Subject CREW OXYGEN SYSTEM EMERGENCY EXITS PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHER |EMERGENCY LIGHTING canadair chanenc/er OPERATING MANUAL PSP 606 SECTION 8 EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS Figure Number LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Title 1 Crew Oxygen System 2 Oxygen Mask 3 Ground Servicing Panel and Pressure Gauges 4 Emergency Exits (2 Sheets) 5 Portable Fire Extinguisher
canadair chaHenejer OPERATING MANUAL PSP 606 SECTION 8 EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CREW OXYGEN SYSTEM (Figures 1 , 2 and 3) Oxygen for the flight crew is supplied by a single cylinder with a charge pressure of 1850 psig. The oxygen system is installed in the pressurized area of the aircraft. The cylinder is located in a zone with good air circulation, remote from any significant source of heat. The location, together with high pressure relief provisions, protects the cylinder from temperatures that might cause rupture. Eros quick-donning, diluter-demand type oxygen mask/regulator assemblies with microphones are provided for the pilot and copilot. The masks are stowed, ready for use, in stowage boxes in the left and right side consoles. Each stowage box incorporates a shutoff valve, a blinker type flow indicator, a spring loaded RESET/TEST sliding handle, an OXY-ON indicator flag and two doors. The mask is withdrawn from the stowage box by grasping the red release grips on the side of the regulator assembly and pulling upward to open the doors of the stowage box. The inflatable harness inflates when the release grips are grasped and the stowage box shutoff valve opens to deliver oxygen to the mask when the stowage box doors open. When the user has fitted the mask in place and released the release grips, the harness deflates and grips the user's head to keep the mask/regulator assembly firmly fitted. After the mask has been extracted from the stowage box, the doors may be closed without cutting off the oxygen supply to the mask. To stop the flow of oxygen, the RESET/TEST handle is actuated to move the OXY-ON indicator flag out of view and close the stowage box shutoff valve. Oxygen is supplied from the oxygen cylinder through a pressure reducing valve and is delivered at 72.5 +5 psi to each mask. Oxygen is available in three phases and is controlled Fy the regulator on each mask. The first phase is an air/oxygen mixture available on demand when the flow selector marked N and 10Q5& PUSH is set to N. The second is an undiluted oxygen supply available on demand when the flow selector is set to 10C& PUSH, the third phase is an undiluted oxygen supply with an overpressure available when the flow selector is set to TOOK PUSH and the EMERGENCY ON/OFF button is set to ON. With an undiluted oxygen supply, the oro-nasal mask also provides protection against smoke inhalation. A flow indicator (blinker) enables the crew member to determine that oxygen is being delivered to the mask. The flow indicator is located in the stowage box and is visible with the doors open or closed. SECTION 8 Page 1 Mar 01/85 canadair chaiienQer OPERATING MANUAL Crew Oxygen System Figure 1 SECTION 8 Page 2 May 28/82 canactair chaiienqer OPERATING MANUAL PSP 606 0R0 NASAL MASK SHELL RELEASE GRIPS (HARNESS MANUAL INFLATION CONTROL) MICROPHONE FLOW INDICATOR Oxygen Mask Figure 2 SECTION 8 Page 3 Mar 01/85 cacnhaatiiiaeinr tjer OPERATING MANUAL OXYGEN CYLINDER PRESSURE GAUGE © HIGH PRESSURE TUBING OXYGEN CHARGING POINT RED GREEN FLIGHT COMPARTMENT GAUGE O RED DULL INSTRUMENT BLACK < O«NTEP ¥VMfTE> TO PRESSURE GAUGE WHITE GROUND SERVICING PANEL GAUGE © Ground Servicing Panel and Pressure Gauges Figure 3 SECTION 8 Page 4 May 28/82 OPERATING MANUAL PSP 606 An oxygen pressure gauge is provided on the copilot's side panel• The gauge is marked red for pressures below 200 psi and green for pressures between 200 and 1850 psi. An oxygen pressure gauge for ground crew use is located in the oxygen ground service panel* The gauge indicates the cylinder pressure and is calibrated 0 to 2000 psi. If excessive pressures occur within the oxygen cylinder, a frangible disc, mounted on the cylinder head, ruptures and permits the oxygen to discharge overboard. The ground crew is alerted to oxygen overboard discharge by the rupturing of the green disc at the overboard discharge indicator, located on the fuselage just rear of the oxygen ground servicing panel. EMERGENCY EXITS (Figure 4) Exits for emergency evacuation of the aircraft are provided by an overwing emergency exit and by the passenger/crew entrance door. The upward opening passenger/crew entrance door is equipped with a gas spring strut. The gas spring strut is automatically armed when the door is closed and latched. When the handle is unlatched and the door is pushed outward, the gas spring strut forces the door to open fully and provides a minimum clearance of 48 inches. To unlock the passenger/crew entrance door, the single lever internal handle is pulled upward releasing the external handle. Continued rotation of the handle upward unlatches the door, allowing it to be opened when pushed outwards. The overwing emergency exit opens inward. It is on the right side of the passenger cabin and can be unlatched from inside or outside the cabin. The operating latch mechanism is contained in the upper section of the door. The push plate and inner unlatching handle are connected to a torque tube and adjustable latching bolts. Springs retain the latching bolts in an overcentre locked position. The inner unlatching handle has a Betalight sign which displays EXIT PULL and is readily visible during daylight or darkness. A hand grip is located immediately below the window set in the door. The grip is provided to support the door when opening it from inside the cabin. The outer push plate is captioned PUSH IN FLAP, PUSH DOOR INWARD. PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHER (Figure 5) A portable fire extinguisher is located in the flight compartment on the bulkhead behind the copilot1s seat. The extinguisher is charged with Hal on 1211 extinguishing agent and is suitable for use on Class A, B and C fires. When required, the extinguisher is removed from its support by unlatching a quick release clamp. Discharge of the extinguishing agent is effected by setting a button to the discharge position and squeezing a spring-loaded lever on the extinguisher operating head. The lever can be released at any time to stop the discharge. The charge pressure of the extinguishing agent allows the extinguisher to be used at a safe distance from wery hot fires or fires generating a dangerous amount of smoke. SECTION 8 Page 5 Mar 01/85 canadair chaiienper OPERATING MANUAL PSP 606 EFFECTIVITY: A/C 1002 TO 1023 PASSENGER/CREW ENTRANCE DOOR Emergency Exits Figure 4 (Sheet 1) SECTION 8 Page 6 Feb 12/88 cacnhaadnaeinr per OPERATING MANUAL PSP 606 SINGLE-LEVER INTERNAL HANDLE PASSENGER/CREW ENTRANCE DOOR EFFECTIVITY: A/C 1024 TO 1999 Emergency Exits SECTION 8 Figure 4 (Sheet 2) Page 7 Mar 01/85 chaiienQer OPERATING MANUAL PSP 606 TAMPER INDICATOR Red disk breaks when discharge lever is squeezed. LOCKING BUTTON Sliding button down to discharge position unlocks discharge lever. DISCHARGE LEVER After locking button is set to discharge position, spring-loaded lever is squeezed to discharge extinguishing agent. Discharge stops when lever is released. GREEN Normal charge RED Overpressure. YELLOW Underpressure. PRESSURE GAUGE O NOTE Normal operating charge is 100psiat21°C(70°F). Portable Fire Extinguisher SECTION 8 Figure 5 Page 8 Mar 01/85 canadair chaiienQer OPERATING MANUAL PSP 606 EMERGENCY LIGHTING Emergency lighting is provided by three overwing floodlights located on the right side of the fuselage adjacent to the overwing exit and by one ground floodlight near the passenger/crew entrance door. For further information on the emergency lighting, refer to SECTION 15, LIGHTING. SECTION 8 Page 9 Mar 01/85 |