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第19章 旋翼机飞行手册 [复制链接]

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第19章 旋翼机飞行手册

# p, K1 h4 A0 V1 X$ i' a


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发表于 2009-3-15 17:03:52 |只看该作者
, O2 R; ^+ V+ Q" ~8 e

19 旋翼机飞行手册

% w6 U8 w5 f) Y4 @

As with most certificated aircraft manufactured after March 1979, FAA-certificated gyroplanes are required to have an approved flight manual. The flight manual describes procedures and limitations that must be adhered to when operating the aircraft. Specification for Pilot’s Operating Handbook, published by the General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA), provides a recommended format that more recent gyroplane flight manuals follow. [Figure 19-1]

/ N4 g7 ^- B/ }8 M7 C4 |

19793月,同大多数具有人为证明文件的飞行器一样,联邦航空局出台了经核准的旋翼机飞行手册。该手册主要包括旋翼机操作必须的程序和注意事项。由GAMA(飞行制造业协会)出版的飞行员操作规范手册,提供了值得参考的旋翼机飞行手册格式,其格式如下:[ 19-1]

- \- y8 \, c0 q$ q% B/ ]. h


- ~5 P: Y" N% G$ f: }+ ^


1 a7 |0 \; ~/ a6 @! G/ W9 Y


# p4 b# c, S6 D0 @9 ?$ O


! ]1 h( K; j9 u5 \


8 u: U: S4 S1 {5 `) k


* g! r" B& O1 p( J- i: n3 a6 A4 p; q


5 }. }2 j% x: b' y0 }2 d! ]/ t


# n) u0 E4 L8 F/ Q


+ Q+ H) ]' F6 I: ^ S* B/ h4 ]


$ c% T" X7 |( v. ?


- Q- h1 H7 X) d( q5 ?


- `4 x( {* M7 B


1 Z4 l, Q% X) l, C* _


6 O* ]8 j5 g+ b7 d


) E- r3 u7 G+ ~$ p- t" S9 S! P. M$ H


# F% [0 `! t& G


$ S! {) [" `4 i+ I


$ s4 |4 T1 T! ?7 `


# {; G6 a6 m8 W7 M# m


8 \+ [2 W4 e* ]* z, h" @


' v4 S- O0 o% z


4 p+ S2 o4 d/ k! @


: Y/ r9 ]0 Z7 S0 Z9 P


' W9 v) h# A! |


- b5 g- f- T! v E+ \


3 r1 X0 V( p q( F, s


* S. A- r8 Q7 E6 E" `6 p+ h) [


. c# }8 {2 C2 U- C; h. R9 h


# G7 w' F8 y* {


$ A9 q' _* Q$ q- a1 m5 y( q! i

Figure 19-1. The FAA-approved flight manual may contain as many as ten sections, as well as an optional alphabetical index.

2 T+ i+ }! R7 H* ^# R8 R, z4 V

19-1. 联邦航空局核准的飞行手册主要包括10个部分,同时具有可选择的数字索引。

0 q4 R6 {0 G. ~# H

This format is the same as that used by helicopters, which is explained in depth in Chapter 6—Rotorcraft

% z/ |) S# T, X: x7 B* \" q3 ]

Flight Manual (Helicopter).

( E) ^ |: q0 @& Q5 o


7 Y v }+ [ \. s9 Z$ Y

Amateur-built gyroplanes may have operating limitations but are not normally required to have an approved flight manual. One exception is an exemption granted by the FAA that allows the commercial use of

) y& O: V+ h& N# a9 S

two-place, amateur-built gyroplanes for instructional purposes. One of the conditions of this exemption is to

a1 k U: ~: ^3 b

have an approved flight manual for the aircraft. This manual is to be used for training purposes, and must be

) [, \2 W* q3 r2 C* ], f

carried in the gyroplane at all times.

; H- t3 @7 ?& ?+ j5 T


v; O p+ Z7 ~) @4 a! Q! @


8 b1 y$ [+ L w1 O" C/ Z3 g) P


M1 a- J+ l/ j* [0 M1 c1 K

The flight manual is required to be on board the aircraft to guarantee that the information contained therein is readily available. For the information to be of value, you must be thoroughly familiar with the manual and be able to read and properly interpret the various charts and tables.

4 y- D! U/ |" Z7 v9 T( k


7 U$ G+ M% D& m2 X4 v


7 S* z7 `1 O, C3 [5 L: Q- v' H


7 p0 `' |3 i. O

The weight and balance section of the flight manual contains information essential to the safe operation of

: H" ~& n! F6 P" |2 A

the gyroplane. Careful consideration must be given to the weight of the passengers, baggage, and fuel prior to

9 b, O8 ]9 c2 l; m

each flight. In conducting weight and balance computations, many of the terms and procedures are similar to

g! S' V E2 _" b/ Q: _- J4 e, A0 l% A

those used in helicopters. These are further explained in Chapter 7—Weight and Balance. In any aircraft, failure to adhere to the weight and balance limitations prescribed by the manufacturer can be extremely hazardous.

! V3 Q$ |" u& t/ i9 N- A


3 k. Q4 T5 v& N6 ~4 y* Z7 S


6 j0 r/ h s- u$ m


2 C8 H& j; ?8 J% A0 W7 y

As an example of a weight and balance computation, assume a sightseeing flight in a two-seat, tandem-configured gyroplane with two people aboard. The pilot, seated in the front, weighs 175 pounds while the rear seat passenger weighs 160 pounds. For the purposes of this example, there will be no baggage carried. The basic empty weight of the aircraft is 1,315 pounds with a moment, divided by 1,000, of 153.9 pound-inches.

0 L4 E- A& j+ J* r9 f


# x/ t2 l( [3 z4 L% `( L

Using the loading graph [Figure 19-2], the moment/1000 of the pilot is found to be 9.1 poundinches, and the passenger has a moment/1000 of 13.4 pound-inches.

S! i6 i6 Q6 l0 {- P2 U- R


& P" |: o& y4 m% |

Adding these figures, the total weight of the aircraft for this flight (without fuel) is determined to be 1,650

9 O8 j; l+ k( j

pounds with a moment/1000 of 176.4 pound-inches.[Figure 19-3]

; _# ?# l0 K/ |6 \( a6 g* `


* M5 W; M! m0 J/ H: O! j


[" F1 s( a3 |0 K/ V

      重量(单位:磅)  力矩(单位:磅/英寸)

5 L K; l( v" T7 V6 U5 z

飞行器重量  1315   153.9

( a- y! f `+ E- _

飞行员     175     9.1

. k$ v. e3 u& ^ h$ l! ?- E

乘客   160     13.4

" a/ T. `. e# P/ M1 z

行李   0    0

- E( u, y7 ]/ a% V

总计   1650   176.4

1 O( @# Z7 l# A


$ M3 ]- v0 z: y0 d, K8 s7 i

Figure 19-3. Loading of the sample aircraft, less fuel.

O$ k$ {- ~& K3 P- F

19-3  无油状态下飞行器承载计算

& m0 Z) d6 t0 G# |" _

The maximum gross weight for the sample aircraft is 1,800 pounds, which allows up to 150 pounds to be carried in fuel. For this flight, 18 gallons of fuel is deemed sufficient. Allowing six pounds per gallon of fuel, the fuel weight on the aircraft totals 108 pounds. Referring again to the loading graph [Figure 19-2], 108 pounds of fuel would have a moment/1000 of 11.9 pound-inches. This is added to the previous totals to obtain the total aircraft weight of 1,758 pounds and a moment/1000 of 188.3. Locating this point on the center of gravity envelope chart [Figure 19-4], shows that the loading is within the prescribed weight and balance limits.

9 s0 Z; `# A% {9 {( q% C# Z# E7 t


. E* d% X! R$ O$ `3 u% k% {7 ^


2 {$ t2 V3 z$ O$ I

Figure 19-4. Center of gravity envelope chart.

7 r2 x! F, r; ?7 v

19-4  地心引力极限图

2 {4 H2 H$ B* z: F! y7 K* T& ^


2 W# O0 [0 h7 |# E/ f @: B


/ R6 f+ v# t5 Q& K) X4 U

The performance section of the flight manual contains data derived from actual flight testing of the aircraft.Because the actual performance may differ, it is prudent to maintain a margin of safety when planning

- k& l; K+ Y& R' f% ]* \0 T

operations using this data.

' U/ }6 H6 B+ ^& k


+ P1 `7 [6 q3 a( \, V2 g3 p6 r


( f4 z9 e0 U; k4 p/ B: v; p E


% g8 g0 k) G( z6 \- q

For this example, a gyroplane at its maximum gross weight (1,800 lbs.) needs to perform a short field takeoff due to obstructions in the takeoff path. Present weather conditions are standard temperature at a pressure altitude of 2,000 feet, and the wind is calm. Referring to the appropriate performance chart

# d: m, j" p4 [2 I1 L3 j

[Figure19-5], the takeoff distance to clear a 50-foot obstacle is determined by entering the chart from the left at the pressure altitude of 2,000 feet. You then proceed horizontally to the right until intersecting the appropriate

9 p( C8 l& l% N: `; X

temperature reference line, which in this case is the dashed standard temperature line. From this point,descend vertically to find the total takeoff distance to clear a 50-foot obstacle. For the conditions given, this particular gyroplane would require a distance of 940 feet for ground roll and the distance needed to climb 50 feet above the surface. Notice that the data presented in this chart is predicated on certain conditions, such as a running takeoff to 30 m.p.h., a 50 m.p.h. climb speed, a rotor prerotation speed of 370 r.p.m., and no wind.Variations from these conditions alter performance,possibly to the point of jeopardizing the successful outcome of the maneuver.

' E, i W0 { k$ F


9 g/ c7 M- K I5 ]5 r8 ?2 }: g2 g


( ?9 a0 p) t4 D

Figure 19-5. Takeoff performance chart.

( b7 E3 T- u2 N$ k5 Q

19-5 起飞性能图表

6 o1 ]/ |% P; b7 B0 _, F8 O


+ C M( k% M$ r; G: ^7 W( Q% q! m


9 T: O D o+ e' u

Like helicopters, gyroplanes have a height/velocity diagram that defines what speed and altitude combinations allow for a safe landing in the event of an engine failure. [Figure 19-6] During an engine-out landing, the cyclic flare is used to arrest the vertical velocity of the aircraft and most of the forward velocity. On gyroplanes with a manual collective control, increasing blade pitch just prior to touchdown can further reduce ground roll. Typically, a gyroplane has a lower rotor disc loading than a helicopter, which provides a slower rate of descent in autorotation. The power required to turn the main transmission, tail rotor transmission, and tail rotor also add to the higher descent rate of a helicopter in autorotation as compared with that of a gyroplane.

3 H U& l( B& {3 {: \' k& @8 i


; ]% L9 d% k( _* M


2 x/ B2 \8 E" m/ x6 \

Figure 19-6. Operations within the shaded area of a height/velocity diagram may not allow for a safe landing and are to be avoided.

; V2 O. y8 H8 v: M1 W$ |

19-6 图中阴影区域的高度/速度无法保证安全着陆

" J: {; H0 E# M3 E


2 A6 L0 a' N- M( Y; ^


4 l: U% V" B1 j

Because in-flight emergencies may not allow enough time to reference the flight manual, the emergency section should be reviewed periodically to maintain familiarity with these procedures. Many aircraft also use placards and instrument markings in the cockpit, which provide important information that may not be committed to memory.

& P6 w/ a K v) ~9 F$ c


; g: ^; S4 q' `9 `. L; D


3 }) T. E0 [8 w


) t/ a+ G/ L. ^- U$ s

The proper weight and balance of a gyroplane without a flight manual is normally determined by conducting a hang test of the aircraft. This is achieved by removing the rotor blades and suspending the aircraft by its teeter bolt, free from contact with the ground. A measurement is then taken, either at the keel or the rotor

! m4 P" \! t3 c. G9 g

mast, to determine how many degrees from level the gyroplane hangs. This number must be within the range specified by the manufacturer. For the test to reflect the true balance of the aircraft, it is important that it be conducted using the actual weight of the pilot and all gear normally carried in flight. Additionally, the measurement should be taken both with the fuel tank full and with it empty to ensure that fuel burn does not affect the loading.

1 V8 o" t+ r: j/ f- w2 T. L


+ t; y$ _8 B/ M! {9 A


5 ^( {- \# w; K! `


$ X+ z U3 k3 K* w

% L: {, h. Z, ~( d; {2 d {4 \


L: b _# f* M3 w9 {


' u- U/ z- u) ]+ B


1 ?0 a, E1 _0 S! s! y


+ E/ |( P2 K$ m# q {4 I. a


d w8 ] a& k; o0 k


3 b5 z% [6 |2 s: B* S


+ G6 ?" w4 B& S* n6 ~. a. j


+ n" Q! {7 N% ]3 l t


4 p( o/ k0 C( ` [1 {


$ q- Y1 E w9 v% Z' w


# L8 t' Q! h6 z) @# e


% ^% q: D2 F5 u1 U3 c


; b( Z- i! r t+ x+ z, C3 z& T


8 V2 o" Q: X5 R+ X$ {


- l0 H9 h1 l A- ?/ l' K


8 X4 Q0 e/ I: X i4 [/ h


% u& M+ B; [; Z( \; q/ z


; \0 x6 }, g3 ]


! I; d6 _2 G6 ]& V


8 g$ V# g! k. @! a


: j9 K4 R/ [2 k1 H+ G8 O9 D C$ f" A" Y


$ ~7 _5 Z) \# v( m& D) A$ r; \


. q7 C, z+ ?( }; K


- L, b* u/ q; }4 k8 b8 w' G


2 u9 `3 R, p: c" t5 V

Figure 19-1. The FAA-approved flight manual may contain as many as ten sections, as well as an optional alphabetical index.

; k7 u$ g. J; T

19-1. 联邦航空局核准的飞行手册主要包括10个部分,同时具有可选择的数字索引。

) c! [1 B; I# G

This format is the same as that used by helicopters, which is explained in depth in Chapter 6—Rotorcraft

$ \1 Y% l$ d7 t8 W+ ~5 Z. T& I) W: a

Flight Manual (Helicopter).

! c9 L8 I% u$ L6 H5 Z4 E) L


) U( N8 G9 }/ m, P- M, y- ?8 e

Amateur-built gyroplanes may have operating limitations but are not normally required to have an approved flight manual. One exception is an exemption granted by the FAA that allows the commercial use of

' q9 O' u' K0 D: A1 D

two-place, amateur-built gyroplanes for instructional purposes. One of the conditions of this exemption is to

+ a: o' m N* w

have an approved flight manual for the aircraft. This manual is to be used for training purposes, and must be

9 Y- ]: ^' f5 r/ j. E; k7 @

carried in the gyroplane at all times.

3 @, |0 r7 h* M! r


; Z, f' W& r |5 P3 h


/ x; t0 W- _! r( T


# t' E: G9 a5 }( l+ @3 a

The flight manual is required to be on board the aircraft to guarantee that the information contained therein is readily available. For the information to be of value, you must be thoroughly familiar with the manual and be able to read and properly interpret the various charts and tables.

2 `& Z) c" z! W% i2 _1 D


2 Y% h* j6 N+ R3 V! b: ] m7 Q


- N1 z0 i% m8 _: n t# d2 Q


N/ |% z( W- z Z R1 A2 ^! Z6 W

The weight and balance section of the flight manual contains information essential to the safe operation of

8 K% [% S9 S, }% ~6 G3 r: p( L

the gyroplane. Careful consideration must be given to the weight of the passengers, baggage, and fuel prior to

% A1 y6 M( y" D) l& X, J

each flight. In conducting weight and balance computations, many of the terms and procedures are similar to

9 j+ P9 S1 w+ t% }

those used in helicopters. These are further explained in Chapter 7—Weight and Balance. In any aircraft, failure to adhere to the weight and balance limitations prescribed by the manufacturer can be extremely hazardous.

7 V: C* d1 M) T. U


9 j+ a- t* o+ C$ z& p


! c3 U+ f4 e5 G# Q! y


( D N5 x! m# K# g6 ^

As an example of a weight and balance computation, assume a sightseeing flight in a two-seat, tandem-configured gyroplane with two people aboard. The pilot, seated in the front, weighs 175 pounds while the rear seat passenger weighs 160 pounds. For the purposes of this example, there will be no baggage carried. The basic empty weight of the aircraft is 1,315 pounds with a moment, divided by 1,000, of 153.9 pound-inches.

6 r# D" ?! R9 [ L. Y! V

% h1 i$ [2 p+ y3 D& |; g1 P

) }1 n% z6 d5 m/ ^6 S6 F/ J/ V$ r1 a3 z+ R1 F# J7 {. H1 k+ j9 P# c
' K/ M( U& P; m* `5 A
7 u0 t& U0 D$ |" v n$ i" m! x3 y

4 u7 _, v$ C9 \- }

Figure 19-2. A loading graph is used to determine the load moment for weights at various stations.

% r- {$ X: s6 C. n1 @ W9 T* f. l) Q

19-2 确定各种重量产生的力矩承载分布图

ffice:word" />下面是一个载重及平衡的计算例子,假设有一个双座的,座位一前一后布置得双人观光旋翼机,飞行员重ffice:smarttags" />175,背后的乘客重160。在这个例子中,假设所有人都没有携带行李。旋翼机的最大空载是1315产生的力矩,除以1000,是153.9/英寸。

' h/ ^0 P' F x# H! L+ y4 q. c

Using the loading graph [Figure 19-2], the moment/1000 of the pilot is found to be 9.1 poundinches, and the passenger has a moment/1000 of 13.4 pound-inches.

) f% ?8 w: t3 C1 P$ g1 o


4 L9 X \& T: v1 W- |9 r

Adding these figures, the total weight of the aircraft for this flight (without fuel) is determined to be 1,650

. s. @2 ~) m7 ?; I8 a2 E/ R9 h

pounds with a moment/1000 of 176.4 pound-inches.[Figure 19-3]

5 Y* i7 W( a- t( o9 ^


( Z% b9 \) T. p


) t; S4 N. P+ v% G
5 ?- w/ L: K7 W% L! Z1 d8 ` 1 n' q% c8 G* o" I) _" p' h1 Y; M( k- y# K. n) j& r8 Z) r: P. [0 y+ }: a) b: S1 Q9 z% n! K# M8 n8 r% ]3 B. Z* ]/ N4 W' C+ [! J5 T" Z" R. N" L- }4 }& J/ a8 ~( z6 ?, E6 Y1 i1 _& | \+ z6 r+ Z) F/ K" Z# Y% C/ V ~7 h9 t1 Q1 t1 ?! X0 W$ }. g$ |" j" k1 X3 |. g3 Q! h0 s. L, a4 D: {0 B2 G* [" H( \9 `) c, @+ P I; V; B8 O/ l7 y3 w+ { C& A+ C, ^% W2 m. l, X+ c6 c3 ]) q+ Y9 z, Q& S: n: {8 ~3 K& n4 J( K1 W! N! z% N$ K5 K8 C5 S$ M& Y1 d6 Q+ d" \2 z7 u! Y. \) d# d( l& f) A( |/ G; V, A# I, A5 |3 x. P7 n- ]8 d7 r+ P9 `- J) r- [% ` n7 P3 ?7 K( k" x5 R& k9 e: I: I5 z) T6 w- n, ^' M2 n/ w L( k! P: X% r( S% P% x9 X6 A& z1 [( R6 o. ]& I: V
$ Y: l1 @7 N7 e( G9 Z4 r# [


0 N4 n. Y4 Z& r4 [8 B! a; t% V9 M


8 S* J( Y7 m: f0 j$ J j+ W: V


' ^- c1 ^& Q4 ^' C


2 j( F& h* e: a1 X6 i


% R0 Q, S6 O5 [: ?( {


- J, q6 h+ Y1 A) s% l3 y


2 h0 E8 Y" i$ R; h! i


. S! _2 e, x& e0 y, v, K. O


V- a$ J! ]8 w, j" j


/ k5 t: G0 p6 n


/ U% l1 c9 d' n


$ N1 F! h: V- w( c0 @


! x% D% H9 e9 r0 q


& |' |! C; |" t/ a7 q


, z3 F( K3 B5 T: @2 M; f5 Z


- c7 C' Y# b$ c* v


& f5 _& V# J1 |, d8 X


$ o' p( V/ G& A, p* S


: j# Q7 L; z6 c) a5 R

Figure 19-3. Loading of the sample aircraft, less fuel.

( H( Q$ D$ k% ~6 f

19-3  无油状态下飞行器承载计算

# b9 m1 n& K, `& U$ s

The maximum gross weight for the sample aircraft is 1,800 pounds, which allows up to 150 pounds to be carried in fuel. For this flight, 18 gallons of fuel is deemed sufficient. Allowing six pounds per gallon of fuel, the fuel weight on the aircraft totals 108 pounds. Referring again to the loading graph [Figure 19-2], 108 pounds of fuel would have a moment/1000 of 11.9 pound-inches. This is added to the previous totals to obtain the total aircraft weight of 1,758 pounds and a moment/1000 of 188.3. Locating this point on the center of gravity envelope chart [Figure 19-4], shows that the loading is within the prescribed weight and balance limits.

/ W5 T1 i# F' }& p# r/ w, O7 e


% |6 G5 S4 X _2 _- m

1 p& y' f+ G6 Z

Figure 19-4. Center of gravity envelope chart.

! R9 E9 Q1 c# o& K4 m$ u

19-4  地心引力极限图

9 o, h* W/ m+ J6 U( W" r4 n


\; I, P) H: v


" Y* {7 @5 x: {( F7 W

The performance section of the flight manual contains data derived from actual flight testing of the aircraft.Because the actual performance may differ, it is prudent to maintain a margin of safety when planning

' ]: N' x v2 n z5 |

operations using this data.

+ h$ D, }) @9 i8 [3 E* }3 O


* L4 t- `% }; _3 [; n9 K( J( h5 C6 Q


: W; F" m A' D! E( j2 f9 m+ c; p


1 D/ p3 X6 u: b; v( g C

For this example, a gyroplane at its maximum gross weight (1,800 lbs.) needs to perform a short field takeoff due to obstructions in the takeoff path. Present weather conditions are standard temperature at a pressure altitude of 2,000 feet, and the wind is calm. Referring to the appropriate performance chart

, Q- r: P6 u/ `! d8 P. b$ v& z; N

[Figure19-5], the takeoff distance to clear a 50-foot obstacle is determined by entering the chart from the left at the pressure altitude of 2,000 feet. You then proceed horizontally to the right until intersecting the appropriate

% A4 H8 [+ ^! k; @3 ?% ^+ f; m

temperature reference line, which in this case is the dashed standard temperature line. From this point,descend vertically to find the total takeoff distance to clear a 50-foot obstacle. For the conditions given, this particular gyroplane would require a distance of 940 feet for ground roll and the distance needed to climb 50 feet above the surface. Notice that the data presented in this chart is predicated on certain conditions, such as a running takeoff to 30 m.p.h., a 50 m.p.h. climb speed, a rotor prerotation speed of 370 r.p.m., and no wind.Variations from these conditions alter performance,possibly to the point of jeopardizing the successful outcome of the maneuver.

$ U/ Z) g2 A9 S! S7 u7 k' D


9 F) n) ]' z9 B8 q0 d

: H; k! R' T* }; K+ B

Figure 19-5. Takeoff performance chart.

; G0 i0 M# V' x3 D, |8 v/ \

19-5 起飞性能图表

- s" @7 T' e/ |2 F


1 T& O; c% B7 i


8 J) O5 l" Q) ?+ n, Y

Like helicopters, gyroplanes have a height/velocity diagram that defines what speed and altitude combinations allow for a safe landing in the event of an engine failure. [Figure 19-6] During an engine-out landing, the cyclic flare is used to arrest the vertical velocity of the aircraft and most of the forward velocity. On gyroplanes with a manual collective control, increasing blade pitch just prior to touchdown can further reduce ground roll. Typically, a gyroplane has a lower rotor disc loading than a helicopter, which provides a slower rate of descent in autorotation. The power required to turn the main transmission, tail rotor transmission, and tail rotor also add to the higher descent rate of a helicopter in autorotation as compared with that of a gyroplane.

# g9 h+ R+ s4 ~* _8 r5 \. {- p


; {7 F& P' b5 K: c& x* a

8 j$ N: p [- E" m5 |6 l- s0 S

Figure 19-6. Operations within the shaded area of a height/velocity diagram may not allow for a safe landing and are to be avoided.

6 P/ d, x' e3 g0 |9 I! ^; R: F. b

19-6 图中阴影区域的高度/速度无法保证安全着陆

' {* s: @' f3 g1 L5 K- a- S, D! V: C


: M. z z4 b. ^& r' h! I


# a2 W3 n. X6 y9 B* D+ y* X

Because in-flight emergencies may not allow enough time to reference the flight manual, the emergency section should be reviewed periodically to maintain familiarity with these procedures. Many aircraft also use placards and instrument markings in the cockpit, which provide important information that may not be committed to memory.

/ }7 K$ A3 A4 {4 m& y


: `$ e) r3 |+ w; O/ S* `/ ^


x8 ]+ C! a; r" I6 J$ S, g% T


; Y. x& n5 m( v! o2 D1 [- h

The proper weight and balance of a gyroplane without a flight manual is normally determined by conducting a hang test of the aircraft. This is achieved by removing the rotor blades and suspending the aircraft by its teeter bolt, free from contact with the ground. A measurement is then taken, either at the keel or the rotor

& @" A- \: _! q- K: k

mast, to determine how many degrees from level the gyroplane hangs. This number must be within the range specified by the manufacturer. For the test to reflect the true balance of the aircraft, it is important that it be conducted using the actual weight of the pilot and all gear normally carried in flight. Additionally, the measurement should be taken both with the fuel tank full and with it empty to ensure that fuel burn does not affect the loading.

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使用道具 举报

Rank: 1

发表于 2009-10-11 12:34:12 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

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发表于 2009-11-19 22:27:26 |只看该作者



使用道具 举报

Rank: 1

发表于 2009-11-27 00:19:02 |只看该作者
thank you~

使用道具 举报

Rank: 1

发表于 2009-11-28 19:13:33 |只看该作者


thank you~

使用道具 举报

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发表于 2010-3-16 00:03:34 |只看该作者



使用道具 举报

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发表于 2010-8-19 17:55:19 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

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发表于 2010-8-26 20:02:24 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

Rank: 1

发表于 2010-12-10 15:33:00 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

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