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Welcome to this First Edition
of the EASA News.
As the Agency and its tasks are growing we have
steadily increased our range of publications and
information services.
The EASA website already functions as the Agency’s
Official Publication and is therefore a complex
medium, providing comprehensive information on
regulations, consultations and recruitment. We also
host various mini-sites for specific events and topics
(log on to www.easa.europa.eu/flightstandards
for the latest on EASA’s new responsibilities).
The Annual Safety Review is unique with its focus
on European accident data and has already
become a source of reference for aviation safety
experts worldwide. It is available in all Community
In addition, our weekly email bulletins, News
Summary and Industry Aviation News, enjoy a
growing readership among our stakeholders.
We now also offer you a traditional-style newsletter
to complement our existing technical publications.
The quarterly EASA News gives an overview
of some of the “hot topics” at the Agency. The focus
of the first edition is therefore on EASA’s new
regulatory tasks. Future editions will cover news
from all areas of our work, including Certification,
Standardisation and Safety Analysis. We hope you
find the reports informative and interesting and
look forward to your comments!
Patrick Goudou
European Aviation Safety Agency Issue # 01 02.2009 EASANEWS
concerned an Airbus A320 in Honduras that overran
the runway during landing. Although this
aircraft was operated by an airline from outside
Europe, it was registered in one of the EASA MS.
Regarding accidents worldwide in the same category
(excluding EASA MS), 55 crashes had to be
counted leading to 511 losses of life. Although the
total number of accidents slightly increased from
2007, the number of fatalities is well below the
nine year average (874).
The number of fatal accidents for helicopter commercial
air transport operations in Europe increased
from one in 2007 to two in 2008. Despite this increase,
the number of fatalities is below the average
of the last nine years (10 fatalities) at three.
The statistics in this preview concern aircraft fatal
accidents3 above a maximum certificated take-off
mass (MTOM) over 2,250 kg operating as commercial
air transport. These operations involve the
transportation of passengers, cargo or mail for
remuneration or hire. The full EASA Annual Safety
Review 2008 will be published later this year.
Every year, the European Aviation Safety Agency
produces its Annual Safety Review to inform the
public of the general safety level in Europe1. The
year 2008 shows mixed results with the relative
low number of accidents being overshadowed by
the tragic accident of a McDonnell Douglas MD-
82 aircraft on 20 August in Madrid.
2008 was a mixed year for civil aviation safety in
Europe. The number of fatal accidents for commercial
air transport aeroplanes in EASA Member
States (EASA MS) remained low at a total of two.
This means that only six per cent of fatal accidents
in commercial air transport worldwide that year occurred
with aeroplanes registered in an EASA MS.
But on the other hand, the number of fatally injured
people on board for 2008 (157 fatalities) was
above the average of the previous nine years (86
fatalities)2. This is mainly due to the tragic accident
of a McDonnell Douglas MD-82 aircraft on 20 August
in Madrid. The plane crashed during take-off
killing 154 people on board. The second accident
Number of Fatal
EASA MS-Accidents
Non EASA MS-Accidents
Fatal Accidents in Commercial Air Tranport (Aeroplanes, 1999 – 2008)
Number of Fatalities
56 58 57 48 43 60 56 39 53 55
10 11
2 5 2
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
1022 1103 1028 Non EASA MS: 9-year
average fatalities: 874
EASA MS: 9-year
average fatalities: 86
28 5
726 784 793
127 146 25 157
1 Europe or the EASA Member States are considered as the 27 EU Member States plus Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland. The region is assigned based on the State of Registry of the
accident aircraft. Worldwide accidents are the sum of “EASA MS” and “Non EASA MS”. 2 For the decade 1999–2008, nine-year averages were used to compare the year 2008. In this way averages
used for comparison purposes were not biased by the numbers of year 2008. 3 Fatal accidents are accidents that involved at least one fatality.
2008 Safety Review
shows mixed results
More inspections,
better compliance
The SAFA programme_The programme was initiated
in 1996 as a voluntary action under the auspices
of the European Civil Aviation Conference
(ECAC). It became mandatory for all EU member
states in 2007 including the legal obligation to inspect
third country aircraft. Despite its name, inspections
can also be performed on EU registered
aircraft. The ramp inspections concentrate mainly
on aircraft documents and manuals, flight crew licenses,
the apparent condition of the aircraft and
the presence and condition of mandatory cabin
safety equipment. Inspectors carry them out using
a checklist comprising 54 inspection items. Findings
are classified in three categories according to
their severity in relation to the level of deviation
from the ICAO standard.
Since 1 January 2007, the European Aviation Safety Agency has been coordinating
the European Community Safety Assessment of Foreign Aircraft (SAFA) Programme.
In September 2008, the European Commission published the 2007 report with results
from more than 8,500 inspections1. They took place in 41 participating countries, 27
EU Member States and 14 ECAC countries. The aim of the SAFA report is to provide
the public and stakeholders with an analysis of safety data collected through ramp
EASANEWS 02. 2009 02
© Köln Bonn Airport
Results from the 2007 SAFA report
European Aviation Sa fety Agency
Ge ographic Re gion 2
EU 27
Europe (EU 27 + ECAC)
Russian Federation, Belarus
and Central Asia
North America
Latin America and
the Caribbean
Middle East and North Africa
2004 2005 2006 2007
Number of findings
Average/all States
Ratio of findings (total)
Increase in inspections, decrease in findings_ In
2007, the 41 states participating in the SAFA programme
carried out a total of 8,594 inspections, a
significant increase compared to 7,458 in 2006 and
5,457 in 2005. The inspections were performed on
984 different operators coming from 132 states
and operating 215 different aircraft (sub)types.
54.18% (4,656) were performed on EU operators
while the remaining 45.82% (3,938) were carried
out on third country operators. Those inspections
revealed 12,073 findings (4,954 minor (cat. 1) findings,
4,923 significant (cat. 2) findings and 2,196
major (cat. 3) findings). The ratio findings/inspections
for 2007 was lower than the values registered
in the previous three years.
Aggregating the results on a regional basis provides
a fairly sound indication of the safety level in a certain
region (see table 1).
Based on these results, it can be noted that operators
from States in the EU 27, ECAC and Oceania
have fewer findings than the average. Encouraging
is also the fact that in most geographic regions,
the average number of findings (per inspection) has
also decreased in the last four years (see graph 1).
Corrective actions_ If the findings indicate that the
safety of the aircraft and its occupants is impaired,
corrective actions will be required. Normally, the
captain of the aircraft is debriefed about the findings.
He/she will be required to take corrective actions
before the next flight is authorised. In other
cases, the aircraft may depart under operational
restrictions. In rare cases, inspectors may even formally
ground the aircraft. Category 2 and category 3
findings are additionally reported to the responsible
Aviation Authority and the operator to prevent
reoccurrence. When the findings on an aircraft are
considered important, individual states may decide
to revoke the entry permit of that aircraft until the
unsafe condition is corrected (see table 2).
Whilst giving important indications on the safety
of an operator, the SAFA inspection does not provide
a “full picture” taking into account the inherent
limitations of the inspecting environment.
Further efforts will have to be made to maximise
the use of the available resources and to improve
the quality and the standardisation of inspections.
New developments include a common taxonomy
of findings, the implementation of common qualification
criteria for SAFA inspectors and development
of qualitative criteria for the prioritisation of
SAFA inspections at European level.
Table 1: Inspection findings on a regional basis
Table 2: Overview of corrective actions taken in 2007
Graph 1: Average number of findings per inspection
per region (evolution 2004 – 2007)
continued article
1 The 2007 SAFA report is available at www.easa.europa.eu/
2 A table detailing the attribution of countries to regions can
be found in the aggregated SAFA report.
Number of inspections
Number of findings
Information to the Authority and the operator
Restriction of the aircraft operation
Corrective actions before flight authorisation
Aircraft grounded
Entry permit repercussions
Average Number of Findings per Re gion – Evolution over the last 4 years
European Aviation Sa fety Agency EASANEWS 02. 2009 03
You became Rulemaking Director in a very important
phase of the Agency. The new Basic Regulation
extended the Agency’s responsibilities. Your
new colleagues are busy writing the Implementing
Rules. What are your priorities for the first
I chaired the Management Board working group
on the evaluation of the Agency, so one of my first
priorities will be to address the recommendations
coming from this evaluation. Another important
task - apart from the current and future extensions
of scope - is to progress our Rulemaking
programme. In future, I want the programmes to
be manageable and realistic so that we can accomplish
our targets.
The recommendations of the evaluation were
adopted by the Management Board in September
2008. What are the most important conclusions of
the evaluation?
The suggestions either concern our work internally,
or they are addressed to the Member States, the
Commission, or the European Parliament. Here are
some of the most important recommendations:
Q We have to review the Rulemaking process to
make the rules more user-friendly. Currently, it is
not easy for companies, organisations or individuals
to access the applicable rules.
Q Member States should establish a national Agency
focal point for companies, organisations, individuals
within each National Aviation Authority (NAA) – someone
who speaks their language, who can be contacted
by industry and who will also ensure that they receive
the necessary information from the Agency.
Jules Kneepkens joined the Agency in September 2008 as Rulemaking Director. Before,
as Director of Civil Aviation in the Netherlands (2002–2006) and as Director-
General of Civil Aviation in Belgium (2007–2008), he was already deeply involved in
the Agency’s work as a member of its Management Board.
”We have to
make the rules more
Focus on:
EASA’s new regulatory tasks
European Aviation Sa fety Agency EASANEWS 02. 2009 04
For rules where the Agency takes the lead, we can
strengthen cooperation with our stakeholders by
including them in the “conceptualisation phase”
right from the beginning.
All of this is a challenge. Our so-called Total Systems
Approach requires, from all players, a change in
thinking and in working. The European regulatory
system is quite different from the old JAA system.
The rules have to be drafted in a specific way so that
they can “fit” into the EU legislative structure.
We are confident that we will succeed in improving
the cooperation with our stakeholders, and that this
will lead to a more efficient and streamlined work
process. The results will be better in the end.
Q In general, the cooperation with the NAAs and
industry in the Rulemaking process has to improve.
The NAAs are and will remain vital reference points
for aviation safety in Member States. This is why,
for example, we intend to organise more stakeholder
workshops at national level, together
with the NAAs. NAAs have the best experience of
how to communicate regulatory changes in their
Q In parallel with the growth of the Agency’s
tasks we must continue all efforts to ensure that
the Agency is fully staffed. Colleagues within the
Agency currently have to deal with an immense
workload – this cannot be increased any more. If
Parliament, European Commission, the Member
States or the industry ask us to do more they will
also have to make sure we receive adequate resources
to accomplish these tasks.
The Commission is expected to comment on the
recommendations of the Management Board during
the first quarter of 2009. In the meantime, the
Agency will of course already start to work on internal
”The Total System Approach requires from all
players a change in thinking and working.“
continued: INTER VIE W You are reviewing the Rulemaking process. Why is
this review so important?
The Agency was set up because harmonisation
wasn’t really happening – even though it became
more urgent, after the EU enlargement. Also, a
quicker way of working was needed. Some of
the JAA harmonisation groups had not found a
consensus after more than 10 years. The Single
Engine Instrument Meteorological Conditions (SEIMC)
proposal is an example. Because of time constraints
and transition problems we did not consult
stakeholders as many expected us to do. Even
though this has improved in recent years, stakeholders
were not really able to take part in the
development of new rules. This has often created
a distance between the NAAs and the Agency. We
want this situation to change.
What are the main recommendations for Rulemaking?
We need to streamline our work programme, and
we will also need assistance from outside. For
certain tasks, NAAs and also industry have the capacity
to assist. For certain rules, we can envisage
developing the Terms of Reference together with
an NAA, which then takes over the drafting. This
could be a win-win situation for all parties involved.
Combining uniform regulations with flexibility_
In the early of ICAO, aviation operations were not
as complex and dense as they are today, and technological
choices were relatively limited. Today, the
situation is the opposite: sophisticated operations,
high traffic volumes and technological progress
have lead to a wider range of regulatory decisions
that need to be taken to ensure safety.
It is questionable whether the traditional style of
aviation rulemaking – which is to set all the technical
details in mandatory rules – is the best option
to cope with the challenges of the 21st century.
Different levels of regulatory material_ The
EASA legal framework contains different levels of
law. There are two basic types. First, EASA’s “Basic
Regulation” is adopted by the Council and the European
Parliament in co-decision procedure. Second,
technical “implementing” rules are decided in
working groups of Member States’ representatives
and the European Commission. This is known as
the “comitology” process. Both forms of regulations
are directly applicable and legally binding in
all Member States.
However, the high speed of advancement in modern
technology in the field of aviation makes it
impossible to keep up with events through those
legislative processes. Therefore, EASA also adopts
“soft” law, i.e. non-binding standards for voluntary
application, such as Acceptable Means of Compliance
(AMC), Certification Specifications (CS) or Guidance
Material (GM). Since these instruments are of a
non-binding nature, deviations are allowed, providing
that an equivalent level of safety is attained.
Harmonisation and flexibility – performancebased
Rulemaking_ When developing its rulemaking
tasks, the Agency conducts an analysis of
which requirements should be of a binding nature
- because safety can only be ensured by their strict
implementation - and which should be non-binding,
i.e. “soft law”. This is the fundamental aspect
of the “performance-based approach” that the
Agency has followed for the development of the
Rulemaking in the EU framework
European Aviation Sa fety Agency EASANEWS 02. 2009 05
Conversely, if the Agency considers that the alternative
means of compliance fully meet the safety
criteria, it will initiate a rulemaking task in order
to adopt them as EASA AMC.
This system will guarantee an equal playing field,
transparency and harmonisation, while still allowing
for the necessary flexibility for stakeholders.
Initially, it will only apply to Air Operations and
Flight Crew Licensing, but the Agency intends to
propose its application to other fields of the EASA
system in the future.
P ublication Date
05 June 2008
31 October 2008
16 January 2009
30 January 2009
16 February 2009
Pilot Licensing NPA 2008-17(a)-(c)
Organisation Requirements and Authority
NPA 2008-22(a)-(f)
(general elements and those
related to NPA-2008-17)
Operational Suitability
Certificate (21.039)
Air Operations (OPS.001);
Organisation Requirements and Authority
(elements related to air operations)
Third Country Operators (OPS.004)
28 February 2009
15 April 2009
30 April 2009
30 May 2009
16 June 2009
August 2009
August 2009
October 2009
November 2009
November 2009
May 2010
May 2010
July 2010
July 2010
July 2010
continued: Rulemaking in the EU framework
NPAs on Air Operations, Flight Crew Licensing and
Third Country Operators. This approach is not only
considered the most adequate and efficient in the
EASA institutional environment, but also the one
best adapted for the implementation of the Safety
Management System concept as defined by ICAO.
Alternative Means of Compliance_ To ensure
that this approach does not compromise safety,
the Agency is proposing a uniform and clear
process for the use of alternative means of compliance
(see also NPA 2008-22: OR.GEN.O20 and
If a stakeholder or the competent authority wishes
to use such an alternative AMC it will have to
demonstrate that these comply with the safety
objective established in the Implementing Rules.
A safety assessment must be performed and/or
evaluated by the competent authority. This does
not represent a significant change to the current
system, as this should be the process that is already
being followed today. What is new is that
the competent authority has to publish the alternative
AMC and to inform EASA. Upon receiving
notification of such alternative means of compliance,
the Agency will analyse them and notify
the competent authority of its conclusions. If the
Agency considers that the process was not properly
followed, this will constitute a finding in relation
to AR.GEN.020, which will be dealt with in
accordance with EASA’s standardisation procedure.
Focus on: EASA’s new regulatory tasks
European Aviation Sa fety Agency EASANEWS 02. 2009 06
You can find summaries on the current NPAs – Air Operations,
Flight Crew Licensing, Third Country Operators,
Operational Suitability Certificate / Safety Directives –
on our mini-site www.easa.europa.eu/flightstandards.
Following its extension of scope, the Agency is drafting Implementing Rules which will
be sent to the European Commission as Opinions after a consultation period.
The Agency’s draft Implementing Rules are published as Notices of Proposed Amendment
on its website where they are open for public comment (more information on
the Agency’s Rulemaking Procedure can be found at www.easa.europea.eu). The timetable
below reflects the current planning regarding the publication and adoption of
the new Implementing Rules: W
EASA extension of scope:
The implementing rules are separated into technical
requirements for personnel, air operations and
Third Country Operators as well as authority and
organisation requirements (see graph 1). The new
structure is introduced to avoid the duplication of
requirements. It is designed to accommodate for
the future air traffic management and aerodrome
implementing rules as well as for the existing airworthiness
implementing rules, which will successively
be added to this new structure.
The following elements were considered when
developing this new structure:
Q The scope of the Basic Regulation which encompasses
more activities, persons and organisations
than ever regulated on an European level before
Q The Total System Approach
Q Legal considerations and constraints on the
drafting of Community legislation
Q The conclusions of A-NPA 15-2006 on Consistency
of Organisation Approvals
Q The ICAO Safety Management System and State
Safety Programme leading to harmonised organisation
and authority requirements as well as to a
system of performance-based rulemaking
Total System Approach_ The Total System Approach
is based on the fact that the aviation system components
– products, operators, crews, aerodromes,
Air Traffic Management, Air Navigation Systems, on
the ground or in the air – are part of a single network.
Uniformity is achieved through common implementing
rules adopted by the Commission. The
Total System Approach eliminates the risk of safety
gaps or overlaps, of conflicting requirements and
of confused responsibilities. Regulations are interpreted
and applied in one single way throughout
the 31 EASA Member States and best practices are
recommended. Uniformity also means protecting
citizens and providing a level playing field for the
internal market and in the perspective of interoperability.
The Total System Approach also streamlines
the certification processes and reduces the
burden on regulated persons.
With the Implementing Rules detailing the new responsibilities of the Agency as laid
out in the amended Basic Regulation (216/2008), EASA is introducing a horizontal
structure of its rules. The reason for this new structure is the need for a global regulatory
framework for aviation safety.
The new EASA rule structure
– a horizontal approach
147 66 145
Graph 1: The new rule structure – a horizontal approach
Focus on: EASA’s new regulatory tasks
European Aviation Sa fety Agency EASANEWS 02. 2009 07
Ditching, the word has a sense of desperation, expectation of the worst.
It’s possible that the aviation term arose from early pilots describing
their “last ditch” option to land a misbehaving aeroplane in a convenient
body of water. Recent events in New York on the other hand have shown
that today the prospect of an aircraft ditching need not be viewed with
quite the same foreboding.
The possibility of a water landing, although exceedingly
unlikely, has been considered very carefully
in the development of the EASA rules that
aircraft designers and operators must follow.
Airliner designs intended for long flights over
water are required by EASA Certification Specifications
to undergo a range of analyses and tests to
show that a water landing, without critical damage
and without injury to the occupants, is feasible
and that the aircraft will subsequently float for a
time compatible with evacuation. In addition to
calculations and computer modelling to verify sufficient
structural strength, tests with scale models
dropped into a water tank are performed when
necessary to evaluate the general behaviour of the
aircraft during a water landing and to support the
As with any evacuation, highly competent cabin
crew significantly contribute to rapid egress.
Therefore, European requirements for cabin crew
training, which involve actual practice in water
demonstrating the use of life-rafts, aim at ensuring
that cabin crew achieve and maintain the level of
proficiency required to perform efficiently in case
of an emergency.
Having left a successfully ditched aircraft, passengers
and crew may clearly benefit from life jackets
and rafts. Operational rules demand the provision
of easily reached lifejackets for all occupants, on
flights over water. This applies even in the case
where the only water intended to be crossed is at
the airfield of origin or destination, for instance
because of location close to the coast or a lake.
Furthermore, the cabin crew’s pre-flight briefing
on donning and use of lifejackets, familiar to all air
travellers, is a requirement.
Life rafts with places for all on board and containing
survival equipment such as food, water, signalling
equipment and a radio locator transmitter are
also required for aircraft making longer flights over
water. In the larger aircraft the raft function is often
neatly incorporated into the inflatable escape
slides needed for ground evacuations.
The safety regulation of aircraft design and operation
and the technologies developed by manufacturers
and airlines have reached very high levels
of maturity, thus the need to land away from an
airport is now no more than a faint possibility.
Nevertheless, the enormous size of the air travel
industry means that this may occasionally happen.
The EASA ditching regulations are in place to provide
those involved in a water based event the best
chance of coming through unscathed. Real life testing
of these regulations’ effectiveness is thankfully
a remote occurrence. EASA’s stock of knowledge in
this regard has recently increased, the more so as
investigation of the New York accident progresses.
EASA will naturally be looking for all possibilities to
learn valuable lessons and improve still further the
state of the art where appropriate.
European Aviation Sa fety Agency EASANEWS 02. 2009 08
© AP Images
As of 1 January 2009, a new organisational structure
applies to the Agency. The main change is that
a new Finance and Business Services Directorate
is created while the old Administrative Directorate
ceases to exist. Within the Finance and Business
Services Directorate all applications for the certification
of products or organisations including flight
permits are processed.
The Directorate also coordinates the Agency’s outsourcing
activities to National Aviation Authorities
and will be in charge of Financial Services and Procurement.
The main reason for this reorganisation
is the need to streamline processes and workflows
especially in the light of the Agency’s extension of
responsibilities and the expected increase in applications.
European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)
Postfach 101253
D-50452 Cologne
Phone +49 221 8999 0000
Fax +49 221 8999 0999
Dr. Daniel Höltgen
Elisabeth Schöffmann
Contributors to this issue:
Peter Chittenden, Eduard Ciofu, Luana Herescu,
Ula Loew, Reinhard Menzel
804© GRAPHIC DESIGN, Düsseldorf
For more information about this publication,
reactions or subscriptions
please write to easa.news@easa.europa.eu
Reprint with approval of publisher and
with reference to source only.
Copyright EASA for all imagery, unless
otherwise noted.
Published quarterly, release free of charge.
ISSN: 1831-3272
To facilitate access to EASA rules, the Agency will
develop a web-based tool that will allow users
to filter them according to their specifications.
While initially envisaged for air operations and
crew licensing only, the tool will also be extended
to initial and continuing airworthiness, environmental
protection, as well as aerodromes and air
traffic management. A first version of the e-tool is
planned to be operational beginning 2010.
The e-tool for customised
access to rules
End of October 2008, the European Commission
has adopted the amendment to Part-M that introduces
alleviations for general aviation. This is the
result of extensive dialogue with general aviation
stakeholders and is one component of the efforts
undertaken by EASA to simplify the regulations applicable
to this activity.
The certification specifications applicable to large
aeroplanes (CS-25) have been amended to introduce
new specifications for Electrical Wiring
Interconnection Systems. This is an important
amendment that has been developed in close
coordination with the US Federal Aviation Administration
as a result of air accident investigation
In 2009, significant opinions will be published
concerning the following topics: (i) certification of
light aircraft, (ii) creation of a license for aircraft
engineers for light aircraft, and (iii) improvement
of the operational suitability of aircraft.
EASA recently signed 12 Working Arrangements
with the Chinese Authorities on the validation of
certificates issued by EASA on several European
civil aeronautical products. Furthermore, EASA
held the first International Cooperation Forum
in Cologne last November. This event attracted
around 100 delegates representing more than 50
states and organisations around the world that are
using the European Aviation Safety rules as their
national or regional framework. Currently, the
Agency is preparing Working Arrangements with
13 ECAC countries to ensure the pan-European cooperation
for aviation safety after the closure of
the JAA (June 2009).
Product Safety
European Aviation Sa fety Agency EASANEWS 02. 2009 09
International Cooperation
EASA reorganisation
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