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A project supported by AIRBUS and the CAAC Date of the module Table of contents • Flight operations duties • European Applicable Regulation • General • General aircraft limitations • Payload Range • Operating limitations • In flight performance • One engine inoperative performance • Flight planning A project supported by AIRBUS and the CAAC Date of the module 1 - Why an operations function? 2 - Referential 3 - Operational flight support 4 - Flight realisation Table of contents A project supported by AIRBUS and the CAAC Date of the module 1 - Why an operations function? 2 - Referential 3 - Operational flight support 4 - Flight realisation Table of contents A project supported by AIRBUS and the CAAC Date of the module Why an operation functions? To maintain the validity of the Air Operator Certificate (AOC) The AOC is issued by NAA when airliner has satisfied the Commercial Air transport operations requirements content in JAR OPS. A project supported by AIRBUS and the CAAC Date of the module A project supported by AIRBUS and the CAAC Date of the module A project supported by AIRBUS and the CAAC Date of the module A project supported by AIRBUS and the CAAC Date of the module A project supported by AIRBUS and the CAAC Date of the module Why an operations function? To be granted of an AOC the airliner has to demonstrate: An adequate organisation A method of control and supervision of flight operations A training programme Maintenance arrangements A project supported by AIRBUS and the CAAC Date of the module Why an operations function? The best way to demonstrate that: AOM Airline Operations Manual A project supported by AIRBUS and the CAAC Date of the module Why an operations function? Activities Definitions of the policy of airline in the field of flight operations Flight OPS engineering Relations with Civil Aviation Authorities A project supported by AIRBUS and the CAAC Date of the module 1 - Why an operations function? 2 - Referential 3 - Operational flight support 4 - Flight realisation Table of contents A project supported by AIRBUS and the CAAC Date of the module Referential FAA JAA REGULATIONS FAR 121,129 JAR OPS1 Annex 6 ICAO: «An operator shall ensure that all pilots are familiar with the laws, regulations and procedures, pertinent to the performance of their duties, prescribed for the areas to be traversed……” TRENTINO ALTO ADIGE FRIULIVENEZIA GIULIA VENETO VALLE LOMBARDIA D AOSTA PIEMONTE LIGURIA EMILIA ROMAGNA TOSCANA MARCHE UMBRIA ABRUZZI MOLISE LAZIO (LATIUM) CAMPANIA PUGLIA (APULIA) BASILICATA CALABRIA SICILIA SARDEGNA ENAC A project supported by AIRBUS and the CAAC Date of the module Referential Need to have Standard operational procedures Translate the operational policy of the airliner Actions and operational instructions that all staff must apply to have safe and efficiency operations A project supported by AIRBUS and the CAAC Date of the module Referential The AOM structure and contents is defined in JAR OPS 1.1045 Four parts A - General/Basic – All non-type related operational policies, instructions and procedures for a safe operation B - Aeroplane operating matters-type related – All type-related instructions and procedures needed for a safe operation. Shall take into account the different types or variants used by the operator A project supported by AIRBUS and the CAAC Date of the module Referential Continued... C - Route and aerodrome instructions and information – instructions and operations needed for the area of operation D - Training – All training instructions for the personnel required for a safe operation A project supported by AIRBUS and the CAAC Date of the module ADMINISTRATION AND CONTROL OF OPERATIONS MANUAL ORGANISATION AND RESPONSIBILITIES OPERATIONAL CONTROL AND SUPERVISION QUALITY SYSTEM CREW COMPOSITION QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS CREW HEALTH PRECAUTIONS FLIGHT TIME LIMITATIONS OPERATING PROCEDURES DANGEROUS GOODS AND WEAPONS HANDLING OF ACCIDENTS AND OCCURRENCES RULES OF THE AIR GENERAL/BASIC AEROPLANE OPERATIONS ROUTES and AERODROMES TRAINING A project supported by AIRBUS and the CAAC Date of the module GENERAL INFORMATION AND UNITS OF MEASUREMENT LIMITATIONS ABNORMAL AND EMERGENCY PROCEDURES PERFORMANCE FLIGHT PLANNING MASS AND BALANCE LOADING CONFIGURATION DEVIATION LIST (CDL) MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST (MEL) SURVIVAL AND EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT INCLUDING OXYGEN EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURES AEROPLANE SYSTEMS GENERAL/BASIC AEROPLANE OPERATIONS ROUTES and AERODROMES TRAINING A project supported by AIRBUS and the CAAC Date of the module NAVIGATION CHARTS DEPARTURES AND ARRIVAL PROCEDURES CHARTS APPROACH AND LANDING PROCEDURES CHARTS GENERAL/BASIC AEROPLANE OPERATIONS ROUTES and AERODROMES TRAINING A project supported by AIRBUS and the CAAC Date of the module FLIGHT CREW CABIN CREW OPERATIONS PERSONNEL PROCEDURES STORAGE GENERAL/BASIC AEROPLANE OPERATIONS ROUTES and AERODROMES TRAINING A project supported by AIRBUS and the CAAC Date of the module Referential Authorities (ENAC, JAA…..) OPERATIONS DUTIES A - GEN/BASIC B- AEROPLANE OPERATIONS C - ROUTES AND AERODROMES D - TRAINING MANUF ACT URE R AFM MMEL FCOM FCTM AIP S T ATES NOTAMS Flight support Training PNT/PNC Certification OPS approvals Training programme WBM A project supported by AIRBUS and the CAAC Date of the module Referential Authorities (ENAC, JAA…..) OPERATIONS DUTIES A - GEN/BASIC B- AEROPLANE OPERATIONS C - ROUTES AND AERODROMES D - TRAINING MANUF ACT URE R S T ATES FLIGHT OPERATIONS Flight analysis Incidents analysis A project supported by AIRBUS and the CAAC Date of the module 1 - Why an operations function? 2 - Referential 3 - Operational flight support 4 - Flight realisation Table of contents A project supported by AIRBUS and the CAAC Date of the module Operational flight support Flight studies Flight preparation Flight release A project supported by AIRBUS and the CAAC Date of the module Operational flight support Flight studies Flight preparation support and methods Route studies In flight performance monitoring A project supported by AIRBUS and the CAAC Date of the module Operational flight support Flight preparation Operational flight plan Flight documents A project supported by AIRBUS and the CAAC Date of the module 1 - Why an operations function? 2 - Referential 3 - Operational flight support 4 - Flight realisation Table of contents A project supported by AIRBUS and the CAAC Date of the module Flight realisation Assistance to Flight crew H24 Around the world (meteorology, aerodrome information……….) Operational management in real time Aircraft and Crew planning management Co-ordination with commercial, maintenance services A project supported by AIRBUS and the CAAC Date of the module Flight realisation In flight records Air safety analysis A project supported by AIRBUS and the CAAC Date of the module CAT Category of ILS MNPS minimum navigation performance specification Etops extend range operation with two engine airplane RNAV area navigation RVSM reduced vertical separation minimum RNP required navigation performance AIP aeronautical informantion pablication NOTAMS notice to airman PNC cabin personal PNT cockpit personal |