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海军军语词汇翻译(五) [复制链接]

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发表于 2009-11-17 09:16:02 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
監工 superintendent
監聽;監視[器];監測器;檢驗放射能;固定式救火龍頭 monitor
監聽檢驗放射能;校音檢驗放射能 MON
鰹節;柴魚 bonito stick
鰹魚 barrilete; striped tuna
剪鰭標記法 fin clipping
剪式吊桿 shear legs derrick
減除部分浮力{乾船塢底} partial relief
減目 decreasing mesh; stole meshes
減目;[拖網的]背網 bating
減輕保險人責任 reducing insurer's liability
減輕船舶載重量 lightening a ship
減輕損失 minimising a loss
減速乾燥 decreasing rate of drying
減搖泵 anti-roll pump
減搖水艙穩定系統 anti-rolling tank stabilization system
減載波發射 reduced carrier emission
減載方案;減俥程序 load-down program
檢查表 check-off list
檢查船底 sighting the bottom
檢查代號 audit code
檢查分類 audit classification; audit category; audit classification {= aud}
檢查錨位 examination anchorage
檢查日期 date of inspection
檢查條款 inspection clause
檢卵 egg examination
檢沛井;檢潮站;檢潮室 tide chamber
檢束處分 under hack
檢索 hierachy
檢驗證書 certificate of inspection; certificate of survey
檢疫船 quarantine boat; quarantine ship; quarantine vessel
檢疫費 quarantine dues; quarantine fees
檢疫港 quarantine harbor; quarantine port
檢疫規章 quarantine regulation
檢疫碼頭 quarantine wharf
檢疫錨地 quarantine anchorage
檢疫期間 duration of quarrantine
檢疫區浮標 quarantine buoy
檢疫申報書 quarantine declaration
檢疫醫院 quarantine hospital
檢疫站 quarantine station
簡單循環 simple cycle
簡易賠償函 short form of indemnity
簡易戰術資料系統 JEEP
鹼液消化 alkali digestion
件散貨 neobulk cargo
見票後 after sight{= A/S}
建網捕魚部 bung end
建議航線 recommended route
建造達類似階段 similar stage of construction
建造入級 constructive classification
建制保養階層 OML
建制單位裝載 organization unit loading
建制的 organic
健康檢查 medical examination
漸加載重 gradually applied laod
劍旗魚 broadbill swordfish
劍鯊 saw shark
劍水蚤 tigriopus japonicus
箭柄魚 trumpet fish
艦岸運動 ship-to-shore movement
艦表時間;浪高修正;白色;西 W
艦船發射攔截導引飛彈操演 RIMEX
艦船管制 ship control
艦船合格協助小組 ship's qualification assistance team {= SQAT}
艦船識別燈 recognition light
艦船整體反飛彈防禦 SAMID
艦船直升機音響預測系統 ship/helicopter asoustic prediction system {= SHARPS}
艦戴長程飛彈系統 SLMS
艦隊;潛艦 SF
艦隊布雷艦 MMF
艦隊掃雷艦{鐵殼} MSF
艦規 ship's orders
艦砲連絡組 naval gun fire liasion team
艦砲支援 naval gunfire support {= NGFS}
艦旗移位換旗艦 shift colors
艦上朝令 morning orders
艦上彈著修正 ship spot
艦上發射彈道飛彈攔截系統 SABMIS
艦上發射之岸轟飛彈 TERRA; TRSSM
艦上警衛長 MAA
艦上武器協調官 ship weapon coordinator {= SWC}
艦艇編隊隊形 ship formation pattern
艦艇編隊序列 order of ship formation
艦艇編隊運動 ship formation movement
艦艇編隊轉向 ship formation course alteration
艦艇操縱術;駕駛術 ship handing
艦艇攻進指南 ship improvement guide {= SIG}
艦艇上之不假外出者;棄職離船 jump ship
艦艇整體電子作戰系統 SINEWS
艦艇主要裝備申請急送計畫 seerep
艦艇組織規程 ship's organization book
艦尾標誌 naval square
艦載空投武器裝置系統 SALWIS
艦載直升機延伸投送系統 SHEDS
江防砲艇 R
江河出口廣闊處 debouchure
江河流域 river basin
江心洲;江心島 central island
槳狀攪動器{製革} paddle agitatior
降[低]額[定]馬力 derating
降河洄游;下海洄游 catadromous migration
降河魚;下海魚 catadromous fish
降落標桿 landing beacon
降落地帶;著陸地帶 landing zone
降落信號官 landing signal officer {= LSO}
降雪 falling snow
將繩索穿過後繫住 pass a stopper
交叉方位定位 fixing by cross bearings
交叉軌跡角 cross track angle
交叉纜 crisscross line
交叉相遇情況 crossing situation
交船 delivery of vessel
交錯骨{水產};砲彈;彈兵部 ogive
交單付款 cash against documents {= c.a.d.}
交遞時間 time of delivery
交發日期 filing date
交發時間 filing time
交互責任 cross liability
交換業務;互惠業務 reciprocity
交會法 method of intersection
交貨後 after delivery
交接器 petasma
交配育種 hybridization
交通;業務通報量 traffic
交通安全評估 appraisal of traffic safety
交通調查 traffic enquiry
交通管制;航行管制 traffic control
交通管制區 traffic control area; traffic control zone
交通密度 traffic density
交通能量 trafficability
交通容量 traffic capacity
交通艇 traffic boat
交通網;通信網 network communication
交通線 line of communication; lines of communication {= LOC}
交織航行 weave
澆水試驗 pouring water test
膠結 gumming
膠溢罐 rubber exposed can
角度感應器 angular position sensor; pickoff
角偏差 angular misalignment
角型鉤;鉤引具 curred hook
角質鱗 horny scale
絞[湍]灘 having up against the rapids
絞車;吊貨機;揚網機 winch
絞電動機;操縱電動機 swing motor
絞纜滾筒 gypsy
絞纜機 gypsy winch
絞撚 crossing; laying
絞索機 rope spinning machine
鉸鏈連接 link joint
攪拌器 stirrer
攪動海底吸取挖泥法 dredging agitation
叫號電話 station call
較差測定 differential determination
較差觀測 differential observation
接班輪機員 relief engineer
接觸式凍結法 contact freezing
接觸損害 contact damage {= contact dge.}
接觸中斷搜察[法] lost contact searches
接地檢查燈 ground detecting lamp
接近受補船艏燈 truck light
接近受補船艉燈 wake light
接收點;受理點 receiving point
接收電臺;接收站;收容站 receiving station {= rec sta}
接收機靈敏度 sensitivity of a receiver
接收機選擇性 selectivity of a receiver
接收艦;受補船 receiving ship
接收無效之定置搜救衛星警報 GEOSAR invalid alert received
接受轉再保險人 retrocessionaire
接吻魚 gourami
階段{用於兩棲作戰} phase {amphibious operations}
階段活塞;塔形活塞 stepped piston
階級 rank
階梯射擊 range ladders
癤腸病 furunculosis
捷徑航路 short-cut route
捷聯式慣性導航系統 strapdown inertial navigation system
傑芝貝爾聲納操演 JEZEX
傑芝貝爾聲納浮標 JEZEBEL
結帶;繫繩{帆帳等} lacing
結點任務管制中心 nodal MCC
結縛釣鉤之枝繩 hook dropper
結關 cleared through customs {= cld.}
結關報告 report of clearance
結節 knots
結晶冰 crystal ice
截獲 acquisition
解除警報 white alert
解擴散 de-spread
解錨鏈 clearing hawse
解剖甲板 flensing deck
解剖員 flensing-man; flenser
解剖主任 chief flensing-man
解散號令;降旗號 retreat
解散線;回航線 line of return
解釋條款 interpellation clause
解體航程 break up voyage
解析慣性航行系統 analytic inertial navigation system
解約 cancelling
解約會費 release call
屆滿 expiration
界 kingdom; arena
界面;介面 interface
界限標 limit mark
藉流短距迴轉 turning short round with the aid of current
巾著網;網端 breast of net
巾著網;圍網 ringle tingle seine
巾著網等的旋網類之捕魚部 lower bag
巾著網端之綱環 davit loop
金帶花鯖 long-jaw mackerel; stripped mackerel
金工軍士 metalsmith {= ME}
金塊;銀塊 bullion
金鱗魚 rough soldier fish
金鰭 golden barb
金線紅姑魚 golden thread
金相檢查 metallographic inspection
金眼鯛 alfonsin
金魚;鯽魚 gold fish
金屬救生艇 metal lifeboat
金屬潛變 creep of metal
金屬製的浮子 bog
金字塔狀 pyramid shape
筋網;腹網 belly line
僅承保戰爭危險 war risks only {= w.r.o.}
僅賠償船舶全損或推定或協議全損 total or constructive or arranged total loss of vessel only {= t.c.a.t.l.v.o.}
僅限於火災危險 fire risk only {= f.r.o.}
緊固螺栓 fastening bolt
緊急 urgency
緊急;應急 emergency
緊急操縱 crash maneuvering
緊急的 urgent
緊急斷纜工具 emergency breakaway tools
緊急攻擊 urgent attack
緊急攻潛法 urgent antisubmarine attack
緊急航行危險報告 urgent navigational danger report
緊急呼叫格式 urgency call format
緊急警報 red alert
緊急警報;緊急警告 emergency warning
緊急攔截計畫 scramble plan
緊急氣象危險報告 urgent meteorological danger report
緊急簽發保險單以因應銀行押匯 bank urgent
緊急停俥 emergency stop
緊急停俥按鈕 emergency stop push button
緊急停俥距離 crash stopping distance
緊急停機;緊急停爐 emergency shut-down
緊急停機設施 emergency shut-down device
緊急通信 urgency communication
緊急通信程序 urgency communication procedure
緊急脫離 breakaway emergency
緊急信文 urgency message
緊急應變工作隊 emergency response team
緊急優先等級 urgency priority
緊配合 tight fit
緊轉配合 close running fit
緊追權 right of hot pursuit
錦鯉 fancy carp
錦鯉;鯽魚 golden carp
錦鱗蜥魚;狗母 lizard fish
近岸航行 coastal trip; inshore navigation
近岸砲火支援艦 LFR
近岸掃雷艦 MSI
近岸通航區 inshore traffic zone
近地點角距 argument of perigee
近海 near shore
近海測量 offshore survey
近海島嶼;離島 offshore islands
近海航行 offshore navigation
近海連接 offshore connection
近海平臺 offshore platform
近海區域 offshore area
近海漁業 adjacent seas fishery; offshore fishery
近海裝卸站 offshore terminal
近海鑽探作業 offshore drilling operation
近距戰鬥演習 short range battle practice
近日點前移 advance of perihelion
近似等高線 approximate contour line
近似等深線 approximate depth  contour
近星點前移 advance of periastron
近因[原則] proximate cause
浸灰法 liming process
浸沒式蒸發器 flooded evaporator
浸漬式凍結法 immersion freezing
進餐尖旗 meal pennant
進餐休息時間 meal break
進倉手續 inbound procedure
進出港部署 special sea detail
進出港信號 entering and leaving signal
進港稅;停泊費{英} groundage
進化;隊形變換;操演 evolution
進口 inward bound
進口報關 customs entry
進口補報關 post entry
進口水道長度 length of entrance
進口閘門 intake gate
進汽度 degree of admission
進氣殼體 air intake casing
進氣提前角 inlet advance crank angle
進氣滯後角 inlet lag crank angle
進氣裝置 air inlet unit
進入避難港 entering p.o.r. {port of refuge}
進水灣;進水口 suction bay
進退儎短距迴轉 turning short round by ahead and astern engine
進塢操縱 docking maneuver
進塢檢修 dock repair
進行波 translation wave; travelling wave
進閘操縱 locking maneuver
禁泊標誌 anchor prohibited mark
禁航區 forbidden zone
禁航區域 restrict area
禁漁期 closed time; closed season
禁漁區 closed fishing area; closed fishing ground; forbidden fishing zone
禁止 restraints
禁止船舶通航 embargo on ship
禁止敵船出入 hostile embargo
禁止進入 entrance prohibited
禁止民船出航;禁止民船出港 civil embargo
經保險人之認可 subject to underwriter's approval {= sub. uwrs. app.}
經常安全浮泊;一直保持安全浮泊 always safely afloat
經度採用值 adopted longitude
經度修正值 longitude correction; correction of longitude
經紀人 broker
經紀人承保單 broker's slip
經紀人出具的暫保單 broker's cover
經紀人簡名 broker's pseudonym
經紀人留置權 broker's lien
經紀人名錄 borker of record
經紀人日記表 broker's daily statement {= b.d.s.}
經紀人協會 brokers' association
經紀人之疏忽 negligence of broker
經紀人註銷條款 broker's cancellation clause
經確定之位置 resolved position
經施救而保全之財產 salvage property
經緯儀 altazimuth
精[密]校準 fine alignment
精度 precision accuracy
精度垂直衰減 vertical dilution of precision {= VDOP}
精度幾何衰減 geometry dilution of precision {= GDOP}
精度時間衰減 time dilution of precision {= TDOP}
精螺 trochus
精密接收雷達 precision approach radar
精密進場雷達;波尋標雷達 AR
精密掃描 precision sweep
精密水平測量 leveling precise
精密水平儀 precise level leveling instrument
精確定位業務 precise positioning service {= PPS}
精確碼 precision code {= P code}
精細胞 spermatozoa
鯨 whale
鯨肥肉 blubbermeat of whale
鯨類 cetacean
鯨腦油 sperm oil
鯨形動力艇 MWB
鯨型動力艇 motor whale-boat
鯨鬚年齡查定法 baleen record method
鯨魚水族館 cetacearium
井筒式碼頭 cellular type wharf
警報監視系統 alarm monitoring system
警報列印機 alarm printer
警報設施 warning device
警報網路 warning net
警報信文 alert message
警報資料 alert data
警告 warning
警戒區 precautionary area
警覺 look alive
警示號誌 cautionary signal
警衛長 master-at-arms {= MAA}
警衛長;衛兵 jimmy legs
徑向活塞液力馬達 radial-piston hydraulic motor
徑向流渦輪增壓器 radial flow turbocharger
淨保險費 net premium
淨浮力 net buoyancy
淨光合作用 net photosynthesis
淨化系統 purification system
淨化裝置 refining plant
淨賠償{不定值保單} pure indemnity
淨皮重 net tare
淨區 clear zone
淨生產量 net production
淨有效吸水高 net positive suction height
淨有效吸水頭 net positive suction head
淨值條款 net values clause
靜波 standing wave
靜航向穩定性 static course stability
靜橫傾角 static heeling angle
靜默區 zone of ailence
靜默時間 silence period {= SP}
靜水;艉靜流{航行時所起的艉靜流} dead water
靜水位上之波高;波浪最高點 crest of wave
靜水壓釋放裝置 hydrostatic release unit
靜水魚類 lacustrine
靜水魚籤 hydrostatic fish tag
靜態 static state
靜態定位 static positioning
靜壓力調整器 static pressure regulator
靜音 muting
靜止水環境 lentic enviroment
鏡鯉 mirror carp
競賽用划艇 racing cutter
糾察隊 shore patrol
鳩尾槽 dovetail groove
九孔 small abalone; Taiwan abalone
臼砲架 mortar mount
救護駁船;救護艇 ambulance lighter
救護隊 rescue detail
救護艇 YH
救火設備 fire extinguishing installation and equipment
救撈船 salvage ship
救難服務;打撈業務 salvage service
救難工具 salvage apparatus
救難工作 salvage work
救難護航艦 CER
救難驅逐艦 rescue destroyer
救難拖船 salvage tug
救難小艇母艦{無動力} YRST
救難協調中心 rescue coordination center{= RCC}
救生;迴避;抵制;審訊;逃生 SERE
救生擔架 rescue litler
救生吊帶 rescue sling
救生吊籃 rescue basket
救生吊座 rescue seat
救生筏 balsa; life raft
救生閥急救箱 raft kit
救生浮具;打撈浮具 buoyancy apparatus
救生浮具浮力試驗 buoyancy test for buoyant apparatus
救生汽艇;電艇 motor life boat
救生潛艦 lifeguard submarine
救生圈燈 lifebuoy light; water light
救生圈浮力試驗 buoyancy test for lifebuoy
救生任務 lifeguard mission
救生設備 life equipment; lift saving apparatus
救生設備配備 carriage of life saving appliances on board
救生艇;救生巡邏艇 life cutter
救生艇筏;營救器 survival craft
救生艇筏電臺;營救器電臺 survival craft station
救生艇筏回收裝置 survival craft recovery arrangement
救生艇筏人員配額 manning of lifecraft
救生艇試驗 test for lifeboat
救生艇無線電報裝置 radiotelegraph installation for lifeboat
救生艇用羅經 lifeboat compass
救生信號火箭 life saving rocket
救生衣 life jacket; lift saving jacket
救生衣帶 presserver life jacket
救生衣浮力試驗 buoyancy test for life-jacket
救生員 hot poppa; hot suitman; life preserver
救生站 life saving station {= LSS}
救助保證 salvage guarantee
救助報酬 salvage remuneration
救助泵 salvage pump
救助單位 rescue unit {= RU}
救助費留置權 lien for salvage
救助費用 slavage charges {= s/c}; sue and labour charges {= s/l}
救助服務 service in the nature of salvage
救助及追償條款 salvage and recovery clause
救助留置權 salvor's lien
救助求償 claim for salvage
救助損失 salvage loss {= s.l.}
救助條款 sue and labour clause {= S/L C}
救助效果 success in salvage
救助協會 salvage association {= SA}
救助協會帳戶 salvage association account {= SA a/c}
救助協議 salvage agreement
救助義務 obligation to render salvage service
就捕獲扣押除外條款 New FC & S Clause
就地指定{目標} local designation {target}
就位 on position
就位{海軍軍語} man
就位速率 stationing speed
就位運動 station-taking manoeuvre
就偵察線散開 spreading
居間障礙物 intervening obstruction
居上風;頂風;上風船 in the wind
拘留 arrests
拘留權;保留權 right of retention
拘束條款 binding clause
局部比例尺 local scale
矩形搜察 rectangular search
矩陣信號 matrix signal
舉槳 toss oars
巨大危險 target risk
巨虎蝦 jumbo tiger prawn
巨塊黏土 boulder clay
巨鼠火箭 mighty mouse
巨無霸起重機 goliath crane
巨型強力起重機 titan crane
巨災超額賠款 catastrophe excess of loss
拒賠 claims rejected
距離;射程基準艦;射程基準機;折射;右;巨浪 R
距離變動率 rate of distance variation
距離表;射[程]表;砲表 range table
距離差位置線 position line by distance difference
距離燈[導標];後桅燈;導航燈 range light
距離定位 fixing by distances
距離掃描 range sweep
距離推算 range prediction
距離位置線 position line by distance
距離指標;導航標誌 range marker
鉅大危險 jumbo risk
據點 strong point
鋸峰齒鮫 great blue shark
卷締輪廓不正常 abnormalities in the confour of seaming
捲邊校正管 flange rectifier
捲帆索機 brailling machine
捲封 rounded seam
捲封斷面投影儀 seam projector
捲封鬆弛[罐] loose seam
捲框滾子{沈子綱用} bead bobbin
捲纜鼓筒;捲纜捲筒 warp drum
捲輪;橫搖 roll
捲輪漕 roll groose
捲入波 plunging wave
捲繩機 line hauler; rope reel
捲繩器{曳繩釣具} gurdy
捲索機 hauling engine
捲網機 net drum
捲緣不平 uneven seam
決賠 claim settlement
絕對成長 absolute growth
絕對遲延 absolute delay
絕對管制 positive control
絕對機密 top secret
絕對計程儀 absolute log
絕對淨值 net absolutely {= n.a.}
絕對熱星等 absolute bolometric magnitude
絕對飼料係數 absolute food quotient
絕對最大損失 absolute maximum loss {= a.m.l.}
絕熱櫃 insulating container
均衡調節 equalizing regulation
均勻的;同一的 uniform
均質機 homogenizer
軍服線 yarn
軍官集合號令 officer's call
軍官離到職時間 proceed time
軍紀棒 night stick
軍艦 men of war; man-of-war; naval ship
軍艦常規工作 keeping ship
軍艦特性 ship characteristics
軍區日記 station journal
軍人禁入 out of bounds
軍士士官 petty officer
軍事管制 military control
軍事規格 military specifications {= MILSPEC}
軍事海運勤務處 military sea transport service {= MSTS}
軍事海運指揮部 military sealift command {= MSC}
軍事航海 military navigation
軍事交通管理與終點服務 MTMTS
軍事特性 military characteristics {= MC}
軍事校閱 military inspection
軍事指揮;軍事指揮部 military command
軍事裝備 military equipment
軍械 ordnace {= ORD}
軍械操縱程序檢查;軍械操縱程序檢討 OPRREV
軍械發送系統 transmission system {ordance}
軍械改裝令 ordalt
軍械檢驗表;軍械諸元 ordnance data {= OD}
軍械說明書 ordnance pamphlet {= OP}
軍械資料表;光學指揮儀 OD
軍需品;軍火 munitions
軍用船隊 military convoy
軍用方格[圖] military grid
軍用方格基準系統 military grid reference system
軍用品;倉庫;補給品 stores
軍職專長 military occupational specialty {= MOS}
軍種;服役 military service
菌性浮游生物 saproplankton
卡本特[再保險]計畫 Carpenter Plan
卡車上交貨 free on truck
開杯法試驗 open cup test
開採岩石 rock excavation
開敞灣 open bay
開底鋼管樁 open end pipe pile
開底卸穀斗 grain discharging hopper
開發度 rate of exploitation
開發率{漁獲} exploitation rate
開放錨地;敞開錨地 open anchorage
開放式 open type
開放式放水 open system
開放網絡 open network
開罐器 tin opener
開航權 right for sailing
開合艙底駁船;開底泥[污]駁船 hopper barge
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