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ATC [复制链接]

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发表于 2008-12-21 19:14:04 |只看该作者
Section 8. Class C Service- Terminal 7-8-1. APPLICATION Apply Class C service procedures within the designated Class C airspace and the associated outer area. Class C services are designed to keep ATC informed of all aircraft within Class C airspace, not to exclude operations. Two-way radio communications and operational transponder are normally required for operations within Class C airspace, but operations without radio communications or transponder can be conducted by LOA, facility directive, or special arrangement with Class C airspace controlling facility. REFERENCE- FAAO JO 7110.65, Para 7-2-1, Visual Separation. 14 CFR Section 91.215, ATC Transponder and Altitude Reporting Equipment and Use. 7-8-2. CLASS C SERVICES a. Class C services include the following: 1. Sequencing of all aircraft to the primary airport. 2. Standard IFR services to IFR aircraft. 3. Separation, traffic advisories, and safety alerts between IFR and VFR aircraft. 4. Mandatory traffic advisories and safety alerts between VFR aircraft. b. Provide Class C services to all aircraft operating within Class C airspace. c. Provide Class C services to all participating aircraft in the outer area. d. Aircraft should not normally be held. However, if holding is necessary, inform the pilot of the expected length of delay. e. When a radar outage occurs, advise aircraft that Class C services are not available and, if appropriate, when to contact the tower. REFERENCE- FAAO JO 7110.65, Para 7-2-1, Visual Separation. 7-8-3. SEPARATION Separate VFR aircraft from IFR aircraft by any one of the following: a. Visual separation as specified in para 7-2-1, Visual Separation, para 7-4-2, Vectors for Visual Approach, and para 7-6-7, Sequencing. NOTE- Issue wake turbulence cautionary advisories in accordance with para 2-1-20, Wake Turbulence Cautionary Advisories. b. 500 feet vertical separation; c. Target resolution when using broadband radar systems. The application of target resolution at locations not using broadband radar will be individually approved by the Director of Terminal Safety and Operations Support. NOTE- Apply the provisions of para 5-5-4, Minima, when wake turbulence separation is required. REFERENCE- FAAO JO 7110.65, Para 7-2-1, Visual Separation.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2008-12-21 19:14:18 |只看该作者
7-8-4. ESTABLISHING TWO-WAY COMMUNICATIONS Class C service requires pilots to establish two-way radio communications before entering Class C airspace. If the controller responds to a radio call with, “(a/c call sign) standby,” radio communications have been established and the pilot can enter Class C airspace. If workload or traffic conditions prevent immediate provision of Class C services, inform the pilot to remain outside Class C airspace until conditions permit the services to be provided. PHRASEOLOGY(A/c call sign) REMAIN OUTSIDE CHARLIE AIRSPACE AND STANDBY. REFERENCE- FAAO JO 7110.65, Para 7-2-1, Visual Separation. JO 7110.65S 2/14/08

使用道具 举报

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2008-12-21 19:14:32 |只看该作者
7-8-2 Class C Service- Terminal 7-8-5. ALTITUDE ASSIGNMENTS a. When necessary to assign altitudes to VFR aircraft, assign altitudes that meet the MVA, MSA, or minimum IFR altitude criteria. b. Aircraft assigned altitudes which are contrary to 14 CFR Section 91.159 shall be advised to resume altitudes appropriate for the direction of flight when the altitude is no longer needed for separation, when leaving the outer area, or when terminating Class C service. PHRASEOLOGY- RESUME APPROPRIATE VFR ALTITUDES. REFERENCE- FAAO JO 7110.65, Para 7-2-1, Visual Separation. 7-8-6. EXCEPTIONS a. VFR helicopters need not be separated from IFR helicopters. Traffic information and safety alerts shall be issued as appropriate. b. Hot air balloons need not be separated from IFR aircraft. Traffic information and safety alerts shall be issued as appropriate. 7-8-7. ADJACENT AIRPORT OPERATIONS a. Aircraft that will penetrate Class C airspace after departing controlled airports within or adjacent to Class_C airspace shall be provided the same services as those aircraft departing the primary airport. Procedures for handling this situation shall be covered in a LOA or a facility directive, as appropriate. b. Aircraft departing uncontrolled airports within Class C airspace shall be handled using procedures advertised in a Letter to Airmen. 7-8-8. TERMINATION OF SERVICE Unless aircraft are landing at secondary airports or have requested termination of service while in the outer area, provide services until the aircraft departs the associated outer area. Terminate Class C service to aircraft landing at other than the primary airport at a sufficient distance from the airport to allow the pilot to change to the appropriate frequency for traffic and airport information. PHRASEOLOGY- CHANGE TO ADVISORY FREQUENCY APPROVED, or CONTACT (facility identification). JO 7110.65S 2/14/08 7-9-1 Class B Service Area- Terminal Section 9. Class B Service Area- Terminal 7-9-1. APPLICATION Apply Class B services and procedures within the designated Class B airspace. a. No person may operate an aircraft within Class_B airspace unless: 1. The aircraft has an operable two-way radio capable of communications with ATC on appropriate frequencies for that Class B airspace. 2. The aircraft is equipped with the applicable operating transponder and automatic altitude reporting equipment specified in para (a) of 14 CFR Section_91.215, except as provided in para (d) of that section. 7-9-2. VFR AIRCRAFT IN CLASS B AIRSPACE a. VFR aircraft must obtain an ATC clearance to operate in Class B airspace. REFERENCE- FAAO JO 7110.65, Para 2-1-18, Operational Requests. FAAO JO 7110.65, Para 2-4-22, Airspace Classes. PHRASEOLOGY- CLEARED THROUGH/TO ENTER/OUT OF BRAVO AIRSPACE, and as appropriate, VIA (route). MAINTAIN (altitude) WHILE IN BRAVO AIRSPACE. or CLEARED AS REQUESTED. (Additional instructions, as necessary.) REMAIN OUTSIDE BRAVO AIRSPACE. (When necessary, reason and/or additional instructions.) NOTE1. Assignment of radar headings, routes, or altitudes is based on the provision that a pilot operating in accordance with VFR is expected to advise ATC if compliance will cause violation of any part of the CFR. 2. Separation and sequencing for VFR aircraft is dependent upon radar. Efforts should be made to segregate VFR traffic from IFR traffic flows when a radar outage occurs. b. Approve/deny requests from VFR aircraft to operate in Class B airspace based on workload, operational limitations and traffic conditions. c. Inform the pilot when to expect further clearance when VFR aircraft are held either inside or outside Class B airspace. d. Inform VFR aircraft when leaving Class B airspace. PHRASEOLOGY- LEAVING (name) BRAVO AIRSPACE, and as appropriate, RESUME OWN NAVIGATION, REMAIN THIS FREQUENCY FOR TRAFFIC ADVISORIES, RADAR SERVICE TERMINATED, SQUAWK ONE TWO ZERO ZERO. 7-9-3. METHODS a. To the extent practical, clear large turbine engine-powered airplanes to/from the primary airport using altitudes and routes that avoid VFR corridors and airspace below the Class B airspace floor where VFR aircraft are operating. NOTE- Pilots operating in accordance with VFR are expected to advise ATC if compliance with assigned altitudes, headings, or routes will cause violation of any part of the CFR. b. Vector aircraft to remain in Class B airspace after entry. Inform the aircraft when leaving and reentering Class B airspace if it becomes necessary to extend the flight path outside Class B airspace for spacing. NOTE14 CFR Section 91.131 states that “Unless otherwise authorized by ATC, each person operating a large turbine engine-powered airplane to or from a primary airport for which a Class B airspace area is designated must operate at or above the designated floors of the Class B airspace area while within the lateral limits of that area.” Such authorization should be the exception rather than the rule. REFERENCE- FAAO JO 7110.65, Para 5-1-10, Deviation Advisories. JO 7110.65S 2/14/08 7-9-2 Class B Service Area- Terminal c. Aircraft departing controlled airports within Class B airspace will be provided the same services as those aircraft departing the primary airport. REFERENCE- FAAO JO 7110.65, Para 2-1-18, Operational Requests. 7-9-4. SEPARATION a. Standard IFR services to IFR aircraft. b. VFR aircraft shall be separated from VFR/IFR aircraft that weigh more than 19,000 pounds and turbojets by no less than: 1. 1 1 /2 miles separation, or 2. 500 feet vertical separation, or NOTE- Apply the provisions of para 5-5-4, Minima, when wake turbulence separation is required. 3. Visual separation, as specified in para 7-2-1, Visual Separation, para 7-4-2, Vectors for Visual Approach, and para 7-6-7, Sequencing. NOTE- Issue wake turbulence cautionary advisories in accordance with para 2-1-20, Wake Turbulence Cautionary Advisories. c. VFR aircraft shall be separated from all VFR/IFR aircraft which weigh 19,000 pounds or less by a minimum of: 1. Target resolution, or 2. 500 feet vertical separation, or NOTE1. Apply the provisions of para 5-5-4, Minima, when wake turbulence separation is required. 2. Aircraft weighing 19,000 pounds or less include all aircraft in SRS Categories I and II plus G73, STAR, S601, BE30, SW3, B190 and C212. 3. Visual separation, as specified in para 7-2-1, Visual Separation, para 7-4-2, Vectors for Visual Approach, and para 7-6-7, Sequencing. NOTE- Issue wake turbulence cautionary advisories in accordance with para 2-1-20, Wake Turbulence Cautionary Advisories. REFERENCE- P/CG Term- Lateral Separation. P/CG Term- Radar Separation. P/CG Term- Target Resolution. P/CG Term- Visual Separation. 7-9-5. TRAFFIC ADVISORIES a. Provide mandatory traffic advisories and safety alerts, between all aircraft. b. Apply merging target procedures in accordance with para 5-1-8, Merging Target Procedures. 7-9-6. HELICOPTER TRAFFIC VFR helicopters need not be separated from VFR or IFR helicopters. Traffic advisories and safety alerts shall be issued as appropriate. 7-9-7. ALTITUDE ASSIGNMENTS a. Altitude information contained in a clearance, instruction, or advisory to VFR aircraft shall meet MVA, MSA, or minimum IFR altitude criteria. b. Issue altitude assignments, if required, consistent with the provisions of 14 CFR Section 91.119. NOTE- The MSAs are: 1. Over congested areas, an altitude at least 1,000 feet above the highest obstacle, 2. Over other than congested areas, an altitude at least 500 feet above the surface. REFERENCE- FAAO JO 7110.65, Para 4-5-2, Flight Direction. FAAO JO 7110.65, Para 4-5-3, Exceptions. FAAO JO 7110.65, Para 4-5-6, Minimum En Route Altitudes. c. Aircraft assigned altitudes which are contrary to 14 CFR Section 91.159 shall be advised to resume altitudes appropriate for the direction of flight when the altitude assignment is no longer required or when leaving Class B airspace. PHRASEOLOGY- RESUME APPROPRIATE VFR ALTITUDES. 7-9-8. APPROACH INTERVAL The tower shall specify the approach interval. JO 7110.65S 2/14/08 8-1-1 General Chapter 8. Offshore/Oceanic Procedures Section 1. General 8-1-1. ATC SERVICE Provide air traffic control service in oceanic controlled airspace in accordance with the procedures in this chapter except when other procedures/minima are prescribed in a directive or a letter of agreement. REFERENCE- FAAO JO 7110.65, Procedural Letters of Agreement, Para 1-1-9. 8-1-2. OPERATIONS IN OFFSHORE AIRSPACE AREAS Provide air traffic control service in offshore airspace areas in accordance with procedures and minima in this chapter. For those situations not covered by this chapter, the provisions in this Order shall apply. 8-1-3. VFR FLIGHT PLANS VFR flights in Oceanic FIRs may be conducted in meteorological conditions equal to or greater than those specified in 14 CFR Section 91.155, Basic VFR weather minimums. Operations on a VFR flight plan are permitted only between sunrise and sunset and only within: a. Miami, Houston, and San Juan Oceanic Control Areas (CTAs) at or below FL 180. b. Within the Oakland FIR when operating less than 100 NM seaward from the shoreline within controlled airspace. c. All Oceanic FIR airspace below the Oceanic CTAs. 8-1-4. TYPES OF SEPARATION Separation shall consist of at least one of the following: a. Vertical separation; b. Horizontal separation, either; 1. Longitudinal; or 2. Lateral; c. Composite separation; d. Radar separation, as specified in Chapter 5, Radar, where radar coverage is adequate. 8-1-5. ALTIMETER SETTING Within oceanic control areas, unless directed and/or charted otherwise, altitude assignment shall be based on flight levels and a standard altimeter setting of 29.92 inches Hg. 8-1-6. RECEIPT OF POSITION REPORTS When a position report affecting separation is not received, take action to obtain the report no later than 10_minutes after the control estimate, unless otherwise specified. 8-1-7. OCEANIC NAVIGATIONAL ERROR REPORTING (ONER) PROCEDURES FAAO 7110.82, Monitoring of Navigation, Longitudinal Separation, and Altitude Keeping Performance in Oceanic Airspace, contains procedures for reporting and processing navigational errors observed by ATC radar for aircraft exiting oceanic airspace. NOTE- FAAO 7110.82 establishes procedures for processing ONER procedures, Oceanic Altitude Deviation Reports, Erosion of Longitudinal Separation Reports, Letter of Authorization Verification Reports, and for collecting system data for analysis. This data is needed for risk modeling activities to support separation standard reductions. 8-1-8. USE OF CONTROL ESTIMATES Control estimates are the estimated position of aircraft, with reference to time as determined by the ATC automation system in use or calculated by the controller using known wind patterns, previous aircraft transit times, pilot progress reports, and pilot estimates. These estimates may be updated through the receipt of automated position reports and/or manually updated by the controller. Control estimates shall be used when applying time-based separation minima. JO 7110.65S 2/14/08 8-1-2 JO 7110.65S 2/14/08 8-2-1 Coordination Section 2. Coordination 8-2-1. GENERAL ARTCCs shall: a. Forward to appropriate ATS facilities, as a flight progresses, current flight plan and control information. b. Coordinate flight plan and control information in sufficient time to permit the receiving facility to analyze the data and to effect any necessary additional coordination. This may be specified in a letter of agreement. c. Coordinate with adjacent ATS facilities when airspace to be protected will overlap the common boundary. d. Forward revisions of estimates of 3 minutes or more to the appropriate ATS facility. e. Coordinate with adjacent facilities on IFR and VFR flights to ensure the continuation of appropriate air traffic services. 8-2-2. TRANSFER OF CONTROL AND COMMUNICATIONS a. Only one air traffic control unit shall control an aircraft at any given time. b. The control of an aircraft shall be transferred from one control unit to another at the time the aircraft is estimated to cross the control boundary or at such other point or time agreed upon by the two units. c. The transferring unit shall forward to the accepting unit any changed flight plan or control data which are pertinent to the transfer. d. The accepting unit shall notify the transferring unit if it is unable to accept control under the terms specified, or it shall specify the changes or conditions required so that the aircraft can be accepted. e. The accepting unit shall not alter the clearance of an aircraft that has not yet reached the transfer of control point without the prior approval of the transferring unit. f. Where nonradar separation minima are being applied, the transfer of air-ground communications with an aircraft shall be made 5 minutes before the time at which the aircraft is estimated to reach the boundary unless otherwise agreed to by the control and/or communication units concerned. 8-2-3. AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES INTERFACILITY DATA COMMUNICATIONS (AIDC) Where interfacility data communications capability has been implemented, its use for ATC coordination should be accomplished in accordance with regional Interface Control Documents, and supported by letters of agreement between the facilities concerned. JO 7110.65S 2/14/08 8-2-2 JO 7110.65S 2/14/08 8-3-1 Longitudinal Separation Section 3. Longitudinal Separation 8-3-1. APPLICATION a. Longitudinal separation shall be applied so that the spacing between the estimated positions of the aircraft being separated is never less than a prescribed minimum. NOTE- Consider separation to exist when the estimated positions of the aircraft being separated are never less than a prescribed minimum. b. In situations where one aircraft requires a different time-based longitudinal standard than another, apply the larger of the two standards between the aircraft concerned. c. Longitudinal separation expressed in distance may be applied as prescribed in Chapter 6, Nonradar. d. In situations where an update to a control estimate indicates that the minimum being applied no longer exists, controllers shall ensure that separation is reestablished. Issue traffic information as necessary. 8-3-2. SEPARATION METHODS a. For the purpose of application of longitudinal separation, the terms same track shall be considered identical to same course, reciprocal tracks shall be considered identical to reciprocal courses, and crossing tracks, shall be considered identical to crossing courses. NOTE- Refer to para 1-2-2, Course Definitions. b. Separate aircraft longitudinally in accordance with the following: 1. Same track. Ensure that the estimated spacing between aircraft is not less than the applicable minimum required. (See FIG 8-3-1.) FIG 8-3-1 Same Courses 2. Crossing tracks. Ensure that the estimated spacing at the point of intersection is not less than the applicable minimum required. (See FIG 8-3-2.) FIG 8-3-2 Crossing Courses JO 7110.65S 2/14/08 8-3-2 Longitudinal Separation 3. Reciprocal tracks: (a) Ensure that aircraft are vertically separated for a time interval equal to the applicable minimum required before and after the aircraft are estimated to pass. (See FIG 8-3-3.) FIG 8-3-3 Reciprocal Courses (b) Vertical separation may be discontinued after one of the following conditions are met: (1) Both aircraft have reported passing a significant point and the aircraft are separated by at least the applicable minimum required for the same direction longitudinal spacing; (See FIG 8-3-4.) or FIG 8-3-4 Vertical Separation (2) Both aircraft have reported passing ground-based NAVAIDs or DME fixes indicating that they have passed each other. 8-3-3. MACH NUMBER TECHNIQUE The use of Mach number technique allows for the application of reduced longitudinal separation minima. The following conditions shall be met when the Mach number technique is being applied: a. Aircraft Types: Turbojet aircraft only. b. Routes: 1. The aircraft follow the same track or continuously diverging tracks, and 2. The aircraft concerned have reported over a common point; or 3. If the aircraft have not reported over a common point, the appropriate time interval being applied between aircraft exists and will exist at the common point; or, 4. If a common point does not exist, the appropriate time interval being applied between aircraft exists and will exist at significant points along each track. c. Altitudes: The aircraft concerned are in level, climbing or descending flight. d. Mach Number Assignment: 1. A Mach number (or, when appropriate, a range of Mach numbers) shall be issued to each aircraft unless otherwise prescribed on the basis of ICAO regional agreement. NOTE1. The application of Mach number technique requires pilots to strictly adhere to the last assigned Mach number (or range of Mach numbers), even during climbs and descents, unless revised by ATC. Turbojet aircraft shall request ATC approval before making any changes. If it is essential to make an immediate temporary change in the Mach number (e.g., due to turbulence), ATC shall be notified as soon as possible that such a change has been made. 2. When it is necessary to issue crossing restrictions to ensure the appropriate time interval, it may be impossible for an aircraft to comply with both the clearance to meet the crossing restrictions and the clearance to maintain a single, specific Mach number. REFERENCE- ICAO DOC 9426-AN/924, Part II, Section 2, Para 2.3.4, Para 2.4.7, and Para 2.5.3. EXAMPLE“Maintain Mach point eight four or greater.” “Maintain Mach point eight three or less.” “Maintain Mach point eight two or greater; do not exceed Mach point eight four.” e. Longitudinal Minima: When the Mach number technique is applied, minimum longitudinal separation shall be: 1. 10 minutes, provided that: (a) The preceding aircraft maintains a Mach number equal to, or greater than that maintained by the following aircraft; or JO 7110.65S 2/14/08 8-3-3 Longitudinal Separation (b) When the following aircraft is faster than the preceding aircraft, at least 10 minutes exists until another form of separation is achieved; or 2. Between 9 and 5 minutes inclusive, provided that the preceding aircraft is maintaining a Mach number greater than the following aircraft in accordance with the following: (a) 9 minutes, if the preceding aircraft is Mach_0.02 faster than the following aircraft; (b) 8 minutes, if the preceding aircraft is Mach_0.03 faster than the following aircraft; (c) 7 minutes, if the preceding aircraft is Mach_0.04 faster than the following aircraft; (d) 6 minutes, if the preceding aircraft is Mach_0.05 faster than the following aircraft; (e) 5 minutes, if the preceding aircraft is Mach_0.06 faster than the following aircraft. NOTE- A “rule-of-thumb” may be applied to assist in providing the required estimated spacing over the oceanic exit point when either conflict probe is not in use or when requested by another facility. This rule-of-thumb can be stated as follows: For each 600 NM in distance between the entry and exit points of the area where the Mach Number Technique is used, add 1 minute for each 0.01 difference in Mach number for the two aircraft concerned to compensate for the fact that the second aircraft is overtaking the first aircraft. (See TBL 8-3-1.) TBL 8-3-1 Application of the Mach Number Technique When the Following Aircraft is Faster Distance to Fly and Separation (in Minutes) Required at Entry Point Difference in Mach 001-600 NM 601-1200 NM 1201-1800 NM 1801-2400 NM 2401-3000 NM 0.01 . . . . . . . . . . 11 12 13 14 15 0.02 . . . . . . . . . . 12 14 16 18 20 0.03 . . . . . . . . . . 13 16 19 22 25 0.04 . . . . . . . . . . 14 18 22 26 30 0.05 . . . . . . . . . . 15 20 25 30 35 0.06 . . . . . . . . . . 16 22 28 34 40 0.07 . . . . . . . . . . 17 24 31 38 45 0.08 . . . . . . . . . . 18 26 34 42 50 0.09 . . . . . . . . . . 19 28 37 46 55 0.10 . . . . . . . . . . 20 30 40 50 60 JO 7110.65S 2/14/08 8-3-4 JO 7110.65S 2/14/08 8-4-1 Lateral Separation Section 4. Lateral Separation 8-4-1. APPLICATION Separate aircraft by assigning different flight paths whose widths or protected airspace do not overlap. Within that portion of the Gulf of Mexico Low Offshore airspace controlled by Houston ARTCC, use 12 NM between aircraft whose flight paths are defined by published Grid System waypoints. NOTE1. The Grid System is defined as those waypoints contained within the Gulf of Mexico Low Offshore airspace and published on the IFR Vertical Flight Reference Chart. 2. Lateral separation minima is contained in: Section 7, North Atlantic ICAO Region. Section 8, Caribbean ICAO Region. Section 9, Pacific ICAO Region. Section 10, North American ICAO Region- Arctic_CTA. 8-4-2. SEPARATION METHODS Lateral separation exists for: a. Nonintersecting flight paths: 1. When the required distance is maintained between the flight paths; or (See FIG 8-4-1.) FIG 8-4-1 Separation Methods 2. When reduced route protected airspace is applicable, and the protected airspace of the flight paths do not overlap; or (See FIG 8-4-2.) FIG 8-4-2 Separation Methods 3. When aircraft are crossing an oceanic boundary and are entering an airspace with a larger lateral minimum than the airspace being exited; and (a) The smaller separation exists at the boundary; and (b) Flight paths diverge by 15_ or more until the larger minimum is established. (See FIG 8-4-3.) FIG 8-4-3 Separation Methods JO 7110.65S 2/14/08 8-4-2 Lateral Separation b. Intersecting flight paths with constant and same width protected airspace when either aircraft is at or beyond a distance equal to the applicable lateral separation minimum measured perpendicular to the flight path of the other aircraft. (See FIG 8-4-4.) FIG 8-4-4 Separation Methods c. Intersecting flight paths with constant but different width protected airspace when either aircraft is at or beyond a distance equal to the sum of the protected airspace of both flight paths measured perpendicular to the flight path of the other aircraft. (See FIG 8-4-5.) FIG 8-4-5 Separation Methods d. Intersecting flight paths with variable width protected airspace when either aircraft is at or beyond a distance equal to the sum of the protected airspace of both flight paths measured perpendicular to the flight path of the other aircraft. Measure protected airspace for each aircraft perpendicular to its flight path at the first point or the last point, as applicable, of protected airspace overlap. NOTE- In FIG 8-4-5, the protected airspace for westbound flight_A is distance “a” (50 miles), and for southwestbound flight B, distance “b” (10 miles). Therefore, the sum of distances “a” and “b”; i.e., the protected airspace of Aircrafts A and B, establishes the lateral separation minimum (60 miles) applicable for either flight relevant to the other. FIG 8-4-6 Separation Methods NOTE(See FIG 8-4-6.) At the first point of protected airspace overlap, the protected airspace for westbound flight A is distance “a” (50 miles), and for southbound flight B, distance “b” (40 miles). The sum of distances “a” and “b” (90 miles) establishes the lateral separation minimum applicable in this example for either flight as it approaches the intersection. For example, Aircraft B should be vertically separated from Aircraft A by the time it reaches point “p.” JO 7110.65S 2/14/08 8-4-3 Lateral Separation FIG 8-4-7 Separation Methods NOTE(See FIG 8-4-7.) Distance “a” (50 miles) and “b” (30_miles) are determined at the last point of protected airspace overlap. The sum of the distances “a” and “b” (80 miles) establishes the lateral separation minima applicable for either flight after it passes beyond the intersection. For example, Aircraft B could be cleared to, or through, Aircraft A's altitude after passing point “r.” 8-4-3. REDUCTION OF ROUTE PROTECTED AIRSPACE When routes have been satisfactorily flight checked and notice has been given to users, reduction in route protected airspace may be made as follows: a. Below FL 240, reduce the width of the protected airspace to 5 miles on each side of the route centerline to a distance of 57.14 miles from the NAVAID, then increasing in width on a 5_ angle from the route centerline, measured at the NAVAID, to the maximum width allowable within the lateral minima; for example, 50 miles of protected airspace on each side of centerline; i.e., a lateral minimum of 100_miles. (See FIG 8-4-8.) FIG 8-4-8 Reduction of Route Protected Airspace b. At and above FL 240, reduce the width of the protected airspace to 10 miles on each side of the route centerline to a distance of 114.29 miles from the NAVAID, then increasing in width on a 5_ angle from the route centerline, as measured at the NAVAID, to the maximum width allowable within the lateral minima; for example, 60 miles of protected airspace on each side of the centerline; i.e., a lateral separation minimum of 120 miles. (See FIG 8-4-9.) FIG 8-4-9 Reduction of Route Protected Airspace JO 7110.65S 2/14/08 8-4-4 Lateral Separation 8-4-4. TRACK SEPARATION Apply track separation between aircraft by requiring aircraft to fly specified tracks or radials and with specified spacings as follows: a. Same NAVAID: 1. VOR/VORTAC/TACAN. Consider separation to exist between aircraft established on radials of the same NAVAID that diverge by at least 15 degrees when either aircraft is clear of the airspace to be protected for the other aircraft. Use TBL 8-4-1 to determine the flight distance required for various divergence angles and altitudes to clear the airspace to be protected. (See FIG 8-4-10.) TBL 8-4-1 Divergence-Distance Minima VOR/VORTAC/TACAN Distance (mile) Divergence (degrees) FL 230 and below Fl 240 through FL 450 15-25 17 18 26-35 11 13 36-90 8 11 Note: This table compensates for DME slant range error. FIG 8-4-10 Track Separation VOR 2. NDB: (a) Consider separation to exist between aircraft established on tracks of the same NAVAID that diverge by at least 30 degrees and one aircraft is at least 15 miles from the NAVAID. This separation shall not be used when one or both aircraft are inbound to the aid unless the distance of the aircraft from the facility can be readily determined by reference to the NAVAID. Use TBL 8-4-2 to determine the flight distance required for various divergence angles to clear the airspace to be protected. For divergence that falls between two_values, use the lesser value to obtain the distance. (See FIG 8-4-11.) TBL 8-4-2 Divergence-Distance Minima (NDB) Distance (mile) Divergence (degrees) FL 230 and below FL 240 through FL 450 30 16 17 45 13 14 60 9 10 75 7 8 90 6 7 Note: This table compensates for DME slant range error. FIG 8-4-11 Track Separation NDB JO 7110.65S 2/14/08 8-4-5 Lateral Separation (b) Clear aircraft navigating on NDB facilities in accordance with para 2-5-2, NAVAID Terms. b. Different NAVAIDs: Separate aircraft using different navigation aids by assigning tracks so that their protected airspace does not overlap. (See_FIG 8-4-12.) FIG 8-4-12 Track Separation Different NAVAIDs c. Dead Reckoning (DR): 1. Consider separation to exist between aircraft established on tracks that diverge by at least 45_degrees when one aircraft is at least 15 miles from the point of intersection of the tracks. This point may be determined either visually or by reference to a ground-based navigation aid. (See FIG 8-4-13.) FIG 8-4-13 Track Separation Dead Reckoning JO 7110.65S 2/14/08 8-4-6 JO 7110.65S 2/14/08 8-5-1 Offshore/Oceanic Transition Procedures Section 5. Offshore/Oceanic Transition Procedures 8-5-1. ALTITUDE/FLIGHT LEVEL TRANSITION When vertical separation is applied between aircraft crossing the offshore/oceanic airspace boundary below FL 180, control action shall be taken to ensure that differences between the standard altimeter setting (QNE) and local altimeter setting (QNH) do not compromise separation. (See FIG 8-5-1.) FIG 8-5-1 Standard and Local Altimeter Setting Differences 8-5-2. COURSE DIVERGENCE When aircraft are entering oceanic airspace, separation will exist in oceanic airspace when: a. Aircraft are established on courses that diverge by at least 15 degrees until oceanic lateral separation is established, and b. The aircraft are horizontally radar separated and separation is increasing at the edge of known radar coverage. 8-5-3. OPPOSITE DIRECTION When transitioning from an offshore airspace area to oceanic airspace, an aircraft may climb through opposite direction oceanic traffic provided vertical separation above that traffic is established: a. Before the outbound crosses the offshore/ oceanic boundary; and b. 15 minutes before the aircraft are estimated to pass. (See FIG 8-5-2.) FIG 8-5-2 Transitioning From Offshore to Oceanic Airspace Opposite Direction JO 7110.65S 2/14/08 8-5-2 Offshore/Oceanic Transition Procedures 8-5-4. SAME DIRECTION When transitioning from an offshore airspace area to oceanic airspace or while within oceanic airspace, apply 5 minutes minimum separation when a following aircraft on the same course is climbing through the altitude of the preceding aircraft if the following conditions are met: a. The preceding aircraft is level at the assigned altitude and is maintaining a speed equal to or greater than the following aircraft; and b. The minimum of 5 minutes is maintained between the preceding and following aircraft; and c. The following aircraft is separated by not more than 4,000 feet from the preceding aircraft when the climb clearance is issued; and d. The following aircraft commences climb within 10 minutes after passing: 1. An exact reporting point (DME fix or intersection formed from NAVAIDs) which the preceding aircraft has reported; or 2. A radar observed position over which the preceding aircraft has been observed; and e. The following aircraft is in direct communication with air traffic control until vertical separation is established. (See FIG 8-5-3.) FIG 8-5-3 Transitioning From Offshore to Oceanic Airspace Same Direction JO 7110.65S 2/14/08 8-6-1 Separation from Airspace Reservations Section 6. Separation from Airspace Reservations 8-6-1. TEMPORARY STATIONARY AIRSPACE RESERVATIONS Separate aircraft from a temporary stationary reservation by one of two methods: a. Laterally: Clear aircraft so that the protected airspace along the route of flight does not overlap the geographical area of the stationary reservation. (See_FIG 8-6-1.) FIG 8-6-1 Temporary Stationary Airspace Reservations Lateral Separation b. Vertically: Clear aircraft so that vertical separation exists while the aircraft is within a geographical area defined as the stationary reservation plus a buffer around the perimeter equivalent to one-half the lateral separation minimum. (See_FIG 8-6-2.) FIG 8-6-2 Temporary Stationary Airspace Reservations Vertical Separation 8-6-2. REFUSAL OF AVOIDANCE CLEARANCE If a pilot refuses to accept a clearance to avoid a reservation, inform him/her of the potential hazard, advise him/her that services will not be provided while the flight is within the reservation and, if possible, inform the appropriate using agency.

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发表于 2008-12-21 19:14:45 |只看该作者
8-6-3. TEMPORARY MOVING AIRSPACE RESERVATIONS Separate aircraft from a temporary moving airspace reservation by one of the following methods: a. Laterally: Clear aircraft so that the protected airspace along the route of flight does not overlap the (time-dependent) geographical area of the moving airspace reservation. b. Longitudinally: Clear aircraft so that the appropriate longitudinal minimum exists ahead of the first or behind the last aircraft operating within the reservation. c. Vertically: Clear aircraft so that vertical separation exists while the aircraft is within a (time-dependent) geographical area defined as the moving airspace reservation plus a buffer around the perimeter equivalent to one-half the lateral separation minimum. JO 7110.65S 2/14/08 8-6-2 JO 7110.65S 2/14/08 8-7-1 North Atlantic ICAO Region Section 7. North Atlantic ICAO Region 8-7-1. APPLICATION Provide air traffic control services in the North Atlantic ICAO Region with the procedures and minima contained in this section except when noted otherwise. 8-7-2. VERTICAL SEPARATION Provide vertical separation in accordance with Chapter 4, IFR, Section 5, Altitude Assignment and Verification. 8-7-3. LONGITUDINAL SEPARATION In accordance with Chapter 8, Offshore/Oceanic Procedures, Section 3, Longitudinal Separation, apply the following: a. Supersonic flight: 1. 10 minutes provided that: (a) both aircraft are in level flight at the same Mach number or the aircraft are of the same type and are both operating in cruise climb, and one of the following; (1) The aircraft concerned have reported over a common point; or, (2) If the aircraft have not reported over a common point, the appropriate time interval being applied between aircraft exists and will exist at the common point; or, (3) If a common point does not exist, the appropriate time interval being applied between aircraft exists and will exist at significant points along each track. 2. 15 minutes between aircraft in supersonic flight not covered in subpara a1 above. b. Turbojet operations (subsonic flight): 1. Apply the prescribed minima in accordance with para 8-3-3, Mach Number Technique; or 2. Where tracks diverge from the common point and the following aircraft is maintaining a greater Mach Number than the preceding aircraft: (a) At least 10 minutes longitudinal separation exists at the point where the tracks diverge; and (b) At least 5 minutes longitudinal separation will exist where minimum lateral separation is achieved (whichever is estimated to occur first); (1) At or before the next significant point (normally within ten degrees of longitude along track(s)), or (2) Within 90 minutes of the time the following aircraft passes the common point, or (3) Within 600 NM of the common point. 3. Apply 15 minutes between all other turbojet aircraft. c. Nonturbojet operations: 1. Apply 20 minutes between aircraft operating in the West Atlantic Route System (WATRS), or 2. Apply 30 minutes between aircraft operating outside of the WATRS. NOTE- The WATRS area is defined as beginning at a point 27_00'N/77_00'W direct to 20_00'N/67_00'W direct to 18_00'N/62_00'W direct to 18_00'N/60_00'W direct to 38_30'N/60_00'W direct to 38_30'N/69_15'W, thence counterclockwise along the New York Oceanic CTA/FIR boundary to the Miami Oceanic CTA/FIR boundary, thence southbound along the Miami Oceanic CTA/FIR boundary to the point of beginning. JO 7110.65S 2/14/08 8-7-2 North Atlantic ICAO Region 8-7-4. LATERAL SEPARATION In accordance with Chapter 8, Offshore/Oceanic Procedures, Section 4, Lateral Separation, apply the following: a. 60 NM or 1 degree latitude between: 1. Supersonic aircraft operating above FL 275. 2. Aircraft which meet the MNPS and which: NOTE- This reduced lateral separation shall not be used if track keeping capability of the aircraft has been reduced for any reason. (a) Operate within MNPS airspace; or (b) Are in transit to or from MNPS airspace; or (c) Operate for part of their flight within, above, or below MNPS airspace. b. 90 NM or 1 and 1 /2 degrees latitude between aircraft operating: 1. Within WATRS; 2. Between the U.S., Canada, and Bermuda; 3. West of 55_ West between the U.S., Canada, or Bermuda and points in the Caribbean ICAO Region. c. 120 NM or 2 degrees latitude between aircraft not covered by subparas a or b above. NOTE- Tracks may be spaced with reference to their difference in latitude, provided that in any interval of 10 degrees of longitude the change in latitude of at least one of the tracks does not exceed 3 degrees when operating south of 58_North. 8-7-5. PROCEDURES FOR WEATHER DEVIATIONS IN NORTH ATLANTIC (NAT) AIRSPACE Aircraft must request an ATC clearance to deviate. Since aircraft will not fly into known areas of weather, weather deviation requests should take priority over routine requests. If there is no traffic in the horizontal dimension, ATC shall issue clearance to deviate from track; or if there is conflicting traffic in the horizontal dimension, ATC separates aircraft by establishing vertical separation. If there is conflicting traffic and ATC is unable to establish the required separation, ATC shall: a. Advise the pilot unable to issue clearance for requested deviation; b. Advise the pilot of conflicting traffic; and c. Request pilot's intentions. PHRASEOLOGY- UNABLE (requested deviation), TRAFFIC IS (call sign, position, altitude, direction), ADVISE INTENTIONS. NOTE1. The pilot will advise ATC of intentions by the most expeditious means available. 2. In the event that pilot/controller communications cannot be established or a revised ATC clearance is not available, pilots will follow the procedures outlined in the Regional Supplementary Procedures, ICAO Doc. 7030. JO 7110.65S 2/14/08 8-8-1 Caribbean ICAO Region Section 8. Caribbean ICAO Region 8-8-1. APPLICATION Provide air traffic control services in the Caribbean ICAO Region with the procedures and minima contained in this section except when noted otherwise. 8-8-2. VERTICAL SEPARATION Provide vertical separation in accordance with Chapter 4, IFR, Section 5, Altitude Assignment and Verification. 8-8-3. LONGITUDINAL SEPARATION Provide longitudinal separation between aircraft as follows: a. Supersonic flight: 1. 10 minutes provided both aircraft are in level flight at the same Mach number or the aircraft are of the same type and are both operating in cruise climb, and one of the following; (a) Both aircraft have reported over a common point; or, (b) If both aircraft have not reported over a common point, the appropriate time interval being applied between aircraft exists and will exist at the common point; or, (c) If a common point does not exist, the appropriate time interval being applied between aircraft exists and will exist at significant points along each track. 2. 15 minutes between all other aircraft. b. Turbojet operations at or above FL 200 in the Miami Oceanic, Houston Oceanic and San Juan CTAs/FIRs and all altitudes in the West Atlantic Route System (WATRS) and New York Oceanic CTA/FIR (subsonic flight): 1. Apply the prescribed minima in accordance with para 8-3-3, Mach Number Technique; or 2. In the New York CTA/FIR, where tracks diverge from the common point and the following aircraft is maintaining a greater Mach number than the preceding aircraft: (a) At least 10 minutes longitudinal separation exists at the point where the tracks diverge; and (b) At least 5 minutes longitudinal separation will exist where minimum lateral separation is achieved (whichever is estimated to occur first); (1) At or before the next significant point (normally within ten degrees of longitude along track(s)), or (2) Within 90 minutes of the time the following aircraft passes the common point, or (3) Within 600 NM of the common point; or 3. Apply 15 minutes between all other turbojet aircraft. c. Turbojet operations below FL 200 (subsonic flight): Apply 20 minutes between turbojet aircraft operating below FL 200 in the San Juan Oceanic (outside the WATRS area), Miami Oceanic and Houston Oceanic CTAs/FIRs. d. Nonturbojet operations. 1. Apply 20 minutes between aircraft operating in the WATRS; or 2. Apply 20 minutes between aircraft operating below FL 200 in the Miami Oceanic, Houston Oceanic and San Juan CTAs/FIRs; or 3. Apply 30 minutes between aircraft operating outside of the WATRS in the New York CTA/FIR. NOTE- The WATRS area is defined as beginning at a point 27_00'N/77_00'W direct to 20_00'N/67_00'W direct to 18_00'N/62_00'W direct to 18_00'N/60_00'W direct to 38_30'N/60_00'W direct to 38_30'N/69_15'W, thence counterclockwise along the New York Oceanic CTA/FIR boundary to the Miami Oceanic CTA/FIR boundary, thence southbound along the Miami Oceanic CTA/FIR boundary to the point of beginning. 8-8-4. LATERAL SEPARATION Provide lateral separation by assigning different flight paths whose widths or protected airspace do not overlap. Apply the following: a. 60 NM: 1. Supersonic aircraft operating above FL 275 within the New York oceanic CTA/FIR. JO 7110.65S 2/14/08 8-8-2 Caribbean ICAO Region 2. Supersonic aircraft operating at or above FL_450 not covered in subpara 1 above. NOTE- This reduced lateral separation shall not be used if track keeping capability of the aircraft has been reduced for any reason. 3. Aircraft which meet the MNPS and while operating in the New York oceanic CTA/FIR which are in transit to or from NAT MNPS airspace. b. 90 NM between aircraft operating: 1. Within WATRS; 2. West of 55_ West between the U.S., Canada, or Bermuda and points in the Caribbean ICAO Region. c. 100 NM between aircraft operating west of 55_West not covered by subparas a or b above. d. 120 NM between aircraft operating east of 55_West. 8-8-5. VFR CLIMB AND DESCENT a. In the Houston, Miami, and San Juan CTAs, IFR flights may be cleared to climb and descend in VFR conditions only: 1. When requested by the pilot; and 2. Between sunrise and sunset. b. Apply the following when the flight is cleared: 1. If there is a possibility that VFR conditions may become impractical, issue alternative instructions. 2. Issue traffic information to aircraft that are not separated in accordance with the minima in this section. JO 7110.65S 2/14/08 8-9-1 Pacific ICAO Region Section 9. Pacific ICAO Region 8-9-1. APPLICATION Provide air traffic control services in the Pacific ICAO Region with the procedures and minima contained in this section except when noted otherwise. 8-9-2. VERTICAL SEPARATION Provide vertical separation in accordance with Chapter 4, IFR, Section 5, Altitude Assignment and Verification, except when aircraft operate within airspace where composite separation and procedures are authorized, apply the minima specified in para_8-9-5, Composite Separation Minima. 8-9-3. LONGITUDINAL SEPARATION In accordance with Chapter 8, Offshore/Oceanic Procedures, Section 3, Longitudinal Separation, apply the following: a. Minima based on time: 1. 15 minutes between aircraft; or 2. 10 minutes between turbojet aircraft whether in level, climbing or descending flight, provided that the aircraft concerned follow the same track or continuously diverging tracks until some other form of separation is provided; or 3. The prescribed minima in accordance with para 8-3-3, Mach Number Technique. 4. Reciprocal track aircraft - Where lateral separation is not provided, vertical separation shall be provided at least 10 minutes before and after the time the aircraft are estimated to pass or are estimated to have passed. b. Minima based on distance using Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Contract (ADS-C): 1. Apply the minima as specified in TBL 8-9-1, ADS-C Criteria, between aircraft on the same track within airspace designated for Required Navigation Performance (RNP), provided: (a) Direct controller/pilot communication via voice or Controller Pilot Data Link Communications (CPDLC) is established, and (b) The required ADS-C periodic reports are maintained and monitored by an automated flight data processor (e.g., Ocean21); TBL 8-9-1 ADS-C Criteria Minima RNP Maximum ADS-C Periodic Reporting Interval 50 NM 10 27 minutes 50 NM 4 32 minutes 30 NM 4 14 minutes 2. Aircraft on reciprocal tracks may be cleared to climb or descend to or through the altitude(s) occupied by another aircraft provided that: (a) An ADS-C position report on at least one of the aircraft has been received beyond the passing point, and (b) The aircraft have passed each other by the applicable separation minimum. NOTE- Ocean21 has been designed to check for the above criteria prior to allowing the minima to be provided. 3. When an ADS-C periodic or waypoint change event report is overdue by 3 minutes, the controller shall take action to obtain an ADS-C report. 4. If no report is received within 6 minutes of the time the original report was due, the controller shall take action to apply another form of separation. c. Minima based on distance without ADS-C: 1. Apply 50 NM between aircraft cruising, climbing or descending on the same track or reciprocal track that meet the requirements for and are operating within airspace designated for RNP-10 operations provided: (a) Direct controller/pilot communication via voice or CPDLC is maintained; and (b) Separation is established by ensuring that at least 50 NM longitudinal separation minima exists between aircraft positions as reported by reference to the same waypoint. (1) Same track aircraft - whenever possible ahead of both; or JO 7110.65S 2/14/08 8-9-2 Pacific ICAO Region (2) Reciprocal track aircraft - provided that it has been positively established that the aircraft have passed each other. 2. Distance verification shall be obtained from each aircraft at least every 24 minutes to verify that separation is maintained. 3. If an aircraft fails to report its position within 3_minutes after the expected time, the controller shall take action to establish communication. If communication is not established within 8 minutes after the time the report should have been received, the controller shall take action to apply another form of separation. NOTE- When same track aircraft are at, or are expected to reduce to, the minima, speed control techniques should be applied in order to maintain the required separation. d. Minima based on DME/RNAV: Apply the following DME/RNAV minima in Control_1234H, Control 1487H and the Norton Sound High Control areas to turbojet aircraft established on or transitioning to the North Pacific (NOPAC) Route System. 1. 30 NM between aircraft when DME reports or radar observations are used to establish the distance, otherwise at least 40 NM based on RNAV must be applied; and 2. Unless both aircraft are radar identified, both aircraft must provide DME/RNAV distance reports via direct voice that indicates the appropriate separation exists; and 3. Application of DME/RNAV separation without direct voice communications may not continue for more than 90 minutes; and 4. The preceding aircraft is assigned the same or greater Mach number than the following aircraft; and 5. Both aircraft shall be advised of the other aircraft involved, including the distance relative to the flights. EXAMPLE“Maintain Mach point eight four, same direction traffic, twelve o'clock, three five miles.” REFERENCE- FAAO JO 7110.65, Para 2-1-21, Traffic Advisories. 8-9-4. LATERAL SEPARATION In accordance with Chapter 8, Offshore/Oceanic Procedures, Section 4, Lateral Separation, apply the following: a. Within areas where Required Navigation Performance 10 (RNP-10) separation and procedures are authorized, apply 50 NM to RNP-10 approved aircraft. b. Apply 30 NM to RNP-4 approved aircraft operating within airspace designated for RNP-4 when direct controller/pilot communications, via voice or Controller Pilot Data Link Communications (CPDLC), and the required ADS-C contracts are maintained and monitored by an automated flight data processor (e.g., Ocean21). c. When aircraft operate within airspace where composite separation and procedures are authorized, apply the minimum specified in para 8-9-5, Composite Separation Minima. d. Apply 100 NM to aircraft not covered by subparas a, b or c. 8-9-5. COMPOSITE SEPARATION MINIMA Provide composite separation within the Central East Pacific (CEP) and North Pacific (NOPAC) composite route systems and where designated by facility directive in the Pacific Organized Track System (PACOTS) at and above FL 290 as follows: a. 1,000 feet vertical separation; and b. 50 NM lateral separation. 8-9-6. COMPOSITE SEPARATION ALTITUDE ASSIGNMENT a. Aircraft operating at or above FL_300 in a composite route system may be cleared at even flight levels. Additionally, aircraft may be cleared at even flight levels while joining, crossing, or leaving a composite route system provided such aircraft leaving the system are cleared to an appropriate odd cardinal flight level when noncomposite vertical or lateral separation is achieved. b. Aircraft (operating at or above FL 300) leaving a composite route system at an even cardinal flight level do not have to be assigned an odd cardinal flight level provided: JO 7110.65S 2/14/08 8-9-3 Pacific ICAO Region 1. The aircraft is being provided radar service; and 2. The aircraft will be cleared for descent and approach to an airport within the facility's domestic FIR; and 3. There is an operational advantage. c. Aircraft operating on unidirectional routes or traffic flows may be assigned altitudes other than the appropriate altitude for direction of flight provided that 2,000 feet vertical separation is maintained between aircraft operating on the same route. 8-9-7. COMPOSITE SEPARATION APPLICATION Provide composite separation in the CEP and the North Pacific (NOPAC) composite route systems and where designated by facility directive in the Pacific Organized Track System (PACOTS) as follows: a. Clear an aircraft to join an outer route of the composite route system at other than the normal entry point provided: 1. Longitudinal or noncomposite vertical separation exists between that aircraft and any other aircraft on that route; and 2. Composite separation exists between that aircraft and any other aircraft on the next adjacent route. b. Clear an aircraft to leave an outer route of the composite route system at other than the normal exit point provided its course diverges so that lateral spacing from the route system increases until noncomposite separation exists between that aircraft and any other aircraft in the composite route system. c. Clear an aircraft to change from one route to an adjacent route within the composite route system provided: 1. Longitudinal or noncomposite vertical separation is maintained between that aircraft and any other aircraft on the route being vacated until that aircraft is established on the route to which it is proceeding; and 2. Longitudinal or noncomposite vertical separation exists between that aircraft and any other aircraft on the route to which that aircraft is proceeding; and 3. Composite separation exists between that aircraft and any other aircraft on the next adjacent route. d. Clear an aircraft to cross the composite route system provided longitudinal or noncomposite vertical or lateral separation exists between that aircraft and any other aircraft in the composite route system. e. Clear aircraft to transition to or from the composite route system from an Oceanic Transition Route (OTR) provided: 1. The OTR is charted on aeronautical charts; and 2. Composite separation is maintained between that aircraft and any other aircraft within the composite route system; and NOTE- An aircraft is within the confines of a composite route system when the aircraft joins or crosses the outer route of the composite route system or passes a composite route entry point. 3. Composite separation is maintained between that aircraft and any other aircraft on adjacent OTRs. f. Clear an aircraft to change altitude on a route if noncomposite separation exists between that aircraft and others operating on that route regardless of other aircraft operating on adjacent routes in the system. Pilot's discretion climbs and descents are not authorized when applying composite separation. NOTE- Although composite separation is not applied between aircraft on different tracks at FL_280 and FL_290, this paragraph applies to climbs and descents between FL_280 and altitudes within the composite altitude stratum (FL_300 and above). JO 7110.65S 2/14/08 8-9-4 Pacific ICAO Region 8-9-8. PROCEDURES FOR WEATHER DEVIATIONS AND OTHER CONTINGENCIES IN OCEANIC CONTROLLED AIRSPACE Aircraft must request an ATC clearance to deviate. Since aircraft will not fly into known areas of weather, weather deviation requests should take priority over routine requests. If there is no traffic in the horizontal dimension, ATC shall issue clearance to deviate from track; or if there is conflicting traffic in the horizontal dimension, ATC separates aircraft by establishing vertical separation. If there is conflicting traffic and ATC is unable to establish standard separation, ATC shall: a. Advise the pilot unable to issue clearance for requested deviation; b. Advise the pilot of conflicting traffic; and c. Request pilot's intentions. PHRASEOLOGY- UNABLE (requested deviation), TRAFFIC IS (call sign, position, altitude, direction), SAY INTENTIONS. NOTE1. The pilot will advise ATC of intentions by the most expeditious means available. 2. In the event that pilot/controller communications cannot be established or a revised AT clearance is not available, pilots will follow the procedures outlined in the Regional Supplementary Procedures, ICAO Doc_7030 and Chart Supplements. JO 7110.65S 2/14/08 8-10-1 North American ICAO Region- Arctic CTA Section 10. North American ICAO Region- Arctic CTA 8-10-1. APPLICATION Provide air traffic control services in the North American ICAO Region - Arctic CTA with the procedures and minima contained in this section. 8-10-2. VERTICAL SEPARATION Provide vertical separation in accordance with: a. Chapter 4, IFR, Section 5, Altitude Assignment and Verification; and b. Facility directives depicting the transition between flight levels and metric altitudes. 8-10-3. LONGITUDINAL SEPARATION In accordance with Chapter 8, Offshore/Oceanic Procedures, Section 3, Longitudinal Separation, apply the following: a. 15 minutes between turbojet aircraft. b. The prescribed minima in accordance with para_8-3-3, Mach Number Technique. c. 20 minutes between other aircraft. 8-10-4. LATERAL SEPARATION In accordance with Chapter 8, Offshore/Oceanic Procedures, Section 4, Lateral Separation, apply the following: a. Provide 90 NM lateral separation between aircraft, or b. Lower minima in para 5.4.1 of Chapter 5 of the Procedures for Air Navigation-Services, Air Traffic Management (PANS-ATM), (Doc 4444-ATM/501) may be applied or further reduced in accordance with para_5.11 of the same part where the conditions specified in the relevant PANS-ATM are met. JO 7110.65S 2/14/08 8-10-2 JO 7110.65S 2/14/08 9-1-1 General Chapter 9. Special Flights Section 1. General 9-1-1. GENERAL Provide aircraft engaged in the flight inspection of NAVAIDs with maximum assistance. Unless otherwise agreed to, maintain direct contact with the pilot and exchange information regarding known traffic in the area and his/her intentions. NOTE1. Many flight inspections are accomplished using automatic recording equipment, and an uninterrupted flight is necessary for successful completion of the mission. The workload for the limited number of aircraft engaged in these activities requires strict adherence to a schedule. 2. Flight inspection operations which require special participation of ground personnel, specific communications, or radar operation capabilities are considered to require special handling. These flights are coordinated with appropriate facilities before departure. REFERENCE- FAAO 8200.1, United States Standard Flight Inspection Manual. FAAO 8240.41, Flight Inspection/Air Traffic On-Site Coordination Requirements. 9-1-2. SPECIAL HANDLING a. Clear the aircraft according to pilot request as soon as practicable. Do not ask the pilot to deviate from his/her planned action except to preclude an emergency situation. REFERENCE- FAAO 8240.41, Flight Inspection/Air Traffic On-Site Coordination Requirements, Appendix 1, describes certain flight inspection maneuvers in detail. b. Issue radar advisories to the flight inspection aircraft where adequate coverage exists and to the extent permitted by workload. c. Suggest flight path adjustments, as required, for any aircraft which will enter or penetrate an area in which a flight inspection function is being performed. d. Provide special handling, as required, to FAA aircraft conducting flight inspections using the call sign “Flight Check.” The call sign “Flight Check (Nr) recorded” indicates automated flight inspections are in progress in terminal areas. NOTE- FAA flight inspection aircraft will file flight plans using the call sign “FLIGHT CHECK” during flight inspections or when inbound to conduct flight inspections. Flight plan remarks may indicate type NAVAID inspection to be accomplished; e.g. “FC OKC P.” 9-1-3. FLIGHT CHECK AIRCRAFT a. Provide special handling, as required, to expedite flight inspection of NAVAIDs, direction finding (DF) equipment, and RADAR by flight check aircraft. NOTE- Certain flight inspection maneuvers require operations in close proximity to the surface. These maneuvers can only be performed during daylight visual meteorological conditions. Preplanned automatic flight places the following limitations on the capability of the pilot to adhere to normal ATC clearances: 1. Route of flight - orbital from 6 nautical miles to a maximum of 40 nautical miles from the facility depending on the type of inspection. During commissioning flight checks all SIDs, STARs, airways, DME fixes, and approaches must be flown. 2. Altitude assignment - from 1,000 feet above the antenna site up to the minimum en route altitude (MEA). REFERENCE- FAAO JO 7110.65, Para 2-1-4, Operational Priority. FAAO 8240.41, Flight Inspection/Air Traffic On-Site Coordination Requirements, Appendix 1, describes certain flight inspection maneuvers in detail. b. Avoid changes in the route or altitude from that filed by the pilot in the initial flight plan. c. Do not impose air traffic control delays in the flight except to preclude emergency situations. d. Do not change the previously assigned discrete beacon code of special radar accuracy flight check aircraft. REFERENCE- FAAO JO 7210.3, Para 7-1-2, Special Radar Accuracy Checks. FAAO JO 7210.3, Para 10-5-4, ASR Performance Checks. JO 7110.65S 2/14/08 9-1-2 JO 7110.65S 2/14/08 9-2-1 Special Operations Section 2. Special Operations 9-2-1. AIRCRAFT CARRYING DANGEROUS MATERIALS a. Provide the following special handling to military aircraft or military contracted aircraft carrying dangerous materials when: 1. The words “dangerous cargo,” or “inert devices,” or both are contained in the remarks section of the filed flight plan, or NOTE1. Certain types of military flights carrying dangerous materials require strict adherence to military regulations and flight planning along carefully selected routes. These flights must avoid heavily populated areas. 2. “Inert devices” are devices containing no dangerous materials but closely resembling nuclear or explosive items that are classified as dangerous and could be easily mistaken for their dangerous counterparts. 2. The pilot uses these words in radio communication. b. If it becomes necessary to issue a clearance to amend the route/altitude, advise the pilot: 1. Of the proposed change, and 2. The amount of delay to expect if it is necessary to maintain the present route/altitude. c. When it becomes necessary for the pilot to refuse a clearance amending his/her route/altitude, he/she will advise if the traffic delay is acceptable or if an alternate route/altitude is desired. In such cases, offer all possible assistance. d. When the aircraft is provided an en route descent, do not vector the aircraft from the planned route unless the pilot concurs. e. Use special patterns and routings in areas where they have been developed for these flights. If special patterns and routings have not been developed, employ normal procedures. 9-2-2. CELESTIAL NAVIGATION TRAINING EN ROUTE a. Approve flight plans specifying celestial navigation only when it is requested for USAF or USN aircraft. NOTE- An ATC clearance must be obtained by the pilot before discontinuing conventional navigation to begin celestial navigation training. The pilot will advise when discontinuing celestial navigation and resuming conventional navigation. Celestial navigation training will be conducted within 30 NM of the route centerline specified in the en_route clearance unless otherwise authorized by ATC. During celestial navigation training, the pilot will advise ATC before initiating any heading changes which exceed 20 degrees. b. Within conterminous U.S. airspace, limit celestial navigation training to transponder-equipped aircraft within areas of ARTCC radar coverage. c. Prior to control transfer, ensure that the receiving controller is informed of the nature of the celestial navigation training leg. REFERENCE- FAAO JO 7110.65, Para 2-2-6, IFR Flight Progress Data.

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发表于 2008-12-21 19:14:56 |只看该作者
9-2-3. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY (DOE) SPECIAL FLIGHTS a. Provide notification of possible route or altitude changes as far in advance as possible for “RAC” flights. The pilot will indicate if the proposed change is acceptable or if alternate routing or altitude will be requested. NOTE- DOE contracts for civil pilots to operate public aircraft to transport radioactive or high explosive materials within the conterminous U.S. These flights operate on an IFR flight plan but principally during daylight hours and VFR conditions. These flights require flight along carefully selected routes and, in some instances, pilots will refuse clearances that require reroute or altitude changes that would derogate their objective. b. EN ROUTE. Approve pilot requests to leave center frequency for operational purposes as traffic conditions permit. c. Notify a supervisor in the event any of the following occurs with “RAC” aircraft: 1. Loss of radio contact. 2. Loss of radar contact. 3. The flight is overdue at the destination. JO 7110.65S 2/14/08

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发表于 2008-12-21 19:15:03 |只看该作者
9-2-2 Special Operations d. If you receive information that a “RAC” aircraft is involved in an accident, secure as much information as possible, particularly with respect to location, and immediately notify the ARTCC supervisory traffic management coordinator-incharge. NOTE- There is a possibility of an explosive or radiation hazard of an “RAC” aircraft involved in an accident.

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发表于 2008-12-21 19:15:11 |只看该作者
9-2-4. EXPERIMENTAL AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS a. When notified that an experimental aircraft requires special handling: NOTE14 CFR Section 91.319(d)(3) requires that each person operating an aircraft with an experimental certificate shall notify the control tower of the experimental nature of the aircraft when operating into or out of airports with operating control towers. 1. Clear the aircraft according to pilot requests as traffic permits and if not contrary to ATC procedures. 2. Once approved, do not ask the pilot to deviate from a planned action except to preclude an emergency situation. b. At locations where volume or complexity of experimental aircraft operations warrant, a letter of agreement may be consummated between the facility and operator. 9-2-5. FAA RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT FLIGHTS When coordinated in advance and traffic permits, approve requests for special flight procedures from aircraft participating in FAA research and development test activities. These special procedures shall be applied to participating aircraft/vehicles. NOTE- Special flight procedures for FAA research and development test activities must be approved by the facility air traffic manager prior to their use. REFERENCE- FAAO JO 7210.3, Para 5-2-4, Research and Development Flights.

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发表于 2008-12-21 19:15:28 |只看该作者
9-2-6. FLYNET Provide expeditious handling for U.S. Government, civil or military aircraft using the code name “FLYNET.” Relay the code name as an element in the remarks position of the flight plan. NOTE- The code name “FLYNET” indicates that an aircraft is transporting a nuclear emergency team or a disaster control team to the location of a potential or actual nuclear accident or an accident involving chemical agents or hazardous materials. It is in the public interest that they reach their destination as rapidly as possible. REFERENCE- FAAO JO 7110.65, Para 2-1-4, Operational Priority. FAAO JO 7610.4, Para_12-4-1, “FLYNET” Flights, Nuclear Emergency Teams. 9-2-7. IFR MILITARY TRAINING ROUTES a. Except for aircraft operating in the same altitude reservation, clear aircraft into an MTR provided separation will be applied between successive aircraft unless otherwise covered in a letter of agreement between the military scheduling activity and the concerned ATC facility. PHRASEOLOGY- CLEARED INTO IR (designator). MAINTAIN (altitude), or MAINTAIN IR (designator) ALTITUDE(S), or MAINTAIN AT OR BELOW (altitude), or CRUISE (altitude), and if required, CROSS (fix) AT OR LATER THAN (time). b. Unless otherwise covered in a letter of agreement between the military scheduling activity and the concerned FAA facility, clear aircraft to exit an MTR. PHRASEOLOGY- CLEARED TO (destination/clearance limit) FROM IR (designator/exit fix) VIA (route). MAINTAIN (altitude). JO 7110.65S 2/14/08 9-2-3 Special Operations c. If the provisions of subpara a above cannot be accomplished, MTRs may be designated for MARSA operations. To preclude an inadvertent compromise of MARSA standards by ATC, appropriate MARSA application for such routes shall be covered in a letter of agreement with the military scheduling activity. Establish separation between aircraft as soon as practicable after operation on the designated MARSA route is ended. NOTE- For designated MARSA routes, the military assumes responsibility for separation for MTR aircraft that have passed the primary/alternate entry fix until separation is established by ATC after operations on the MARSA route are completed. d. The lateral airspace to be protected along an MTR is the designated width of the route. e. Prior to an aircraft entering an MTR, request the pilot's estimate for the route's exit/alternate exit fix, the pilot's requested altitude after exiting and, if applicable, the number of reentries on a Strategic Training Range (STR). PHRASEOLOGY(Call sign) CONFIRM YOUR EXIT FIX ESTIMATE AND REQUESTED ALTITUDE AFTER EXIT, and if applicable, THE NUMBER OF REENTRIES. f. Forward estimates for exit/alternate exit fixes, requested altitude after exit, and, if applicable, the number of reentries on the STR. g. Apply the procedures of para 6-1-2, Nonreceipt of Position Report, based upon the pilot's estimate for the route exit fix. h. Clearance may be issued to amend or restrict operations on a route for ATC considerations. Where a route has been designated MARSA in accordance with subpara c, ATC shall not amend or restrict operations in such a manner as to compromise MARSA provisions. NOTE- When MARSA is provided through route scheduling and circumstances prevent the pilot from entering the route within established time limits, it shall be the responsibility of the pilot to inform the ATC facility and advise his/her intentions.

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发表于 2008-12-21 19:15:43 |只看该作者
i. If an aircraft on an IR experiences a two-way radio communications failure and you are unable to determine if the aircraft is proceeding VFR in accordance with 14 CFR Section 91.185(b) or the aircraft has not been positively radar identified: 1. Provide separation to the destination airport based on the aircraft complying with the following: (a) Maintain to the exit/alternate exit fix the higher of the following altitudes: (1) The minimum IFR altitude for each of the remaining route segment(s) remaining on the route. (2) The highest altitude assigned in the last ATC clearance. (b) Depart the exit/alternate exit fix at the appropriate altitude specified in subpara (a) above, then climb/descend to the altitude filed in the flight plan for the remainder of the flight, or NOTE- In the event of a two-way communications failure, ATC will be based on the following anticipated pilot action at the exit fix. Unless otherwise covered in a letter of agreement, and if the pilot is unable to comply with the VFR provisions of 14_CFR Section 91.185/FLIP IFR Supplement, the pilot will exercise his/her emergency authority, squawk transponder Code 7700, depart the exit/alternate exit fix and climb/descend (continuing to squawk 7700) to the altitude filed in the flight plan. Subsequent transponder operations will be in accordance with para 10-4-4, Communications Failure. Air traffic controller action from the exit fix is as prescribed in para_10-1-1, Emergency Determinations. (c) Proceed in accordance with the lost communication procedure contained in letters of agreement. 2. Continue to monitor the last ATC assigned discrete code. NOTE- Pilots who experience a two-way radio failure will adjust their transponder to Code 7700 during climb/descent to altitude filed for the next leg of the flight plan; then change to Code 7600 for a period of 15 minutes. At the end of each 15-minute period, he/she will squawk 7700 for a period of 1 minute; all other times he/she will squawk 7600. j. Impose delays, if needed, to eliminate conflict with nonparticipating IFR aircraft when necessary to preclude denial of IR usage. Advise the pilot of the expected length and reason for delay. JO 7110.65S 2/14/08 9-2-4 Special Operations 9-2-8. INTERCEPTOR OPERATIONS Provide maximum assistance to expedite the movement of interceptor aircraft on active air defense (scrambles) missions until the unknown aircraft is identified in accordance with the policies and procedures published in FAAO JO 7610.4, Special Operations. NOTE- The FAA and the military have mutually agreed to the implementation of policies and procedures for control of air defense interceptor operations. Effective coordination and cooperation between FAA and the military at all levels are essential if policy objectives are to be met. a. The ADCF initiating the SCRAMBLE shall identify the mission as an active air defense mission. b. ATC services shall be used for active air defense missions insofar as the circumstances and situation permits. c. Upon request, the ATC facility shall expedite transfer of the control jurisdiction of the interceptors to the requesting ADCF.

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发表于 2008-12-21 19:15:52 |只看该作者
9-2-9. SPECIAL INTEREST SITES a. Relay immediately to supervisory/CIC personnel any reports or information regarding unusual aircraft activities in the vicinity of special interest sites such as nuclear power plants, power plants, dams, refineries, etc. Supervisory/CIC personnel may also receive reports/information from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission or other sources. b. Supervisory/CIC personnel shall immediately notify local law enforcement authorities of these reports/information as well as notifying the overlying air traffic facility of any of these reports and the action taken. c. ARTCCs shall promptly advise the ATCSCC of any actions taken in accordance with this paragraph. 9-2-10. LAND-BASED AIR DEFENSE IDENTIFICATION ZONE (ADIZ)/AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL (ATC) SECURITY SERVICES TERMINAL Provide ATC security services at locations where procedures are required for the tracking of aircraft in security services airspace. ATC security services are designed to support the national security mission of the FAA and other agencies. Two-way radio communications, flight planning, and operational transponder on an assigned code are required for operations within the designated area.

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