion chamber, a transition liner, and a turbine plenum. Atomized fuel is added to the air in the combustion chamber. Air also surrounds the combustion chamber to provide for cooling and insulation of the combustor. The gas mixture is initially ignited by high-energy igniter plugs, and the expanding combustion gases flow to the turbine. The energy of the hot, high velocity gases is converted to torque on the main shaft by the turbine rotors. The reduction gear converts the high r.p.m.—low torque of the main shaft to low r.p.m.—high torque to drive the accessories and the propeller. The spent gases leaving the turbine are directed to the atmosphere by the exhaust pipe. Only about 10 percent of the air which passes through the engine is actually used in the combustion process. Up to approximately 20 percent of the compressed air may be bled off for the purpose of heating, cooling, cabin pressurization, and pneumatic systems. Over half the engine power is devoted to driving the compressor, and it is the compressor which can potentially produce very high drag in the case of a failed, windmilling engine. In the fixed shaft constant-speed engine, the engine r.p.m. may be varied within a narrow range of 96 percent to 100 percent. During ground operation, the r.p.m. may be reduced to 70 percent. In flight, the engine operates at a constant speed, which is maintained by the governing section of the propeller. Power changes are made by increasing fuel flow and propeller blade angle rather than engine speed. An increase in fuel flow causes an increase in temperature and a corresponding increase in energy available to the turbine. The turbine absorbs more energy and transmits it to the propeller in the form of torque. The increased torque forces the propeller blade angle to be increased to maintain the constant speed. Turbine temperature is a very important factor to be considered in power production. It is directly related to fuel flow and thus to the power produced. It must be limited because of strength and durability of the material in the combustion and turbine section. The control system schedules fuel flow to produce specific temperatures and to limit those temperatures so that the temperature tolerances of the combustion and turbine sections are not exceeded. The engine is designed to operate for its entire life at 100 percent. All of its components, such as compressors and turbines, are most efficient when operated at or near the r.p.m. design point. Planetary Reduction Gears Air Inlet First-Stage Centrifugal Compressor Second-Stage Centrifugal Compressor Reverse-Flow Annular Combustion Chamber Three-Stage Axial Turbine Fuel Nozzle Igniter Exhaust Outlet Figure 14-2. Fixed shaft turboprop engine.

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Ch 14.qxd 5/7/04 10:08 AM Page 14-3 14-4 Powerplant (engine and propeller) control is achieved by means of a power lever and a condition lever for each engine. [Figure 14-3] There is no mixture control and/or r.p.m. lever as found on piston engine airplanes. On the fixed shaft constant-speed turboprop engine, the power lever is advanced or retarded to increase or decrease forward thrust. The power lever is also used to provide reverse thrust. The condition lever sets the desired engine r.p.m. within a narrow range between that appropriate for ground operations and flight. Powerplant instrumentation in a fixed shaft turboprop engine typically consists of the following basic indicator. [Figure 14-4] • Torque or horsepower. • ITT – interturbine temperature. • Fuel flow. • RPM. Torque developed by the turbine section is measured by a torque sensor. The torque is then reflected on a cockpit horsepower gauge calibrated in horsepower times 100. Interturbine temperature (ITT) is a measurement of the combustion gas temperature between the first and second stages of the turbine section. The gauge is calibrated in degrees Celsius. Propeller r.p.m. is reflected on a cockpit tachometer as a percentage of maximum r.p.m. Normally, a vernier indicator on the gauge dial indicates r.p.m. in 1 percent graduations as well. The fuel flow indicator indicates fuel flow rate in pounds per hour. Propeller feathering in a fixed shaft constant-speed turboprop engine is normally accomplished with the condition lever. An engine failure in this type engine, however, will result in a serious drag condition due to the large power requirements of the compressor being absorbed by the propeller. This could create a serious airplane control problem in twin-engine airplanes unless the failure is recognized immediately and the Power Levers Condition Levers Figure 14-3. Powerplant controls—fixed shaft turboprop engine. Figure 14-4. Powerplant instrumentation—fixed shaft turboprop engine. Ch 14.qxd 5/7/04 10:09 AM Page 14-4 14-5 affected propeller feathered. For this reason, the fixed shaft turboprop engine is equipped with negative torque sensing (NTS). Negative torque sensing is a condition wherein propeller torque drives the engine and the propeller is automatically driven to high pitch to reduce drag. The function of the negative torque sensing system is to limit the torque the engine can extract from the propeller during windmilling and thereby prevent large drag forces on the airplane. The NTS system causes a movement of the propeller blades automatically toward their feathered position should the engine suddenly lose power while in flight. The NTS system is an emergency backup system in the event of sudden engine failure. It is not a substitution for the feathering device controlled by the condition lever. SPLIT SHAFT/ FREE TURBINE ENGINE In a free power-turbine engine, such as the Pratt & Whitney PT-6 engine, the propeller is driven by a separate turbine through reduction gearing. The propeller is not on the same shaft as the basic engine turbine and compressor. [Figure 14-5] Unlike the fixed shaft engine, in the split shaft engine the propeller can be feathered in flight or on the ground with the basic engine still running. The free power-turbine design allows the pilot to select a desired propeller governing r.p.m., regardless of basic engine r.p.m. A typical free power-turbine engine has two independent counter-rotating turbines. One turbine drives the compressor, while the other drives the propeller through a reduction gearbox. The compressor in the basic engine consists of three axial flow compressor stages combined with a single centrifugal compressor stage. The axial and centrifugal stages are assembled on the same shaft, and operate as a single unit. Inlet air enters the engine via a circular plenum near the rear of the engine, and flows forward through the successive compressor stages. The flow is directed outward by the centrifugal compressor stage through radial diffusers before entering the combustion chamber, where the flow direction is actually reversed. The gases produced by combustion are once again reversed to expand forward through each turbine stage. After leaving the turbines, the gases are collected in a peripheral exhaust scroll, and are discharged to the atmosphere through two exhaust ports near the front of the engine. Apneumatic fuel control system schedules fuel flow to maintain the power set by the gas generator power lever. Except in the beta range, propeller speed within the governing range remains constant at any selected propeller control lever position through the action of a propeller governor. The accessory drive at the aft end of the engine provides power to drive fuel pumps, fuel control, oil pumps, a starter/generator, and a tachometer transmitter. At this point, the speed of the drive (N1) is the true speed of the compressor side of the engine, approximately 37,500 r.p.m. Reduction Gearbox Propeller Drive Shaft Fr ee (Power) Tu r bine Compressor Tu r bine (Gas Producer) Three Stage Axial Flow Compressor Exhaust Outlet Air Inlet Centrifugal Compressor Igniter Fuel Nozzle Igniter Fuel Nozzle Accessory Gearbox Figure 14-5. Split shaft/free turbine engine. Ch 14.qxd 5/7/04 10:09 AM Page 14-5 14-6 Powerplant (engine and propeller) operation is achieved by three sets of controls for each engine: the power lever, propeller lever, and condition lever. [Figure 14-6] The power lever serves to control engine power in the range from idle through takeoff power. Forward or aft motion of the power lever increases or decreases gas generator r.p.m. (N1) and thereby increases or decreases engine power. The propeller lever is operated conventionally and controls the constant-speed propellers through the primary governor. The propeller r.p.m. range is normally from 1,500 to 1,900. The condition lever controls the flow of fuel to the engine. Like the mixture lever in a piston-powered airplane, the condition lever is located at the far right of the power quadrant. But the condition lever on a turboprop engine is really just an on/off valve for delivering fuel. There are HIGH IDLE and LOW IDLE positions for ground operations, but condition levers have no metering function. Leaning is not required in turbine engines; this function is performed automatically by a dedicated fuel control unit. Engine instruments in a split shaft/free turbine engine typically consist of the following basic indicators. [Figure 14-7] • ITT (interstage turbine temperature) indicator. • Torquemeter. • Propeller tachometer. • N1 (gas generator) tachometer. • Fuel flow indicator. • Oil temperature/pressure indicator. Figure 14-6. Powerplant controls—split shaft/free turbine engine. Figure 14-7. Engine instruments—split shaft/free turbine engine. Ch 14.qxd 5/7/04 10:09 AM Page 14-6

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14-7 The ITT indicator gives an instantaneous reading of engine gas temperature between the compressor turbine and the power turbines. The torquemeter responds to power lever movement and gives an indication, in foot-pounds (ft/lb), of the torque being applied to the propeller. Because in the free turbine engine, the propeller is not attached physically to the shaft of the gas turbine engine, two tachometers are justified—one for the propeller and one for the gas generator. The propeller tachometer is read directly in revolutions per minute. The N1 or gas generator is read in percent of r.p.m. In the Pratt & Whitney PT-6 engine, it is based on a figure of 37,000 r.p.m. at 100 percent. Maximum continuous gas generator is limited to 38,100 r.p.m. or 101.5 percent N1. The ITT indicator and torquemeter are used to set takeoff power. Climb and cruise power are established with the torquemeter and propeller tachometer while observing ITT limits. Gas generator (N1) operation is monitored by the gas generator tachometer. Proper observation and interpretation of these instruments provide an indication of engine performance and condition. REVERSE THRUST AND BETA RANGE OPERATIONS The thrust that a propeller provides is a function of the angle of attack at which the air strikes the blades, and the speed at which this occurs. The angle of attack varies with the pitch angle of the propeller. So called “flat pitch” is the blade position offering minimum resistance to rotation and no net thrust for moving the airplane. Forward pitch produces forward thrust—higher pitch angles being required at higher airplane speeds. The “feathered” position is the highest pitch angle obtainable. [Figure 14-8] The feathered position produces no forward thrust. The propeller is generally placed in feather only in case of in-flight engine failure to minimize drag and prevent the air from using the propeller as a turbine. In the “reverse” pitch position, the engine/propeller turns in the same direction as in the normal (forward) pitch position, but the propeller blade angle is positioned to the other side of flat pitch. [Figure 14-8] In reverse pitch, air is pushed away from the airplane rather than being drawn over it. Reverse pitch results in braking action, rather than forward thrust of the airplane. It is used for backing away from obstacles when taxiing, controlling taxi speed, or to aid in bringing the airplane to a stop during the landing roll. Reverse pitch does not mean reverse rotation of the engine. The engine delivers power just the same, no matter which side of flat pitch the propeller blades are positioned. With a turboprop engine, in order to obtain enough power for flight, the power lever is placed somewhere between flight idle (in some engines referred to as “high idle”) and maximum. The power lever directs signals to a fuel control unit to manually select fuel. The propeller governor selects the propeller pitch needed to keep the propeller/engine on speed. This is referred to as the propeller governing or “alpha” mode of operation. When positioned aft of flight idle, however, the power lever directly controls propeller blade angle. This is known as the “beta” range of operation. The beta range of operation consists of power lever positions from flight idle to maximum reverse. Power Prop Condition Reverse Beta Idle Feather Normal "Forward" Pitch Feather "Maximum Forward Pitch" Flat Pitch Reverse Pitch Fuel Cut Off Reverse Fuel Cut Off Reverse Feather Fuel Cut Off Feather Fuel Cut Off Low Idle Flt Idle Low Idle Flt Idle Low Idle Flt Idle Low Idle Flt Idle Pull Up Figure 14-8. Propeller pitch angle characteristics. Ch 14.qxd 5/7/04 10:09 AM Page 14-7 14-8 Beginning at power lever positions just aft of flight idle, propeller blade pitch angles become progressively flatter with aft movement of the power lever until they go beyond maximum flat pitch and into negative pitch, resulting in reverse thrust. While in a fixed shaft/ constant-speed engine, the engine speed remains largely unchanged as the propeller blade angles achieve their negative values. On the split shaft PT-6 engine, as the negative 5° position is reached, further aft movement of the power lever will also result in a progressive increase in engine (N1) r.p.m. until a maximum value of about negative 11° of blade angle and 85 percent N1 are achieved. Operating in the beta range and/or with reverse thrust requires specific techniques and procedures depending on the particular airplane make and model. There are also specific engine parameters and limitations for operations within this area that must be adhered to. It is essential that a pilot transitioning to turboprop airplanes become knowledgeable and proficient in these areas, which are unique to turbine-enginepowered airplanes. TURBOPROP AIRPLANE ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS The typical turboprop airplane electrical system is a 28-volt direct current (DC) system, which receives power from one or more batteries and a starter/ generator for each engine. The batteries may either be of the lead-acid type commonly used on pistonpowered airplanes, or they may be of the nickel-cadmium (NiCad) type. The NiCad battery differs from the lead-acid type in that its output remains at relatively high power levels for longer periods of time. When the NiCad battery is depleted, however, its voltage drops off very suddenly. When this occurs, its ability to turn the compressor for engine start is greatly diminished and the possibility of engine damage due to a hot start increases. Therefore, it is essential to check the battery’s condition before every engine start. Compared to lead-acid batteries, highperformance NiCad batteries can be recharged very quickly. But the faster the battery is recharged, the more heat it produces. Therefore, NiCad battery equipped airplanes are fitted with battery overheat annunciator lights signifying maximum safe and critical temperature thresholds. The DC generators used in turboprop airplanes double as starter motors and are called “starter/generators.” The starter/generator uses electrical power to produce mechanical torque to start the engine and then uses the engine’s mechanical torque to produce electrical power after the engine is running. Some of the DC power produced is changed to 28 volt 400 cycle alternating current (AC) power for certain avionic, lighting, and indicator synchronization functions. This is accomplished by an electrical component called an inverter.

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The distribution of DC and AC power throughout the system is accomplished through the use of power distribution buses. These “buses” as they are called are actually common terminals from which individual electrical circuits get their power. [Figure 14-9] Buses are usually named for what they power (avionics bus, for example), or for where they get their power (right generator bus, battery bus). The distribution of DC and AC power is often divided into functional groups (buses) that give priority to certain equipment 5 GEAR WARN 5 TRIM INDICATOR 3 TRIM ELEVATOR 5 TRIM AILERON 5 STALL WARNING 5 ACFT ANN-1 5 L TURN & BANK 5 TEMP OVRD 5 HP EMER L & R 5 FUEL QUANTITY 5 L ENGINE GAUGE 5 R ENGINE GAUGE 5 MISC ELEC 5 LDG LT MOTOR 5 BLEED L 3 WSHLD L 3 LIGHTS AUX 5 FUEL FLOW POWER DISTRIBUTION BUS Figure 14-9.Typical individual power distribution bus. Ch 14.qxd 5/7/04 10:09 AM Page 14-8 14-9 during normal and emergency operations. Main buses serve most of the airplane’s electrical equipment. Essential buses feed power to equipment having top priority. [Figure 14-10] Multiengine turboprop airplanes normally have several power sources—a battery and at least one generator per engine. The electrical systems are usually designed so that any bus can be energized by any of the power sources. For example, a typical system might have a right and left generator buses powered normally by the right and left engine-driven generators. These buses will be connected by a normally open switch, which isolates them from each other. If one generator fails, power will be lost to its bus, but power can be restored to that bus by closing a bus tie switch. Closing this switch connects the buses and allows the operating generator to power both. Power distribution buses are protected from short circuits and other malfunctions by a type of fuse called a current limiter. In the case of excessive current supplied by any power source, the current limiter will open the circuit and thereby isolate that power source and allow the affected bus to become separated from the system. The other buses will continue to operate normally. Individual electrical components are connected to the buses through circuit breakers. A circuit breaker is a device which opens an electrical circuit when an excess amount of current flows. PRIMARY INVERTER SECONDARY INVERTER LEFT MAIN BUS RIGHT MAIN BUS LEFT ESSENTIAL BUS RIGHT ESSENTIAL BUS AMPS 0 100 200 300 400 DC VOLTS 0 28 35 AMPS 0 100 200 300 400 REGULATOR REGULATOR LEFT GENERATOR BUS BATTERY CHARGING BUS RIGHT GENERATOR BUS LEFT GENERATOR/ STARTER LEFT GENERATOR/ STARTER G.P.U. LEFT BATTERY RIGHT BATTERY OVER VOLTAGE CUTOUT Current Limiter Circuit Breaker Bus Figure 14-10. Simplified schematic of turboprop airplane electrical system. Ch 14.qxd 5/7/04 10:09 AM Page 14-9 14-10 OPERATIONAL CONSIDERATIONS As previously stated, a turboprop airplane flies just like any other piston engine airplane of comparable size and weight. It is in the operation of the engines and airplane systems that makes the turboprop airplane different from its piston engine counterpart. Pilot errors in engine and/or systems operation are the most common cause of aircraft damage or mishap. The time of maximum vulnerability to pilot error in any gas turbine engine is during the engine start sequence. Turbine engines are extremely heat sensitive. They cannot tolerate an overtemperature condition for more than a very few seconds without serious damage being done. Engine temperatures get hotter during starting than at any other time. Thus, turbine engines have minimum rotational speeds for introducing fuel into the combustion chambers during startup. Hypervigilant temperature and acceleration monitoring on the part of the pilot remain crucial until the engine is running at a stable speed. Successful engine starting depends on assuring the correct minimum battery voltage before initiating start, or employing a ground power unit (GPU) of adequate output. After fuel is introduced to the combustion chamber during the start sequence, “light-off” and its associated heat rise occur very quickly. Engine temperatures may approach the maximum in a matter of 2 or 3 seconds before the engine stabilizes and temperatures fall into the normal operating range. During this time, the pilot must watch for any tendency of the temperatures to exceed limitations and be prepared to cut off fuel to the engine. An engine tendency to exceed maximum starting temperature limits is termed a hot start. The temperature rise may be preceded by unusually high initial fuel flow, which may be the first indication the pilot has that the engine start is not proceeding normally. Serious engine damage will occur if the hot start is allowed to continue. A condition where the engine is accelerating more slowly than normal is termed a hung start or false start. During a hung start/false start, the engine may 1. Before Takeoff Checks – Completed 2. Lineup Checks – Completed Heading Bug – Runway Heading Command Bars – 10 Degrees Up 3. Power – Set 850 ITT / 650 HP Max: 923 ITT / 717.5 HP 7. Ign Ovrd – Off 6. Gear Up 8. After T/O Checklist Yaw Damp – On 9. Climb Power – Set 850 ITT / 650 HP 98 – 99% RPM 11. Climb Speed – Set Climb Checks – Completed 10. Prop Sync – On These are merely typical procedures. The pilot maintains his or her prerogative to modify configuration and airspeeds as required by existing conditions, as long as compliance with the FAA approved Airplane Flight Manual is assured. NOTE: 5. Rotate at 96 – 100 KIAS 4. Annunciators – Check Engine Inst. – Check PRESSURE ALTITUDE FT Sea Level CLIMB SPEED KIAS 139 139 134 128 123 118 113 112 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 31,000 12. Cruise Checks – Completed Figure 14-11. Example—typical turboprop airplane takeoff and departure profile. Ch 14.qxd 5/7/04 10:09 AM Page 14-10 14-11 stabilize at an engine r.p.m. that is not high enough for the engine to continue to run without help from the starter. This is usually the result of low battery power or the starter not turning the engine fast enough for it to start properly. Takeoffs in turboprop airplanes are not made by automatically pushing the power lever full forward to the stops. Depending on conditions, takeoff power may be limited by either torque or by engine temperature. Normally, the power lever position on takeoff will be somewhat aft of full forward. Takeoff and departure in a turboprop airplane (especially a twin-engine cabin-class airplane) should be accomplished in accordance with a standard takeoff and departure “profile” developed for the particular make and model. [Figure 14-11] The takeoff and departure profile should be in accordance with the airplane manufacturer’s recommended procedures as outlined in the FAA-approved Airplane Flight Manual and/or the Pilot’s Operating Handbook (AFM/POH). The increased complexity of turboprop airplanes makes the standardization of procedures a necessity for safe and efficient operation. The transitioning pilot should review the profile procedures before each takeoff to form a mental picture of the takeoff and departure process. For any given high horsepower operation, the pilot can expect that the engine temperature will climb as altitude increases at a constant power. On a warm or hot day, maximum temperature limits may be reached at a rather low altitude, making it impossible to maintain high horsepower to higher altitudes. Also, the engine’s compressor section has to work harder with decreased air density. Power capability is reduced by high-density altitude and power use may have to be modulated to keep engine temperature within limits. In a turboprop airplane, the pilot can close the throttles(s) at any time without concern for cooling the engine too rapidly. Consequently, rapid descents with the propellers in low pitch can be dramatically steep. Like takeoffs and departures, approach and landing should be accomplished in accordance with a standard approach and landing profile. [Figure 14-12] A stabilized approach is an essential part of the approach and landing process. In a stabilized approach, the airplane, depending on design and type, is placed in a stabilized descent on a glidepath ranging from 2.5 to 3.5°. The speed is stabilized at some reference from the AFM/POH—usually 1.25 to 1.30 times the stall speed in approach configuration. The descent rate is stabilized from 500 feet per minute to 700 feet per minute until the landing flare. 2. Arrival 160 KIAS 250 HP Level Flt – Clean Config. 3. Begin Before Landing Checklist 7. Final 120 KIAS Flaps – As Desired 6. Base Before Landing Checklist 120 – 130 KIAS 8. Short Final 110 KIAS Gear – Recheck Down 9. Threshold 96 – 100 KIAS 11. After Landing Checklist 10. Landing Cond. Levers – Keep Full Fwd. Power – Beta/Reverse These are merely typical procedures. The pilot maintains his or her prerogative to modify configuration and airspeeds as required by existing conditions, as long as compliance with the FAA approved Airplane Flight Manual is assured. NOTE: 5. 130 – 140 KIAS 4. Midfield Downwind 140 – 160 KIAS 250 HP Gear – Down Flaps – Half 1. Leaving Cruise Altitude Descent/Approach Checklist Figure 14-12. Example—typical turboprop airplane arrival and landing profile. Ch 14.qxd 5/7/04 10:09 AM Page 14-11 14-12 Landing some turboprop airplanes (as well as some piston twins) can result in a hard, premature touchdown if the engines are idled too soon. This is because large propellers spinning rapidly in low pitch create considerable drag. In such airplanes, it may be preferable to maintain power throughout the landing flare and touchdown. Once firmly on the ground, propeller beta range operation will dramatically reduce the need for braking in comparison to piston airplanes of similar weights. TRAINING CONSIDERATIONS The medium and high altitudes at which turboprop airplanes are flown provide an entirely different environment in terms of regulatory requirements, airspace structure, physiological requirements, and even meteorology. The pilot transitioning to turboprop airplanes, particularly those who are not familiar with operations in the high/medium altitude environment, should approach turboprop transition training with this in mind. Thorough ground training should cover all aspects of high/medium altitude flight, including the flight environment, weather, flight planning and navigation, physiological aspects of high-altitude flight, oxygen and pressurization system operation, and high-altitude emergencies. Flight training should prepare the pilot to demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge of airplane performance, systems, emergency procedures, and operating limitations, along with a high degree of proficiency in performing all flight maneuvers and in-flight emergency procedures. The training outline below covers the minimum information needed by pilots to operate safely at high altitudes. a. Ground Training (1) The High-Altitude Flight Environment (a) Airspace (b) Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) section 91.211, requirements for use of supplemental oxygen (2) Weather (a) The atmosphere (b) Winds and clear air turbulence (c) Icing (3) Flight Planning and Navigation (a) Flight planning (b) Weather charts (c) Navigation (d) Navaids (4) Physiological Training (a) Respiration (b) Hypoxia (c) Effects of prolonged oxygen use (d) Decompression sickness (e) Vision (f) Altitude chamber (optional) (5) High-Altitude Systems and Components (a) Oxygen and oxygen equipment (b) Pressurization systems (c) High-altitude components (6) Aerodynamics and Performance Factors (a) Acceleration (b) G-forces (c) MACH Tuck and MACH Critical (turbojet airplanes) (7) Emergencies (a) Decompression (b) Donning of oxygen masks (c) Failure of oxygen mask, or complete loss of oxygen supply/system (d) In-flight fire (e) Flight into severe turbulence or thunderstorms b. Flight Training (1) Preflight Briefing (2) Preflight Planning (a) Weather briefing and considerations (b) Course plotting (c) Airplane Flight Manual (d) Flight plan (3) Preflight Inspection (a) Functional test of oxygen system, including the verification of supply and pressure, regulator operation, oxygen flow, mask fit, and cockpit and air traffic control (ATC) communication using mask microphones (4) Engine Start Procedures, Runup, Takeoff, and Initial Climb (5) Climb to High Altitude and Normal Cruise Operations While Operating Above 25,000 Feet MSL (6) Emergencies (a) Simulated rapid decompression, including the immediate donning of oxygen masks (b) Emergency descent (7) Planned Descents (8) Shutdown Procedures (9) Postflight Discussion Ch 14.qxd 5/7/04 10:09 AM Page 14-12 15-1 GENERAL This chapter contains an overview of jet powered airplane operations. It is not meant to replace any portion of a formal jet airplane qualification course. Rather, the information contained in this chapter is meant to be a useful preparation for and a supplement to formal and structured jet airplane qualification training. The intent of this chapter is to provide information on the major differences a pilot will encounter when transitioning to jet powered airplanes. In order to achieve this in a logical manner, the major differences between jet powered airplanes and piston powered airplanes have been approached by addressing two distinct areas: differences in technology, or how the airplane itself differs; and differences in pilot technique, or how the pilot deals with the technological differences through the application of different techniques. If any of the information in this chapter conflicts with information contained in the FAA-approved Airplane Flight Manual for a particular airplane, the Airplane Flight Manual takes precedence. JET ENGINE BASICS A jet engine is a gas turbine engine. A jet engine develops thrust by accelerating a relatively small mass of air to very high velocity, as opposed to a propeller, which develops thrust by accelerating a much larger mass of air to a much slower velocity. As stated in Chapter 14, both piston and gas turbine engines are internal combustion engines and have a similar basic cycle of operation; that is, induction, compression, combustion, expansion, and exhaust. Air is taken in and compressed, and fuel is injected and burned. The hot gases then expand and supply a surplus of power over that required for compression, and are finally exhausted. In both piston and jet engines, the efficiency of the cycle is improved by increasing the volume of air taken in and the compression ratio. Part of the expansion of the burned gases takes place in the turbine section of the jet engine providing the necessary power to drive the compressor, while the remainder of the expansion takes place in the nozzle of the tail pipe in order to accelerate the gas to a high velocity jet thereby producing thrust. [Figure 15-1] In theory, the jet engine is simpler and more directly converts thermal energy (the burning and expansion of gases) into mechanical energy (thrust). The piston or reciprocating engine, with all of its moving parts, must convert the thermal energy into mechanical energy and then finally into thrust by rotating a propeller. One of the advantages of the jet engine over the piston engine is the jet engine’s capability of producing much greater amounts of thrust horsepower at the high altitudes and high speeds. In fact, turbojet engine efficiency increases with altitude and speed. Direction of Flight Air Enters Inlet Duct Exhaust Combustion Drive Shaft Six-Stage Compressor TURBOJET ENGINE Two-Stage Turbine Figure 15-1. Basic turbojet engine. Ch 15.qxd 5/7/04 10:22 AM Page 15-1 15-2 Although the propeller driven airplane is not nearly as efficient as the jet, particularly at the higher altitudes and cruising speeds required in modern aviation, one of the few advantages the propeller driven airplane has over the jet is that maximum thrust is available almost at the start of the takeoff roll. Initial thrust output of the jet engine on takeoff is relatively lower and does not reach peak efficiency until the higher speeds. The fanjet or turbofan engine was developed to help compensate for this problem and is, in effect, a compromise between the pure jet engine (turbojet) and the propeller engine. Like other gas turbine engines, the heart of the turbofan engine is the gas generator—the part of the engine that produces the hot, high-velocity gases. Similar to turboprops, turbofans have a low pressure turbine section that uses most of the energy produced by the gas generator. The low pressure turbine is mounted on a concentric shaft that passes through the hollow shaft of the gas generator, connecting it to a ducted fan at the front of the engine. [Figure 15-2] Air enters the engine, passes through the fan, and splits into two separate paths. Some of it flows around— bypasses—the engine core, hence its name, bypass air. The air drawn into the engine for the gas generator is the core airflow. The amount of air that bypasses the core compared to the amount drawn into the gas generator determines a turbofan’s bypass ratio. Turbofans efficiently convert fuel into thrust because they produce low pressure energy spread over a large fan disk area. While a turbojet engine uses all of the gas generator’s output to produce thrust in the form of a high-velocity exhaust gas jet, cool, low-velocity bypass air produces between 30 percent and 70 percent of the thrust produced by a turbofan engine. The fan-jet concept increases the total thrust of the jet engine, particularly at the lower speeds and altitudes. Although efficiency at the higher altitudes is lost (turbofan engines are subject to a large lapse in thrust with increasing altitude), the turbofan engine increases acceleration, decreases the takeoff roll, improves initial climb performance, and often has the effect of decreasing specific fuel consumption. OPERATING THE JET ENGINE In a jet engine, thrust is determined by the amount of fuel injected into the combustion chamber. The power controls on most turbojet and turbofan powered airplanes consist of just one thrust lever for each engine, because most engine control functions are automatic. The thrust lever is linked to a fuel control and/or electronic engine computer that meters fuel flow based upon r.p.m., internal temperatures, ambient conditions, and other factors. [Figure 15-3] In a jet engine, each major rotating section usually has a separate gauge devoted to monitoring its speed of rotation. Depending on the make and model, a jet engine may have an N1 gauge that monitors the low pressure compressor section and/or fan speed in turbofan engines. The gas generator section may be monitored by an N2 gauge, while triple spool engines may have an N3 gauge as well. Each engine section rotates at many thousands of r.p.m. Their gauges therefore are calibrated in percent of r.p.m. rather than actual r.p.m., for ease of display and interpretation. [Figure 15-4] Direction of Flight Inlet Air Exhaust Combustion Combustion Fan Air Fan Air Figure 15-2.Turbofan engine. Ch 15.qxd 5/7/04 10:22 AM Page 15-2 15-3 The temperature of turbine gases must be closely monitored by the pilot. As in any gas turbine engine, exceeding temperature limits, even for a very few seconds, may result in serious heat damage to turbine blades and other components. Depending on the make and model, gas temperatures can be measured at a number of different locations within the engine. The associated engine gauges therefore have different names according to their location. For instance: • Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT)—the temperature of the exhaust gases as they enter the tail pipe, after passing through the turbine. • Turbine Inlet Temperature (TIT)—the temperature of the gases from the combustion section of the engine as they enter the first stage of the turbine. TIT is the highest temperature inside a gas turbine engine and is one of the limiting factors of the amount of power the engine can produce. TIT, however, is difficult to measure. EGT therefore, which relates to TIT, is normally the parameter measured. • Interstage Turbine Temperature (ITT)—the temperature of the gases between the high pressure and low pressure turbine wheels. • Turbine Outlet Temperature (TOT)—like EGT, turbine outlet temperature is taken aft of the turbine wheel(s). JET ENGINE IGNITION Most jet engine ignition systems consist of two igniter plugs, which are used during the ground or air starting of the engine. Once the start is completed, this ignition either automatically goes off or is turned off, and from this point on, the combustion in the engine is a continuous process. CONTINUOUS IGNITION An engine is sensitive to the flow characteristics of the air that enters the intake of the engine nacelle. So long as the flow of air is substantially normal, the engine will continue to run smoothly. However, particularly with rear mounted engines that are sometimes in a position to be affected by disturbed airflow from the wings, there are some abnormal flight situations that could cause a compressor stall or flameout of the engine. These abnormal flight conditions would usually be associated with abrupt pitch changes such as might be encountered in severe turbulence or a stall. In order to avoid the possibility of engine flameout from the above conditions, or from other conditions that might cause ingestion problems such as heavy rain, ice, or possible bird strike, most jet engines are equipped with a continuous ignition system. This system can be turned on and used continuously whenever the need arises. In many jets, as an added precaution, this system is normally used during takeoffs and landings. Many jets are also equipped with an automatic ignition system that operates both igniters whenever the airplane stall warning or stick shaker is activated. FUEL HEATERS Because of the high altitudes and extremely cold outside air temperatures in which the jet flies, it is possible to supercool the jet fuel to the point that the small Figure 15-3. Jet engine power controls. Figure 15-4. Jet engine r.p.m. gauges. Ch 15.qxd 5/7/04 10:22 AM Page 15-3 15-4 particles of water suspended in the fuel can turn to ice crystals and clog the fuel filters leading to the engine. For this reason, jet engines are normally equipped with fuel heaters. The fuel heater may be of the automatic type which constantly maintains the fuel temperature above freezing, or they may be manually controlled by the pilot from the cockpit. SETTING POWER On some jet airplanes, thrust is indicated by an engine pressure ratio (EPR) gauge. Engine pressure ratio can be thought of as being equivalent to the manifold pressure on the piston engine. Engine pressure ratio is the difference between turbine discharge pressure and engine inlet pressure. It is an indication of what the engine has done with the raw air scooped in. For instance, an EPR setting of 2.24 means that the discharge pressure relative to the inlet pressure is 2.24 : 1. On these airplanes, the EPR gauge is the primary reference used to establish power settings. [Figure 15-5] Fan speed (N1) is the primary indication of thrust on most turbofan engines. Fuel flow provides a secondary thrust indication, and cross-checking for proper fuel flow can help in spotting a faulty N1 gauge. Turbofans also have a gas generator turbine tachometer (N2). They are used mainly for engine starting and some system functions. In setting power, it is usually the primary power reference (EPR or N1) that is most critical, and will be the gauge that will first limit the forward movement of the thrust levers. However, there are occasions where the limits of either r.p.m. or temperature can be exceeded. The rule is: movement of the thrust levers must be stopped and power set at whichever the limits of EPR, r.p.m., or temperature is reached first. THRUST TO THRUST LEVER RELATIONSHIP In a piston engine propeller driven airplane, thrust is proportional to r.p.m., manifold pressure, and propeller blade angle, with manifold pressure being the most dominant factor. At a constant r.p.m., thrust is proportional to throttle lever position. In a jet engine, however, thrust is quite disproportional to thrust lever position. This is an important difference that the pilot transitioning into jet powered airplanes must become accustomed to. On a jet engine, thrust is proportional to r.p.m. (mass flow) and temperature (fuel/air ratio). These are matched and a further variation of thrust results from the compressor efficiency at varying r.p.m. The jet engine is most efficient at high r.p.m., where the engine is designed to be operated most of the time. As r.p.m. increases, mass flow, temperature, and efficiency also increase. Therefore, much more thrust is produced per increment of throttle movement near the top of the range than near the bottom. One thing that will seem different to the piston pilot transitioning into jet powered airplanes is the rather large amount of thrust lever movement between the flight idle position and full power as compared to the small amount of movement of the throttle in the piston engine. For instance, an inch of throttle movement on a piston may be worth 400 horsepower wherever the throttle may be. On a jet, an inch of thrust lever movement at a low r.p.m. may be worth only 200 pounds of thrust, but at a high r.p.m. that same inch of movement might amount to closer to 2,000 pounds of thrust. Because of this, in a situation where significantly more thrust is needed and the jet engine is at low r.p.m., it will not do much good to merely “inch the thrust lever forward.” Substantial thrust lever movement is in order. This is not to say that rough or abrupt thrust lever action is standard operating procedure. If the power setting is already high, it may take only a small amount of movement. However, there are two characteristics of the jet engine that work against the normal habits of the piston engine pilot. One is the variation of thrust with r.p.m., and the other is the relatively slow acceleration of the jet engine. VARIATION OF THRUST WITH RPM Whereas piston engines normally operate in the range of 40 percent to 70 percent of available r.p.m., jets operate most efficiently in the 85 percent to 100 percent range, with a flight idle r.p.m. of 50 percent to 60 percent. The range from 90 percent to 100 percent in jets may produce as much thrust as the total available at 70 percent. [Figure 15-6] SLOW ACCELERATION OF THE JET ENGINE In a propeller driven airplane, the constant speed propeller keeps the engine turning at a constant r.p.m. within the governing range, and power is changed by varying the manifold pressure. Acceleration of the Figure 15-5. EPR gauge.

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