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CCAR Part 141 Pilot Schools
Certification Regulation
(Issued on December 16, 2006)
General Administration of Civil Aviation of China
Section A General
141.1 Objective and base
This regulation is for the certification and surveillance of civil aircraft pilot school, based on the decision of the State Council according to the administration approved article establish by the certification administrative. .
141.3 Applicability
(a) This part describes the requirements and procedures for issuing of the provisional civil aircraft pilot school (hereafter referred to as pilot school) certificates and associated ratings. The pilot school certificates, verifications of pilot school certificates, associated ratings, and the general operating rules applicable to a holder of a certificate or rating is issued under this part..
(b) No person may operate as a certificated pilot school without or in violation a provisional pilot school certificate, pilot school certificate or verification of pilot school certificate is issued under this part.
141.5 Certification and continual surveillance
(a) General Administration of Civil Aviation of China (hereafter referred to as CAAC) carries out the unify surveillance and administration of pilot school and issues a verification of pilot school certificate.
(b) Flight Standards Department of CAAC forms and directs the certification of the pilot school in accordance to the regulations. It will continue to supervise and establish necessary approved work procedure, regulate provisional pilot school certificate, verification of pilot school certificate and other associated application forms, issue verification of pilot school certificate..
(c) Every Regional Administration of CAAC, within its jurisdiction of the region is responsible for the certification of the pilot schools, issuing provisional pilot school and pilot school certificate, and to record it with Flight Standards Department of CAAC promptly.
(d) Every Regional Administration of CAAC and its branches are responsible for the supervision of the pilot school operation and satellite bases of other pilot schools within their jurisdiction.
(e) Administration stated in this part is defined as the CAAC, Regional Administration and its branch.
141.7 Requirements for issuing a provisional pilot school certificate
An applicant that meets the following requirements may be issued a provisional pilot school certificate and associated ratings by the Regional Administration of CAAC :
(a) Fill in the provisional pilot school certificate application form as prescribed by CAAC;
(b) Meet the necessary requirements for school rating under sections A to C and fulfill the rules of sections E and F of this part;
(c) Meet the necessary requirements for Operation category of flight training under Section H commercial non-transport operator of CCAR Part 91.
141.9 Requirement for issuing a pilot school certificate
An applicant that meets the following requirements may be issued a provisional pilot school certificate and associated ratings by Regional Administration of CAAC :
(a) Fill in the pilot school certificate application form as prescribed by CAAC;
(b) Hold a provisional pilot school certificate, issued under this part, for a period not less than 24 calendar months preceding the month in which the application is made;
(c) Meet the necessary requirements of the school rating under sections A to C and fulfill the rules of sections E and F of this part;
(d) Have trained and recommended for pilot license, flight instructor license, ground instructor license and ratings test, at least 10 students for a knowledge or practical test for a,pilot license, flight instructor license, ground instructor license, an additional rating, an end-of-course test for a training course specified in Appendix J to this part, or any combination of those tests, and at least 80 percent of all tests administered were passed on the first attempt.
(e) Meet the necessary requirements for Operation category of flight training under Section H commercial non-transport operator of CCAR Part 91.
141.11 Examining authority
An applicant is issued an examining authority for its pilot school certificate by the Regional Administration of CAAC if it meets the requirements under Section D of this part.
141.13 Pilot school ratings
(a) An applicant for a provisional pilot school certificate or a pilot school certificate may be issued a ratings listed in paragraph (b) of this section provided it meets the requirements of Article 141.7 or 141.9 of this part respectively.
(b) An applicant may be authorized to conduct the following courses:
(1) Certification and rating courses specified in Appendix A to I of this part.
(i) Private Pilot Course
(ii) Instrument Rating Course
(iii) Commercial Pilot Course
(iv) Airline Transport Pilot Course
(v) Flight Instructor Course
(vi) Flight Instructor Instrument Course
(vii) Ground Instructor Course
(viii) Additional Aircraft Category or Class Rating Course
(ix) Aircraft Type Rating Course
(2) Special Preparation Courses. (Appendix J)
(i) Pilot Refresher Course
(ii) Flight Instructor Refresher Course
(iii) Ground Instructor Refresher Course
(iv) Agricultural Aircraft Operations Course
(v) Rotorcraft External-load Operations Course
(vi) Special Operations Course
(vii) Test Pilot Course
(3) ffice:smarttags" />laceName w:st="on">PilotlaceName> laceName w:st="on">GroundlaceName> laceType w:st="on">SchoollaceType> Course (Appendix K)
(i) Airline Transport Pilot Certificate Theoretical Course
141.15 Application for issuance, acceptance, review and decision
(a) Application for an original provisional pilot school certificate, pilot school certificate and associated ratings, an additional rating, or the renewal of a certificate under this part must be made on a form prescribed by CAAC.
(b) The applicant shall submit the operation manuals or associated documents, including the following information:
(1) Document to state the pilot school is legally established;
(2) The function structure of pilot school;
(3) The necessary requirements indicated under Article 141.43, Chapter B, personnel requirements;
(4) Two duplicate copies of the intended training courses, including associated documents;
(5) Description of main training airports;
(6) Description of main operations base and satellite operations base;
(7) Description of aircraft used in the training course;
(8) Description of flight simulators, flight training devices, and training aids;
(9) Description of pilot briefing areas and ground training aids;
(10) Operation procedure and management policy, including quality assurance system;
(11) Training record.
(c) Application acceptance
The Regional Administration shall notify the applicant by writing within 5 business days after receiving the application documents if found that the document is incomplete or not in compliance with the specified format. If the applicant submits all required documents according to the requirements, the Regional Administration will accept the application and notify the applicant according to the specified format. In the case of a rejected application, the Regional Administration shall state the reason for refusal.
(d) Establish the certification group to inspect and check on site
A certification group shall be set up within 5 business days after the Regional Administration has receives the application. The certification group shall review the application documents and perform inspection on site according to the requirements under Charpters B, C, E, F of this part and Charpter H of CCAR-91.The applicant shall provide the necessary documentation and review and answer any questions that the group might have.
(e) Issuance
(1) The certification group shall submit the report in writing to the Regional Administration after inspection. The Administrator of Regional Administration shall make a decision within 20 business days, and issue the applicant a pilot school certificate or provisional pilot school certificate within 10 business days if it fuifils the requirements under Article 141.7 and 141.9 respectively and.carry out the training activities in accordance to the approved specified training courses.
(2) The applicant may not be issued a pilot school certificate or provisional pilot school certificate if the Administrator of Regional Administration based on the report of the certification group and after consideration decided that the applicant does not meet the requirements of 141.7 or 141.9 of this part. Prior to notifying the applicant of its decision, the administrator must inform the applicant of its right to apply to the administrative for reconsideration or litigation.
141.17 Content of Certificate
(a) The following information must be shown on a pilot school certificate or provisional pilot school certificate:
(1) Name of Pilot School;
(2) The address of laceName w:st="on">PilotlaceName> laceType w:st="on">SchoollaceType> and Main Business Office;
(3) Main operation and other operation base;
(4) Training Course Rating;
(5) Certificate Number;
(6) Date of Issue
(7) Date of Expiry;
(8) Approved by.
(b) It must be shown on a pilot school certificate that whether the holder has the examining authority and associated ratings.
141.19 Duration of Certificate and Examining Authority
(a) Unless surrendered, suspended, or revoked, a pilot school's certificate or a provisional pilot school's certificate expires:
(1) On the last day of the 24th calendar month from the month the certificate was issued;
(2) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this article, on the date that any change in ownership of the school occurs;
(3) On the date of any change in the facilities upon which the provisional certificate or certificate is based; or
(4) Upon notice by the Administrator that the school has failed for more than 60 days to maintain the facilities, aircraft, or personnel required for any one of the school’s approved training course..
(b) A change in the ownership of a pilot school or provisional pilot school does not terminate that school’s certificate if, within 30 days, the certificate holder makes application for an appropriate amendment to the certificate and there is no change in the facilities, personnel, or approved training courses involved. Upon approval from the Regional Administration, the pilot school or provisional pilot school certificate will not terminate with the change of the ownership.
(c) An examining authority issued to the holder of a pilot school certificate expires on the same date that the pilot school certificate expires, or is surrendered, suspended, or revoked.
141.21 Carriage of Narcotic Drugs, Marijuana, and Depressant or Stimulant drugs or Substances.
(a) Except authorized by law or appropriate government department, the holder of provisional pilot school certificate or pilot school certificate can not allow any aircraft to be engaged in any operation to transport narcotic drugs, marijuana, and depressant or stimulant drugs or substances.
(b) If the holder of a certificate issued under this part allow any aircraft owned or leased by that holder to be engaged in any operation that the certificate holder knows to be in violation of paragraph (a) of this article that operation is a basis for suspending or revoking the certificate.
141.23 Display of Certificate
(a) Each holder of the pilot school or the provisional pilot school certificate must display the certificate in a place in the school that is normally accessible to the public and is not obscured.
(b) The holder of the pilot school or the provisional pilot school certificate must show the certificate for inspection upon request by the inspector.
141.25 Inspection
Each holder of the pilot school or the provisional pilot school certificate must allow the inspector to inspect its personnel, facilities, equipment, and records to determine the certificate holder's compliance with this part.
141.27 Advertising Limitations
(a) The holder of a pilot school certificate or a provisional pilot school certificate may not make any statement relating to its certification and approval curriculum that is false or designed to mislead any person contemplating enrollment in that school.
(b) The holder of the pilot school or the provisional pilot school certificate may not advertise that the school is certificated unless it clearly differentiates between courses that have been approved under this part and those that have not been approved under this part.
(c) The holder of the pilot school or the provisional pilot school certificate must promptly remove all signs or indications, wherever located, indicating that the school was certificated by Administrator from vacated premises or when the certificate has expired or has been surrendered, suspended, or revoked.
141.29 Business Office and Operation Base
(a) The holder of the pilot school or a provisional pilot school certificate must maintain a principal business office with a mailing address as indicated on its certificate.
(b) The facilities and equipment at the principal business office must be adequate to maintain the files and records required to operate the business of the school.
(c) The principal business office may not be shared with, or used by, another pilot school..
(d) Before changing the location of the principal business office or the operations base, the certificate holder must notify the Regional Administration in writing, at least 30 days before the change of location accompanied by a duplicate copy of any amendments needed for the approved training course outline.
(e) The holder of the certificate may conduct training at an operations base other than the one specified in its certificate, if:
(1) The Regional Administration has inspected and approved the base for use by the certificate holder; and
(2) The training course and any needed amendments have been approved for use at that base.
141.31 Renewal of certificates and ratings
Besides the requirements stated in 141.5 of this part, all renwal application, acceptance, and review procedure for the provisional pilot school or the pilot school certificate must meet the following requirements:
(a) The holder of the pilot school certificate must ensure the following criterial are meet for renewal:
(1) The pilot school may apply for a renewal of its school certificate and ratings, within 30 days preceding the month of the expiry, provided the school fulfill the requirements described in paragraph (a)(2) of this section under “renewal of its certificate and ratings”.
(2) The pilot school may have the school certificate and ratings renewed for another 24 calendar months, if the Regional Administration determines the school’s personnel, aircraft, facility and airport approved training courses, training records and current training ability and standard meets the requirements of this part.
(3) The pilot school that does not meet the renewal requirements in paragraph (a)(2) of this section, may apply for a provisional pilot school certificate if it meets the requirements described in section 141.9 of this part.
(b) The holder of the provisional pilot school certificate must meet the following requirements:
(1) Except as provided in paragraph (b)(3) of this section, the provisional pilot school certificate or the ratings on that certificate will be renewed;
(2) The holder of the provisional pilot school certificate may apply for a pilot school certificate and associated ratings provided that school meets the requirements described in section 141.9 of this part;
(3) The holder may apply for another provisional pilot school certificate within 180 days after its expired, provided the holder of the expired provisional pilot school certificate has not obtained a pilot school certificate during that period .
141.33 Limitation and administrative measures
(a) No school may perform pilot flight training unless the school has obtained a provisional pilot school certificate or pilot school certificate under this part.
(b) The Administrator will terminate the certification procedure and revoke the application within 12 calendar months from the initial date of application, if the applicant of the provisional pilot school certificate, pilot school certificate or foreign pilot school license is found to have fraudulently presented any material during the application process .
(c) The Administrator will revoke the certificate or license and refuse any further application for 36 calendar months after revocation of the certificate if the applicant is shown to have obtained a provisional pilot school certificate, pilot school certificate or foreign pilot school license by illegal means.
Chapter B Personnel, Aircraft, and Facilities Requirements
141.41 Applicability
(a) This section describes the personnel and aircraft requirements for the pilot school certificate or the provisional pilot school certificate and the facilities that the pilot school or provisional pilot school must have available on a continuous basis.
(b) As per requirement in this chapter, to have continuous use of the facility and airport, the school must have the ownership of the facility and airport for not less than 6 calendar months after the date the application for initial certification or renewal of the school's certificate is made, or a lease agreement, in writing, for the facility or airport for not less than 6 calendar months at the time of application for initial certification or on the date of renewal of the school's certificate is made.
141.43 Personnel requirements
(a) An applicant for the pilot school certificate or for the provisional pilot school certificate must meet the following personnel requirements:
(1) Each applicant must have adequate personnel, including certificated flight instructors, certificated ground instructors or holders of a commercial pilot certificate with a lighter-than-air rating, and a chief instructor for each approved training course who is qualified and competent to perform the duties to which that is assigned.
(2) Dispatchers, aircraft handlers and service personnel employed by the school must be briefed on the procedures and their job responsibilities.
(3) All instructors used for ground or flight training must hold a flight instructor certificate, ground instructor certificate, or commercial pilot certificate with a lighter-than-air rating, as appropriate, with ratings for the approved course of training and any aircraft used in that course.
(b) An applicant for the pilot school certificate or the provisional pilot school certificate must designate a chief instructor for each of the school's approved training courses that meets the requirement of section 141.45 of this part.
(c) When necessary, an applicant for the pilot school certificate or the provisional pilot school certificate may designate a person to be an assistant chief instructor for an approved training course, provided that person meets the requirements of section. 141.47 of this part.
(d) When the pilot school and the provisional pilot school has more than 50 student enrolled,, they may designate a person to be a check instructor to conduct student phase checks, end-of-course tests and instructor proficiency checks. That person must meet the requirements of section 141.49 of this part.
(e) A person listed in this section, may serve in more than one position for a school, provided that person is qualified for each position.
141.45 Chief Instructor Qualifications
(a) To be eligible for the designation as a chief instructor, the person must meet the following requirements:
(1) Hold a commercial pilot certificate or an airline transport pilot certificate, except for a chief instructor for a course that train solely for a lighter-than-air rating only required a current flight instructor certificate. The certificates must contain the appropriate aircraft category and class ratings for the category and class of aircraft used in the course and an instrument rating, if required.
(2) Fulfill Article 61.61 of CCAR-61. pilot-in-command recent flight experience requirements
(3) Satisfactorily complete the following theory tests:
(i) Elements of effective teaching, instruction methods and techniques;
(ii) Applicable section of navigation equipment, airport lighting and visual Navaids, airspace, ATC and procedures, emergency procedures, factor affecting the flight safety, human factor, and aeronautical charts etc.;
(iii) Applicable provisions of CCAR-61, CCAR-91 and this part;
(iv) The standard of the approved related course and completed course..
(4) Pass a proficiency test on instructional skills and has the ability to train students on the flight procedures and maneuvers, if appropriate to the course;
(5) Except for courses on gliders, balloons, or airships training, the chief instructor must meet the necessary requirements in paragraphs (b),(c), and (d) of this section; and
(6) A chief instructor for courses on gliders, balloons or airships training only required to have 40% of the hours required in paragraphs (b) and (d) of this section.
(b) For training relating to the issuance of private pilot certificate or rating, a chief instructor must have:
(1) Minimium of 1,000 hours as pilot in command; and
(2) A certified flight instructor must have the following minimum flight instructor requirement :
(i) 2 years and a total of 500 flight training hours; or
(ii) Minimum of 1,000 hours on flight training.
(c) For courses relating to the issuance of an instrument rating or a rating with instrument privileges, a chief instructor must have:
(1) Minimum of 100 hours of flight time under actual or simulated instrument conditions;
(2) Minimum of 1,000 hours as pilot in command; and
(3) A certified flight instrument instructor require to have the following experience as a flight instrument instructor,
(i) 2 years and a total of 250 hours on flight instrument training, or
(ii) 400 hours of flight instrument training.
(d) For courses other than those that leads to the issuance of a private pilot certificate or rating, or an instrument rating or a rating with instrument privileges, a chief instructor must have:
(1) Minimum of 2,000 hours as pilot in command; and
(2) A certified flight instructor must have the minimum flight training experience as stated:
(i) 3 years and a total of 1,000 hours of flight training; or
(ii) 1,500 hours of flight training.
(e) To be eligible for the designation as a ground school course chief instructor, the person must have minimum 1 year experience as a ground school instructor at a certified pilot school.
141.47 Assistant Chief Instructor Qualifications
(a) To be eligible for the designation as an assistant chief instructor for a training course, the person must meet the following requirements:
(1) Hold a commercial pilot or an airline transport pilot certificate, except for the assistant chief instructor that train solely for lighter-than-air rating, only require a current flight instructor certificate. The certificates must contain the appropriate aircraft category, class, and instrument ratings if an instrument rating is required if appropriate
(2) Meet the requirement of section 61.61 of CCAR 61, the pilot-in-command recent flight experience;
(3) Satisfactorily complete the following theory tests:
(i) Elements of effective teaching, instruction methods and techniques;
(ii) Applicable section of the navigation equipment, airport lighting and visual Navaids, airspace, ATC and procedures, emergency procedures, factor affecting the flight safety, human factor, and aeronautical charts etc.;
(iii) Applicable provisions of CCAR-61, CCAR-91, and this part; and
(iv) The standard of the approved related course and completed course..
(4) Pass a proficiency test on the flight procedures and maneuvers appropriate to that course; and
(5) Meet the necessary requirements in paragraphs (b), (c), and (d) of this section. However, an assistant chief instructor for a course related to gliders, balloons, or airships training is only required to have 40% of the hours required in paragraphs (b) and (d) of this section.
(b) For a training course that leads to the issuance of a private pilot certificate or rating, an assistant chief instructor must have the following requirement:
(1) Minimum of 500 hours as pilot in command; and
(2) A certified flight instructor will require the following flight training experience:
(i) 1 year and a total of 250 flight hours; or
(ii) 500 flight hours.
(c) An assistant chief flight instructor required to have the following requirement prior to conducting a training course that leads to the issuing of an instrument rating or a rating with instrument privileges.,
(1) Minimum of 50 hours of flight time under actual or simulated instrument conditions;
(2) Minimum of 500 hours as pilot in command and
(3) A certified flight instrument instructor require the following flight instrument instructor experience:-
(i) 1 year and a total of 125 flight hours; or
(ii) 200 flight hours.
(d) An assistant chief instructor must have the following requirement prior to conducting a training course other than one that leads to the issuing of a private pilot certificate or rating, or an instrument rating or a rating with instrument privileges,
(1) Minimum of 1,000 hours as pilot in command; and
(2) A certified flight instructor must have the following flight training experience:
(i) One and a half years and a total of 500 flight hours; or
(ii) 750 flight hours.
(e) To be eligible for the designation as an assistant chief instructor of a ground school course, the person must have a minimum of 6 months of experience as a ground school instructor at a certified pilot school.
141.49 Check Instructor Qualifications
(a) To be designated as a check instructor, the person must meet the eligibility requirements of this section:
(1) All flight or ground instructors must pass the following tests related to flight or ground school training given by the chief instructor
(i) Teaching methods;
(ii) Applicable section of navigation equipment, airport lighting and visual Navaids, airspace, ATC and procedures, emergency procedures, factor affecting the flight safety, human factor, and aeronautical charts etc.;
(iii) Applicable provisions of CCAR-61, CCAR-91, and this part; and
(1) The standard of the approved related course and completed course.
(2) The check instructor to conduct checks and tests during the flight training course must meet the following requirement:-
(i) Fulfill the requirements in paragraph (a)(1) of this section;
(ii) Hold a commercial pilot certificate or an airline transport pilot certificate, except for a check instructor that is conducting training for a lighter-than-air rating, only required a current flight instructor certificate. The certificates must contain the appropriate aircraft category, class, and instrument ratings if an instrument rating is required
(iii) Meet the requirement under section 61.61 of CCAR 61, pilot-in-command recent flight experience
(iv) Pass a proficiency test on the flight procedures and maneuvers of an approved training course for the designation sought given by the chief instructor or assistant chief instructor,
(3) The check instructor to conduct checks and tests related to ground training course must meet the following requirement:-
(i) Fulfill the requirements in paragraph (a)(1) of this section;
(ii) Process a valid flight instructor license or ground instructor license and conduct training only on a lighter-than-air rating as a check instructor. This license must include the category and rating appropriate to the category and class of aircraft used in the course; and
(iii) Process a commercial pilot certificate with a lighter-than-air category rating and the appropriate class rating but hold the post of a lighter-than-air rating instructor.
(b) A person that meets the eligibility requirements in paragraph (a) of this section must be designated, in writing, by the chief instructor and be approved by the Regional Administration of CAAC to conduct student stage checks, end-of-course tests, and instructor proficiency checks.
(c) Under the following situation, a check instructor may not conduct a phase check or an end-of-course test for any student:
(1) being the the main instructor; or
(2) Recommended the phase check or end-of-course test.
141.51 Airports
(a) The applicant for the pilot school certificate or the provisional pilot school certificate must show that it has continuous use of each main airport at which training flights originate.
(b) Each airport used for aeroplanes and gliders training must have at least one runway or takeoff area that allows training aircraft to make a normal takeoff or landing at it’s maximum certified takeoff gross weight under the following conditions:
(1) Wind conditions are no more than two meters per second (5 miles per hour);
(2) Temperatures at the takeoff area is equalivalent to the highest average temperature for the hottest month of the year;
(3) If applicable, according to the manufacturer recommendation method to make use of the power-plant installation,, landing gear and flap.
(4) For a smooth takeoff transition from liftoff to the best climb rate speed, without any exceptional piloting skills or techniques and clearing all obstacles by a minimum of 15 meters (50 feet).
(c) Each airport must have a wind direction indicator on ground level that is visible at the end of each runway;
(d) Each airport must have a traffic direction indicator when the airport does not have an operating control tower and UNICOM advisories are not available.
(e) Each airport must have facilities meets the requirement of course category. Each airport used for night flights training must have a permanent runway lights. Airport or seaplane base used by seaplanes for night flight training flights is permitted, if approved by the Administrator to use adequate nonpermanent lighting or shoreline lighting.,
141.53 Aircraft
The applicant for a pilot school certificate or provisional pilot school certificate, must show that each aircraft used by that school for flight training and solo flights meets the following requirements:
(a) Each aircraft must be registered as a civil aircraft in People’s Republic of China , or in the case of a foreign pilot school, the country in which the foreign pilot school certificate is held;
(b) Each aircraft must be certify with a standard airworthiness certificate, unless the CAAC determines that due to the nature of the approved course, an aircraft not having a standard airworthiness certificate may be used;
(c) Each aircraft must be maintained and inspected in accordance with the requirements under section D of CCAR-91.
(d) Each aircraft used in flight training must have minimum two pilot seats with engine-power controls that can be easily reached and operated in a normal manner from both pilot seats; and
(e) Each aircraft used in a training involving IFR en route operations and instrument approaches must be equipped and maintained for IFR operations. For training the control and precision maneuvering of an aircraft using instruments, the aircraft may installed the equipement as per the approved course.
141.55 Flight Simulators, Flight Training Devices, and Training Aids
An applicant for the pilot school certificate or the provisional pilot school certificate must show that the flight simulators, flight training devices, training aids and equipments meet the following requirements:
(a) Flight simulators. Each flight simulator used in an approved pilot training course curriculum must fulfill the following:
(1) A full-size aircraft cockpit replica of a specific type of aircraft, or make, model, and series of aircraft;
(2) Fitted with all the hardware and software required to represent the aircraft in ground operations and flight operations;
(3) Fitted with a motion system that provides effect similar to those effects provided by a 3 axis of motion system;
(4) Fitted with a visual system that provides at least a 45-degree horizontal field of view and a 30-degree vertical field of view simultaneously for each pilot; and
(5) Have been evaluated, qualified, and approved by the Administrator.
(b) Flight training devices. Each flight training device used in an approved pilot training course curriculum must fulfill the following:
(1) A full-size replica of the instrument, equipment panels and controls of an aircraft, or set of aircraft, in an open flight deck area or in an enclosed cockpit, including the hardware and software for the systems installed that is necessary to simulate the aircraft in ground and flight operations;
(2) Need not have a motion effect or visual system; and
(3) Have been evaluated, qualified and approved by the Administrator.
(c) Training aids and equipment. Each training aid, including any audio visual aid, projector, tape recorder, mockup, chart, or aircraft component listed in the approved training course outline, must be accurate and appropriate to the course approved by the Regional Administration of CAAC.
141.57 Pilot Briefing Areas
(a) An applicant for the pilot school certificate or provisional pilot school certificate must show that the applicant has a continuous use of a briefing area located at the training airport. The briefing area must fulfill the following requirements:
(1) Provide adequate to shelter for students while waiting for training flights;
(2) Arrangement and equipement suitable for conducting pilot’s briefing
(3) If the school conducts an instrument rating or commercial pilot course, the pilot briefing area should be equipped with communication equipment to enable the pilot to communicate with meteorology department and aeronautical information department to obtain relevant information. If the briefing area and the flight service station are located at the same airport and are accessible to each other, there will requirement for a communication equipment in the briefing area..
(b) The briefing area may not be shared by two or more pilot schools at any time.
141.59 Ground training facilities
An applicant for the pilot school or provisional pilot school certificate must show that:
(a) Each room, training booth, or other space used for instructional purposes is heated, lighting and ventilated, it conform to country and local building, sanitation, and health regulations;
(b) The training facility must be located to ensure the students in that facility are not distracted by the training conducted in other rooms or by flight and maintenance operations on the airport.
Chapter C Training Course Outline and Curriculum
141.71 Applicability
This section describes the curriculum and course outline requirements for issuing of a pilot school certificate or provisional pilot school certificate and ratings.
141.73 Approval procedures for a training course: General
(a) An applicant for the pilot school certificate or provisional pilot school certificate must obtain the Regional Administration's approval for the outline of each training course for which certification and rating is needed. The acceptance and approval procedures used by the Regional Administration should meet the requirements of section.141.15(c) & (e).
(b) An application for the approval of an initial or amended training course must be submitted to the Regional Administration no less than 20 days before any training under this course is scheduled. An application for amendments to a training course must be attached with two copies of the amended training course..
(c) An applicant for the pilot school certificate or provisional pilot school certificate may request from the Regional Administration for a list of approved training courses as specified in section 141.13 of this part.
141.75 Contents of training course
(a) Each training course for which approval is requested must meet the minimum curriculum requirements in accordance with the appropriate appendix of this part.
(b) Except as provided in paragraphs (d) and (e) of this section, each training course for which the approval is requested must meet the minimum ground and flight training time requirements in accordance with the appropriate appendix of this part.
(c) Each training course for which approval is requested must contain:
(1) Description of each room used for ground training, including the room's size and the maximum number of students that may be trained in the room at one time;
(2) Description of each type of audio visual aid, projector, tape recorder, mockup, chart, aircraft component, and other special training aids used for ground training;
(3) Description of each flight simulator or flight training device used for training;
(4) A list of the main training airports and a description of the facilities, including pilot briefing areas that are available for use by the school's students and the personnel available at each of those airports;
(5) Description of the type of aircraft including any special equipment used for each phase of training;
(6) The minimum qualifications and ratings for each instructor assigned to ground or flight training;
(7) A training syllabus that includes the following details:
(i) The prerequisites for enrollment for a course, which include the pilot certificate, rating, training, pilot experience, and pilot knowledge;
(ii) A detail description of each lesson, including the lesson's objectives, standards, and planned time for completion;
(iii) A description of the course objective pertaining to the student’s learning;
(iv) The expected achievement and the standard for each stage of training;
(v) A description of the checks and tests to be used to benchmark the student's accomplishments at each phase of training.
(d) A pilot school may request and receive initial approval for a period of not more than 24 calendar months for any of the training courses of this part without specifying the minimum ground and flight training time requirements of this part, provided the following provisions are meet:
(1) The school holds a pilot school certificate issued under this part and has held that certification for a period of not less than 24 consecutive calendar months preceding the month of the request;
(2) In addition to the information required by paragraph (c) of this section, the training course specifies the planned ground and flight training time requirements;
(3) The school did not apply for an approved examining authority for the training course, nor was the school issued an approved examining authority for the course;
(4) The practical or knowledge test for the course is to be conducted by:
(i) A civil aviation flight standards inspector;
(ii) An examiner who is not an employee of the school.
(e) A certified pilot school may request and receive the final approval for any of the training courses of this part without specifying the minimum ground and flight training time requirements, provided the following conditions are meet:
(1) The school has held initial approval for that training course for not less than 24 calendar months.
(2) The school ought to:
(i) Trained at least 10 students in that training course within the preceding 24 calendar months and recommended those students for a pilot, flight instructor, or ground instructor certificate or rating; and
(ii) At least 80 percent of those students passed the practical or knowledge test on the first attempt, and that test was conducted by:
(A) A civil aviation flight standards inspector;
(B) An examiner who is not an employee of the school.
(3) In addition to the information required by paragraph (c) of this section, the training course specifies the planned ground and flight training time requirements for each courses .
(4) The school did not apply for an approved examining authority for the training course, nor was the school issued an approved examining authority for the course;
141.77 Special Curriculum
An applicant for the pilot school certificate or provisional pilot school certificate may apply for the approval to conduct a special course for airman training, which is not described in the appendixes of this part, but should prove that the training course contains the necessary aspect that could obtain the level of pilot proficiency that is equivalent to the training course described in the appendixes of this part or the requirements under CCAR-61.
Chapter D Examining Authority
141.81 Applicability
This section describes the requirements for the issuing of an examining authority to the holder of the pilot school certificate which includes the privileges and limitations of an examining authority.
141.83 Examining Authority Qualification Requirements
(a) A pilot school must meet the following prerequisites prior to receiving an initial approval for an examining authority:
(1) The school must submit the application form for an examining authority and in format described by the flight standards department of CAAC;
(2) The school must hold a pilot school certificate and rating issued under this part;
(3) The school must hold the rating in which the examining authority is sought for not less than 24 consecutive calendar months preceding the month of application.
(4) The training course for which an examining authority is requested may not be the course that is approved without meeting the minimum ground and flight training time requirements of this part; and
(5) Within 24 calendar months before application date for an examining authority, that school must meet the following requirements:
(i) The school must have trained not less than 10 students in the training course for which an examining authority is sought and recommended those students for a pilot, flight instructor or ground instructor certificate or rating; and
(ii) Minimum 90 percent of these students passed the required practical or knowledge test for the pilot, flight instructor, or ground instructor certificate or rating on the first attempt, and that test was conducted by a civil aviation flight standards inspector or an examiner who is not an employee of the school.
(b) A pilot school must meet the following requirements to retain the approval of its examining authority:
(1) The school must complete the change application form for the examining authority in a format described by the CAAC;
(2) The school must hold a pilot school certificate and rating issued under this part;
(3) The school must hold the rating for the relevant examining authority is for a continuous period of not less than 24 calendar months preceding the month of application for the change of the examining authority; and
(4) The training course for which examining authority is requested may not be a course that is approved without meeting the minimum ground and flight training time requirements of this part.
141.85 Privileges
A pilot school that holds an examining authority may recommend a student who graduated from its course to apply with the Regional Administration to obtained a pilot license, flight instructor license, ground instructor license and related rating. The above mentioned student need not sit for a practical and theory test as required by the CAAC for the issue of the license and rating..
141.87 Limitations and Reports
A pilot school that holds the examining authority can only recommend a student that has completed the course that has an examining authority to apply to obtain a pilot, flight instructor, or ground instructor license and rating without sitting for the practical and theory test as required by the Regional Administration. The recommended issue of license and rating must meet the following requirement:
(a) The person must be graduated from the training course for which the pilot school holds the examining authority.
(b) A recommended student must satisfactory complete the school training course requirement. A student transferred from an approved school, the training program can be recognized if it fulfills the following requirements:
(1) The training hours received from the previous school can be credited to the current training program. The maximum training time allowed to be credited cannot exceed more than half of the total training time of the current school.
(2) Completion of the theory and proficiency test conducted by the acceptance school will help to determining the status of the pilot experience and knowledge;
(3) The acceptance school will according to the condition stated under paragraph (b)(2), examination requirement, to determine the pilot experience and flight knowledge standard and record it in the student’s training record.
(4) Verify the pilot’s past experience and the standard of aviation knowledge, if it is obtained from an approved pilot school with an approved training course.
(5) The acceptance school must retain a copy of the student training record from the previous school.
(c) Tests conducted by the pilot school holding the examining authority must be approved by the Administrator, moreover the scope, detailed, and difficulty of the theory and practical test must be at least similar to the tests described by the Administrator under CCAR-61.
(d) Under the following conditions, the pilot school holding the examining authority is not eligible to conduct any theory or practical test:
(1) Aware, or has reason to believe the content of the test has been compromised; or
(2) Notification from the Administrator having reason to believe or is aware that the content of the test has been compromised.
(e) The pilot school holding the examining authority must maintain the record of the pilots, flight instructor and ground instructor temporary certificates issued as required by the Administrator, which will consist of the following information:
(1) the following details in the order of time frame:
(i) Name of student ;
(ii) Date of completion for the training course;
(iv) Name of person that conducted the theory or practical test;
(v) Type of temporary airman certificate or rating issued to the student; and
(vi) Date of issued for the permanent pilot, flight instructor and ground instructor
(2) A copy of the record containing each student’s graduation certificate, license application form, provisional license, replaccement license (if applicable), and theory or practical test results; and
(3) The records as required by paragraph (e) of this section must be maintain for a 5 year period and must be available upon the request of the Administrator. These records must be surrendered to the Administrator when the pilot school ceases having the examining authority.
(f) When the student pass the theory or practical test, the pilot school holding the examining authority must submit that student's license application documents and training record to the Administrator for processing of issuing a permanent pilot, flight instructor or ground instructor certificate.
Chapter E Operating Rules
141.91 Applicability
This section describes the operating rules applicable to the pilot school or provisional pilot school certified under the provisions of this part.
141.93 Privileges
(a) The holder of the pilot school certificate or the provisional pilot school certificate can advertise and conduct approved pilot training courses in accordance with the certification and ratings that it holds.
(b) The pilot school holding the examining authority for an approved training course may recommend a graduate to apply for the appropriate pilot, flight instructor or ground instructor certificate and rating, without sitting for the theory and practical test conducted by the Regional Administration, if the the training course has been approved and meets the minimum requirement time for ground and flight training of this part.
141.95 Aircraft Requirements
The following items must be carried on all aircraft used for flight training and solo flights:
(a) Pre-takeoff and pre-landing checklist; and
(b) The aircraft operator handbook, if it is provided by the manufacturer, or issue a copy of the handbook to every student using the aircraft..
141.97 Limitations
(a) Holder of the pilot school certificate or the provisional pilot school certificate may not issue the graduation certificate to a student or recommend a student for the pilot certificate or rating, unless the student has:
(1) Completed the training as specified in the pilot school's course of training; and
(2) Passed the required final tests.
(b) Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, the holder of the pilot school certificate or the provisional pilot school certificate can not graduate the student from a training course unless the student has completed all of the curriculum requirements of that course;
(c) The student may credit it previous pilot experience and knowledge to his fulfilled his current training course requirement, provided the following conditions are meet:
(1) If the previous experience and knowledge is obtained according to the approved training course by the Administrator, the acceptance school can recognized the previous knowledge and experience and continue with the proficiency test and theory test, but this recogniation can not be more than 50% of the total training course.
(2) If the previous experience and knowledge is not obtained according to the approved training course by the Administrator, the acceptance school can recognized the previous knowledge and experience and continue with the proficiency test and theory test, but this recogniation can not be more than 25% of the total training course.
(3) The acceptance school should determines the student approved course duration, under the paragraph (c)(1) or paragraph (c)(2) of this section, based on the outcome of proficiency test, theory test or both.
(4) Conducting an approval according to the regulation stated on paragraph (c )(1) and (c ) (2) of this section, previous training provider organization must, in writing or as specified by the CAAC provide the necessary proving documentation, such as type of training provided, quantity of training, phase check and end-of-course check result.
141.99 Flight training
(a) No person other than the certificated flight instructor or commercial pilot with a lighter-than-air rating who has the ratings and the minimum qualifications specified in the approved training course outline may give a student flight training under an approved course of training.
(b) No student pilot may be authorized to start the first solo flight from an airport until the flight has been approved by a certificated flight instructor or commercial pilot with a lighter-than-air rating who is present at that airport.
(c) The chief instructor and assistant chief instructor assigned to a training course must complete, once every 12 calendar months, an approved training syllabus consists of ground or flight training, or an approved flight instructor recurrent course.
(d) The certified flight instructor or commercial pilot with a lighter-than-air rating that is assigned to a flight training course must satisfactorily complete the following tasks, which are administered by the school's chief instructor, assistant chief instructor, or check instructor:
(1) Prior to receiving an authorization to train students in a flight training course, the following must be fulfilled-
(i) Reviewed all the training course and accepted the recommendation of matters related to the objectives and standards of that training course; and
(ii) During training, the instructor must complete an initial proficiency check on the student in each type of aircraft used in that training course;
(2) Upon completion of the initial proficiency check under the requirement of paragraph (d)(1) of this section, Every 12 calendar months after the month in which the person last complied with the requirements of paragraph (d)(1)(ii) of this section, accomplish a recurrent proficiency check in one of the aircraft in which the person trains students.
141.101 Ground training
(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, each instructor who is assigned to the ground training course must hold a flight or ground instructor certificate or a commercial pilot certificate with a lighter-than-air rating, with the appropriate rating for that training course.
(b) The person that do not meet the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section may be assigned ground training duties in a ground training course, if:
(1) The chief instructor assigned to that ground training course finds the person qualified to give that training; and
(2) The training is given under the supervision of the chief instructor or the assistant chief instructor at the facility when the training is conducted.
(c) An instructor cannot conduct any ground training course until he/she has been briefed on the objectives and standards of that course by the chief instructor, assistant chief instructor, or check instructor.
141.103 Standard of training
(a) The holder of the pilot school certificate or provisional pilot school certificate must meet the following requirements:
(1) Compliance with the approved training course; and
(2) Holder of the pilot school certificate, providing training of standard that meets the requirements of article 141.9(d) of this part.
(b) The holder of the pilot school or provisional pilot school must maintain the standard of training as specified in paragraph (a) of this section.
(c) When requested by the Administrator, the pilot school or provisional pilot school must allow the Administrator to administer any theory test, practical test, phase check, or end-of-course test on the students.
(d) When a phase check or end-of-course test is administrated by the Administrator under the provisions of paragraph (c) of this section, while the student has not completed the training course, then that test will then be based on the standards described in the school's approved training course.
(e) When a practical test or theory test is administrated by the Administrator under the provisions of paragraph (c) of this section, when the student has completed the school's training course, that test will based upon the areas of operation approved by the Administrator.
141.105 Chief Instructor Responsibilities
(a) Each person designated as a chief instructor for the pilot school or provisional pilot school shall be responsible for:
(1) Certifying each student's training record, graduation certificate, phase check and end-of-course test report, recommendation for course completion, and application;
(2) Ensure that each certified flight instructor, certificated ground instructor, or commercial pilot with a lighter-than-air rating passes an initial proficiency check prior to being assigned the instructor’s duties in the school's approved training course and thereafter, the instructor must pass a recurrent proficiency check every 12 calendar months after the month in which the initial test was accomplished;
(3) Ensure that each student accomplishes the required phase checks and end-of-course tests according to the school's approved training course; and
(4) Maintain training techniques, procedures and standards of the school that are acceptable to the Administrator.
(b) The chief instructor or an assistant chief instructor must be available at the training base or, if away, must be contactable via telephone, radio or other means during the period that training is ongoing for an approved training course.
(c) The chief instructor may empower the the assistant chief instructor or the check instructor with the authority for conducting phase checks, end-of-course tests and flight instructor proficiency checks.
141.107 Change of Chief Instructor
Whenever the pilot school or provisional pilot school changes the designated chief instructor, the holder:
(a) Must immediately, in writing notifiy the Regional Administration of CAAC that has jurisdiction over the area in which the school is located of the following changes;
(b) Conuct training without a chief instructor for a period not to exceed 60 days while awaiting for the approval of the new designated chief instructor;
(c) Eligible to conduct phase check and end-of-course test, for a period not more than 60 days, administrated by::
(1) The assistant chief instructor of the training course or;
(2) The check instructor of the training course or;
(3) A civil aviation flight standard inspector; or
(4) An examiner designated by CAAC.
(d) If without a Chief Instructor for more than a period of 60 days as described in paragraph (b) of this section, the pilot school must cease operation and surrender its certificate to the administrator. and
(e) Upon surrendeing its certificate to the Administrator, the holder of the pilot school certificate or the provisional pilot school certificate may reinstate the certificate if the following requirements are meet”:
(1) Obtain the approval for a new designated chief instructor;
(2) Meet the requirements of section 141.31(a)(2) of this part; and
(3) Complete the reinstatement form in the format as described by the CAAC.
141.109 Maintenance of Personnel, Facilities, and Equipment
The holder of the pilot school certificate or provisional pilot school certificate may not train a student that is enrolled in the approved training course provided:
(a) The airport, aircraft and facility required for training meets the standards as specified in the holder's approved training course outline and the appropriate requirements of this part; and
(b) Except as provided in section 141.107 of this part, the chief instructor, assistant chief instructor, check instructor or instructor must meets the qualifications as specified in the holder's approved training course and the appropriate requirements of this part.
141.111 Support Bases
The holder of the pilot school certificate or provisional pilot school certificate may conduct ground training or flight training of an approved training course at another base beside its main operations base if:
(a) The assistant chief instructor is designated for the support base, and that assistant chief instructor for the main base, if away from the premises, must be contactable via telephone, radio or other means during the period that training is ongoing for an approved training course;
(b) The airport, facilities and personnel utilised at the support base must meet the appropriate requirements of section B of this part and its approved training course outline;
(c) The instructors under the direct supervision of the chief instructor or assistant chief instructor for the appropriate training course, who is readily available for consultation in accordance with Sec. 141.105(b) of this part; and
(d) Notify in writing, the Regional Administration of CAAC having jurisdiction over the area in which the school is located if the training is conducted at a support base other than the school's main operations base for a period of more than 7 consecutive days.
141.113 Students Enrollment
(a) The holder of the pilot school certificate or the provisional pilot school certificate enrolls a student in an approved course of training, requires the student to be furnished the following information and materials:
(1) A certificate if enrollment containing the name of the course the student is enrolled in and the date of enrollment.
(2) A copy of the training syllabus;
(3) A copy of the safety procedures and practices developed by the school, such as procedures for the use of training aids, off-limits areas, handling of aircraft, parking instructions and other safety instructions that the school deems necessary. These safety procedures must include the following:
(i) The weather minimums required for dispatching dual and solo flights;
(ii) The procedures for starting and taxiing aircraft on the ramp
(iii) The precaution and procedures for aircraft fire;
(iv) Redispatch procedures after unplanned landing on and off airport;
(v) The procedures for listing aircraft discrepancies and how corrective action is taken, including the importance of not using an aircraft with a list discrepancy until a properly qualified person determines its airworthiness.;
(vi) The securing of aircraft when not in use;
(vii) The fuel reserves necessary for local and cross country flights;
(viii) The avoidance of other aircraft in flight and on the ground.;
(ix) Minimum altitude limitations certain minimum altitudes may be specified for teaching and practicing stalls and other maneuvers
(x) The assigned practice areas, including descriptions and diagrams of the areas and special instructions with respect to how to operate in them.
(b) The holder of a pilot school certificate or provisional pilot school certificate must maintain a monthly listing of persons enrolled in each training course offered by the school.
141.115 Graduation Certificate
(a) The holder of the pilot school certificate or provisional pilot school certificate must issue a graduation certificate to each student upon completion of the approved training course.
(b) The graduation certificate must be issued to the student upon completion of the course of training and contain the following information:
(1) The school name and certification number;
(2) The graduate name and certification number;
(3) The name of training course;
(4) The graduation date;
(5) A statement that the student has satisfactorily completed each required stage of the approved course of training including the tests for those stages;
(6) A certification of the information contained on the graduation certificate by the chief instructor for that course of training; and
(7) A statement showing the cross-country training that the student received in the course of training.
Chapter F Records
141.121 Training records
(a) Holder of the pilot school certificate or provisional pilot school certificate must establish and maintain a current and accurate detailed record of the every student enrolled in an approved training course conducted by the school which includes the following information:
(1) The date of the student’s enrollment for the approved course;
(2) A chronology of the student's attendance, subjects, and flight operations that is covered in the student's training which include the names and grades of any tests taken by the student; and
(3) The date of graduation, termination of training, or transferred to another school.
(b) The records in the student’s personal logbook is not considered an acceptable record under paragraph (a) of this section.
(c) Whenever a student graduates, terminates training or transfers to another school, the chief instructor must certify the record.
(d) The holder of a pilot school certificate or a provisional pilot school certificate must retain each student record required by this section for at least 5 years from the date that the student:
(1) Graduates from the course to which the record pertains to;
(2) Terminates the course to which the record pertains to; or
(3) Transfers to another school.
(e) The holder of a pilot school certificate or a provisional pilot school certificate must make a copy of the student's training record available to the student upon request. .
Chapter G Special Requirements for Foreign Pilot Schools
141.131 Applicability
(a) This section is applicable to pilot school outside the People’s Republic of China, which provides pilot training for operators and other aviation organization in China.
(b) The foreign pilot school shall obtain the pilot school license under this part. Chinese students in that school having a foreign pilot school license may apply for the pilot certificate or rating issued under section 61.93(d) of CCAR-61, provided the students have completed the required training and have been issued a certificate or rating by that country.
141.133 Foreign Pilot School Requirement
The foreign pilot school providing pilot certificate or rating training for Chinese operator or other aviation organization must meet the following requirements:
(a) The country where that school is located shall be a member of the ICAO, and that school has been issued an Air Operator Certificate (AOC) or similar approval by that country’s civil aviation authority.
(b) Meet the requirements of sections A, B, C, E, and F.
141.135 Foreign Pilot School Certification
(a) When applying for the pilot school license, the foreign pilot school must submit the application and relevant documents to Flight Standards Department of CAAC described in section 141.15 (b) of this part.
(b) FSD will make a decision on the application within 5 working days after receiving the application. Provided FSD accepts the application, review group shall be set up, The group must consist of personnel from FSD and personnel of the Regional Administration, it must be in a location where the operator intends to conduct the training of the pilots at the foreign pilot school. The review group will review the application, perform validation and inspection on site and submit the review report to Flight Standard Department of CAAC. FSD shall make decision within 20 business days after having receiv ed the report, and issue the pilot school certificate within 10 business days after acceptance of the application. FSD must notify applicant flight school, in writing, of the reason of reject ion.
(c) A pilot school license has the period of validity for 24 calendar months. The applicant must apply for a new license within 60 days preceding the date of expire certificate.
(d) During the training of Chinese students, the foreign pilot school shall meet the requirements of this part and accept the Administrator’s surveillance and inspections .
Chapter H Legal Responsibility
141.141 Warning and Penalty
(a) The holder of a pilot school certificate or provisional pilot school certificate has received an order by the Administrator due to the following violation and are taking corrective actions, is subject to a warning or a fine of more than RMB 10,000 but limited to 30,000
(1) Violate the requirements described in Article.141.23, section 141.25 and other articles of this part, deny inspection or present provisional certificate or license, manual and other documents for inspection;
(2) Violate the requirements described in subarticle.141.29 (c) or section 141.57 (b) of this part, the main business office or briefing area is used by two or more pilot schools at one time
(3) Violate the requirements described in subarticle.141.43, section 141.49, and section 141.109 (b) of this part, by allowing personnel that do not meet the requirements or unqualified personnel to be designated as chief instructor, assistant chief instructor or check instructor;
(4) Violate the requirements described in article 141.51 of this part, training to be conducted at the airport that do not meet the requirements;
(5) Violate the requirements described in article 141.53, 141.59, and subarticle 141.109 (a) of this part, use of uncertified aircraft and facilities for training;
(6) Violate the requirements described in article 141.55 of this part, not approved and uncertified flight simulators and flight training devices to be used for training;
(7) Violate the requirements described in subarticle 141.87 (e) and section 141.121 of this part, training records not correctly established and maintained;
(8) Violate the requirements described in article 141.93 of this part, the training is conducted beyond the associate ratings of the provisional certificate, certificate and license;
(9) Violate the requirements described in article 141.95 of this part, aircraft without valid documents.
(b) The holder of the provisional pilot school certificate, pilot school certificate or pilot school license training experience or records completed under the violation listed in the above paragraph (4) to (8) will not be recognized by the Administrator..
(c) The Administrator will issue a warning or impose a fine of RMB 500 to 1000, should a flight instructor and/or ground instructor employed by the holder of a provisional pilot school certificate, pilot school certificate and pilot school license fail to fulfil the responsibility according to the holder’s of the operation manual or have violated the requirements described in article 141.105 of this part.
141.143 Suspension or Revoked of Certification
(a) The Administrator will suspend the provisional certificate, certificate and license for a period of not less than 1 calendar month and a maximum of a 6 calendar months or revoke the certificate and license according to the law and administrative regulations, should the holder ;
(1) Violate the requirements described in article 141.21 of this part, find contraband has been carried;
(2) Violate the requirements prescribed in article 141.27 of this part, make any false advertisement that is in a serious situation;
(3) Violate the requirements prescribed in article 141.75 of this part, allow the training is conducted by using unapproved training course;
(4) Violate the requirements prescribed in subarticle 141.87 (a) or (b) of this part, allow a student who doesn’t complete the training course with examining authority is recommended to apply for the certificate and rating;
(5) Violate the requirements prescribed in subarticle 141.87 (d) of this part, perform the test should it know, or have reason to believe, that the test has been compromised ;
(6) Violate the requirements prescribed in article 141.97 of this part, certificate an unqualified student;
(7) Violate the requirements prescribed in sub-article 141.103 (a) or (b) of this part, be unable to maintain the quality of training
(b) The Administrator will not accept the training experience and record, provided the holder of a provisional pilot school certificate, pilot school certificate and pilot school license has any action as described in sub-article (a)(3) of this section; the Administrator will not accept the recommendation and test, provided the holder has any action as described in sub-article (a)(4) or (5) of this section; the Administrator will not accept the graduation certificate, provided the holder has any action as described in paragraph (a)(6) of this section.
141.145 Responsibility of the Administrator and Relevant Personnel
The Administrator and /or its staff, who violate any law, administrative regulation of this part or has not fulfill the surveillance responsibility specified in this part, and who have shown severe carelessness whilst handling the provisional pilot school certificate, pilot school certificate or verification of pilot school certificate, shall bear the legal responsibility according to Administrative Licensing Law of the People’s Republic of China.
Chapter H Supplementary Provisions
141.151 Implementation Date
This part will take effect on January 15, 2005.