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昆明绿色机场建设问题Research On Building Green Airport [复制链接]

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发表于 2010-8-11 09:10:52 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
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发表于 2010-8-11 09:11:33 |只看该作者
Mr. Liu Ming, President for Yunnan Airport Group Co., Ltd.
Beijing,15th May,2009
昆明绿色机场建设问题Research On Building Green Airport
目录Contents1.21世纪已经进入绿色经济时代21st Century –a Green Economy Era2.昆明建设绿色机场的理念体系The Idea of Building a Green Airport in Kunming 3.昆明建设绿色机场的背景和挑战Background and Challenges of Building a Green Airportin Kunming4.昆明建设绿色机场的基本策略The Basic Strategy of Building a Green Airportin Kunming5.昆明建设绿色机场的战略要求Strategic Requirements of Building a Green Airport in Kunming6.主要任务指标Major Target
目录Contents21世纪已经进入绿色经济时代21st Century –A Green Economy Era 2.昆明建设绿色机场的理念体系The Idea of Building a Green Airport in Kunming3.昆明建设绿色机场的背景和挑战Background and Challenges to Building a Green Airport in Kunming4.昆明建设绿色机场的基本策略Basic Strategy of Building a Green Airportin Kunming5.昆明建设绿色机场的战略要求Strategic Requirements of Building a Green Airport in Kunming6.主要任务指标Major Target1.
Resource Restrictionsand Environmental Capacity困扰人类的全球十大环境问题:The Top Ten Global Environmental Problems4、酸雨蔓延Spread of Acid Rain5、森林锐减Sharp Drop in Forest6、土地荒漠化Land Desertification7、大气污染Air Pollution8、水体污染Water Pollution10、固体废物污染Solid Waste Pollution1、气候变暖Global Warming2、臭氧层破坏Ozonosphere Depletion3、生物多样性减少Decrease in Biodiversity9、海洋污染Marine Pollution
绿色发展战略:中国的必选之路Green Development Strategy: The Only Way for China􀂄中国各类人均资源占有量不同程度低于世界人均水平,但却是世界上自然资产损失最大的国家之一While the resources occupancy level per capita is below the world’s average, China is one of the countries suffering from the highest naturalassets loss in the world.􀂄世界耗水量第一大国(占世界用水总量的15.4%)The largest water consuming country in the world –consuming 15.4% of water of the whole world.􀂄污水排放量居世界第一(相当于美国的3倍)The largest quantity of sewage discharge in the world -3 times of the United States.􀂄能源消耗和CO2排放居世界第二位,到2020年有可能超过美国,居世界第一位Energy consumption and CO2emissions rank second in the world, possibly exceed the United States and become the first in the world in 2020.
“绿色道路”"Green Road"
􀂄实行低度消耗资源的生产体系;A Production System with Low Resources Consumption; 􀂄适度消费的生活体系;A Living System with Moderate Consumption;􀂄使经济持续稳定增长、经济效益不断提高的经济体系;An Economic System to Retain Sustainable and Stable Economic Growth, and Enhance Economic Benefits; 􀂄保证社会效益与社会公平的社会体系;A Social Systemto Ensure Social Benefits and Justice; 􀂄不断创新,充分吸收新技术、新工艺、新方法的使用技术体系A Technology System to Continuously Innovate Via Adoption of New Technologies, New Techniques and New Methods;􀂄促进与世界市场紧密联系的,更加开放的贸易与非贸易的国际经济体系;A Trade and Non-tradeInternational Economic System, More open, to Promote Close Links with World Markets; 􀂄合理开发利用资源,防止污染,保护生态平衡。Reasonably Exploiting and Utilizing the Resources to Prevent Pollution and Protect the Ecological Balance.
绿色经济的内容The Contents of the Green Economy
􀂄绿色生产Green Production􀂄绿色能源Green Energy􀂄绿色食物Green Food􀂄绿色消费Green Consumption􀂄绿色市场Green Market􀂄绿色服务Green Service􀂄绿色农业Green Agriculture􀂄绿色技术与绿色技术标准(ISO14000)Green Technology and Green Technology Standards (ISO14000)􀂄绿色教育Green Education
目录Contents1.21世纪已经进入绿色经济时代21st Century-A Green Economy era昆明建设绿色机场的理念体系The Idea of Building a Green Airport in Kunming3.昆明建设绿色机场的背景和挑战Background and Challenges of Building a Green Airport in Kunming4.昆明建设绿色机场的基本策略The Basic Strategy ofBuilding a Green Airport in Kunming5.昆明建设绿色机场的战略要求Strategic Requirements of Building a Green Airport in Kunming6.主要任务指标Major Target2.
绿色建筑特征及理念Featuresand Concepts of the Green Building􀂄第一,尽可能节约对自然环境的占用,如对木材资源、水资源、土地资源的节约等。􀂄第二,尽可能充分利用各种自然资源,如风能、太阳能等。􀂄第三,尽可能减少对自然生态平衡的影响,坚持人、建筑与环境的共生。􀂄Firstly, to reduce the usage of natural environment resources asmuch as possible, such as wood, water and land resources etc, 􀂄Secondly, to fully utilize the natural resources, such as wind energy, solar energy and so on. 􀂄Third, to minimize the impact upon the ecological balance and strive for harmony amongst the human beings, buildings and environment.􀂄绿色建筑可以从Reduce,Reuse,Reunite,Recycle(简称4R)来理解。􀂄Reduce有三个层次的含义,即节能、节省以及减少对环境的影响。Reuse即建筑的再利用。Reunite即建筑材料的再结合。Recycle即建筑材料的循环利用。􀂄Green building can be illustrated in terms of 4R, namely Reduce, Reuse, Reunite and Recycle. “Reduce”explicates into 3 levels of meaning, namely energy saving, resources saving and reduce the impact upon the environment. ‘Reuse’is the re-use of the building. ‘Reunite’is reunite of construction materials. Recycle that is, recycling of construction materials.特征Features理念Concept
绿色机场的定义The Definition of Green Airport􀂄绿色机场,又称为生态机场,是在机场系统的全生命周期中(选址、规划、设计、施工、运营维护及拆除、回用),以高效率地利用资源(能源、土地、水、材料)、低限度地影响环境的方式,建造合理环境负荷下安全、健康、高效及舒适的工作与活动空间,促进人与自然、环境与发展、建设与保护、经济增长与社会进步相协调的机场体系。真正“绿色机场”的内涵是一个全方位的、立体环保工程,它兼备了节地、节水、节能、改善生态环境、减少环境污染、延长建筑物寿命等优点。􀂄Green Airport, also known as eco-airport, is, for its whole product life cycle which might involve site selection, plan, design, construction, operation, dismantling, recycle and re-use, to build a safe, healthy, efficient and comfortable space for working and activities under a reasonable environmental load by a way of efficiently utilizing of resources, such as energy, land, water and material, and minimally impacting environment, and thus to enhance harmonies amongst human beings and the nature, environment and development, construction and protection, economic growth and social development. The true concept of Green Airport is about a comprehensive and integrated environment protection works which gathers many features such as land saving, water saving, energy saving, ecological environment improving, environmental pollution reducing, comparatively longer building life span, etc.
绿色机场的基本构成要素Basic Elements of Green Airport1234节能型机场环保型机场科技型机场人性化机场Humanization Airport Energy-Saving Airport Environment-Friendly Airport High-tech Airport
目录Contents1.21世纪已经进入绿色经济时代21st Century –A Green Economy Era2.昆明建设绿色机场的理念体系The Idea of Building a Green Airport in Kunming昆明建设绿色机场的背景和挑战Background and Challenges of Building A Green Airportin Kunming4.昆明建设绿色机场的基本策略The Basic Strategy of Building a Green Airportin Kunming5.昆明建设绿色机场的战略要求Strategic Requirements of Building a Green Airport in Kunming6.主要任务指标Major Target3.
云南机场发展愿景Yunnan Airport Development Vision
Build up a national
gateway hub facing
South East Asia and
linkage between
Europe and Asia
To actualize cluster effect of airports group and to become an airport-group nationally advanced and internationally famous
建设绿色机场的背景Background of Building Green Airport•昆明新机场建设为开展系统的绿色机场研究与建设实践提供了难得的机遇;•The construction of new Kunming airport has provided a scarce opportunity for systemic research and construction practice of Green Airport.•民航局提出“节约、环保、科技和人性化”绿色机场的建设要求;•Civil Aviation Administration of China(CAAC) building requirements of the green airport , “conservation, environmental protection, technology and user-friendly”; 成立了由民航局杨国庆副局长为组长、机场司张光辉司长为办公室主任的建设绿色昆明新机场研究领导小组;•The Leaders’Team for Research of New Kunming Green Airport Construction, which is headed by Mr. Yang Guoqing, deputy director general of CAAC, as the Chief of the Team, and MrZhang Guanghui, Director General of Airport Department of ACCA, as the Chief of Administrative Office of the Leader’s Team, has been set up; 昆明新机场建设指挥部组织成立了建设绿色昆明新机场科研课题组并积极把研究成果落实到工程实践中,以期达到绿色机场的建设目标。•Kunming New Airport Construction Headquarters has established a scientific research team for new Kunming green airport construction aiming at actualizing the researching fruits into construction practice and thus to achieve the goal of constructing a green airport in Kunming.
建设绿色机场的背景Background of Building Green Airport
建设绿色机场的背景Background of Building Green Airport
"Civil airports shall ... ... strictly control the scale of land acquisition for the construction, frugally and intensively use the land and protect the ecologicalenvironment. " “民用机场是公共基础设施”"Civil airport is public infrastructure" “民用机场要……严格控制建设用地规模,节约集约用地,保护生态环境。”
"Civil airports shall ... ... strictly control the scale of land acquisition for the construction, frugally and intensively use the land and protect the ecologicalenvironment. " “民用机场是公共基础设施”"Civil airport is public infrastructure" 《民用机场管理条例》Ordinances on Civil Airport Supervision
建设绿色机场的挑战Challenges of Building Green Airport能源成本约占机场总运营成本的25%Energy cost accounts for about 25% of overall operating costs ofairport.
建设绿色机场的挑战Challenges of Building Green Airport昆明新机场规划方案Master Plan of New Kunming Airport工程建设规模为:飞行区按4F标准规划、本期按4E标准设计,建设可独立运行的东、西两条跑道。Scale of the project: Air-side is designed as per 4F standard for the final, and 4E standard for the present phase of construction. Two independently operating runways are going to be built.
目录Contents1.21世纪已经进入绿色经济时代21st Century-a Green Economy Era2.昆明建设绿色机场的理念体系The Idea of Building a Green Airport in Kunming 3.昆明建设绿色机场的背景和挑战Background and Challenges of Building a Green Airport in Kunming昆明建设绿色机场的基本策略The Basic Strategy of Building a Green Airport in Kunming5.昆明建设绿色机场的战略要求Strategic Requirements of Building a Green Airport in Kunming6.主要任务指标Major Target4.
昆明建设绿色机场的基本策略The Basic Strategies of Building a Green Airportin Kunming适应性策略Adaptive Strategy低耗发展策略
Low Consumption Development Strategy精细化策略Refinement Strategy经济高效策略Cost-effective Strategy 效益最大化策略Benefits Maximizing Strategy
适应性策略Adaptive Strategy
低耗发展策略Low Consumption Development Strategy
精细化策略Refinement Strategy
经济高效策略Cost-effective Strategy
效益最大化策略Benefits Maximizing Strategy
目录Contents1.21世纪已经进入绿色经济时代21st century-a Green Economy Era2.昆明建设绿色机场的理念体系The Idea of Building a Green Airport in Kunming 3.昆明建设绿色机场的背景和挑战Background and Challenges of Building a Green Airport in Kunming4.昆明建设绿色机场的基本策略The Basic Strategy of Building a Green Airport in Kunming昆明建设绿色机场的战略要求Strategic Requirements of Building a Green Airport in Kunming6.主要任务指标Major Target5.
建设绿色机场的战略要求Strategic Requirements of Building Green Airport绿色机场战略要求绿色循环Green Circle绿色布局Green Layout 绿色水源Green Water 绿色能源Green Energy绿色环境Green Environment绿色回收Green Recycle绿色技术Green Technology
绿色布局Green Layout一是满足机场运行安全和效率的前提下,尽量节约用地,少占或不占耕地;The first is, on the premise of airport operation safety and efficiency, to economize as far as possible the use of land, occupy as less as possible farming land, or not to occupy at all. 二是合理规划用地分区,确保土地资源利用效率;The second is to zone the land properly, ensure efficient use of land resources; 三是在保障机场安全运行的条件下结合依山就势的工作区规划;The third is, on the premise of airport operation safety, to plan the service zone complying with mountain topography; 四是开发利用地下空间,采用新型结构体系与高强轻质结构材料,提高建筑空间的使用率。The fourth is to develop underground space, adopt new structure system and high-strength-lightweight structural materials to improve the utilization of building space.四个原则Four Principles:
绿色循环Green Circle绿色循环Green Circle尽量减少对生物圈的破坏Minimize the damage to the biosphere关心周围环境Care environment 人与自然沟通Communication between human being and the nature建筑与生态环境良性循环Virtuous circle via entironment包容未来科技的应用和发展Accommodate application and development of future science
绿色水源Green Water污水处理流程图Sewage Treatment Process Chart
绿色能源Green Energy太阳能Solar Energy生物质能Bio-energy风能Wind Energy地热能Geothermal Energy
绿色回收Green Recovery绿色回收Green recovery减量化(Reduce)
绿色环境Green Environment绿色环境Green Environment减少机场对周边环境的不良影响Reduce the adverse impact produced by airport on the surrounding environment 减少机场运行对旅客和工作人员的影响Reduce impact produced by the airport on passenger and stafffrom airport operation 减少周边环境对机场运行的不利影响Reduce the adverse impact produced bythe surrounding environment on the airport operation减少其他对环境的影响Reduce the impact produced by other factors the enviro
绿色技术Green Technology

Participants 进展情况
1 航站区
Terminal Area
Earthquake-Proof Key Engineering Technology
Research for the Terminal Building of NKMA
应用于设计和生产 It has past
scrutiny and the researching
Fruits have been applied to
design and manufacture
2 航站区
Terminal Area
Research on Performance-Based Fire Protection
Design for NKMA
英国奥雅纳Arup (Britain)
It has past scrutiny and the
researching Fruits have been
applied to design
3 航站区
Terminal Area
Research on Localization of Luggage System
4 航站区
Terminal Area
Wind Tunnel Experiment for the Terminal
上海同济大学 已完成
5 飞行区
Research on Taxiway Coding System 中国民航机场建设集团公司 已完成
6 飞行区
Research on Key Technology of Bitumen
Runway Pavement Engineering for NKMA
Part of researching fruits has been
applied to engineering design
7 飞行区
Research on Takeoff Performance NAC0 已完成 Complete
8 飞行区
Evaluation of Airport Obstacles of NKMA 民航安全技术中心 已完成Complete
9 飞行区
Design of Emergency Protocol under One-
Engine-Failure for KMA
民航安全技术中心 已完成Complete
目录Contents1.21世纪已经进入绿色经济时代21st century-a Green Economy Era2.昆明建设绿色机场的理念体系The Idea of Building a Green Airport in Kunming 3.昆明建设绿色机场的背景和挑战Background and Challenges of Building a Green Airport in Kunming4.昆明建设绿色机场的基本策略The Basic Strategy of Building a Green Airport in Kunming5.昆明建设绿色机场的战略要求Strategic Requirements of Building a Green Airport in Kunming主要任务指标Major Target6.
绿色设计原则Green Design Principles机场AirportAirport环境Environment 资源Resources经济Economy
绿色机场研究和实践总体框架图Green Airport Overall Framework of Researchand Practice Plans项目与指标体系建设绿色机场系统规划绿色机场系统研究绿色机场建设支撑技术体系研究内涵及要素研究评价方法研究机场安全运行技术机场绿色运行技术机场高效运行技术机场人性化服务绿色机场实施指南工程实施与验证绿色机场建设目标成果总结与评估专项设计任务书
总图工程绿色设计Green Design of General Plan Project
“Green Lighting”
节能目标saving energy≥30%
Reclaimed water utilization
Rainwater collection
收集与利用率Ratio of collection and Utilization≥30%
cultivated land "zero" waste
总图工程绿色设计Green Design of General Plan Project
环境保护􀂄低污染燃料􀂄透水地面􀂄绿地率􀂄污水处理工艺􀂄固体废弃物无害化处理100%填埋减量30~50%再生利用率50%􀂄再生建材Environmental Protection 􀂄Low-pollution fuel 􀂄Water-penetrable Ground􀂄Green land rate 􀂄Wastewater Treatment Process 􀂄Solid Waste Harmless Treatment: 100% Reduction of Backfilling 30 ~ 50%Renewable rate: 50% 􀂄Renewable materials
航站区工程绿色设计Green Design of Terminal Area
Quantity of the earth work would lessen for more than 3 million M3benefiting frommountain-topography-compliant building design. In accordance with the natural environment, conditions of construction of the new Kunming airport and energy consuming status of the existing airport, the energy saving of the new airport is expected more than 20%, and operating costs saving more than 20%.
航站区工程绿色设计Green Design of Terminal Area
􀂄Intelligent Building Technology
􀂄Energy-saving Low-Radiancyglass curtain wall
􀂄VAV air-conditioning systems􀂄节能光源Energy-saving lighting source􀂄节能设备Energy-saving equipment􀂄自然采光Natural lighting􀂄自然通风Natural ventilation􀂄绿色屋顶Green roof 􀂄立体绿化Integrated Green Plantation
航站区工程绿色设计Green Design of Terminal Area􀂄可再生能源使用量占建筑总能耗比例>2%􀂄节水设备使用率100%􀂄再生水利用率≥15%􀂄模数设计原则􀂄减少非标构件数量􀂄roportion of renewable energy use to total energy consumption of the building> 2% 􀂄Utilization rate of water-saving equipment 100% 􀂄Reclaimed water utilization rate ≥15% 􀂄Analog-to-digital design principles 􀂄Reduce the number of non-standard components􀂄无害化处理100%􀂄填埋减量30~50%􀂄再生利用率50%􀂄建筑废弃物利用20~30%􀂄污水处理100%,采用源分离技术􀂄Harmless Treatment: 100% 􀂄Reduction of Wastage Backfilling 30 ~ 50% 􀂄Ratio of use of the renewable: 50% 􀂄Reuse of construction waste 20 ~ 30% 􀂄sewage treatment ratio 100% with source separation technique
航站区工程绿色设计Green Design of Terminal Area
􀂄母婴室Maternal and Child Room 􀂄吸烟室Smoking Room 􀂄儿童活动区Children's activities area 􀂄盲道Blind road 􀂄低位柜台Low counters 􀂄低位电话Low telephone 􀂄一键通问讯电话Push to talk over Cellular Phone Information 􀂄残障人士专用座椅、专用办票柜台、专用安检通道和专用车位Dedicated seats, check-in counters, security control access and parking stands for the disabled􀂄无障碍电梯、饮水机Wheelchair accessible elevator and drinking fountains 􀂄紧急疏散用发光标识Emergency evacuation LED logo􀂄满足各类旅客群体要求的洗手间设施Toilet facilities to meet the requirements of various types of
􀂄 数量较多的近机位More numbers of
near stands
􀂄 自动代步设施 Escalator facilities
人性化服务Humanized services
飞行区工程绿色设计Green Design of Flight Area􀂄优化场区地势设计􀂄优化高原机场跑道纵坡设计􀂄优化滑行道系统设计􀂄优化排水系统设计􀂄优化空侧地面交通􀂄创造站坪机位上飞机使用GPU 的条件􀂄在站坪机位配置完备的GPU(地面动力单元)􀂄采用长寿命、低能耗的LED,采用反光棒代替边灯􀂄飞行区内照明采用分区、分时、照明监控系统及采用高光效灯具等􀂄Optimize topography design of the field􀂄Optimize the design of runway longitudinal of high altitude airport􀂄Optimize taxiway system design􀂄Optimize drainage system design􀂄Optimize airside ground traffic􀂄Enable the airplanes on the stands to use ground power unit (GPU) 􀂄rovidecomplete GPU on the stands􀂄Adopt long-life, low power LED, replace the side bar with reflective light􀂄Adopt divisional, time-scheduled lighting monitoring system and high-light lamp for airfield lighting system.
飞行区工程绿色设计Green Design of Flight Area􀂄基于地理信息系统(GIS)的机场多跑道净空管理系统􀂄优化飞机进离场程序和滑行道系统设计􀂄Multi-runway airport clearance management system based on geographic information systems (GIS)􀂄Optimization of approaching and departure procedure and the taxiway system design
交通规划绿色设计Green Design of Transportation Planning􀂄计算机仿真模拟和优化设计􀂄提高陆侧安全、畅通和便捷􀂄减少陆侧道路拥堵􀂄增加低污染交通设施􀂄提高使用公共交通的便利性􀂄Computer simulation and optimization of design 􀂄Maintain the land side safe, expedite and convenient􀂄Reduce traffic congestion of the land side􀂄Increase low-pollution transportation facilities 􀂄Improve the convenience of public transportation􀂄计算机仿真模拟和优化设计􀂄提高空侧安全、畅通和便捷􀂄减少空侧交通延误􀂄Computer simulation and design optimization􀂄Maintain the air side safe, expedite and convenient 􀂄Reduce traffic delays in the air side优化空侧地面交通Optimization of Airside ground traffic优化陆侧地面交通optimization of the land-side ground traffic
公用设施工程绿色设计Green Design of Public Facilities 􀂄广泛使用节能灯具􀂄利用太阳能、风能发电技术等􀂄设置无功补偿装置和有源滤波设备􀂄增加绿化水平􀂄实现边坡、挡土墙的生态绿化􀂄尽可能维持场区原有地貌的自然特征和增加植被􀂄Widely use of energy-saving lamps 􀂄Use of solar energy, wind power generation technology 􀂄Install reactive power compensation and active filtering equipment device 􀂄Increase the green field 􀂄Actualize eco-green of the slope and retaining walls􀂄To maintain the natural feature of
the original landscape as far as
possible, increase natural
能源中心工程绿色设计Green Design of EnergyCenter
􀂄优化常规能源系统􀂄利用可再生能源和新能源􀂄能源中心主体建筑满足《绿色建筑评价标准》一星级以上要求􀂄能源转换效率上采用能效高的系统形式􀂄降低空调制冷设备中消耗臭氧层物质的排放􀂄减少机场能源系统对城市能源供应系统的冲击􀂄Optimize the conventional energy systems 􀂄 Use of renewable energy and new energy
􀂄 The main building of Energy Center to meet one-star above level of "green building rating
􀂄 Adopt high-efficiency energy system for energy conversion efficiency
􀂄 Reduce emissions of ozone-depleting substances from air-conditioning and Refrigeration
􀂄 Reduce the impact produced by the airport energy system on urban energy supply system
生产辅助及行政生活设施绿色设计Green Design of Production Aids and Executive Living Facilities􀂄排水系统实行雨污分流,污水纳管率达到100%􀂄污、废水处理率应达到100%􀂄合理规划污泥处理处置方案􀂄场区绿化率≥30%􀂄减少固体废弃物填埋量􀂄Raindrop and sewage are diffluent , 100% of sewage will be conducted through the pipeline. 􀂄Sewage, waste water treatment rate 100% 􀂄roper planning of sludge treatment and disposal program 􀂄Green rates of the field ≥30% 􀂄To reduce backfilling of solid waste􀂄建筑物周围人行区的风速应低于5米/秒􀂄增强舒适性和建筑通风􀂄控制和减少建筑物第五立面的照明􀂄Wind speed via pedestrian area around the buildings should be less than 5m/s 􀂄Enhance comfort level and building ventilation 􀂄Control and reduce the lighting from the fifth building facade
结束语Concluding Remarks
Environmental performance is an important asset of enterprises.
Green competing ability is one of most important factors influencing enterprises’integrated competing ability.
Construction and operation of the green airport is a crucial access to achieve the green growth and promote green competing ability.
Our enterprises shall gain not only economic and social benefits but also environmental benefits. An ecological civilization can only be built via the road of low-carbon economy, and so that commercial value, ecological value and human value can be created.

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