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RMIT Flight Training Circuits RMIT Instructor Rating Mass Briefs Issue 1 /2004 Page 1 Brief 9 CIRCUITS Aim: To safely take-off, fly a complete circuit and land correctly, understanding all factors involved. Application: Practise take-off and landing techniques Practise circuit procedures Revision: Circuits are a combination of everything learnt so far! Climbing PAST Climbing Turns BBB S&L ASPT – ALAP Medium Level Turns BBB Descending PAST Descending Turns BBB Stalling symptoms Definitions: Circuit - a rectangular pattern flown around the runway in use. The standard circuit is in a left-hand direction with all turns made to the left. Take-Off Distance - the distance from the start of the take-off run to the point where the aircraft reaches 50ft AGL. Landing Distance - the distance from 50ft above the runway landing threshold to where the aircraft comes to a complete stop. Go-Around - where the aircraft conducts a “baulked approach” and executes a climb to rejoin the circuit prior to touching down. Maximum Take-Off Weight - maximum permissible weight according to the POH, at which the aircraft may take-off. C172 MTOW = 1111kg Maximum Landing Weight - maximum permissible weight at which an aircraft may land C172 MLW = 1111kg RMIT Flight Training Circuits RMIT Instructor Rating Mass Briefs Issue 1 /2004 Page 2 Brief 9 Principles: STANDARD CIRCUIT PATTERN – C-172/DAY Turn radius at 75 Knots 0.4 nm. Medium Level Turn radius at 110 Knots 0.3 nm. Turn radius at 75 Knots 0.4 nm Medium level Turn radius at 110 Knots 0.3 nm 0.8 nm to configure with flap and descend from 1000’ to 700’. 0.8 nm to climb from 700’ to 1000’ and level off with A.S.P.T. 1.0 nm final gives a 5° approach profile. Commence final turn 1nm past landing threshold. (2 chords lengths) 45 seconds past upwind threshold at 110 knots = 1.4 nm 1.5 nautical mile downwind leg. 15 knots all headwind. 500 feet at 1nm. RMIT Flight Training Circuits RMIT Instructor Rating Mass Briefs Issue 1 /2004 Page 3 Brief 9 Considerations: Wind Take-Off into wind provides: shortest ground run lowest ground speed best directional control best obstacle clearance Landing into wind provides: shortest ground run lowest ground speed steeper approach Flap Take-off with flap provides: L at slower speed slower rotate speed shorter ground run better obstacle clearance used primarily for STOL Landing with flap provides: L at slower speed reduced VS D AoD better forward visibility Weight - Wt, acceleration. Therefore aircraft must be faster to produce same amount of L. Thus increases TOR. Surface - The rougher the surface, the more friction present. This increases deceleration and decreases acceleration. Thus LDR decreases and TOR increases respectively. Temperature - temp, density, decreasing engine output. Thus decreasing take-off performance. FLYING THE APPROACH When learning to fly, probably the most difficult concept to develop is the one of flying the approach to land. An understanding of what is NOT correct and why it is so difficult to remedy can help the student appreciate the importance of learning to fly the aircraft into the approach slot. By this we mean the ON PROFILE / ON SPEED FINAL. The hardest situation to correct in this case is when the aircraft begins the final approach in the wrong configuration, off the approach path angle and at a speed that differs from the correct approach speed. BELOW PROFILE ON PROFILE ABOVE PROFILE RMIT Flight Training Circuits RMIT Instructor Rating Mass Briefs Issue 1 /2004 Page 4 Brief 9 OFF – PROFILE / OFF SPEED FINAL A poorly judged final with an off speed situation as well as off profile, will require the pilot to adjust both attitude and power. In the two situations below an attitude adjustment for the airspeed will cause further deviation from the flight path and therefore require a large power adjustment. OFF PROFILE / ON SPEED FINAL If an aircraft commences the final approach off profile but on speed, only power needs to be changed. This is because the secondary effect of the power alteration will also achieve the desired attitude change. In the high aircraft the power reduction will also result in a pitch down which will maintain the speed. In the low aircraft the power increase will result in a pitch up which will maintain the speed. To enable the correct approach to be flown with minimal pilot input, the base leg should be planned to enable the final approach to commence on profile and on speed Low / on-speed Power High / on-speed Power High / Fast Power Low / Slow Power RMIT Flight Training Circuits RMIT Instructor Rating Mass Briefs Issue 1 /2004 Page 5 Brief 9 ON - PROFILE FINAL In this situation the aircraft has commenced the final approach on speed and on profile. With power correctly set a deviation high or low should only require small amounts of elevator correction to return to profile on speed. An adjustment to power in this situation should only be made if the speed tolerance is exceeded. THE LANDING Airmanship: - Lookout - Smooth coordinated use of controls - Thorough and correct checks - Obey tower’s instructions - Smooth but positive aircraft handling - Correct handover/takeover procedure On Speed On Slope High / Slow Lower nose Low / Fast Raise nose AIRPORT BOUNDARY: Scan the full length of the runway FAR END THRESHOLD DISAPPEARS: Reduce power to idle Apply back pressure to stop the nose dropping Maintain S+L referencing horizon, increasing back pressure as req’d Further positive back pressure to control final “sink” onto the runway and raise the dash to the horizon DON’T RELAX! Maintain directional control with the rudders and brake as req’d RMIT Flight Training Circuits RMIT Instructor Rating Mass Briefs Issue 1 /2004 Page 6 Brief 9 15o AoB 30o AoB 30o AoB 300 ft 1000 ft 40 kt 55 kt Rotate 5-600 ft EWX Downwind Touch and Go Landing Checks Landing Checklist 1500 RPM Flap 20o 75 kt Flap 30o 65 kt 200 ft 75 kt Flaps UP 79 kt Landing Light ON 500 ft 800 ft 500 ft 300 ft VREF 60 kt <30o AoB AVIATE - NAVIGATE - COMMUNICATE 800 ft AIMPOINT– ASPECT - AIRSPEED |