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发表于 2008-12-21 20:39:50 |只看该作者
b. The term used to inform the controller that the aircraft is identified and approval is granted for the aircraft to enter the receiving controllers airspace. (See ICAO term RADAR CONTACT.) RADAR CONTACT [ICAO]- The situation which exists when the radar blip or radar position symbol of a particular aircraft is seen and identified on a radar display. RADAR CONTACT LOST- Used by ATC to inform a pilot that radar data used to determine the aircraft's position is no longer being received, or is no longer reliable and radar service is no longer being provided. The loss may be attributed to several factors including the aircraft merging with weather or ground clutter, the aircraft operating below radar line of sight coverage, the aircraft entering an area of poor radar return, failure of the aircraft transponder, or failure of the ground radar equipment. (See CLUTTER.) (See RADAR CONTACT.) RADAR ENVIRONMENT- An area in which radar service may be provided. (See ADDITIONAL SERVICES.) (See RADAR CONTACT.) (See RADAR SERVICE.) (See TRAFFIC ADVISORIES.) RADAR FLIGHT FOLLOWING- The observation of the progress of radar identified aircraft, whose primary navigation is being provided by the pilot, wherein the controller retains and correlates the aircraft identity with the appropriate target or target symbol displayed on the radar scope. (See RADAR CONTACT.) (See RADAR SERVICE.) (Refer to AIM.)

使用道具 举报

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2008-12-21 20:40:02 |只看该作者
RADAR IDENTIFIC ATION- The process of ascertaining that an observed radar target is the radar return from a particular aircraft. (See RADAR CONTACT.) (See RADAR SERVICE.) (See ICAO term RADAR IDENTIFICATION.) RADAR IDENTIFICATION [ICAO]- The process of correlating a particular radar blip or radar position symbol with a specific aircraft. RADAR IDENTIFIED AIRCRAFT- An aircraft, the position of which has been correlated with an observed target or symbol on the radar display. (See RADAR CONTACT.) (See RADAR CONTACT LOST.) RADAR MONITORING(See RADAR SERVICE.) RADAR NAVIGATIONAL GUIDANCE(See RADAR SERVICE.) RADAR POINT OUT- An action taken by a controller to transfer the radar identification of an aircraft to another controller if the aircraft will or may enter the airspace or protected airspace of another controller and radio communications will not be transferred. RADAR REQUIRED- A term displayed on charts and approach plates and included in FDC NOTAMs to alert pilots that segments of either an instrument approach procedure or a route are not navigable because of either the absence or unusability of a NAVAID. The pilot can expect to be provided radar navigational guidance while transiting segments labeled with this term. (See RADAR ROUTE.) (See RADAR SERVICE.) RADAR ROUTE- A flight path or route over which an aircraft is vectored. Navigational guidance and altitude assignments are provided by ATC. (See FLIGHT PATH.) (See ROUTE.) RADAR SEPARATION(See RADAR SERVICE.) Pilot/Controller Glossary 2/14/08 PCG R-3 RADAR SERVICE- A term which encompasses one or more of the following services based on the use of radar which can be provided by a controller to a pilot of a radar identified aircraft. a. Radar Monitoring- The radar flight-following of aircraft, whose primary navigation is being performed by the pilot, to observe and note deviations from its authorized flight path, airway, or route. When being applied specifically to radar monitoring of instrument approaches; i.e., with precision approach radar (PAR) or radar monitoring of simultaneous ILS/MLS approaches, it includes advice and instructions whenever an aircraft nears or exceeds the prescribed PAR safety limit or simultaneous ILS/MLS no transgression zone. (See ADDITIONAL SERVICES.) (See TRAFFIC ADVISORIES.) b. Radar Navigational Guidance- Vectoring aircraft to provide course guidance. c. Radar Separation- Radar spacing of aircraft in accordance with established minima. (See ICAO term RADAR SERVICE.) RADAR SERVICE [ICAO]- Term used to indicate a service provided directly by means of radar. a. Monitoring- The use of radar for the purpose of providing aircraft with information and advice relative to significant deviations from nominal flight path. b. Separation- The separation used when aircraft position information is derived from radar sources. RADAR SERVICE TERMINATED- Used by ATC to inform a pilot that he/she will no longer be provided any of the services that could be received while in radar contact. Radar service is automatically terminated, and the pilot is not advised in the following cases: a. An aircraft cancels its IFR flight plan, except within Class B airspace, Class C airspace, a TRSA, or where Basic Radar service is provided. b. An aircraft conducting an instrument, visual, or contact approach has landed or has been instructed to change to advisory frequency. c. An arriving VFR aircraft, receiving radar service to a tower-controlled airport within Class B airspace, Class C airspace, a TRSA, or where sequencing service is provided, has landed; or to all other airports, is instructed to change to tower or advisory frequency. d. An aircraft completes a radar approach. RADAR SURVEILLANCE- The radar observation of a given geographical area for the purpose of performing some radar function. RADAR TRAFFIC ADVISORIES- Advisories issued to alert pilots to known or observed radar traffic which may affect the intended route of flight of their aircraft. (See TRAFFIC ADVISORIES.) RADAR TRAFFIC INFORMATION SERVICE(See TRAFFIC ADVISORIES.) RADAR VECTORING [ICAO]- Provision of navigational guidance to aircraft in the form of specific headings, based on the use of radar. RADIAL- A magnetic bearing extending from a VOR/VORTAC/TACAN navigation facility. RADIOa. A device used for communication. b. Used to refer to a flight service station; e.g., “Seattle Radio” is used to call Seattle FSS. RADIO ALTIMETER- Aircraft equipment which makes use of the reflection of radio waves from the ground to determine the height of the aircraft above the surface. RADIO BEACON(See NONDIRECTIONAL BEACON.) RADIO DETECTION AND RANGING(See RADAR.) RADIO MAGNETIC INDICATOR- An aircraft navigational instrument coupled with a gyro compass or similar compass that indicates the direction of a selected NAVAID and indicates bearing with respect to the heading of the aircraft. RAIS(See REMOTE AIRPORT INFORMATION SERVICE.) RAMP(See APRON.) RANDOM ALTITUDE- An altitude inappropriate for direction of flight and/or not in accordance with FAAO JO 7110.65, Para 4-5-1, VERTIC AL SEPARATION MINIMA. Pilot/Controller Glossary 2/14/08 PCG R-4 RANDOM ROUTE- Any route not established or charted/published or not otherwise available to all users. RC(See ROAD RECONNAISSANCE.) RCAG(See REMOTE COMMUNICATIONS AIR/GROUND FACILITY.) RCC(See RESCUE COORDINATION CENTER.) RCO(See REMOTE COMMUNICATIONS OUTLET.) RCR(See RUNWAY CONDITION READING.) READ BACK- Repeat my message back to me. RECEIVER AUTONOMOUS INTEGRITY MON- ITORING (RAIM)- A technique whereby a civil GNSS receiver/processor determines the integrity of the GNSS navigation signals without reference to sensors or non-DoD integrity systems other than the receiver itself. This determination is achieved by a consistency check among redundant pseudorange measurements. RECEIVING CONTROLLER- A controller/facility receiving control of an aircraft from another controller/facility. RECEIVING FACILITY(See RECEIVING CONTROLLER.) RECONFORMANCE- The automated process of bringing an aircraft's Current Plan Trajectory into conformance with its track. REDUCE SPEED TO (SPEED)- (See SPEED ADJUSTMENT.) REIL(See RUNWAY END IDENTIFIER LIGHTS.) RELEASE TIME- A departure time restriction issued to a pilot by ATC (either directly or through an authorized relay) when necessary to separate a departing aircraft from other traffic. (See ICAO term RELEASE TIME.) RELEASE TIME [ICAO]- Time prior to which an aircraft should be given further clearance or prior to which it should not proceed in case of radio failure. REMOTE AIR PORT ADVIS ORY (RAA)- A remote service which may be provided by facilities, which are not located on the landing airport, but have a discrete ground-to-air communication frequency or tower frequency when the tower is closed, automated weather reporting with voice available to the pilot at the landing airport, and a continuous ASOS/AWOS data display, other direct reading instruments, or manual observation is available to the AFSS specialist. REMOTE AIRPORT INFORMATION SERVICE (RAIS)- A temporary service provided by facilities, which are not located on the landing airport, but have communication capability and automated weather reporting available to the pilot at the landing airport. REMOTE COMMUNICATIONS AIR/GROUND FACILITY- An unmanned VHF/UHF transmitter/ receiver facility which is used to expand ARTCC air/ground communications coverage and to facilitate direct contact between pilots and controllers. RCAG facilities are sometimes not equipped with emergen- cy frequencies 121.5 MHz and 243.0 MHz. (Refer to AIM.) REMOTE COMMUNICATIONS OUTLET- An unmanned communications facility remotely con- trolled by air traffic personnel. RCOs serve FSSs. RTRs serve terminal ATC facilities. An RCO or RTR may be UHF or VHF and will extend the communication range of the air traffic facility. There are several classes of RCOs and RTRs. The class is determ ined by the number of transmitters or receivers. Classes A through G are used primarily for air/ground purposes. RCO and RTR class O facilities are nonprotected outlets subject to undetected and prolonged outages. RCO (O's) and RTR (O's) were established for the express purpose of providing ground-to-ground communications between air traffic control specialists and pilots located at a satellite airport for delivering en route clearances, issuing departure authorizations, and acknowledging instrument flight rules cancellations or departure/landing times. As a secondary function, they may be used for advisory purposes whenever the aircraft is below the coverage of the primary air/ground frequency. REMOTE TRANSMITTER/RECEIVER(See REMOTE COMMUNICATIONS OUTLET.) Pilot/Controller Glossary 2/14/08 PCG R-5 REPORT- Used to instruct pilots to advise ATC of specified information; e.g., “Report passing Hamil- ton VOR.” REPORTING POINT- A geographical location in relation to which the position of an aircraft is reported. (See COMPULSORY REPORTING POINTS.) (See ICAO term REPORTING POINT.) (Refer to AIM.) REPORTING POINT [ICAO]- A specified geo- graphical location in relation to which the position of an aircraft can be reported. REQUEST FULL ROUTE CLEARANCE- Used by pilots to request that the entire route of flight be read verbatim in an ATC clearance. Such request should be made to preclude receiving an ATC clearance based on the original filed flight plan when a filed IFR flight plan has been revised by the pilot, company, or operations prior to departure. REQUIRED NAVIGATION PERFORMANCE (RNP)– A statement of the navigational performance necessary for operation within a defined airspace. The following terms are commonly associated with RNP: a. Required Navigation Performance Level or Type (RNP-X). A value, in nautical miles (NM), from the intended horizontal position within which an aircraft would be at least 95-percent of the total flying time. b. Required Navigation Performance (RNP) Airspace. A generic term designating airspace, route (s), leg (s), operation (s), or procedure (s) where minimum required navigational performance (RNP) have been established. c. Actual Navigation Performance (ANP). A measure of the current estimated navigational performance. Also referred to as Estimated Position Error (EPE). d. Estimated Position Error (EPE). A measure of the current estimated navigational performance. Also referred to as Actual Navigation Performance (ANP). e. Lateral Navigation (LNAV). A function of area navigation (RNAV) equipment which calculates, displays, and provides lateral guidance to a profile or path. f. Vertical Navigation (VNAV). A function of area navigation (RNAV) equipment which calculates, displays, and provides vertical guidance to a profile or path. RESCUE COORDINATION CENTER- A search and rescue (SAR) facility equipped and manned to coordinate and control SAR operations in an area designated by the SAR plan. The U.S. Coast Guard and the U.S. Air Force have responsibility for the operation of RCCs. (See ICAO term RESCUE CO-ORDINATION CENTRE.) RESCUE CO-ORDINATION CENTRE [ICAO]- A unit responsible for promoting efficient organization of search and rescue service and for coordinating the conduct of search and rescue operations within a search and rescue region. RESOLUTION ADVISORY-A display indication given to the pilot by the traffic alert and collision avoidance systems (TCAS II) recommending a maneuver to increase vertical separation relative to an intruding aircraft. Positive, negative, and vertical speed limit (VSL) advisories constitute the resolution advisories. A resolution advisory is also classified as corrective or preventive RESTRICTED AREA(See SPECIAL USE AIRSPACE.) (See ICAO term RESTRICTED AREA.) RESTRICTED AREA [ICAO]- An airspace of defined dimensions, above the land areas or territorial waters of a State, within which the flight of aircraft is restricted in accordance with certain specified conditions. RESUME NORMAL SPEED- Used by ATC to advise a pilot that previously issued speed control restrictions are deleted. An instruction to “resume normal speed” does not delete speed restrictions that are applicable to published procedures of upcoming segments of flight, unless specifically stated by ATC. This does not relieve the pilot of those speed restrictions which are applicable to 14 CFR Section 91.117. RESUME OWN NAVIGATION- Used by ATC to advise a pilot to resume his/her own navigational responsibility. It is issued after completion of a radar Pilot/Controller Glossary 2/14/08 PCG R-6 vector or when radar contact is lost while the aircraft is being radar vectored. (See RADAR CONTACT LOST.) (See RADAR SERVICE TERMINATED.) RMI(See RADIO MAGNETIC INDICATOR.) RNAV(See AREA NAVIGATION.) (See ICAO Term AREA NAVIGATION.) RNAV APPROACH- An instrument approach procedure which relies on aircraft area navigation equipment for navigational guidance. (See AREA NAVIGATION.) (See INSTRUMENT APPROACH PROCEDURE.) ROAD RECONNAISSANCE- Military activity requiring navigation along roads, railroads, and rivers. Reconnaissance route/route segments are seldom along a straight line and normally require a lateral route width of 10 NM to 30 NM and an altitude range of 500 feet to 10,000 feet AGL. ROGER- I have received all of your last transmission. It should not be used to answer a question requiring a yes or a no answer. (See AFFIRMATIVE.) (See NEGATIVE.) ROLLOUT RVR(See VISIBILITY.) ROUTE- A defined path, consisting of one or more courses in a horizontal plane, which aircraft traverse over the surface of the earth. (See AIRWAY.) (See JET ROUTE.) (See PUBLISHED ROUTE.) (See UNPUBLISHED ROUTE.) ROUTE ACTION NOTIFICATION- URET notifi- cation that a PAR/PDR/PDAR has been applied to the flight plan. (See ATC PREFERRED ROUTE NOTIFICATION.) (See USER REQUEST EVALUATION TOOL.) ROUTE SEGMENT- As used in Air Traffic Control, a part of a route that can be defined by two navigational fixes, two NAVAIDs, or a fix and a NAVAID. (See FIX.) (See ROUTE.) (See ICAO term ROUTE SEGMENT.) ROUTE SEGMENT [ICAO]- A portion of a route to be flown, as defined by two consecutive significant points specified in a flight plan. RSA(See RUNWAY SAFETY AREA.) RTR(See REMOTE TRANSMITTER/RECEIVER.) RUNWAY- A defined rectangular area on a land airport prepared for the landing and takeoff run of aircraft along its length. Runways are normally numbered in relation to their magnetic direction rounded off to the nearest 10 degrees; e.g., Runway 1, Runway 25. (See PARALLEL RUNWAYS.) (See ICAO term RUNWAY.) RUNWAY [ICAO]- A defined rectangular area on a land aerodrome prepared for the landing and take-off of aircraft. RUNWAY CENTERLINE LIGHTING(See AIRPORT LIGHTING.) RUNWAY CONDITION READING- Numerical decelerometer readings relayed by air traffic controllers at USAF and certain civil bases for use by the pilot in determining runway braking action. These readings are routinely relayed only to USAF and Air National Guard Aircraft. (See BRAKING ACTION.) RUNWAY END IDENTIFIER LIGHTS(See AIRPORT LIGHTING.) RUNWAY GRADIENT- The average slope, mea- sured in percent, between two ends or points on a runway. Runway gradient is depicted on Government aerodrome sketches when total runway gradient exceeds 0.3%. RUNWAY HEADING- The magnetic direction that corresponds with the runway centerline extended, not the painted runway number. When cleared to “fly or maintain runway heading,” pilots are expected to fly or maintain the heading that corresponds with the extended centerline of the departure runway. Drift correction shall not be applied; e.g., Runway 4, actual Pilot/Controller Glossary 2/14/08 PCG R-7 magnetic heading of the runway centerline 044, fly 044. RUNWAY IN USE/ACTIVE RUNWAY/DUTY RUNWAY- Any runway or runways currently being used for takeoff or landing. When multiple runways are used, they are all considered active runways. In the metering sense, a selectable adapted item which specifies the landing runway configuration or direction of traffic flow. The adapted optimum flight plan from each transition fix to the vertex is determined by the runway configuration for arrival metering processing purposes. RUNWAY LIGHTS(See AIRPORT LIGHTING.) RUNWAY MARKINGS(See AIRPORT MARKING AIDS.) RUNWAY OVERRUN- In military aviation exclu- sively, a stabilized or paved area beyond the end of a runway, of the same width as the runway plus shoulders, centered on the extended runway centerline. RUNWAY PROFILE DESCENT- An instrument flight rules (IFR) air traffic control arrival procedure to a runway published for pilot use in graphic and/or textual form and may be associated with a STAR. Runway Profile Descents provide routing and may depict crossing altitudes, speed restrictions, and headings to be flown from the en route structure to the point where the pilot will receive clearance for and execute an instrument approach procedure. A Runway Profile Descent may apply to more than one runway if so stated on the chart. (Refer to AIM.) RUNWAY SAFETY AREA- A defined surface surrounding the runway prepared, or suitable, for reducing the risk of damage to airplanes in the event of an undershoot, overshoot, or excursion from the runway. The dimensions of the RSA vary and can be determined by using the criteria contained within AC 150/5300-13, Airport Design, Chapter 3. Figure_3-1 in AC 150/5300-13 depicts the RSA. The design standards dictate that the RSA shall be: a. Cleared, graded, and have no potentially hazardous ruts, humps, depressions, or other surface variations; b. Drained by grading or storm sewers to prevent water accumulation; c. Capable, under dry conditions, of supporting snow rem oval equipment, aircraft rescue and firefighting equipment, and the occasional passage of aircraft without causing structural damage to the aircraft; and, d. Free of objects, except for objects that need to be located in the runway safety area because of their function. These objects shall be constructed on low impact resistant supports (frangible mounted struc- tures) to the lowest practical height with the frangible point no higher than 3 inches above grade. (Refer to AC 150/5300-13, Airport Design, Chapter 3.) RUNWAY TRANSITIONa. Conventional STARs/SIDs. The portion of a STAR/SID that serves a particular runway or runways at an airport. b. RNAV STARs/SIDs. Defines a path(s) from the common route to the final point(s) on a STAR. For a SID, the common route that serves a particular runway or runways at an airport. RUNWAY USE PROGRAM- A noise abatement runway selection plan designed to enhance noise abatement efforts with regard to airport communities for arriving and departing aircraft. These plans are developed into runway use programs and apply to all turbojet aircraft 12,500 pounds or heavier; turbojet aircraft less than 12,500 pounds are included only if the airport proprietor determines that the aircraft creates a noise problem. Runway use programs are coordinated with FAA offices, and safety criteria used in these programs are developed by the Office of Flight Operations. Runway use program s are administered by the Air Traffic Service as “Formal” or “Informal” programs. a. Formal Runway Use Program- An approved noise abatement program which is defined and acknowledged in a Letter of Understanding between Flight Operations, Air Traffic Service, the airport proprietor, and the users. Once established, participa- tion in the program is mandatory for aircraft operators and pilots as provided for in 14 CFR Section 91.129. b. Informal Runway Use Program- An approved noise abatement program which does not require a Letter of Understanding, and participation in the program is voluntary for aircraft operators/pilots. Pilot/Controller Glossary 2/14/08 PCG R-8 RUNWAY VISIBILITY VALUE(See VISIBILITY.) RUNWAY VISUAL RANGE(See VISIBILITY.) Pilot/Controller Glossary 2/14/08 PCG S-1 S SAA(See SPECIAL ACTIVITY AIRSPACE.) SAFETY ALERT- A safety alert issued by ATC to aircraft under their control if ATC is aware the aircraft is at an altitude which, in the controller's judgment, places the aircraft in unsafe proximity to terrain, obstructions, or other aircraft. The controller may discontinue the issuance of further alerts if the pilot advises he/she is taking action to correct the situation or has the other aircraft in sight. a. Terrain/Obstruction Alert- A safety alert issued by ATC to aircraft under their control if ATC is aware the aircraft is at an altitude which, in the controller's judgment, places the aircraft in unsafe proximity to terrain/obstructions; e.g., “Low Altitude Alert, check your altitude immediately.” b. Aircraft Conflict Alert- A safety alert issued by ATC to aircraft under their control if ATC is aware of an aircraft that is not under their control at an altitude which, in the controller's judgment, places both aircraft in unsafe proximity to each other. With the alert, ATC will offer the pilot an alternate course of action when feasible; e.g., “Traffic Alert, advise you turn right heading zero niner zero or climb to eight thousand immediately.” Note:_The issuance of a safety alert is contingent upon the capability of the controller to have an awareness of an unsafe condition. The course of action provided will be predicated on other traffic under ATC control. Once the alert is issued, it is solely the pilot's prerogative to determine what course of action, if any, he/she will take. SAFETY LOGIC SYSTEM- A software enhance- ment to ASDE-3, ASDE-X, and ASDE-3X, that predicts the path of aircraft landing and/or departing, and/or vehicular movements on runways. Visual and aural alarms are activated when the safety logic projects a potential collision. The Airport Movement Area Safety System (AMASS) is a safety logic system enhancement to the ASDE-3. The Safety Logic System for ASDE-X and ASDE-3X is an integral part of the software program. SAFETY LOGIC SYSTEM ALERTSa. ALERT- An actual situation involving two real safety logic tracks (aircraft/aircraft, aircraft/vehicle, or aircraft/other tangible object) that safety logic has predicted will result in an imminent collision, based upon the current set of Safety Logic parameters. b. FALSE ALERT1. Alerts generated by one or more false surface-radar targets that the system has interpreted as real tracks and placed into safety logic. 2. Alerts in which the safety logic software did not perform correctly, based upon the design specifications and the current set of Safety Logic parameters. c. NUISANCE ALERT- An alert in which one or more of the following is true: 1. The alert is generated by a known situation that is not considered an unsafe operation, such as LAHSO or other approved operations. 2. The alert is generated by inaccurate secon- dary radar data received by the Safety Logic System. 3. The alert is generated by surface radar targets caused by moderate or greater precipitation. 4. One or more of the aircraft involved in the alert is not intending to use a runway (i.e., helicopter, pipeline patrol, non-Mode C overflight, etc.). d. VALID NON-ALERT- A situation in which the safety logic software correctly determines that an alert is not required, based upon the design specifications and the current set of Safety Logic parameters. e. INVALID NON-ALERT- A situation in which the safety logic software did not issue an alert when an alert was required, based upon the design specifications. SAIL BACK- A maneuver during high wind conditions (usually with power off) where float plane movement is controlled by water rudders/opening and closing cabin doors. SAME DIRECTION AIRCRAFT- Aircraft are operating in the same direction when: a. They are following the same track in the same direction; or b. Their tracks are parallel and the aircraft are flying in the same direction; or c. Their tracks intersect at an angle of less than 45 degrees. Pilot/Controller Glossary 2/14/08 PCG S-2 SAR(See SEARCH AND RESCUE.) SAY AGAIN- Used to request a repeat of the last transmission. Usually specifies transmission or portion thereof not understood or received; e.g., “Say again all after ABRAM VOR.” SAY ALTITUDE- Used by ATC to ascertain an aircraft's specific altitude/flight level. When the aircraft is climbing or descending, the pilot should state the indicated altitude rounded to the nearest 100 feet. SAY HEADING- Used by ATC to request an aircraft heading. The pilot should state the actual heading of the aircraft. SCHEDULED TIME OF ARRIVAL (STA)- A STA is the desired time that an aircraft should cross a certain point (landing or metering fix). It takes other traffic and airspace configuration into account. A STA time shows the results of the TMA scheduler that has calculated an arrival time according to parameters such as optimized spacing, aircraft performance, and weather. SDF(See SIMPLIFIED DIRECTIONAL FACILITY.) SEA LANE- A designated portion of water outlined by visual surface markers for and intended to be used by aircraft designed to operate on water. SEARCH AND RESCUE- A service which seeks missing aircraft and assists those found to be in need of assistance. It is a cooperative effort using the facilities and services of available Federal, state and local agencies. The U.S. Coast Guard is responsible for coordination of search and rescue for the Maritime Region, and the U.S. Air Force is responsible for search and rescue for the Inland Region. Information pertinent to search and rescue should be passed through any air traffic facility or be transmitted directly to the Rescue Coordination Center by telephone. (See FLIGHT SERVICE STATION.) (See RESCUE COORDINATION CENTER.) (Refer to AIM.) SEARCH AND RESCUE FACILITY- A facility responsible for maintaining and operating a search and rescue (SAR) service to render aid to persons and property in distress. It is any SAR unit, station, NET, or other operational activity which can be usefully employed during an SAR Mission; e.g., a Civil Air Patrol Wing, or a Coast Guard Station. (See SEARCH AND RESCUE.) SECONDARY RADAR TARGET- A target derived from a transponder return presented on a radar display. SECTIONAL AERONAUTICAL CHARTS(See AERONAUTICAL CHART.) SECTOR LIST DROP INTERVAL- A parameter number of minutes after the meter fix time when arrival aircraft will be deleted from the arrival sector list. SEE AND AVOID- When weather conditions permit, pilots operating IFR or VFR are required to observe and maneuver to avoid other aircraft. Right-of-way rules are contained in 14 CFR Part 91. SEGMENTED CIR CLE- A system of visual indicators designed to provide traffic pattern information at airports without operating control towers. (Refer to AIM.) SEGMENTS OF AN INSTRUMENT APPROACH PROCEDURE- An instrument approach procedure may have as many as four separate segm ents depending on how the approach procedure is structured. a. Initial Approach- The segment between the initial approach fix and the intermediate fix or the point where the aircraft is established on the intermediate course or final approach course. (See ICAO term INITIAL APPROACH SEGMENT.) b. Intermediate Approach- The segment between the intermediate fix or point and the final approach fix. (See ICAO term INTERMEDIATE APPROACH SEGMENT.) c. Final Approach- The segment between the final approach fix or point and the runway, airport, or missed approach point. (See ICAO term FINAL APPROACH SEGMENT.) d. Missed Approach- The segment between the missed approach point or the point of arrival at Pilot/Controller Glossary 2/14/08 PCG S-3 decision height and the missed approach fix at the prescribed altitude. (Refer to 14 CFR Part 97.) (See ICAO term MISSED APPROACH PROCEDURE.) SEPARATION- In air traffic control, the spacing of aircraft to achieve their safe and orderly movement in flight and while landing and taking off. (See SEPARATION MINIMA.) (See ICAO term SEPARATION.) SEPARATION [ICAO]- Spacing between aircraft, levels or tracks. SEPARATION MINIMA- The minimum longitudi- nal, lateral, or vertical distances by which aircraft are spaced through the application of air traffic control procedures. (See SEPARATION.) SERVICE- A generic term that designates functions or assistance available from or rendered by air traffic control. For example, Class C service would denote the ATC services provided within a Class C airspace area. SEVERE WEATHER AVOIDANCE PLAN- An approved plan to minimize the affect of severe weather on traffic flows in impacted terminal and/or ARTCC areas. SWAP is normally implemented to provide the least disruption to the ATC system when flight through portions of airspace is difficult or impossible due to severe weather. SEVERE WEATHER FORECAST ALERTS- Preliminary messages issued in order to alert users that a Severe Weather Watch Bulletin (WW) is being issued. These messages define areas of possible severe thunderstorms or tornado activity. The messages are unscheduled and issued as required by the Storm Prediction Center (SPC) at Norman, Oklahoma. (See AIRMET.) (See CONVECTIVE SIGMET.) (See CWA.) (See SIGMET.) SFA(See SINGLE FREQUENCY APPROACH.) SFO(See SIMULATED FLAMEOUT.) SHF(See SUPER HIGH FREQUENCY.) SHORT RANGE CLEARANCE- A clearance issued to a departing IFR flight which authorizes IFR flight to a specific fix short of the destination while air traffic control facilities are coordinating and obtaining the complete clearance. SHORT TAKEOFF AND LANDING AIRCRAFT- An aircraft which, at some weight within its approved operating weight, is capable of operating from a STOL runway in compliance with the applicable STOL characteristics, airworthiness, operations, noise, and pollution standards. (See VERTICAL TAKEOFF AND LANDING AIRCRAFT.) SIAP(See STANDARD INSTRUMENT APPROACH PROCEDURE.) SID(See STANDARD INSTRUMENT DEPARTURE.) SIDESTEP MANEUVER- A visual maneuver accomplished by a pilot at the completion of an instrument approach to permit a straight-in landing on a parallel runway not more than 1,200 feet to either side of the runway to which the instrument approach was conducted. (Refer to AIM.) SIGMET- A weather advisory issued concerning weather significant to the safety of all aircraft. SIGMET advisories cover severe and extreme turbulence, severe icing, and widespread dust or sandstorms that reduce visibility to less than 3 miles. (See AIRMET.) (See AWW.) (See CONVECTIVE SIGMET.) (See CWA.) (See ICAO term SIGMET INFORMATION.) (Refer to AIM.) SIGMET INFORMATION [ICAO]- Information issued by a meteorological watch office concerning the occurrence or expected occurrence of specified en-route weather phenomena which may affect the safety of aircraft operations. SIGNIFICANT METEOROLOGICAL INFOR- MATION(See SIGMET.) SIGNIFICANT POINT- A point, whether a named intersection, a NAVAID, a fix derived from a Pilot/Controller Glossary 2/14/08 PCG S-4 NAVAID(s), or geographical coordinate expressed in degrees of latitude and longitude, which is established for the purpose of providing separation, as a reporting point, or to delineate a route of flight. SIMPLIFIED DIRECTIONAL FACILITY- A NAVAID used for nonprecision instrument ap- proaches. The final approach course is similar to that of an ILS localizer except that the SDF course may be offset from the runway, generally not more than 3 degrees, and the course may be wider than the localizer, resulting in a lower degree of accuracy. (Refer to AIM.) SIMULATED FLAMEOUT- A practice approach by a jet aircraft (normally military) at idle thrust to a runway. The approach may start at a runway (high key) and may continue on a relatively high and wide downwind leg with a continuous turn to final. It terminates in landing or low approach. The purpose of this approach is to simulate a flameout. (See FLAMEOUT.) SIMULTANEOUS ILS APPROACHES- An ap- proach system permitting simultaneous ILS/MLS approaches to airports having parallel runways separated by at least 4,300 feet between centerlines. Integral parts of a total system are ILS/MLS, radar, communications, ATC procedures, and appropriate airborne equipment. (See PARALLEL RUNWAYS.) (Refer to AIM.) SIMULTANEOUS MLS APPROACHES(See SIMULTANEOUS ILS APPROACHES.) SINGLE DIRECTION ROUTES- Preferred IFR Routes which are sometimes depicted on high altitude en route charts and which are normally flown in one direction only. (See PREFERRED IFR ROUTES.) (Refer to AIRPORT/FACILITY DIRECTORY.) SINGLE FREQUENCY APPROACH- A service provided under a letter of agreement to military single-piloted turbojet aircraft which permits use of a single UHF frequency during approach for landing. Pilots will not normally be required to change frequency from the beginning of the approach to touchdown except that pilots conducting an en route descent are required to change frequency when control is transferred from the air route traffic control center to the terminal facility. The abbreviation “SFA” in the DOD FLIP IFR Supplement under “Communications” indicates this service is available at an aerodrome. SINGLE-PILOTED AIRCRAFT- A military turbo- jet aircraft possessing one set of flight controls, tandem cockpits, or two sets of flight controls but operated by one pilot is considered single-piloted by ATC when determining the appropriate air traffic service to be applied. (See SINGLE FREQUENCY APPROACH.) SKYSPOTTER- A pilot who has received special- ized training in observing and reporting inflight weather phenomena. SLASH- A radar beacon reply displayed as an elongated target. SLDI(See SECTOR LIST DROP INTERVAL.) SLOT TIME(See METER FIX TIME/SLOT TIME.) SLOW TAXI- To taxi a float plane at low power or low RPM. SN(See SYSTEM STRATEGIC NAVIGATION.) SPEAK SLOWER- Used in verbal communications as a request to reduce speech rate. SPECIAL ACTIVITY AIRSPACE (SAA)- Any airspace with defined dimensions within the National Airspace System wherein limitations may be imposed upon aircraft operations. This airspace may be restricted areas, prohibited areas, military operations areas, air ATC assigned airspace, and any other designated airspace areas. The dimensions of this airspace are programmed into URET and can be designated as either active or inactive by screen entry. Aircraft trajectories are constantly tested against the dimensions of active areas and alerts issued to the applicable sectors when violations are predicted. (See USER REQUEST EVALUATION TOOL.) SPECIAL EMERGENCY- A condition of air piracy or other hostile act by a person(s) aboard an aircraft which threatens the safety of the aircraft or its passengers. SPECIAL INSTRUMENT APPROACH PROCE- DURE(See INSTRUMENT APPROACH PROCEDURE.) Pilot/Controller Glossary 2/14/08 PCG S-5

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SPECIAL USE AIRSPACE- Airspace of defined dimensions identified by an area on the surface of the earth wherein activities must be confined because of their nature and/or wherein limitations may be imposed upon aircraft operations that are not a part of those activities. Types of special use airspace are: a. Alert Area- Airspace which may contain a high volume of pilot training activities or an unusual type of aerial activity, neither of which is hazardous to aircraft. Alert Areas are depicted on aeronautical charts for the information of nonparticipating pilots. All activities within an Alert Area are conducted in accordance with Federal Aviation Regulations, and pilots of participating aircraft as well as pilots transiting the area are equally responsible for collision avoidance. b. Controlled Firing Area- Airspace wherein activities are conducted under conditions so controlled as to eliminate hazards to nonparticipating aircraft and to ensure the safety of persons and property on the ground. c. Military Operations Area (MOA)- A MOA is airspace established outside of Class A airspace area to separate or segregate certain nonhazardous military activities from IFR traffic and to identify for VFR traffic where these activities are conducted. (Refer to AIM.) d. Prohibited Area- Airspace designated under 14 CFR Part 73 within which no person may operate an aircraft without the permission of the using agency. (Refer to AIM.) (Refer to En Route Charts.) e. Restricted Area- Airspace designated under 14 CFR Part 73, within which the flight of aircraft, while not wholly prohibited, is subject to restriction. Most restricted areas are designated joint use and IFR/VFR operations in the area may be authorized by the controlling ATC facility when it is not being utilized by the using agency. Restricted areas are depicted on en route charts. Where joint use is authorized, the name of the ATC controlling facility is also shown. (Refer to 14 CFR Part 73.) (Refer to AIM.) f. Warning Area- A warning area is airspace of defined dimensions extending from 3 nautical miles outward from the coast of the United States, that contains activity that may be hazardous to nonparticipating aircraft. The purpose of such warning area is to warn nonparticipating pilots of the potential danger. A warning area may be located over domestic or international waters or both. SPECIAL VFR CONDITIONS- Meteorological conditions that are less than those required for basic VFR flight in Class B, C, D, or E surface areas and in which some aircraft are permitted flight under visual flight rules. (See SPECIAL VFR OPERATIONS.) (Refer to 14 CFR Part 91.) SPECIAL VFR FLIGHT [ICAO]- A VFR flight cleared by air traffic control to operate within Class B, C, D, and E surface areas in metrological conditions below VMC. SPECIAL VFR OPERATIONS- Aircraft operating in accordance with clearances within Class B, C, D, and E surface areas in weather conditions less than the basic VFR weather minima. Such operations must be requested by the pilot and approved by ATC. (See SPECIAL VFR CONDITIONS.) (See ICAO term SPECIAL VFR FLIGHT.) SPEED(See AIRSPEED.) (See GROUND SPEED.) SPEED ADJUSTMENT- An ATC procedure used to request pilots to adjust aircraft speed to a specific value for the purpose of providing desired spacing. Pilots are expected to maintain a speed of plus or minus 10 knots or 0.02 Mach number of the specified speed. Examples of speed adjustments are: a. “Increase/reduce speed to Mach point (num- ber.)” b. “Increase/reduce speed to (speed in knots)” or “Increase/reduce speed (number of knots) knots.” SPEED BRAKES- Moveable aerodynamic devices on aircraft that reduce airspeed during descent and landing. SPEED SEGMENTS- Portions of the arrival route between the transition point and the vertex along the optimum flight path for which speeds and altitudes are specified. There is one set of arrival speed segments adapted from each transition point to each vertex. Each set may contain up to six segments. SQUAWK (Mode, Code, Function)- Activate specific modes/codes/functions on the aircraft transponder; e.g., “Squawk three/alpha, two one zero five, low.” (See TRANSPONDER.) Pilot/Controller Glossary 2/14/08 PCG S-6 STA(See SCHEDULED TIME OF ARRIVAL.) STAGING/QUEUING- The placement, integration, and segregation of departure aircraft in designated movement areas of an airport by departure fix, EDCT, and/or restriction. STAND BY- Means the controller or pilot must pause for a few seconds, usually to attend to other duties of a higher priority. Also means to wait as in “stand by for clearance. ” The caller should reestablish contact if a delay is lengthy. “Stand by” is not an approval or denial. STANDARD INSTRUMENT APPROACH PRO- CEDURE (SIAP)- (See INSTRUMENT APPROACH PROCEDURE.) STANDARD INSTRUMENT DEPARTURE (SID)- A preplanned instrument flight rule (IFR) air traffic control (ATC) departure procedure printed for pilot/controller use in graphic form to provide obstacle clearance and a transition from the terminal area to the appropriate en route structure. SIDs are primarily designed for system enhancement to expedite traffic flow and to reduce pilot/controller workload. ATC clearance must always be received prior to flying a SID. (See IFR TAKEOFF MINIMUMS AND DEPARTURE PROCEDURES.) (See OBSTACLE DEPARTURE PROCEDURE.) (Refer to AIM.) STANDARD RATE TURN- A turn of three degrees per second. STANDARD TERMINAL ARRIVAL- A pre- planned instrument flight rule (IFR) air traffic control arrival procedure published for pilot use in graphic and/or textual form. STARs provide transition from the en route structure to an outer fix or an instrument approach fix/arrival waypoint in the terminal area. STANDARD TERMINAL ARRIVAL CHARTS(See AERONAUTICAL CHART.) STANDARD TERMINAL AUTOMATION RE- PLACEMENT SYSTEM (STARS)- (See DTAS.) STAR(See STANDARD TERMINAL ARRIVAL.) STATE AIRCRAFT- Aircraft used in military, customs and police service, in the exclusive service of any government, or of any political subdivision, thereof including the government of any state, territory, or possession of the United States or the District of Columbia, but not including any government-owned aircraft engaged in carrying persons or property for commercial purposes. STATIC RESTRICTIONS- Those restrictions that are usually not subject to change, fixed, in place, and/or published. STATIONARY RESERVATIONS- Altitude reserva- tions which encompass activities in a fixed area. Stationary reservations may include activities, such as special tests of weapons systems or equipment, certain U.S. Navy carrier, fleet, and anti-submarine operations, rocket, missile and drone operations, and certain aerial refueling or similar operations. STEP TAXI- To taxi a float plane at full power or high RPM. STEP TURN- A maneuver used to put a float plane in a planing configuration prior to entering an active sea lane for takeoff. The STEP TURN maneuver should only be used upon pilot request. STEPDOWN FIX- A fix permitting additional descent within a segment of an instrument approach procedure by identifying a point at which a controlling obstacle has been safely overflown. STEREO ROUTE- A routinely used route of flight established by users and ARTCCs identified by a coded name; e.g., ALPHA 2. These routes minimize flight plan handling and communications. STOL AIRCRAFT(See SHORT TAKEOFF AND LANDING AIRCRAFT.) STOP ALTITUDE SQUAWK- Used by ATC to inform an aircraft to turn-off the automatic altitude reporting feature of its transponder. It is issued when the verbally reported altitude varies 300 feet or more from the automatic altitude report. (See ALTITUDE READOUT.) (See TRANSPONDER.) STOP AND GO- A procedure wherein an aircraft will land, make a complete stop on the runway, and then commence a takeoff from that point. (See LOW APPROACH.) (See OPTION APPROACH.) Pilot/Controller Glossary 2/14/08 PCG S-7 STOP BURST(See STOP STREAM.) STOP BUZZER(See STOP STREAM.) STOP SQUAWK (Mode or Code)- Used by ATC to tell the pilot to turn specified functions of the aircraft transponder off. (See STOP ALTITUDE SQUAWK.) (See TRANSPONDER.) STOP STREAM- Used by ATC to request a pilot to suspend electronic attack activity. (See JAMMING.) STOPOVER FLIGHT PLAN- A flight plan format which permits in a single submission the filing of a sequence of flight plans through interim full-stop destinations to a final destination. STOPWAY- An area beyond the takeoff runway no less wide than the runway and centered upon the extended centerline of the runway, able to support the airplane during an aborted takeoff, without causing structural damage to the airplane, and designated by the airport authorities for use in decelerating the airplane during an aborted takeoff. STRAIGHT-IN APPROACH IFR- An instrument approach wherein final approach is begun without first having executed a procedure turn, not necessarily completed with a straight-in landing or made to straight-in landing minimums. (See LANDING MINIMUMS.) (See STRAIGHT-IN APPROACH VFR.) (See STRAIGHT-IN LANDING.) STRAIGHT-IN APPROACH VFR- Entry into the traffic pattern by interception of the extended runway centerline (final approach course) without executing any other portion of the traffic pattern. (See TRAFFIC PATTERN.) STRAIGHT-IN LANDING- A landing made on a runway aligned within 30_ of the final approach course following completion of an instrument approach. (See STRAIGHT-IN APPROACH IFR.) STRAIGHT-IN LANDING MINIMUMS(See LANDING MINIMUMS.) STRAIGHT-IN MINIMUMS(See STRAIGHT-IN LANDING MINIMUMS.) STRATEGIC PLANNING- Planning whereby solutions are sought to resolve potential conflicts. SUBSTITUTE ROUTE- A route assigned to pilots when any part of an airway or route is unusable because of NAVAID status. These routes consist of: a. Substitute routes which are shown on U.S. Government charts. b. Routes defined by ATC as specific NAVAID radials or courses. c. Routes defined by ATC as direct to or between NAVAIDs. SUNSET AND SUNRISE- The mean solar times of sunset and sunrise as published in the Nautical Almanac, converted to local standard time for the locality concerned. Within Alaska, the end of evening civil twilight and the beginning of morning civil twilight, as defined for each locality. SUPER HIGH FREQUENCY- The frequency band between 3 and 30 gigahertz (GHz). The elevation and azimuth stations of the microwave landing system operate from 5031 MHz to 5091 MHz in this spectrum. SUPPLEMENTAL WEATHER SERVICE LOCA- TION- Airport facilities staffed with contract personnel who take weather observations and provide current local weather to pilots via telephone or radio. (All other services are provided by the parent FSS.) SUPPS- Refers to ICAO Document 7030 Regional Supplementary Procedures. SUPPS contain proce- dures for each ICAO Region which are unique to that Region and are not covered in the worldwide provisions identified in the ICAO Air Navigation Plan. Procedures contained in Chapter 8 are based in part on those published in SUPPS. SURFACE AREA- The airspace contained by the lateral boundary of the Class B, C, D, or E airspace designated for an airport that begins at the surface and extends upward. SURPIC- A description of surface vessels in the area of a Search and Rescue incident including their predicted positions and their characteristics. (Refer to FAAO JO 7110.65, Para 10-6-4, INFLIGHT CONTINGENCIES.) SURVEILLANCE APPROACH- An instrument approach wherein the air traffic controller issues instructions, for pilot compliance, based on aircraft Pilot/Controller Glossary 2/14/08 PCG S-8 position in relation to the final approach course (azimuth), and the distance (range) from the end of the runway as displayed on the controller's radar scope. The controller will provide recommended altitudes on final approach if requested by the pilot. (Refer to AIM.) SWAP(See SEVERE WEATHER AVOIDANCE PLAN.) SWSL(See SUPPLEMENTAL WEATHER SERVICE LOCATION.) SYSTEM STRATEGIC NAVIGATION- Military activity accomplished by navigating along a preplanned route using internal aircraft systems to maintain a desired track. This activity normally requires a lateral route width of 10 NM and altitude range of 1,000 feet to 6,000 feet AGL with some route segments that permit terrain following. Pilot/Controller Glossary 2/14/08 PCG T-1 T TACAN(See TACTICAL AIR NAVIGATION.) TACAN-ONLY AIRCRAFT- An aircraft, normally military, possessing TACAN with DME but no VOR navigational system capability. Clearances must specify TACAN or VORTAC fixes and approaches. TACTICAL AIR NAVIGATION- An ultra-high frequency electronic rho-theta air navigation aid which provides suitably equipped aircraft a continuous indication of bearing and distance to the TACAN station. (See VORTAC.) (Refer to AIM.) TAILWIND- Any wind more than 90 degrees to the longitudinal axis of the runway. The magnetic direction of the runway shall be used as the basis for determining the longitudinal axis. TAKEOFF AREA(See LANDING AREA.) TAKE-OFF DISTANCE AVAILABLE [ICAO]- The length of the take-off run available plus the length of the clearway, if provided. TAKE-OFF RUN AVAILABLE [ICAO]- The length of runway declared available and suitable for the ground run of an aeroplane take-off. TARGET- The indication shown on an analog display resulting from a primary radar return or a radar beacon reply. (See ASSOCIATED.) (See DIGITAL TARGET.) (See DIGITIZED RADAR TARGET.) (See PRIMARY RADAR TARGET.) (See RADAR.) (See SECONDARY RADAR TARGET.) (See TARGET SYMBOL.) (See ICAO term TARGET.) (See UNASSOCIATED.) TARGET [ICAO]- In radar: a. Generally, any discrete object which reflects or retransmits energy back to the radar equipment. b. Specifically, an object of radar search or surveillance. TARGET RESOLUTION- A process to ensure that correlated radar targets do not touch. Target resolution shall be applied as follows: a. Between the edges of two primary targets or the edges of the ASR-9 primary target symbol. b. Between the end of the beacon control slash and the edge of a primary target. c. Between the ends of two beacon control slashes. Note 1:_MANDATORY TRAFFIC ADVISORIES AND SAFETY ALERTS SHALL BE ISSUED WHEN THIS PROCEDURE IS USED. Note 2:_This procedure shall not be provided utilizing mosaic radar systems. TARGET SYMBOL- A computer-generated indica- tion shown on a radar display resulting from a primary radar return or a radar beacon reply. TAS(See TERMINAL AUTOMATION SYSTEMS.) TAWS(See TERRAIN AWARENESS WARNING SYSTEM.) TAXI- The movement of an airplane under its own power on the surface of an airport (14 CFR Section 135.100 [Note]). Also, it describes the surface movement of helicopters equipped with wheels. (See AIR TAXI.) (See HOVER TAXI.) (Refer to 14 CFR Section 135.100.) (Refer to AIM.) TAXI PATTERNS- Patterns established to illustrate the desired flow of ground traffic for the different runways or airport areas available for use. TCAS(See TRAFFIC ALERT AND COLLISION AVOIDANCE SYSTEM.) TCH(See THRESHOLD CROSSING HEIGHT.) TCLT(See TENTATIVE CALCULATED LANDING TIME.) TDLS(See TERMINAL DATA LINK SYSTEM.) Pilot/Controller Glossary 2/14/08 PCG T-2 TDZE(See TOUCHDOWN ZONE ELEVATION.) TELEPHONE INFORMATION BRIEFING SER- VIC E- A continuous telephone recording of meteorological and/or aeronautical information. (Refer to AIM.) TENTATIVE CALCULATED LANDING TIME- A projected time calculated for adapted vertex for each arrival aircraft based upon runway configuration, airport acceptance rate, airport arrival delay period, and other metered arrival aircraft. This time is either the VTA of the aircraft or the TCLT/ACLT of the previous aircraft plus the AAI, whichever is later. This time will be updated in response to an aircraft's progress and its current relationship to other arrivals. TERMINAL AREA- A general term used to describe airspace in which approach control service or airport traffic control service is provided. TERMINAL AREA FACILITY- A facility provid- ing air traffic control service for arriving and departing IFR, VFR, Special VFR, and on occasion en route aircraft. (See APPROACH CONTROL FACILITY.) (See TOWER.) TERMINAL AUTOMATION SYSTEMS (TAS)- TAS is used to identify the numerous automated tracking systems including ARTS IIE, ARTS IIIA, ARTS IIIE, STARS, and MEARTS. TERMINAL DATA LINK SYSTEM (TDLS)- A system that provides Digital Automatic Terminal Information Service (D-ATIS) both on a specified radio frequency and also, for subscribers, in a text message via data link to the cockpit or to a gate printer. TDLS also provides Pre-departure Clear- ances (PDC), at selected airports, to subscribers, through a service provider, in text to the cockpit or to a gate printer. In addition, TDLS will emulate the Flight Data Input/Output (FDIO) information within the control tower. TERMINAL RADAR SERVICE AREA- Airspace surrounding designated airports wherein ATC provides radar vectoring, sequencing, and separation on a full-time basis for all IFR and participating VFR aircraft. The AIM contains an explanation of TRSA. TRSAs are depicted on VFR aeronautical charts. Pilot participation is urged but is not mandatory. TERMINAL VFR RADAR SERVICE- A national program instituted to extend the terminal radar services provided instrument flight rules (IFR) aircraft to visual flight rules (VFR) aircraft. The program is divided into four types service referred to as basic radar service, terminal radar service area (TRSA) service, Class B service and Class C service. The type of service provided at a particular location is contained in the Airport/Facility Directory. a. Basic Radar Service- These services are provided for VFR aircraft by all commissioned terminal radar facilities. Basic radar service includes safety alerts, traffic advisories, limited radar vectoring when requested by the pilot, and sequencing at locations where procedures have been established for this purpose and/or when covered by a letter of agreement. The purpose of this service is to adjust the flow of arriving IFR and VFR aircraft into the traffic pattern in a safe and orderly manner and to provide traffic advisories to departing VFR aircraft. b. TRSA Service- This service provides, in addition to basic radar service, sequencing of all IFR and participating VFR aircraft to the primary airport and separation between all participating VFR aircraft. The purpose of this service is to provide separation between all participating VFR aircraft and all IFR aircraft operating within the area defined as a TRSA. c. Class C Service- This service provides, in addition to basic radar service, approved separation between IFR and VFR aircraft, and sequencing of VFR aircraft, and sequencing of VFR arrivals to the primary airport. d. Class B Service- This service provides, in addition to basic radar service, approved separation of aircraft based on IFR, VFR, and/or weight, and sequencing of VFR arrivals to the primary airport(s). (See CONTROLLED AIRSPACE.) (See TERMINAL RADAR SERVICE AREA.) (Refer to AIM.) (Refer to AIRPORT/FACILITY DIRECTORY.) TERMINAL-VERY HIGH FREQUENCY OMNI- DIRECTIONAL RANGE STATION- A very high frequency terminal omnirange station located on or near an airport and used as an approach aid. (See NAVIGATIONAL AID.) (See VOR.) TERRAIN AWARENESS WARNING SYSTEM (TAWS)- An on-board, terrain proximity alerting Pilot/Controller Glossary 2/14/08 PCG T-3 system providing the aircrew `Low Altitude warnings' to allow immediate pilot action. TERRAIN FOLLOWING- The flight of a military aircraft maintaining a constant AGL altitude above the terrain or the highest obstruction. The altitude of the aircraft will constantly change with the varying terrain and/or obstruction. TETRAHEDRON- A device normally located on uncontrolled airports and used as a landing direction indicator. The small end of a tetrahedron points in the direction of landing. At controlled airports, the tetrahedron, if installed, should be disregarded because tower instructions supersede the indicator. (See SEGMENTED CIRCLE.) (Refer to AIM.) TF(See TERRAIN FOLLOWING.) THAT IS CORRECT- The understanding you have is right. 360 OVERHEAD(See OVERHEAD MANEUVER.) THRESHOLD- The beginning of that portion of the runway usable for landing. (See AIRPORT LIGHTING.) (See DISPLACED THRESHOLD.) THRESHOLD CROSSING HEIGHT- The theoreti- cal height above the runway threshold at which the aircraft's glideslope antenna would be if the aircraft maintains the trajectory established by the mean ILS glideslope or MLS glidepath. (See GLIDESLOPE.) (See THRESHOLD.) THRESHOLD LIGHTS(See AIRPORT LIGHTING.) TIBS(See TELEPHONE INFORMATION BRIEFING SERVICE.) TIME GROUP- Four digits representing the hour and minutes from the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) clock. FAA uses UTC for all operations. The term “ZULU” may be used to denote UTC. The word “local” or the time zone equivalent shall be used to denote local when local time is given during radio and telephone communications. When written, a time zone designator is used to indicate local time; e.g. “0205M” (Mountain). The local time may be based on the 24-hour clock system. The day begins at 0000 and ends at 2359. TMA(See TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT ADVISOR.) TMPA(See TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT PROGRAM ALERT.) TMU(See TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT UNIT.) TODA [ICAO]- (See ICAO Term TAKE-OFF DISTANCE AVAILABLE.) TORA [ICAO]- (See ICAO Term TAKE-OFF RUN AVAILABLE.) TORCHING- The burning of fuel at the end of an exhaust pipe or stack of a reciprocating aircraft engine, the result of an excessive richness in the fuel air mixture. TOTAL ESTIMATED ELAPSED TIME [ICAO]- For IFR flights, the estimated time required from take-off to arrive over that designated point, defined by reference to navigation aids, from which it is intended that an instrument approach procedure will be commenced, or, if no navigation aid is associated with the destination aerodrome, to arrive over the destination aerodrom e. For VFR flights, the estimated time required from take-off to arrive over the destination aerodrome. (See ICAO term ESTIMATED ELAPSED TIME.) TOUCH-AND-GO- An operation by an aircraft that lands and departs on a runway without stopping or exiting the runway. TOUCH-AND-GO LANDING(See TOUCH-AND-GO.) TOUCHDOWNa. The point at which an aircraft first makes contact with the landing surface. b. Concerning a precision radar approach (PAR), it is the point where the glide path intercepts the landing surface. (See ICAO term TOUCHDOWN.) Pilot/Controller Glossary 2/14/08 PCG T-4 TOUCHDOWN [ICAO]- The point where the nominal glide path intercepts the runway. Note:_Touchdown as defined above is only a datum and is not necessarily the actual point at which the aircraft will touch the runway. TOUCHDOWN RVR(See VISIBILITY.) TOUCHDOWN ZONE- The first 3,000 feet of the runway beginning at the threshold. The area is used for determination of Touchdown Zone Elevation in the development of straight-in landing minimums for instrument approaches. (See ICAO term TOUCHDOWN ZONE.) TOUCHDOWN ZONE [ICAO]- The portion of a runway, beyond the threshold, where it is intended landing aircraft first contact the runway. TOUCHDOWN ZONE ELEVATION- The highest elevation in the first 3,000 feet of the landing surface. TDZE is indicated on the instrument approach procedure chart when straight-in landing minimums are authorized. (See TOUCHDOWN ZONE.) TOUCHDOWN ZONE LIGHTING(See AIRPORT LIGHTING.) TOWER- A terminal facility that uses air/ground communications, visual signaling, and other devices to provide ATC services to aircraft operating in the vicinity of an airport or on the movement area. Authorizes aircraft to land or takeoff at the airport controlled by the tower or to transit the Class D airspace area regardless of flight plan or weather conditions (IFR or VFR). A tower may also provide approach control services (radar or nonradar). (See AIRPORT TRAFFIC CONTROL SERVICE.) (See APPROACH CONTROL FACILITY.) (See APPROACH CONTROL SERVICE.) (See MOVEMENT AREA.) (See TOWER EN ROUTE CONTROL SERVICE.) (See ICAO term AERODROME CONTROL TOWER.) (Refer to AIM.) TOWER EN ROUTE CONTROL SERVICE- The control of IFR en route traffic within delegated airspace between two or more adjacent approach control facilities. This service is designed to expedite traffic and reduce control and pilot communication requirements. TOWER TO TOWER(See TOWER EN ROUTE CONTROL SERVICE.) TPX-42- A numeric beacon decoder equipment/ system. It is designed to be added to terminal radar systems for beacon decoding. It provides rapid target identification, reinforcement of the primary radar target, and altitude information from Mode C. (See AUTOMATED RADAR TERMINAL SYSTEMS.) (See TRANSPONDER.) TRACEABLE PRESSURE STANDARD- The facility station pressure instrument, with certifica- tion/calibration traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology. Traceable pressure standards may be mercurial barometers, commis- sioned ASOS or dual transducer AWOS, or portable pressure standards or DASI. TRACK- The actual flight path of an aircraft over the surface of the earth. (See COURSE.) (See FLIGHT PATH.) (See ROUTE.) (See ICAO term TRACK.) TRACK [ICAO]- The projection on the earth's surface of the path of an aircraft, the direction of which path at any point is usually expressed in degrees from North (True, Magnetic, or Grid). TRAFFICa. A term used by a controller to transfer radar identification of an aircraft to another controller for the purpose of coordinating separation action. Traffic is normally issued: 1. In response to a handoff or point out, 2. In anticipation of a handoff or point out, or 3. In conjunction with a request for control of an aircraft. b. A term used by ATC to refer to one or more aircraft. TRAFFIC ADVISORIES- Advisories issued to alert pilots to other known or observed air traffic which may be in such proximity to the position or intended route of flight of their aircraft to warrant their attention. Such advisories may be based on: a. Visual observation. Pilot/Controller Glossary 2/14/08 PCG T-5 b. Observation of radar identified and nonidenti- fied aircraft targets on an ATC radar display, or c. Verbal reports from pilots or other facilities. Note 1:_The word “traffic” followed by additional information, if known, is used to provide such advisories; e.g., “Traffic, 2 o'clock, one zero miles, southbound, eight thousand.” Note 2:_Traffic advisory service will be provided to the extent possible depending on higher priority duties of the controller or other limitations; e.g., radar limitations, volume of traffic, frequency congestion, or controller workload. Radar/ nonradar traffic advisories do not relieve the pilot of his/her responsibility to see and avoid other aircraft. Pilots are cautioned that there are many times when the controller is not able to give traffic advisories concerning all traffic in the aircraft's proximity; in other words, when a pilot requests or is receiving traffic advisories, he/she should not assume that all traffic will be issued. (Refer to AIM.) TRAFFIC ALERT (aircraft call sign), TURN (left/right) IMMEDIATELY, (climb/descend) AND MAINTAIN (altitude). (See SAFETY ALERT.) TRAFFIC ALERT AND COLLISION AVOID- ANCE SYSTEM- An airborne collision avoidance system based on radar beacon signals which operates independent of ground-based equipment. TCAS-I generates traffic advisories only. TCAS-II generates traffic advisories, and resolution (collision avoid- ance) advisories in the vertical plane. TRAFFIC INFORMATION(See TRAFFIC ADVISORIES.) TRAFFIC IN SIGHT- Used by pilots to inform a controller that previously issued traffic is in sight. (See NEGATIVE CONTACT.) (See TRAFFIC ADVISORIES.) TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT ADVISOR (TMA)- A computerized tool which assists Traffic Management Coordinators to efficiently schedule arrival traffic to a metered airport, by calculating meter fix times and delays then sending that information to the sector controllers. TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT PROGRAM ALERT- A term used in a Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) issued in conjunction with a special traffic management program to alert pilots to the existence of the program and to refer them to either the Notices to Airmen publication or a special traffic management program advisory message for program details. The contrac- tion TMPA is used in NOTAM text. TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT UNIT- The entity in ARTCCs and designated terminals directly involved in the active management of facility traffic. Usually under the direct supervision of an assistant manager for traffic management. TRAFFIC NO FACTOR- Indicates that the traffic described in a previously issued traffic advisory is no factor. TRAFFIC NO LONGER OBSERVED- Indicates that the traffic described in a previously issued traffic advisory is no longer depicted on radar, but may still be a factor. TRAFFIC PATTERN- The traffic flow that is prescribed for aircraft landing at, taxiing on, or taking off from an airport. The components of a typical traffic pattern are upwind leg, crosswind leg, downwind leg, base leg, and final approach. a. Upwind Leg- A flight path parallel to the landing runway in the direction of landing. b. Crosswind Leg- A flight path at right angles to the landing runway off its upwind end. c. Downwind Leg- A flight path parallel to the landing runway in the direction opposite to landing. The downwind leg normally extends between the crosswind leg and the base leg. d. Base Leg- A flight path at right angles to the landing runway off its approach end. The base leg normally extends from the downwind leg to the intersection of the extended runway centerline. e. Final Approach. A flight path in the direction of landing along the extended runway centerline. The final approach normally extends from the base leg to the runway. An aircraft making a straight-in approach VFR is also considered to be on final approach. (See STRAIGHT-IN APPROACH VFR.) (See TAXI PATTERNS.) (See ICAO term AERODROME TRAFFIC CIRCUIT.) (Refer to 14 CFR Part 91.) (Refer to AIM.) TRAFFIC SITUATION DISPLAY (TSD)- TSD is a computer system that receives radar track data from all 20 CONUS ARTCCs, organizes this data into a mosaic display, and presents it on a computer screen. Pilot/Controller Glossary 2/14/08 PCG T-6 The display allows the traffic management coordina- tor multiple methods of selection and highlighting of individual aircraft or groups of aircraft. The user has the option of superimposing these aircraft positions over any number of background displays. These background options include ARTCC boundaries, any stratum of en route sector boundaries, fixes, airways, military and other special use airspace, airports, and geopolitical boundaries. By using the TSD, a coordinator can monitor any number of traffic situations or the entire systemwide traffic flows. TRAJECTORY- A URET representation of the path an aircraft is predicted to fly based upon a Current Plan or Trial Plan. (See USER REQUEST EVALUATION TOOL.) TRAJECTORY MODELING- The automated pro- cess of calculating a trajectory. TRANSCRIBED WEATHER BROADCAST- A continuous recording of meteorological and aeronau- tical information that is broadcast on L/MF and VOR facilities for pilots. (Provided only in Alaska.) (Refer to AIM.) TRANSFER OF CONTROL- That action whereby the responsibility for the separation of an aircraft is transferred from one controller to another. (See ICAO term TRANSFER OF CONTROL.) TRANSFER OF CONTROL [ICAO]- Transfer of responsibility for providing air traffic control service. TRANSFERRING CONTROLLER- A controller/ facility transferring control of an aircraft to another controller/facility. (See ICAO term TRANSFERRING UNIT/CONTROLLER.) TRANSFERRING FACILITY(See TRANSFERRING CONTROLLER.) TRANSFERRING UNIT/CONTROLLER [ICAO]- Air traffic control unit/air traffic controller in the process of transferring the responsibility for providing air traffic control service to an aircraft to the next air traffic control unit/air traffic controller along the route of flight. Note:_See definition of accepting unit/controller. TRANSITIONa. The general term that describes the change from one phase of flight or flight condition to another; e.g., transition from en route flight to the approach or transition from instrument flight to visual flight. b. A published procedure (DP Transition) used to connect the basic DP to one of several en route airways/jet routes, or a published procedure (STAR Transition) used to connect one of several en route airways/jet routes to the basic STAR. (Refer to DP/STAR Charts.)

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发表于 2008-12-21 20:40:22 |只看该作者
TRANSITION POINT- A point at an adapted number of miles from the vertex at which an arrival aircraft would normally commence descent from its en route altitude. This is the first fix adapted on the arrival speed segments. TRANSITION WAYPOINT- The waypoint that defines the beginning of a runway or en route transition on an RNAV SID or STAR. TRANSITIONAL AIRSPACE- That portion of controlled airspace wherein aircraft change from one phase of flight or flight condition to another. TRANSMISSOMETER- An apparatus used to determine visibility by measuring the transmission of light through the atmosphere. It is the measurement source for determining runway visual range (RVR) and runway visibility value (RVV). (See VISIBILITY.)

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发表于 2008-12-21 20:40:29 |只看该作者
TRANSMITTING IN THE BLIND- A transmis- sion from one station to other stations in circumstances where two-way communication cannot be established, but where it is believed that the called stations may be able to receive the transmission. TRANSPONDER- The airborne radar beacon receiver/transmitter portion of the Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System (ATCRBS) which automati- cally receives radio signals from interrogators on the ground, and selectively replies with a specific reply pulse or pulse group only to those interrogations being received on the mode to which it is set to respond. (See INTERROGATOR.) (See ICAO term TRANSPONDER.) (Refer to AIM.) TRANSPONDER [ICAO]- A receiver/transmitter which will generate a reply signal upon proper interrogation; the interrogation and reply being on different frequencies. TRANSPONDER CODES(See CODES.) Pilot/Controller Glossary 2/14/08 PCG T-7

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发表于 2008-12-21 20:40:35 |只看该作者
TRIAL PLAN- A proposed amendment which utilizes automation to analyze and display potential conflicts along the predicted trajectory of the selected aircraft. TRSA(See TERMINAL RADAR SERVICE AREA.) TSD(See TRAFFIC SITUATION DISPLAY.) TURBOJET AIRCRAFT- An aircraft having a jet engine in which the energy of the jet operates a turbine which in turn operates the air compressor. TURBOPROP AIRCRAFT- An aircraft having a jet engine in which the energy of the jet operates a turbine which drives the propeller. TURN ANTICIPATION- (maneuver anticipation). TVOR(See TERMINAL-VERY HIGH FREQUENCY OMNIDIRECTIONAL RANGE STATION.) TWEB(See TRANSCRIBED WEATHER BROADCAST.) TWO-WAY RADIO COMMUNICATIONS FAIL- URE(See LOST COMMUNICATIONS.) Pilot/Controller Glossary 2/14/08 PCG U-1

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发表于 2008-12-21 20:40:46 |只看该作者
U UDF(See DIRECTION FINDER.) UHF(See ULTRAHIGH FREQUENCY.) ULTRAHIGH FREQUENCY- The frequency band between 300 and 3,000 MHz. The bank of radio frequencies used for military air/ground voice communications. In some instances this may go as low as 225 MHz and still be referred to as UHF. ULTRALIGHT VEHICLE- An aeronautical vehicle operated for sport or recreational purposes which does not require FAA registration, an airworthiness certificate, nor pilot certification. They are primarily single occupant vehicles, although some two-place vehicles are authorized for training purposes. Operation of an ultralight vehicle in certain airspace requires authorization from ATC. (Refer to 14 CFR Part 103.) UNABLE- Indicates inability to comply with a specific instruction, request, or clearance. UNASSOCIATED- A radar target that does not display a data block with flight identification and altitude information. (See ASSOCIATED.) UNDER THE HOOD- Indicates that the pilot is using a hood to restrict visibility outside the cockpit while simulating instrument flight. An appropriately rated pilot is required in the other control seat while this operation is being conducted. (Refer to 14 CFR Part 91.) UNFROZEN- The Scheduled Time of Arrival (STA) tags, which are still being rescheduled by traffic management advisor (TMA) calculations. The aircraft will remain unfrozen until the time the corresponding estimated time of arrival (ETA) tag passes the preset freeze horizon for that aircraft's stream class. At this point the automatic rescheduling will stop, and the STA becomes “frozen.” UNICOM- A nongovernment communication facil- ity which may provide airport information at certain airports. Locations and frequencies of UNICOMs are shown on aeronautical charts and publications. (See AIRPORT/FACILITY DIRECTORY.) (Refer to AIM.) UNPUBLISHED ROUTE- A route for which no minimum altitude is published or charted for pilot use. It may include a direct route between NAVAIDs, a radial, a radar vector, or a final approach course beyond the segments of an instrument approach procedure. (See PUBLISHED ROUTE.) (See ROUTE.) UNRELIABLE (GPS/WAAS)- An advisory to pilots indicating the expected level of service of the GPS and/or WAAS may not be available. Pilots must then determine the adequacy of the signal for desired use. UPWIND LEG(See TRAFFIC PATTERN.) URET(See USER REQUEST EVALUATION TOOL.) URGENCY- A condition of being concerned about safety and of requiring timely but not immediate assistance; a potential distress condition. (See ICAO term URGENCY.) URGENCY [ICAO]- A condition concerning the safety of an aircraft or other vehicle, or of person on board or in sight, but which does not require immediate assistance. USAFIB(See ARMY AVIATION FLIGHT INFORMATION BULLETIN.) USER REQUEST EVALUATION TOOL (URET)- User Request Evaluation Tool is an automated tool provided at each Radar Associate position in selected En Route facilities. This tool utilizes flight and radar data to determine present and future trajectories for all active and proposal aircraft and provides enhanced, automated flight data management. UVDF(See DIRECTION FINDER.) Pilot/Controller Glossary 2/14/08 PCG V-1

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发表于 2008-12-21 20:40:56 |只看该作者
V VASI(See VISUAL APPROACH SLOPE INDICATOR.) VCOA(See VISUAL CLIMB OVER AIRPORT.) VDF(See DIRECTION FINDER.) VDP(See VISUAL DESCENT POINT.) VECTOR- A heading issued to an aircraft to provide navigational guidance by radar. (See ICAO term RADAR VECTORING.) VERIFY- Request confirmation of information; e.g., “verify assigned altitude.” VERIFY SPECIFIC DIRECTION OF TAKEOFF (OR TURNS AFTER TAKEOFF)- Used by ATC to ascertain an aircraft's direction of takeoff and/or direction of turn after takeoff. It is normally used for IFR departures from an airport not having a control tower. When direct communication with the pilot is not possible, the request and information may be relayed through an FSS, dispatcher, or by other means. (See IFR TAKEOFF MINIMUMS AND DEPARTURE PROCEDURES.) VERTEX- The last fix adapted on the arrival speed segments. Normally, it will be the outer marker of the runway in use. However, it may be the actual threshold or other suitable common point on the approach path for the particular runway configura- tion.

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发表于 2008-12-21 20:41:04 |只看该作者
VERTEX TIME OF ARRIVAL- A calculated time of aircraft arrival over the adapted vertex for the runway configuration in use. The time is calculated via the optimum flight path using adapted speed segments. VERTICAL NAVIGATION (VNAV)– A function of area navigation (RNAV) equipment which calculates, displays, and provides vertical guidance to a profile or path. VERTICAL SEPARATION- Separation established by assignment of different altitudes or flight levels. (See SEPARATION.) (See ICAO term VERTICAL SEPARATION.) VERTICAL SEPARATION [ICAO]- Separation between aircraft expressed in units of vertical distance. VERTICAL TAKEOFF AND LANDING AIR- CRAFT- Aircraft capable of vertical climbs and/or descents and of using very short runways or small areas for takeoff and landings. These aircraft include, but are not limited to, helicopters. (See SHORT TAKEOFF AND LANDING AIRCRAFT.) VERY HIGH FREQUENCY- The frequency band between 30 and 300 MHz. Portions of this band, 108 to 118 MHz, are used for certain NAVAIDs; 118 to 136 MHz are used for civil air/ground voice communications. Other frequencies in this band are used for purposes not related to air traffic control. VERY HIGH FREQUENCY OMNIDIRECTION- AL RANGE STATION(See VOR.) VERY LOW FREQUENCY- The frequency band between 3 and 30 kHz. VFR(See VISUAL FLIGHT RULES.) VFR AIRCRAFT- An aircraft conducting flight in accordance with visual flight rules. (See VISUAL FLIGHT RULES.) VFR CONDITIONS- Weather conditions equal to or better than the minimum for flight under visual flight rules. The term may be used as an ATC clearance/instruction only when: a. An IFR aircraft requests a climb/descent in VFR conditions. b. The clearance will result in noise abatement benefits where part of the IFR departure route does not conform to an FAA approved noise abatement route or altitude.

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发表于 2008-12-21 20:41:11 |只看该作者
c. A pilot has requested a practice instrument approach and is not on an IFR flight plan. Note:_All pilots receiving this authorization must comply with the VFR visibility and distance from cloud criteria in 14 CFR Part 91. Use of the term does not relieve controllers of their responsibility to separate aircraft in Class B and Class C airspace or TRSAs as required by FAAO JO 7110.65. When Pilot/Controller Glossary 2/14/08 PCG V-2 used as an ATC clearance/instruction, the term may be abbreviated “VFR;” e.g., “MAINTAIN VFR,” “CLIMB/DESCEND VFR,” etc. VFR FLIGHT(See VFR AIRCRAFT.) VFR MILITARY TRAINING ROUTES- Routes used by the Department of Defense and associated Reserve and Air Guard units for the purpose of conducting low-altitude navigation and tactical training under VFR below 10,000 feet MSL at airspeeds in excess of 250 knots IAS. VFR NOT RECOMMENDED- An advisory provided by a flight service station to a pilot during a preflight or inflight weather briefing that flight under visual flight rules is not recommended. To be given when the current and/or forecast weather conditions are at or below VFR minimums. It does not abrogate the pilot's authority to make his/her own decision. VFR-ON-TOP- ATC authorization for an IFR aircraft to operate in VFR conditions at any appropriate VFR altitude (as specified in 14 CFR and as restricted by ATC). A pilot receiving this authorization must comply with the VFR visibility, distance from cloud criteria, and the minimum IFR altitudes specified in 14 CFR Part 91. The use of this term does not relieve controllers of their responsibil- ity to separate aircraft in Class B and Class C airspace or TRSAs as required by FAAO JO 7110.65. VFR TERMINAL AREA CHARTS(See AERONAUTICAL CHART.) VFR WAYPOINT(See WAYPOINT.) VHF(See VERY HIGH FREQUENCY.) VHF OMNIDIRECTIONAL RANGE/TACTICAL AIR NAVIGATION(See VORTAC.)

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