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发表于 2010-7-31 15:43:34 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Air Carrier - any citizen of the United States who undertakes, whether
directly or indirectly or by a lease or any other arrangement, to engage
in air transportation. The holders of an Air Carrier Operating
Certificate include domestic air carriers, flag air carriers,
supplemental air carriers, scheduled helicopter operators, and commuter
air carriers.
Air Commerce - the intrastate, interstate, overseas, and foreign
carriage of persons or property for compensation or hire, including
carriage of mail, or the operation or navigation of aircraft in the
conduct or furtherance of a business or vocation.
Air Transportation - the interstate, intrastate, overseas, and foreign
carriage of persons or property by common carrier for compensation or
Commercial Operator - an operator other than air carrier, who conducts
operations in air commerce carrying persons or property for compensation
or hire. These operators are issued an Operating Certificate.
1. Airplanes with a passenger seating capacity of 20 or more or a
maximum payload of more than 6,000 pounds conduct operations under
Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) Part 125.
2. Airplanes, with a passenger seating capacity of less than 20 and
a payload of less than 6,000 pounds, and rotorcraft conduct
operations under FAR Part 135.
3. Scheduled intrastate common carriage of aircraft with a
passenger seating capacity of 30 or less and a payload of 7,500
pounds or less, conduct operations under FAR Part 135. Aircraft
with a passenger seating capacity of more than 30 and a payload of
more than 7,500 pounds conduct operations under FAR Part 121.
Commuter Air Carrier - an operator who, under FAR Part 135, conducts
scheduled passenger carrying operations with a frequency of at least
five round trips per week on at least one route between two or more
points according to a published schedule, utilizing aircraft with a
passenger seating capacity of 30 or less and a maximum payload of 7,500
Domestic Air Carrier - an operator who, under FAR Part 121, conducts
scheduled operations within the 48 contiguous states and the District of
Columbia, utilizing aircraft with a passenger seating capacity of more
than 30 or a payload of more than 7,500 pounds.
Flag Air Carrier - an operator who conducts scheduled operations under
FAR Part 121 to any point outside the 48 contiguous states and the
District of Columbia, utilizing aircraft with a passenger seating
capacity of more than 30 or a payload of more than 7,500 pounds.
Supplemental/Scheduled Cargo Air Carrier - an operator performing nonscheduled
passenger (charter) operations and scheduled or non-scheduled
all-cargo operations under FAR Part 121, utilizing aircraft with a
passenger seating capacity of more than 30 or a payload of more than
7,500 pounds.
Codes are listed below for each authorized type of operation.
DFG Domestic and Flag (Passenger/Cargo)
DOM Domestic (Passenger/Cargo)
SCO Supplemental (Cargo Only)
SUP Supplemental (Passenger/Cargo)
CMA Commuter (Passenger/Cargo)
ODA On-Demand Fixed Wing (Passenger/Cargo)
ODCF On-Demand Fixed Wing (Cargo Only)
CMR Commuter Rotorcraft (Passenger/Cargo)
ODR On-Demand Rotorcraft (Passenger/Cargo)
ODCR On-Demand Rotorcraft (Cargo Only)
The class of aircraft is shown in the upper left corner of the report
pages. The class of aircraft is the method of propulsion, i.e., turbine
(turbojet and turbofan), turboprop, reciprocating (air transport and
normal/utility), and helicopter turboshaft.
Aircraft and Engine Manufacturer and Model
Information is presented alphabetically by aircraft manufacturer code.
The aircraft models, and engine manufacturer and models are grouped
within each aircraft manufacturer category.
Air Carrier Designator
This column lists the unique designator code of the operator. A listing
of designators with the names of operators is also provided.
Number of Aircraft
This is obtained from the reporting document, AC Form 8320-1, Air
Carrier Aircraft/Engine Utilization Report.
Fleet Aircraft Time
This is the total number of hours flown for the reporting month. This
information is also obtained from AC Form 8320-1.
Daily Utilization Hours
The daily utilization hours represents the average daily flight time and
is calculated as the fleet aircraft time divided by the number of days
in the reporting month and rounded to the nearest hour.
Fleet Engine Hours
This is the total engine hours for the reporting month and is obtained
from AC Form 8320-1.
Engine TBO and Hot Section Inspection Period
The engine Time Between Overhaul (TBO) and Hot Section Inspection (HSI)
periods may be entered as hours, cycles, or as one of the following
1. Condition Monitoring (CON MON) - a maintenance process for items
that have neither "hard time" nor "on condition" maintenance as
their primary maintenance process. CON MON is accomplished by
appropriate means available to an operator for finding and solving
problem areas.
2. Engine Heavy Maintenance (EHM) - normally includes HSI plus
other engine specified areas.
3. Hard Time - a preventive primary maintenance process. It
requires that an appliance or part be periodically overhauled in
accordance with the air carrier's maintenance manual or be removed
from service.
4. Logical Information Based on Reliability (LIBRA) - a total
maintenance program based on daily analysis of fleet operation.
5. On Condition (OC) - a preventive primary maintenance process. It
requires that an appliance or part be periodically inspected or
checked against some appropriate physical standard to determine
whether it can continue in service.
6. Performance Monitoring (PER MON) - a systematic collection of
data used to determine deterioration of an appliance, system, or
part of an aircraft to a point where corrective action is required
to prevent an impending failure.
7. Reliability Program (REL PRO) - a supplement of an air carrier's
total maintenance program which essentially is a set of rules and
principles for managing maintenance processes.
Engine Shutdowns and Removals
Rate per 1000 hours data is calculated as the number of shutdowns
divided by the number of engine fleet hours, and the number of engine
removals divided by the number of engine fleet hours.
Three Month Acft/Eng Data
This is calculated by using the current month's figures plus the
previous two months' totals.
Airframe Manufacturers
A Airbus Industrie
AE Aerospatiale
AS Aerostar Aircraft Corp. of Texas
B Boeing Airplane Company
BA British Aerospace
BE Beech Aircraft Corporation
BN Britten Norman Ltd.
C Cessna Aircraft Corporation
CA Construcciones Aeronauticas, S.A. (CASA)
CL Canadair Ltd
CV General Dynamics Corporation
DC McDonnell Douglas Corporation
DH DeHavilland Aircraft Co., Ltd.
DO Dornier-Werke G.M.B.H.
EM Empresa Brasiliera de Aeronautica S/A
F Fairchild Industries
FH Hiller Aviation
FK Fokker Aircraft B.V.
G Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corporation
GA Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation
GV Government Aircraft Factories
HB Bell Helicopter Textron
L Lockheed Aircraft Corporation
LR Gates Learjet Corporation
M Martin-Marietta Corporation
MU Mitsubishi Aircraft International, Inc.
ND Nord Aviation, S.A.
PA Piper Aircraft Corporation
PT Partenavia Costruzioni Aeronautiche S.P.A.
SA Saab-Scania AB
SH Short Bros. Limited
SK Sikorsky Aircraft Division
SN Societe Nationale Industrielle Aerospatiale (SNIAS)
SW Swearingen Aviation Corp.
WL Westland Helicopters Limited
YS Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (Nihon)
Engine Manufacturers
ALSN Allison Gas Turbine Operations (GMC)
ARCH Airesearch Mfg. Company of Arizona
CONT Teledyne Continental Motors
GART Garrett Turbine Engine Company
GE CFM International, S.A.
LYC Avco Corporation, Lycoming Division
PWA Pratt & Whitney Aircraft
RR Rolls-Royce Limited
TMCA Turbomeca
WAD Curtis-Wright/Marquette, Inc.
Other Abbreviations
ACFT Aircraft
DESIG Designator
CON MON Condition Monitoring
EHM Engine Heavy Maintenance
ENG Engine
HR Hours
HSI Hot Section Inspection
INSPT Inspection
LIBRA Logical Information Based on Reliability
MFG Manufacturer
NUM Number
OC On Condition
PER MON Performance Monitoring
REL PRO Reliability Program
REM or REMOV Removals
SD Shutdowns
TBO Time Between Overhaul
UTIL Utilization
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