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发表于 2008-12-19 23:18:27 |只看该作者
5. Applicable ICAO Documents Annex 12 . . . . . . . . . Search and Rescue Annex 13 . . . . . . . . . Aircraft Accident Inquiry Doc 7030 . . . . . . . . . Regional Supplementary Procedures for Alerting and Search and Rescue Ser- vices applicable to the NAM, NAT, CAR, PAC Regions. 6. Differences from ICAO Standards, Recommended Practices and Procedures 6.1 Differences from ICAO Standards, Recom- mended Practices and Procedures are listed in GEN 1.7.

使用道具 举报

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发表于 2008-12-19 23:18:34 |只看该作者
7. Emergency Locator Transmitters 7.1 General 7.1.1 ELTs are required for most General Aviation airplanes. REFERENCE14 CFR SECTION 91.207. 7.1.2 ELTs of various types were developed as a means of locating downed aircraft. These electronic, battery operated transmitters operate on one of three frequencies. These operating frequencies are 121.5_MHz, 243.0 MHz, and the newer 406 MHz. ELTs operating on 121.5 MHz and 243.0 MHz are analog devices. The newer 406 MHz ELT is a digital transmitter that can be encoded with the owner's contact information or aircraft data. The latest 406_MHz ELT models can also be encoded with the aircraft's position data which can help SAR forces locate the aircraft much more quickly after a crash. The 406 MHz ELTs also transmits a stronger signal when activated than the older 121.5 MHz ELTs. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) requires 406 MHz ELTs be registered with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) as outlined in the ELT's documentation. The FAA's 406 MHz ELT Technical Standard Order (TSO) TSO-C126 also requires that each 406 MHz ELT be registered with NOAA. The reason is NOAA maintains the owner registration database for U.S. registered 406 MHz alerting devices, which includes ELTs. NOAA also operates the United States' portion of the Cospas-Sarsat satellite distress alerting system designed to detect activated ELTs and other distress alerting devices.

使用道具 举报

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发表于 2008-12-19 23:18:41 |只看该作者 In the event that a properly registered 406_MHz ELT activates, the Cospas-Sarsat satellite system can decode the owner's information and provide that data to the appropriate search and rescue_(SAR) center. In the United States, NOAA provides the alert data to the appropriate U.S. Air Force Rescue Coordination Center (RCC) or U.S. Coast Guard Rescue Coordination Center. That RCC can then telephone or contact the owner to verify the status of the aircraft. If the aircraft is safely secured in a hangar, a costly ground or airborne search is avoided. In the case of an inadvertent 406 MHz ELT activation, the owner can deactivate the 406 MHz ELT. If the 406 MHz ELT equipped aircraft is being flown, the RCC can quickly activate a search. 406_MHz ELTs permit the Cospas-Sarsat satellite system to narrow the search area to a more confined area compared to that of a 121.5 MHz or 243.0 MHz ELT. 406 MHz ELTs also include a low-power 121.5_MHz homing transmitter to aid searchers in finding the aircraft in the terminal search phase. Each analog ELT emits a distinctive downward swept audio tone on 121.5 MHz and 243.0_MHz.

使用道具 举报

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发表于 2008-12-19 23:18:53 |只看该作者 If “armed” and when subject to crash-gener- ated forces, ELTs are designed to automatically activate and continuously emit their respective signals, analog or digital. The transmitters will operate continuously for at least 48 hours over a wide temperature range. A properly installed, maintained, and functioning ELT can expedite search and rescue operations and save lives if it survives the crash and is activated. Pilots and their passengers should know how to activate the aircraft's ELT if manual activation is required. They should also be able to verify the aircraft's ELT is functioning and transmitting an alert after a crash or manual activation. AIP United States of America GEN 3.6-3 15 MAR 07 Federal Aviation Administration Nineteenth Edition Because of the large number of 121.5 MHz ELT false alerts and the lack of a quick means of verifying the actual status of an activated 121.5 MHz or 243.0 MHz analog ELT through an owner registration database, U.S. SAR forces do not respond as quickly to initial 121.5/243.0 MHz ELT alerts as the SAR forces do to 406 MHz ELT alerts. Compared to the almost instantaneous detection of a 406 MHz ELT, SAR forces' normal practice is to wait for either a confirmation of a 121.5/243.0 MHz alert by additional satellite passes or through confirmation of an overdue aircraft or similar notification. In some cases, this confirmation process can take hours. SAR forces can initiate a response to 406 MHz alerts in minutes compared to the potential delay of hours for a 121.5/243.0 MHz ELT. 7.1.3 The Cospas-Sarsat system has announced the termination of satellite monitoring and reception of the 121.5 MHz and 243.0 MHz frequencies in 2009. The Cospas-Sarsat system will continue to monitor the 406 MHz frequency. What this means for pilots is that after the termination date, those aircraft with only 121.5 MHz or 243.0 MHz ELTs onboard will have to depend upon either a nearby Air Traffic Control facility receiving the alert signal or an overflying aircraft monitoring 121.5 MHz or 243.0_MHz detecting the alert. To ensure adequate monitoring of these frequencies and timely alerts after 2009, all airborne pilots should periodically monitor these frequencies to try and detect an activated 121.5/243.0_MHz ELT. 7.2 ELT Testing 7.2.1 ELTs should be tested in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, preferably in a shielded or screened room or specially designed test container to prevent the broadcast of signals which could trigger a false alert. 7.2.2 When this cannot be done, aircraft operational testing is authorized as follows:_ Analog 121.5/243 MHz ELTs should only be tested during the first 5 minutes after any hour. If operational tests must be made outside of this period, they should be coordinated with the nearest FAA Control Tower or FSS. Tests should be no longer than three audible sweeps. If the antenna is removable, a dummy load should be substituted during test procedures. Digital 406 MHz ELTs should only be tested in accordance with the unit's manufacturer's instructions. Airborne tests are not authorized. 7.3 False Alarms 7.3.1 Caution should be exercised to prevent the inadvertent activation of ELTs in the air or while they are being handled on the ground. Accidental or unauthorized activation will generate an emergency signal that cannot be distinguished from the real thing, leading to expensive and frustrating searches. A false ELT signal could also interfere with genuine emergency transmissions and hinder or prevent the timely location of crash sites. Frequent false alarms could also result in complacency and decrease the vigorous reaction that must be attached to all ELT signals. 7.3.2 Numerous cases of inadvertent activation have occurred as a result of aerobatics, hard landings, movement by ground crews and aircraft mainte- nance. These false alarms can be minimized by monitoring 121.5 MHz and/or 243.0 MHz as follows: In flight when a receiver is available. Before engine shut down at the end of each flight. When the ELT is handled during installation or maintenance. When maintenance is being performed near the ELT. When a ground crew moves the aircraft. If an ELT signal is heard, turn off the aircraft's ELT to determine if it is transmitting. If it has been activated, maintenance might be required before the unit is returned to the “ARMED” position. You should contact the nearest Air Traffic facility and notify it of the inadvertent activation. 7.4 Inflight Monitoring and Reporting 7.4.1 Pilots are encouraged to monitor 121.5 MHz and/or 243.0 MHz while in flight to assist in identifying possible emergency ELT transmissions. On receiving a signal, report the following information to the nearest air traffic facility: Your position at the time the signal was first heard. AIP United States of America GEN 3.6-4 15 MAR 07 Federal Aviation Administration Nineteenth Edition Your position at the time the signal was last heard. Your position at maximum signal strength. Your flight altitudes and frequency on which the emergency signal was heard: 121.5 MHz or 243.0_MHz. If possible, positions should be given relative to a navigation aid. If the aircraft has homing equipment, provide the bearing to the emergency signal with each reported position. 8. National Search and Rescue Plan 8.1 By federal interagency agreement, the National Search and Rescue Plan provides for the effective use of all available facilities in all types of SAR missions. These facilities include aircraft, vessels, pararescue and ground rescue teams, and emergency radio fixing. Under the Plan, the U.S. Coast Guard is responsible for the coordination of SAR in the Maritime Region, and the U.S. Air Force is responsible in the Inland Region. To carry out these responsibilities, the Coast Guard and the Air Force have established RCCs to direct SAR activities within their regions. For aircraft emergencies, distress and urgency information normally will be passed to the appropriate RCC through an air route traffic control center (ARTCC) or flight service station (FSS). TBL GEN 3.6-1 8.2 Coast Guard Rescue Coordination Centers Coast Guard Rescue Coordination Centers Alameda, CA 510-437-3701 Miami, FL 305-415-6800 Boston, MA 617-223-8555 New Orleans, LA 504-589-6225 Cleveland, OH 216-902-6117 Portsmouth, VA 757-398-6390 Honolulu, HI 808-541-2500 Seattle, WA 206-220-7001 Juneau, AK 907-463-2000 San Juan, PR 787-289-2042 8.3 Coast Guard Rescue Coordination Centers are served by major radio stations which guard 2182 kHz (VOICE). In addition, Coast Guard units along the seacoasts of the U.S. and shores of the Great Lakes guard 2182 kHz. The call “COAST GUARD” will alert all Coast Guard Radio Stations within range. 2182 kHz is also guarded by most commercial coast stations and some ships and boats. 8.4 Air Force Rescue Coordination Centers TBL GEN 3.6-2 Air Force Rescue Coordination Center Tyndall AFB, Florida Phone Commercial 850-283-5955 WATS 800-851-3051 DSN 523-5955 TBL GEN 3.6-3 Air Command Rescue Coordination Center Alaska Alaskan Air Command Rescue Coordination Center Fort Richardson, 11th RCC, Alaska Phone Commercial 907-428-7230 or 800-420-7230 DSN 317-384-6726 8.5 Joint Rescue Coordination Center Hawaii TBL GEN 3.6-4 Honolulu Joint Rescue Coordination Center HQ 14th CG District Honolulu Phone Commercial 808-541-2500 DSN 448-0301 30 AUG 07 AIP United States of America GEN 3.6-5 15 MAR 07 Federal Aviation Administration Nineteenth Edition 9. Procedures and Signals for Aircraft in Emergency 9.1_Search and Rescue 9.1.1_Search and Rescue is a life-saving service provided through the combined efforts of the federal agencies signatory to the National SAR Plan, and the agencies responsible for SAR within each State. Operational resources are provided by the U.S. Coast Guard, Department of Defense components, the Civil Air Patrol, the Coast Guard Auxiliary, state, county and local law enforcement and other public safety agencies, and private volunteer organizations. Services include search for missing aircraft, survival aid, rescue, and emergency medical help for the occupants after an accident site is located. 9.2_Emergency and Overdue Aircraft 9.2.1_ARTCCs and FSSs will alert the SAR system when information is received from any source that an aircraft is in difficulty, overdue, or missing. 9.2.2_Radar facilities providing radar flight following or advisories consider the loss of radar and radios, without service termination notice, to be a possible emergency. Pilots receiving VFR services from radar facilities should be aware that SAR may be initiated under these circumstances. 9.2.3_A filed flight plan is the most timely and effective indicator that an aircraft is overdue. Flight plan information is invaluable to SAR forces for search planning and executing search efforts. Prior to departure on every flight, local or otherwise, someone at the departure point should be advised of your destination and the route of flight if other than direct. Search efforts are often wasted and rescue is often delayed because of pilots who thoughtlessly take off without telling anyone where they are going. File a flight plan for your safety. 9.2.4_According to the National Search and Rescue Plan, _The life expectancy of an injured survivor decreases as much as 80 percent during the first 24_hours, while the chances of survival of uninjured survivors rapidly diminishes after the first 3 days." 9.2.5_An Air Force Review of 325 SAR missions conducted during a 23-month period revealed that _Time works against people who experience a distress but are not on a flight plan, since 36 hours normally pass before family concern initiates an (alert)." 9.3_VFR Search and Rescue Protection 9.3.1_To receive this valuable protection, file a VFR or DVFR Flight Plan with an FAA FSS. For maximum protection, file only to the point of first intended landing, and refile for each leg to final destination. When a lengthy flight plan is filed, with several stops en route and an ETE to final destination, a mishap could occur on any leg, and unless other information is received, it is probable that no one would start looking for you until 30 minutes after your ETA at your final destination. 9.3.2_ If you land at a location other than the intended destination, report the landing to the nearest FAA FSS and advise them of your original destination. 9.3.3_If you land en route and are delayed more than 30 minutes, report this information to the nearest FSS and give them your original destination. 9.3.4_If your ETE changes by 30 minutes or more, report a new ETA to the nearest FSS and give them your original destination. Remember that if you fail to respond within one-half hour after your ETA at final destination, a search will be started to locate you. 9.3.5_It is important that you CLOSE YOUR FLIGHT PLAN IMMEDIATELY AFTER ARRIVAL AT YOUR FINAL DESTINATION WITH THE FSS DESIGNATED WHEN YOUR FLIGHT PLAN WAS FILED. The pilot is responsible for closure of a VFR or DVFR flight plan; they are not closed automatically. This will prevent needless search efforts. 9.3.6_The rapidity of rescue on land or water will depend on how accurately your position may be determined. If a flight plan has been followed and your position is on course, rescue will be expedited. 9.4_Survival Equipment 9.4.1_For flight over uninhabited land areas, it is wise to take suitable survival equipment depending on type of climate and terrain. 9.4.2_If forced landing occurs at sea, chances for survival are governed by degree of crew proficiency in emergency procedures and by effectiveness of water survival equipment. AIP United States of America GEN 3.6-6 15 MAR 07 Federal Aviation Administration Nineteenth Edition 9.5_Body Signal Illustrations 9.5.1_If you are forced down and are able to attract the attention of the pilot of a rescue airplane, the body signals illustrated on the following pages can be used to transmit messages to the pilot circling over your location. 9.5.2_Stand in the open when you make the signals. 9.5.3_Be sure the background, as seen from the air, is not confusing. 9.5.4_Go through the motions slowly and repeat each signal until you are positive that the pilot understands you. 9.6_Observance of a Downed Aircraft 9.6.1_Determine if the crash is marked with yellow cross; if so, the crash has already been reported and identified. 9.6.2_Determine, if possible, the type and number of the aircraft and whether there is evidence of survivors. 9.6.3_Fix, as accurately as possible, the exact location of the crash. 9.6.4_If circumstances permit, orbit the scene to guide in other assisting units or until relieved by another aircraft. 9.6.5_Transmit information to the nearest FAA or other appropriate radio facility. 9.6.6_Immediately after landing, make a complete report to nearest FAA, Air Force, or Coast Guard installation. The report may be made by long distance collect telephone. AIP United States of America GEN 3.6-7 15 MAR 07 Federal Aviation Administration Nineteenth Edition FIG GEN 3.6-1 Ground-Air Visual Code for Use by Survivors V X N Y NO. MESSAGE CODE SYMBOL 1 Require assistance Require medical assistance No or Negative Yes Affirmative or this Proceeding in direction IF IN DOUBT, USE INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL INSTRUCTIONS 2 3 4 5 S O S 1. Lay out symbols by using strips of fabric or parachutes, pieces of wood, stones, or any available material. 2. Provide as much color contrast as possible between material used for symbols and background against which symbols are exposed. 3. Symbols should be at least 10 feet high or larger. Care should be taken to lay out symbols exactly as shown. 4. In addition to using symbols, every effort is to be made to attract attention by means of radio, flares, smoke, or other available means. 5. On snow covered ground, signals can be made by dragging, shoveling or tramping. Depressed areas forming symbols will appear black from the air. 6. Pilot should acknowledge message by rocking wings from side to side. FIG GEN 3.6-2 Ground-Air Visual Code for use by Ground Search Parties L L L L L X X N N NO. MESSAGE CODE SYMBOL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Operation completed. We have found personnel. all We have found personnel. only some We not to to base. are able continue. Returning two Each proceeding Have divided into groups. in direction indicated. received that is in this Information aircraft direction. Will Nothing found. continue search. Note: These visual signals have been accepted for international use and appear in Annex 12 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation. AIP United States of America GEN 3.6-8 15 MAR 07 Federal Aviation Administration Nineteenth Edition FIG GEN 3.6-3 Urgent Medical Assistance ASSISTANCE-when NEED MEDICAL URGENT Used only life is at stake FIG GEN 3.6-4 All OK ALL DO NOT WAIT Wave one overhead OK-arm FIG GEN 3.6-5 Short Delay WAIT horizontal CAN PROCEED SHORTLY IF PRACTICABLE One arm FIG GEN 3.6-6 Long Delay NEED HELP MECHANICAL OR PARTS - LONG DELAY Both arms horizontal AIP United States of America GEN 3.6-9 15 MAR 07 Federal Aviation Administration Nineteenth Edition FIG GEN 3.6-7 Drop Message Make throwing motion FIG GEN 3.6-8 Receiver Operates hands OUR RECEIVER IS OPERATING Cup over ears FIG GEN 3.6-9 Do Not Land Here ATTEMPT TO HERE waved face DO NOT LAND Both arms across FIG GEN 3.6-10 Land Here LAND HERE Both arms forward horizontally, squatting and point in direction of landing Repeat - AIP United States of America GEN 3.6-10 15 MAR 07 Federal Aviation Administration Nineteenth Edition FIG GEN 3.6-11 Negative (Ground) NEGATIVE NO) White waved horizontally (cloth FIG GEN 3.6-12 Affirmative (Ground) FIG GEN 3.6-13 Pick Us Up US UP- ABANDONED vertical PICK PLANE Both arms FIG GEN 3.6-14 Affirmative (Aircraft) Affirmative reply from aircraft: AFFIRMATIVE (YES) Dip nose of plane several times AIP United States of America GEN 3.6-11 15 MAR 07 Federal Aviation Administration Nineteenth Edition FIG GEN 3.6-15 Negative (Aircraft) NEGATIVE NO) Fishtail plane (Negative reply from aircraft: FIG GEN 3.6-16 Message received and understood (Aircraft) by wings Message received and understood aircraft: Day or moonlight - Rocking Night - Green flashed from signal lamp FIG GEN 3.6-17 Message received and NOT understood (Aircraft) Message received and NOT understood by aircraft: Day or moonlight - Making a complete right-hand circle by Night-Red flashes from signal lamp. AIP United States of America GEN 3.6-12 15 MAR 07 Federal Aviation Administration Nineteenth Edition 10. Pilot Responsibility and Authority 10.1_The pilot in command of an aircraft is directly responsible for, and is the final authority as to the operation of that aircraft. In an emergency requiring immediate action, the pilot in command may deviate from any rule in Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 91, Subpart A, General, and Subpart B, Flight Rules, to the extent required to meet that emergency (14 CFR Section_91.3(b)). 10.2_If the emergency authority of 14 CFR Section_91.3(b) is used to deviate from the provisions of an air traffic control clearance, the pilot in command must notify ATC as soon as possible and obtain an amended clearance (14 CFR Section_91.123(c)). 10.3_Unless deviation is necessary under the emergency authority of 14 CFR Section 91.3, pilots of IFR flights experiencing two-way radio communications failure are expected to adhere to the procedures prescribed under _IFR operations; two-way radio communications failure." (14 CFR Section 91.185) 11. Distress and Urgency Communications 11.1_A pilot who encounters a distress or urgency condition can obtain assistance simply by contacting the air traffic facility or other agency in whose area of responsibility the aircraft is operating, stating the nature of the difficulty, pilot’s intentions, and assistance desired. Distress and urgency communications procedures prescribed by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), however, have decided advantages over the informal procedure described above. 11.2_Distress and urgency communications procedures discussed in the following paragraphs relate to the use of air-ground voice communications. 11.3_The initial communication, and if considered necessary, any subsequent transmissions by an aircraft in distress should begin with the signal MAYDAY, preferably repeated three times. The signal PAN-PAN should be used in the same manner for an urgency condition. 11.4_Distress communications have absolute priority over all other communications, and the word MAYDAY commands radio silence on the frequency in use. Urgency communications have priority over all other communications except distress, and the word PAN-PAN warns other stations not to interfere with urgency transmissions. 11.5_Normally, the station addressed will be the air traffic facility or other agency providing air traffic services on the frequency in use at the time. If the pilot is not communicating and receiving services, the station to be called will normally be the air traffic facility or other agency in whose area of responsibility the aircraft is operating on the appropriate assigned frequency. If the station addressed does not respond, or if time or the situation dictates, the distress or urgency message may be broadcast, or a collect call may be used, addressing _Any Station (Tower) (Radio) (Radar)." 11.6_The station addressed should immediately acknowledge a distress or urgency message, provide assistance, coordinate and direct the activities of assisting facilities, and alert the appropriate search and rescue coordinator if warranted. Responsibility will be transferred to another station only if better handling will result. 11.7_All other stations, aircraft and ground, will continue to listen until it is evident that assistance is being provided. If any station becomes aware that the station being called either has not received a distress or urgency message, or cannot communicate with the aircraft in difficulty, it will attempt to contact the aircraft and provide assistance. 11.8_Although the frequency in use or other frequencies assigned by ATC are preferable, the following emergency frequencies can be used for distress or urgency communications, if necessary or desirable: 11.8.1_121.5 MHz and 243.0 MHz - Both have a range generally limited to line of sight. 121.5 MHz is guarded by direction finding stations and some military and civil aircraft. 243.0 MHz is guarded by military aircraft. Both 121.5 MHz and 243.0 MHz are guarded by military towers, most civil towers, flight service stations, and radar facilities. Normally ARTCC emergency frequency capability does not extend to radar coverage limits. If an ARTCC does not respond when called on 121.5 MHz or 243.0_MHz, call the nearest tower or flight service station. AIP United States of America GEN 3.6-13 15 MAR 07 Federal Aviation Administration Nineteenth Edition 11.8.2_2182 kHz - The range is generally less than 300 miles for the average aircraft installation. It can be used to request assistance from stations in the maritime service. 2182 kHz is guarded by major radio stations serving Coast Guard Rescue Coordination Centers, and Coast Guard units along the sea coasts of the U.S. and shores of the Great Lakes. The call _Coast Guard" will alert all Coast Guard Radio Stations within range. 2182 kHz is also guarded by most commercial coast stations and some ships and boats. 12. Emergency Condition -Request Assistance Immediately 12.1_Pilots do not hesitate to declare an emergency when they are faced with distress conditions such as fire, mechanical failure, or structural damage. However, some are reluctant to report an urgency condition when they encounter situations which may not be immediately perilous, but are potentially catastrophic. An aircraft is in at least an urgency condition the moment the pilot becomes doubtful about position, fuel endurance, weather, or any other condition that could adversely affect flight safety. This is the time to ask for help, not after the situation has developed into a distress condition. 12.2_Pilots who become apprehensive for their safety for any reason should request assistance immediately. Ready and willing help is available in the form of radio, radar, direction finding stations and other aircraft. Delay has caused accidents and cost lives. Safety is not a luxury. Take action. 13. Obtaining Emergency Assistance 13.1_A pilot in any distress or urgency condition should immediately take the following action, not necessarily in the order listed, to obtain assistance: 13.1.1_Climb, if possible, for improved communications and better radar and direction finding detection. However, it must be understood that unauthorized climb or descent under IFR conditions within CONTROLLED AIRSPACE is prohibited, except as permitted by 14 CFR Section_91.3(b). 13.1.2_If equipped with a radar beacon transponder (civil) or IFF/SIF (military): squawking assigned Mode A/3 discrete code/VFR code and Mode C altitude encoding when in radio contact with an air traffic facility or other agency providing air traffic services, unless instructed to do otherwise. unable to immediately establish communications with an air traffic facility/agency, squawk Mode A/3, Code 7700/Emergency and Mode C. a distress or urgency message consisting of as many as necessary of the following elements, preferably in the order listed: a)_If distress, MAYDAY, MAYDAY, MAYDAY; if urgency, PAN-PAN, PAN-PAN, PAN-PAN. b)_Name of station addressed. c)_Aircraft identification and type. d)_Nature of distress or urgency. e)_Weather. f)_Pilots intentions and request. g)_Present position, and heading; or if lost, last known position, time, and heading since that position. h)_Altitude or flight level. i)_Fuel remaining in minutes. j)_Number of people on board. k)_Any other useful information. 13.1.3_After establishing radio contact, comply with advice and instructions received. Cooperate. Do not hesitate to ask questions or clarify instructions when you do not understand or if you cannot comply with clearances. Assist the ground station to control communications on the frequency in use. Silence interfering radio stations. Do not change frequency or change to another ground station unless absolutely necessary. If you do, advise the ground station of the new frequency and station name prior to the change, transmitting in the blind if necessary. If two-way communications cannot be established on the frequency, return immediately to the frequency or station where two-way communications last existed. AIP United States of America GEN 3.6-14 15 MAR 07 Federal Aviation Administration Nineteenth Edition 13.1.4_When in a distress condition with bailout, crash landing, or ditching imminent, take the following additional actions to assist search and rescue units: and circumstances permitting, transmit as many as necessary of the message elements in subparagraph and any of the following you think might be helpful: a)_ELT status. b)_Visible landmarks. c)_Aircraft color. d)_Number of persons on board. e)_Emergency equipment on board. your ELT if the installation permits. bailout, and for crash landing or ditching if risk of fire is not a consideration, set your radio for continuous transmission. it becomes necessary to ditch, make every effort to ditch near a surface vessel. If time permits, an FAA facility should be able to get the position of the nearest commercial or Coast Guard vessel from a Coast Guard Rescue Coordination Center. 13.2_After a crash landing unless you have good reason to believe that you will not be located by search aircraft or ground teams, it is best to remain with your aircraft and prepare means for signalling search aircraft. 14. Radar Service for VFR Aircraft in Difficulty 14.1_Radar equipped air traffic control facilities can provide radar assistance and navigation service (vectors) to VFR aircraft in difficulty when the pilot can talk with the controller, and the aircraft is within radar coverage. Pilots should clearly understand that authorization to proceed in accordance with such radar navigational assistance does not constitute authorization for the pilot to violate Federal Aviation Regulations. In effect, assistance is provided on the basis that navigational guidance information is advisory in nature, and the responsibility for flying the aircraft safely remains with the pilot. 14.2_Experience has shown that many pilots who are not qualified for instrument flight cannot maintain control of their aircraft when they encounter clouds or other reduced visibility conditions. In many cases, the controller will not know whether flight into instrument conditions will result from his/her instructions. To avoid possible hazards resulting from being vectored into IFR conditions, a pilot in difficulty should keep the controller advised of the weather conditions in which he/she is operating and the weather along the course ahead, and observe the following: 14.2.1_If a course of action is available which will permit flight and a safe landing in VFR weather conditions, noninstrument rated pilots should choose the VFR condition rather than requesting a vector or approach that will take them into IFR weather conditions; or 14.2.2_If continued flight in VFR conditions is not possible, the noninstrument rated pilot should so advise the controller and indicating the lack of an instrument rating, declare a distress condition. 14.2.3_If the pilot is instrument rated and current, and the aircraft is instrument equipped, the pilot should so indicate by requesting an IFR flight clearance. Assistance will then be provided on the basis that the aircraft can operate safely in IFR weather conditions. 15. Direction Finding Instrument Approach Procedure 15.1_Direction finding (DF) equipment has long been used to locate lost aircraft and to guide aircraft to areas of good weather or to airports; and now at most DF equipped airports, DF instrument approaches may be given to aircraft in emergency. 15.2_Experience has shown that a majority of actual emergencies requiring DF assistance involve pilots with a minimum of flight experience. With this in mind, DF approach procedures provide maximum flight stability in the approach by utilizing small turns, and descents in a wings level attitude. The DF specialist will give the pilot headings to fly and tell the pilot when to begin descent. 15.3_DF instrument approach procedures are for emergency use only and will not be given to IFR weather conditions unless the pilot has declared an emergency. 15.4_To become familiar with the procedures and other benefits of DF, pilots are urged to request practice guidance and approaches in VFR weather conditions. DF specialists welcome the practice and, workload permitting, will honor such requests. AIP United States of America GEN 3.6-15 15 MAR 07 Federal Aviation Administration Nineteenth Edition 16. Intercept and Escort 16.1_The concept of airborne intercept and escort is based on the SAR aircraft establishing visual and/or electronic contact with an aircraft in difficulty, providing inflight assistance, and escorting it to a safe landing. If bailout, crash landing or ditching becomes necessary, SAR operations can be conducted without delay. For most incidents, particularly those occurring at night and/or during instrument flight conditions, the availability of intercept and escort services will depend on the proximity of SAR units with suitable aircraft on alert for immediate dispatch. In limited circumstances, other aircraft flying in the vicinity of an aircraft in difficulty can provide these services. 16.2_If specifically requested by a pilot in difficulty or if a distress condition is declared, SAR coordinators will take steps to intercept and escort an aircraft. Steps may be initiated for intercept and escort if an urgency condition is declared and unusual circumstances make such action advisable. 16.3_It is the pilot’s prerogative to refuse intercept and escort services. Escort services will normally be provided to the nearest adequate airport. Should the pilot receiving escort services continue on to another location after reaching a safe airport, or decide not to divert to the nearest safe airport, the escort aircraft is not obligated to continue and further escort is discretionary. The decision will depend on the circumstances of the individual incident. 17. Visual Emergency Signals NOTE- See FIG GEN 3.6-1 through FIG GEN 3.6-17. 18. Ditching Procedures 18.1_In order to select a proper ditching course for an aircraft, a basic knowledge of sea evaluation and other factors involved is required. Selection of the ditching heading may well determine the difference between survival and disaster. (See FIG GEN 3.6-18, FIG GEN 3.6-19, FIG GEN 3.6-20, and FIG GEN 3.6-21). 18.2_Common Oceanographic Terminology: 18.2.1_Sea._The condition of the surface that is the result of both waves and swells. 18.2.2_Wave (or Chop)._The condition of the surface caused by local winds. 18.2.3_Swell._The condition of the surface which has been caused by a distant disturbance. 18.2.4_Swell Face._The side of the swell toward the observer. The backside is the side away from the observer. These definitions apply regardless of the direction of swell movement. 18.2.5_Primary Swell._The swell system having the greatest height from trough to crest. 18.2.6_Secondary Swells._Those swell systems of less height than the primary swell. 18.2.7_Fetch._The distance the waves have been driven by a wind blowing in a constant direction, without obstruction. 18.2.8_Swell Period._The time interval between the passage of two successive crests at the same spot in the water, measured in seconds. 18.2.9_Swell Velocity._The velocity with which the swell advances with relation to a fixed reference point, measured in knots. There is little movement of water in the horizontal direction. Swells move primarily in a vertical motion, similar to the motion observed when shaking out a carpet. 18.2.10_Swell Direction._The direction from which a swell is moving. This direction is not necessarily the result of the wind present at the scene. The swell encountered may be moving into or across the local wind. Swells, once set in motion, tend to maintain their original direction for as long as they continue in deep water, regardless of changes in wind direction. 18.2.11_Swell Height._The height between crest and trough, measured in feet. The vast majority of ocean swells are lower than 12 to 15 feet, and swells over 25_feet are not common at any spot on the oceans. Successive swells may differ considerably in height. 18.3_Swells 18.3.1_It is extremely dangerous to land into the wind without regard to sea conditions. The swell system, or systems, must be taken into consideration. AIP United States of America GEN 3.6-16 15 MAR 07 Federal Aviation Administration Nineteenth Edition FIG GEN 3.6-18 Single Swell (15 knot wind) SWELL DITCHING HEADING WIND FIG GEN 3.6-19 Double Swell (15 knot wind) PRIMARY SWELL SECONDARY SWELL HEADING WIND DITCHING FIG GEN 3.6-20 Double Swell (30 knot wind) PRIMARY SWELL SECONDARY SWELL WIND DITCHING HEADING FIG GEN 3.6-21 (50 knot wind) SWELL WIND Aircraft with low landing speeds - land into the wind. Aircraft with high landing speeds - choose compromise heading between wind and swell. Both - land on back side of swell. AIP United States of America GEN 3.6-17 15 MAR 07 Federal Aviation Administration Nineteenth Edition FIG GEN 3.6-22 Wind-Swell-Ditch Heading GOOD GOOD !! BACK SIDE POOR!!! FACE GOOD FAIR BEST BEST DIRECTION OF SWELL MOVEMENT Landing parallel to the major swell Landing on the face and back of swell 18.3.2_In ditching parallel to the swell, it makes little difference whether touchdown is on top of the crest or in the trough. It is preferable, if possible, to land on the top or back side of the swell. After determining which heading (and its reciprocal) will parallel the swell, select the heading with the most into the wind component. 18.3.3_If only one swell system exists, the problem is relatively simple - even with a high, fast system. Unfortunately, most cases involve two or more systems running in different directions. With many systems present, the sea presents a confused appearance. One of the most difficult situations occurs when two swell systems are at right angles. For example, if one system is 8 feet high, and the other 3 feet, a landing parallel to the primary system, and down swell on the secondary system is indicated. If both systems are of equal height, a compromise may be advisable - selecting an intermediate heading at 45_degrees down swell to both systems. When landing down a secondary swell, attempt to touch down on the back side, not on the face of the swell. Remember one axiom - AVOID THE FACE OF A SWELL. 18.3.4_If the swell system is formidable, it is considered advisable, in landplanes, to accept more crosswind in order to avoid landing directly into the swell. 18.3.5_The secondary swell system is often from the same direction as the wind. Here, the landing may be made parallel to the primary system, with the wind and secondary system at an angle. There is a choice of two headings paralleling the primary system. One heading is downwind and down the secondary swell; and the other is into the wind and into the secondary swell. The choice of heading will depend on the velocity of the wind versus the velocity and height of the secondary swell.

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18.4_Wind 18.4.1_The simplest method of estimating the wind direction and velocity is to examine the wind streaks on the water. These appear as long streaks up and down wind. Some persons may have difficulty determining wind direction after seeing the streaks in the water. Whitecaps fall forward with the wind but are overrun by the waves thus producing the illusion that the foam is sliding backward. Knowing this, and by observing the direction of the streaks, the wind AIP United States of America GEN 3.6-18 15 MAR 07 Federal Aviation Administration Nineteenth Edition direction is easily determined. Wind velocity can be accurately estimated by noting the appearance of the whitecaps, foam and wind streaks. 18.5_Preditching Preparation 18.5.1_A successful aircraft ditching is dependent on three primary factors. In order of importance they are: conditions and wind. of aircraft. and technique of pilot. 18.5.2_The behavior of the aircraft on making contact with the water will vary within wide limits according to the state of the sea. If landed parallel to a single swell system, the behavior of the aircraft may approximate that to be expected on a smooth sea. If landed into a heavy swell or into a confused sea, the deceleration forces may be extremely great_- resulting in breaking up of the aircraft. Within certain limits, the pilot is able to minimize these forces by proper sea evaluation and selection of ditching heading. 18.5.3_When on final approach the pilot should look ahead and observe the surface of the sea. There may be shadows and whitecaps - signs of large seas. Shadows and whitecaps close together indicate that the seas are short and rough. Touchdown in these areas is to be avoided. Select and touchdown in any area (only about 500 feet is needed) where the shadows and whitecaps are not so numerous. 18.5.4_Touchdown should be at the lowest speed and rate of descent which permit safe handling and optimum nose up attitude on impact. Once first impact has been made there is often little the pilot can do to control a landplane. 18.6_Ditching 18.6.1_Once preditching preparations are completed, the pilot should turn to the ditching heading and commence letdown. The aircraft should be flown low over the water, and slowed down until ten knots or so above stall. At this point, additional power should be used to overcome the increased drag caused by the noseup attitude. When a smooth stretch of water appears ahead, cut power, and touchdown at the best recommended speed as fully stalled as possible. By cutting power when approaching a relatively smooth area, the pilot will prevent over shooting and will touchdown with less chance of planing off into a second uncontrolled landing. Most experienced seaplane pilots prefer to make contact with the water in a semi-stalled attitude, cutting power as the tail makes contact. This technique eliminates the chance of misjudging altitude with a resultant heavy drop in a fully stalled condition. Care must be taken not to drop in a fully stalled condition. Care must be taken not to drop the aircraft from too high altitude, or to balloon due to excessive speed. The altitude above water depends on the aircraft. Over glassy smooth water, or at night without sufficient light, it is very easy for even the most experienced pilots to misjudge altitude by 50 feet or more. Under such conditions, carry enough power to maintain 9_ to 12_ noseup attitude, and 10_ to 20_ over stalling speed until contact is made with the water. The proper use of power on the approach is of great importance. If power is available on one side only, a little power should be used to flatten the approach; however, the engine should not be used to such an extent that the aircraft cannot be turned against the good engines right down to the stall with a margin of rudder movement available. When near the stall, sudden application of excessive unbalanced power may result in loss of directional control. If power is available on one side only, a slightly higher than normal glide approach speed should be used. This will insure good control and some margin of speed after leveling off without excessive use of power. The use of power in ditching is so important that when it is certain that the coast cannot be reached, the pilot should, if possible, ditch before fuel is exhausted. The use of power in a night or instrument ditching is far more essential than under daylight contact conditions. 18.6.2_If no power is available, a greater than normal approach speed should be used down to the flare-out. This speed margin will allow the glide to be broken early and more gradually, thereby giving the pilot time and distance to feel for the surface - decreasing the possibility of stalling high or flying into the water. When landing parallel to a swell system, little difference is noted between landing on top of a crest or in the trough. If the wings of the aircraft are trimmed to the surface of the sea rather than the horizon, there is little need to worry about a wing hitting a swell crest. The actual slope of a swell is very gradual. If forced to land into a swell, touchdown should be made just after passage of the crest. If contact is made on the face of the swell, the aircraft AIP United States of America GEN 3.6-19 15 MAR 07 Federal Aviation Administration Nineteenth Edition may be swamped or thrown violently into the air, dropping heavily into the next swell. If control surfaces remain intact, the pilot should attempt to maintain the proper nose attitude by rapid and positive use of the controls. 18.7_After Touchdown 18.7.1_In most cases drift caused by crosswind can be ignored; the forces acting on the aircraft after touchdown are of such magnitude that drift will be only a secondary consideration. If the aircraft is under good control, the _crab" may be kicked out with rudder just prior to touchdown. This is more important with high wing aircraft, for they are laterally unstable on the water in a crosswind, and may roll to the side in ditching. NOTE- This information has been extracted from the publication _Aircraft Emergency Procedures Over Water." 19. Fuel Dumping 19.1_Should it become necessary to dump fuel, the pilot should immediately advise ATC. Upon receipt of advice that an aircraft will dump fuel, ATC will broadcast or cause to be broadcast immediately and every 3 minutes thereafter on appropriate ATC, FSS, and airline company radio frequencies the following: EXAMPLE- ATTENTION ALL AIRCRAFT-FUEL DUMPING IN PROGRESS-OVER (location) AT (altitude) BY (type aircraft) (flight direction). 19.2_Upon receipt of such a broadcast, pilots of aircraft affected, which are not on IFR flight plans or special VFR clearances, should clear the area specified in the advisory. Aircraft on IFR flight plans or special VFR clearances will be provided specific separation by ATC. At the termination of the fuel dumping operation, pilots should advise ATC. Upon receipt of such information, ATC will issue, on appropriate frequencies, the following: EXAMPLE- ATTENTION ALL AIRCRAFT-FUEL DUMPING BY- (type aircraft) TERMINATED. 20. Special Emergency (Air Piracy) 20.1_A special emergency is a condition of air piracy, or other hostile act by a person(s) aboard an aircraft, which threatens the safety of the aircraft or its passengers. 20.2_The pilot of an aircraft reporting a special emergency condition should: 20.2.1_If circumstances permit, apply distress or urgency radio - telephony procedures. Include the details of the special emergency. 20.2.2_If circumstances do not permit the use of prescribed distress or urgency procedures, transmit: the air-ground frequency in use at the time. many as possible of the following elements spoken distinctly and in the following order. a)_Name of the station addressed (time and circumstances permitting). b)_The identification of the aircraft and present position. c)_The nature of the special emergency condition and pilot intentions (circumstances permitting). d)_If unable to provide this information, use code words and/or transponder setting for indicated meanings as follows: Spoken Words TRANSPONDER SEVEN FIVE ZERO ZERO Meaning Am being hijacked/forced to a new destination Transponder Setting Mode 3/A, Code 7500 NOTE- Code 7500 will never be assigned by ATC without prior notification from the pilot that the aircraft is being subjected to unlawful interference. The pilot should refuse the assignment of this code in any other situation and inform the controller accordingly. Code 7500 will trigger the special emergency indicator in all radar ATC facilities. 20.3_Air traffic controllers will acknowledge and confirm receipt of transponder Code 7500 by asking the pilot to verify it. If the aircraft is not being subjected to unlawful interference, the pilot should respond to the query by broadcasting in the clear that the aircraft is not being subjected to unlawful interference. Upon receipt of this information, the controller will request the pilot to verify the code selection depicted in the code selector windows in the transponder control panel and change the code to the appropriate setting. If the pilot replies in the affirmative or does not reply, the controller will not AIP United States of America GEN 3.6-20 15 MAR 07 Federal Aviation Administration Nineteenth Edition ask further questions but will flight follow, respond to pilot requests, and notify appropriate authorities. 20.4_If it is possible to do so without jeopardizing the safety of the flight, the pilot of a hijacked U.S. passenger aircraft, after departing from the cleared routing over which the aircraft was operating, will attempt to do one or more of the following things insofar as circumstances may permit: 20.4.1_Maintain a true airspeed of no more than 400_knots and, preferably, an altitude of between 10,000 and 25,000 feet. 20.4.2_Fly a course toward the destination which the hijacker has announced. 20.5_If these procedures result in either radio contact or air intercept, the pilot will attempt to comply with any instructions received which may direct him/her to an appropriate landing field._ 21. FAA K-9 Explosives Detection Team Program 21.1_The FAA’s Office of Civil Aviation Security Operations manages the FAA K-9 Explosives Detection Team Program, which was established in 1972. Through a unique agreement with law enforcement agencies and airport authorities, the FAA has strategically placed FAA-certified K-9 teams (a team is one handler and one dog) at airports throughout the country. If a bomb threat is received while an aircraft is in flight, the aircraft can be directed to an airport with this capability. 21.2_The FAA provides initial and refresher training for all handlers, provides single purpose explosive detector dogs, and requires that each team is annually evaluated in five areas for FAA certification: aircraft (wide body and narrow body), vehicles, terminal, freight, (cargo), and luggage. If you desire this service, notify your company or an FAA air traffic control facility. 21.3_FAA Sponsored Explosives Detection Dog/ Handler Team Locations TBL GEN 3.6-5 Airport Symbol Location ATL Atlanta, Georgia BHM Birmingham, Alabama BOS Boston, Massachusetts BUF Buffalo, New York CLT Charlotte, North Carolina ORD Chicago, Illinois CVG Cincinnati, Ohio DFW Dallas, Texas DEN Denver, Colorado DTW Detroit, Michigan IAH Houston, Texas JAX Jacksonville, Florida MCI Kansas City, Missouri LAX Los Angeles, California MEM Memphis, Tennessee MIA Miami, Florida MKE Milwaukee, Wisconsin MSY New Orleans, Louisiana MCO Orlando, Florida PHX Phoenix, Arizona PIT Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania PDX Portland, Oregon SLC Salt Lake City, Utah SFO San Francisco, California SJU San Juan, Puerto Rico SEA Seattle, Washington STL St. Louis, Missouri TUS Tucson, Arizona TUL Tulsa, Oklahoma 21.4_If due to weather or other considerations an aircraft with a suspected hidden explosive problem were to land or intended to land at an airport other than those listed above, it is recommended they call the FAA’s Washington Operations Center (telephone 202-267-3333, if appropriate) or have an air traffic facility with which you can communicate contact the above center requesting assistance. AIP United States of America GEN 3.7-1 15 MAR 07 Federal Aviation Administration Nineteenth Edition GEN 3.7 Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting Communications 1. Discrete Emergency Frequency 1.1_Direct contact between an emergency aircraft flight crew, Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting Incident Commander (ARFF IC), and the Airport Traffic Control Tower (ATCT) is possible on an aeronautical radio frequency (Discrete Emergency Frequency [DEF]) designated by Air Traffic Control (ATC) from the operational frequencies assigned to that facility. 1.2_Emergency aircraft at airports without an ATCT (or when the ATCT is closed) may contact the ARFF_IC (if ARFF service is provided) on the Common Traffic Advisory Frequency (CTAF) published for the airport or the civil emergency frequency 121.5 MHz. 2. Radio Call Signs Preferred radio call sign for the ARFF IC is _(location/facility) Command" when communicating with the flight crew and the FAA ATCT. EXAMPLE- LAX Command. Washington Command. 3. ARFF Emergency Hand Signals In the event that electronic communications cannot be maintained between the ARFF IC and the flight crew, standard emergency hand signals as depicted in FIG GEN 3.7-1 through FIG GEN 3.7-3 should be used. These hand signals should be known and understood by all cockpit and cabin aircrew, and all ARFF firefighters. FIG GEN 3.7-1 FIG GEN 3.7-2 AIP United States of America GEN 3.7-2 15 MAR 07 Federal Aviation Administration Nineteenth Edition FIG GEN 3.7-3 AIP United States of America GEN 4.1-1 15 MAR 07 Federal Aviation Administration Nineteenth Edition GEN 4. CHARGES FOR AERODROMES/HELIPORTS AND AIR NAVIGATION SERVICES GEN 4.1 Fees and Charges 1. General 1.1_Charges for services and facilities vary from aerodrome to aerodrome, and information concerning such charges may be obtained at the aerodromes. Unless alternative arrangements have been made, all charges for the use of the aerodrome, such as landing fees, passenger service charges, cargo charges, storage charges, and the like, are payable on demand or before the aircraft departs the aerodrome. All such charges are established by and payable to the various administrative authorities of the various aerodromes. 1.2_A private aircraft will be charged a processing fee of $25 once every calendar year. This will be charged the first time the aircraft arrives from a foreign place in the calender year or may be paid in advance. This fee is charged to the aircraft, not the pilot, and the receipt should be kept with the aircraft. 1.3_Commercial aircraft operators will be charged a processing fee of $5 per paying passenger for each arrival from foreign to the U.S. This fee will not be charged for passengers arriving from Canada, Mexico, and certain nearby Caribbean countries. 2. Charges for Inspection Services 2.1_Generally speaking, free service is provided at airports during regular business hours (usually 8_a.m. to 5 p.m.), Monday through Saturday, and from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sundays and national holidays. However, tours of duty at airports are based on the need for services and are altered at some ports to coincide with schedule changes and peak workloads. 2.2_Overtime charges may be imposed, in certain cases, for Immigration and Naturalization Services and Public Health Service quarantine inspection of aircraft whose operations are not covered by published schedules. Information concerning such charges may be obtained from the Immigration and Naturalization Office and the Public Health Service Medical Officer in Charge at, or nearest, the intended place of landing. 3. Penalties for Violations 3.1_Since the law provides for substantial penalties for violations of the Customs regulations, aircraft operators and pilots should make every effort to comply with them. 3.2_A $5,000 penalty will be assessed for common violations such as: 3.2.1_Failure to report arrival. 3.2.2_Failure to obtain landing rights. 3.2.3_Failure to provide advance notice of arrival. 3.2.4_Failure to provide penetration report on southern border. 3.2.5_Departing without permission or discharging passengers or cargo without permission. REFERENCE- 19 CFR 122.161. NOTE- 1._Importation of contraband, including agricultural materials, or undeclared merchandise can result in penalty action and seizure of aircraft, which varies according to the nature of the violation and pertinent provision of law. 2._The above penalties are double to $10,000 for a second offense. Seizure of aircraft may occur at any time depending upon the circumstances behind the violation. 3._If a penalty is incurred, application may be made to the customs officer in charge for a reduction in amount or cancellation, giving the grounds upon which relief is believed to be justified. If the operator or pilot desires to petition further for relief of the penalty, he/she may appeal to the appropriate district Director of Customs. If still further review of the penalty is desired, written appeal may be made to the proper regional Commissioner of Customs and, in some cases, to Customs Headquarters. 3.3_Any person violating any provision of the Public Health Service regulations shall be subject to a fine of not more than $1,000 or to imprisonment for not more than 1 year, or both, as provided in section 368 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 271). AIP United States of America GEN 4.2-1 15 MAR 07 Federal Aviation Administration Nineteenth Edition GEN 4.2 Air Navigation Facility Charges The Federal Aviation Administration does not charge for the use of Federal air navigation facilities or telecommunications services. AIP AERONAUTICAL INFORMATION PUBLICATION UNITED STATES OF AMERICA PART 2 EN ROUTE (ENR) AIP ENR 0.4-1 United States of America 15 MAR 07 Federal Aviation Administration Nineteenth Edition PART 2 -EN ROUTE (ENR) ENR 0. ENR 0.1 Preface -Not applicable ENR 0.2 Record of AIP Amendments -See GEN 0.2-1 ENR 0.3 Record of AIP Supplements -Not applicable ENR 0.4 Checklist of Pages PAGE DATE PART 2 -EN ROUTE (ENR) ENR 0 0.4-1 31 JULY 08 0.4-2 31 JULY 08 0.4-3 31 JULY 08 0.6-1 15 MAR 07 ENR 1 1.1-1 15 MAR 07 1.1-2 15 MAR 07 1.1-3 15 MAR 07 1.1-4 15 MAR 07 1.1-5 15 MAR 07 1.1-6 15 MAR 07 1.1-7 15 MAR 07 1.1-8 15 MAR 07 1.1-9 15 MAR 07 1.1-10 15 MAR 07 1.1-11 15 MAR 07 1.1-12 15 MAR 07 1.1-13 15 MAR 07 1.1-14 15 MAR 07 1.1-15 15 MAR 07 1.1-16 15 MAR 07 1.1-17 15 MAR 07 1.1-18 15 MAR 07 1.1-19 15 MAR 07 1.1-20 15 MAR 07 1.1-21 15 MAR 07 1.1-22 15 MAR 07 1.1-23 15 MAR 07 1.1-24 15 MAR 07 1.1-25 15 MAR 07 1.1-26 15 MAR 07 1.1-27 15 MAR 07 1.1-28 15 MAR 07 PAGE DATE 1.1-29 15 MAR 07 1.1-30 15 MAR 07 1.1-31 15 MAR 07 1.1-32 15 MAR 07 1.1-33 15 MAR 07 1.1-34 15 MAR 07 1.1-35 15 MAR 07 1.1-36 15 MAR 07 1.1-37 15 MAR 07 1.1-38 15 MAR 07 1.1-39 15 MAR 07 1.1-40 15 MAR 07 1.1-41 15 MAR 07 1.1-42 15 MAR 07 1.1-43 15 MAR 07 1.1-44 15 MAR 07 1.1-45 15 MAR 07 1.1-46 15 MAR 07 1.1-47 31 JULY 08 1.1-48 31 JULY 08 1.1-49 15 MAR 07 1.1-50 15 MAR 07 1.1-51 15 MAR 07 1.1-52 15 MAR 07 1.1-53 15 MAR 07 1.1-54 15 MAR 07 1.1-55 15 MAR 07 1.1-56 15 MAR 07 1.1-57 15 MAR 07 1.1-58 15 MAR 07 1.1-59 15 MAR 07 1.1-60 15 MAR 07 1.1-61 15 MAR 07 1.1-62 15 MAR 07 1.1-63 15 MAR 07 PAGE DATE 1.1-64 14 FEB 08 1.1-65 30 AUG 07 1.1-66 30 AUG 07 1.1-67 30 AUG 07 1.1-68 30 AUG 07 1.1-69 30 AUG 07 1.1-70 30 AUG 07 1.1-71 30 AUG 07 1.1-72 30 AUG 07 1.1-73 30 AUG 07 1.1-74 30 AUG 07 1.1-75 30 AUG 07 1.1-76 30 AUG 07 1.2-1 15 MAR 07 1.3-1 15 MAR 07 1.4-1 15 MAR 07 1.4-2 15 MAR 07 1.4-3 15 MAR 07 1.4-4 15 MAR 07 1.4-5 15 MAR 07 1.4-6 15 MAR 07 1.4-7 15 MAR 07 1.4-8 15 MAR 07 1.4-9 15 MAR 07 1.4-10 15 MAR 07 1.4-11 15 MAR 07 1.4-12 15 MAR 07 1.4-13 15 MAR 07 1.5-1 31 JULY 08 1.5-2 15 MAR 07 1.5-3 15 MAR 07 1.5-4 15 MAR 07 1.5-5 15 MAR 07 1.5-6 15 MAR 07 1.5-7 15 MAR 07 31 JULY 08 AIP ENR 0.4-2 United States of America 15 MAR 07 Federal Aviation Administration Nineteenth Edition PAGE DATE 1.5-8 15 MAR 07 1.5-9 30 AUG 07 1.5-10 30 AUG 07 1.5-11 31 JULY 08 1.5-12 31 JULY 08 1.5-13 31 JULY 08 1.5-14 15 MAR 07 1.5-15 15 MAR 07 1.5-16 31 JULY 08 1.5-17 15 MAR 07 1.5-18 15 MAR 07 1.5-19 15 MAR 07 1.5-20 31 JULY 08 1.5-21 31 JULY 08 1.5-22 15 MAR 07 1.5-23 15 MAR 07 1.5-24 15 MAR 07 1.5-25 15 MAR 07 1.5-26 15 MAR 07 1.5-27 30 AUG 07 1.5-28 15 MAR 07 1.5-29 15 MAR 07 1.5-30 15 MAR 07 1.5-31 15 MAR 07 1.5-32 15 MAR 07 1.5-33 14 FEB 08 1.5-34 31 JULY 08 1.5-35 31 JULY 08 1.5-36 31 JULY 08 1.5-37 31 JULY 08 1.5-38 31 JULY 08 1.5-39 31 JULY 08 1.5-40 31 JULY 08 1.5-41 31 JULY 08 1.5-42 31 JULY 08 1.5-43 31 JULY 08 1.5-44 31 JULY 08 1.5-45 31 JULY 08 1.5-46 31 JULY 08 1.5-47 31 JULY 08 1.5-48 31 JULY 08 1.5-49 31 JULY 08 1.5-50 31 JULY 08 1.5-51 31 JULY 08 1.5-52 31 JULY 08 1.5-53 31 JULY 08 1.5-54 31 JULY 08 1.5-55 31 JULY 08 1.5-56 31 JULY 08 PAGE DATE 1.5-57 31 JULY 08 1.5-58 31 JULY 08 1.5-59 31 JULY 08 1.5-60 31 JULY 08 1.5-61 31 JULY 08 1.5-62 31 JULY 08 1.5-63 31 JULY 08 1.5-64 31 JULY 08 1.5-65 31 JULY 08 1.5-66 31 JULY 08 1.5-67 31 JULY 08 1.5-68 31 JULY 08 1.5-69 31 JULY 08 1.6-1 15 MAR 07 1.7-1 15 MAR 07 1.7-2 15 MAR 07 1.7-3 15 MAR 07 1.7-4 15 MAR 07 1.8-1 15 MAR 07 1.9-1 15 MAR 07 1.10-1 15 MAR 07 1.10-2 15 MAR 07 1.10-3 15 MAR 07 1.10-4 15 MAR 07 1.10-5 15 MAR 07 1.10-6 15 MAR 07 1.10-7 15 MAR 07 1.10-8 15 MAR 07 1.10-9 30 AUG 07 1.10-10 15 MAR 07 1.10-11 15 MAR 07 1.10-12 15 MAR 07 1.10-13 15 MAR 07 1.10-14 15 MAR 07 1.10-15 15 MAR 07 1.11-1 15 MAR 07 1.12-1 15 MAR 07 1.12-2 15 MAR 07 1.12-3 15 MAR 07 1.12-4 15 MAR 07 1.12-5 15 MAR 07 1.12-6 15 MAR 07 1.12-7 15 MAR 07 1.13-1 15 MAR 07 1.14-1 15 MAR 07 1.15-1 15 MAR 07 1.15-2 15 MAR 07 1.15-3 15 MAR 07 1.15-4 15 MAR 07 PAGE DATE 1.15-5 15 MAR 07 1.15-6 15 MAR 07 1.15-7 15 MAR 07 1.15-8 15 MAR 07 1.16-1 15 MAR 07 1.16-2 15 MAR 07 1.16-3 15 MAR 07 1.17-1 15 MAR 07 1.18-1 15 MAR 07 1.18-2 15 MAR 07 1.18-3 15 MAR 07 1.18-4 15 MAR 07 1.18-5 31 JULY 08 1.18-6 31 JULY 08 1.18-7 31 JULY 08 1.18-8 15 MAR 07 ENR 2 2-1 15 MAR 07 ENR 3 3.1-1 15 MAR 07 3.2-1 15 MAR 07 3.3-1 30 AUG 07 3.4-1 15 MAR 07 3.5-1 15 MAR 07 3.5-2 15 MAR 07 3.5-3 15 MAR 07 ENR 4 4.1-1 15 MAR 07 4.1-2 15 MAR 07 4.1-3 15 MAR 07 4.1-4 15 MAR 07 4.1-5 15 MAR 07 4.1-6 15 MAR 07 4.1-7 15 MAR 07 4.1-8 15 MAR 07 4.1-9 15 MAR 07 4.1-10 15 MAR 07 4.1-11 15 MAR 07 4.1-12 15 MAR 07 4.1-13 15 MAR 07 4.1-14 15 MAR 07 4.1-15 15 MAR 07 4.1-16 15 MAR 07 4.1-17 15 MAR 07 4.1-18 15 MAR 07 4.1-19 15 MAR 07 4.1-20 15 MAR 07 4.1-21 15 MAR 07 4.1-22 15 MAR 07 31 JULY 08 AIP ENR 0.4-3 United States of America 15 MAR 07 Federal Aviation Administration Nineteenth Edition PAGE DATE 4.1-23 15 MAR 07 4.1-24 15 MAR 07 4.1-25 15 MAR 07 4.1-26 15 MAR 07 4.1-27 15 MAR 07 4.1-28 15 MAR 07 4.1-29 15 MAR 07 4.1-30 15 MAR 07 4.1-31 15 MAR 07 4.1-32 15 MAR 07 4.1-33 15 MAR 07 4.1-34 15 MAR 07 4.1-35 31 JULY 08 4.1-36 31 JULY 08 4.1-37 31 JULY 08 4.1-38 31 JULY 08 4.1-39 31 JULY 08 4.1-40 31 JULY 08 4.1-41 31 JULY 08 4.1-42 31 JULY 08 4.2-1 15 MAR 07 ENR 5 5.1-1 15 MAR 07 5.1-2 15 MAR 07 5.1-3 15 MAR 07 5.1-4 15 MAR 07 5.1-5 15 MAR 07 5.2-1 15 MAR 07 5.2-2 15 MAR 07 5.3-1 15 MAR 07 5.4-1 15 MAR 07 5.5-1 15 MAR 07 5.6-1 15 MAR 07 5.6-2 15 MAR 07 5.6-3 15 MAR 07 5.7-1 15 MAR 07 5.7-2 31 JULY 08 5.7-3 31 JULY 08 5.7-4 31 JULY 08 5.7-5 31 JULY 08 5.7-6 31 JULY 08 5.7-7 31 JULY 08 5.7-8 31 JULY 08 5.7-9 31 JULY 08 5.7-10 31 JULY 08 5.7-11 31 JULY 08 5.7-12 31 JULY 08 PAGE DATE 5.7-13 31 JULY 08 5.7-14 31 JULY 08 ENR 6 6.1-1 15 MAR 07 6.1-2 15 MAR 07 6.1-3 15 MAR 07 6.1-4 15 MAR 07 6.1-5 15 MAR 07 6.1-6 15 MAR 07 6.2-1 15 MAR 07 6.2-2 15 MAR 07 6.2-3 15 MAR 07 6.2-4 15 MAR 07 6.2-5 15 MAR 07 6.2-6 15 MAR 07 6.2-7 15 MAR 07 6.2-8 15 MAR 07 6.2-9 15 MAR 07 6.2-10 15 MAR 07 6.2-11 15 MAR 07 6.2-12 15 MAR 07 6.2-13 15 MAR 07 6.2-14 15 MAR 07 6.2-15 15 MAR 07 6.2-16 15 MAR 07 6.2-17 31 JULY 08 6.2-18 31 JULY 08 PAGE DATE ENR 0.5 List of Hand Amendments to the AIP -Not applicable 31 JULY 08 AIP ENR 0.6-1 United States of America 15 MAR 07 Federal Aviation Administration Nineteenth Edition ENR 0.6 Table of Contents to Part 2 Page ENR 1. GENERAL RULES AND PROCEDURES ENR 1.1 General Rules ENR 1.1-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENR 1.2 Visual Flight Rules ENR 1.2-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENR 1.3 Instrument Flight Rules ENR 1.3-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENR 1.4 ATS Airspace Classification ENR 1.4-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENR 1.5 Holding, Approach, and Departure Procedures ENR 1.5-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENR 1.6 [Reserved] ENR 1.6-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENR 1.7 Altimeter Setting Procedures ENR 1.7-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENR 1.8 [Reserved] ENR 1.8-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENR 1.9 [Reserved] ENR 1.9-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENR 1.10 Flight Planning (Restriction, Limitation or Advisory Information) ENR 1.10-1 . . . . . . . . . . . ENR 1.11 [Reserved] ENR 1.11-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENR 1.12 Interception of Civil Aircraft, National Security and Interception Procedures ENR 1.12-1 . . . ENR 1.13 [Reserved] ENR 1.13-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENR 1.14 [Reserved] ENR 1.14-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENR 1.15 Medical Facts for Pilots ENR 1.15-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENR 1.16 Safety, Hazard, and Accident Reports ENR 1.16-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENR 1.17 North Atlantic (NAT) Timekeeping Procedures ENR 1.17-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENR 1.18 Area Navigation (RNAV) and Required Navigation Performance (RNP) ENR 1.18-1 . . . . . . ENR 2. AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES AIRSPACE ENR 2-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENR 3. ATS ROUTES ENR 3.1 [Reserved] ENR 3.1-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENR 3.2 [Reserved] ENR 3.2-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENR 3.3 Area Navigation (RNAV) Routes ENR 3.3-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENR 3.4 [Reserved] ENR 3.4-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENR 3.5 Other Routes ENR 3.5-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENR 4. NAVIGATION AIDS/SYSTEMS ENR 4.1 Navigation Aids - En Route ENR 4.1-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENR 4.2 Special Navigation Systems ENR 4.2-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENR 5. NAVIGATION WARNINGS ENR 5.1 Prohibited, Restricted, and Other Areas ENR 5.1-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENR 5.2 Military Exercise and Training Areas ENR 5.2-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENR 5.3 [Reserved] ENR 5.3-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENR 5.4 [Reserved] ENR 5.4-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENR 5.5 [Reserved] ENR 5.5-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENR 5.6 Bird Migration and Areas with Sensitive Fauna ENR 5.6-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENR 5.7 Potential Flight Hazards ENR 5.7-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENR 6. HELICOPTER OPERATIONS ENR 6.1 Helicopter IFR Operations ENR 6.1-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENR 6.2 Special Operations ENR 6.2-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AIP ENR 1.1-1 United States of America 15 MAR 07 Federal Aviation Administration Nineteenth Edition ENR 1. GENERAL RULES AND PROCEDURES ENR 1.1 General Rules 1. Differences between National and International Rules and Procedures 1.1_The air traffic rules and procedures applicable to air traffic in U.S. Class A, B, C, D and E airspace conform with Annexes 2 and 11 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation and to those portions applicable to aircraft in the Procedures for Air Navigation Services -Rules of the Air and Air Traffic Services (Doc 4444 - RAC/501/10) and to the Regional Supplementary Procedures (DOC_7030) applicable to the NAM, NAT, CAR and PAC Regions, except as noted in the cases below. All differences have been registered with the International Civil Aviation Organization. 1.1.1_Annex 3 - Rules of the Air NOTE- See GEN 1.7. 1.1.2_Annex 11 - Air Traffic Services NOTE- See GEN 1.7. 1.1.3_Procedures for Air Navigation Services - Rules of the Air (DOC 4444) and Air Traffic Services (RAC/501/10) NOTE- See GEN 1.7. 1.1.4_Regional Supplementary Procedures (Doc_7030) NOTE- See GEN 1.7. 2. Airport Operations 2.1_General 2.1.1_Increased traffic congestion, aircraft in climb and descent attitudes, and pilots preoccupation with cockpit duties are some factors that increase the hazardous accident potential near the airport. The situation is further compounded when the weather is marginal; that is, just meeting VFR requirements. Pilots must be particularly alert when operating in the vicinity of an airport. This section defines some rules, practices, and procedures that pilots should be familiar with, and adhere to, for safe airport operations. 2.1.2_Each airport operator regularly serving scheduled air carriers has put into use security measures designed to prevent or deter unauthorized persons from having access to _Air Operations Area." The _Air Operations Area" means any area of the airport used or intended to be used for landing, takeoff, or surface maneuvering of aircraft. Pilots are encouraged to obtain airport security instructions by posted signs or radio communication. 3. Airports With an Operating Control Tower 3.1_Towers have been established to provide for a safe, orderly, and expeditious flow of traffic on and in the vicinity of an airport. When the responsibility has been so delegated, towers also provide for the separation of IFR aircraft in the terminal areas (Approach Control). 3.2_When operating at an airport where traffic control is being exercised by a control tower, pilots are required to maintain two-way radio contact with the tower while operating within the Class B, Class_C, and Class D surface area unless the tower authorizes otherwise. Initial callup should be made about 15 miles from the airport. Unless there is a good reason to leave the tower frequency before exiting the Class B, Class C, and Class D surface area, it is a good operating practice to remain on the tower frequency for the purpose of receiving traffic information. In the interest of reducing tower frequency congestion, pilots are reminded that it is not necessary to request permission to leave the tower frequency once outside of Class B, Class C, and Class D surface area. Not all airports with an operating control tower will have Class D airspace. These airports do not have weather reporting which is a requirement for surface-based controlled airspace, previously known as a control zone. The controlled airspace over these airports will normally begin at 700 feet or 1,200 feet above ground level and can be determined from the visual aeronautical charts. Pilots are expected to use good operating practices and communicate with the control tower as described in this section. AIP ENR 1.1-2 United States of America 15 MAR 07 Federal Aviation Administration Nineteenth Edition 3.3_When necessary, the tower controller will issue clearances or other information for aircraft to generally follow the desired flight path (traffic pattern) when flying in the Class D airspace, and the proper taxi routes when operating on the ground. If not otherwise authorized or directed by the tower, pilots approach to land in an airplane must circle the airport to the left, and pilots approaching to land in a helicopter must avoid the flow of fixed-wing traffic. However, an appropriate clearance must be received from the tower before landing. 3.4_The following terminology for the various components of a traffic pattern has been adopted as standard for use by control towers and pilots: 3.4.1_Upwind leg._A flight path parallel to the landing runway in the direction of landing. 3.4.2_Crosswind leg._A flight path at right angles to the landing runway off its takeoff end. 3.4.3_Downwind leg._A flight path parallel to the landing runway in the opposite direction of landing. 3.4.4_Base leg._A flight path at right angles to the landing runway off its approach end and extending from the downwind leg to the intersection of the extended runway centerline. 3.4.5_Final approach._A flight path in the direction of landing along the extended runway centerline from the base leg to the runway. FIG ENR 1.1-1 Components of a Traffic Pattern NOTE- FIG ENR 1.1-1 is intended only to illustrate terminology used in identifying various components of a traffic pattern. It should not be used as a reference or guide on how to enter a traffic pattern. 3.5_Many towers are equipped with a tower radar display. The radar uses are intended to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the local control, or tower, position. They are not intended to provide radar services or benefits to pilots except as they may accrue through a more efficient tower operation. The four basic uses are: 3.5.1_To determine an aircraft’s exact location._This is accomplished by radar identifying the VFR aircraft through any of the techniques available to a radar position; such as, having the aircraft ident. Once identified, the aircraft’s position and spatial relationship to other aircraft can be quickly determined, and standard instructions regarding VFR operation in the aircraft traffic area will be issued. Once initial radar identification of a VFR aircraft has been established and the appropriate instructions have been issued, radar monitoring may be discontinued; the reason being that the local controller’s primary means of surveillance in VFR conditions is usually scanning the airport and local area. 3.5.2_To provide radar traffic advisories._Radar traffic advisories may be provided to the extent that the local controller is able to monitor the radar display. Local control has primary control responsibilities to the aircraft operating on the runways which will normally supersede radar monitoring duties. 3.5.3_To provide a direction or suggested heading. The local controller may provide pilots flying VFR with generalized instructions which will facilitate operations; e.g., _PROCEED SOUTHWEST BOUND, ENTER A RIGHT DOWNWIND RUN- WAY THREE ZERO;" or provide a suggested heading to establish radar identification or as an advisory aid to navigation; e.g., _SUGGESTED HEADING TWO TWO ZERO, FOR RADAR IDENTIFICATION." In both cases, the instructions are advisory aids to the pilot flying VFR and are not radar vectors. PILOTS HAVE COMPLETE DISCRETION REGARDING ACCEPTANCE OF THE SUGGESTED HEADING OR DIRECTION AND HAVE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY FOR SEEING AND AVOIDING OTHER AIRCRAFT. AIP ENR 1.1-3 United States of America 15 MAR 07 Federal Aviation Administration Nineteenth Edition 3.5.4_To provide information and instructions to aircraft operating within Class D airspace. In an example of this situation, the local controller would use the radar to advise a pilot on an extended downwind when to turn base leg. NOTE- The above tower radar applications are intended to augment the standard functions of the local control position. There is no controller requirement to maintain constant radar identification and, in fact, such a requirement could compromise the local controller’s ability to visually scan the airport and local area to meet FAA responsibilities to the aircraft operating on the runways and within Class D airspace. Normally, pilots will not be advised of being in radar contact since that continued status cannot be guaranteed and since the purpose of the radar identification is not to establish a link for the provision of radar services. 3.6_A few of the radar-equipped towers are authorized to use the radar to ensure separation between aircraft in specific situations, while still others may function as limited radar approach controls. The various radar uses are strictly a function of FAA operational need. The facilities may be indistinguishable to pilots since they are all referred to as tower and no publication lists the degree of radar use. THEREFORE, WHEN IN COMMUNICA- TION_WITH A TOWER CONTROLLER WHO MAY_HAVE RADAR AVAILABLE, DO NOT ASSUME THAT CONSTANT RADAR MON- ITORING AND COMPLETE ATC RADAR SER- VICES ARE BEING PROVIDED. 4. Traffic Patterns 4.1_At most airports and military air bases, traffic pattern altitudes for propeller driven aircraft generally extend from 600 feet to as high as 1,500 feet above the ground. Also, traffic pattern altitudes for military turbojet aircraft sometimes extend up to 2,500 feet above the ground. Therefore, pilots of en route aircraft should be constantly on the alert for other aircraft in traffic patterns and avoid these areas whenever possible. Traffic pattern altitudes should be maintained unless otherwise required by the applicable distance from cloud criteria (14 CFR Section_91.155.) (See FIG ENR 1.1-2 and FIG ENR 1.1-3.) 4.2_Unexpected Maneuvers in the Airport Traffic Pattern 4.2.1_There have been several incidents in the vicinity of controlled airports that were caused primarily by aircraft executing unexpected maneuvers. ATC service is based upon observed or known traffic and airport conditions. Controllers establish the sequence of arriving and departing aircraft by requiring them to adjust flight as necessary to achieve proper spacing. These adjustments can only be based on observed traffic, accurate pilot reports, and anticipated aircraft maneuvers. Pilots are expected to cooperate so as to preclude disruption of traffic flow or creation of conflicting patterns. The pilot in command of an aircraft is directly responsible for and is the final authority as to the operation of that aircraft. 4.2.2_On occasion it may be necessary for pilots to maneuver their aircraft to maintain spacing with the traffic they have been sequenced to follow. The controller can anticipate minor maneuvering such as shallow _S" turns. The controller cannot, however, anticipate a major maneuver such as a 360-degree turn. If a pilot makes a 360-degree turn after obtaining a landing sequence, the result is usually a gap in the landing interval and more importantly it causes a chain reaction which may result in a conflict with following traffic and interruption of the sequence established by the tower or approach controller. Should a pilot decide to make maneuvering turns to maintain spacing behind a preceding aircraft, the pilot should always advise the controller if at all possible. Except when requested by the controller or in emergency situations, a 360-degree turn should never be executed in the traffic pattern or when receiving radar service without first advising the controller. AIP ENR 1.1-4 United States of America 15 MAR 07 Federal Aviation Administration Nineteenth Edition FIG ENR 1.1-2 Traffic Pattern Operations Single Runway EXAMPLE- KEY TO TRAFFIC PATTERN OPERATIONS 1._Enter pattern in level flight, abeam the midpoint of the runway, at pattern altitude. (1,000’ AGL is recommended pattern altitude unless established otherwise.) 2._Maintain pattern altitude until abeam approach end of the landing runway on downwind leg. 3._Complete turn to final at least 1 /4 mile from the runway. 4._Continue straight ahead until beyond departure end of runway. 5._If remaining in the traffic pattern, commence turn to crosswind leg beyond the departure end of the runway within 300 feet of pattern altitude. 6._If departing the traffic pattern, continue straight out, or exit with a 45 degree turn (to the left when in a left-hand traffic pattern; to the right when in a right-hand traffic pattern) beyond the departure end of the runway, after reaching pattern altitude. AIP ENR 1.1-5 United States of America 15 MAR 07 Federal Aviation Administration Nineteenth Edition FIG ENR 1.1-3 Traffic Pattern Operations Parallel Runways EXAMPLE- KEY TO TRAFFIC PATTERN OPERATIONS 1._Enter pattern in level flight, abeam the midpoint of the runway, at pattern altitude. (1,000’ AGL is recommended pattern altitude unless established otherwise.) 2._Maintain pattern altitude until abeam approach end of the landing runway on downwind leg. 3._Complete turn to final at least 1 /4 mile from the runway. 4._Continue straight ahead until beyond departure end of runway. 5._If remaining in the traffic pattern, commence turn to crosswind leg beyond the departure end of the runway within 300 feet of pattern altitude. 6._If departing the traffic pattern, continue straight out, or exit with a 45 degree turn (to the left when in a left-hand traffic pattern; to the right when in a right-hand traffic pattern) beyond the departure end of the runway, after reaching pattern altitude. 7._Do not overshoot final or continue on a track which will penetrate the final approach of the parallel runway. 8._Do not continue on a track which will penetrate the departure path of the parallel runway. AIP ENR 1.1-6 United States of America 15 MAR 07 Federal Aviation Administration Nineteenth Edition 5. Visual Indicators at Airports Without an Operating Control Tower 5.1_At those airports without an operating control tower, a segmented circle visual indicator system, if installed, is designed to provide traffic pattern information. The segmented circle system consists of the following components: 5.1.1_The Segmented Circle._Located in a position affording maximum visibility to pilots in the air and on the ground and providing a centralized location for other elements of the system. 5.1.2_The Wind Direction Indicator._A wind cone, wind sock, or wind tee installed near the operational runway to indicate wind direction. The large end of the wind cone/wind sock points into the wind as does the large end (cross bar) of the wind tee. In lieu of a tetrahedron and where a wind sock or wind cone is collocated with a wind tee, the wind tee may be manually aligned with the runway in use to indicate landing direction. These signaling devices may be located in the center of the segmented circle and may be lighted for night use. Pilots are cautioned against using a tetrahedron to indicate wind direction. 5.1.3_The Landing Direction Indicator._A tetrahedron is installed when conditions at the airport warrant its use. It may be used to indicate the direction of landings and takeoffs. A tetrahedron may be located at the center of a segmented circle and may be lighted for night operations. The small end of the tetrahedron points in the direction of landing. Pilots are cautioned against using a tetrahedron for any purpose other than as an indicator of landing direction. Further, pilots should use extreme caution when making runway selection by use of a tetrahedron in very light or calm wind conditions as the tetrahedron may not be aligned with the designated calm-wind runway. At airports with control towers, the tetrahedron should only be referenced when the control tower is not in operation. Tower instructions supersede tetrahedron indications. 5.1.4_Landing strip indicators._Installed in pairs as shown in the segmented circle diagram, and used to show the alignment of landing strips. 5.1.5_Traffic pattern indicators._Arranged in pairs in conjunction with landing strip indicators and used to indicate the direction of turns when there is a variation from the normal left traffic pattern. If there is no segmented circle installed at the airport, traffic pattern indicators may be installed on or near the end of the runway. 5.2_Preparatory to landing at an airport without a control tower, or when the control tower is not in operation, the pilot should concern himself with the indicator for the approach end of the runway to be used. When approaching for landing, all turns must be made to the left unless a traffic pattern indicator indicates that turns should be made to the right. If the pilot will mentally enlarge the indicator for the runway to be used, the base and final approach legs of the traffic pattern to be flown immediately become apparent. Similar treatment of the indicator at the departure end of the runway will clearly indicate the direction of turn after takeoff. 5.3_When two or more aircraft are approaching an airport for the purpose of landing, the pilot of the aircraft at the lower altitude has the right-of-way over the pilot of the aircraft at the higher altitude. However, the pilot operating at the lower altitude should not take advantage of another aircraft, which is on final approach to land, by cutting in front of, or overtaking that aircraft. 6. Ground Control Frequencies 6.1_Pilots of departing aircraft should communicate with the control tower on the appropriate ground control/clearance delivery frequency prior to starting engines to receive engine start time, taxi and/or clearance information. Unless otherwise advised by the tower, remain on that frequency during taxiing and runup, then change to local control frequency when ready to request takeoff clearance. NOTE- Pilots are encouraged to monitor the local tower frequency as soon as practical consistent with other ATC requirements. 6.2_The tower controller will consider that pilots of turbine-powered aircraft are ready for takeoff when they reach the runway or warm-up block unless advised otherwise. 6.3_The majority of ground control frequencies are in the 121.6-121.9 MHz bandwidth. Ground control frequencies are provided to eliminate frequency congestion on the tower (local control) frequency and are limited to communications between the tower and aircraft on the ground and between the tower and utility vehicles on the airport, provide a clear VHF channel for arriving and departing aircraft. They are AIP ENR 1.1-7 United States of America 15 MAR 07 Federal Aviation Administration Nineteenth Edition used for issuance of taxi information, clearances, and other necessary contacts between the tower and aircraft or other vehicles operated on the airport. A pilot who has just landed should not change from the tower frequency to the ground control frequency until directed to do so by the controller. Normally, only one ground control frequency is assigned at an airport; however, at locations where the amount of traffic so warrants, a second ground control frequency and/or another frequency designated as a clearance delivery frequency, may be assigned.

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6.4_A controller may omit the ground or local control frequency if the controller believes the pilot knows which frequency is in use. If the ground control frequency is in the 121 MHz bandwidth the controller may omit the numbers preceding the decimal point; e.g., 121.7, _CONTACT GROUND POINT SEVEN." However, if any doubt exists as to what frequency is in use, the pilot should promptly request the controller to provide that information. 6.5_Controllers will normally avoid issuing a radio frequency change to helicopters, known to be single-piloted, which are hovering, air taxiing, or flying near the ground. At times, it may be necessary for pilots to alert ATC regarding single pilot operations to minimize delay of essential ATC communications. Whenever possible, ATC instructions will be relayed through the frequency being monitored until a frequency change can be accomplished. Pilots must promptly advise ATC if they are unable to comply with a frequency change. Also, pilots should advise ATC if they must land to accomplish the frequency change unless it is clear the landing; e.g., on a taxiway or in a helicopter operating area, will have no impact on other air traffic.

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发表于 2008-12-19 23:19:39 |只看该作者
7. Traffic Control Light Signals 7.1_The following procedures are used by airport traffic control towers in the control of aircraft, ground vehicles, equipment, and personnel not equipped with radio. These same procedures will be used to control aircraft, ground vehicles, equipment, and personnel equipped with radio if radio contact cannot be established. Airport traffic control personnel use a directive traffic control signal which emits an intense narrow beam of a selected color (either red, white, or green) when controlling traffic by light signals. 7.2_Although the traffic signal light offers the advantage that some control may be exercised over nonradio-equipped aircraft, pilots should be cognizant of the disadvantages which are: 7.2.1_The pilot may not be looking at the control tower at the time a signal is directed toward him/her; and

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发表于 2008-12-19 23:19:50 |只看该作者
7.2.2_The directions transmitted by a light signal are very limited since only approval of a pilot’s anticipated actions may be transmitted. No supplement or explanatory information may be transmitted except by the use of the _General Warning Signal" which advises the pilot to be on the alert. 7.3_Between sunset and sunrise, a pilot wishing to attract the attention of the control tower should turn on a landing light and taxi the aircraft into a position, clear of the active runway, so that light is visible to the tower. The landing light should remain on until appropriate signals are received from the tower. TBL ENR 1.1-1 Air Traffic Control Tower Light Gun Signals Meaning Color and Type of Signal Movement of Vehicles, Equipment and Personnel Aircraft on the Ground Aircraft in Flight Steady green Cleared to cross, proceed or go Cleared for takeoff Cleared to land Flashing green Not applicable Cleared for taxi Return for landing (to be followed by steady green at the proper time) Steady red STOP STOP Give way to other aircraft and continue circling Flashing red Clear the taxiway/runway Taxi clear of the runway in use Airport unsafe, do not land Flashing white Return to starting point on airport Return to starting point on airport Not applicable Alternating red and green Exercise extreme caution Exercise extreme caution Exercise extreme caution

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发表于 2008-12-19 23:19:57 |只看该作者
AIP ENR 1.1-8 United States of America 15 MAR 07 Federal Aviation Administration Nineteenth Edition 8. Use of Runways/Declared Distances 8.1_Runways are identified by numbers which indicate the nearest 10-degree increment of the azimuth of the runway centerline. For example, where the magnetic azimuth is 183 degrees, the runway designation would be 18; for a magnetic azimuth of 87 degrees, the runway designation would be 9. For a magnetic azimuth ending in the number 5, such as 185, the runway designation could be either 18 or 19. Wind direction issued by the tower is also magnetic, and wind velocity is in knots. 8.2_Airport proprietors are responsible for taking the lead in local aviation noise control. Accordingly, they may propose specific noise abatement plans to the FAA. If approved, these plans are applied in the form of Formal or Informal Runway Use Programs for noise abatement purposes. 8.3_At airports where no runway use program is established, ATC clearance may specify: 8.3.1_The runway most nearly aligned with the wind when it is five knots or more. 8.3.2_The _calm wind" runway when wind is less than five knots. 8.3.3_Another runway if operationally advantageous. NOTE- It is not necessary for a controller to specifically inquire if the pilot will use a specific runway or to offer the pilot a choice of runways. If a pilot prefers to use a different runway than that specified or the one most nearly aligned with the wind, the pilot is expected to inform ATC accordingly. 8.4_At airports where a runway use program is established, ATC will assign runways deemed to have the least noise impact. If in the interest of safety a runway different than that specified is preferred, the pilot is expected to advise ATC accordingly. ATC will honor such requests and advise pilots when the requested runway is noise sensitive. When use of a runway other that the one assigned is requested, pilot cooperation is encouraged to preclude disruption of traffic flows or creation of conflicting patterns.

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发表于 2008-12-19 23:20:05 |只看该作者
8.5_At some airports, the airport proprietor may declare that sections of a runway at one or both ends are not available for landing or takeoff. For these airports, the declared distance of runway length available for a particular operation is published in the Airport/Facility Directory. These distances are calculated by adding to the full length of paved runway any applicable clearway or stopway and subtracting from that sum the sections of the runway unsuitable for satisfying the required takeoff run, takeoff, accelerate/stop, or landing distance.

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