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English for Aviation Safety 航空安全英语 [复制链接]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2010-8-21 21:19:09 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2010-8-21 21:19:27 |只看该作者
English for Aviation Safety Overview1
English for
Aviation Safety©
2English for Aviation Safety Overview
English language proficiency is a vital safety issue.
From the world’s most experienced experts in
developing Aviation English training and testing…
In today’s demanding international aviation
environment, pilots and air traffic controllers
must be able to speak and understand
English, readily and accurately. From
March 2008, all ICAO Contracting States
are required to comply with ICAO English
Language Proficiency Requirements for
pilots and controllers.
English for Aviation Safety is the unique
aviation English training product developed
specifically for the aviation environment
by Aviation English Services, a team of
international language experts.
This unique learning programme is contentdriven
with language learning delivered in
the context of key aviation safety and
operations specific topics. To deliver an
optimal learning environment for the client,
the approach is to integrate web-based
training with classroom sessions.
English for Aviation Safety is specifically
targeted at pilots and controllers, the
programme, is highly flexible and is designed
to achieve optimal results in a limited time
frame readying clients for the achievement
of ICAO’s closely defined standards.
English for
Aviation Safety
English for Aviation Safety
• Aligned with ICAO English language
proficiency requirements
• Safety focused
• Operations-specific
• Modular for scheduling flexibility
• Blended to integrate web-based
training with classroom sessions
• Combines world leading linguistic
expertise with aviation operational
English for Aviation Safety Overview3
Web-based modules and complementary
classroom sessions focus on subject matter
of motivational interest to pilots and controllers.
The interactive multimedia content uses actual
case studies and simulated scenarios for learning
and illustration.
Aviation-specific topics include:
• runway incursions;
• controlled flight into terrain;
• approach and landing accident reduction;
• crew resource management;
• aeronautical decision-making;
• safety management systems;
• threat and error management.
English for Aviation Safety is designed to assist
pilots and controllers achieve the English
language proficiency standards required by ICAO.
Operational Level 4 is the minimum level of
proficiency required by ICAO for pilots and
controllers operating internationally.
“Operational Level 4 speakers are required to
have good command of basic grammatical
structures. Rather than a memorised set of
language on which they rely, they must have
sufficient command of basic grammar to create
new meaning as appropriate…vocabulary
range and accuracy are usually sufficient to
communicate effectively… comprehension is
mostly accurate on common, concrete and
work related topics… level 4 speakers need to
be skilled at checking, seeking confirmation, or
clarifying a situation or communication.”
ICAO Document 9835: Manual on the Implementation
of the ICAO Language Proficiency Requirements.
The focus of essential training topics and information selected for
the English for Aviation Safety programme focuses on the safe
conduct of aviation operations. The content specifically addresses
the tasks and concerns of pilots and controllers.
. High-value Safety Related Content
English language continuum of specificity
English for Aviation Safety
Less specific Increasingly Specific Very Specific
4English for Aviation Safety Overview
. Seamless Integration
All course activities are in the context of the aviation
operational environment and include exercises in
language structure and comprehension. English
for Aviation Safety challenges learners to achieve
incremental goals related to real-world operational
radiotelephony. Learners will graduate to a level of
proficiency allowing rapid and reliable responses
to urgent and emergency situations.
Each online lesson calls on video and audio media
as a basis for learning activities. Video, audio
and text pieces are used, with approval from
Airbus, ICAO, Federal Aviation Administration
(FAA), International Federation of Airline Pilots’
Associations (IFALPA) and Flight Safety Foundation
(FSF) in addition to authentic documents such as
airline charts and instrument approach plates.
The web-based modules prepare learners for
transition to the classroom. The classroom
sessions then further develop and practice
these oral communication skills with a focus
on interaction, fluency, and pronunciation.
These speaking skills are further developed through
operational role-plays, simulated emergencies and
other “hands-on” learning strategies. The language
focus is on those speech skills described in ICAO
Document 9835 “Manual on the Implementation of
ICAO Language Proficiency Requirements”.
Integrated with the language learning modules
is the student administration module called the
Learning Management System. This module
administers the enrolment of new learners, tracks
each learner’s progress and generates reports
for the instructors. It also bookmarks and directs
each learner back to the appropriate module
where they previously logged off.
The Learning Management System is a database
of the students’ reviews and results. The tracking
of the progress and results of the web-based
content enables the Instructors to assess the
learner’s mastery of the language training. The
on-line results database is also used by the
Instructors to record their evaluations of learners’
progress during the classroom sessions.
Each English for Aviation Safety training module integrates on-line or
web-based training with intensive classroom sessions that reinforce
and apply the language skills learnt.
Blended Learning Approach
Web-based Training (WBT) Classroom Sessions
• Strengthen professional….
• Teach briefings reports
• Improve pronunciation
• Introduces a topic
• Provides content ….
• Enhances vocabulary
• Teaches essential grammar
• Gives practice in comprehension
WBT precedes
and prepares
for classroom
English for Aviation Safety Overview5
ACTIVITIES Video 1 Vocabulary Structure
Reading Video 2 Responding
Phase 2 Exercises in each Activity
The safety-oriented content of video activities facilitates
listening comprehension.
Vocabulary exercises teach words and phrases
from the video.
Structure (grammar) is taught in context.
Exercises focus on pronunciation and enable students to
compare their voice to a model English speaker’s voice.
Lesson comprehension exercises challenge students
to apply audio content to operational tasks.
Reading activities generate new vocabulary and lead students
through operationally-oriented tasks.
Video activities provide further practice in comprehending
safety-related issues.
Learners repetitively practise response to radiotelephony
communications and can compare their voices to a model
English speaker.
192 exercises per module
6 modules per level of instruction
An outline of English for Aviation Safety Web-based Learning Module
An outline of English for Aviation Safety Web-based Learning Module
The program targets learners requiring instruction from ICAO language proficiency levels 2 to 3 and/or 4.
Each level offers at least 240 hours of training in the form of 6 modules.
Each module has 12 phases and 192 exercises.
Each phase has 8 activities that correspond to the Descriptors of the ICAO Language Proficiency
Rating Scale.
6English for Aviation Safety Overview
English for Aviation Safety Course Overview
*Note: English for Aviation Safety is designed for
flexibility. Classroom Sessions can be lengthened
according to client requirements.
Placement Test
ICAO Level 4 Proficiency Test
ICAO Level 2 ICAO Level 3
Each module comprises as a minimum:
• 24 to 36 hours distance learning
• 16 hours Classroom Sessions
Each module comprises minimum:
• 24 to 36 hours distance learning
• 16 hours Classroom Sessions
Module 1: Rules for Safe Flight Module 1: Operational and Environmental Threats
Module 2: Crew Resource Management Module 2: Runway Incursion
Module 3: Aeronautical Decision Making Module 3: Controlled Flight Into Terrain
Module 4: Aerodrome Operations Module 4: Crew Resource Management
Module 5: Approach and Landing Accident
Module 5: Threat and Error Management
Module 6: Review and Assessment
Module 6: Review and Assessment
for access to Level 4
240 – 300 hours* 240 – 300 hours*
Professional and comprehensive
• Each module offers at least 40 hours:
24+ hours of web-based instruction and
16 hours of classroom instruction
• At each level the Review module enables
learners to identify any problem areas, and
self-assess their ability to move on to the
next level or take a proficiency test
English for Aviation Safety Overview7
In a 24 hours a day, 7 days a week operational environment, flexibility
of training is essential. Pilots and controllers may not easily be
released from duty rosters. The training solution must be flexible
and accessible.
AES acknowledges that pilots and controllers have limited study time and, as in all training situations,
individuals will learn at different speeds. For this reason each component of the English for Aviation
Safety courseware is designed so that it may be undertaken at the learners’ convenience. This flexibility
ensures convenience for both learner and employer and allows individual motivation to dictate the
learner’s progress towards success.
English for Aviation Safety accommodates varying starting levels of proficiency, speeds of knowledge
acquisition, preferred intervals and periods for learning.
The modular approach allows for various combinations of course components dependent on students’
learning styles, available time and competing commitments.
Web-based exercises can be completed in small ‘chunks’ as schedules allow. Trainees may choose
when and where they complete training and may work on any Internet connected or networked
computer. Instructors, facilitators and administrators may adapt the style, duration and timing of
classroom sessions to suit trainees’ needs and progress.
. Modular Flexibility
Flexibility accomodates:
• Pilot and controller schedules
• Trainers’ requirements
• Individual learning needs
• Client’s administration requirements
8English for Aviation Safety Overview
Examples of modular scheduling and delivery
The illustrations below show different configurations in which pilots and controllers could complete
one module of AES instruction (one level of instruction includes six modules).
Option A:
Trainees complete web-based training (WBT) at a rate of six hours per week, then attend a two-day
classroom session each month. Trainees will complete 1 module in 5 weeks.
Option B:
Trainees complete WBT at a rate of six hours per week, and attend two one-day classroom session
each month. Trainees will complete 1 module in 6 weeks.
Option C:
Trainees complete WBT at a rate of four hours per week, and attend a two-day classroom session
every seven weeks. Trainees will complete 1 module in 7 weeks.
Option D:
Trainees complete WBT at a rate of four hours per week, and attend a one-day classroom session
every four weeks. Trainees will complete 1 module in 8 weeks.
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6
One module
WBT 6 hours
6 hours
6 hours
6 hours
1 day/
8 hours
1 day/
8 hours
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8
One module
WBT 4 hours
4 hours
4 hours
4 hours
4 hours
4 hours
1 day/
8 hours
1 day/
8 hours
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7
One module
WBT 4 hours
4 hours
4 hours
4 hours
4 hours
4 hours
2 days/
16 hours
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5
One module
WBT 6 hours
6 hours
6 hours
6 hours
2 days/16 hours
English for Aviation Safety Overview9
To address the ICAO aviation English proficiency requirements, AES
has developed a full suite of training and learning materials, including:
. Associated services from AES
• Needs analysis testing
Our experts can evaluate your organisation’s
training requirements and conduct a
training needs assessment to determine
the current English language proficiency
of pilots and controllers. The purpose of
this “benchmarking” is to assess the gap
between their current level of language
proficiency and the level required for
ICAO compliance.
• ICAO Implementation Plan development
AES can assist States by:
–– surveying State implementation efforts
made so far;
–– reviewing State benchmark and licensing
test systems;
–– recommending interim risk mitigation
–– assessing implementation plan outcomes;
–– writing the aviation English implementation
plan in consultation with State staff.
• Tester/Rater training
AES can provide training for your appropriately
qualified staff to rate the English language
proficiency of your pilots and controllers.
AES is experienced in the actual formulation
of the ICAO language requirement models;
defining the ICAO rating scale and analysing
speech samples from around the world.
• Aviation English teacher training
The English for Aviation Safety Teacher
Training Course is the ideal way to improve
the skills of your qualified and experienced
Aviation English teachers and train them in
the use of the AES courseware. Training is
conducted over a period of up to 10 days,
in a classroom environment. Successful
completion of the course will enable the
teachers to deliver the classroom element
of English for Aviation Safety, and serve
as facilitators for the web-based content.
• Aviation familiarisation for teachers
English language teachers with relatively little
aviation knowledge or experience can be
provided specialised industry understanding
that will assist them to become English for
Aviation Safety teachers.
AES is committed to building partnerships
AES works with client organisations to assess their training needs and develop tailored solutions.
We believe the partnership approach is the most effective in providing appropriate, cost effective
and successful solutions. These can include:
• Training Needs Assessment (Benchmark
• ICAO Implementation Plan development
• Tester/Rater training
• Teacher training
• Aviation familiarisaton for trainers
10English for Aviation Safety Overview
From start to finish, the English for Aviation Safety course benefits
from unrivalled, world-leading expertise in the development of
Aviation English language training and testing.
. Unparalleled expertise
The AES leadership team (see below) has
accumulated over 100 years of international
experience in aviation English training and
courseware design. Their expertise spans all of
the operational, linguistic and training domains.
Their experience derives from senior positions
within airlines and air navigation service providers,
at airports, within regulating agencies, training
centres and institutes of higher learning.
Members of the AES team were instrumental in
developing the ICAO requirements. They retain
close affiliations with many industry organisations
including IFALPA, FSF, FAA, Civil Air Navigation
Services Organisation and Airbus. Key AES
members continue to provide professional advice
to many of these entities.
No other language training provider offers such
a comprehensive understanding of the ICAO
language provisions and the industry’s operational
needs. AES knows what is required, why it is
required and how best to meet these requirements.
Brian Day has served as an Air Traffic
Management Technical Officer in the ICAO
Secretariat responsible for the facilitation of
the ICAO Language Proficiency Standards.
Throughout the duration of the development of the
language provisions Brian worked as Secretary of
the PRICE Study Group where his duties included
responsibility for facilitating the development of
English Language Standards. He has academic
and licence qualifications attained during an
earlier career in air traffic control and holds post
graduate aviation human factors qualifications.
Brian has worked on ICAO technical cooperation
projects in many countries over a number of years
and is well known to civil aviation administrations.
Elizabeth Mathews served ICAO as the lead
consultant in applied linguistics throughout the
development of the ICAO language proficiency
requirements. After concluding her secondment
to ICAO, Elizabeth played a formative role in
establishing AES as the foremost commercial
provider of quality, highly specialised Aviation
English training and testing services. Elizabeth
has provided linguistic expertise for more than
12 years to airlines, air traffic service providers,
universities and international organisations. She
has an international reputation for leading the
development and implementation of aviation
English training, testing and policy.
Philip Shawcross is the Head of AES training
curriculum design. He is co-founder and President
of the International Civil Aviation English Association
(ICAEA). As Director of ‘English for Aircraft’, Philip
has consulted to other aviation and technical
English projects, for pilots, instructors, engineers,
mechanics, dispatchers, and ground staff. He
has been closely involved in overseeing English
language training around the world, including
for the Air France group. He is author of ‘English
for Aircraft’.
English for Aviation Safety Overview11
Don Toups manages courseware development.
Don has developed over 100 online courses
and innumerable classroom courses for a range
of clients including for the Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA). He developed two classroom
based aviation English courses, ‘English for
VFR’ and ‘English for IFR’ while at Embry-Riddle
Aeronautical University. In 2001-02 he managed
an Instructional Design team that was awarded an
‘Excellence in Practice’ citation by the American
Society for Training and Development.
To ensure the quality of the English for Aviation
Safety training programme, AES has established
an Advisory Board comprising highly recognised
Aviation English testing and training professionals
from leading institutions worldwide. These
distinguished experts are highly influential leaders
in airlines, ATS providing organisations, defence
institutes and academia. Many were members of
the PRICE Study Group. Among these consultant
advisors are:
Dr. Joan Carson, Associate Provost of Georgia
State University, Ph.D. Linguistics, University
of Chicago.
Mr. Robert Chatham, representative to the
ICAO PRICE Study Group from the FAA; Chief
of Specialized Aviation Curriculum at the US
Defence Language Institute.
Captain Robert Dodson, retired United Airlines
B 777 captain and representative from the
Argentine Air Force to the ICAO PRICE
Study Group.
Mr. Sergey Melnichenkov, Member of the ICAO
PRICESG from Russia. Aviation English testing
and training expert with 20+ years experience in
the Russian Federation.
Mr. Adrian Enright, representative to the ICAO
Director of the EUROCONTROL Proficiency in
English Language for air traffic controllers’ (PELA)
program and of general air traffic control training
in the EUROCONTROL Training Institute in
Mr. Daniel Galibert, representative of France to
the ICAO Air Navigation Commission; President
of the Air Navigation Commission during the
development of the ICAO Language Proficiency
requirements; and member of the French Civil
Aviation Authority.
Dr. Jeremy Mell, representative to the ICAO
PRICE Study Group from France; Director of the
Language Section in the French National Civil
Aviation Training Institute (ENAC), lead linguist
on the EUROCONTROL development of the
PELA test.
Dr. Marjo Mitsutomi, Assistant Professor of
Applied Linguistics at Redlands University and FAA
representative to the ICAO PRICE Study Group.
Captain Rick Valdes, United Airlines B 767
captain and IFALPA (International Federation of
Airline Pilots Associations) representative to the
ICAO PRICE Study Group.
12English for Aviation Safety Overview
Contact AES now
English for Aviation Safety is the most effective programme available, with leading-edge
operational subject matter provided by language and operational experts. To discuss getting
started, please contact us.
Email: info@aeservices.net
Call: +64 4 471 4752
Fax: +64 4 471 4712
Visit: www.aeservices.net
The Global Expertise of AES
AES is a joint venture company, established by
Airways Training Limited (a subsidiary of Airways
Corporation of New Zealand Limited) and Aviation
English Consulting (AEC).
Airways New Zealand is an internationally respected
aviation consulting company with operational
expertise in air navigation services and the delivery
of CNS/ATM solutions. Airways International has
proven expertise in developing ICAO-aligned
training and is a member of TRAINAIR.
In 2003, Airways New Zealand was voted best
air navigation services provider in the world for
value and quality of service by the International
Air Transport Association.
English for Aviation Safety Overview13
Email: info@aeservices.net
Call: +64 4 471 4752
Fax: +64 4 471 4712
Visit: www.aeservices.net

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