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Oceanic and Remote Operations with ADS-C and CPDLC [复制链接]

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发表于 2010-9-27 11:36:45 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
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发表于 2010-9-27 11:37:30 |只看该作者
Oceanic and Remote Operations with
Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Contract (ADS-C)
and Controller Pilot Data Link Communications (CPDLC)
Presented by
Rockwell Collins
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
September 2007
Information Network Enablers...................................................................................................................................................................................2
Van Nuys to Tokyo...........................................................................................................................................................................................................3
Oceanic Airspace Change.............................................................................................................................................................................................5
Rockwell Collins Solution..............................................................................................................................................................................................5
Table of Contents
The use of Controller Pilot Data Link Communications
(CPDLC) and Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Contract
(ADS-C) for oceanic and remote flight operations,
commonly known as Future Air Navigation System
(FANS-1/A) is a component in the global transition
from a procedurally-based operating environment to a
performance-based environment. This transition, enabled
by technological evolution in communications, navigation
and surveillance, is being driven by benefits to operators
as well as to Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSP).
ADS-C and CPDLC have been in use in oceanic regions
since 1995 and today provide improved communications
and operational efficiency for hundreds of participating
airline aircraft. With robust forecasts for oceanic air
traffic growth including increasing use of business
aviation for international travel, ADS-C and CPDLC are
important elements in plans for expanding airspace
In oceanic and remote regions where aircraft fly beyond
the range of ATC radar and VHF communications
coverage, ADS-C and CPDLC via safety services capable
SATCOM (Aero I/H/H+ today) enable the transition from
HF voice for communications and position reporting to
data link communications and surveillance. This results in
operations that more closely reflect a continental radarbased
surveillance environment; pilots no longer need
to make manual position reports since aircraft position is
monitored automatically, and the crew can communicate
directly with air traffic control anytime using a common
set of preformatted text messages.
Flying with ADS-C and CPDLC facilitates real time flight
plan updates when prevailing conditions on a long
oceanic flight warrant a change in routing or altitude.
The technologies also position aircraft to fly in reduced
separation airspace; many remote and oceanic airspace
stakeholders share a goal of 30 NM lateral / 30 NM
longitudinal separation.
Thanks to advances in data processing and automation,
with ADS-C and CPDLC controllers on the ground can
monitor oceanic traffic on a display that looks much like a
conventional ATC radar display. Controllers communicate
directly with the flight crew rather than receiving paper
“strips” containing flight information forwarded by the HF
radio service provider. With a standardized set of ‘aviation
English’ language text messages, communications
between flight crews and ATC are made simple and
consistent. Taken together with highly accurate
navigation and Reduced Vertical Separation Minimums
(RVSM), these advancements make possible reduced air
traffic separation, improving capacity and efficiency in
oceanic airspace.
Oceanic and Remote Operations with Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Contract (ADS-C)
and Controller Pilot Data Link Communications (CPDLC) – September 2007
© Copyright 2007 Rockwell Collins Inc.
In oceanic and remote ADS-C and CPDLC, information
is passed between aircraft avionics and air navigation
service providers via satellite links and terrestrial data
networks. In current implementations, safety services
connectivity is provided via SATCOM AERO I/H/H+ using
Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting
System (ACARS) data link protocol and service provider
The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) FANS
concepts first publicized in 1984 involved transferring
information over the Aeronautical Telecommunications
Network (ATN), which the international aviation
community is now implementing for domestic airspace
operations. Oceanic ATN-based ADS-C and CPDLC
capability is expected to be deployed by the ANSPs
beyond 2015.
Eurocontrol’s Link 2000+ program is implementing
ATN-based CPDLC for Air Traffic Management (ATM)
in domestic European Airspace. A mandate for aircraft
to equip for Link 2000+ CPDLC by 2014 is expected,
however oceanic operators who are already equipped
with FANS CPDLC capability will be accommodated in
Europe’s continental airspace. The United States FAA has
announced its data link communications service and
estimates a mandate in the 2016 time frame.
With an eye toward providing operational and economic
benefits for airlines in oceanic and remote regions, the
major air transport aircraft manufacturers introduced
FANS capability in the mid 1990’s. FANS uses the existing
ACARS network and uses special data conversion
techniques to enable ADS-C and CPDLC.
FANS capabilities are now being implemented on
business aircraft in order to streamline communications
with air navigation service providers on international
trips, enhancing operational flexibility and peace of mind.
Information Network Enablers
Oceanic and Remote Operations with Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Contract (ADS-C)
and Controller Pilot Data Link Communications (CPDLC) – September 2007
© Copyright 2007 Rockwell Collins Inc.
A hypothetical business jet trip from Van Nuys (KVNY)
to Tokyo Narita (RJAA) highlights ADS-C and CPDLC
operational concepts.
For this flight of just under 5,000 nautical miles, optimum
routing follows the California coast northward to Track
E of the Pacific Organized Track System (PACOTS). About
two hours after departure, the flight crew obtains the
clearance for the oceanic portion of the flight. Until this
point in the flight, VHF communications and ATC radar
surveillance are available. The example examines the
differences between flying next phase with ADS-C and
CPDLC and flying it with traditional HF communications.
Traditional Communications and Surveillance
– 15-30 minutes before crossing Oakland’s Oceanic .
airspace boundary, the pilot calls Oakland on VHF to .
obtain the oceanic clearance.
– Upon reaching the Oakland Oceanic airspace boundary .
at KYLLE intersection, the pilot contacts the radio relay .
service over HF voice to submit an initial position .
report such as:
• “Oakland Radio, N601CR position,” after a .
minute: “N601CR, Oakland, go ahead with your .
position report”.
• “Position. November Six-Zero-One-Charlie-Romeo, .
KYLLE intersection. Time two-zero-one-five zulu. .
Flight level three-eight-zero. KANUA at .
two-zero-five-two zulu. ORNAI next. SELCAL .
Alpha-Bravo-Charlie-Delta, over.”
With ADS-C and CPDLC
– 15 to 45 minutes .
before entering the .
oceanic airspace, .
establish the data .
communication link .
with Oakland by .
completing an ATS .
Facilities Notification (AFN) .
logon using the “logon” .
function on the Control .
Display Unit (CDU) or Integrated CDU (ICDU)
– Use CPDLC to request the route clearance by selecting .
command on the CDU or ICDU
– Upon receipt of the textual route clearance message, .
and verification of its accuracy, accept the clearance .
using the “RESPOND” command on the CDU or ICDU, .
and proceed as planned along the cleared route
Van Nuys to Tokyo
Oceanic and Remote Operations with Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Contract (ADS-C)
and Controller Pilot Data Link Communications (CPDLC) – September 2007
© Copyright 2007 Rockwell Collins Inc.
Behind the scenes, Oakland has also established a
‘contract’ with the avionics for ADS-C position reports.
This means that the controller specified an interval for
automatic periodic position reports and a set of events
such as altitude changes that will trigger additional
automatic position reports. Without any further pilot
action, the avionics will now send position data to
Oakland every 15 minutes.
Crossing FIR boundaries
In addition to the Oakland Oceanic Flight Information
Region (FIR), the Van Nuys-Tokyo flight along Track E also
transits the Anchorage and Tokyo FIRS. Using HF voice in
traditional procedural airspace, pilots contact the next
FIR upon entering its airspace and provide a position
Transiting FIR boundaries with ADS-C and CPDLC
is a seamless process for the flight crew - the
communications and surveillance handoffs from one
Air Traffic Service Unit (ATSU) to the next are managed
by the responsible ground personnel. Controllers in the
Anchorage FIR, for example, can initiate the transfer to
Tokyo, and Tokyo can establish an ADS-C connection and
start to monitor the flight’s progress even before crossing
into their airspace. When the CPDLC connection transfers
to the next responsible ATSU the crew is simply notified
of the change and proceeds with the planned flight.
A flight path change
The enhanced communications capability of CPDLC
permits greater flexibility and efficiency when changes
to the flight path are required. As an example, consider
an encounter with continuous light turbulence as the
passengers are conducting a dinner meeting. An airliner
flying on the same track 30 minutes ahead indicates
over the VHF air-to-air frequency that flight level
400 is smooth. How in this type of communications
and surveillance environment do we obtain ATC’s
authorization to climb?
Traditionally, this type of request is made over HF voice
communications via a radio relay service. Processing of
such a request and issuance of a climb clearance often
involve lengthy wait times as compared with operations
in continental airspace.
With ADS-C and CPDLC, the pilot simply selects the
“CPDLC REQUESTS: ALTITUDE” downlink message using
the CDU or ICDU, then follows text prompts to enter
the requested altitude and select the reason for the
request from a preformatted list, in this case the “DUE
TO WEATHER” option. Within just a few minutes, Oakland
responds by sending a “CLIMB TO AND MAINTAIN FL400”
message, and the crew can begin climbing to the more
comfortable flight level.
In the ADS-C and CPDLC environment pilots can execute
lateral deviations, obtain revised routing based on
updated wind information, and make other en route
flight plan modifications with similar flexibility and
Enhanced information management including faster
message transfer times relative to HF voice, standardized
phraseology, and ADS-C surveillance help aircraft
operators to save time and fuel, and optimize passenger
comfort by simplifying the communications processes for
flight plan modifications.
Van Nuys to Tokyo – continued
Oceanic and Remote Operations with Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Contract (ADS-C)
and Controller Pilot Data Link Communications (CPDLC) – September 2007
© Copyright 2007 Rockwell Collins Inc.
Growth in air traffic volume over the Pacific and
Atlantic oceans is necessitating new procedures to
provide operational flexibility and reduced separation.
One of the first manifestations of this change was the
deployment of RVSM which is now in use in virtually all
oceanic regions as well as many continental locations.
International efforts to improve oceanic airspace capacity
and efficiency are now focused largely on reducing lateral
and longitudinal aircraft separation. Required Navigation
Performance in combination with ADS-C and CPDLC are
important elements in the envisioned airspace change.
At present, the major traffic routes in Pacific Ocean are
designated as RNP-10 which allows for 50 nautical mile
lateral separation between aircraft and 10 minutes (about
100 nautical miles) of longitudinal separation between
turbojets traveling in the same direction.
The Oakland Oceanic FIR has conducted trials of 30 NM
lateral / 30 NM longitudinal separation standards which
are expected to become commonplace over the Pacific
and other regions in the future. “30/30” separation
requires that participating aircraft comply with RNP-4
navigation performance, and use ADS-C and CPDLC.
Today, aircraft without FANS capability have full access
to oceanic airspace. However in many regions ADS-C and
CPDLC equipped airplanes are given preferred routings.
It is likely that ADS-C and CPDLC equipped aircraft
will receive preferred routings in all oceanic airspace,
including the North Atlantic in the near future.
Oceanic Airspace Change
Airborne equipment requirements for operating with
ADS-C and CPDLC include the following:
– Data-capable VHF and SATCOM transceivers for .
connectivity with the ACARS network
– Communications Management Unit (CMU) or Radio .
Interface Unit (RIU) with Data Link capability to serve .
as a message router between the VHF/SATCOM and the .
other avionics
– New data link communications applications for ADS-C .
and CPDLC, accessible to the pilot via the FMS Control .
Display Unit or Integrated CDU
– Flight Management System integration required to .
enable ADS-C and CPDLC
Rockwell Collins data-capable VHF and SATCOM
transceivers, CMU, and RIU are certified and available
The data link communications applications for ADS-C and
CPLDC will be available beginning in the 2011 timeframe.
For existing aircraft, a Flight Management System
upgrade that’s presently under development will enable
incorporation of ADS-C and CPDLC. Once Rockwell Collins
introduces the new applications, availability and timing
will vary depending on the specific aircraft model.
Rockwell Collins Solution
Oceanic and Remote Operations with Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Contract (ADS-C)
and Controller Pilot Data Link Communications (CPDLC) – September 2007
© Copyright 2007 Rockwell Collins Inc.
147-0755-000-CS 1.5M BUS 09/07 © Copyright 2007, Rockwell Collins, Inc.
All rights reserved. Printed in the USA.
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Rockwell Collins delivers smart communication and aviation.
electronics solutions to customers worldwide. Backed by a
global network of service and support, we stand committed
to putting technology and practical innovation to work for
you whenever and wherever you need us. In this way, working
together, we build trust. Every day.
For more information contact:
Rockwell Collins
400 Collins Road NE
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52498
email: csmarketing@rockwellcollins.com

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