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Skyfl ex®
aircraft sealant
Airbus A320 Aircraft Family
Installation Guide
Skyfl ex®
aircraft sealant
Operators of Airbus A320 family of aircraft have experienced
problems with structural corrosion appearing under the fl oors
requiring maintenance sooner than anticipated. The operators
developed a new sealing method that includes GORE™ SKYFLEX®
Aircraft Sealant to reduce this corrosion. This will reduce maintenance
costs, reduce maintenance time, increase aircraft availability
and increase profi tability for the operators.
Gore™ SKYFLEX® Aircraft Sealant
GORE™ SKYFLEX® Aircraft Sealant offers the lightest weight,
non-curing, non-hazardous form-in-place sealant technique. This
product can be installed and maintained more effi ciently than
all other sealant methods. This revolutionary material provides
excellent protection against corrosion, water ingress, and other
environmental infl uences including fuels and oils.
GORE™ SKYFLEX® Sealant remains fl exible and compliant over
many panel installation cycles, retaining all of the designed benefi
ts and features that are crucial to ensure the integrity of every
application today.
GORE™ SKYFLEX® Sealant is available in many forms, including
ribbed sealant tape, fl at sealant tape, sheet, die cut gaskets, and
environmental and fuel resistant forms. For more information
or assistance in choosing the sealant right for your application
contact Gore.
Benefi ts
• Reduce maintenance costs
• Non Hazardous/no hazardous waste disposal
• Resistant to corrosion
• Multiple panel removal/installation cycles possible
• Lightweight
• Protection against water ingress and other environmental infl uences
• No sealant cure time
• Easy to install
• Conforms to surface irregularities
• Temperature range: -240°C to +260°C
Installation Guide
This Installation Guide describes the installation of GORE™
SKYFLEX® Aircraft Sealant as an enhancement to the corrosion
prevention in the wet areas of Airbus A320 family of aircraft. Only
Gore supplied enhancements are included in this document;
other enhancements are covered by the appropriate manufacturer.
This document applies to the fl oorboards and structures in
wet areas of the aircraft. The enhancements include the following
GSC-21-95500-01 Clip nut tape
GSC-21-83241-02 Edge protection tape
GSC-21-95264-021 Sealant tape
GSC-21-99006-01 Galley mount washers
GSC-21-99007-01 Lav tub washers
Panel Preparation
In order to convert from polysulfi de sealant to GORE™ SKYFLEX®
Sealant all old sealant and dirt must be cleaned from the aircraft
structure and panel surfaces. A non-metallic scraper should be
used to remove the old sealant. Polysulfi de sealant may be left
in gaps or irregularities to provide a level sealing surface. Panels
should be cleaned with an approved solvent prior to installation
of GORE™ SKYFLEX® Aircraft Sealant. If priming, painting, or
surface treatment are required, that work should be completed
before sealant installation. Any gaps or irregularities not fi lled
with polysulfi de sealant should be fi lled with GORE™ SKYFLEX®
Sealant compensation tape, part number GSC-21-95158-011
(formerly GUA 1003-1).
Airbus A320 Aircraft Family Installation Guide
Edge tape
Floorboard sealant
Gap sealant
Cord goes under sealant
Clip nut
Clip nut tape
Floor beam
Clip Nut Tape
Clip nut tape is used on the structure to protect the fi nish (primer,
paint, etc.) in the area where clip nuts are applied. To use, simply
remove clip nut tape from the backer and apply over the hole in
the structure as shown. Clip nut tape contains two “kiss cuts” to
easily allow the fastener to fi t through the sealant. Center the kiss
cut on the hole. Clip nut tape is not reusable, as the adhesive is
designed with low tack for easy removal. The tape is supplied on
a roll.
Once the tape is installed, the clip nut may be installed in accordance
with the Aircraft Maintenance Manual (AMM) or engineering
Edge Protection Tape
Before applying sealant, fl oorboards must be cleaned as previously
stated. Any old sealant or existing non-Gore sealant must
be removed and new GORE™ Edge Protection Tape applied.
GORE™ Edge Protection Tape is applied on the edges of the fl oorboard
to protect the edges from damage and isolate the conductive
and abrasive fi bers from the structure to prevent chaffi ng of
paint and primer.
The edge protection tape should be applied wherever the fl oorboard
contacts the structure, in order to keep all contact areas
the same height.
To install edge protection tape,
remove the release liner and
apply the tape so that approximately
1/3 of the tape width is
on the top of the board. Fold the
remaining tape around the edge
and adhere to the bottom panel.
Sealant System
The illustration shows the sealant system and its components.
Skyfl ex®
aircraft sealant
stretches and smooths the material so that a single layer of continuous
sealant is inside the corner. Only a small amount of material
remains to be blended into the corner. The edge of the panel
has a single continuous ribbon of sealant around the perimeter.
Sealant Installation
Once the fl oorboard is cleaned and new edge protection tape
installed, this board is ready for installation of GORE™ SKYFLEX®
Sealant. GORE™ SKYFLEX® Sealant should be applied around
perimeter of the fl oorboard and wherever the fl oorboard touches
the fl oor supporting structure. This will ensure all contact areas of
the board are the same height.
For best sealing and compensation of variations between the
fl oorboards and the fl oor structure, the technique used is a
continuous cornering method with the large bulb overhanging the
edge of the fl oor panel.
A detail of the edge of the fl oorboard shows the large bulb
overhang. About 3mm of tape (the same width as the large bulb)
should overhang the edge of the board to permit panels to seal
against each other and the structure. This also allows liquid sealant
to be poured into gap.
To install the sealant tape begin near a fastener hole on the
straight edge of the board. Start by peeling back a few centimeters
of the release paper and apply the sealant with the large bulb
to the outside and overhanging the edge of the fl oorboard.
Cornering Method and Smoothing
At the corner, swing tape around
the corner with the large bulb in
position and allow the inside to
rise up (do not allow adhesive to
touch). Once the outside edge of
the tape is in place, stretch and
smooth the inside edge fl ush.
To smooth the inside of the
corner, the technician carefully
A fi nished corner should look
like this. Note that the sealant is
not overlapped and that corner
is fl at and smooth. This method
insures maximum sealing of the
fl oorboard.
Continue to install tape around
the perimeter of the board using
the same technique for the
corners until the starting point is
reached. Once the starting point
is reached, trim the length of the sealant to allow a 3 to 5mm
overlap. Remove the release paper and press the tape onto the
starting point.
Airbus A320 Aircraft Family Installation Guide
When all the sealant has been
applied to the panel, it is
ready for the fastener holes to
be punched out. The sealant
is very strong and fl at tipped
fasteners will have a diffi cult
time penetrating the sealant
unless pre-punched by a sharp
object such as a scribe or awl.
By rubbing the tape in place,
the pressure sensitive adhesive
is activated and fastener holes
can be located by the color change. The technician uses an awl to
punch the fastener hole.
The installation procedure of panels sealed with GORE™
SKYFLEX® Sealant is the same as the existing procedure (refer to
AMM). Floor structure must be clean and any corrosion or coating
repairs including corrosion prevention compounds (CPC), primer,
and paint must be applied and cured before fl oorboard installation.
If the overhanging material causes interference during
installation, manually compress the material to allow the board to
be installed.
Sealing Floorboard Interior
Once the sealant has been installed on the perimeter of the
board, a layer of sealant tape must be applied to any area of the
board that contacts the aircraft structure. This ensures all contact
areas are the same height and prevents bowing or “popping” of
the board when load is applied, as well as isolates the carbon
fi bers of the board from any exposed metal on the structure.
The perimeter of this fl oorboard has GORE™ SKYFLEX® Sealant
applied. The edge protection tape has been applied to the interior
of the fl oorboard where it contacts the structure. SKYFLEX®
Sealant has yet to be applied on top of the edge protection tape.
Here the sealant is being applied to the contact areas inside the
perimeter. This ensures all contact areas will be the same height.
The overlap with the perimeter tape should be approximately 1 to
2mm. When the width of the contact area is wider than one piece
of sealant tape, use two pieces of sealant side-by-side. Install the
tapes with the large bulbs facing out and overlap the tapes by 1
to 2 mm.
If the tape protrudes above the
level of the fl oorboard after
fl oorboard installation, use a
thin non metallic scraper to
push the sealant far enough
below the top of the board to allow
liquid sealant to be poured
into the gap.
Skyfl ex®
aircraft sealant
Shown are installed panels from the avionics bay. Note that sealant
is installed anywhere the fl oor structure contacts the fl oorboards.
Lav Mount Washer Kit
The drawing shows the placement
of the washers with adhesive
on each side of the spacers.
Washers without adhesive are
used under the fastener head.
Care should be taken during lavatory
installation not to disturb the
washer placement.
Galley Hard Mounts
Galley hard mounts seal the mount to non-textile fl ooring (NTF)
junction. The mount uses a sealant kit containing three washers
and a mount seal. The washers go on the top and bottom of
the bushing and under the fastener head. The mount seal goes
between the galley stud and the NTF.
The current sealing option uses an o-ring that quickly hardens
and creates a leak path for liquids. This leak path exposes dissimilar
metals and the carbon fl oorboard to liquids creating a
battery and corrosion.
Airbus A320 Aircraft Family Installation Guide
Skyfl ex®
aircraft sealant
GORE, SKYFLEX, and designs are trademarks of W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc. ©2007 W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc.
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+82 2 393 3411
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1 800 445 4673
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+44 1382 561511
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1 (800) 445-GORE (4673)
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