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海军军语词汇翻译(十) [复制链接]

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发表于 2009-11-17 09:13:43 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
裝載與污底工況管理 load and fouling hull operating mode management
裝載種類 stowage category
裝造沈箱乾塢 caisson dock; caisson dry dock
樁標 beacon pile
樁標船;燈標船 beacon boat
樁錘擊子 ram pile hammer
樁頂堤頂覆蓋物;樁帽;接箍 cap
樁基繫泊塔 piled mooring tower
樁基擁壁式碼頭 quay wall with relieving platform raft pile
狀況監視器 condition monitor
狀況警報 condition alarm
狀況圖 situation map
狀況詢問 status enquiry
狀況指示器 condition indicator
撞鎚張力機 ram tensioner
撞擊 percussion
撞擊鑽探 perscussion boring
追償 recovery
追償代理人 recovery agent
追償利益 interest on recoveries
追償權 right of recovery
追償所得額 credit given for recovery {= c.g.f.rec.}
追加會費 supplementary call
追越聲號 overtaking sound signal
追逐網 drive-in net; tuck net
追逐網具 push net
追逐網恐嚇棒 tuck pole
追蹤;追瞄 tracking
追蹤速度 follow-up speed
追蹤系統 follow-up system
椎套結 marline spike hitch
錐尖相連 apexes together
錐尖向上 apex upwards
錐尖向下 apex downwards
錐形導槽 conic guide
錐形帆布桅套;新兵 boot
錐形角膜{魚病} keratokonus
墜球;球狀壓艙物 ballast ball
準備金帳戶 reserve account
準備進廠大修 REOVHL
準備射擊;預備 REP
準浮游生物 hemiplankton; meroplankton
濁點;曇點 cloud point
濁度儀 turbidimeter
姿態角;仰角 attitude angle
資料庫可用率 database availability ratio
資料庫有效比率 database effectiveness ratio
資料配送計畫 data distribution plan
資深兵類{兵階} right arm rating {rate}
資深值更官;參謀值更官 SWO
資訊處理機 information processing machine
資訊發送臺 information sending station
資訊接收臺 information receiving station
資訊流 information flow
資源 resources
資源保護 conservation of resources
資源量 abundance of population; population size
資源量力學 population dynamics
資源量指數 population size index
鯔;烏魚 mullet
鯔魚養殖 gray mullet culture
子程序 sub-program
子母鐘 primary-secondary clocks
子午迴轉儀 meridian gyro
子午線下半部 lower branch of meridian
子午儀;中星儀 meridian instrument
子午儀系統 Transit system
姊妹船條款 sister ship clause
紫菜;海苔乾 dried laver
紫外光燈殺菌法 sterile lamp conditioning
紫蝦 penaeus durorum; pink shrimp
字母拼音 letter pronunciation
自…開始{拉丁} ab initio
自備助航設備 self-contained navigational aids
自差補償設施 deviation compensation device
自差曲線 deviation curve
自差係數 coefficient of deviation
自船識別碼 self-identification
自動爆炸 self-destructice
自動避碰系統 automatic collision avoidance system
自動並聯運轉 automatic parallel operation
自動撥號雙向電話 automatic dial-up two-way telephone
自動測量儀 automatic measuring instrument
自動承保 automatic cover
自動承保增值 peak cover
自動等拉力拖攬機 automatic constant tension towing winch
自動電傳試驗 automatic telex test
自動發聲浮標;自鳴浮標 automatic sound buoy
自動負載控制 automatic load control {= ALC}
自動航船布告系統 automatic notice to mariners system {= ANMS}
自動恢復原保額 reinstatement {= reinst.}
自動火警警報系統 automatic fire alarm system
自動火警警報與探火系統 automatic fire alarm and fire detection system
自動機製二重捲封罐 sanitary can
自動記錄圖 record chart
自動繫泊絞車 automatic mooring winch
自動減速 automatic slow down
自動鍵發設施 automatic keying device
自動解除並聯 automatic parallel off
自動空氣斷路器 automatic air circuit breaker
自動排洩裝置 automatic drainage
自動盤俥 auto-barring
自動噴水器與火警警報及探火系統 automatic sprinkler and fire alarm and fire detection system
自動起動空氣壓縮機 auto-starting air compressor
自動清洗過濾器 auto-clean strainer
自動掃瞄 auto scanning
自動探火噴水系統 automatic sprinkler and fire detection system
自動條款 escalation clause
自動停俥 auto-stop
自動同步設施 automatic synchronizing device
自動霧炮 automatic fog gun
自動顯示儀 automatic display instrument
自動續保條款 Tacit Renewal Clause
自動壓蓋機;自動壓榨機 automatic press
自動煙號 self-activating smoke signal
自動延繩機 autolongline machine
自動業務 automatic service
自動終止承保條款 automatic termination of cover clause
自動撞鎚控制 automatic ram control
自動撞鎚控制閥 automatic ram control valve
自動準平裝置 autolevelling assembly
自負額 deductible or ded.; underlying
自供式空調器 self-contained air conditioner
自航 self-propelled
自航式挖泥船 self propelling dredge
自核功能 self-checking function
自激交流發電機 self-excited AC generator
自己保險 self insured
自記風速風力風向計 anemometrograph
自家消化 autolysis
自留額 retention
自留淨額或停航退費 net retension
自留限額表 retention table
自留業務 retained line
自耦變壓器起動 auto-transformer starting
自清分離器 self-cleaning separator
自清濾器 self-cleaning strainer
自傾式受泥船{泥駁} self-tipping mud barge
自然地貌 natural feature
自然發生;自然發生論;生物自生 abiogenesis
自然耗損 natural loss; ordinary wear and tear; wear and tear
自然回淤 natural accretion
自然撚 natural twist
自然死亡率 natural mortatity
自然死亡係數;自然死亡率 instantaneous rate of natural mortality
自然淘汰 natural selection
自然吸氣柴油機 natural aspirated diesel engine
自身過失 contributory fault
自始全部註銷 flat cancellation
自行檢修 self repair
自行收艙裝置 self stripping unit
自營植物性浮游生物 autotrophic phytoplankton
自由港區;免稅港區 free port zone
自由迴轉儀 free gyroscope
自由活塞式燃氣渦輪機 free piston gas turbine
自由領航;自由引水 free pilotage
自由液面修正值 free surface correction
自由引水 exempt pilot; optional pilotage; voluntary pilotage
自走式起重機 locomotive crane
棕櫚 hemp-palm
綜觀[天氣]過程 synoptic process
綜合保險 package insurance
綜合保險單 package policy
綜合避碰決策 synthetical decision making of collision avoidance
綜合費率;全類運費;不分貨種運費 freight all kinds {= FAK}
綜合描跡 summary plot
綜合描跡板 summary plotting board
綜合描跡手 summary plotter
綜合性操演 MISCEX
總公司收到 original net rate to head office {= o.n.r. to h.o.}
總耗損量 wastage in bulk
總貨價收入 gross proceeds
總計 gross {= gr.}
總價值 gross value
總淨保險費 gross net premium
總括保險 blanket insurance
總括保險單 blanket polity
總生產量 gross production
縱定傾半徑 longitudinal metacentric radius
縱定傾中心高 longitudinal metacentric height
縱定傾中心在基線以上高度 longitudinal metacentric height above baseline
縱桁深度 girder depth
縱目 wale
縱目方向的網目 cut meshes
縱剖面圖 longitudinal section plan
縱穩度力臂 longitudinal stability lever
縱向衝距;船艏接近 head reach
縱向磁棒 fore-and-aft magnet
縱向浮面中心與舯距離 longitudinal distance of center of floatation from midship
縱向浮心與舯距離 longitudinal distance of center of buoyancy from midship
縱向振動阻尼器 longitudinal vibration damper
縱向重心與舯距離 longitudinal distance of center of gravity from midship
縱搖、橫搖方位基準系統 RARS
租金損失 loss of hire
租金支付 payment of hire
租期 period of hire
租傭人責任留置條款 cesser clause of charterer's liability
族;連 tribe
族群 population
阻礙雷區 nuisance minefields
阻擺索;穩定索 lizard traveling
阻攻攻擊 spoliling attack
阻留 detention
阻尼振動 damped vibration
組成 composition
組合駁船 integrated barge
組合駁船隊 integrated barge train
組合體 composite unit
組合透鏡;組合塔弧光透鏡 assembled lens
組織磨碎器 tissue grinder
組織索 textile rope
組織學 histology
組重複周期 group repetition interval {= GRI}
鑽孔海蟲 marine borers
鑽取岩心樣品 rock core drill
鑽探[油]臺;鑽探平臺 drilling platform
鑽探船 drilling vessel
鑽探平臺;鑽油臺 drilling rig
鑽探作業紀錄 broing log
鑽岩船 rock drill boat
鑽油設備 oil drilling rigs
鑽止裂孔 excavating holes alongside the wreck
最初彈群誤差 nitial salve error
最大[冰]結晶生成大帶 zone of unfavourabl catch
最大變化區 zone of maximal change; zone of mazimum crystal formation
最大波高 maximum wave height
最大測量深度 maximum measuring depth
最大誠信 uberrimae fidei; utmost good faith
最大吃水 maimum draught; maimum draft
最大持續經濟生產量 maximum sustained economic yield {= MSEY}
最大持續生產量 continued maximum sustained yield; maximum sustained yiled {= MSY}
最大持續漁獲量 maximum sustained catch
最大彈道高 maximum ordinate
最大高度 maximum height
最大經濟生產量 maximum economic yield {= MEY}
最大淨經濟生產量 maximum net economic yield
最大可能損失 amximum probable loss
最大起重量 maximum lifting capacity
最大燃油量限制螺釘 maximum fuel limit screw
最大射程 maximum range
最大提升高度 maximum height of lift
最大穩度力臂 maximum stability lever
最大穩度力臂角 angle of maximum stability lever
最大有效射程 maximum effective range
最大有效聲納速率 MEERS
最大漁獲量 allowable catch
最大預期損失 maximum loss expectancy
最低保險費 minimum primium
最低潮 dead neap; dead tide
最低低水位 lowest low water level
最低及預付保險費 minimum and deposit premium {= min/dep}
最低起動壓力 minimum starting pressure
最低穩定速度 minimum steady speed
最低穩定轉速 minimum stable engine speed
最低有效位元 least significant bit
最低照明強度 minimum luminous intensity
最高保險金額 peak location
最高潮 top of flood
最高階層 top echelon
最高氣壓表 maximum barometer
最高有效位元 most significant bit {= MSB}
最後合法航程 legitimate last voyage
最後淨賠款額 ultimate net loss {= UNL}
最後所知位置 LKP
最後違法航程 illegitimate last voyage
最惠國待遇 most favored nation treatment {= MFNT}
最佳負載分配 optimum load sharing
最佳航路 optimum route
最佳航速 optimum speed
最佳航線擬定 optimum routeing
最佳決定 optimum decision
最佳性能 optimum performance
最接近點 closest point of approach {= CPA}
最接近點距離 distance to closest point of approach {= DCPA}
最接近點時間 time to closest point of approach {= TCPA}
最接近之時刻 time of closet approach
最近陸地 nearest land
最可能船位 most probable position {= MPP}
最亮{金星} greatest brilliancy
最適持續生產量 optimum sustainable yield {= OSY}
最適度 optimum
最適密度 optimum density
最適生產量 optimum yield {= OY}
最適水溫 optimum water temperature
最適溫度 optimum temperature
最小測量深度 minimum measuring depth
最小距離 minimum distance
最遠返航點 point of no return
最終報告 final report
最終航向 final course
最終目的港 final port of destination
鱒魚 trout
左側船艦 next ship on the left
左舷 port side
左舷通過浮標 port hand buoy
左舷曳網法;左舷受風 port tack
左舷引擎 port engine
左向旋轉;逆時針旋轉 left-hand rotation
左旋柴油機 left-hand rotation diesel engine
左旋圓形極化 left-hand circular polarization {= LHCP}
左翼船艦 left flank ship
左右滿舵停船 rudder circling stop
左障礙浮標{左舷有障礙物警示浮標} port obstruction buoy
左轉 left-hand turning
作為標識用之浮子 head cork
作業報告;作戰報告 OPREP
作業吃水 operating draft
作業廢棄物 operational wastes
作業目標 OPTAR
作業能力 operational capability
作業區分{參照 operational category} operational category
作業時程表 operations schedule
作業研判;作戰評估 operational function
作業執行資料;作業成效資料 operational performance data
作戰;作業 OPS
作戰安全;作業安全 OPSEC
作戰補給基準 operation level of supply
作戰不受波及距離;置身事外距離 OSOR
作戰部隊 operating forces
作戰參謀研究 operational staff study
作戰操作評估組 OEG
作戰測試評估部隊 operational test and evaluation force
作戰儲備 operational reserve
作戰彈藥 service ammunition
作戰的;或已可使用的 operational
作戰發展部隊 operational development force {= OPDEVEOR}
作戰分析;作業分析{研究、研判} operations analyses {research; evaluation}
作戰管制 operational control
作戰管制權責機構 OCA
作戰管制中心;作業管制中心 OPCONTR
作戰管制轉移報告 OCR
作戰計畫 operation plan {= OPLAN; OPPLAN}
作戰記錄;作業記錄 operations log
作戰命令 operation order; operations order {= OPORD}
作戰受傷 WIA
作戰速率 operational speed
作戰物資的儲存地點 OSS
作戰系統發展 operational system development
作戰巡邏 war patrol
作戰研判;作戰評估 OPEVAL [= OpEvals]
作戰研析;作戰研究;作業研究 operations research [= operational research]
作戰用電傳打字通信網;作業用電傳打字通信網 OTN
作戰摘要;作業摘要 OPSUM
作戰戰備報告系統 operational readiness reporting system {= REDOPS}
作戰指揮 operational command
作戰指揮官 war room
作戰指揮系統 operational chain of command
作戰狀況報告;作戰狀況 OPSTAT
坐標變換器 coordinate conversion device
坐墩 lying on the keel block
座頭鯨 humpback whale
三軍聯合書刊 JAFPUB
[八字]雙錨泊 riding to two anchors
[保險]公司代理人 company agent
[保險]公司簽單 company signing
[保險]責任起訖 commencement and termination of cover
[保險人]不負責 not at risk; not on risk; no risk {= n.r.}
[保險人]對任一艘船之貨物保險責任限額 limit any one vessel
[保險人]對任一艘船之責任限額 limit per bottom
[保險人]責任限制 limit of liability
[保險人]自留額 net line
[保險人]自留淨額 net retained line
[貝]渦螺 volute
[艙面]值更官 officer-of-the-deck
[蟲類]群襲 infestation
[船]底 bottom {= btm.}
[船]擱淺 on a strand
[船]前進 nose
[船]全長 overall length {= o.a.l.}
[船]生命救助費 life salvage
[船舶]安全良好抵達 good safety
[船舶]建造中 underconstruction {= U/C}
[船舶]進塢;船舶靠泊碼頭;泊岸 docking
[船舶]修理中 under repair {= U/R}
[船舶]移動費用 expenses of removal
[船底]附著生物 fouling organisms
[船東]責任限制 exoneration from liability; limitation of liability
[船東責任互保協會]船隊入會 fleet entry
[船東責任互保協會]會費費率 call rate
[船東責任互保協會]入會船舶之最高登記總噸位 full tonnage
[船東責任互保協會]預付會費 advance call
[船上]煤艙口 coal hatch
[船體保單之]分項價值 multiple values
[船體保單之]分項價值條款 Multiple values clause
[船員]薪金條款 wages and maintenace clause
[船員]最低安全配額 minimum safe manning
[刺網等之]網片、件、枚 box
[搭載]船費 embarkation charge
[帶]纜[口]令 mooring orders
[燈塔]高潮面至燈光高度 height of light above high water
[燈塔]塔基至燈光高度 height of light above base
[電]碼分隔系統;劃碼系統 code division system
[電]碼相位 code phase
[電子]航海反制措施 navigation countermeasures {= NAVCM}
[吊]桿;浮木欄柵;欄油浮管;超重機吊臂 boom
[吊桿]迴旋絞車 slewing winch
[釣]鉤 hook
[對魚等的]標識 tag
[共同]海損承諾書 average bond; general average bond
[共同]海損擔保 average guarantee; general average guarantee; general average security
[共同海損]額外費用 extraordinary expenditure
[固]定[螺]距螺槳 fixed pitch propeller {= FPP}
[固]定聯閃光 fixed and group flashing light
[光學測距儀]瞄標 reticle
[廣幅]平底船 flat boat
[國際]衛星輔助搜救系統 COSPAS-SARSAT system
[國際]衛星輔助搜救信文 COSPAS-SARSAT message
[國際]衛星輔助搜救組織理事會 COSPAS-SARSAT council
[過]子午圈天頂距 meridian zenith distance
[海軍學校]見習生;海軍官校學生 midshipman
[海難]救助;打撈;救助報酬 salvage {= s}
[海上]漂流物;海難船漂浮物 flotsam
[海洋]或層狀態 stratification
[號燈]距船身高度 height above the hull
[河道]循中[航行] sail in the middle
[貨別]商品運費 commodity freight
[貨艙]乾燥證明 dry certificate
[貨物]出口或原產地 country of origin
[貨物]到達完好之淨值 net arrived sound value
[貨物]淨值 net values
[貨物]淨重 net weight {= nt. wt.}
[貨物保險]煤條款 coal clauses
[機器]故障條款 breakdown clause
[加拿大]突刺漁船 high line boat
[家畜]脫逃 walking off
[簡單的]流網 fly net
[艦艇]相遇敬禮 passing honors
[鯨的]噴水孔 blowhole
[救生圈]自燃燈 self igniting buoy light
[勞依茲]標準保險單 standing form; standing
[勞依茲]標準承保條 Standard slip
[勞依茲]標準救助協議書 Standard Form of Salvage Agreement
[勞依茲]海上保險人集團 marine syndicate
[累]積差率 accumulated rate
[倫敦保險市場]調查表 Option Request Form
[毛]細裂痕 hair crack
[美]陸空海軍聯合書刊 JANAP
[美國]聯邦港口工人等條款 Federal Longshoremen's etc. Clause
[美國]無執照之保險公司 non-admitted company
[秘魯沿岸的]鯖魚 caballa
[棉花保險]最高價條款 peak value clause
[年輪的]李氏現象 Lee-phenomenon
[企求]呼叫數 call attempt
[契約]不可能履行 impossible to perform
[潛艦]呼汲管艦行接近界限線 LLSNA
[潛艦]呼吸管航行接近界限線 LISA
[潛艦]潛航接近界限線 LLSUA
[潛水艦]物質核對簿 refit book
[潤]滑油輸送泵 lubricating oil transfer pump
[潤]滑油注入管 lubricating oil filling pipe
[商品]變質全損 loss of specie
[射]繩槍{救生} lyle gun
[生活]污水 sewage
[實堤]碼頭;突堤;堤{防沙、防波、導流} jetty
[水翼]巡邏砲艇 GH
[索賠的]舉證責任 onus of proof of claim
[網板架]頂部滑車 gallows block
[網口部的]浮子綱 bosom of headrope
[艉]踢出 kick
[位置線]移線誤差 error of transferring
[衛星]地面臺 earth station
[衛星]陸地電臺 land earth station {= LES}
[文書之]蓋印處{拉丁文} place of seal {= l.s.}
[纖維]定長式 fixed length system
[纖維]定重式 fixed weight system
[小海豹]潛艇 SEAPUP
[修理帳中之]領港費用 pilotage account
[壓]縮伸[展]作用 companding
[延遲費]非連續計算日 per like day
[曳繩釣]潛水板 depth glider
[乙級]船員 crew
[英國]1906年海上保險法 Marine Insurance Act 1906 {= MIA}
[英國]1909年海上保險{賭博保單法} Marine Insurance Act 1909 {Gambling Policies}
[英國]船舶保險經紀人協會 institute chartered shipbrokers {= ICS}
[英國]公司聯合保險單 combined company policy
[英國]海上保險法之附表 schedule to the Act
[鷹形艇]巡邏護航艦{美海軍艦型代號} E
[油]井位[浮]標 well's location buoy
[魚群]可見指數 sighting index
[漁網上的]浮子 cork buoy
[圓]筒形浮標 cylindrical buoy
[再保險]賠款成本 burning cost
[再保險]賠款率 burning ratio
[作戰計畫]附錄;勞伊茲船舶登記冊 appendix
「之」航計畫 zigzag plan
1/10示性波高 average highest one-tench wave height {H 1/10}
1/3示性波高 average highest one-third wave height {H 1/3}
1911年海事公約 Maritime Convention Act 1911
1924年漁船海上貨物運送法 Australian Sea Carriage of Goods Act 1924
1936年加拿大水上貨物運送法 Canadian Water Carriage of Goods Act 1936
1936年美國海上運送法 United States Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1936
1940-1945年勞依茲戰時建造船舶索引 lloyd's index of war built vessels 1940-1945
1940年紐西蘭運送條款 New Zealand Carriage of Goods Act 1940
24小時工作日 working days of 24 hours
8字形磁極圖 figure of eight polar diagram
A1海域 area A1; sea area A1
A1會議條款{美國運送冷凍肉類或冷凍貨物條款} A1 conference clauses
A2海域 area A2; sea area A2
A3海域 area A3; sea area A3
A4海域 area A4; sea area A4
A型構架式浮防波堤 A-frame breakwater
A型架吊桿 A-framed derrick
E型部隊運輸船 monster
H時前轉運 pre-H-hour transfer
J (A)保險單 j (a) form
J條款 j. form
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