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Air Traffic Technical Training [复制链接]

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发表于 2008-12-19 22:30:16 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
ORDER 3120.4L AIR TRAFFIC TECHNICAL TRAINING June 22, 2005 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION RECORD OF CHANGES DIRECTIVE NO. 3120.4L CHANGE SUPPLEMENTS OPTIONAL CHANGE SUPPLEMENTS OPTIONAL TO BASIC TO BASIC 6/22/05 3120.4L Explanation of Changes E of C-1 Air Traffic Technical Training Explanation of Changes a. 1-6. Delegation of Authority Modifies existing paragraph to reflect new ATO structure. These changes are reflected throughout the entire order. b. 1-7. Word Usage and Definitions Adds the following definitions: CPC Certified Professional Controller CPC-in-Training Certified Professional Controller in Training TRD Tower Radar Display Deletes the following definition: Withdrew c. 2-9. FAA Academy, Air Traffic Division (AMA-500) Adds Electronic Learning Management System (ELMs) for recording data. Deletes requirement to distribute BRITE/DBRITE Certification examination. d. 2-10. Facility Training Responsibilities Clarifies the training requirement for Facility Technical Liaison Officer (FTLO) for the Air Traffic Instructional Services (ATIS) Contract. The requirement to attend the approved instructor training course reduced to 6 months. Clarifies Facility Support Staff responsibility to evaluate trainee performance. e. 2-11. Qualification Training Table inserted to outline the Initial Training Requirements based on hiring source. Clarifies training requirement for Terminal Basic Radar Training conducted at the Radar Training Facility (RTF). Deletes requirement for BRITE/DBRITE Certification. Clarifies training requirements for individuals with weather observer responsibilities. f. 2-12. Proficiency Training Restructures sections for ease of use. Adds following refresher training requirements: Military Training Routes (MTRs), Prevention of runway incursions, Controller-in-Charge (CIC), User Request Evaluation Tool (URET). Clarifies assignment of Remedial training. g. 2-13. Recertification Adds Weather Observer Recertification and Pilot Weather Briefer. h. 2-17. Disposition of Records and Reports. Clarified disposal of CPC/FPL recertification documentation. 3120.4L 6/22/05 E of C-2 Explanation of Changes i. 3-3. Selection, Certification, and Evaluation of OJTIs. Clarify existing requirement for OJTI candidates to be CPC/FPL. j. 3-7. Certification Skill Checks. Changes the requirement from conducting a single session skill check to allow more than one session. Requires identification of purpose of the Skill Check prior to conducting the session(s). k. 3-11. OJT and Certification Process Flowchart. Deletes non-abbreviated flow chart. l. 4-2. Related Terminology. Air Traffic Training Support Web Page address is updated. Adds the following definitions: Digital Video Disc (DVD), System Administrator, Webmaster. Delete the following definitions: Micro PLATO Authoring System (MPAS), SYSOP. m. Appendix 1. Deleted the requirement to indicate training hours to the nearest tenth. Deleted signature references to FAA Order 7210.56, Quality Assurance. n. Appendix 2. Allows the use of a “mark” instead of a “check mark” for Block 11 items. Changes the requirement for references in block 12A from mandatory to optional for OJT only. Adds Indicators to several Job Subtasks relating to airport movement areas and URET. o. Appendix 3. Allows the use of a “mark” instead of a “check mark” for Block 11 items. Changes the requirement for references in block 12A from mandatory to optional for OJT only. p. Appendix 4. All stages of training were updated. URET training was added. q. Appendix 6. All stages of training were updated. STARS and MEARTS training were added. r. Appendix 7. Allows the use of a “mark” instead of a “check mark” for Block 11 items. s. Appendix 8. References were updated. Documentation. Allows the use of a “mark” instead of a “check mark” for Block 11 items. 6/22/05 3120.4L i (and ii) AIR TRAFFIC TECHNICAL TRAINING 3120.4L FOREWORD This order prescribes instructions, standards, and guidance for the administration of Air Traffic technical training. All persons involved in Air Traffic technical training are required to be familiar with and comply with this order. The order consists of four chapters and eight appendices. The chapters contain information generally applicable to all types of facilities. The appendices contain information unique to en route, terminal, flight service facilities and the Air Traffic Control System Command Center. Charles E. Saunders Manager, Controller Training Division 6/22/05 3120.4L iii

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2008-12-19 22:34:36 |只看该作者
TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION Section 1. GENERAL Paragraph Page 1-1. PURPOSE................................................................................................................................. 1-1-1 1-2. DISTRIBUTION ...................................................................................................................... 1-1-1 1-3. CANCELLATION.................................................................................................................... 1-1-1 1-4. EFFECTIVE DATE.................................................................................................................. 1-1-1 1-5. EXPLANATION OF CHANGES ............................................................................................ 1-1-1 1-6. DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY........................................................................................... 1-1-1 Section 2. TERMS OF REFERENCE 1-7. WORD USAGE AND DEFINITIONS .................................................................................... 1-2-1 1-8. FORMS AVAILABILITY........................................................................................................ 1-2-5 Chapter 2. TECHNICAL TRAINING Section 1. GENERAL 2-1. TRAINING OF NON-FAA PERSONNEL .............................................................................. 2-1-1 2-2. RAPCON OR RATCF TRAINING.......................................................................................... 2-1-1 Section 2. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 2-3. IDENTIFICATION OF TRAINING REQUIREMENTS ........................................................ 2-2-1 2-4. DEVELOPMENT OF TRAINING........................................................................................... 2-2-1 2-5. TRAINING EVALUATION .................................................................................................... 2-2-1 2-6. NATIONAL SUPPORT ........................................................................................................... 2-2-1 2-7. SERVICE AREA SUPPORT ................................................................................................... 2-2-2 2-8. NATIONAL CBI IMPLEMENTATION OFFICE (AMA-300B1)...........................................2-2-2 2-9. FAA ACADEMY, AIR TRAFFIC DIVISION (AMA-500) .................................................... 2-2-3 2-10. FACILITY TRAINING RESPONSIBILITIES ........................................................................ 2-2-4 Section 3. TRAINING REQUIREMENTS FOR AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL SPECIALISTS 2-11. QUALIFICATION TRAINING ............................................................................................... 2-3-1 2-12. PROFICIENCY TRAINING (Refresher, Supplemental, Skill Enhancement, Remedial) ....... 2-3-3 2-13. RECERTIFICATION ............................................................................................................... 2-3-6 3120.4L 6/22/05 iv TABLE OF CONTENTS—Continued Section 4. TRAINING AND PROFICIENCY RECORDS AND REPORTS Paragraph Page 2-14. POLICY .................................................................................................................................... 2-4-1 2-15. RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................................................................... 2-4-1 2-16. TRAINING REPORTS............................................................................................................. 2-4-2 2-17. DISPOSITION OF RECORDS AND REPORTS .................................................................... 2-4-2 Chapter 3. AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL SPECIALIST ON-THE-JOB TRAINING AND POSITION CERTIFICATION SECTION 1. GENERAL 3-1. GENERAL................................................................................................................................ 3-1-1 3-2. FACILITY TRAINING HOURS ............................................................................................. 3-1-1 Section 2. ON-THE-JOB TRAINING AND POSITION CERTIFICATION 3-3. SELECTION, CERTIFICATION, AND EVALUATION OF OJTIs ...................................... 3-2-1 3-4. TRAINING TEAMS................................................................................................................. 3-2-2 3-5. TRAINING PLAN.................................................................................................................... 3-2-3 3-6. PERFORMANCE SKILL CHECKS (Developmental)............................................................ 3-2-3 3-7. CERTIFICATION SKILL CHECKS ....................................................................................... 3-2-6 3-8. SKILL ENHANCEMENT TRAINING (Developmental)........................................................ 3-2-7 3-9. ADDITIONAL OJT HOURS ................................................................................................... 3-2-8 3-10. TRAINING REVIEW PROCESS ............................................................................................ 3-2-8 3-11. OJT AND CERTIFICATION PROCESS FLOWCHARTS .................................................... 3-2-9 FIGURE 3-1. SAMPLE TRAINING PLAN ........................................................................... 3-2-4 FIGURE 3-2. OJT AND CERTIFICATION PROCESS (ABBREVIATED VERSION)..... 3-2-10 Chapter 4. COMPUTER-BASED INSTRUCTION (CBI) Section 1. GENERAL 4-1. GENERAL................................................................................................................................ 4-1-1 4-2. RELATED TERMINOLOGY .................................................................................................. 4-1-1 Section 2. CBI USE AND SYSTEM CONFIGURATION MAINTENANCE 4-3. CBI USE AND MAINTENANCE ........................................................................................... 4-2-1 6/22/05 3120.4L v TABLE OF CONTENTS—Continued Section 3. CBI COURSEWARE AND LESSON DEVELOPMENT Paragraph Page 4-4. NATIONAL LESSON DEVELOPMENT ................................................................................... 4-3-1 4-5. LESSON DISTRIBUTION .......................................................................................................... 4-3-4 4-6. COURSEWARE MODIFICATION AND MAINTENANCE .................................................... 4-3-4 4-7. STUDENT INFORMATION ........................................................................................................ 4-3-4 4-8. QUALITY CONTROL.................................................................................................................. 4-3-4 4-9. AIR TRAFFIC TRAINING SITE ................................................................................................. 4-3-4 FIGURE 4-1. CBI LESSON CHECKLIST ................................................................................. 4-3-3 APPENDIX 1 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THE TRAINING AND PROFICIENCY RECORD—FAA Form 3120-1 GENERAL ............................................................................................................................................ 1 SECTION I, EMPLOYMENT DATA................................................................................................. 3 SECTION IIA, AIR TRAFFIC CERTIFICATES ............................................................................... 4 SECTION IIB, AIR TRAFFIC RATINGS .......................................................................................... 5 SECTION III, QUALIFICATION TRAINING .................................................................................. 6 SECTION IV, EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATION ............................................................................. 12 SECTION V, PROFICIENCY TRAINING (Refresher, Supplemental Skill Enhancement, Remedial)............................................................................................................................................ 13 SECTION VI, TECHNICAL APPRAISAL ...................................................................................... 15 SECTION VII, MANAGEMENT AND OTHER TRAINING ........................................................ 17 SECTION VIII, FAMILIARIZATION TRAINING......................................................................... 19 SECTION IX, CERTIFIED TRAX RECORDS................................................................................ 20 APPENDIX 2 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THE ATCT/ARTCC OJT INSTRUCTION/EVALUATION REPORT—FAA Form 3120-25 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................ 1 USING THE FORM ............................................................................................................................. 1 JOB SUBTASKS AND INDICATORS CHECKLIST FOR THE ATCT/ARTCC OJT INSTRUCTION/EVALUATION REPORT........................................................................................ 9 3120.4L 6/22/05 vi TABLE OF CONTENTS—Continued APPENDIX 3 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THE FSS/AFSS OJT INSTRUCTION/EVALUATION REPORT—FAA Form 3120-26 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................. 1 USING THE FORM ............................................................................................................................. 1 JOB SUBTASKS AND INDICATORS CHECKLIST FOR THE FSS/AFSS OJT INSTRUCTION/EVALUATION REPORT........................................................................................ 7 APPENDIX 4 EN ROUTE INSTRUCTIONAL PROGRAM GUIDE INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................................1 STAGE I: FAA ACADEMY TRAINING ...........................................................................................3 STAGE II: ASSISTANT CONTROLLER TRAINING (FLIGHT DATA).....................................11 STAGE III: NONRADAR AND RADAR-ASSOCIATE CONTROLLER TRAINING................15 STAGE IV: RADAR CONTROLLER TRAINING..........................................................................35 APPENDIX 5 FLIGHT SERVICE STATION INSTRUCTIONAL PROGRAM GUIDE INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................................1 STAGE I: FAA ACADEMY TRAINING ...........................................................................................3 STAGE II: AUTOMATED FLIGHT SERVICE STATION FACILITY QUALIFICATION/CERTIFICATION TRAINING.......................................................................... 11 STAGE III: FLIGHT SERVICE STATION FACILITY QUALIFICATION/CERTIFICATION TRAINING...........................................................................................................................................43 APPENDIX 6 TERMINAL INSTRUCTIONAL PROGRAM GUIDE INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................................1 STAGE I: FAA ACADEMY TRAINING ...........................................................................................3 STAGE II: FLIGHT DATA POSITION TRAINING.......................................................................17 STAGE III: CLEARANCE DELIVERY POSITION TRAINING ..................................................35 STAGE IV: GROUND CONTROL POSITION TRAINING ..........................................................39 STAGE V: LOCAL CONTROL/CAB COORDINATOR POSITION TRAINING .......................49 STAGE VI: NONRADAR TERMINAL CONTROL.......................................................................59 STAGE VII: RADAR CONTROL..................................................................................................... 65 6/22/05 3120.4L vii (and viii) TABLE OF CONTENTS—Continued APPENDIX 7 TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT INSTRUCTIONAL PROGRAM GUIDE INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................................1 STAGE I: FAA ACADEMY TRAINING ...........................................................................................3 STAGE II: FACILITY TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATION AND CERTIFICATION TRAINING...........................................................................................................11 APPENDIX 8 TERMINAL AND EN ROUTE CONTROLLER-IN-CHARGE INSTRUCTIONAL PROGRAM GUIDE INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................................1 STAGE 1: FAA ACADEMY TRAINING CONTROLLER-IN-CHARGE CBI ..............................3 STAGE II: FACILITY CONTROLLER-IN-CHARGE QUALIFICATION AND CERTIFICATION, PART A. ................................................................................................................7 STAGE II: FACILITY CONTROLLER-IN-CHARGE QUALIFICATION AND CERTIFICATION, PART B. ..............................................................................................................21 6/22/05 3120.4L Par 1-1 1-1-1 (and 1-1-2) CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION SECTION 1. GENERAL 1-1. PURPOSE. This order conveys instructions, standards, and guidance for the administration of Air Traffic technical training. 1-2. DISTRIBUTION. This order is distributed to selected offices in the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) headquarters, service area offices, FAA Technical Center, the Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center, all Air Traffic field offices, the FAA Academy, all International Aviation field offices, and interested members of the aviation public. 1-3. CANCELLATION. Order 3120.4J, Air Traffic Technical Training, dated June 16, 1998, is canceled. 1-4. EFFECTIVE DATE. This order is effective June 22, 2005. 1-5. EXPLANATION OF CHANGES. The significant changes in this order are identified in the Explanation of Changes page(s). It is advisable to retain the page(s) throughout the duration of the basic order. If further information is desired, direct questions through the appropriate facility/service area/ headquarters staff. 1-6. DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY. As directed by the Chief Operating Officer (COO), the Vice President, Acquisition and Business Services, is responsible for Air Traffic technical training. By order of the COO, all persons involved in Air Traffic technical training shall comply with this order. The Manager, Controller Training Division, is delegated authority in all matters related to the training programs and policies described in this order. Supplemental changes and requests for waivers to programs and policies transmitted by this order must receive prior approval through written requests to Controller Training Division. If a conflict arises between the contents of this order and other FAA issuances, managers shall request clarification from Controller Training Division through their respective service area office. The FAA Academy should request any needed clarification from Controller Training Division. The Manager, Controller Training Division, is delegated authority in all matters involving performance verification related to Air Traffic Initial Qualification training programs and the Terminal Basic Radar Training course and is responsible for coursework/curriculum review and oversight for all Air Traffic training conducted at, or prepared by, the FAA Academy. 6/22/05 3120.4L

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发表于 2008-12-19 22:35:11 |只看该作者
Par 1-7 1-2-1 SECTION 2. TERMS OF REFERENCE 1-7. WORD USAGE AND DEFINITIONS. a. Word Usage. Unless otherwise noted, singular shall indicate plural, and vice versa. (1) Shall is used when an application of a procedure is mandatory. (2) Shall not means prohibited. (3) Should means recommended. (4) May means permitted. (5) Will is used only to indicate futurity and is never used to indicate a requirement. b. Definitions. (1) Additional On-the-Job Training (OJT) Hours. Term used to refer to OJT hours authorized beyond the target hours. (2) Air Traffic. Headquarters Air Traffic organization. (3) Air Traffic Manager (ATM). Individual responsible for the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the facility training program. (4) Centralized Training. Agency training conducted at a location other than the participant’s regularly assigned facility (i.e., FAA Academy, Center for Management Development, etc.). This may include resident courses conducted locally and funded centrally. (5) Certification Skill Check. An assessment used to determine if an individual demonstrates the knowledge and skill level necessary to certify on an operational position. (6) Certified Professional Controller (CPC). A civilian air traffic control specialist (ATCS) who is or has been facility/area certified in the terminal/en route air traffic control option in the Air Traffic Service whose primary duty is the separation and control of live air traffic. (7) Classroom Training. Instructional presentations administered away from operational positions. (8) College Training Initiative (CTI). FAA program that provides potential air traffic control candidates for hire. (9) Computer Based Instruction (CBI). Instructional delivery method using interactive computer technology. (10) Consolidated Positions. Those operational positions of the same nature which are routinely combined (e.g., 6D/13D, 8R/10R, etc.). (11) Correspondence Study. Program conducted primarily by self-paced lesson plans. 3120.4L 6/22/05 1-2-2 Par 1-7 (12) CPC in-training. A CPC who is in the process of obtaining certification or recertification for the facility/area to which assigned. (13) Currency. Prescribed minimum time requirement necessary to work an operational position independently under general supervision. (14) Developmental. An air traffic control specialist (ATCS) in any option who has not achieved full performance level (FPL) or certified professional controller (CPC) in any facility/area. (15) Developmental’s Supervisor. The supervisor of record for the developmental. (16) Discontinuation of Training. An action taken by the ATM/Hub Manager determining that no further training shall be conducted and/or a recommendation from a training review team that no further training be conducted. (17) Direct Monitoring. Observing and listening to all activity at the operational position. (18) Facility Training. Training conducted at the employee’s regularly assigned duty location. (19) Failed. Grade assigned to a student who does not satisfactorily complete a course. (20) Familiarity. Knowledge of delegated airspace, adjacent facilities, frequencies, traffic flows and types, and procedures (e.g., letters of agreement [LOAs]) associated with a sector/operational position. (21) Full-Performance-Level (FPL). Status of an ATCS in the flight service option who has achieved the highest nonsupervisory grade level and is facility/area certified. (22) Incomplete. Grade assigned to a student who does not complete a course because of mitigating circumstances which are not related to performance (e.g., prolonged illness, death in family, etc.). (23) Instructional Program Guide (IPG). Guide that outlines required course content for certain national Air Traffic Training Programs (ATTPs). Some IPGs have been incorporated as appendixes to this order. (24) Laboratory Training. Training conducted with job simulation techniques (e.g., nonradar, Dynamic Simulation (DYSIM)/Enhanced Target Generator (ETG)/Training Target Generator (TTG), etc.). (25) Minimum Certification Hours. The number of training hours required before becoming eligible for certification on a given operational position. (26) Nonoperational Personnel. Facility managers, assistant managers, support managers, national traffic management supervisors, and support specialists who, as a condition of employment, are not required to maintain currency. (27) On-the-Job Familiarization (OJF) Hours. Time that a developmental is assigned direct monitoring of an operational position. (28) On-the-Job Training (OJT). Training conducted by a supervisor or OJTI that provides direct experience in the work environment. 6/22/05 3120.4L Par 1-7 1-2-3 (29) On-the-Job Training Instructor (OJTI). An individual who instructs the developmental/CPC-in-training during OJT. (30) Operational Personnel. Operations supervisors (including facility managers who also serve as operations supervisors), traffic management coordinators, FPL/CPC controllers, developmentals, and air traffic assistants. (31) Out-of-Agency Training (OAT). Training conducted by or obtained from sources other than the FAA. (32) Performance Skill Check. (a) CPC-in-Training/Developmental. An assessment used to evaluate training progress by comparing a CPC-in-Training/developmental knowledge and skill levels to those required for certification. (b) FPL/CPC. An assessment of a specialist’s performance on an operational position on which the specialist is certified. (33) Performance Verification Process (PV). Academic and scenario-based assessment of students completing FAA Academy En Route Initial Qualification, Terminal Tower Cab Training, and Terminal Basic Radar Training courses. (34) Proficiency. Knowing, understanding, and applying air traffic procedures in a safe and efficient manner. (35) Proficiency Training. Training conducted to maintain and update the knowledge and skills necessary to apply air traffic procedures in a safe and efficient manner. (36) Qualification Training. Training conducted to develop the knowledge and skills required to qualify specialists for certification on positions of operation within an air traffic facility. (37) Refresher Training. Training conducted to maintain and update previously learned knowledge and skills. (38) Remedial Training. Training provided to correct specific identified operational deficiencies. (39) Self-Study. Training situation wherein the study/learning is accomplished by the individual. (40) Simulation Training. Training conducted in a classroom/laboratory environment designed to allow the developmental to apply basic skills and knowledge. (41) Skill Enhancement Training. (a) CIC-in-Training/Developmental. Training used to improve knowledge level or skill performance. (b) FPL/CPC. Training designed to increase the proficiency of a specialist in a skill on a position which the specialist is certified. 3120.4L 6/22/05 1-2-4 Par 1-7 (42) Supplemental Training. Training conducted when changes occur pertaining to new/revised procedures, regulations, or equipment. (43) Suspension of On-the-Job Training (OJT). An action taken by the developmental’s supervisor to temporarily stop OJT. (44) Target Hours. The training hours normally required for certification on an operational position. (45) Tower Radar Display (TRD). General term used for equipment that provides radar data in a control tower (e.g., DBRITE, R-ACD, STARS LITE, etc.). (46) Training Administrator (TA). The individual designated to administer the facility training program. (47) Training Plan. A document used to outline the training objectives for an individual. The specific details contained in a Training Plan will vary based on the needs of the individual and the facility. (48) Training Proposal. A written document that identifies a training need and specifies tasks, target audience, schedule, and priority for the proposed training. (49) Training Team. Designated individuals who facilitate the training of a developmental. (50) TRAX. A software program that allows automated preparation and maintenance of employee training records. 6/22/05 3120.4L

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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2008-12-19 22:35:53 |只看该作者
Par 1-8 1-2-5 (and 1-2-6) 1-8. FORMS AVAILABILITY. Additional copies of the following FAA forms may be ordered from the FAA Logistics Center at the Aeronautical Center. a. FAA Form 3120-1, Training and Proficiency Record (NSN: 0052-00-077-8002; unit of issue: book). b. Replacement pages: (1) FAA Form 3120-1.3, Qualification Training (continuation sheet) (NSN: 0052-00-863-7001; unit of issue: sheet). (2) FAA Form 3120-1.5, Proficiency Training (continuation sheet) (NSN: 0052-00-863-8001; unit of issue: sheet). (3) FAA Form 3120-1.6, Technical Appraisal (continuation sheet) (NSN: 0052-00-863-9001; unit of issue: sheet). (4) FAA Form 3120-1.7, Management and Other Training (continuation sheet) (NSN: 0052-00-864- 0000; unit of issue: sheet). (5) FAA Form 3120-1.8, Familiarization Training (continuation sheet) (NSN: 0052-00-864-1001; unit of issue: sheet). (6) FAA Form 3120-25, ATCT/ARTCC OJT Instruction/Evaluation Report (NSN: 0052-00-900- 2002; unit of issue: sheet). (7) FAA Form 3120-26, FSS/AFSS OJT Instruction/Evaluation Report (NSN: 0052-00-900-3002; unit of issue: sheet). (8) FAA Form 3120-32, Traffic Management Coordinator OJT Instruction/Evaluation Report (NSN: 0052-00-921-7000; unit of issue: sheet). (9) FAA Form 3120-36, Controller In Charge OJT Instruction/Evaluation Report (NSN: 0052-00- 923-6000; unit of issue: sheet). 6/22/05 3120.4L Par 2-1 2-1-1 (and 2-1-2) CHAPTER 2. TECHNICAL TRAINING SECTION 1. GENERAL 2-1. TRAINING OF NON-FAA PERSONNEL. Orientation or familiarization training may be provided at facilities to persons not employed by the FAA, provided agency requirements are met. Training of non-FAA personnel will be provided in accordance with FAA agreements or memorandums of understanding. NOTE: The previsions of FAA Order 3120.4 may or may not apply to Federal or Non-Federal Contract Towers. Training FAA Contract Towers shall be conducted in accordance with each contractor’s FAA approved Training Plan. 2-2. RAPCON OR RATCF TRAINING. Military personnel assigned to a jointly staffed Radar Approach Control (RAPCON) facility or a U.S. Navy Radar Air Traffic Control Facility (RATCF) shall be provided training on the radar control positions under FAA supervision. a. To participate in radar control training, military personnel must possess an appropriate certificate (AC Form 8060-1, Control Tower Operator Certificate; FAA Form 7220-1, Air Traffic Control Specialist Certificate; or AC Form 8080-2, Airman Written Test Report). Military personnel must meet FAA certification and currency requirements. b. Training shall be documented in FAA Form 3120-1 (see Appendix 1). All military participants who have successfully completed the training program shall receive appropriate FAA certificates and ratings and are qualified for assignment to control positions under general supervision. 6/22/05 3120.4L Par 2-3 2-2-1 SECTION 2. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 2-3. IDENTIFICATION OF TRAINING REQUIREMENTS. Air Traffic, service area offices, and field facilities, with the support of the FAA Academy, are responsible for identifying and reviewing job tasks and training requirements. The following steps shall be followed to establish or modify training requirements: a. Training requirements shall be transmitted in the form of a training proposal through established channels to Controller Training Division. b. Service area offices shall review the proposal and make appropriate recommendations. c. Controller Training Division shall review training proposals in light of possible national Air Traffic technical training application.

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发表于 2008-12-19 22:36:28 |只看该作者
2-4. DEVELOPMENT OF TRAINING. a. Controller Training Division shall take appropriate action to establish training programs for identified requirements. b. All training courses for national, service area, or facility use shall be developed and administered in accordance with agency directives. 2-5. TRAINING EVALUATION. Controller Training Division is responsible for program guidance, operational effectiveness, evaluation of Air Traffic technical training, coursework/curriculum review, validation of new training developed to support national programs, and oversight of FAA Academy delivered and developed courses. The purpose of the review is to ensure that courses meet Air Traffic technical training requirements. Controller Training Division is responsible for the oversight and monitoring of PV at institutions participating in the CTI. 2-6. NATIONAL SUPPORT. Controller Training Division shall obtain support for training. This shall include the planning, development, validation, conduct, and administration of Air Traffic technical training. Controller Training Division is responsible for the development and administration of PV for En Route, Terminal Tower Cab Training, and Terminal Basic Radar Training. a. Controller Training Division provides support for Air Traffic technical training through: (1) FAA headquarters. (2) FAA management development. (3) FAA Academy. (4) Other educational institutions. (5) Developing methods for evaluation of personnel performance and progress in Air Traffic technical training programs. (6) Management of the TRAX program. 3120.4L 6/22/05 2-2-2 Par 2-6 b. If training support is not available through the sources listed above, Controller Training Division may coordinate to obtain support through: (1) Service area offices, or (2) Any school or institution under contract. c. Controller Training Division has the following responsibilities with respect to CBI: (1) Authorize the allocation of resources. (2) Coordinate the use of CBI in regard to support of training needs. (3) Manage the CBI program. (4) Direct courseware development, distribution, training requirements, validation, and maintenance of software/courseware. (5) Authorize the release of source codes for local modifications. (6) Authorize the National CBI Implementation Office (AMA-300B1) to distribute CBI hardware and software to Air Traffic facilities. (7) Oversee the Air Traffic Training Web Page and authorize the national training products available for web distribution. (8) Review proposed CBI development activities and coordinate those efforts for a maximum utilization of resources. 2-7. SERVICE AREA SUPPORT. Service area managers are responsible for implementation, administration, and evaluation of the Air Traffic technical training program. 2-8. NATIONAL CBI IMPLEMENTATION OFFICE (AMA-300B1). AMA-300B1 provides support by: a. Ensuring that contract maintenance support is provided for CBI. b. Establishing and maintaining local and wide area networking. c. Providing Controller Training Division with information on software developed by other services. d. Providing hardware/software system upgrades. e. Distributing videodisks/DVDs provided by services. f. Mastering, duplicating, and distributing CBI courseware. g. Providing and maintaining a virus management system for CBI. h. Providing computer-managed instruction (CMI) compatibility support to courseware developers. i. Providing hotline support for all system-related issues. j. Preparing and updating the FAA national catalog of available FAA CBI courseware. 6/22/05 3120.4L Par 2-9 2-2-3 2-9. FAA ACADEMY, AIR TRAFFIC DIVISION (AMA-500). a. National Program. AMA-500 supports the administration of the national Air Traffic Technical Training Program (ATTP) by performing the following functions: (1) Developing course control documents. (2) Developing and conducting courses of instruction to meet operational needs identified by Air Traffic. (3) Providing professional advice and assistance to aid field facilities in planning, developing, and standardizing Air Traffic technical training programs and courses as well as developing objectives and schedules related to Air Traffic technical training. (4) Developing and updating standardized training procedures and materials for Air Traffic facility training programs. (5) Recommending prerequisites for admission to Air Traffic technical training courses. (6) Assisting in the evaluation of ongoing training programs as required. (7) Administering training courses as specified in the IPGs in this order. (8) Inputting development stage completion data in the Consolidated Personnel Management Information System (CPMIS)/Integrated Personnel and Payroll System (IPPS)/Electronic Learning Management System (eLMS) in accordance with established procedures. (9) Providing CBI hotline to support courseware. (10) Maintaining technical accuracy/currency of CBI courseware. (11) Establishing, maintaining, and operating the Air Traffic Training Web Site. (12) Providing resources to review and validate CBI courseware. (13) Providing CBI technical courseware development support to local developers. (14) Maintaining a database documenting the status of CBI courseware development and availability. (The purpose of this database is to manage courseware distributed by Air Traffic from one local site to another.) (15) Verifying technical accuracy of any CBI software developed prior to distribution. (16) Establishing CBI Staff Coordinator position. (17) Assisting in management of CBI courseware development. b. Field Training Program Support. AMA-500 provides the following support, as approved by Controller Training Division. (1) CPC-in-Training/Developmental Training: (a) Developing IPGs and instructional materials (lesson plans, visual aids, handouts, CBI, etc.) for each option of the national ATTP. (b) Developing and distributing written examinations. 3120.4L 6/22/05 2-2-4 Par 2-9 (c) Developing and distributing training materials to support the national ATTP. These may be distributed in either hard-copy or computerized format. (2) Proficiency Training: (a) Developing and distributing self-study materials, such as refresher units, designed to meet specific objectives. (b) Developing and distributing instructional materials in special training projects to satisfy immediate Air Traffic requirements. (c) Administering special prototype programs in selected Air Traffic facilities. (d) Developing and distributing appraisal instruments used in the field-conducted development stages of the national ATTP. c. Control Tower Operator (CTO) Certification. AMA-500 prepares the CTO examination in cooperation with the Airman Certification Branch (AVN-460). d. Tower Visibility Observation Certification. The Meteorological Coordinator and Training Consultant (AMA-9) administers the Tower Visibility Observation Certification Program for all tower employees and maintains accountability for each certificate issued. e. Radar Air Traffic Control (ATC) Qualification Examination. This examination shall be administered in accordance with the appropriate IPG. Specialists who do not attend FAA Academy training shall be administered an examination prepared by the FAA Academy, during initial radar training. f. En Route Flight Advisory Service (EFAS) Recertification Examination. AMA-500 prepares and administers the EFAS recertification examination for flight service specialists in the field. g. Weather Surveillance Radar 88D (WSR-88D). AMA-500 maintains the training material and a certification examination required for all flight service specialists who use WSR-88D information in pilot weather briefing. h. Limited Aviation Weather Reporting Station (LAWRS). AMA-500 maintains the training material. The National Weather Service (NWS) certification examination is contained within the CBI program. 2-10. FACILITY TRAINING RESPONSIBILITIES. All personnel involved in Air Traffic technical training shall maintain a comprehensive working knowledge of the procedures and guidelines outlined in this order and the applicable national, service area, and local training directives. a. ATM. (1) General. ATMs shall ensure that: (a) A training program is established for Certification and Proficiency and is conducted in accordance with national, service area, and local directives and IPGs. (b) The training program shall be described in a facility training directive. (c) Ensure that an annual schedule of required refresher training is maintained and that the refresher training is accomplished. (d) Where authorized, a support manager is selected and assigned the responsibilities of the TA. Where no support manager is authorized, an individual is designated in writing to serve as the TA. The ATM may serve as the TA, without written designation. (e) Within 30 days of occupying the position, the individual designated as the Facility Technical Liaison Officer (FTLO) for the Air Traffic Instructional Services (ATIS) Contract shall complete the required training, established by the ATIS Contracting Officer, in order to perform the duties of an FTLO. 6/22/05 3120.4L Par 2-10 2-2-5 (f) Individuals assigned to staff positions that conduct classroom training or develop lesson plans attend a FAA approved instructor training course within six months of occupying the position. Briefings conducted by staff personnel and administration of simulated control scenarios do not constitute classroom training. (g) FAA Form 3120-1 is initiated and maintained (see Appendix 1). (h) Resource requirements necessary to conduct the facility training program are submitted to the service area office. (i) When the facility is identified as a LAWRS site, prior to the start of LAWRS training, the weather service regional office is notified of the pending change in status. (2) OJT and Certification Process. ATMs shall: (a) Ensure that individuals entering qualification training receive facility orientation and are briefed on the IPG, facility training directive, Federal Aviation Personnel Manual (FAPM) Letter 330-1, and other associated directives prior to entering training. (b) Ensure that OJT is accomplished in accordance with Chapter 3, Air Traffic Control Specialist On-the-Job Training and Position Certification. (c) Ensure that training reports are properly completed and maintained. (d) Ensure that facility target hours, minimum certification hours, and OJF hours are established, maintained, and updated. (e) Ensure that an annual evaluation of the efficiency and effectiveness of the OJT program is conducted and a written report is prepared. The report shall be sufficiently detailed to provide a basis for improving the facility training program. (f) Ensure that all OJTIs and supervisory ATCSs meet the qualification criteria in this order. (g) Ensure that OJTIs are recommended and designated in accordance with Chapter 3. (h) Ensure that training teams receive support of the TA and support managers. (i) Forward comments and information concerning curriculum or training requirements to Controller Training Division through established channels. (j) Initiate the training review process and ensure that the training review process is conducted when requested by the hub manager or when training has been suspended due to the developmental’s performance. (3) CBI. ATMs shall: (a) Implement CBI training at each facility. (b) Ensure that CBI platforms, with current courseware, are available for training. (c) Secure and limit access to student data and records, testing materials, and the operating system. (d) Direct development of local courseware and modification of national courseware for site-specific needs. 3120.4L 6/22/05 2-2-6 Par 2-10 (e) Maintain current and accurate information on the status of locally developed CBI courseware. Log this information on the CBI Web site. Prior to developing any new CBI courseware, facilities are encouraged to review the CBI Web Site in order to reduce redundancy and increase potential productivity. b. TA. TAs shall: (1) Administer the facility training program. (2) Develop and maintain a staff of support specialists, where authorized. (3) Ensure that the facility training program is planned, conducted, assessed, and revised on a continuous basis. (4) Maintain close communication with operations supervisors, support managers, OJTIs, and ATMs regarding all facility training programs and resources. (5) Ensure that the training contract is administered in accordance with national, service area, and local directives. (6) Monitor and assess the performance of support specialists/contract instructors on a continuous basis. (7) Ensure that local course materials, visual aids, and control scenarios are developed and properly labeled. (8) Plan and direct the training of personnel involved in the OJT/certification process. (9) Maintain training documentation. (10) Attend Air Traffic Facility Training Administration (FTA) course as soon as possible. c. Facility Support Staff. The support staff shall: (1) Organize and conduct training. (2) Prepare and maintain training materials. (3) Provide qualification training materials for developmental specialists upon entry into training. (4) Develop, validate, and administer laboratory scenarios. (5) Evaluate CPC-in-Training/developmental’s performance on a laboratory scenario(s). (6) Develop and conduct proficiency training. d. Operations Managers. Operations managers may be assigned the responsibility to manage OJT of all personnel under their supervision. If a facility has no second-level supervisors, these duties are performed by the ATM. The second-level supervisor shall: (1) Maintain close communication with the TA and operations supervisors regarding developmental and FPL/CPC controller training. 6/22/05 3120.4L Par 2-10 2-2-7 (2) Provide oversight and direction to operations supervisors to ensure compliance with training directives. (3) Review OJT documentation. e. Operations Supervisors. Operations supervisors shall: (1) Identify, recommend, coordinate, and schedule proficiency training. (2) Perform OJTI certification and periodic performance skill checks on OJTI’s while performing OJTI duties. (3) Provide feedback to OJTIs and CPC-in-Training/developmentals on training performance. (4) Ensure that OJTIs have no other duties to perform during training sessions. (5) Maintain either currency or familiarization on positions for which certifications are conducted. (6) Promote teamwork skills for training team members. (7) Conduct performance and certification skill checks in accordance with Chapter 3. (8) Evaluate CPC-in-Training/developmental’s performance on a laboratory scenario(s) when requested by the TA. (9) Brief the CPC-in-Training/developmental’s supervisor on the performance and/or certification skill-check results and recommendation(s). (10) Ensure that OJT is productive and appropriate for the experience level of the CPC-in-Training/ developmental. (11) Ensure that performance feedback is provided to the CPC-in-Training/developmental as soon as possible after each OJT session. (12) Ensure that for all training sessions conducted during the assigned shift, at least one OJT report for each position/consolidated position is completed. It is permissible to combine reports if the OJTI trains the same CPC-in-Training/developmental on the same position, on the same day. (13) Serve on training reviews. f. Supervisor of Record. The CPC-in-Training/developmental’s supervisor of record shall: (1) Administer, assign, monitor, and facilitate training. This includes: (a) Establishing a training team. (b) Ensuring that OJF is provided for at least two operational positions. (c) Ensuring that OJF hours are documented. (d) Ensuring that the majority of OJT is provided by members of the training team. 3120.4L 6/22/05 2-2-8 Par 2-10 (e) Identifying, recommending, coordinating, and scheduling additional OJT hours and skill enhancement training. (f) Conducting evaluation laboratory scenarios when requested by the TA. (2) Maintain communication among the training team, TA, and operational managers. (3) Sign the position certification entry in the employee’s FAA Form 3120-1 and FAA Forms 3120- 25/26/32/36. This signature certifies that the employee has completed all qualification training for the position. (4) Serve as team leader for the training team(s). (a) Make the final determination to modify the training plan by providing skill enhancement training or additional OJT hours. (b) Make the final determination regarding certification. (c) Make the final determination regarding the suspension of OJT. (5) Address any reported extenuating circumstances that may impede the CPC-in-Training/ developmental’s training progress. g. OJTI. The OJTI is responsible for assisting the CPC-in-Training/developmental in acquiring the knowledge and skills necessary to certify. The OJTI shall: (1) Ensure that the OJT process includes preferred methods of teaching through a combination of instruction, demonstration, and practical application. OJT instruction shall be based on handbook requirements and procedures and shall provide guidance on control judgment. Alternative techniques should be demonstrated by the OJTI. (2) Be familiar with the CPC-in-Training/developmental’s previous training performance prior to commencing OJT. (3) Document OJT results on FAA Form 3120-25, ATCT/ARTCC OJT Instruction/Evaluation Report, FAA Form 3120-26, FSS/AFSS OJT Instruction/Evaluation Report, or FAA Form 3120-32, Traffic Management Coordinator OJT Instruction/Evaluation Report. For each training session conducted during the assigned shift, at least one OJT report for each position/consolidated position shall be completed by each OJTI. It is permissible to combine reports if the OJTI trains the same CPC-in-Training/developmental on the same position on the same day. (4) Discuss the CPC-in-Training/developmental’s performance as soon as possible after each OJT session. (5) Perform only OJT duties during training sessions. (6) Be plugged into the same control position as the CPC-in-Training/developmental when OJT is being conducted. (7) Provide OJT to no more than one CPC-in-Training/developmental at the same time. (8) Satisfy training objectives as specified in the training plan. (9) Keep the CPC-in-Training/developmental’s supervisor informed of progress. (10) Assume the responsibilities of a training team member when assigned to a training team. (11) Be responsible for all positions combined during training, even if the CPC-intraining/developmental is certified on one or more of the positions that are combined. 6/22/05 3120.4L Par 2-10 2-2-9 (and 2-2-10) h. CPC-in-training/developmental. The CPC-in-Training/developmental shall: (1) Actively participate in training to achieve certification. (2) Perform operational assignments in order to maintain proficiency and currency. (3) Review, discuss, and make suggestions to enhance the training plan with the other members of the training team. (4) Ensure that all aspects of the training plan are understood. (5) Review, discuss, and sign FAA Forms 3120-25/26/32/36. (6) Immediately advise a supervisor of any extenuating circumstance(s) that might impede training progress. (7) Be physically and mentally prepared to receive OJT, exercise initiative, and study to ensure satisfactory training progress and certification. (8) Verify that all OJT/OJF times are recorded accurately. (9) Engage in OJT only on positions that have been assigned. (10) Be receptive to training performance feedback from OJTIs/supervisors. 6/22/05 3120.4L Par 2-11 2-3-1 SECTION 3. TRAINING REQUIREMENTS FOR AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL SPECIALISTS 2-11. QUALIFICATION TRAINING. a. Newly hired ATCS shall successfully complete the initial qualification training for the option they were selected. The following table outlines the initial training requirements based on the hiring source: HIRING SOURCE INITIAL TRAINING REQUIREMENT General Public Air Traffic Basics and Initial Qualification Course conducted at the FAA Academy for the appropriate option. Collegiate Training Initiative (CTI) Initial Qualification Course conducted at the FAA Academy for the appropriate option. CTI hires are not required to attend Air Traffic Basics. Minneapolis Community and Technical College Air Traffic Control Training (MTCT ATCT) (formally known as MARC) No Academy initial training required. Enter appropriate stage of field training. Veterans Recruitment Appointment (VRA) military controllers Terminal Option: No Academy tower initial qualification training required. Enter appropriate stage of field training determined by receiving facility. NOTE: VRA hires assigned to radar approach control facilities shall attend Course 50034, Terminal Basic Radar Training at the FAA Academy’s Radar Training Facility (RTF) En Route Option: En Route Initial Qualification Course conducted at the FAA Academy. VRA hires are not required to attend Air Traffic Basics Retired Military Controllers No Academy tower initial qualification training required. Enter appropriate stage of field training determined by receiving facility. NOTE: Individuals assigned to radar approach control facilities shall attend Course 50034, Terminal Basic Radar Training at the FAA Academy’s Radar Training Facility (RTF) Department of Defense(DOD) civilian controllers Terminal Option: No Academy tower initial qualification training required. Enter appropriate stage of field training determined by receiving facility. NOTE: DOD hires assigned to radar approach control facilities shall attend Course 50034, Terminal Basic Radar Training at the FAA Academy’s Radar Training Facility (RTF) En Route Option: En Route Initial Qualification Course conducted at the FAA Academy. DOD hires are not required to attend Air Traffic Basics. Alaskan Flight Service Training Initiative (AFTI) No Academy initial training required. Enter appropriate stage of field training at an Alaskan Flight Service station only. Former Professional Air Traffic Control Organization (PATCO) controllers Academy training for the appropriate option specifically developed for former PATCO controllers. Former Federal Employees (Reinstatements) No Academy initial training required. Enter appropriate stage of field training. 3120.4L 6/22/05 2-3-2 Par 2-11 b. Each CPC-in-Training/developmental shall receive qualification training at the field facility as outlined in this order and the facility training directive. Qualification training shall be consistent with the types of air traffic services provided by the facility, and traffic situations encountered should become progressively more complex. If certification is not achieved, the ATM shall initiate action in accordance with FAPM Letter 330-1 and/or other appropriate agency directives. c. En route and terminal controllers changing to the terminal and en route options, respectively, need not attend initial qualification training for the new option, at the FAA Academy. The specialist shall be entered into the appropriate development stage of the field training program as determined by the receiving facility ATM. d. En route and terminal controllers changing to the flight service option who have not previously completed the flight service initial training shall enter flight service training at the FAA Academy. e. AFSS specialists changing to the en route or terminal option shall enter the appropriate program at the FAA Academy. An AFSS specialist who has previously successfully completed either terminal or en route initial qualification training at the FAA Academy shall be entered into the appropriate development stage of the training program as determined by the receiving facility ATM. f. Prior to certification on a radar position, ATCSs assigned to terminal radar facilities shall attend Course 50034, Terminal Basic Radar Training at the FAA Academy’s Radar Training Facility (RTF). Enrollment in the course will be limited to ATCSs assigned to or selected for a radar approach control facility who have not previously been radar certified at the CPC level in an FAA facility. g. ATCSs at visual flight rules (VFR) towers are not eligible to attend RTF. ATCSs at VFR towers where a tower radar display is used for instrument flight rules (IFR) separation shall complete the Terminal Radar Qualification examination and the appropriate portions of Stage VII Radar Control training (see Appendix 6) as part of local control certification. The appropriate portions of Stage VII training is determined by the ATM to ensure that the training is commensurate with the duties performed in the local control position. h. ATCSs at facilities that have weather observer responsibilities shall successfully complete Course 57511 (LAWRS) and successfully pass the National Weather Service (NWS) Weather Observer Certification Examination contained within course 57511. ATCSs shall receive at least five hours of OJT that includes operation of the weather-observing equipment used at the facility and a minimum of five practice observations under realistic conditions. These observations shall be recorded on an Meteorological Form 1 M-10C Surface Weather Observations (METAR/SPECI) (MF1M-10C) and taken with the availability of a knowledgeable observer who can answer questions about the practice observations. This availability can be through coordination with another certified weather observer or the FAA Academy. In order to retain certification, the ATCS must complete one official or practice observation recorded on an MF1M-10C within the past 60 days. i. ATCSs at facilities required to back up an Automated Surface Observing System (ASOS) or an Automated Weather Sensor System (AWSS) shall successfully complete weather observer training and certification as outlined in the previous paragraph and complete Course 57005 (ASOS) or Course 57089 (AWSS) as appropriate. OJT is required on the actual ASOS/AWSS equipment prior to completion of training. Completion of Course 57005 or 57089 shall be recorded as supplemental training in FAA Form 3120-1. If only a portion of this course is required to meet the specific needs of the facility, only the portion(s) actually completed shall be recorded in FAA Form 3120-1. In order to retain this certification, the ATCS shall be logged on the position responsible for ASOS/AWSS for at least 1 hour or complete one manual official or practice observation recorded on an MF1M-10C within the past 60 days. 6/22/05 3120.4L Par 2-12 2-3-3 2-12. PROFICIENCY TRAINING (Refresher, Supplemental, Skill Enhancement, Remedial). a. Requirement. Proficiency training is required for all personnel who maintain operational currency. The purpose of this training is to maintain and upgrade the knowledge and skills necessary to apply air traffic procedures in a safe and efficient manner. (1) Proficiency training needs will differ from facility to facility and, therefore, should be tailored to meet identified requirements. (2) Proficiency training may include mandatory briefing items distributed by headquarters/service area offices/facilities. (3) All proficiency training shall be documented in the employee’s FAA Form 3120-1. b. Refresher Training. Each facility shall establish in writing an annual refresher training program. Facilities are encouraged to review historical data in order to identify additional topics for the annual refresher training program in order to meet each facilities changing needs. Supervisors shall stress that refresher training is for proficiency improvement, not performance evaluation. (1) This program shall include, but is not limited to, training on the following topics: (a) Unusual situations, such as unplanned equipment outages, aircraft equipment failure, hijacking, and other types of emergencies. (Training on emergency situations should be based on real life incidents and aircraft accidents, stressing a lesson learned approach.) (b) Seldom used procedures, such as transitioning to and applying nonradar separation and procedures for special flight handling. (c) Weather and other conditions that affect flight (e.g., Icing, Thunderstorms, Wind Shear, Density Altitude, etc.) within the facility’s airspace. (d) Bird activity information and dissemination. (e) Other topics identified and transmitted by Air Traffic and service area offices. (2) Facilities that provide the following services shall include the following items in the annual refresher training program: (a) Safety alerts and traffic advisories. (b) Wake turbulence information and application. (c) Position and hold. (d) Local Airport Deicing Plans (LADP). (e) Minimum Safe Altitude Warning (MSAW) procedures. (f) Procedures and responsibilities for Special Use Airspace. This training shall include, but is not limited to, a review of military training routes (MTRS) and the types of operations conducted on any MTRS beginning in, passing through, or terminating within the controllers area of responsibility. 3120.4L 6/22/05 2-3-4 Par 2-12 (3) Tower facilities shall include item(s) directly related to the prevention of runway incursions each quarter in the annual refresher training program. The intent of this quarterly requirement is for this training to occur every three months. (4) All Tower Visibility Observers shall annually receive refresher training in tower visibility procedures and markers. NOTE: LAWRS observers are not required to maintain a separate tower visibility certificate because it is incorporated in their LAWRS certification. (5) All certified weather observers who back up an ASOS or AWSS shall receive at least semiannual LAWRS refresher training, and at least annual refresher training on the operator input device (OID). The OID refresher training should consist of a retake of the self-assessment section of CBI Course 57005/57089 as appropriate. All certified weather observers who take manual observations shall receive at least annual observer refresher training. The refresher training should include, but is not limited to, seasonal changes, visibility markers, adverse weather situations, and common data-entry errors. (6) Operational Personnel shall receive the following training in lost aircraft orientation: (a) Terminal and en route personnel, annually (b) Flight service personnel, quarterly. (7) Radar Facilities shall administer airspace intruder refresher training annually. This training shall include: (a) Tracked and untracked targets. (b) Airspace violators who have established two-way radio communications and violators who have not established two-way radio communications. (c) Mode C and non-Mode C equipped targets. (8) Facilities with simulation training capability (e.g.; ETG, TTG, DYSIM, CBI, etc.) shall include a minimum of 2 hours of simulation training on the topics identified in paragraph 2-12b(1), (2), (6), and (7). This simulation training should duplicate, as closely as possible, the actual work environment. (9) Personnel required to maintain radar currency shall receive refresher training annually on the use of the primary backup mode. This training shall include: (a) Transitioning to and from normal operations to backup operations. (b) The unique radar/flight data processing used while operating in the back-up configuration(s) (c) Control and communication procedures associated with operation in the backup mode. (10) Controller In Charge (CIC). Individuals certified as CIC shall receive a minimum of 4 hours of refresher training annually. Cross-sectional workgroups shall be used annually to recommend the training method and subject area(s). The training hours are not required to be administered consecutively. 6/22/05 3120.4L Par 2-12 2-3-5 (11) User Request Evaluation Tool (URET). When an area of specialization exclusively utilizes URET, facilities shall conduct annual refresher training on the transition to/from a URET environment to paper strips. Training with the paper strips shall focus on the identification of possible aircraft conflictions as well as proper strip marking procedures. (12) Air Traffic Facility Continuity Contingency Plan (refer to FAA Order 7210.3, Facility Operation and Administration). In accordance with FAA Order 1900.47, Air Traffic Services Contingency Plan, ensure familiarity with procedures and airspace based on the facility contingency plans (e.g., loss of radar, communications failure, etc.) c. Supplemental Training. Operational personnel shall complete supplemental training prior to the utilization of new/revised procedures, regulations, or equipment. d. Skill Enhancement Training for CPC/FPL. Training administered when it is determined that a need exists to increase the proficiency of a specialist in a skill on a position on which the specialist is certified. (1) The specialist shall be advised in writing of the skill that is targeted for training. (2) The operations supervisor, in collaboration with the specialist, is responsible for developing the training to be administered to the specialist. The methods and contents will be tailored to meet the identified needs of the individual and may include laboratory scenarios, classroom instruction, CBI lessons, and OJT. The operations supervisor shall determine the most effective method. (3) CPC/FPL Skill Enhancement training shall be documented in Section V of FAA Form 3120-1. CPC/FPL Skill Enhancement training will be encoded number 4. Continue to use FAA Form 3120-1.5 (dated 4/77) until supplies are exhausted; make a written annotation explaining code 4 at the bottom of the form. e. Remedial Training. Training conducted to correct specific performance deficiencies. (1) When an individual is decertified as a result of a performance deficiency, remedial training shall be conducted. (2) When an individual’s performance is deficient, however, the individual has not been decertified, remedial training may be conducted. (3) Training provided as a result of performance deficiency shall be documented as remedial training. When documenting remedial training due to a performance-related decertification, no references shall be made to the Operational Error/deviation in Section V. (4) The employee shall be notified in writing of the specific subject areas to be covered and the reasons. (5) The employee will have a reasonable opportunity to provide input on the development of his/her remedial training. (6) The methods and contents will be tailored to meet the identified needs of the individual and may include laboratory scenarios, classroom instruction, CBI lessons, and OJT. Supervisors shall determine the most effective method. 3120.4L 6/22/05

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2-3-6 Par 2-13 2-13. RECERTIFICATION. a. Recertification Procedures. Personnel who fail to meet currency requirements and those restricted from working an operational position shall be recertified prior to the resumption of operational duties. In addition, FAA Form 3120-25, FAA Form 3120-26, or FAA Form 3120-32, shall be used to document recertification (see Appendixes 2 and 3). All recertifications shall be recorded in FAA Form 3120-1, Section III. Additional entries in FAA Form 3120-1 may be required based on the circumstances regarding the decertification. To be recertified, a person must demonstrate, under direct supervision, the ability to satisfactorily perform relevant operational duties during normal workload conditions. Recertification is required under two circumstances: (1) Performance related: This circumstance results from unsatisfactory performance observed by the supervisor or discovered as the result of reviewing facility records, data, and/or audio recordings. Unsatisfactory performance shall be entered in FAA Form 3120-1, Section VI, Technical Appraisal. If the unsatisfactory performance contributed to an operational error/deviation, concise data detailed in FAA Order7210.56, Air Traffic Quality Assurance, shall also be entered on a separate page in FAA Form 3120-1, Section VI. (a) Operations supervisors shall ensure that all prerequisites have been met prior to performing the recertification. (b) Recertification may be accomplished by individual position or a single action covering multiple positions at the discretion of the ATM. (c) If recertification is unsuccessful, the ATM shall take action in accordance with agency guidelines. (d) Training for recertification due to decertification on an operational position shall be recorded as remedial training in the employee’s FAA Form 3120-1 (see Appendix 1). (2) Non-performance related: This circumstance involves loss of currency as a result of a nonperformance related absence (e.g., medical, detail, temporary duty assignment, collateral duty, etc.). The recertification and any qualification training conducted shall be entered in FAA Form 3120-1, per Appendix 1. (a) Operations supervisors shall ensure that all prerequisites have been met prior to performing the recertification. (b) Recertification may be accomplished by individual position or a single action covering multiple positions at the discretion of the ATM. (c) If certification is not achieved, the ATM or TA may assign additional OJT hours and/or skill enhancement training as outlined in Chapter 3 or may refer the individual to a training review process prior to initiating action in accordance with appropriate agency directives. (3) Weather Observer Recertification. To recertify as a weather observer, personnel who have not taken an observation within 60 days shall demonstrate proficiency to an operations supervisor or an operations supervisor’s designee. The appropriate NWS regional office shall be notified of this proficiency check for notation on the individual’s weather observer certificate. Personnel who have not taken an observation within 90 days shall retake the NWS weather observer certification exam. Recertification shall be entered in Section III of FAA Form 3120-1. The appropriate NWS regional office shall be notified of this recertification. (4) Pilot Weather Briefer. Individuals certified as Pilot Weather Briefers shall comply with the Proficiency Check requirements established by the National Weather Service and outlined in NWS Instruction 10-809. 6/22/05 3120.4L Par 2-13 2-3-7 (and 2-3-8) b. Recertification Hours. (1) Personnel who have not worked an operational position for 120 days or less may, at the discretion of the ATM, be recertified and returned to operational duties without additional training. They may receive classroom, laboratory, and OJT prior to recertification evaluation. OJT hours shall not exceed 25 percent of the target hours established for developmentals with no previous experience. The facility may establish minimum certification hours. (2) Personnel who have not worked an operational position for more than 120 days but less than 1 year shall receive classroom, laboratory, and OJT prior to recertification evaluation. OJT hours shall not exceed 50 percent of the target hours established for developmentals with no previous experience. The facility shall establish minimum certification hours. (3) Personnel who have not worked an operational position for 1 year or more shall receive classroom, laboratory, and OJT prior to recertification evaluation. OJT hours shall not exceed 100 percent of the target hours established for developmentals with no previous experience. The facility shall establish minimum certification hours. 6/22/05 3120.4L Par 2-14 2-4-1 SECTION 4. TRAINING AND PROFICIENCY RECORDS AND REPORTS 2-14. POLICY. a. An FAA Form 3120-1 shall be prepared for each ATCS and will be maintained as a permanent part of the employee’s training file. It shall be used to record the results and the completion of training requirements for each qualification course, proficiency training, and other agency-approved courses. Employment data as well as air traffic certificates and ratings shall also be documented in the record. The guidance contained in Appendix 1 shall be followed in making entries in FAA Form 3120-1, which is governed by the provisions of the Privacy Act of 1974. b. For reporting purposes, the terms “student/trainee/developmental” apply to anyone receiving training at the specialist, instructor, or supervisory level. c. A facility may maintain sections of FAA Form 3120-1 outside of the orange jacket of the form. When sections are kept outside the orange jacket for accessibility of initialing, etc., precautions must be taken to ensure that the provisions of the Privacy Act and other record-maintenance requirements are met. Precautions must be taken to ensure that there is no mixing or confusing of the records. d. Documentation of training received should be the same at a temporary and at a permanent air traffic facility, with the following necessary variations at the temporary facility: (1) No entries are necessary in Sections I and IIA. (2) Section IIB entries should include “(TEMPORARY)” after the name of the facility. (3) Section III entries should correctly reflect that the training was completed, either in separate development stages/positions or as a single action (all positions combined). (4) If no three-character identification is assigned to the facility, enter the full name in the “FAC IDENT” column. (5) Make entries in Sections IV through VIII only if appropriate to the operations. 2-15. RESPONSIBILITIES. a. The ATM or designee shall be responsible for initiating and maintaining the employee’s FAA Form 3120-1. b. Upon completion of a centralized training course, the organization providing the course shall provide to the facility a record of each specialist’s performance and achievement for inclusion in the specialist’s FAA Form 3120-1. c. At the FAA Academy, AMA-500 shall operate as a field facility for the purposes of this directive with respect to FAA Form 3120-1 management and administration. 2-16. TRAINING REPORTS. A training report shall be completed on the appropriate FAA/OJT Instruction/Evaluation form for OJT sessions and laboratory/simulation scenarios. Reports reflecting certifications shall contain the signature of the certifying official. Examples of the FAA forms and specific instructions regarding completion of training reports are contained in the appendixes of this order and in facility training directives. 3120.4L 6/22/05 2-4-2 Par 2-17 2-17. DISPOSITION OF RECORDS AND REPORTS. a. Training documents (e.g., Training Plans, FAA Forms 3120-25/26/32/36, etc.) may be disposed of after certification on each position or, for the en route option, after certification on each sector (e.g., D6/R6). Exception: Reports reflecting position certifications, recertifications prior to being facility rated, and all written and performance-based examinations required by the IPG shall be retained for 1 year after the employee is facility rated. Prior to these documents being disposed of, they should be offered to the employee. b. In the event of a termination of employment due to a training failure, all training records, reports, training plans, etc., shall be retained at the facility for a period of 1 year. After 1 year, if appropriate, they shall be handled in accordance with Order 1350.15, Records Organization, Transfer, and Destruction Standards. (Procedures for record disposition may vary from service area to service area. Therefore, reference should be made to service area supplements regarding this process.) c. FAA Forms 3120-25/26/32/36 utilized for CPC/FPL recertification may be disposed of after the recertification has been documented with all appropriate signatures in the Training and Proficiency Record, FAA Form 3120-1, Section III or TRAX. d. Upon termination of employment, except for training failures, FAA Form 3120-1 shall be forwarded to the regional Human Resource Management division. e. The service area office may require retention of records beyond the periods specified above because of special circumstances (e.g., litigation, appeals, etc.). In these cases, facilities shall comply with service area office guidance. 6/22/05 3120.4L Par 3-1 3-1-1 (and 3-1-2) CHAPTER 3. AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL SPECIALIST ON-THE-JOB TRAINING AND POSITION CERTIFICATION SECTION 1. GENERAL 3-1. GENERAL. This chapter establishes requirements and procedures for standardization of instruction and evaluation of the OJT and position certification process. 3-2. FACILITY TRAINING HOURS. a. Each facility shall: (1) Establish target hours, minimum certification hours, and OJF hours for each operational position within the facility. Cross-sectional work groups shall be used to recommend these hours. (2) Establish target hours, minimum certification hours, and OJF hours for categories of individuals in order to adjust training requirements for the level and recency of previous experience (e.g., those with no previous experience, individuals transferring from a same-type/same-level facility, individuals transferring from same-type/lower-level facility, etc.). (3) Evaluate established hours at least annually and, if necessary, adjust the hours. b. ATMs may authorize training on consolidated positions when the consolidation of these positions is a routine configuration at a facility. Each facility shall identify in its training order those operational positions that are routinely combined. OJT time may be allotted between the consolidated positions based on traffic activity, as determined by the OJTI. If the CPC-in-Training/developmental is certified on one or more of the consolidated position(s), the full amount of OJT time shall be allotted to the position on which the CPC-in- Training/developmental is not certified. 6/22/05 3120.4L Par 3-3 3-2-1 SECTION 2. ON-THE-JOB-TRAINING AND POSITION CERTIFICATION 3-3. SELECTION, CERTIFICATION, AND EVALUATION OF OJTIs. a. The selection of OJTIs shall be accomplished as follows: (1) To be eligible for selection as an OJTI, a candidate shall meet the following minimum qualification criteria: (a) Certified at the CPC/FPL level. (b) Certified a minimum of 6 months on positions involved. Exception: Transferring ATCSs with previous OJTI experience on the same-type position, shall be certified on the positions involved for a minimum of 60 hours. This requirement may be waived at the ATM’s discretion for noncontrol positions. (c) Current on positions involved. (d) Recommended by immediate supervisor. (2) A panel shall be designated by the ATM to recommend ATCS OJTI candidates. Composed of a minimum of two people, the panel shall consider, at a minimum, the following personal attributes in its recommendation of OJTI candidates: (a) Human relations skills. (b) Communication skills. (c) Motivation and attitude. (d) Objectivity. (e) Credibility. (3) The panel shall forward its recommendation to the ATM for final approval. b. To be assigned OJTI duties, the selectee shall: (1) Successfully complete the approved FAA Air Traffic OJTI course or OJTI Cadre course. Course completion shall be documented in FAA Form 3120-1, Section VII. (2) Successfully complete OJTI certification. This certification shall be performed by the employee’s first-level supervisor through personal observation of the employee’s performance while conducting the first OJT session. Documentation of the certification shall be made in the employee’s FAA Form 3120-1, Section III. c. First-level supervisors shall conduct an evaluation on OJTIs while they are performing OJTI duties. This evaluation shall occur within 30 days of assignment of OJT duties and at least every 6 months thereafter. The evaluation(s) shall be documented as skill checks in the employee’s FAA Form 3120-1, Section VI. If the last evaluation has exceeded 6 months, an evaluation shall be conducted within 30 days upon resumption of OJTI duties. 3120.4L 6/22/05

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3-2-2 Par 3-4 3-4. TRAINING TEAMS. a. A training team shall be established by each CPC-in-Training/developmental’s supervisor. The training team shall facilitate the training of the CPC-in-Training/developmental by continuously assessing training progress and providing feedback. The specific individuals on this team may change as the CPC-in- Training/developmental’s training progresses in order to meet individual and/or facility needs. The training team shall consist of: (1) Two OJTIs. (2) The CPC-in-Training/developmental. (3) The CPC-in-Training/developmental’s supervisor. (4) Other person(s) if assigned by the ATM. b. The training team shall: (1) Develop and review the Training Plan, and recommend modifications to the CPC-in-Training/ developmental’s supervisor. The team shall meet periodically to ensure training plan objectives are met. The training team shall determine the frequency of meetings. (2) Review the CPC-in-Training/developmental’s training history prior to that individual starting OJT, and if practical, observe the CPC-in-Training/developmental performing tasks in a simulated environment. (3) Determine the operational positions for which OJF is required. OJF is required on at least two operational positions. OJF shall be completed prior to beginning OJT on positions for which OJF is assigned, and shall be documented on FAA Forms 3120-25/26/32, or in a service area/locally approved format. (4) Ensure continuous, objective assessment of progress during training, including a review of all training documentation and input from all training team members. (5) Provide recommendations on the CPC-in-Training/developmental’s readiness for certification. (6) Identify areas requiring improved performance and: (a) Recommend the types of skill enhancement training to be provided, and/or (b) Recommend additional OJT hours. (7) Provide information during the training review process, as requested. c. The CPC-in-Training/developmental’s supervisor shall act as the training team leader and shall retain the responsibility to direct the CPC-in-Training/developmental’s training by modifying the Training Plan after considering the recommendations of the training team. The supervisor shall facilitate training team functions and seek support of facility management and staff personnel when necessary. 6/22/05 3120.4L Par 3-4 3-2-3 d. The two OJTIs shall be responsible for providing the majority, fifty percent or more, of the CPC-in- Training/developmental’s OJT. The primary OJTI will usually train the CPC-in-Training/developmental. The secondary OJTI will provide training when the primary OJTI is not available. When neither the primary nor the secondary OJTI is available, any OJTI may provide training. e. OJT performance feedback shall be provided to the CPC-in-Training/developmental as soon as possible after each OJT session. This discussion should include an overview of the session, an identification of the CPC-in-Training/developmental’s strengths and weaknesses, and specific recommendations to improve performance. 3-5. TRAINING PLAN. a. The training team members shall develop and document in writing a Training Plan before beginning OJT. (An example of a Training Plan is shown in Figure 3-1.) At a minimum, the Training Plan shall include requirements, team responsibilities, target hours, and individual training needs. b. Any modifications to the Training Plan shall be discussed with the CPC-in-Training/developmental and documented as an addendum to the original Training Plan. c. Retention of Training Plans shall be in accordance with paragraph 2-17, Disposition of Records and Reports. 3-6. PERFORMANCE SKILL CHECKS. (CPC-in-Training/Developmental) a. Performance skill checks shall be used to: (1) Compare the knowledge and skill levels of a CPC-in-Training/developmental to those required for certification. (2) Identify those areas that require improvement to achieve certification. b. A performance skill check shall occur within the first 30 days after OJT begins, and then at least every calendar month thereafter, on each position for which the CPC-in-Training/developmental is receiving OJT. c. Performance skill-check time does not count toward OJT hours. d. Performance skill checks shall be performed by the CPC-in-Training/developmental’s supervisor or a supervisor who maintains familiarity or currency on the operational position. In the event the supervisor only maintains familiarity on an operational position, an OJTI shall be plugged in and responsible for the position during the performance skill-check session. e. Performance skill checks are permitted on consolidated positions only if training occurred on these consolidated positions. 3120.4L 6/22/05 3-2-4 Par 3-6 FIGURE 3-1. SAMPLE TRAINING PLAN TRAINING PLAN Developmental: ADAMS, DAVID D (OU) Area: AREA 2 Rating: FRR Supervisor: COE, DAVID J (PA) The purpose of this document is to outline the training objectives for David D. Adams. The members of the training team agree to implement these objectives in a positive and timely manner. The training team will meet on a monthly basis to discuss David D. Adams’s training performance and will revise this training plan as appropriate. Position: 17 Radar Course: 55065 Radar Control Target Hours: 30.0 OJF Hours: 5.0 Min. Cert Hours: 20.0 Effective Date: 07/31/1995 Primary OJTI: Secondary OJTI: Objectives: Five (5) hours of OJF will be provided. OJT will then commence with a goal of accomplishing four (4) hours training each day. The first five to ten (5-10) hours of OJT will be conducted during light to occasionally moderate traffic volumes. All familiarization and OJT shall be accomplished, to the maximum extent possible, utilizing the primary/secondary OJTI. In the event the primary/secondary OJTIs are not available, then any available OJTI may be used to conduct training. After reaching the minimum certification hours, and at the training team’s discretion, other OJTIs may occasionally be used to help gain exposure to various control techniques. On a monthly basis, a Performance skill check shall be accomplished and the training team shall meet to discuss training progress as well as identify any potential problem areas that require resolution. __________________________________ ____________________________________ Adams, David D (OU) Date Coe, David J (PA) Date Developmental Supervisor __________________________________ ____________________________________ Primary OJTI Date Secondary OJTI Date __________________________________ ____________________________________ Other Date Other Date 6/22/05 3120.4L Par 3-4 3-2-5 f. The results of the performance skill check shall be documented on FAA Form 3120-25 (see Appendix 2), FAA Form 3120-26 (see Appendix 3), or FAA Form 3120-32 (see Appendix 7). The documentation shall include: (1) A description of performance. (2) Recommendations for performance improvement. (3) A recommendation for one of the following: (a) Continuation of OJT. (b) Skill enhancement training. (c) Suspension of OJT. (d) Certification skill check (see paragraph 3-7), provided that minimum certification requirements are met. g. After the performance skill check, the CPC-in-Training/developmental’s supervisor shall consider: (1) The CPC-in-Training/developmental’s performance during OJT. (2) The performance demonstrated during the performance skill-check session. (3) The recommendation(s) resulting from the performance skill-check session. (4) Input from other training team members. h. The CPC-in-Training/developmental’s supervisor shall then take one of the following actions: (1) Continuation of OJT. The CPC-in-Training/developmental will continue OJT. It is anticipated that certification will be attained within the target OJT hours or that additional OJT hours will be assigned. (2) Skill Enhancement Training. Training (other than OJT) will be provided in order to improve performance. The type(s) of training to be provided shall be recommended by the training team. This training shall not count toward OJT hours. (3) Suspension of OJT. If training is suspended as a result of a performance skill check, a training review shall be conducted. (4) Conduct a certification skill check (see paragraph 3-7). 3120.4L 6/22/05 3-2-6 Par 3-7 3-7. CERTIFICATION SKILL CHECKS. a. Process. Only the CPC-in-Training/developmental’s supervisor can certify the individual or suspend OJT. The CPC-in-Training/developmental’s application of the knowledge and skills required for certification shall be assessed during a certification skill-check on an operational position. The assessment may require more than one session on the position. Additionally, the certification skill check may be supplemented by verbal questioning, simulation, or other methods. Certification is permitted on consolidated positions only if OJT occurred while these positions were consolidated and the recommendation for certification occurred while the positions were consolidated. A certification on consolidated positions certifies the CPC-in- Training/developmental on each of the individual operational positions involved. b. Requirements. A certification skill check may be conducted prior to completing OJT Target hours or Additional OJT hours if it is recommended by the training team and the minimum certification hours have been completed. Upon completion of Maximum OJT Target Hours or Additional OJT Hours a certification skill check shall be conducted. The certification skill check shall be identified as a certification skill check prior to the session and shall not count toward OJT hours. c. Responsibilities. Certification skill checks shall be performed by the CPC-in-Training/ developmental’s supervisor or a supervisor who maintains familiarity or currency on the operational position. In the event the supervisor only maintains familiarity on an operational position, an OJTI shall be plugged in and responsible for the position during the certification skill-check session. The certification skill check shall be accomplished through direct monitoring of the position. Where these requirements cannot be met, the ATM/hub manager or his/her supervisory designee shall perform the certification skill check. NOTE: “Direct monitoring” is defined as observing and listening to all activity at the operational position. d. Documentation. The results of the certification skill check shall be documented on FAA Forms 3120-25/26/32. The documentation shall include: (1) A description of performance. (2) A recommendation for one of the following: (a) Certification. (b) Continuation of OJT. (c) Skill enhancement training. (d) Suspension of OJT. e. Considerations. After the certification skill check, the CPC-in-Training/developmental’s supervisor shall consider: (1) The CPC-in-Training/developmental’s performance during OJT, (2) The CPC-in-Training/developmental’s performance demonstrated during the certification skillcheck session, (3) The recommendation(s) resulting from the certification skill-check session, and (4) Input from other training team members. 6/22/05 3120.4L Par 3-7 3-2-7 f. Outcome. The CPC-in-Training/developmental’s supervisor shall then take one of the following actions: (1) Certification. For a certification skill check to result in certification, all applicable job subtasks must be rated as satisfactory or not observed. If a job subtask is not observed during this session, the supervisor must document that the CPC-in-Training/developmental has demonstrated satisfactory performance/knowledge for that job subtask verbally or through simulation or other methods. The position certification shall be documented in FAA Form 3120.1. (2) Continuation of OJT. (3) Skill enhancement training. (4) Suspension of OJT. g. Monthly Requirement. If a certification skill check results in a recommendation for skill enhancement training or continuation of OJT, an additional performance skill check is not required for that calendar month (see paragraph 3-6b). 3-8. SKILL ENHANCEMENT TRAINING (CPC-in-Training/Developmental). a. The purpose of skill enhancement training is to enable the CPC-in-Training/developmental to return to OJT and perform at a level that will allow certification within the assigned OJT hours. b. Skill enhancement training may be used to: (1) Improve knowledge level or skill performance. (2) Develop skills that cannot be obtained in the operational environment (e.g., seasonal traffic). c. This training shall not include OJT or count toward assigned OJT hours. d. The CPC-in-Training/developmental’s supervisor shall identify the need for skill enhancement training based on recommendations from the training team. e. The training team shall recommend the type of training (e.g., CBI, simulation lab, classroom, position observation) to be provided. f. The CPC-in-Training/developmental’s supervisor shall: (1) Coordinate the use of training resources. (2) Schedule the training. (3) Document the plan in writing. (4) Discuss the skill enhancement training with the CPC-in-Training/developmental. (5) Ensure that skill enhancement training is documented on FAA Forms 3120-25/26/32. 3120.4L 6/22/05 3-2-8 Par 3-9 3-9. ADDITIONAL OJT HOURS. a. Additional OJT hours may be: (1) Used for those CPC-in-Training/developmentals who did not certify within the target hours but, in the opinion of the training team, can certify within the additional hours. (2) Assigned by the CPC-in-Training/developmental’s supervisor upon completion of target hours. The additional hours shall not exceed 20 percent of target hours. b. Upon the completion of additionally assigned OJT hours, a certification skill check shall be conducted. c. After the certification skill check, additional OJT hours may be assigned as long as the total additional OJT hours do not exceed 20 percent of the target hours. If the additional 20 percent of the target hours has been used, the CPC-in-Training/developmental’s supervisor shall take one of the following actions: (1) Certification, or (2) Suspension of OJT. d. Additional OJT hours shall be documented in Section III of FAA Form 3120-1. 3-10. TRAINING REVIEW PROCESS. a. The purpose of the training review process is to ensure that opportunities for training success were utilized while maintaining the integrity of the training program. Training reviews shall be conducted when requested by an ATM/hub manager or when training has been suspended due to the CPC-in-Training/ developmental’s performance. b. The training review shall be conducted by the following group: (1) A minimum of two of the following individuals selected by the ATM/hub manager: (a) An operational supervisor other than the CPC-in-Training/developmental’s supervisor. (If not available onsite, the hub manager may assign this duty to any operational supervisor within the hub.) (b) A support/operations manager at facilities where this position is staffed. (If not available onsite, the hub manager may assign this duty to any support/operations manager in the hub.) (c) TA/support specialist. (If not available onsite, the hub manager may designate any of these individuals from within the hub.) (2) A representative designated by the union. c. The ATM and/or training team members may be asked to provide information during the training review, but shall not be part of the training review group. 6/22/05 3120.4L Par 3-10 3-2-9 d. This training review shall include an assessment of the training history on the position. Interviews of the training team members and/or other persons may be conducted. e. At the completion of the review, recommendation(s) are forwarded to the ATM/hub manager. Recommendations shall include either (1) or (2) below: (1) Continuation of training, which may include: (a) Reassignment to a new training team, (b) Assignment of skill enhancement training, (c) Assignment of a new amount of OJT hours, and/or (d) Other actions that would help the individual to certify. (2) Discontinuation of training. f. The ATM/hub manager shall consider the recommendation(s) resulting from the training review in making a final determination for continuation or discontinuation of training for the CPC-in-Training/ developmental. g. The results of this training review process shall be communicated to the CPC-in-Training/ developmental as soon as possible, and in no case shall the training review process exceed 30 days from the date of suspension of OJT. h. Exceptions to the training review process may be approved by the service area manager without coordination with headquarters.

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3-11. OJT AND CERTIFICATION PROCESS FLOWCHART. a. This graphic represents the OJT and certification process in the form of a flowchart. This flowchart is an abbreviated version of the process that provides a general overview of the basic steps involved in the OJT and certification process (see Figure 3-2). b. This flowchart is not intended as a complete description of the OJT and certification process, or as a substitute for the policy set forth in this order. The flowchart is intended to assist in the understanding of the OJT and certification process. Paragraph numbers have been included in the flowchart to reference the location of specific policy information in the body of the order. 6/22/05 3120.4L 3-2-10 Par 3-11 FIGURE 3-2. OJT AND CERTIFICATION PROCESS (ABBREVIATED VERSION) Establish training team. (See paragraph 3-4.) Document training plan. (See paragraph 3-5.) Provide OJF. (See paragraphs 3-2, 3-4b.) Provide OJT. Ready for certification ? Yes Conduct certification skill check. (See paragraph 3-7.) Certified ? Yes Certify. No No Conduct performance skill check. (See paragraph 3-6.) Continue OJT. Provide skill enhancement training. (See paragraph 3-8.) Provide additional OJT hours if appropriate. (See paragraph 3-9.) Suspend OJT. Conduct training review. (See paragraph 3-10.) Continue OJT. Provide skill enhancement training. (See paragraph 3-8.) Suspend OJT. 6/22/05 3120.4L Par 4-1 4-1-1 CHAPTER 4. COMPUTER-BASED INSTRUCTION (CBI) SECTION 1. GENERAL 4-1. GENERAL. This chapter establishes policy and procedures for CBI. 4-2. RELATED TERMINOLOGY. a. Air Traffic Training Support Web Page. An FAA Internet Web site that contains a list of national and site specific lessons under development, CBI national course catalog, forums, and other training information. INTRANET: HTTP://INET.ATCTRAINING.FAA.GOV INTERNET: HTTP://WWW.ATCTRAINING.FAA.GOV b. Authorware. Icon-driven programming language software used to automate computerized courseware. c. CBI. Computer-based instruction. d. CBI Platform. The computer hardware, software, and support equipment used to develop and deliver CBI lessons. e. CBI Hotline and Air Traffic Helpline. CBI hardware and software technical support. For CBI hardware, courseware distribution, and CMI technical support call the CBI Hotline at (405) 954-4568. To report content or technical problems with CBI courseware, receive assistance operating CBI courseware, and request development materials call the Air Traffic Helpline (405) 954-4000. f. CD-ROM. A compact disc containing data that can be read by a computer. g. CMI. Computer-managed instruction. CMI is a computer program that is utilized to assign, monitor, and provide credit for CBI training. h. CMI Compliance. Courseware that is executable on the CBI platform under CMI. i. Courseware. Lessons delivered on CBI. j. Courseware Validation. Verification of technical accuracy, meeting training requirements, courseware functionality, and program execution. k. DVD. Digital Video Disc. A disc containing data that can be read by a computer. This large capacity disc is the current format in which most CBI lessons are being distributed. l. Locally Developed Lesson. A CBI lesson developed by a field facility. m. Local Development Site (Facility). A facility with CBI development capability. 3120.4L 6/22/05 4-1-2 Par 4-2 n. Site Administrator. Individual responsible for administration of local CBI training and development. The TA may also serve in this capacity. o. Site Developer. Person designated to develop local CBI courseware, etc. p. Source Code. Uncompiled computer programming, graphics including individual graphic components, wav files, text files, development and debugging tools, and any other course or lesson files related to the program in a format compatible with the CBI platform. q. System Administrator. Specialist responsible for ensuring that Web page software and hardware is operational. r. Webmaster. Specialist responsible for development and maintenance of content on the Air Traffic Training Support Website. 6/22/05 3120.4L Par 4-3 4-2-1 (and 4-2-2) SECTION 2. CBI USE AND SYSTEM CONFIGURATION MAINTENANCE 4-3. CBI USE AND MAINTENANCE. The CBI platform shall be used for training purposes only. Facility Managers shall provide reasonable access to CBI courseware and platforms to all employees. a. The CBI platform shall not be used as dedicated general office automation machines or for functions not related to training. b. The CBI equipment belongs to the FAA. The ownership of resource allocation under the program belongs to Air Traffic. The Controller Training Division, through coordination with service area offices, reserves the right to reallocate resources where the needs of the program dictate. All courseware/software developed by using the CBI platform, other Government equipment, and/or Government time is the property of the FAA. c. Data output shall be limited to information required for training purposes. d. CBI equipment shall be located in a secure space, thereby controlling access to prevent theft, vandalism, or violation of privacy. The central processing unit (CPU) chassis shall be locked and the keys stored in a secure area. e. The hardware and software configurations of the CBI equipment are under national configuration management. Data on the C drive and the E drive are required for the CMI to operate properly. Additions, deletions, or modifications to data on these drives are prohibited without the express written consent of Controller Training Division. f. Copyrighted materials (e.g., music, graphics, video, maps, text, cartoons, or programming code) shall not be used without the appropriate license. g. When appropriate, CBI training shall be logged in the Training and Proficiency Record, FAA Form 3120-1, or in the TRAX computer program. 6/22/05 3120.4L Par 4-4 4-3-1 SECTION 3. CBI COURSEWARE AND LESSON DEVELOPMENT 4-4. NATIONAL LESSON DEVELOPMENT. The National lesson development process shall include the following steps: a. Initial Design. (1) During the initial design, the developer shall define the target audience for the lesson, objectives and skills to be trained, the content to be presented, and the methods (e.g., tutorials, simulations, questions, games, etc.) and media (e.g., video, audio, graphic, etc.) to be used. (2) Lesson design shall emphasize student control of movement through the lesson, interactivity, and immediate feedback. (3) The design documents shall be approved by Controller Training Division prior to lesson development. b. Lesson Development. (1) During this step, the developer shall outline the content to be presented, create the lesson storyboards, and write the test questions. (2) Lesson storyboards shall include a written description of CBI lesson screens, animations and sound. (3) Lesson storyboards shall be annotated with a reference to the source directive or publication, i.e. FAAH 7110.65, Air Traffic Control, Paragraph 10-1-1.Emergency Determinations; or Aeronautical Information Manual, paragraph 6-3-2, Obtaining Emergency Assistance. (4) Storyboards shall be approved by Controller Training Division prior to programming. c. Programming. (1) CBI lessons shall include save-place capability, page numbering or screen referencing, a help/reference menu, and a glossary of terms. (2) Courseware shall be CMI compliant. (3) CBI lessons shall be developed using Authorware. The version of Authorware shall be specified by Controller Training Division. (4) All CBI lessons shall utilize the standard Air Traffic navigation template. (5) Requests to deviate from CBI programming requirements shall be submitted in writing to Controller Training Division for approval. 3120.4L 6/22/05

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4-3-2 Par 4-4 d. Courseware Validation. (1) The developer shall review and correct all known errors in the CBI lesson before delivery to the FAA. (2) Controller Training Division shall validate the course to ensure that the CBI lesson is technically accurate, meets training requirements, and the lesson works as intended. (3) Following courseware validation, Controller Training Division may conduct a field test with a representative sample of employees (See Figure 4-1 for an optional checklist for reviewing draft CBI lessons). e. Finalizing. (1) Lessons will be finalized upon completion of courseware validation corrections. (2) Prior to lesson approval by Controller Training Division, the following deliverables shall be received in electronic format unless otherwise specified by Controller Training Division: (a) Application or executable files. (b) Programming source code. (c) Copies of the original masters of the electronic clip media (graphics) files used to assemble the courseware in an editable, non-compressed, non-flattened format. (d) Master scripts used to create audio files (e) Storyboards (f) Training lesson supplements. (g) Master videotape and any digital video files. 6/22/05 3120.4L Par 4-4 4-3-3 FIGURE 4-1. CBI LESSON CHECKLIST Instructions: You may want to use this checklist when reviewing draft CBI lessons. 1. Instructions on how to use the lesson are clear. ¨ Yes ¨ No 2. Opportunities are provided for reviewing completed sections of the lesson where appropriate. ¨ Yes ¨ No 3. Opportunities are provided to exit the lesson. When returning, individuals can begin at the exit point rather than starting over. ¨ Yes ¨ No 4. Lesson length does not exceed 20 to 30 minutes or the lesson is divided into separate modules. ¨ Yes ¨ No 5. Interactions are frequent and meaningful (i.e., require thought, not just pushing a key). ¨ Yes ¨ No 6. Motivation/interest is maintained throughout the lesson. When possible, the pace of the lesson is under the user’s control. ¨ Yes ¨ No 7. Selected media support the lesson content and are not distracting. ¨ Yes ¨ No 8. Lesson content and references are technically correct. Lesson completion date and/or date of the last technical update is provided. ¨ Yes ¨ No 9. Lesson content, graphic images, video, and audio are free of racial, ethnic, gender, and other stereotypes. ¨ Yes ¨ No 10. Lesson content is sequenced in a logical progression. ¨ Yes ¨ No 11. Lesson content is at the appropriate level of depth for the objectives and for the intended users. ¨ Yes ¨ No 12. Lesson content is complete. No key concepts or information have been omitted. ¨ Yes ¨ No 13. Clear and simple sentences are used. Screen formats are attractive and uncluttered. ¨ Yes ¨ No 14. Test items are fair and provide all information needed to respond. Subjectmatter experts have reviewed the test items. ¨ Yes ¨ No 15. Feedback is provided after each response. Explanations are provided on why a response is correct or incorrect. ¨ Yes ¨ No 16. All paths and branches have been tested to ensure that the lesson is free of bugs. ¨ Yes ¨ No 3120.4L 6/22/05 4 Par 4-5 4-3-4-5. LESSON DISTRIBUTION. a. National distribution shall be authorized by Controller Training Division. Targeted facilities shall receive DVD-mastered lessons as they become available. b. Lesson distribution shall include written information on the target audience, any required prerequisite knowledge, a summary of the course content (including course length), and the type of training (e.g., mandatory, annual, currency, required, etc.). c. Source-code versions of lessons may be requested from the Air Traffic Helpline staff, and shall be provided to site developers as instructed by Controller Training Division. 4-6. COURSEWARE MODIFICATION AND MAINTENANCE. a. All national and site specific CBI development shall be logged on the Air Traffic Training Support Web site. b. Local site modifications to a national lesson shall be limited to adding or supplementing relevant site specific content without disabling functionality, impacting CMI compatibility, or removing course content. c. Maintaining technical accuracy and currency in locally developed or modified lessons shall be the responsibility of the development site. 4-7. STUDENT INFORMATION. a. A student’s Social Security number shall be used to register for CBI lessons and to maintain student training records. b. Student information shall be limited to those items needed for enrollment purposes and for updating training records and lesson validation. 4-8. QUALITY CONTROL. Technical accuracy and validity of site-developed courseware/software utilized locally are the responsibility of the developing site or hub. Direct distribution of site specific lessons between sites is permitted, however the receiving site is responsible for ensuring the accuracy and validity of the site specific courseware. 4-9. AIR TRAFFIC TRAINING WEBSITE. a. Purpose. The Air Traffic Training Support Web site shall provide information for site developers and administrators. (1) Site developers may share and exchange information on available resources (e.g., FAAdeveloped graphics, site-developed lessons, or knowledge of active lesson development). (2) Training/site administrators shall be able to obtain on-line support for lesson development and delivery. b. Management. The Webmaster shall evaluate requests received via the Air Traffic Training Support Web site and respond appropriately. (1) The System Administrator shall maintain a current system operation scheme to include service rules, log-in/access procedures and requirements, and a system backup plan. 6/22/05 3120.4L Par 4-9 4-3-5 (and 4-3-6) c. Content. The CBI Webmaster shall maintain the following information for users of the Air Traffic Training Support Web site: (1) A library of FAA-owned or FAA-created graphics, templates, and programs, which shall be made available for dissemination and distribution through the Web site. (2) A log of active and proposed development projects, validated lessons, and courseware, including information on the training needs to be met, the target audience, and a synopsis of content. 6/22/05 3120.4L Appendix 1 1 APPENDIX 1 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THE TRAINING AND PROFICIENCY RECORD FAA Form 3120-1 1. GENERAL. This appendix conveys instructions for recording employment data, training, and certification entries in FAA Form 3120-1. Examples of corresponding TRAX records are shown. TRAX maintains all data currently logged in FAA Form 3120-1. a. ATMs shall ensure that training record entries conform to the requirements of this appendix. These requirements apply to all training occurring on or after the effective date of this order. The requirements described herein are not retroactive. NOTE: Names entered on the orange cover portion are not required to conform to official payroll name. b. Training, certifications, recertifications, and technical performance appraisals shall be recorded in this record. Operational error/deviation information shall be recorded in this record as specified in FAA Order 7210.56. Other data, such as temporary details, currency maintenance, awards, disciplinary actions, collateral duties, participation on committees, copies of training and other certificates, etc., should be maintained in working-level personnel records. c. When completing FAA Form 3120-1, enter only the required specific data. Training record entries shall be complete and accurate. Entries shall be typed or written in blue or black ink. Entries shall not be erased or otherwise obliterated. If an entry must be changed, the incorrect entry shall be lined out and the correct information shall be inserted. Effected employees shall initial such changes. The person making the change shall initial the new entry. Computer TRAX records shall be updated when certified TRAX records are changed. d. All entries, including the employee’s initials and certification signature, shall be recorded in FAA Form 3120-1 or TRAX computer program no later than 90 calendar days following the month in which the training was completed. By initialing or signing, the employee acknowledges that the training recorded has been provided. Operating initials shall be used. Certified TRAX records shall be retained in Section IX of the employee’s FAA Form 3120-1. e. Entries in FAA Form 3120-1 reflecting position certification/recertification and performance reviews shall be signed by the employee’s first-level supervisor, even though this individual may not have performed the position certification/recertification or appraisal. This signature indicates that the entry (information) logged in FAA Form 3120-1 is accurate. f. The certification signature for any classroom training conducted, including briefings, indicates that the entry is correct. Therefore, the certification signature for classroom training entries may be that of the facility’s support specialist or supervisor who has knowledge that the training was conducted. g. Manual entries shall be single spaced. Blocks on the entry line for which no entry will be made shall have a diagonal line drawn through them. Portions of a page not intended for future use shall also have a diagonal line drawn through them. 3120.4L 6/22/05 Appendix 1 2 h. A signature stamp may be used by the certifying official or supervisor as an aid to reduce workload. A signature stamp shall only be used by the person whose signature is on the stamp. i. Each training entry shall have a separate signature and set of initials, except as noted in Section V and TRAX. j. At terminal facilities without published surveillance approach procedures, enter the notation “surveillance approaches not conducted in this facility” following the Stage VII (Course 55065 OJT) entry in Section III of each individual training record. k. Mandatory briefing items not pertaining to qualification, certification, proficiency, or management training (e.g., standards of conduct, drug awareness, the Performance Management System, etc.), shall not be recorded in FAA Form 3120-1. 6/22/05 3120.4L Appendix 1 3 2. SECTION I, EMPLOYMENT DATA. The entries in this section pertain to specific employment information. Block A EMPLOYEE’S NAME: Enter the employee’s full payroll name. In the event of a legal name change, because of marriage or other reasons, put a single line through the old name and insert the new name and the date of the entry in this block. Do not obliterate the old name since it may be necessary to refer to this name at a later time. The employee must initial next to the name change. The person making the change shall initial the new entry. Block B DATE EOD WITH FAA: Enter the date the employee entered on duty (EOD) with the FAA. Do not use the employee’s service computation date. The entry in this block is made only at the employee’s first facility of assignment. Block C FACILITY: Enter the facility’s three-character identifier, type, and level. Block D EOD: Enter the date the employee was officially assigned to the facility. Use the effective date shown on the official Notification of Personnel Action. Block E EMPL INIT: The employee shall initial in this block. NOTE: If the level of a facility changes while an employee is at the facility, make a new entry. Enter the date of the facility-level change in the EOD column. FIGURE 1 Section-1 EMPLOYMENT DATA A DATE EOD WITH FAA B 1/2/95 C FACILITY D EOD E EMPL INIT C FACILITY D EOD E EMPL INIT MLC AFSS 4/2/95 APA ATCT ATC-6 5/1/00 OKC ATCT ATC-9 1/9/02 ZAU ARTCC ATC-12 1/20/04 EMPLOYEE’S NAME Erica S. Smith Gardner 12/26/98 3120.4L 6/22/05 Appendix 1 4 3. SECTION IIA, AIR TRAFFIC CERTIFICATES. This section relates to certificates that are required for the performance of air traffic duties and that are not specific to a particular location or area of operation. Do not enter pilot or flight inspection certificate information, etc. Data in this section should not be confused with ratings, which are described in Section IIB. Block A CERTIFICATE TITLE: Enter the title of the certificate. Block B CERTIFICATE NUMBER: Enter the certificate number. If no number is associated with the certificate, enter “N/A.” Block C DATE ISSUED: Enter the date of issuance as shown on the certificate. If no date is shown on the certificate, enter the date of the entry. Block D EMPL INIT: The employee shall initial in this block. FIGURE 2 Section--II A AIR TRAFFIC CERTIFICATES CERTIFICATE TITLE CERTIFICATE NUMBER DATE ISSUED EMPL. INIT. Control Tower Operator 457924411 4/15/92 Pilot Weather Briefing Certificate 68359 10/15/92 NOAA/FAA Agreement TWR Visibility Certificate 1234 10/19/94 Air Traffic Control Specialist N/A 11/16/95 FAM Certification FTN-123456 10/20/97 PAGE I ____ 6/22/05 3120.4L Appendix 1 5 4. SECTION IIB, AIR TRAFFIC RATINGS. The entries in this section relate to specific facility ratings, not to certificates. Ratings describe facility operational functions and are required for employees to perform the full range of duties associated with a particular area of specialization or facility. The use of the term “Facility” or “Area” indicates that the employee has successfully completed all the certification requirements for that facility or area. Block A RATING: Enter the title of the rating. Block B FACILITY: Enter the facility’s three-character identifier and type. Block C DATE ISSUED: Enter the effective date of the rating. Block D EMPL INIT: The employee shall initial in this block. FIGURE 3 Section--II B AIR TRAFFIC RATINGS RATING FACILITY DATE ISSUED EMPL. INIT. Facility MLC AFSS 10/4/85 Facility APA ATCT 3/3/89 Gateway Area ZKC ARTCC 3/12/91 Facility R90 TRACON 2/9/97 PAGE I _____ 3120.4L 6/22/05 Appendix 1 6 5. SECTION III, QUALIFICATION TRAINING. Initial qualification training requirements are described in Appendixes 4 through 6 of this order. Training relating to position qualification, including additional OJT hours and position recertification, shall be recorded in this section. Block A DEVELOPMENT STAGE: Enter the course number. (Course title may be included.) For en route and terminal field training, indicate whether the training was classroom, laboratory, OJT, and/or additional OJT. Facilities must indicate the position on which qualification has taken place if multiple positions are involved. For recertification, enter recertification and the positions involved. Block B FAC IDENT: Enter “AAC” if FAA Academy conducted. Enter the three-character facility identifier if facility conducted. Block C DATE STARTED: Enter the date the employee began training in this course. Block D NO OF AUTH HOURS: Enter the number of hours authorized to complete this course, or the number of additional OJT hours authorized. The number of hours entered shall not exceed those indicated in the appropriate directive. The hours allowed shall be derived from the facility training directive. No entry is required in Block D for FAA Academy-conducted training. Blocks E EMPL INIT: The employee shall initial in these blocks. and H Block F DATE COMPLETED: Enter the date the employee successfully completed, received an incomplete in, or failed this training course, or was granted additional OJT hours. (If the employee did not successfully complete the training, enter “I” for incomplete, or “F” for failed in Block A.) Block G HOURS: Enter the actual number of hours the employee used in this portion of the training program. No entry is required in Block G for FAA Academy-conducted training. Block I CERTIFICATION SIGNATURE: The certifying official shall sign or use a signature stamp in this block. 6/22/05 3120.4L Appendix 1 7 5. SECTION III, QUALIFICATION TRAINING. (Continued) FIGURE 4 (TERMINAL EXAMPLE) Section-III QUALIFICATION TRAINING A DEVELOPMENT STAGE B FAC IDENT C DATE STARTED D NO OF AUTH HOURS E EMPL INIT F DATE COM- PLETED G HOURS H EMPL INIT I CERTIFICATION SIGNATURE 50032 AAC 1/2/94 4/25/94 50034 RTF AAC 11/30/94 12/17/94 55060 FD-TWR Classroom PHL 5/1/94 16 5/4/94 16 55060 FD-TWR OJT PHL 5/8/94 20 5/15/94 18 55060 FD-Radar Classroom PHL 5/20/94 20 5/27/94 20 55060 Arrival Data OJT PHL 6/1/94 30 6/11/94 28 55060 Dept. Data OJT PHL 6/20/94 40 7/8/94 36 55061 CD Classroom PHL 7/20/94 5 7/21/94 5 55061 CD OJT PHL 7/24/94 20 7/30/94 18 55062 GC Classroom PHL 8/15/94 40 8/20/94 40 55062 GC OJT PHL 8/23/94 60 9/20/94 54 55063 LC Classroom PHL 9/25/94 40 9/30/94 40 FAA Form 3120-1.3 (5-98) NSN: 0052-00-863-7001 3120.4L 6/22/05 Appendix 1 8 5. SECTION III, QUALIFICATION TRAINING. (Continued) FIGURE 4 (TERMINAL EXAMPLE) (Continued)

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Section-III QUALIFICATION TRAINING A DEVELOPMENT STAGE B FAC IDENT C DATE STARTED D NO OF AUTH HOURS E EMPL INIT F DATE COM- PLETED G HOURS H EMPL INIT I CERTIFICATION SIGNATURE 55063 LC OJT PHL 10/10/94 100 11/19/94 70 55064 Nonradar Classroom/Lab PHL 12/22/94 40 1/4/95 40 55065 Radar Classroom PHL 1/10/95 80 1/24/95 80 55065 North Dept. OJT PHL 1/27/95 90 3/28/95 90 55065 North Dept Addl. OJT PHL 4/1/95 18 4/6/95 15 55065 South Dept. OJT PHL 4/10/95 60 5/18/95 55 55065 West Arrival OJT PHL 5/20/95 80 7/25/95 70 55065 East Arrival OJT PHL 5/20/95 80 8/1/95 65 55065 Final Apprch. OJT PHL 7/15/95 50 8/27/95 45 9/10/95 OJT Instructor PHL 4/20/96 55073 CIC PHL 3/20/03 40 3/29/03 40 FAA Form 3120-1.3 (5-98) NSN: 0052-00-863-7001 Recertification - Tower Positions 6/22/05 3120.4L Appendix 1 9 5. SECTION III, QUALIFICATION TRAINING. (Continued) FIGURE 5 (EN ROUTE EXAMPLE) Section-III QUALIFICATION TRAINING A DEVELOPMENT STAGE B FAC IDENT C DATE STARTED D NO OF AUTH HOURS E EMPL INIT F DATE COM- PLETED G HOURS H EMPL INIT I CERTIFICATION SIGNATURE 50132 AAC 1/2/92 4/4/92 55053 Classroom ZDV 4/22/92 48 5/1/92 48 55053 OJT ZDV 5/1/92 80 6/25/92 18.7 55054 Classroom ZDV 7/9/92 240 8/25/92 240 55054 LAB ZDV 8/28/92 120 11/30/92 120 55054 OJT RAP HIGH ZDV 12/9/92 120 2/25/93 94 55054 OJT BFF HIGH ZDV 4/10/93 80 5/25/93 65 55054 OJT RAP LOW ZDV 7/9/93 80 8/15/93 56.5 FAA Form 3120-1.3 (5-98) NSN: 0052-00-863-7001 3120.4L 6/22/05 Appendix 1 10 5. SECTION III, QUALIFICATION TRAINING. (Continued) FIGURE 5 (EN ROUTE EXAMPLE) (Continued) Section-III QUALIFICATION TRAINING A DEVELOPMENT STAGE B FAC IDENT C DATE STARTED D NO OF AUTH HOURS E EMPL INIT F DATE COM- PLETED G HOURS H EMPL INIT I CERTIFICATION SIGNATURE 55055 Classroom ZDV 11/23/93 60 12/23/93 60 55055 LAB ZDV 1/8/94 160 3/20/94 160 55055 OJT RAP LOW ZDV 12/1/94 80 2/12/95 80 55055 Add. Hrs OJT RAP LOW ZDV 2/15/95 16 2/22/95 12 OJT Inst. East Area ZDV 6/6/96 55055 LAB ZDV 11/1/97 8 11/5/97 8 55055 OJT ZDV 11/11/97 80 12/11/97 80 2/15/97 FAA Form 3120-1.3 (5-98) NSN: 0052-00-863-7001 Recertification - East Area 6/22/05 3120.4L Appendix 1 11 5. SECTION III, QUALIFICATION TRAINING. (Continued) FIGURE 6 (FLIGHT SERVICE EXAMPLE) Section-III QUALIFICATION TRAINING A DEVELOPMENT STAGE B FAC IDENT C DATE STARTED D NO OF AUTH HOURS E EMPL INIT F DATE COM- PLETED G HOURS H EMPL INIT I CERTIFICATION SIGNATURE 55239 COU 7/9/93 80 7/21/93 52 55242 COU 9/12/93 160 9/24/93 70 55241 COU 10/14/93 100 1/5/94 100 55241 Addl. Hrs.OJT COU 1/8/94 20 1/15/94 15 OJT Inst. Flight Data COU 9/12/94 55247 COU 3/10/95 60 4/10/96 60 FAA Form 3120-1.3 (5-98) NSN: 0052-00-863-7001 3120.4L 6/22/05 Appendix 1 12 6. SECTION IV, EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATION. a. Only equipment training that specifically requires a certification examination shall be entered in this section: (1) Terminal Radar Qualification Examination. NOTE: The En Route Radar Qualification Examination shall not be logged in this section. b. Other equipment training that is associated with position certification, such as communications, lighting systems, recording, and other ATC equipment, shall not be logged in this section. Such equipment training is considered part of the qualification process, and no need exists to separately record certification thereon. Refer to the appropriate IPG for equipment certification requirements. If equipment training is provided as a result of facilities receiving new equipment (other than that requiring a certification examination), include as supplemental training in Section V. Block A DATE: Enter the date of the equipment certification indicated on the appropriate certificate examination. Block B EQUIPMENT: Specify the type of equipment. Block C FAC IDENT: Enter the three-character facility identifier. Block D CERTIFICATION SIGNATURE: The certifying official shall sign or use a signature stamp in this block. Block E EMPL INIT: The employee shall initial in this block. FIGURE 7 Section - IV EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATION A DATE B EQUIPMENT C FAC IDENT D CERTIFICATION SIGNATURE E EMPL INIT 9/15/92 Radar Qualification Exam DFW PAGE IV____ 6/22/05 3120.4L Appendix 1 13 7. SECTION V, PROFICIENCY TRAINING (Refresher, Supplemental, Skill Enhancement, Remedial). Entries in this section shall specifically describe the training provided. Refer to Chapter 2, paragraph 2-12, Proficiency Training, of this order for the type of training to be entered in this section. a. ATMs are authorized to use coded entries in this section if a corresponding facility master sheet is maintained that specifically describes the training provided. This master sheet shall be attached to the employee’s training record and forwarded to the receiving facility in the event the employee is transferred. NOTE: A photocopy or other reproduction of FAA Form 3120-1.5, Proficiency Training, may be used in lieu of individual entries in each employee’s FAA Form 3120-1. When a reproduction is used, the following statement shall be on the form where the employee’s signature is to be placed: “I certify that I have received the above proficiency training for , .” (month) (year) (Specialist’s Signature) (Certification Signature) b. Scheduled proficiency training may be entered in Section V of FAA Form 3120-1 prior to the time the training is administered, under the following conditions: (1) Only Blocks A, B, C, and E may be completed before the training is administered. (2) Blocks D, F, and G shall be completed after the training has been administered and in accordance with other requirements of this order. (3) The date entered in Block A shall reflect the date that information was entered in Blocks B, C, and E. Block A DATE: Record the date the training was entered in FAA Form 3120-1. A date stamp may be used. Block B MAJOR SUBJECT AREAS: Specifically describe or use a coded entry for refresher or supplemental training. Remedial and Skill Enhancement training entries shall specifically describe the training conducted. Coded entries shall not be used for remedial or Skill Enhancement training. If the facility is maintaining a master code/decode sheet, a single entry (e.g., 1/2) may be utilized if both refresher and supplemental training items were provided during a single briefing. If a master code/decode sheet is maintained, training items shall be identified by a singular training type. If training is conducted via CBI, enter CBI. Block C TYPE: Indicate the type of training by number: 1 = Refresher, 2 = Supplemental, 3 = Remedial, 4 = Skill Enhancement. (NOTE: Skill Enhancement training will be encoded number 4. Continue to use FAA Form 3120-1.5 (dated 4/77) until supplies are exhausted; make a written annotation explaining code 4 at the bottom of the form when entries appear on that page.) Block D DATE COMPLETED: Enter the date the training was completed. Block E HOURS: Indicate the number of actual training hours. 3120.4L 6/22/05 Appendix 1 14

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