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海军军语词汇翻译(六) [复制链接]

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发表于 2009-11-17 09:15:38 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
陸上危險 land risk
陸上行動衛星業務 land mobile-satellite service
陸線費 land-line charge
陸用式 land type
路克第氏枝水蚤 odon leuckarti
濾水櫃 water filter tank
濾油設備 oil filtering equipment
濾紙測煙計 Bosch filter paper smoke meter
旅客;乘客 passenger
旅客登岸證 landing card
旅客流動保險單 tourist floater
旅客碼頭 passenger wharf
旅客權利 right of passenger
旅客上下船平臺 passenger's platform
旅客行李 passager's luggage
旅客載運 carriage of passenger
履帶式登陸工程車 LVTE
履帶式登陸砲車 LVTH
履帶式登陸人員運輸車 LVTP
履帶式登陸運輸車;兩棲運輸車 LVT
履帶式登陸運輸指揮車 LVTC
履行保證規定 compliance with a warranty
綠河魨 green puffer-fish
綠泥 green mud
綠色浮標 green buoy
綠色藻類 green algae
綠砂 green sand
綠星信號 green star-signal
綠藻紫色素 myxoxanthine
卵巢卵 ovarian ova
卵化槽 hatching trough
卵黃囊 yolk sac
卵黃色素 lutein
卵囊水腫病 dropsy of the vittelline sac
卵生 oviparous
卵縮病 soft-egg disease
亂石堆積;護岸塊石 riprap
亂真器 leopard
倫敦保險人協會 institute of London underwriters {= ILU}
倫敦保險人協會會員公司 institute company
倫敦港務局 ort of Lodon Authority {= PLA}
倫敦穀類貿易協會 London Corn Trade Association {= LCTA}
倫敦市場{指勞依茲及倫敦保險公司} London Market
輪保條款 rotation clause
輪捕法 catch rotation
輪蟲 rotifer
輪船航線證書 voyage certificate
輪船拖網;軍拖網 otter trawl
輪機管理 marine engineering management
輪索活結;活結;繩套 noose
輪替計畫 rotation plan
輪型兩棲登陸車 LVW
輪葉泵 vane pump
論吊檢數{計數} sling tally
論時租船人利益 time charters interest {= t.c.i.}
論時租船租金 time hire
螺 conch
螺槳橫向力 sidewise force of propeller
螺槳浸深比 immersion ratio of propeller
螺槳浸深橫向力 transverse force of propeller submergence
螺槳靜平衡 propeller statical equilibrium
螺槳空轉 propeller racing
螺槳流 screw current
螺槳盤面積 area of propeller disc
螺槳特性 propeller characteristic
螺槳推進船 screw propeller ship
螺槳轉矩 torque of propeller
螺槳轉速 revolution speed of propeller
螺距角指示器 pitch angle indicator
螺旋電焊鋼管樁 spiral-weld steel pipe pile
螺旋式冷凍壓縮機 screw type refrigerating compressor
螺旋式輸送機 screw conveyer
螺旋線蟲 spirocanallanus pereirai
螺旋藻 spirulina majir
螺旋鑽探 rotary drill boring
羅經液體 compass liquid
羅經針箱 compass binnacle
羅網;纏絡 enmesh
羅網類;纏絡類 enmeshing nets
羅遠A Loran-A
羅遠A接收機 Loran-A receiver
羅遠C Loran-C
羅遠C接收機 Loran-C receiver
羅遠C警報 Loran-C alarm
羅遠定位 Loran fix
羅遠天地波識別 identification of Loran ground and sky waves
羅遠位置線 Loran position line
邏輯閥 logical valve
鑼 gong
鑼槌沙;鏽鬚鮫 rusty shark
裸鰆 surf-tunny
裸麥保險條件 rye terms {= r.t.}
洛麗泰聲納浮標 LOLITA
落潮流 ebb and flow
落後潮 lagging of tide
落水;漂失 by the board [= overboard; to go by the board]
落水位 falling sage
落網 trap net
落葉松 larch
麻花管 swirly flow tube
麻蝦 metapenaeus affinis
麻芯 hemp core
馬達轉速誤差 motor revolution error
馬力限制器 horsepower limiter
馬利瓦禁令 Mareva Injunction
馬尼拉麻{樹} abaca
馬頭魚 tile fish
馬尾藻 horsetail tang
碼頭 quay; wharf
碼頭泊船容量 berthing accommodation
碼頭船席 quay berth
碼頭費;船席費 berthage
碼頭費{稅} pierage; quay dues; quayage; wharfage
碼頭工會 longshoremen union
碼頭工人 longshoreman; quay man
碼頭工人;船塢工人 dock labor [= docker]
碼頭工人領班 stevedore foreman
碼頭工人陸上班 pier crew
碼頭工人災害防護公約 protection against dockers convention
碼頭工人裝卸隊 longshoreman gang
碼頭管理員 berth apron clerk
碼頭護木 camel
碼頭及港口工人責任 longshoremen's and harbour worker's liability {= l.s.h.w. liab.}
碼頭交貨;碼頭交價 at the dock
碼頭經營人;碼頭管理人 warehouseman [= wharfinger]
碼頭理貨領班 dock boss
碼頭所有人責任 dock owner's liability {= d.o.l.}; wharf-owner' liability {= w.o.l.}
碼頭條款 jetty clause
碼頭通棧屋頂起貨桿{美} cargo mast
碼頭線;沿海公路線 bund line
碼頭延滯費 wharf demurrage
碼頭營運量;吞吐量 berth throughput
碼頭圓角處所裝設之護舷 fender at curved corner
碼頭至碼頭 quay to quay
碼頭終站設備 terminal facilities
碼頭裝卸工人 contract stevedore; stevedore
埋纜機 cable burying machine
買方利益 buyer's interest
脈八定位系統 pulse 8 positioning system
脈衝渦輪增壓 pulse turbocharging
脈衝轉換器增壓 pulse converter supercharging
脈動磁場 pulsating magnetic field
麥[卡托]氏海圖 Mercator chart
賣方利益 seller's interest
賣方留置權 lien of the seller
鰻 eel
鰻草{水草的一種} eel grass
鰻叉 eel-fork
鰻苗 eel larvae
鰻鯰 stinging catfish
鰻搔鉤 eel hook
滿舵角 hard-over angle
滿期為止 run off
滿載艙間 filled compartment
滿載吃水 deep draught; full draft; full draught; full load draft; full load draught; gage; gauge; load draft; load draught; loaded or fully loaded draft
滿載量 full capacity
滿載排水量 displacement fully loaded; full load displacement
滿載水線;載重線 load water line
慢放[射擊] slow fire
慢閃光 slow flashing light
慢轉起動程序 slow turning starting sequence
盲發 blind sending
盲港{無導航標識} blind harbor
盲鰻 hagfish
盲目導航技術 blind pilotage techniques
毛保險費 gross premium
毛擬餌鉤 feather jig
毛蟹 mitten crab
錨、鏈合格證書 anchor and chain certificate
錨板 anchor plate
錨泊船 anchored vessel
錨泊試驗 anchoring test
錨泊中平擺 yawing in anchoring
錨蟲;錨蟲病{魚病} anchor worm
錨垂直 anchor up and down
錨錘;錨墜 anchor block
錨地;碇泊區 roadster
錨地防護 defence of anchorage
錨碇碇板 anchor wall
錨機室 windlass room
錨及錨鏈業經查驗 anchors and chains proved {= a. & c.p.}
錨纜標誌 cable mark
錨鍊收短 anchor at short stay
錨鏈環眼 bight of chain
錨鏈具 anchor and chain gear
錨令 anchoring orders
錨埋入 anchor embedded
錨位 anchor position {= AP}
錨與錨具檢驗 survey of anchor and chain gear
錨至錨孔{起錨完畢} anchor is up
錨抓著力 holding power of anchor
錨抓著力與重量比 anchor holding power to weight ratio
冒險 advanture
冒險開始;保險開始 commencement of adventure
貿易耗損 trade ullage
貿易理事會 board of trade {= BOT}
貿易理事會簽署代號 BOT Code
貿易理事會簽署代號卡 BOT Coding Card
貿易損失 trade losses
貿易條款 trade clauses
貿易限制條款 trading limit clause
貿易協會條款 Trade Association Clauses
沒收 confiscation
沒有據實告知 failure to disclose
沒有特別規定 not specially provided for {= n.s.p.f.}
梅花形推頂船隊 plum flower form pusher train
煤港 coal harbor
煤灰駁船 ash lighter
煤碼頭 coal wharf
煤炭由坑口運至裝運港間的運費 leadage
煤油試驗 kerosene test
每噸浬燃油消耗量 fuel consumption per ton nautical mile
每公分俯仰差力矩 moment to change trim per centimeter
每航次漁獲量 catch per cruise
每砲每分鐘發彈數 SPGPM
每人釣限量 bag limits
每日動態綜合報告 MOVSUM
每日漲落潮漸次延後時間 daily retardation of tide
每月檢查 monthly inspection
每週檢查 weekly inspection
美國1936年海上貨物運送法 Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1936, USA
美國1972年港口及水路安全法 orts and Waterways Safety Act, 1972-USA {= P & WSA}
美國船舶保險單 American Hull Form {= AHF}
美國船舶保險單海損自負額 American Hull Form, Deductible Average {= AHFDA}
美國船舶保險組合 American Hull Insurance Syndicate
美國大西洋沿岸 Atlantic sea coast of the United States {= USA Atl.}
美國東海岸標準時間 eastern standard time {= e.s.t.}
美國港埠協會 American Association of Port Authorities
美國港口危險條款 American Port Risk Clauses
美國國防武官 USDAO
美國國家貨物檢驗局 National Cargo Bureau
美國海軍軍官學校 USNA
美國海上核保人協會 American Institute of Marine Underwriters
美國海特拉斯岬以北 United States North of Cape Hatteras {= USNH}
美國混凝土學會 American Concrete Institute {= ACI}
美國貨物兵險再保險交易所 American Cargo War Risk Reinsure Exchange
美國聯邦管理法 Code of Federal Regulatione {= CFR}
美國全損及超額責任保險 American TLO Disbursements Clause Income {= Am. TLO & Exs.}
美國石油學會分級 American Petroleum Institute Classification
美國外國保險協會 American Foreign Insurance Association {= AFIA}
美國五大湖及運河船舶保險時間 Lake Time Clauses (Hull) {= Lake Cls.}
美國協會船舶保險時間保單 American Institute Time Hull Form {= AITH Form}
美國協會船舶保險時間條款 American Institute Time Hulls Clauses
美國信託基金 American Trust Fund
美國漁船保險單 AHAB Form
美國支付費用及超額保險 American Loss & Excess {= Amer. TL & Exs.}
美海軍之艦船 United States naval ship {= USNS}
美洲大陸航行地區限制 Continental United States Limits
美洲鱸 bass
門 phylum
門形起重機;門式起重機 portal crane
門軸;跟軸 heel post
孟吸蟲 opecoelidae
迷宮與碳精混合密封 combined labyrint and carbon gland
迷入陷阱法 trapping method
密{機密的} restricted
密閉式 hermetic
密封辨證系統 SAS
密封性 leakprofness
密集塊冰 close pack ice
密集群 concentrated schooling
密集溯河 heavy upstream runs
密集通航區 dense traffic zone
密集魚群 heavy fish population
密碼 cipher
密群冰 close ice; close pack
覓食洄游 alimental migration
棉子油 cotton seed oil
免除 XMT
免除責任 discharged from liability
免除責任條款 cesser clause
免票旅客;木錨標;繫纜樁 dead head
免受損害協定 hold harmless
免責額;起賠限額;免除賦稅負擔之特權 franchise {= fch.}
免責條款 franchise clause
鮸魚;米血 nibe croaker
面對面飛彈 SSM
麵粉全險條款 flour all risks clauses
描苗器;收集器;集極 collector
瞄準點 point of aim
瞄準偏差 sight deflection {= ds}
瞄準線 LOS
瞄準線火網 line-of-sight barrage
滅光 absence light
滅火 fire fighting
滅火劑 fire extinguishing agent
滅火器 fire annihilator; fire extinguisher
滅鼠 deratting
民營造船廠 private dockyard
民有港;秘密港 private port
民眾暴動 civil commotions
民眾騷擾 aivil commotion {= CC; c.c.}
敏感元件 sensitive element
名目保費 nominal premium
明弧 lighted arc
明礁 exposed rock
明示保證 express warranty
明示授權 express authority
明細表;目錄表;一覽表;時間表 schedule
明蝦 penaeus orientalis
銘牌;名牌;標牌;標籤;標記 label plate [= label]
鳴笛標誌 whistle-requesting mark
命中靶旗 maggie's drawers
模工軍士{海軍軍語};填縫;填竅 pay
模擬試驗 simulation test
模式斷路器 molded case circuit breaker
模型;模式;式[樣] pattern
模組脈衝轉換增壓 modular pulse converter supercharging
摩擦伴流 frictional wake
摩擦流 frictional current
摩擦式捲筒 frictor drum
摩托艇 MS
磨光;擦亮 polishing
磨損 chafage {= chaf.}; chafing
磨損;轉向迎風行駛 wearing
抹香鯨 cachalot; sperm whale
莫爾斯碼霧號 Morse code fog signal
墨點病 ink spot disease
墨吉白蝦 metapenaeopsis morgiensis
墨吉對蝦 penaens merguiensis
墨囊 ink sac
墨西哥灣港口 ports in the gulf of Mexico {= gulf ports}
默示保證 implied warranty
默示條件 implied condition
默示義務 implied obligation
母船式作業 mother shiptype operation
牡鯨 bull whale
牡蠣;蠔;蚵 oyster
牡蠣罐頭 canned oysters
牡蠣卵 oyster spat
牡蠣養殖 oyster culture
木材[裝運]船 lumber cargo ship
木材護舷 timber fender
木材條款 timber clause
木材貯放池 lumber basin
木筏港 raft harbor
木排 wood raft
木排[筏] log raft
木紋;纖維;穀類;穀物 grain {= gr.}
木肢起重架 timber stiff legs derrick
木樁 wood pile
木樁護舷 wood pile fender
木樁束 framed wood pile dolphine
目 order
目板{編網用} bowel
目標;目的;使命;任務 mission
目標彈;靶彈 target projectile
目標方格轟擊法 target-grid method
目標分類 objective planning
目標分析 target analysis
目標獲得 target acquisition
目標接戰信文 TEM
目標情報中心 target information center
目標區 objective area
目標區反潛巡邏 target antisubmarine partol {= TASP}
目標物複合體 target complex
目標系統 target system
目標系統成分 target system component
目標尋獲距離 target acguisition range
目標優先順序 target priority
目標指定法 target designation
目標指示 target indication
目標中心顯示 TCD
目長 mesh size
目的地碼 destination code
目前挽住;拉平各纜 hold what you've got
目視彈著修正法 visual spotting
目視攻擊 visible attack; visual attack
目視戰術欺騙 visual tactial deception
暮光終;昏影終 end of evening twilight
鈉釩含量 sodium and vanadium content
耐航巡邏魚雷 LEPT
耐候 weather-proof
耐磨環 wear ring
南冰洋海流 antarctic drift current
南部黑鮪;印度鮪 southern bluefin [= southern bluefin tuna]
南方標誌 south mark
南方港口 southern range ports
南方魟 southern stingray
南極收斂線 antarctic convergence; antarctic convergence current
南美洲 South America {= SA}
南天極 south celestial pole
南緯保證條款 southern latitude warranty
囊網 cood end; purse
囊網;捕魚部 fish bag
囊網口力綱 bosom line
囊網之入口 bosom
囊尾索 draw line
囊尾索;囊尾綱 codend rope
囊尾網;袋括網;捕鱈繩;白麻細繩 cod line
撓腳類 copepods
撓性導波管 flexible waveguide
撓性電羅經 flexibility gyrocompass
撓性迴轉儀 flexibility gyroscope
腦下垂體 hypophysis
內包裝 inner package
內補償法 method of internal compensation
內部安全稽核 internal safety audits
內側鞍座輔索眼板 inboard saddle preventer padeye
內側附肢 prosartema
內側沿岸前線 inner coastal front
內底結構圖 inner bottom construction plan
內底縱材 inner bottom longitudinal
內港 inner harbor
內港船席 inside berth
內港航線 inner route
內港錨地 inner anchorage
內功率 internal power
內河船 river boat
內河航行 inland navigation
內河航行權 right of navigation in inland water
內河通用艇 RUG
內河突擊艇 RAC
內河突擊阻截分隊 RAID
內陸航道圖 chart of inland waterway
內陸航行圖深度基準面 chart datum for inland navigation
內陸水道避碰規則 rules of road for inland waters
內陸水道航行及領航 inland waterway navigation and pilotage
內陸水道助航標誌 inland waterway navigation aids
內陸水域引水圖 pilot chart of inland waterway
內陸運輪保險人協會 Inland Marine Underwriters Association
內陸運輸保險 inland marine
內陸運輸保險局 Inland Marine Insurance Bureau
內摩擦角 internal friction angle
內水 internal waters
內水船 inland vessel
內水面養殖 inland aquiculture
內水面漁業 inland fishery; inland waters fishery
內縮結 hanging-in ratio
內膛砲;外膛砲 subcaliber
內線航道 inside passage
能見度受限制;能見度不良 restricted visibility
能見距;視線範圍 range of visibility
能量調節閥;容量調節閥 capacity adjusting valve
能量係數{波浪} energy coefficient
能譜分析 power spectrums analysis
泥泵 dredging pump
泥駁 YBR
泥底錨地;軟泥[底]船席 mud berth
泥灰藻類 marl algae
泥灘 mud beach
泥炭沼澤 peat bog
泥土水 muddy water
泥線 mud line
擬鉺釣 hackle fly
擬餌 artificial bait
擬餌鉤 artificial bait hook; jig hook; lure; ripper
逆[電]流試驗 reverse current test
逆功率保護 reverse power protection
逆功率試驗 reverse power test
逆戟鯨 pilot whale
逆流;上游 up stream
逆流;退潮 reflux
逆流船 upstream vessel
逆流制動 counter-current braking
逆撚 converse twist
逆戧 by the wind
逆蝸旋試驗 reverse spiral test
逆轉聯鎖 reversing interlock
逆轉裝置 reversing arrangement
年產量 annual yield
年磁差 magnetic annual change
年度審查 annual audit
年級群 age group
年降雨量 annual rainfall
年齡檢定 age determination
年齡組成 age composition
年輪 annulus
年週潮 annual tide
年資袖章 service stripe
黏度自動控制系統 viscosity automatic control system
黏土;白土 clay
黏性卵;附著卵 adhesive eggs
黏液蛋白質 mucin
黏液性細菌{魚病} myxobacterial
黏著力;凝聚力 cohesive force
鯰 catfish
撚度 twist digree
撚數測定 twist counter
撚線 stranded wire
撚向 twist direction
攆漩 follow the eddy
鳥翅白眼鮫 black finned shark
鳥皮旗魚;黑皮旗魚 black marlin
鳥魚 common mullet
尿素分解酵素 urease
捏和機 kneading machine
凝膠強度 jelly strength
凝水式蒸汽渦輪機 condensing steam turbine
凝水系統 condensate system
凝水再循環管路 condensate recirculating pipe line
牛乳蝦 milk shrimp
牛頭魚{鯰魚的一種} bull heads
扭[轉]鎖[定]器 twist lock
扭[轉]振[動]減振器 torsional vibration damper
扭矩器 torquer
扭轉共振 torsional resonance
紐約保險協會 Insurance Society of New York
紐約核保人理事會 board of underwriters of New-York
紐約訴訟條款 New York Suable Clause
鈕式魚籤 Bachelor button fish tag
農家魚池 farm ponds
膿腫病{魚病} boil disease
暖機蒸汽系統 warming-up steam system
暖平流 warm advection
歐洲大陸 Continent of Europe {= Cont. of Europe}
歐洲及地中海區水道危險緊急通告 naveam
歐洲沿海安特衛普與漢堡間的某港口或自某港口出發 A/H. {Europe}
偶發事故 contingency
偶發事故之危險 contingency risk
偶合振動 coupled vibration
嘔吐袋 seasickness bag
爬貝類;扒抓 grabbing
爬升率 rate of climb
耙泥機 drag line
耙吸設施 drag and suction device
拍底 pounding
拍賣船舶 auction of ship
徘徊移動 wandering movement
排流橫向力 transverse force of discharge current
排泥管線 mud pipe-line
排泥設施 soil discharging facility
排汽系統 exhaust steam system
排氣淨化 exhaust purification
排氣器 stripper
排氣室 exhaust chest
排氣外殼 exhaust casing
排氣溫度 exhaust temperature
排氣煙度 exhaust smoke
排水能量 water discharge capacity
排水灣;排水口 discharge bay
排塢墩;結塊 blocking
排泄器官 excretory organ
排泄系統 excretory system
排洩法 draining method
排洩系統 draining system
排鹽率 brine rate
派更 set the watch
派遣;急件;快速裝卸 despatch
派遣前檢查 DI
盤俥 bar the engine
盤俥聯鎖設施;轉俥聯鎖設施  turning gear interlocking device
盤面比 disc ratio
盤繩機 line winder
叛亂 insurrection
旁波瓣回波 side-lobe echo
拋出;脫開 throw out
拋單錨 coming to a single anchor
拋後錨 anchor by the stern
拋纜槍彈實 LTP
拋留物{附有浮標之投海貨物} lagan
拋錨 let go anchor
拋錨備便 set the anchor ready for letting go
拋錨短距迴轉 turning short round with anchor
拋錨停航 bring to
拋棄 disposal
拋石防波堤 rubble mound breakwater
拋擲轟炸 toss bombing
跑步 on the double
泡沫滅火系統 foam fire extinguishing system
砲彈庫 shell room
砲口塞 tompion
砲口卸彈;清膛 unload throught the muzzle
砲口罩 muzzle bag
砲塔 turret
砲塔砲 turret guns
砲員的送彈手;展翼 spademan
胚胎[期]的 emgryonic
培養液 culture media
賠款給付 payment of claims
賠款率 loss ratio
賠款受領人條款 loss payee clause
賠款選擇 settlement option
賠款準備金 claims reserve; loss reserve
賠款總結報表 summary form
配電板;配電盤 switch board
配對臺 station pair
配對條款 pair and set clause
配合;相配 matching
配合件 matching member
配合飼料 compound feed; formula feed
配件;備用零件 spare parts
配汽調整 steam distribution adjustment
配汽設施 steam distribution device
配重;衡重 counter weight [= counterweight]
噴[水]頭 sprinkler
噴泡沫塑膠浮升 raising by injection plastic foam
噴汽清除[有害]氣體系統 steam ejector gas-freeing system
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