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电信技术术语及词汇 - P [复制链接]

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发表于 2010-7-29 10:58:40 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

PABX: Private Automatic Branch Exchange 专用自动交换分机

PAD Switching 数据包装拆器交换

Pair Cable 对绞电缆

Pair Gain 成对增益

Paired disparity code 成对不等性码 

PAM: Pulse Amplitude Modulation 脉冲调幅

Parallel Transmission 平行传输

Parity bit 校验位

Partial Dial Tone 泛拨号音

Partially Dedicated Access 部分专用通道

Party Line 分机线路

Pass Along Method 沿线发送方法

Patch Panel 插线面板

PBX: Private Branch Exchange 专用交换分机

PCM: Pulse-code Modulation 脉冲编码调制
脉冲编码调制(PCM)是将模拟信号(尤其是语音/图像信号)数字化的取样技术。它每秒钟可以对模拟信号取样8000次,每个取样是用64 Kbps总数中的8比特来表示的。目前,美国和日本采用Mu-law,而欧洲和世界上的国家则采用A-law。

PCV: Path Coding Violation 信道编码错误

PDH: Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy 准同步数字系列

Peak Load 最大负荷

Peg Count 占线计次

Permanent Calls 持久性呼叫

Permanent Signal持久呼叫信号 

PH: Protocol Handler 协议处理器

Phantom Circuit 幻路

Phase Distortion 相位失真

Phase Shift 相位移动

PIC Charges 主交换运营商收费

PIC Freeze 主交换运营商冻结

PIC Request 主交换运营商请求

PIC Response 主交换运营商回馈 

PIC: Point In Call 呼叫状态

PIC: Primary Interexchange Carrier 主交换运营商

PICC: Pre-subscribed Inter-exchange Carrier Charge 预先设定交换运营商费用

Pilot signal控制信号

PINX: Private INtegrated services network eXchange 专用综合服务网络交换
Private INtegrated services network eXchange(PINX) is a PBX or key system which, in a BRI voice application, uses QSIG signaling. 专用综合服务网络交换(PINX)是在BRI语音应用中使用QSIG信令的专用分组交换机或主系统。

PLAR: Private Line, Automatic Ringdown 专线自动回铃
Private Line, Automatic Ringdown (PLAR) is a leased voice circuit that connects two single endpoints together. When either telephone handset is taken off-hook, the remote telephone automatically rings.专线自动回铃(PLAR)是将两个单独终端连接起来的租赁语音线路。当任意一端电话话筒被拿起时,远处的电话就会自动响起。 

Plar-Opx 专线自动回铃-远程分机
Plar-Opx specifies a PLAR Off-Premises eXtension connection. Using this option, the local voice port provides a local response before the remote voice port receives an answer. On FXO interfaces, the voice port will not answer until the remote side answers. 专线自动回铃-远程分机(Plar-Opx)详细说明了专线自动回铃-远程分机。采用它,在远程语音端口接到回答之前,本地的语音端口回发送一个本地回应。

Plesiochronous is the term used in telecommunication signal hierarchy. Plesiochronous comes from a combination of Greek words: (1) "Plesio" meaning "close", "near", or "almost the same"; and (2) "synchronous" meaning "happening at the same time", "occurring together", "simultaneous", or "having the same period between occurrences". In telecommunications, Plesiochronous is used to describe any two signals that have the same "nominal rate", but do not originate from the same (identical) timing (clock) source. 准同步是被使用在电讯信号分级结构中的一个术语。该术语是两个希腊语单词复合而成的:(1)“Plesio”的意思是靠近、相近或几乎相同;(2)“synchronous”的意思是同时发生、一起发生、同步运行、或两个事件之间有相同的时间段。在电讯行业中,准同步描述的是任意两个信号名义上速率相同,但却不是产生于相同(同一)的定时(时钟)源情况。

PNP: Private Numbering Plan 专用电话号码编号方案
Private Numbering Plan (PNP) is the telephone numbering plan that defines the format of telephone numbers to be used within a private telephone system. The Private Numbering Plan number normally consists of at least 3 digits, excluding "112". 专用电话号码编号方案(PNP)是规定可以被用在一个专用电话系统内的电话号码格式的电话号码编码方案。它通常包含至少三位数字,但不包括“112”。

POH: Path Overhead 通道开销
Path Overhead (POH) refers to overhead accessed, generated and processed by path-terminating equipment; POH includes 9 bytes of STS POH and, when the frame is VT-structured, 5 bytes of VT (Virtual Tributary)  POH.通道开销指的是通道终止设备所获取、产生和处理的负荷。POH包含9个STS POH字节,并且,当这个帧是 VT结构时,它则包含5个VT字节。

Point Code 端点编码
Point Code (PC) refers a unique address code in telecommunication system that identifies a service provider within a signaling network.在电讯系统中,端点编码指的是识别一个信令系统内服务供应商的特殊的地址编码。

Polling is an access method in which a primary network device inquires, in an orderly fashion, whether secondaries have data to transmit. The inquiry occurs in the form of a message to each secondary that gives the secondary the right to transmit. In telecommunications, polling is a long distance carrier access method in which a non-local call is carried by the long distance carrier via a dedicated trunk facility for either the first or last part of the call's journey, and on the carrier's network for the middle part of the journey. 轮流询问是一种主网络设备以有序的方式询问子网络是否有数据要传输的访问方法。这种询问是采用向每个子网络发送授权进行传输的信息来实现的。在电讯系统中,轮流询问是一种获取长途电话运营商的方法。非本地呼叫的开始部分,最后部分,或在该运营商网络的中间部分是长途电话运营商通过专用干线设备来发送的。

PON: Passive Optic Network无源光网络
Passive Optical Network (PON) refers to a group of ITU-T and IEEE standard technologies, which enable fiber as the first mile (or last mile) to the customer premises. A PON consists of a central office node Optical Line Termination (OLT) at the service providers office and a number of Optical Network Units (ONUs) near end users, and the fibers and splitters between them, called the optical distribution network (ODN). The OLT provides the interface between the PON and the backbone network, while the ONT provides the service interface to the end user. PON is a converged infrastructure that can carry multiple services such as voice (plain old telephony service or voice over IP), data, video, and/or telemetry, in that all of these services are converted and encapsulated in a single packet type for transmission over the PON fiber.无源光网络(PON)指的是一组ITU-T和IEEE标准技术。这些技术将作为第一英里或最后一英里的光纤接到用户住处。一个PON的构成包括:在服务供应商办公地的一个总局节点光线路终端(OLT),一些靠近终端用户的光网络单元(ONUs)以及处于前两者之间被称为光学配线网络(ODN)的光纤和分裂器。OLT提供了PON和主干网络之间的界面,而ONT提供的是终端用户的服务界面。PON是一种能够传输诸如语音(老式的电话服务或IP语音)、数据、图像和/或遥感勘测的多重服务,并且,所有的上述服务均是被转换和压缩成通过PON光纤传输的单个信息包。

POP: Point Of Presence 汇集点
Point Of Presence (POP) is the physical access location interface between a local exchange carrier and an Interexchange Carrier fiber network. The point to which the telephone company terminates a subscriber's circuit for long distance services or leased line communications.汇集点是本地交换运营商和内部交换运营商光纤网络之间的物理访问位置界面。电话公司可以在该节点终止用户的长途电话服务线路或租赁线路通讯。

Post-dial Delay 拨号后延迟
Post-dial Delay is the time interval between "end of dialing" by the customer and the reception (by the same customer) of the call progress signaling generated by the exchange serving this customer.  The call progressing signals can be the dial tone, a recorded announcement, or the abandon of the call.拨号后延迟是用户“拨号结束”和该用户接收到服务于其的交换机所产生的呼叫进程信令之间的时间。呼叫进程信号可以是:拨号音、自动回复或终止呼叫。

POTS Dial Peer POTS 拨号对等
POTS Dial Peer refers to the dial peer connected via a traditional telephony network (POTS). POTS peers point to a particular voice port on a voice network device. POTS 拨号对等指的是通过传统的电话系统被连接的拨号对等物。它指出了在语音网络设备上的特定语音端口。

POTS: Plain Old Telephone Service 普通老式电话业务
Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS) is the standard, analog telephone service which remains the basic form of residential and small business telephone service nearly everywhere in the world. Plain Old Telephone Service was originally known as the Post Office Telephone Service in many countries.  It has been available almost since the introduction of the telephone system in the late 19th century, mostly unchanged to the normal user since then despite the introduction of electronic telephone exchanges into the public switched telephone network since the middle of the 20th century. 普通老式电话业务(POTS)是标准的模拟电话服务,并且,在几乎在世界上的任何地方的,它依然是住户和小型企业电话服务的基本形式。起初,普通老式电话业务在许多国家被称为邮局电话服务。从此以后,尽管从二十世纪的中期已将电子电话交换引入公共交换网络,但它从十九世纪后期被应用到电话系统以来,对普通用户的基本上是没有改变的。

PPS: Pulses Per Second 每秒脉冲
Pulses Per Second (PPS) refers to the number of pulses per second and the number of dial pulses per second. It is used as a type of measure in telecommunication and many other applications such as in clock oscillator discipline.每秒脉冲(PPS)指的是在一秒钟内的脉冲或脉冲拨号次数。它是用做电讯和诸如时钟振动律等许多其他方面的应用的一类衡量标准。

PRC: Primary Reference Source 主要参考源
Primary Reference Source(PRC) refers to a telecommunication equipment that provides a timing signal whose long-term accuracy is maintained very well with verification to UTC (Coordinated Universal Time), and whose timing signal may be used as the basis of reference for the control of other clocks within a network. The Primary Reference Source may generate a timing signal completely autonomous of other references, in which case cesium beam technology is suitable. Alternatively, the primary reference source may not be a completely autonomous implementation, in which case it may employ direct control from normal UTC-derived frequency and time services.主参考源(PRC)指的是一种提供计时信号的电讯设备。该信号的长时间的准确性是通过参考国际标准时间来实现的,并且可以在网络内部被作为控制其他时钟的参考基础。不需要其他的参考源,主参考源也可以完全自动产生计时信号,铯束技术便适合于此种情形。在有选择的情况下,主参考源也许并不能完全自动运行,其就可能依靠通常由UTC产生的频率和时间服务来使用直接控制。

Preemption Tone 优先占线音
Preemption Tone is one of the telephone system audible tones that provides to both parties of a connection that is preempted by a priority call from the AUTOVON network. Preemption Tone is 440 Hz and 620 Hz at -18 dBm0/frequency steady for anywhere from three to fifteen seconds.优先占线音是提示线路两端用户某条线路已经被来自AUTOVON网络的优先呼叫所占用。优先占线音是-18 dBm0/频率,440 Hz和620 Hz,持续大约3-15秒。

Presubscription 实现订购
Presubscription refers to a BOC (Bell Operating Company) tariff service that permits each customer served from an equal access EO switching system to automatically route, without the use of access codes, all the customer's interLATA communications to one IC of the customer's choice. The customer may also gain access to other ICs using the appropriate carrier access code, e.g., 10XX. 实现订购指的是贝尔电讯运营公司的一种课税服务。它使得每个有均等地使用EO交换系统的客户不需要采用访问编码就能够自动将所有客户的LATA通讯传输给客户所选择的IC。采用合适的运营商编码,例如,10XX,客户也可以访问其他的IC端口。

PRI: Primary Rate Interface主速率接口
Primary Rate Interface (PRI) is an ISDN interface for primary rate access, which consists of a single 64-kbps D channel plus 23 (T1) or 30 (E1) B channels for voice or data. PRI intended for larger users, such as business users. The other ISDN interface is the Basic Rate Interface (BRI), which is for homes and small businesses.主速率接口是一个适用于主速率通道的ISDN接口,它是由一个单个的64-kbps的D通道再加23个(T1)或30个(E1)语音或数据B通道构成的。主速率接口是针对诸如企业客户这样较大的客户而设计的。其它的ISDN接口是适用于家庭和小型企业的基本速率接口(BRI)。

Primary Path 主通道
Primary Path refers to the preferred route from one switched node to another.主通道是从一个交换节点到另外一个交换节点的优先路径。

Priority Audible Ring 优先呼叫铃声
Priority Audible Ring Tone is one of the telephone system audible tones that replaces normal audible ring for priority calls within the AUTOVON network. Priority Audible Ring is 440 Hz and 480 Hz at -16 dBm0/frequency on for 1.65 seconds and off for .35 seconds.优先呼叫铃声是代替AUTOVON网络中针对优先呼叫的普通铃声的电话系统可闻铃声的一种。优先呼叫铃声是16 dBm0/频率,440 Hz和480 Hz,1.65秒发声然后0.35秒终断。 

Private Line 专用线路
Private Line is a telecommunication service that involves dedicated circuits with private switching arrangements, and/or predefined transmission paths, whether virtual or physical. The purpose of Private Line is to provide communications between specific interested points. 专用线路是一种包含有专用交换设置和/或实现设定的传输通道(虚拟或物理的)的专有线路的电讯服务。专用线路的目的是提供特定相关端点的之间的通讯。

Proceed To Send Tone 继续传输音
Proceed to Send Tone is a steady tone with 480 Hz at -22 dBm0/frequency. It informs the operator that an overseas sender has been seized and the address information (KP-CC-CC-ST) should be transmitted.继续传输音是-22 dBm0/频率,480 Hz的持续音。它提示接线员海外的发送机已经被截获,地址信息(KP-CC-CC-ST)应被继续传送下去。

Proctor Test Set 代理测试集
Proctor Test Set is a tool used by Telco personnel to diagnose problems with phone lines.代理测试集是电讯工作人员用来检测电话线路问题的一种工具。

Property Surcharge 住地额外费用
Property Surcharge is a per-call or per-minute charge assessed on an Operator-Assisted call by the property owner from which the call was placed. This charge is separate from the Call Type Surcharge, and monies from this charge are usually assigned to the property owner as part of the compensation package.住地额外费用是由呼叫经过地的财产所有人为接线员辅助呼叫所评定的每次呼叫或每分钟呼所收取的费用。

Protection Channel 保护信道
Protection Channel(PC) is a standby, fully operational facility, providing diversity for one or several similar channels. When correctly implemented, it can result in improved availability or reliability of the channel, and of the circuits carried on each so protected channel.保护信道是为一个或几个相似的信道提供差异性的处于完全备用工作状态的设施。如果操作正确,它可以提高信道和在每个以此种方式保护的信道中传输的回路的可靠性或可用性。

Provisioning 备用
Provisioning refers to the creation of an active subscriber account, or modification of parameters for an existing subscriber account. Provisioning of a subscriber account includes subscriber account registration and device activation. 备用指的是建立一个有效的用户帐号或修改现有的用户帐号的参数。用户帐号的备用包括用户帐号注册和设备激活两个步骤。

Provisioning Software 备用软件
Provisioning software refers to the software in telecommunication system which configures and records the hardware and software for specific telecommunication services when additions or changes are needed in the network and its elements. It optimizes the use of network elements and available network routes. 备用软件指的是在网络和网络元素需要添加或变化的情况下,电讯系统中安装和记录用于特定电讯服务的硬件和软件。它能够使网络元素和现有的网络路径实现最优化。

PSTN: Public Switched Telephone Network公共交换电话网络
The Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) is a circuit-switched network that is used primarily for voice communications worldwide, with hundreds of millions subscribers. Originally a network of fixed-line analog telephone systems, the PSTN is now almost entirely digital and provides mobile as well as fixed telephone services.公共交换电话网络(PSTN)是主要被数以百万计的用户用来进行全球语音通讯的线路交换网络。当初,PSTN是一个固定线路模拟电话系统,但其现在几乎完全是数字化并且提供移动和固定电话服务。

PTE: Path Terminating Equipment 通道终接设备
Path Terminating Equipment (PTE) refers to a SONET element that terminates a SONET/SDH (Synchronous Digital Hierarchy) path.通道终接设备(PTE)指的是终止同步数字分级系统(SONET/SDH)通道的一个SONET元素。

PTS: Public Telephone Service 公共电话服务
Public Telephone Service (PTS), sometimes called plain old telephone service (POTS), is the ordinary telephone service in which a customer has a connection to a central office and can be connected to any other customer of the service. 公共电话服务(PTS),有时候被称为老式的电话服务(POTS),是用户与电话总局连接,然后又通过电话总局被连接到其他的用户的普通电话服务。

PTT: Post, Telephone, and Telegraph 邮局、电话和电报
Post, Telephone, and Telegraph(PTT) is the government agency that provides telephone services. PTTs exist in most areas outside North America and provide both local and long-distance telephone services. It is also a term to describe the incumbent, dominant operator in a country, many of which are being or have been privatized.邮局、电话和电报(PTT)是一个提供电话服务的政府机构。在北美以外的大多数地方都有PTT,它既可以提供本地电话服务又可以提供长途电话服务。

Pulse link repeater 脉冲链接转发器
Pulse link repeater is a device in telecommunications that interface concatenated E&M (Ear & Mouth) signal paths.脉冲链接转发器是电讯系统中干扰连接好的E&M信号通道的设备。

Pulsing is the part of signaling that forwards the destination code required to route a call. In telephony, the transmission of address information to a switching office is via pulses (i.e., signals) that originate from the user's equipment. An examples of pulsing methods is DTMF (dual-tone multifrequency).  Rotary dialing is another example in which DC (Direct Current) pulses are generated by a rotary dial.脉冲调制是转发传输呼叫所需的目的地编码的信令的一部分。在电话技术方面,传输给电话交换局的地址信息是通过来自用户设备的的脉冲(即,信号)来实现的,双重音多频率(DTMF)便是脉冲调剂方法的一个例子。旋转拨号是直流电脉冲的另外一个例子。

Push Button Dialing 按钮拨号
Push Button Dialing is the use of buttons on a telephone rather than a rotary dial to address a telephone message to a terminal point on the network. Push button dialing usually enlists two-tone signaling. In AT&T's terminology, the registered trademark "TouchTone" is used. 按钮拨号是使用电话上的按钮而不是旋转拨号来将电话信息发送到网络终端节点。按键拨号通常支持双语音信令。在AT&T术语中采用的是注册商标“按键音”。

Push-to-talk operation 按键即通操作
Push-to-talk operation refers to the method of communication over a speech circuit in which the talker is required to keep a switch operated while talking. Push-to-talk operation can be found in a telephone system or two-way radio systems.按键即通操作指的是通过语音线路的通讯方法,在通话中,要求讲话人保持开关打开。按键即通被应用于电话系统或双线无线电系统中。

PVC: Permanent Virtual Connection 固定虚拟连接
Permanent Virtual Connection(PVC) is the term that describes that path data takes through a virtual network. PVCs are an integral component of many circuits and connections to the Internet.固定虚拟连接(PVC)是一个表示通道数据是通过虚拟网络传输的术语。PVC是与互联网相关的许多线路和连接的综合元素。

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