2. Joint management / pilot sponsorship: In order forffice ffice" />
LOSA to succeed as a viable safety programme, it
is essential that both management and pilots
(through their professional association, if it exists)
support the project. The joint sponsorship provides
a “check and balance” for the project to ensure that
change, as necessary, will be made as a result of
LOSA data. When considering whether to conduct
a LOSA audit, the first question to be asked by
airline management is whether the pilots endorse the
project. If the answer is “No”, the project should not
be initiated until endorsement is obtained. This issue
is so critical in alleviating pilot suspicion that the
existing LOSA philosophy is to deny airline
assistance if a signed agreement is not in place
before commencing a LOSA. A LOSA steering
committee is formed with representatives from both
groups and is responsible for planning, scheduling,
observer support and, later, data verification (see
Point 8). |