OPERATING MANUAL PSP 6C1A-6 SECTION 16 NAVIGATION TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. GENERAL 1 2. INERTIAL REFERENCE SYSTEM 1 3. STANDBY ARTIFICIAL HORIZON 2 4. STANDBY MAGNETIC COMPASS 2 5. WEATHER RADAR SYSTEM 2 6. RADIO ALTIMETER SYSTEM 3 7. VHF NAVIGATION SYSTEM 3 8. AUTOMATIC DIRECTION FINDER SYSTEM 3 9. DISTANCE MEASURING EQUIPMENT 4 10. AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL TRANSPONDER 4 11. FLIGHT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 4 12. DIGITAL CLOCK SYSTEM 5 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Title Page Number 1 IRS - Simplified Block Diagram 6 2 IRS - Inertia! System Display Unit (ISDU) 7 3 IRS - Mode Select Unit (MSU) 8 4 IRS - Annunciators and Switch/Lights 9 5 IRS - Normal EFIS Displays 10 6 IRS - Failure EFIS Displays 11 7 IRS - Reversionary EFIS Displays 12 16 - CONTENTS Page 1 Apr 10/95 cftauencjer OPERATING MANUAL PSP 601A-6 Figure Number Title Page 8 Standby Artificial Horizon 13 9 Standby Magnetic Compass 14 10 Weather Radar System - Simplified Block Diagram 15 11 Weather Radar System Controller 16 12 Weather Radar System Selection/Control - EFIS MFD Controller 17 13 Weather Radar System Selection/Control - EFIS Display Controller 18 14 Weather Radar System - MFD Displays (2 Sheets) 19 15 Weather Radar System - Test Pattern 21 16 Weather Radar System - EHSI Displays 22 17 Radio Altimeter System - Simplified Block. Diagram 23 18 Radio Altimeter System - EFIS Displays 24 19 Radio Altimeter System Control - EFIS Display Controller 25 20 VHF/NAV System - Simplified Block. Diagram 26 21 VHF/NAV System Control and Remote Switch/Lights 27 22 VHF/NAV System Source Selection - EFIS Display Controller 28 23 VHF/NAV System - EADI Displays 29 24 VHF/NAV System - EHSI Full Compass Display 30 25 VHF/NAV System - EHSI MAP Display 31 26 VHF/NAV System - EFIS Failure Displays 32 27 VHF/NAV System Audio Selection/Control - Audio Integrating System 33 28 ADF System - Simplified Block Diagram 34 29 ADF System Control Unit 35 30 ADF System Source Selection - EFIS Display Controller 36 31 ADF System EFIS Displays 37 32 ADF System Audio Selection/Control - Audio Integrating System 38 16-CONTENTS Page 2 Apr 02/87 canaaair cnaiiertQer OPERATING MANUAL PSP 601A-6 Fi gure Number Title Page 33 DME System - Simplified Block Diagram 39 34 DME System Selection/Control - VHF/NAV Control 40 35 DME System - EFIS Displays 41 36 DME System Audio Selection/Control - Audio Integrating System 42 37 ATC Transponder System Control Unit 43 38 FMS - Simplified Block Diagram 44 39 FMS Control Display Unit (CDU) (2 Sheets) 45 40 FMS EHSI Source Selection - EFIS Display Controller 47 41 FMS - Remote Annunciators 48 42 FMS - EADI Display 45 43 FMS - EHSI Full Compass Display (2 Sheets) 50 44 FMS - EHSI MAP Display (Additional Displays) 52 45 FMS MFD Source Selection and Display Control - EFIS MFD Controller 53 46 FMS - MFD MAP Display 54 47 FMS - MFD PUN Display 55 48 Digital Clock Controls 56 16-CONTENTS Page 3 Apr 02/87
OPERATING MANUAL PSP 601A-6 SECTION 16 NAVIGATION 1. GENERAL The following systems and components are used for navigation: Inertia! reference system (IRS) Standby magnetic compass Standby horizon indicator Weather radar system Radio altimeter system VHF navigation (VHF/NAV) system Automatic direction finder (ADF) system Distance measuring equipment (DME) system Air traffic control (ATC) system Flight management system (FMS) Digital clock 2. INERTIAL REFERENCE SYSTEM (Figures 1 through 7) The laser inertia! reference system (LIRS) is a dual system (IRS 1 and IRS 2) which provides aircraft present position, attitude, velocity, heading data, wind speed, wind direction and ground speed data. The LIRS interfaces with the flight management systems (FMS 1 and FMS 2), the electronic flight instrument system (EFIS), the weather radar system, the automatic flight control system (AFCS) and the digital air data system (DADS). Initialization data {latitude and longitude) is entered into the LIRS from | either the inertia! system display unit (ISDU) or the FMS (refer to paragraph 11.). IRS REV switch/lights are located on the pilot's and copilot's instrument panels, to provide for selection of the on-side or cross-side IRS. The system includes two inertia! reference units (IRU), a six-annunciator mode select unit (MSU) for each IRU, an inertia! system display unit (ISDU), and a blower kit and backup battery for each IRU- It also has full | provisions for a third inertia! reference unit (IRU 3). SECTION 16 Page 1 Apr 10/95 ctianencter OPERATING WUfJAL PSP 601A-6 STANDBY ARTIFICIAL HORIZON (Figure 8) The artificial horizon indicator displays pitch and roll aircraft attitude information- Vertical attitude is maintained by a mechanical erection system. The indicator continues to provide attitude information for a minimum of 9 minutes after loss of power. STANDBY MAGNETIC COMPASS (Figure 9) The standby magnetic compass is aligned with the is of the self-contained, dry type. A miniature heading against a rotating vertical compass card. aircraft longitudinal axis and aircraft pointer displays the WEATHER RADAR SYSTEM (Figures 10 through 16) The weather radar system detects and locates various types of weather along the flight path of the aircraft and provides a visual indication of the storm intensity on the multifunction display (MFD). Weather radar functions are controlled by the weather radar controller. The EFIS MFD controller provides for selection and dimming control of the weather radar display on the MFD. The weather radar returns can also be displayed on the pilot's and copilot's electronic horizontal situation indicators (EHSI) in the partial compass mode, selectable from the pilot's and copilot's display controllers. The weather radar system also has a supplementary ground mapping function to assist with navigation and should not be used or relied upon for proximity warning, anti-collision or tension avoidance. The colours used in the weather and ground mapping modes are as follows. HEATHER Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Black Green Yellow Red Magenta GROUND MAPPING Black Cyan Yellow No reflective target Least rainfall Heavy rainfall Next heaviest rainfall Heaviest rainfall No reflective target Least reflective target Next level of reflective target Level 3 Magenta Most reflective target SECTION 16 Page 2 Apr 02/87 cacnhaadJaleirn Qer OPERATING MANUAL PSP 601A-6 The attitude source used by the weather radar system is controlled by the IRS REV pushbutton on the pilot's instrument panel. The weather radar system is inhibited when the aircraft is on the ground. The weather radar system consists of the receiver/transmitter/antenna and the weather radar controller. RADIO ALTIMETER SYSTEM (Figures 17, 18 and 19) The radio altimeter system is a high-resolution, short-pulse radio altitude system that provides precise information on ground proximity during the approach and landing phases of aircraft operation. Radio altitude is displayed on the pilot's and copilot's electronic attitude director indicators (EADIs). The radio altimeter system consists of a transmitter/receiver, transmitter antenna and receiver antenna. On aircraft 5041 and 5146, the radio altimeter system is dual and consists of two transmitter/receivers, two transmitter antennas and two receiver antennas. VHF NAVIGATION SYSTEM (Figures 20 through 27) The VHF navigation (VHF/NAV) systems No. 1 and No. 2, receive and process VHF omnirange (VOR), localizer (LOC), glideslope (GS) and marker beacon signals to provide short-range navigation (SRN) for the pilot's and copilot's systems. The VHF/NAV systems No. 1 and No. 2, provide VOR, LOC and GS deviation, V0R/L0C audio, VOR bearing, VOR TO/FROM data and marker beacon outputs. The VHF navigation information is used by the electronic flight instrument system (EFIS), the flight management system (FMS), automatic flight control system (AFCS) and the audio integrating system. The pilot's and copilot's display controllers provide for selection of the VHF/NAV system information. AUTOMATIC DIRECTION FINDER SYSTEM (Figures 28 through 32) The automatic direction finder (ADF) systems No. 1 and No. 2 receive signals from the selected ground station, to provide relative bearing to the station for display on the pilot's and copilot's electronic horizontal situation indicators (EHSI) and audio signals for the intercom system. The station selected can be a non-directional beacon or a standard AM broadcast station operating in a frequency range of 190 to 1799.5 kHz. The pilot's and copilot's source controllers provide for selection of the ADF information displayed on EFIS. The ADF system consists of two ADF receivers, two ADF control units and a dual ADF antenna. SECTION 16 Page 3 Aug 14/02 cacnhaadTaleirn qer OPERATING MANUAL PSP 601A-6 9. DISTANCE MEASURING EQUIPMENT (Figures 33 through 36) The distance measuring equipment (DME 1 and DME 2) measures the slant range distance between the aircraft and the tuned DME ground station, up to 300 nautical miles. The distance information is supplied to the electronic flight instrument system (EFIS) and the automatic flight control system (AFCS). The DME 1 and DME 2 also provide ground speed, time-to-station and ground station identification data outputs for the flight management system No. 1 (FMS 1) and the flight management system No. 2 (FMS 2 ) , respectively, and audio outputs for the intercom system. The DME 1 and DME 2 can be tuned manually or automatically. Manual tuning is performed from the VHF/NAV control in short-range radio navigation. Automatic tuning is performed by the FMS in long-range FMS navigation. The pilot's and copilot's EFIS source controllers provide for selection of the DME distance displayed on EFIS and used by the flight director system (FDS) and the air data system (ADS) when the short-range radio navigation is used. The DME distance is switched in conjunction with the VHF/NAV system data (refer to paragraph 7.). The DME consists of the two transmitter/receivers and two antennas. Control of the DME 1 and DME 2 is provided by the VHF/NAV systems No. 1 and No. 2. 10. AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL TRANSPONDER (Figure 37) The air traffic control (ATC) transponder system provides the ATC ground radar systems with coded identification and altitude data in response to a valid interrogation signal. This enables the air traffic controller to identify transponder-equipped aircraft in addition to detecting range and direction. The ATC transponder system uses altitude data from the air data system No. 1 (ADS 1) and from the air data system No. 2 (ADS 2 ) . The ATC transponder control unit provides for control of the ATC transponder systems. The ATC transponder system consists of two transponders, a control unit, a control adapter and two antennas. 11. FLIGHT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (Figures 38 through 47) The flight management systems No. 1 and No. 2 (FMS 1 and FMS 2) use navigation data including attitude and heading from the inertial reference system (IRS), altitude, true airspeed (TAS) and static-air-temperature (SAT) from the air data system (ADS), and distance information from the scanning distance measuring equipment (DME) system, in order to navigate the aircraft along a programmed flight plan. The programmed flight plan is computed by the flight management system (FMS) navigation computer unit (NCU) and displayed and controlled by the FMS control display unit (CDU). The FMS interfaces with the electronic flight instrument system (EFIS) and the flight guidance system (FGS) to display and control the FMS computed flight plan. The FMS 1 and FMS 2 also use fuel flow inputs from the fuel flow sensors to provide for fuel management. SECTION 16 Page 4 Apr 02/87 OPERATING MANUAL PSP 601A-6 The p i l o t s and copilot's EFIS source controllers provide for selection of the FMS navigation data and FMS bearing displayed on EFIS, and the roll steering command applied on the on-side flight director system (FDS). The multifunction display (MFD) provides for selection of the FMS navigation data displayed on the MFD. The FMS 1 and FMS 2 provide tune control serial data to the associated VHF navigation (VHF/NAV) system to automatically tune the DME receiver in order to provide the scanning DME function. 12. DIGITAL CLOCK SYSTEM (Figure 48) Both the pilot and copilot have a digital clock system. The clocks can be set to display local, flight and elapsed time. Each clock is powered by a 6-volt battery. The digital clock systems consist of a digital clock, a press-to-reset switch and a resistor. SECTION 16 Page 5 Apr 02/87 OPERATING MANUAL PSP 601A-6 FMS1 TO EADI, EHSl, EFIS. AFCS AND FMS ISDU PILOTS SIDE CONSOLE FMS 2 tl URU NO. 1 PILOTS INSTRUMENT PANEL REV T IRS 1 COPILOTS SIDE CONSOLE I WEATHER! RADAR * ^ r ffiS 2 COPILOTS SIDE CONSOLE LIRU NO. 2 ASCB BUS mm __t wotx*s^^^ I I COPILOTS INSTRUMENT PANEL COPILOTS MSU m* ^ o PILOTS EADI ^ m * M * X PILOTS EHSi MFD COPILOTS EAD! COPILOTS EHSl DADC NO. 2 IRS - Simplified Block Diagram Figure 1 SECTION 16 Page 6 Apr 02/87 chauenper OPERATING MANUAL PSP 601A-6 Honeywell LASEREF ZL i_ i i ^ DIMMER KNOB Controls the brightness of the display. DSPL SEL SWITCH Selects the data to be shown on the digit display. TEST - lights all the display elements and the keyboard ENT and CLR cue tights. The switch is springloaded and must be held in this position. TK/GS - Selects the track angle in degrees on the left display and the ground speed in knots on the right. PPOS - Selects the latitude on the left display and the longitude on the right. WIND - Selects the wind direction in degrees on the left display and the wind speed in knots on the right. HDG/STS - Selects true or magnetic heading on the left display and time to complete alignment on the right. DSPLSEL *> OS WIND TK/GsVv^—-^ .HDG/STS E^ SYS DSPL SWITCH Selects the IRU from which the displayed data originates. If the switch is set of OFF. the ISDU cannot send or receive data to or from any IRU. H Q• p •CO •H S3 m El iy] DIGIT DISPLAY Shows data from the selected system. KEYBOARD Enters initial data. ENT AND CLR KEYS Contain green cue lights which, when lit. indicate that operator action is required. CLR is used to remove data erroneously entered. ENT is used to send data to the IRU. PILOTS SIDE CONSOLE IRS - Inertial System Display Unit (ISDU) Figure 2 SECTION 16 Page 7 Apr 02/87 OPERATING MANUAL PSP 601A-6 NAV RDY ANNUNCIATOR Comes on to indicate that the alignment is complete. ALIGN ANNUNCIATOR Light iUurninates when the mode select switch b in the ALIGN position (mode). The light -flashes, if alignment requirements are not met because of aircraft movement or incorrect operator action. FAULT ANNUNCIATOR Comes on to indicate that there is a fault in the IRS. NO AIR ANNUNCIATOR Comes on to indicate a cooling loiiure. TEST PUSHBUTTON initiates a test sequence m which the IRS outputs three sets of specified test va»u» sequentially. Used for maintenance purposes MODE SELECT SWITCH Selects the four IRU basic modes and the four submodes. NAV position is detented. OFF - Turns off the IRS ALIGN - Turns the IRS on and selects the align mode. To complete the align mode, inputs the initial position latitude and longitude must entered into the IRS, either from the FMS or from the ISDU. NAV - Seleos the navigation mode if the align mode is successfully completed. ATT - Selects the revisiohary ATT (attitude) mode for the IRS. normally used when the NAV mode fails. ON BATT ANNUNCIATOR Comes on to indicate that the IRS is receiving power from the IRS back-up battery. BATT CAIl Ahi.\:jN?:A'r;,.. Comes on to indicate that the IRS back-up battery is supplying less than the minimum voltage required for IRS operation. CENTRE PEDESTAL IRS - Mode Select Unit (MSU) Figure 3 SECTION 16 Page 8 Apr 02/87 OPERATING MANUAL PSP 601A-6 IRS REV IRS REV SWTTCH/UGHT When preeaod, eeiects the cross-tide IRS as back-up when the on-side IRS source fails. PILOTS AND COPILOTS INSTRUMENT PANELS b Att/lLIAfpY BATTERY IRS 1 IRS 2 IRS 3 CHARGER FAIL BATT/CHARGER FAIL ANNUNCIATOR Comas on (ember) to indicate that the back-up battery is not charging. d EFFBCnVTTY: A/C 5136 AND SUBS AND A/C POST SB 601 - 0 * 16 2 BATT/CHARGER FAIL ANNUNCIATOR Comas on iember) to indicate that the back-up battery b not charging. / FAIL I ON I \U XILlAr/y BATTERY I IRS I 1 I IRS I 2 I IRS I BlNOPl APU BATT/CHARGER FAIL EFFECTMIY: A/C 8001 TO SIS* d COPILOTS CONSOLE IRS - Annunciators and Switch/Lights Figure 4 SECTION 16 Page 9 Apr 10/95 OPERATING MANUAL PSP 601A-6 WIND VECTOR DISPLAY Indicates wind speed and direction calculated by the IRS. HEADING SOURCE ANNUNCIATOR A white MAG annunciation is displayed above the heading dial to indicate that the heading source is referenced to magnetic North. HEADING DIAL Displays magnetic IRS heading. EHS! GSPD DISPLAY Indicates ground speed calculated by the IRS (see note). ATTITUDE SPHBIE Displays IRS pitch and roll attitude. NOTE Ground speed is supplied by the PMS when en FMS navigation source is selected. HAD! PILOTS AND COPILOT'S INSTRUMENT PANELS IRS - Normal EFIS Displays Figure 5 SECTION 16 Page 10 Apr 02/87 ctvanenaer OPERATING MANUAL PSP 601A-6 Y f o IRS V 160 DH200 I I s: LA J // /y IRS ATTITUDE FAILURE When the IRS fails, the pitch scale and roil pointer are removed, the flight director command bars are removed, the attitude sphere is removed and a red boxed IRS annunciation is displayed in the centre of the EAD1. / . V jo ! i \ f m 1 CRS L1r^ HDG 349 ^xMM'/v- 340 0 c j: R - ^ -j- "i—- 1 r + -£ 180 ' ' W . l . ^ ]TG RNE 1 34-5 >n m * o ^ IRS HEADING FAILURE When the IRS fails, the MAG annunciation, heading bug. course select/desired track pointer, scale and deviation bar. to-from pointer. bearing pointers are removed. The heading dial is displayed North up and a re6 boxed IRS is displayed above the heading dial. PILOT'S AND COPILOTS INSTRUMENT PANELS IRS - Failure EFIS Displays Figure 6 SECTION 16 Page 11 Apr 02/87 OPERATING MANUAL PSP 601A-6 IRS REVERSION ANNUNCIATOR When the cross-side IRS is transferred to the on-side, an amber boxed XIRS is displayed on the on side EHSl and EAOi and an amber boxed green IRS is displayed on the cross-side EHSl and EADL PILOTS AND COPILOTS INSTRUMENT PANELS IRS - Reversionary EFIS Displays Figure 7 SECTION 16 Page 12 Apr 02/87 ctiafiencjer OPERATING MANUAL PSP 601A-6 ROLL INDEX POWER WARNING FLAG Comes into view to indicate a caged condition, standby artificial horizon failure or a power loss. ROLL POINTER HORIZON LINE DRUM PITCH - TRIM SCALE AIRCRAFT SYMBOL CAGING/PITCH - TRIM KNOB When pulled, the indicator is caged. When rotated, the aircraft symbol is adjusted for varying pitch attitudes. CENTRE INSTRUMENT PANEL Standby A r t i f i c i a l Horizon SECTION 16 Figure 8 Page 13 Apr 02/87 canadair ctianencjer OPERATING MANUAL PSP 601A-6 BELOW OVERHEAD PANEL Standby Magnetic Compass SECTION 16 Figure 9 page 14 Apr 02/87 cftauencjer OPERATING MANUAL PSP 601A-6 AIR/GND MODULE WOW WEATHER RADAR SYSTEM ATTITUDE PILOT'S DISPLAY CONTROLLER WX DISPLAY VIDEO EF1S MFD CONTROLLER WX DISPLAY VIDEO COPILOTS DISPLAY CONTROLLER WX DISPLAY VIDEO PILOTS INSTRUMENT PANEL URS1 J ** *f ** URS2 --J psl jREVli PILOTS EHSI °s&o O z WX DIM CONTROL MFD f \ ..-5-, • V , fi *L_ ^"\ . / OVERALL DIM CONTROL COPILOTS EHSI WX DIM CONTROL Weather Radar System - Simplified Block Diagram Figure 10 SECTION 16 Page 15 Apr 02/87 OPERATING MANUAL PSP 601A-6 RANGE PUSHBUTTONS The two range pushbuttons allow range selection from 5 to 300 NM full scale in the ON mode, or from 5 to ?000 NM fullscale in the FP mode. The up arrow pushbutton selects increasing ranges, and the down arrow pushbutton selects decreasing ranges. RCT PUSHBUTTON Selects rain echo attenuation compensation techntQue (RCT mode). When the RCT mode is disabled, the OFF annunciator above the pushbutton comes on. STAB PUSHBUTTON Allows the antenna stabilization inputs to be disabled. When the inputs are disabled, the stabilization off condition is indicated by the OFF annunciator above the switch. TGT PUSHBUTTON Enables/disables target alert mode. SECT PUSHBUTTON Selects eitner tun azimuth scsr. i uu degrees) or sector azimuth scan (60 degrees). GAIN/PRESET CONTROL Adjusts radar receiver gain. MODE SELECTOR Selects weather radar operating modes. WX/MAP SELECTOR Selects weather or map display when the mode selector is in the ON position. TILT CONTROL Adjusts antenna tilt angle. CENTRE PEDESTAL Weather Radar System Controller SECTION 16 Figure 11 Page 16 Apr 02/87 canadair ctiaiiencjer OPERATING MANUAL PSP 601A-6 WX PUSHBUTTON Selects weather radar information for display on MFD indicator. MODE (OUTER) SELECTOR Controls MFD indicator display brightness. CENTRE PEDESTAL Heather Radar System Selection/Control - EFIS MFD Controller Figure 12 SECTION 16 Page 17 Apr 02/87 OPERATING MANUAL PSP 601A-6 WX PUSHBUTTON Selects weather radar returns for display on the SHS1. If the full compass is displayed prior to WX selection, pressing the WX pushbutton automatically selects the partial compass for display with the weather redar returns. WX DIM (INNER) CONTROL Adjusts the brightness of the weather radar r e t i r e v . :he EHSi. PILOTS AND COPILOTS SIDE PANELS Heather Radar System Selection/Control - EFIS Display Controller Figure 13 SECTION 16 Page 18 Apr 02/87 ctiauenaer OPERATING MANUAL PSP 601A-6 WEATHER RADAR DISPLAY AZIMUTH LINE RANGE WEATHER DISPLAY RANGE RING WEATHER RADAR MODE AIRCRAFT SYMBOL CENTRE INSTRUMENT PANEL Weather Radar System - MFD Displays Figure 14 (Sheet 1) SECTION 16 Page 19 Apr 02/87 OPERATING MANUAL PSP 601A-6 COMPASS ARC (WHITE) MAG/TRU (WHITE) VOR SELECTION ANNUNCIATOR (MAGENTA) APT SELECTION ANNUNCIATOR (MAGENTA). RANGE (CYAN) (GREEN) SELECTED NAV SOURCE (GREEN) WX RETURN DISPLAY WX MODES (CYAN) WAYPOIN1 'PENTS (WHITE) NAV DATA (MAGENTA) TO WAYPOINT DATA (GREEN) DESIGNATOR (WHITE) (CYAN IF OFFSET) CROSSTRACK DEVIATION (GREEN) MAP WITH WEATHER RADAR DISPLAY CENTRE INSTRUMENT PANEL Heather Radar System - MFD Displays Figure 14 (Sheet 2; SECTION 16 Page 20 Apr 02/87 canaaair ctiauenoer OPERATING MANUAL PSP 601A-6 WXMODE ANNUNCIATORS • STBY (GREEN) • TEST (GREEN) • WX (GREEN) • RCT (GREEN) • GMAP (GREEN) » FAIL (AMBER) TGT OR VAR ANNUNCIATOR • TGT: TARGET ALERT - GREEN-SELECTED - AMBER-LVL3 OR 4 TGT DETECTED] • VAR: VARIABLE GAIN (AMBER) WX RANGE TGT ALT ON: RED RINGS TGT ALT OFF: BLACK (WHITE) AND NOISE BAND ANTENNA TILT ANGLE REACT OFF: BLACK REACT ON: BLUE REACT FIELD WX RANGE ANNUNCIATOR (WHITE) REACT OFF: NOISE REACT ON: MAGENTA NOISE REACT OFF: BLACK REACT ON: BLUE MAGENTA RED GREEN YELLOW CENTRE INSTRUMENT PANEL Weather Radar System - Test Pattern Figure 15 SECTION 16 Page 21 Apr 02/87 OPERATING MANUAL PSP 601A-6 TARGET ALERT ANNUNCIATOR RANGE RING MODE ANNUNCIATOR WX RETURN DISPLAY RANGE ANNUNCIATOR PILOTS AND COPILOTS INSTRUMENT PANELS Weather Radar System - EHSI Displays Figure 16 SECTION 16 Page 22 Apr 02/87 canaaair cfiauencier OPERATING MANUAL PSP 601A-6 RADIO ALTIMETER SYSTEM TEST GROUND m " % r ™ - • RADIO ALTITUDE PILOT'S EFIS DISPLAY • —45 < Hl» 6 TEST COPILOT'S EFIS DISPLAY CONTROLLER -A < -Hl» 6 1 TEST -f J V w~ -• PILOT'S EAD1 J ± t t ^ COPILOTS EADI Radio Altimeter System - Simplified Block Diagram Figure 17 SECTION 16 Page 23 Apr 02/87 OPERATING MANUAL PSP 601A-6 O*. CATION Displayed in amber when the aircraft is at or below the selected decision height. 2vC" a.<;i the Display c bumUeo. When •— .-*•< altimeter fads a red boxed RA annunciator ;s displayed and the radio altitude information is removed. When m the test mode, the radio a>~ cSsolay indicates a test value of 100 feet LOCALIZER POINTER/RISING RUNWAY indicates localizer deviation when the selected navigation source is tuned to a localizer frequency. At 200 feet or less, the pointer becomes the rising runway. When the on-side navigation source is selected the pointer/rtsmg runway is green. When the cross-side source is selected, the pointer/rismg runway is yeHow. DH DISPLAY Indicates the selected decision height from 0 to 990 feet in 10 foot increments. PILOTS AND COPILOTS INSTRUMENT PANELS Radio Altimeter System - EFIS Displays Figure 18 SECTION 16 Page 24 Apr 02/87 cacntaiaanaeirn per OPERATING MANUAL PSP 601A-6 DH/TST CONTROL/SWITCH Rotation of the DH/TST control/switch allows the decision height display on the EADt to be adjusted. Rotating the control fully counterclockwise removes the decision height display from the EADi. Pressing the DH/TST control/switch initiates the test mode. On the ground. EF1S and the radio altimeter are checked. In flight, only the radio altimeter is checked, provided the GS mode is not captured. PILOTS AND COPILOTS SIDE PANELS Radio Altimeter System Control - SECTION 16 EFIS Display Controller Page 25 Figure 19 Apr 02/87 OPERATING MANUAL PSP 601A-6 VHF/NAV System - Simplified Block Diagram Figure 20 SECTION 16 Page 26 Apr 02/87 cacnhaaciietaniQr er OPERATING MANUAL PSP 601A-6 MKR/BCN HIGH LOW MKR/BCN HIGH/LOW SWITCH/LIGHT Select the receive sensitivity for the marker beacon receiver PILOTS AND COPILOTS INSTRUMENT PANELS ACT ANNUNCIATOR Comes on while the active frequency is changed. Stays on flashing if the tuning is incorrect. PRESET FREQUENCY DISPLAY Displays preset (inactive} frequency and diagnostic messages. Shows DME frequency when HLO is selected. MEMORY ANNUNCIATOR Comes on when a preset frequency is shown in the preset frequency display. RMT ANNUNCIATOR Comes on while the DME is remotely tuned by the FMS. / /_/ /_/ /_/ /_/ i. o O O O I U U. U U MEM ^ RMT XFR, ACT PUSHBUTTON POWER AND MODE SELECTOR OFF - Removes power from the DME and VOR systems. ON - Applies power to the DME and VOR systems. HID - Holds the DME on the selected frequency white the VHF/NAV frequency is changed. ACTIVE FREQUENCY DISPLAY Displays active frequency and diagnostic messages. XFR/MEM SWITCH Allows transfer of a preset frequency into the active display (XFR position). Loads stacked memory frequency into preset display (MEM position). HLD ANNUNCIATOR Comes on to indicate that the DME is held whHe VHF/NAV frequency is changed. FREQUENCY SELECTORS Selects the DME and VOR frequencies simultaneously. Enables the frequency selectors to directly tune the DME and VHF/NAV. LIGHT SENSOR Automatic display STORE PUSHBUTTON Allows preset frequencies to be selected and entered into memory. CENTRE PEDESTAL VHF/NAV System Control and Remote Switch/Lights SECTION 16 Figure 21 Page 27 Apr 02/87 OPERATING MANUAL PSP 601A-6 V/L PUSHBUTTON Selects between the VHF/NAV system No. 1 and VHF/NAV system No. 2 as the short range navigation (SRN) source. BR6 0 SELECTOR When set to VOR 1, the associated bearing pointer on the EHSI displays the bearing to the station tuned on the VHF/NAV system No. 1. BRG O SELECTOR When set to VOR 2. the associated bearing pointer on the EHSi displays the bearing to the station tuned on the VHF/NAV system No. 2. PILOTS A N D COPILOT'S SIDE PANELS VHF/NAV System Source Selection - EFIS Display Controller Figure 22 SECTION 16 Page 28 Apr 02/87 ctiaH&ncjer OPERATING MANUAL PSP 601A-6 MARKER BEACON ANNUNCIATIONS Indicates marker beacons as follows: Outer marker beacon = 0M (cyan) Middle marker beacon = MM (yellow) inner marker beacon = IM (white) LOCALIZER POINTER/RISING RUNWAY Indicates localizer deviation when the selected VHF/NAV source is tuned to a localizer frequency. At 200 feet or less. the pointer becomes the rising runway. The localizer pointer is displayed in green or yellow (consistent with the distance display). GUOESLOPE POINTER AND SCALE Displays glideslope deviation. The scale is displayed in white and the pointer is displayed in green or yellow (consistent with the distance display}. PILOTS AND COPILOTS INSTRUMENT PANELS VHF/NAV System - EADI Displays Figure 23 SECTION 16 Page 29 Apr 02/87 OPERATING MANUAL PSP 601A-6 COURSE PRESELECT SOURCi ANNUNCIATOR Indicates the source of the course prasetect information. Displayed in magenta. NAVIGATION SOURCE ANNUNCIATOR Indicates the navigation source selected. Displayed in green or yellow (consistent with the distance display}. BEARING SOURCE ANNUNCIATORS Indicates the selected bearing source for the associated bearing pointer. A = ADF F = FMS V = VOR The colour of the bearing source annunciators co jspond to the bearing pointers. DISTANCE DISPLAY Displays the DME distance to the selected VHF/NAV source. When the on-side VHF/NAV source is selected, the Usance display is green. When the cross-side VHF/NAV source is selected. the display is yellow. BEARING POINTER NO. 1 Indicates the bearing to the source selected by the BRG O control. BEARING POINTER NO. 2 Indicates the bearing to the selected by the BRG^ Displayed in white. TO/FROM ANNUNCIATOR Indicates whether the aircraft is moving towards or away from the VOR station. Displayed in green or yellow (consistent with the distance display). GUDESLOPE POINTER AND SCALE SeeEADI. COURSE DEVIATION BAR AND POINTER Indicates aircraft deviation from the vOfi or localizer beam. The pointer is displayed in green or yellow (consistent with the distance display). COURSE PRESELECT DEVIATION BAR AND POINTS? Indicates aircraft deviation f w i thepie.ieiewt--f'k-.ai.'-» •—• -- setecrc'j. PILOTS AND COPILOTS INSTRUMENT PANELS VHF/NAV System - EHSI Full Figure 24 Compass Display SECTION 16 Page 30 Apr 02/87 canadaar czhauencier OPERATING MANUAL PSP 601A-6 SELECTED COURSE LINE indicates the selected course to the VOR/DME station. The solid line segment indicates the TO side and the broken line segment indicates the FROM side. When the station is outside the display range, an arrowhead is added to the end of the course line. The course line is displayed in green when the selected VHF/NAV source is on-side and in yellow when the selected VHF/NAV source is cross-side. VOR/DME NAVAIDS Indicate the location of the VOR/DME stations. When the VOR/DME station corresponds u. the selected navigation source, a number (1 or 2) is displayed next to the navaid symbol. The navaid symbol corresponding to the BRG O selector setting, is displayed in cyan. The navaid symbol corresponding to the BRG O selector setting, is displayed in white. CROSS-TRACK DEVIATION DISPLAY Indicates the aircraft deviation from the selected course in nautical miles. Displayed in green or yellow (consistent with the selected course line). PILOT'S AND COPILOT'S INSTRUMENT PANELS NOTE The MAP mode provides the same information as the full compass mode, except that the course pointer, scale and deviation bar are removed and a partial compass is displayed with the additional information indicated in this figure. VHF/NAV System - EHSI MAP Display Figure 25 SECTION 16 Page 31 Apr 02/87 OPERATING MANUAL PSP 6U1A-6 NAvioAHON SOURCE FAILURE Jnoicates that the selected navigation source has faded. An navigation source related displays are removed. Displayed in red. See L A U I. EKS1 LOC FAILURE ANNUNCIATOR Replaces t he locaiizer/rising runway pointer and scale when the localizer signal is not valid. Displayed in red. y—K-bcj i EADI PILOTS AND COPILOTS INSTRUMENT PANELS GS FAILURE ANNUNCIATOR Replaces the gfcdestope scale and pointer when the ghdeslope signal is not valid. Displayed in red. VHF/NAV System - EFIS Failure Displays Figure 26 SECTION 16 Page 32 Apr 02/87 canaaair ciiaueneter OPERATING MANUAL PSP 601A-6 PILOTS AND COPILOT'S MICROPHONE AND HEADPHONE JACKS O MAV 1 MONITOR SWITCH Selects (up position) VHF/NAV 1 audio for presentation on the speaker and/or headphones. & 1 ^SPKR/PHONE SWITCH Switches audio to speaker. headphones, or both. NAV 2 MONITOR SWITCH Selects (up position) VHF/NAV 2 audio for presentation on the speaker and/or headphones. MKR 1 MONITOR SWITCH Selects (up position) marker beacon audio from the VHF/NAV 1 for presentation on the speaker and/or headphones. MKR 2 MONITOR SWITCH Selects (up position} marker beacon audio from VHF/NAV 2 for presentation on the speaker and/or headphones. HF 1 2 VHF 1 2 p^O QQQQQQQQ QQ 2 HFl HF HOTOXY 1Y'P=Ix\ INPH O a MIC BOOM MIC NOTE / » \ K power fails on either channel of the audio eJectfuwcs unit, the controls wiH not function. Emergency Operation: Pilot can use VHF 1 and hear NAV 1 without volume control. Copilot can use VHF 2 and hear NAV 2 without volume control. A SPKR VOL CONTROL Varies volume of audio to speaker and headphones except aural warning. Turn clockwise to increase volume. PILOTS AND COPILOT'S SIDE CONSOLE VHF/NAV System Audio Selection/Control Audio Integrating System Figure 27 SECTION 16 Page 33 Apr 02/87 OPERATING MANUAL PSP 601A-6 I ADM AOF2 1 AUDIO INTEGRATING SYSTEM PILOT'S ERS 1 •" "i AUDIO INTEGRATING SYSTEM —#~ > > DISPLAY CONTROLLER ADF1 * ^ t BRG o o ! a' ° * © ! ADF2J 6 i BRG 0 COPILOTS EFIS DISPLAY CONTROLLER ADF1 % o 6 BRG o • " • • —^o \ ADF2 BRGO t ^ I A „ \ PILOTS B1SI COPILOTS EHSI ADF System - Simplified Block Diagram Figure 28 SECTION 16 Page 34 Apr 02/87 ctiauencjer OPERATING MANUAL PSP 601A-6 COMPARATOR ANNUNCIATOR Rashes when receiver tunes TO an ADF frequency not the same as the active frequency displayed. PRESET FREQUENCY DISPLAY Indicates preset frequencies and diagnostic messages. MEMORY ANNUNCIATOR Indicates a preset frequency ts displayed on the preset frequency display. VOLUME CONTROL Adjust audio level. ACTIVE FREQUENCY DISPLAY indicates active frequencies and diagnostic messages. POWER AND MODE SWITCH Turns on ADF receiver and selects operating mode. LIGHT SENSOR XFR/MEM SWITCH Transfers active and r"— frequencies or seiects pteset frequency for display. Adjusts brightness of controls and displays. TEST PUSHBUTTON initiates self-test routine. FREQUENCY SELECTORS Selects preset and active frequencies. ACT PUSHBUTTON Allow frequency selectors to directly tune ADF receiver. STO PUSHBUTTON Allows frequencies to be selected and stored in memory. CENTRE PEDESTAL ADF System Control Unit SECTION 16 Figure 29 Page 35 Apr 02/87 OPERATING MANUAL PSP 601A-6 BRGO AND BRG O SELECTORS When set to AOF 1. the associated bearing pointer on the BtSI displays the bearing to the station tuned on the AOF system No. 1. When set to AOF Z the associated bearing pointer on the EHSl displays the bearing to the station tuned on the ADF system No. 2. PILOTS AND COPILOTS SIDE PANELS ADF System SouTce Selection - EFIS Display Control!er Figure 30 SECTION 16 Page 36 Apr 02/87 cacntiaaanaetnr Qer OPERATING MANUAL PSP 601A-6 BEARING POINTERS Display bearing selected on the display controller. BEARING SOURCE ANNUNCIATORS Indicate the sources used for the bearing pointers. N1 FMS 180 SALON \ TTG 34.5 • / ^ i ^ \_[ J PILOTS AND COPILOT'S INSTRUMENT PANELS ADF System EFIS Displays Figure 31 SECTION 16 Page 37 Apr 02/87 OPERATING MANUAL PSP 601A-6 PILOTS AND COPILOTS MICROPHONE AND HEADPHONE JACKS O A \ SPKR/PHONE SWITCH Switches auobo to speaker, headphones, or both. AOF 1 MONITOR SWITCH Selects (up position) AOF 1 audio for presentation on the speaker and/or headphones. ADF 2 MONITOR SWITCH Selects (up position) AOF 2 audio for presentation on the speaker L and/or headphones. I NAV MKR fADFl HF VHF | PQQOQQQQQOQQ OFF SPKR DME SPKR/?=^\ 1 2 HOT OXY V MIC BOOM 2 HF1 HF -INPH MJC a A A N O T I / l \ tf power fafe on either channel of the audio eJectioracs unit, the controls w£B not function. Emergency Operation: Piot can use VHF 1 and hear NAV 1 without volume control. Copilot can use VHF 2 and hear NAV 2 without volume control. SPKR VOL CONTOL Varies volume of audio to speaker and headphones except aural warning. Turn clockwise to increase PILOTS AND COPILOTS SIDE CONSOLE ADF System Audio Selection/Control - Audio Integrating System Figure 32 SECTION 16 Page 38 Apr 02/87 canattair OPERATING MANUAL PSP 601A-6 • TO AUDIO INTEGRATING SYSTEM COPILOT'S DISPLAY CONTROLLER ^* TO AUDIO INTEGRATING SYSTEM PILOT'S EHSI MFD I X COPILOTS EHSI DME System - Simplified Block Diagram Figure 33 SECTION 16 Page 39 Apr 02/87 OPERATING MANUAL PSP 601A-6 PRESET FREQUENCY DISPLAY Displays preset (inactive) frequency and diagnostic messages. Shews DME frequency when HID is ACT ANNUNCIATOR Conies on while the active frequency is changed. Stays on flashing if the tuning is Kicorrect. MEMORY ANNUNCIATOR Comes on when a preset frequency is shown in the preset frequency display. RMT ANNUNCIATOR Comes on while the DME is remotely tuned by the FMS. POWER AND MODE SELECTOR OFF - Removes power from the DME and VOR systems. ON - Applies power to the DME and VOR systems. HLD - Holds the DME on the selected frequency white the VHF/NAV frequency is changed. ACTIVE FREQUENCY DISPLAY Displays active frequency and diagnostic messages. XFR/MEM SWITCH AHows transfer of a preset frequency into the active display (XFR position). Loads stacked memory frequency into preset display (MEM position). HLD ANNUNCIATOR Comes on to indicate that the DME is held while VHF/NAV frequency is changed. FREQUENCY SELECTORS Selects the DME and VOR frequencies simultaneously. ACT PUSHBUTTON Enables the frequency selectors to directly tune the DME and VHF/NAV. LIGHT SENSOR Automatic display dimming sensor STORE PUSHBUTTON Allows preset frequencies to be selected and entered into memory. TEST PUSHBUTTON Initiates the serf-test diagnostic routine on the DME system. CENTRE PEDESTAL DME System Selection/Control - VHF/NAV Control Figure 34 SECTION 16 Page 40 Apr 02/87 chanencjer OPERATING MANUAL PSP 601A-6 / tf CRS 35 DME HOLD ANNUNCIATOR Indicates that the DME hold function is selected. ^ X DMEH 180 SALON J o / DME IDENTIFIER Displays the DME station identifier for the distance displayed. Displayed in green or yeilow consistent with the distance display. DISTANCE DISPLAY Displays the DME distance to the selected VHF/NAV source. When the on-side VHF/NAV source is selected, the distance display is green. When the cross-side VHF/NAV source is selected, the display is yellow. PILOT'S AND COPILOTS INSTRUMENT PANELS DME System - EFIS Displays Figure 35 SECTION 16 Page 41 Apr 02/87 OPERATING MANUAL PSP 601A-6 PILOTS AND COPILOTS MICROPHONE AND HEADPHONE JACKS © A SPKR/PHONE SWITCH Switches audio to speaker, headphones, or both. C=CFI NAV MKR ADF HF VHP P Q0Q 9 9Q8 Q Q 0 0 SPKR DME OFF SPKR/?=^\ 1 2 HOT OXY MIC BOOM MIC A SPKR VOL CONTOL Varies volume of audio to speaker and headphones except aural warning. Turn clockwise to increase volume. OME 2 MONITOR SWITCH Selects (up position) DME 2 audio for presentation on the speaker and/or headphones. AS NOTE power fate on either channel of the audio etectrorecs unit, the controls wffi not function. Emergency Operation: Wot can use VHP 1 and hear NAV 1 without volume control. Copilot can use VHP 2 and hear NAV 2 without volume control. OME 1 MONITOR SWITCH Selects (up position) DME 1 audio for presentation on the speaker and/or headphones. PILOTS AND COPILOTS SIDE CONSOLE DME System Audio Selection/Control - Audio Integrating System Figure 36 SECTION 16 Page 42 Apr 02787 e^iaiiehcrer OPERATING MANUAL PSP 601A-6 ALTITUDE DISPLAY Displays the encoder altitude or the two-digit fault code. CODE DISPLAY Displays the selected code or diagnostic readout in case of failure. ACT ANNUNCIATOR Comes on while the codes are changed and Dashes when the reply code does not match the displayed code. TX ANNNOATOR Comes on each time the transponder replies to an interrogation MODE SELECTOR OFF position: Removes power from the transponder. STBY position: Enables reception and disables transmission. ON position: Enables reception and transmission. ALT position: Enables reception and transmission and transmits barometric attitude in response to a mode C request. 1/2 TRANSPONDER SELECTOR In position 1. enables the ATC 1 transponder. In position 2, enables the ATC 2 transponder. OUTER CODE SELECTOR Selects the first and second digits of the reply code. INNER CODE SELECTOR Selects the third and fourth digits of the reply code. PRE PUSHBUTTON Enables the selected preset code to be stored in the non-votatile memory and recalls stored code for display. DIMMING SENSOR Automatically controls the brightness of the displays. 1DENT PUSHBUTTON Initiates transmission of a special idem pulse to the ground radar. TEST PUSHBUTTON Initiates the transponder self-test routine. CENTRE PEDESTAL ATC Transponder System Control Unit SECTION 16 Figure 37 Page 43 Apr 02/87 OPERATING MANUAL PSP 601A-6 K.U>. ii - r.c> COPILOTS &ISI FMS - Simplified Block Diagram Figure 38 SECTION 16 Page 44 Apr 02/87 OPERATING MANUAL PSP 601A-6 OR ANNUNCIATOR Indicates that the DME updating and IRS position information are tost and the FMS is operating in the dead reckoning mode. DSPLY ANNUNCIATOR Indicates that the information on the CDU is for display only, and is not being used for navigation. PERF MODE KEY Calls up page 1 of the performance index (PERF INDEX) pages for display on the CDU. NAV MODE KEY Calls up page 1 of the navigation index (NAV INDEX) pages. PREV AND NEXT KEYS Use to select the previous (PREV) or next (NEXT) screen (page) for display on the CDU. DEGRAD ANNUNCIATOR Indicates that the FMS is operating in a degraded mode. Accuracy of the display data cannot be guaranteed. C Q j ^ M r ^ "11 oouon 1 «sc 11 o*snl ? «*»"] Q MSG ANNUNCIATOR Indicates that an active message is displayed in the scratchpad. OFFSET ANNUNCIATOR Indicates that an offset from the desired track has been entered on the PROGRESS page. ACTIVE FLT PLAN i/s D£S7 ML F KSLC 020' 93 0 N V AiO i SLC 0r*!tV '<*J JV?;J A^ClVAL is q C3E3EJ 00 ^Q S® SB APRCH ANNUNCIATOR Indicates that the FMS is operating in the approach (high sensitivity) mode. DIR MODE KEY Calls up page 1 of the active flight plan with direct to (DIRECT) and INTERCEPT prompts. PROG MODE KEY Calls up page 1 of the progress (PROGRESS) pages for display on the CDU. FPL MODE KEY Calls up page 1 of the active flight plan (ACTIVE FLT PLAN) pages. CENTRE PEDESTAL FMS Control Display Unit (CDU) SECTION 16 Figure 39 (Sheet 1) Page 45 Apr 02/87 OPERATING MANUAL PSP601A-6 UNE SELECT KEYS Call up the CPU display for tho wdoxod item. SCRATCHPAD Provides display area for the entry of data and/or the venficaDon of data before ine selection. ALPHANUMERIC KEYS Provide for the entry of numeric and alphabetic data. PHOTO SBISORS /UxtomaocaOy maimain the display intensity with respect to lighting. ACTIVE FIT PLAN 1/5 OEST MLF KSLC <j 020° 93 0NM 610 4. SLC 09102 160/4920 t 348° 4.0 MM KSLC 09U2 4560 <]A«MAITN! ARRIVAL > 0 0 0 0 0 0 © ® ® © 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 © 0 0 0 0 0 0 0® h 0 S 0 0 ® 0 ® .^ Psssee ©0 DEL KEY CLRKEY 1 m conjunction with the ine select keys in order to delete fine items from the CDU. UNE SELECT KEYS CaU up the CDU dlsptay for the indexed item. BRT CONTROL Adjusts the CDU display intensity. the FMS Control Display Unit (CDU) SECTION 16 Figure 39 (Sheet 2) Page 46 Apr 02/87 OPERATING MANUAL PSP 601A-6 GSPD/TTG PUSHBUTTON Selects between ground speed (6SPD) and time-to-go (TTG) for display on the EHSl. Ground speed is supplied by the FMS when the FMS navigation source is selected. FMS PUSHBUTTON Selects between FMS 1 or FMS 2 navigation source for display on the EHSL BRGO SELECTOR When set to FMS "5 the bearing pointer displays bearing from the No. 1 FMS. BRGO SELECTOR When set to FMS 2 the bearing pointer displays bearing from the No. 2 FMS. PILOT'S AND COPILOT'S SIDE PANELS FMS EHSI Source Selection - EFIS Display Controller Figure 40 SECTION 16 Page 47 Apr 02/87 OPERATING MANUAL PSP 601A-6 LAT WPT ANNUNCIATOR Comes on to indicate that the diiaafi is within 30 seconds of the next lateral waypoint and goes out when the aircraft reaches the waypoint. nsH . RESET _ ] l 1 |]i i li i i i i i VERT WPT ANNUNCIATOR Comes on to indicate that the aircraft is within 1000 feet of the vertical waypoint (VNAV) and goes out when the aircraft reaches the waypoint. n JuTiiFr] ! VBTT I OFFSET^ OFFSET ANNUNCIATOR Comes on when a lateral offset path is entered on the PROGRESS page of the CDU and goes out when the offset function is removed. r— HttSSTOSEttCT -, FMS TUNE MAN/FMS SWITCH/LIGHT Selects the manual or auto-tune function. PILOTS AND COPILOTS INSTRUMENT PANELS FMS - Remote Annunciators Figure 41 SECTION 16 Page 48 Apr 02/87 OPERATING MANUAL PSP 601A-6 VTA ANNUNCIATOR Indicates (Hashing) a FMS vertical waypoint passage. Comes on 30 seconds prior to waypoint passage. Displayed in magenta. FMS SPEED BUG Indicates the FMS reference speed. Displayed in magenta. VERTICAL NAVIGATION POINTER AND SCALE Indicates the aircrafts deviation from the FMS computed vertical path. Displayed in magenta. PILOTS AND COPILOT'S INSTRUMENT PANELS NOTE When the vertical navigation function fails, the vertical navigation pointer and scale is removed. FMS - EADI Display Figure 42 SECTION 16 Page 49 Apr 02/87 OPERATING MANUAL PSP 601A-6 NAVIGATION SOURCE ANNUNCIATOR Indicates the selected navigation source. When the on-side FMS source is selected, the annunciator is green, when the cross-side FMS source is selected, the annunciator is yellow (see note). BEARING POINT NO. 1 Indicates the bearing to the source selected by the BRG Q control. Displayed in cyan. BEARING POINTER NO. 2 Indicates the bearing to the source selected by the BRG O selector. Displayed in white. BEARING SOURCE ANNUNCIATORS tadJcates the selected bearing source for the associated bearing pointer. A = ADF f = FMS V = VOR V ne color of the bearing source annunciators correspond to the bearing pointers. DESIRED TRACK BAR AND POINTER Indicates aircraft deviation from the FMS desired track. The pointer is displayed in green or yellow (consistent with the navigation source annunciator}. P I L O T S AND COPILOTS INSTRUMENT PANELS NOTE When the FMS navigation and the navigation source fails all related displays are removed is displayed in red in a red box. FMS - EHSI Full Compass Display Figure 43 (Sheet 1) SECTION 16 Page 50 Apr 02/87 ctiauenper OPERATING MANUAL PSP 601A-6 MSG ANNUNCIATOR Indicates thai an active message is displayed on the FMS COU. DTK DISPLAY Provides a numeric readout of the desired track pointer position with respect to the heading dial. Displayed in green or yellow (consistent with the navigation source annunciator}. TO/FROM ANNUNCIATOR indicates whether the aircraft is moving towards or away from the FMS waypoint. Displayed in green or yellow (consistent with the navigation source annunciator). DISTANCE DISPLAY Displays the FMS distance to the TO waypoint. Displayed in green or yellow (consistent with the navigation source annunciator}. angle computed GSPD DISPLAY Displays ground speed calculated by the FMS (see note}. WAYPOINT IDENTIFIER Displays the waypoint identifier for the distance displayed. Displayed in green or yellow (consistent with the navigation source annunciator). NOTE Ground speed is supplied by the IRS when the FMS navigation source is not selected. FMS - EHSI Full Compass Display Figure 43 (Sheet 2) SECTION 16 Page 51 Apr 02/87 OPERATING MANUAL PSP 601A-6 / , r DTK 010 1 0 5 ^ ? MAG pf] HDG r^r1 020 WAYPOINTS AND TRACK UNES Indicate the FMS flight plan. Displayed in green. CROSS-TRACK DISTANCE DISPLAY Indicates the aircrafts deviation from the desired track in nautical mi&es. Displayed in green or yettow (consistent with the TO/FR annunciators). WAYPOINT FLIGHT LEVEL CONSTRAINT If applicable, indicates the flight levei constraint for the TO waypoint. TO WAYPOINT AND IDENTIFIER The TO waypoint is displayed in magenta and the identifier for the TO waypoint is displayed in green. TO/FR ANNUNCIATORS Indicates whether the aircraft is moving towards (TO) or away from (FR) the FMS waypoint. Displayed in green when the FMS navigation source is on-side and in yellow when the FMS navigation source is cross-side. PILOTS AND COPILOTS INSTRUMENT PANELS NOTE T*ie map mode provides the same information as the full compass mode, except that the course pointer, scale and deviation bar are removed and a partial compass is displayed with the additional information indicated in this figure. FMS - EHSI MAP Display (Additional Displays) Figure 44 SECTION 16 Page 52 Apr 02/87 OPERATING MANUAL PSP 601A-6 SRC PUSHBUTTON Selects between the FMS 1 and FMS 2 navigation source for display on the MFD. MAP/PLAN PUSHBUTTON Selects between the MAP and PLAN displays for the MFD. Positions the designator on the MFD. RCL PUSHBUTTON INC/DEC RNG Selects the displayed range. When weather radar returns are displayed the range is controlled by the weather radar controller. APT PUSHBUTTON Recalls the designator to it's home position. SKP PUSHBUTTON When pressed, causes the designator to make the next waypoim it's home position. Controls the bnghtness of the MFD display. ENT PUSHBUTTON Enters the designator position into the FMS flight plan as the TO waypoim. Selects airports for display on the MFD. DAT PUSHBUTTON Adds long range navigation information to the MFD. CENTRE PEDESTAL FMS MFD Source Selection and Display Control - EFIS MFD Controller Figure 45 SECTION 16 Page 53 Apr 02/87 OPERATING MANUAL PSP 601A-6 HEADING SOURCE ANNUNCIATOR A white MAG annunciation is displayed above the heaomg dial to indicate that the heading source is referenced to magnetic North. DISTANCE AND COURSE TO DESIGNATOR DISPLAY Displays the course and distance to the designator, when the designator is offset. Displayed in cyan. WAYPOINTS AND TRACK LINES indicate the FMS flight plan. The TO waypomi is displayed in magenta and an other waypoints are displayed in white. The active track line is displayed in green and all other track lines ate displayed in white. AIRPORT SYMBOL Identifies the locations of airports.| Displayed in white. VOR/DME NAVAID Identifies the locations of VOR/DME stations. Displayed in white. DESIGNATOR LATITUDE/ LONGITUDE DISPLAY NAVIGATION SOURCE ANNUNCIATOR indicates the FMS navigation source selected on the MFD controller. Displayed in green. TO WAYPOINT IDENTIFIER Identifies the TO waypoint. Displayed in green. ETA/TTG DISPLAY Displays estimated time-of -arrival (ETA) or ©me-to-go (TTG) for the TO waypoint. Displayed in green. Indicates the aircraft deviation from the desired track in nautical miles. Displayed in green. Displays the coordinates of the designator, frsptayed in green. DESIGNATOR AND DISPLACEMENT LINE Used in conjunction with the MFD controller joystick in order to alter the flight plan. Displayed in white in it's home position and in cyan when offset. DISTANCE DISPLAY Indicates the distance to the TO waypoint. Displayed in green. CENTRE INSTRUMENT PANEL FMS - MFD MAP Display Figure 46 SECTION 16 Page 54 Apr 02/87 cttauenaer OPERATING MANUAL PSP 601A-6 DISTANCE AND COURSE TO DESIGNATOR DISPLAY Displays the course and distance to the designator, when the designator is offset. Displayed in cyan. HEADING SOURCE ANNUNCIATOR A white MAG annunciation is Displayed to indicate that the heading source is referenced to true magnetic North. WAYP01NTS AND TRACK LINES Indicate the FMS flight plan. The TO waypomt is displayed in magenta and all other waypomts are displayed in white. The active track line is displayed in green and all other track lines are displayed in white. NORTH UP ANNUNCIATOR Indicates that the North-up (PLAN) mode is selected. DESIGNATOR LATITUDE/ LONGITUDE DISPLAY Displays the coordinates of the designator. Displayed in green. NAVIGATION SOURCE ANNUNCIATOR indicates the FMS navigation source selected on the MFD controller. Displayed in green. RANGE RING AND RNG ANNUNCIATOR Indicates the selected range DESIGNATOR AND DISPLACEMENT LINE Used in conjunction with the MFD controller joystick in order to after the flight plan. Displayed in white in it's home position and in cyan when offset. TO WAYPOINT IDENTIFIER Identifies the TO waypotnt. Displayed in green. ETA/TTG DISPLAY Displays estimated time-of-arrivai (ETA) or time-to-go (TTG) for the TO waypomt. Displayed tn green. DISTANCE DISPLAY Indicates the distance to the TO waypotnt. Displayed in green. CENTRE INSTRUMENT PANEL FMS - MFD PUN Display Figure 47 SECTION 16 Page 55 Apr 02/87 OPERATING MANUAL PSP 601A-6 SET SWITCH UP - advances dock one second for each second held. D - retards dock one second for each second held. BRIGHT/DIM SWITCH S - brightens display. DIM - dims display. 1 HR UP - advances time one-hour when held and released. PRESS TO RESET PRESS TO RESET PUSHBUTTON Allows flight time recorder to be reset to zero without turning off aircraft electrical power. TIME SWITCH TIME - displays selected standard time. F.T. - displays flight tvne. £-T. - displays elapsed time. HOURS AND MINUTES DISPLAY ELAPSED TIME SWITCH RUN - starts elapsed time meter. STOP - stops elapsed time meter. ZERO - returns elapsed time meter to zero when held and released. Also returns flight time meter to zero when the aircraft is on the ground. PILOTS AND COPILOTS SIDE PANELS Digital Clock Controls SECTION 16 Figure 48 Page 56 Apr 02/87 |