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海军军语词汇翻译(八) [复制链接]

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发表于 2009-11-17 09:14:50 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
天體視運動 celestial body apparent motion
天文潮最高高潮位 highest high water level
天文定位 astronomical fix {= AF}
天文定向 astronomical orientation
天文現象 phenomena
天文子午線;天文子午圈 astronomical meridian
天線效應 antenna effect
天象圖 sky diagram
天災;不可抗力 act of god; act of God
天軸 celestial axis
田間試驗 field experiment
填地 reclamation
填積地;填積區;傾倒區 spoil ground
填隙棒 shim rod
填裝貨櫃 stuffing a container
挑選 pickings
條蟲 tapeworm
條款 clause {= cl.}
條紋浮標 striped buoy
條紋黑鱸 striped black bass
鰷 dace
跳板結 plank stage hitch
跳板著陸架 brow landing
跳目{編網} fly mesh
跳脫設施 trip device
跳脫線圈 tripping coil
貼岸礁 fringing reaf
鐵鉤 steel hook
鐵滑車 ginblock
鐵甲艦 monitor; BM
鐵梨木軸承 lignum vitae bearing
鐵鏈式網板 chain boark
鐵路港 rail port
鐵路起重機;軌道起重機 railway crane
停泊更 port watch
停船試驗 stopping test
停船性能 stopping ability
停供位置 cut-out position
停航保證 lay up warranty
停航退費 laid up return; lay up return; lying up return
停航退費{美國用語} lay up refund
停曳 avast hauling
停止;解散;肅靜 pipe down
停止承保 off cover {= o/c}; off risk
停滯蒸汽參數 stagnation steam parameter
停租;解租;離租 off-hire
挺桿裝置 tappet gear
艇筏乘載量 carrying capacity of craft
艇飾 macnamara lace
艇首鉤 bow hook
艇首索 bow painter
艇用輕便無線電設備 portable radio apparatus for survival craft
通播發射臺;全面廣播發射臺 collective broadcast sending station {= CBSS}
通播接收臺;全面廣播接收臺 collective broadcast receiving station {= CBRS}
通常吃水 ordinary draught
通風帽 ventilating cowl
通風與空調室 ventilation and air-conditioning room
通關 customs clearance; through customs
通過[他船]船尾 pass astern
通過湍流 passing through the rapids
通海船閘 sea lock
通海運河 sea canal
通航標誌 traffic mark
通航航道 navigable channel
通航水道 ship pass; ship canal
通話手 talker
通話完畢{無線電通話用語} out
通貨 currency {= cy}
通商航海條約 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation
通商口岸;條約港 treaty port
通信紀錄簿;通信日誌 communication log
通信閃光燈 flashing light for signalling
通信士 teleman
通信網控制艦;通信網控制臺;海軍通信系統;國家通信系統 NCS
通信網控制臺 NECOS
通信研究衛星 LOFTI
通信作業教令 signal operation instructions {= SOI}
通行權 right of passage
通用的;萬用的 universal
通用登陸艦 LSTS
通用登陸艦{後勤} LSU
通用登陸艇 LCU
通用證書 general certificate
通則 Omnibus Clause
通知方 notify party
通知卡 advice cards
同步橫搖 synchronous rolling
同步衛星 synchronous satellite
同步指示燈 synchro light
同步指示器;同步計 synchrometer
同潮時線 concurrent line
同等費率條款 parity clause
同等設備 equivalents
同類 in kind
同類的[危險事故] like kind
同類貨 homogenous cargo
同時付款條款 simultaneous payments clause
同文電文 common text message
同向撚 lang's lay
同心圓轉向法 method of altering course with a concentric circle
同型艦訓練 TYT
同型艦指揮官 TYCOM
同一責任制 uniform liability system
同意附加補償 further agreed
同轉 turn
銅鉛軸承 copper-lead bearing
桶;木桶 cask
桶鉤 barrel hooks; can hook
桶狀浮標 barrel buoy
筒;桶;琵琶桶 barrel
筒狀病 cloumnaris disease
筒狀活塞型柴油機 trunk piston type diesel engine
統保單 block policy
統計報表 statistical statement
統一部隊 unified force
統一船舶碰撞責任規定國定國際公約 International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law in Regard to Collision
統一船舶優先權及抵押權國際公約 International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to Maritime Liens and Mortgages
統一海上救助撈救規定國際公約 International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law with Respect to Assistance and Salvage at Sea
統一指揮部 unified command
偷竊 pilferage {= pilf.}; theft
偷竊及未能送達 theft, pilferage and nondelivery {= t.p.n.d.; t.p. & n.d.}
投保 insured against
投保全險 against all risks {= a.a.r.}
投保通知 noted
投標 invitation to tender
投餌率 feeding ratio
投棄;投棄[水中]貨物 jetsam
投棄及/或波浪捲落 jettison and/or loss washing overboard {= j. and/or w.o.}
投棄及/或落海損失 jettison and/or loss overboard {= j. and/or l.o.}
投射器 projector
投網 cast net; shooting; shooting net
頭胸甲區 regions
透光度;透熱度 transmittance
透明帶 transpanent zone
透明圖 overlay
透水框式防波堤 perforated crib breakwater
凸輪控制器 cam controller
凸式套座 padestal socket
凸緣[上之]槽孔 slot in flange
突刺類 impaling
突刺漁法 fish harpooning method
突刺漁具 harpooning gear
突刺漁業 high line fishery
突堤式浮碼頭 floating pier
突擊登陸艇 LCA
突擊點 thrust points
突眼症 exophthalmus pop eye
塗裝;塗刷 painting
圖號 chart number
圖上演習 map exercise
土鰌;泥鰍 pond loach
土壤調查 soil investigation
土壤顆粒細度 finess of grading
土壤空隙比 voids ratio of soil
推船 pushboat; pusher
推彈器;送彈盤 rammer
推頂 pushing
推頂操舵纜 pushing steering line
推頂船隊 pusher train
推頂架 pushing frame
推頂柱 pushing post
推頂裝置 pushing gear
推定全損 constructive total loss {= c.t.l.}
推定全損條款 constructive total loss clause
推斷損失 sentimental loss
推航式駁船 push-off barge
推計生長 calculated growth
推進器特性曲線 characteristic curve of propeller
推進設施 propulsion device
推進式 push type
推進特性 propulsion characteristic
推絕委付 rejection of abandonment
推理機 inference engine
退[出湍]灘 retreat from rapids
退潮流 ebb stream
退潮水道 ebb channel
退費核定局 Returns Bureau
退費條款{氣墊船} returns clause {ACV}
退關貨物 shut out cargo
退還保險費 return of premium {= r.p.}; returns {= ret.}
退還賠款 refund; refund of claim
退貨 shut out
退稅 draw back
退灘 retracting
退役;輻射劑量;須進乾塢之半機動修期 RAD
吞餌料 biting rate
魨科魚類 file fishes
臀鰭 anal fin
臀鰭;腹鰭 ventral fin
托[貨]板;墊板;板臺 pallet
托罐盤 lifter
托盤 saucer
拖靶 towing target
拖板裝紮 palletize
拖船 tow boat; towing boat; towing vessel; tug; tugboat; tug boat
拖船纜 towing hawser
拖船者之責任 tower's liability
拖帶長度 length of tow
拖帶責任 liability of towage
拖動馬達 drive motor
拖鉤牽引力 dragging force of towing hook
拖救索具 jaheemy
拖纜絞機 towing winch
拖鏈 towing chain
拖錨航行;浚深 dredging
拖艇 YMT
拖網 tawl net
拖網船橋 trawl bridge
拖網斜道 trawl ramp; trawl shoot
拖網作業 trawl fishing; trawling; trawling operation
拖吸挖泥船 drag suction dredge
拖曳;牽引 towing
拖曳船隊 towing train
拖曳浮標 warping buoy
拖曳及協助條款 tow and assist clause
拖曳力 drag force
拖曳設備 towing gear
拖曳舷燈 towing side light
拖曳作業方式管理 towing operating mode management
拖運費 haulage
託運單據;發貨通知 consignment note
託運人利益 shipper's interest
脫鉤 movable relieving hook
脫色 decolorization
脫水 dehydration; extracting with water
駝背{魚病};脊柱後凸 kyphosis
橢球體 ellipsoid
橢圓配汽圖 oval steam distribution diagram
橢圓誤差 error ellipse
橢圓型網板 oval otter board
挖濬區 dredged area
挖泥船;挖泥機 dredge [= dredger]
挖泥船{有動力} YM
挖泥船條款 dredge clause
挖泥船移錨機 dredge hoist
挖泥船自控程序 automated control system of dredging process
挖泥後船席 dredged berth
挖泥設施 dredging facility 
蛙人偵察登陸艇 LCSR
瓦斯清除證明 gas free certificate
膃肭獸 fur seal
膃肭獸獵業 sealing
外包裝 outer package
外補償法 method of outer compensation
外層 armor layer
外船席 outside berth
外檔;船體外的;舷外 outboard
外登陸艦區 outer landing ship areas
外港 outer barbor; outer harbour
外港錨地 outer anchorage
外觀檢查 observation check
外國裁判權 foreign jurisdiction
外國共同海損 foreign general average {= f.g.a.}
外海巡邏 offshore patrol
外海漁業 off-sea fishery
外海鑽油設備 off shore drilling rig; off shore oil drilling rig
外航道 exterior channel; outer route
外航路 offshore tracks
外界危險 extraneous risks
外科支援組 surgical support team
外來浮游生物 allagenetic plankton
外牽索 outhaul line
外沙洲 outer bar
外縮 external rate
外縮結 hanging-out ratio
外網 outer net
外袖網 extension wing; guide
外旋 outward turning
外旋網 stop seine
外洋潮 oceanic tide
外緣負荷支撐眼板 outmost load bearing padeye
外運輸艦區 outer transport area
彎銳緣 sharp bend
完成航行準備 in commission {= I/C; i/c}
完成時間處理 time processing complete
完好的價值 sound value
完全殺菌 complete sterility
完全運作能力 full operation capability {= FOC}
完全運作狀況 full operational status
完稅價格 duty paid value
完整水密 integrity of the watertightness; watertight integrity
萬向導纜器 universal fairleader
往返航程 round voyage
往返搜察 out-and-in search
往復冷凍壓縮機 reciprocating refrigeration compressor
往復式操舵裝置 reciprocating type steering gear
往西航 westing
網 net
網、綱等之揚起作業 hauling in
網板 board; otter board; trawl door
網板架 gallows; trawl gallows
網板鐵鏈 door chain
網艙 net hold
網船 net boat
網地 linnet; sling
網地結縛於綱繩 hanging net
網地緣邊之縫合 hanging net selvage
網端締括綱 breast purse line
網幅目數 boreadth depth
網獲性浮游生物 mesoplankton; net plankton
網間距 distance between twin trawl
網角測量 square measurement
網腳 half mesh; leg
網裾部分;帆腳 foot
網具的垂直網片{如定置網的側網} wall of netting
網具設計 net design
網口部網目 bosom meshes
網路控制中心 network control centre {= NCC}
網路協調電臺 network co-ordination station {= NCS}
網目 mesh
網目板 cowl; keevil; mesh bar; mesh gauge; shale
網目測量 mesh measurement; stretch measurement
網目連結;網目連接 mesh connection
網目試驗 mesh experiment
網目限制 mesh regulations
網皮叉綱;網板叉索 otter pendant
網片側緣縫合 cut join
網片端邊與端邊的縫合 clean join
網片橫列的綱目 clean meshes
網片加梁 piece dyeing
網深調節環 depth regulating ring
網式掃雷 net sweeping
網位儀 net monitor
網線 nettig-twine
網形 form of net
網漁具 net gear
網針 needle; netting shuttle
網狀責任制 network liability system
網狀障礙物 net-work obstruction
望遠鏡瞄準器 telescopic sight
危機處理及行為管理 crisis management and human behaviors
危險 risk
危險存在 attachment of risk
危險分級 classification of risks
危險分類 qualiftying category
危險海岸 dangerous coast
危險貨物錨地 dangerous cargo anchorage
危險貨物清單 dangerous cargo list
危險品 dangerous articles
危險品報告 dangerous goods report
危險品倉庫 dangerous cargo warehouse
危險品放置場 dangerous cargo yard
危險品碼頭 dangerous cargo wharf; hazardous cargo wharf
危險旗 red flag
危險沈船 dangerous wreck
危險天氣通報 hazardous weather message
危險物品;危險貨品;危險貨物 dangerous goods
危險物品標誌 dangerous mark
危險信文 danger message
危險藥品條款 dangerous drug clause
危險因素 hazard
威嚇集魚法;強制集魚法 intimidation for fishluring
威嚇漁法 frightening fishing
微孢子蟲類 microsporidians
微波[雷達]早期預警 MEW
微波測距系統 microwave ranging system
微波太空電子轉播臺 MISER
微波早期預警雷達 microwave early warning radar {= MEW radar}
微塵子養殖法 culture method of water flea
微處理機 microprocessor
微電腦 microcomputer
微電腦控制系統 microcomputer control system
微分調整器 derivative regulator
微裂 tiny crack
微細餌料生物之培養 cultivation of food microorganism
微細浮游生物;漏網性浮游生物 nannoplankton
微小底棲生物 microbenthos
微小浮游生物 microplankton
微小附著物 microscopic accretion
微小游泳生物 micronektonic
微藻繁盛 bloom of algae
蝛雷 limpet mines
韋力氏信號燈 Very's light
韋力氏信號槍 Very's pistol
桅頂旒旗桿{艦長旒旗用} pigstick
圍拖網 round hual seine
圍網;巾著網 purse seine
圍網類 environing nets
圍網漁船 purse seiner
違反 breach; violation
違反[保險]契約 breach of contract
違反[保險]條件 breach of condition
違反保證;違反特約 breach of warranty
違反保證條款 breach of warranty clause
違反誠信原則 breach of good faith
違反航行限制保證 breach of trading warranty
違反明示保證 breach of an express guarantee
維持[傷病船員]支計及治療 maintenance and cure
維生系統 life support system
維修廢棄物 maintenance waste
尾柄;尾鰭 caudal peduncle
尾柄隆起骨 caudal keel
尾叉體長 fork length
尾桿骨 urostyle
尾鰭 caudal fin
尾隨 shadowing; tail chase
尾隨行駛 following at a distance
尾索 tail rope
尾拖網 stern trawl
尾拖網漁船 stern trawler
尾渦 kick {of the rudder}
尾椎骨 caudal vertebra
委付 abandonment {= abdnt.}
委付通知 notice of abandonment
偽距 pseudo range
偽隨機噪音 pseudorandom noise {= PRN}
偽衛星 pseudolite
葦切鯊 blue shark
艉[受]浪擊 pooping
艉風 wind aft
艉橫纜 stern breast
艉跡 back track
艉接近法 astern approaching method
艉門 stern door
艉門跳板;艉斜道 stern ramp
艉先離 leaving stern first
艉向補給裝置 astern replenishing rig
艉向後倒纜 stern aft spring
艉向前倒纜 stern forward spring
艉斜跳板 quarter ramp
艉軸承 stern bearing
艉軸管潤滑油 stern tube lubricating oil
艉軸管填料函 stern tube stuffing box
艉軸管軸封油泵 stern tube sealing oil pump
艉坐 squat
緯度採用值 adopted latitude
緯度漸長比數差 difference of meridianal parts {= DMP}
緯度誤差 latitude error
緯度誤差校正器 latitude  error corrector
緯度修正值 latitude correction
鮪 tuna; tunny
鮪釣漁業 tuna long lining
未被租用船隻;中立船隻 free ship
未成熟的;發育未完全的 immature
未充分採捕 underfishing
未發現損失條款 undiscovered loss clause
未分類;未分級;未入級 unclassified
未付保險費 unpaid premium
未告知 non-disclosure
未決[賠款] outstanding {= O/S}
未決賠款準備金 outstanding loss reserve
未決索賠 outstanding claims
未決索賠準備金 outstanding claims reserve
未利用資源 unutilized population
未列於海圖上之暗礁 uncharted rock
未履行保證 non-compliance with a warranty
未滿期保費 unerned premium
未滿期保險業務;再保險業務 portfolio
未滿期保險業務之轉移 portfolio transfer
未能安排全部保險 failure to complete
未能定位之警報 unlocated alert
未能使用之損失 loss of use
未能送達之貨物 undelivered cargo
未申報之貨物 undeclared cargo
未申請續保 renewal not required {= r.n.r.}
未受精魚卵 green eggs
未送達;[船]失蹤 non arrival
未送達;未送交付 non-delivery {= n.d.; n/d}
未送交 non delivery {= non. d.}
未修後損害 unrepaired damage
位置燈 position light
位置浮標 position buoy
位置精度衰減 position dilution of precision {= PDOP}
位置穩定性 positional stability
位置線標準誤差 position line standard error
位置線梯度 gradient of position line
位置信號碼 position signal code
胃肉容物 stomach content
衛兵或哨兵 sentry
衛生水壓力櫃 sanitary pressure tank
衛星[基]導航系統 satellite based navigational system
衛星報況系統 states recording system
衛星標準頻時信號業務 standard frequency and time signal-satellite service
衛星船舶電臺;船舶衛星電臺;船舶地面臺 ship earth station {= SES}
衛星導航儀 satellite navigator
衛星定位 satellite fix
衛星都卜勒定位 satellite Doppler positioning
衛星防衛 satellite defense
衛星覆蓋區 satellite coverage
衛星廣播業務 broadcasting-satellite service
衛星軌道 satellite orbit
衛星軌道資料;天文曆數據 ephemeris data
衛星攪動軌道 satellite disturbed orbit
衛星曆表 satellite ephemeris
衛星曆書 satellite almanac
衛星鏈路 satellite link
衛星陸地電臺劃時多工頻道 LES TDM channel
衛星配置圖 satellite configuration
衛星氣象業務 meteorological-satellite service
衛星水上行動業務;水上行動衛星通信業務 maritime mobile satellite service
衛星網路 satellite network
衛星無線電測定業務 radiodetermination-satellite service
衛星系統 satellite system
衛星信文 satellite message
衛星星座 satellite constellation
衛星行動業務 mobile-satellite service
衛星應急指位無線電示標 satellite emergency position-indicating radiobeacon
衛星雲圖 satellite cloud picture
衛星轉發之海事安全資訊 maritime safety information via satellite
溫度補償 temperature compensation
溫度調節器 thermostat regulator
溫度開關 temperature switch
溫度限界 temperature limit
溫肭;獸獵船 sealer schooner
溫暖 warm
溫泉養殖 fish culture used hotspring water
溫水循環式 hot water system
溫燻製法 hot smoking
鰮;沙丁魚 sardine
鰮類之一種 allis shad
文蛤 hard clam; venus clam
文蛤繁殖 hard calm propagation
文書官 ship's secretary
文書士 yeoman {= YN}
文書士官長 ship's clerk
文意不明;曖昧;模糊度;不明確度 ambiguity
紋鯔 striped mullet
蚊鉤{擬餌鉤} fly hook
蚊鉤盒 fly book
聞距 range of audibility
穩定電羅經 stabilized gyrocompass
穩定迴路 stabilized loop
穩定控制 stabilization control
穩定控制增強系統 SCAS
穩定器控制裝置 stabilizer control gear
穩定器裝備室 stabilizer equipment room
穩度基準數 stability criterion numeral
穩度力臂 stability lever
穩度力矩 stability moment
渦鞭毛藻 pyrrhophyta
渦流室柴油機 swirl-chamber diesel engine
渦輪噴射引擎 turbo-jet
渦輪驅動 turbo-
渦輪增壓器波振 turbocharger surge
渦輪增壓器輔助鼓風機 turbocharging auxiliary blower
渦輪增壓器應急鼓風機 turbocharging emergency blower
蝸線;蝸旋 spiral
蝸旋試驗 spiral test
污斑白眼鮫 wite-tipped shark
污罐 dirty can
污染除外條款 pollution exclusion clause
污染危險條款 pollution hazard clause
污染影響 contamination effect
污水標準排洩接頭 sewage standard discharge connection
污水管路系統 sewage piping system
污水櫃 sewage tank
污水坑;油池 sump
污水損害 bilge water damage
污油櫃 dirty oil tank
烏鯊 leopard shark
烏魚子 mullet roe
烏賊 inkfish
烏賊;墨魚 cuttlefish
烏賊墨 sepia
吳郭魚 tilapia
無保險利益 no interest
無標誌 no mark {= n.m.}
無潮港 non tidal harbor
無燈標誌 unlit mark
無燈浮標 unlighted buoy
無釣遊價值之魚類 rough fish
無冬藏的魚 inexhaustible supply of fish
無短期利息 no short interest {= no s.i.}
無段 stepless
無段調速 stepless speed regulation
無法避免的損失 inevitable loss
無法避免的意外 inevitable accident
無法辨認之貨物 undentificable cargo
無防禦港;未受關稅保護港 unprotected harbor
無分攤條款 Non-Contribution Clause
無縫鋼管樁 seamless steel pipe pile
無浮力[塢底] fully relief
無腹柄動物 sessile fauna
無蓋燈 open light
無蓋貨駁 open cargo lighter
無蓋裝貨起岸駁船 open landing lighter
無功功率自動分配裝置 automatic distributor of reactive power
無光樁標 beacon unlight
無害通過權 right of innocent passage
無號碼 no number
無脊椎動物 invertebrates
無脊椎動物學 invertebrate zoology
無結節網 knotless net
無節幼蟲 nauplius
無節幼蟲前期 prenauplius stage
無纜索連結 non-line connection
無力[轉動] miss stays
無賠款退費 return for no claim
無清償能力 insolvency
無清償能力條款 insolvency clause
無缺點;時區誌 ZD
無人當值;無人化 unattended; unmanned
無人當值機艙;無人化機艙 unmanned machinery space [= unattended machinery space]
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