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hydroplaning [复制链接]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2009-11-10 13:13:07 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
1) hydroplaning 滑水 1. When a vehicle is running along a wet runway, the phenomenon of hydroplaning might happen,and when this occurs, the vehicle will lose its orientation in direction, leading to disasters. 轮式车辆或起降的飞机在积水的跑道上行驶或滑行时 ,会因滑水而导致失去行驶方向 ,其危害是相当严重的。 2) viscous hydroplaning 黏性滑水 1. The viscous hydroplaning of tread was modeled and analyzed. 该文把轮胎的黏性滑水现象模拟为轮胎胎面单元和粗糙路面之间的挤压、动压膜问题。 3) dynamic hydroplaning 动力滑水 4) lubrication water film 润滑水膜 5) hydroplaning 滑水现象 1. Using ADAMS software to create the motional simulation model on hydroplaning and from simulation experiments,a lot of dynamic parameters are obtained. 以ADAMS软件为平台,创建了滑水现象的动态仿真模型,通过仿真实验,得到了大量的动态参数,实现了用计算机仿真实验代替具有破坏性物理实验的方法
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