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KR 87 Silver Crown ADF System [复制链接]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2010-9-26 09:30:17 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2010-9-26 09:30:31 |只看该作者
KR 87
KI 227
KS 227-00 shown, non-slaved, standard
KI 227-01 slaved, optional
323 2 31
Mode Annunciation
STANDBY Frequency,
Flight timer and
Elapsed timer
mode annunciation
Control Switch
Select ANT mode
(out position)
Select ADF mode
(in position)
Set and Reset
KI 228
Slaved KI 228-01 shown.
Standard KI 228-00 also
available with manually
rotatable compass card.
KI 229 KNI 582
KR 87
Silver Crown ADF System
Operating the KR 87
Silver Crown Plus Pilot’s Guide
Rotate the ON/OFF/VOL knob
clockwise from the detented “OFF”
position. The unit will be activated and
will be ready to operate. Rotation of
this control also adjusts audio volume.
The KR 87 has “audio muting” which
causes the audio output to be muted
unless the receiver is locked on a valid
Frequency Selection
The active frequency (to which the
ADF is tuned) is displayed in the left
side of the window at all times. A
standby frequency is displayed in the
right side when “FRQ” is annunciated.
The standby frequency is placed in
“blind” memory when either FLT (Flight
Time) or ET (Elapsed Time) mode is
With “FRQ” annunciated, the standby
frequency is selected using the frequency
select knobs which may be
rotated either clockwise or counterclockwise.
Pull the small inner knob out
to tune 1’s. Push the smaller inner
knob in to tune 10’s. The outer knob
tunes the 100’s and the 1000’s up to
The standby frequency selected
may then be put into the active window
by pressing the “FRQ” button. The
standby and active frequencies will be
exchanged (flip-flopped), the new frequency
will become active, and the former
active frequency will go into standby.
Operating Modes
Antenna (ANT) mode is selected
and annunciated when the “ADF” button
is in the “out” position. ANT provides
improved audio reception from the station
tuned and is usually used for identification.
The bearing pointer in the
KI 227 indicator will be deactivated and
immediately turn to the 90° relative
position and remain there during ANT
The ADF mode is selected and
annunciated when the “ADF” button is
in the depressed position. ADF activates
the bearing pointer in the KI 227
indicator, causing it to move without
hesitation to point in the direction of the
station relative to the aircraft heading.
The compass card on the KI 227 may
be rotated as desired by using the
heading knob.
NOTE: The KI 227-01 or KI 228-01 indicators,
when installed with a Bendix/King
KCS 55A Compass System, have a
slaved compass card. Magnetic heading
of the aircraft will be under the lubber line.
The indication of this compass card
should be compared with that of the
KI 525A master indicator from time to
time. Check especially after steep
bank turns and taxi turns. If a discrepancy
between the two readings exists,
the KI 227-01 or KI 228-01 compass
card should be synchronized to the
KI 525A compass card by rotating the
“SYNC” knob on the indicator.
Outside of the United States some
stations are unmodulated and use an
interrupted carrier for identification purposes.
The BFO mode, activated and
annunciated when the “BFO” button is
depressed, permits the carrier wave
and the associated Morse code identifier
broadcast on the carrier wave to be
ADF Test
Select ANT mode. This will cause
the bearing pointer to move directly to
231 39:38
323 2 31
323 2 31
KR 87
the parked 90° position. Make sure the
unit is tuned to a usable frequency.
Now select ADF mode and the needle
should move without hesitation to the
station bearing. Excessive sluggishness,
wavering or reversals indicate a
signal that is too weak or a system malfunction.
Operating the Timers
The flight timer will always be automatically
reset to :00 whenever power
is interrupted either by the avionics
master switch or the unit’s ON/OFF
switch. An optional external switch may
be installed which, when activated, will
stop or start the flight timer. This switch
would be of use during a non-refueling
stop when resetting the flight timer is
not desired. On some aircraft it may be
desirable to use the aircraft strut switch
instead of a manual switch to stop and
start the flight timer. It should be
emphasized that the start/stop function
will only operate with power applied to
the unit. Always read flight time prior to
power shutdown.
Flight time or elapsed time are displayed
and annunciated alternatively by
depressing the FLT/ET button. The
flight timer continues to count up until
the unit is turned off or stopped with an
external switch. The elapsed timer may
be reset back to :00 by pressing the
SET/RST button. It will then start
counting up again. (NOTE: pressing
the SET/RST button will reset the
elapsed timer whether it is being displayed
or not.)
The elapsed timer also has a
“count-down” mode. To enter the
countdown mode, the SET/RST button
is depressed for about two seconds, or
until the “ET” annunciation begins to
flash. It is now in the ET set mode, and
a time up to 59 minutes, 59 seconds
may be preset into the elapsed timer
with the concentric knobs. The preset
time will be displayed and remain
unchanged until SET/RST is pressed
again, which will start the elapsed timer
counting down from the preset time.
When the timer reaches :00 it will start
to count up as the display flashes for
15 seconds and an aural alarm, if
installed, is activated for about 1 second.
NOTE: The standby frequency which is
in memory while flight time or elapsed
time modes are being displayed may be
called back by pressing the FRQ button,
then transferred to active use by pressing
the FRQ button again.
While FLT or ET is displayed the “in
use” frequency on the left side of the
window may be changed, by using the
frequency select knobs, without any
effect on the stored standby frequency
or the other modes. This feature is
especially useful when searching for
stations with unknown frequencies.
Erroneous ADF Bearings Due
to Radio Frequency
Station Overlap
In the U.S., the FCC, which assigns
AM radio frequencies, occasionally will
assign the same frequency to more than
one station in an area. Certain conditions,
such as Night Effect, may cause
signals from such stations to overlap.
This should be taken into consideration
when using AM broadcast stations for
Sunspots and atmospheric phenomena
may occasionally distort reception
so that signals from two stations on the
same frequency will overlap. For this
reason it is always wise to make positive
identification of the station being tuned,
by switching the function selector to ANT
and listening for station call letters.
231 39 38
231 28
Silver Crown Plus Pilot’s Guide
Electrical Storms
In the vicinity of electrical storms,
an ADF Indicator pointer tends to swing
from the station tuned toward the electrical
discharges. Location of the storm
can be useful information, but the erratic
behavior of the pointer should be
taken into account.
Night Effect
This is a disturbance particularly
strong just after sunset and just after
dawn. An ADF indicator pointer may
swing erratically at these times. If possible,
tune to the most powerful station
at the lowest frequency. If this is not
possible, take the average of pointer
oscillations to determine relative station
Mountain Effect
Radio waves reflecting from the surface
of mountains may cause the pointer
to fluctuate or show an erroneous
bearing. This should be taken into
account when taking bearings over
mountainous terrain.
Coastal Refraction
Radio waves may be refracted
when passing from land to sea or when
moving parallel to the coastline. This
should be taken into account when
operating near coastal areas.

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