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海军军语词汇翻译(二) [复制链接]

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发表于 2009-11-17 09:17:08 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
除役前物資檢驗 IMI
除油沫器;撇油器{撈油船} oil skimmer
鋤式挖泥船;鋤式挖泥機 back hoe dredge
儲備補給品 reserve supplies
儲存目標 stockage objective
儲存轉發;暫存再送 store and forward
儲彈臺;彈架 projectile flat
儲放捲盤 stowage reel
儲油駁{無動力} YOS
儲油船 oil storage tanker
儲油庫 tankage
儲油平臺 oil storage platform
處理器模式 processor mode
處理設備 process unit
處理時間 processing time
處理偷渡人國際公約 International Convention Relating to Stow Away
處理魚{去頭、內臟、鰓或腹肉} dressed fish
處女航 maiden voyage
處女魚群 virgin population
處於危險中 imperilled
觸地 touch ground
觸感器官 contact organ
觸及水底物體 struck submerged objects {= s.s.o.}
觸礁 strike on a rock
觸淺短距迴轉 turning short round by one end touch the shoal
觸沙丘 touch movable sand heap
穿刺培養 puncture culture
穿餌釣線釣鰻法 bobbling
穿孔 perforation
穿蠣貝;蚵螺 oyster drill
穿透雷達 ENRAD
穿透評估 ENVAL
穿針培養 needle culture
船邊安全護網 safe all net
船舶/飛機協作搜尋 ship/aircraft coordinated search
船舶[通信]業務 ship business
船舶安全工程 vessel safety engineering
船舶安全檢查 ship safety inspection
船舶安全營運管理 management for the safe operation of ships
船舶保險 hull insurance
船舶保險利益 hull interest
船舶保險聯營組合 hull syndicates
船舶保險條款 hull clause
船舶保險退費 hull returns
船舶保險要保書 application for hull insurance
船舶報告系統 ship reporting system
船舶避碰 ship collision prevention
船舶變更管理 change of management
船舶變更管理人或所有人 transfer to new management
船舶變更所有權 change of ownership
船舶變更註冊 change of registration
船舶標誌 ship's markings
船舶部分條理及未修理毀損 partial reparis to shipand unreparied damage
船舶操縱 shiphandling
船舶常數 ship's constant
船舶承修責任 ship repairer's liability {= s.r.l.; s.r. liab.}
船舶出售 sale of vessel
船舶出售條款 sale of vessel clause
船舶代理人 ship's agent
船舶到達 arrival of ship
船舶登記法 Law of Registry of Ship
船舶登記號碼 ship's official number
船舶登記證書 certificate of registry; ship's register
船舶抵押權 ship mortgage
船舶抵押債券持有人 bottomry bondholder
船舶電力裝置 marine electric installation
船舶電臺表 list of ship station
船舶電臺群呼識別 group ship station call identity
船舶電臺識別 ship station identity
船舶動力裝置 marine power plant
船舶動力裝置操縱性 marine power plant maneuverability
船舶動力裝置經濟性 marine power plant economy
船舶動力裝置可靠性 marine power plant service reliability
船舶動力裝置可維修性 marine power plant maintainability
船舶動態報導服務 shipping intelligence service
船舶動態日報表 daily list of movement of ship
船舶動態業務 service ship movement
船舶發電所 ship power station
船舶輔機 marine auxiliary machinery
船舶供應機構 ship supply facilities
船舶管理過失 default in management of the ship
船舶管轄權 jurisdiction over ship
船舶國籍 ship's nationality
船舶航路系統 ships' routeing
船舶呼號 ship's call sign
船舶互見 vessel in sight of one another
船舶迴轉力矩 moment of turning ship
船舶或船貨抵押 hypothecation
船舶貨物裝卸設備登記簿 register of cargo handling gear of ship
船舶機械通風 ship mechanical ventilation
船舶及貨物 ship and goods {= s.g.}
船舶價值 value of ship
船舶駕駛過失 default in navigation of the ship
船舶檢驗 ship survey
船舶建造保險單 Construction policy
船舶交通調查 vessel traffic investigation; vessel traffic survey
船舶交通服務 vessel traffic service {= VTS}
船舶交通服務站 vessel traffic service station {= VTS station}
船舶交通服務中心 vessel traffic service center {= VTS center}
船舶交通工程 vessel traffic engineering
船舶交通模擬 ship traffic simulation
船舶進廠檢修 dock yard overhaul
船舶靠泊系統 docking system
船舶空調 marine air conditioning
船舶扣押 seizure of ship
船舶冷凍裝置 marine refrigerating plant
船舶領域 ship domain
船舶旅客 ship's passenger
船舶買賣契約 bill of sale {= b/s}
船舶免賠額 hull franchise
船舶滅火 ship's fire fighting
船舶配備要求 ship carriage requirements
船舶碰撞 ship collision
船舶碰撞管轄權 jurisdiction of ship collision
船舶碰撞事件民事管轄國際公約 International Convention of Certain Rules Converning Civil Jurisdiction in Matters of Collision
船舶碰撞適用法 applicable law of ship collision
船舶氣象報告 ship weather report
船舶全額再保險 tonner reinsurance
船舶全損險 total loss of vessel only {= t.l.v.o.}
船舶全險再保險 tonner's risk
船舶適航性保證 warranty of seaworthiness
船舶適航證書 certificate of seaworthiness
船舶通風 ship ventilation
船舶推進軸系 marine propulsion shafting
船舶未能使用或其租金損失 loss of engagements
船舶衛星電臺識別碼 ship earth station identification {= SES ID}
船舶文件 ship's papers
船舶文書 ship's documents
船舶穩定器 ship stabilizer
船舶穩定裝置 ship stabilizing gear
船舶無線電導航 marine radio navigation
船舶無線電臺執照 ship radio licence
船舶系統 marine system; ship system
船舶協議或推定全損 compromised and/or arranged and/or constructive total loss of vessel only {= c.a.c.t.l.v.o.}
船舶修理費 repairs to ship
船舶移動業務 ship movement service
船舶以外之物體 objects
船舶與飛行器接觸險 contact with aircraft
船舶運動 ship maneuver
船舶再保險 reinsurance of hull
船舶戰爭險 hull war risk
船舶丈量 admeasurement of vessel
船舶證書檢驗紀錄簿 ship's certificates surveying record book
船舶種類代碼 shipbuilding codes
船舶軸系 marine shafting
船舶主機 marine main engine
船舶裝卸 stevedoring
船舶自然通風 ship natural ventilation
船舶總流向 general direction of traffic flow
船舶租賃 hiring of ship
船舶租用或使用約定 engagement of the vessel
船艙甲板;臺甲板;載臺 platform deck
船長不法行為 barratry of the master
船長海事報告 captain's protest
船長借支 advance to captain
船長就職證書 certification of ship master taking over command
船長退職證明書 certification of retirement of ship master
船長之詭詐行為;船長及船員惡意行為 barratry
船長之疏忽 negligence of master
船程開始 commencement of voyage
船磁 ship magnetism
船底塗料 bottom paints
船底校準 ship bottom alignment check
船底油漆 bottom painting
船東[防護及賠償]責任險 &I risk
船東對貨物之責任 shipowner's liability to cargo
船東防護及賠償責任 protection and indemnity {= P&I}
船東利益 owner's interest; shipowner's interest
船東留置權 shipowner's lien
船東申報單 owner's declaration
船東條款 owner's clauses
船東責任 ship owner's liability {= s.o.l.}; shipowner's liability
船東責任互保協會 Club
船東責任互保協會保留金額 Club Retention
船東責任互保協會會費 Club Calls
船東責任互保協會聯營組織之保留金額 pooling retention
船東責任互保協會入會船舶 entered ship
船東責任互保協會入會船舶噸位 entered tonnage
船東責任互保協會入會證書 certificate of entry
船東之疏忽 negligence of shipowner
船東之責任 liability of the shipowner
船東自費檢驗 owner's survey fees
船東自費修理 owner's repair
船隊[通信]網路 fleetNET
船隊保險單 fleet policy
船隊中落伍船;不假外出者 straggler
船對岸遇險警報 ship-to-shore distress alerting
船對船遇險警報 ship-to-ship distress alerting
船舵等不保條款 rudder clause
船航運管制 shipping control
船貨不分開條款 non-separation clause
船貨不分開協議 non-separation agreement
船貨押貸 bottomry; respondentia
船級標誌 ship class mark
船級機構 register of shipping; ship classification society
船級條款 classification clause
船級證書複本 copy of class certificate
船籍、船東或管理 flag, ownership or management {= FOM; f.o.m.}
船籍保證 warranty of nationality
船籍登記證書 registry certificate
船跡;航跡;航流;跡流 wake [= wake current]
船間相互作用 interaction between ships
船艦編隊隊形要素 elements of ship formation pattern
船艦編隊運動規則 regulations for ship formation movement
船艦間橫距 beam distance between ships
船艦間斜距 oblique distance between ships
船艦間縱距 fore-and-aft distance between two ships
船艦相遇圓 ship's meeting circle
船藉港 port of registry
船靠船轉貨 ranging
船口;升降口 hatchway
船齡折價 age depreciation
船名 ship's name
船名代字表 list of signal letters
船模系列試驗 systematic test of ship modelc
船內吊桿 inboard boom
船內端錨鏈節 inboard end chain
船期通知卡 sailing card
船旗國 flag state
船旗國法 law of the flag
船橋間通信 bridge-to-bridge communication
船傾側;傾船 careen
船上出航設備 furniture
船上工作班;海上工作班 deck gang
船上管理 shipboard management
船上事務長 purser
船上通信 on-board communication
船上通信電臺 on-board communication station
船上通信設備 apparatus for on-board communication
船上油污染應急計畫 shipboard oil pollution emergency plan
船上餘留貨物 remaining on board {= r.o.b.}
船身架;構架 framing
船式沈箱 ship caisson
船首護墊;船頭護墊{拖船等} bow fender
船首曳綱 fore warp
船速 ship speed
船速與耗油量條款 vessel's speed and fuel consumption clause
船臺;話器架;托架;船架{滑道設備} cradle
船臺[滑道] marine railway
船體保險 marine hull insurance
船體保養 hull maintenance
船體感應磁 ship induced magnetism
船體及機器等 hull and machinery etc. {= h.m. etc.}
船體及其屬具{機器} hull and materials; hull and machinery {= h & m}
船體結構改變 structural alterations
船體密性試驗 tightness test for hull
船體歲檢 periodical annual survey of hull
船體險退費 return of premium-hulls
船體阻力特性 hull resistance characteristic
船團的拖網船總稱 fleeter
船團組織 fleeting
船外軸承 outboard bearing
船尾側曳網 aff warp; aff after warp
船位報告 position report
船位差 position difference
船位精度 accuracy of position
船位橢圓誤差 error ellipse of position
船塢登陸艦 LSD
船塢工程;碼頭工程 dock engineering
船塢口關閉設備 dock closing
船席;錨地;泊地;泊位;空位 berth
船席規費 berthing dues
船行風 ship wind
船行風速 velocity of ship wind
船行浪 ship wave
船形燈標;浮燈標 light-float
船曳網 boat haul seine
船用泵 marine pump; ship's pump
船用柴油 marine diesel oil
船用柴油機 marine diesel engine
船用齒輪箱 marine gear box
船用核子動力裝置 marine nuclear power plant
船用離合器 marine clutch
船用聯軸節 marine coupling
船用輕柴油 marine gas oil
船用燃氣渦輪機 marine gas turbine
船用物料 marine store; ship's store
船用蒸汽鍋爐 marine steam boiler
船用蒸汽機 marine steam engine
船用蒸汽渦輪機 marine steam turbine
船員名冊 crew list; ships book
船員手冊 seaman's book
船員證書;航海人員證書 certificate of seafarer
船員自用物品申報單 crew's customs declaration
船運報告官 reporting officer {= REPTOF}
船運費用 shipping expenses
船運管制官;航運管制官 shipping control authority {= SCA}
船運管制機構 SCA
船閘底板 floor of lock
船閘管理人 locksman
船閘滑門 sliding lock gate
船閘進口 entrance of lock
船閘水域 lock water area
船軸斷裂 breakage of shafts
傳播誤差 propagation error
傳遞驅逐艦;中繼驅逐艦 linking destroyer
傳動軸系 transmission shafting
傳令兵 orderly
傳染病 infection disease
傳染病醫院;檢疫所;艉庫 lazaret [= lazarette; lazaretto]
傳染性物質 infectious substance
傳統式輸送設備 conventional transfer rig
傳統運送 conventional carriage
傳真存轉系統 Hi-Fax system
傳真天氣圖 facsimile weather chart
串聯錨 backing an anchor
串聯推進系統 tendem propulsion system
串聯往復泵 reciprocating pump in series
串列式柴油機 in-line diesel engine
串列裝卸系統 tandem loading system
窗彈;偽雷達目標 window
窗型空調 window type air conditioner
吹號笛 pipe to
吹送流 wind drift current
垂下式養殖 hanging culture
垂線偏差 deviation of the vertical
垂直/短跑道起飛與著陸 V/STOL
垂直;立式 vertical
垂直包圍 vertical envelopment
垂直波束寬度 vertical beam width
垂直等溫 homothermous
垂直分布 vertical distribution
垂直工作範圍 vertical working range
垂直弧區 vertical sector
垂直洄游;深淺洄游 vertical migration
垂直角定位 fixing by vertical angle
垂直角距離 distance by vertical angle
垂直角位置線 position line by vertical angle
垂直流 vertical current
垂直瞄準器 vertical collimator
垂直起飛與著陸 VTOL
垂直升船機 vertical lift ship
垂直穩定鰭 vertical stabilising fin
垂直誤差 perpendicular error
垂直翼螺槳 voith schneider propeller {= VSP}
垂直軸阻尼法 damped method of vertical axis
槌鯨 bottle nose; bottle whale
錘頭式起重機 hammer head crane
春季水溫層轉變 temperature spring overturn
春秋分大潮低水位 low water level equinoxial spring tide
春秋分大潮高水位 high water level equinoxial spring tide
鰆;馬加魚 spanish mackerel
唇狀[罐] lip
純粹培養 pure culture
純動力渦輪機 free turbine
純全損險 clean total loss only
瓷器、玻璃、大理石、陶器條款 china, glass, marble, earthenware {= CGME}
瓷磚 tile
磁場控制調速 speed regulation by field control
磁航向;軍事特性 MC
磁經偏差圖 magnetic variation chart
磁羅經校正 magnetic compass adjustment
磁羅經指向誤差 directive error of magnetic compass
磁盤起重機 magnet crane
磁通門羅經 flux gate compass
磁效伸縮效應 magnetostrictive effect
磁性空測追蹤計畫 magnetic airborne detection tracking pattern
磁性空中偵測 magnetic airborne detection {= MAD}
磁性能量及安全系統;磁性環境測量裝備 MACAS
磁性掃雷 magnetic sweeping
磁性掃雷電纜 magnetic sweep cable {mine}
磁性水雷 magnetic mine
磁性壓力組合感應水雷 magnetic-pressure {= MP}
磁性音響壓力 MAP
磁性偵測[儀] MAD
磁性偵測操演 MADEX
磁性偵測儀;鑑定接觸飛行 magnetic anomaly detection verification run {= MADVEC}
磁異常區 magnetic anomaly
磁音壓力混合感應水雷 magnetic acousticpressure {= MAP}
雌雄同體 gamo
雌雄異體 gonochorism
次級指揮階層 next lower echelon
次折射 sub-refraction
刺鮫 acanthodian
刺網 entangle net; flue net; gill net
刺網漁船 gill netter
刺蝦 parapenaeopsis stylifera
從動齒輪 driven gear
從動件 phantom element
從價{拉丁} ad valorem {= ad val.}
從價提單 ad valorem bill of lading
從價運費;從值運費 ad valorem freight [= ad valorem rate]
從事捕魚中船舶 vessel engaged in fishing
粗/獲取碼 coarse/acquisition code {= C/A code}
粗放式經營 extensive operation
粗放養殖 extensive fish culture
粗糖條款 Raw Sugar Clause
粗同步法 coarse synchronizing method
粗校準 coarse alignment
粗製魚肥 crude fish scrap
促進排卵 acceleration of ovulation
醋漬鰊 roll mops
簇樁船席 dolphin berth
脆弱區 vulnerable area
存儲及存倉安全標準 safety standard for storage and warehouse
存貨卡 stock card
存貨免租期 free storage time
存量基準 stock level
錯誤陳報 erroneous declaration
錯誤及遺漏除外 error and omission excepted {= e. & o.e.}
搭載港口;裝載港口 port of embarkation
達干網 creek stopping net
達摩金梭魚 stripped barracuda
達洋駁船 sea going barge
打擊、襲擊小艇 SSTAB
打擊部隊演習 STRIKEX
打擊部隊資料系統 SFDS
打擊支援艦 SSS
打擊作戰協調官 SOC
打瀨船 broadsied sailing boat
打撈沈船 raising of a wreck
打樁 pile driving
打樁駁船 pile driving barge
打樁船 floating pile driver
打樁錘 pile hammer
打樁基礎 pile foundation
打樁機 pile driver
打樁試驗 driving test
打字電傳 radiotelex
打字文句 type wording
大包捆 bundling of bulk
大潮;主潮 major tide
大潮平均低水位 low water of spring tide
大地水平面高度圖 geoidal height map
大肚魚 top-minnow
大風浪中操船 shiphandling in heavy weather
大敷網 large set net of triangular shape
大改正海圖 large correction chart
大海藻 kelp
大魟 halibut
大魟;章魚 devilfish
大虎鯊;斑馬鯊 zebra shark
大黃魚 large yellow croaker
大尖頭蟹 giant spider crab
大艦隊;主要艦隊 major fleet
大口黑鱸 largemouth black bass
大浪阻力 rough sea resistance
大量斃死 mass-mortality
大量標識放流 mass-marking
大量繁殖 mass-production
大鱗鞋底魚;龍舌 tongue sole
大陸架界線 continental shelf boundary
大謀網 large set net
大目網 large meshed net
大目鮪 big-eye tuna; bigeyed tuna
大目袖網 large mesh wing
大平底船 scow
大氣式凝縮器 atmospheric type condenser
大氣透射率 atmospheric transmissivity
大群來游 big run
大數法則 law of large number
大頭鰱;黑鰱 big head
大圍網 large seine nets
大尾虎鯊 tiger shark
大烏賊 giant squid
大西洋、墨西哥灣、西印度群島保證;大西洋、墨西哥灣、西印度群島航行保證條款 Atlantic, Gulf, West Indies Warranty {= AGWI}
大西洋極鋒 Atlantic polar front
大西洋艦隊總司令待命旗艦 REDFLAGANT
大西洋沿岸港口 Atlantic coast ports {= Atl.}
大蝦 prawn
大型步兵登陸艦 LSIG
大型步兵登陸艇 LCI (L)
大型抄網{抄取漁獲物用} brail net
大型底棲生物 macrobenthos; megalobenthos
大型浮游生物 megaplankton
大型航空母艦 lagre carrier {CVB}
大型人員登陸艇 LCP (L)
大型水生植物 macroohytes
大型藻類 macrophytic algae
大型戰術指揮艦 large tactical command ship; CBC
大眼海鰱 small tarpon
大洋測候船 ocean weather vessel
大洋航路 ocean passage
大洋航行 ocean navigation
大洋水深圖 ocean sounding chart
大魚苗;浮游性稚魚 advanced fry
大圓石 boulder
大圓中分點 intermediate point of great circle
大緣綱 big poach line
大鱆魚 giant octopus
大宗散貨裝卸中心 bulk terminal
大嘴翻車魚 large mouth sunfish
大嘴鱸 large mouth bass
大鱒魚 ferox
代號 pseudenym
代理人 agents
代理授權書 collecting note
代收保險費或賠款佣金 collecting commission {= CC; c.c.}
代位求償權 rights of subrogation; subrogation
代位求償授權書 form of subrogation; letter of subrogation; subrogation form
代亞分霧號 Diaphone
待發水雷 poised mine
待決責任 outstanding liability
待命船 stand-by ship
待命舟波 on call waves
待通知 to be advised {= t.b.a.}
待同意 to be agreed {= t.b.a.}
待拖救 leave to tow
待網{漏斗形} basket filter
玳瑁 hawksbill turtle
帶標誌潛水艦 marked-submarine
帶餌鉤 baited hook
帶解纜費 mooring charge
帶錨船 anchorage handling boat
帶臍囊魚花 sac fry
帶色肉{鮪類罐頭} light meat
帶式運送機;輸送帶{搬運裝置};運貨帶 belt conveyer [= belt conveyor; rotary conveyor]
帶形掃雷法 strip sweeping
帶形魚籤 strap fish tag
帶魚 hair fish; hair tail
帶子幼生 pinctada larva
袋部 pocket
袋網 hoop net
袋子撕裂 tear of bags
單邊帶發射 single sideband emission {= SSB emission}
單邊帶無線電話 single sideband radiotelephone {= SSB RT}
單船圍網 single boat purse seine
單船位滑道 single slipway
單點繫泊 single point mooring {= SPM}
單吊桿系統 single boom system
單動式柴油機 single-acting diesel engine
單動式打樁錘 single acting pile hammer
單動式氣缸 single acting cylinder
單獨費用 particular charge {= p/c}
單獨海損 particular average {= PA}
單獨海損保證 particular average warranty
單獨海損不賠償保證 warranted free from particular average
單獨海損除外 free of particular average {= f.p.a.; FPA}
單獨海損除外,除非… free of particular average unless {= f.p.a. unl.; f.p.a. unless}
單獨海損除外,除非由…所引起 free of particular average unless caused by {= f.p.a.u.c.b.; f.p.a. unless caused by}
單獨海損除外,除非由於…所引起之損失 free of particular average & loss {= f.p.a. & loss}
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