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This chapter discusses general planning and conduct of
instrument approaches by professional pilots operating
under Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14
CFR) Parts 91, 121, 125, and 135. Operations specific to
helicopters are covered in Chapter 7. The operations
specifications (OpsSpecs), standard operating procedures (SOPs), and any other Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) approved documents for each
commercial operator are the final authorities for individual authorizations and limitations as they relate to instrument approaches. While coverage of the various
authorizations and approach limitations for all operators
is beyond the scope of this chapter, an attempt is made
to give examples from generic manuals where it is
Depending on speed of the aircraft, availability of
weather information, and the complexity of the
approach procedure or special terrain avoidance
procedures for the airport of intended landing, the
inflight planning phase of an instrument approach
can begin as far as 100-200 NM from the destination. Some of the approach planning should be
accomplished during preflight. In general, there are
five steps that most operators incorporate into their
Flight Standards manuals for the inflight planning
phase of an instrument approach:
• Gathering weather information, field conditions,
and Notices to Airmen (NOTAMs) for the runway
of intended landing.
• Calculation of performance data, approach speeds,
and thrust/power settings.
• Flight deck navigation/communication and automation setup.
• Instrument approach procedure (IAP) review and,
for flight crews, IAP briefing.
• Operational review and, for flight crews, operational briefing.
Although often modified to suit each individual operator, these five steps form the basic framework for the
inflight-planning phase of an instrument approach. The
extent of detail that a given operator includes in their
SOPs varies from one operator to another; some may
designate which pilot performs each of the above
actions, the sequence, and the manner in which each
action is performed. Others may leave much of the detail
up to individual flight crews and only designate which
tasks should be performed prior to commencing an
approach. Flight crews of all levels, from single-pilot to
multi-crewmember Part 91 operators, can benefit from
the experience of commercial operators in developing
techniques to fly standard instrument approach procedures (SIAPs).
Determining the suitability of a specific IAP can be a
very complex task, since there are many factors that can
limit the usability of a particular approach. There are
several questions that pilots need to answer during preflight planning and prior to commencing an approach. Is
the approach procedure authorized for the company, if
Part 91K, 121, 125, or 135? Is the weather appropriate
for the approach? Is the aircraft currently at a weight that
will allow it the necessary performance for the approach
and landing or go around/missed approach? Is the aircraft properly equipped for the approach? Is the flight
crew qualified and current for the approach? Many of
these types of issues must be considered during preflight
planning and within the framework of each specific air
carrier’s OpsSpecs, or Part 91.
Weather conditions at the field of intended landing
dictate whether flight crews need to plan for an instrument approach and, in many cases, determine which
approaches can be used, or if an approach can even be
attempted. The gathering of weather information
should be one of the first steps taken during the
approach-planning phase. Although there are many
possible types of weather information, the primary
concerns for approach decision-making are wind
speed, wind direction, ceiling, visibility, altimeter
setting, temperature, and field conditions. It is also a
good idea to check NOTAMs at this time in case
there were any changes since preflight planning.
Wind speed and direction are factors because they
often limit the type of approach that can be flown at
a specific location. This typically is not a factor at
airports with multiple precision approaches, but at
airports with only a few or one approach procedure
the wrong combination of wind and visibility can
make all instrument approaches at an airport
unavailable. As an example, consider the available
approaches at the Chippewa Valley Regional
Airport (KEAU) in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, shown
in Figure 5-1. In the event that the visibility is
reported as less than one mile, the only useable
approach for Category C airplanes is the Instrument
Landing System (ILS) to Runway 22. This leaves
very few options for flight crews if the wind does
not favor Runway 22; and, in cases where the wind
restricts a landing on that runway altogether, even a
circling approach cannot be flown because of the
Most of the weather information that flight crews
receive is issued to them prior to the start of each flight
segment, but the weather used for inflight planning and
execution of an instrument approach is normally
obtained en route via government sources, company
frequency, or Aircraft Communications Addressing and
Reporting System (ACARS).
Air carriers and operators certificated under the
provisions of Part 119 (Certification: Air Carriers
and Commercial Operators) are required to use the
aeronautical weather information systems defined
in the OpsSpecs issued to that certificate holder by
the FAA. These systems may use basic FAA/National
Weather Service (NWS) weather services, contractor
or operator-proprietary weather services and/or
Enhanced Weather Information System (EWINS)
when approved in the OpsSpecs. As an integral part
of EWINS approval, the procedures for collecting,
producing, and disseminating aeronautical weather
information, as well as the crewmember and dispatcher training to support the use of system
weather products, must be accepted or approved.
Operators not certificated under the provisions of Part
119 are encouraged to use FAA/NWS products through
Automated Flight Service Stations (AFSSs), Direct
User Access Terminal System (DUATS), and/or Flight
Information Services Data Link (FISDL). Refer to the
Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) for more
information regarding AFSSs, DUATS, and FISDL.
The suite of available aviation weather product types is
expanding with the development of new sensor systems, algorithms, and forecast models. The FAA and
NWS, supported by the National Center for
Atmospheric Research and the Forecast Systems
Laboratory, develop and implement new aviation
weather product types through a comprehensive process
known as the Aviation Weather Technology Transfer
process. This process ensures that user needs and
technical and operational readiness requirements are
met as experimental product types mature to operational application.
The development of enhanced communications capabilities, most notably the Internet, has allowed pilots
access to an ever-increasing range of weather service
providers and proprietary products. It is not the intent
of the FAA to limit operator use of this weather information. However, pilots and operators should be aware
that weather services provided by entities other than
the FAA, NWS, or their contractors (such as the
DUATS and FISDL providers) may not meet
FAA/NWS quality control standards. Therefore, operators and pilots contemplating use of such services
should consider the following in determining the suitability of that service or product. In many cases, this
may be accomplished by provider disclosure or a
description of services or products:
Is the service or product applicable for aviation use?
• Does the weather product or service provide
information that is usable in aeronautical decision-making?
• Does the product or service fail to provide data
necessary to make critical aeronautical weather
Does the service provide data/products produced by
approved aviation weather information sources?
• Are these data or this product modified?
• If so, is the modification process described, and is
the final product in a configuration that supports
aeronautical weather decision-making?
Are the weather products professionally developed and
produced and/or quality-controlled by a qualified aviation meteorologist?
Does the provider’s quality assurance plan include the
capability to monitor generated products and contain a
procedure to correct deficiencies as they are discovered?
Is the product output consistent with original data
Are education and training materials sufficient to enable
users to use the new product effectively?
Are the following key elements of the product intuitive
and easy for the user to interpret?
• Type of data/product.
• Currency or age of data/product.
Figure 5-1. Chippewa Regional Airport (KEAU), Eau Claire, Wisconsin.
• Method for displaying and decoding the
• Location/mapping of the data.
Is the product suitable for use? Consider potential pilot
misunderstandings due to:
• Complexity of the product.
• Nonstandard display (colors, labels).
• Incorrect mapping/display of data.
• Incorrect overlay of weather data with other data
(terrain, navigational aids (NAVAIDs), waypoints, etc.).
• Inappropriate display of missing data.
• Missing or inaccurate time/date stamp on
Pilots and operators should be cautious when using
unfamiliar products, or products not supported by technical specifications that satisfy the considerations noted
NOTE: When in doubt, use FAA/NWS products
with the consultation of an FAA AFSS specialist.
The most common method used by flight crews to
obtain specific inflight weather information is to use a
source that broadcasts weather for the specific airport.
Information about ceilings, visibility, wind, temperature, barometric pressure, and field conditions can be
obtained from most types of broadcast weather
services. Broadcast weather can be transmitted to
the aircraft in radio voice format or digital format,
if it is available, via an ACARS system.
The weather broadcast system found most often at
airports with air traffic control towers in the National
Airspace System (NAS) is the automatic terminal
information service (ATIS). The AIM defines ATIS
as the continuous broadcast of recorded non-control
information in selected high activity terminal areas.
The main purpose of ATIS is the reduction of frequency congestion and controller workload. It is
broadcast over very high frequency (VHF) radio
frequencies, and is designed to be receivable up to
60 NM from the transmitter at altitudes up to 25,000
feet above ground level (AGL). ATIS is typically
derived from an automated weather observation
system or a human weather observer’s report.
Automated surface observation systems can provide
pilots with weather information over discrete VHF frequencies or over the voice portion of local NAVAIDs.
The automated weather observing system (AWOS) and
automated surface observing system (ASOS) provide
real-time weather information that can be used by flight
crews to make approach decisions, and by the NWS to
generate aviation routine weather reports (METARs).
Flight crews planning approaches to airports where
ATIS is not available may be able to obtain current
airport conditions from an AWOS/ASOS facility.
FAA-owned and operated AWOS-2 and AWOS-3
systems are approved sources of weather for Part 121
and 135 operations. Also, NWS-operated ASOSs are
approved sources of weather for Part 121 and 135
operations. An AWOS/ASOS cannot be used as an
authorized weather source for Part 121 or 135 instrument flight rules (IFR) operations if the visibility or
altimeter setting is reported missing from the report.
Refer to the AIM for the most current information
on automated weather observation systems.
In the event that an airport has weather observation capability, but lacks the appropriate equipment to transmit
that information over a radio frequency, air route traffic
control centers (ARTCCs) can provide flight crews with
hourly METAR or non-routine (special) aviation
weather report (SPECI) information for those airports.
For example, as an aircraft approaches an airport, the
center controller can voluntarily or upon request provide
the pilot with the most recent weather observation.
Terminal Radar Approach Control (TRACON) facilities
also provide weather observation information on a workload-permitting basis. Another option to obtain a current
METAR or SPECI is to contact an En Route Flight
Advisory Service facility (Flight Watch).
There are many practical reasons for reviewing weather
information prior to initiating an instrument approach.
Pilots must familiarize themselves with the condition
of individual airports and runways so that they may
make informed decisions regarding fuel management,
diversions, and alternate planning. Because this information is critical, CFRs require pilots to comply with
specific weather minimums for planning and execution
of instrument flights and approaches.
According to Part 91.103, the pilot in command must
become familiar with all available information concerning a flight prior to departure. Included in this
directive is the fundamental basis for pilots to review
NOTAMs and pertinent weather reports and forecasts
for the intended route of flight. This review should
include current weather reports and terminal forecasts
for all intended points of landing and alternate airports.
In addition, a thorough review of an airport’s current
weather conditions should always be conducted prior
to initiating an instrument approach. Pilots should also
consider weather information as a planning tool for fuel
For flight planning purposes, weather information
must be reviewed in order to determine the necessity
and suitability of alternate airports. For Part 91 operations, the 600-2 and 800-2 rule applies to airports with
precision and nonprecision approaches, respectively.
Approaches with vertical guidance (APV) are considered semi-precision and nonprecision since they do not
meet the International Civil Aviation Organization
(ICAO) Annex 10 standards for a precision approach.
(See Final Approach Segment section later in this
chapter for more information regarding APV
approaches.) Exceptions to the 600-2 and 800-2 alternate minimums are listed in the front of the National
Aeronautical Charting Office (NACO) U.S. Terminal
Procedures Publication (TPP) and are indicated by an
“ ” symbol on the approach charts for the airport.
This does not preclude flight crews from initiating
instrument approaches at alternate airports when the
weather conditions are below these minimums. The
600-2 and 800-2 rules, or any exceptions, only apply to
flight planning purposes, while published landing minimums apply to the actual approach at the alternate.
Unlike Part 91 operators, Part 135 operators may not
depart for a destination unless the forecast weather
there will allow an instrument approach and landing.
According to Part 135.219, flight crews and dispatchers
may only designate an airport as a destination if the latest weather reports or forecasts, or any combination of
them, indicate that the weather conditions will be at or
above IFR landing minimums at the estimated time of
arrival (ETA). This ensures that Part 135 flight crews
consider weather forecasts when determining the
suitability of destinations. Departures for airports
can be made when the forecast weather shows the
airport will be at or above IFR minimums at the
ETA, even if current conditions indicate the airport
to be below minimums. Conversely, Part 135.219
prevents departures when the first airport of intended
landing is currently above IFR landing minimums,
but the forecast weather is below those minimums at
the ETA.
Another very important difference between Part 91
and Part 135 operations is the Part 135 requirement
for airports of intended landing to meet specific
weather criteria once the flight has been initiated. For
Part 135, not only is the weather required to be forecast at or above IFR landing minimums for planning a
departure, but it also must be above minimums for initiation of an instrument approach and, once the
approach is initiated, to begin the final approach segment of an approach. Part 135.225 states that pilots
may not begin an instrument approach unless the
latest weather report indicates that the weather conditions are at or above the authorized IFR landing
minimums for that procedure. Part 135.225 provides relief from this rule if the aircraft has already
passed the FAF when the weather report is received.
It should be noted that the controlling factor for
determining whether or not the aircraft can proceed
is reported visibility. Runway visual range (RVR),
if available, is the controlling visibility report for
determining that the requirements of this section
are met. The runway visibility value (RVV),
reported in statute miles (SM), takes precedent over
prevailing visibility. There is no required timeframe
for receiving current weather prior to initiating the
Like Part 135 operators, flight crews and dispatchers
operating under Part 121 must ensure that the appropriate weather reports or forecasts, or any combination
thereof, indicate that the weather will be at or above the
authorized minimums at the ETA at the airport to which
the flight is dispatched (Part 121.613). This regulation
attempts to ensure that flight crews will always be able
to execute an instrument approach at the destination
airport. Of course, weather forecasts are occasionally
inaccurate; therefore, a thorough review of current
weather is required prior to conducting an approach.
Like Part 135 operators, Part 121 operators are
restricted from proceeding past the FAF of an
instrument approach unless the appropriate IFR
landing minimums exist for the procedure. In addition, descent below the minimum descent altitude
(MDA), decision altitude (DA), or decision height
(DH) is governed, with one exception, by the same
rules that apply to Part 91 operators. The exception is
that during Part 121 and 135 operations, the airplane
is also required to land within the touchdown zone
(TDZ). Refer to the section titled Minimum Descent
Altitude, Decision Altitude, and Decision Height later
in this chapter for more information regarding MDA,
DA, and DH.
All operators are required to comply with specific
airplane performance limitations that govern
approach and landing. Many of these requirements
must be considered prior to the origination of flight.
The primary goal of these performance considerations
is to ensure that the aircraft can remain clear of obstructions throughout the approach, landing, and go-around
phase of flight, as well as land within the distance
required by the FAA. Although the majority of in-depth
performance planning for an instrument flight is normally done prior to the aircraft’s departure, a general
review of performance considerations is usually
conducted prior to commencing an instrument
Generally speaking, air carriers must have in place
an approved method of complying with Subpart I of
Parts 121 and 135 (Airplane Performance Operating
Limitations), thereby proving the airplane’s performance capability for every flight that it intends
to make. Flight crews must have an approved
method of complying with the approach and landing
performance criteria in the applicable regulations
prior to departing for their intended destination.
The primary source of information for performance
calculations for all operators, including Part 91, is the
approved Aircraft Flight Manual (AFM) or Pilot’s
Operating Handbook (POH) for the make and model
of aircraft that is being operated. It is required to
contain the manufacturer determined performance
capabilities of the aircraft at each weight, altitude,
and ambient temperature that are within the airplane’s listed limitations. Typically, the AFM
for a large turbine powered airplane should contain
information that allows flight crews to determine
that the airplane will be capable of performing
the following actions, considering the airplane’s
landing weight and other pertinent environmental
• Land within the distance required by the regulations.
• Climb from the missed approach point (MAP)
and maintain a specified climb gradient with one
engine inoperative.
• Perform a go-around from the final stage of
landing and maintain a specified climb gradient with all engines operating and the airplane
in the landing configuration.
Many airplanes have more than one allowable flap
configuration for normal landing. Often, a reduced
flap setting for landing will allow the airplane to
operate at a higher landing weight into a field that
has restrictive obstacles in the missed approach or
rejected landing climb path. On these occasions, the
full-flap landing speed may not allow the airplane
enough energy to successfully complete a go-around
and avoid any high terrain that might exist on the
climb out. Therefore, all-engine and engine-out
missed approaches, as well as rejected landings,
must be taken into consideration in compliance with
the regulations. [Figure 5-2]
Flaps 30° Approach
Flaps 17° Approach
Climb Performance not Adequate
for Terrain
Missed approach with full landing flaps,
lowest approach speed, but poor
performance in missed approach climb.
Missed approach with lower flap setting,
higher approach speed, and improved
climb performance.
Figure 5-2. Reduced Flap Settings Effect on Go-Around.
Two other critical performance factors that should be
considered during the planning phase of an instrument
approach are aircraft approach category and planned
approach speed. According to the December 26, 2002
amendment of Part 97.3 (b), aircraft approach category means a grouping of aircraft based on reference
landing speed (VREF), if specified, or if VREF is not
specified, 1.3 VS0 (the stalling speed or minimum
steady flight speed in the landing configuration) at the
maximum certificated landing weight. VREF refers to
the speed used in establishing the approved landing distance under the airworthiness regulations constituting
the type certification basis of the airplane, regardless of
whether that speed for a particular airplane is 1.3 VSO,
1.23 VSR, or some higher speed required for airplane
controllability such as when operating with a failed
engine. The categories are as follows:
• Category A: Speed less than 91 knots.
• Category B: Speed 91 knots or more but less than
121 knots.
• Category C: Speed 121 knots or more but less
than 141 knots.
• Category D: Speed 141 knots or more but less
than 166 knots.
• Category E: Speed 166 knots or more.
• NOTE: Helicopter pilots may use the Category A
line of minimums provided the helicopter is operated at Category A airspeeds.
An airplane is certified in only one approach category, and
although a faster approach may require higher category
minimums to be used, an airplane cannot be flown to the
minimums of a slower approach category. The certified
approach category is permanent, and independent of the
changing conditions of day-to-day operations. From a
TERPS viewpoint, the importance of a pilot not operating
an airplane at a category line of minimums lower than the
airplane is certified for is primarily the margin of protection provided for containment of the airplane within the
procedure design for a slower airplane. This includes
height loss at the decision altitude, missed approach climb
surface, and turn containment in the missed approach at
the higher category speeds. Pilots are responsible for
determining if a higher approach category applies. If a
faster approach speed is used that places the aircraft in a
higher approach category, the minimums for the appropriate higher category must be used. Emergency returns at
weights in excess of maximum certificated landing
weight, approaches made with inoperative flaps, and
approaches made in icing conditions for some airplanes
are examples of situations that can necessitate the use of a
higher approach category minima.
Circling approaches conducted at faster-than-normal
straight-in approach speeds also require a pilot to consider
the larger circling approach area, since published circling
minimums provide obstacle clearance only within the
appropriate area of protection, and is based on the
approach category speed. [Figure 5-3] The circling
approach area is the obstacle clearance area for airplanes
maneuvering to land on a runway that does not meet the
criteria for a straight-in approach. The size of the circling
area varies with the approach category of the airplane, as
shown in Figure 5-3. A minimum of 300 feet of obstacle
clearance is provided in the circling segment. Pilots
should remain at or above the circling altitude until the
airplane is continuously in a position from which a
descent to a landing on the intended runway can be made
at a normal rate of descent and using normal maneuvers.
Since an approach category can make a difference in the
approach and weather minimums and, in some cases, prohibit flight crews from initiating an approach, the
approach speed should be calculated and the effects on the
approach determined and briefed in the preflight planning
phase, as well as reviewed prior to commencing an
Most commercial operators dictate standard procedures
for conducting instrument approaches in their FAA
approved manuals. These standards designate company
callouts, flight profiles, configurations, and other
specific duties for each cockpit crewmember during the
conduct of an instrument approach.
Beginning in February 2000, NACO began issuing the
current format for IAPs. This chart was developed by the
Department of Transportation, Volpe National
Transportation Systems Center and is commonly referred
to as the Pilot Briefing Information format. The NACO
Approach Category
Radius (Miles)
Figure 5-3. Construction of Circling Approach Area.
chart format is presented in a logical order, facilitating
pilot briefing of the procedures. [Figure 5-4]
Individual NACO charts are identified on both the top and
the bottom of the page by their procedure name (based on
the NAVAIDs required for the final approach), runway
served, and airport location. The identifier for the airport
is also listed immediately after the airport name, as shown
in Figure 5-5.
There are several types of approach procedures that
may cause some confusion for flight crews unfamiliar with the naming conventions. Although specific
information about each type of approach will be covered later in this chapter, here are a few procedure
names that can cause confusion.
When two or more straight-in approaches with the
same type of guidance exist for a runway, a letter suffix
is added to the title of the approach so that it can be
more easily identified. These approach charts start with
the letter Z and continue in reverse alphabetical order.
For example, consider the RNAV (GPS) Z RWY 13C
and RNAV (RNP) Y RWY 13C approaches at Chicago
Midway International Airport. [Figure 5-6] Although
these two approaches can both be flown with GPS to
the same runway they are significantly different, e.g.,
circling minimums and the other does not; the minimums are different; and the missed approaches are not
the same. The approach procedure labeled Z will have
lower landing minimums than Y (some older charts
may not reflect this). In this example, the LNAV MDA
for the RNAV (GPS) Z RWY 13C has the lowest minimums of either approach due to the differences in the
final approach ROC evaluation. This convention also
eliminates any confusion with approach procedures
labeled A and B, where only circling minimums are
published. The designation of two area navigation
(RNAV) procedures to the same runway can occur
when it is desirable to accommodate panel
mounted global positioning system (GPS)
receivers and flight management systems
(FMSs), both with and without VNAV. It is also
important to note that only one of each type of
approach for a runway, including ILS, VHF
omnidirectional range (VOR), non-directional
beacon (NDB), etc., can be coded into a database.
Approaches that do not have straight-in landing
minimums are identified by the type of approach
followed by a letter. Examples in Figure 5-7 show
four procedure titles at the same airport that have
only circling minimums.
As can be seen from the example, the first approach of
this type created at the airport will be labeled with the
letter A, and the lettering will continue in alphabetical
Figure 5-5. Chart Identification.
Figure 5-4. Pilot Briefing Information NACO Chart Format.
Figure 5-6. Multiple Approaches.
order. Circling-only approaches are normally designed
for one of the following reasons:
• The final approach course alignment with the
runway centerline exceeds 30 degrees.
• The descent gradient is greater than 400 feet per
NM from the FAF to the threshold crossing
height (TCH). When this maximum gradient is
exceeded, the circling only approach procedure
may be designed to meet the gradient criteria limits. This does not preclude a straight-in landing if
a normal descent and landing can be made in
accordance with the applicable CFRs.
VOR distance-measuring equipment (DME) RNAV
approach procedures that use collocated VOR and DME
information to construct RNAV approaches are named
“VOR/DME RNAV RWY XX,” where XX stands for the
runway number for which the approach provides guidance. Sometimes referred to as “station mover”
approaches, these procedures were the first RNAV
approaches issued by the FAA. They enable specific
VOR/DME RNAV equipment to create waypoints on the
final approach path by virtually “moving” the VOR a
specific DME distance along a charted radial. [Figure 5-8]
GPS overlay procedures that are based on pre-existing
nonprecision approaches contain the wording “or GPS”
in the title. For instance, the title “VOR/DME or GPS
A” denotes that throughout the GPS approach, the
underlying ground-based NAVAIDs are not required to
Figure 5-8. VOR/DME RNAV Approach Chart.
Figure 5-7. Procedures without Straight-in Landing Minimums.
be operational and associated aircraft avionics need not
be installed, operational, turned on, or monitored.
[Figure 5-9] Monitoring of the underlying approach is
suggested when equipment is available and functional.
The procedure can be used as a GPS approach or as a
traditional VOR/DME approach and may be requested
using “GPS” or “VOR/DME,” such as “GPS A” for the
VOR/DME or GPS A. As previously mentioned, the
“A” in the title shows that this is a circling approach
without straight-in minimums. Many GPS overlay procedures have been replaced by stand-alone GPS or
RNAV (GPS) procedures.
Stand-alone GPS procedures are not based on any other
procedures, but they may replace other procedures. The
naming convention used for stand-alone GPS
approaches is “GPS RWY XX.” The coding for the
approach in the database does not accommodate multisensor FMSs because these procedures are designed
only to accommodate aircraft using GPS equipment.
These procedures will eventually be converted to
RNAV (GPS) approaches. [Figure 5-10 on page 5-12]
RNAV (GPS) approach procedures have been developed in an effort to accommodate all RNAV systems,
including multi-sensor FMSs used by airlines and
corporate operators. RNAV (GPS) IAPs are authorized as stand-alone approaches for aircraft equipped
with RNAV systems that contain an airborne navigation database and are certified for instrument
approaches. GPS systems require that the coding for a
GPS approach activate the receiver autonomous
integrity monitoring (RAIM) function, which is not a
requirement for other RNAV equipment. The RNAV
procedures are coded with both the identifier for a
GPS approach and the identifier for an RNAV
approach so that both systems can be used. In addition, so that the chart name, air traffic control (ATC)
clearance, and database record all match, the charted
title of these procedures uses both “RNAV” and
“(GPS),” with GPS in parentheses. “GPS” is not
included in the ATC approach clearance for these procedures.
RNP, a refinement of RNAV, is part of a collaborative
effort by the FAA and the aviation industry to develop performance-based procedures. RNP is a statement of the
navigation performance necessary for operation within
defined airspace. RNP includes both performance and
functional requirements, and is indicated by the RNP
value. The RNP value designates the lateral performance
requirement associated with a procedure. A key feature of
Figure 5-9. VOR/DME or GPS A Approach.
RNP is the concept of on-board monitoring and alerting.
This means the navigation equipment is accurate enough
to keep the aircraft in a specific volume of airspace, which
moves along with the aircraft. The aircraft is expected to
remain within this volume of airspace for at least 95 percent of the flight time, and the integrity of the system
ensures the aircraft will do so. The aircraft avionics also
continuously monitor sensor inputs, and through complex
filtering, generate an indication in the level of confidence
in the navigation performance sometimes referred to as
actual navigation performance (ANP). An essential function required for RNP operations is the ability of the system to alert the pilot when the ANP exceeds the requisite
RNP value.
Navigation performance for a particular RNP type is
expressed numerically. Depending on the capability of
each aircraft's system, RNP values can be as low as 0.1 of
a nautical mile. A performance value of RNP 0.3, for
example assures that the aircraft has the capability of
remaining within 0.3 of a nautical mile to the right or left
side of the centerline 95 percent of the time.
The communication strip provided near the top of
NACO approach charts gives flight crews the frequencies that they can expect to be assigned during
the approach. The frequencies are listed in the logical order of use from arrival to touchdown. Having
this information immediately available during the
approach reduces the chances of a loss of contact
between ATC and flight crews during this critical
phase of flight.
It is important for flight crews to understand their
responsibilities with regard to communications in
the various approach environments. There are
numerous differences in communication responsibilities when operating into and out of airports without
air traffic control towers as compared to airports
with control towers. Today’s professional pilots face
an ever-increasing range of ATC environments and
conflicting traffic dangers, making approach
briefing and preplanning even more critical.
Individual company operating manuals and SOPs
dictate the duties for each crewmember.
Advisory Circular 120-71, Standard Operating
Procedures for Flight Deck Crewmembers, contains the
following concerning ATC communications:
Approach control is responsible for controlling all
instrument flights operating within its area of
responsibility. Approach control may serve one or
more airports. Control is exercised primarily through
direct pilot and controller communication and airport surveillance radar (ASR). Prior to arriving at the
IAF, instructions will be received from ARTCC to
ATC Communications: SOPs should state who
handles the radios for each phase of flight (pilot
flying [PF], pilot monitoring [PM], flight engineer/second officer (FE/SO), as follows:
PF makes input to aircraft/autopilot and/or verbally states clearances while PM confirms input
is what he/she read back to ATC.
Any confusion in the flight deck is immediately
cleared up by requesting ATC confirmation.
If any crewmember is off the flight deck, all ATC
instructions are briefed upon his/her return. Or if
any crewmember is off the flight deck all ATC
instructions are written down until his/her return
and then passed to that crewmember upon
return. Similarly, if a crewmember is off ATC frequency (e.g., when making a PA announcement
or when talking on company frequency), all ATC
instructions are briefed upon his/her return.
Company policy should address use of
speakers, headsets, boom mike and/or
hand-held mikes.
Figure 5-10. GPS Stand-alone Approach.
contact approach control on a specified frequency.
Where radar is approved for approach control
service, it is used not only for radar approaches,
but also for vectors in conjunction with published nonradar approaches using conventional NAVAIDs or
When radar handoffs are initiated between the ARTCC
and approach control, or between two approach control
facilities, aircraft are cleared (with vertical separation)
to an outer fix most appropriate to the route being flown
and, if required, given holding instructions. Or, aircraft
are cleared to the airport or to a fix so located that the
handoff will be completed prior to the time the aircraft
reaches the fix. When radar handoffs are used, successive arriving flights may be handed off to approach
control with radar separation in lieu of vertical separation.
After release to approach control, aircraft are vectored
to the final approach course. ATC will occasionally
vector the aircraft across the final approach course for
spacing requirements. The pilot is not expected to turn
inbound on the final approach course unless an
approach clearance has been issued. This clearance will
normally be issued with the final vector for interception of the final approach course, and the vector will
enable the pilot to establish the aircraft on the final
approach course prior to reaching the FAF.
ARTCCs are approved for and may provide approach
control services to specific airports. The radar systems
used by these Centers do not provide the same precision as an ASR or precision approach radar (PAR) used
by approach control facilities and control towers, and
the update rate is not as fast. Therefore, pilots may be
requested to report established on the final approach
course. Whether aircraft are vectored to the appropriate
final approach course or provide their own navigation
on published routes to it, radar service is automatically
terminated when the landing is completed; or when
instructed to change to advisory frequency at airports
without an operating air traffic control tower,
whichever occurs first. When arriving on an IFR flight
plan at an airport with an operating control tower, the
flight plan will be closed automatically upon landing.
The extent of services provided by approach control
varies greatly from location to location. The majority of
Part 121 operations in the NAS use airports that have
radar service and approach control facilities to assist
in the safe arrival and departure of large numbers of
aircraft. Many airports do not have approach control
facilities. It is important for pilots to understand the
differences between approaches with and without an
approach control facility. For example, consider the
Durango, Colorado, ILS DME RWY 2 and low altitude en route chart excerpt, shown in figure 5-11.
• High or lack of minimum vectoring altitudes
(MVAs) – Considering the fact that most modern
commercial and corporate aircraft are capable of
direct, point-to-point flight, it is increasingly
important for pilots to understand the limitations
of ARTCC capabilities with regard to minimum altitudes. There are many airports that
are below the coverage area of Center radar,
and, therefore, off-route transitions into the
approach environment may require that the
aircraft be flown at a higher altitude than
would be required for an on-route transition.
In the Durango example, an airplane approaching from the northeast on a direct route to the
Durango VOR may be restricted to a minimum
IFR altitude (MIA) of 17,000 feet mean sea
level (MSL) due to unavailability of Center radar
coverage in that area at lower altitudes. An
arrival on V95 from the northeast would be able to
descend to a minimum en route altitude (MEA)
of 12,000 feet, allowing a shallower transition
to the approach environment. An off-route
arrival may necessitate a descent in the published holding pattern over the DRO VOR to
avoid an unstable approach into Durango.
• Lack of approach control terrain advisories –
Flight crews must understand that terrain
clearance cannot be assured by ATC when aircraft are operating at altitudes that are not
served by Center or approach radar. Strict
adherence to published routes and minimum
altitudes is necessary to avoid a controlled
flight into terrain (CFIT) accident. Flight
crews should always familiarize themselves
with terrain features and obstacles depicted on
approach charts prior to initiating the approach.
Approaches outside of radar surveillance require
enhanced awareness of this information.
• Lack of approach control traffic advisories – If
radar service is not available for the approach, the
ability of ATC to give flight crews accurate traffic
advisories is greatly diminished. In some cases,
the common traffic advisory frequency (CTAF)
may be the only tool available to enhance an IFR
flight’s awareness of traffic at the destination
airport. Additionally, ATC will not clear an
IFR flight for an approach until the preceding aircraft on the approach has cancelled
IFR, either on the ground, or airborne once in
visual meteorological conditions (VMC).
Towers are responsible for the safe, orderly, and expeditious flow of all traffic that is landing, taking off,
operating on and in the vicinity of an airport and, when
the responsibility has been delegated, tow ers
also provide for the separation of IFR aircraft in
terminal areas. Aircraft that are departing IFR
are integrated into the departure sequence by the
tower. Prior to takeoff, the tower controller
coordinates with departure control to assure
adequate aircraft spacing.
From a communications standpoint, executing an
instrument approach to an airport that is not served by
an ATC tower requires more attention and care than
making a visual approach to that airport. Pilots are
expected to self-announce their arrival into the vicinity
of the airport no later than 10 NM from the field.
Depending on the weather, as well as the amount and
type of conflicting traffic that exists in the area, an
approach to an airport without an operating ATC tower
will increase the difficulty of the transition to visual
flight. In many cases, a flight arriving via an instrument
approach will need to mix in with visual flight rules
(VFR) traffic operating in the vicinity of the field. For
this reason, many companies require that flight crews
make contact with the arrival airport CTAF or company
Figure 5-11. Durango Approach and Low Altitude En Route Chart Excerpt.
operations personnel via a secondary radio over 25 NM
from the field in order to receive traffic advisories. In
addition, pilots should attempt to listen to the CTAF
well in advance of their arrival in order to determine
the VFR traffic situation.
Since separation cannot be provided by ATC between IFR
and VFR traffic when operating in areas where there is no
radar coverage, pilots are expected to make radio
announcements on the CTAF. These announcements
allow other aircraft operating in the vicinity to plan their
departures and arrivals with a minimum of conflicts. In
addition, it is very important for crews to maintain a listening watch on the CTAF to increase their awareness of
the current traffic situation. Flights inbound on an instrument approach to a field without a control tower should
make several self-announced radio calls during the
• Initial call within 5-10 minutes of the aircraft’s
arrival at the IAF. This call should give the aircraft’s location as well as the crew’s approach
• Departing the IAF, stating the approach that is
being initiated.
• Procedure turn (or equivalent) inbound.
• FAF inbound, stating intended landing runway
and maneuvering direction if circling.
• Short final, giving traffic on the surface notification of imminent landing.
When operating on an IFR flight plan at an airport
without a functioning control tower, pilots must initiate cancellation of the IFR flight plan with ATC or an
AFSS. Remote communications outlets (RCOs) or
ground communications outlets (GCOs), if available,
can be used to contact an ARTCC or an AFSS after
landing. If a frequency is not available on the ground,
the pilot has the option to cancel IFR while in flight if
VFR conditions can be maintained while in contact
with ARTCC, as long as those conditions can be maintained until landing. Additionally, pilots can relay a
message through another aircraft or contact flight
service via telephone.
Most conventional approach procedures are built
around a primary final approach NAVAID; others, such
as RNAV (GPS) approaches, are not. If a primary
NAVAID exists for an approach, it should be included
in the IAP briefing, set into the appropriate backup or
active navigation radio, and positively identified at
some point prior to being used for course guidance.
Adequate thought should be given to the appropriate
transition point for changing from FMS or other en
route navigation over to the conventional navigation to
be used on the approach. Specific company standards
and procedures normally dictate when this changeover
occurs; some carriers are authorized to use FMS course
guidance throughout the approach, provided that an
indication of the conventional navigation guidance is
available and displayed. Many carriers, or specific
carrier fleets, are required to change over from
RNAV to conventional navigation prior to the FAF
of an instrument approach.
Depending on the complexity of the approach procedure, pilots may have to brief the transition from an
initial NAVAID to the primary and missed approach
NAVAIDs. Figure 5-12 shows the Cheyenne,
Wyoming, ILS Runway 27 approach procedure,
which requires additional consideration during an
IAP briefing.
If the 15 DME arc of the CYS VOR is to be used as the
transition to this ILS approach procedure, caution must
be paid to the transition from en route navigation to the
initial NAVAID and then to the primary NAVAID for
the ILS approach. Planning when the transition to each
of these NAVAIDs occurs may prevent the use of the
incorrect NAVAID for course guidance during
approaches where high pilot workloads already exist.
The navigation equipment that is required to join and fly
an instrument approach procedure is indicated by the title
of the procedure and notes on the chart. Straight-in IAPs
are identified by the navigation system by providing the
final approach guidance and the runway with which the
approach is aligned (for example, VOR RWY 13).
Circling-only approaches are identified by the navigation
system by providing final approach guidance and a letter
(for example, VOR A). More than one navigation system
separated by a slant indicates that more than one type of
equipment must be used to execute the final approach (for
example, VOR/DME RWY 31). More than one navigation system separated by the word “or” indicates either
type of equipment can be used to execute the final
approach (for example, VOR or GPS RWY 15).
In some cases, other types of navigation systems, including radar, are required to execute other portions of the
approach or to navigate to the IAF (for example, an NDB
procedure turn to an ILS, or an NDB in the missed
approach, or radar required to join the procedure or identify a fix). When ATC radar or other equipment is required
for procedure entry from the en route environment, a note
is charted in the planview of the approach procedure chart
(for example, RADAR REQUIRED or ADF
REQUIRED). When radar or other equipment is required
on portions of the procedure outside the final approach
segment, including the missed approach, a note is charted
in the notes box of the pilot briefing portion of the
approach chart (for example, RADAR REQUIRED or
DME REQUIRED). Notes are not charted when VOR is
required outside the final approach segment. Pilots should
ensure that the aircraft is equipped with the required
NAVAIDs to execute the approach, including the missed
An aircraft that has been cleared to a holding fix and
subsequently “cleared…approach,” normally does not
receive new routing. Even though clearance for the
approach may have been issued prior to the aircraft
reaching the holding fix, ATC would expect the pilot to
proceed via the holding fix which was the last assigned
route, and the feeder route associated with that fix, if a
feeder route is published on the approach chart, to the
IAF to commence the approach. When cleared for the
approach, the published off-airway (feeder) routes that
lead from the en route structure to the IAF are part of
the approach clearance.
If a feeder route to an IAF begins at a fix located along
the route of flight prior to reaching the holding fix, and
clearance for an approach is issued, a pilot should commence the approach via the published feeder route; for
example, the aircraft would not be expected to overfly
the feeder route and return to it. The pilot is expected to
commence the approach in a similar manner at the IAF,
if the IAF for the procedure is located along the route
of flight to the holding fix.
If a route of flight directly to the IAF is desired, it
should be so stated by the controller with phraseology
to include the words “direct,” “proceed direct,” or a
similar phrase that the pilot can interpret without question. When a pilot is uncertain of the clearance, ATC
should be queried immediately as to what route of
flight is preferred.
The name of an instrument approach, as published, is
used to identify the approach, even if a component of
the approach aid is inoperative or unreliable. The controller will use the name of the approach as published,
but must advise the aircraft at the time an approach
clearance is issued that the inoperative or unreliable
approach aid component is unusable. (Example:
“Cleared ILS RWY 4, glide slope unusable.”)
Figure 5-12. Cheyenne (KCYS), Cheyenne, Wyoming, ILS or LOC RWY 27.
RNAV (GPS) approach procedures introduce their own
tracking issues because they are flown using an
onboard navigation database. They may be flown as
coupled approaches or flown manually. In either case,
navigation system coding is based on procedure design,
including waypoint (WP) sequencing for an approach
and missed approach. The procedure design will indicate whether the WP is a fly-over or fly-by, and will
provide appropriate guidance for each. A fly-by (FB)
waypoint requires the use of turn anticipation to avoid
overshooting the next flight segment. A fly-over (FO)
waypoint precludes any turn until the waypoint is overflown, and is followed by either an intercept maneuver
of the next flight segment or direct flight to the next
Approach waypoints, except for the missed approach
waypoint (MAWP) and the missed approach holding
waypoint (MAHWP), are normally fly-by waypoints.
Notice that in the planview for figure 5-13 there are five
fly-by waypoints, but only the circled waypoint symbols at RWY 13 and SMITS are fly-over waypoints. If
flying manually to a selected RNAV waypoint, pilots
should anticipate the turn at a fly-by waypoint to ensure
a smooth transition and avoid overshooting the next
flight segment. Alternatively, for a fly-over waypoint,
no turn is accomplished until the aircraft passes the
There are circumstances when a waypoint may be
coded into the database as both a FB WP and a FO WP,
depending on how the waypoints are sequenced during
the approach procedure. For example, a waypoint that
serves as an IAF may be coded as a FB WP for the
approach and as a FO WP when it also serves as the
MAHWP for the missed approach procedure.
Prescribed altitudes may be depicted in four different
configurations: minimum, maximum, recommended,
and mandatory. The U.S. Government distributes
Figure 5-13. Fly-over and Fly-by Waypoints.
approach charts produced by the National Geospatial-
Intelligence Agency (NGA) and NACO. Altitudes are
depicted on these charts in the profile view with underscore, overscore, or both to identify them as minimum,
maximum, or mandatory, respectively.
• Minimum altitudes are depicted with the altitude
value underscored. Aircraft are required to maintain altitude at or above the depicted value.
• Maximum altitudes are depicted with the altitude
value overscored. Aircraft are required to maintain altitude at or below the depicted value.
• Mandatory altitudes are depicted with the altitude
value both underscored and overscored. Aircraft
are required to maintain altitude at the depicted
• Recommended altitudes are depicted without an
underscore or overscore.
NOTE: The underscore and overscore used to
identify mandatory altitudes and overscore to
identify maximum altitudes are used almost
exclusively by the NGA for military charts.
Pilots are cautioned to adhere to altitudes as prescribed because, in certain instances, they may
be used as the basis for vertical separation of
aircraft by ATC. When a depicted altitude is
specified in the ATC clearance, that altitude
becomes mandatory as defined above.
Minimum safe altitudes (MSAs) are published for
emergency use on IAP charts. For conventional navigation systems, the MSA is normally based on the
primary omnidirectional facility on which the IAP is
predicated. The MSA depiction on the approach chart
contains the facility identifier of the NAVAID used to
determine the MSA. For RNAV approaches, the MSA is
based on either the runway waypoint (RWY WP) or the
missed approach waypoint (MAWP) for straight-in
approaches, or the airport waypoint (APT WP) for circling only approaches. For RNAV (GPS) approaches
with a terminal arrival area (TAA) the MSA is based on
the IAF waypoint.
MSAs are expressed in feet above MSL and normally
have a 25 NM radius. This radius may be expanded to
30 NM if necessary to encompass the airport landing
surfaces. Ideally, a single sector altitude is established
and depicted on the planview of approach charts. When
necessary to maintain clearance from obstructions, the
area may be further sectored and as many as four MSAs
established. When established, sectors may be no less
than 90°in spread. MSAs provide 1,000 feet clearance
over all obstructions but do not necessarily assure
acceptable navigation signal coverage.
Another important altitude that should be briefed
during an IAP briefing is the FAF altitude, designated
by the cross on a nonprecision approach, and the lightning bolt symbol designating the glide slope intercept
altitude on a precision approach. Adherence to and
crosscheck of this altitude can have a direct effect on
the success of an approach.
Proper airspeed, altitude, and configuration, when
crossing the FAF of a nonprecision approach, are
extremely important no matter what type of aircraft is
being flown. The stabilized approach concept, implemented by the FAA within the SOPs of each air carrier,
suggests that crossing the FAF at the published altitude
is often a critical component of a successful nonprecision approach, especially in a large turbojet
The glide slope intercept altitude of a precision
approach should also be included in the IAP briefing.
Awareness of this altitude when intercepting the glide
slope can ensure the flight crew that a “false glide
slope” or other erroneous indication is not inadvertently followed. Many air carriers include a standard
callout when the aircraft passes over the FAF of the
nonprecision approach underlying the ILS. The pilot
monitoring (PM) states the name of the fix and the
charted glide slope altitude, thus allowing both pilots to
crosscheck their respective altimeters and verify the
correct indications.
MDA and DA are referenced to MSL and measured
with a barometric altimeter. CAT II and III
approach DHs are referenced to AGL and measured
with a radio altimeter.
The height above touchdown (HAT) for a CAT I
precision approach is normally 200 feet above
touchdown zone elevation (TDZE). When a HAT of
250 feet or higher is published, it may be the result
of the signal-in-space coverage, or there may be
penetrations of either the final or missed approach
obstacle clearance surfaces (OCSs). If there are
OCS penetrations, the pilot will have no indication
on the approach chart where the obstacles are
located. It is important for pilots to brief the MDA,
DA, or DH so that there is no ambiguity as to what
minimums are being used. These altitudes can be
restricted by many factors. Approach category,
inoperative equipment in the aircraft or on the
ground, crew qualifications, and company authorizations
are all examples of issues that may limit or change the
height of a published MDA, DA, or DH.
The primary authorization for the use of specific
approach minimums by an individual air carrier can be
found in Part C–Airplane Terminal Instrument
Procedures, Airport Authorizations and Limitations, of
its FAA approved OpsSpecs. This document lists the
lowest authorized landing minimums that the carrier
can use while conducting instrument approaches.
Figure 5-14 shows an example of a carrier’s OpsSpecs
that lists minimum authorized MDAs and visibilities
for nonprecision approaches.
Figure 5-14. Authorized Landing Minimums for Nonprecision Approaches.
As can be seen from the previous example, the
OpsSpecs of this company rarely restrict it from using
the published MDA for a nonprecision approach. In
other words, most, if not all, nonprecision approaches
that pilots for this company fly have published MDAs
that meet or exceed its lowest authorized minimums.
Therefore the published minimums are the limiting factor in these cases.
For many air carriers, OpsSpecs may be the limiting
factor for some types of approaches. NDB and circling
approaches are two common examples where the
OpsSpecs minimum listed altitudes may be more
restrictive than the published minimums. Many Part
121 and 135 operators are restricted from conducting
circling approaches below 1,000-feet MDA and 3 SM
visibility by Part C of their OpsSpecs, and many have
specific visibility criteria listed for NDB approaches
that exceed visibilities published for the approach
(commonly 2 SM). In these cases, flight crews must
determine which is the more restrictive of the two and
comply with those minimums.
In some cases, flight crew qualifications can be
the limiting factor for the MDA, DA, or DH for an
instrument approach. There are many CAT II and
III approach procedures authorized at airports
throughout the U.S., but Special Aircraft and
Aircrew Authorization Requirements (SAAAR)
restrict their use to pilots who have received specific
training, and aircraft that are equipped and authorized to conduct those approaches. Other rules pertaining to flight crew qualifications can also
determine the lowest usable MDA, DA, or DH for
a specific approach. Parts 121.652, 125.379, and
135.225 require that some pilots-in-command,
with limited experience in the aircraft they are
operating, increase the approach minimums and
visibility by 100 feet and one-half mile respectively. Rules for these “high-minimums” pilots
are usually derived from a combination of federal regulations and the company’s OpsSpecs.
There are many factors that can determine the actual
minimums that can be used for a specific approach.
All of them must be considered by pilots during the
preflight and approach planning phases, discussed,
and briefed appropriately.
One of the advantages of some GPS and multi-sensor FMS RNAV avionics is the advisory VNAV
capability. Traditionally, the only way to get vertical path information during an approach was to use
a ground-based precision NAVAID. Modern RNAV
avionics can display an electronic vertical path that
provides a constant-rate descent to minimums.
Since these systems are advisory and not primary
guidance, the pilot must continuously ensure the
aircraft remains at or above any published altitude
constraint, including step-down fix altitudes, using
the primary barometric altimeter. The pilots, airplane, and operator must be approved to use advisory VNAV inside the FAF on an instrument
VNAV information appears on selected conventional nonprecision, GPS, and RNAV approaches
(see Types of Approaches later in this chapter). It
normally consists of two fixes (the FAF and the
landing runway threshold), a FAF crossing altitude,
a vertical descent angle (VDA), and may provide a
visual descent point (VDP). [Figure 5-15] The published VDA is for information only, advisory in
nature, and provides no additional obstacle protection below the MDA. Operators can be approved to
add a height loss value to the MDA, and use this
derived decision altitude (DDA) to ensure staying
above the MDA. Operators authorized to use a
VNAV DA in lieu of the MDA must commence a
missed approach immediately upon reaching the
VNAV DA if the required visual references to continue the approach have not been established.
A constant-rate descent has many safety advantages
over nonprecision approaches that require multiple
level-offs at stepdown fixes or manually calculating
rates of descent. A stabilized approach can be maintained from the FAF to the landing when a constantrate descent is used. Additionally, the use of an
electronic vertical path produced by onboard avionics can serve to reduce CFIT, and minimize the
effects of visual illusions on approach and landing.
In addition to the benefits that VNAV information provides for conventional nonprecision approaches,
VNAV has a significant effect on approaches that are
designed specifically for RNAV systems. Using an
FMS or GPS that can provide both lateral navigation
(LNAV) and VNAV, some RNAV approaches allow
descents to lower MDAs or DAs than when using
LNAV alone. The introduction of the Wide Area
Augmentation System (WAAS), which became operational on July 10, 2003, provides even lower minimums for RNAV approaches that use GPS by
providing electronic vertical guidance and increased
The Wide Area Augmentation System, as its name
implies, augments the basic GPS satellite constellation with additional ground stations and enhanced
position integrity information transmitted from
geostationary satellites. This capability of augmentation enhances both the accuracy and integrity of
basic GPS, and may support electronic vertical
guidance approach minimums as low as 200 feet
HAT and 1/2 SM visibility. In order to achieve the
lowest minimums, the requirements of an entire
electronic vertical guidance system, including
satellite availability; clear obstruction surfaces; AC
150/5300-13, Airport Design; and electronic vertical guidance runway and airport requirements,
must be satisfied. The minimums are shown as DAs
since electronically computed glidepath guidance
is provided to the pilot. The electronically computed
guidance eliminates errors that can be introduced
when using barometric altimetry.
RNAV (GPS) approach charts presently can have up to
four lines of approach minimums: LPV, LNAV/VNAV,
LNAV, and Circling. Figure 5-16 shows how these minimums might be presented on an approach chart, with
the exception of GLS.
• GLS — The acronym GLS stands for The Global
Navigation Satellite System [GNSS] Landing
System (GLS). GLS is a satellite based navigation system that provides course and glidepath
information meeting the precision standards of
ICAO Annex 10. Procedures based on the local
area augmentation system (LAAS) will be
charted separately under the GLS title as these
systems are implemented.
NOTE: On RNAV approach charts the GLS minima line has been used as a placeholder only. As
WAAS procedures are developed, LPV lines of
minima will replace the “GLS DA-NA” lines of
• LPV — APV minimums that take advantage of
WAAS to provide electronic lateral and vertical
guidance capability. The term “LPV” (localizer
performance with vertical guidance) is used for
approaches constructed with WAAS criteria
where the value for the vertical alarm limit is
more than 12 meters and less than 50 meters.
WAAS avionics equipment approved for LPV
approaches is required for this type of approach.
The lateral guidance is equivalent to localizer
accuracy, and the protected area is considerably
smaller than the protected area for the present
LNAV and LNAV/VNAV lateral protection.
Aircraft can fly this minima line with a statement
in the Aircraft Flight Manual that the installed
equipment supports LPV approaches. Notice the
WAAS information shown in the top left corner
of the pilot briefing information on the chart
depicted. Below the term WAAS is the WAAS
channel number (CH 50102), and the WAAS
approach identifier (W17A), indicating Runway
17R in this case, and then a letter to designate the
first in a series of procedures to that runway.
• LNAV/VNAV — APV minimums used by aircraft with RNAV equipment that provides both
Figure 5-15. VNAV Information.
lateral and vertical information in the approach
environment, including WAAS avionics approved
for LNAV/VNAV approaches, certified barometric-VNAV (Baro-VNAV) systems with an IFR
approach approved GPS, or certified Baro-VNAV
systems with an IFR approach approved WAAS
TION section for temperature limits on Baro-
VNAV). Many RNAV systems that have RNP 0.3
or less approach capability are specifically
approved in the Aircraft Flight Manual. Airplanes
that are commonly approved in these types of
operations include Boeing 737NG, 767, and 777,
as well as the Airbus A300 series. Landing minimums are shown as DAs because the approaches
are flown using an electronic glidepath. Other
Figure 5-16. RNAV (GPS) Electronic Vertical Guidance Approach Minima.
RNAV systems require special approval. In some
cases, the visibility minimums for LNAV/VNAV
might be greater than those for LNAV only. This
situation occurs because DA on the LNAV/VNAV
vertical descent path is farther away from the runway threshold than the LNAV MDA missed
approach point.
• LNAV — minimums provided for RNAV
systems that do not produce any VNAV
information. IFR approach approved GPS,
WAAS, or RNP 0.3 systems are required.
Because vertical guidance is not provided,
the procedure minimum altitude is published as an MDA. These minimums are
used in the same manner as conventional
nonprecision approach minimums. Other
RNAV systems require special approval.
• Circling — minimums that may be used with any
type of approach approved RNAV equipment
when publication of straight-in approach minimums is not possible.
The operational advantages of RNP include accuracy
and integrity monitoring, which provide more precision and lower minimums than conventional RNAV.
RNP DAs can be as low as 250 feet with visibilities as
low as 3/4 SM. Besides lower minimums, the benefits
of RNP include improved obstacle clearance limits, as
well as reduced pilot workload. When RNP-capable
aircraft fly an accurate, repeatable path, ATC can be
confident that these aircraft will be at a specific position, thus maximizing safety and increasing capacity.
To attain the benefits of RNP approach procedures, a
key component is curved flight tracks. Constant radius
turns around a fix are called “radius-to-fix legs,” or RF
legs. These turns, which are encoded into the navigation database, allow the aircraft to avoid critical areas
of terrain or conflicting airspace while preserving positional accuracy by maintaining precise, positive course
guidance along the curved track. The introduction of
RF legs into the design of terminal RNAV procedures
results in improved use of airspace and allows procedures to be developed to and from runways that are otherwise limited to traditional linear flight paths or, in
some cases, not served by an IFR procedure at all.
Navigation systems with RF capability are a prerequisite to flying a procedure that includes an RF leg. Refer
to the notes box of the pilot briefing portion of the
approach chart in figure 5-17.
In the United States, all RNP procedures are in the category of Special Aircraft and Aircrew Authorization
Required (SAAAR). Operators who seek to take advan-
tage of RNP approach procedures must meet the special RNP requirements outlined in FAA AC 90-101,
Approval Guidance for RNP Procedures with SAAAR.
Currently, most new transport category airplanes
receive an airworthiness approval for RNP operations.
However, differences can exist in the level of precision
that each system is qualified to meet. Each individual
operator is responsible for obtaining the necessary
approval and authorization to use these instrument
flight procedures with navigation databases.
Like any other authorization given to air carriers and Part
91 operators, the authorization to use VNAV on a conventional nonprecision approach, RNAV approaches, or
LNAV/VNAV approaches is found in that operator’s
OpsSpecs, AFM, or other FAA-approved documents.
There are many different levels of authorizations when
it comes to the use of RNAV approach systems. The
type of equipment installed in the aircraft, the redundancy of that equipment, its operational status, the level
of flight crew training, and the level of the operator’s
FAA authorization are all factors that can affect a
pilot’s ability to use VNAV information on an
Because most Part 121, 125, 135, and 91 flight departments include RNAV approach information in their
pilot training programs, a flight crew considering an
approach to North Platte, Nebraska, using the RNAV
(GPS) RWY 30 approach shown in figure 5-18, would
already know which minimums they were authorized
to use. The company’s OpsSpecs, Flight Operations
Manual, and the AFM for the pilot’s aircraft would
dictate the specific operational conditions and
procedures by which this type of approach could
be flown.
There are several items of note that are specific to this
type of approach that should be considered and briefed.
One is the terminal arrival area (TAA) that is displayed in the approach planview. TAAs, discussed later
in this chapter, depict the boundaries of specific arrival
areas, and the MIA for those areas. The TAAs should
be included in an IAP briefing in the same manner as
any other IFR transition altitude. It is also important to
note that the altitudes listed in the TAAs should be
referenced in place of the MSAs on the approach
chart for use in emergency situations.
In addition to the obvious differences contained in the
planview of the previous RNAV (GPS) approach procedure example, pilots should be aware of the issues
related to Baro-VNAV and RNP. The notes section of
the procedure in the example contains restrictions
relating to these topics.
RNP values for each individual leg
of the procedure, defined by the
procedure design criteria for
containment purposes, are
encoded into the aircraft's navigation database. Applicable landing
minimums are shown in a normal
manner along with the associated
RNP value in the landing
minimums section. When more
than one set of RNP landing
minimums is available and an
aircrew is able to achieve lower
RNP through approved means, the
available (multiple) sets of RNP
minimums are listed with the
lowest set shown first; remaining
sets shown in ascending order,
based on the RNP value.
On this particular procedure, lateral and vertical course
guidance from the DA to the Runway Waypoint (Landing
Threshold Point or LTP) is provided by the aircraft's FMS
and onboard navigation database; however, any continued
flight beyond and below the DA to the landing threshold is to
be conducted under visual meteorological conditions
RNP-required sensors, FMS capabilities, and relevant
procedure notes are included in the Pilot Briefing
Information procedure notes section.
RNP SAAAR requirements are
highlighted in large, bold print.
RNP procedures are sequenced in the
same manner as RNAV (GPS) procedures.
Procedure title “RNAV” includes
parenthetical “(RNP)” terminology.
RF legs can be used in any segment of the
procedure (transition, intermediate, final, or
missed approach). RF leg turn directions (left or
right) are not noted in the planview because the
graphic depiction of the flight tracks is intuitive.
Likewise, the arc center points, arc radius, and
associated RF leg performance limits—such as
bank angles and speeds—are not depicted
because these aircraft performance characteristics are encoded in the navigation database.
Figure 5-17. RNAV (RNP) Approach Procedure with Curved Flight Tracks.
Baro-VNAV avionics provide advisory VNAV path
indications to the pilot referencing a procedure’s
vertical path angle (VPA). The computer calculated
vertical guidance is based on barometric altitude,
and is either computed as a geometric path between
two waypoints or an angle from a single waypoint. If
a flight crew is authorized to conduct VNAV
approaches using an RNAV system that falls into this
category, the Baro-VNAV temperature limitations
listed in the notes section of the approach procedure
apply. Also, since Baro-VNAV is advisory guidance,
the pilot must continuously crosscheck the primary
barometric altimeter to ensure compliance with all
altitude restrictions on an instrument procedure.
Figure 5-18. North Platte Regional (KLBF), North Platte, Nebraska, RNAV (GPS) RWY 30.
Considering the pronounced effect of cold temperatures on Baro-VNAV operations, a minimum
temperature limitation is published for each
procedure for which Baro-VNAV minimums are
published. This temperature represents the airport
temperature below which the use of Baro-VNAV
is not authorized to the LNAV/VNAV DA. The
note “Baro-VNAV NA below -20°C (-4°F)”
implies that the approach may not be flown at all
using Baro-VNAV when the temperature is below
-20° Celsius. However, Baro-VNAV may be used
for approach guidance down to the published
LNAV MDA. This information can be seen in the
notes section of the previous example.
In the example for the RNAV (GPS) RWY 30
approach, the note “DME/DME RNP-0.3 NA” prohibits aircraft that use only DME/DME sensors for
RNAV from conducting the approach.
Because these procedures can be flown with an
approach approved RNP system and “RNP” is not sensor specific, it was necessary to add this note to make it
clear that those aircraft deriving RNP 0.3 using
DME/DME only are not authorized to conduct the procedure.
The lowest performing sensor authorized for RNP navigation is DME/DME. The necessary DME NAVAID
ground infrastructure may or may not be available at
the airport of intended landing. The procedure designer
has a computer program for determining the usability
of DME based on geometry and coverage. Where FAA
Flight Inspection successfully determines that the coverage and accuracy of DME facilities support RNP, and
that the DME signal meets inspection tolerances,
although there are none currently published, the note
“DME/DME RNP 0.3 Authorized” would be charted.
Where DME facility availability is a factor, the note
would read, “DME/DME RNP 0.3 Authorized; ABC
and XYZ required,” meaning that ABC and XYZ DME
facilities are required to assure RNP 0.3.
Another important piece of a thorough approach
briefing is the discussion of the airport and runway
environment. A detailed examination of the runway
length (this must include the Airport/Facility
Directory for the landing distance available), the
intended turnoff taxiway, and the route of taxi to the
parking area, are all important briefing items. In
addition, runway conditions should be discussed.
The effect on the aircraft’s performance must be
considered if the runway is wet or contaminated.
NACO approach charts include a runway sketch on each
approach chart to make important airport information
easily accessible to pilots. In addition, at airports that
have complex runway/taxiway configurations, a separate full-page airport diagram will be published.
The airport diagram also includes the latitude/longitude
information required for initial programming of FMS
equipment. The included latitude/longitude grid shows
the specific location of each parking area on the airport
surface for use in initializing FMSs. Figure 5-19 shows
the airport sketch and diagram for Chicago-O’Hare
International Airport.
Pilots making approaches to airports that have this type
of complex runway and taxiway configuration must
ensure that they are familiar with the airport diagram
prior to initiating an instrument approach. A combination of poor weather, high traffic volume, and high
ground controller workload makes the pilot’s job on the
ground every bit as critical as the one just performed in
the air.
A thorough instrument approach briefing greatly
increases the likelihood of a successful instrument
approach. Most Part 121, 125, and 135 operators designate specific items to be included in an IAP briefing, as
well as the order in which those items will be briefed.
Before an IAP briefing can begin, flight crews must
decide which procedure is most likely to be flown from
the information that is available to them. Most often,
when the flight is being conducted into an airport that
has ATIS information, the ATIS will provide the pilots
with the approaches that are in use. If more than one
approach is in use, the flight crew may have to make an
educated guess as to which approach will be issued to
them based on the weather, direction of their arrival
into the area, any published airport NOTAMs, and previous experience at the specific airport. If the crew is in
contact with the approach control facility, they can
query ATC as to which approach is to be expected from
the controller. Pilots may request specific approaches
to meet the individual needs of their equipment or
regulatory restrictions at any time and ATC will, in
most cases, be able to accommodate those requests,
providing that workload and traffic permit.
If the flight is operating into an airport without a control tower, the flight crew will occasionally be given the
choice of any available instrument approach at the field.
In these cases, the flight crew must choose an appropriate approach based on the expected weather, aircraft
performance, direction of arrival, airport NOTAMs,
and previous experience at the airport.
Once the anticipated approach and runway have been
selected, each crewmember sets up their “side” of the
cockpit. The pilots use information gathered from
ATIS, dispatch (if available), ATC, the specific
approach chart for the approach selected, and any other
Figure 5-19. Airport Sketch and Diagram for Chicago-O’Hare International.
sources that are available. Company regulations dictate
how certain things are set up and others are left up to
pilot technique. In general, the techniques used at a
specific company are similar. This section addresses
two-pilot operations. During single-pilot IFR flights,
the same items must be set up and the pilot should still
do an approach briefing to verify that everything is set
up correctly.
The number of items that can be set up ahead of
time depends on the level of automation of the aircraft and the avionics available. In a conventional
cockpit, the only things that can be set up, in
general, are the airspeed bugs (based on performance
calculations), altimeter bug (to DA, DH, or MDA),
go around thrust/power setting, the radio altimeter
bug (if installed and needed for the approach), and
the navigation/communication radios (if a standby
frequency selector is available). The standby side
of the PF navigation radio should be set to the
primary NAVAID for the approach and the PM
navigation radio standby selector should be set to
any other NAVAIDs that are required or available,
and as dictated by company procedures, to add to
the overall situational awareness of the crew. The
automatic direction finder (ADF) should also be
tuned to an appropriate frequency as required by
the approach, or as selected by the crew.
In addition to the items that are available on a conventional cockpit aircraft, glass-cockpit aircraft, as well as
aircraft with an approved RNAV (GPS) system, usually
give the crew the ability to set the final approach course
for the approach selected and many other options to
increase situational awareness. Crews of FMS
equipped aircraft have many options available as far as
setting up the flight management computer (FMC),
depending on the type of approach and company
procedures. The PF usually programs the FMC for
the approach and the PM verifies the information.
A menu of available approaches is usually available
to select from based on the destination airport
programmed at the beginning of the flight or a
new destination selected while en route.
The amount of information provided for the
approach varies from aircraft to aircraft, but the
crew can make modifications if something is not
pre-programmed into the computer, such as adding
a missed approach procedure or even building an
entire approach for situational awareness purposes
only. The PF can also program a VNAV profile for
the descent and LNAV for segments that were not
programmed during preflight, such as a standard
terminal arrival route (STAR) or expected route to
the planned approach. Any crossing restrictions for
the STAR might need to be programmed as well.
The most common crossing restrictions, whether
mandatory or “to be expected,” are usually automatically programmed when the STAR is selected,
but can be changed by ATC at any time. Other items
that need to be set up are dictated by aircraft-specific procedures, such as autopilot, auto-throttles,
auto-brakes, pressurization system, fuel system,
seat belt signs, anti-icing/de-icing equipment,
igniters, etc.
In general, an autopilot can be used to fly approaches
even if the FMC is inoperative (refer to the specific
airplane’s minimum equipment list [MEL] to determine authorization for operating with the FMC
inoperative). Whether or not the FMC is available,
use of the autopilot should be discussed during the
approach briefing, especially regarding the use of the
altitude pre-selector and auto-throttles, if equipped.
The AFM for the specific airplane outlines procedures and limitations required for the use of the
autopilot during an instrument approach in that
There are just as many different autopilot modes to
climb or descend the airplane, as there are terms for
these modes (ex. Level Change [LVL CHG], Vertical
Speed [V/S], VNAV, Takeoff/Go Around [TO/GA],
etc.). The pilot controls the airplane through the
autopilot by selecting pitch modes and/or roll
modes, as well as the associated auto-throttle modes.
This panel, sometimes called a mode control panel,
is normally accessible to both pilots. Most aircraft
with sophisticated auto-flight systems and autothrottles have the capability to select modes that
climb the airplane with maximum climb thrust and
descend the airplane with the throttles at idle (LVL
CHG, Flight Level Change [FL CHG], Manage
Level, etc.). They also have the capability to
“capture,” or level off at pre-selected altitudes, as
well as track a LOC and glide slope (G/S) or a VOR
course. If the airplane is RNAV equipped, the autopilot
will also track the RNAV generated course. Most of
these modes will be used at some point during an
instrument approach using the autopilot.
Additionally, these modes can be used to provide
flight director (FD) guidance to the pilot while
hand-flying the aircraft.
For the purposes of this precision approach example,
the auto-throttles are engaged when the autopilot is
engaged and specific airspeed and configuration
changes will not be discussed. The PF controls
airspeed with the speed selector on the mode control panel and calls for flaps and landing gear as
needed, which the PM will select. The example in
figure 5-20 begins with the airplane 5 NM northwest
of BROWN at 4,500 feet with the autopilot engaged,
and the flight has been cleared to track the Rwy 12
LOC inbound. The current roll mode is LOC with
the PF’s NAV radio tuned to the LOC frequency of
109.3; and the current pitch mode is altitude hold
(ALT HOLD). Approach control clears the airplane
for the approach. The PF makes no immediate
change to the autopilot mode to prevent the aircraft
from capturing a false glide slope; but the PM resets
the altitude selector to 2,200 feet. The aircraft will
remain level because the pitch mode remains in ALT
HOLD until another pitch mode is selected. Upon
reaching BROWN, the PF selects LVL CHG as the
pitch mode. The auto-throttles retard to idle as the
Figure 5-20. Example Approaches Using Autopilot.
airplane begins a descent. Approaching 2,200 feet,
the pitch mode automatically changes to altitude
acquire (ALT ACQ) then to ALT HOLD as the
airplane levels at 2,200 feet. In addition to slowing the airplane and calling for configuration
changes, the PF selects approach mode (APP). The
roll mode continues to track the LOC and the pitch
mode remains in ALT HOLD; however, the G/S
mode arms. Selecting APP once the aircraft has
leveled at the FAF altitude is a suggested technique
to ensure that the airplane captures the glide slope
from below, and that a false glide slope is not being
The PF should have the aircraft fully configured for
landing before intercepting the glide slope to ensure a
stabilized approach. As the airplane intercepts the glide
slope, the pitch mode changes to G/S. Once the glide
slope is “captured” by the autopilot, the PM can select
the missed approach altitude in the altitude pre-selector, as requested by the PF. The airplane will continue
to track the glide slope. The minimum altitude at which
the PF is authorized to disconnect the autopilot is
airplane specific (Example, 50 feet below DA, DH,
or MDA but not less than 50 feet AGL). The PF can
disconnect the autopilot at any time prior to reaching
this altitude during a CAT I approach. The initial
missed approach is normally hand flown with flight
director guidance unless both autopilots are engaged
for autoland during a CAT II or III approach.
The differences when flying the underlying nonprecision approach begin when the aircraft has leveled off
at 2,200 feet. Once ALT HOLD is annunciated the
MDA is selected by the PM as requested by the PF. It
is extremely important for both pilots to be
absolutely sure that the correct altitude is selected
for the MDA so that the airplane will not inadvertently descend below the MDA. For aircraft that the
altitude pre-selector can only select 100-foot increments, the MDA for this approach must be set at 800
feet instead of 740 feet.
Vertical speed mode is used from the FAF inbound
to allow for more precise control of the descent. If
the pilots had not selected the MDA in the altitude
pre-selector window, the PF would not be able to
input a V/S and the airplane would remain level. The
autopilot mode will change from ALT ACQ to ALT
HOLD as the airplane levels at 800 feet. Once ALT
HOLD is annunciated, the PF calls for the missed
approach altitude of 4,000 feet to be selected in the
altitude pre-selector window. This step is very
important because accurate FD guidance will not be
available to the PF during a missed approach if the
MDA is left in the window.
NOTE: See Maximum Acceptable Descent Rates
under the heading Descent Rates and Glidepaths for
Nonprecision Approaches.
In instrument meteorological conditions (IMC), you
must continuously evaluate instrument information
throughout an approach to properly maneuver the
aircraft (or monitor autopilot performance) and to
decide on the proper course of action at the decision
point (DA, DH, or MAP). Significant speed and configuration changes during an approach can seriously
degrade situational awareness and complicate the
decision of the proper action to take at the decision
point. The swept wing handling characteristics at
low airspeeds and slow engine-response of many turbojets further complicate pilot tasks during approach
and landing operations. You must begin to form a
decision concerning the probable success of an
approach before reaching the decision point. Your
decision-making process requires you to be able to
determine displacements from the course or glidepath centerline, to mentally project the aircraft’s
three-dimensional flight path by referring to flight
instruments, and then apply control inputs as necessary to achieve and maintain the desired approach
path. This process is simplified by maintaining a
constant approach speed, descent rate, vertical flight
path, and configuration during the final stages of an
approach. This is referred to as the stabilized
approach concept.
A stabilized approach is essential for safe turbojet
operations and commercial turbojet operators must
establish and use procedures that result in stabilized
approaches. A stabilized approach is also strongly
recommended for propeller-driven airplanes and helicopters. You should limit configuration changes at
low altitudes to those changes that can be easily
accommodated without adversely affecting your
workload. For turbojets, the airplane must be in an
approved configuration for landing or circling, if
appropriate, with the engines spooled up, and on the
correct speed and flight path with a descent rate of
less than 1,000 FPM before descending below the
following minimum stabilized approach heights:
• For all straight-in instrument approaches (this
includes contact approaches) in IFR weather conditions, the approach must be stabilized before
descending below 1,000 feet above the airport or
• For visual approaches and straight-in instrument
approaches in VFR weather conditions, the
approach must be stabilized before descending
below 500 feet above the airport elevation.
• For the final segment of a circling approach
maneuver, the approach must be stabilized 500
feet above the airport elevation or at the MDA,
whichever is lower.
These conditions must be maintained throughout the
approach until touchdown for the approach to be
considered a stabilized approach. This also helps you
to recognize a windshear situation should abnormal
indications exist during the approach.
Maximum Acceptable Descent Rates: Operational
experience and research have shown that a descent
rate of greater than approximately 1,000 FPM is unacceptable during the final stages of an approach (below
1,000 feet AGL). This is due to a human perceptual
limitation that is independent of the type of airplane
or helicopter. Therefore, the operational practices and
techniques must ensure that descent rates greater than
1,000 FPM are not permitted in either the instrument
or visual portions of an approach and landing operation.
For short runways, arriving at the MDA at the MAP
when the MAP is located at the threshold may require a
missed approach for some airplanes. For nonprecision
approaches a descent rate should be used that will
ensure that the airplane reaches the MDA at a distance
from the threshold that will allow landing in the touchdown zone. On many IAPs this distance will be annotated by a VDP. To determine the required rate of
descent, subtract the TDZE from the FAF altitude and
divide this by the time inbound. For example if the
FAF altitude is 2,000 feet MSL, the TDZE is 400 feet
MSL and the time inbound is two minutes, an 800
FPM rate of descent should be used.
To verify the airplane is on an approximate 3° glidepath, use a calculation of “300-foot-to 1 NM.” The
glidepath height above TDZE is calculated by multiplying the NM distance from the threshold by 300.
For example, at 10 NM the aircraft should be 3,000
feet above the TDZE, at 5 NM 1,500 feet, at 2 NM
600 feet, at 1.5 NM 450 feet, etc., until a safe landing
can be made. In the above example the aircraft should
arrive at the MDA (800 feet MSL) approximately 1.3
NM from the threshold and in a position to land in the
touchdown zone. Techniques for deriving a “300-to1” glidepath include using distance measuring equipment (DME), distance advisories provided by
radar-equipped control towers, RNAV (exclusive of
Omega navigation systems), GPS, dead reckoning,
and pilotage when familiar features on the approach
course are visible. The runway threshold should be
crossed at a nominal height of 50 feet above the
The transition from instrument flight to visual
flight during an instrument approach can be very
challenging, especially during low visibility operations. Additionally, single-pilot operations make
the transition even more challenging. Approaches
with vertical guidance add to the safety of the
transition to visual because the approach is
already stabilized upon visually acquiring the
required references for the runway. One hundred
to 200 feet prior to reaching the DA, DH, or MDA,
most of the PM’s attention should be outside of
the aircraft in order to visually acquire at least one
visual reference for the runway, as required by the
regulations. The PF should stay focused on the
instruments until the PM calls out any visual aids
that can be seen, or states “runway in sight.” The
PF should then begin the transition to visual
flight. It is common practice for the PM to call out
the V/S during the transition to confirm to the PF
that the instruments are being monitored, thus
allowing more of the PF’s attention to be focused
on the visual portion of the approach and landing.
Any deviations from the stabilized approach criteria should also be announced by the PM.
Single-pilot operations can be much more challenging because the pilot must continue to fly by the
instruments while attempting to acquire a visual
reference for the runway. While it is important for
both pilots of a two-pilot aircraft to divide their
attention between the instruments and visual references, it is even more critical for the single-pilot
operation. The flight visibility must also be at least
the visibility minimum stated on the instrument
approach chart, or as required by regulations. CAT
II and III approaches have specific requirements
that may differ from CAT I precision or nonprecision approach requirements regarding transition to
visual and landing. This information can be found
in the operator’s OpsSpecs or Flight Operations
The visibility published on an approach chart is
dependent on many variables, including the height
above touchdown for straight-in approaches, or height
above airport elevation for circling approaches. Other
factors include the approach light system coverage, and
type of approach procedure, such as precision, nonprecision, circling or straight-in. Another factor determining the minimum visibility is the penetration of the
34:1 and 20:1 surfaces. These surfaces are inclined
planes that begin 200 feet out from the runway and
extend outward to 10,000 feet. If there is a penetration
of the 34:1 surface, the published visibility can be no
lower than 3/4 SM. If there is penetration of the 20:1
surface, the published visibility can be no lower than 1
SM with a note prohibiting approaches to the affected
runway at night (both straight-in and circling). [Figure
5-21] Circling may be permitted at night if penetrating
obstacles are marked and lighted. If the penetrating
obstacles are not marked and lighted, a note is published that night circling is “Not Authorized.” Pilots
should be aware of these penetrating obstacles when
entering the visual and/or circling segments of an
approach and take adequate precautions to avoid them.
For RNAV approaches only, the presence of a grey
shaded line from the MDA to the runway symbol in the
profile view, is an indication that the visual segment
below the MDA is clear of obstructions on the 34:1
slope. Absence of the gray shaded area indicates the
34:1 OCS is not free of obstructions.
Many reasons exist for executing a missed approach.
The primary reason, of course, is that the required
flight visibility prescribed in the IAP being used does
not exist or the required visual references for the runway cannot be seen upon arrival at the DA, DH or
MAP. In addition, according to Part 91, the aircraft
must continuously be in a position from which a
descent to a landing on the intended runway can be
made at a normal rate of descent using normal maneuvers, and for operations conducted under Part 121 or 135,
unless that descent rate will allow touchdown to occur
within the touchdown zone of the runway of intended
landing. [Figure 5-22] CAT II and III approaches call for
different visibility requirements as prescribed by the
Once descent below the DA, DH, or MDA is begun, a
missed approach must be executed if the required visibility is lost or the runway environment is no longer
visible, unless the loss of sight of the runway is a result
of normal banking of the aircraft during a circling
approach. A missed approach procedure is also
required upon the execution of a rejected landing for
any reason, such as men and equipment or animals on
the runway, or if the approach becomes unstabilized
and a normal landing cannot be performed. After the
MAP in the visual segment of a nonprecision approach
there may be hazards when executing a missed
approach below the MDA. Any missed approach after a
DA, DH, or MAP below the DA, DH, or MDA involves
additional risk until established on the published
missed approach procedure course and altitude.
At airports with control towers it is common for ATC to
assign alternate missed approach instructions; even so,
pilots should always be prepared to fly the published
Figure 5-21. Determination of Visibility Minimums.
missed approach. When a missed approach is executed
prior to reaching the MAP, the pilot is required to continue along the final approach course, at an altitude
above the DA, DH, or MDA, until reaching the MAP
before making any turns. If a turn is initiated prior to
the MAP, obstacle clearance is not guaranteed. It is
appropriate after passing the FAF, and recommended,
where there aren’t any climb restrictions, to begin a
climb to the missed approach altitude without waiting
to arrive at the MAP. Figure 5-23 gives an example of
an altitude restriction that would prevent a climb
between the FAF and MAP. In this situation, the
Orlando Executive ILS or LOC RWY 7 approach altitude is restricted at the BUVAY 3 DME fix to prevent
aircraft from penetrating the overlying protected airspace for approach routes into Orlando International
Airport. If a missed approach is initiated before reaching BUVAY, a pilot may be required to continue
descent to 1,200 feet before proceeding to the MAP and
executing the missed approach climb instructions. In
addition to the missed approach notes on the chart, the
Pilot Briefing Information icons in the profile view
indicate the initial vertical and lateral missed approach
The missed approach course begins at the MAP and
continues until the aircraft has reached the designated
fix and a holding pattern has been entered, unless there
is no holding pattern published for the missed
approach. It is common at large airports with high traf-
fic volume to not have a holding pattern depicted at the
designated fix. [Figure 5-24 on page 5-35] In these
circumstances, the departure controller will issue
further instructions before the aircraft reaches the
final fix of the missed approach course. It is also
common for the designated fix to be an IAF so that
another approach attempt can be made without
having to fly from the holding fix to an IAF.
As shown in Figure 5-25 on page 5-36, there are many
different ways that the MAP can be depicted, depending on the type of approach. On all approach charts it is
depicted in the profile and planviews by the end of the
solid course line and the beginning of the dotted missed
approach course line for the “top-line”/lowest published minima. For a precision approach, the MAP is
the point at which the aircraft reaches the DA or DH
while on the glide slope. MAPs on nonprecision
approaches can be determined in many different ways.
If the primary NAVAID is on the airport, the MAP is
normally the point at which the aircraft passes the
On some nonprecision approaches, the MAP is given as
a fixed distance with an associated time from the FAF to
the MAP based on the groundspeed of the aircraft. A
table on the lower right hand side of the approach chart
shows the distance in NM from the FAF to the MAP and
the time it takes at specific groundspeeds, given in 30-
knot increments. Pilots must determine the approximate
groundspeed and time based on the approach speed and
true airspeed of their aircraft and the current winds along
the final approach course. A clock or stopwatch should
be started at the FAF of an approach requiring this
method. Many nonprecision approaches designate a specific fix as the MAP. These can be identified by a course
(LOC or VOR) and DME, a cross radial from a VOR, or
an RNAV (GPS) waypoint.
Obstacles or terrain in the missed approach segment
may require a steeper climb gradient than the standard
200 feet per NM. If a steeper climb gradient is
required, a note will be published on the approach chart
plan view with the penetration description and examples of the required FPM rate of climb for a given
groundspeed (future charting will use climb gradient).
An alternative will normally be charted that allows
using the standard climb gradient. [Figure 5-25 on page
5-36] In this example, if the missed approach climb
requirements cannot be met for the Burbank ILS RWY
8 chart, the alternative is to use the LOC RWY 8 that is
charted separately. The LOC RWY 8, S-8 procedure
has a MDA that is 400 foot higher than the ILS RWY 8,
S-LOC 8 MDA, and meets the standard climb gradient
requirement over the terrain.
During an instrument approach briefing, the
name of the airport and the specific approach
Figure 5-22. Operation Below DA, DH, or MDA.
(c) Operation below DH or MDA. Where a DH or MDA is
applicable, no pilot may operate an aircraft, except a military
aircraft of the United States, at any airport below the authorized
MDA or continue an approach below the authorized DH unless —
(1) The aircraft is continuously in a position from which a
descent to a landing on the intended runway can be made at a
normal rate of descent using normal maneuvers, and for
operations conducted under Part 121 or Part 135 unless that
descent rate will allow touchdown to occur within the
touchdown zone of the runway of intended landing.
(2) The flight visibility is not less than the visibility prescribed in
the standard instrument approach procedure being used; and
(3) Except for a Category II or Category III approach where any
necessary visual reference requirements are specified by the
Administrator, at least one of the following visual references
for the intended runway is distinctly visible and identifiable
to the pilot:
(i) The approach light system, except that the pilot
may not descend below 100 feet above the touchdown
zone elevation using the approach lights as a
reference unless the red terminating bars or the red
side row bars are also distinctly visible and
(ii) The threshold.
(iii) The threshold markings.
(iv) The threshold lights.
(v) The runway end identifier lights.
(vi) The visual approach slope indicator.
(vii) The touchdown zone or touchdown zone markings.
(viii) The touchdown zone lights.
(ix) The runway or runway markings.
(x) The runway lights.
procedure should be identified to allow other
crewmembers the opportunity to cross-reference
the chart being used for the brief. This ensures
that pilots intending to conduct an instrument
approach have collectively reviewed and verified
the information pertinent to the approach. Figure
5-26 on page 5-37 gives an example of the items
to be briefed and their sequence. Although the
following example is based on multi-crew aircraft, the process is also applicable to single-pilot
operations. A complete instrument approach and
operational briefing example follows.
The approach briefing begins with a general discussion of the ATIS information, weather, terrain,
NOTAMs, approaches in use, runway conditions,
Figure 5-23. Orlando Executive Airport, Orlando, Florida, ILS RWY 7.
performance considerations, expected route to the
final approach course, and the traffic situation. As
the discussion progresses, the items and format of
the briefing become more specific. The briefing can
also be used as a checklist to ensure that all items
have been set up correctly. Most pilots will verbally
brief the specific missed approach procedure so
that it is fresh in their minds and there is no confu-
sion as to who is doing what during a missed
approach. Also, it is a very good idea to brief the
published missed approach even if the tower will
most likely give you alternate instructions in the
event of a missed approach. A typical approach
briefing might sound like the following example for
a flight inbound to the Monroe Regional Airport
Figure 5-24. Missed Approach Procedure without Holding Pattern.
ATIS: “Monroe Regional Airport Information Bravo,
time 2253 Zulu, wind 360 at 10, visibility 1 mile, mist,
ceiling 300 overcast, temperature 4, dew point 3,
altimeter 29.73, ILS Runway 4 approach in use, landing and departing Runway 4, advise on initial contact
that you have information Bravo.”
PF (F/O): “We’re planning an ILS approach to Runway
4 at Monroe Regional Airport, page 216, Amdt 21 Alpha.
Localizer frequency is 109.5, SABAR Locator Outer
Marker is 219, Monroe VOR is 117.2, final approach
course is 042º, we’ll cross SABAR at 1,483 feet barometric, decision altitude is 278 feet barometric, touchdown
zone elevation is 78 feet with an airport elevation of 79
feet. Missed approach procedure is climb to 2,000 feet,
then climbing right turn to 3,000 feet direct SABAR locator outer marker and hold. The MSA is 2,200 feet to the
north and along our missed approach course, and 3,100
feet to the south along the final approach course. ADF is
required for the approach and the airport has pilot controlled lighting when the tower is closed, which does not
apply to this approach. The runway has a medium intensity approach lighting system with runway alignment
indicator lights and no VGSI. We need a half-mile visi-
bility so with one mile we should be fine. Runway length
is 7,507 feet. I’m planning a flaps 30 approach, autobrakes 2, left turn on Alpha or Charlie 1 then Alpha, Golf
to the ramp. With a left crosswind, the runway should be
slightly to the right. I’ll use the autopilot until we break
out and, after landing, I’ll slow the aircraft straight
ahead until you say you have control and I’ll contact
ground once we are clear of the runway. In the case of a
missed approach, I’ll press TOGA (Take-off/Go- Around
button used on some turbojets), call ‘go-around thrust,
flaps 15, positive climb, gear up, set me up,’ climb
straight ahead to 2,000 feet then climbing right turn to
3,000 feet toward SABAR or we’ll follow the tower’s
instructions. Any questions?”
PM (CAP): “I’ll back up the auto-speedbrakes. Other
than that, I don’t have any questions.”
An instrument approach may be divided into as many
as four approach segments: initial, intermediate, final,
and missed approach. Additionally, feeder routes provide a transition from the en route structure to the IAF.
Figure 5-25. Missed Approach Point Depiction and Steeper than Standard Climb Gradient Requirements.
The U.S. Standard for Terminal Instrument Procedures
(TERPS) criteria provides obstacle clearance for each
segment of an approach procedure as shown in Figure
5-27 on page 5-38.
By definition, a feeder route is a route depicted on IAP
charts to designate courses for aircraft to proceed from
the en route structure to the IAF. Feeder routes, also
referred to as approach transitions, technically are not
considered approach segments but are an integral part of
many IAPs. Although an approach procedure may have
several feeder routes, pilots normally choose the one
closest to the en route arrival point. When the IAF is part
of the en route structure, there may be no need to designate additional routes for aircraft to proceed to the IAF.
When a feeder route is designated, the chart provides
the course or bearing to be flown, the distance, and the
minimum altitude. En route airway obstacle clearance
criteria apply to feeder routes, providing 1,000 feet of
obstacle clearance (2,000 feet in mountainous areas).
Instrument Approach/Operational
Briefing Items
Approaches in use
Runway conditions
Performance considerations
Feeder route/expected routing
to the planned approach
Radar/Non-radar environment
Towered/Non-towered airport
Straight-in/Circling approach
1. Airport/City name
2. Approach title
3. Page number and revision date
4. Primary/Secondary NAVAID
5. Final approach course
6. Barometric altitude at OM for
7. Decision Altitude, Decision Height
or Minimum Descent Altitude
(DA,DH, or MDA)
8. Touchdown zone elevation and
airport elevation
9. Missed approach procedure
10. Minimum Safe Altitude
11. Applicable notes
12. Approach Lighting System
13. Visual glide slope indicators
(VGSI) [none in this example]
14. Required visibility (including
inoperative equipment
15. Runway length
16. Planned runway turnoff and
expected taxi route
Aircraft specific items, such as auto-
pilot, auto-brakes, auto-throttles,
speed brakes, reverse thrust, etc.
Aircraft specific missed approach
Additional items/duties pertaining to
the situation (CAT II/III [auto-land],
inoperative equipment, etc.)
Transfer of flight controls
Figure 5-26. Approach Chart Briefing Sequence.
In cases where the IAF is part of the en route structure
and feeder routes are not required, a transition or terminal route is still needed for aircraft to proceed from the
IAF to the intermediate fix (IF). These routes are initial
approach segments because they begin at the IAF. Like
feeder routes, they are depicted with course, minimum
altitude, and distance to the IF. Essentially, these routes
accomplish the same thing as feeder routes but they
originate at an IAF, whereas feeder routes terminate at
an IAF.
DME arcs also provide transitions to the approach
course, but DME arcs are actually approach segments
while feeder routes, by definition, are not. When
established on a DME arc, the aircraft has departed
the en route phase and has begun the approach and is
maneuvering to enter an intermediate or final segment of the approach. DME arcs may also be used as
an intermediate or a final segment, although they are
extremely rare as final approach segments.
An arc may join a course at or before the IF. When joining a course at or before the IF, the angle of intersection
of the arc and the course is designed so it does not
exceed 120°. When the angle exceeds 90°, a radial that
provides at least 2 NM of lead shall be identified to
assist in leading the turn on to the intermediate course.
DME arcs are predicated on DME collocated with a
facility providing omnidirectional course information,
such as a VOR. A DME arc cannot be based on an ILS
or LOC DME source because omnidirectional course
information is not provided.
Required obstruction clearance (ROC) along the arc
depends on the approach segment. For an initial
approach segment, a ROC of 1,000 feet is required in
the primary area, which extends to 4 NM on either side
of the arc. For an intermediate segment primary area
the ROC is 500 feet. The initial and intermediate segment secondary areas extend 2 NM from the primary
boundary area edge. The ROC starts at the primary
area boundary edge at 500 feet and tapers to zero feet at
the secondary area outer edge. [Figure 5-28]
Some approach procedures do not permit straight-in
approaches unless pilots are being radar vectored. In
these situations, pilots will be required to complete a
procedure turn (PT) or other course reversal, generally
within 10 NM of the PT fix, to establish the aircraft
inbound on the intermediate or final approach segment.
If Category E airplanes are using the PT or there is a
descent gradient problem, the PT distance available can
be as much as 15 NM. During a procedure turn, a
maximum speed of 200 knots indicated airspeed
Flight Path
Obstacle Runway
Initial Intermediate Final
Enroute Phase
Feeder Route
Feeder Route
Figure 5-27. Approach Segments and Obstacle Clearance.
(KIAS) should be observed from first crossing the
course reversal IAF through the procedure turn
maneuver to ensure containment within the obstruction clearance area. Unless a holding pattern or
teardrop procedure is published, the point where
pilots begin the turn and the type and rate of turn are
optional. If above the procedure turn minimum
altitude, pilots may begin descent as soon as they
cross the IAF outbound.
The 45° procedure turn, the racetrack pattern (holding
pattern), the teardrop procedure turn, or the 80°/260°
course reversal are mentioned in the AIM as acceptable
variations for course reversal. When a holding pattern
is published in place of a procedure turn, pilots must
make the standard entry and follow the depicted pattern
to establish the aircraft on the inbound course.
Additional circuits in the holding pattern are not necessary or expected by ATC if pilots are cleared for the
approach prior to returning to the fix. In the event additional time is needed to lose altitude or become better
established on course, pilots should advise ATC and
obtain approval for any additional turns. When a
teardrop is depicted and a course reversal is required,
pilots also must fly the procedural track as published.
A procedure turn is the maneuver prescribed to perform a course reversal to establish the aircraft
inbound on an intermediate or final approach course.
The procedure turn or hold- in lieu- of- procedure
turn (PT) is a required maneuver when it is depicted
on the approach chart. However, the procedure turn
or the hold-in-lieu-of-PT is not permitted when the
symbol "No PT" is depicted on the initial segment
being flown, when a RADAR VECTOR to the final
approach course is provided, or when conducting a
timed approach from a holding fix. The altitude prescribed for the procedure turn is a minimum altitude
until the aircraft is established on the inbound
course. The maneuver must be completed within the
distance specified in the profile view. The pilot may
elect to use the procedure turn or hold-in-lieu-of-PT
when it is not required by the procedure, but must
first receive an amended clearance from ATC. When
ATC is Radar vectoring to the final approach course,
or to the Intermediate Fix as may occur with RNAV
standard instrument approach procedures, ATC may
specify in the approach clearance “CLEARED
STRAIGHT-IN (type) APPROACH” to ensure that
the pilot understands that the procedure turn or holdin-lieu-of-PT is not to be flown. If the pilot is uncertain whether ATC intends for a procedure turn or a
straight-in approach to be flown, the pilot shall
immediately request clarification from ATC (14 CFR
Part 91.123).
Approach charts provide headings, altitudes, and distances for a course reversal. Published altitudes are
“minimum” altitudes, and pilots must complete the
maneuver within the distance specified on the profile
4 NM 4 NM 2 NM 2 NM
Length The intermediate segment may NOT
be less than 5 NM nor more than 15 NM in length,
measured along the arc. The OPTIMUM length is
10 NM. A distance greater than 10 NM should not be
used unless an operational requirement justifies the
greater distance.
Width The total width of an arc intermediate
segment is 6 NM on each side of the arc. For obstacle
clearance purposes, this width is divided into a primary
and a secondary area. The primary area extends 4 NM
laterally on each side of the arc segment. The secondary
areas extend 2 NM laterally on each side of the primary
Required Obstacle Clearance (ROC) The ROC
is 1,000 feet for the primary initial segment. The secondary
area ROC starts at the primary ROC surface tapering to
zero at the edges of the secondary area in both initial and
intermediate areas. In the primary area of the intermediate
the ROC is 500 feet.
2 NM
2 NM
4 NM
4 NM
Figure 5-28. DME Arc Obstruction Clearance.
view (typically within 10 NM). Pilots also are required
to maneuver the aircraft on the procedure turn side of
the final approach course. These requirements are
necessary to stay within the protected airspace and
maintain adequate obstacle clearance. [Figure 5-29]
A minimum of 1,000 feet of obstacle clearance is provided in the procedure turn primary area. [Figure 5-30]
In the secondary area, 500 feet of obstacle clearance is
provided at the inner edge, tapering uniformly to zero
feet at the outer edge. The primary and secondary areas
determine obstacle clearance in both the entry and
maneuvering zones. The use of entry and maneuvering
zones provides further relief from obstacles. The entry
zone is established to control the obstacle clearance
prior to proceeding outbound from the procedure turn
fix. The maneuvering zone is established to control
obstacle clearance after proceeding outbound from the
procedure turn fix.
The purpose of the initial approach segment is to
provide a method for aligning the aircraft with the
intermediate or final approach segment. This is
accomplished by using a DME arc, a course reversal,
such as a procedure turn or holding pattern, or by
following a terminal route that intersects the final
approach course. The initial approach segment
Primary Area
Secondary Area
Entry Zone
Maneuvering Zone
Altitude restricted until
departing IAF outbound.
1,000' Obstacle Clearance
500' — 0' Obstacle Clearance
Figure 5-30. Procedure Turn Obstacle Clearance.
Standard 45° Turn Teardrop Pattern
090° 270°
Holding/Racetrack Pattern 80°/260° Course Reversal
Figure 5-29. Course Reversal Methods.
begins at an IAF and usually ends where it joins the
intermediate approach segment or at an IF. The letters IAF on an approach chart indicate the location of an IAF and more than one may be available.
Course, distance, and minimum altitudes are also provided for initial approach segments. A given procedure may have several initial approach segments.
When more than one exists, each joins a common
intermediate segment, although not necessarily at the
same location.
Occasionally, a chart may depict an IAF, although there
is no initial approach segment for the procedure. This
usually occurs at a point located within the en route
structure where the intermediate segment begins. In this
situation, the IAF signals the beginning of the intermediate segment.
The intermediate segment is designed primarily to position the aircraft for the final descent to the airport. Like
the feeder route and initial approach segment, the chart
depiction of the intermediate segment provides course,
distance, and minimum altitude information.
The intermediate segment, normally aligned within 30°
of the final approach course, begins at the IF, or intermediate point, and ends at the beginning of the final
approach segment. In some cases, an IF is not shown on
an approach chart. In this situation, the intermediate segment begins at a point where you are proceeding
inbound to the FAF, are properly aligned with the final
approach course, and are located within the prescribed
distance prior to the FAF. An instrument approach that
incorporates a procedure turn is the most common
example of an approach that may not have a charted IF.
The intermediate segment in this example begins when
you intercept the inbound course after completing the
procedure turn. [Figure 5-31]
The final approach segment for an approach with vertical guidance or a precision approach begins where
the glide slope intercepts the minimum glide slope
intercept altitude shown on the approach chart. If ATC
authorizes a lower intercept altitude, the final
approach segment begins upon glide slope interception at that altitude. For a nonprecision approach, the
final approach segment begins either at a designated
FAF, depicted as a cross on the profile view, or at the
point where the aircraft is established inbound on the
final approach course. When a FAF is not designated,
such as on an approach that incorporates an on-airport
VOR or NDB, this point is typically where the procedure turn intersects the final approach course
inbound. This point is referred to as the final
approach point (FAP). The final approach segment
ends at either the designated MAP or upon landing.
Beginning of
Intermediate Segment
Initial Approach
Feeder Route
Enroute Fix
Figure 5-31. Approach without a Designated IF.
There are three types of procedures based on the
final approach course guidance:
• Precision Approach (PA) — an instrument
approach based on a navigation system that provides course and glidepath deviation information
meeting precision standards. Precision Approach
Radar (PAR), ILS, and Microwave Landing
System (MLS) procedures are examples of PA
• Approach with Vertical Guidance (APV) — an
instrument approach based on a navigation system that is not required to meet the precision
approach standards but provides course and
glidepath deviation information. Baro-VNAV,
LDA with glidepath, and LPV are examples of
APV approaches.
• Nonprecision Approach (NPA) — an instrument
approach based on a navigation system that
provides course deviation information but no
glidepath deviation information is considered a
NPA procedure. VOR, TACAN, LNAV, NDB,
LOC and ASR approaches are examples of
NPA procedures.
The missed approach segment begins at the MAP
and ends at a point or fix where an initial or en route
segment begins. The actual location of the MAP
depends upon the type of approach you are flying.
For example, during a precision or an APV approach,
the MAP occurs at the DA or DH on the glide slope.
For nonprecision approaches, the MAP is either a
fix, NAVAID, or after a specified period of time has
elapsed after crossing the FAF.
According to FAA Order 7110.65, Air Traffic Control,
clearances authorizing instrument approaches are
issued on the basis that, if visual contact with the
ground is made before the approach is completed, the
entire approach procedure will be followed unless the
pilot receives approval for a contact approach, is
cleared for a visual approach, or cancels the IFR flight
Approach clearances are issued based on known traffic. The receipt of an approach clearance does not
relieve the pilot of his/her responsibility to comply
with applicable Parts of the CFRs and notations on
instrument approach charts, which impose on the
pilot the responsibility to comply with or act on
an instruction, such as “procedure not authorized
at night.” The name of the approach, as published, is used to identify the approach. Approach
name items within parentheses are not included
in approach clearance phraseology.
The approach gate is an imaginary point used within
ATC as a basis for vectoring aircraft to the final
approach course. The gate will be established along the
final approach course one mile from the FAF on the
side away from the airport and will be no closer than 5
NM from the landing threshold. Controllers are also
required to ensure the assigned altitude conforms to the
• For a precision approach, at an altitude not above
the glide slope/glidepath or below the minimum
glide slope intercept altitude specified on the
approach procedure chart.
• For a nonprecision approach, at an altitude that
will allow descent in accordance with the published procedure.
Further, controllers must assign headings that will permit final approach course interception without exceeding the following:
A typical vector to the final approach course and
associated approach clearance is as follows:
“…four miles from LIMA, turn right heading
three four zero, maintain two thousand until established on the localizer, cleared ILS runway three six
Other clearance formats may be used to fit individual
circumstances but the controller should always
assign an altitude to maintain until the aircraft is
established on a segment of a published route or IAP.
The altitude assigned must guarantee IFR obstruction clearance from the point at which the approach
clearance is issued until the aircraft is established on
a published route. Part 91.175 (j) prohibits a pilot
from making a procedure turn when vectored to a
FAF or course, when conducting a timed approach,
or when the procedure specifies “NO PT.”
When vectoring aircraft to the final approach course,
controllers are required to ensure the intercept is at
least 2 NM outside the approach gate. Exceptions
include the following situations, but do not apply to
Distance from Interception
Point to Approach Gate
Interception Angle
• Less than 2 NM or with
triple simultaneous
ILS/MLS approaches in
• 2 NM or more 30°
(45°for helicopters)
RNAV aircraft being vectored for a GPS or RNAV
• When the reported ceiling is at least 500 feet
above the MVA/MIA and the visibility is at least
3 SM (may be a pilot report [PIREP] if no
weather is reported for the airport), aircraft may
be vectored to intercept the final approach course
closer than 2 NM outside the approach gate but
no closer than the approach gate.
• If specifically requested by the pilot, aircraft
may be vectored to intercept the final
approach course inside the approach gate but
no closer than the FAF.
In the absence of radar vectors, an instrument
approach begins at an IAF. An aircraft that has been
cleared to a holding fix that, prior to reaching that
fix, is issued a clearance for an approach, but not
issued a revised routing, such as, “proceed direct
to…” is expected to proceed via the last assigned
route, a feeder route if one is published on the
approach chart, and then to commence the approach
as published. If, by following the route of flight to
the holding fix, the aircraft would overfly an IAF or
the fix associated with the beginning of a feeder
route to be used, the aircraft is expected to commence the approach using the published feeder route
to the IAF or from the IAF as appropriate. The aircraft would not be expected to overfly and return to
the IAF or feeder route.
For aircraft operating on unpublished routes, an
altitude is assigned to maintain until the aircraft is
established on a segment of a published route or
IAP. (Example: “maintain 2,000 until established
on the final approach course outbound, cleared
VOR/DME runway 12.”) The International Civil
Aviation Organization (ICAO) definition of established on course requires the aircraft to be within
half scale deflection for the ILS and VOR, or
within ±5° of the required bearing for the NDB.
Generally, the controller assigns an altitude compatible with glide slope intercept prior to being cleared
for the approach.
In the NAS, there are approximately 1,033 VOR stations, 1,200 NDB stations, and 1,370 ILS installations,
including 25 LOC-Type Directional Aids (LDAs), 23
Simplified Directional Facilities (SDFs), and 242 LOC
only facilities. As time progresses, it is the intent of the
FAA to reduce navigational dependence on VOR,
NDB, and other ground-based NAVAIDs and, instead,
to increase the use of satellite-based navigation.
To expedite the use of RNAV procedures for all instrument pilots, the FAA has begun an aggressive schedule
to develop RNAV procedures. During 2002, the number
of RNAV/GPS approaches published in the NAS
exceeded 3,300, with additional procedures published
every revision cycle. While it had originally been the
plan of the FAA to begin decommissioning VORs,
NDBs, and other ground-based NAVAIDs, the overall
strategy has been changed to incorporate a majority
dependence on augmented satellite navigation while
maintaining a satisfactory backup system. This
backup system will include retaining all CAT II and
III ILS facilities and close to one-half of the existing
VOR network.
Each approach is provided obstacle clearance based on
the Order 8260.3 TERPS design criteria as appropriate
for the surrounding terrain, obstacles, and NAVAID
availability. Final approach obstacle clearance is different for every type of approach but is guaranteed from
the start of the final approach segment to the runway (not
below the MDA for nonprecision approaches) or MAP,
whichever occurs last within the final approach area.
Both pilots and ATC assume obstacle clearance responsibility, but it is dependent upon the pilot to maintain an
appropriate flight path within the boundaries of the final
approach area.
There are numerous types of instrument approaches
available for use in the NAS including RNAV (GPS),
ILS, MLS, LOC, VOR, NDB, SDF, and radar
approaches. Each approach has separate and individual
design criteria, equipment requirements, and system
To expedite traffic, ATC may clear pilots for a visual
approach in lieu of the published approach procedure if
flight conditions permit. Requesting a contact
approach may be advantageous since it requires less
time than the published IAP and provides separation
from IFR and special visual flight rules (SVFR) traffic.
A contact or visual approach may be used in lieu of conducting a SIAP, and both allow the flight to continue as
an IFR flight to landing while increasing the efficiency
of the arrival.
When it is operationally beneficial, ATC may authorize
pilots to conduct a visual approach to the airport in lieu
of the published IAP. A pilot or the controller can initiate a visual approach. Before issuing a visual approach
clearance, the controller must verify that pilots have
the airport, or a preceding aircraft that they are to follow, in sight. In the event pilots have the airport in sight
but do not see the aircraft they are to follow, ATC may
issue the visual approach clearance but will maintain
responsibility for aircraft and wake turbulence separation. Once pilots report the aircraft in sight, they
assume the responsibilities for their own separation
and wake turbulence avoidance.
A visual approach is an ATC authorization for an
aircraft on an IFR flight plan to proceed visually
to the airport of intended landing; it is not an IAP.
Also, there is no missed approach segment. An aircraft unable to complete a visual approach must
be handled as any other go-around and appropriate
separation must be provided. A vector for a visual
approach may be initiated by ATC if the reported
ceiling at the airport of intended landing is at least
500 feet above the MVA/MIA and the visibility is
3 SM or greater. At airports without weather reporting service there must be reasonable assurance (e.g.
area weather reports, PIREPs, etc.) that descent and
approach to the airport can be made visually, and the
pilot must be informed that weather information is
not available.
The visual approach clearance is issued to expedite the
flow of traffic to an airport. It is authorized when the
ceiling is reported or expected to be at least 1,000 feet
AGL and the visibility is at least 3 SM. Pilots must
remain clear of the clouds at all times while conducting
a visual approach. At an airport with a control tower,
pilots may be cleared to fly a visual approach to one
runway while others are conducting VFR or IFR
approaches to another parallel, intersecting, or converging runway. Also, when radar service is provided, it is
automatically terminated when the controller advises
pilots to change to the tower or advisory frequency.
If conditions permit, pilots can request a contact
approach, which is then authorized by the controller. A
contact approach cannot be initiated by ATC. This procedure may be used instead of the published procedure
to expedite arrival, as long as the airport has a SIAP or
special instrument approach procedure (special IAPs
are approved by the FAA for individual operators, but
are not published in Part 97 for public use), the reported
ground visibility is at least 1 SM, and pilots are able to
remain clear of clouds with at least one statute mile flight
visibility throughout the approach. Some advantages of
a contact approach are that it usually requires less time
than the published instrument procedure, it allows pilots
to retain the IFR clearance, and provides separation from
IFR and SVFR traffic. On the other hand, obstruction
clearances and VFR traffic avoidance becomes the
pilot’s responsibility. Unless otherwise restricted, the
pilot may find it necessary to descend, climb, or fly a
circuitous route to the airport to maintain cloud
clearance or terrain/obstruction clearance.
The main differences between a visual approach and a
contact approach are: a pilot must request a contact
approach, while a visual approach may be assigned by
ATC or requested by the pilot; and, a contact approach
may be approved with 1 mile visibility if the flight can
remain clear of clouds, while a visual approach requires
the pilot to have the airport in sight, or a preceding aircraft to be followed, and the ceiling must be at least
1,000 feet AGL with at least 3 SM visibility.
A charted visual flight procedure (CVFP) may be
established at some airports with control towers for
environmental or noise considerations, as well as
when necessary for the safety and efficiency of air traffic operations. Designed primarily for turbojet aircraft,
CVFPs depict prominent landmarks, courses, and recommended altitudes to specific runways. When pilots
are flying the Roaring Fork Visual RWY 15 shown in
figure 5-32, mountains, rivers, and towns provide
guidance to Aspen, Colorado’s Sardy Field instead
of VORs, NDBs, and DME fixes.
Pilots must have a charted visual landmark or a preceding aircraft in sight, and weather must be at or above the
published minimums before ATC will issue a CVFP
clearance. ATC will clear pilots for a CVFP if the
reported ceiling at the airport of intended landing is at
least 500 feet above the MVA/MIA, and the visibility is
3 SM or more, unless higher minimums are published
for the particular CVFP. When accepting a clearance to
follow a preceding aircraft, pilots are responsible for
maintaining a safe approach interval and wake turbulence separation. Pilots must advise ATC if unable at any
point to continue a charted visual approach or if the pilot
loses sight of the preceding aircraft.
Because of the complications with database coding,
naming conventions were changed in January 2001 to
accommodate all approaches using RNAV equipment
into one classification — RNAV. This classification
includes both ground-based and satellite dependent
systems. Eventually all approaches that use some type
of RNAV will reflect RNAV in the approach title. This
changeover is being made to reflect two shifts in
instrument approach technology. The first shift is the
use of the RNP concept outlined in Chapter 2 —
Departure Procedures, in which a single performance
standard concept is being implemented for approach
procedure design. Through the use of RNP, the underlying system of navigation may not be required, provided the aircraft can maintain the appropriate RNP
standard. The second shift is that advanced avionics
systems such as FMSs, used by most airlines, needed a
new navigation standard by which RNAV could be
fully integrated into the instrument approach system.
An FMS uses multi-sensor navigation inputs to produce a composite position. Essentially, the FMS navigation function automatically blends or selects position
sensors to compute aircraft position. Instrument
approach charts and RNAV databases needed to change
to reflect these issues. A complete discussion of airborne navigation databases is included in Appendix A
— Airborne Navigation Databases.
Due to the multi-faceted nature of RNAV, new
approach criteria have been developed to accommodate the design of RNAV instrument approaches.
This includes criteria for TAAs, RNAV basic
approach criteria, and specific final approach criteria
for different types of RNAV approaches.
TAAs are the method by which aircraft are transitioned
from the RNAV en route structure to the terminal area
with minimal ATC interaction. Terminal arrival areas
are depicted in the planview of the approach chart, and
each waypoint associated with them is also provided
with a unique five character, pronounceable name. The
TAA consists of a designated volume of airspace
designed to allow aircraft to enter a protected area,
offering guaranteed obstacle clearance where the initial
approach course is intercepted based on the location of
the aircraft relative to the airport. Where possible,
TAAs are developed as a basic “T” shape that is divided
into three separate arrival areas around the head of the
“T”: left base, right base, and straight-in. Typically, the
TAA offers an IAF at each of these three arrival areas
that are 3-6 NM from an IF, which often doubles as the
IAF for straight-in approaches, a FAF located approximately 5 NM from the runway threshold, and a MAP.
[Figure 5-33 on page 5-46]
Figure 5-32. Charted Visual Flight Procedures.
Procedurally, pilots may be cleared to an IAF associated with the TAA. ATC expects the flight to proceed to
the IAF and maintain the altitude depicted for that area
of the TAA, unless cleared otherwise. An obstacle
clearance of at least 1,000 feet is guaranteed within the
boundaries of the TAA.
TAAs are modified or even eliminated if necessary to
meet the requirements of a specific airport and surrounding terrain, or airspace considerations negating
the use of the “T” approach design concept. Alternative
designs are addressed in FAA Order 8260.45A,
Terminal Arrival Area (TAA) Design Criteria.
Variations may eliminate one or both base areas, and/or
limit or modify the angular size of the straight-in area.
When both base areas are eliminated, TAAs are not
depicted in the planview. Normally, a portion of the
TAA underlies an airway. If this is not the case, at least
one feeder route is provided from an airway fix or
NAVAID to the TAA boundary. The feeder route provides a direct course from the en route fix/NAVAID to
the appropriate IF/IAF. Multiple feeder routes may also
be established. In some cases, TAAs may not be
depicted because of airspace congestion or other
operational requirements. [Figure 5-34]
RNAV encompasses a variety of underlying navigation
systems and, therefore, approach criteria. This results
in different sets of criteria for the final approach segment of various RNAV approaches. RNAV instrument
approach criteria address the following procedures:
• GPS overlay of pre-existing nonprecision
• VOR/DME based RNAV approaches.
• Stand-alone RNAV (GPS) approaches.
• RNAV (GPS) approaches with vertical guidance
• RNAV (GPS) precision approaches (WAAS and
Figure 5-33. Terminal Arrival Area Design (Basic “T”).
Figure 5-34. RNAV Approaches with and without TAAs.
The original GPS approach procedures provided
authorization to fly nonprecision approaches based on
conventional, ground-based NAVAIDs. Many of these
approaches have been converted to stand-alone
approaches, and the few that remain are identified by
the name of the procedure and “or GPS.” These GPS
nonprecision approaches are predicated upon the
design criteria of the ground-based NAVAID used as
the basis of the approach. As such, they do not adhere
to the RNAV design criteria for stand-alone GPS
approaches, and are not considered part of the RNAV
(GPS) approach classification for determining design
criteria. [Figure 5-35]
RNAV (GPS) approaches are named so that airborne
navigation databases can use either GPS or RNAV as
the title of the approach. This is required for non-GPS
approach systems such as VOR/DME based RNAV
systems. In the past, these approaches were often
referred to as stand-alone GPSs. They are considered
nonprecision approaches, offering only LNAV and
circling minimums. Precision minimums are not
authorized, although LNAV/VNAV minimums may
be published and used as long as the on-board system
is capable of providing approach approved VNAV.
The RNAV (GPS) Runway 18 approach for
Alexandria, Louisiana incorporates only LNAV and
circling minimums. [Figure 5-36]
Figure 5-35. Traditional GPS Overlay Approach.
For a non-vertically guided straight-in RNAV (GPS)
approach, the final approach course must be aligned
within 15° of the extended runway centerline. The final
approach segment should not exceed 10 NM, and when
it exceeds 6 NM, a stepdown fix is typically incorporated. A minimum of 250 feet obstacle clearance is also
incorporated into the final approach segment for
straight-in approaches, and a maximum 400-foot per
NM descent gradient is permitted.
The approach design criteria are different for
approaches that use vertical guidance provided by a
Baro-VNAV system. Because the Baro-VNAV guidance is advisory and not primary, Baro-VNAV
approaches are not authorized in areas of hazardous ter-
rain, nor are they authorized when a remote altimeter
setting is required. Due to the inherent problems associated with barometric readings and cold temperatures,
these procedures are also temperature limited.
Additional approach design criteria for RNAV
Approach Construction Criteria can be found in the
appropriate Order 8260 series directives.
WAAS was commissioned in July, 2003, with initial
operational capability (IOC). Although precision
approach capability is still in the future, initial WAAS
currently provides a new type of approach with vertical
guidance (APV) known as LPV. Approach minimums as
low as 200 feet HAT and 1/2 SM visibility are possible,
Figure 5-36. Alexandria International (KAEX), Alexandria, Louisiana, RNAV (GPS) RWY 18.
even though LPV is semi-precision, and not considered
a precision approach. WAAS covers 95 percent of the
country 95 percent of the time.
NOTE: WAAS avionics receive an airworthiness
approval in accordance with Technical Standard Order
(TSO) C-145A, Airborne Navigation Sensors Using
the (GPS) Augmented by the Wide Area Augmentation
System (WAAS), or TSO-146A, Stand-Alone Airborne
Navigation Equipment Using the Global Positioning
System (GPS) Augmented by the Wide Area
Augmentation System (WAAS), and installed in
accordance with AC 20-130A, Airworthiness
Approval of Navigation or Flight Management
Systems Integrating Multiple Navigation Sensors, or
AC 20-138A, Airworthiness Approval of Global
Positioning System (GPS) Navigation Equipment for
Use as a VFR and IFR Navigation System.
Precision approach capability will become available
when LAAS becomes operational. LAAS further
increases the accuracy of GPS and improves signal
integrity warnings. Precision approach capability
requires obstruction planes and approach lighting systems to meet Part 77 standards for ILS approaches.
This will delay the implementation of RNAV (GPS)
precision approach capability due to the cost of certifying each runway.
Notwithstanding emerging RNAV technology, the ILS
is the most precise and accurate approach NAVAID
currently in use throughout the NAS. An ILS CAT I
precision approach allows approaches to be made to
200 feet above the TDZE and with visibilities as low
as 1,800 RVR; with CAT II and CAT III approaches
allowing descents and visibility minimums that are
even lower. Nonprecision approach alternatives cannot
begin to offer the precision or flexibility offered by an
ILS. In order to further increase the approach capacity
of busy airports and exploit the maximum potential of
ILS technology, many different applications are in use.
A single ILS system can accommodate 29 arrivals
per hour on a single runway. Two or three parallel
runways operating consecutively can double or triple
the capacity of the airport. For air commerce this
means greater flexibility in scheduling passenger
and cargo service. Capacity is increased through the
use of parallel (dependent) ILS, simultaneous parallel (independent) ILS, simultaneous close parallel
(independent) ILS, precision runway monitor
(PRM), and converging ILS approaches. A parallel
(dependent) approach differs from a simultaneous
(independent) approach in that the minimum distance
between parallel runway centerlines is reduced; there is
no requirement for radar monitoring or advisories; and a
staggered separation of aircraft on the adjacent
localizer/azimuth course is required.
In order to successfully accomplish parallel,
simultaneous parallel, and converging ILS
approaches, flight crews and air traffic controllers
have additional responsibilities. When multiple
instrument approaches are in use, ATC will advise
flight crews either directly or through ATIS. It is
the pilot’s responsibility to inform ATC if unable or
unwilling to execute a simultaneous approach.
Pilots must comply with all ATC requests in a
timely manner, and maintain strict radio discipline,
including using complete aircraft call signs. It is
also incumbent upon the flight crew to notify ATC
immediately of any problems relating to aircraft
communications or navigation systems. At the very
least, the approach procedure briefing should cover
the entire approach procedure including the
approach name, runway number, frequencies, final
approach course, glide slope intercept altitude, DA
or DH, and the missed approach instructions. The
review of autopilot procedures is also appropriate
when making coupled ILS or MLS approaches.
As with all approaches, the primary navigation
responsibility falls upon the pilot in command. ATC
instructions will be limited to ensuring aircraft separation. Additionally, missed approach procedures are
normally designed to diverge in order to protect all
involved aircraft. ILS approaches of all types are
afforded the same obstacle clearance protection and
design criteria, no matter how capacity is affected by
multiple ILS approaches. [Figure 5-37]
There are three general classifications of ILS
approaches — CAT I, CAT II, and CAT III (autoland).
The basic ILS approach is a CAT I approach and
requires only that pilots be instrument rated and current, and that the aircraft be equipped appropriately.
CAT II and CAT III ILS approaches typically have
lower minimums and require special certification for
operators, pilots, aircraft, and airborne/ground
equipment. Because of the complexity and high cost
of the equipment, CAT III ILS approaches are used
primarily in air carrier and military operations.
[Figure 5-38]
The primary authorization and minimum RVRs
allowed for an air carrier to conduct CAT II and III
approaches can be found in OpsSpecs – Part C. CAT II
and III operations allow authorized pilots to make
instrument approaches in weather that would otherwise
be prohibitive.
While CAT I ILS operations permit substitution of
midfield RVR for TDZ RVR (when TDZ RVR is not
available), CAT II ILS operations do not permit any
substitutions for TDZ RVR. The touchdown zone
RVR system is required and must be used. Touchdown
zone RVR is controlling for all CAT II ILS operations.
200 Feet Current and
ILS Final Approach Criteria (for Primary Protected Airspace)
Final Approach Area
50,200 Feet Current
50,000 Feet Previous
1,400 Feet Current
1,000 Feet Previous
12,152 Feet Current
16,000 Feet Previous
Figure 5-37. ILS Final Approach Segment Design Criteria.
0 150 700 1,200 1,800 2,400
Runway Visual Range (feet)
Decision Height (feet AGL)
Photo Courtesy of Cessna
The lowest authorized ILS minimums, with all required ground and airborne systems components operative, are
• CAT I — Decision Height (DH) 200 feet and Runway Visual Range (RVR) 2,400 feet (with touchdown
zone and centerline lighting, RVR 1800 feet),
• CAT II — DH 100 feet and RVR 1,200 feet,
• CAT IIIa — No DH or DH below 100 feet and RVR not less than 700 feet,
• CAT IIIb — No DH or DH below 50 feet and RVR less than 700 feet but not less than 150 feet, and
• CAT IIIc — No DH and no RVR limitation.
NOTE: Special authorization and equipment are required for CAT II and III.
Figure 5-38. ILS Approach Categories.
The weather conditions encountered in CAT III operations range from an area where visual references are
adequate for manual rollout in CAT IIIa, to an area
where visual references are inadequate even for taxi
operations in CAT IIIc. To date, no U.S. operator has
received approval for CAT IIIc in OpsSpecs.
Depending on the auto-flight systems, some airplanes
require a DH to ensure that the airplane is going to land
in the touchdown zone and some require an Alert
Height as a final crosscheck of the performance of the
auto-flight systems. These heights are based on radio
altitude (RA) and can be found in the specific aircraft’s
AFM. [Figure 5-39]
Both CAT II and III approaches require special ground
and airborne equipment to be installed and operational,
as well as special aircrew training and authorization.
The OpsSpecs of individual air carriers detail the
requirements of these types of approaches as well as
their performance criteria. Lists of locations where
each operator is approved to conduct CAT II and III
approaches can also be found in the OpsSpecs.
Airports that have two or three parallel runways may
be authorized to use parallel approaches to maximize
the capacity of the airport. There are three classifications of parallel ILS approaches, depending on the
runway centerline separation and ATC procedures.
Parallel (dependent) ILS approaches are allowed at
airports with parallel runways that have centerlines
separated by at least 2,500 feet. Aircraft are allowed
to fly ILS approaches to parallel runways; however,
the aircraft must be staggered by a minimum of 1 1/2
NM diagonally. Aircraft are staggered by 2 NM
diagonally for runway centerlines that are separated
by more than 4,300 feet and up to but not including
9,000 feet, and that do not have final monitor air
traffic controllers. Separation for this type of
approach is provided by radar. [Figure 5-40]
Though this type of approach procedure is approved
for several airports, it is not required that the approach
chart contain information notifying flight crews of the
use of parallel approaches. Therefore, a pilot may not
know that parallel approaches are approved or used at a
specific airport based on the information contained on
the chart. ATC normally communicates an advisory
over ATIS that parallel approach procedures are in
effect. For example, pilots flying into Sacramento,
California may encounter parallel approach procedures. [Figure 5-41]
Simultaneous parallel ILS approaches are used at
authorized airports that have between 4,300 feet and
9,000 feet separation between runway centerlines. A
dedicated final monitor controller is required to
monitor separation for this type of approach, which
Figure 5-39. Category III Approach Procedure.
Dependent Parallel
ILS Approaches
/2 Miles
Figure 5-40. Parallel (Dependent) ILS Approach Separation
eliminates the need for staggered approaches. Final
monitor controllers track aircraft positions and issue
instructions to pilots of aircraft observed deviating
from the LOC course. [Figure 5-42]
Triple simultaneous approaches are authorized
provided the runway centerlines are separated by
at least 5,000 feet and are below 1,000 feet MSL
airport elevation. Additionally, for triple parallel
approaches above airport elevations of 1,000 feet
MSL, ASR with high-resolution final monitor aids
or high update RADAR with associated final monitor aids is required.
As a part of the simultaneous parallel approach
approval, normal operating zones and non-transgression zones must be established to ensure proper
flight track boundaries for all aircraft. The normal
operating zone (NOZ) is the operating zone within
which aircraft remain during normal approach
operations. The NOZ is typically no less than 1,400
feet wide, with 700 feet of space on either side of
the runway centerline. A no transgression zone
(NTZ) is a 2,000-foot wide area located between
the parallel runway final approach courses. It is
equidistant between the runways and indicates an
area within which flight is not authorized. [Figure
5-43 on page 5-54] Any time an aircraft breaches the
NTZ, ATC issues instructions for all aircraft to break
off the approach to avoid potential conflict.
Simultaneous close parallel (independent) ILS PRM
approaches are authorized for use at airports that have
parallel runways separated by at least 3,400 feet and no
more than 4,300 feet. [Figure 5-44 on page 5-54] They
are also approved for airports with parallel runways separated by at least 3,000 feet with an offset LOC where
the offset angle is at least 2.5 degrees but no more
than 3 degrees. The offset LOC approaches are
referred to as Simultaneous Offset Instrument
Approaches (SOIA) and are discussed in depth later
in this chapter.
The PRM system provides the ability to accomplish
simultaneous close parallel (independent) ILS
approaches and enables reduced delays and fuel
savings during reduced visibility operations. It is also
the safest method of increasing ILS capacity through
the use of parallel approaches. The PRM system
incorporates high-update radar with one second or
better update time and a high resolution ATC radar
Figure 5-42. Charlotte/Douglas International (KCLT),
Charlotte, North Carolina, ILS RWY 18.
Figure 5-41. Sacramento International (KSMF), Sacramento,
California, ILS RWY 16L.
display that contains automated tracking software that
can track aircraft in real time. Position and velocity is
updated each second and a ten second projected position is displayed. The system also incorporates visual
and aural alerts for the controllers.
Approval for ILS PRM approaches requires the airport
to have a precision runway monitoring system and a
final monitor controller who can only communicate
with aircraft on the final approach course. Additionally,
two tower frequencies are required to be used and the
controller broadcasts over both frequencies to reduce
the chance of instructions being missed. Pilot training
is also required for pilots using the PRM system. Part
121 and 135 operators are required to complete training that includes the viewing of one of two videos
available from the FAA through the Flight Standards
District Office (FSDO) or current employer:
• “RDU Precision Runway Monitor: A Pilot’s
• “ILS PRM Approaches, Information for Pilots.”
When pilots or flight crews wish to decline a PRM
approach, ATC must be notified immediately and the
flight will be transitioned into the area at the convenience of ATC. Flight crews should advise ATC within
200 NM of the landing airport if they are not qualified
or not equipped to fly a PRM approach.
The approach chart for the PRM approach typically
requires two pages and outlines pilot, aircraft, and procedure requirements necessary to participate in PRM
operations. [Figure 5-45] Pilots need to be aware of the
differences associated with this type of ILS approach:
• Immediately follow break out instructions as
soon as safety permits.
• Listen to both tower frequencies to avoid missed
instructions from stuck mikes or blocked transmissions. The final ATC controller can override
the radio frequency if necessary.
• Broadcast only over the main tower frequency.
• Disengage the autopilot for breakouts because
hand-flown breakouts are quicker.
• Set the Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance
System (TCAS) to the appropriate TA (traffic
advisory) or RA (resolution advisory) mode in
compliance with current operational guidance on
the attention all users page (AAUP), or other
authorized guidance, i.e., approved flight manual,
flight operations manual.
It is important to note that descending breakouts may
be issued. Additionally, flight crews will never be
issued breakout instructions that clear them below the
MVA, and they will not be required to descend at more
than 1,000 FPM.
Simultaneous Parallel
ILS Approaches
700' or
Figure 5-43. Simultaneous Parallel ILS Approach Criteria.
Simultaneous Close Parallel
ILS Approaches (ILS PRM)
At Least 3,400'
and Less Than
700' or
Figure 5-44. Simultaneous Close Parallel ILS Approach (ILS
PRM) Criteria.
Figure 5-45. St. Louis, Missouri, ILS PRM RWY 11.
SOIAs allow simultaneous approaches to two parallel
runways spaced at least 750 feet apart, but less than
3,000 feet. The SOIA procedure utilizes an ILS/PRM
approach to one runway and an offset Localizer-Type
Directional Aid (LDA)/PRM approach with glide
slope to the adjacent runway. The use of PRM technology is also required with these operations; therefore, the approach charts will include procedural
notes such as “Simultaneous approach authorized
with LDA PRM RWY XXX.” San Francisco has the
first published SOIA approach. [Figure 5-46]
The training, procedures, and system requirements for
SOIA ILS/PRM and LDA/PRM approaches are identical with those used for simultaneous close parallel
ILS/PRM approaches until near the LDA/PRM
approach MAP, except where visual acquisition of the
ILS aircraft by the LDA aircraft must be accomplished. If visual acquisition is not accomplished a
missed approach must be executed. A visual segment
for the LDA/PRM approach is established between
the LDA MAP and the runway threshold. Aircraft
transition in visual conditions from the LDA course,
beginning at the LDA MAP, to align with the runway
and can be stabilized by 500 feet above ground level
(AGL) on the extended runway centerline.
The FAA website has additional information about
PRM and SOIA, including instructional videos at:
Another method by which ILS approach capacity can
be increased is through the use of converging
approaches. Converging approaches may be established at airports that have runways with an angle
between 15 and 100 degrees and each runway must
have an ILS. Additionally, separate procedures must be
established for each approach and each approach must
have a MAP at least 3 NM apart with no overlapping of
the protected missed approach airspace. Only straightin approaches are approved for converging ILS procedures. If the runways intersect, the controller must be
able to visually separate intersecting runway traffic.
Approaches to intersecting runways also have higher
minimums with a 700-foot minimum and no less than 2
SM visibility. Pilots are informed of the use of converging ILS approaches by the controller upon initial contact or through ATIS. [Figure 5-47 on page 5-58]
Dallas/Fort Worth International airport is one of the few
airports that makes use of converging ILS approaches
because its runway configuration has multiple parallel
runways and two offset runways. [Figure 5-48 on page
5-58] The approach chart title indicates the use of con-
verging approaches and the notes section highlights
other runways that are authorized for converging
approach procedures.
The MLS is a precision instrument approach alternative to the ILS. It provides azimuth, elevation, and distance information, as well as a back azimuth capable of
providing guidance for missed approach procedures
and departures. In addition to straight-in approaches,
the MLS system can also provide three-dimensional
RNAV type approaches in both computed straight and
curved paths. It was initially designed to replace the
ILS system and it provided inherent flexibility and
broader reception range with the greatest limitation
being the capabilities of the airborne equipment
installed in individual aircraft.
The MLS has multiple advantages including an
increased number of frequencies, compact ground
equipment, and complex approach paths. For a variety
of reasons, particularly the advent of civil use GPS,
MLS installation was deferred, and by 1994 it was officially cancelled by the FAA. Today there are few MLS
installations in the U.S. and currently there are no plans
for further installations. Futhermore, the MLS
equipment required for an MLS approach was not
widely installed in aircraft, whereas most new
aircraft produced today come with GPS systems.
With the limited number of MLS installations
around the country, it is highly unlikely that most
pilots will ever encounter the MLS approach, and
if they do, it is even less likely that the proper
equipment would be installed in the aircraft.
Like the ILS, the basic MLS approach requires the
final approach course alignment to be within 3
degrees of the extended runway centerline. This type
of approach uses a glide slope between 3 and 6.40
degrees and provides precision landing minimums to
200 feet HAT. Obstacle clearance is based on the glide
slope angle used in the approach design. The design
criteria differ for each type of MLS approach and
incorporate numerous formulas for the derivation of
specific course criteria. This information is contained
in FAA Order 8260.3 Volume 3, Chapters 2 and 3.
In the front of the TPP, there is a page containing additional information pertaining to the use of an MLS system. The MLS Channeling and Frequency Pairing
Table cross references the appropriate MLS channel
with its paired VHF and TACAN frequencies. Ground
equipment associated with the MLS operates on the
MLS channels, while the MLS angle/data and DME is
required to operate using one of the paired VHF or
TACAN frequencies.
Figure 5-46. Simultaneous Offset Instrument Approach Procedure.
15° to
Figure 5-47. Converging Approach Criteria.
Figure 5-48. Dallas/Fort Worth (KDFW), Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas, CONVERGING ILS RWY 35C.
The VOR is one of the most widely used nonprecision
approach types in the NAS. VOR approaches use VOR
facilities both on and off the airport to establish
approaches and include the use of a wide variety of
equipment such as DME and TACAN. Due to the wide
variety of options included in a VOR approach, TERPS
outlines design criteria for both on and off airport VOR
facilities as well as VOR approaches with and without
a FAF. Despite the various configurations, all VOR
approaches are nonprecision approaches, require the
presence of properly operating VOR equipment, and
can provide MDAs as low as 250 feet above the runway. VOR also offers a flexible advantage in that an
approach can be made toward or away from the
navigational facility.
The VOR approach into Missoula International in
Missoula, Montana, is an example of a VOR approach
where the VOR facility is on the airport and there is no
specified FAF. [Figure 5-49] For a straight-in approach,
the final approach course is typically aligned to intersect
the extended runway centerline 3,000 feet from the runway threshold, and the angle of convergence between
the two does not exceed 30 degrees. This type of VOR
approach also includes a minimum of 300 feet of obstacle
clearance in the final approach area. The final approach
area criteria include a 2 NM wide primary area at the
facility that expands to 6 NM wide at a distance of 10 NM
from the facility. Additional approach criteria are established for courses that require a high altitude teardrop
approach penetration.
When DME is included in the title of the VOR
approach, operable DME must be installed in the aircraft in order to fly the approach from the FAF. The
use of DME allows for an accurate determination of
position without timing, which greatly increases situational awareness throughout the approach. Alexandria,
Louisiana, is an excellent example of a VOR/DME
approach in which the VOR is off the airport and a FAF
is depicted. [Figure 5-50 on page 5-60] In this case,
the final approach course is a radial or straight-in final
approach and is designed to intersect the runway centerline at the runway threshold with the angle of convergence not exceeding 30 degrees.
The criteria for an arc final approach segment associated
with a VOR/DME approach is based on the arc being
beyond 7 NM and no farther than 30 NM from the VOR,
Figure 5-49. Missoula International, Missoula, Montana (KMSO), VOR–C.
and depends on the angle of convergence between the
runway centerline and the tangent of the arc. Obstacle
clearance in the primary area, which is considered the
area 4 NM on either side of the arc centerline, is
guaranteed by at least 500 feet.
Like the VOR approach, an NDB approach can be
designed using facilities both on and off the airport,
with or without a FAF, and with or without DME availability. At one time it was commonplace for an instrument student to learn how to fly an NDB approach, but
with the growing use of GPS, many pilots no longer
use the NDB for instrument approaches. New RNAV
approaches are also rapidly being constructed into airports that are served only by NDB. The long-term plan
includes the gradual phase out of NDB facilities, and
eventually, the NDB approach will become nonexistent.
Until that time, the NDB provides additional availability
for instrument pilots into many smaller, remotely located
The NDB Runway 9 approach at Charleston Executive
Airport, is an example of an NDB approach established
Figure 5-50. Alexandria International, Alexandria, Louisiana (KAEX), VOR/DME RWY 32.
with an on-airport NDB that does not incorporate a
FAF. [Figure 5-51] In this case, a procedure turn or
penetration turn is required to be a part of the approach
design. For the NDB to be considered an on-airport
facility, the facility must be located within one mile of
any portion of the landing runway for straight-in
approaches and within one mile of any portion of
usable landing surface for circling approaches. The
final approach segment of the approach is designed
with a final approach area that is 2.5 NM wide at the
facility, and increases to 8 NM wide at 10 NM from the
facility. Additionally, the final approach course and the
extended runway centerline angle of convergence cannot exceed 30 degrees for straight-in approaches. This
type of NDB approach is afforded a minimum of 350
feet obstacle clearance.
When a FAF is established for an NDB approach, the
approach design criteria changes. It also takes into
account whether or not the NDB is located on or off the
airport. Additionally, this type of approach can be made
both moving toward or away from the NDB facility.
The St. Mary’s, Alaska, NDB DME RWY 16 [Figure
5-52 on page 5-62] is an approach with a FAF using an
on-airport NDB facility that also incorporates the use
of DME. In this case, the NDB has DME capabilities
from the LOC approach system installed on the airport.
While the alignment criteria and obstacle clearance
remain the same as an NDB approach without a FAF,
the final approach segment area criteria changes to an
area that is 2.5 NM wide at the facility and increases to
5 NM wide, 15 NM from the NDB.
The two types of radar approaches available to pilots
when operating in the NAS are PAR and ASR. Radar
approaches may be given to any aircraft at the pilot’s
request. ATC may also offer radar approach options to
aircraft in distress regardless of the weather conditions,
or as necessary to expedite traffic. Despite the control
exercised by ATC in a radar approach environment, it
remains the pilot’s responsibility to ensure the
approach and landing minimums listed for the
approach are appropriate for the existing weather
conditions considering personal approach criteria
certification and company OpsSpecs.
Perhaps the greatest benefit of either type of radar
approach is the ability to use radar to execute a “nogyro” approach. Assuming standard rate turns, an air
traffic controller can indicate when to begin and end
turns. If available, pilots should make use of this
approach when the heading indicator has failed and
partial panel instrument flying is required.
Information about radar approaches is published in tabular form in the front of the TPP booklet. PAR, ASR,
and circling approach information including runway,
DA, DH, or MDA, height above airport (HAA), HAT,
ceiling, and visibility criteria are outlined and listed by
specific airport.
Regardless of the type of radar approach in use, ATC
monitors aircraft position and issues specific heading
and altitude information throughout the entire
Figure 5-51. Charleston Executive (KJZI), Charleston, South Carolina, NDB RWY 9.
approach. Particularly, lost communications procedures should be briefed prior to execution to ensure
pilots have a comprehensive understanding of ATC
expectations if radio communication were lost. ATC
also provides additional information concerning
weather and missed approach instructions when
beginning a radar approach. [Figure 5-53]
PAR provides both vertical and lateral guidance, as
well as range, much like an ILS, making it the most
precise radar approach available. The radar approach,
however, is not able to provide visual approach indications in the cockpit. This requires the flight crew to listen
and comply with controller instructions. PAR
approaches are rare, with most of the approaches used in
a military setting; any opportunity to practice this type of
approach is beneficial to any flight crew.
The final approach course of a PAR approach is always
directly aligned with the runway centerline, and the
associated glide slope is typically no less than 2 degrees
Figure 5-52. St. Mary’s (PASM), St. Mary’s, Alaska, NDB DME RWY 16.
and no more than 3 degrees. Obstacle clearance for the
final approach area is based on the particular established glide slope angle and the exact formula is outlined in TERPS Volume 1, Chapter 10. [Figure 5-54]
ASR approaches are typically only approved when
necessitated for an ATC operational requirement, or in
an unusual or emergency situation. This type of radar
only provides heading and range information, although
the controller can advise the pilot of the altitude where
the aircraft should be based on the distance from the
runway. An ASR approach procedure can be established at any radar facility that has an antenna within
20 NM of the airport and meets the equipment
requirements outlined in Order 8200.1, U.S.
Standard Flight Inspection Manual (latest version).
ASR approaches are not authorized for use when
Center Radar ARTS processing (CENRAP) procedures are in use due to diminished radar capability.
The final approach course for an ASR approach is
aligned with the runway centerline for straight-in
approaches and aligned with the center of the airport
for circling approaches. Within the final approach area,
the pilot is also guaranteed a minimum of 250 feet
obstacle clearance. ASR descent gradients are designed
to be relatively flat, with an optimal gradient of 150 feet
per mile and never exceeding 300 feet per mile.
As an approach system, the localizer is an extremely
flexible approach aid that, due to its inherent design,
provides many applications for a variety of needs in
instrument flying. An ILS glide slope installation may
be impossible due to surrounding terrain. For whatever
reason, the localizer is able to provide four separate
applications from one approach system:
• Localizer Approach.
• Localizer/DME Approach.
Figure 5-53. Asheville Regional (KAVL), Asheville, NC, Radar Instrument Approach Minimums.
Obstacle Clearance Surface (OCS)
975 10,000 40,000
Glide Slope 2°– 3°
Ground Point of
Interception (GPI)
Figure 5-54. PAR Final Approach Area Criteria.
• Localizer Back Course Approach.
• Localizer-type Directional Aid (LDA).
The localizer approach system can provide both
precision and nonprecision approach capabilities to
a pilot. As a part of the ILS system, the localizer
provides horizontal guidance for a precision
approach. Typically, when the localizer is discussed, it is thought of as a nonprecision approach
due to the fact that either it is the only approach
system installed, or the glide slope is out of service
on the ILS. In either case, the localizer provides a
nonprecision approach using a localizer transmitter
installed at a specific airport. [Figure 5-55]
TERPS provide the same alignment criteria for a localizer approach as it does for the ILS since it is essentially
the same approach without vertical guidance stemming
from the glide slope. A localizer is always aligned within
Figure 5-55. Vicksburg Tallulah Regional (KTVR), Tallulah/Vicksburg, Louisiana, LOC RWY 36.
3 degrees of the runway, and it is afforded a minimum of
250 feet obstacle clearance in the final approach area. In
the case of a localizer DME (LOC DME) approach, the
localizer installation has a collocated DME installation
that provides distance information required for the
approach. [Figure 5-56]
In cases where an ILS is installed, a back course may
be available in conjunction with the localizer. Like
the localizer, the back course does not offer a glide
slope, but remember that the back course can project
a false glide slope signal and the glide slope should
be ignored. Reverse sensing will occur on the back
course using standard VOR equipment. With an
HSI (horizontal situation indicator) system,
reverse sensing is eliminated if it is set appropriately to the front course. [Figure 5-57 on page 5-66]
An LDA is a NAVAID that provides nonprecision
approach capabilities. The LDA is essentially a localizer. It is termed LDA because the course alignment
with the runway exceeds 3 degrees. Typically, an LDA
Figure 5-56. Davidson County (KEXX), Lexington, North Carolina, LOC DME RWY 6.
installation does not incorporate a glide slope component. However, the availability of a glide slope associated with an LDA is noted on the approach chart. This
type of NAVAID provides an approach course between
3 and 6 degrees, making it similar in accuracy to a
localizer, but remember that the LDA is not as closely
aligned with the runway and it does not offer a navigable back course. Currently there are less than 30 LDA
installations in the U.S., and as a result, most pilots are
not familiar with this type of instrument approach.
[Figure 5-58]
The SDF is another instrument approach system that is
not as accurate as the LOC approach facilities. Like the
LOC type approaches, the SDF is an alternative
approach that may be installed at an airport for a variety of reasons, including terrain. The final approach
Figure 5-57. Baton Rouge Metro/Ryan (KBTR), Baton Rouge, Louisiana, LOC BC RWY 4L.
Figure 5-58. Hartford-Brainard (KHFD), Hartford, Connecticut, LDA RWY 2.
course width of an SDF system is set at either 6 or 12
degrees. The SDF is a nonprecision approach since it
only provides lateral guidance to the runway.
For straight-in SDF approaches, the angle of convergence for the final approach course and the extended
runway centerline is 30 degrees or less, and if the
angle of convergence is beyond 30 degrees, the SDF
will only have circling minimums. An SDF approach
is provided a minimum of 250 feet obstacle clearance
for straight-in approaches while in the final approach
area, which is an area defined for a 6 degrees course:
1,000 feet at or abeam the runway threshold expanding to 19,228 feet 10 NM from the threshold. The
same final approach area for a 12 degrees course is
larger. This type of approach is also designed with a
maximum descent gradient of 400 feet per NM, unless
circling only minimums are authorized. [Figure 5-59]
Figure 5-59. Newark-Heath (KVTA), Newark, Ohio, SDF RWY 9. |