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CBT 13 [复制链接]

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发表于 2008-12-21 17:01:15 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
1..Crew resource management is a process using all available information and resources, i.e. equipment, procedures and people, to achieve a safe and A.(续正文,efficient flight operation. The statement is)right B.wrong A X 2.. [Refer to Figure 4-41.] What is the approximate landing weight for Operating Conditions below? WEIGHT (START TO ALT): 87,000,DISTANCE (NM): 370,WIND COMPONENT: 60HW,HOLDING TIME AT ALT (MIN): 15 A.80,850 pounds. B.85,700 pounds. C.77,600 pounds. A X 3..(Refer to Figure 1) What weather condition is reported at Urumchi (ZWWW) A. Strong wind with shower B. Snow and rain C. Strong west wind and blowing snow C X 4.. [Refer to Figure 4-28 and 4-29.] What approach speed and landing distance will be needed when landing at a weight of 140,000 pounds with 15o of flaps? A.123 knots and 3,050 feet. B.138 knots and 3,050 feet. C.153 knots and 2,050 feet. B X 5.If a required instrument on a multiengine airplane becomes inoperative, which document dictates whether the flight may continue en route? A. An approved Minimum Equipment list for the airplane. B. Original dispatch release. C. Certificate holder's manual. C X 6.. [Refer to Figure 4-34.] What are the recommended IAS and EPR settings for holding under Operating Conditions below? ,ALTITUDE: 30,000,WEIGHT (*1000): 92.5,ENGINES OPERATING: 2,HOLDING TIME (MIN): 10 A.221 knots and 1.83 EPR. B.210 knots and 1.69 EPR. C.217 knots and 1.81 EPR. B X 7. When is DME required for an instrument flight? A.At or above 24000 feet MSL if VOR navigational equipment is required B.In terminal radar service areas C.Above 12,500 feet MSL A X 8.. How often is SNOWTAM broadcast to distant centers? A.Hourly. B.One hour and a half a time. C.30 minutes a time. A X 9..When light passes through the lens it is brought to focus at the back of the eyeball on the A.retina B.cornea C.iris A X 10.When is the course deviation indicator (CDI) considered to have a full-scale deflection? A.When the CDI deflects from full-scale left to full-scale tight, or vice versa. B.When the CDI deflects from the center of the scale to full-scale left or right. C.When the CDI deflects from half-scale left to half-scale right, or vice versa. B X 11..Effective CRM has some characteristics, which of the following is right description about it? A.CRM is a process using all available information and resources, i.e. equipment, procedures and people, to achieve a safe and efficient flight operation. B.CRM can be blended into all forms of aircrew training C.A and B C X 12.. [Refer to Figure 4-25.] What is the maximum landing weight which will permit stopping 1,500 feet short of the end of a 4,950-foot dry runway with reversers and spoilers inoperative? A.119,000 pounds. B.136,000 pounds. C.139,000 pounds. C X 13.For the purpose of testing the flight recorder system. A.A minimum of 1 hour of the oldest recorded data must be erased to get a valid test B.A total of 1 hour of the oldest recorded data accumulated at the time of testing may be erased C.A total of no more than 1 hour of recorded data may be erased B X 14. Who is required to submit a written report on a deviation that occurs during an emergency? A. Person who found the emergency. B. Person who heard the emergency. C. Pilot in command. C X 15.. You should advise ATC of minimum fuel status when your fuel supply has reached a state where, upon reaching your destination, you cannot accept any undue delay. A. This will ensure your priority handling by ATC. B. ATC will consider this action as if you had declared an emergency. C. If your remaining usable fuel supply suggests the need for traffic priority to ensure a safe landing, declare an emergency due to low fuel and report fuel remaining in minutes. C X 16.. Northwest wing can be presented as . A. 200°or NW B. 315°or NW C. 135°or SE B X 17.. What characterizes a transient compressor stall? A.Loud, steady roar accompanied by heavy shuddering. B.Sudden loss of thrust accompanied by a loud whine. C.Intermittent "bang," as backfires and flow reversals take place. C X 18.Which of the following is not the way of increasing MCRIT in jet transport designs A. give the wing a lower camber B. increase wing sweep. C.add slats C X 19.. Under what condition is VMC the highest? A.Gross weight is at the maximum allowable value. B.CG is at the most rearward allowable position. C.CG is at the most forward allowable position. B X 20.. Which regulation does the pilot must comply with during operation within Class A airspace? A.Approach Control Regulation. B.Visual Flight Regulation. C.Instrument Control Regulation. C X 21. Category II ILS operations below 1600 RVR and a 150-foot DH may be approved after the pilot in command has A.10 takeoffs and landings in make and model and three Category II ILS approaches in actual or simulated IFR conditions with 150-foot DH since the beginning of preceding month, under 14 CFR parts 91 and 121. B. at least six Category II approaches in IFR conditions with 100-foot DH within the preceding 12 calendar months. C.logged 100 hours' in make and model airplane under 14 CFR part 121 and three Category II ILS approaches in actual or simulated IFR with 150-foot DH since the beginning of the sixth preceding month. C X 22.. [Refer to Figure 4-32.] What is the turbulent air penetration N1 power setting for Operating Conditions below? WEIGHT (*1000): 80,PRESSURE ALTITUDE: 25 rder erasure feature? A.All recorded information may be erased, except for the last 30 minutes prior to landing. B.Any information more than 30 minutes old may be erased C.All recorded information may be erased, unless the NTSB needs to be notified of an occurrence. B X 90.What is the purpose of a control tab? A.Move the flight controls in the event of manual reversion. B.Reduce control forces by deflecting in the proper direction to move a primary flight control. C.Prevent a control surface from moving to a full-deflection position due to aerodynamic forces. A X 91.Which is true regarding the forces acting on an aircraft in a steady-state descent? The sum of all A.-upward forces is less than the sum of all downward forces. B.-rearward forces is greater than the sum of all forces. C.-forward forces is equal to the sum of all rearward forces. C X 92.. (Refer to Figure 6-5) At the bottom of this enroute chart excerpt, ZHENGZHOU ACC's information is enclosed in a rectangle, what is the meaning of the asterisk symbol preceding 122.20? A.It means frequency 122.20 is very important. B.It means VHF communication is available on a part-time basis. C.It means 122.20 MHz is the major communication frequency. B X 93..Which of the following characteristics heat thunderstorm? A.It moves with the weather system. B.It covers small area and is isolated with openings C. It strengthens at night and weakens in the day on land B X 94.. What is the purpose of a restricted airspace? A.To protect military activities only. B.To protect science tests only. C.To restrict the entry of civil aircrafts. C X 95.What is the purpose of Runway End Identifier Lights (REIL)? A.Identification of a runway surrounded by a preponderance of other lighting. B.Identification of the touchdown zone to prevent landing short. C.Establish visual descent guidance information during an approach. A X 96.If an air carrier airplane's airborne radar is inoperative and thunderstorms are forecast along the proposed route of flight, an airplane may be dispatched only A.When able to climb and descend VFR and maintain VFR/OT en route B.In VFR conditions C.In day VFR conditions C X 97.. [Refer to Figure 4-34.] What is the approximate fuel consumed when holding under Operating Conditions below? ALTITUDE: 25,000,WEIGHT (*1000): 102.5,ENGINES OPERATING: 2,HOLDING TIME (MIN): 40 A.3,625 pounds. B.3,240 pounds. C.2,980 pounds. B X 98.. The bottom of the Class B airspace is appropriate to A.FL 6,300m. B.FL 6,000m. C.FL 600m. C X 99.An airplane has seats for 149 passengers and eight crewmembers. What is the number of flight attendants required with 97 passengers aboard? A.Four B.Three C.Two B X 100.. [Refer to Figure 4-25.] How much longer is the dry runway landing distance using brakes only compared to using brakes and reversers at 110,000 pounds gross weight? A.1,000 feet. B.500 feet. C.300 feet. C X
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